Author Topic: New videogames releases  (Read 145195 times)


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2014, 12:21:52 PM »
Force Feed :  Heroes of the Storm Alpha, D3 XP Boost, Skywind


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2014, 11:52:31 PM »
Force Feed :  SWTOR Player Housing, DS2 PC Release, EQN Landmark


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2014, 12:10:28 AM »
Force Feed :  Titanfall vs Dark Souls 2, Back to WoW, Black Desert


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #28 on: March 12, 2014, 03:20:27 PM »
Plants Vs Zombies


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #29 on: March 13, 2014, 11:29:55 PM »

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ 30th Anniversary Edition Video Game Now Available to Play Online

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy interactive fiction video game, programmed by Steve Meretzky of developer Infocom and written by The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy novel’s author Douglas Adams, was originally released in 1984 to much acclaim. In 2004, an updated edition created specifically to add a few graphics for the 20th anniversary of the game was put up online by BBC Radio 4. For the 30th anniversary, a brand new edition of the game has been released online.

The 20th anniversary edition’s Flash underbelly has been discarded in favor of using HTML5 in the 30th anniversary, and the update also provides a number of improvements to the user interface. Specifically, the game now includes a larger interface in general with more functionality, and it even allows players to tweet from it. More on the updates to the game is available on BBC Radio 4′s website. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is currently available to play on BBC Radio 4′s website.


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #30 on: March 14, 2014, 09:28:46 PM »
Force Feed :  Heroes Alpha Begins, WildStar Release Date, ESO Cash Shop


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #31 on: March 14, 2014, 09:34:53 PM »
MOBAs really piss me off.


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #32 on: March 16, 2014, 10:05:27 PM »

Get Ready for the INFINITE CRISIS Open Beta with Lead Designer Ryan Bednar

If the massive cash purses, e-sports tournaments, and ravenous fan bases surrounding games like League of Legends and Dota 2 are any indication, MOBAs (multiplayer online battle arenas) are the new genre du jour for competitive multiplayer gaming. So, when DC first announced it was entering the MOBA arena (pun intended) with Infinite Crisis, it seemed like a natural fit. After months of carrot-dangling and wishful thinking, the open beta is finally upon us, and there’s a brand new CG trailer to boot, with some of the DCU’s finest heroes kicking ass and taking names. To help give you a sense of what you’ll be in for when the beta kicks off this weekend, I caught up with Infinite Crisis lead designer Ryan Bednar to pick his brain over what they hope to get out of the beta, what players can expect, and whether he had any pro tips to help you step up your game.

Nerdist: You’re about to enter open beta. What have you learned from closed betas, and what are you hoping that this open beta will tell you about the game?

Ryan Bednar: All data is good data, but going into open beta is less a matter of looking for something specific as it is your game reaching a sufficient quality threshold and stability to allow you to open up access to as many people as possible. Our data collection tools are sophisticated, but nothing beats increasing the sheer volume of information we have to look at, to aid with client performance, game flow and overall balance. And our game is ready for open beta now. We’ve gone from one map to three, we have 27 champions (which is enough for basic competitive play), we have pro teams forming in Europe and North America, and we now support French, German, and Russian. It’s time to open the doors.

N: What can players expect from the open beta? Tell us about the new Gotham Divided map and the new champions.

RB: There’s so much! There’s three new champions (we normally release one every three or so weeks), Aquaman, Mecha Superman and Green Arrow. There’s a new practice mode, which lets you start a game on a map with no opposition. It’s not quite a tutorial (coming!) or matches with bots (coming!), but it does let new players wander round and get to grips with basic functionality. Due to insanely high levels of demand, we’ve brought back drone aggro, which was something we wanted to try removing while still in the safety zone of closed beta and didn’t quite pan out. And then there’s a sweeping balance pass and lots of small quality of life adjustments.

Gotham Divided is going well; It’s been out for a couple of months now and the feedback has been great. We’re still missing some pretty important art, but we felt it’s better to get the map out there and played on as soon as possible. More data is good data, after all. We’re continuing to make small changes as we tune the map, but generally it’s in a pretty good place. And of course it’s the map that the pros want to play on the most, which means we get a LOT of great feedback from our burgeoning e-sports scene on Gotham Divided.

N: What’s the biggest challenge in designing a MOBA for today’s competitive market? In terms of pick-up-and-playability, how does it compare to games like League of Legends and Dota 2?

RB: Our biggest challenge right now is everything! Making a game is never easy, especially when the audience has such high expectations for quality. We have a clear goal in our mind of the minimum standard Infinite Crisis should be when we decide to “release” it, with a minimum number of champions, and we’re working feverishly on a tutorial and bots that are fun to play against right now, but we know it’s going to be a challenging road. In terms of pick-up-and-playability, I don’t think any MOBA has achieved that. I’m not even sure any MOBA wants to achieve that. These are incredibly complex games on their own before you even introduce human competition, and part of the appeal is the long learning curve. Even after hundreds and hundreds of hours of play, there’s always something to learn.

That said, making your game’s depth as accessible as possible is something we feel is important, and we’re always working on ways to make it clearer to our players what’s going on in game. For example, our objectives timer at the top of the screen means you don’t need to keep a mental track of a map’s objectives in addition to everything else you’re already dealing with.

N: How long will the open beta run and on what platforms is it available?

RB: The open beta is on PC only, and it will run as long as it needs to and is on PC only. We are hoping to release it before the end of the year, but we’re not going to rush into anything.

N: Any inside tips you can give prospective players to make the most of their beta experience?

RB: Watch the tutorial videos! And try out the practice map first. And then, I would choose your first matches to be on Gotham Heights, where the focus is on all-out brawling and capturing points. And if you’re coming from another MOBA and you’re already a pro, play Aquaman on Gotham Divided.


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #33 on: March 21, 2014, 09:04:44 PM »

ASSASSIN’S CREED: UNITY Confirmed In This New Trailer

It looks like yesterday’s rumors of a new Assassin’s Creed game have been confirmed, as Ubisoft has officially announced Assassin’s Creed: Unity for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC, coming this holiday season. I know, I know – this is not shocking news by any stretch, though they did at least leave us with a sneak peak at the rooftops we’ll be leaping across this time around:

So I’m guessing since the game is set in the French Revolution, run-ins with the likes of historical figures such as Napoleon Bonaparte are certainly in the cards. Let’s just hope that whatever happens, the game turns out to be more like Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag than Assassin’s Creed III.


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #34 on: March 21, 2014, 10:15:17 PM »

Get Ready for the INFINITE CRISIS Open Beta with Lead Designer Ryan Bednar

If the massive cash purses, e-sports tournaments, and ravenous fan bases surrounding games like League of Legends and Dota 2 are any indication, MOBAs (multiplayer online battle arenas) are the new genre du jour for competitive multiplayer gaming. So, when DC first announced it was entering the MOBA arena (pun intended) with Infinite Crisis, it seemed like a natural fit. After months of carrot-dangling and wishful thinking, the open beta is finally upon us, and there’s a brand new CG trailer to boot, with some of the DCU’s finest heroes kicking ass and taking names. To help give you a sense of what you’ll be in for when the beta kicks off this weekend, I caught up with Infinite Crisis lead designer Ryan Bednar to pick his brain over what they hope to get out of the beta, what players can expect, and whether he had any pro tips to help you step up your game.

Nerdist: You’re about to enter open beta. What have you learned from closed betas, and what are you hoping that this open beta will tell you about the game?

Ryan Bednar: All data is good data, but going into open beta is less a matter of looking for something specific as it is your game reaching a sufficient quality threshold and stability to allow you to open up access to as many people as possible. Our data collection tools are sophisticated, but nothing beats increasing the sheer volume of information we have to look at, to aid with client performance, game flow and overall balance. And our game is ready for open beta now. We’ve gone from one map to three, we have 27 champions (which is enough for basic competitive play), we have pro teams forming in Europe and North America, and we now support French, German, and Russian. It’s time to open the doors.

N: What can players expect from the open beta? Tell us about the new Gotham Divided map and the new champions.

RB: There’s so much! There’s three new champions (we normally release one every three or so weeks), Aquaman, Mecha Superman and Green Arrow. There’s a new practice mode, which lets you start a game on a map with no opposition. It’s not quite a tutorial (coming!) or matches with bots (coming!), but it does let new players wander round and get to grips with basic functionality. Due to insanely high levels of demand, we’ve brought back drone aggro, which was something we wanted to try removing while still in the safety zone of closed beta and didn’t quite pan out. And then there’s a sweeping balance pass and lots of small quality of life adjustments.

Gotham Divided is going well; It’s been out for a couple of months now and the feedback has been great. We’re still missing some pretty important art, but we felt it’s better to get the map out there and played on as soon as possible. More data is good data, after all. We’re continuing to make small changes as we tune the map, but generally it’s in a pretty good place. And of course it’s the map that the pros want to play on the most, which means we get a LOT of great feedback from our burgeoning e-sports scene on Gotham Divided.

N: What’s the biggest challenge in designing a MOBA for today’s competitive market? In terms of pick-up-and-playability, how does it compare to games like League of Legends and Dota 2?

RB: Our biggest challenge right now is everything! Making a game is never easy, especially when the audience has such high expectations for quality. We have a clear goal in our mind of the minimum standard Infinite Crisis should be when we decide to “release” it, with a minimum number of champions, and we’re working feverishly on a tutorial and bots that are fun to play against right now, but we know it’s going to be a challenging road. In terms of pick-up-and-playability, I don’t think any MOBA has achieved that. I’m not even sure any MOBA wants to achieve that. These are incredibly complex games on their own before you even introduce human competition, and part of the appeal is the long learning curve. Even after hundreds and hundreds of hours of play, there’s always something to learn.

That said, making your game’s depth as accessible as possible is something we feel is important, and we’re always working on ways to make it clearer to our players what’s going on in game. For example, our objectives timer at the top of the screen means you don’t need to keep a mental track of a map’s objectives in addition to everything else you’re already dealing with.

N: How long will the open beta run and on what platforms is it available?

RB: The open beta is on PC only, and it will run as long as it needs to and is on PC only. We are hoping to release it before the end of the year, but we’re not going to rush into anything.

N: Any inside tips you can give prospective players to make the most of their beta experience?

RB: Watch the tutorial videos! And try out the practice map first. And then, I would choose your first matches to be on Gotham Heights, where the focus is on all-out brawling and capturing points. And if you’re coming from another MOBA and you’re already a pro, play Aquaman on Gotham Divided.

Been on the closed Beta for awhile... I fucking hate MOBAs, but this one is really kinda' cool.

Comicbook nerds the world over should line up for it.


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #35 on: March 24, 2014, 05:46:21 PM »
Force Feed :  Dark Souls 2 Ugly, Bear Simulator Win, WildStar PvP


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #36 on: March 25, 2014, 05:59:17 PM »
Force Feed :  D3 RoS Launch, ESO Early Access, Heroes


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #37 on: March 26, 2014, 11:03:34 PM »
Force Feed :  Facebook Buys Oculus Rift, Xbox One Punishment, Wolfenstein


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #38 on: March 28, 2014, 09:44:18 PM »
Force Feed :  Free Dead Space, Halo on PC, GW2 Repairs


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #39 on: March 31, 2014, 10:19:49 PM »
Force Feed :  DS2 PC Bad Graphics, Alien Isolation, Microsoft AR


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #40 on: April 06, 2014, 08:46:58 PM »

Get To Da Choppa! Predator Invades CALL OF DUTY : GHOST DEVASTATION DLC

Call of Duty: Ghost DLC expansions are turning out to be quite the star studded events – it wasn’t long ago that Michael Meyers was stalking players in the Onslaught DLC pack. Now, Predator has made his way into the Call Of Duty arena in the latest DLC expansion, Devastation.

The Devastation pack includes 4 new maps and the next chapter to the Extinction story line. Just like in Onslaught, all it takes is the completion of a Field Order (on the map Ruin) during a match and you’ll have infrared targeted abilities, a should-mounted plasma cannon, and Predator’s signature dual wrist blades at your disposal.

The DLC pack is available for $14.99 for non season pass holders on the Xbox One and Xbox 360 versions of Ghost.


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #41 on: April 08, 2014, 12:05:40 AM »
Force Feed : WoD Alpha, ESO Launch, DOTA 2 International


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #42 on: April 11, 2014, 08:42:04 PM »
Force Feed :  H1Z1 Zombie MMO, Borderlands 3, WoW Revamp


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #43 on: April 11, 2014, 11:41:36 PM »

Watch the first 13 Minutes of SOUTH PARK: THE STICK OF TRUTH Gameplay


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #44 on: April 15, 2014, 03:28:58 PM »
Force Feed :  Heroes New Heroes, ArcheAge Alpha, Vikings


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #45 on: April 17, 2014, 12:56:46 PM »
WoW Copies GW2, Hearthstone iPad, Deadlight


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #46 on: April 22, 2014, 01:10:40 AM »
ESO Item Dupe, Magic 2015, Skywind


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #47 on: April 25, 2014, 09:48:11 PM »
Force Feed - Evolve Gameplay, ESO Trials, Dark Souls 2


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #48 on: April 25, 2014, 10:03:03 PM »

New ACE ATTORNEY 3DS Game Set During Japan’s Meiji Era

The first trailer for the new Meiji era Ace Attorney game introduces us to the new leads of the upcoming 3DS title, Ryuunosuke Naruhodo and Mikatoba Susato. If you’re worried about the lack of Phoenix Wright in the game, don’t worry. Naruhodo is an ancestor of Wright, so we’re bound to see some of the same courtroom antics, while Susato will play Naruhodo’s assistant.

Capcom has only announced Dai Gyakuten Saiban – Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Bouken for Japan, but hopefully we’ll get word on a turn-of-the-20th-century edition coming out for the West soon.


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Re: New videogames releases
« Reply #49 on: April 26, 2014, 09:34:16 PM »

Diggers find Atari's E.T. games in landfill

ALAMOGORDO, N.M. (AP) — A decades-old urban legend was put to rest Saturday when workers for a documentary film production company recovered "E.T." Atari game cartridges from a heap of garbage buried deep in the New Mexico desert.

The "Atari grave" was, until that moment, a highly debated tale among gaming enthusiasts and other self-described geeks for 30 years. The story claimed that in its death throes, the video game company sent about a dozen truckloads of cartridges of what many call the worst video game ever to be forever hidden in a concrete-covered landfill in southeastern New Mexico.

The search for the cartridges of a game that contributed to the demise of Atari will be featured in an upcoming documentary about the biggest video game company of the early '80s.

As a backhoe scattered a huge scoop of 30-year-old trash and dirt over the sand, the film crew spotted boxes and booklets carrying the Atari logo. Soon after, a game cartridge turned up, then another and another.

Film director Zak Penn showed assembled gaming fans one cartridge retrieved from the site and said that hundreds more were in the surrounding mounds of garbage.

About 200 residents and game enthusiasts gathered early Saturday at the old landfill in Alamogordo to watch crews search for up to a million discarded copies of "E.T. The Extraterrestrial" that the game's maker wanted to hide forever.

"I feel pretty relieved and psyched that they actually got to see something," Penn said as members of the production team sifted through the mounds of trash, pulling out boxes, games and other Atari products.

Most of the crowd left the landfill before the discovery, turned away by strong winds that kicked up massive clouds of dust mingled with garbage.

By the time the games were found, only a few dozen people remained. Some were playing the infamous game in a makeshift gaming den with a TV and an 1980s game console in the back of a van, while others took selfies beside a life-size E.T. doll inside a DeLorean car like the one that was turned into a time machine in the "Back To The Future" movies.

Among the watchers was Armando Ortega, a city official who as a teenager back in 1983 got a tip from a landfill employee about the massive dump of games.

"It was pitch dark here that night, but we came with our flashlights and found dozens of games," he said. They braved the darkness, coyotes and snakes of the desert landfill and had to sneak past the security guard. But it paid off as they found dozens of crushed but still playable cartridges.

The game's finding came as no surprise to James Heller, a former Atari manager who was invited by the production to the dig site. He says in 1983 the company tasked him with finding an inexpensive way to dispose of 728,000 cartridges they had in a warehouse in El Paso, Texas. After a few local kids ran into trouble for scavenging and the media started calling him about it, he decided to pour a layer of concrete over the games.

"I never heard about again it until June 2013, when I read an article about E.T. being excavated," he remembers. He was not aware of the controversy and never spoke out "because nobody asked."

The documentary about the search is being developed by companies including Xbox Entertainment Studios, and the film is expected to be released later this year on Microsoft's Xbox game consoles.

The city of Alamogordo agreed to give the documentarians up to 250 cartridges and plan to sell the rest that are unearthed.

Mayor Susie Galea hopes this brings more tourists to this southeastern New Mexico town that is home to an Air Force base and White Sands National Monument.

"Lots of people just pass through, unfortunately," she said.

The "E.T." game is among the factors blamed for the decline of Atari and the collapse in the U.S. of a multi-million-dollar video game industry that didn't bounce back for several years.

With the whether-or-not E.T. was buried in Alamogordo controversy solved, the other, subtler debate remains. Was it the worst game ever unleashed on gamers?

Tina Amini, deputy editor at gaming website Kotaku, says the game tanked because "it was practically broken" with that the E.T. falling into traps that were almost impossible to escape and would appear constantly and unpredictably.

The game designer, Howard Scott Warshaw, says he does not mind his creation being called that. "It may be a horrible game, but 32 years after, you are here, talking to me about it. It's a tremendous honor," that it still generates public discourse.

He, however, manages to stress that the company took too long to secure the rights for the game and with Christmas production schedules pressing he was left with just five weeks to design, write and test "the worst game ever."