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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Tom on October 26, 2006, 04:16:16 PM

Title: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Tom on October 26, 2006, 04:16:16 PM
i'm thinking about getting certified, but i'm asking myself " is personal training a real job/career?" i mean, i pretty sure most people that i know and i dont' know would think that's it not! that only muscle blockheads and uneducated people who can't do anything else do this for a "career". that one should have a "real job" you know steady income, health benefits/insurance, guaranteed 40 hours, etcetera, even though if i had to work in a cubicle, wear a suit, and go to the same building/office  5 days a week, 52 weeks of the year, for the next 30 years or so and work with the same people i would go INSANE!!!!

by the way, i do have B.A. in Communications, and an A.A. in journalism.

on hand, i plan on personal training as well as teaching core classes part-time, perhaps even an aqua strength training class and doing some kind of i don't know adventure travel guide job in some aspect and some free-lance writing the other hours of the week. i couldn't see myself being only "a personal trainer" for the rest of my life even if i could, i don't think i would want to!! somehow i think it would be i don't know kind of pathetic, being a 50/60 year old personal trainer, always always trying to find my clients and keep them as my only income!!

what do you guys think? serious comments please, no jokes or asshole replies. thanks in advance!!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Blockhead on October 26, 2006, 04:20:14 PM

 Only 'muscle' what???? 'muscle' who????? Can you clarify that for me???
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Tom on October 26, 2006, 04:27:12 PM
hey buddy ( a.ka. blockhead) sorry man, hear me out. i WANT TO BE A BLOCKHEAD, sorry no disrespect to you, my bad for using that term. i'm just repeating would others would say, ( meaning the usual out of shape assholes in this world!).
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Blockhead on October 26, 2006, 04:29:50 PM

 Just foolin', player...

 PTing if you ask me is best as way to make side-scratch. A part-time gig, a 'hobby job'.

 Unless you train Puff Daddy or Oprah I wouldnt COUNT on it being a full time's too erratic to be stable. It depends on who you are, though.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: jwb on October 26, 2006, 04:32:15 PM
i'm thinking about getting certified, but i'm asking myself " is personal training a real job/career?" i mean, i pretty sure most people that i know and i dont' know would think that's it not! that only muscle blockheads and uneducated people who can't do anything else do this for a "career". that one should have a "real job" you know steady income, health benefits/insurance, guaranteed 40 hours, etcetera, even though if i had to work in a cubicle, wear a suit, and go to the same building/office  5 days a week, 52 weeks of the year, for the next 30 years or so and work with the same people i would go INSANE!!!!

by the way, i do have B.A. in Communications, and an A.A. in journalism.

on hand, i plan on personal training as well as teaching core classes part-time, perhaps even an aqua strength training class and doing some kind of i don't know adventure travel guide job in some aspect and some free-lance writing the other hours of the week. i couldn't see myself being only "a personal trainer" for the rest of my life even if i could, i don't think i would want to!! somehow i think it would be i don't know kind of pathetic, being a 50/60 year old personal trainer, always always trying to find my clients and keep them as my only income!!

what do you guys think? serious comments please, no jokes or asshole replies. thanks in advance!!
I know people who make pretty good money as full time trainers - mainly to the gay community since they have good disposable income.

The job sucks though IMO. They end up being the surrogate best friend/analysts to these people who are boring fvcks and a lot of the fags end up pressuring the trainers for more if you get my drift...

Plus who wants to be getting up at 5am on saturdays when you are 50 to go train somebody?

I'm kinda stepping away from the industry now into other things but i still do detailed training programs and diets for people but that is it.

If they don't follow it it's their problem!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: G o a t b o y on October 26, 2006, 04:32:25 PM
is personal training a "real job/career"?!


Hope this helps.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: IceCold on October 26, 2006, 04:35:31 PM
you will have to struggle for a long time until you get a large enough client base.

also, working at gym, they will talk at least half of what you make.

certifications wont really get you clients. referrals will.

if you are serious about it and good at it, then stick with it.  but you will need a side job.

eventually, things may happen.


by the way, i used to be a trainer. 

Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: jmt1 on October 26, 2006, 04:42:44 PM
can it be a career?

i dont see why not...i think it would depend on the situation though.

i think it would be important to be in a more upscale area where people are going to have the disposable income to hire and keep a personal trainer...also put some time and effort into marketing well as being a people person with good communication skills to help hold onto clients.

i would also think it would be better to work for yourself...either find a gym that will let you train your clients in return for a reasonable monthly rent...or even better yet have your own studio.

Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: jwb on October 26, 2006, 04:46:52 PM
can it be a career?

i dont see why not...i think it would depend on the situation though.

i think it would be important to be in a more upscale area where people are going to have the disposable income to hire and keep a personal trainer...also put some time and effort into marketing well as being a people person with good communication skills to help hold onto clients.

i would also think it would be better to work for yourself...either find a gym that will let you train your clients in return for a reasonable monthly rent...or even better yet have your own studio.

being a trainer with lots of clients is more about personality than knowledge.

I know plenty of hot girls who are bubbly but still dumb bitches who have loads of clients... mainly older women who feel cool being around a young fox who gets attention from men in the gym...
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 26, 2006, 04:54:19 PM


Hope this helps.

Why? I make more that most people who have a Masters degree!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Tom on October 26, 2006, 05:02:04 PM
thanks for all the replies guys! i will say it seems that it's one of the jobs/careers in it's who you know and also what you yourself look like. what i mean by that it that you could be the dumbest rock, but hey if your not only built but have male model looks you will get clients! i think not only do you have to have a great body, but the better you look facially it helps you out big time, of course having a good personality as well.

of course, the better looking you are you might end up with tons of horny old women and horny gay guys! laugh! both who have money though! laugh!

1) one other question: of course it depends on the area you live. i couldn't imagine being a personal trainer in l.a. where everyone is either a actor/model or personal trainer, and looks great. yeah, there are literally thousands of people who can/do and will pay big bucks for a trainer, but guess what? there are also thousands and thousands of personal trainers too! it's like a damn acting job i would think! imagine just being a personal trainer and having to fight this kind of competition for clients for the rest of your life!!

so, is the best option to find an large enough city, that's not too large and with less competition for clients, that is also upscale as well. perhaps a city like tucson, or phoenix or if you have to live in southern cal. not the marina del rey/venice scene but perhaps northern san diego county ( oceanside,escondido. etc.) hey i'm partial to the southwest that's why i'm asking if these areas sound good?!! thanks again for the replies!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: HowieW on October 26, 2006, 05:12:24 PM
thanks for all the replies guys! i will say it seems that it's one of the jobs/careers in it's who you know and also what you yourself look like. what i mean by that it that you could be the dumbest rock, but hey if your not only built but have male model looks you will get clients! i think not only do you have to have a great body, but the better you look facially it helps you out big time, of course having a good personality as well.

of course, the better looking you are you might end up with tons of horny old women and horny gay guys! laugh! both who have money though! laugh!

1) one other question: of course it depends on the area you live. i couldn't imagine being a personal trainer in l.a. where everyone is either a actor/model or personal trainer, and looks great. yeah, there are literally thousands of people who can/do and will pay big bucks for a trainer, but guess what? there are also thousands and thousands of personal trainers too! it's like a damn acting job i would think! imagine just being a personal trainer and having to fight this kind of competition for clients for the rest of your life!!

so, is the best option to find an large enough city, that's not too large and with less competition for clients, that is also upscale as well. perhaps a city like tucson, or phoenix or if you have to live in southern cal. not the marina del rey/venice scene but perhaps northern san diego county ( oceanside,escondido. etc.) hey i'm partial to the southwest that's why i'm asking if these areas sound good?!! thanks again for the replies!

I agree , personal training is a very crowded field for clients. Done well, a hard working trainer can make decent $$.
The drawbacks are in terms of stable income over several years. To me a real career is something that offers areal finacial security and I don't think PT offers that to most that go into it.
As you get older you realize that credit score, savings, health ins, retirement plans are important.
I do think that being a PT is great thing to go for to start out with. Getting into club management however and eventual ownership is what I would go for.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Cavalier22 on October 26, 2006, 08:12:14 PM
if it pays enough who givves a hell if its a real job

but for 95% of personal trainers are a complete joke. the people at my gym, with one exception, don't know jack shit
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: americanbulldog on October 26, 2006, 08:15:30 PM
if it pays enough who givves a hell if its a real job

but for 95% of personal trainers are a complete joke. the people at my gym, with one exception, don't know jack shit

But if you can sell, you can be successful.  Keith's good buddy (and mine) Chris Falido does really well.  As does another friend of mine Eric Yamashita (4th Nationals Bantam, and 1st USA Bantam).  So it can be done, but it must be at a place with favorable conditions for independant contractors.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: TorontoRaptorsFan on October 26, 2006, 08:31:32 PM
Why? I make more that most people who have a Masters degree!

Most people are not millionaires also. Goatboy is right. Personal training is not a good long term career goal. What happens if you break your leg what good are you as a trainer when you're hobbling around. No parents dreams of their kid growing up to be a personal trainer. It doesn't happen. I know a personal trainer whose parents berate him and call him useless because that's what he does for a living. When he told me this I said I agreed with his parents.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: SteelePegasus on October 26, 2006, 08:55:51 PM
I work out at the NYSC in Brooklyn off of the Belt pkwy. 

walk up to any trainer there and ask for their philosophy on stimulating and maximizing hypertrophy.  Waiting 10 seconds then walk away shaking your head laughing.

The only thing that they are good for is proving the occasional spot and returning the weights to the rack. For some reason the idiots that work out there don't believe in returning the weights to the rack.

and oh yeah, there is nothing worse than seeing an out of shape p/t training someone....sad

Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 26, 2006, 09:02:56 PM
Most people are not millionaires also. Goatboy is right. Personal training is not a good long term career goal. What happens if you break your leg what good are you as a trainer when you're hobbling around. No parents dreams of their kid growing up to be a personal trainer. It doesn't happen. I know a personal trainer whose parents berate him and call him useless because that's what he does for a living. When he told me this I said I agreed with his parents.

Dude, the problem is that most people that are personal trainers don't think ahead and treat like the business it is. Saying "what happends if you break your leg" is rediculous. I treat my business like anyone with a decent business would...I cover my ass, for example, two years ago I had knee surgery, but because I had someone to cover my clients I lost nothing, besides I was only out for a few days, but IF God for bid something happend that would put me out for a while, I still have someone to cover my clients along with self-employment disability insurance as well as health insurance and investments.

Again, if you think of it as just a way to make some money, thats all it will ever be, but if you treat and think of it as a business, then you can have a small goldmine.....just like anyone who starts ANYKIND of business!!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: TorontoRaptorsFan on October 26, 2006, 09:05:41 PM
Dude, the problem is that most people that are personal trainers don't think ahead and treat like the business it is. Saying "what happends if you break your leg" is rediculous. I treat my business like anyone with a decent business would...I cover my ass, for example, two years ago I had knee surgery, but because I had someone to cover my clients I lost nothing, besides I was only out for a few days, but IF God for bid something happend that would put me out for a while, I still have someone to cover my clients along with self-employment disability insurance as well as health insurance and investments.

Again, if you think of it as just a way to make some money, thats all it will ever be, but if you treat and think of it as a business, then you can have a small goldmine.....just like anyone who starts ANYKIND of business!!

Well at the end of the day the name of the game is net worth. If I was a betting man I would say your net worth would lag most people in your age group. Am I right or wrong?
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 26, 2006, 09:12:31 PM
I work out at the NYSC in Brooklyn off of the Belt pkwy. 

walk up to any trainer there and ask for their philosophy on stimulating and maximizing hypertrophy.  Waiting 10 seconds then walk away shaking your head laughing.

The only thing that they are good for is proving the occasional spot and returning the weights to the rack. For some reason the idiots that work out there don't believe in returning the weights to the rack.

and oh yeah, there is nothing worse than seeing an out of shape p/t training someone....sad

Big deal, i can probably ask the samething from 10 different know-it-alls on here and get 10 different therories, but If I ask the same 'know-it-alls" on this board on the protocal for a 4 month periodization program for football or baseball, most would have no clue, but ask that same trainer on how to help someone from the general public (who really needs it, like an overweight person) he can probably talk your ear off provided he has had the experiance......bottomli ne is, it ain't all about hypertrophy bud abd when your a personal trainer....thats NOT where the money is!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 26, 2006, 09:13:15 PM
Well at the end of the day the name of the game is net worth. If I was a betting man I would say your net worth would lag most people in your age group. Am I right or wrong?

Your dead wrong!!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: TorontoRaptorsFan on October 26, 2006, 09:14:31 PM
Your dead wrong!!

You don't need to tell me the amount in dollars, but what type of liquid and fixed assets do you own?

Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 26, 2006, 09:16:14 PM
You don't need to tell me the amount in dollars, but what type of liquid and fixed assets do you own?

Not important, but lets just say I live very comfortably!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: TorontoRaptorsFan on October 26, 2006, 09:19:16 PM
Not important, but lets just say I live very comfortably!

Alot of people live comfortably but their also up to their eyeballs in debt.

Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 26, 2006, 09:28:59 PM
Alot of people live comfortably but their also up to their eyeballs in debt.

True, but my point is you can make very, very nice living from training!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: ieffinhatecardio on October 26, 2006, 09:30:48 PM
Alot of people live comfortably but their also up to their eyeballs in debt.

No one that's really comfortable is up to their eyeballs in debt. I understand your point about people living beyond their means or leveraging a lifestyle but anyone that is truely comfortable isn't personally debt ridden.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: TorontoRaptorsFan on October 26, 2006, 09:32:24 PM
True, but my point is you can make very, very nice living from training!

At what income bracket do you consider someone to make a nice living? Do you live in a city that has a very high cost of living?
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: youandme on October 26, 2006, 09:40:09 PM
Dude, the problem is that most people that are personal trainers don't think ahead and treat like the business it is. Saying "what happends if you break your leg" is rediculous. I treat my business like anyone with a decent business would...I cover my ass, for example, two years ago I had knee surgery, but because I had someone to cover my clients I lost nothing, besides I was only out for a few days, but IF God for bid something happend that would put me out for a while, I still have someone to cover my clients along with self-employment disability insurance as well as health insurance and investments.

Again, if you think of it as just a way to make some money, thats all it will ever be, but if you treat and think of it as a business, then you can have a small goldmine.....just like anyone who starts ANYKIND of business!!
This is a really good post man...think longterm.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: 240 is Back on October 26, 2006, 09:43:38 PM
I will comment on this one-  Mr Intenseone has some serious hustle.  I seriously see him as a businessman first and a PT second.   I've never had a client who is constantly adding services, doing flyer runs, re-evaluating what is working, etc.   He and i will butt heads now and then on politics, but if ANYONE needs a start in PT, I would send them in his direction for some guidance.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: TheEgoCrusher on October 26, 2006, 09:59:58 PM
In most cities, you will not make even a decent living personal training.

1.  Your clientale will come and go.  It's simply not a dependable, steady source of income.
2.  Unless you are in a city where everyone is very self-image conscious (like Miami or L.A.), you simply don't have enough people willing to pay you $60 an hour to train them.
3.  Your hours will be ridiculous.  Training someone at 6:00 A.M., then 9, then 11, then 2, then 4, then 5, then 6:00 P.M.  Do you really want to come and go from your job all day like that?  Get real.

Personal training is something that one should do as a part-time job.  Trying to make a living at it in 99% of the cities in the U.S. is moronic.  Of course, a lot aspiring "bodybuilders" who "personal train" do so as a front to sell drugs, but that's another story.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 26, 2006, 10:32:19 PM
In most cities, you will not make even a decent living personal training.

1.  Your clientale will come and go.  It's simply not a dependable, steady source of income.
2.  Unless you are in a city where everyone is very self-image conscious (like Miami or L.A.), you simply don't have enough people willing to pay you $60 an hour to train them.
3.  Your hours will be ridiculous.  Training someone at 6:00 A.M., then 9, then 11, then 2, then 4, then 5, then 6:00 P.M.  Do you really want to come and go from your job all day like that?  Get real.

Personal training is something that one should do as a part-time job.  Trying to make a living at it in 99% of the cities in the U.S. is moronic.  Of course, a lot aspiring "bodybuilders" who "personal train" do so as a front to sell drugs, but that's another story.

In order...
I agree with your point on #1, but thats just the way smal business is, no matter what business it is, not just personal training.

Point #2 For the most part, you are right, I happen to be in a weathly area, I'm very fortunate, but remember one thing, even if you are not in a weathly area, you have to set your rate according to the area and cost of living. Most people go to a gym for the same get in shape!

Point #3, Yes, sometimes my hours are rediculous, but exept for a couple of hour holes, I'm booked from 5:30am to 7-8:00pm and If I have something I need to do, I can have someone cover or re-schedule, i have had the majority of my clients for 3 years or more and very few for less than a year....I have very loyal clientel and they understand if I take a vacation or simply need some time off!

As far as my training, I take it VERY seriously, I constantly have my head in a book, on the net, going to seminars and not just for training, but physical threrapy, nutrition and most of all athletic training. I like to read up on the lastest techniques to stay ahead of my competition...that only ONE reason why I consider myself the best at what I do...that and because I LOVE what I do. Any moron can count reps and sets, but it's true knowledge that wins!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: TheEgoCrusher on October 26, 2006, 10:39:09 PM
I'm not saying that there are not good trainers out there and that you can't make a living doing it.  I'm saying it's VERY HARD to make a good living doing it outside of a wealthy city. Just the way it is.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 26, 2006, 10:43:11 PM
I'm not saying that there are not good trainers out there and that you can't make a living doing it.  I'm saying it's VERY HARD to make a good living doing it outside of a wealthy city. Just the way it is.

I agree, but you have to be persistant and not give up if thats what you really want to do.....I do because I love it and the money just follows but the satisfaction I see from my clients is better and makes it that much more worth it!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Thin Lizzy on October 26, 2006, 11:07:21 PM
Can you make a living as a trainer? Yes

Is it a good way to make a living? No

Ego Crusher pretty much stole my thunder as to why it's bad.

I would put personal training on the same level as bartending. They're both good ways to make some money for a while, and they're both jobs that can help you get laid, but they're not careers.

When you find yourself being the oldest bartender at the bar, or the oldest trainer at the gym, it's time to move on.

Good topic, btw
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 26, 2006, 11:23:44 PM
It's like talking to a fucking wall!!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 26, 2006, 11:26:38 PM

I would put personal training on the same level as bartending.

Unless you own the bar!!

Is it me or does NO ONE have any business sense on here?
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: GoneAway on October 27, 2006, 12:49:56 AM
Depends on how far you take it. You can make alot from PT.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: TheGoldenPrince on October 27, 2006, 01:46:52 AM
i'm thinking about getting certified, but i'm asking myself " is personal training a real job/career?" i mean, i pretty sure most people that i know and i dont' know would think that's it not! that only muscle blockheads and uneducated people who can't do anything else do this for a "career". that one should have a "real job" you know steady income, health benefits/insurance, guaranteed 40 hours, etcetera, even though if i had to work in a cubicle, wear a suit, and go to the same building/office  5 days a week, 52 weeks of the year, for the next 30 years or so and work with the same people i would go INSANE!!!!

by the way, i do have B.A. in Communications, and an A.A. in journalism.

on hand, i plan on personal training as well as teaching core classes part-time, perhaps even an aqua strength training class and doing some kind of i don't know adventure travel guide job in some aspect and some free-lance writing the other hours of the week. i couldn't see myself being only "a personal trainer" for the rest of my life even if i could, i don't think i would want to!! somehow i think it would be i don't know kind of pathetic, being a 50/60 year old personal trainer, always always trying to find my clients and keep them as my only income!!

what do you guys think? serious comments please, no jokes or asshole replies. thanks in advance!!

Yes, of course it is!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Playboy on October 27, 2006, 05:02:43 AM
i'm thinking about getting certified, but i'm asking myself " is personal training a real job/career?" i mean, i pretty sure most people that i know and i dont' know would think that's it not! that only muscle blockheads and uneducated people who can't do anything else do this for a "career". that one should have a "real job" you know steady income, health benefits/insurance, guaranteed 40 hours, etcetera, even though if i had to work in a cubicle, wear a suit, and go to the same building/office  5 days a week, 52 weeks of the year, for the next 30 years or so and work with the same people i would go INSANE!!!!

by the way, i do have B.A. in Communications, and an A.A. in journalism.

on hand, i plan on personal training as well as teaching core classes part-time, perhaps even an aqua strength training class and doing some kind of i don't know adventure travel guide job in some aspect and some free-lance writing the other hours of the week. i couldn't see myself being only "a personal trainer" for the rest of my life even if i could, i don't think i would want to!! somehow i think it would be i don't know kind of pathetic, being a 50/60 year old personal trainer, always always trying to find my clients and keep them as my only income!!

what do you guys think? serious comments please, no jokes or asshole replies. thanks in advance!!
Absolutely not.

Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: SteelePegasus on October 27, 2006, 05:52:18 AM
Big deal, i can probably ask the samething from 10 different know-it-alls on here and get 10 different therories, but If I ask the same 'know-it-alls" on this board on the protocal for a 4 month periodization program for football or baseball, most would have no clue, but ask that same trainer on how to help someone from the general public (who really needs it, like an overweight person) he can probably talk your ear off provided he has had the experiance......bottomli ne is, it ain't all about hypertrophy bud abd when your a personal trainer....thats NOT where the money is!

I agree that is not where the money is. The money is in training skinny white girls that think that they are over weight. Or training the older lady that was once hot but is now neglected by her husband, and is hoping to turn back the hands of time.

With that said a trainer should be able to articulate and be able expand on a few points on building muscles.

Those trainers that I am speaking about appear to have just read "working out for dummies, 101"
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Thin Lizzy on October 27, 2006, 09:47:02 AM
Unless you own the bar!!

Is it me or does NO ONE have any business sense on here?

You're letting your emotional attachment to the subject affect your objectivity.

The topic is personal training not gym ownership. Obviously, there's more income potential with the latter, but you don't have to be a trainer to own a gym or health club.

It doesn't change the fact that personal training is not a career.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 27, 2006, 09:48:37 AM

It doesn't change the fact that personal training is not a career.

Please define a career??
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Thin Lizzy on October 27, 2006, 10:15:28 AM
When one thinks of a career, things that come to mind are job security, benefits, pension, health insurance, room for advancement, mobility.

A while back, in my early 20s. I did PTing in one of those big cities where people have money (NYC). I made decent money and met a lot of women, but there were problems. As another poster stated, the gym took a big cut of my money, and to make real cash, I had to make side deals with people, as did almost all the other trainers. That's not a good, secure way to make money.

My other option would've been to open up my own studio, but then I would've been dealing with big city rents.

I enjoyed being a trainer, but I wouldn't want to be doing it now at age 40. In fact, I often pass by gyms in the city and see the trainers. Most of them are in their twenties. It's actually sad to see an old trainer. You want to say, "Dude, what went wrong?"

I understand that you disagree, but then, that's what make horseraces.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: buffbodz on October 27, 2006, 10:37:56 AM
It amounts to about 1/4 of My income.  Plus it's all $$$ for the most part.  If I'd rely on just personal training, the ends wouldn't meet.  It's a great supplemental income and fits right into the rest of my business.  Diet consulting and wholesale and retailling supplements.  Never put all you're eggs in 1 basket in this field.  Like with training.  Get a tax # and sell Your clients their supplements.  Even out of Your trunk.  If you know your shlt and don't push the supplements, your clients will more than likely ask you what they need.  When you have it all, your income from training goes way up.  Also learn to write diets and take body fat readings.  Another plus for the personal trainer's bottom line.  You gotta make it where you can and results are your best advertisement.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: tolliscd on October 27, 2006, 10:39:56 AM
I think the take on this is that many people have many different opinions. There are pros and cons to everything and every job. The one constant thing in all jobs is at the end of the day you have to be happy with what you do and take some sort of satifaction from it. That being said if PT is what makes you happy and you really enjoy it, then you can make it work, just be smart with your business decisions. Just my take on the debate. Feel free to elaborate.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: jaejonna on October 27, 2006, 10:44:19 AM
you can make alot of money in any field. My freind from college, his mom is a personal trainer for Lenny Kravitz and other actors and acttresses who live in the city. She makes 120K a year. But she is super duper hot, has an engaing personality and works her ass off at all times preparing meal plans and looking at charts. Compare her to some fag at ballys who is telling a fat ass to run another lap around the track while he text messages some hoes with his ipod in his ears.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 27, 2006, 10:50:29 AM
When one thinks of a career, things that come to mind are job security, benefits, pension, health insurance, room for advancement, mobility.

A while back, in my early 20s. I did PTing in one of those big cities where people have money (NYC). I made decent money and met a lot of women, but there were problems. As another poster stated, the gym took a big cut of my money, and to make real cash, I had to make side deals with people, as did almost all the other trainers. That's not a good, secure way to make money.

My other option would've been to open up my own studio, but then I would've been dealing with big city rents.

I enjoyed being a trainer, but I wouldn't want to be doing it now at age 40. In fact, I often pass by gyms in the city and see the trainers. Most of them are in their twenties. It's actually sad to see an old trainer. You want to say, "Dude, what went wrong?"

I understand that you disagree, but then, that's what make horseraces.

I have everything you described above and my room for advancement comes in the way of growing my business even more, your thinking of a career advancement comes with drawbacks in the way that you eventually have a celing on your advacement and a celing on your salary, and I have one thing that most people don't have when they work for someone........JOB SECURITY!

Now the problem with most people when they get into being a personal trainer is what you said...the club wants a cut, if that the case, find a place that you can pay a flat rate of rent, I pay $450.00 per month and I can have as many clients as I'm able to handle and that goes for my fiance' as well, so for example, I can make $16000 that month (one person) and pay only $450.00 for rent. Giving a club a percentage of your business isn't right in my book and cuts into my business too much!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: legbreaker on October 27, 2006, 10:55:37 AM
Tom, you mentioned in your first post you had a BA in communications.  What field were you looking to get into while pursueing that degree?  Usually a ba doesn't get you anywhere degree wise....  A masters is basically the degree needed for any advancement in fields that require a degree.  I got lots of friends that got masters in exercise physiology and are personal trainers because they can earn more money for less hours worked.  In this field, if you have a athletic trainer degree you may get a job in a school or hopefully with a pro team, but most just become trainers and work with some teams in a college or something.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: legbreaker on October 27, 2006, 11:03:56 AM
Can you make a living as a trainer? Yes

Is it a good way to make a living? No

Ego Crusher pretty much stole my thunder as to why it's bad.

I would put personal training on the same level as bartending. They're both good ways to make some money for a while, and they're both jobs that can help you get laid, but they're not careers.

When you find yourself being the oldest bartender at the bar, or the oldest trainer at the gym, it's time to move on.

Good topic, btw

Things are changing alot today, lizzy.  When i first started getting paid to train clients at 17 years old you had to be a competitor in bodybuilding and look great to get clients...Today it's not uncommon to see older trainers in a gym and usually they are the real deal and know a thing or two about training.  The commercial gyms (like la fitness etc) gives trainers a bad rep because they'll hire anyone.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Thin Lizzy on October 27, 2006, 11:29:28 AM
Things are changing alot today, lizzy.  When i first started getting paid to train clients at 17 years old you had to be a competitor in bodybuilding and look great to get clients...Today it's not uncommon to see older trainers in a gym and usually they are the real deal and know a thing or two about training. 

Where I live (Manhattan, Upper eastside), the largest gym/health club in my immediate area is the New York Sports Club (NYSC), which is a chain.

You can tell who the personal trainers are because they wear shirts that say "Personal Trainer" in big letters. The guys are mainly well built dudes in their 20s, and the women are all hotties in their 20s who are aspiring models and actresses.

I've seen one "older" trainer. He's a guy who's appears to be in his forties. He walks around in a shirt that says "Master Trainer." It's both funny and sad.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Option D on October 27, 2006, 11:45:27 AM
gayer than aqua strength training.. ;)..thanks i got another one
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 27, 2006, 12:32:43 PM
I've seen one "older" trainer. He's a guy who's appears to be in his forties. He walks around in a shirt that says "Master Trainer." It's both funny and sad.

Would it still be sad if he was pulling down a six figure income??
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: The Squadfather on October 27, 2006, 12:33:52 PM
Would it still be sad if he was pulling down a six figure income??
more like 8 bucks an hour.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: FLEX N FREAK on October 27, 2006, 12:35:30 PM
it all comes down to how motivated you are
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 27, 2006, 12:43:16 PM
more like 8 bucks an hour.

If thats the case then yes, it's sad!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: jwb on October 27, 2006, 12:48:56 PM
If thats the case then yes, it's sad!
Joe is the exception because he is so pro-active and aggressive about being a top trainer...

It is like any small business really...

there are plenty of shit corner stores and yet there are some that stand out because of their owner's service and attitude...

comes down to pride in your work IMO...
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: The Squadfather on October 27, 2006, 12:53:35 PM
i remember when i started lifting "personal trainers" were all the owners of the gym and all huge beyond belief, it was very rare to see someone under 250lbs. training someone, nowadays it's all skinny gel haired geeks.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: legbreaker on October 27, 2006, 12:54:20 PM

I've seen one "older" trainer. He's a guy who's appears to be in his forties. He walks around in a shirt that says "Master Trainer." It's both funny and sad.

I'm sure the minimum requirements at NYSC in NYC are higher than the la fitness' throughout the country.  I'm also from NY and trained people throughout the city and Long Island.  I would say that the lowest package price for a single session you can get is around 90-100 dollars...and that would be if you bought 20 or more...My friend is getting 100 at 19th street gym....not bad for an hours pay.   You realize that the guy with the "master" on his shirt has that because of the level of his cert and not his years, right?          
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: onlyme on October 27, 2006, 12:59:01 PM
i remember when i started lifting "personal trainers" were all the owners of the gym and all huge beyond belief, it was very rare to see someone under 250lbs. training someone, nowadays it's all skinny gel haired geeks.

I remember when there were no such a thing.  All you had to do is ask someone.  As a kid going to the original World Gym I learned from the best by simply asking.  And in some cases guys would come up and actually show you how to do something without even asking them.  I will always remember doing arms with Ferrigno and him holding my elbows in.  Or dips with Roy Callendar and seating rowing with Tony Pearson. Doing roman chairs next to Chris Dickerson who would literally do sets of 30 minutes non-stop of twisting and roman chairs.  I was just great learning from the best
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: The Squadfather on October 27, 2006, 12:59:55 PM
I remember when there were no such a thing.  All you had to do is ask someone.  As a kid going to the original World Gym I learned from the best by simply asking.  And in some cases guys would come up and actually show you how to do something without even asking them.  I will always remember doing arms with Ferrigno and him holding my elbows in.  Or dips with Roy Callendar and seating rowing with Tony Pearson. Doing roman chairs next to Chris Dickerson who would literally do sets of 30 minutes non-stop of twisting and roman chairs.  I was just great learning from the best
that sounds awesome.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: jwb on October 27, 2006, 01:07:24 PM
I remember when there were no such a thing.  All you had to do is ask someone.  As a kid going to the original World Gym I learned from the best by simply asking.  And in some cases guys would come up and actually show you how to do something without even asking them.  I will always remember doing arms with Ferrigno and him holding my elbows in.  Or dips with Roy Callendar and seating rowing with Tony Pearson. Doing roman chairs next to Chris Dickerson who would literally do sets of 30 minutes non-stop of twisting and roman chairs.  I was just great learning from the best
don't tell us stuff like that brother we will start to hate you!... that would have been awesome!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: The Squadfather on October 27, 2006, 01:08:50 PM
don't tell us stuff like that brother we will start to hate you!... that would have been awesome!
can you imagine asking one of these prissy selfish bastard "pros" today for help in the gym, they'd laugh at you.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Thin Lizzy on October 27, 2006, 01:21:21 PM
I'm sure the minimum requirements at NYSC in NYC are higher than the la fitness' throughout the country.  I'm also from NY and trained people throughout the city and Long Island.  I would say that the lowest package price for a single session you can get is around 90-100 dollars...and that would be if you bought 20 or more...My friend is getting 100 at 19th street gym....not bad for an hours pay.   You realize that the guy with the "master" on his shirt has that because of the level of his cert and not his years, right?          

I'm dating myself here. But when I was a PT, I worked at the Vertical Club, which was owned by Bally's. They were charging the people $30/hr, and the trainers were getting $8. That's why all of us were making side deals. So, the Squadfather's comment is not that far off the mark. I'm the sure the NYSC, today, charges much more, but I'll bet the trainers are still getting screwed.

It's a Catch 22. Either you work for the big chains and get screwed, or go it alone and have to do all the sales and marketing, which is a big job in itself, because clients come and go. That's why I say it's a bad LONG TERM job.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 27, 2006, 02:06:30 PM

 or go it alone and have to do all the sales and marketing, which is a big job in itself, because clients come and go. That's why I say it's a bad LONG TERM job.

Thats the fun and challenge of having my own business, like I said, I've had the majority of my clients for at least three years!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: jwb on October 27, 2006, 04:52:20 PM
Thats the fun and challenge of having my own business, like I said, I've had the majority of my clients for at least three years!
How many times a week are most of these people training with you?
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 27, 2006, 05:38:09 PM
How many times a week are most of these people training with you?

Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: jwb on October 27, 2006, 05:50:05 PM
example of how trainers can adapt to a less than rich area...

a friend of mine is doing pretty well just training people once a week

he does all their weight training for the week in this session and they do their cardio themselves - these are average joe types btw.

the "once a week" thing is his marketing hook and these people can see value in getting him to train them once a week yet they can't afford to have him more often...

he has a very low drop out rate also...
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: mar10s on October 27, 2006, 05:57:40 PM
The cost for an hour of personal training at the gym i work at starts at 30 bucks an hour.  The trainer takes 15-17 of that in his/her pocket and the rest goes to the gym.  When they are not training, they are suppose to clean the equipment etc. and for that they get 7 bucks an hour.  When trainers first start there, is pretty tough at first untill they get a decent amount of clients.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: jwb on October 27, 2006, 06:06:56 PM
The cost for an hour of personal training at the gym i work at starts at 30 bucks an hour.  The trainer takes 15-17 of that in his/her pocket and the rest goes to the gym.  When they are not training, they are suppose to clean the equipment etc. and for that they get 7 bucks an hour.  When trainers first start there, is pretty tough at first untill they get a decent amount of clients.
shit that is terrible money...
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Hulkster on October 27, 2006, 06:41:20 PM
Personally, if it were me, I would do it for awhile until you figure out a more secure long term career goal, and then go for it.

I worked at a large pet store part time through university and college (yes, I went to both - 4 year degree and one year college diploma post grad), and then for a year after while I applied for jobs in my intended feild and tried to figure out what I wanted to do.

In other words, I had a "crappy" job that did not pay well with no benefits, pension, etc etc,.  don't get me wrong - I LIKED it, its just it did not offer good future prospects.

Now I have a "real" job with guarenteed 40 hours per week, good benefits, lots of advancement opportunities in the near future, and guarenteed raises as my level of certification increases. Oh, and it pays 2.5 times as much to start 8)

What I am getting at is that, as others have mentioned, personal training might be great to do on the side, but as a career, it might be difficult to manage.

I would say do it for awhile and have fun, but while you are doing that, keep applying to other jobs that might offer more opportunities for wages, benefits and advancement.

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 28, 2006, 02:41:36 AM
Personally, if it were me, I would do it for awhile until you figure out a more secure long term career goal, and then go for it.

I worked at a large pet store part time through university and college (yes, I went to both - 4 year degree and one year college diploma post grad), and then for a year after while I applied for jobs in my intended feild and tried to figure out what I wanted to do.

In other words, I had a "crappy" job that did not pay well with no benefits, pension, etc etc,.  don't get me wrong - I LIKED it, its just it did not offer good future prospects.

Now I have a "real" job with guarenteed 40 hours per week, good benefits, lots of advancement opportunities in the near future, and guarenteed raises as my level of certification increases. Oh, and it pays 2.5 times as much to start 8)

What I am getting at is that, as others have mentioned, personal training might be great to do on the side, but as a career, it might be difficult to manage.

I would say do it for awhile and have fun, but while you are doing that, keep applying to other jobs that might offer more opportunities for wages, benefits and advancement.

Hope this helps.

Ok, ok...hopefully I can put this to rest once and for all, I think it's great to have a 4 year degree, your well educated and have good earning potential, but I'm really tired of hearing that "it's a great side job" bullshit, that just comes from people that are not motivated and want to settle to work for someone and do the same mundane job day after day just to get their yearly salary increase of 10%, if thats your gig...fine, but to say you cannot do that being a personal trainer is just asnine and shows lack of motivation...again, I know I make ALOT more than most with a 4 year degree who is at the top of their pay scale, the people who want to do this (training) for a living needs to get off of thier ASSES and get motivated to act like this is a business instead of a job. Bottomline...if you cannot make at least a $100 grand in this business, you are definatly doing something wrong...or not enough. The choice is yours, is it a job or a BUSINESS??
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: gtbro1 on October 28, 2006, 03:57:28 AM
I remember when there were no such a thing.  All you had to do is ask someone.  As a kid going to the original World Gym I learned from the best by simply asking.  And in some cases guys would come up and actually show you how to do something without even asking them.  I will always remember doing arms with Ferrigno and him holding my elbows in.  Or dips with Roy Callendar and seating rowing with Tony Pearson. Doing roman chairs next to Chris Dickerson who would literally do sets of 30 minutes non-stop of twisting and roman chairs.  I was just great learning from the best

That would be cool.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: buffbodz on October 28, 2006, 08:48:35 AM
The cost for an hour of personal training at the gym i work at starts at 30 bucks an hour.  The trainer takes 15-17 of that in his/her pocket and the rest goes to the gym.  When they are not training, they are suppose to clean the equipment etc. and for that they get 7 bucks an hour.  When trainers first start there, is pretty tough at first untill they get a decent amount of clients.
I give My people 10 bucks plus 2% commission on supps they sell and 20 for every diet they sell that I have to do.  One goal I have is to franchise or open other stores myself with the people that have been with Me for years and have learned the total operation and yea that includes cleaning and keeping the equpt. running smoothly.  With luck I'll have a store in the St. Peters area in Fla within a year.  I invest and get a % of gross sales every quarter, if all goes according to plan.  The thing for me was to get one off and running and use it as a training store for others to run other stores.  Well I dream anyway.  People come in to buy supps and see the training studio and diet services and You've got another client , in about 1 in 10.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Hulkster on October 28, 2006, 09:25:26 AM
that just comes from people that are not motivated and want to settle to work for someone and do the same mundane job day after day just to get their yearly salary increase of 10%, if thats your gig...fine,

but don't forget that this only applies when you are starting out.

as you advance into management and supervisory positions, things change.

people start to work for YOU.

Obviously, you are making a lot of money in the personal training business, and thats great.

but how typical are your earnings for your feild?

and how long did it take you to reach that potential?

You have to consider that your situation (lots of money) is not going to happen to a new personal trainer right off the bat.

and I think this is why there are so many of these "its a great side job" comments.

people are being simply realistic.

If you start it out as a 'side job' and things work up from there great.

but if things do not start to bloom, at least you are not putting all your eggs in one basket. You have other goals that you could persue.  You have to have a backup plan.

Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Thin Lizzy on October 29, 2006, 01:11:37 AM
Ok, ok...hopefully I can put this to rest once and for all, I think it's great to have a 4 year degree, your well educated and have good earning potential, but I'm really tired of hearing that "it's a great side job" bullshit, that just comes from people that are not motivated and want to settle to work for someone and do the same mundane job day after day just to get their yearly salary increase of 10%, if thats your gig...fine, but to say you cannot do that being a personal trainer is just asnine and shows lack of motivation...again, I know I make ALOT more than most with a 4 year degree who is at the top of their pay scale, the people who want to do this (training) for a living needs to get off of thier ASSES and get motivated to act like this is a business instead of a job. Bottomline...if you cannot make at least a $100 grand in this business, you are definatly doing something wrong...or not enough. The choice is yours, is it a job or a BUSINESS??

Sorry, to beat a dead thread here, but this post illustrates why pt-ing isn't a good career. To make a decent living at it, you HAVE to go into business. That should be an option, not a necessity. Not everyone wants all the headaches that go with owning your own business.

Take a profession like accounting. A CPA can work for a firm and make good money, or he can go out on his own. He's not forced to make a decision.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Hulkster on October 29, 2006, 06:31:38 AM
good point.

starting your own business can be very risky.

Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: legbreaker on October 29, 2006, 07:58:47 AM
Sorry, to beat a dead thread here, but this post illustrates why pt-ing isn't a good career. To make a decent living at it, you HAVE to go into business. That should be an option, not a necessity. Not everyone wants all the headaches that go with owning your own business.

Take a profession like accounting. A CPA can work for a firm and make good money, or he can go out on his own. He's not forced to make a decision.

Not challenging you or anything, but just making a point.  My friend is a cpa in NYC..travels and hour and 20 minutes to the city from Long Isalnd each day, not including car time to the train.  Gets home about 8 each night and leaves about 6 am in the morning...last we talked about it he was making just over 100 a year......I don't think that's so great, and his job (like many others today) is not the most secure.  If you hustle in training, like anything else you can make good money.  Also, contrary to what others said here, you DO NOT have to be a good trainer to make money.  Lots of "successful" trainers do not know a thing.   
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: The Squadfather on October 29, 2006, 08:00:56 AM
Not challenging you or anything, but just making a point.  My friend is a cpa in NYC..travels and hour and 20 minutes to the city from Long Isalnd each day, not including car time to the train.  Gets home about 8 each night and leaves about 6 am in the morning...last we talked about it he was making just over 100 a year......I don't think that's so great, and his job (like many others today) is not the most secure.  If you hustle in training, like anything else you can make good money.  Also, contrary to what others said here, you DO NOT have to be a good trainer to make money.  Lots of "successful" trainers do not know a thing.   
you're the biggest bullshitter on here by far.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: legbreaker on October 29, 2006, 08:43:24 AM
you're the biggest bullshitter on here by far.

A jerk off name one thing you think I b.s about.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 29, 2006, 08:47:14 AM
Sorry, to beat a dead thread here, but this post illustrates why pt-ing isn't a good career. To make a decent living at it, you HAVE to go into business. That should be an option, not a necessity. Not everyone wants all the headaches that go with owning your own business.

Take a profession like accounting. A CPA can work for a firm and make good money, or he can go out on his own. He's not forced to make a decision.

Nothing wrong with starting your own business, it's small businesses that are the back bone of our ecomomy, it separates the motivated to succeed and have a better than average lifestyle and security along with a challenge. But you are correct by saying that you cannot make a decent living if you don't have your own business. But at the same time my benefits far outweigh that if I was working for someone else even if it were in another trade, working for someone sucks, me personally, I'm NOT the type of person who can work for someone!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Hulkster on October 29, 2006, 01:03:00 PM
who says working for someone sucks?

there are a whole lot of people who make tons of money "working for someone else"

granted, most people want career advancement, and that generally leads to you becoming the boss, but you have to remember that adaptablity is key to success.

That often means starting at the bottom and working your way up.

you have to be easy to get along with if you are going to succeed.

if you are the type of person who gets bitchy if you happen to recieve your paycheck "from someone else", you may find you will have a hard time out there.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: jwb on October 29, 2006, 01:11:23 PM
who says working for someone sucks?

there are a whole lot of people who make tons of money "working for someone else"

granted, most people want career advancement, and that generally leads to you becoming the boss, but you have to remember that adaptablity is key to success.

That often means starting at the bottom and working your way up.

you have to be easy to get along with if you are going to succeed.

if you are the type of person who gets bitchy if you happen to recieve your paycheck "from someone else", you may find you will have a hard time out there.
I'm in joe's boat here... I hate working for other people and will work 7 days a week if it is for myself and I enjoy it...
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Hulkster on October 29, 2006, 01:13:56 PM
I guess I am spoiled because the supervisor where I work is a great guy.

believe it or not, not all supervisors/bosses are assholes.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: jwb on October 29, 2006, 01:14:43 PM
I guess I am spoiled because the supervisor where I work is a great guy.

believe it or not, not all supervisors/bosses are assholes.

you're lucky most are assholes...
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: The Squadfather on October 29, 2006, 01:24:49 PM
be your own "boss" that's the only way.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 29, 2006, 05:19:02 PM
who says working for someone sucks?

if you are the type of person who gets bitchy if you happen to recieve your paycheck "from someone else", you may find you will have a hard time out there.

Hulkster, that is just my opinion, it's great for some people and sucks for others, I fall in the latter. You're right, some people make great money and that fine, I just PERSONALLY have a hard time with someone else telling me what to do and when to do it plus I really enjoy helping people!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: americanbulldog on October 31, 2006, 03:39:51 PM
more like 8 bucks an hour.

I know many trainers who make in excess of 100K per year.  You have to be able to sell yourself, your services and your worth to the prospective client.  Retention and referrals are the key to the business. 
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 31, 2006, 03:44:18 PM
I know many trainers who make in excess of 100K per year.  You have to be able to sell yourself, your services and your worth to the prospective client.  Retention and referrals are the key to the business. 

Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: THEBERG on October 31, 2006, 04:15:41 PM
I've done a 4 year degree in exercise science and am doing PTing at the moment and it was really hard for the first 6 months getting a job so decided to go into bussiness for myself and am doing well, i'm doing so well that the main gym here are talking to me about paying me to implement and run certain courses at the gym.

PTing isnt for everyone and can be more stable than a 9-5 desk job if you on to it.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Palpatine Q on October 31, 2006, 04:37:52 PM
Thats the fun and challenge of having my own business, like I said, I've had the majority of my clients for at least three years!

You must be a very persuasive person. No offense but who the fvck needs a personal trainer for 3 goddamn years. after a few months I would think even a neophyte would have it down pat.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Debussey on October 31, 2006, 04:39:26 PM
You must be a very persuasive person. No offense but who the fvck needs a personal trainer for 3 goddamn years. after a few months I would think even a neophyte would have it down pat.

accountability, motivation.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: jwb on October 31, 2006, 04:42:41 PM
You must be a very persuasive person. No offense but who the fvck needs a personal trainer for 3 goddamn years. after a few months I would think even a neophyte would have it down pat.
sounds like joe is on the ball and always varying their programs though...

I think he trains many athletes so to them, he is like another one of their coaches...
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on October 31, 2006, 06:28:52 PM
sounds like joe is on the ball and always varying their programs though...

I think he trains many athletes so to them, he is like another one of their coaches...

You are right, i do train alot of athletes which means I have to stay updated with newer and advanced training along with nutrition, I do quit a bit of periodization that entails alot planning. Now with my general public, after being with them for 3 or more years 2-3 days per week many of them become more family than clients, BUT, its still a business. My clients mean alot to me and they as well treat me as if I were family!!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on November 20, 2006, 04:46:12 PM
About working for someone else I also can't stand it.  I don't know what separates us from people who don't mind being told what to do.  If I had to guess I would say it is the ability to know what's best for yourself and the profession in which you are working.  I am in the military and I can't stand it.  I already train service members in order to gain experience and I can't wait to get the fuck out and PT.   Like Mr. Intesnsione I love it.  It is 1000 times more satisfying than benefits, securty, and being told what to do by 10 people who don't know thier head from thier ass.  Hopefully Mr. I will teach me his ways. 
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on November 20, 2006, 04:58:11 PM
About working for someone else I also can't stand it.  I don't know what separates us from people who don't mind being told what to do.  If I had to guess I would say it is the ability to know what's best for yourself and the profession in which you are working.  I am in the military and I can't stand it.  I already train service members in order to gain experience and I can't wait to get the f**k out and PT.   Like Mr. Intesnsione I love it.  It is 1000 times more satisfying than benefits, securty, and being told what to do by 10 people who don't know thier head from thier ass.  Hopefully Mr. I will teach me his ways. 

I think the thing that separates the people that have their own businesses from the people that work for others is MOTIVATION and knowing that your income potential doesn't have a celing on it, now I am by no means saying that people that work for others are not motivated, but when you have gone as far as you can go in a company...what's left?

Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on November 20, 2006, 05:23:13 PM
I think the thing that separates the people that have their own businesses from the people that work for others is MOTIVATION and knowing that your income potential doesn't have a celing on it, now I am by no means saying that people that work for others are not motivated, but when you have gone as far as you can go in a company...what's left?

Exactly... I see that everyday.  I work a very technical and specialized job in the service and everyone I work with is all about getting out after 20yrs of service and making a whopping 75-85k working for Lockheed Martin or some bullshit. Great.  If I get to 40 yrs old to make 85k max I'm going to shoot myself.  Combine that with STILL being somebody elses bitch and I m completely lost.  I want control.. I want financial independance... and I want to turn the fat and gross into people who can be proud of themselves! 

After everything you said on this thread I am very inspired.  I thought I might make 40-50k max as a PT.  The idea was to do that until I can open my own club.  But hearing how much CAN be made if I'm motivated is far beyond what I thought gives me great hope that I can do very well for myself even before I open my own club.

Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: jwb on November 20, 2006, 05:35:33 PM
Exactly... I see that everyday.  I work a very technical and specialized job in the service and everyone I work with is all about getting out after 20yrs of service and making a whopping 75-85k working for Lockheed Martin or some bullshit. Great.  If I get to 40 yrs old to make 85k max I'm going to shoot myself.  Combine that with STILL being somebody elses bitch and I m completely lost.  I want control.. I want financial independance... and I want to turn the fat and gross into people who can be proud of themselves! 

After everything you said on this thread I am very inspired.  I thought I might make 40-50k max as a PT.  The idea was to do that until I can open my own club.  But hearing how much CAN be made if I'm motivated is far beyond what I thought gives me great hope that I can do very well for myself even before I open my own club.

Where do you live bulldog?
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on November 20, 2006, 06:09:06 PM
Where do you live bulldog?

Right now I'm stationed in the Virginia Beach area but I hate it here.  My home is Baltimore/DC area and that's where I plan on returning to.   
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: RJB on November 20, 2006, 06:24:40 PM
There is this old dude at my gym who trains really hot chicks and I'm sure he's nailing most of them. Besides him, none of the trainers seem to make any money or nail hot chicks.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: muscleforlife on November 20, 2006, 06:44:48 PM
There is this old dude at my gym who trains really hot chicks and I'm sure he's nailing most of them. Besides him, none of the trainers seem to make any money or nail hot chicks.
How unprofessional.
You get what you pay for.

Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on November 20, 2006, 07:01:27 PM
Exactly... I see that everyday.  I work a very technical and specialized job in the service and everyone I work with is all about getting out after 20yrs of service and making a whopping 75-85k working for Lockheed Martin or some bullshit. Great.  If I get to 40 yrs old to make 85k max I'm going to shoot myself.  Combine that with STILL being somebody elses bitch and I m completely lost.  I want control.. I want financial independance... and I want to turn the fat and gross into people who can be proud of themselves! 

After everything you said on this thread I am very inspired.  I thought I might make 40-50k max as a PT.  The idea was to do that until I can open my own club.  But hearing how much CAN be made if I'm motivated is far beyond what I thought gives me great hope that I can do very well for myself even before I open my own club.

One of the tricks is to not limit yourself to just personal training, in my business, I have a number of services that we do such as Boot camps, Kids training and camps, online training, nutrition counsiling and after the first of the year we're introducing strength camps especially geared for civil service recruts like Police, fire, coast guard, lifeguards and military prep, the idea is to make it along the lines of strongman training that will impliment Tire flipping, sand bag exercises and carries, sled pulling, etc,etc I already have alot of requests asking when it will start, I personally can't wait for that!!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on November 20, 2006, 07:03:58 PM
One of the tricks is to not limit yourself to just personal training, in my business, I have a number of services that we do such as Boot camps, Kids training and camps, online training, nutrition counsiling and after the first of the year we're introducing strength camps especially geared for civil service recruts like Police, fire, coast guard, lifeguards and military prep, the idea is to make it along the lines of strongman training that will impliment Tire flipping, sand bag exercises and carries, sled pulling, etc,etc I already have alot of requests asking when it will start, I personally can't wait for that!!

That is an awesome idea!!  That's the only thing I might have a difficult time with when it comes to running a business.  I'm just not that creative.  I would like to incorporate online training and nutritional counceling when I get up and running.  Where are you based out of?
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on November 20, 2006, 07:17:38 PM
That is an awesome idea!!  That's the only thing I might have a difficult time with when it comes to running a business.  I'm just not that creative.  I would like to incorporate online training and nutritional counceling when I get up and running.  Where are you based out of?

Huntington Beach, Ca
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on November 20, 2006, 07:22:36 PM
Huntington Beach, Ca

Recently, fitness has gotten pretty big on the east coast.  Otherwise I would definitely consider moving closer to your neck of the woods.
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: jwb on November 20, 2006, 09:56:29 PM
Recently, fitness has gotten pretty big on the east coast.  Otherwise I would definitely consider moving closer to your neck of the woods.
Intenseone has the weather in his favour compared to you brixton...

I think training people is like a lot of things... if you have the passion for helping people and are still humble enough to know that you don't know everything and you need to keep educating yourself you can do well.

Joe's competitve edge is his thirst for knowledge IMO and thats a big reason people stay with him so long as clients...
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: jwb on November 20, 2006, 09:57:41 PM
I tell you one thing... baby boomer training is taking off like crazy now and will be massive in the next ten years.

Those old farts simply refuse to age!
Title: Re: is personal training a "real job/career"?!
Post by: 240 is Back on November 20, 2006, 10:55:10 PM
One of the tricks is to not limit yourself to just personal training, in my business, I have a number of services that we do such as Boot camps, Kids training and camps, online training, nutrition counsiling and after the first of the year we're introducing strength camps especially geared for civil service recruts like Police, fire, coast guard, lifeguards and military prep, the idea is to make it along the lines of strongman training that will impliment Tire flipping, sand bag exercises and carries, sled pulling, etc,etc I already have alot of requests asking when it will start, I personally can't wait for that!!

Very cool list there!  Also your website has to be one of the best I've ever seen in the industry.