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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Positive Bodybuilding Discussion & Talk => Pictures of Members & More => Topic started by: funk51 on October 31, 2006, 05:38:46 PM

Title: 55 and still alive.
Post by: funk51 on October 31, 2006, 05:38:46 PM
this guys 55 and still alive.
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: figgs on October 31, 2006, 06:04:41 PM
I don't get it.
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: WOOO on November 02, 2006, 06:06:25 PM
monster tricep
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: G.R.H. on November 12, 2006, 07:01:16 PM
i don't understand it either! it's not logical! ???
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: Jr. Yates on November 12, 2006, 09:37:54 PM
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: funk51 on November 13, 2006, 08:51:43 AM
hey i'm 55 and still alive completely natural, not one gray hair, i eat t-bone steaks lift barbell plates.
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: beatmaster on November 16, 2006, 08:32:10 PM

and do you have a membership in a gym, looks like you need one!
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: funk51 on November 17, 2006, 08:08:57 AM
hey beatoff master i like to see how you look at 55 natural post your pic and age than wise off so i have a reference.
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: beatmaster on November 19, 2006, 11:57:46 AM

funny because you and whitewidow are the only one who said beatoff master..... Same person? maybe

well, i'm 40 yrs, guess what? been training since i'm 16, the thing is, to post on a bodybuilding forum with a picture that looks like average swimmer, i don't call that BODYBUILDING, 90 % of people here claim they are, but in fact, they look average.....   understand what BODYBUILDING is, what nutrition is, then after you get your membership in a gym and push a few weights...... then......

if you put your picture on this site, be ready to have negative comments (with a shape like that, don't forget this is a BODYBUILDING forum), so live with it......

oh i forgot, one thing i can tell you, i'll look way better than you at 55 (including now)

Do you understand the word BODYBUILDING.......  no need to reply, i'm not gonna lose more time on this, now go train.
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: funk51 on November 19, 2006, 02:57:34 PM
hey beat off master i'm not the same guy but you don't strike me as a 40 year old and to you i look like shit huh ? well  i'm 55 years old completly natural. i bench 305 squat 505 dl 565 do 40 rep chinups 255 lb presses. my waist is 32 chest 48, i look like this 24 7 365. so please post a pic of yourself so i can see what a real bodybuilder looks like at 40 and if we're both still around when you hit 55 post here again. what kind of weights do you use do you take steroids please instruct me in the art of bb. till then i'll leave you to your own devices beat off master. by the way i do swim a mile aday 5 times a week in the summer.
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: GoneAway on November 19, 2006, 08:31:36 PM
Good biceps, delts and forearms. Could use some chest and triceps.
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: beatmaster on November 20, 2006, 04:35:01 PM

see, your babling about how much you can lift, that's not the point....... you can lift as heavy as you want, i'm not impress about that, it's about the way you look....... NEVER SAID YOU LOOK LIKE S*IT, i said you look average (like a swimmer).

people think because they lift weights and have 15 inchs arms that they are bodybuilders, they have no shape, eat like s*it, do not understand half of what they eat, on and on.....  and then they post pic on the net thinking nobody will say anything wrong about them...

Sorry if i've hurt your feeling, but look at 90% of pics here, what comes to your mind when you see that ''your probably saying to your self WTF, and he call him self a bodybuilder'' for exemple what happen to vince when post a few pics calling himself bodybuilder doing contest, well, everybody start to laugh, same thing with billyguns, ta, there is a lot...   one thing for sure, if someone put a picture here, he better have what it takes, cause somebody will say something negative for sure (like me)...
this is why i will never put any pics of myself, even if you look good, haters will always say something to put you down, fact (probably you will)....

So swimmer still alive, sorry again... , like i said, live with it, it's not that bad...... oh by the way massive  ribcage  ;)

beat off master  ;D (i think i'll keep that name, sounds pretty good) 8)
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: funk51 on November 21, 2006, 11:03:08 AM
you didn't hurt my feelings, just didn't like the disrespect like i never picked up a weight in my life. i agree with you on several points esp diet, my diet is the shits it's a wonder i look as good as i do. i'm just saying for 55 yrs old and no special aids steroids and hgh synthol etc. i don't look horrible. i live my life , don't deprive  myself of any foods etc. my arms are a lot bigger than 15 inches you assigned to them. i have a larger head keep in mind when looking at proportions. by the way i lifted since i was 13 started it to train for hs football liked the weights better. i still wish you would put a pic of yourself on here in the spirit of friendship just so i could have a comparison of how you look at 40. i won't even comment if you don't want. have a nice day beatmaster.
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: Old_Rooster on November 21, 2006, 11:25:42 AM
hey beatoff master i like to see how you look at 55 natural post your pic and age than wise off so i have a reference.

You are to be praised at age 55 to still be in the gym,  99% of the haters here will quit lifting by the time they are 30, they don't have what it takes to continue, all they have is the ability to put people down.

 I commend you, you look better than most 55 year olds in my gym.  Concentrate on the diet a bit more, show some cuts.
Again, I applaud you, don't listen to those that blast you, they are wannabee's and most of them probably don't even lift.

COngratulations, you look great for 55.
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: beatmaster on November 27, 2006, 11:06:18 PM

Again, sorry, the thing is you got my point, i have to agree with old rooster on some points looking good at your age... but you are no bodybuilder (don't take it bad, please)
i know sometimes i go overboard explaining some things (i've just re read my lines and i just realised that).
wow am i bad or what :-\

Have a good day, keep it up ;)
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: funk51 on November 29, 2006, 10:17:10 AM
thanks again beatmaster thanks to your tutoring i have been properly schooled in the art of bodybuilding. i now know what real bodybuilding is all about. let's see no gyno, no synthol, no site injections,no implants , no lipo, no steroids, no hgh, no thg,no hairloss, no impotence, no testicular shrinkage{i know you were in the water} pun intended you like to call me a swimmer. no acne = no bodybuilder i guess i ain't than. thank you very much. no reply required.
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: Old_Rooster on November 29, 2006, 10:53:37 AM
and do you have a membership in a gym, looks like you need one!

I'm willing to bet you look like crap yourself and at a much younger age.

If that dude is 55, he looks fucking fantastic.  I'd wager you will live at mcdonalds when you are 55 eating breakfast with the seniors.  Cutting people down just to cut them down, well that makes you a piss ant.
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: pumpster on November 29, 2006, 01:49:55 PM
Obviously he's not 55..55 cm is probably his chest size.
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: Dorian 01 on November 29, 2006, 02:06:05 PM
That's gotta suck, being 55 and still getting asked for ID.
Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: beatmaster on December 03, 2006, 09:44:04 AM
I'm willing to bet you look like crap yourself and at a much younger age.

If that dude is 55, he looks fucking fantastic.  I'd wager you will live at mcdonalds when you are 55 eating breakfast with the seniors.  Cutting people down just to cut them down, well that makes you a piss ant.

lollllll, yeah right.
what the hell is wrong with you, i said to the guy i was sorry for being rude, if he's 55 and he looks like that, good for him.......... but he's no bodybuilder (all we see is a half picture of a guy view from the side, no tris, no shoulders, no traps, a bit of chest, are you fu*kin' kidding me, but, he does look good for 55) ........ you should know that, you're a bodybuilder yourself!
i know a woman, 50 years old, looks amazing, train everyday, good shape...... but it doesn't make her a fitness model....... understand now :-\

yep i look like crap (are you natural by the way ;D), ohhhh brother......... sorry gotta go now i have 2 big mac waiting for me!

........... what can i say some people can't take comments, so why put your pics, isn't that the idea ..........

ok, nuff said, ''why am i waisting time on this'' '' i don't know'' ''did i hurt someone's feeling?'' '' yeah i think that's it''

ok, neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeext, geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Title: Re: 55 and still alive.
Post by: candidate2025 on December 03, 2006, 09:46:51 AM
you look 13 years old. :o