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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Positive Bodybuilding Discussion & Talk => Natural Bodybuilding => Topic started by: overcome on November 01, 2006, 07:41:41 PM

Title: best lifts for size?
Post by: overcome on November 01, 2006, 07:41:41 PM
i know the basics, squats, deads, bench, incline bench, pull ups, rows and all that good shit.  what i am asking is, is there a benefit to doing db for any of these, specifically rows, and bench?
Title: Re: best lifts for size?
Post by: davie on November 02, 2006, 01:27:59 AM
I Db bench instead of BB, personal preference. Inlcine Db is also very good exercise.
Also sometimes use Db's for rows, very good alternative to BB and u hit one side at a time.

You can do Db squats and deads, but u wont b able to do as much weight.

Try them out bro, and u may find u prefer them to BB!

Title: Re: best lifts for size?
Post by: cauthon on November 02, 2006, 01:01:13 PM
DB are especially good if you have a left right imbalance in your development. This forces your weak side to work as hard as your right side and will in time reduce/remove your imbalance
Title: Re: best lifts for size?
Post by: Oldschool Flip on November 02, 2006, 08:06:48 PM
The great advantage to dumbells is the comfort factor. Barbells sometimes bother people on certain exercises like flat barbell benching or incline barbell benching. Being able to turn your palms towards your body helps to relieve shoulder tension and also for some makes it possible to at least do some pressing movements without causing pain. The ONLY drawback to heavy dumbell work is, trying to find dumbells heavy enough to work out with, and in the case of pressing movements, hoisting them up to starting position.
Title: Re: best lifts for size?
Post by: GoneAway on November 03, 2006, 05:04:28 AM
Best lifts are probably compound movements, since they involve alot of muscle being used simultaeniously. Also things that involve power, like bench press or clean and press.
Title: Re: best lifts for size?
Post by: XS on November 27, 2006, 03:50:43 PM
i know the basics, squats, deads, bench, incline bench, pull ups, rows and all that good shit.  what i am asking is, is there a benefit to doing db for any of these, specifically rows, and bench?

Add High pulls, Power cleans, Standing Push Presses and Dips. Yes db's are great.  If you are new to the game, just focus on these and have fun. Eat big and focus on technique and biomechanics. Don't exhibit strength, build it.. Have fun......
Title: Re: best lifts for size?
Post by: wishtobbigger on November 27, 2006, 03:55:55 PM
i personally like to mix it up depending on the feeling of my joints for some reason some days hurt my joints doing either one  or the other. but i really prefer dbs for the pulling movements and bb for the pressing just my own preference don't know if one works better but i like it either way