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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: NoCalBbEr on January 03, 2007, 07:59:27 PM

Title: what do you guys thin?
Post by: NoCalBbEr on January 03, 2007, 07:59:27 PM
hey guys
what do you guys think about a split like is :
mon chest/abs
tues back/forearms
wed quads
thur hams /calves
fri shoulders/trap
sta arms
sunday off

ii'm starting to feel that I do better with more training sessions..  and I'm hungrier now... b/c I see some improvement in muscle mass.. I'm training to try six days but hit everything once a week.. with 12 total working per bodypart, of course abs,calves and traps are hit with  6 sets.. what do you guys think???

Thanks guys