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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Cap on February 10, 2007, 10:22:58 PM

Title: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 10, 2007, 10:22:58 PM
Honestly, I mean what does it say about the people of NY?  Now people want her to be President.  Seriously now people think she is qualified to be President?  Maybe someone should tell her to raise, not lower, police and fire department pay.  That'll show she has some smarts by taking care of the people that protect citizens.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 10, 2007, 10:33:19 PM
Honestly, I mean what does it say about the people of NY?  Now people want her to be President.  Seriously now people think she is qualified to be President?  Maybe someone should tell her to raise, not lower, police and fire department pay.  That'll show she has some smarts by taking care of the people that protect citizens.

I have seriously despised Hilary from day one.  She's condescending, treats people like commodoties, is phony, power-hungry, etc.

But, she's lived through 8 years of the White House and 6 as a Senator, so she has seen firsthand how to run a nation and handle crisii, and she has worked the last 6 years to establish her senate relationships she needs when prez.

Above all - and as I bashed the man for 8 years, it hurts to say this - she brings with her Bill Clinton, an ex-president who looks like 24 ct gold, after the mess Bush has made.   Clinton spent 8 years in teh same mess Bush 41 and 43 did - he just managed not to start wars over it.

The US' credibility is shot.  Absolutely.  You're uneducated if you argue it's not, and you're stupid if you believe it doesn't matter.  it matters a lot.  Clinton might actually restore that, as world leaders anxious to talk to us might see her as the opposite of Bush.

I'm really sad writing this.  I've voted Bush, Bush, Dole, Bush, Bush in my lifetime.  I believe that we need to restore some balance to the nation, and a dem would do that.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 10, 2007, 10:35:42 PM
I have seriously despised Hilary from day one.  She's condescending, treats people like commodoties, is phony, power-hungry, etc.

But, she's lived through 8 years of the White House and 6 as a Senator, so she has seen firsthand how to run a nation and handle crisii, and she has worked the last 6 years to establish her senate relationships she needs when prez.

Above all - and as I bashed the man for 8 years, it hurts to say this - she brings with her Bill Clinton, an ex-president who looks like 24 ct gold, after the mess Bush has made.   Clinton spent 8 years in teh same mess Bush 41 and 43 did - he just managed not to start wars over it.

The US' credibility is shot.  Absolutely.  You're uneducated if you argue it's not, and you're stupid if you believe it doesn't matter.  it matters a lot.  Clinton might actually restore that, as world leaders anxious to talk to us might see her as the opposite of Bush.

I'm really sad writing this.  I've voted Bush, Bush, Dole, Bush, Bush in my lifetime.  I believe that we need to restore some balance to the nation, and a dem would do that.

I believe a Dem will raise our taxes, fuck up the illegal immgration issue even more and generally waste our money.  I think around the world we are despised, no revelation there.  However, a woman president like her will keep up that trend.  With the likely conflicts with NK, Iran and China I doubt she will get the job done as effectively as needed.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Count Grishnackh on February 10, 2007, 10:41:17 PM
I have seriously despised Hilary from day one.  She's condescending, treats people like commodoties, is phony, power-hungry, etc.

But, she's lived through 8 years of the White House and 6 as a Senator, so she has seen firsthand how to run a nation and handle crisii, and she has worked the last 6 years to establish her senate relationships she needs when prez.

Above all - and as I bashed the man for 8 years, it hurts to say this - she brings with her Bill Clinton, an ex-president who looks like 24 ct gold, after the mess Bush has made.   Clinton spent 8 years in teh same mess Bush 41 and 43 did - he just managed not to start wars over it.

The US' credibility is shot.  Absolutely.  You're uneducated if you argue it's not, and you're stupid if you believe it doesn't matter.  it matters a lot.  Clinton might actually restore that, as world leaders anxious to talk to us might see her as the opposite of Bush.

I'm really sad writing this.  I've voted Bush, Bush, Dole, Bush, Bush in my lifetime.  I believe that we need to restore some balance to the nation, and a dem would do that.

Excellent post, I don't think the US credibility is shot, but it has taken a beating and the Bush administration couldn't really have done worse if they started out with a blueprint to fail.

It's a lock a Dem will be President in '08 and it's even more of a lock that Hillary will soundly defeat any challengers.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 10, 2007, 10:42:28 PM
I believe a Dem will raise our taxes, f**k up the illegal immgration issue even more and generally waste our money.  I think around the world we are despised, no revelation there.  However, a woman president like her will keep up that trend.  With the likely conflicts with NK, Iran and China I doubt she will get the job done as effectively as needed.

1) Dems will raise taxes on the rich first, and by a much larger total % of total income.  Bush and the repubs have given great breaks to corps and top earners which hilary will end.  That stigma of "more taxes" should be a candle in the sun compared to the 180 MILLION we're spending each day in iraq.  The US is seriously spending too much money.

2. How can the dems fk up the illegal immigration issue more?  We have an open border now.  Will they make it MORE open?  Come on dude.  Immigration is a distraction issue, the nation needs the labor, and bush has had 6 years to fix the border and hasn't done sheeeeit.  

Hilary is calling for negotiations with our enemies.  Bush refuses it.  I can't see you arguing "she'll likely keep that trend" when she'll talk and they wont.

The rest of the world sees us taking down one nation at a time for resources.  They're not dumb.  Putin just told the world that Bush is taking over one nation at a time.  You think they don't want hilary?  They're PRAYING for a Clinton in the white house.  We had no major wars on his dime.  We're looking at one every 3 years with Bush :(
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Count Grishnackh on February 10, 2007, 10:44:55 PM
The rest of the world sees us taking down one nation at a time for resources.  

That is exactly how it is viewed.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 10, 2007, 10:47:10 PM
Excellent post, I don't think the US credibility is shot, but it has taken a beating and the Bush administration couldn't really have done worse if they started out with a blueprint to fail.

As you may know, I follow the conspiracy boards :)  

911 issue is blowing up worldwide.  it's in london and other euro papers at least once a week, Loose change is on tv, and google video has loose change as #1 watched in many of those nations, with 100,000s a week seeing it.

What does this mean? It means tthose govts are attempting to "let the cat out of the bag" by letting their media cover it.  They're trying to turn their citizens against america.  Huge shift there - the govts had been just 'playing along' in the name of security.  Suddenly tho - we have a hit list and many fear they're on it.  Jordan (INCREDIBLE strategic position for Israel) just told us they're building nukes.  They don't want us moving in there to crush lebanon to the sea in 5 years.

The world knows we attacked ourselves, and they're seeing WHY now.  We have a checklist and it's moving along nicely.  Russia calling us out.  China shooting down a Sat.  Everyone dropped the dollar last year (Rus, China, malasia!)

We have a horrible rep and they are backing away from us.  It's bad.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: GroinkTropin on February 10, 2007, 11:36:02 PM
Both clintons have law degrees, this is the general trend in politics these days. That and being in the right family. Hillary is evil, I hope she doesnt get the nomination.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 10, 2007, 11:37:26 PM
Both clintons have law degrees, this is the general trend in politics these days. That and being in the right family. Hillary is evil, I hope she doesnt get the nomination.

I don't follow.  Bush has started wars and lied to us.  Hilary hasn't done anything.  Bill was a scumbag, but kept us out of war and the econonmy was good.  The US is going into serious debt right now as you know.

Do you thing by changing things, she'll make things WORSE? 
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Dos Equis on February 10, 2007, 11:58:21 PM
Both clintons have law degrees, this is the general trend in politics these days. That and being in the right family. Hillary is evil, I hope she doesnt get the nomination.

That's a common perception of Hillary and helps explain why I think she will suffer in the general election. 
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Count Grishnackh on February 11, 2007, 12:27:49 AM
That's a common perception of Hillary and helps explain why I think she will suffer in the general election. 

With another Bush, there WILL be no middle class by 2012.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 11, 2007, 05:09:38 AM
No Hillary... No Hillary... :P  But I don't think you need to have been prepared to be a politician.  Joe who owns the local garage would make a better politician more often than some wealthy brat groomed to rule who graduated from Yale.  If Joe has a good showing with his first office held, then he's got something to stand on.  Hillary is a senator... what has the bitch done? If it's good, I can't take that away, but her attitude still sucks...  eh... so does the attitude of most senators... show me one who comes across less arrogant... There may be a few but most of them are elitist assholes.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 24KT on February 11, 2007, 05:56:54 AM
Hilary is EXTREMELY accomplished and was the driving force behind Clinton's ascent to the presidency.
That is a well established fact, known by both those who applaud her, as well as her detractors.
From day 1, hilary's desire to be in the oval office was known, and it was for this reason she has been a favourite target of the right, ...because they know she has the formidable will to achieve it.

Hilary started her life as a right wing conservative Republican in the northern suburbs of Illinois. Along the line, sometime in highschool, her teacher made an avowed Democrat argue a Republican platform against Hilary, and made Hilary, then a republican, debate the Democratic platform against her opponent. Somewhere along the line, her eyes opened. She came from an era when the only way a woman could enter the White house, was as a spouse. Even Bill Clinton's detractors within the Democratic party viewed Hilary as their greatest asset because they knew Hilary would keep Bill to the left.

Don't discount her because she's ambitious. The very qualities for which she is disparaged, are the very same qualities applauded in male candidates. I don't think she could do any worse than Bush, in fact, I think she would turn sorely needed attention to America's mounting domestic issues and most likely solve quite a few of them.

I know she comes across as a cold, cold woman, ...but I believe that's the public face and does not mirror the real Hilary. I once saw her on the Oprah show, and I was blown away by the warmth she exuded. It was truly a glimpse into the woman herself, and it left me with the distinct impression the woman has one hell of a heart. Having a head of state with both a heart and a brain, and the ability to use both simultaneously is not a bad thing. It would most certainly be a breath of fresh air after living through 8 yrs of a President with neither.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 11, 2007, 06:07:42 AM
Hilary is EXTREMELY accomplished and was the driving force behind Clinton's ascent to the presidency.
No, that was pretty much Ross Perot bitchslapping Herbert ;D

ahahahha... I just remembered this:
Star Trek The Way to Eden: Herbert (slang)- Anyone who shows a rigid authority; derived from the name of a twentieth-century minor official notorious for his limited pattern of thought.

Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 24KT on February 11, 2007, 06:17:21 AM
No, that was pretty much Ross Perot bitchslapping Herbert ;D

I wasn't refering to the '92 presidential race, ...I meant the entire journey... Bill's ascent up the ladder.
She's also a skilled money mgr. as well having turned a $1,000 investment into $100,000. Considering the state of the US economy, having someone in the Oval office with fiscal sense can only be a good thing.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 11, 2007, 06:18:39 AM
I wasn't refering to the '92 presidential race, ...I meant the entire journey... Bill's ascent up the ladder.
She's also a skilled money mgr. as well having turned a $1,000 investment into $100,000. Considering the state of the US economy, having someone in the Oval office with fiscal sense can only be a good thing.
I was being funny, don't ruin it for me... hey check out my revised post :P
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 11, 2007, 06:20:57 AM
Hillary would be so much better after having Bush, that's for sure, but so far my vote is for Obama... that may chance but that's where I'm at now.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 24KT on February 11, 2007, 06:35:52 AM
Hillary would be so much better after having Bush, that's for sure, but so far my vote is for Obama... that may chance but that's where I'm at now.

I hear ya, I would vote for him too before Hilary.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Victor VonDoom on February 11, 2007, 07:01:34 AM
Honestly, I mean what does it say about the people of NY?  Now people want her to be President.  Seriously now people think she is qualified to be President?  Maybe someone should tell her to raise, not lower, police and fire department pay.  That'll show she has some smarts by taking care of the people that protect citizens.

You are a cretin for even posing that question, but 240 is Back sufficiently answered it.  I suppose you thought Bush was accomplished enough to inspire confidence.  Bush was recently judged by several historians as one of, if not the worst U.S. president.

Yes, taxes will be raised.  As they should be.  They never should have been cut.  Or do you honestly think that a responsible leader cuts taxes during war and runs up the biggest debt it the county’s history only to pass on the debt for future generations?

But, she's lived through 8 years of the White House and 6 as a Senator, so she has seen firsthand how to run a nation and handle crisii, and she has worked the last 6 years to establish her senate relationships she needs when prez.

Above all - and as I bashed the man for 8 years, it hurts to say this - she brings with her Bill Clinton, an ex-president who looks like 24 ct gold, after the mess Bush has made.   Clinton spent 8 years in teh same mess Bush 41 and 43 did - he just managed not to start wars over it.

The US' credibility is shot.  Absolutely.  You're uneducated if you argue it's not, and you're stupid if you believe it doesn't matter.  it matters a lot.  Clinton might actually restore that, as world leaders anxious to talk to us might see her as the opposite of Bush.

I'm really sad writing this.  I've voted Bush, Bush, Dole, Bush, Bush in my lifetime.  I believe that we need to restore some balance to the nation, and a dem would do that.

You have a brain, and you are using it.  Good. You are beginning to redeem yourself, but Bah!

Doom still disapproves.

Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 11, 2007, 07:31:29 AM
I don't follow.  Bush has started wars and lied to us.  Hilary hasn't done anything.  Bill was a scumbag, but kept us out of war and the econonmy was good.  The US is going into serious debt right now as you know.

Do you thing by changing things, she'll make things WORSE? 
Your boy Clinton went into Kosovo so he wasn't innocent and his dumb ass didn't kill Osama when he had the chance.

Dems could very easily raise taxes and spend it on the fucking illegals, even more so than now.  It is possible.  If they are gonna pull troops (which they probably should) maybe the new president will send in mercs to start offing people for us.

I think she will be worse for this country.  Cutting police and fire pay shows she is no better than any other Dems.  That money will likely go to those who don't work to earn their damn money.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 07:56:21 AM
Your boy Clinton went into Kosovo so he wasn't innocent and his dumb ass didn't kill Osama when he had the chance.

You shoulda seen me bashing Clinton back then dude.  I seriously couldn't stand him.  But if you look at the bigger trends - economy and war - you see something big.  Kosovo was a small war event - we got in and out then turned over the effort to the UN.  What did Bush do after taking baghdad in a month? He REFUSED the UN's offer to be the maintenance force.  Those 3000 that have died since we "won" - those could have been UN forces.  Bush told them no thanks. 

Dems could very easily raise taxes and spend it on the fucking illegals, even more so than now.  It is possible.  If they are gonna pull troops (which they probably should) maybe the new president will send in mercs to start offing people for us.

Dems "COULD"?  You're reaching now, bro.  Dems "COULD" spend the rent money on magic beans.  I'm talking about the bad chioces Bush HAS made, and you're playing hypotheticals.  And we already have the mercs there dude.  Bush just won't pull our troops from the cities because that would mean less $ spent on war costs, and Bush is heavily influenced by defense contractors.  That $180 mil a day we're spending makes some people very rich.

I think she will be worse for this country.  Cutting police and fire pay shows she is no better than any other Dems.  That money will likely go to those who don't work to earn their damn money.

Likely?   Again, you're creating potential scenarios.  And no offense, but if the worst thing she's done in the last  years is "lower police pay", I'm okay with that.  Compared to "start 2 or 3 wars based on lies", Hilary isn't so bad.  Obviously I don't like her.  But she is a better alternative for turning around the negative slide we're on.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: pumpster on February 11, 2007, 08:00:58 AM
-Thankfully, Hillary consistently receives very high negatives from large portions of the populace, so her chances of running let alone winning aren't great. ;D High visceral, negative reactions because even moderate, reasonable political commentators like Andrew Sullivan who should normally be in her camp finds her skin-crawlingly repugnant and say so without hesitation.

-If she won, it would basically amount to two (2) families controlling the presidency over the last two decades. Pathetic..this is the best this country can come up with?

-I don't think she's at all qualified to be a good leader.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 11, 2007, 08:13:00 AM
You post tons of COULD HAVE HAPPENED scenarios and your jumping don my throat. Look in the mirror Conspiracy Brother.  You're whole "truth" is placed on Could Haves.  Don't give me all this shit about possibilities and what people thought they saw or heard.  I guess KH's knowledge of what happens in those scenarios is worthless.  You are no Repub or conservative.  You twist us into thinking that to save face.  If you think Clinton never lied then you are a moron.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 08:38:11 AM
You post tons of COULD HAVE HAPPENED scenarios and your jumping don my throat. Look in the mirror Conspiracy Brother.  You're whole "truth" is placed on Could Haves.  Don't give me all this shit about possibilities and what people thought they saw or heard.  I guess KH's knowledge of what happens in those scenarios is worthless.  You are no Repub or conservative.  You twist us into thinking that to save face.  If you think Clinton never lied then you are a moron.

You're all over the place here.

Clinton is a big fat liar.  Everyone knows there.  Where did I say he wasn't?  Sounds like you're trying to turn a debate on the Bush past vs. hilary future, into a "conspiracy theorists who defends clinton who sucks" attack. 

Let's talk about WHAT HAS HAPPENED :)  Bush has fucked things up.  Period.  We're losing two wars in nations where we own the govt.  That's embarassing.  We're spending $180m a day on war borrowing.  But you're bothered more about "Will hilary maybe lower police pay?"  Poor argument.

I AM a republican.  I voted for both Bush's and one Dole in the presidential elections, so it really has taken a lot for me to admit my party currently has messed things up bigtime.  I've voted repub my entire life, but YOU have the audacity to say I'm not one, because I don't back the current hijacking of the party?  Sounds like you don't understand the tenets of the party.  When I was running mock school debates in the 8th grade (Bush vs Dukakis), you were prob still in training pants :)  SO I know my party.  And Bush isn't it :(
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 11, 2007, 08:44:45 AM
We are losing wars because of how we are fighting them.  Period.  Please don't try and act like you have more knowledge on that subject because you will lose.  We are not an occupying force and that is why were losing.  We send in 18 year old Marines to do a job that Mercs and Spec Ops should be doing with limited Conventional Forces.  Having Mercs guard our interests, whatever they are, (oil, Democracy, etc) would be more cost efficient and the bleeding hearts could shut up.  We would not be fighting Al Qeada in the deserts right now if it wasn't for Mr. Clinton. 
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 08:53:49 AM
We are losing wars because of how we are fighting them.  Period. 

I agree.

Who is to blame for our choice of the last 7 war strategies we've employed in iraq?

Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 08:54:52 AM
We are not an occupying force and that is why were losing. 

We are not an occupying force?

Dude, we are - by definition - an occupying force in Iraq right now. 

Are you sniffing Elmers today or what?
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 08:56:28 AM
Having Mercs guard our interests, whatever they are, (oil, Democracy, etc) would be more cost efficient

Paying a mercinary $1500 a day is more cost-efficient than paying some 18-year old private $22k a year?

Dude, send me your address, I'm sending you a calculator for Christmas.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 08:58:21 AM
We would not be fighting Al Qeada in the deserts right now if it wasn't for Mr. Clinton. 

Here we go again with "blame Clinton" shit.

Dude, Bush has had 6 years, a blank war check, 200k men, and a trillion dollars to beat Al Quida.

He hasn't been able to do it.

Now if you REALLY want to go back, we can talk about Reagan CREATING al quida in the mid-80s, but I don't think you want to go there.  A dem failed to destroy what a repub created and another repub cannot destroy?

man, the arguements from you are thin. 
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 24KT on February 11, 2007, 09:03:20 AM

Paying a mercinary $1500 a day is more cost-efficient than paying some 18-year old private $22k a year?

Dude, send me your address, I'm sending you a calculator for Christmas.

{LOL} Better make it for Valentine's. Christmas is too far off, ...and he needs help FAST!
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 24KT on February 11, 2007, 09:06:34 AM
Here we go again with "blame Clinton" shit.

Dude, Bush has had 6 years, a blank war check, 200k men, and a trillion dollars to beat Al Quida.

He hasn't been able to do it.

Now if you REALLY want to go back, we can talk about Reagan CREATING al quida in the mid-80s, but I don't think you want to go there.  A dem failed to destroy what a repub created and another repub cannot destroy?

man, the arguements from you are thin. 

Was gonna point out the Reagan / Bush 41 connection, but you beat me to it.

When the Reagan left office, his buddies bought him a home in BelAir. The address was 666.
We all thought it was pretty appropriate at the time. They later petitioned the city to change the number to 665.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 11, 2007, 09:08:56 AM
We are not an occupying force?

Dude, we are - by definition - an occupying force in Iraq right now. 

Are you sniffing Elmers today or what?
First of all answer in one post.

Now....we cannot sustain an occupational force because 18 year olds are not trained for it.

Paying Mercs, who have battle experience (most ex Spec Ops) and want to kill and are good at it is better than losing a bunch of undertained grunts who can't handle their shit.  Marines are nothing special dude.  So instead of paying for more Marines to be trained and shipped overseas, yes it is cost effective.

Clinton could have been the savior and cut out the leader when he had the chance.  I guess that doesn't mean shit to you over your hatred of Bush.

The success of the war is a result of who we send into to do battles and until the MILITARY as a whole realize that we no longer fight conventional wars, then we will not easily win battles like this.

Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 11, 2007, 09:12:14 AM
{LOL} Better make it for Valentine's. Christmas is too far off, ...and he needs help FAST!
Seriously, blow me.  Believe what you want. 

If HIlary was the driving force behind what Bill did then I think she's even less qualified. 
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: OneBigMan on February 11, 2007, 09:17:46 AM
One of the only ways you can qualify this lady is if you want to partially or completely separate her from the impeachment of Billy boy Clinton.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 24KT on February 11, 2007, 09:36:10 AM
Seriously, blow me.  Believe what you want.

but Valentine's Day is only 4 days away. Christmas is 11 months away. Which is sooner?
Oh ya... I forgot... you can't count fer shit.  ;D 

If HIlary was the driving force behind what Bill did then I think she's even less qualified. 

You mean what Bill did as in "take a shitty economy and turning it around"? in "presiding over the longest peacetime economic expansion in history"? in "lowest unemployment rates in years"? in "record budget surplusses"? in "restoring consumer confidence"?

I'll admit Hilary is less qualified to fulfill the Republican agenda.
They apparently don't believe in peacetime economic expansion.
They don't believe in peace or economic expansion.
They believe in high unemployment, record deficits, and dead Americans etc.,  :'(
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 11, 2007, 09:42:25 AM
Fuck you and your liberal mindset.  I bet you think I should pay for Illegal Mexicans, their children and all the fuking lazy ass people in my country that suck off my taxes.  Get your head straight. I can count perfectly fine thank you.

I'll admit Hilary is less qualified to fulfill the Republican agenda.  Go fuck yourself
They apparently don't believe in peacetime economic expansion.  Clinton went into Kosovo
They don't believe in peace or economic expansion.  Clinton went into Kosovo
They believe in high unemployment, record deficits, and dead Americans etc.,  :'( Kosovo?  People were still poor with him. 
Keep spewing your bullshit.  Clinton was a fuck up and just took more money out of my American pockets.  More taxes equals les deficit but it doesn't make it necessarily better for families in terms of money in their pockets.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 24KT on February 11, 2007, 09:52:59 AM
f**k you and your liberal mindset.  I bet you think I should pay for Illegal Mexicans, their children and all the fuking lazy ass people in my country that suck off my taxes.  Get your head straight. I can count perfectly fine thank you.

Then how come you didn't know Valentine's Day was coming sooner than Christmas was?

Keep spewing your bullshit.  Clinton was a f**k up and just took more money out of my American pockets.  More taxes equals les deficit but it doesn't make it necessarily better for families in terms of money in their pockets.

Clinton took more money out of your pocket? Now who's spewing BS?  :-\
You were still in gradeschool when Clinton was in office.

And yes, under Clinton families had more in terms of jobs to go to, as well as money to save, spend, invest, and tax.

ps - I hope 240 sends you a genuine Texas Instruments calculator (Made in China)
pps - For best results with the calculator you have to turn it ON first, and crunch accurate numbers.  ;D
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 11, 2007, 10:03:41 AM
Hahaha.  When did I ever respond to the Xmas/Valentine comment?  I didn't you ignorant whore.

Seriously, get over yourselves.  So if all these families were better off then why didn't more votes go Gore's way in every state?  States where welfare recipients reside.  My tax dollars should not support some lazy fucker who doesn't want to work i.e. whit trash Hicks and many many blacks.  These people bitch about places like New York having no jobs.  Well....then move goddamit.  Don't make me pay for someone else's bullshit.  Money should go to the deserving, not the waste in society who don' try.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 24KT on February 11, 2007, 10:12:16 AM
Hahaha.  When did I ever respond to the Xmas/Valentine comment?  I didn't you ignorant whore.

Scroll up to reply 32. I wouldn't throw out the charge of whore unless you can prove such a claim.

Seriously, get over yourselves. 

Actually I think you need to get over yourself. 
Tell us all again how your tax dollars while in grammar school was used to payout welfare recipients.
So if all these families were better off then why didn't more votes go Gore's way in every state?  States where welfare recipients reside.  My tax dollars should not support some lazy fucker who doesn't want to work i.e. whit trash Hicks and many many blacks.  These people bitch about places like New York having no jobs.  Well....then move goddamit.  Don't make me pay for someone else's bullshit.  Money should go to the deserving, not the waste in society who don' try.

Actual votes didn't count in 2000... or more accurately, the votes weren't actually counted.  :D
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 11, 2007, 10:17:34 AM
Scroll up to reply 32. I wouldn't throw out the charge of whore unless you can prove such a claim.

Actually I think you need to get over yourself. 
Tell us all again how your tax dollars while in grammar school was used to payout welfare recipients.
Actual votes didn't count in 2000... or more accurately, the votes weren't actually counted.  :D
"our" tax dollars meant US citizens, of which you are not included you moron.

You mean the way they tried not to count over seas ballots of troops?
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 11, 2007, 10:20:20 AM
I'm sure Hilary will fuck up the military, lie (just like many others) and give away secrets just like her "hubby" did. 
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 11, 2007, 10:22:40 AM
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 24KT on February 11, 2007, 10:37:17 AM
ahhh whatsa matter little cappy?

You havin' a meltdown?  ...need a diaper change? out of vaseline and got a callus on your right hand?

Tell Jaggy whatsa matter?  :-*
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 10:51:25 AM

you're really embarassing yourself here dude.

Jag is listing a great deal of facts.  You have a link to a tv show.

Sure, let's concede that Clinton didn't kill OBL when he could have, okay.

But why did Bush let him and his 1000 car caravan escape along the unguarded and unbombed north road from tora bora?  remember when all the generals were going apeshit on FOX and CNN every night?  Bush LET HIM ESCAPE and this is common knowledge.

So yes - clinton screwed up.  But he doesn't work here anymore.  Bush does!
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 24KT on February 11, 2007, 11:30:27 AM

you're really embarassing yourself here dude.

Jag is listing a great deal of facts.  You have a link to a tv show.

Sure, let's concede that Clinton didn't kill OBL when he could have, okay.

But why did Bush let him and his 1000 car caravan escape along the unguarded and unbombed north road from tora bora?  remember when all the generals were going apeshit on FOX and CNN every night?  Bush LET HIM ESCAPE and this is common knowledge.

So yes - clinton screwed up.  But he doesn't work here anymore.  Bush does!

Clinton didn't screw up, ...he just didn't succeed if his efforts to kill OBL. At least Clinton tried, Bush didn't!
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 11:33:32 AM
yeah, that is a divisive issue that was put out there for people to argue about it while ignoring the facts, so I concede it, and challenge cap86 to concede Bush let Osama escape.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Camel Jockey on February 11, 2007, 12:28:00 PM
I believe a Dem will raise our taxes, f**k up the illegal immgration issue even more and generally waste our money.

What have Bush and republicans done about illegal immigration? Jackshit!
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Dos Equis on February 11, 2007, 12:31:58 PM
-Thankfully, Hillary consistently receives very high negatives from large portions of the populace, so her chances of running let alone winning aren't great. ;D High visceral, negative reactions because even moderate, reasonable political commentators like Andrew Sullivan who should normally be in her camp finds her skin-crawlingly repugnant and say so without hesitation.

I agree, except I don't consider Sullivan a moderate. 
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Camel Jockey on February 11, 2007, 12:37:21 PM

Seriously, get over yourselves.  So if all these families were better off then why didn't more votes go Gore's way in every state?  States where welfare recipients reside.  My tax dollars should not support some lazy fucker who doesn't want to work i.e. whit trash Hicks and many many blacks.  These people bitch about places like New York having no jobs.  Well....then move goddamit.  Don't make me pay for someone else's bullshit.  Money should go to the deserving, not the waste in society who don' try.

Well, you melted down, but you did make some good points. I don't want my tax dollars going to feed worthless fucks and illegals either, but it looks like I don't have a fucking choice. I live in NY and I'm so sick of the bs here, the preferential treatment that goes to blacks and hispanics is sickening. You cannot even say anything to these people without being deemed racist. I went to the DMV the other day and the people working there were so fucking rude, I wonder how they even got their jobs? And you can guess what kind of people they were... It's also the same shit with the MTA(subway and trains). If we didn't have pussy apologist politicians in office, then we wouldn't this garbage and people would be rewarded based upon merit.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 11, 2007, 12:39:42 PM
ahhh whatsa matter little cappy?

You havin' a meltdown?  ...need a diaper change? out of vaseline and got a callus on your right hand?

Tell Jaggy whatsa matter?  :-*
Whatever JAGoff.  ::)


you're really embarassing yourself here dude.

Jag is listing a great deal of facts.  You have a link to a tv show.

Sure, let's concede that Clinton didn't kill OBL when he could have, okay.

But why did Bush let him and his 1000 car caravan escape along the unguarded and unbombed north road from tora bora?  remember when all the generals were going apeshit on FOX and CNN every night?  Bush LET HIM ESCAPE and this is common knowledge.

So yes - clinton screwed up.  But he doesn't work here anymore.  Bush does!
I'm embarassing  myself?  Coming from the guy who spends his entire days online masturbating to Conspiracy theories, that's rich.  You are just trying to get a rise out of people. You post zero facts and unsubstantiated claims.  Get real, get some facts and get a life.  You dismiss SCIENTIFIC facts about buildings and facts about politics and then it's all Bush conspiracies.  Get real dude.  Clinton fucked this country way more than BUsh and we are still dealing with it.

You guys can seriously kiss my ass with this meltdown stuff.  You guys can't handle that someone doesn't stand for your crap and lies.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 12:41:14 PM


how old are you?

We've fed you nothing but facts and you haven't addressed a single one.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 11, 2007, 12:43:45 PM


how old are you?

We've fed you nothing but facts and you haven't addressed a single one.

Hahaha.  What that Clinton isn't Pres.  Okay, here's the answer.  I know.

Answer all of mine.  Oh wait, you can't and won't.  Niether of you will.  You're a historian.  You should know that the past matters just like the present.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 24KT on February 11, 2007, 12:44:56 PM
Well, you melted down, but you did make some good points. I don't want my tax dollars going to feed worthless fucks and illegals either, but it looks like I don't have a fucking choice. I live in NY and I'm so sick of the bs here, the preferential treatment that goes to blacks and hispanics is sickening. You cannot even say anything to these people without being deemed racist. I went to the DMV the other day and the people working there were so fucking rude, I wonder how they even got their jobs? And you can guess what kind of people they were... It's also the same shit with the MTA(subway and trains). If we didn't have pussy apologist politicians in office, then we wouldn't this garbage and people would be rewarded based upon merit.

The bottom line is your tax dollars are going to go someone.
It may be rich contractors in Iraq, war profiteers, or to army thieves in iraq, it may go to making a nice football for the troops, or a $70 million dollars feces & urine contaminated and uninhabitable building in the middle of the desert ...all set to be blown up, ...or it could go to poor American slobs on welfare, who will simply turn around and put it right back into the economy to improve conditions at home.  It might actually go towards healthcare, so you won't have to worry about catching TB the next time you get on the MTA. Either way... you ain't keeping it.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Camel Jockey on February 11, 2007, 12:46:13 PM
Clinton fucked this country way more than BUsh and we are still dealing with it.

hahahahaha  ;D teh funny!

Seriously, are you a fucking idiot or what? Use your head.. Clinton gave this country 10 years of prosperity and growth. Bush had started an illegal war and now we're in a stalemate. He's made this country less safe and even passed legislation to strip people of their civil liberties.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 12:47:31 PM

the past matters, but guess what - clinton is powerless to change anything.

Bush has all the power in the world, and is just doing the same thing he's been doing for 5 years:

Engage in a stalled war while spending $200 mil a day on it

Why?  1) Install pipeline and bases  2) lines pockets of defense contractors, which Cheney IS and which got bush into office.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 12:48:49 PM
Clinton fucked this country way more than BUsh and we are still dealing with it.

Clinton was a scumbag liar and a phony.  yes.

But the economy, our safety, our dead soldiers...

CLinton did far better than Bush. 

You realllllly believe that the wars, the debt, etc... how was clinton worse?
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 11, 2007, 12:49:32 PM
hahahahaha  ;D teh funny!

Seriously, are you a fucking idiot or what? Use your head.. Clinton gave this country 10 years of prosperity and growth. Bush had started an illegal war and now we're in a stalemate. He's made this country less safe and even passed legislation to strip people of their civil liberties. away military secrets to many countries.  Yea, good plan.  Do you enjoy a lot of taxes and less spending that can go into the economy?  That's a Democrat view.  I bet he helped balanced the budget with money from all the illegal back dealings with the Chinese and Iranians.

Nobody need to reelect him Rob.  Maybe people should wake up if they believe in something.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 24KT on February 11, 2007, 12:53:52 PM
hahahahaha  ;D teh funny!

Seriously, are you a fucking idiot or what? Use your head.. Clinton gave this country 10 years of prosperity and growth. Bush had started an illegal war and now we're in a stalemate. He's made this country less safe and even passed legislation to strip people of their civil liberties.

He's too young to have any clue. He wasn't around under Carter, ...had no idea how badly Reagonomics under Reagan/Bush and Bush/whatshisface  messed up the country and the economy. Clinton brought it all back.

What was that dolt VP under Bush 41? I forget his name. He was such an imbecilic lobotomized moron
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Camel Jockey on February 11, 2007, 12:54:38 PM away military secrets to many countries.  Yea, good plan.  Do you enjoy a lot of taxes and less spending that can go into the economy?  That's a Democrat view.  I bet he helped balanced the budget with money from all the illegal back dealings with the Chinese and Iranians.

Nobody need to reelect him Rob.  Maybe people should wake up if they believe in something.

No of course I don't enjoy more taxes. But are Americans really better off these days than they were in the Clinton days? and I'm talking real dollars here, not nomial.

Bush has ruined this country's reputation in the long run. Thanks to him everyone hates us, and that is a serious problem whether you want to admit it or not. Before the Iraq war ALOT had a favorable opinion of this country, but now alot of people think of this country as world police willing to do whatever the fuck they want. This can't be a good thing here..
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 12:55:26 PM



Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 24KT on February 11, 2007, 12:58:10 PM



Ya, ...that was the imbecilic lobotomized moron. He must have been real grateful for Bush 43
At least he'll have company in the annals of history when they write about the biggest idiots in power  :D
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Camel Jockey on February 11, 2007, 12:58:58 PM
He's too young to have any clue. He wasn't around under Carter, ...had no idea how badly Reagonomics under Reagan/Bush and Bush/whatshisface  messed up the country and the economy. Clinton brought it all back.

What was that dolt VP under Bush 41? I forget his name. He was such an imbecilic lobotomized moron

You make a good point, Jag. Under Regan and his military keynesianism, this country did have a huge debt. Clinton helped erased that debt. Bush is doing the same thing, increased military spending and tax cuts for the rich. I wonder who will erase the debt this time around?
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 24KT on February 11, 2007, 01:01:02 PM
You make a good point, Jag. Under Regan and his military keynesianism, this country did have a huge debt. Clinton helped erased that debt. Bush is doing the same thing, increased military spending and tax cuts for the rich. I wonder who will erase the debt this time around?

Your great grandkids as they slave away paying fealty to the European bankers who now own your country
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 11, 2007, 01:01:38 PM
No of course I don't enjoy more taxes. But are Americans really better off these days than they were in the Clinton days? and I'm talking real dollars here, not nomial.

Bush has ruined this country's reputation in the long run. Thanks to him everyone hates us, and that is a serious problem whether you want to admit it or not. Before the Iraq war ALOT had a favorable opinion of this country, but now alot of people think of this country as world police willing to do whatever the f**k they want. This can't be a good thing here..
Everyone wants us to be the world police when it's in their interest but then they become turncoats when they are not affected.  If France, Spain, etc were in trouble they would call us.  We get lambasted every time we don't help a country out or send aid.  Fuck them then.  If they don't like how we do things in one situation then don't ask for our help.  We get shit from everyone even when we do help so it's a lose/lose situation.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 24KT on February 11, 2007, 01:04:18 PM
Everyone wants us to be the world police when it's in their interest but then they become turncoats when they are not affected.  If France, Spain, etc were in trouble they would call us.  We get lambasted every time we don't help a country out or send aid.  f**k them then.  If they don't like how we do things in one situation then don't ask for our help.  We get shit from everyone even when we do help so it's a lose/lose situation.

{ROTFLMAO}  When the F**CK did the Iraqi's ask for America's? 
You really need to sit this one out.  ;D
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 01:07:05 PM
NO ONE wants us to be the world police.

Iraqis want us OUT!
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 11, 2007, 01:12:06 PM
{ROTFLMAO}  When the F**CK did the Iraqi's ask for America's? 
You really need to sit this one out.  ;D
I'll remember that the next time something happens.  You live in your dream world in lowly Canada and realize that people want and need us around the world.  When there's trouble people want us to do something and when we don't we get shit.  If you don't know and realize that then you are a moron and should sign off for the day.  I bet if France got bombed tomorrow by a couple of their planes, they'd call us first.

NO ONE wants us to be the world police.

Iraqis want us OUT!
You're clearly delusional, just like Jag.  We have always been the first to be called for help.  Iraqis want us out.  Fine.  I'd love to see the aftermath of our exit.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 01:17:13 PM
Iraqis want us out.  Fine.  I'd love to see the aftermath of our exit.

June 15 - The first survey of Iraqis sponsored by the U.S. Coalition Provisional Authority after the Abu Ghraib prison scandal shows that most say they would feel safer if Coalition forces left immediately, without even waiting for elections scheduled for next year. An overwhelming majority, about 80 percent, also say they have “no confidence” in either the U.S. civilian authorities or Coalition forces.

Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 11, 2007, 01:18:22 PM
June 15 - The first survey of Iraqis sponsored by the U.S. Coalition Provisional Authority after the Abu Ghraib prison scandal shows that most say they would feel safer if Coalition forces left immediately, without even waiting for elections scheduled for next year. An overwhelming majority, about 80 percent, also say they have “no confidence” in either the U.S. civilian authorities or Coalition forces.

And when they kill each other or the Iranians do it for them, I'll sit back and smile.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 01:18:48 PM
Two-thirds say soldiers in the U.S.-led coalition make no attempt to keep ordinary Iraqis from being killed or wounded during exchanges of gunfire.

58% say the soldiers conduct themselves badly or very badly.

60% say the troops show disrespect for Iraqi people in searches of their homes, and 42% say U.S. forces have shown disrespect toward mosques.

46% say the soldiers show a lack of respect for Iraqi women.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 01:19:23 PM
so how am I "delusional"?

I said they wanted us out, and I delivered poll data to back that up.

Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 11, 2007, 01:20:41 PM
NO ONE wants us to be the world police.

Here ya go.  See ya later.  This is not true.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 24KT on February 11, 2007, 05:34:43 PM
Conveniently Forgotten Facts.
Back in 1969 a group of Black Panthers decided that a fellow black panther named Alex Rackley needed to die. Rackley was suspected of disloyalty. Rackley was first tied to a chair. 
Once safely immobilized, his friends tortured him for hours by, among   other things, pouring boiling water on him. When they got tired of torturing Rackley, Black Panther member, Warren Kimbo took Rackley outside and put a bullet in his head. Rackley's body was later found floating in a river about 25 miles north of New Haven, Connecticut. 
Perhaps at this point you're curious as to what happened to these Black Panthers?
In 1977, that's only eight years later, only one of the  killers was still in jail. The shooter, Warren Kimbro, managed to get a  scholarship to Harvard and became good friends with none other than Al Gore. He later became an assistant dean at an Eastern Connecticut State  College. Isn't that something? 
As a '60s radical you can pump a bullet into someone's head and a few years later, in the same state, you can become an assistant college dean! Only in America! Erica Huggins was the woman who served the Panthers by boiling the water for Mr. Rackley's torture.
Some years later Ms. Huggins was elected to a California School Board.
How in the world do you think these killers got off so easy? Maybe it was in some part due to the efforts of two people who came to the defense of the Panthers. These two people actually went so far as to shut down Yale University with demonstrations in defense of the accused Black Panthers during their trial. One of these people was none other than Bill Lan Lee. Mr. Lee, or Mr. Lan Lee, as the case may be, isn't a college dean. He isn't a member of a California School Board. He is now head of the United States Justice Department's Civil Rights   Division, appointed by none other than Bill Clinton. 
 O.K., so who was the other Panther defender? Is this other notable Panther defender now a school board member? Is the Panther apologist now an assistant college dean? No,  neither! The other Panther defender was, like Lee, a radical law  student  at Yale University at the time. She is now known as The "smartest woman in the world." She is none other than the Democratic senator from the  state of New York----our former First Lady, the incredible Hillary Rodham Clinton.

That's a pretty long way to go to make your point, ...but your point is made.

I'm not familiar with this case. Were the individuals you name acquitted, or found guilty?
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: mightymouse72 on February 11, 2007, 05:48:57 PM
That's a pretty long way to go to make your point, ...but your point is made.

I'm not familiar with this case. Were the individuals you name acquitted, or found guilty?

after i posted it, i researched this a little and found this might not be 100% true.  although this is a true story some things have stretched a little. 
i fell victim,  my apologies    :-[

i'll remove it if you like
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: leonp1981 on February 11, 2007, 05:51:39 PM
Over here in the UK, we'll just be happy to see the back of Bush.  Unfortunately with the Iraq fiasco, (which I know we are involved in as well) he has become a laughing stock all over the world.  Tony Blair had his tongue firmly shoved up Bush's ass, lost the respect of the British public and now he has been unofficially pushed aside for someone else to take over, to start afresh. 
I think the US needs someone in charge who can rebuild people's confidence in your country again.  Whether thats Hillary or someone else is for you to debate.  I know Bill Clinton had his moments when he was President, but since then his stock has risen so much, and I know a lot of people who would gladly see him back in the White House (as the First Gentleman?!)
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Dos Equis on February 11, 2007, 08:24:43 PM
Two-thirds say soldiers in the U.S.-led coalition make no attempt to keep ordinary Iraqis from being killed or wounded during exchanges of gunfire.

58% say the soldiers conduct themselves badly or very badly.

60% say the troops show disrespect for Iraqi people in searches of their homes, and 42% say U.S. forces have shown disrespect toward mosques.

46% say the soldiers show a lack of respect for Iraqi women.

Link?  Not that I don't trust your numbers or anything. 

Okay.  I don't. . . . .
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 08:28:51 PM
Link?  Not that I don't trust your numbers or anything. 

Okay.  I don't. . . . .

Now, you may go eat a hot dog.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Dos Equis on February 11, 2007, 08:42:05 PM
Two-thirds say soldiers in the U.S.-led coalition make no attempt to keep ordinary Iraqis from being killed or wounded during exchanges of gunfire.

58% say the soldiers conduct themselves badly or very badly.

60% say the troops show disrespect for Iraqi people in searches of their homes, and 42% say U.S. forces have shown disrespect toward mosques.

46% say the soldiers show a lack of respect for Iraqi women.

So I read the first link you posted and sure enough, there is no context to your misleading post.  The "poll" was from 2003 and the information was largely not based on first-hand contact with our troops.  Here is an excerpt from the first link:

In the multiethnic Baghdad area, where a Gallup Poll last summer of 1,178 residents permits a valid comparison, only 13% of the people now say the invasion of Iraq was morally justifiable. In the 2003 poll, more than twice that number saw it as the right thing to do.

Americans regard their men and women in uniform as liberators who are trying to help Iraq. But the Iraqis now see them as a threat and focus their anger on them.

"When they pass by on the street, we are curious, so we go out to look and they immediately point their gun at you," says Muia, the bicycle shop owner.

Except for the Kurds, such feelings are widely held. For example:

Two-thirds say soldiers in the U.S.-led coalition make no attempt to keep ordinary Iraqis from being killed or wounded during exchanges of gunfire.

58% say the soldiers conduct themselves badly or very badly.

60% say the troops show disrespect for Iraqi people in searches of their homes, and 42% say U.S. forces have shown disrespect toward mosques.

46% say the soldiers show a lack of respect for Iraqi women.

Only 11% of Iraqis say coalition forces are trying hard to restore basic services such as electricity and clean drinking water.

The Defense Department, which was shown the survey results Wednesday, said it doesn't respond to polls. But in a statement, it noted that Iraqis say their lives are getting better and said that the fact the poll could be taken indicated increased freedom in Iraq.

Secondhand information

That negative opinion of the behavior of the troops rarely is based on direct contact. Iraq is a country the size of California with a population of 25 million. Many areas are sparsely patrolled. Only 7% in the poll say they based their opinions on personal experience.

Instead, Iraqis get their information from others. For about a third, it's pan-Arabic television such as the Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya satellite news channels. The networks frequently show scenes of U.S. forces shooting into Iraqi neighborhoods in hot spots such as Fallujah, an anti-American stronghold in the center of the country. (Related poll results: Baghdad: Then and now)

Although most Iraqis watch the local, U.S.-sponsored broadcast television station, which doesn't require a satellite dish, Iraqis in the poll say the Arab satellite networks are the most trusted and break the hottest stories. Few Iraqis trust Western networks such as CNN and the BBC.

More news is spread through that oldest delivery system: marketplace chatter. In the rumor mill, interviews indicate, every confrontation between Americans and Iraqis is portrayed as an assault on the Iraqi people, not on just a few lawless insurgents.

Jalal Abbas, 20, a student in Baghdad, says it's widely believed "that when soldiers search houses, they steal gold and money. And in our houses, people are taking special (precautions) to hide their money and gold for fear of them being stolen by U.S. soldiers."

This is why you have zero credibility. 
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 08:43:40 PM

you know i just punked your dropout self and now you're smarting.

Please show us a poll from 2007 that says the majority of iraq wants us there.

come on, you can do it!!
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Dos Equis on February 11, 2007, 08:45:00 PM

you know i just punked your dropout self and now you're smarting.

Please show us a poll from 2007 that says the majority of iraq wants us there.

come on, you can do it!!

LOL.  The mail order degree king speaks!  Care to explain why you didn't put your "poll numbers" in context? 
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 08:52:15 PM
LOL.  The mail order degree king speaks!  Care to explain why you didn't put your "poll numbers" in context? 

ok, so let's see.

you said you don't trust my numbers, so i posted the exact links where i got them.

*Suddenly, aware that you called me out and i backed it up, you took a NEW angle, saying those numbers were old.

Well, public opinion has, if anything, worsened in iraq, so I asked you for a more recent poll.

*Suddenly you say it is taken OUT OF CONTEXT?

You don't have any info here, so you insult my masters degree from an accredited Fl University, after admitting yourself that you dropped out of school in high school to start a family.

Guess what?  You are embarassing yourself.  back away from the thread slowly...
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Dos Equis on February 11, 2007, 08:56:50 PM
ok, so let's see.

you said you don't trust my numbers, so i posted the exact links where i got them.

*Suddenly, aware that you called me out and i backed it up, you took a NEW angle, saying those numbers were old.

Well, public opinion has, if anything, worsened in iraq, so I asked you for a more recent poll.

*Suddenly you say it is taken OUT OF CONTEXT?

You don't have any info here, so you insult my masters degree from an accredited Fl University, after admitting yourself that you dropped out of school in high school to start a family.

Guess what?  You are embarassing yourself.  back away from the thread slowly...

 ::)  Does that mean you won't explain your misleading poll numbers?  That post is a prime example of why nothing that you represent can be taken at face value. 

So how much did you pay for your mail order master's degree? 
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 09:05:40 PM
::)  Does that mean you won't explain your misleading poll numbers?  That post is a prime example of why nothing that you represent can be taken at face value. 

So how much did you pay for your mail order master's degree? 

yeah, meltdown.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 09:23:16 PM
::)  Does that mean you won't explain your misleading poll numbers?  That post is a prime example of why nothing that you represent can be taken at face value. 

So how much did you pay for your mail order master's degree? 

My degree is real.  And youuuuuuu have lost this one.  Now eat your hot dog of shame.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Dos Equis on February 11, 2007, 10:33:42 PM
My degree is real.  And youuuuuuu have lost this one.  Now eat your hot dog of shame.

I think this shows they don't teach critical thinking in correspondence school.  You deserve your money back. 

You posted yet more anti-American, anti-military garbage, which was an excerpt of a "poll" that attempted to show that Iraqis basically hate our military.  When you provided the link at my request, I actually read it, and discovered the "poll" was taken in 2003, about four years ago, and that many of the people who participated in the poll did not have direct contact with American soldiers:

"That negative opinion of the behavior of the troops rarely is based on direct contact. Iraq is a country the size of California with a population of 25 million. Many areas are sparsely patrolled. Only 7% in the poll say they based their opinions on personal experience."

Your brain is tied in knots again 240.  The facts always seem to do that to ya. 
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 10:36:18 PM
hey dude, bet me $500 on paypal that I have a mail order degree if you're so sure ;)

Guess what.

You can't find any info that shows the majority of iraqis want us there.

And it's just BURNING you up, isn't it?

You can't accept being wrong.  it's sad, man.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Dos Equis on February 11, 2007, 10:39:07 PM
hey dude, bet me $500 on paypal that I have a mail order degree if you're so sure ;)

Guess what.

You can't find any info that shows the majority of iraqis want us there.

And it's just BURNING you up, isn't it?

You can't accept being wrong.  it's sad, man.

So, mail order man, why DID you post such a misleading, four-year-old "poll" about our military?  And why do you hate our military so much? 
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 11, 2007, 10:47:41 PM
I love our military.  I just hate to see them die in the cities, doing a job they're not trained to do, interacting with people they can't trust, understand, and who don't want us there.

My original point stands - iraqis don't want us there.  You have tried and you cannot disprove it. 

Put your money where your mouth is on the degree :)  I'm very proud of my masters of admin degree from a FL business school.  actually it has an accred. that only 25% of American business schools have attained. 

I'm sure your GED is willy willy nice too ;)
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 11, 2007, 10:49:23 PM
I love our military.  I just hate to see them die in the cities, doing a job they're not trained to do, interacting with people they can't trust, understand, and who don't want us there.

My original point stands - iraqis don't want us there.  You have tried and you cannot disprove it. 

they love SF guys.  Watch any Discovery Channel documentary.  we do agree on the fact the are not trained correctly.  They don't like the conventional forces because the younge Marines are cocky dickheads.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Hedgehog on February 12, 2007, 04:02:15 AM
Honestly, I mean what does it say about the people of NY?  Now people want her to be President.  Seriously now people think she is qualified to be President?  Maybe someone should tell her to raise, not lower, police and fire department pay.  That'll show she has some smarts by taking care of the people that protect citizens.

In order to raise police and fire department pay, she would have to raise the tax. But you get what pay for I suppose.

The same goes for public schools, lot of people complain about the lack of education level in the US youth, and how this puts USA at an disadvantage. But only if the public schools gets a lot more funding, will you see a rise.

The question is how you should fund the schools.

Also, I thought it was the mayor department of New York who decided on what the NYPD and NYFD wages were?

Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 12, 2007, 05:05:41 AM
Also, I thought it was the mayor department of New York who decided on what the NYPD and NYFD wages were?

good question.


rudy or bloomberg to blame here?
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Dos Equis on February 12, 2007, 07:26:22 AM
I love our military.  I just hate to see them die in the cities, doing a job they're not trained to do, interacting with people they can't trust, understand, and who don't want us there.

My original point stands - iraqis don't want us there.  You have tried and you cannot disprove it. 

Put your money where your mouth is on the degree :)  I'm very proud of my masters of admin degree from a FL business school.  actually it has an accred. that only 25% of American business schools have attained. 

I'm sure your GED is willy willy nice too ;)

Oh please.  You post enough anti-military trash to fill about a garbage can a day.   ::)

And I can't believe you are defending those poll numbers.  You posted a four-year-old poll, without qualification.  The article admits it is not based on first-hand contact with our troops.  Either you didn't read the article or you were deliberately deceptive with your selective quotes.   
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Camel Jockey on February 12, 2007, 07:30:27 AM
It's fun watching beach and 240 go at it.  ;D
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Cap on February 12, 2007, 07:39:55 AM
In order to raise police and fire department pay, she would have to raise the tax. But you get what pay for I suppose.

The same goes for public schools, lot of people complain about the lack of education level in the US youth, and how this puts USA at an disadvantage. But only if the public schools gets a lot more funding, will you see a rise.

The question is how you should fund the schools.

Also, I thought it was the mayor department of New York who decided on what the NYPD and NYFD wages were?

True that taxes go to schools but when we spend for programs for illegals (too many to list) the rest of us suffer.  All the English learner programs and other bullshit detract from funds for regular citizens.  The problem is that schools need this shit if they want federal funding which screws them over.

From what I know, Hilary dropped the salaries this year.  I thought of applying and she dropped starting pay for NYPD 2 grand.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 24KT on February 12, 2007, 07:54:47 AM
Over here in the UK, we'll just be happy to see the back of Bush.  Unfortunately with the Iraq fiasco, (which I know we are involved in as well) he has become a laughing stock all over the world.  Tony Blair had his tongue firmly shoved up Bush's ass, lost the respect of the British public and now he has been unofficially pushed aside for someone else to take over, to start afresh. 
I think the US needs someone in charge who can rebuild people's confidence in your country again.  Whether thats Hillary or someone else is for you to debate.  I know Bill Clinton had his moments when he was President, but since then his stock has risen so much, and I know a lot of people who would gladly see him back in the White House (as the First Gentleman?!)

Personally, I HATED the idea of term limits, ...until Bush. Then I thought term limits were great.  :D
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 12, 2007, 06:48:14 PM
And I can't believe you are defending those poll numbers.  You posted a four-year-old poll, without qualification.  The article admits it is not based on first-hand contact with our troops.  Either you didn't read the article or you were deliberately deceptive with your selective quotes.   

I'll ask you straight up - Do the majority of iraqis want us there? 

(The answer is No, and you won't find any poll data that says otherwise.  You're owned again by your assumptions.  Go eat your hot dog now).
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Dos Equis on February 12, 2007, 06:53:40 PM
I'll ask you straight up - Do the majority of iraqis want us there? 

(The answer is No, and you won't find any poll data that says otherwise.  You're owned again by your assumptions.  Go eat your hot dog now).

 ::)  Go read your four-year-old poll.  Good grief . . . .
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 12, 2007, 07:03:36 PM
::)  Go read your four-year-old poll.  Good grief . . . .

Twas true then.  Tis true now.  Ye cannot debunk and ye be pissed.
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Dos Equis on February 12, 2007, 07:08:44 PM
Twas true then.  Tis true now.  Ye cannot debunk and ye be pissed.

You're boring me son.  You are clueless.  I give up.   ::)
Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 12, 2007, 08:42:36 PM
You're boring me son. 

there's that 'son' line again.
you use it to try to assume a position of authority in the room.

If your arguments carried any weight, you wouldn't have to overcompensate with degrading names.

Title: Re: What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?
Post by: Dos Equis on February 13, 2007, 12:14:18 AM
there's that 'son' line again.
you use it to try to assume a position of authority in the room.

If your arguments carried any weight, you wouldn't have to overcompensate with degrading names.

240 I used to think you were a smart guy who was just a little crazy.  I have changed my mind. 

Now run along son and go find another four-year-old anti-military poll that you can use to try and mislead people.   ::)