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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Robert the Bruce on February 14, 2007, 01:58:25 PM

Post by: Robert the Bruce on February 14, 2007, 01:58:25 PM
What did Mike Mentzer face off with Arnold before the show, what happened between them???? Anyone know   ???
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Stark on February 14, 2007, 02:00:35 PM
Mike told Arnold that he believe he was not in shape enough to have won..

Somebody post that insane good picture of them arguning in the changing room...classic (Alphawolfmale) Arnold moment.
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Robert the Bruce on February 14, 2007, 02:04:53 PM
wow....I saw the pic of that, arnold would have knocked him out easily if he had pushed the issue. Mike Mentzer never was very bright :-\
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Max_Rep on February 14, 2007, 02:19:56 PM
Mentzer following Arthur Jones lead, wrote several training articles were he said something to the effect of “Imagine how amazing Arnold would have been if he had trained properly.”

That’s where it all started.

Arnold had won 6 Mr. Olympia’s and he rightfully took offense to Mike writing disparaging remarks on how he trained only to promote his own style as being superior.

And the feud began….
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Robert the Bruce on February 14, 2007, 02:25:53 PM
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Stark on February 14, 2007, 02:31:21 PM
It's quit an offensive thing to say... damn
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: tu_holmes on February 14, 2007, 02:33:17 PM
I love Arnold... no problem, but let's face it... For him to just show up and compete is kind of wrong.

I mean, he was Arnold... He had made movies by now and everyone knew who he was... For him to be sneaky and act like he was just coming along to watch, then get a number and get on stage was a bit messed up don't you think.

That being said, Mentzer probably could have been a lot more respectful about the fact that it was Arnold after all.
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Sergio Rules 77 on February 14, 2007, 02:55:40 PM
Mike told Arnold that he believe he was not in shape enough to have won..

Somebody post that insane good picture of them arguning in the changing room...classic (Alphawolfmale) Arnold moment.


Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: alexxx on February 14, 2007, 05:16:17 PM
Thanks max rep that is some interesting stuff. Mentzer had an ego too huh?
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: pumpster on February 14, 2007, 05:27:20 PM
wow....I saw the pic of that, arnold would have knocked him out easily if he had pushed the issue. Mike Mentzer never was very bright :-\

Actually Arnold had a rep as a puzzy who always backed down. Instead, he got one of his cronies to do the work, in this case Waller's nearby thus Arnold could act like a tough guy and insult Mentzer on being fat.
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Max_Rep on February 14, 2007, 05:49:19 PM
Thanks max rep that is some interesting stuff. Mentzer had an ego too huh?
A bodybuilder with an ego? Say it isn't so! Yes Mike had an ego especially when it came to training methods. He always had to be right. That’s why I found it difficult to hang out with Mike and Ray when I did. You could never have a discussion with them. It was always a lecture.

You also have to remember that MOST of Mike's training philosophies came from Arthur Jones who continually ridiculed anyone who didn't see the logic in his training philosophies as well as his views on exercise choices. Jones always made it sound like those who didn’t accept his methods were not intelligent.  

I saw on another thread were someone posted a youtube of Markus doing a set of barbell curls under Mikes tutelage. Mike commented about always using a straight bar for curls. That was a Jones concept.

Jones believed that exercises that allowed the most resistance while the muscle was at a point of maximum contraction were superior to those that aren’t. Since one function of the bicep is supination there is more contraction possible at the top of a curl with a straight bar (Jones speaking). He also came up with the parallel grip 24 inch pulldown bar and chinning handles. This was to overcome the fact that since the biceps is the weak link when doing back work, you still want them to be at their strongest position which was either underhand or parallel versus the traditional overhand grip. The 24 inch grip he felt offered a greater range of movement for the lats than the wide grip. There were many more (again these are Jones beliefs not mine).

I bring this up because it all was an attack that Jones launched on traditional training as advocated in the Weider magazines and was also an attack on Arnolds training although Jones never really directly mentioned Arnold.

Mike did the dirty work on that one.
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: AVBG on February 14, 2007, 06:10:28 PM
Mike was a crybaby  :'(
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: alexxx on February 14, 2007, 06:10:47 PM
A bodybuilder with an ego? Say it isn't so! Yes Mike had an ego especially when it came to training methods. He always had to be right. That’s why I found it difficult to hang out with Mike and Ray when I did. You could never have a discussion with them. It was always a lecture.

You also have to remember that MOST of Mike's training philosophies came from Arthur Jones who continually ridiculed anyone who didn't see the logic in his training philosophies as well as his views on exercise choices. Jones always made it sound like those who didn’t accept his methods were not intelligent.  

I saw on another thread were someone posted a youtube of Markus doing a set of barbell curls under Mikes tutelage. Mike commented about always using a straight bar for curls. That was a Jones concept.

Jones believed that exercises that allowed the most resistance while the muscle was at a point of maximum contraction were superior to those that aren’t. Since one function of the bicep is supination there is more contraction possible at the top of a curl with a straight bar (Jones speaking). He also came up with the parallel grip 24 inch pulldown bar and chinning handles. This was to overcome the fact that since the biceps is the weak link when doing back work, you still want them to be at their strongest position which was either underhand or parallel versus the traditional overhand grip. The 24 inch grip he felt offered a greater range of movement for the lats than the wide grip. There were many more (again these are Jones beliefs not mine).

I bring this up because it all was an attack that Jones launched on traditional training as advocated in the Weider magazines and was also an attack on Arnolds training although Jones never really directly mentioned Arnold.

Mike did the dirty work on that one.

Great thanks for sharing. Now I know why Dante doesn't want his system to be mentioned in the same light as hit.

Did you ever train with Arnold?
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: what: on February 14, 2007, 06:24:06 PM
Didn't Mike run into a bank one time and yell at the tellers that Arnold was out to get him?
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Max_Rep on February 14, 2007, 06:32:58 PM
Didn't Mike run into a bank one time and yell at the tellers that Arnold was out to get him?

Yes I told that story a while back. He was vertain that Arnold hitmen were following him. He ran in and told the manager to call the cops because someone was trying to kill him then he dove behind the counter under a desk. The cops came and roughed him up and arrested him. Mike admitted to me that it was all true. That bank is/was right down the strret from me but is now a tile store.

Alexx... no I never trained with Arnold. Our paths crossed a few times but never officially met. I trained with Danny Padilla right after he spent several months training with Arnold so the training was very similar.
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: alexxx on February 14, 2007, 06:35:09 PM
Yes I told that story a while back. He was vertain that Arnold hitmen were following him. He ran in and told the manager to call the cops because someone was trying to kill him then he dove behind the counter under a desk. The cops came and roughed him up and arrested him. Mike admitted to me that it was all true. That bank is/was right down the strret from me but is now a tile store.

Alexx... no I never trained with Arnold. Our paths crossed a few times but never officially met. I trained with Danny Padilla right after he spent several months training with Arnold so the training was very similar.

How was that? What can you tell me out Danny's training? Danny had one of the best physiques ever if the best for a shorter competitor.
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: wolfgang187 on February 14, 2007, 07:28:39 PM
  Following the loss at the 1980 Mr. Olympia, Mentzer reportedly ran into numerous problems. In the late 1970's Mike is was reported to have begun using amphetamines, claiming he only took them as an ergogenic aid to help facilitate a hectic lifestyle. Mentzer left his position at Weider Publications shortly after his loss at the Mr. Olympia contest, and suffered financially as a result. He did land a job in 1985 as editor of the newly launched Workout Magazine, however when that failed and that same year his father died, Mentzer reportedly suffered a mental breakdown. According to Peter McGough, editor-in-chief of FLEX Magazine, stories began to surface of Menzter exhibiting some very erratic behaviour.

  Stories of him running naked through the streets, directing traffic, telling prophecies about the end of the world, being arrested by the police numerous times and even waiting for aliens to land were all published in magazines at one point or another. Popular bodybuilding writer Dan Duchaine even suggested that Menzter was drinking his own urine at the time. Mike denied this in a 2001 interview with Iron Man magazine. Nonetheless, according to McGough some of these stories are true.  Menzter was also regularly institutionalized between 1985 up until 1990, when he finally kicked his amphetamine habit.  Mentzer was reportedly a heavy user of methamphetamine for about a decade, and this was thought of as a contributing factor in his death.
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Max_Rep on February 14, 2007, 07:43:25 PM

He did land a job in 1985 as editor of the newly launched Workout Magazine, however when that failed and that same year his father died, Mentzer reportedly suffered a mental breakdown.

It was very shortly after the failure of "Workout" that the bank incident happened. The way I heard it was that Mike owned the magazine. My ex-wife was a model for a workout section of one of the magazine issues.

For Alex... I did an interview with Danny in an issue of Ironman a few years ago. This is an exerpt of the interview. 

Danny Padilla workout.

He’ used the same basic workout for years. This was the workout he did when I trained with him for six weeks in 1977.

During most of the year Danny trains 4 to 6 days a week  He always follows the same split. Day 1 Chest and Back. Day 2  Shoulders and Arms. Day 3 legs. Repeat. If he misses a workout, (which he often does, he doesn’t worry about it, he just does that workout when he returns to the gym. During this time he does 2 to 3 exercises per body-part for 5 sets of 12 reps. Danny uses the same weight in each set. When he can get 12 reps on all 5 sets, he’ll add weight during the next workout. His rest between sets is short. No longer than a minute. Even though the volume is high Danny completes these workouts in just over an hour… This is another way of keeping the intensity high which was taught by Vince Gironda, Bill Pearl and other great trainers of “the golden era” of bodybuilding.   

Chest and Back
Bench Press 2-3 warm-up sets then 5 X 12
Incline 5 X 12
Flys 5 X 12
Dumbell Pullovers 5 X 12
Chins 5 X 12
Bent Barbell Rows 5 X 12
Cable Pull-ins 5 X 12
Once a week he does Deadlifts 5 X 12

Shoulders and Arms
Seated presses 2 warm-ups then 5 X 12
Super-seted with cable laterals 5 X 12
Dumbbell rear delt raises 5 X 12
Front Raises OR Upright Rows 5 X 12
Dumbell Curls 5 X 8
Barbell Curls 5 X 8
Concentration Curls OR Preacher Curls 5 X 8
Lying triceps extensions 5 X 12
Seated overhead EZ bar extensions 5 X 12
Pushdowns OR One arm dumbbell overhead extensions 5 X 12

Legs – Abs
Leg Extensions 5 X 12
Squats 5 X 12
Leg Presses 5 X 12
Lying Leg Curls 5 X 12
Standing Leg Curls 5 X 12
Standing Calf Raises 5 X 12
Donkey Calf Raises 5 X 15
Seated Calf Raises 5 X 15
Crunches or Leg Raises 5 X 20

Contest Training: Volume on body part is raised 20 sets per bodypart. Weeks 12-7 body parts are trained twice a week. During weeks 6-0 each body part is trained three times a week. Danny gains size right up to the day of the contest even on this high volume, high frequency routine.

Weeks 12 to 7

Monday and Thursday -- Chest and Back
Bench Press 2-3 warm-up sets then 5 X 12
Incline 5 X 12
Fly’s 5 X 12
Cable Fly’s 5 X 12
Chins 5 X 12
Bent Barbell Rows 5 X 12
Cable Pull-ins 5 X 12
Pulldowns 5 X 12
Once a week he does Deadlifts 5 X 12

Tuesday and Friday -- Shoulders and Arms
Seated presses 2 warm-ups then 5 X 12
Superseted with cable laterals 5 X 12
Dumbbell rear delt raises 5 X 12
Front Raises
Upright Rows 5 X 12
Dumbell Curls 5 X 8
Barbell Curls 5 X 8
Concentration Curls 5 X 8
Preacher Curls 5 X 8
Lying triceps extensions 5 X 12
Seated overhead EZ bar extensions 5 X 12
Pushdowns 5 X 12
One arm dumbbell overhead extensions 5 X 12
Reverse Curls 5 X 12
Wrist Curls 5 X 12

Wednesday and Saturday – Legs -- Abs
Leg Extensions 5 X 12
Squats 5 X 12
Leg Presses 5 X 12
Hack Squats 5 X 12
Lying Leg Curls 5 X 12
Standing Leg Curls 5 X 12
Standing Calf Raises 5 X 15
Donkey Calf Raises 5 X 15
Seated Calf Raises 5 X 15 
Crunches 5 X 20
Leg Raises 5 X 20

Weeks 6 – 0

Workouts are the same as above, rest between sets is shortened but days are split like this:

Monday Wednesday Friday Morning
Chest, Back
Monday Wednesday Friday Evening 
Quads, Hamstrings
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Morning
Shoulders, Arms
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Evening
Calves, Abs
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Royalty on February 14, 2007, 07:44:45 PM
  Following the loss at the 1980 Mr. Olympia, Mentzer reportedly ran into numerous problems. In the late 1970's Mike is was reported to have begun using amphetamines, claiming he only took them as an ergogenic aid to help facilitate a hectic lifestyle. Mentzer left his position at Weider Publications shortly after his loss at the Mr. Olympia contest, and suffered financially as a result. He did land a job in 1985 as editor of the newly launched Workout Magazine, however when that failed and that same year his father died, Mentzer reportedly suffered a mental breakdown. According to Peter McGough, editor-in-chief of FLEX Magazine, stories began to surface of Menzter exhibiting some very erratic behaviour.

  Stories of him running naked through the streets, directing traffic, telling prophecies about the end of the world, being arrested by the police numerous times and even waiting for aliens to land were all published in magazines at one point or another. Popular bodybuilding writer Dan Duchaine even suggested that Menzter was drinking his own urine at the time. Mike denied this in a 2001 interview with Iron Man magazine. Nonetheless, according to McGough some of these stories are true.  Menzter was also regularly institutionalized between 1985 up until 1990, when he finally kicked his amphetamine habit.  Mentzer was reportedly a heavy user of methamphetamine for about a decade, and this was thought of as a contributing factor in his death.

I read 2 seperate stories that he would run into golds in Mecca....totally disheveled...and would scream weird things...and then run back out. That was printd in a early 90's Mascle Mag.

This is probably a false rumor but some did say that he had a gay relationship with his brother Ray (I pray that is a false rumor started by some loser)

Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: pumpster on February 14, 2007, 08:16:44 PM

This is probably a false rumor but some did say that he had a gay relationship with his brother Ray (I pray that is a false rumor started by some loser)

Some loser who would repeat it here? Never heard that before.
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: wolfgang187 on February 14, 2007, 08:19:07 PM
   Sounds like Hunter S Tompson spent some time with Mike!
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Royalty on February 14, 2007, 11:04:53 PM
Some loser who would repeat it here? Never heard that before.

there were so many things flying around the web in the days and weeks following their deaths...

I mean seriously....the things being said were all very, very weird.
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Max_Rep on February 15, 2007, 01:54:31 AM

there were so many things flying around the web in the days and weeks following their deaths...

I mean seriously....the things being said were all very, very weird.

Ramazon knew of a few of those things because she was married to Don Ross and he was around to personally see a few of them. I ran into Don a few times at Ray's Gym around 1983-4. She told me about the directing traffic thing when her and I had dinner a few years ago.

I only put stock into what I actually saw, what Mike or Ray admitted to and what people who were actually there witnessed.

The gay brother thing I think is just stupid. Ray was in bad shape health-wise for quite a while and he was also in really bad shape financially. Mike was doing pretty well because MD was paying him $10,000 a month for 2 articles a month. He also had quite a backlog of phone consultations and clients so he got Ray to help him and move in with him. I hardly think that, that translates to gay stuff between brothers.   
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: rccs on February 15, 2007, 02:20:23 AM
It was very shortly after the failure of "Workout" that the bank incident happened. The way I heard it was that Mike owned the magazine. My ex-wife was a model for a workout section of one of the magazine issues.

For Alex... I did an interview with Danny in an issue of Ironman a few years ago. This is an exerpt of the interview. 

Danny Padilla workout.

He’ used the same basic workout for years. This was the workout he did when I trained with him for six weeks in 1977.

During most of the year Danny trains 4 to 6 days a week  He always follows the same split. Day 1 Chest and Back. Day 2  Shoulders and Arms. Day 3 legs. Repeat. If he misses a workout, (which he often does, he doesn’t worry about it, he just does that workout when he returns to the gym. During this time he does 2 to 3 exercises per body-part for 5 sets of 12 reps. Danny uses the same weight in each set. When he can get 12 reps on all 5 sets, he’ll add weight during the next workout. His rest between sets is short. No longer than a minute. Even though the volume is high Danny completes these workouts in just over an hour… This is another way of keeping the intensity high which was taught by Vince Gironda, Bill Pearl and other great trainers of “the golden era” of bodybuilding.   

Chest and Back
Bench Press 2-3 warm-up sets then 5 X 12
Incline 5 X 12
Flys 5 X 12
Dumbell Pullovers 5 X 12
Chins 5 X 12
Bent Barbell Rows 5 X 12
Cable Pull-ins 5 X 12
Once a week he does Deadlifts 5 X 12

Shoulders and Arms
Seated presses 2 warm-ups then 5 X 12
Super-seted with cable laterals 5 X 12
Dumbbell rear delt raises 5 X 12
Front Raises OR Upright Rows 5 X 12
Dumbell Curls 5 X 8
Barbell Curls 5 X 8
Concentration Curls OR Preacher Curls 5 X 8
Lying triceps extensions 5 X 12
Seated overhead EZ bar extensions 5 X 12
Pushdowns OR One arm dumbbell overhead extensions 5 X 12

Legs – Abs
Leg Extensions 5 X 12
Squats 5 X 12
Leg Presses 5 X 12
Lying Leg Curls 5 X 12
Standing Leg Curls 5 X 12
Standing Calf Raises 5 X 12
Donkey Calf Raises 5 X 15
Seated Calf Raises 5 X 15
Crunches or Leg Raises 5 X 20

Contest Training: Volume on body part is raised 20 sets per bodypart. Weeks 12-7 body parts are trained twice a week. During weeks 6-0 each body part is trained three times a week. Danny gains size right up to the day of the contest even on this high volume, high frequency routine.

Weeks 12 to 7

Monday and Thursday -- Chest and Back
Bench Press 2-3 warm-up sets then 5 X 12
Incline 5 X 12
Fly’s 5 X 12
Cable Fly’s 5 X 12
Chins 5 X 12
Bent Barbell Rows 5 X 12
Cable Pull-ins 5 X 12
Pulldowns 5 X 12
Once a week he does Deadlifts 5 X 12

Tuesday and Friday -- Shoulders and Arms
Seated presses 2 warm-ups then 5 X 12
Superseted with cable laterals 5 X 12
Dumbbell rear delt raises 5 X 12
Front Raises
Upright Rows 5 X 12
Dumbell Curls 5 X 8
Barbell Curls 5 X 8
Concentration Curls 5 X 8
Preacher Curls 5 X 8
Lying triceps extensions 5 X 12
Seated overhead EZ bar extensions 5 X 12
Pushdowns 5 X 12
One arm dumbbell overhead extensions 5 X 12
Reverse Curls 5 X 12
Wrist Curls 5 X 12

Wednesday and Saturday – Legs -- Abs
Leg Extensions 5 X 12
Squats 5 X 12
Leg Presses 5 X 12
Hack Squats 5 X 12
Lying Leg Curls 5 X 12
Standing Leg Curls 5 X 12
Standing Calf Raises 5 X 15
Donkey Calf Raises 5 X 15
Seated Calf Raises 5 X 15 
Crunches 5 X 20
Leg Raises 5 X 20

Weeks 6 – 0

Workouts are the same as above, rest between sets is shortened but days are split like this:

Monday Wednesday Friday Morning
Chest, Back
Monday Wednesday Friday Evening 
Quads, Hamstrings
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Morning
Shoulders, Arms
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Evening
Calves, Abs
This WO plan can not be performed by a natural athlete. High rep sets, almost no resting time and 6 x a week! It is very intense, but I don't think that it is the best way to build long lasting thick big muscles...
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: BEAST 8692 on February 15, 2007, 02:36:30 AM
Ramazon knew of a few of those things because she was married to Don Ross and he was around to personally see a few of them. I ran into Don a few times at Ray's Gym around 1983-4. She told me about the directing traffic thing when her and I had dinner a few years ago.

I only put stock into what I actually saw, what Mike or Ray admitted to and what people who were actually there witnessed.

The gay brother thing I think is just stupid. Ray was in bad shape health-wise for quite a while and he was also in really bad shape financially. Mike was doing pretty well because MD was paying him $10,000 a month for 2 articles a month. He also had quite a backlog of phone consultations and clients so he got Ray to help him and move in with him. I hardly think that, that translates to gay stuff between brothers.   

it's great to have people like you and Teagan, that actually knew the people involved and can verify what is gossip and what is bs, but for the gay brother thing to gain any momentum at all is sad. a baseless, perverted and extremely cynical attack by a sick individual.
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Fletch on February 15, 2007, 03:56:34 AM
Arnold crushed everybody simply by showing up.

Mentzer acted like a bitch because he knew he was beaten. Period.

In the end mentzer killed himself and Arnold is governor.
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: rccs on February 15, 2007, 04:02:43 AM
Arnold crushed everybody simply by showing up.

Mentzer acted like a bitch because he knew he was beaten. Period.

In the end mentzer killed himself and Arnold is governor.
Thanx for the info  ::) no body knew that Arnold is the governor ::)
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Royalty on February 15, 2007, 04:53:18 AM

 He also had quite a backlog of phone consultations and clients so he got Ray to help him and move in with him. I hardly think that, that translates to gay stuff between brothers.   

Ok...its good to hear that

I bet somebody knew that they lived together and made up the rest...
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: BEAST 8692 on February 15, 2007, 05:23:57 AM

Ok...its good to hear that

I bet somebody knew that they lived together and made up the rest...

exactly, a sick brother moves in with his own brother. :o
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: mrgut on February 15, 2007, 05:28:24 AM
It seems that Arnold while lacking conditioning(only alittle) was full and had shape Menzter just did not have, even though he was better conditioned he was flat.
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: alexxx on February 15, 2007, 06:23:02 AM
It was very shortly after the failure of "Workout" that the bank incident happened. The way I heard it was that Mike owned the magazine. My ex-wife was a model for a workout section of one of the magazine issues.

For Alex... I did an interview with Danny in an issue of Ironman a few years ago. This is an exerpt of the interview. 

Danny Padilla workout.

He’ used the same basic workout for years. This was the workout he did when I trained with him for six weeks in 1977.

During most of the year Danny trains 4 to 6 days a week  He always follows the same split. Day 1 Chest and Back. Day 2  Shoulders and Arms. Day 3 legs. Repeat. If he misses a workout, (which he often does, he doesn’t worry about it, he just does that workout when he returns to the gym. During this time he does 2 to 3 exercises per body-part for 5 sets of 12 reps. Danny uses the same weight in each set. When he can get 12 reps on all 5 sets, he’ll add weight during the next workout. His rest between sets is short. No longer than a minute. Even though the volume is high Danny completes these workouts in just over an hour… This is another way of keeping the intensity high which was taught by Vince Gironda, Bill Pearl and other great trainers of “the golden era” of bodybuilding.   

Chest and Back
Bench Press 2-3 warm-up sets then 5 X 12
Incline 5 X 12
Flys 5 X 12
Dumbell Pullovers 5 X 12
Chins 5 X 12
Bent Barbell Rows 5 X 12
Cable Pull-ins 5 X 12
Once a week he does Deadlifts 5 X 12

Shoulders and Arms
Seated presses 2 warm-ups then 5 X 12
Super-seted with cable laterals 5 X 12
Dumbbell rear delt raises 5 X 12
Front Raises OR Upright Rows 5 X 12
Dumbell Curls 5 X 8
Barbell Curls 5 X 8
Concentration Curls OR Preacher Curls 5 X 8
Lying triceps extensions 5 X 12
Seated overhead EZ bar extensions 5 X 12
Pushdowns OR One arm dumbbell overhead extensions 5 X 12

Legs – Abs
Leg Extensions 5 X 12
Squats 5 X 12
Leg Presses 5 X 12
Lying Leg Curls 5 X 12
Standing Leg Curls 5 X 12
Standing Calf Raises 5 X 12
Donkey Calf Raises 5 X 15
Seated Calf Raises 5 X 15
Crunches or Leg Raises 5 X 20

Contest Training: Volume on body part is raised 20 sets per bodypart. Weeks 12-7 body parts are trained twice a week. During weeks 6-0 each body part is trained three times a week. Danny gains size right up to the day of the contest even on this high volume, high frequency routine.

Weeks 12 to 7

Monday and Thursday -- Chest and Back
Bench Press 2-3 warm-up sets then 5 X 12
Incline 5 X 12
Fly’s 5 X 12
Cable Fly’s 5 X 12
Chins 5 X 12
Bent Barbell Rows 5 X 12
Cable Pull-ins 5 X 12
Pulldowns 5 X 12
Once a week he does Deadlifts 5 X 12

Tuesday and Friday -- Shoulders and Arms
Seated presses 2 warm-ups then 5 X 12
Superseted with cable laterals 5 X 12
Dumbbell rear delt raises 5 X 12
Front Raises
Upright Rows 5 X 12
Dumbell Curls 5 X 8
Barbell Curls 5 X 8
Concentration Curls 5 X 8
Preacher Curls 5 X 8
Lying triceps extensions 5 X 12
Seated overhead EZ bar extensions 5 X 12
Pushdowns 5 X 12
One arm dumbbell overhead extensions 5 X 12
Reverse Curls 5 X 12
Wrist Curls 5 X 12

Wednesday and Saturday – Legs -- Abs
Leg Extensions 5 X 12
Squats 5 X 12
Leg Presses 5 X 12
Hack Squats 5 X 12
Lying Leg Curls 5 X 12
Standing Leg Curls 5 X 12
Standing Calf Raises 5 X 15
Donkey Calf Raises 5 X 15
Seated Calf Raises 5 X 15 
Crunches 5 X 20
Leg Raises 5 X 20

Weeks 6 – 0

Workouts are the same as above, rest between sets is shortened but days are split like this:

Monday Wednesday Friday Morning
Chest, Back
Monday Wednesday Friday Evening 
Quads, Hamstrings
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Morning
Shoulders, Arms
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Evening
Calves, Abs

Awesome thanks for sharing that Max_Rep! I will try that one very soon and become a giant monster. :)
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Playboy on February 15, 2007, 08:29:51 AM
What did Mike Mentzer face off with Arnold before the show, what happened between them???? Anyone know   ???
Mentzer was acting like a suck because he lost.

Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Max_Rep on February 15, 2007, 09:01:07 AM
This WO plan can not be performed by a natural athlete. High rep sets, almost no resting time and 6 x a week! It is very intense, but I don't think that it is the best way to build long lasting thick big muscles...

That workout routine was the very first one that actually worked for me when I was natural. I had been following hard-gainer and abbreviated routines before that with little results. Don't limit your thinking to what works for you has to be what works for everyone. That was exactly what Jones/Mentzer did. 
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: suckmymuscle on February 15, 2007, 09:09:17 AM
Stories of him running naked through the streets, directing traffic, telling prophecies about the end of the world, being arrested by the police numerous times and even waiting for aliens to land were all published in magazines at one point or another. Popular bodybuilding writer Dan Duchaine even suggested that Menzter was drinking his own urine at the time. Mike denied this in a 2001 interview with Iron Man magazine. Nonetheless, according to McGough some of these stories are true.  Menzter was also regularly institutionalized between 1985 up until 1990, when he finally kicked his amphetamine habit.  Mentzer was reportedly a heavy user of methamphetamine for about a decade, and this was thought of as a contributing factor in his death.

  That's Mentzer being a Randian "productive hero". ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Max_Rep on February 15, 2007, 09:52:52 AM
it's great to have people like you and Teagan, that actually knew the people involved and can verify what is gossip and what is bs, but for the gay brother thing to gain any momentum at all is sad. a baseless, perverted and extremely cynical attack by a sick individual.

Teagan knows many people in the bodybuilding community. She's also very cool. 
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: pumpster on February 15, 2007, 10:28:47 AM
Mentzer was acting like a suck because he lost.


It was more than that; obviously Schwarzenegger was an annoying, arrogant twit. Mentzer didn't buy into the "psyching opponents" crap Arnold still talks about and didn't back down.
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: pumpster on February 15, 2007, 10:30:36 AM
Quote from: rccs on Today at 05:20:23 AM
This WO plan can not be performed by a natural athlete. High rep sets, almost no resting time and 6 x a week! It is very intense, but I don't think that it is the best way to build long lasting thick big muscles...

That workout routine was the very first one that actually worked for me when I was natural. I had been following hard-gainer and abbreviated routines before that with little results. Don't limit your thinking to what works for you has to be what works for everyone. That was exactly what Jones/Mentzer did. 

This theory that programs only work if on drugs is propogated over and over again without proof, all just to suggest that the author of such posts knows something and to disparage the program as only useful to drug users.
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Playboy on February 15, 2007, 11:16:15 AM
It was more than that; obviously Schwarzenegger was an annoying, arrogant twit. Mentzer didn't buy into the "psyching opponents" crap Arnold still talks about and didn't back down.
Either way he lost. Second place is no place.

Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: tu_holmes on February 15, 2007, 02:32:33 PM
Either way he lost. Second place is no place.


I dunno man... if we had a competition and there were 20 people... and I came in 2nd to you... I would want to be 1st, but I would sure as hell be happy I was 2nd.... 2nd in the world is not so bad now is it.

Maybe I am ok with being first loser.
Title: Re: MIKE MENTZER VS. ARNOLD AT THE 1980 O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: wolfgang187 on February 15, 2007, 03:59:21 PM

  1981 Mr O would have really made him nuts if they placed him lower then 5th and it never happend cause he went CRAZY by then.  Mentzer should have really focused all his crank energy on Craig Titus and beestowed all that wisdom about drugs, slammer, telling unsuccessful prophecies, and being arrested by the police numerous times!