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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: 210 and growing on February 16, 2007, 01:16:12 AM

Title: Are any sports that are 'judged' really sports?
Post by: 210 and growing on February 16, 2007, 01:16:12 AM
The whole debate about whether bodybuilding is a sport got me thinking - is any sport where the winner is determined by a judging panel really a sport?
For example, sports like track, swimming, cycling, shooting, football, rugby, baseball, golf, motorsport, weightlifting, etc etc etc, there is a CLEAR WINNER derived from the ideal 'faster, higher, stronger' (or whatever the f ck it is).

But with sports like bodybuliding, gymnastics, ice skating, synchronised swimming, it is all simply based on a few peoples opinions, and (like it or not), could be swayed by something as simple as if one of the judges thinks the competitior is hot or not!!??
I mean for f cks sakes come on, I for one would absoloutly hate to know that i had been the best in a sport one day, and lost out to some sh itty judges decision. It is probably a good job that there isnt alot of money in bodybuilding, as if somebody that should have won $1million got screwed and came in 3rd or 4th and won $100k instead, there would surely be a hell of a stink kicked up.
Title: Re: Are any sports that are 'judged' really sports?
Post by: Fletch on February 16, 2007, 01:24:06 AM
All sports have a score, time, or another number attached that defines a clear winner.

Everything else is a pastime.
Title: Re: Are any sports that are 'judged' really sports?
Post by: 210 and growing on February 16, 2007, 01:31:07 AM

I agree
Title: Re: Are any sports that are 'judged' really sports?
Post by: gordiano on February 16, 2007, 01:35:47 AM

But with sports like bodybuliding, gymnastics, ice skating, synchronised swimming, it is all simply based on a few peoples opinions, and (like it or not), could be swayed by something as simple as if one of the judges thinks the competitior is hot or not!!??
I mean for f cks sakes come on, I for one would absoloutly hate to know that i had been the best in a sport one day, and lost out to some sh itty judges decision. It is probably a good job that there isnt alot of money in bodybuilding, as if somebody that should have won $1million got screwed and came in 3rd or 4th and won $100k instead, there would surely be a hell of a stink kicked up.

I don't consider anything where "judges" make the final call a sport.

Also, anything where NO athletic ability is not a sport to me (i.e. poker, chess)

Let me add that I also Do NOT consider anything where animals or automobiles/machines do the bulk of the work, a sport.

And while I'm at it, Golf and hunting are not sports. Anything a 70 year old, obese person can do, cannot be considered athletic.

There are exceptions of course.
Title: Re: Are any sports that are 'judged' really sports?
Post by: mental_masturbator on February 16, 2007, 01:41:26 AM
Powerlifting is considered a sport by most folks.  It is, however, subject to the vagaries of judging.  Just spend some time on the boards and you'll soon read many posts about lifts that shouldn't have received 3 white lights, e.g. squats that weren't deep enough or performed using a monolift, deadlifts that weren't locked out, bench presses done using recoil gear and extreme arches, or just plain myopic judging, etc. 
Title: Re: Are any sports that are 'judged' really sports?
Post by: 210 and growing on February 16, 2007, 01:46:56 AM
I don't consider anything where "judges" make the final call a sport.

Also, anything where NO athletic ability is not a sport to me (i.e. poker, chess)

Let me add that I also Do NOT consider anything where animals or automobiles/machines do the bulk of the work, a sport.

And while I'm at it, Golf and hunting are not sports. Anything a 70 year old, obese person can do, cannot be considered athletic. There are exceptions of course.

Its tricky though, coz with golf say, the amount of skills those guys have is f ck in unbeleavable - to be able to put a ball within 6 ft of a hole 90 times out of 100 requires some serious skill - plus you walk about 6-7 miles in a round of golf, and there is a clear winner decided fairly, so i would vote yes for golf (competitive golf, not these 70 yr olds going around in buggys just getting out to take a shot or a leak in the bushes)
Title: Re: Are any sports that are 'judged' really sports?
Post by: gordiano on February 16, 2007, 02:01:16 AM
Its tricky though, coz with golf say, the amount of skills those guys have is f ck in unbeleavable - to be able to put a ball within 6 ft of a hole 90 times out of 100 requires some serious skill - plus you walk about 6-7 miles in a round of golf, and there is a clear winner decided fairly, so i would vote yes for golf (competitive golf, not these 70 yr olds going around in buggys just getting out to take a shot or a leak in the bushes)

I never said that ANY of the above did not require skill. They all do. Even going in circles 500 times, along with a couple dozen rednecks around you, requires skill. Doesn't mean it's a sport though.

I disagree. Golfers are not athletes.
Title: Re: Are any sports that are 'judged' really sports?
Post by: SquatAss on February 16, 2007, 02:01:58 AM
Have you ever heard of boxing? K1? MMA?

That said BB'ing is not a sport ofcourse I thought that was obvious.
Title: Re: Are any sports that are 'judged' really sports?
Post by: gordiano on February 16, 2007, 02:09:10 AM
Have you ever heard of boxing? K1? MMA?

That said BB'ing is not a sport ofcourse I thought that was obvious.

MMA is a sport, no doubt.

It requires athleticism and skill/talent.

I thought that was a given......
Title: Re: Are any sports that are 'judged' really sports?
Post by: 210 and growing on February 16, 2007, 02:10:44 AM
Have you ever heard of boxing? K1? MMA?

That said BB'ing is not a sport ofcourse I thought that was obvious.

Yes - as i was posting the original thread it did occur that boxing / mma etc are the spanner in the works - they are obviously a sport but can sometimes go to judging decisions.
Title: Re: Are any sports that are 'judged' really sports?
Post by: SquatAss on February 16, 2007, 02:18:34 AM
MMA is a sport, no doubt.

It requires athleticism and skill/talent.

I thought that was a given......

Quote from: gordiano
I don't consider anything where "judges" make the final call a sport.

Title: Re: Are any sports that are 'judged' really sports?
Post by: gordiano on February 16, 2007, 02:24:59 AM

Boxing/MMA is the they don't ALWAYS come down to a judges decision.

Take bbing for instance, or skating, where it is ALWAYS based on opinion.
Title: Re: Are any sports that are 'judged' really sports?
Post by: SquatAss on February 16, 2007, 02:31:04 AM
You don't have to convince me. Just pointing out an oversight on your part.