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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: mdgkmg on March 31, 2007, 08:46:27 AM

Title: I was considering
Post by: mdgkmg on March 31, 2007, 08:46:27 AM
ok i've posted altering my routine i was considering instead of so much altering days or times a week altering my sets. by this i was talkin about goin with a 8-12 rep weight rack it, 30 seconds pump it out to faliure, drop 20 pnds(for chest and larger groups) and repeat with a 1 maybe 1 1/2 minute rest. do this for 3 sets of four exercises twice a week for chest. 3 or for sets for 2 exercises biceps. and 3 sets for 3 exercises tri's. for traps i was thinkin probably 4 sets 2 exercises and just somethin like that. the only thing i can't figure out would be back i can't have it too sore for work cuz injury possibility's and decreased work effiency= decreased paycheck not a good thing. i was thinkin i might just train my back the same way as usual and for abs 9-12 sets little or no weight high reps. to me it seems like there's probably some kinks and shits in this plan that need worked out. but hey thats what i got my getbig bro's for. what do y'all think? oh and if i didn't mention it this would be each part twice a week.