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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: norcalgirl on April 24, 2007, 09:47:36 AM

Title: a little help please...
Post by: norcalgirl on April 24, 2007, 09:47:36 AM
Hi fitness pros!!!  I am a girl in need of some advice!  I am loyal gym goer.  Although, I have never taken any sort of pills, or supplements for that matter.  I just work my butt off at the gym.  I have decided to take the leap and take advantage of some of the great products out there to shed some of my excess body fat.  I could use some advice on what you recommend.  I have read through this board and I am interested in clen, ephedra, ephedrine, or whatever you guys think is the best for fat burning.  I do work hard at the gym but my eating habits are far from perfect, but my body is in ok shape.  Thanks for any and advice!  I love reading all the helpful info on here!  You guys are great!!!
Title: Re: a little help please...
Post by: Redwingenator on April 24, 2007, 12:05:43 PM
Building lean body mass and watching your diet are the best ways to lose fat weight.  Studies have estimated that for each pound of muscle that you add to your body, you burn an additional 35 to 50 calories per day. So, an extra 10 pounds of muscle will burn approximately 350 to 500 calories a day, or an extra pound of fat every 7 to 10 days, without making any other changes.
Title: Re: a little help please...
Post by: Cap on April 24, 2007, 12:20:41 PM
Hi fitness pros!!!  I am a girl in need of some advice!  I am loyal gym goer.  Although, I have never taken any sort of pills, or supplements for that matter.  I just work my butt off at the gym.  I have decided to take the leap and take advantage of some of the great products out there to shed some of my excess body fat.  I could use some advice on what you recommend.  I have read through this board and I am interested in clen, ephedra, ephedrine, or whatever you guys think is the best for fat burning.  I do work hard at the gym but my eating habits are far from perfect, but my body is in ok shape.  Thanks for any and advice!  I love reading all the helpful info on here!  You guys are great!!!
I would try diet and cardio first.  I noticed you didn't list any stats so I'll give general advice that I have seen work.

-CLA is good
-EFA's are very effective from what I have seen, especially if BF is lower
-I would stick with ephedra first before you hit up clen
-Unless used in high doses clen will make you sleepy

-smaller frequent meals
-Lots of water
-No late day/night carbs

-Interval training
-high intensity although long distance running can lean you out
Title: Re: a little help please...
Post by: Mike on April 24, 2007, 01:07:32 PM
Building lean body mass and watching your diet are the best ways to lose fat weight.  Studies have estimated that for each pound of muscle that you add to your body, you burn an additional 35 to 50 calories per day. So, an extra 10 pounds of muscle will burn approximately 350 to 500 calories a day, or an extra pound of fat every 7 to 10 days, without making any other changes.

Good info, but I'm pretty sure she's not interested in putting an extra 10 lbs on. 

Nurtition board has all your ephedrine/ephedra/clen info. 

Get the diet in check and you won't need to poison yourself.
Title: Re: a little help please...
Post by: dr.chimps on April 24, 2007, 06:42:42 PM
Shortcuts, like using, eca etc. are fine, but if your diet is, admittedly, not the best, and you're in 'ok' shape, then how the fcuk are you gonna know how/what your body is capable of/how it responds. You're not ready  for such a step, yet. Clean up the diet and increase your intensity (I figure you're slacking here, too). See Cap's above advice. The faster you try to make progress the faster you will lose any gains. Make haste slowly.
Title: Re: a little help please...
Post by: norcalgirl on April 24, 2007, 10:18:04 PM
well thanks for all the advice're the best!!! 

Dr. Chimps, I admit my diet isn't the BEST but it isn't the worst either, I work really hard in the gym (by anyones standards).  I said I have an "OK" body because to me I can always improve...cant we all...isn't that why we are here???  I'm not looking for an easy way out and obviously I need to clean up my diet and I plan on doing that!  Thanks for the kick in the ass!
Title: Re: a little help please...
Post by: metalruler on April 25, 2007, 01:49:13 AM
Get Arnold's has everything u ever need to know about losing weight, toning and shaping up. Good luck on ur quest for a better body.  :)
Title: Re: a little help please...
Post by: Mike on April 25, 2007, 10:38:42 AM
Get Arnold's has everything u ever need to know about losing weight, toning and shaping up. Good luck on ur quest for a better body.  :)

Make sure you adhere strickly to the Weider Principles or you will fail horribly
Title: Re: a little help please...
Post by: jpm101 on April 25, 2007, 11:18:21 AM
The subject does not deserve so many complex answers. It's not the analysis of the string theory or anything like that. It's all pretty simple, really. Drop the carbs down to 100 grams daily, keeping about the same calorie level as before. You want to hold on to or even increase the muscle mass a bit and keep the energy high. The only supplement you might consider is Flex seed oil and fish oil. A balanced, higher quality whey/egg feeding during the day can also help.

If 100 grams of carbs a day are not making Hollywood producers slam on their breaks and want to sign you up for the movies, than drop the carbs between 40 to 50 a day. Get a carb book. The nearest thing to the Akins diest is the low carb method. The Zone diet is another, maybe a little slower, way of losing that extra body fat.

People make the mistake of over doing the cardio thing and diet extreme at the same time. Not just losing fat but muscle tissue. Imbalance of the body follows. Good way to speed up aging for some people. Good Luck.