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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Injury and Rehabilitation => Topic started by: Camel Jockey on September 11, 2007, 01:30:04 PM

Title: Back injury
Post by: Camel Jockey on September 11, 2007, 01:30:04 PM
I fucked up my lower back last friday during a set of squats.. It's the lower right corner of the back that's fucking me up. It's agitating me, messing up my mood, just fucking me up.

Of course I've taken some aspirin, and but the stuff works like for an hour and bam the pain comes right back. I took some valium and it seems fine, but I can't be doing that all the time..

Have any of you had these injuries? I've had back pain before, but I could deal with it. This time, it seems worse and is isolated to the lower right corner of my back. Never had any injury like this before..

How should I cope with this crap? See the doc? I dunno if it's serious, but I've never experienced anything like this.

When I had back pain prior, I started doing deadlifts.. I noticed doing deadlifts actually helped me and the pain eventually stopped.. This injury occured through squats. So should I take up the deadlift?(which I've avoided for 3 weeks) I wanna see the doc through.

Do chime in, my internet brothers.. Schools out due to Jewish holidays and I'm bored, agitated and in pain. The bitch is busy and I'm not even in the mood to watch porn or jerk off.
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: JasonH on September 11, 2007, 01:36:55 PM
If the pain doesn't abate then I would see a doc - you never know, you might have slipped a disc or something.
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: The Squadfather on September 11, 2007, 01:41:32 PM
drop the squats for awhile and do the deadlifts CJ, or start belting up for your squats.
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: Livewire on September 11, 2007, 01:44:09 PM
I recommend supersetting good-mornings with some hyperextensions.  high reps (70 to 100 range).

That disk will slip right back on in.
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: octobermajik on September 11, 2007, 01:45:37 PM
I've got a disc issue with similar pain and reactions to what you're describing. I don't get them when I squat or deadlift (I don't go heavy at all), but the last two times I aggreviated it was when I was doing cable rows. It's the damnest thing.

You might want to get those Ben Gay patches and slap them on your back. They help me when I'm in that situation.
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: Camel Jockey on September 11, 2007, 01:45:52 PM
I'm gonna stop squatting.. This week will be legpresses and I'm scared of any deadlifts or rows, although last week my bent over rows were great.

On saturday, I did load some luggage of my sister's onto my bro's car.. I think that might have added to the problem, because I felt weak and horrible afterwards.

I have had my back x-rayed before and it said I had a slight bent of the lumbar spine. And like I said, the deadlifts did fix my back up, but now this injury is not general pain, but an actual injury.

I'm like telling my family and shit and they aren't taking me seriously.
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: The Coach on September 11, 2007, 02:39:57 PM
I fucked up my lower back last friday during a set of squats.. It's the lower right corner of the back that's fucking me up. It's agitating me, messing up my mood, just fucking me up.

Of course I've taken some aspirin, and but the stuff works like for an hour and bam the pain comes right back. I took some valium and it seems fine, but I can't be doing that all the time..

Have any of you had these injuries? I've had back pain before, but I could deal with it. This time, it seems worse and is isolated to the lower right corner of my back. Never had any injury like this before..

How should I cope with this crap? See the doc? I dunno if it's serious, but I've never experienced anything like this.

When I had back pain prior, I started doing deadlifts.. I noticed doing deadlifts actually helped me and the pain eventually stopped.. This injury occured through squats. So should I take up the deadlift?(which I've avoided for 3 weeks) I wanna see the doc through.

Do chime in, my internet brothers.. Schools out due to Jewish holidays and I'm bored, agitated and in pain. The bitch is busy and I'm not even in the mood to watch porn or jerk off.

I don't know why Woo deleted his post.
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: sgt. d on September 11, 2007, 02:49:24 PM
The problem is you need to stretch more. I add superman stretches and other back stretches before I do back and leg work.

Sgt. d
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: amc1980 on September 11, 2007, 02:52:06 PM
This is what happens to people that don't pray to Jebus before a heavy squat session.
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: sgt. d on September 11, 2007, 02:54:32 PM
This is what happens to people that don't pray to Jebus before a heavy squat session.

Yes praying is a big plus. God is good all the time.
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: stormshadow on September 11, 2007, 03:02:07 PM
Monster negative sarcasm resulting from a pathetic life amounted to nothing.

Yes praying is a big plus. God is good all the time.
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: amc1980 on September 11, 2007, 03:03:35 PM
Yes praying is a big plus. God is good all the time.

Yes! Yes he is.

He has touched me in many ways.
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: sgt. d on September 11, 2007, 03:05:10 PM
Monster negative sarcasm resulting from a pathetic life amounted to nothing.

Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: onlyme on September 11, 2007, 03:08:31 PM
drop the squats for awhile and do the deadlifts CJ, or start belting up for your squats.

Another stupid advice from a guy who knows nothing.  You obviously haven't hurt your lower.  Just like you give advice on training yet you don't train.  You should go on a "pilots" forum and tell them how to fly.  I ruptured my L4 and L5 in 1984 from doing squats.  My lower back goes out all the time since.  If you are having pain in your right side like that it is a pinched nerve.  Usually associated with damage to your lower back.  I get it to.  Hurts like hell.  I take vicodin.  Most of the time it helps enough to get up and walk around.  Depending how bad it hurts I can't see how you can do deadlifts.  When it isn't hurting I would recommend anything that will strengthen your lower back like deads or hypers.  But I sure wouldn't do them when you are hurting.  That will just make it worse.
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: amc1980 on September 11, 2007, 03:14:09 PM
Another stupid advice from a guy who knows nothing.  You obviously haven't hurt your lower.  Just like you give advice on training yet you don't train.  You should go on a "pilots" forum and tell them how to fly.  I ruptured my L4 and L5 in 1984 from doing squats.  My lower back goes out all the time since.  If you are having pain in your right side like that it is a pinched nerve.  Usually associated with damage to your lower back.  I get it to.  Hurts like hell.  I take vicodin.  Most of the time it helps enough to get up and walk around.  Depending how bad it hurts I can't see how you can do deadlifts.  When it isn't hurting I would recommend anything that will strengthen your lower back like deads or hypers.  But I sure wouldn't do them when you are hurting.  That will just make it worse.

Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: octobermajik on September 11, 2007, 03:56:14 PM
Another stupid advice from a guy who knows nothing.  You obviously haven't hurt your lower.  Just like you give advice on training yet you don't train.  You should go on a "pilots" forum and tell them how to fly.  I ruptured my L4 and L5 in 1984 from doing squats.  My lower back goes out all the time since.  If you are having pain in your right side like that it is a pinched nerve.  Usually associated with damage to your lower back.  I get it to.  Hurts like hell.  I take vicodin.  Most of the time it helps enough to get up and walk around.  Depending how bad it hurts I can't see how you can do deadlifts.  When it isn't hurting I would recommend anything that will strengthen your lower back like deads or hypers.  But I sure wouldn't do them when you are hurting.  That will just make it worse.

Granted. I don't or have never used the weight you probably do or did, but when I'm in that condition, doing very light deadlifting, hacksquats, and back extensions actually help ease the disc back in, and help me recover that much faster. I don't see where his advice is that bad that you needed to give him grief for it; but then again I"m not as bitter as you come off to be.
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: Camel Jockey on September 11, 2007, 04:23:33 PM
Thanks for the advice guys. I appreciate everything, and yes, even you sgt. d..  ;)

So what the Coach is saying is that lowerback injuries might be caused by weaker legs? I will have to strengthen my legs then.

It's hurting me now.. The aspirin has worn off and I'm agitated sitting in my fucking computer seat.
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: haider on September 11, 2007, 04:31:18 PM
REST up dude, don't go workout again before seeing the doc, u never know what u fvcked up with your back. Back in april I messed up my back the same way doing squats, except it was even more stupid because I had tweaked my back playing soccer prior to that. I rested up for a while and let the pain go away, btu every time I went back adn did squats/deadlifts the pain came right back. I got a whole summer off of almost all free-weight training, got back and started up my workouts again but this time sticking to bulgarian split squats for legs and no deadlifts except hack deadlifts (also called BTB deadlifts)... what do ya know, 4 weeks into my program I fucked up my back again doing the hack deads..lay on the floor for a while, barely was able to get off the floor.
         Well, I was basically bed-ridden for 2 days, then bought a weight-lifting belt to wear underneath my shirt so I could be able to walk around and go to class pain-free. I also took vicodin (for 2 days), and applied a heat pack for about 3-4 days before my back now is almost back to like it was pre-injury (though still messed). Hopefully I'll be able to go in for an MRI within the next few days for the good news  :'(
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: Camel Jockey on September 11, 2007, 05:39:42 PM
Haider, sorry to hear that.. I was twitching in class today like a fucking crackhead.

I will have to go see the doc, but I know for a fact the squats did it. Deadlifts have never hurt my back for some reason. I think it was my own lack of serious leg training that lead to this.. If I had stronger legs.

But I will have to go pay the doc a visit.. I can feel it now while I sit and type that this.. It's there, inbetween my spine and where my right ass cheek starts.. I'm drinking some australian wine(black swan or some shit), which while sedative, does not get rid of the pain..
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: Camel Jockey on September 11, 2007, 05:40:35 PM
OH! I will rest up as my school is closed due to jewish holidays..

I will sleep well tonight..
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: pumpster on September 11, 2007, 06:13:19 PM
Looking at previous threads the same routine can be followed to bring back an area from injury:
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: Camel Jockey on September 12, 2007, 06:49:57 PM
Not feeling any better today.
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: haider on September 12, 2007, 06:56:50 PM
dude, HEAT + pain relievers, I also strongly advise wearing a weight belt- it helped tremedously with my daily functioning.
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: Deicide on September 12, 2007, 08:08:09 PM
Not feeling any better today.

Mate, common sense advice here: see a bloody doctor.

You don't what's wrong and there is a healthy pain and an unhealthy one.

Better to have to take a few months off than have a permanent, inhibiting back injury, don't you think?

For your own sake, see a doctor... :-\
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: CQ on September 12, 2007, 08:17:58 PM


Best of luck with your back CJ, and I also think you should see a doctor. Better safe than sorry, and it can't hurt.
Title: Re: Back injury
Post by: Camel Jockey on September 14, 2007, 09:58:46 AM
It's better now, but still there.

Trained back yesterday, but not deadlifts and felt okay.. But then again, I'm on ECA, so maybe I can't feel it as I should be feeling it.

Trained legs today, just legpresses with walking lunges, leg extensions and leg curls.

Got some icy hot heating pads and they numbed it. And my beer bellied brother trampled by back last night and it felt great. I wish he were heavier than 200 lbs though..

My dear CQ, I have an appointment next week.