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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: DirtyDirt on February 14, 2008, 05:50:33 AM

Title: Your Opinion - UG labs
Post by: DirtyDirt on February 14, 2008, 05:50:33 AM
Last year i started a cycle with some Deca and Test Cyp from some ug company, i can't remember the name at this point, according to the label, the cyp was 200mg and the deca was 100mg, i would be money they were junk, i didn't get anything noticable off them. I wound up doing two bottles of each before switching to Nile Sust Amps and EQ, which i then started seeing and feeling results from. Whenever i talk w people about ug stuff i get the "it's real just underdosed" nonsense. Just curious on the opinions of you guys on GB. Under normal circumstances what would you say the ratio is from what's on the label vs what's actually in the gear. Especially now with Test 500 popping up and all these crazy mixes and things i've been seeing..
Title: Re: Your Opinion - UG labs
Post by: dr_para24 on February 14, 2008, 08:36:08 AM
Test 500mg? you using a needle sucking a honey not oil.
Title: Re: Your Opinion - UG labs
Post by: 4thAD on February 14, 2008, 08:49:58 AM
Some UG is garbage and some UG is good to go. Just depends on the source. I agree with Para that the UG you were using is just oil, with very little hormone.
Title: Re: Your Opinion - UG labs
Post by: Rimbaud on February 14, 2008, 03:34:02 PM
Some UG is garbage and some UG is good to go. Just depends on the source. I agree with Para that the UG you were using is just oil, with very little hormone.

That should be the only answer to the UG question. Some labs are clean & dosed properly & others are nasty as hell & not dosed well. It all depends.
Title: Re: Your Opinion - UG labs
Post by: Big_Tymer on February 14, 2008, 05:57:27 PM
personally ive never used any UG aas. i have definitely heard of some good ones, and then ive heard of many bad ones as well.  HG for the win.
Title: Re: Your Opinion - UG labs
Post by: thelamefalsehood on February 14, 2008, 06:59:45 PM
They used to be good, back in 200-2002 or so. Then everyone found out the big secret and everyone and their brother had "labs". Quality went way down, and a good thing was ruined.Anyone remember "Designer Labs", they made some crazy stuff that was always dosed properly. Mass Fuel-which was drol and suspension, Cut Fuel-prop, tren and masteron, and some great test blends. I've used HG and UG, and DL was the only one where you honestly could not tell a difference. The same guy that came out with Designer Labs got popped, but came out with a line of Supplements under the name "Designer Supplements", and those are all awesome supplements as well. Black Label was also a good one, but they went away as well. Bottom line, I would not trust ANY UGL right now. To many conflicting reports on quality, and people have already forgotten Operatin Raw Deal, and that should of woken everyone up. Be safe, pay the extra money, get blood drawn, and get a script. ;)
Title: Re: Your Opinion - UG labs
Post by: Arnold jr on February 14, 2008, 07:04:54 PM
Some UG is garbage and some UG is good to go. Just depends on the source. I agree with Para that the UG you were using is just oil, with very little hormone.
Agreed...but the bad far out weigh the good.

Bottom line, I would not trust ANY UGL right now. To many conflicting reports on quality, and people have already forgotten Operatin Raw Deal, and that should of woken everyone up. Be safe, pay the extra money, get blood drawn, and get a script. ;)
For the most part, yes...there are some small time labs out there that are big one that has some decent products, but that's about it.
Title: Re: Your Opinion - UG labs
Post by: DirtyDirt on February 15, 2008, 05:40:33 AM
i was just curious and for the record, i've never attempted the test 500, one of my friends bought it and seen a foriegn object floating in it..........HG stuff although very hard to get and expensive is the way to go....
Title: Re: Your Opinion - UG labs
Post by: Big_Tymer on February 15, 2008, 05:42:58 PM
i was just curious and for the record, i've never attempted the test 500, one of my friends bought it and seen a foriegn object floating in it.

damn, stay away.
Title: Re: Your Opinion - UG labs
Post by: Beener on February 15, 2008, 05:45:44 PM
i was just curious and for the record, i've never attempted the test 500, one of my friends bought it and seen a foriegn object floating in it..........HG stuff although very hard to get and expensive is the way to go....

What, like a Mexican?
Title: Re: Your Opinion - UG labs
Post by: windsor88 on February 15, 2008, 06:24:53 PM
one of my friends bought it and seen a foriegn object floating in it

I opened a bottle of Clen and found what appeared to be a pubic hair once.