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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Tre on February 18, 2008, 04:35:06 AM

Title: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: Tre on February 18, 2008, 04:35:06 AM

Interesting suggestion...
Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: Deicide on February 18, 2008, 05:12:06 AM
Interesting suggestion...

Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: Arthurshall on February 18, 2008, 09:11:07 PM
I certainly hope not...playing identity politics is for libs.
Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: Dos Equis on February 18, 2008, 11:04:38 PM
Maybe.  If Hillary gets the nod it might be a good idea.  Condi Rice would be good.  Governor Linda Lingle would be an outstanding choice if she wasn't from a politically irrelevant state. 
Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: Arthurshall on February 18, 2008, 11:25:35 PM
If Hillary gets the nod...she will get crushed. We don't need a handout to beat her.
Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: Dos Equis on February 18, 2008, 11:33:23 PM
I don't think Hillary can win the general either. 
Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: tonymctones on February 18, 2008, 11:34:56 PM
what about if obama ran with hillary as her vp, do you think they could win?
Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: Dos Equis on February 18, 2008, 11:42:01 PM
I doubt it.  People generally vote the top of the ticket and Hillary's negatives are just too high. 
Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: Straw Man on February 18, 2008, 11:58:28 PM
The neo-con's love Condi but I don't think she wants the job - plus she's a god awful Secretary of State and the "social conservatives" might not approve of her lifestyle "choice".  By that of course I mean not getting married and having a few kids. 
Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: BayGBM on February 19, 2008, 06:47:10 AM
I certainly hope not...playing identity politics is for libs.

The neo-con's love Condi but I don't think she wants the job - plus she's a god awful Secretary of State and the "social conservatives" might not approve of her lifestyle "choice".  By that of course I mean not getting married and having a few kids. 


Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: headhuntersix on February 19, 2008, 07:45:44 AM
The neo-con's love Condi but I don't think she wants the job - plus she's a god awful Secretary of State and the "social conservatives" might not approve of her lifestyle "choice".  By that of course I mean not getting married and having a few kids. 

Whats wrong with this...he's right. If he were to pick a female, she would have to represent the Conservative base. Condi hasn' shown me much and I'm not sure she's much of a Republican...
Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: Straw Man on February 19, 2008, 08:19:31 AM


I never know what the eye roll means. I was trying to be polite and ironic regarding Condi's "choice"

I think she really wants to go back to the private sector where she won't have her ass chewed out on national TV and maybe Chevron will re-name that oil tanker after her again.

Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: headhuntersix on February 19, 2008, 08:23:31 AM
I thought what u posted was pretty correct.
Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: Straw Man on February 19, 2008, 08:33:20 AM
I thought what u posted was pretty correct.

Thanks - time will tell.

Another woman that's been speculated is Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas

She seemed to sound dismssive when asked about it but I'm not sure I buy it:

"It's not something I want," Ms. Hutchison said of the vice presidency. "I'd so much more like to keep helping Texas. I hope I'm not in a position where I'm considered."

"There are so many really good people. But it's much too early to tell,"

I think she's more  moderate than McCain so not sure how much she would help to rope in the neocons

Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: headhuntersix on February 19, 2008, 08:42:50 AM
I think the Repubs need to distance themselves from the NEOCONS, a small but powerful group with money and ties to the Beltway. They need to see that this method has drained the coffers and made it much harder to deal with real threats. Mccain will need a strong Conservative to get more repubs behind him. I think he can do enough to appeal to Liberman like Dems and independents. He charasmatic enough to appeal to folks...he's not a Rock Star but he has a long record. I really want to see the debates. Obama is long on retoric and short on plans. If Obama gets in on this loose, feel good style I think we will see a major shift in American will be an American Idol 2012 presidential campaign.
Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: Straw Man on February 19, 2008, 08:48:49 AM
I think the Repubs need to distance themselves from the NEOCONS, a small but powerful group with money and ties to the Beltway. They need to see that this method has drained the coffers and made it much harder to deal with real threats. Mccain will need a strong Conservative to get more repubs behind him. I think he can do enough to appeal to Liberman like Dems and independents. He charasmatic enough to appeal to folks...he's not a Rock Star but he has a long record. I really want to see the debates. Obama is long on retoric and short on plans. If Obama gets in on this loose, feel good style I think we will see a major shift in American will be an American Idol 2012 presidential campaign.

I agree - if they Republicans got back to acting like true conservatives they would draw back the Republicans who now call themselves independents and also have a chance at drawing in the conservative edge of the Dems.

The problem is that the neocons have yoked themselves to the Jesus crowd - both of whom have their radical segments and it's hard to find someone who can appeal to them plus the more moderate (and probably larger) segment of the party 
Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: headhuntersix on February 19, 2008, 08:58:04 AM
I think u can appeal to the evangelicals...u can support social values consistant with what they want. Honestly I think its pretty easy to keep those people happy. As president u can make an effort here and there to keep them happy and ui can do it without pissing everybody else off. We have separation of Church and State which should allow a moderate to hide behind and throw the Evans a bone now and then. I think u tell the Neo's that they had their shot, they should have listened to the Generals, and that we're going to fix their mess and to shut the hell up. Force them to prove they were right..or more to the point successful.
Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: Straw Man on February 19, 2008, 09:04:14 AM
I think u can appeal to the evangelicals...u can support social values consistant with what they want. Honestly I think its pretty easy to keep those people happy. As president u can make an effort here and there to keep them happy and ui can do it without pissing everybody else off. We have separation of Church and State which should allow a moderate to hide behind and throw the Evans a bone now and then. I think u tell the Neo's that they had their shot, they should have listened to the Generals, and that we're going to fix their mess and to shut the hell up. Force them to prove they were right..or more to the point successful.

yeah - I wasn't clear - I think the party needs to move away from the Neocons who I think are a minority but also have a powerful support from the media (i.e Fox and Rush) which blatantly tries to mold the party line to their radical agenda.   I think the social conservatives have been waking up over the past few years which is why they can no longer be counted on to just follow along. 

The Repubs have basically fractured into three segments (traditional conservatives, neocons and social conservatives) which are now having a hard time moving in unison and finding a candidate that they can all get behind.
Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: headhuntersix on February 19, 2008, 09:13:18 AM
I think they can bring back the socials...who else will they vote for. These people tend to be socially responsible. I think u can throw them a bone. The Neo's will always exist but their power and prominance can be throttled back. These guys have and always will pull some foreign policy strings..but they should never be allowed to place a SEC DEF and guys like Wolfiwitz into direct control of military forces.
Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: Straw Man on February 19, 2008, 09:19:53 AM
I think they can bring back the socials...who else will they vote for. These people tend to be socially responsible. I think u can throw them a bone. The Neo's will always exist but their power and prominance can be throttled back. These guys have and always will pull some foreign policy strings..but they should never be allowed to place a SEC DEF and guys like Wolfiwitz into direct control of military forces.

the social conservatives are waking up the realization the the neocons just pay them lip service and don't really care about their issues.   Most of the radical ones would just refrain from voting and stay home and wait for the rapture (no joke - that's what a lot of them did before they got politicized by the christian coalition/moral majority).   Others will find some appeal in the populist message of a person like Obama (or formerly Edwards).  Basically, they are not a sure bet to just get in line behind the Republican's anymore.
Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: headhuntersix on February 19, 2008, 12:02:31 PM
The NEOCONS have 1 agenda...I would hope these folks would see through the Obama BS, or atleast ask him questions...he has, time and again, refered people to his website for answers. He's gotten tripped up on some of the Sunday talk shows, because he's been forced to answer. Bush is a horrible public speaker, Hil isn't very inspiring but Bush will stay on a simple message and Hil will whip out her facts and talking points.
Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: Straw Man on February 19, 2008, 12:13:38 PM
The NEOCONS have 1 agenda...I would hope these folks would see through the Obama BS, or atleast ask him questions...he has, time and again, refered people to his website for answers. He's gotten tripped up on some of the Sunday talk shows, because he's been forced to answer. Bush is a horrible public speaker, Hil isn't very inspiring but Bush will stay on a simple message and Hil will whip out her facts and talking points.

Obama is sounding  more and more like a baptist preacher - lot's of platitudes and no details.  I don't know what "change" even means.  Bush was a change from Clinton and it turned out to be an unmitigated disaster.  I'm also sick of this "hope" shit. 

McCain is the most boring of them all.  He starts talking and then his tempo slows down and it seems like he lost his train of thought and almost appears ready to fall asleep.

Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: headhuntersix on February 19, 2008, 12:34:39 PM
Great article dealing with what u just mentioned and what we've been talking about.

Among Republicans, conservatives, and some media commentators, we're seeing a backlash develop against Senator Obama. The form it takes is mocking the "cult of personality" we are seeing arise around him and insisting that his rhetoric, while uplifting, is essentially content-free. Obama, the argument goes, is an empty vessel in whom people are investing their own hopes and wishes. Hence his popularity.

There is something to this critique. His speeches, particularly of late, have been largely free of substance; he doesn't explain in any concrete way what change he hopes to bring about should he be elected President. If you compare Obama's rhetoric with, say, Martin Luther King, Jr., you'll see how glaring the difference is. King used his rhetoric -- at once beautiful, uplifting, and compelling -- to advance a philosophy and a cause: the belief that America needed to make good on its "promisary note" and do away with racial injustice. Like Lincoln, King grounded his arguments in an appeal to the Declaration of Independence and the moral law and had concrete implications. Obama's rhetoric, which can also be inspiring, seems almost consciously bereft of unifying ideas or political philosophy.....

Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: headhuntersix on February 19, 2008, 12:37:42 PM
What do u make of this.....

ELEANOR CLIFT: "Al Gore on the second ballot: A scenario that a few weeks ago seemed preposterous is beginning to look plausible to some nervous Democrats looking for a way out of the deadlock between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama."

This seems more like a pundit's dream than anything that's likely to happen. But to the extent that Democratic leaders are seriously talking about this, it's a poor reflection on both Clinton and Obama.

Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: Straw Man on February 19, 2008, 12:47:17 PM
I don't think Gore wants the job anymore but he probably likes having people talk about it.   

I wouldn't mind seeing Bloomberg jump in - but I think that's a long shot too
Title: Re: Will McCain take a female VP??
Post by: headhuntersix on February 19, 2008, 12:53:08 PM
If u got him....I think u'd get a no bullshit we're going to fix the economy and fix America president. I think he'd be good for 4 years...I don't think u';d see much of a change in foreign policy. I think we'd hold where we're pull-back..almost a pause as he fixes the cash. I think He would be great economically. He might have to link a draw down in Iraq to free cash....I think if he came in he would be very blunt. I don't think u become that rich and successful by blowing smoke...unfortunately u have to to become president and this guy has never struck me as blowing smoke. I'd have to do research.