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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Training Logs and Info => Topic started by: montrealman76 on July 08, 2008, 10:36:46 AM

Title: Sore legs from streching while i sleep. Any fixes?
Post by: montrealman76 on July 08, 2008, 10:36:46 AM
Been working out now for close to 2 months. Im in the process of losing weight so quite often i do about an hour of cardio 5 days a week. Seems that when i fall asleep for some reason i keep streching my legs. I end up waking up like 10 times a night due to the stretch AND when i get up it takes like 2-3 hours until my legs are warmed up and not sore from the "all" night stretchs.

I strech before i do my cardio and started doing the cooldown periods.
When im awake im totally fine and my legs feel fine even just before falling asleep.
Ive tried doing cardio as early as i can after work so as to give my legs a longer time to rest before hitting the sack ( used to finish workout out.. drink my protein shake then hit the sack. Now i wait about 4 hours to go to bed ).

Im getting mad because i KNOW sleep is a key ingredient to working out. As it is.. i seem to be only getting 5-6 hours MAX a night even if i hit the bed 8 hours before needing to get up. Due to only sleeping 5 hours.. my workouts seem to be slipping a bit due to being "tired". Hence my post....

Anyone have any advice? Have you ever heard of this happening to anyone else? Does it happen to people for thier arms / chest etc?

Id really like to avoid taking muscle relaxers or sleeping pills. Im not sure if this is just a phase either due i was a lazy pig for 5 years.. and now im a training machine.

Thanks in advance for anything you can provide...
Title: Re: Sore legs from streching while i sleep. Any fixes?
Post by: pedro01 on July 10, 2008, 12:36:05 AM
surely the answer is to stretch your legs when you are awake - if you really think that stretching your legs is giving you muscle pain, you need to work on your flexibility...
Title: Re: Sore legs from streching while i sleep. Any fixes?
Post by: Overload on July 10, 2008, 05:26:39 AM
Been working out now for close to 2 months. Im in the process of losing weight so quite often i do about an hour of cardio 5 days a week. Seems that when i fall asleep for some reason i keep streching my legs. I end up waking up like 10 times a night due to the stretch AND when i get up it takes like 2-3 hours until my legs are warmed up and not sore from the "all" night stretchs.

"Stretching" in your sleep?

Do you mean cramping?
