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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: jtsunami on July 14, 2008, 06:45:33 AM

Title: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: jtsunami on July 14, 2008, 06:45:33 AM
Whats the most test you ever took in one week, just to see what would happen?  I have only taken 1 gram or a little more, but I am talking has anyone ever taken 5 grams - 7 grams - 20 grams a week?

Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: candidizzle on July 14, 2008, 08:42:50 AM
20 g huh ??? lol... you know there are guys who do that shit. in milo's q&a thread he was asked if he ever played with mega doses. h said he hadnt, but a guy came to him once and told him "i am proof steroids can not kill you". and milos asked him what he meant. he said he had injected up to one HUNDRED cc in one day !!!!   :o  :o 
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: 4thAD on July 14, 2008, 09:47:04 AM
20 g huh ??? lol... you know there are guys who do that shit. in milo's q&a thread he was asked if he ever played with mega doses. h said he hadnt, but a guy came to him once and told him "i am proof steroids can not kill you". and milos asked him what he meant. he said he had injected up to one HUNDRED cc in one day !!!!   :o  :o 

100cc oil in one day, tell me another story. I don't believe it. Ithink a lot of these guys talk a lot.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: Overload on July 14, 2008, 09:56:55 AM

The highest i have seen was a close friend who ran 3000mg EW.

There is an article i read a while back about a guy who went up to 5000mg on a blast and cruise type cycle, i'll see if i can find it, he documented the entire thing.

Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: Arnold jr on July 14, 2008, 10:53:52 AM
1350/wk...could tell no difference between that and 1g/wk
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: MONSTER_TRICEPS on July 14, 2008, 12:37:52 PM

The highest i have seen was a close friend who ran 3000mg EW.

There is an article i read a while back about a guy who went up to 5000mg on a blast and cruise type cycle, i'll see if i can find it, he documented the entire thing.


Would be nice if you could find that article...
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: candidizzle on July 14, 2008, 12:42:12 PM
100cc oil in one day, tell me another story. I don't believe it. Ithink a lot of these guys talk a lot.
i certainly believe there are guys out there who go to such extreme lengths.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: 4thAD on July 14, 2008, 01:01:16 PM
where would you put 100cc of oil in one day in your body? I dont buy it for a second. Theres lots of bs on the internet.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: candidizzle on July 14, 2008, 01:04:08 PM
No Van - I never experimented with mega-doses...but I did talk to guys that took not just Mega or Giga...I had few clients that used "Tera" doses... ;D

I had a guy who came to me from Europe and told me: Milos, I am a living proof that steroids CANNOT KILL anyone...

Hmmmmmm, did you try to inject 100 cc of test into your brain?

Guy said, well not exactly...but I did try 100 cc a day when we are on the subject....

 :o :o :o :o :o

100 cc A DAY???? For the love of God - it is easier way to kill yourself....and before I finished he added and I took 100 cc/day for two weeks straight along with 100 IU/day of this and 200 IU/day of that and 300 tablets every single day....with 12000 kcal diet...and I gained 12 kilos in two weeks!!!

I told him to go on cycle like one I posted here and trains twice daily YES , using my protocol of Humalog 45 minutes BEFORE TRAINING (as I have several different protocols all depending on particulars...) and 5000 kcal per day...

He managed to gain 47 pounds in ONE MONTH - 21.5 kilos...but in first two weeks he exceeded his previous best by 0.5 kg...He gained 12.5 kg in first two weeks of this cycle...with FRACTION of "drugs" he thought are needed for Mr. Olympia hopefuls...

As far as TREN (especially ACETATE) - YES, YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT THAT: some guys keep it ALL THE WAY until the contest...Many drop it at 5-7 or 10 day out mark...all depending on the rest of their cycle...

Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: 4thAD on July 14, 2008, 02:06:51 PM
I wasn't doubting the claim young dizzle, I dont believe for one second someone shot 100cc ed for a cycle. Your body would be one giant oil abcess. There are so many places too shoot that can take large injections, and you would never give your body a chance to dissipate the oil. Thats 5 20ml bottles of oil, give me a break. You surely cant believe everything you hear....
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: local hero on July 14, 2008, 02:30:46 PM
6ml of sus a week for a month a few yr back,,, ontop of 4ml of decca... just a pain puttn the fucker in

i had a mate that was gettn prepped by paul borresson, i cant remember the exact amount, but im sure it was around 8ml per day of sus.. he gave up after 2 weeks, couldnt take the shots anymore
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: Has Beens on July 14, 2008, 06:33:35 PM
There was a craze some years back that many used. 1 cc of sus 250 daily for 4 weeks. Primarily done for the varying release times of the 4 test blends.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: candidizzle on July 14, 2008, 06:34:35 PM
...its going to work the exact same as 250mg of any other kind of test...
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: jtsunami on July 14, 2008, 06:40:09 PM
LOL that dude is nuts, 100 mL so you mean a day? 
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: theworm on July 14, 2008, 07:03:36 PM
I'd bet that anything over 1g is a complete waste.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: vinnyvee on July 14, 2008, 08:11:34 PM
1350/wk...could tell no difference between that and 1g/wk

Have to agree with you here. Did 750mg eod maxing at 3grams a week. Just too much oil per week for me at the time. That and I saw no diff from 1.5 grams a week.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: OTHstrong on July 14, 2008, 11:26:18 PM
That is BS, 25 000 mg of test you wouldn't survive, your temp. would sky rocket, you would die of a fever. Impossible. I have done up to 10 cc in a week and its uncomfortable at times, but no seriouse harm. I know someone who does 10 cc in one day twice a week, but he is well over 300 pounds. I'm sure some are out there doing as high as 10 000 mg in a week, hard to imagine.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: candidizzle on July 14, 2008, 11:27:56 PM
I'd bet that anything over 1g is a complete waste.
i think quite the contrary, worm. while i dont think anything crazy like 100cc a day is going to be beneficial either, i have a hutch that doses generally equate to gains.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: Overload on July 15, 2008, 05:50:07 AM
I'd bet that anything over 1g is a complete waste.

I will take that bet.

I've seen with my own eyes what 3000mg of test will do to a's not a waste and the side effects weren't that bad.

You would be surprised how many body builders use 2g+...a lot.

Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: OTHstrong on July 15, 2008, 02:59:00 PM
I will take that bet.

I've seen with my own eyes what 3000mg of test will do to a's not a waste and the side effects weren't that bad.

You would be surprised how many body builders use 2g+...a lot.

i think quite the contrary, worm. while i dont think anything crazy like 100cc a day is going to be beneficial either, i have a hutch that doses generally equate to gains.
I agree with both of you. A guy thats 150 pounds will grow at maximum speed with 1 gram so his body won't abosrb any more until perhaps he is 200 pound then he would benefit from 2g more then he would on but 3g would not be needed until maybe he is at 230-240 then 3g would be better then 2 because the closer you get to your bodies limitation the more you need to break through. sure 1 gram will do wonders but its obviouse that your body will plateau with less muscle then if you are at 2g. Just imagine what someone like Ronnie Coleman would need just to sustain that kind of mass, anybody that thinks he can with anything less then 5g might as well believe in Santa.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: candidizzle on July 15, 2008, 03:01:29 PM
I agree with both of you. A guy thats 150 pounds will grow at maximum speed with 1 gram so his body won't abosrb any more until perhaps he is 200 pound then he would benefit from 2g more then he would on but 3g would not be needed until maybe he is at 230-240 then 3g would be better then 2 because the closer you get to your bodies limitation the more you need to break through. sure 1 gram will do wonders but its obviouse that your body will plateau with less muscle then if you are at 2g. Just imagine what someone like Ronnie Coleman would need just to sustain that kind of mass, anybody that thinks he can with anything less then 5g might as well believe in Santa.
im not so sure that a 200 lb guy wouldnt benefit the same from mega doses as a 275 lb guy would.   of course, for the 275 (lean) guym the mega dose is just enough to grow, and for the 200 lber your growing extremely fast and also boosting gh way high and also burni up lots of fat with the extra androgens.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: OTHstrong on July 15, 2008, 03:11:45 PM
im not so sure that a 200 lb guy wouldnt benefit the same from mega doses as a 275 lb guy would.   of course, for the 275 (lean) guym the mega dose is just enough to grow, and for the 200 lber your growing extremely fast and also boosting gh way high and also burni up lots of fat with the extra androgens.
Not so sure what I wrote, never past english class ;D, but what you said is what I meant. The bigger you get the more benefit the you would get from the higher dose. And my answere to yor question in the other thread is 800mg is better then 400 when it comes to deca.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: GetBigOrDieTrying on July 17, 2008, 06:59:23 AM
Talking about dosing ect...

Have you guys noticed how 1 person can take 500mg and explode yet another person at a similar point can take the same and get far less results.

Do you think that comes down to genetics and your bodies ability to un-bind test / utilize it?

Or do you think its more life style related. Example one guy is eating more , getting more sleep , training harder?

I remember Dorain using a comparison between 2 bodybuilder taking drugs. If you had little workman in your body say 20 in total. One bodybuilder maybe able to put 15 workers on a job where as the other guy could only use 5. I know its a simple analogy but it makes sense. 

I cant take a lot of gear with out feeling like shit. I tried to take 400mg EQ , 600mg Test a week with 50mg D-bol , Slin , GH , T3... I lasted a week. I gained 6kg in that week. By the end of the week I went blue , couldnt eat and wanted to sleep all day. Then I see these rats in my gym taking cycles double that and look fine. What up with that?
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: DIVISION on July 17, 2008, 07:23:47 PM
I will take that bet.

I've seen with my own eyes what 3000mg of test will do to a's not a waste and the side effects weren't that bad.

You would be surprised how many body builders use 2g+...a lot.



Would you ever consider something in the 2/3G ew range?

You realize how much oil you'd be pushing through your body?

If you get any "Test flu" sides, you can bet they'd be magnified.

As someone who lifts for strength primarily, I don't see the benefit....

Sometimes I even wonder if 750MG ew is really good for maintenance.

Talking about dosing ect...

Have you guys noticed how 1 person can take 500mg and explode yet another person at a similar point can take the same and get far less results.

Do you think that comes down to genetics and your bodies ability to un-bind test / utilize it?

Or do you think its more life style related. Example one guy is eating more , getting more sleep , training harder?

I remember Dorain using a comparison between 2 bodybuilder taking drugs. If you had little workman in your body say 20 in total. One bodybuilder maybe able to put 15 workers on a job where as the other guy could only use 5. I know its a simple analogy but it makes sense. 

I cant take a lot of gear with out feeling like shit. I tried to take 400mg EQ , 600mg Test a week with 50mg D-bol , Slin , GH , T3... I lasted a week. I gained 6kg in that week. By the end of the week I went blue , couldnt eat and wanted to sleep all day. Then I see these rats in my gym taking cycles double that and look fine. What up with that?


Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: Overload on July 18, 2008, 03:01:17 PM

Would you ever consider something in the 2/3G ew range?

You realize how much oil you'd be pushing through your body?

If you get any "Test flu" sides, you can bet they'd be magnified.

As someone who lifts for strength primarily, I don't see the benefit....

Sometimes I even wonder if 750MG ew is really good for maintenance.


There are benefits, but are the sides worth it?

i know guys who run 2g+ with no problems, others have problems with 1500mg or less.

Genetics play a huge roll, which is why 750 might work for a good test base, but i truly believe that higher doses CAN produce very drastic changes at any level. i've know too many guys who went WAY above what most people here think is a waste, and these guys were insanely strong and muscular.

I do not, in any way, think there is a limit where gains stop from using TOO MUCH. i just think the sides eventually outweigh the benefits. 5g+ combined AAS is not out of reach, if people only knew the limits guys will go to be the best! if guys will suck dick for money to be a body builder, I'm sure they will shoot stupid doses just to KEEP up with the competition...think about it.

Would i try it? No, it serves no purpose in my life right now, too risky and i have a lot to lose.

5 years ago, i might have considered going that high, but my worries always prevented me from getting too crazy, but I've done my share... ;)

Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: DIVISION on July 18, 2008, 03:34:14 PM
Would i try it? No, it serves no purpose in my life right now, too risky and i have a lot to lose.

5 years ago, i might have considered going that high, but my worries always prevented me from getting too crazy, but I've done my share... ;)

^This is where I am in my life....

Those days of doing crazy shit just to do it are over.

I have responsibilities now and can't afford to just push the envelope without any reason.

Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: kimura on July 18, 2008, 06:03:50 PM
1 gram of test ethanate
1400 mg trenbolone
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: candidizzle on July 18, 2008, 06:27:22 PM
1 gram of test ethanate
1400 mg trenbolone

how did that work out for you ?
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: kimura on July 18, 2008, 06:35:17 PM
how did that work out for you ?

Other than the a small bit of gyno, it was the BEST I ever looked.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: candidizzle on July 18, 2008, 07:06:17 PM
Other than the a small bit of gyno, it was the BEST I ever looked.
my only experience with trenbolone was running a tren pro hormone and that shit was fucking nutz, in terms of aggression and vascularity .... in the gym you feel like you NEVER want to stop lifting...  like 1 thousand rep set wouldnt be enough... lol

im actually gonna get a bunch of them in the next couple weeks before the ban, as an investment and also just to throw in with some other AAS.. not becaus ei think the tren prohormone will add much 'anabolism'...but just becausee the kickass workouts from the tren prohormone will yeild kickass gains from the REAL AAS

kind of got side tracked there... my main point was i cant wait to run the real shit  :D   
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: kimura on July 18, 2008, 07:09:00 PM
what is tren prohormone?  I have never heard of that.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: candidizzle on July 18, 2008, 07:19:41 PM
what is tren prohormone?  I have never heard of that.
19-Norandrosta 4,9 diene 3,17 dione

one molecule away from real trenbolone
its legal in USA, but only for like a week or two more.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: jtsunami on July 18, 2008, 07:56:14 PM
Wow I would love to try 1 - 2 gr a week if it was smooth shit and didn't hurt.

Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: DIVISION on July 18, 2008, 11:26:36 PM
Wow I would love to try 1 - 2 gr a week if it was smooth shit and didn't hurt.



That's as smooth as smooth gets, bro.   ;D

Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: candidizzle on July 18, 2008, 11:28:46 PM
Wow I would love to try 1 - 2 gr a week if it was smooth shit and didn't hurt.

you still running stealth gear?? i think i remember you saying your stealth was giving you pain.  it always would get me sore as fuck too. i did two things that corrected it, started sterilizing the gear by baking it at 220 for 20 minutes , and also switched from 21 gauage pins to 23 gauge pins,, after that no pain at all bro
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: Texastriceps on July 19, 2008, 05:33:05 AM
I have gone up to 2gms/wk a couple times and like others said there isn't much improvement over one gram,  100cc a day no; but we used to site inject Fort Dodge EQ 50mg/ml like 20cc or so EOD and it's no fun.  Keep test at or below a gm and augument with other things.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: jtsunami on July 20, 2008, 11:53:40 PM
you still running stealth gear?? i think i remember you saying your stealth was giving you pain.  it always would get me sore as fuck too. i did two things that corrected it, started sterilizing the gear by baking it at 220 for 20 minutes , and also switched from 21 gauage pins to 23 gauge pins,, after that no pain at all bro

Na I never tried stealth gear, I know alin sells a lot and I have heard many ppl complain about painful injects.  I can concur that heating it up does take away some inject pain.  The worst pain I ever had was on some BD test E it was horrible!! 

How would you bake it, like a egg?  Wouldn't the rubber stopper melt or something or the other? 

Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: jtsunami on July 20, 2008, 11:54:34 PM
I have gone up to 2gms/wk a couple times and like others said there isn't much improvement over one gram,  100cc a day no; but we used to site inject Fort Dodge EQ 50mg/ml like 20cc or so EOD and it's no fun.  Keep test at or below a gm and augument with other things.

What kind of test where you running when injecting 2grams a week that made it tolerable, I hate to get some gear then find out it hurts like hell
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: no one on July 21, 2008, 12:43:33 AM
i usually only run 500-750 mg a week year long but have started this run 4 days ago, just to find out if there is any truth to the whole mega doseages thing, because no one seems to want to give a straight answer.

i have 12 weeks planned.

calories will be enough to supply my body with the protein it needs to grow, and just enough fats/ carbs for my body to spare the conversion of protein for energy, so gains will be lean.

250 mg sustanon with 200 mg deca eod.
250 enanthate with 100mg fina eod.

based on 12 weeks, so dosages divided by the week are 1750 mg of test a week, 750 mg of deca a week, and 350 mg of fina a week.

Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: jtsunami on July 21, 2008, 09:19:57 AM
Now thats a cycle no one!  Can you update everyone on how it goes on main steroid board?  How do you feel so far ?

Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: candidizzle on July 21, 2008, 09:23:46 AM
i usually only run 500-750 mg a week year long but have started this run 4 days ago, just to find out if there is any truth to the whole mega doseages thing, because no one seems to want to give a straight answer.

why wouldn't it be true ? what makes you believe it wouldn't ?

you should read anabolic steroids by Cynthia Kuhn. it doesn't go into detail on mega doses, Perse, but it does discuss the fact that results from aas are dose related, and what happens with ever increasing amounts of androgen's..
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: no one on July 21, 2008, 09:24:54 AM
Now thats a cycle no one!  Can you update everyone on how it goes on main steroid board?  How do you feel so far ?


i'll update this thread if you wish.

usually for me any increase in dosage, or the addition of compounds usually takes a few weeks to manifest itself physically.

all i can tell you is that i'm battling insomnia right now as a direct result.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: no one on July 21, 2008, 09:32:28 AM
why wouldnt it be true ? what makes you believe it wouldnt ?

you should read anabolic steroids by cynthia kuhn. it doesnt go into detail on mega doses, prese, but it does discuss the fact that results from aas are dose related, and what happens with ever increasing amounts of androgens..

i do believe the gains one makes are 100 % dosage related, provided everything else you need to aid hypertrophy is in place. but surely there is a ceiling to this- would 10000 mg of test a week create that much more gain than say 5000? or 20000 that much better than 10000. at some point there needs to be a law of diminishing returns within the body.

what i want to find out is just how dosage related they are in terms of my own response to the compounds, as it seems every pro, both former and present seems to grow like a magical weed off miniscule amounts.

it would be nice if one pro today, just one, laid out his true amount of usage- and not anonymously. the only guy i have ever seen do this and much to his credit was mike morris.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: candidizzle on July 21, 2008, 09:36:59 AM
i do believe the gains one makes are dosage related, provided everything else you need to aid hypertrophy is in place.

what i want to find out is just how dosage related they are in terms of my own response to the compounds, as it seems every pro, both former and present seems to grow like a magical weed off miniscule amounts.

it would be nice if one pro today, just one, laid out his true amount of usage- and not anonymously. the only guy i have ever seen do this and much to his credit was mike morris.
yes i think its bullshit in most cases.

i mean... heres one example... 5 time mr olympia ronnie coleman get beat at the gnc show with 11 months to go before the 2003 mr. o. in that time frame, somehow a life time trainer already massive as hell and already 'peaked' somehow magicallys addds 20 pounds to his frame.      what..... did he increase his meat portions??  :D
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: OTHstrong on July 21, 2008, 04:22:44 PM
I am currently on 1500mg test e and 60 mg of d-bol ed, next week I have 4 weeks left of off-season before I start my diet and since I haven't move from 250 in a month, for the last 4 weeks of off-season this will be my biggest cycle so I can gain 10 pounds in 1 month

1750 test e per week
900 deca per week
75 mg d-bol ed
75 mg tren ed

Will start dieting sept. 01 until nov 15, will replace d- bols with anadrol drop the tren for 4 weeks and bring it back 4 weeks later, will replace deca with eq and add 100mg of winny ed. I don't diet with clen but I take about a bottle of ephedrine ed, 6 weeks out I replace my test with prop until 2 weeks out also 6 weeks out drop the Eq and the Anadrol and will bring in primo and anavar. Nolvadex all the way through. Striated glutes here I come 8)
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: theworm on July 21, 2008, 04:29:30 PM
I am currently on 1500mg test e and 60 mg of d-bol ed, next week I have 4 weeks left of off-season before I start my diet and since I haven't move from 250 in a month, for the last 4 weeks of off-season this will be my biggest cycle so I can gain 10 pounds in 1 month

1750 test e per week
900 deca per week
75 mg d-bol ed
75 mg tren ed

Will start dieting sept. 01 until nov 15, will replace d- bols with anadrol drop the tren for 4 weeks and bring it back 4 weeks later, will replace deca with eq and add 100mg of winny ed. I don't diet with clen but I take about a bottle of ephedrine ed, 6 weeks out I replace my test with prop until 2 weeks out also 6 weeks out drop the Eq and the Anadrol and will bring in primo and anavar. Nolvadex all the way through. Striated glutes here I come 8)

you a pro?  if not, why the hell are you using that much?????
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: OTHstrong on July 21, 2008, 04:34:13 PM
you a pro?  if not, why the hell are you using that much?????
Because I will be a pro
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: candidizzle on July 21, 2008, 04:38:00 PM
Because I will be a pro
and im pretty sure youll need more gear than that to make it there.  no flame at all, i saw your pics you look good. im just sayin, very few guys can make it to pro level on those doseages, especially without slin and high dose hgh.  maybe shawn ray is the only one i can think of.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: OTHstrong on July 21, 2008, 04:51:37 PM
and im pretty sure youll need more gear than that to make it there.  no flame at all, i saw your pics you look good. im just sayin, very few guys can make it to pro level on those doseages, especially without slin and high dose hgh.  maybe shawn ray is the only one i can think of.
I 100 % agree, as much as that is I would need more still, the pics of me are 18 months old and believe me or not but only juicing for 15 prior to the show I took out nearly 40 competitors first time on stage, light-heavy and overall, I was 185 in those pics this time around I should be no lower then 210, so I have made giant leaps since then also I did about half the stuff I plan on doing. I also got Gynocamastia surgery too, not that I had bad gyno, but just in case, 5000 $ BTW.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: theworm on July 21, 2008, 05:20:19 PM
where are these pics at?

also, i bet Shawn only took around a gram a week of test, and 400-600 deca, plus a few other things,,,nnot that much I would imagine.

also, how do you inject all that shit??
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: candidizzle on July 21, 2008, 05:22:28 PM
where are these pics at?

also, i bet Shawn only took around a gram a week of test, and 400-600 deca, plus a few other things,,,nnot that much I would imagine.

also, how do you inject all that shit??
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: theworm on July 21, 2008, 05:28:53 PM
Milos said on here he only took 400 deca, 400 primo, and 4-600 of test per week.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: OTHstrong on July 21, 2008, 05:35:08 PM
where are these pics at?

also, i bet Shawn only took around a gram a week of test, and 400-600 deca, plus a few other things,,,nnot that much I would imagine.

also, how do you inject all that shit??
Although I agree about heavy stacks on pros, but I also think that it would vary considerably between the pros. I don't agree with slin on every pro, My friend is a pro and never touched, some are better off without, gh is probably a must to do damage at the pro level but a few can still make it to pro without. About injecting all this shitt, all I can think of is tylenol. I don`t know how to post pic, my girlfriend isn`t home
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: candidizzle on July 21, 2008, 05:36:12 PM
Milos said on here he only took 400 deca, 400 primo, and 4-600 of test per week.
::) = my reaction to milos saying that
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: OTHstrong on July 21, 2008, 05:38:35 PM
Milos said on here he only took 400 deca, 400 primo, and 4-600 of test per week.
Don`t you know the rule, any pro states  a cycle you quadruple the test triple any other types of injectables and double the orals.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: jtsunami on July 21, 2008, 07:42:18 PM
I 100 % agree, as much as that is I would need more still, the pics of me are 18 months old and believe me or not but only juicing for 15 prior to the show I took out nearly 40 competitors first time on stage, light-heavy and overall, I was 185 in those pics this time around I should be no lower then 210, so I have made giant leaps since then also I did about half the stuff I plan on doing. I also got Gynocamastia surgery too, not that I had bad gyno, but just in case, 5000 $ BTW.

Who did your surgery?  Where you satisfied with the results?

Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: jtsunami on July 21, 2008, 07:43:45 PM
We have some nice cycles being listed, thx for posting them guys.  I wish I could afford again a nice cycle with the stuff you guys are using.

Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: OTHstrong on July 22, 2008, 01:26:36 PM
Who did your surgery?  Where you satisfied with the results?

I live in London Ontario and their are local guys here that do a couple here and their, but something like this I take it seriouse. Dr. Lista from Mississauga is who I went to, he has hundreds under his belt. He is a plastic surgeon, his main thing is breast implants, very professional, expensive but when you want it done right. Mammery glands came out as well. I recuperated pretty fast, I was back in the gym after 3 vweeks, but I still fell a little numb. Its been about 9 weeks, my feeling should fully return back to normal in a month or 2. Extremely satisfied with the results. It feels like I can contract the muscle better for some reason.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: jtsunami on July 22, 2008, 03:30:02 PM
Awesome, did you opt to get localized numbing or did the knock you out, what kind of wrap did you have to wear afterwards?  Ace bandage or one of those vests?

Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: OTHstrong on July 22, 2008, 05:36:57 PM
Awesome, did you opt to get localized numbing or did the knock you out, what kind of wrap did you have to wear afterwards?  Ace bandage or one of those vests?

I got knocked out and when I woke up I couldn't feel my whole entire upper body, it was weird sleeping on my back without being able to move from right to left, I had a surgery garment vest, at first it was stuffed with cotton, the next day I went to the clinic and they removed the cotton and I had to leave the vest on. Everyday I had to shower and wash it and put it back on. The first 3 days I was worried because I still couldn't move, but a few more days I was starting to heal faster. At first my chest was swollen so it looked funny and then 2 weeks later started looking good, I went back so they could remove the few stiches and now I don't even have a mark. Workouts feel awesome.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: jtsunami on July 22, 2008, 06:41:25 PM
You must have had a big gland, sounds like pretty extensive gyno surgery.  I hate not getting a shower after surgery, it sucks lol.  That musta sucked, how many weeks did you have to wear that thing?

For mine was I guess not as big of a sugery, I was giving local numbing injects and was awake while he cut it out, got a ace bandage I had to wear for 3 days then that is it. 

Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: theworm on July 22, 2008, 06:59:28 PM
how does the scar look jt?
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: jtsunami on July 22, 2008, 07:04:34 PM
Very short, good, this would best describe it, that is not me, but my scar looks like that, in the after photos the scar is on the lower otter below nipper underneath it, you can see if from the side a little there.

Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: Texastriceps on July 23, 2008, 04:52:11 AM
 Took gm of suspension last week felt like I could kill hulk and whip superman even with what felt like constant mild prop fever! ;D
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: Emmortal on July 23, 2008, 09:23:12 PM
Took 1 gram of test and 600mg of deca this week, I'm not doing 1 gram, just had some left over from a bottle so thought I'd throw it in.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: ScottWelch on July 27, 2008, 10:45:03 PM
Greg Kovacs told me that the last time Craig Titus got out of prison (which was a few years back now), he confessed to him that he took 5,000 mg of Test per week, every week until he gained back all of his lost size! 

I personally knew another bodybuilder from Quebec that injected a full 10 ml bottle of Suspension (100 mg/ml) the day of his contest. That shit burns so badly going in that I don't know how he tolerated it!   
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: no one on July 31, 2008, 09:57:59 AM
Now thats a cycle no one!  Can you update everyone on how it goes on main steroid board?  How do you feel so far ?


2.5 weeks in.

due to the fact that i don't normally see any type of solid gains until the 4 week mark of adding in any compound to my rotation, yesterday was the first day i had that feeling of power- the type where you are lifting but are afraid for your joints or that you might tear something due to the fact your going alot heavier than normal, and it feels light, so you have to control your enthusiasm a bit.

carbs are low, so water has not become an issue- in fact i have zero retention at all in my face or ankles, the first 2 places i usually see it. that being said, despite being on a pseudo- competition diet, i am holding my bodyweight while becoming somewhat leaner, so i am gaining something in terms of lean weight. maybe a pound or so.

hard to 'see' anything when i look at myself due to the fact i am very depleted and flat- i'm sure if i took a good 2-3 days to carb up i would definitly notice a difference, but it's not worth going thru the water hassles for the 36 hours afterwards.

so yeah, so far there is something there this early on. will have a much better idea of where i stand in 2-3 more weeks.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: Stavios on July 31, 2008, 11:01:02 AM
I personally knew another bodybuilder from Quebec that injected a full 10 ml bottle of Suspension (100 mg/ml) the day of his contest. That shit burns so badly going in that I don't know how he tolerated it!   

Who ?

claude groulx ?
Simon voyer ?
Bob Sabatini ?

speak on this  ;D
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: OTHstrong on July 31, 2008, 04:35:22 PM
Who ?

claude groulx ?
Simon voyer ?
Bob Sabatini ?

speak on this  ;D
No he is not a rat ;D
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: QuakerOats on July 31, 2008, 04:52:59 PM
Because I will be a pro
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: OTHstrong on July 31, 2008, 07:47:22 PM
Remember this post because its coming back to you, my word.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: gracie bjj on August 01, 2008, 05:40:28 AM
4 years ago or so i had alot of sust layin around and i just started goin alittle nuts with the mgs,i was doin 1500 mgs a week for 2 weeks or so but i didnt like the way i felt on that much,i usually never go above 500mgs aweek so i guess my system didnt know what the hell was goin on,i guess im a light weight in the sauce game,lol
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: Hereford on August 01, 2008, 09:56:27 AM
I live in London Ontario and their are local guys here that do a couple here and their, but something like this I take it seriouse. Dr. Lista from Mississauga is who I went to, he has hundreds under his belt. He is a plastic surgeon, his main thing is breast implants, very professional, expensive but when you want it done right. Mammery glands came out as well. I recuperated pretty fast, I was back in the gym after 3 vweeks, but I still fell a little numb. Its been about 9 weeks, my feeling should fully return back to normal in a month or 2. Extremely satisfied with the results. It feels like I can contract the muscle better for some reason.

jt, I had the same experience as Onetime. He is right on.

Kinda scary, but not really that bad, other than being pretty damn expensive.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: OTHstrong on August 01, 2008, 02:51:30 PM
jt, I had the same experience as Onetime. He is right on.

Kinda scary, but not really that bad, other than being pretty damn expensive.
At least we got it over with. :)
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: DIVISION on August 03, 2008, 12:48:20 AM
4 years ago or so i had alot of sust layin around and i just started goin alittle nuts with the mgs,i was doin 1500 mgs a week for 2 weeks or so but i didnt like the way i felt on that much,i usually never go above 500mgs aweek so i guess my system didnt know what the hell was goin on,i guess im a light weight in the sauce game,lol

You are a baby in the game, gracie.

1.5G per week for a 500MG a week user is very slutty on your part.

You wasted it.

Would have been better to save up and just bump up to 750MG ew.

Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: candidizzle on August 03, 2008, 07:17:15 AM
You are a baby in the game, gracie.

1.5G per week for a 500MG a week user is very slutty on your part.

You wasted it.

Would have been better to save up and just bump up to 750MG ew.

thats funny.
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: S_Samuel on August 03, 2008, 03:06:14 PM
Amounts of test in high teens
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: MONSTER_TRICEPS on August 04, 2008, 12:12:32 AM
Amounts of test in high teens

Haha seriously? 
Title: Re: Whats the MOST test you took in 1 week?
Post by: candidizzle on August 04, 2008, 08:48:23 AM
Haha seriously? 
i thnk he might mean 1700mg,1800mg,1900mg....not 17,000mg,18,000mg,19,000mg...