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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => E-Board - Movies, Music, TV, Videogames, Comics => Topic started by: danielson on August 23, 2008, 12:19:15 PM

Title: A game for each of you...
Post by: danielson on August 23, 2008, 12:19:15 PM
I did this thing at work when our computers were down last week. Imagine you were stranded on a desert island with a huge LCD TV and a generator with all the gas you need. You need to pick 5 movies(one HAS to be a comedy) you would take with you, one TV series, and one cartoon. No porn.

Forrest Gump
Dumb and Dumber
Rocky 4
Goodwill Hunting
Man on Fire

TV Series

90210(lots of episodes ;))

Simpsons(see above ;))