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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Injury and Rehabilitation => Topic started by: Painlayer69 on November 05, 2008, 09:39:17 AM

Title: Back of head hurts
Post by: Painlayer69 on November 05, 2008, 09:39:17 AM
Hey guys i was doing a heavy back routine last night and on my 2nd set of in the corner t-bar rows my head started hurting at the base of my skull ( Left side )

Im wondering if i could have just pulled a neck muscle by going to heavy or if it could be something much worse.

Thanx in advance guys and like always ANY input is appreciated
Title: Re: Back of head hurts
Post by: pumpster on November 05, 2008, 04:22:07 PM
For something like that you'd have to get in to it and fine out with someone qualified.

After the pain's gone resume the same routine, it might just be one of those one-time things. IF it recurs immediately or occasionally, then see a doctor or two and get opinions.
Title: Re: Back of head hurts
Post by: tonymctones on November 05, 2008, 05:09:33 PM
i sometimes get a pain like that when i do shrugs it sometimes last for a few days and then goes away to me it feels more like a muscle strain or something along those lines.
Title: Re: Back of head hurts
Post by: Painlayer69 on November 05, 2008, 10:47:13 PM
Yeah........ whats weird about it is that it didnt really feel like a headache but something exterior of the skull ( If that makes any sense ) But it started to feel soooo tight that it made me dizzy.

I didnt train at all today, Figured i'd give it a day to feel it out, It hurt a little today but not nearly as bad as last night when pulling.

Tomorrow is shoulders, I'll let you guys know how i feel

Title: Re: Back of head hurts
Post by: tonymctones on November 06, 2008, 06:43:54 PM
no problem, mine never got that tight but its got to the point where its hurts to turn my head to that side for a day or so after.
Title: Re: Back of head hurts
Post by: Painlayer69 on November 06, 2008, 09:38:22 PM
Ok today wasn't so bad but i wasnt doing anything where i was bent over either, But i did notice that if i bend over and come back up thats when i tend to get dizzy just for a sec tho.

I hope to get into the doc tomorrow

Whenever i find out what the hell's goin on i'll update

Again thanx
Title: Re: Back of head hurts
Post by: Butterbean on November 08, 2008, 08:28:28 PM
Painlayer, are you nauseous at all? 

Pinched nerve?
Title: Re: Back of head hurts
Post by: Butterbean on November 08, 2008, 08:34:54 PM
more..any of these symptoms?
 Clinical Trigger Point Massage

More Information about Trigger Points

Written by: C. M. Shifflett
Round Earth Publishing


This big ropey muscle (SCM for short) runs from behind the ear down to the collarbones and breast bone of the chest. No other muscle causes as many bizarre and frightening symptoms. SCM is commonly strained by:

· Sleeping with neck flexed, head propped forward,
· Overhead work (such as painting or hanging curtains),
· Breathing with chest (rather than diaphragm),
· Chronic coughing,
· Hauling or weight lifting,
· Tight collars and ties,
· Word processing / keyboarding,
· Infections (i.e., sinusitis, abscesses, or herpes simplex).

Symptoms range from dizziness and car-sickness to problems with swallowing, mysteriously teary eyes ("but I'm not crying!"), visual disturbances, chronic sore throat, earaches and (reversible) hearing loss. It also causes brutal forehead pain (which is usually interpreted as "sinus headache"). This typically appears when working with the head turned to one side, as when typing from materials placed to one side of desk or keyboard.

Title: Re: Back of head hurts
Post by: Butterbean on November 08, 2008, 08:42:33 PM
Expert: Jeffrey De Bellis, PT, MS, OCS
Date: 12/3/2007
Subject: Neck/Base of Skull Pain

QUESTION: Hello Sir,

I am a 24 year old healthy male. I have been working out 5 times a week (one muscle a day) for 2 years now. I eat right and I am very well hydrated at all times.

Last month, I was at the gym and doing some hanging leg raises. All of a sudden near my 6th rep, I felt a sharp pain develp at the back of my neck. I had to let go of the bar and I then had a throbbing/shooting pain at the base of my skull. The pain subsides minutes later.

I don't feel any pain at any other time during the day/night. I can rotate my neck normally. Only when I'm at the gym doing certain exercises do I feel that particular pain in my neck/base of skull. These are the exercises I've noticed that cause the pain:

1. bench press
2. preacher bicep curls
3. military shoulder press
4. hanging leg raises (i don't do them anymore)

Anyway, please help me I really don't know what is going on. I have become paranoid when working out and my mental state is blocking my progress in weight lifting.

Thank you very much,

ANSWER: There are a vairty of orthopaedic issues that can lead to exertionally induced neck pain.  It is very possible that you irritated the articulation between the skull and the upper two vertebrae.

I would suggest getting a consult from th epracticioner of choice for you whether a PT, Chiro, or Orthopod.  Let them take an upper cervical spine x-ray series, especially and open mouth x-ray to get a good view of that upper part of your neck.

If that exam is negative your issue is likely soft tissue or muscular and can be addressed with some good hands on PT and some home stretching technique.

Hope this helps,

Jeffrey De Bellis, PT, MS, OCS

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello Dr. Jeffrey,

Just one last thing. What exactly do you mean by "irritated the articulation between the skull and the..."? What does "articulation" encompass? And could it be serious given my current state?

Thank you Sir,

Sorry for the confusion.

An articulation is a joint, in this case the joining of the base of your head to the upper vertebrae of your neck. The structures involved in this articulation encompass bone, ligaments and muscle/tendon. 

The x-ray will rule out any bone involvement and if rled oput would suggest a muscular or ligament sprain or strain.

As for the severity, it would be in appropriate for me to comment. 

Do your due dilligence and have it properly diagnosed by a medical professional you trust, once diagnosed get it corrected and you should be back in business!

Jeffrey De BEllis, PT, MS, OCS

Title: Re: Back of head hurts
Post by: Painlayer69 on November 09, 2008, 12:13:12 AM
Thanx you very much for this kind of reply stella VERY informative,

I am a pro wrestler by the way ( Had a match today ) and i noticed today that during ANY exertion my neck/head starts to hurt ( Weird pressure that goes from base of skull to almost the top of my head ) But especially when i am bent over and come back up.

Also last night at work it started to hurt and at the top of my head i got this sharp pain.

As far as being naseous...... Not so much maybe a little but hardly at all.

Im thinking about just going to the hospital tomorrow after i get up.

Again thank you guys very much.
Title: Re: Back of head hurts
Post by: Butterbean on November 09, 2008, 09:38:24 AM
Painlayer, you may want to use this symptom checker:

(sometimes you get an error message ...if you keep trying it usually will work)

Hopefully it's nothing serious.  Please let us know (if you want to).  Take care!
Title: Re: Back of head hurts
Post by: Painlayer69 on November 09, 2008, 08:33:37 PM
Ok.... this is where it stands as of tonight.

The doctor at the hospital prescribed me valume and 800Mg ibuprofin because he thinks that i just injured a neck muscle, He said to take it easy on the exercise
( Maybe 2-3 days off lifting ) thats what he said but i think im gonna take until friday off ATLEAST im due for a break anyways.

They gave me a valume at the hospital and honestly i felt awesome then i popped one of the ibuprofen and i feel great my neck/head only hurt a very little right now.

Thank you stella for giving me the link to that symptom checker that gave me a little piece of mind. And i'll probably update you guys at the end of the week as to how im feeling then.

Again thanx alot guys- Especially stella
Title: Re: Back of head hurts
Post by: Butterbean on November 10, 2008, 05:38:52 PM
Ok.... this is where it stands as of tonight.

The doctor at the hospital prescribed me valume and 800Mg ibuprofin because he thinks that i just injured a neck muscle, He said to take it easy on the exercise
( Maybe 2-3 days off lifting ) thats what he said but i think im gonna take until friday off ATLEAST im due for a break anyways.

They gave me a valume at the hospital and honestly i felt awesome then i popped one of the ibuprofen and i feel great my neck/head only hurt a very little right now.

Thank you stella for giving me the link to that symptom checker that gave me a little piece of mind. And i'll probably update you guys at the end of the week as to how im feeling then.

Again thanx alot guys- Especially stella
I think you're talking about valium from the description ;D

Seems like your doc must be correct if those meds helped w/the pain...that's great!

Happy to have been able to have helped in anyway...yes please give us the update.  Get well :)
Title: Re: Back of head hurts
Post by: tonymctones on November 11, 2008, 06:31:31 PM
more..any of these symptoms?
 Clinical Trigger Point Massage

More Information about Trigger Points

Written by: C. M. Shifflett
Round Earth Publishing


This big ropey muscle (SCM for short) runs from behind the ear down to the collarbones and breast bone of the chest. No other muscle causes as many bizarre and frightening symptoms. SCM is commonly strained by:

· Sleeping with neck flexed, head propped forward,
· Overhead work (such as painting or hanging curtains),
· Breathing with chest (rather than diaphragm),
· Chronic coughing,
· Hauling or weight lifting,
· Tight collars and ties,
· Word processing / keyboarding,
· Infections (i.e., sinusitis, abscesses, or herpes simplex).

Symptoms range from dizziness and car-sickness to problems with swallowing, mysteriously teary eyes ("but I'm not crying!"), visual disturbances, chronic sore throat, earaches and (reversible) hearing loss. It also causes brutal forehead pain (which is usually interpreted as "sinus headache"). This typically appears when working with the head turned to one side, as when typing from materials placed to one side of desk or keyboard.

huh I used to get a horrible pain behind my right ear and down the base of my head when doing bench presses and leg presses from time to time. Always wonderd what it might be this seems like it might be it, I also get a pain on the right side of my neck from time to time when it feels like my sternum needs to pop...interesting thanks stella
Ok.... this is where it stands as of tonight.

The doctor at the hospital prescribed me valume and 800Mg ibuprofin because he thinks that i just injured a neck muscle, He said to take it easy on the exercise
( Maybe 2-3 days off lifting ) thats what he said but i think im gonna take until friday off ATLEAST im due for a break anyways.

They gave me a valume at the hospital and honestly i felt awesome then i popped one of the ibuprofen and i feel great my neck/head only hurt a very little right now.

Thank you stella for giving me the link to that symptom checker that gave me a little piece of mind. And i'll probably update you guys at the end of the week as to how im feeling then.

Again thanx alot guys- Especially stella
I did the same thing and worked out to my off days and let it heal up it worked pretty good still a little pain but i laid off things that might irritate it deads, rows, shrugs, until i felt i was good to go...Stellas the getbig sweetheart  ;D
Title: Re: Back of head hurts
Post by: Painlayer69 on November 13, 2008, 10:15:35 AM
Ok... I just went ahead and started back today ( I am feeling soo good ) My neck/head is feeling ALOT better i only did chest and it went very well still pushing the same weight possibly even a little more, My neck /head didnt start to hurt at all although i did get a slight head rush here and there BUT i usually get that anyway LOL....

So all and all i think im getting better and yes stella thats what i was trying to say it was Valium ( A muscle relaxer ) Im still going to get those filled tomorrow so that i have them ON HAND

Also thanx again stella VERY helpful ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D