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Getbig Female Info Boards => Open Talk for Girl Discussion => Topic started by: ~weed~ on December 15, 2008, 12:42:22 PM

Title: Dear Santa Letter Generator
Post by: ~weed~ on December 15, 2008, 12:42:22 PM


Dear Obese Trespassing Altruist,

This year, I have been a very Ritalin-addled little girl. I have compulsively pillaged, and I have always helped my grandma with their colostomy bag. And I always say thank you, which makes me seem like I care, and so I deserve lots of blank checks this year!

Please bring all this stuff for me and the people in my life: For my mommy, please bring fruit leather panties. For my daddy, please bring a new topaz-studded ass plug. For my big brother, please bring methodone. For my doggy, please bring a homeopathic heartworm remedy. Oh – and for my case worker, please bring some coupons.

Now about me! Please bring me all of the Spongebob Squarepants beer coozies, and front row tickets to Britney Spears – plus backstage passes so I can get coked up! Oh, and please don’t forget to bring my Lamborghini Diablo VT 6.0. But if you can’t, just remember that more than anything Santa, what I really really want is just $100,000,000!

Anyway, I hope you like the eight-ball I left out for you.



PS: Please say hello to Ralph, the heartless Elfin slavemaster.

PPS: Oh yeah, and remember Geo? He has been a really perverted weener all year long and doesn’t deserve any Christmas presents. So please don’t forget to put dog shit in their stocking. Thanks!
Title: Re: Dear Santa Letter Generator
Post by: Geo on December 15, 2008, 12:54:32 PM
I was in your letter to santa.....

I think that speaks volumes about your conscience !
Title: Re: Dear Santa Letter Generator
Post by: ~weed~ on December 15, 2008, 12:55:32 PM
you clicked on my thread shortly after I posted!

   Ha!    :)
Title: Re: Dear Santa Letter Generator
Post by: drkaje on December 15, 2008, 01:26:18 PM

You're probably getting coal and onions, again.
Title: Re: Dear Santa Letter Generator
Post by: Laura Lee on December 15, 2008, 01:37:49 PM
Hmmm, I found Santa!  :D
Title: Re: Dear Santa Letter Generator
Post by: drkaje on December 15, 2008, 03:29:27 PM
Why does that Santa look so fat off-season? :)