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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: bigjoered on September 09, 2009, 12:26:31 PM

Title: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: bigjoered on September 09, 2009, 12:26:31 PM
I have seen dramatic growth from my cycles but I am still a novice.  I would like to achieve results like the NPC pros at least.  It seems like all of the world pros are known for insulin augmentation or whatever which I have read about but still very under educated about at least when it comes to pining.  In your opinion is it absolutely needed to be massive? 

Any pros who don't?
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: muscle19 on September 09, 2009, 12:41:00 PM
man that is funny, i was just coming on here to make a thread about insulin use hahah

i have been thinking the same, i mean i have used inslulin plenty of times but was wondering if phil and them guys use it, obviously we wont know unless they say but what do you think are the chances they use it too?

Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tstmaniac on September 09, 2009, 12:43:03 PM
Unless you plan on competing at a high level the health risks are not worth it IMO
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: Satva1100 on September 09, 2009, 12:59:08 PM
insulin is the best thing i ever tried the gains were unbelieveable. i use 15iu post workout i tried early am and post workout but couldnt handle all the food i had to eat since i workout around 11 am
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: muscle19 on September 09, 2009, 01:03:57 PM
health risks like possibly going into coma? what are long term
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tstmaniac on September 09, 2009, 02:42:45 PM
Long term could be becoming a diabetic...
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: local hero on September 09, 2009, 03:30:12 PM
insulin isnt needed unless your going for a pro card.......... end of story

im sure once youve got to that extreme youd of maxed your gains from normal gear and hgh,,,,
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: dustin on September 09, 2009, 07:15:21 PM
Strong misinformation here. I'm sure tbombz, vanb or someone else will clear up the retardation here. I'm off to the gym nuckazzzz!!!
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: muscle19 on September 09, 2009, 09:50:41 PM
insulin is great stuff!!! and you dont need alot to get benefits! and i have never felt close to going  in a coma or anything else, so someone has to be totally retarded to f this up and wind up hurt or dead.
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: dustin on September 09, 2009, 10:02:27 PM
insulin is great stuff!!! and you dont need alot to get benefits! and i have never felt close to going  in a coma or anything else, so someone has to be totally retarded to f this up and wind up hurt or dead.

I concur. It's a compound that needs to be understood and appreciated to the fullest extent before using. I'm not going to say I'm a swole 280lb beast who's 8% bf and looking for an edge to eek past 300lbs at under 10% bf. But I will say that I understand this compound on paper and in real life and think it's great stuff if you know how to use it.

Contrary to popular belief, you won't become diabetic by using it. I don't know where that myth came from. You become diabetic when you abuse your body and force it to crank out insulin inappropriately (example, eating sugar all the time and not living an active lifestyle). If you're active and have low glycogen stores, consuming a high glycemic carbohydrate with EXOGENOUS insulin is a good thing. It's much better to bang back slin and consume high GI carbs as opposed to just the carbs alone.

If anyone understands hormones and the negative feedback loop, they should at least be able to guess at why insulin can be advantageous. On top of serving it's regular purpose, exogenous insulin dosed as liberal levels can create more new glycogen than your body would alone. Genetic predisposition can also lead to challenges with this hormone.

It's an anabolic hormone obviously, helps to stave catabolism and increase nitrogen retention, can help with insulin sensitivity if you have a strict monitored diet and can obviously expedite recovery and protein turn over. It's basically good shit, if you know how to use it safely and without getting fat. It's easy to get big on slin, but a little more difficult to get big and remain lean. It's a compound that cookie cutter internet protocols are no good for. You need a blood sugar monitor, a notebook and some patience.

I've yet to use it on cycle but I figure that I'll hold out until I hit a plateau. Just got back on low dose hormones and I'm getting hard, lean and more full. I'll start carb cycling in preparation for the slin and then resume my otherwise low carb diet with slin. Most, if not all my glycogen is stored post cardio and post workout and then only trace carbs at other times. Really helped to improve my insulin sensitivity when I used it off cycle. I can only imagine what it'll do with androgens in my system now :)

I can maybe make an update thread with some of my observations once I hit it up again. It's Humalog by the way. I've considered using a longer type of insulin like Lantus but then the recent news article put some doubt in my mind. Humalog FTW!!
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: bigjoered on September 10, 2009, 06:20:12 AM
Good input but still it seems that you have diffrent opinions on the subject.  I have easy access to the stuff and while haven't done gear over a year at this point I was wondering if incorporating it to early has any drawbacks or possible benefits.  Some of the natural guys at my gym often tell me that they simply ingest sugars preworkout to stimulate an insulin response and it works for them in addition to simple carbs.

I know there are alot of shark oil supplements that are supposed to augment your levels but we all know thats BS.  So what to do?

Tell me when did you guys start incorporating it with your cycles and what was your reasons?  Noticeable difference or not really noticeable?  Thanks
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: Dr Loomis on September 10, 2009, 09:37:49 AM
Excelent post dustin !

bigjoered how old are you? I think unless competing on a high level its best for someone as you age, so you can take in the necessary amounts of simple carbs, especialy after a workout, and ease the burden on the pancreas with the exogenous insulin. Over 35-40 to me it makes sense to use almost in an hrt way for someone who still lives the bodybuilding lifestyle. No reason to even consider it if your young and not trying to go far competitvely.

danger is zero unless you inject a large dosage and dont eat. Its the easiest and safest to use in all the compounds in my opinion. Ive never known anyone to have any problems, only have to figure for each individual the ideal amount of carbs for maximum response.

Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tstmaniac on September 10, 2009, 09:53:44 AM
i knew a guy who went into a coma and almost died...he also fried his brain up a bit and never has been the same sincee...thats my reasoning for never touching that stuff
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: Spike on September 10, 2009, 01:06:22 PM
i knew a guy who went into a coma and almost died...he also fried his brain up a bit and never has been the same sincee...thats my reasoning for never touching that stuff

was he diesel b4 he became like that - like what 6' 280lbs lean?
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: dexterJ on September 10, 2009, 01:14:44 PM
i love slim for mass
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tstmaniac on September 10, 2009, 01:57:14 PM
He was around 220 lean
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tbombz on September 10, 2009, 04:06:54 PM
in my opinion insulin helps put on mass simply because people normally dont focus enough on eating carbohydrates.. then they take slin everyday and are forced to eat alot of carbs every day with it

you can achieve almost the exact same effect just by eating as if you were using slin, but without actually using the insulin.

when it starts to become advantageous, beyond just eatijng extra carbs, it hink its probablyt when you are very heavily muscled and yoru bodiesn output of insulin isnt enough to fully stimulate all of the insulin receptors in your muscel.... at that point mega dosiong insluin will be great for boosting gains
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: 240 is Back on September 10, 2009, 04:34:56 PM
Unless you plan on competing at a high level the health risks are not worth it IMO

Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tstmaniac on September 10, 2009, 05:40:13 PM
Idc what anyone says on here...insulin is not to be fucked around with
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tbombz on September 10, 2009, 05:49:59 PM
Idc what anyone says on here...insulin is not to be fucked around with
if your a stupid fuck, then yes your right. but for people who arent retarded and will take the proper precautions (eat glucose)... theres no reason to fear its use.

Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: muscle19 on September 10, 2009, 06:36:24 PM
i agree, i have uised it often and just did a bout 15 min ago and i will not die haha
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: bigjoered on September 10, 2009, 07:47:23 PM
I am 30 and naturally very lean normally weighing about 225 with 12%Bf now about 245.  I have been told that I don't eat enough by some of the guys that are competing so I might be cautious about using it just yet.  I would like to use it at some point if it will help me get to the next level while on gear.  Is anybody using while off a cycle?  Advantages/ disadvantages?
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: muscle19 on September 10, 2009, 07:52:55 PM
i knew few people use it off season but i think your more proine to fat gain but good be good with gh
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: dyslexic on September 11, 2009, 04:51:44 PM
Make sure that when you stick yourself, you don't accidently stick that fat ass next to you. She might not wake up again.  ;D
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: Dr Loomis on September 12, 2009, 11:57:11 AM
if your a stupid fuck, then yes your right. but for people who arent retarded and will take the proper precautions (eat glucose)... theres no reason to fear its use.

Agreed, lots of fear mongering out there among people who've never touched it.
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: dustin on September 12, 2009, 10:12:49 PM
Agreed, lots of fear mongering out there among people who've never touched it.

In the same thread where people take the time to debunk all the insulin myths, you still have idiots coming in here and saying "Naw, dog. Fuck that shit. Gives you teh AIDS diabeetus" ::)

These are the types of people that need to load up a 3ml syringe with humalog and inject it into their jugular.
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: Nasty Nate on September 13, 2009, 06:16:39 PM
No shortage of scared little shits in here lol... if insulin is so fucking dangerous then why am I not hearing about all these pro's slipping into coma's and dying? lol...
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: dustin on September 13, 2009, 07:48:41 PM
No shortage of scared little shits in here lol... if insulin is so fucking dangerous then why am I not hearing about all these pro's slipping into coma's and dying? lol...

Or what about the millions of lay people that use this hormone half a dozen times a day, including half retarded women, children and elderly??

You'd think there'd be bodies littered in the streets!!
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tstmaniac on September 13, 2009, 07:58:32 PM
In the same thread where people take the time to debunk all the insulin myths, you still have idiots coming in here and saying "Naw, dog. Fuck that shit. Gives you teh AIDS diabeetus" ::)

These are the types of people that need to load up a 3ml syringe with humalog and inject it into their jugular.

stfu...ill admit if was wrong about that but i have read that it could cause diabeetus if it is abused too much for too long...please show me some studies that shows taking bodybuilding doses of insulin wont cause that
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: jerseymuscles113 on September 13, 2009, 08:07:37 PM
using It for a prolonged period of time can cause the person's body To stop producing natural insulin making them diabetic....proven fact
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tbombz on September 14, 2009, 04:10:07 PM
stfu...ill admit if was wrong about that but i have read that it could cause diabeetus if it is abused too much for too long...please show me some studies that shows taking bodybuilding doses of insulin wont cause that
thats not how it works. you need to show proof that that will happen before anyone will believe its true.

theres no reason to believe that it would have that effect, regardless of doseage or how many times used.

Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: dustin on September 14, 2009, 05:48:31 PM
stfu...ill admit if was wrong about that but i have read that it could cause diabeetus if it is abused too much for too long...please show me some studies that shows taking bodybuilding doses of insulin wont cause that

Calm down, Gloria. I wasn't talking about you in particular. If you've seen the light, then preach on, brother. Too much misinformation about this drug. This is right on par with the permanent thyroid shut down myth. If anything, we're more at risk for screwing up our HPTA as opposed to messing up our insulin response and thyroids. Too much bro science in the gyms.

thats not how it works. you need to show proof that that will happen before anyone will believe its true.

theres no reason to believe that it would have that effect, regardless of doseage or how many times used.

Bingo. There aren't any studies because no one's studied it in a bodybuilding application. While I regard insulin as an otherwise safe hormone, maybe studies showing that megadosing it wouldn't be the best thing. There is still an apparent danger. It's just over exaggerated and taken out of context.

Yes - if you bang back a CC of slin and just sit there, doing nothing, not heeding any warning signs such as dizziness, sweating, confusion, etc... then you'll probably pass out, end up in a diabetic coma and die if you don't get a glucose drip.

If you use insulin haphazardly then perhaps you'll become a diabetic too, but genetic pre disposition is a bigger culprit. I used a BSL monitor on and off for a year before using insulin. And guess what? After using insulin, my BSL levels are much more stable. They improved after taking note of my eating habits and adjusting them accordingly. Then they made another improvement after using insulin. So my hypothesis was correct. It gave my pancreas a break. And combined with exceptional eating habits, it continued to improve.

Not using slin right now. Need to get rid of some fat because I moved and didn't have my cardio bike. Starting my two weeks of ECA right now. Shaking because I haven't used ephedrine in two months so I should shed this fat quickly. I'll report back when I use insulin. I'll maybe start a thread with before and after pictures. And if I can afford testing strips I'll put some BSL comparisons. They're like a buck a piece in Canada though so I might now.
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tstmaniac on September 14, 2009, 08:01:15 PM
Calm down, Gloria. I wasn't talking about you in particular. If you've seen the light, then preach on, brother. Too much misinformation about this drug. This is right on par with the permanent thyroid shut down myth. If anything, we're more at risk for screwing up our HPTA as opposed to messing up our insulin response and thyroids. Too much bro science in the gyms.

yea i agree your right about that
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on September 15, 2009, 10:32:22 PM
99.9% of people who are not pros or who don't even compete don't NEED insulin i.e. GH and roids are plenty to achieve their goals.  But you'll have idiots using it right out of the gate. 
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tbombz on September 15, 2009, 11:27:24 PM
99.9% of people who are not pros or who don't even compete don't NEED insulin i.e. GH and roids are plenty to achieve their goals.  But you'll have idiots using it right out of the gate. 
might not need it but it will help them reach where they want to be faster than without it...and thats what this is all about anyway
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on September 16, 2009, 01:46:08 AM
might not need it but it will help them reach where they want to be faster than without it...and thats what this is all about anyway

Easy come easy go KID! 
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: local hero on September 16, 2009, 11:21:21 AM
might not need it but it will help them reach where they want to be faster than without it...and thats what this is all about anyway

i just think its jumping the gun big time... i realy dont think u need it until your an advaced competitor, im not against its use, i just think u should max out on meat and potatoes 1st.... gear and hgh
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: Nasty Nate on September 16, 2009, 11:25:39 AM

i just think its jumping the gun big time... i realy dont think u need it until your an advaced competitor, im not against its use, i just think u should max out on meat and potatoes 1st.... gear and hgh

Yeah I agree... i'll probably use insulin but it won't be for awhile... there's so much i'll be able to get out of AAS and GH first..
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tbombz on September 16, 2009, 01:06:24 PM

i just think its jumping the gun big time... i realy dont think u need it until your an advaced competitor, im not against its use, i just think u should max out on meat and potatoes 1st.... gear and hgh
ones maximum muscle mass is not going to change based on hwo early they start using insuling or aas or gh. in fact the sooner they use it the bigger they eventually will get. more time on hormone= bigger you get. its actually a good idea to start everything right out the gate...
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: Nasty Nate on September 16, 2009, 02:49:23 PM
ones maximum muscle mass is not going to change based on hwo early they start using insuling or aas or gh. in fact the sooner they use it the bigger they eventually will get. more time on hormone= bigger you get. its actually a good idea to start everything right out the gate...

Phil Heath would actually be a good example of someone who started right out the gate. I mean shit, he must've started juicing the same day he bought his first gym membership.
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tbombz on September 16, 2009, 03:10:40 PM
exactly. and what if he did it slowly..starting out low dose test...then moving into diff compounds..then adding more doseage...then dig two big doseage compounds, then adding in small gh, then small insulin, then bigger gh, then bigger insulin.....and taking tme off....

would he look any bbetter? nope. he would still have the same physique, only it would have taken him 10 more years to achieve it.
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: Nasty Nate on September 16, 2009, 03:27:54 PM
exactly. and what if he did it slowly..starting out low dose test...then moving into diff compounds..then adding more doseage...then dig two big doseage compounds, then adding in small gh, then small insulin, then bigger gh, then bigger insulin.....and taking tme off....

would he look any bbetter? nope. he would still have the same physique, only it would have taken him 10 more years to achieve it.

I guess you got a point man. I haven't done a "big cycle" yet, but i'm gonna start one here soon. I gotta stop being a pussy and just do a big ass cycle if I ever wanna be a beast.
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on September 16, 2009, 04:00:42 PM
haha let's see the most vocal people in this thread are dustin, tbombz and a few others, in other words MOSTLY JUST KIDS who have no fucking clue what it means to "grow up" and grow old.  Dorian and Ronnie and whoever else can hide their drug use better than anything.  Even the old pros to this day do.  Their health problems EVEN MUCH MORE SECRET!  The human body is fucking resilient.  I've known plenty of alcoholics who were on deaths door step only to live several more years with diabetes, liver failure, chronic pancreatitis, and a shitload of other problems.  If you were to see these guys in the street you couldn't even tell they were sick. 

The POINT is that there professional bodybuilders of past and present have SERIOUS health problems from their past drug abuse be it rec drugs, insulin, thyroid drugs etc.  Will using insulin here and there fuck you up?  Maybe not.  Probably not.  But none of you fucking morons are "using here and there".  Tbombz is a typica fucking drugged up idiot kid who would rather get big at all costs come off as a "guru" than put his health and his future first.  I would bet that in 20 years there are going to start coming to light serious correlations of steroids, GH, and health problems in your 50's and 60's.  All that constant up and down changing of your hormones, constant injection of massive amounts of preservatives in the form of BA, BB, and EO.  You think it's natural and healthy to constantly supercharge your thyroid system? 

The human body is like a keep redlining it all the time and eventually it's going to wear out quicker than it normally would.  Why take insulin if you don't need it?  And dustin and tbombz FOR SURE don't fucking need it.  Hell unless you've spent 10-15 years maxing out your physique with steroids you don't NEED GH or slin.  The reason people want to use these drugs is MUCH more psychological than it is physiological.  Plus a lot of guys using slin get that big blocky abdomen because although it's the most anabolic hormone in the body it's also the one most responsible for fat storage. 
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on September 16, 2009, 04:10:55 PM
Calm down, Gloria. I wasn't talking about you in particular. If you've seen the light, then preach on, brother. Too much misinformation about this drug. This is right on par with the permanent thyroid shut down myth. If anything, we're more at risk for screwing up our HPTA as opposed to messing up our insulin response and thyroids. Too much bro science in the gyms.

Bingo. There aren't any studies because no one's studied it in a bodybuilding application. While I regard insulin as an otherwise safe hormone, maybe studies showing that megadosing it wouldn't be the best thing. There is still an apparent danger. It's just over exaggerated and taken out of context.

Yes - if you bang back a CC of slin and just sit there, doing nothing, not heeding any warning signs such as dizziness, sweating, confusion, etc... then you'll probably pass out, end up in a diabetic coma and die if you don't get a glucose drip.

If you use insulin haphazardly then perhaps you'll become a diabetic too, but genetic pre disposition is a bigger culprit. I used a BSL monitor on and off for a year before using insulin. And guess what? After using insulin, my BSL levels are much more stable. They improved after taking note of my eating habits and adjusting them accordingly. Then they made another improvement after using insulin. So my hypothesis was correct. It gave my pancreas a break. And combined with exceptional eating habits, it continued to improve.

Not using slin right now. Need to get rid of some fat because I moved and didn't have my cardio bike. Starting my two weeks of ECA right now. Shaking because I haven't used ephedrine in two months so I should shed this fat quickly. I'll report back when I use insulin. I'll maybe start a thread with before and after pictures. And if I can afford testing strips I'll put some BSL comparisons. They're like a buck a piece in Canada though so I might now.

You DON'T NEED SLIN!  LMAO!  You can't argue it's completely safe or safer than steroids because the proof one way or the other just isn't out there yet.  Do you make a living with your body?  Do you compete?  Why the hell would you want to risk it?  I mean your life so fucked up you live in this little delusional world of yours where you feel better than others are more superior/smarter because you are using "slin"?  I'm seriously trying to get inside your mind and understand what motivates young people like you?  tbombz is one of those quirky nerdy druggy types that wants to be the next dan duchaine of the steroid world.  So I understand the way his mind works.  LOL.  Insulin use is it downright dangerous no......but it's still much riskier than steroids and the long term side effects are even less understood.  Same thing with IGF and all the other crap young kids are using these days.   

Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on September 16, 2009, 04:16:54 PM
No shortage of scared little shits in here lol... if insulin is so fucking dangerous then why am I not hearing about all these pro's slipping into coma's and dying? lol...

The body is very resilient when you are in yoru 30's and 40's.  Dorian most definitely has health problems.  That's a fact.  A person's health status is one of the most closely guarded and legally protected aspects of their life.  For example..........there are Hollywood stars in and out of rehab all the time and in and out of hospitals all the time.  The general public never hears about it.  Bodybuilders have health problems, many very serious health problems.  But most of these won't be really affecting their lives for another 10-15 years. 
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tbombz on September 16, 2009, 10:33:42 PM
well mcmannus, your right. i am a drug addict and a young guy. so that should be taken into consideration. but i also know what im talking about and what i say is coming from the best minds and the best bodies in the sport, not just me only.  your also right about the unhealthy factor. very ture. and yes most pros have lots of fucked up health problems. again, this comes with the territory, building the kind of muscle needed to look decent next to the top bodybuilders of today is a very unhealthy pursuit.
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on September 16, 2009, 10:36:30 PM
well mcmannus, your right. i am a drug addict and a young guy. so that should be taken into consideration. but i also know what im talking about and what i say is coming from the best minds and the best bodies in the sport, not just me only.  your also right about the unhealthy factor. very ture. and yes most pros have lots of fucked up health problems. again, this comes with the territory, building the kind of muscle needed to look decent next to the top bodybuilders of today is a very unhealthy pursuit.

Best minds and best bodies in the sport?  LMAO!  The sport is filled with morons and guys that put their health last, especially pros.. 
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: dustin on September 16, 2009, 11:35:12 PM
MMM, aside from hypoglycemia I think steroids cause more cosmetic and asymptomatic side affects that no one ever acknoledges. If you took that out of the equation you could argue that slin is a much safer, effective and economical that androgenic anabolic steroids.

Stop spreading regurgitated bullshit. I'm glad you've memorized all the drug guides and cookie cutter cycles but you still have absolutely no brain activity going on in that fat dome of yours.

If you're looking for something to keep your dull mind occupied, I'd recommend both coloring and picture books my friend. After a myriad of faggotry and downright retardedness, I can not take you seriously. I cannot humour your posts anymore. It hurts my head. I can't bring myself down to your level of understanding. Best of luck living as a retarded, close minded sheep.   
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on September 16, 2009, 11:49:24 PM
MMM, aside from hypoglycemia I think steroids cause more cosmetic and asymptomatic side affects that no one ever acknoledges. If you took that out of the equation you could argue that slin is a much safer, effective and economical that androgenic anabolic steroids.

Stop spreading regurgitated bullshit. I'm glad you've memorized all the drug guides and cookie cutter cycles but you still have absolutely no brain activity going on in that fat dome of yours.

If you're looking for something to keep your dull mind occupied, I'd recommend both coloring and picture books my friend. After a myriad of faggotry and downright retardedness, I can not take you seriously. I cannot humour your posts anymore. It hurts my head. I can't bring myself down to your level of understanding. Best of luck living as a retarded, close minded sheep.  

You're still a kid..................... have no medical background, no scientific background, etc.  You get all your research from other fools with no medical/scientific background who are on a quest for muscle and strength.  Your judgement is blinded from the get go.  I never said insulin is dangerous. No more than smoking cigarettes or binge drinking every weekend.  But over the long term you're a fool to think insulin is without risk.  I'm far from a closed minded sheep you stupid fuck.  But to think bodybuilding pharmacology is without risks and serious side effects shows you're the moron who needs to grow up.  

There is plenty of correlative and empirical evidence suggesting that exogenous use of slin might lead to diabetes.  Diabetes is much more of a disaster than hypogonadism or hypothyrodism.  Out of control blood sugar wreaks havoc on your body in many ways.................... ......neuropathies, microvascular damage, neprhopathy, and the list goes on.  Diabetes is one of the worst diseases you could get.  Why tempt fate?  Like I said you're a young, dumb, narcissistic young kid know it all who has no clue what the risks are or even willing to admit. 
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tbombz on September 16, 2009, 11:52:48 PM
he never said it didnt have risks... by the way if your trying to sound smart then proof read your posts to make sure your terminology makes sense...  :)
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on September 16, 2009, 11:55:38 PM
he never said it didnt have risks... by the way if your trying to sound smart then proof read your posts to make sure your terminology makes sense...  :)

He said slin is much safer.  Safety is subjective obviously.  And my grammar and spelling is fine dipshit.  Mind your own fucking English retard.  Your posts are always ripe with fuck ups. 
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tbombz on September 17, 2009, 12:04:32 AM
i said terminology. not gramar or spelling.

using insuli when you dont have an insulin problem... why would this lead to diabetes?  steroids cause insulin resistance. this is fact. using exogenous insulin doesnt, and theres no reason why it would do so. growth hormone causes insulin resistance as well. both would posses more risk for causing diabetes than using insulin.

lets think about what is diabetes and what causes it (obviously type 2 diabetes since your body isnt going to develop type 1... well why would exogenous insulin caus eyour body to have an allergic reaction to pacreactic cells that produce insulin? okay so yes only type 2 is at issue....)....      either a)insufficeint insulin or b) insufficient response to insulin .... this results in hyperglycemia and eventually diabetic ketoacidociz and then coma and death...   

 now.. when a bodybuilder uses exogenous insulin..what happens... it drives glucose into muscle cells...  what does it do to insulin sensitivity ? nohing that regular pacrease produced isulin wouldnt do...yes it causes short term insulin resistance based on increased glycogen levels, however it isnt causing any long term effect...

now what causes type 2 diabetes?  long tem excessive eating and no exercise (wel, 99% of people this is how it happens)... and then the muscles become so oversaturated with glucose that they become so insensitive to insulin that the pancrease cant produce enough insulin to push glucose out of the blood... then you are now type 2 diabetic and youll find that you urine is loaded wth sugar (diabetes mellitus = "the sweet that passes thoguh")...   

now with bodybuilders who are using insulin.... they are also constantly training, constantly growing, and also have for the most part a controlled diet.... now the constant glycogen depletion and hypertrophy both increases available glycogen capacity and also increases sensitivty to insulin.....    so they are basicaly geting a vaccine against diabtes....

now there comes the issue that using exogenous insulin will reduce the pacreas output of insulin...which probably will keep it able to work more efficiently later in life... when most people become insulin resistant, regardless of diet health or acvity...

Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on September 17, 2009, 02:32:21 AM
i said terminology. not gramar or spelling.

using insuli when you dont have an insulin problem... why would this lead to diabetes?  steroids cause insulin resistance. this is fact. using exogenous insulin doesnt, and theres no reason why it would do so. growth hormone causes insulin resistance as well. both would posses more risk for causing diabetes than using insulin.

lets think about what is diabetes and what causes it (obviously type 2 diabetes since your body isnt going to develop type 1... well why would exogenous insulin caus eyour body to have an allergic reaction to pacreactic cells that produce insulin? okay so yes only type 2 is at issue....)....      either a)insufficeint insulin or b) insufficient response to insulin .... this results in hyperglycemia and eventually diabetic ketoacidociz and then coma and death...   

 now.. when a bodybuilder uses exogenous insulin..what happens... it drives glucose into muscle cells...  what does it do to insulin sensitivity ? nohing that regular pacrease produced isulin wouldnt do...yes it causes short term insulin resistance based on increased glycogen levels, however it isnt causing any long term effect...

now what causes type 2 diabetes?  long tem excessive eating and no exercise (wel, 99% of people this is how it happens)... and then the muscles become so oversaturated with glucose that they become so insensitive to insulin that the pancrease cant produce enough insulin to push glucose out of the blood... then you are now type 2 diabetic and youll find that you urine is loaded wth sugar (diabetes mellitus = "the sweet that passes thoguh")...   

now with bodybuilders who are using insulin.... they are also constantly training, constantly growing, and also have for the most part a controlled diet.... now the constant glycogen depletion and hypertrophy both increases available glycogen capacity and also increases sensitivty to insulin.....    so they are basicaly geting a vaccine against diabtes....

now there comes the issue that using exogenous insulin will reduce the pacreas output of insulin...which probably will keep it able to work more efficiently later in life... when most people become insulin resistant, regardless of diet health or acvity...


I'm not even going to go through all that crap.  I'll just take your first statement.......Steroids cause insulin resistance.............. .yeah and testosterone also has been shown to INCREASE insulin sensitivity.  So basically the jury is out.  And it makes much more sense to assume it's risky to mess around with insulin unless you have a medical need for it.  I'd be much more concerned with long term insulin use than I would AAS or GH. 
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: dustin on September 17, 2009, 09:23:40 AM
I'm not even going to go through all that crap.  I'll just take your first statement.......Steroids cause insulin resistance.............. .yeah and testosterone also has been shown to INCREASE insulin sensitivity.  So basically the jury is out.  And it makes much more sense to assume it's risky to mess around with insulin unless you have a medical need for it.  I'd be much more concerned with long term insulin use than I would AAS or GH. 

I implore you to read Taylors absolutely, scientifically correct post. We've both based our opinions off clinical research, not bodybuilding fokelore. It's ironic that you accuse US of regurgitating bodybuilding propaganda when you've done nothing but quote the same shit a million and a half retarded, INCORRECT bodybuilders have shit out their mouths.

Bodybuilders are liars, have no credibility and exploit PEDs without regard for safety. I on the otherhand educate myself and acknowledge everything regarding anysubstance I put in my body and stand by my original post. Diabetes is horrible but EXOGENOUS INSULIN and diabetes are like apples and oranges. exogenous insulin used correctlycan improve your insulin sensitivity and allow your body to appropriately align it's insulinic response to carbohydrates and other macronutrients.

I tested this theory and to my amazement my hypothesis was carried out with exemplary results. I honestly thought there'd be a broader margin of error but I was 100% correct, something even I did not anticipate. I've talked to many doctors at length with this. And many great minds like RonnyT and Bill Lewellyn. If they're idiots, I'm going to spend the remainder of my life trying to find someone with true intelligence. I have a hard time beleiving that MMM of all people is going to be correct regarding a compound that's so foreign to him. I don't beleive he's researched it or used it at any appreciable length. Just claimed that you need to juice first, use GH then slin LOL ::)
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tbombz on September 17, 2009, 10:20:50 AM
I'm not even going to go through all that crap.  I'll just take your first statement.......Steroids cause insulin resistance.............. .yeah and testosterone also has been shown to INCREASE insulin sensitivity.  So basically the jury is out.  And it makes much more sense to assume it's risky to mess around with insulin unless you have a medical need for it.  I'd be much more concerned with long term insulin use than I would AAS or GH. 

testosterone in the long term imporves insulin sensitivity because in the long term it reduces fat mass and increases muscle mass. but its immidiate and lasting efect is insulin resistance. even over time when it has caused the subject to increase their sensitivity, they are still more insulin resistant than they would be without the extra test.

think of it as a math equation....  higher humber= bette sensitivity  insulin sensitivity= x .... when you add in testosterone you get   (x-test)(1.2[number of weeks])    ....   you see, in the beginning the effect of test will be lower insulin sensitivity... but over time because of the amplified muscle and reduced fat mass, the insulin resistance effect of test is outweighed by the multiply factor of the muscle and fat mass effect....    but at that point, you could remove test and thenyour insulin sensitivity will be even better...

Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on September 17, 2009, 02:47:57 PM
Haha you guys are fucking idiots.  You've based both your opinions off clinical research yet NEITHER of you have posted ANY medical research studies.   ::) 

You can find a study showing just about anything nowadays.  I'm sure I could find a study proving there are beneficial aspects of cigarette smoking.  Long term insulin use is stupid and unnecessary.......period .  End of story.  I know you wanna be pros want it to be safe and in your mind think everything is going to be ok because you have the "internetz" on your side and you have all the knowledge of doctors and scientists.  You two are some of the most delusional posters on getbig. 
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tbombz on September 17, 2009, 07:51:41 PM
i dont want to think its safe. i know its dangerus and unhealthy. but i also know that what your claiming, it can cause diabetes, is false.

i got 99 problems but diabetes aint one

Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: The ChemistV2 on September 17, 2009, 10:17:48 PM
One of the "experts" on here who supposedly has been on all kinds of gear and now it would seem insulin..  is too embarassed of his physique to ever post a recent pic, even in a tank top.. Instead we see pictures of him underwater with only his neck and head visible..or in  baggy clothing. What's the point of destroying yourself if you will never feel good enough to expose yourself. I bet he is the type who goes to a pool wearing sweats..waits till everyone leaves before getting in his suit and jumping in. Wonder if his girlfriend even gets to see him with the lights still on? But if he has a heart attack in a few years or becomes diabetic...or requires a kidney transplant..Hey, it was all worth it. Keep on hiding bro. LOL
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on September 17, 2009, 10:54:40 PM
One of the "experts" on here who supposedly has been on all kinds of gear and now it would seem insulin..  is too embarassed of his physique to ever post a recent pic, even in a tank top.. Instead we see pictures of him underwater with only his neck and head visible..or in  baggy clothing. What's the point of destroying yourself if you will never feel good enough to expose yourself. I bet he is the type who goes to a pool wearing sweats..waits till everyone leaves before getting in his suit and jumping in. Wonder if his girlfriend even gets to see him with the lights still on? But if he has a heart attack in a few years or becomes diabetic...or requires a kidney transplant..Hey, it was all worth it. Keep on hiding bro. LOL

Kids like tbombz, what a whole 20 years old now?? Have the whole world figured out and are smarter than anyone due to the "internetz". 
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: WillGrant on September 18, 2009, 03:36:06 AM
MMM, aside from hypoglycemia I think steroids cause more cosmetic and asymptomatic side affects that no one ever acknoledges. If you took that out of the equation you could argue that slin is a much safer, effective and economical that androgenic anabolic steroids.

Stop spreading regurgitated bullshit. I'm glad you've memorized all the drug guides and cookie cutter cycles but you still have absolutely no brain activity going on in that fat dome of yours.

If you're looking for something to keep your dull mind occupied, I'd recommend both coloring and picture books my friend. After a myriad of faggotry and downright retardedness, I can not take you seriously. I cannot humour your posts anymore. It hurts my head. I can't bring myself down to your level of understanding. Best of luck living as a retarded, close minded sheep.   
Bro , have you ever felt hypoglycemia?
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tbombz on September 18, 2009, 10:37:52 AM
One of the "experts" on here who supposedly has been on all kinds of gear and now it would seem insulin..  is too embarassed of his physique to ever post a recent pic, even in a tank top.. Instead we see pictures of him underwater with only his neck and head visible..or in  baggy clothing. What's the point of destroying yourself if you will never feel good enough to expose yourself. I bet he is the type who goes to a pool wearing sweats..waits till everyone leaves before getting in his suit and jumping in. Wonder if his girlfriend even gets to see him with the lights still on? But if he has a heart attack in a few years or becomes diabetic...or requires a kidney transplant..Hey, it was all worth it. Keep on hiding bro. LOL
i dont have to post an pictures of myself. and why would that matter to you anyway. i worked all summer in a pool teaching swim lessons and lifeguarding. i have no problem showing off my body. everyone i know will tell you that. on getbig, unless you look fantastic, your going to ge lots of bullshit...and id just rather not go through that. my bodyfat is and has always been quite high, so i definitely dont look anything close to what i look like in real life, in the lack of detail makes me look alot smaller than i am. i have met with flexington several times, if your so interested you could ask him about how big i actually am.
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: The ChemistV2 on September 18, 2009, 11:12:33 AM
i dont have to post an pictures of myself. and why would that matter to you anyway. i worked all summer in a pool teaching swim lessons and lifeguarding. i have no problem showing off my body. everyone i know will tell you that. on getbig, unless you look fantastic, your going to ge lots of bullshit...and id just rather not go through that. my bodyfat is and has always been quite high, so i definitely dont look anything close to what i look like in real life, in the lack of detail makes me look alot smaller than i am. i have met with flexington several times, if your so interested you could ask him about how big i actually am.
I'm sure people would be impressed with the progress you've made..especially if you post your chubby little guy on the dirtbike shot compared to now. Surely you can take a a little ribbing from the detractors. After some of the things you've revealed about yourself on here, posting an offseason pic in a T-shirt  shouldn't be that big a deal. Not gay here, just curious what you look like these days...
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: WillGrant on September 18, 2009, 02:45:59 PM
The pic Tbombz posted of his quads is enough to show he has put some serious size on over the last year and a bit.
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: flexingtonsteele on September 18, 2009, 05:48:45 PM
i dont have to post an pictures of myself. and why would that matter to you anyway. i worked all summer in a pool teaching swim lessons and lifeguarding. i have no problem showing off my body. everyone i know will tell you that. on getbig, unless you look fantastic, your going to ge lots of bullshit...and id just rather not go through that. my bodyfat is and has always been quite high, so i definitely dont look anything close to what i look like in real life, in the lack of detail makes me look alot smaller than i am. i have met with flexington several times, if your so interested you could ask him about how big i actually am.

I can back up tdizzle, he's a young guy and has some size on him. id say in the 235-240 range and he's pretty thicke.

we trained together not too long ago, he trains hard and unlike most getbiggers actually walks the walk.

p.s........during this training session no deep tissue anal massages were given!
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on September 18, 2009, 08:03:03 PM
I can back up tdizzle, he's a young guy and has some size on him. id say in the 235-240 range and he's pretty thicke.

we trained together not too long ago, he trains hard and unlike most getbiggers actually walks the walk.

p.s........during this training session no deep tissue anal massages were given!

His size is all drugs.  If the kid ever quit steroids for any significant amount of time he'd shrink back down to his pimply teenage body.  Not saying the kid doesn't have potential.  But he's way too obsessed with steroids and drugs and all that shit.  Solid muscle takes years and years to build.  Kids nowadays don't have the fortitude or discipline to understand that.......hell most guys involved with bodybuilding and weightlifting don't understand that.  THat's why everyone and their brother is on steroids.  Just look at some of the delusional idiots that post on here.  The minute they come clean they lose half their size. 
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: Stavios on September 18, 2009, 08:10:12 PM
Seriously, you guys can put down Tbombz for his arrogance, but NOT for his lack of knowleadge.

Dude is a machine when it comes to understanding how those things works.

I, for example, don't know jackshit exept from my experiences and when I read studies it goes like blablabla in my head and I don't understand shit
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: flexingtonsteele on September 18, 2009, 08:48:11 PM
His size is all drugs.  If the kid ever quit steroids for any significant amount of time he'd shrink back down to his pimply teenage body.  Not saying the kid doesn't have potential.  But he's way too obsessed with steroids and drugs and all that shit.  Solid muscle takes years and years to build.  Kids nowadays don't have the fortitude or discipline to understand that.......hell most guys involved with bodybuilding and weightlifting don't understand that.  THat's why everyone and their brother is on steroids.  Just look at some of the delusional idiots that post on here.  The minute they come clean they lose half their size. 

everyone on steroids loses muscle when they're off, and everyone gains muscle while on. steroids build muscle plain and simple.

whats your point.

im not one to judge, i dont care what he does to himself, its his body, and his choice.

Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: dustin on September 18, 2009, 09:15:32 PM
His size is all drugs.  If the kid ever quit steroids for any significant amount of time he'd shrink back down to his pimply teenage body.  Not saying the kid doesn't have potential.  But he's way too obsessed with steroids and drugs and all that shit.  Solid muscle takes years and years to build.  Kids nowadays don't have the fortitude or discipline to understand that.......hell most guys involved with bodybuilding and weightlifting don't understand that.  THat's why everyone and their brother is on steroids.  Just look at some of the delusional idiots that post on here.  The minute they come clean they lose half their size. 

McAnus, don't start with the "all drugs" shit on a drug forum. For the love of crumb cake, how fucking retarded are you?

You rip on us for not posting studies and then throw out a blanket statement how a study can be found to prove almost any point. I confide that there's truth in that statement, but it just shows how transparent you are. You are but a sad, defeated tool. Likely nothing more than an elitist, narrow minded twink with his tail between his legs.

How does it feel whn someone on the Internet owns your mind? Especially two children in Taylor and myself? You're truly pathetic and this is something you know to be true. I'll drop out of this shit because it's going nowhere. No use in investing energy into a loser like you McAnus. Good day. 
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tbombz on September 19, 2009, 12:37:21 PM
before i ever touched a drug i took an absolutely obese 5'10 no muscle 265 lb body, to a lean 180 lbs body with decent arms legs shoulders and back. totally natural, all diet and hard work. and i did it in a year and a half.
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: Stavios on September 19, 2009, 02:09:26 PM
before i ever touched a drug i took an absolutely obese 5'10 no muscle 265 lb body, to a lean 180 lbs body with decent arms legs shoulders and back. totally natural, all diet and hard work. and i did it in a year and a half.


Dizzle knows his shit
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: Dr Loomis on September 19, 2009, 03:44:36 PM
i dont want to think its safe. i know its dangerus and unhealthy. but i also know that what your claiming, it can cause diabetes, is false. i got 99 problems but diabetes aint one

Finding this bodybuilder that using insulin caused type 2 diabetes is like finding bigfoot, it gets talked about alot but nobody seen it

It very easy to use, very safe when used responsibly by an intelligent person and as you age can actually help ease the burden on your pancreas and still let you take in the carbs you need to grow, in reality lessening your chance of becoming diabetic.

Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on September 19, 2009, 03:50:58 PM
before i ever touched a drug i took an absolutely obese 5'10 no muscle 265 lb body, to a lean 180 lbs body with decent arms legs shoulders and back. totally natural, all diet and hard work. and i did it in a year and a half.

LMAO!  You're a fucking idiot if you expect anyone to believe you dropped 85 lbs naturally in 18 months.  LMAO!  How getbig of you! 
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: Stavios on September 19, 2009, 04:00:26 PM
LMAO!  You're a fucking idiot if you expect anyone to believe you dropped 85 lbs naturally in 18 months.  LMAO!  How getbig of you! 

he did man, he posted his picture here when he was fat.
Everyone laughed at him, than he started dieting down and he was posting pictures while he was leaning out
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: AVBG on September 19, 2009, 04:31:28 PM
The problem with some of you guys is that you want it all - YESTERDAY, everyone is in a rush, lolz.. I was the same when I was younger (I snapped out of it) don't get me wrong fellas as I don't have any moral or legal issues with AAS/GH/SLIN but why put yourself through all this unless you have pro bodybuilder ambition with some solid drug free background (or at least wait till you mid 20's).
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tstmaniac on September 19, 2009, 04:43:18 PM
It is very well possible to lose 85 pounds of flabby fat is u hav it to lose
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tbombz on September 19, 2009, 04:46:09 PM
LMAO!  You're a fucking idiot if you expect anyone to believe you dropped 85 lbs naturally in 18 months.  LMAO!  How getbig of you! 

first pic(april 17th 2006) i was about 240...=

second pic(january 3rd 2007) 9 months later 185lbs  =

 i had been dieting since july 4 2005 which was 8 months earlier. so actually i dropped 85 lbs naturall in 17 months, not 18.  :P
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: dustin on September 19, 2009, 05:20:06 PM
LMAO!  You're a fucking idiot if you expect anyone to believe you dropped 85 lbs naturally in 18 months.  LMAO!  How getbig of you! 

What about me? I added 85lbs naturally in 18 months.

Didn't know what the hell a steroid was but just the thought of it would make me weak at the knees. I used to eat so much I would be puking, or close to puking. So much that I almost couldn't have sex with my gf at night. Thankfully, she didn't mind me smoking weed to eat more so we still ended up having mind blowing sex... but that's another story. 8)
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on September 19, 2009, 05:45:58 PM
What about me? I added 85lbs naturally in 18 months.

Didn't know what the hell a steroid was but just the thought of it would make me weak at the knees. I used to eat so much I would be puking, or close to puking. So much that I almost couldn't have sex with my gf at night. Thankfully, she didn't mind me smoking weed to eat more so we still ended up having mind blowing sex... but that's another story. 8)

LMAO!  You're fucking full of shit as well.  I remember several months ago you were saying all the prohormones you used. 

tbombz I have yet to see your pic of 265 lbs.  If you're candidate that pic looks NOTHING like you and that guy in the very first pic isn't 265lbs.  Did you die your hair brown back then?  You're full of bullshit. 
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: tstmaniac on September 19, 2009, 06:27:23 PM
I call bullshit on gaining 85 pounds in 18 months unless you transformed yourself into a complete fat ass
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: flexingtonsteele on September 19, 2009, 07:24:29 PM
LMAO!  You're fucking full of shit as well.  I remember several months ago you were saying all the prohormones you used. 

tbombz I have yet to see your pic of 265 lbs.  If you're candidate that pic looks NOTHING like you and that guy in the very first pic isn't 265lbs.  Did you die your hair brown back then?  You're full of bullshit. 

let it go bro, taylor has melted down and had many recarnations on this site.

first he was canidate, then candizzle, but epically melted down quit the board, and came back as his current reincarnation "tbombz"

why do u have such a hard on for the youngster?
Title: Re: Insulin Everybody Doing It?
Post by: dustin on September 19, 2009, 09:08:53 PM
LMAO!  You're fucking full of shit as well.  I remember several months ago you were saying all the prohormones you used. 

Never used any shitty pro hormones, bro. Just AAS after I got big naturally. Check my posts and logs from since 2006. Pictures available as well. I was totally scared of AAS and especially needles.

You can never give anyone the benefit of the doubt, eh? Never told a lie on any forums in my life. Every post is available to validate my claims. I think my metamorphesis from Thai ladyboy to a man with muscles has been an interesting journey :)