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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => Mixed Martial Arts (MMA/UFC) => Topic started by: SinCitysmallGUY on September 30, 2009, 07:43:47 AM

Title: How's Taste My Tweet Tweet? Mixed Martial Arts on Twitter for the Last Week of S
Post by: SinCitysmallGUY on September 30, 2009, 07:43:47 AM

"YES!"  -Diego Sanchez, who else could it be?

"Watching The Karate Kid in bed... Apparently there is no defense for a crane kick and your only option is to run at your opponent's foot, hands down and chin up."  -Esther Lin

"Hello guys, I've just got a blackberry curve in a couple of days I'll be able to tweet from it! ...Thanx 4 the fans, your support is very important to me! I keep practicing hard seeking the victory! Soon I'll be heading to the US."  -Lyoto Machida, yep, the champ is on Twitter.

"Also I want to be just like Rampage and do a Movies like the A-team, but I would like to the remake of blood sport I will play Ray Jackson"  -Roy Nelson

"now it looks like a forest that got hit by a meteor"  -Joe Rogan, responding to a fan who said, "watching some Fear Factor tonight. looked good, you had lots of hair. (via @themutante)"

"Just finished shooting this movie scene with Forrest.. It was fun! It's great that u can fight somebody then work with them.."  -Rashad Evans, any chance of working with Rampage on the A-Team sequel they're planning?

"@joerogandotnet right back at you bro. Bring back News Radio! One day bro, one day, love to get The Voice & Rogan together"  -Michael Schiavello

"is at his new job,loving it,hard work but loving it!"  -Rampage Jackson

"This week is probably the most import week of my life. I want to thank all the fans that have supported me & the new fans to come."  -Roy Nelson, hinting about a win over Kimbo?

"Today is the big day, I fight Kimbo. How many know who is Babe Ruth, not the candy bar? All I can say is I love the man who made baseball."  -Roy Nelson, what are the odds of Roy being this excited if he lost? close decision?


"Relaxing on my birthday with my family and friends!!!!!!!"  -Rashad Evans, seems to be pretty calm and relaxed!!!!!!!!

"@mayhemmiller still no answer as to whether I can sponsor you with baked goods as payment. I make really good choco chip cookies."  -Esther Lin, sponsor me instead?

"I'm having lunch with my daughter for her birthday and then we r going to get pedicures she says I really need 1 :-D"  -Chuck Liddell

"U know me well. I only date JJJ cups RT @maggiehendricks: @stevecofield Yes, because breast size should be the ultimate decider in choosing a wife for the rest of your life."  -Steve Cofield, cagewriter and jjj cup lover...

"5:41 am awoke to the most intense disgusting smell in my room ever. Thanks Gator and Pedigree dog food."  -Mayhem Miller, wakes up from a not-so-relaxing dream.

"Pretty much! "  -Joe Lauzon, when asked if this was his heaven..



"Back in Seattle getting beat up by Hume and the guys at AMC. November 14 can't come soon enough I'm ready for war NOW!"  -Matt "The Immortal" Brown, will be facing James Wilks on UFC 105.

"Made it to my next dance practiced a couple hours last night up early to start working mondays right around the corner... I also want to thank everyone who voted make sure you tune in monday I'm working hard to improve my last weeks performance"  -Chuck Liddell

"Holy crap, this is it! Im about to get the pins out of my hand!"  -Seth Petruzelli

"Pads w Howard Davis and BJJ w Libo today. Felt great. !"  -Denis Kang

"OLYMPIA WAS COOL TRAINING TODAY WAS COOL TIME 4 BED NOW AND GONNA KICK IT UP A NOTCH 2MORROW AM... 30lbs left 2 cut b4 my fight"  -Anthony "Rumble" Johnson

"oh and I talked to dana( @danawhiteufc ) and lorenzo and frank about a fight, so I'm trying for u guys"  -Chuck Liddell, plans to make a return to the octagon after dancing.

"training is going great. i feel like i could fight 3 fedors"  -Brett Rogers

"Over 16 years of grappling exp and not even a hint of cauliflower ear. 2 sessions with a gi and I fear my right ear may be doomed... I don't think @anngaff would like me if I had cauliflower ear. Good thing I already knocked her up and she has no choice."  -Jason High

" - anna and i after practice today"  -Chuck Liddell, don't be lazy, vote for chuck.



"Arreola's losing. However, when was the last time a Klitschko opponent - for Vitali or Wlad - didn't just give up? Dap for still fighting."  -Jordan Breen

"hahahahaha. You said areola."  -Ann Gaffigan

"I don't know her."  -Jason High

"I feel you. I don't know most of the people I impregnate, either."  -Jordan Breen



"Some guy told me he was going to take my hat. I told him to try"  -Frank Trigg

"Guess water?! Ha it's oh sooo good ;)"  -Logan Stanton, does it taste like perfume too?

"Asians rule!!..its rodys bday..n we r having fun..:) #fb"  -Arianny Celeste

"The guy @ starbucks thought I was Megan Fox.. To which I replied, "hell no!" Haha im headed up to Hollywood now.."  -Logan Stanton

"Shooting swim suits in boots.. Ha. This colors a little much! #fb"  -Logan Stanton

"Yummy yo yogurt, does the body good."  -Roger Huerta, since some people are complaining that there's too much hot girls in the tweet tweet series.

"Trying to get motivated for a workout :-P"  -Roger Huerta

"At the ranch... Feeding.. Got some help from Rodney.. Bulls running off bc they saw matador coming :-P"  -Roger Huerta