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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Tito24 on March 17, 2010, 12:35:08 PM

Title: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Tito24 on March 17, 2010, 12:35:08 PM
All these emails to senator i'm writing is paying off.. ;D

Dear getbigger...

I wanted to take a moment to thank you directly for the outstanding work you've been doing as part of Organizing for America's Final March for Reform. I can tell you that your voice is heard in Washington every day. I see how your efforts are moving us toward victory.

But I also know that with just days remaining, the final vote is shaping up to be extremely close. Everything we've worked for is on the line, and your voice is needed now more than ever before.

Raise your voice today: We must all speak out together to finish the job.

In these final, crucial days, much more will be asked of us. Our resolve will be tested.

During moments like this, I believe it's important to remember why we have worked so hard for so long. That's why I spoke to the country Monday at a gathering in Ohio and said it plainly: I'm here for Natoma.

Natoma Canfield is like most of us: She works hard, and tries to do what's right. Years ago, she had battled back from cancer, so she always maintained health insurance in case she ever really needed it again. But because of her medical history, the insurance company kept raising her deductible and her premiums.

Last year alone, Natoma paid over $10,000 in monthly premiums and co-pays, while her insurance company chipped in just $900. And then they hiked up her rates another 40%. She simply couldn't afford it -- she had to cancel her policy. That's when she wrote to me. I read her letter, and shared her story with insurance company CEOs as another reason why the system has to change.

That was two weeks ago. Then, just last week, the unthinkable happened: Natoma collapsed, and was rushed to a hospital. It's leukemia -- the cancer has returned. Now she's in the hospital, worried sick not just about her condition, but how she'll financially survive.

So why am I still in this fight? Simple. I'm here for Natoma.

I'm here because of the countless others who have been denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions. I'm here for the small business owners forced to chose between health care and hiring. I'm here for the folks who are forced to watch helplessly as their premiums skyrocket with no reason or recourse.

And I'm here for my mother. She died of cancer, and in the last six months of her life, I saw her on the phone in her hospital room arguing with insurance companies instead of focusing on getting well and spending time with her family.

As I was finishing my remarks Monday, a woman in the crowd called out, "we need courage." She's right.

The politicians in Washington need courage to face down the powerful interests who have held back progress for far too long. And all of us who share this cause need courage to speak up with persistence and clarity in these final days.

I've always found that courage comes from remembering that we fight for something and someone beyond ourselves. It comes from our faith. And it comes from our commitment to those we love.

So please take a moment to remember those who inspire you -- those who give you the strength to march on.

There's very little time left, and still much to do. But I believe to my core in the power of Americans to change history when we put our mind to it. And if you'll stay with us in these final days, I know we can do it again:

Thank you for making it possible,

President Barack Obama
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: kcballer on March 17, 2010, 12:39:34 PM
As am i.   :)
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 17, 2010, 12:46:00 PM
As am i.   :)

Good grief.  you morons are so clueless its not even funny. 

Do you realize that the NE Journal of Medicine said today that 45% of doctors will quit medicine if this passes? 
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Tito24 on March 17, 2010, 01:17:36 PM
As am i.   :)

You are a good american brother...thanks for your help..

Don't let the haters get you down..

remember we shall overcome.. 8)
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 17, 2010, 01:19:29 PM
You are a good american brother...thanks for your help..

Don't let the haters get you down..

remember we shall overcome.. 8)

Have fun getting treatment at the DMV fool. 
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Tito24 on March 17, 2010, 01:22:13 PM
Have fun getting treatment at the DMV fool. 

A great president once said

, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.

It's good that KCvballer and I are doing what we can to help the country
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 17, 2010, 01:24:54 PM
A great president once said

, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.

It's good that KCvballer and I are doing what we can to help the country

Fine, you two can sit together in the DMV waiting for a doc while the 5 illegals before you get treatment and spit at you. 

Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: BodyProSite on March 17, 2010, 01:26:43 PM
hahahahahahaha  you think voting for this is helping  the country  lol lol   help with what ?  to make it marxist and communist?
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: kcballer on March 17, 2010, 01:26:57 PM
Fine, you two can sit together in the DMV waiting for a doc while the 5 illegals before you get treatment and spit at you. 

DMV? Sorry buddy i'll keep my coverage and company  ;)  I'm just helping out those who can't get coverage to get it.  If i pay a little more so be it.  I'm doing my bit for my country, not for myself.  
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Tito24 on March 17, 2010, 01:28:23 PM
Fine, you two can sit together in the DMV waiting for a doc while the 5 illegals before you get treatment and spit at you. 

It's funny that you mention the DMV..I had to renew my license a few days ago...It literally took 10 minutes and i was out the door..A pleasant experience.
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: kcballer on March 17, 2010, 01:28:57 PM
Good grief.  you morons are so clueless its not even funny. 

Do you realize that the NE Journal of Medicine said today that 45% of doctors will quit medicine if this passes? 

And 40,000 people die every year without coverage.  In a few years you will be more likely to die from not having insurance coverage than from smoking, a known carcinogenic.  

I'll take keeping people alive for $400 Alex.    
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: BodyProSite on March 17, 2010, 01:32:55 PM
18,000 people died on the texas mex boarder last year and i dont see then lifting a fucking finger to fix that , healthcare isnt about saving lives, that why nobody will see any benifits from this bill for 4 years, they just want our money ,  thats all it is , a grab at money and power
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Colossus_500 on March 17, 2010, 01:33:11 PM
"ask not what your country can do for you"

Our president and congressional leaders should take heed to President Kennedy's words... in the case of HealthCare Deform, we're asking the government NOT to give us mandated service.  DMV, Soc Sec Office, or Post Office should be a clear indication as to why

Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Tito24 on March 17, 2010, 01:39:57 PM
18,000 people died on the texas mex boarder last year and i dont see then lifting a fucking finger to fix that , healthcare isnt about saving lives, that why nobody will see any benifits from this bill for 4 years, they just want our money ,  thats all it is , a grab at money and power

change takes time republican flotsam.  We just can't ignore the problem hoping it will go away. However, it will be worth the wait for most people.
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 17, 2010, 01:42:44 PM

change takes time republican flotsam.  We just can't ignore the problem hoping it will go away. However, it will be worth the wait for most people.

85% are happy with the current insurance asswipe!

Why destroy what 85% like for the bottom 15%?  You yourself said in the other thread that we should do what is best for most people. 
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: BodyProSite on March 17, 2010, 01:45:44 PM
nobody says ignore it,  however this is rediculous.   for example  what does people who rent have a dam thing to do with healthcare,  what does college tuition have to do with healthcare?   seriously
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: kcballer on March 17, 2010, 01:50:06 PM
85% are happy with the current insurance asswipe!

Why destroy what 85% like for the bottom 15%?  You yourself said in the other thread that we should do what is best for most people. 

WRONG! hahaha only 4% of people want it .  AP Poll not some right wing BS poll. 

Obama to 333 - Tell me how my ass tastes

Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: dario73 on March 17, 2010, 01:55:04 PM
Change that nobody wants because it will do more harm than good.

Just because Dems believe health care is an entitlement, doesn't mean this president's proposal is the answer.

I would rather that the government did nothing, then to do something that will make things even worse.

Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: BodyProSite on March 17, 2010, 01:56:14 PM
oh yes sooooo many people are dieing to have this,  thats why they are having to resort to deem and pass  , hmmmm
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 17, 2010, 02:00:55 PM
oh yes sooooo many people are dieing to have this,  thats why they are having to resort to deem and pass  , hmmmm

Notice how its only the marxists like KC, who is at least honest about his beliefs, who want this disaster?
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: BodyProSite on March 17, 2010, 02:05:20 PM
marxist or the completly clueless to ploitics people are the only people i have heard or know that want it
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Tito24 on March 17, 2010, 02:10:37 PM
marxist or the completly clueless to ploitics people are the only people i have heard or know that want it

33367...I find it hard to believe that 85% of people are happy with their current insurance planes..I wouldn't put to much stock with that survey. :o

Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: BodyProSite on March 17, 2010, 02:13:46 PM
myself and everyone i know are happy with ours,  but then again i dont know any free loading welfare recipiants, or people that wont work because they are waiting on the government for free shit
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 17, 2010, 02:14:15 PM
33367...I find it hard to believe that 85% of people are happy with their current insurance planes..I wouldn't put to much stock with that survey. :o

Look it up.  

Under this garbage, prices will go up and service will be worse.  This is yet another bogus issue hyped by the marxists that ignores reality.  Sure there are reforms that need to be made, but the reality ifs that this is all about taxes, control, and mandates.  

It has nothing to do with health care.  Maybe when your em,ployer lays you off citing the increased mandates you will get it.  
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Hereford on March 17, 2010, 02:19:03 PM
Fine, you two can sit together in the DMV waiting for a doc while the 5 illegals before you get treatment and spit at you. 

Wow, I didn't know you had been to an ER in California recently.
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: OzmO on March 17, 2010, 02:29:51 PM
Fine, you two can sit together in the DMV waiting for a doc while the 5 illegals before you get treatment and spit at you. 

I've actually been in ER's in Cali quite a lot in the past several years.  Don't remember illegals in there.  No  one was spitting on any one for sure. 

Now, in a DMV in cali they are always over crowded (ratio of suspected illegals in the last 5 or 6 times i been there was 1 illegal to 5 citizens) and under staffed.  But spending more money to staff them isn't good right 33333 because that would be stealing from you.  DMV's should be in business for themselves.  In fact, all roads also should be maintain and owned privately right?  (actually heard a guy from England propose that on the radio, and he had some good arguments)
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Hereford on March 17, 2010, 02:32:51 PM
OzmO you need to get out of Solano and come over here to the Valley. The ERs are literally PACKED with illegals who need free medicine for their sniffles.
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 17, 2010, 02:35:30 PM
I've actually been in ER's in Cali quite a lot in the past several years.  Don't remember illegals in there.  No  one was spitting on any one for sure. 

Now, in a DMV in cali they are always over crowded (ratio of suspected illegals in the last 5 or 6 times i been there was 1 illegal to 5 citizens) and under staffed.  But spending more money to staff them isn't good right 33333 because that would be stealing from you.  DMV's should be in business for themselves.  In fact, all roads also should be maintain and owned privately right?  (actually heard a guy from England propose that on the radio, and he had some good arguments)

If we simply deported and denied benes to illegals most would leave on their own. 

They commit crimes, take up space in the er, take up space in the DMV, their anchor bombs take up space in the schools, etc. 

I live in the Bronx, NY and will not be lectured by anyone on this issue.   
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: OzmO on March 17, 2010, 02:36:10 PM
OzmO you need to get out of Solano and come over here to the Valley. The ERs are literally PACKED with illegals who need free medicine for their sniffles.

Fair enough.   I was in a ER in Oakland late on a Friday night a few years back.  It was like a dam war zone lol.

You know I am for sealing the border, and kicking anyone out who doesn't speak English.  
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: OzmO on March 17, 2010, 02:40:40 PM
If we simply deported and denied benes to illegals most would leave on their own. 

They commit crimes, take up space in the er, take up space in the DMV, their anchor bombs take up space in the schools, etc. 

I live in the Bronx, NY and will not be lectured by anyone on this issue.   

Chill out dude.  Who's lecturing you?  I'm just pointing out that you are being inaccurate when you say they are spitting on people.

Face facts, they ain't leaving because FREE ENTERPRISE BIG BUSINESS wants them here. 

And remember, I live in the United Hispanic Peoples of California State.  And even though, i live in Solano County which isn't overrun by illegals, I still deal with it every day.   
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Hereford on March 17, 2010, 02:46:28 PM
"If we simply deported and denied benes to illegals most would leave on their own."

100% accurate.  >52% of illegals are on some sort of pubic assistance, be it WIC, TANF, food stamps, section 8, etc.

Funny how people think a household of 8 lives on a tomato pickers wages. It's that 'ignoring the elephant in the room' thing...
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 17, 2010, 03:02:22 PM
Chill out dude.  Who's lecturing you?  I'm just pointing out that you are being inaccurate when you say they are spitting on people.

Face facts, they ain't leaving because FREE ENTERPRISE BIG BUSINESS wants them here. 

And remember, I live in the United Hispanic Peoples of California State.  And even though, i live in Solano County which isn't overrun by illegals, I still deal with it every day.   

Last night I was in Bronx Small Claims Court on a case and was probably 1 of the only people speaking English.   I am sick of this garbage by these people.   
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: OzmO on March 17, 2010, 03:23:12 PM
I am with you there.  But I'm sure they didn't spit on you.
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 17, 2010, 03:28:27 PM
I am with you there.  But I'm sure they didn't spit on you.

I am no one to be messed with.  i look like a cop and am ready to throw down at the drop of a hat.  I give off that vibe too so no one messes me either. 

What choice do I have?   I am always one of the only white people no matter where I go and know how to handle myself in almost any situation. 
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: newmom on March 17, 2010, 03:33:00 PM
I am no one to be messed with.  i look like a cop and am ready to throw down at the drop of a hat.  I give off that vibe too so no one messes me either. 

What choice do I have?   I am always one of the only white people no matter where I go and know how to handle myself in almost any situation. 

well you live in the BOOGIE DOWN..don't know if you ever been in the er in the bronx, but notice the state insurance welfare people have their doos done, nails and hair..
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: OzmO on March 17, 2010, 03:36:45 PM
I am no one to be messed with.  i look like a cop and am ready to throw down at the drop of a hat.  I give off that vibe too so no one messes me either. 

What choice do I have?   I am always one of the only white people no matter where I go and know how to handle myself in almost any situation. 

So what you are saying is they never spit while you are around, but when you leave the spitting starts?
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 17, 2010, 03:38:09 PM
well you live in the BOOGIE DOWN..don't know if you ever been in the er in the bronx, but notice the state insurance welfare people have their doos done, nails and hair..

Thankfully i have not had to go there, but I have had to drive friends there and have had to bail out friends from the jail and the tombs. 

Its totally crazy down there.  Like nothing you have ever seen in your life. 
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: newmom on March 17, 2010, 03:40:10 PM
Thankfully i have not had to go there, but I have had to drive friends there and have had to bail out friends from the jail and the tombs. 

Its totally crazy down there.  Like nothing you have ever seen in your life. 

ooooooooooooooooo yes I have..and my ob/gyn was in the chelsea area, daughter was born at bellevue and during pregnancy, had to be hospitalized with ecoli so I have seen some horrific things living in the city
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 17, 2010, 03:45:23 PM
So what you are saying is they never spit while you are around, but when you leave the spitting starts?

In court they cant away with that, on Grand Conrcourse, Webster Ave., Jerome Ave., etc, its crazy.  Because I look like a cop, they think I am a cop.  

However, I have friends whose property has been trashed by these people, etc.  At the DMV, its awful and I cant believe this is America anymore sitting there with this lot of bums.    
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: OzmO on March 17, 2010, 03:50:44 PM
In court they cant away with that, on Grand Conrcourse, Webster Ave., Jerome Ave., etc, its crazy.  Because I look like a cop, they think I am a cop.  

However, I have friends whose property has been trashed by these people, etc.  At the DMV, its awful and I cant believe this is America anymore sitting there with this lot of bums.    

That's all terrible and I agree its a problem and something should be done.  

But you said, if you go to a DMV or ER they spit on you.  Now, I still haven't see or heard of any instance of people spitting on anyone in ER's or DMV's.

So is it safe to say your statement about spitting is inaccurate?

Because if there's spitting going on, someone needs to get thumped.
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 17, 2010, 03:53:59 PM
That's all terrible and I agree its a problem and something should be done.  

But you said, if you go to a DMV or ER they spit on you.  Now, I still haven't see or heard of any instance of people spitting on anyone in ER's or DMV's.

So is it safe to say your statement about spitting is inaccurate?

Because if there's spitting going on, someone needs to get thumped.

Let me put it to you this way, speaking English, I am far in the minority, not only sitting in there, but with those working there as well.  The spanish speaking people get taken first and wheel and deal all while English speaking people are walking arounsd looking for answers.  Its awful. 

These illegals all have their wives and their anchor bombs in toe and take over the joint. 
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: OzmO on March 17, 2010, 03:56:15 PM
Let me put it to you this way, speaking English, I am far in the minority, not only sitting in there, but with those working there as well.  The spanish speaking people get taken first and wheel and deal all while English speaking people are walking arounsd looking for answers.  Its awful. 

These illegals all have their wives and their anchor bombs in toe and take over the joint. 

Once again, I agree with all that, understand all that.

What about the spitting?  Is it safe to say your spitting comment was woefully inaccurate?
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 17, 2010, 03:58:26 PM
Once again, I agree with all that, understand all that.

What about the spitting?  Is it safe to say your spitting comment was woefully inaccurate?

On a widespread scale, you are probably right, but I have seen illegals abuse regular citizens and trash them before. 

I have worked as an election day fraud monitor in the Bronx before and you cant believe what goes on.  You would be shocked. 
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: OzmO on March 17, 2010, 04:00:33 PM
On a widespread scale, you are probably right, but I have seen illegals abuse regular citizens and trash them before. 

I have worked as an election day fraud monitor in the Bronx before and you cant believe what goes on.  You would be shocked. 

I don't doubt it. 
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 17, 2010, 04:02:36 PM

I don't doubt it. 

I was a fraud monitor in 2000 when Hillary and Gore ran and you really would think I was lying if I told you what went on.  I went home demoralized seeing the craziness that went on. 

It was like Gangs of New York and worse. 
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Tito24 on March 17, 2010, 06:15:30 PM
I was a fraud monitor in 2000 when Hillary and Gore ran and you really would think I was lying if I told you what went on.  I went home demoralized seeing the craziness that went on. 

It was like Gangs of New York and worse. 

it's obvious by your antics as of late, that you won't recover from being demoralized.
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 17, 2010, 06:22:53 PM

it's obvious by your antics as of late, that you won't recover from being demoralized.

I guess a coke head like yourself thinks its perfectly fine for illegals to vote in elections and voter fraud to occur. 
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Tito24 on March 17, 2010, 07:01:38 PM
I guess a coke head like yourself thinks its perfectly fine for illegals to vote in elections and voter fraud to occur. 

I guess you didn't complain when G W. Bush stole the election for US president, cause of voter fraud in the state of Florida..Which his douche brother just happened to be governor of?  When G W Bush subsequently single handily destroys the worlds financial system in the next 8 years..
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: 2ND COMING on March 17, 2010, 07:10:46 PM
single handily?
Title: Re: I'm doing my part to get this bill passed
Post by: Tito24 on March 17, 2010, 07:12:52 PM
single handily?
