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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Emmortal on May 31, 2010, 04:58:28 AM

Title: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Emmortal on May 31, 2010, 04:58:28 AM
I just saw this on the news down here in OZ, interesting:
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Slapper on May 31, 2010, 05:49:29 AM
The Israelis are painting themselves into a corner big time.

The Holocaust brownie points are quickly running out.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: phreak on May 31, 2010, 06:37:13 AM
These weren't Israelis. They were kosher Somali pirates.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Emmortal on May 31, 2010, 06:40:37 AM
These weren't Israelis. They were kosher Somali pirates.

Mmmm kosher dill pickles..
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on May 31, 2010, 06:52:58 AM
Oh well. These people went looking for trouble and they got it. Not that Israel isn't retarded for playing right into this Hamas organized PR stunt.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: headhuntersix on May 31, 2010, 06:54:04 AM
Yes, PR wise they sorta fucked themselves. However, the idiots on the ships were warned repeatedly that this would happen. The Jews don't make threats, they kick ass.....libs have short historical memories. These activist morons should support the actual aid getting into the area instead of pissing off the IDF.
Title: Israel killing innocent people again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: che on May 31, 2010, 06:58:26 AM
Banned in 4 3 2 ........................ .............,0,2138270.story
Title: Re: Israel killing innocent people again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: ToxicAvenger on May 31, 2010, 07:09:18 AM
fast forward to 1 month later and a pissed of son of one of those people, insane with grief and unable to do anything about the Israeli military walks into Israeli market and blows himself up....   :-\

the show goes on  :(
Title: Re: Israel killing innocent people again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Fury on May 31, 2010, 07:10:52 AM
Only 90 short of the 100 unarmed, peace-advocating, Pakistani Ahmadis executed in cold blood at their houses of worship by Muslim extremists last week.  :-X
Title: Re: Israel killing innocent people again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: che on May 31, 2010, 07:12:51 AM
fast forward to 1 month later and a pissed of son of one of those people, insane with grief and unable to do anything about the Israeli military walks into Israeli market and blows himself up....   :-\

the show goes on  :(

Vicious circle
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: ToxicAvenger on May 31, 2010, 07:18:48 AM
so its not terrorism when the jews do it?
Title: Re: Israel killing innocent people again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Purple Aki on May 31, 2010, 07:19:50 AM
This is terrible.

I hope that the six IDF marines make a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: Israel killing innocent people again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: ShipSekki on May 31, 2010, 07:20:46 AM
 Fuck Israel
Title: Re: Israel killing innocent people again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: SF1900 on May 31, 2010, 07:24:30 AM
A kills B, B kills A = it will never end.

At this point, you can't even say who's to blame. Its seriously such a cluster fuck
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on May 31, 2010, 07:25:17 AM
so its not terrorism when the jews do it?

If they were interested in anything more than PR, they would have gone through the proper channels to get their aid in. Their little PR stunt was cute because they accomplished exactly what they set out to do. Of course Israel played right into Hamas's hands with this. Hamas burned down a UN organized summer camp for children last week because they claimed it taught immorality. Should we really care that they won't get their aid?  ::)

And who attacks someone holding a gun with a knife and then doesn't expect to get shot? Darwinism at work here.

Israel was only 90 short of the 100 unarmed, peace-advocating Ahmadis who were slaughtered by Muslims the other day. Ironic that there was no condemnation from the Muslim world about that massacre.  8)
Title: Re: Israel killing innocent people again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: jtsunami on May 31, 2010, 07:31:08 AM
Murderous pigs. Obama will set them straight.
Title: Re: Israel killing innocent people again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: ShipSekki on May 31, 2010, 07:33:04 AM
Murderous pigs. Obama will set them straight.

 Obama isn't gonna do shit. Except give them more money, tanks and other weapons.

 Obama is just a tool. He has no balls and doesn't act on his ideals.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Ron on May 31, 2010, 07:58:58 AM

What did you think was goig to happen?

Israel warns you not to come to the military zone border.  Israel asks you again not to come.  Israel repeatedly says they will board and escort you to a detention area if you continue. Israel says all humanitarian goods will go through the proper channels to get to Gaza.

The ships dont care. The ships dont answer. The ships continue to go.  The ships attack the solders that board. The soldiers attack back

If you dont realize that the people on the ships dont care about anything except getting some reaction, you are just plain dumb.

Go yell and scream about the 46 soldiers of the South Korean army that was hit by a sumbmarine missle.

Oh yeah, I guess protests dont matter than.

Same typical crap.

Any other country, it would be called defending themselves.

For Israel, it is something different.

Get your head out of your asses.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Ron on May 31, 2010, 08:01:27 AM
Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships

As for 'Civilian' Aids ship, another bullshit crap.

Civilian aid ships go through the the ports of Israel to give there supplies to Gaza, so no weapons or anything else will get there, until the government there recognizes Israel, and doesnt push for the 'desctruction of Israel'.

Just get that simple fact!   Imagine someone 30 miles from you intent on killing you.  Jeez.

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on May 31, 2010, 08:10:02 AM

Hahaha, hard to feel bad about these Islamist psychopaths. Pretty obvious these people were anything but "peace activists". ::)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: loco on May 31, 2010, 08:15:31 AM

Hahaha, hard to feel bad about these Islamist psychopaths. Pretty obvious these people were anything but "peace activists". ::)

Did you hear what that woman said at the end?  It's obvious these "peace" activists wanted to die.  It was a suicide mission.

I hope that the injured Israeli commandos have a speedy recovery!
Title: Re: Israel killing innocent people again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: tonymctones on May 31, 2010, 09:00:39 AM
fast forward to 1 month later and a pissed of son of one of those people, insane with grief and unable to do anything about the Israeli military walks into Israeli market and blows himself up....   :-\

the show goes on   :(

actually it doesnt, that is what I like to call social darwinism in action... ;) you can only commit so many suicide attacks before well all the idiots are gone
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: che on May 31, 2010, 09:23:30 AM

What did you think was goig to happen?

Israel warns you not to come to the military zone border.  Israel asks you again not to come.  Israel repeatedly says they will board and escort you to a detention area if you continue. Israel says all humanitarian goods will go through the proper channels to get to Gaza.

The ships dont care. The ships dont answer. The ships continue to go.  The ships attack the solders that board. The soldiers attack back

If you dont realize that the people on the ships dont care about anything except getting some reaction, you are just plain dumb.

Go yell and scream about the 46 soldiers of the South Korean army that was hit by a sumbmarine missle.

Oh yeah, I guess protests dont matter than.

Same typical crap.

Any other country, it would be called defending themselves.

For Israel, it is something different.

Get your head out of your asses.

International waters , Israel fired first before boarding.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Dos Equis on May 31, 2010, 09:28:30 AM

Hahaha, hard to feel bad about these Islamist psychopaths. Pretty obvious these people were anything but "peace activists". ::)

Definitely not peace activists. 
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: the_steevo_uk on May 31, 2010, 11:47:49 AM
This is a big big big big fuck up (yet again I find myself saying this at the moment, its getting tiring)

Israel had a lot of options as to how to deal with this ship, and chose basically every wrong option that was available to it. The fact it was in international waters really isnt helping things right now.

In terms of PR strategy its hard to think of how the israelis could have done things any worse than they did with this incident. They knew this boat would not stop, and that it was full of people wanting to cause trouble, there were many other ways of dealing with the situation. The CGS of Naval Command needs to resign for this, as does defence minister Barak (ofcourse he wont, he loves power too much), the clean up operation in PR terms is as bad as this oil spill in the gulf of may take considerable time to fix the diplomatic relationships that have been lost because of this.

the most jerking thing about it, is that bunch of dickheads better known as Hamas will be laughing themselves to sleep tonight, knowing 90% of the political universe now thinks they are the injured party....I feel like bashing my head against a wall.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: quadzilla456 on May 31, 2010, 12:13:59 PM
Yes why board the ship in international waters? And these were Turkey nationals. Now they have alienated Turkey. From news reports they came down from helicopters on to the ship. Who knows if it is true that they attacked the Israelis with knives.

Nice going.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: OzmO on May 31, 2010, 12:20:02 PM
I don't know what to think about this.

Israel says they are bringing in weapons

They attack in international waters, kill 9 people. 

I heard on cnn the people were armed with sling shots.


Isn't there a better way to handle this?
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: ToxicAvenger on May 31, 2010, 12:42:18 PM

Israel warns you not to come to the military zone border.  Israel asks you again not to come. 

where they in Israeli territory? or ws it international waters?
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: the_steevo_uk on May 31, 2010, 12:46:40 PM
where they in Israeli territory? or ws it international waters?

International waters.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Hugo Chavez on May 31, 2010, 12:49:18 PM
where they in Israeli territory? or ws it international waters?
Story says international waters.  Same as when they blasted the hell out of the USS Liberty killing many of our sailors.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: ToxicAvenger on May 31, 2010, 12:49:35 PM
International waters.

and does Israel OWN these international waters?

if not...plain n simple terrorism....

if a muslim country had done the same it'd be implied as such....sooo lets keep the rules consistent
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: George Whorewell on May 31, 2010, 01:11:14 PM
Israel is a shining example of how America ought to deal with threats to it's security.

No bullshit sanctions, no half assed threats, no pussyfooting around and going off half cocked because of what the pro Arab Muslim Nazi press thinks.

I feel absolutely zero sympathy for those killed.

I hope the Israeli wounded recover soon.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: George Whorewell on May 31, 2010, 01:13:01 PM
And if a Muslim country had done the same, nobody would care because Muslim countries routinely terrorize, murder, torture and imprison their own people for much, much less than this.

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: ToxicAvenger on May 31, 2010, 01:36:30 PM
lol i ws fishing for such responces and got em!

why do American jews end up always sound like the are more Israeli than American  ;D

if ya seriously like the "holy land" so much...go live me it comes across like when black people talk about the "mother land" ::)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: 24KT on May 31, 2010, 01:41:59 PM
lol i ws fishing for such responces and got em!

why do American jews end up always sound like the are more Israeli than American  ;D

if ya seriously like the "holy land" so much...go live me it comes across like when black people talk about the "mother land" ::)

WTF do you ever hear Black people talking about the "motherland".
I think North American Jews identify with Israel far more closely than North American blacks identify with Africa.

Most Canadian jews I hear say they wanna go to israel, but they don't want to have to do time in the IDF.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: ToxicAvenger on May 31, 2010, 01:45:14 PM
WTF do you ever hear Black people talking about the "motherland".
  i have...on many many many ocassions...maybe its a Maryland thing but i have on sooo many ocassions heard black people say " brother is from the motherland" or" one day i plan on visiting the motherland"  ..etc...usually older black people...not the young ones
I think North American Jews identify with Israel far more closely than North American blacks identify with Africa.

i'd agree with that...
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on May 31, 2010, 02:28:25 PM
And if a Muslim country had done the same, nobody would care because Muslim countries routinely terrorize, murder, torture and imprison their own people for much, much less than this.

Pakistani Muslims slaughtered 100 unarmed, peace-advocating Ahmadis (91 more than this incident) in less than 2 hours last week while they were praying and there was nary a peep about it. Barely made the news. Of course the Muslims like Toxic derailed the thread about it into some anti-US shit. ;)

It's hard to feel bad for Turkish "human rights" islamists when they still celebrate the 1915 genocide of 3 million Armenians as a national holiday and their government refuses to acknowledge that it was genocide. Darwinism won today. :-\

Those poor people. Is there any wonder why they got shot? Haha.  ::)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Hugo Chavez on May 31, 2010, 02:46:46 PM
They say it's totally legal for them to storm a ship in international waters.  Is that true?  Just wondering, I have no idea.  Tried to google it but couldn't find anything on that.  I would think you could defend your ship in international waters but who the hell knows....
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: 24KT on May 31, 2010, 02:58:25 PM
They say it's totally legal for them to storm a ship in international waters.  Is that true?  Just wondering, I have no idea.  Tried to google it but couldn't find anything on that.  I would think you could defend your ship in international waters but who the hell knows.... unless you're defending yourself from Israelis, then you're expected to simply take whatever they choose to dish out.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: SAMSON123 on May 31, 2010, 03:01:09 PM
They say it's totally legal for them to storm a ship in international waters.  Is that true?  Just wondering, I have no idea.  Tried to google it but couldn't find anything on that.  I would think you could defend your ship in international waters but who the hell knows....

Th whole point of international waters is so tht nations can not claim ownership of waters near anothe nation and therefore deprive that nation of commerce. These ship which were from Turkey were bringing humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza because those fake jews have kept them from receiving goods from other nations as well as buying goods from other nations. In effect these gefilthe fishes are trying to starve the people of Gaza to death, while ZIONIST controlled america sits and does and says nothing....just like with the USS Liberty.

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: SAMSON123 on May 31, 2010, 03:05:26 PM
I don't know what to think about this.

Israel says they are bringing in weapons

They attack in international waters, kill 9 people. 

I heard on cnn the people were armed with sling shots.


Isn't there a better way to handle this?

YES...Nuke israhell and that will solve the problem.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: 24KT on May 31, 2010, 03:09:08 PM
YES...Nuke israhell and that will solve the problem.

You got any alternative fuels up your sleeve, 'cause I guarandamtee you that if Israel get's nuked, the entire middle east is getting nuked, and anywhere else Israel is capable of reaching. if they're going down... they will be taking as many with them as possible. If they can't rule the world, they'll make sure the world doesn't exist. Some of their leaders have already said as much.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Hugo Chavez on May 31, 2010, 03:18:48 PM
So let me see if I have this right.  According to Israel, if your ship is borded in international waters by say, North Korea, that is totally legal and those on board should not defend their ship?  Is that true lol... I mean really?  I guess I'm taking their word for it.  They must have some kick ass lawyers which are obviously better than my "google it" skills lol....  Would be interested in seeing the laws on this.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: ToxicAvenger on May 31, 2010, 03:20:16 PM
Pakistani Muslims slaughtered 100 unarmed, peace-advocating Muslims (91 more than this incident) in less than 2 hours last week while they were praying and there was nary a peep about it. Barely made the news. Of course the Muslims like Toxic derailed the thread about it into some anti-US shit. ;)

It's hard to feel bad for Turkish "human rights" islamists when they still celebrate the 1915 genocide of 3 million Armenians as a national holiday and their government refuses to acknowledge that it was genocide. Darwinism won today. :-\

Those poor people. Is there any wonder why they got shot? Haha.  ::)

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on May 31, 2010, 03:31:57 PM

What's your point? Last week so-called tolerant Muslims stormed two houses of worship and slaughtered 100 unarmed, non-violent Ahmadis (you Muslims don't consider them to be Muslim) in cold blood in mere minutes. 100 unarmed innocents wiped off the face of the Earth. And this has been an everyday occurrence in the 1400 year Muslim jihad.  Yet you were too busy derailing the thread with youtube videos of your snake hero to actually acknowledge the event. Anyway, 9 < 100 last I checked.

One should ask why these people insisted on sailing boats through a blockade when they could have gone through the proper channels to get this aid in. They wanted to die and Israel was dumb enough to give them what they want.

And people have the gall to act like they're genuinely concerned about human rights. It's just too funny.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: pro nitrousADRL on May 31, 2010, 03:34:30 PM
Atleast Isreal has enough sack to do what they say they are going to do. They warned and warned about this and warned to not enter, but they entered anyway, what did they expect?  Too bad obama wont do what he says, he just warn warn warn threaten threaten threaten but never does anything but talk. No wonder Iran keeps doing whatever the fuck they want. Isreal wasnt gona have the shit and made it known!  what do you expect? I mean when you were lil and your parents told you not to do something and you did you got in trouble.  Pretty simple concept.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: drkaje on May 31, 2010, 03:54:55 PM
International waters , Israel fired first before boarding.

All the world's water is probably mentioned in the covenant, too. :)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: George Whorewell on May 31, 2010, 04:19:05 PM




Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on May 31, 2010, 04:22:04 PM





Nevermind all the Muslim religious landmarks that would be destroyed along with the millions of Muslims. Samson, like the typical braindead Muslim that she is, doesn't seem to have thought that one through.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on May 31, 2010, 04:23:19 PM
As an outsider with no personal bias on what goes over there, it's easy to see that the whole region needs to get nuked to hell. It's tiring listening to this bullshit go on and on with no end in sight.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: ToxicAvenger on May 31, 2010, 05:02:47 PM
What's your point? sure dont differentiate between sunni and shiia when you make your thread...but conveniently you used the word ahmadi here instead....

r ws that not obvious enough to you nickey hearsh?
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on May 31, 2010, 05:07:50 PM
There really isn't a difference between Sunni and Shia beyond which fucktard the two groups thought deserved to lead the Muslims after Moohammed's death. They both share the same religious beliefs but they differ politically. That argument really justifies centuries of fighting and millions of deaths. Yet we in the West expect Muslims to act peaceful towards us. They're not even capable of getting along with each other, let alone getting along with people they think are inferior trash. ::)

Funny how you seem to think the Ahmadis are trash just like a certain group of people do. Maybe Hugo was right.  ;)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: 24KT on May 31, 2010, 05:15:44 PM
There really isn't a difference between Sunni and Shia beyond which fucktard the two groups thought deserved to lead the Muslims after Moohammed's death. They both share the same religious beliefs but they differ politically. That argument really justifies centuries of fighting and millions of deaths. Yet we in the West expect Muslims to act peaceful towards us. They're not even capable of getting along with each other, let alone getting along with people they think are inferior trash. ::)

Funny how you seem to think the Ahmadis are trash just like a certain group of people do. Maybe Hugo was right.  ;)

You almost could be describing American Christians... or the Irish. We all now how they got along.  ::)
let's not even bring up the Europeans or even the koreans. last I heard, they've been at war for over 50 yrs.

twist it any way you want, your Islmophobia is so obvious it's funny. Trying to deny it is just pathetic.
Why not have balls enough to come out and say you hate muslims? it's already so obvious to everyone else.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on May 31, 2010, 05:24:27 PM
You almost could be describing American Christians... or the Irish. We all now how they got along.  ::)
let's not even bring up the Europeans or even the koreans. last I heard, they've been at war for over 50 yrs.

twist it any way you want, your Islmophobia is so obvious it's funny. Trying to deny it is just pathetic.
Why not have balls enough to come out and say you hate muslims? it's already so obvious to everyone else.

Twist it any way you want, your're a black Muslim that hates all non-Muslims, specifically white Americans, all Christians and all Jews. Trying to deny it is pathetic.
Why not have balls enough to come out and say it? It's already so obvious to everyone else.

But thanks for bringing up past Christian atrocities. Shame they pale in comparison to the 270 million non-Muslims that have died by Muslim hands during the 1400 year Muslim jihad. Another couple thousand years and the Christians may or may not catch up. :-\

Props for again using the concocted Muslim world du jour in "islamphobia", though. Figured you would shut up with that after you embarrassed yourself when you dropped it in the thread about Times Square terrorist Faisal Shazad, you dumb islamofascist. :)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: 24KT on May 31, 2010, 09:07:57 PM
Twist it any way you want, your're a black Muslim that hates all non-Muslims, specifically white Americans, all Christians and all Jews. Trying to deny it is pathetic.
Why not have balls enough to come out and say it? It's already so obvious to everyone else.

But thanks for bringing up past Christian atrocities. Shame they pale in comparison to the 270 million non-Muslims that have died by Muslim hands during the 1400 year Muslim jihad. Another couple thousand years and the Christians may or may not catch up. :-\

Props for again using the concocted Muslim world du jour in "islamphobia", though. Figured you would shut up with that after you embarrassed yourself when you dropped it in the thread about Times Square terrorist Faisal Shazad, you dumb islamofascist. :)

I would tell you to put down the crack pipe, ...but by the looks of things, I doubt there are any brain cells that could get harmed. so smoke away. And enjoy the crystal meth while you're at it. Maybe you'll get lucky, and those big fucking horse teeth of yours will fall out. It would be an improvement.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Ron on May 31, 2010, 09:17:13 PM
In terms of PR strategy its hard to think of how the israelis could have done things any worse than they did with this incident.

Yes, I agree here. They underestimated what they would find on that ship. Five ships agreed to be boarded. The sixth ship, which had 600 anti-Israeli hatred people on it, consisted of people who were there just to fight and hurt as many Israeli soldiers that they could. The Israeli commandos were very surprised, heading into a situation with just paintball bullets. Once they realized that they were being attacked with knives, sticks, guns, and being thrown overboard and hurt, it got serious, and they fought back. They wanted to wait until daylight so they could videotape it all. That is why is was done at night.

Definitely not peace activists.  

Hmm... just because the sole purpose of the mission was to break the blockade of a group who wants the destruction of Israel?  A simple, head to the port, let the items be inspected, and then let them enter into Gaza would of been easier. That wasnt the case. The goal was to provoke outcry with a provacation, an attack on the commandos, and then cry. Then play as much as they can to the media crying foul.

International waters , Israel fired first before boarding. and does Israel OWN these international waters?

With Egypts approval (huh - Egypt), and repeated warnings, in which the first 5 ships were stopped and agreed to be boarded, the sixth ship decided to provoke an outcry. In any other country, that ship would of been fired on and sunk. If you know that the SOLE mission is to violate your country, you have a right to stop it before it happens.

These ship which were from Turkey were bringing humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza

Really??? Then why didnt they just do it via the proper channels? So easy to do that. These ships were there for ONE thing - to break the blockade and give legitimacy to the terrorist organization of Hamas.

Pakistani Muslims slaughtered 100 unarmed, peace-advocating Ahmadis (91 more than this incident) in less than 2 hours last week while they were praying and there was nary a peep about it.

Yes, every day, lots of incidents like this happen. But who cares? After all, it isnt Israel, the only Democratic nation in the middle east.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Emmortal on May 31, 2010, 11:54:03 PM
As for 'Civilian' Aids ship, another bullshit crap.

Civilian aid ships go through the the ports of Israel to give there supplies to Gaza, so no weapons or anything else will get there, until the government there recognizes Israel, and doesnt push for the 'desctruction of Israel'.

Just get that simple fact!   Imagine someone 30 miles from you intent on killing you.  Jeez.

I'm just reporting the news, not voicing an opinion either way.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Hugo Chavez on June 01, 2010, 01:11:19 AM
check out this video:

Two things I have to ask questions about.  Israeli Prime Minister Nuttisayahoo says they're shipping 10's of thousands of rockets?  Really?  They had rockets on board? He clearly said they were shipping rockets... WTF...  And some old lady at the end of the video says that boats in international waters are not subject to boarding.  Israel said what they did was legal, this lady is saying it was illegal.  Has anybody found out which is true?  Common sense says it would not be legal but I'm still waiting for someone in the media to point out the truth here.  Haven't seen it yet....
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Hugo Chavez on June 01, 2010, 01:22:23 AM
A simple, head to the port, let the items be inspected, and then let them enter into Gaza would of been easier.
lol, you're kidding right?
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: James28 on June 01, 2010, 01:42:32 AM

What did you think was goig to happen?

Israel warns you not to come to the military zone border.  Israel asks you again not to come.  Israel repeatedly says they will board and escort you to a detention area if you continue. Israel says all humanitarian goods will go through the proper channels to get to Gaza.

The ships dont care. The ships dont answer. The ships continue to go.  The ships attack the solders that board. The soldiers attack back

If you dont realize that the people on the ships dont care about anything except getting some reaction, you are just plain dumb.

Go yell and scream about the 46 soldiers of the South Korean army that was hit by a sumbmarine missle.

Oh yeah, I guess protests dont matter than.

Same typical crap.

Any other country, it would be called defending themselves.

For Israel, it is something different.

Get your head out of your asses.

Not allowed to sail through an ILLEGAL blockade on INTERNATIONAL WATERS? Who the fuck does Israel think they are? Pull your head out of your ass.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Hugo Chavez on June 01, 2010, 01:55:44 AM
Not allowed to sail through an ILLEGAL blockade on INTERNATIONAL WATERS? Who the fuck does Israel think they are? Pull your head out of your ass.
ok, this is obviously a complex topic.  One we should engage without petty ownage.  Telling Ron to get his head out of his ass is over the line and not constructive.  Shame on you!
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: jtsunami on June 01, 2010, 04:53:36 AM
check out this gem, Israelis celebrating attack on Turkish Aid Ship - infront of Turkish Embassy,Tel Aviv

This is real by the way.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: jtsunami on June 01, 2010, 04:56:37 AM

What did you think was goig to happen?

Israel warns you not to come to the military zone border.  Israel asks you again not to come.  Israel repeatedly says they will board and escort you to a detention area if you continue. Israel says all humanitarian goods will go through the proper channels to get to Gaza.

The ships dont care. The ships dont answer. The ships continue to go.  The ships attack the solders that board. The soldiers attack back

If you dont realize that the people on the ships dont care about anything except getting some reaction, you are just plain dumb.

Go yell and scream about the 46 soldiers of the South Korean army that was hit by a sumbmarine missle.

Oh yeah, I guess protests dont matter than.

Same typical crap.

Any other country, it would be called defending themselves.

For Israel, it is something different.

Get your head out of your asses.

Ron these people were in international waters, Israel is equivalent to pirates trying to take over a ship.  The people on the ship had every right to defend themselves from people trying to take over their ship.

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: loco on June 01, 2010, 05:31:35 AM
There really isn't a difference between Sunni and Shia beyond which fucktard the two groups thought deserved to lead the Muslims after Moohammed's death. They both share the same religious beliefs but they differ politically. That argument really justifies centuries of fighting and millions of deaths. Yet we in the West expect Muslims to act peaceful towards us. They're not even capable of getting along with each other, let alone getting along with people they think are inferior trash. ::)

Funny how you seem to think the Ahmadis are trash just like a certain group of people do. Maybe Hugo was right.  ;)

If you're Sunni, you ain't Shi'ite!
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: freespirit on June 01, 2010, 11:43:39 AM
and does Israel OWN these international waters?

if not...plain n simple terrorism....

if a muslim country had done the same it'd be implied as such....sooo lets keep the rules consistent
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on June 01, 2010, 12:18:30 PM
Interesting development someone brought up. The flotilla departed from northern Cyprus. Northern Cyprus is currently occupied by Turkey, an occupation that has been deemed illegal by the EU and the UN.

Ironic that Turkey is the loudest on this condemnation of an illegal occupation when they're doing that very thing themselves. Never mind the fact that Turkey celebrates the 1915 genocide of 3 million Armenians as a holiday or that their govt. won't acknowledge that it was genocide. Nevermind the fact that Turkey is still planning to take shipment of their purchase of $200 million worth of Israeli drones later this summer.

If the government of Turkey feels so strongly about ending disputed occupations, why does it not start with the disputed occupation it is operating itself? Or do the world's permanent victims get a free pass on that again?

All I'm getting from Turkey is that they appear to be laying the groundwork for a resurgence of the Ottoman Empire.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Colossus_500 on June 01, 2010, 12:42:09 PM
Yes, PR wise they sorta fucked themselves. However, the idiots on the ships were warned repeatedly that this would happen. The Jews don't make threats, they kick ass.....libs have short historical memories. These activist morons should support the actual aid getting into the area instead of pissing off the IDF.
Well-said, HH6.  And let's be honest, this was no "peaceful" demonstrating group aboard this ship: 

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: ToxicAvenger on June 01, 2010, 02:32:13 PM
There really isn't a difference between Sunni and Shia beyond which fucktard the two groups thought deserved to lead the Muslims after Moohammed's death. They both share the same religious beliefs but they differ politically. That argument really justifies centuries of fighting and millions of deaths. Yet we in the West expect Muslims to act peaceful towards us. They're not even capable of getting along with each other, let alone getting along with people they think are inferior trash. ::)

Funny how you seem to think the Ahmadis are trash just like a certain group of people do. Maybe Hugo was right.  ;)

when did i say that the ahmedi r trash?

you r great at putting works into peoples mouth cause you have the free time to spend hours upon hours on here....

i did not use the word muslim for ahmedi simply cause it sounds better to the layman "muslim kill ahmedi" ..... thing is...most smart people here see though your douche personality :)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: ToxicAvenger on June 01, 2010, 02:50:24 PM

With Egypts approval (huh - Egypt), and repeated warnings, in which the first 5 ships were stopped and agreed to be boarded, the sixth ship decided to provoke an outcry. In any other country, that ship would of been fired on and sunk. If you know that the SOLE mission is to violate your country, you have a right to stop it before it happens.

warning someone off of international waters is like me warning you not to walk on the side walk (public property) and then attacking you....and then screaming terrorist if you tried to defend yourself...israel in this case got " too big for its boots"

international waters....INTERNATIONAL WATERS....say it 3 times...

NOT israeli waters ron...

anyhow...ya still haven't answered my pm dood
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: drkaje on June 01, 2010, 03:57:16 PM
Can anyone here imagine the tsunami of poop that would follow an attack on a ship delivering stuff to Israelis? :)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: ToxicAvenger on June 01, 2010, 04:19:35 PM
Can anyone here imagine the tsunami of poop that would follow an attack on a ship delivering stuff to Israelis? :)

as i said....its not terrorism when israel does it....

i simply hate it...but its true....America time n again ends up coming across as Israel's bitch  :-\
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: drkaje on June 01, 2010, 04:23:51 PM
as i said....its not terrorism when israel does it....

i simply hate it...but its true....America time n again ends up coming across as Israel's bitch  :-\

Only because we are.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on June 01, 2010, 04:31:21 PM
when did i say that the ahmedi r trash?

you r great at putting works into peoples mouth cause you have the free time to spend hours upon hours on here....

i did not use the word muslim for ahmedi simply cause it sounds better to the layman "muslim kill ahmedi" ..... thing is...most smart people here see though your douche personality :)

The Sunni and Shia don't consider Ahmadi to be Muslims and have been persecuting them since their movement came about. Regardless, does it matter? The so-called freedom fighters from the Religion of Peace(TM) stormed two houses of prayer and their living area and massacred 100 unarmed people in cold blood. Watching you brush that off while crying about non-Muslim terrorism is amusing.

Pakistani Muslims are real tough guys murdering 100 people who denounce violence while they're praying. :-\
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Dos Equis on June 01, 2010, 04:38:56 PM
Did anyone see the footage of these peaceful people attacking the Israeli soldiers, including throwing one over board? 
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Skip8282 on June 01, 2010, 04:42:12 PM
Can anyone here imagine the tsunami of poop that would follow an attack on a ship delivering stuff to Israelis? :)

I'm trying to follow your reasoning here Kaje, so help me out.  They are our allies.  Why shouldn't we help them and help them against their enemies?

If the argument truly is we should not be supporting either side, then why should there be any outrage or condemnation at the Israeli's attacking their enemies?

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on June 01, 2010, 04:43:05 PM
Did anyone see the footage of these peaceful people attacking the Israeli soldiers, including throwing one over board?  

Selective memory.

Kind of like how some people forget that it was the Palestinians who were dancing in the streets and handing out candy when 3,000 American citizens were murdered on 9/11. But we should remember that they're allowed to have their cake and eat it, too.  :)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: drkaje on June 01, 2010, 04:45:11 PM

I'm trying to follow your reasoning here Kaje, so help me out.  They are our allies.  Why shouldn't we help them and help them against their enemies?

If the argument truly is we should not be supporting either side, then why should there be any outrage or condemnation at the Israeli's attacking their enemies?

I really don't believe they are allies.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Skip8282 on June 01, 2010, 04:48:22 PM
I really don't believe they are allies.

So the US should be neutral?
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: OzmO on June 01, 2010, 04:49:57 PM
Did anyone see the footage of these peaceful people attacking the Israeli soldiers, including throwing one over board? 

i saw a video of that as well as a ship getting boarded by armed commandos in international waters.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: drkaje on June 01, 2010, 04:56:22 PM

So the US should be neutral?

Our political system being hijacked and oil dependency make neutrality impossible. What we should do is send them all the finger and a note saying "Handle crap on your own dime. That way you won't have to worry about what anyone thinks.... And by the way, how about giving us some of that money back?!"

We should not be sending US taxpayer dollars overseas when there are so many people suffering here. I'd much rather see that money given to people to keep homes, afford college for kids, pay off credit cards or even given to crackheads than sent offshore.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: 24KT on June 01, 2010, 05:09:27 PM

I'm trying to follow your reasoning here Kaje, so help me out.  They are our allies.  Why shouldn't we help them and help them against their enemies?

you mean like how the Israeli's helped the USA by sending cameramen to document 911 and dance on rooftops afterwards

If the argument truly is we should not be supporting either side, then why should there be any outrage or condemnation at the Israeli's attacking their enemies?

I guess the words "International Waters" means nothing to you.

I wonder how you'd feel if Canada & Mexico were to set up a naval around the USA after destroying your ability to grow food or produce fuel, and not allowing any food, fuel, etc to enter the US. Would we be justified in blasting a British ship out of international waters?
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: jtsunami on June 01, 2010, 05:22:00 PM
warning someone off of international waters is like me warning you not to walk on the side walk (public property) and then attacking you....and then screaming terrorist if you tried to defend yourself...israel in this case got " too big for its boots"

international waters....INTERNATIONAL WATERS....say it 3 times...

NOT israeli waters ron...

anyhow...ya still haven't answered my pm dood

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Dos Equis on June 01, 2010, 05:41:07 PM
Selective memory.

Kind of like how some people forget that it was the Palestinians who were dancing in the streets and handing out candy when 3,000 American citizens were murdered on 9/11. But we should remember that they're allowed to have their cake and eat it, too.  :)

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Dos Equis on June 01, 2010, 05:43:25 PM
i saw a video of that as well as a ship getting boarded by armed commandos in international waters.

It puts the confrontation in a different light.  They were being beaten with sticks or bars (or whatever).  Depending on which news outlet was reporting, it sounded like the soldiers just fired on peaceful noncombatants.   
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on June 01, 2010, 05:44:10 PM
It puts the confrontation in a different light.  They were being beaten with sticks or bars (or whatever).  Depending on which news outlet was reporting, it sounded like the soldiers just fired on peaceful noncombatants.    

Good video showing the "activists" using stun grenades, fire bombs and other assorted weaponry. Not surprising that the IHH, the group that organized this flotilla, has been exposed multiple times for financing various jihadi groups across the globe. 8)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: OzmO on June 01, 2010, 05:50:56 PM
It puts the confrontation in a different light.  They were being beaten with sticks or bars (or whatever).  Depending on which news outlet was reporting, it sounded like the soldiers just fired on peaceful noncombatants.   

I am aware of that.  They were even fired upon (the IDF) from what i understand (cnn news).  But from the point of view of the other side, they were attacked and boarded in international waters why wouldn't they have every right to defend and repel boarders?

Israel is using the fact the ship defended itself as justification for the killing. 

Its a mess.  Poorly handled by Israel, and does nothing to solve the problems, but instead creates new ones. 
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Dos Equis on June 01, 2010, 05:52:11 PM

Good video showing the "activists" using stun grenades, fire bombs and other assorted weaponry. Not surprising that the IHH, the group that organized this flotilla, has been exposed multiple times for financing various jihadi groups across the globe. 8)

If I was one of those IDF soldiers I would have busted a cap . . . .
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Dos Equis on June 01, 2010, 05:53:18 PM
I am aware of that.  They were even fired upon (the IDF) from what i understand (cnn news).  But from the point of view of the other side, they were attacked and boarded in international waters why wouldn't they have every right to defend and repel boarders?

Israel is using the fact the ship defended itself as justification for the killing. 

Its a mess.  Poorly handled by Israel, and does nothing to solve the problems, but instead creates new ones. 

How were those people attacked? 
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Skip8282 on June 01, 2010, 05:55:14 PM

I guess the words "International Waters" means nothing to you.

I wonder how you'd feel if Canada & Mexico were to set up a naval around the USA after destroying your ability to grow food or produce fuel, and not allowing any food, fuel, etc to enter the US. Would we be justified in blasting a British ship out of international waters?

I was trying to follow his reasoning, I did not offer an opinion either way.  As usual, your epic stupidity and lack of reading comprehension preclude you from having any intelligent thought.

But, your example demonstrates a classic bias of looking at it from a Palestinian point of view.  How about we consider that Americans are trying to kill Canadians on a regular basis and England sends a "humanitarian" ship to help out America.  Would Canadians be justified in intercepting that ship in international waters?

And really, what's with all the "international waters" shit on here anyway.  I doubt if 99.9999% of the GB posters throwing this shit out, including your dumb ass, has any clue about what international maritime law entails.  I know I sure as shit don't.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: OzmO on June 01, 2010, 05:56:21 PM
How were those people attacked? 

I view the act of flying a helicopter over a ship and boarding it with armed commandos as an attack.

If it happened to a US ship you can bet it would be viewed that way too.  
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on June 01, 2010, 05:57:12 PM

I was trying to follow his reasoning, I did not offer an opinion either way.  As usual, your epic stupidity and lack of reading comprehension preclude you from having any intelligent thought.

But, your example demonstrates a classic bias of looking at it from a Palestinian point of view.  How about we consider that Americans are trying to kill Canadians on a regular basis and England sends a "humanitarian" ship to help out America.  Would Canadians be justified in intercepting that ship in international waters?

And really, what's with all the "international waters" shit on here anyway.  I doubt if 99.9999% of the GB posters throwing this shit out, including your dumb ass, has any clue about what international maritime law entails.  I know I sure as shit don't.

Stop bringing reason and logic into this argument. It's much better to parrot what Hamas and the MSM feeds us.  8)

I view the act of flying a helicopter over a ship and boarding it with armed commandos as an attack.

If it happened to a US ship you can bet it would be viewed that way too.  

Even if that ship was sailing towards Iran after they set up a naval blockade? I doubt it.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Dos Equis on June 01, 2010, 06:02:41 PM
I view the act of flying a helicopter over a ship and boarding it with armed commandos as an attack.

If it happened to a US ship you can bet it would be viewed that way too.  

If they were boarding a military ship I would agree. 

I think those people knew exactly what they were doing and wanted a confrontation. 
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: OzmO on June 01, 2010, 06:03:05 PM

I was trying to follow his reasoning, I did not offer an opinion either way.  As usual, your epic stupidity and lack of reading comprehension preclude you from having any intelligent thought.

But, your example demonstrates a classic bias of looking at it from a Palestinian point of view.  How about we consider that Americans are trying to kill Canadians on a regular basis and England sends a "humanitarian" ship to help out America.  Would Canadians be justified in intercepting that ship in international waters?

And really, what's with all the "international waters" shit on here anyway.  I doubt if 99.9999% of the GB posters throwing this shit out, including your dumb ass, has any clue about what international maritime law entails.  I know I sure as shit don't.

Just for the purpose of discussion, the analogy you provided seems a little off.   Gaza isn't a nation like America is.  Also, I understand the reasoning and position Israel is in.  But there had to be a better way to go about this.  They could have waited until it was with in the 12 miles zone considered territorial waters.  To attack it outside of the 12 mile territorial water zone.  Which brings in fault on their part.  
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on June 01, 2010, 06:03:59 PM
I don't know shit about international maritime law but this little bit seems to legalize Israel's actions.

The San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea–an international treaty in effect since June 12, 1994


Neutral merchant vessels

67. Merchant vessels flying the flag of neutral States may not be attacked unless they:

(a) are believed on reasonable grounds to be carrying contraband or breaching a blockade, and after prior warning they intentionally and clearly refuse to stop, or intentionally and clearly resist visit, search or capture;

(b) engage in belligerent acts on behalf of the enemy;

(c) act as auxiliaries to the enemy s armed forces;

(d) are incorporated into or assist the enemy s intelligence system;

(e) sail under convoy of enemy warships or military aircraft; or

(f) otherwise make an effective contribution to the enemy’s military action, e.g., by carrying military materials, and it is not feasible for the attacking forces to first place passengers and crew in a place of safety.Unless circumstances do not permit, they are to be given a warning, so that they can re-route, off-load, or take other precautions.

Those flotillas ticked off quite a few of those justifications.  8)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: ToxicAvenger on June 01, 2010, 06:04:24 PM
The Sunni and Shia don't consider Ahmadi to be Muslims and have been persecuting them since their movement came about.

sinnis and shiias dont consider eachother point?
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: OzmO on June 01, 2010, 06:05:33 PM
If they were boarding a military ship I would agree. 

I think those people knew exactly what they were doing and wanted a confrontation. 

Of course they did.  And Israel fell right into the trap.  

But, think about, Iran boards a US civilian ship in the Persian Gulf with armed commandos and we wouldn't look at that as an attack?  
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: drkaje on June 01, 2010, 06:08:28 PM
Just for the purpose of discussion, the analogy you provided seems a little off.   Gaza isn't a nation like America is.  Also, I understand the reasoning and position Israel is in.  But there had to be a better way to go about this.  They could have waited until it was with in the 12 miles zone considered territorial waters.  To attack it outside of the 12 mile territorial water zone.  Which brings in fault on their part.  

12, 20, 100 miles, or Boston harbor doesn't matter because there won't be any consequences.

Let them do whatever... on their own dime.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: OzmO on June 01, 2010, 06:08:55 PM
I don't know shit about international maritime law but this little bit seems to legalize Israel's actions.

The San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea–an international treaty in effect since June 12, 1994


Neutral merchant vessels

67. Merchant vessels flying the flag of neutral States may not be attacked unless they:

(a) are believed on reasonable grounds to be carrying contraband or breaching a blockade, and after prior warning they intentionally and clearly refuse to stop, or intentionally and clearly resist visit, search or capture;

(b) engage in belligerent acts on behalf of the enemy;

(c) act as auxiliaries to the enemy s armed forces;

(d) are incorporated into or assist the enemy s intelligence system;

(e) sail under convoy of enemy warships or military aircraft; or

(f) otherwise make an effective contribution to the enemy’s military action, e.g., by carrying military materials, and it is not feasible for the attacking forces to first place passengers and crew in a place of safety.Unless circumstances do not permit, they are to be given a warning, so that they can re-route, off-load, or take other precautions.

Those flotillas ticked off quite a few of those justifications.  8)

I'm not a maritime lawyer but, this looks like they may have a "legal" out here.   :o
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Dos Equis on June 01, 2010, 06:16:58 PM
Of course they did.  And Israel fell right into the trap.  

But, think about, Iran boards a US civilian ship in the Persian Gulf with armed commandos and we wouldn't look at that as an attack?  

I don't know if I'd call it an attack, but it would be pretty hostile.  The difference I see is we don't go around trying to murder people. 
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: drkaje on June 01, 2010, 06:19:46 PM
I don't know if I'd call it an attack, but it would be pretty hostile.  The difference I see is we don't go around trying to murder people. 

Isn't dead, dead?
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Skip8282 on June 01, 2010, 06:23:23 PM
Just for the purpose of discussion, the analogy you provided seems a little off.   Gaza isn't a nation like America is.  Also, I understand the reasoning and position Israel is in.  But there had to be a better way to go about this.  They could have waited until it was with in the 12 miles zone considered territorial waters.  To attack it outside of the 12 mile territorial water zone.  Which brings in fault on their part. 

That wasn't the point.  She was using the countries as an analogy and I was pointing out the bias.

Why should they have waited?  What does international maritime law state?  What is the supporting case law?  What are the relevant legal histories.  I don't have a clue.  I just keep seeing people like you throwing out "international waters" like your some legal expert.  For example, this passage that I found when snooping around on the subject seems to suggest there may be reasons a country can board on the high seas.

"(5) Universal jurisdiction. According to Henry Kissinger, "the doctrine of universal jurisdiction asserts that some crimes are so heinous that their perpetrators should not escape justice by invoking doctrines of sovereign immunity or the sacrosanct nature of national frontiers." Under the relevant treaties, any State can board a ship on the high seas if the ship is suspected of piracy, transporting slaves, or broadcasting illegally. A ship and its occupants can be arrested for piracy and illegal broadcasting by a warship of any State. For other crimes, the arresting State must get the consent or assistance of the flag state. Also, a ship that flies two flags (flags of convenience) or a ship flying no flag may be visited for further inquiry by any State's ships. Ships without flags, and those that fly flags of convenience are subject to the jurisdiction of any State. While some scholars disagree, national courts have upheld convictions based on such arrests. "

Keep in mind, this passage is not on point with what we are discussing, I'm simply illustrating that Israel, depending on what treaties it's engaged in, how the law is interpreted, etc., may very well have been within their rights.  Not being a legal expert, I simply don't know.  But people acting as though "international waters" means hands-off, are clearly just as clueless.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Dos Equis on June 01, 2010, 06:36:20 PM
Isn't dead, dead?

Dead is dead. 
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: OzmO on June 01, 2010, 06:54:22 PM
I don't know if I'd call it an attack, but it would be pretty hostile.  The difference I see is we don't go around trying to murder people. 
I don't know about that   lol
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: OzmO on June 01, 2010, 06:59:38 PM

That wasn't the point.  She was using the countries as an analogy and I was pointing out the bias.

Why should they have waited?  What does international maritime law state?  What is the supporting case law?  What are the relevant legal histories.  I don't have a clue.  I just keep seeing people like you throwing out "international waters" like your some legal expert.  For example, this passage that I found when snooping around on the subject seems to suggest there may be reasons a country can board on the high seas.

"(5) Universal jurisdiction. According to Henry Kissinger, "the doctrine of universal jurisdiction asserts that some crimes are so heinous that their perpetrators should not escape justice by invoking doctrines of sovereign immunity or the sacrosanct nature of national frontiers." Under the relevant treaties, any State can board a ship on the high seas if the ship is suspected of piracy, transporting slaves, or broadcasting illegally. A ship and its occupants can be arrested for piracy and illegal broadcasting by a warship of any State. For other crimes, the arresting State must get the consent or assistance of the flag state. Also, a ship that flies two flags (flags of convenience) or a ship flying no flag may be visited for further inquiry by any State's ships. Ships without flags, and those that fly flags of convenience are subject to the jurisdiction of any State. While some scholars disagree, national courts have upheld convictions based on such arrests. "

Keep in mind, this passage is not on point with what we are discussing, I'm simply illustrating that Israel, depending on what treaties it's engaged in, how the law is interpreted, etc., may very well have been within their rights.  Not being a legal expert, I simply don't know.  But people acting as though "international waters" means hands-off, are clearly just as clueless.

I'm not trying to act like or assume myself as a "legal expert" in these matters, but it is common knowledge that any further than 12 miles off shore is typically considered international waters.   So for the IDF to board a ship in international waters seems wrong.  Now, someone else provided an unlinked reference to a law that states they were with in there rights.  So if they were they were. 

But that doesn't in my mind excuse the disaster that has occurred and Israel doesn't go in the direction of solving this problem, IMO. 
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Dos Equis on June 01, 2010, 07:05:25 PM
I don't know about that   lol

I said "murder," not "kill."   :)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: drkaje on June 01, 2010, 07:14:32 PM
I said "murder," not "kill."   :)

Like it really matters, LOL!

There's no difference between unilaterally declaring or funding war to people on the receiving end of a bullet. They're still dead despite any flowing political language that might make us feel better, justified or OK with their passing. This is simply another example of how political necessity determines right and wrong.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Dos Equis on June 01, 2010, 07:18:26 PM
Like it really matters, LOL!

There's no difference between unilaterally declaring or funding war to people on the receiving end of a bullet. They're still dead despite any flowing political language that might make us feel better, justified or OK with their passing. This is simply another example of how political necessity determines right and wrong.

If you're talking about whether a person is equally dead, I agree.  If the issue is whether a country has been repeatedly attacked and you're analyzing what steps the country can take to defend itself, then yes it matters.   
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: OzmO on June 01, 2010, 07:40:16 PM
I said "murder," not "kill."   :)

Like, I said:  I don't know about that.    :D
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: drkaje on June 01, 2010, 07:46:26 PM
If you're talking about whether a person is equally dead, I agree.  If the issue is whether a country has been repeatedly attacked and you're analyzing what steps the country can take to defend itself, then yes it matters.   

I'm saying right and wrong are political definitions.

If our side, politics, or national interests changed, overnight, Israel would be wrong. Pretending any criticism has a moral basis is asinine.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: OzmO on June 01, 2010, 08:41:49 PM
I'm saying right and wrong are political definitions.

If our side, politics, or national interests changed, overnight, Israel would be wrong. Pretending any criticism has a moral basis is asinine.

I think that's where murder and kill get muddled   
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: drkaje on June 02, 2010, 03:44:05 AM
I think that's where murder and kill get muddled   

Deaths that suit out current political goals are OK.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: jtsunami on June 02, 2010, 07:14:17 PM
It was about time the Jews love murder, and they haven't been able to do it openly and kill the goyum like this, it must really be a blood lust for them, they are probably feening for more.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Dos Equis on June 02, 2010, 07:17:30 PM
I'm saying right and wrong are political definitions.

If our side, politics, or national interests changed, overnight, Israel would be wrong. Pretending any criticism has a moral basis is asinine.

I disagree.  Right is right and wrong is wrong.  Doesn't matter what side you're on.  Any country that is being attacked by terrorists has the right to defend itself. 

I think moral skepticism is nonsensical. 
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: tonymctones on June 02, 2010, 07:27:32 PM
It was about time the Jews love murder, and they haven't been able to do it openly and kill the goyum like this, it must really be a blood lust for them, they are probably feening for more.
first off what the fuck is "feening"?

second off is the jews love murder the palestenians must love being murdered  ;)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: drkaje on June 02, 2010, 07:31:24 PM
I disagree.  Right is right and wrong is wrong.  Doesn't matter what side you're on.  Any country that is being attacked by terrorists has the right to defend itself. 

I think moral skepticism is nonsensical. 

I'm not saying right and wrong don't exist. Simply that they are political definitions, and not concrete, in almost every circumstance.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: OzmO on June 02, 2010, 07:51:53 PM
I disagree.  Right is right and wrong is wrong.  Doesn't matter what side you're on.  Any country that is being attacked by terrorists has the right to defend itself. 

I think moral skepticism is nonsensical. 

I don't think what's going on down there is as simple as that and I also don't think either side is free of moral transgressions. 

People will fight for what they believe is right and for many the end justifies the means.   
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: jtsunami on June 02, 2010, 08:38:08 PM
first off what the fuck is "feening"?

second off is the jews love murder the palestenians must love being murdered  ;)

you know exactly what I was saying, here is a link to explain

Second shows your complete lack of morals, you must be a jew sympathizer or a jew, if you are a jew sympathizer you should know they do not value non jew life at all and to them you are goyum.

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Dos Equis on June 02, 2010, 08:44:44 PM
I'm not saying right and wrong don't exist. Simply that they are political definitions, and not concrete, in almost every circumstance.

I agree in part.  I'd say "not concrete in every circumstance." 
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on June 02, 2010, 08:49:05 PM
you know exactly what I was saying, here is a link to explain

Second shows your complete lack of morals, you must be a jew sympathizer or a jew, if you are a jew sympathizer you should know they do not value non jew life at all and to them you are goyum.


Kind of like how you Muslims view all non-Muslims as inferior garbage and want to subjugate us so you can force us to pay the jizyah tax just so we can live in your "glorious" and "superior" shadows? ::)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: jtsunami on June 02, 2010, 09:08:08 PM
Kind of like how you Muslims view all non-Muslims as inferior garbage and want to subjugate us so you can force us to pay the jizyah tax just so we can live in your "glorious" and "superior" shadows? ::)

hey look, if you are non Muslim you have a chance to conform and go the right path and not be killed.  But in Judaism all non jew are considered goyum and are free for the slaughter of a jew.  Not the same my friend. 

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on June 02, 2010, 09:17:43 PM
hey look, if you are non Muslim you have a chance to conform and go the right path and not be killed.  But in Judaism all non jew are considered goyum and are free for the slaughter of a jew.  Not the same my friend.  

Conform? Nice wording. In reality, it's pay the jizya and acknowledge that you're a 2nd class citizen to the Muslims, convert to Islam, or die.  ::)

Funny how Islam is the only religion whose entire purpose is to establish a caliphate that stretches the entire globe and subjugates everyone to Sharia. This is almost funny as when you, an American citizen, actively called for the murders of Americans and sang the praises of terrorists. You're trash.  :)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Skip8282 on June 03, 2010, 02:16:20 AM
hey look, if you are non Muslim you have a chance to conform and go the right path and not be killed.  

That's pretty much all anybody needs to know about Islam right there.

Worthless fucks.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: jtsunami on June 03, 2010, 04:43:22 AM

That's pretty much all anybody needs to know about Islam right there.

Worthless fucks.

Islam is the right way and the only way to peace in this world, that is why it is so important for people to conform and become Muslim or die.  They see the full picture.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: loco on June 03, 2010, 05:29:47 AM
hey look, if you are non Muslim you have a chance to conform and go the right path and not be killed.  But in Judaism all non jew are considered goyum and are free for the slaughter of a jew.  Not the same my friend.  

Oh yeah?  Then why are Muslims murdering other Muslims?
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: George Whorewell on June 03, 2010, 06:27:52 AM
Islam is the right way and the only way to peace in this world, that is why it is so important for people to conform and become Muslim or die.  They see the full picture.

Ok this confirms that this fat queer is a gimmick account.
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Dos Equis on June 03, 2010, 11:01:42 AM
I don't think what's going on down there is as simple as that and I also don't think either side is free of moral transgressions. 

People will fight for what they believe is right and for many the end justifies the means.   

I don't see anything immoral or illegal that Israel did in this situation, but I see a lot of fault by the people who instigated this dispute. 

Sometimes the ends justifies the means. 
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Colossus_500 on June 03, 2010, 11:54:48 AM
This video has the incident from a couple different angles:

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Dos Equis on June 03, 2010, 12:09:18 PM
This video has the incident from a couple different angles:

So they gave a warning before boarding the ship and supported delivery of the goods through a different port.  Pretty clear those people wanted a fight. 
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: freespirit on June 03, 2010, 12:15:02 PM

What did you think was goig to happen?

Israel warns you not to come to the military zone border.  Israel asks you again not to come.  Israel repeatedly says they will board and escort you to a detention area if you continue. Israel says all humanitarian goods will go through the proper channels to get to Gaza.

The ships dont care. The ships dont answer. The ships continue to go.  The ships attack the solders that board. The soldiers attack back

If you dont realize that the people on the ships dont care about anything except getting some reaction, you are just plain dumb.

Go yell and scream about the 46 soldiers of the South Korean army that was hit by a sumbmarine missle.

Oh yeah, I guess protests dont matter than.

Same typical crap.

Any other country, it would be called defending themselves.

For Israel, it is something different.

Get your head out of your asses.

You should get YOUR head out of YOUR ass!!
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Skip8282 on June 03, 2010, 02:29:17 PM
Islam is the right way and the only way to peace in this world, that is why it is so important for people to conform and become Muslim or die.  They see the full picture.

Uh...what loco said...

Oh yeah?  Then why are Muslims murdering other Muslims?
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: 240 is Back on June 03, 2010, 04:12:33 PM
very sad situation.

US citizen killed on flotilla was reportedly shot four times in head
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: w8tlftr on June 03, 2010, 04:27:28 PM
Play with fire and you get burned.

Bravo Zulu, Israel.  8)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: jtsunami on June 03, 2010, 05:18:23 PM
Oh yeah?  Then why are Muslims murdering other Muslims?

just like people who label themselves Christians in the United States, but are the furthest from any form of religious person alive...same with Muslims, the people are just saying they are Muslims, and just fronting, they are fair game, not really true Muslims...

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: tonymctones on June 03, 2010, 05:23:59 PM
just like people who label themselves Christians in the United States, but are the furthest from any form of religious person alive...same with Muslims, the people are just saying they are Muslims, and just fronting, they are fair game, not really true Muslims...

kinda like you huh? you think for a second that your ass wouldnt be ripped apart for letting other twinks rip your ass apart?  ::)

im pretty sure they dont take kindly to gays over there but hey what do I know maybe you should make a trip to the mother land and find your islamic roots
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: jtsunami on June 03, 2010, 05:32:55 PM
kinda like you huh? you think for a second that your ass wouldnt be ripped apart for letting other twinks rip your ass apart?  ::)

im pretty sure they dont take kindly to gays over there but hey what do I know maybe you should make a trip to the mother land and find your islamic roots

i have no idea what your talking about
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: tonymctones on June 03, 2010, 05:38:55 PM
i have no idea what your talking about
LOL dont worry there arent any muslims on this board to call you out
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: jtsunami on June 03, 2010, 05:44:47 PM
LOL dont worry there arent any muslims on this board to call you out

back off
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: tonymctones on June 03, 2010, 05:50:28 PM
back off
LMAO did I hit a nerve?
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: jtsunami on June 03, 2010, 05:51:59 PM
LMAO did I hit a nerve?

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Skip8282 on June 03, 2010, 06:33:03 PM
just like people who label themselves Christians in the United States, but are the furthest from any form of religious person alive...same with Muslims, the people are just saying they are Muslims, and just fronting, they are fair game, not really true Muslims...


Just so I have this straight, killing non-Muslims who won't "conform" is being a good, true Muslim.  But, killing another Muslim means that the killer is not a good, true Muslim.  ::)

Are you familiar with the terms "argument of convenience"?
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 03, 2010, 06:34:31 PM
Praise to the pedophile allah, piss and shit be upon him. 
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: jtsunami on June 03, 2010, 06:58:03 PM

Just so I have this straight, killing non-Muslims who won't "conform" is being a good, true Muslim.  But, killing another Muslim means that the killer is not a good, true Muslim.  ::)

Are you familiar with the terms "argument of convenience"?

no, he was saying Muslims kill other Muslims, this is not the case.  The so called Muslims the REAL Muslims kill are pseudo Muslims, they really don't follow the faith and just claim to be Muslim and deserve to have their blood spilled.  Just like people in US who claim to be Christians yet are about the worst people you know..
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: benchmstr on June 03, 2010, 07:06:43 PM
no, he was saying Muslims kill other Muslims, this is not the case.  The so called Muslims the REAL Muslims kill are pseudo Muslims, they really don't follow the faith and just claim to be Muslim and deserve to have their blood spilled.  Just like people in US who claim to be Christians yet are about the worst people you know..
so whenever a full blown muslim parks a car out in front of a market full of explosives, and kills 150 othe muslims.....he isnt really killing other muslims ::)

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: jtsunami on June 03, 2010, 07:17:57 PM
so whenever a full blown muslim parks a car out in front of a market full of explosives, and kills 150 othe muslims.....he isnt really killing other muslims ::)


depends if there are other full blown Muslims inside as you say.  A targeted killing would be more wise in my opinion.

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on June 03, 2010, 07:23:33 PM
depends if there are other full blown Muslims inside as you say.  A targeted killing would be more wise in my opinion.

You sound like an idiot. And for what it's worth, there's only one Koran. And Allah's word is absolute. The "non-Muslims masquerading as Muslims" as you claim are following what the book tells them. If you deny that, then you're liable for execution.

That's why all these jerk-offs saying that they're interpreting the Koran wrong crack me up. It's infallible. It's not hard to understand. There are over 110 verses calling for violence against non-Muslims.  ::)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: benchmstr on June 03, 2010, 07:24:22 PM
depends if there are other full blown Muslims inside as you say.  A targeted killing would be more wise in my opinion.

your opinion? shouldnt have an dont have any first hand knowledge of any of the shit that spews out of your mouth except semen...

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on June 03, 2010, 07:27:25 PM
your opinion? shouldnt have an dont have any first hand knowledge of any of the shit that spews out of your mouth except semen...


The ironic thing is that he's a pro-jihad Muslim and yet his heroes in Al Qaeda would behead him on the spot for being a homosexual. But he's a gimmick anyway, and a retarded one at that. Hi Gene!  ::)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Skip8282 on June 03, 2010, 08:22:00 PM
The ironic thing is that he's a pro-jihad Muslim and yet his heroes in Al Qaeda would behead him on the spot for being a homosexual. But he's a gimmick anyway, and a retarded one at that. Hi Gene!  ::)

From the pics posted, I thought jtsunami was female?
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Skeletor on June 06, 2010, 11:19:14 AM
A post by Haaretz (israeli newspaper).

Turkish paper releases 'censored' photos of beaten Israeli commandos

Turkey's highest circulating paper, Hurriyet, reports that photos were deleted by Israel, but restored by Turkish activists.
By Haaretz Service Tags: Gaza flotilla Turkey Israel Turkey IDF

Turkey's highest circulating newspaper Hurriyet on Sunday released photos of Israeli navy commandos who had been embroiled in the clash aboard the Gaza-bound Turkish aid ship Mavi Marmara last week.

The Israel Defense Forces released a video depicting the activists aboard the ship attacking the navy commandos. The activists argued that they had been attacked first. Nine activists were killed in the melee, and dozens, including Israeli soldiers, were hurt.

The photos published by Hurriyet on Sunday, under the headline "tears of a commando", Israeli soldiers are seen beaten and bleeding, being carried below deck by Turkish activists.

In the accompanying article, the paper reported that the photos had been censored and deleted by Israeli fighters aiming to prevent embarrassment for Israel and the IDF, but the activists were able to restore them. The paper further reported that in some of the photos, activists belonging to the IHH organization are seen caring for the wounded soldiers.

IHH is the group that organized the flotilla that attempted to carry tons of aid to the blockaded Gaza Strip last week. The Mavi Marmara was one of eight ships that participated in the effort.

The IDF Spokesperson's Unit issued a response to the Turkish photos, saying that the "published pictures serve as clear and unequivocal proof of Israel's repeated arguments that aboard [the Mavi Marmara] were mercenaries who intended to kill Israeli soldiers."

"The photos would have looked different if the soldiers had chosen to shoot every citizen that came their way," the statement continued. "It was only out of empowerment and a deep understanding of the event that the navy commandos were able to tell the difference between peace activists and terrorists."

Meanwhile, senior officials in the Israeli Foreign Ministry said Saturday that Israel has no intention of apologizing for the Mavi Marmara raid. The remarks were made in the wake of Turkish threats to sever diplomatic ties with Israel if the latter failed to apologize for harm caused to Turkish citizens.

Notice how it is mentioned Israel tried to delete and censor the pictures from cameras so they wouldn't hurt morale (instead of using them to show they were attacked), but when the pics were recovered and published they said that the pics show the soldiers were indeed attacked. There are some activists holding some sort of sticks and others manhandling the soldiers.
Not sure how the activists supposedly treated the soldiers' wounds, I doubt they would.
Haaretz has blurred out the soldiers' faces and published some pics, hurriyet has the full uncensored pictures.

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: powerpack on June 06, 2010, 12:21:35 PM
This was a trap that the Israelis walked straight into.
Anti Israeli propoganda 101
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Skeletor on June 06, 2010, 12:42:58 PM
This is interesting too. As if the propaganda from Turkey and their "human rights concerns" was not enough, now this.
Considering Turkey's support for Iran and the muslim world i doubt this will end well for them.

IDF admits doctoring audio of raid on Gaza flotilla

The Israeli Defense Force has issued a "clarification" admitting it manipulated audio of its raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla.

On Friday, the IDF released audio of what it said was an exchange between Israel Navy officers and the crew of the Mavi Marmara, the main vessel in the flotilla. In it, voices could be heard telling the Israeli soldiers to "go back to Auschwitz" and "we're helping Arabs go against the US -- don't forget 9/11, guys."

But flotilla passengers quickly began disputing the veracity of the audio clip.

Investigative journalist Max Blumenthal reports that the head of the Free Gaza movement, Huwaida Arraf, could be heard on the videotape asserting the flotilla's right to enter Gaza territory. But Arraf says she wasn't on board the Mavi Marmara, and was actually on board another ship, the Challenger One. Another flotilla member whose voice can be heard on the audio, Ali Abunimah, also said he wasn't aboard the Mavi Marmara.

According to a news report from the Palestinian news agency Ma'an, Arraf suggests the audio of her that appeared in the clip came from an earlier exchange between her and Israeli forces, but she admits she "could not be sure" she didn't repeat her assertion during exchanges with the IDF during the raid.

On Saturday, the IDF's public blog issued a "correction" explaining that the tape had been edited "so as to make it easier for people to listen to the exchange."

The IDF stated:

    There have been questions regarding the authenticity of the recording as well as its attribution to a communication with the Mavi Marmara.

    So to clarify: the audio was edited down to cut out periods of silence over the radio as well as incomprehensible comments so as to make it easier for people to listen to the exchange. We have now uploaded the entire segment of 5 minutes and 58 seconds in which the exchange took place and the comments were made.

    This transmission had originally cited the Mavi Marmara ship as being the source of these remarks, however, due to an open channel, the specific ship or ships in the “Freedom Flotilla” responding to the Israeli Navy could not be identified.

The IDF's latest version of the audio is actually the third version the military organization has released. Its first audio version of the incident, a one-minute clip released the day of the raid, did not include any of the controversial comments -- no voices can be heard saying "Go back to Auschwitz" or "remember 9/11."

Critics of Israel have suggested the audio clip -- and the IDF's admission it was edited -- shows the Israeli military is involved in a propaganda campaign to discredit the flotilla as a humanitarian effort. And Blumenthal notes that the IDF audio has already made its way into US media as fact.

"Hours after the IDF’s admission, major news outlets which reported on the doctored audio clip as though it was a shocking revelation and not a scandalous forgery have still not corrected themselves," Blumenthal writes.

Some of Israel's other efforts to sway public opinion its way have resulted in embarrassment. Government spokesmen on Saturday apologized for distributing a video that mocked the flotilla members, nine of whom died when Israeli commandos raided the flotilla on Monday.

The video, a satire on "We are the World," shows a group of singers declaring, "There's no people dying/So the best that we can do/Is create the greatest bluff of all/We must go on pretending day by day that in Gaza/There's crisis hunger and plague."

Following a storm of protests from critics pointing out that the UN has declared that Gaza is in the midst of a humanitarian crisis, the Israeli Government Press Office declared, "Due to a misunderstanding on our part, earlier (Friday) we inadvertently issued a video link that had been sent for our perusal. ... It was not intended for general release. The contents of the video in no way represent the official policy of either the Government Press Office or of the State of Israel."

The following audio is the original clip released by the Israeli Defense Force on May 31, 2010. It does not include any of the inflammatory comments heard in later versions.

This audio clip, the second version, was released by the IDF on June 4, 2010.

This audio clip is the third and most recent version released by the IDF (June 5, 2010).
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 06, 2010, 12:48:31 PM
Its amazing how people criticize Israel when you have two sides at war.  Let each other go at it and the winner take all.  Hamas and their terrorist vermin apologists need to man the hell up and deal with the consequences of their actions.  In war, people die and get fucked, thats life.  Hamas made its choice and Israel should be capping these people left and right.  Were I in charge, I would have gone Patton on those vermin a long time ago and ended it already.   

Let Hamas meet Israel on the battlefield and lets get it over with.   They wont because Israel would wipe out these people in a day or two at best.  Instead, Hamas wants to play victim and this bs cat and mouse game. 


Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on June 06, 2010, 01:21:33 PM
Its amazing how people criticize Israel when you have two sides at war.  Let each other go at it and the winner take all.  Hamas and their terrorist vermin apologists need to man the hell up and deal with the consequences of their actions.  In war, people die and get fucked, thats life.  Hamas made its choice and Israel should be capping these people left and right.  Were I in charge, I would have gone Patton on those vermin a long time ago and ended it already.   

Let Hamas meet Israel on the battlefield and lets get it over with.   They wont because Israel would wipe out these people in a day or two at best.  Instead, Hamas wants to play victim and this bs cat and mouse game. 

Hamas knows they can't win so they embed themselves among women and children and wage propaganda wars. Of course, the islamofascists and their legion of disinformation specialists on the far-left soak that shit right up. At the end of the day, no one gives a fuck about either side and if the pro-Muslim MSM didn't feel the need to report on every single event that occurs in this conflict, no one would even talk about it. A Palestinians ties his left sneaker first and they write up a 5,000 word story on it.  ::)

There were 31 armed conflicts in 2009. This is the only one that the pro-Muslim MSM never shuts up about.  ;)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: drkaje on June 06, 2010, 01:26:22 PM
Isn't Hamas in charge of aid dispersal?
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Fury on June 06, 2010, 01:27:15 PM
Isn't Hamas in charge of aid dispersal?

Hamas ransacked the offices of 5 NGO aid organizations last week.  :)
Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: jtsunami on June 06, 2010, 08:00:47 PM
Its amazing how people criticize Israel when you have two sides at war.  Let each other go at it and the winner take all.  Hamas and their terrorist vermin apologists need to man the hell up and deal with the consequences of their actions.  In war, people die and get fucked, thats life.  Hamas made its choice and Israel should be capping these people left and right.  Were I in charge, I would have gone Patton on those vermin a long time ago and ended it already.   

Let Hamas meet Israel on the battlefield and lets get it over with.   They wont because Israel would wipe out these people in a day or two at best.  Instead, Hamas wants to play victim and this bs cat and mouse game. 



blah blah blah pro israel bullshit, shut your mouth you Zionist supporter, you will all soon be ash.  And you know why they dare not try and kill hamas, Iran and the rest of the Arab world would vaporize there pathetic asses.

Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Skip8282 on June 06, 2010, 08:12:47 PM
blah blah blah pro israel bullshit, shut your mouth you Zionist supporter, you will all soon be ash.  And you know why they dare not try and kill hamas, Iran and the rest of the Arab world would vaporize there pathetic asses.


Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 07, 2010, 05:29:44 AM
blah blah blah pro israel bullshit, shut your mouth you Zionist supporter, you will all soon be ash.  And you know why they dare not try and kill hamas, Iran and the rest of the Arab world would vaporize there pathetic asses.

Ha ha .  Thanks for the laugh.  If they could have, they would have already.


Title: Re: Israel Attacks Civilian Aid Ships
Post by: freespirit on October 02, 2010, 08:00:52 AM