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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Soul Crusher on September 16, 2010, 09:09:35 AM

Title: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 16, 2010, 09:09:35 AM
White House rips Forbes article

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Dinesh D'Souza has drawn a torrent of criticism with a Forbes cover story that accuses President Obama of adopting "the cause of anti-colonialism" from his Kenyan father.

But while most detractors focus on the author--and Newt Gingrich, who embraced the critique--the White House is aiming its ammunition at the business magazine.

"It's a stunning thing, to see a publication you would see in a dentist's office, so lacking in truth and fact," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs says in an interview. "I think it represents a new low."

Gibbs is meeting with Thursday afternoon with Forbes's Washington bureau chief, Brian Wingfield, to discuss his objections. "Did they not fact-check this at all, or did they fact-check it and just willfully ignore it?" he asks.

The magazine would not make Editor-in-Chief Steve Forbes, who ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 1996 and 2000, available for comment, or any other editor. The biweekly did issue a statement: "Dinesh D'Souza's cover story was presented as an analysis of how the president thinks. No facts are in contention. Forbes stands by the story."

But some facts are very much in contention, and D'Souza--who loosely based the article on his forthcoming book, "The Roots of Obama's Rage"--isn't hesitant to discuss his work.

Reached separately in New York, D'Souza, 49, who worked in the Reagan White House, says his argument that the president was heavily influenced by the late Barack Obama Sr. is a "psychological theory." But, he insists, "the idea that Obama has roots that are foreign is not an allegation, it's a statement of fact."

The facts are also these: Obama Sr. abandoned the family when his son was 2, and the future president saw his father only one more time, during a visit in Hawaii when he was 10. Obama Sr. died in 1982.

Gibbs says the Forbes attack comes at a time when there is "no limit to innuendo" against the president, including baseless charges that he is a Muslim and was not born in the United States. Forbes, he says, "left the facts on the cutting-room floor."

D'Souza acknowledges one error. He wrote that Obama "is a man who spent his formative years--the first 17 years of his life--off the American mainland, in Hawaii, Indonesia and Pakistan, with multiple subsequent journeys to Africa." Obama visited Pakistan once, as a college student, when he was older than 17. (Hawaii, of course, may be off the American mainland, but it is hardly out of the American mainstream.)

When Gingrich called the article profound and said Obama has a "Kenyan, anti-colonial" world view, Gibbs accused the former House speaker of "trying to appeal to the fringe." Gingrich told the Daily Caller that his own remarks "seemed to touch some kind of irrational nerve on the left."

The Forbes piece begins by calling Obama "the most antibusiness president in a generation, perhaps in American history." D'Souza then uses long, winding threads in an attempt to tie Obama's policies to his upbringing. "He took his father's dream, his vision, his ideology," D'Souza says in the interview.

While describing Obama Sr. as a polygamist and drunk driver who has been accused of wife-beating, the author says that the president "adopted his father's position that capitalism and free markets are code words for economic plunder.... He must work to wring the neocolonialism out of America and the West...Clearly the anti-colonial ideology of Barack Obama Sr. goes a long way to explain the actions and policies of his son in the Oval Office. ..... The invisible father provides the inspiration."

As one example, D'Souza writes that the Export-Import Bank, "with Obama's backing," last year offered $2 billion in loans and guarantees to Brazil to explore for oil that he says would remain in Brazil (though presumably it could be exported). Gibbs notes that the bank had no Obama appointees at the time and that the president's nominee to run the bank was awaiting Senate confirmation. D'Souza calls this a "semantic game," saying the president had the authority to stop the financing.

D'Souza, who has been affiliated with conservative think tanks, has written more than a dozen books, including "The End of Racism," "Illiberal Education" and "Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary Man Became an Extraordinary Leader."

In the interview, D'Souza says he explicitly rejects the notion that Obama was born anywhere but Hawaii and calls suggestions that he is race-baiting "preposterous." As someone who spent his first 17 years in India, he says he feels "an eerie similarity to my own background" in examining a president who spent part of his childhood in Indonesia. "I'm completely Americanized--I have an American accent, an American wife--but a residue of me is foreign."

D'Souza says his thinking about Obama's influences draws heavily from the president's memoir, "Dreams From My Father." But that book describes a young man's struggle to understand his African roots and the father he never really knew, and offers a largely critical portrait of the Harvard-educated man who left his family.

Columbia Journalism Review this week called the D'Souza article "a fact-twisting, error-laden piece of paranoia" and "the worst kind of smear journalism--a singularly disgusting work."

By Howard Kurtz  |  September 16, 2010; 11:33 AM ET
Categories:  Latest stories , Top story  | Tags: Barack Obama Sr., Dinesh D'Souza, Dreams from My Father, Forbes, Kenyan, Obama, Robert Gibbs, anticolonial

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This article from D'Souza was a nuke against Obama and everyone knows it is the best and most accurate to date. 
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: BM OUT on September 16, 2010, 09:12:25 AM
Robert Gibbs the dunce that denied Imam Obama sat in a church that taught black liberation theology,which is nothing more then black speratism.This fools breath stinks like Imam Obamas asshole because he sucks his black ass day and night.This is a guarantee.NOT ONE FACT!!!Will be proven wrong.It will simply be a constant attack on the author.Thats the liberal way.
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 16, 2010, 09:27:25 AM
Wow - Even the UK is running with this.  D'Souza his a freaking Grand slam with this article.

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Is Obama a socialist? No, he’s worse than that
By Mary Ellen Synon
Last updated at 11:00 AM on 16th September 2010

Comments (22) Add to My Stories Sarah Palin and the Tea Party Express have roared right through the latest round of Republican Party primaries this week, rattling the party establishment and terrifying the Democrats.

For those of you who are trained in the fastidious ways of the British ‘liberalism’ and are therefore shocked and can’t think why the American Right is gaining such strength, here’s the reason: Barack Obama.
Star-spangled: President Obama delivers a speech on the economy this month Americans are waking up to the fact that they have elected a man as president who is every inch an exotic creature. Which was rather fun at first.

The problem is, America is discovering that Mr Obama has brought more than just a foreign name and an interesting racial mix to the White House. He has brought a whole foreign way of thinking. And Americans don’t like it.

 More...TOM LEONARD: As the grassroots 'Tea Party' rebels score a stunning poll breakthrough, is this the start of the second American Revolution?

Millions of them now want national leadership with a more star-spangled way of looking at the world, which is why this week there is something else going on in America, a national debate on a story about Mr Obama in the business magazine, Forbes.
The story is called ‘How Obama thinks.’ Its conclusion is that he thinks like a 1950s East African anti-colonialist.
The article was written by Dinesh D’Souza, an academic and author who is as exotic as the US president. Mr D’Souza was born in Mumbai and immigrated to America as a student. He is now president of The King’s College in New York. He once served in the Reagan White House.

Many of Mr Obama’s critics claim he is a socialist. Certainly, as Mr D’Souza says: ‘Thanks to Obama the era of big government is back. He has expanded the federal government’s control over home mortgages, investment banking, health care, autos and energy.’
His critics explain this in two ways. ‘The first is that Obama is clueless about business. The second is that Obama is a socialist – not an out-and-out Marxist, but something of a European-style socialist, with a penchant for levelling and government redistribution.’
But ‘these theories aren’t wrong so much as they are inadequate. Even if they could account for Obama’s domestic policy, they cannot explain his foreign policy.’ (And what’s Mr Obama’s foreign policy? As the Weekly Standard put it, omnipotence at home, impotence abroad.)
 Republicans at a rally hosted by the St. Louis Tea Party and Tea Party Patriots
According to Mr D’Souza, the real problem with Mr Obama is worse than socialism – ‘much worse.’
‘Here is a man who spent his formative years – the first 17 years of his life – off the American mainland, in Hawaii, Indonesia and Pakistan, with multiple subsequent journeys to Africa.’ With an early life like that, we must wonder what the President’s dream is. Is it the American dream?

Mr D’Souza says: ‘We don’t have to speculate, because Mr Obama has already told us himself in his autobiography, Dreams from My Father. According to Obama, his dream is his father’s dream.’
Barack Obama Senior was a Luo tribesman who grew up in Kenya and studied at Harvard. He was a polygamist and a drunk. According to one son, Mark Obama, he was also a wife-beater.
In one of his drunken car accidents, the President’s father killed a man and caused his own legs to be amputated. In 1982 he got drunk in a bar in Nairobi and drove into a tree, killing himself.
Yet to his son, the elder Obama was a hero who represented a great and noble cause, the cause of anti-colonialism. He had grown up during Africa’s struggle to throw off European rule.
Mr D’Souza knows something about anti-colonialism. He comes from the first generation of Indians born after their country’s independence from the British: ‘Anti-colonialism is the doctrine that rich countries of the West got rich by invading, occupying and looting poor countries of Asia, Africa and South America.’
Obama Senior was an economist. Mr D’Souza has found an article written by him in 1965 in the East Africa Journal. In it, he proposed that the state confiscate private land and raise taxes with no upper limit. He insisted that ‘theoretically there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100 percent of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.’
As Mr D’Souza points out: ‘Remarkably, President Obama, who knows his father’s history very well, has never mentioned his father’s article.’ Yet the article is directly relevant to what the younger Obama is doing in the White House – especially since the president admits that, even though his father was absent for virtually all his life, ‘My father’s voice has nevertheless remained untainted, inspiring, rebuking, granting or withholding approval.’
Sarah Obama, the president’s step-grandmother, agrees. She said: ‘The son is realising everything the father wanted.’
What the father wanted was state appropriation of wealth for the political objective of repairing the damage allegedly done by colonialism. Only now, for the younger Obama, the colonial power is America. As he learned from Edward Said, one of his lecturers at Columbia University: ‘The United States has replaced the earlier great empires and is the dominant outside force.’
If Mr Obama shares his father’s anti-colonial crusade – and it seems he does – that explains why he wants Americans who are already paying close to half their incomes in overall taxes to pay even more. From a young age, Obama adopted his father’s position that capitalism and free markets are code words for economic plunder.

If he sees America’s military as a force of neo-colonial occupation – and it seems he does – that explains why he is determined to withdraw American forces from Afghanistan no matter what the consequences to America’s power.

Yet colonialism today is a dead issue. As Mr D’Souza says: ‘Emerging market economies such as China, India, Chile and Indonesia have solved the problem of backwardness; they are exploiting their labour advantage and growing much faster than the US.’
However, instead of readying America for the challenge, the man in the White House is ‘trapped in his father’s time machine. The philandering, inebriated African socialist, who raged against the world for denying him the realisation of his anti-colonial ambitions, is now setting the nation’s agenda through the reincarnation of his dreams in his son.’
America is being run by the ghost of a dead Luo tribesman of the 1950s.

Read more:
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: George Whorewell on September 16, 2010, 09:28:10 AM

Dinesh is a genius. All of these accusations of fact twisting and lies, and not a single one proved. Typical from the playbook of the American left. Just like calling someone a racist.

Dinesh uses Obama's own words and policy decisions to issue a scathing (but totally reasonable) analysis of Obama's motivations.

There is nothing more pathetic and entertaining than watching the left under siege.
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 16, 2010, 09:30:06 AM
Trust me, I have read as much anti-Obama stuff as anyone, but Dineshs' article i'm sure made obama cry. 

Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Dos Equis on September 16, 2010, 10:44:46 AM
"They talk about me like a dog."   :'(
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 16, 2010, 10:46:32 AM
"They talk about me like a dog."   :'(

Not true.  I like dogs.  They are mans' best friend. 

Obama is a marxist, a grifter, a thief, an incompetent hack, an arrogant do-nothing, and the worst pofs ever to sit in that seat.     
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: 240 is Back on September 16, 2010, 11:03:21 AM
Great article.  Forbes destroys obama on a monthly basis.
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Fury on September 16, 2010, 11:38:08 AM
Dinesh must have hit the nail right on the head if Obama is directly addressing this article. Was an excellent piece.
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 16, 2010, 11:39:35 AM
Dinesh must have hit the nail right on the head if Obama is directly addressing this article. Was an excellent piece.

Reading that article was almost like Dinesh was a psychiatrist with Obama on the couch and then disecting his findings under a microscope and reporting back his research. 
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 26, 2010, 07:06:12 PM
Dinesh D'Souza
Against the GrainMy ProfileMy Headline GrabsMy RSS Feed

The Obamorons Strike Back

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During the 2008 election campaign I coined the phrase “Obamorons” to describe the uncritical cheerleaders of Obama–the people who would leap to his defense even if he drove a truck over his aged grandmother.  Love-stricken TV host Chris Matthews comes to mind, complete with thrills running up his leg, as does English major Maureen Dowd, lifestyle columnist for the New York Times.  The Times itself is a leading Obamoron outlet.

Well, the Obamorons are now in a mad fury, and this time the culprit is my cover story in the September 27 issue of Forbes.   The story is adapted from my new book The Roots of Obama’s Rage.  Let me just say that if the Forbes article so upset these guys, wait until the book comes out.  It may prove extremely difficult for the Obamorons to digest; perhaps it will have to be administered as a suppository.

Leading the Obamoron charge this time was White House press secretary Robert Gibbs.  Gibbs was reacting to Newt Gingrich’s comment that my article offered the most “stunningly insightful” analysis of Obama that he had read in six years.  Gingrich’s reference to “Kenyan anti-colonialism” raised Gibbs’ ire.   Gibbs said he had “no idea” what Gingrich was talking about.  He should have stopped there: if you have no idea what someone is talking about, it’s a good idea to shut up.  But Gibbs went on to link Gingrich and me with the birther thesis: the charge that Obama was not born in the United States.

This is a complete distortion of my argument.  Anyone who read the Forbes article could see that it had nothing to do with the birther allegation.  In The Roots of Obama’s Rage I explicitly say that Obama was born in Hawaii, as evidenced by the fact that two local newspapers noted his birth in August 1961.  Clearly Gibbs had not read the article he was commenting on.  Again, the man should have stayed quiet–unless, of course, he was told to strike back by the subject of the article.

Gibbs fired a second salvo a few days later, asking, “Why didn’t Forbes hire a fact checker…did they simply not care about the facts?”  Gibbs offered no facts of his own, however.  He merely linked to two web posts–one in the Columbia Journalism Review, one on “The Fourth Branch”–that disputed the article.  The Columbia Journalism Review piece was high on invective (“the worst kind of smear journalism–a singularly disgusting work,” blah blah blah) but simply quoted large segments of the article as if they were self-evidently appalling–which of course they are to all confirmed Obamorons, who are only satisfied with hosannas and genuflections before the Anoined One.

“The Fourth Branch” accused me of raising the “prism of race,” in short, of playing the race card.  Again, this is totally bogus.  I explicitly say in my article that Obama is not motivated by race–that race has nothing to do with this.  In the book I develop this much further, showing that a big reason for our confusion about Obama is that we are always trying to to fit him into American history.  In the process we ignore Obama’s own history.   I realize that anti-colonialism is an unfamiliar notion to many Americans, but it is a very familiar concept in Kenya, where Obama’s father was born, and also in India, where I was born.  This is about Third World anti-colonialism; it is not about race.

For me the most unkindest cut of all was when Maureen Dowd in yesterday’s New York Times accused Gingrich and me of low intellectual standards.  “This is what passes for intellectualism on the right?”  Here is Maureen Dowd’s idea of intellectualism: to dub me “Ann Coulter in pants.”  But what do you expect from a Catholic University English major who specializes in little sarcasms devoid of mental content?  I feel silly spelling out my credentials, but I did graduate Phi Beta Kappa from Dartmouth, I did serve as senior domestic policy analyst in the White House, I was the Olin Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, I also was the Rishwain Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, and I am currently the president of the King’s College in New York City.  (Check it out:  So compared to Dowd, I am a veritable Einstein!

My article did contain one minor, inconsequential error: I noted that Obama spent the first 17 years of his life off the American mainland, and that’s true: Obama spent those years in Hawaii and Indonesia.  But I said he visited Pakistan during this time, while in fact his Pakistan trip was a couple of years later, when he was a student at Occidental College.

Some critics have noted that my reference to the Obama administration’s subsidy for the Brazilian drilling company Petrobras was unfair, given that the decision to provide loan guarantees was made in part by Bush appointees to the Export-Import Bank.  This is an argumentum ad ignorantium–an argument that relies on the ignorance of the audience.  If you don’t know how the government works, you are likely to be taken in by it.  But those of us who have worked in the federal government know that many agencies have left-over appointees from previous administrations.  Still, when a new administration takes over, it is the new administration that is responsible and has the final say over what these agencies do.  The Obama administration signed off on the loans to Petrobras, and obviously it bears final responsibility for those loans.   This was precisely the point of the Wall Street Journal article I cited: to ask why the Obama administration wants more oil drilling in Brazil but less in the United States.  “Environmentalism” doesn’t explain this double-standard, but anti-colonialism does.

Yesterday I did Glenn Beck’s radio show for an hour, and the book–which will be out in a couple of weeks–rocketed to the top 5 on the amazon bestseller list.  There is a lot more to come.   So why did the article previewing the book so enrage the White House and the Obamorons?   Because it provides a belated but desperately-needed explanatory framework for Obama.  Finally we have a key that actually opens the lock.  No, Obama is not a Muslim.  No, Obama is not a socialist.  The truth is far worse.
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: George Whorewell on September 26, 2010, 08:43:36 PM
Dinesh is the man.

Also-- he fucked Laura Ingram and Ann Coulter-- two primary pieces of conservative cooze. Gotta give him props for that as well.
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 26, 2010, 08:50:37 PM
For me the most unkindest cut of all was when Maureen Dowd in yesterday’s New York Times accused Gingrich and me of low intellectual standards.  “This is what passes for intellectualism on the right?”  Here is Maureen Dowd’s idea of intellectualism: to dub me “Ann Coulter in pants.”  But what do you expect from a Catholic University English major who specializes in little sarcasms devoid of mental content?  I feel silly spelling out my credentials, but I did graduate Phi Beta Kappa from Dartmouth, I did serve as senior domestic policy analyst in the White House, I was the Olin Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, I also was the Rishwain Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, and I am currently the president of the King’s College in New York City.  (Check it out:  So compared to Dowd, I am a veritable Einstein!

Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 26, 2010, 08:56:46 PM
Well, the Obamorons are now in a mad fury, and this time the culprit is my cover story in the September 27 issue of Forbes.   The story is adapted from my new book The Roots of Obama’s Rage.  Let me just say that if the Forbes article so upset these guys, wait until the book comes out.  It may prove extremely difficult for the Obamorons to digest; perhaps it will have to be administered as a suppository.

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Damn thats harsh. 
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Fury on September 27, 2010, 04:31:31 AM
For me the most unkindest cut of all was when Maureen Dowd in yesterday’s New York Times accused Gingrich and me of low intellectual standards.  “This is what passes for intellectualism on the right?”  Here is Maureen Dowd’s idea of intellectualism: to dub me “Ann Coulter in pants.”  But what do you expect from a Catholic University English major who specializes in little sarcasms devoid of mental content?  I feel silly spelling out my credentials, but I did graduate Phi Beta Kappa from Dartmouth, I did serve as senior domestic policy analyst in the White House, I was the Olin Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, I also was the Rishwain Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, and I am currently the president of the King’s College in New York City.  (Check it out:  So compared to Dowd, I am a veritable Einstein!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

And then the CEO of the NYT wonders why they admitted that they'll be completely web-based and out of hard print in a few years.  ::)

D'Souza has the left in complete meltdown mode. Going to have to buy his book.
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 27, 2010, 05:19:40 AM
This book sounds like it is going to be a blockbuster. 

Everyone, especially the far left, knows that D'Souza fired and connected with two direct torpedo attacks on the SS Obama. 

Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: BM OUT on September 27, 2010, 06:36:49 AM
This book sounds like it is going to be a blockbuster. 

Everyone, especially the far left, knows that D'Souza fired and connected with two direct torpedo attacks on the SS Obama. 


Notice that no one can actually deny one thing he wrote.They simply attack him.
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 27, 2010, 06:38:44 AM
Notice that no one can actually deny one thing he wrote.They simply attack him.

The problem is that D Sousa is so far more intelligent than 99.9% of the left, including Obama, and is Indian himself, that they can't play the race card, the education card, the media card, or anything. 

Additionally, he used Obamas' own words to destroy the whole bogus narrative the likes of 240, blacken, mons, benny, et al, still buy in to.   
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 27, 2010, 06:41:54 AM
I have to get this book. 

Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 27, 2010, 06:45:01 AM
D Souza is the man. 

I think Obama would cry if he heard any of this.   

Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Fury on September 27, 2010, 08:02:12 AM
The problem is that D Sousa is so far more intelligent than 99.9% of the left, including Obama, and is Indian himself, that they can't play the race card, the education card, the media card, or anything.  

Additionally, he used Obamas' own words to destroy the whole bogus narrative the likes of 240, blacken, mons, benny, et al, still buy in to.  

He really is the perfect guy for attacking Obama. Educated, extremely successful and non-white. They've got nothing.
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: George Whorewell on September 27, 2010, 10:21:11 AM
I will 100% buy this book. I have purchased two of D'Souzas other books and enjoyed them immensely.

He is an intellectual giant amongst midgets. He says what most people are afraid to say and he never merely takes a position because it's popular. He does his research and methodically develops original ideas. His critics do nothing except call him names and backtrack from the truth.
Title: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: George Whorewell on October 02, 2010, 09:47:11 AM
My copy of Dinesh D'Souza's book arrived yesterday afternoon. I am down to the last 20 pages and it is nothing short of frightening. Having witnessed and studied the anti-colonial rhetoric and ideology in college, this book strangely makes the endless hours I spent toiling in topics that I couldn't care less about seem like it was worth it. I recommend that every conservative who posts here read this book cover to cover. I also recommend that all liberals with their nose up Obama's ass read it as well (240). Not only will this book open your eyes to where this country is headed, but it will prompt you to become more aware of the kind of man that is currently the leader of the free world. He is NOT a socialist. He was born in AMERICA. He is not a RACIST. The truth is much, much, much, much worse and a lot scarier. D'Souza does not ham it up with all kinds of right wing talking points. He actually dispels some of the myths and lies about Obama that have been repeated by those on the right.

D'Souza uses Obama's own words, his own history, his own statements and his own actions to formulate the most logically coherent and complete analysis of Obama as both a politician and a man. The result is simultaneously compelling and horrifying. The book is a monumental achievement in dismembering the Obama agenda and exposing it for what it is.
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 02, 2010, 12:43:59 PM
I am about 100 pages in and none of this surprises me so far.  i have been saying a lot of this from day 1. 

We have a completel maniac and psycho as POTUS and Dinesh does a great job of contrasting the jekyll and hyde like images of obama - the hokus pokus fairy dust nonsense like 240, benny, blacken, straw and others believe in, and the real one that I have been telling you people about day by day. 

What is most telling is how Dinesh exposed a lie obama told is his book about a story he claimed he read in Newsweek that was nothing more than a lie he pulled from one of his marxist/soclialist anti-colonial influences in order to further his claims as to white people causing blacks to be ashemed of themselves to the point they would seek treatment. 

The treatment of Obama's brother is also telling considering he lives on $1 dollar a month and Dinesh sent a few thousand dollars to help him out and Obama's campaign intervened and made sure the money never got to him. 

You idiots who fell for this maniac really need to grow up, look in the mirror, and not really look at obama since many of us have exposed him time and time again for the treason, communist policies, etc, but look at yourselves and ask why you are so gullible, ignorant, stupid, susceptible to buying into almost anything, and still supporting someone intent on destroying this nation. 

Again - watch this damn clip and ask who the hell says anything like this but someone intent on collapsing the system? 

Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Deicide on October 02, 2010, 01:30:33 PM
My copy of Dinesh D'Souza's book arrived yesterday afternoon. I am down to the last 20 pages and it is nothing short of frightening. Having witnessed and studied the anti-colonial rhetoric and ideology in college, this book strangely makes the endless hours I spent toiling in topics that I couldn't care less about seem like it was worth it. I recommend that every conservative who posts here read this book cover to cover. I also recommend that all liberals with their nose up Obama's ass read it as well (240). Not only will this book open your eyes to where this country is headed, but it will prompt you to become more aware of the kind of man that is currently the leader of the free world. He is NOT a socialist. He was born in AMERICA. He is not a RACIST. The truth is much, much, much, much worse and a lot scarier. D'Souza does not ham it up with all kinds of right wing talking points. He actually dispels some of the myths and lies about Obama that have been repeated by those on the right.

D'Souza uses Obama's own words, his own history, his own statements and his own actions to formulate the most logically coherent and complete analysis of Obama as both a politician and a man. The result is simultaneously compelling and horrifying. The book is a monumental achievement in dismembering the Obama agenda and exposing it for what it is.

I sure hope his book is better than his arguments for the existence of god.
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: The True Adonis on October 02, 2010, 01:34:27 PM

I sure hope his book is better than his arguments for the existence of god.
I`m sure they aren`t.  People are really fucking stupid and easily fooled.  Need Proof.  Just keep reading this board.
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: George Whorewell on October 02, 2010, 02:07:42 PM
Says the idiot who put together the following sentence: Need Proof.
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: The True Adonis on October 02, 2010, 02:21:17 PM
Says the idiot who put together the following sentence: Need Proof.
You`d have a meltdown if you ever tried to read a Cormac McCarthy novel. LOL  I bet you would not even make it through 3 pages.
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Deicide on October 02, 2010, 02:31:29 PM
Says the idiot who put together the following sentence: Need Proof.

It could be a good book, I don't know, but his arguments for god are terrible (not really his fault as there is no god).
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 02, 2010, 02:38:57 PM
I`m sure they aren`t.  People are really fucking stupid and easily fooled.  Need Proof.  Just keep reading this board.

Coming from the guy who voted for, campaigned for, and said obama was going to be the saviour of republic, you do understand you are in no position to call anyone else esily fooled right? 
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Arnold jr on October 02, 2010, 02:44:46 PM
My copy of Dinesh D'Souza's book arrived yesterday afternoon. I am down to the last 20 pages and it is nothing short of frightening. Having witnessed and studied the anti-colonial rhetoric and ideology in college, this book strangely makes the endless hours I spent toiling in topics that I couldn't care less about seem like it was worth it. I recommend that every conservative who posts here read this book cover to cover. I also recommend that all liberals with their nose up Obama's ass read it as well (240). Not only will this book open your eyes to where this country is headed, but it will prompt you to become more aware of the kind of man that is currently the leader of the free world. He is NOT a socialist. He was born in AMERICA. He is not a RACIST. The truth is much, much, much, much worse and a lot scarier. D'Souza does not ham it up with all kinds of right wing talking points. He actually dispels some of the myths and lies about Obama that have been repeated by those on the right.

D'Souza uses Obama's own words, his own history, his own statements and his own actions to formulate the most logically coherent and complete analysis of Obama as both a politician and a man. The result is simultaneously compelling and horrifying. The book is a monumental achievement in dismembering the Obama agenda and exposing it for what it is.

The truth, no matter how much truth D'Souza shows in his book will still be called lies by those in the Obama camp. If in his book he said Obama admits in his own words 2+2=4, Obama supporters would call him a liar.

I haven't read the book yet but I saw D'Souza talking about it on Beck this wk. He did a nice job explaining the ideas behind democratic-socialism and the African model based on anti-colonialism. I also thought it was interesting when he spoke of Obama's childhood. If there was ever a man who is a product of his upbringing it is Obama...this man was bred and created for what he is today. It's also kind of funny, everyone talks about his father, who to me sounds like a piece of trash but it's his mother who had a far more profound effect on bad she sent him back to the states, he probably would have stood a better chance with his step-father.
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 02, 2010, 02:55:38 PM
The book is excellent and I am a few chapters in.  It examins the statements of Obama in his books, the wrotten record, and the connection with the policies Obama is advancing as they relate to his experiences. 

The bottom line is that books like this are being written as there are no rational explanations as to what is occuring at 1600 PA Ave.

Is it incompetence, ignorance, naievete, ideology, corruption, or something else?  This book examined the "something else" as it relates to Obama's background as the policies and things he does are without explanation anymore. 

To the fanboys like TA, 240, and others, he devotes an entire section since they simply can't grasp that they themselves were so badly fooled and cajoled by this fake narrative and image that has been carefully crafted over years. 

When you peel back the layers beyond the MSM kneepadding and bs like TA and 240 love to suck up and parrot, there is a horryfing image of a mentally unstable psycho intent on collapsing the nation in revenge for what was done in Africa over 50 years ago. 

the thing that makes this book most effective, and is something Team Kneepad can't refute is that Dinesh uses Obama's own words and statements to support ever supposition he makes. 

this is why Obama and the WH have attacked dinesh so mercilessly over this book.  Its devastating on every level to the bogus veneer the MSM and Obama crafted over the years to get him into office. 
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: 240 is Back on October 02, 2010, 03:03:03 PM
1. This book sounds awesome.  I like the fact it shoots down silly CTs and delivers obama's interntions - from his own words.  Will one be put on a list for buying the book?

2. Senators, hannity, even Cheney said it is unpatriotic to criticize a President during wartime.  Are they right?

Trent Lott, (R-Mississippi): "How dare Senator Daschle criticize President Bush while we are fighting our war on terrorism?"

Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 02, 2010, 03:10:37 PM
1. This book sounds awesome.  I like the fact it shoots down silly CTs and delivers obama's interntions - from his own words.  Will one be put on a list for buying the book?

2. Senators, hannity, even Cheney said it is unpatriotic to criticize a President during wartime.  Are they right?

Trent Lott, (R-Mississippi): "How dare Senator Daschle criticize President Bush while we are fighting our war on terrorism?"

Add Trent Lott to the list of reasons we have Obama in the first place. 

240 - one of the first things in the book is Dinesh explores a lie Obama told in Dreams from My Fathers about his sitting in a doctors' office waiting for his mother and reading an article in Newsweek about black people embarassed by their coloor and taking medical measures to whiten their skin.  obama claims his skin crawled and he was enreaged and felt horrible reading the story and that it had a huge impact on him. 

Dinesh goes into how he tried to find said article in Newsweek and any other article in any other magazine at the time, and came to the conclusion that Obama was making it up.  However, Dinesh said he came across a freqeusnt authoer of anti-colonial nonsense, and a socialist, named Farron, i believe, who wrote a communist screed on this stuff, and that obama was too tepid to cite this as his source for the thought.  I am not doing the story justice here, but the bottom line is that obama was race baiting and making shit up to advance a false story to try to convince readers of crap that simply was made up. 

Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: 240 is Back on October 02, 2010, 03:14:28 PM
remember that despite my anti-gop 2008 behavior--- I am a CTer first and foremost.

i've read so many books on 911, it would make your head spin... its why I get so emotional when people who haven't the slighest clue on issues will speak like "All CTs have been debunked!" when they can't name 10% of the issues.

Anyway, i'm very interested in this book.  I know you LOVE Tarpley's work on obama - you should see his work on bush2.
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 02, 2010, 03:19:49 PM
remember that despite my anti-gop 2008 behavior--- I am a CTer first and foremost.

i've read so many books on 911, it would make your head spin... its why I get so emotional when people who haven't the slighest clue on issues will speak like "All CTs have been debunked!" when they can't name 10% of the issues.

Anyway, i'm very interested in this book.  I know you LOVE Tarpley's work on obama - you should see his work on bush2.

This book is more like Dinesh having having Obama on the couch in the psychiatrists' office and getting Obama to reveal all his deepest crap. 

If a colonoscopy of obama could be put into words, this book is it.   
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Dos Equis on October 02, 2010, 04:52:19 PM
I`m sure they aren`t.  People are really fucking stupid and easily fooled.  Need Proof.  Just keep reading this board.

One of the funny things I read on this board is the people who aren't really that smart calling the posters on this board stupid, yet those same people repeatedly post on the board.  Just a tad ironic. 
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 02, 2010, 05:01:40 PM
One of the funny things I read on this board is the people who aren't really that smart calling the posters on this board stupid, yet those same people repeatedly post on the board.  Just a tad ironic. 

No kidding.   TA was all giddy when Obama came to his hometown and gave a speech and I remember TA all excited like a girl with a crush on the HS QB over it.  And he calls others easily fooled?  Ha ha ha.     
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 03, 2010, 02:07:15 AM
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 03, 2010, 04:08:14 PM

Just came across another lie Obama told that Dinesh exposes about his scant work in the private sector where he lied about "being behind enemy lines" in corporate America all while he was nothing more than a low level copy editor. 

Everything about this man is a lie. 
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Arnold jr on October 03, 2010, 04:14:45 PM

Just came across another lie Obama told that Dinesh exposes about his scant work in the private sector where he lied about "being behind enemy lines" in corporate America all while he was nothing more than a low level copy editor. 

Everything about this man is a lie. 

Maybe he was altering the text so that he could bring the corporate giants down and put them in their place, lol!
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 03, 2010, 08:06:16 PM
I'm mostly through this book and can say that I have posted on a lot of this stuff but am learning alot about his family.  On the one hand I feel bad for Obama as he was brought up by a caravan of communists, gypsies, drunks, freaks, guilt ridden whote mother, and has been surrounded by freaks, of which he one clearly. 

On the other hand, we all have choices to make and Obama clearly has chosen to exact revenge on this country in every possible.  You people need to understand that Obama is literally at war with this nation and intentionally trying to collapse the system so that it can be transformed into something you really would not like.

You people really need to wake the hell up and realize just what a maniac we have in office.   
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2010, 09:06:58 AM
After reading this book - I can confidently say that most of things I have said about Obama are accurate. 

He is intentionally trying to collapse our economy and you morons and dreamers (you all know who you are) better wake up soon. 

This man is beyond dangerous and is driven to destroy our nation.   There is simply no other explanation for his actions thus far. 
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2010, 12:42:30 PM
BUMP - there are stories in this book that will really scare the crap out of some of you. 

For example - one of Obama's grandfathers was a well respected elder who was seen as fighting against the oppression in society and later took a job where he worked with white people and the local authority.  He made one comment one time about the locals not being able to take care of themselves and Obama and his mother labeled him a "house black" for working with the man and they never talked to him again. 

There is another story about how Barack treated one of his half brothers who took a job here as a physicist and Obama could not understand why he wanted to stay in civilized society vs Kenya and Obama viewed him as a sellout for not having the rage Obama has against the white power structure, etc etc. 

You guys have no idea what a maniac we have in office.   

Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: George Whorewell on October 04, 2010, 12:45:08 PM
BUMP - there are stories in this book that will really scare the crap out of some of you. 

For example - one of Obama's grandfathers was a well respected elder who was seen as fighting against the oppression in society and later took a job where he worked with white people and the local authority.  He made one comment one time about the locals not being able to take care of themselves and Obama and his mother labeled him a "house guy" for working with the man and they never talked to him again. 

There is another story about how Barack treated one of his half brothers who took a job here as a physicist and Obama could not understand why he wanted to stay in civilized society vs Kenya and Obama viewed him as a sellout for not having the rage Obama has against the white power structure, etc etc. 

You guys have no idea what a maniac we have in office.   


The term Obama himself used was house guy. Im not sure what a house "guy" is, but apparently censorship is alive and well around here.
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2010, 12:49:23 PM
The thing that stands out most about this book is that we have a person in office with ZERO concern for anyone or anything but enforcing his revenge for what he perceives the failures of his father in not achieving socialism in kenya. 

And as far as the father goes - geez - what a piece of work!   why obama would do anything but spit on his grave is beyond me. 

And his mother seemed like a real nut as well, i almost could not believe the nonsense she was all about - talk about a caravan of freaks. 

I felt bad for obama in the sense that he was the product of two insane people and never had a stable childhood with two decent caring, normal people.   
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: George Whorewell on October 04, 2010, 12:52:42 PM
I wonder how many revolutionary's, despots, dictators, opressors and monsters are the end result of an in tact, normal, two parent family structure where there was a normal homelife? I'm not assuming all, but I would venture to say most came from a homelife and childhood with parents similar to Obama's. 
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2010, 12:55:17 PM
I wonder how many revolutionary's, despots, dictators, opressors and monsters are the end result of an in tact, normal, two parent family structure where there was a normal homelife? I'm not assuming all, but I would venture to say most came from a homelife and childhood with parents similar to Obama's. 

Most of Team kneepad will never read this book - but it was very enlightening as to what makes this man tick. 

GW - I have posted most of the policy stuff that Dinesh talks about as being utterly insane, but i had no idea of the family stuff presented here. 

Its totally nuts. 
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2010, 06:18:15 PM
Guys - how would you react if your father was a drunk, beat his wife, left three different women with 8 kids all over the place, was a communist, and a deadbeat?
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Arnold jr on October 04, 2010, 06:55:45 PM
Guys - how would you react if your father was a drunk, beat his wife, left three different women with 8 kids all over the place, was a communist, and a deadbeat?

Apparently I would do my best to honor his vision, share his insights and philosophies and do all I could to mimic his thoughts and actions...I mean come on, it's pretty obvious.
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2010, 07:07:39 PM
Apparently I would do my best to honor his vision, share his insights and philosophies and do all I could to mimic his thoughts and actions...I mean come on, it's pretty obvious.

And that is exactly what obama is pursuing.  The Dreams FROM his father. 
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Kazan on October 04, 2010, 07:14:40 PM
I will have to get the book. My real question in all of this is what does Obama have to be mad about. The fucker has never had to work a day in his life, all sorts of benefactors footing the bill for all his schooling etc. More than anything he seems like the Manchurian Candidate
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2010, 07:18:34 PM
I will have to get the book. My real question in all of this is what does Obama have to be mad about. The fucker has never had to work a day in his life, all sorts of benefactors footing the bill for all his schooling etc. More than anything he seems like the Manchurian Candidate
Read the book - we are dealing with a psycho filled with rage against centuries of colonial rule in Africa and other places across the world that filled his father with rage and for which obama is seeking to succeed where his father failed - that being - transforming colonial powers into socliat states by collapsing their systems and enforcing redistribution schemes from the haves to the have nots. 

Its a terryfing portrait of a sick person. 
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2010, 07:26:51 PM
I feel bad for obama in the sense he was abondoned by everyone at a young age.  His father was philandering drunk communist womanizer.  His mother idolized this jerk despite the fasct he abondoned them.  Then, Obama's mother took off on his and obama was stuck with his grandparents.  Obama comes across detesting his grandmothers' suspicion of blacks and the grandfather introduced him to a communist name frank marshal who helped indoctrinate him into a hatred of "the man". 

Its really sad seeing how screwed up all the people were around young Barack, and we get a clear picture as to why he is now the way he is.  He is like the frankenstein created by a band of commies, gypsies, nomads, drunks, cheaters, etc. 
Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 05, 2010, 08:03:11 AM
Here is the review from amazon:

Notice the level of posts from those who read the book vs those who didnt? 

Nothing anything similar to the posters on this board who spout off all sorts of uninformed shit having done ZERO reading or research on the topic?   
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 05, 2010, 08:51:29 AM
I have to get this book. 


Beach - can you put this thread into GW's? 
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 06, 2010, 06:53:19 AM
Bump -

Here is another thought you democrats and liberals should ponder regarding Obama and health care.

Some of you on the left keep complaining obama never pushed for the public option, the mandate, no single payer, etc etc. 

Did it ever occur to you that obama's goal with health care was never to help you out?  Did you ever fathom to think that maybe a different agenda was at work that improving the system and making it more affordable for people? 

Well you should, because after reading this book, it dawned on me that Obama pushed health care, not as a reason with anything to do with health care, but for power and control and revenge against insurance carriers and redistribution of wealth from middle class people to the govt. 

You guys really should buy this book and it will really expose what is going on here. 
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: The Showstoppa on October 06, 2010, 06:54:12 AM
Bump -

Here is another thought you democrats and liberals should ponder regarding Obama and health care.

Some of you on the left keep complaining obama never pushed for the public option, the mandate, no single payer, etc etc. 

Did it ever occur to you that obama's goal with health care was never to help you out?  Did you ever fathom to think that maybe a different agenda was at work that improving the system and making it more affordable for people? 

Well you should, because after reading this book, it dawned on me that Obama pushed health care, not as a reason with anything to do with health care, but for power and control and revenge against insurance carriers and redistribution of wealth from middle class people to the govt. 

You guys really should buy this book and it will really expose what is going on here. 

Excellent point 33.
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 06, 2010, 02:10:04 PM
Head up - dinesh on for 30 minutes on WOR 710 starting now. 

Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 06, 2010, 02:10:53 PM
Guys listen live:

Title: Re: The Roots of Obama's Rage
Post by: JOCKTHEGLIDE on October 06, 2010, 07:56:33 PM
I will have to get the book. My real question in all of this is what does Obama have to be mad about. The fucker has never had to work a day in his life, all sorts of benefactors footing the bill for all his schooling etc. More than anything he seems like the Manchurian Candidate
he mad at worled that has left him behind,,,he will relequinch his truth of his father the hussein in him will congquer all who have betrayed him in past from his 17 million dollar home in chicago under a fake name to all theose companies that took moneis ata way from his father as a former ceo of a big business he is anti business from his fathers past from his mothers stories obams fathers help invent some of HPs printers from 80s they are still existing now,,,,but no compensation of any kind he believe in money distributions from fathers loss,
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 07, 2010, 06:13:49 AM
Obama's aunt not sorry she accepted public housing (Just like Obama, has never held a job)
ap ^ | 9/22/2010 | ap

President Barack Obama's aunt says she has no reason to apologize for accepting public housing and other government assistance even though she hasn't contributed to the system.

Zeituni Onyango said in an interview with WBZ-TV that the United States is supposed to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

"This country is owned by almighty God," she said in her first interview since being granted asylum in May. "You people who preach Jesus Christ, almighty God, and the rest of it, you are here to help people, help the poor, help other countries and help women. That's what the United States is supposed to do."

The station aired the second part of the interview on Tuesday night.

Onyango came to the U.S. from Kenya in 2000 and was denied asylum by an immigration judge in 2004.

She stayed in the country illegally, living in Boston public housing, where she remains to this day. She also currently receives $700 per month in disability benefits.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

________________________ ________________________ __

This leech is discussed in the book and do any of you wonder why Obama did not a damn thing, despite bering a millionaire to help her out? 

Its because he sees her drawing tax dollars out of the system and from productive people are helping collapse the system under hte cloward & Piven model. 
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: George Whorewell on October 07, 2010, 06:17:45 AM
This thread should be moved to the religious board because Obama's dead beat aunt uses the word "Jesus".
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 07, 2010, 06:20:15 AM
Aunt Zeituni: ‘The System Took Advantage Of Me’
 By News on the Net  Tuesday, September 21, 2010

“If I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen.” Those are the words from 58-year-old Zeituni Onyango of Kenya in a recent exclusive interview with WBZ-TV.

Onyango is the aunt of President Barack Obama. She lived in the United States illegally for years, receiving public assistance in Boston.

Aunt Zeituni, as she has come to be known, first surfaced in the public light in 2008, in the final days of the Presidential election. Then-candidate Obama said that he was not against the possible deportation of his aunt. “If she has violated laws, then those laws have to be obeyed,” he told CBS’s Katie Couric. “We are a nation of laws.”

________________________ ________________________ ______________________

This is the tactic of the anti-colonialists like the Obamas - COLLAPSE THE SYSTEM!    They view america as having done horrible things to the world and that all "oppressed peoples" are entitled to come here and draw out of our country whatever they can in a sense that it is reperations and entitlement.   

Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: The Showstoppa on October 07, 2010, 06:22:26 AM
This thread should be moved to the religious board because Obama's dead beat aunt uses the word "Jesus".

haha, nice.  Maybe someone should point out to the old hag that it is only by the "charity" of this nation that she isn't living in a cardboard box where she deserves to be.
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 07, 2010, 06:26:23 AM
haha, nice.  Maybe someone should point out to the old hag that it is only by the "charity" of this nation that she isn't living in a cardboard box where she deserves to be.

They don't think like that!    Welfare is viewed as an entitlement and payback for past mistakes by the nation.  Make no mistake about, this motley caravan of scum, marxists, socialists, black nationalists, progressives, communists, etc are doing everything they can to bring this nation to its knees and have no intent on ever giving up these middle class-corporate-rich paid for benes. 

Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: George Whorewell on October 07, 2010, 06:26:34 AM
Is it starting to sink in for some of you retarded fuckwads yet?

Do you think that the fact that Obama's much beloved Aunt is in America illegally, stealing our tax revenue to subsidize her life as a freeloading cockroach has any relation to Obama suing the state of Arizona for enforcing Federal immigration laws?

Do you think it factors into any of the other parts of his anti-American agenda?

Is Sarah Palins family stealing from the American tax payer and breaking multiple laws on a daily basis?

Yet you braindead douchebags couldn't care less about this story.
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 07, 2010, 06:46:57 AM
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 07, 2010, 06:50:46 AM
Watch and learn - GREAT CLIP!  

Do you guys think it is at all strange that obama did not step foot onto main land america until he was 17 ?? ? ? ? ?   THINK ABOUT THAT!  

Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 07, 2010, 06:55:24 AM
Guys - watch my last post - all 4 clips.   This is the best one I have heard yet and if you cant read the book - this gives you a lot. 
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 07, 2010, 07:08:27 AM
Please anyone refute Dinesh' video. 
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: George Whorewell on October 07, 2010, 08:05:43 AM
Please anyone refute Dinesh' video. 

It's mean.
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 07, 2010, 08:09:39 AM
It's mean.

I don't care what it is.  i'm sick of 24/7 odonnell bashing, who is meaningless in the whole of the nation, while we have a frankenstein on our hands and these fools completely ignorant as to what is occuring. 
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 12, 2010, 01:59:05 PM
D Souza going to be on Steve Malzberg discussing the book from 5 -6. 

NYC WOR 710   

You can listen live via the site.   
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 12, 2010, 02:06:30 PM

Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 18, 2010, 02:22:22 PM
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Purge_WTF on October 18, 2010, 04:15:55 PM
Dinesh is the man.

Also-- he fucked Laura Ingram and Ann Coulter-- two primary pieces of conservative cooze. Gotta give him props for that as well.

  I doubt that--from the way they act, I suspect both of them are virgins.
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 18, 2010, 06:18:57 PM
  I doubt that--from the way they act, I suspect both of them are virgins.

They both get around. 
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Purge_WTF on October 18, 2010, 09:59:08 PM
They both get around. 

  With each other?  ;D

  I suspect they're both clam-slammers too, especially Ingraham. No husband and several adopted Russian trophy babies? Just sayin'.

  Michelle Bachmann, FTW.
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on October 19, 2010, 06:15:52 AM
Is it starting to sink in for some of you retarded fuckwads yet?

Do you think that the fact that Obama's much beloved Aunt is in America illegally, stealing our tax revenue to subsidize her life as a freeloading cockroach has any relation to Obama suing the state of Arizona for enforcing Federal immigration laws?

Do you think it factors into any of the other parts of his anti-American agenda?

Is Sarah Palins family stealing from the American tax payer and breaking multiple laws on a daily basis?

Yet you braindead douchebags couldn't care less about this story.

Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: George Whorewell on October 19, 2010, 07:55:19 AM
Great response 2 weeks later. Thanks for joining us!
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 19, 2010, 11:02:58 AM
Was Obama's father murdered? - Ben Smith: Was Obama's father murdered?October 19, 2010
Categories:Barack Obama.Was Obama's father murdered?

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David Remnick writes that a new history of Barack Obama's African family reports the widespread suspicion, inside the family, that Barack Obama Sr. was murdered by authorities. Sarah Obama, the president's step-grandmother, tells Peter Firstbrook.

We found him sitting by the steering wheel. [The car] did not roll. So after it was said that he had hit the tree, we just had to believe it, because he could not talk back. We really didn’t believe it was a real accident. Because his body was never broken, his vehicle was not badly crashed. He was just dead after the accident. Not even much blood was seen.

So why should we believe it was an accident? Even the policeman who was recording this—he was a very high-ranking officer, very big, but he could not say anything because the government was watching his lips. We think there was foul play there, and that is how he died, and they covered it up [by saying] that he had an accident. But we just had to leave it like that because the government then was very ruthless.

Interestingly, Obama never mentioned his family's suspicions in "Dreams for My Father," perhaps -- a skeptical Remnick suggests -- because they're of recent vintage, an attempt to rehabilitate the patriarch of the now-prominent family. Firstbrook is also skeptical, as is another expert:

Caroline Elkins, a historian at Harvard and the author of “Imperial Reckoning: The Untold Story of Britain’s Gulag in Kenya,” told me that she would be “extremely skeptical” of the notion that Obama, Sr., was murdered. Elkins, who has excellent sources throughout the country, including among the surviving members of the Kenyatta-era generation, said that Obama, Sr., was a “serious, fall-down alcoholic.” Moreover, she said, it was entirely possible that Obama’s family, especially now with an American relative in the White House, wants to rewrite history and restore Obama, Sr.,’s reputation.

________________________ ____________

More CT's.  Just read D'souzas book.  Geez these people are grasping at anything. 
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 21, 2010, 05:17:49 AM
October 21, 2010
A Soulless White House
By James Lewis

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I think Barack and Michelle Obama are secret totalitarians -- in spirit, if not yet in fact -- who believe mostly in their own superior intentions. Michelle really does think the country needs an all-powerful Food Mom who will make the kids eat right so they never get fat...even though Michelle can't control her own appetite any more than the rest of us can.

Human beings love to eat because our ancestors lived in constant fear of famine. Humans got fat when food was plentiful because the chances were good that a drought or a freeze was coming soon to kill the crops and the cattle. Fat is how our bodies store food. Fat people can make it through the lean years when skinny people get sick and die.

So Michelle Obama is fighting against her own genes, just like the rest of us, and pretending the guv'mint can fix it. But fat is not something the government can dictate, short of a North Korean man-made famine. Even Kim Jong-il can't control his own appetites and is now dying from the effects of chronic diabetes. Good luck on that one, Michelle.

Barack is the same, except different. Where Michelle is essentially a normal control freak, Barack is special because he's always been raised by nostalgic Stalinists, beginning with his adolescent mother and his surrogate father, Frank Marshall Davis -- angry poet, porn artist, and Stalin's CPUSA rep in Hawaii. You have to feel sorry for the child Barry Soetoro, raised by enraged adults. His real father fled his wife and baby, then his mother dragged him to Jakarta to live in the bloody aftermath of a civil war that killed 200,000 people. Then she abandoned him -- sent him back to Hawaii to be cared for by the likes of Frank Davis.

Children who are treated like unwanted baggage can become alienated and objectified. They tend to see people as things because they have no experience of trustworthy adults who will be there for them for as long as they are needed. Little throwaway orphans stop thinking of themselves as special individuals. They always fear another abandonment. They blame themselves for adults walking away.

Barry Soetoro was celebrated by these "idealistic" Stalinists not for the child he was, but for the class of people he stood for. He was the abstract incarnation of the brown peoples of the world, the "wretched of the earth" who were the new revolutionary class now that the white workers were living well and ignoring the Left. Third-world peoples were to be whipped into rage against the white enemy, packaged into goose-stepping regiments, and launched to serve the Left's need for power. The radical agitators turned little Barry into one of them. He was never a normal child, just a walking demographic. No doubt he flattered his caretakers by reciting their Stalinist creed to them. It was the magic formula that lit them up and made them pass him on from one stepping stone to the next.

Psychoanalysts talk about narcissists as pretending to have a grandiose self, which is not the real self, but a false front -- like J Street, set up to provide a false front for Jews who do not support Israel, and the ACLU, which doesn't support civil liberties for conservative whites. But the key is the false front of compassion and holier-than-thou virtue the Left claims to have.

Obama thinks the world is a collage of demographics. That is why he has no normal human relationship to the American people. Unemployment, abuse of the auto companies, public rants against the conservative 60% of the country, stab-in-the-back politics -- it all means nothing. He cannot identify with the people he targets for abuse. They are objects.

Harry Truman would have been revolted by Obama, and not because of the color of his skin. No, Harry would have picked up something subtly wrong, because Obama sees people as categories. So do all his White House "czars," ranting ideologues to the last one. Some of them are LGBT ideologues, some of them are old-fashioned Reds, and some of them are Green Israel-haters (but never Jew-haters, of course).

That is also why Barry goes out of his way to favor Muslims. He doesn't believe in any Allah outside of Karl Marx, but he has been drilled into thinking of Muslims as natural victims. That is why the Obama Justice Department just warned the State of Montana that a local battle about where to place a mosque might violate the civil rights of Muslims in America. But city councils argue about zoning laws and the placement of churches and synagogues all the time.  Nobody is stopping Muslims from religious worship. It's a local argument about land use. So this is weird beyond belief. It is Obama's projection of his third-world Socialism onto the humdrum reality of American zoning arguments.

It was G.K. Chesterton who first described the Left as a gaggle of professors who treat people as blocks of quivering Jell-O to be stacked and trundled around at the whim of the Left. The Left constantly claim to love humanity, but they've never liked real people that much. In Chesterton's terms, the Left deny the individual soul, which is why it is so easy for them to shoot thousands of people in cold blood. It's like mowing the lawn. Nobody mourns for each blade of grass; grass doesn't have feelings.

Well, human beings do. I think that deep down, the American people have picked up on Obama's soulless style. If American voters are scared today, it is because they sense something profoundly wrong. Even Bill Clinton, the worst U.S. president since Jimmy Carter, could fake empathy like a Hollywood actor. Obama doesn't even try. Obama looks panicked today because his pretend self has been challenged, and he does not know what his scriptwriters want him to do next. This wasn't in the script. He is not just fighting for political survival; he is clinging bitterly to the only thing he has ever believed.

Take Obama's Dreams From My Father, whether it was written by him or not. In Dreams, Obama decides to adopt the political personality of a Kenyan man he never knew, a failed alcoholic socialist politician of the post-colonial era fifty years ago, a man who ruthlessly abandoned his wife and baby to build his political career back in Kenya. Obama Sr. left litters of babies wherever he could. He had no place in his heart for real human beings, something that comes naturally to revolutionary ideologues all the way back to Jean-Jacques Rousseau. (Rousseau's mistresses brought five babies into the world, and he sent them right to the nearest orphanage, to live or die at the mercy of strangers.)

According to Obama's self-promoted myth, BHO was neither an American black, with all the emotional baggage that entails, nor an American white like his mother. Middle-class whites are the hated "enemy" to Saul Alinsky and Frank Marshall Davis, and Barry certainly didn't want to be the enemy. He could have adopted the identity of a black man, like Malcolm X, who was showing signs of growth before he was assassinated by Elijah Muhammed. But Barry never wanted to be an American black.

No, in an act of imaginative audacity, Barry turned himself into an "African" like his runaway dad. What's usually ignored is that Barry thereby rejected his black American identity in favor of a completely imaginary pretense of being a post-colonial African revolutionary -- a Jomo Kenyatta without the tribal roots. But Barack had never been exposed to the reality of Africa and its own ancient and bitter history of black-on-black wars, genocides, and hatreds. He never fought with the Mau-Mau guerrillas or tried to hack a white farmer to death with a machete. Through most of African history, the enemy has not been white folks, who were totally unknown, but the black clan or tribe next door. Joma Kenyatta knew that in his very bones. Obama doesn't. In Dreams, Obama engaged in an act of pure pretend play, becoming the human incarnation of a whole African continent. 

Africa is a vast and ancient mosaic of peoples who look and talk utterly differently from each other, who have warred against each other forever and identify with radically different tribal and religious creeds, clans, tribal territories, and countries. There is no such person as an abstract "African," as opposed to the San people, who look Asian rather than black, who speak a click language, and who still live to an extent as hunter-gatherers. The San people have nothing in common with Jomo Kenyatta. They have nothing in common with Obama Sr.'s Luo tribe in Kenya. The idea that skin color unites Africa is a plain absurdity. If that were so, there would be no ongoing genocides in Africa, as in Sudan. There are black people in Mumbai who have no contact with Africa at all.

What Barry did, under mentors like Bill Ayers, was turn himself into an abstraction. That's why liberals and leftist just looooove that book, Dreams From My Father. It's exactly how they see the world, as a bloody conflict between the victims of color against the nasty white evildoers. Barry was educated in that post-colonial ideology, and as a natural chameleon, he turned himself into the longed-for Messiah. It was a kind of self-delusion, because after all, Barry is not what he claims to be in that book. It is a false identity -- but then maybe Barry no longer remembers his latest front. Obama is now just a nexus of cravings for power and worship, bereft of relationships to other people. His pretend identity has been challenged by reality, and by now he knows that Leftist shibboleths are false and empty. But he can't admit that, since he still needs the radical Left to save his last seats in Congress.

After this election, Obama will see his last chance: dump the Left or lose his administration. That is why he looks so hysterical today. If the midterm election vote goes against him, we may see Obama's grandiose front crumble. The Democrats whose careers he destroyed will hate him. The new farm team will distrust him for fear of becoming the new sacrificial lambs.

The American people can't take their eyes off Obama for a moment because they know he will try to pull another trick to take away their rights or freedoms any day. And those trillion-dollar deficits now look like they'll be repeating every year.
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: George Whorewell on October 21, 2010, 08:43:04 AM
October 21, 2010
A Soulless White House
By James Lewis

________________________ ______________

I think Barack and Michelle Obama are secret totalitarians -- in spirit, if not yet in fact -- who believe mostly in their own superior intentions. Michelle really does think the country needs an all-powerful Food Mom who will make the kids eat right so they never get fat...even though Michelle can't control her own appetite any more than the rest of us can.

Human beings love to eat because our ancestors lived in constant fear of famine. Humans got fat when food was plentiful because the chances were good that a drought or a freeze was coming soon to kill the crops and the cattle. Fat is how our bodies store food. Fat people can make it through the lean years when skinny people get sick and die.

So Michelle Obama is fighting against her own genes, just like the rest of us, and pretending the guv'mint can fix it. But fat is not something the government can dictate, short of a North Korean man-made famine. Even Kim Jong-il can't control his own appetites and is now dying from the effects of chronic diabetes. Good luck on that one, Michelle.

Barack is the same, except different. Where Michelle is essentially a normal control freak, Barack is special because he's always been raised by nostalgic Stalinists, beginning with his adolescent mother and his surrogate father, Frank Marshall Davis -- angry poet, porn artist, and Stalin's CPUSA rep in Hawaii. You have to feel sorry for the child Barry Soetoro, raised by enraged adults. His real father fled his wife and baby, then his mother dragged him to Jakarta to live in the bloody aftermath of a civil war that killed 200,000 people. Then she abandoned him -- sent him back to Hawaii to be cared for by the likes of Frank Davis.

Children who are treated like unwanted baggage can become alienated and objectified. They tend to see people as things because they have no experience of trustworthy adults who will be there for them for as long as they are needed. Little throwaway orphans stop thinking of themselves as special individuals. They always fear another abandonment. They blame themselves for adults walking away.

Barry Soetoro was celebrated by these "idealistic" Stalinists not for the child he was, but for the class of people he stood for. He was the abstract incarnation of the brown peoples of the world, the "wretched of the earth" who were the new revolutionary class now that the white workers were living well and ignoring the Left. Third-world peoples were to be whipped into rage against the white enemy, packaged into goose-stepping regiments, and launched to serve the Left's need for power. The radical agitators turned little Barry into one of them. He was never a normal child, just a walking demographic. No doubt he flattered his caretakers by reciting their Stalinist creed to them. It was the magic formula that lit them up and made them pass him on from one stepping stone to the next.

Psychoanalysts talk about narcissists as pretending to have a grandiose self, which is not the real self, but a false front -- like J Street, set up to provide a false front for Jews who do not support Israel, and the ACLU, which doesn't support civil liberties for conservative whites. But the key is the false front of compassion and holier-than-thou virtue the Left claims to have.

Obama thinks the world is a collage of demographics. That is why he has no normal human relationship to the American people. Unemployment, abuse of the auto companies, public rants against the conservative 60% of the country, stab-in-the-back politics -- it all means nothing. He cannot identify with the people he targets for abuse. They are objects.

Harry Truman would have been revolted by Obama, and not because of the color of his skin. No, Harry would have picked up something subtly wrong, because Obama sees people as categories. So do all his White House "czars," ranting ideologues to the last one. Some of them are LGBT ideologues, some of them are old-fashioned Reds, and some of them are Green Israel-haters (but never Jew-haters, of course).

That is also why Barry goes out of his way to favor Muslims. He doesn't believe in any Allah outside of Karl Marx, but he has been drilled into thinking of Muslims as natural victims. That is why the Obama Justice Department just warned the State of Montana that a local battle about where to place a mosque might violate the civil rights of Muslims in America. But city councils argue about zoning laws and the placement of churches and synagogues all the time.  Nobody is stopping Muslims from religious worship. It's a local argument about land use. So this is weird beyond belief. It is Obama's projection of his third-world Socialism onto the humdrum reality of American zoning arguments.

It was G.K. Chesterton who first described the Left as a gaggle of professors who treat people as blocks of quivering Jell-O to be stacked and trundled around at the whim of the Left. The Left constantly claim to love humanity, but they've never liked real people that much. In Chesterton's terms, the Left deny the individual soul, which is why it is so easy for them to shoot thousands of people in cold blood. It's like mowing the lawn. Nobody mourns for each blade of grass; grass doesn't have feelings.

Well, human beings do. I think that deep down, the American people have picked up on Obama's soulless style. If American voters are scared today, it is because they sense something profoundly wrong. Even Bill Clinton, the worst U.S. president since Jimmy Carter, could fake empathy like a Hollywood actor. Obama doesn't even try. Obama looks panicked today because his pretend self has been challenged, and he does not know what his scriptwriters want him to do next. This wasn't in the script. He is not just fighting for political survival; he is clinging bitterly to the only thing he has ever believed.

Take Obama's Dreams From My Father, whether it was written by him or not. In Dreams, Obama decides to adopt the political personality of a Kenyan man he never knew, a failed alcoholic socialist politician of the post-colonial era fifty years ago, a man who ruthlessly abandoned his wife and baby to build his political career back in Kenya. Obama Sr. left litters of babies wherever he could. He had no place in his heart for real human beings, something that comes naturally to revolutionary ideologues all the way back to Jean-Jacques Rousseau. (Rousseau's mistresses brought five babies into the world, and he sent them right to the nearest orphanage, to live or die at the mercy of strangers.)

According to Obama's self-promoted myth, BHO was neither an American black, with all the emotional baggage that entails, nor an American white like his mother. Middle-class whites are the hated "enemy" to Saul Alinsky and Frank Marshall Davis, and Barry certainly didn't want to be the enemy. He could have adopted the identity of a black man, like Malcolm X, who was showing signs of growth before he was assassinated by Elijah Muhammed. But Barry never wanted to be an American black.

No, in an act of imaginative audacity, Barry turned himself into an "African" like his runaway dad. What's usually ignored is that Barry thereby rejected his black American identity in favor of a completely imaginary pretense of being a post-colonial African revolutionary -- a Jomo Kenyatta without the tribal roots. But Barack had never been exposed to the reality of Africa and its own ancient and bitter history of black-on-black wars, genocides, and hatreds. He never fought with the Mau-Mau guerrillas or tried to hack a white farmer to death with a machete. Through most of African history, the enemy has not been white folks, who were totally unknown, but the black clan or tribe next door. Joma Kenyatta knew that in his very bones. Obama doesn't. In Dreams, Obama engaged in an act of pure pretend play, becoming the human incarnation of a whole African continent. 

Africa is a vast and ancient mosaic of peoples who look and talk utterly differently from each other, who have warred against each other forever and identify with radically different tribal and religious creeds, clans, tribal territories, and countries. There is no such person as an abstract "African," as opposed to the San people, who look Asian rather than black, who speak a click language, and who still live to an extent as hunter-gatherers. The San people have nothing in common with Jomo Kenyatta. They have nothing in common with Obama Sr.'s Luo tribe in Kenya. The idea that skin color unites Africa is a plain absurdity. If that were so, there would be no ongoing genocides in Africa, as in Sudan. There are black people in Mumbai who have no contact with Africa at all.

What Barry did, under mentors like Bill Ayers, was turn himself into an abstraction. That's why liberals and leftist just looooove that book, Dreams From My Father. It's exactly how they see the world, as a bloody conflict between the victims of color against the nasty white evildoers. Barry was educated in that post-colonial ideology, and as a natural chameleon, he turned himself into the longed-for Messiah. It was a kind of self-delusion, because after all, Barry is not what he claims to be in that book. It is a false identity -- but then maybe Barry no longer remembers his latest front. Obama is now just a nexus of cravings for power and worship, bereft of relationships to other people. His pretend identity has been challenged by reality, and by now he knows that Leftist shibboleths are false and empty. But he can't admit that, since he still needs the radical Left to save his last seats in Congress.

After this election, Obama will see his last chance: dump the Left or lose his administration. That is why he looks so hysterical today. If the midterm election vote goes against him, we may see Obama's grandiose front crumble. The Democrats whose careers he destroyed will hate him. The new farm team will distrust him for fear of becoming the new sacrificial lambs.

The American people can't take their eyes off Obama for a moment because they know he will try to pull another trick to take away their rights or freedoms any day. And those trillion-dollar deficits now look like they'll be repeating every year.

Racist post reported.
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 21, 2010, 08:45:48 AM
More like stone cold reality being posted.   
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 29, 2010, 12:43:02 PM
Bump for KC

What part is Libel? 
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: 240 is Back on October 29, 2010, 01:37:07 PM
Was Obama's father murdered? - Ben Smith: Was Obama's father murdered?October 19, 2010
Categories:Barack Obama.Was Obama's father murdered?

________________________ ____________

More CT's.  Just read D'souzas book.  Geez these people are grasping at anything. 

Mods, please move this thread to the CT board.  it's gone off the deep end here.


Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 29, 2010, 01:37:55 PM
Politico is CT now? 
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: 240 is Back on October 29, 2010, 02:02:32 PM
Politico is CT now? 


So the SOURCE of an article is now the sole determinant in whether a story is valid discussion, or CT bound.

okay, can you please list the news sources whose articles are true, and which are CTs?  When MSNBC shows the president's job numbers - they're correct, then?
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 11, 2012, 07:06:58 AM
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 11, 2012, 07:08:07 AM
Title: Re: Obama attacks Dinesh D'Souza and Forbes for story "How Obama Thinks"
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 11, 2012, 07:18:22 AM
This looks real good!