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Title: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: 225for70 on January 20, 2011, 09:14:32 AM

U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Mike Adams
Natural News
Jan 20, 2011
The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a repeal of Obama’s health care reform, voting largely along party lines at 245 to 189 (three Democrats supported the vote). The bill now moves to the U.S. Senate where Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid promises to block it from ever coming to a vote there.
Congressional Republicans characterized Obamacare as “job-killing” and called it a “trillion-dollar tragedy.” In response, one Democrat compared Republican rhetoric to World War II Nazi propaganda.
Democrats, predictably, attempted to emphasize how Obamacare would “create jobs.” Of course it would create jobs: When the system doesn’t help anybody get healthy, the number of patients needing disease management services skyrockets, and that translates into job creation in the sick-care industry.
A person could similarly “create jobs” by unleashing an infectious virus in a major U.S. city and seeing how many people line up for emergency care at the hospitals. But that’s moronic. “Creating jobs” shouldn’t be done on the backs of sick people — especially when that sickness could be prevented through the application of commonsense nutrition.
Then again, one should never expect the rhetoric of lawmakers to follow any economic logic in the first place. Both war and disease create plenty of jobs. But those aren’t the kind of jobs that improve the quality of life for the American people.
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The real story behind health care reform
The bitter debate that took place in the House of Representatives today is little more than elaborate cover, of course, for the underlying truth that neither political party supports real health care. Both parties are so strongly influenced by Big Pharma financial interests that passing meaningful health care reform which would serve the best interests of the American people is a political impossibility.
Sadly, the U.S. Congress has long passed the stage where legislative votes are conducted in the best interests of the American people. Instead, votes are cast as political ballast, to appease campaign contributors and gain favor with party officials. The very structure of Congress — with its corporate-funded campaign contributions and lobbyists — is no more able to meet the real needs of the American people than a disturbed mental patient is to spontaneously achieve cognitive clarity.
Pleasing the corporations
What’s wrong with Congress and health care is not that members of Congress don’t want to improve the health of Americans, it’s that they exist in a system of corporate political influence that makes such action impossible.
There’s simply too much money to be made from sickness and degenerative disease. The idea of keeping the American people healthy is far too threatening to the profits of the drug companies and cancer industry (not to mention the diabetes industry and heart disease industry) to allow realistic health solutions to become law.
This isn’t being cynical; it’s being realistic about the underlying motivations and influences of the U.S. Congress. When you have a nation whose lawmakers are funded by powerful corporations, it should be no surprise that you end up with laws and regulations which strongly favor those corporations.
Revoke the personhood of corporations
The real problem in all this is that corporations continue to have legal standing as individuals. This long-established precedent has allowed corporations to claim protections under the Bill of Rights as if they were individuals. This is how the corporate funding of politicians has become “protected” by the U.S. Supreme Court as a Free Speech issue.
But Free Speech was never intended to apply to corporations. The Bill of Rights enumerated rights of the People, not rights of multinational, multi-billion dollar corporate giants.
As a result, the U.S. has become a corporatocracy rather than a democracy. Your puny little vote at the polls, in other words, counts for naught against the never-ending flood of dollars from corporations into the campaign reelection funds of congressmen and Senators. You can’t out-vote a suitcase full of $100 bills exchanged under the table.
Vote all you want. The corporations still run Congress and set the legislative agenda.
Elaborate theater
That’s why all this activity you see on Capitol Hill right now with the repeal of Obamacare is really just elaborate theater designed to create the appearance that members of Congress are somehow standing up for the American people. And it’s all being done under the much larger illusion that you need a government to take care of you in the first place. Why do we need representatives in Washington at all? That structure is a carryover from the horse-and-buggy days when Morse code telegraphs were considered cutting-edge technology. It wasn’t dot-com. It was dot-dot-dash.
Today, we could all vote on laws via the internet, without the need for Washington bureaucrats to vote for us (or so they claim). How about a Direct Democracy?
Of course, the other side of that argument is that the average U.S. citizen is incapable of grasping the ramifications of important legislation and would be easily swayed by national television advertising. That’s probably true to some extent. But it’s difficult to see how theoretically ignorant voters could produce worse results than Congressional sellouts who actively vote against the interests of the American people time after time.
You can be sure, by the way, that Congress will never vote itself out of power. Its members want to maintain power over you, your health care, your money and your actions for as long as the American people will continue to allow them to do so.
The real theater, you see, is not that Congress allows itself to be ruled by corporations, but rather than the People allow themselves to be ruled by Congress!
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Straw Man on January 20, 2011, 11:28:11 AM
Repubs will quietly walk away from this because they can't get it done and more importantly, and very few people actually want it repealed. 
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 20, 2011, 11:32:20 AM
I want this piece of trash repealed asap.   

No tort reform

No interstate comp.

Unconst. Mandates

Unfunded mandates on the states. 

etc etc.   

Kill this piece of trash bill now.     
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Straw Man on January 20, 2011, 11:34:00 AM
I want this piece of trash repealed asap.   

No tort reform

No interstate comp.

Unconst. Mandates

Unfunded mandates on the states. 

etc etc.   

Kill this piece of trash bill now.     

polls show very few people actually want it repealed and, as I'm sure you know, it never had a chance of being repealed anyway.  The most the Repubs can do is to try to defunds parts of it (which I'm sure they will try to do)
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: tonymctones on January 20, 2011, 11:34:09 AM
Repubs will quietly walk away from this because they can't get it done and more importantly, and very few people actually want it repealed. 
very few wanted it passed but the idiots did it anyway  :-\

but i agree, its a political grandstand to make those dems who are up for re-election next year to take yet another stance on it...kinda like obama tried to do with the tax cut extensions he let swing in the wind for 2 years while businesses wondered what their tax expenses would be...

they should simply try to pass legislation fixing the parts they want fixed
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Kazan on January 20, 2011, 11:57:33 AM
polls show very few people actually want it repealed and, as I'm sure you know, it never had a chance of being repealed anyway.  The most the Repubs can do is to try to defunds parts of it (which I'm sure they will try to do)

Ah no offense but fuck the polls, about 1 out of every 20 people I talk to actually like the POS. One way or another big pieces of this thing are going to get shot down, via congress or SC. Its an unconstitutional mess, but so is just about everything the government has done over the last 100 years
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: 240 is Back on January 20, 2011, 11:59:29 AM
how much $ did it cost to pay all of congress to waste the week of work to vote on something they knew wouldn't get past house much less a veto?

I understand "the need for symbolism".... but maybe next week they'll actually focus on legislation that actually does something besides promote their image?

Shitt... they could pass a "Prez must provide long-term birth cert" amendment and single-handedly derail Obama 2012 by making him veto it ;)   instead, it's "let's grandstand on shit we admit will not pass!"
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Kazan on January 20, 2011, 12:02:40 PM
how much $ did it cost to pay all of congress to waste the week of work to vote on something they knew wouldn't get past house much less a veto?

I understand "the need for symbolism".... but maybe next week they'll actually focus on legislation that actually does something besides promote their image?

Like what, maybe they should be like democrats and focus on legislation that fucks up the country? I mean shit it's to late now, lets just ignore it ::).

No wonder the government gets away with so much shit, to many "oh well its to late now" people like 120 running around
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 20, 2011, 12:03:07 PM
how much $ did it cost to pay all of congress to waste the week of work to vote on something they knew wouldn't get past house much less a veto?

I understand "the need for symbolism".... but maybe next week they'll actually focus on legislation that actually does something besides promote their image?

Shitt... they could pass a "Prez must provide long-term birth cert" amendment and single-handedly derail Obama 2012 by making him veto it ;)   instead, it's "let's grandstand on shit we admit will not pass!"

Sort of like Cap & Trade?   
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: 240 is Back on January 20, 2011, 12:04:54 PM
Sort of like Cap & Trade?   

Not sure what you're implying here... Dems put something thru they knew wouldn't pass?  My guess, judging by the earth day timing of an oil well blowing up, is that it very well could have passed, had americans been a bit dumber.

Anyway, if your logic is "dems waste tax dollars, so it's cool for repubs to do it", then you just wiped tea party's nose in shit, bravo for that ;)  They're just as bad as dems, huh?
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Straw Man on January 20, 2011, 12:06:36 PM
Ah no offense but fuck the polls, about 1 out of every 20 people I talk to actually like the POS. One way or another big pieces of this thing are going to get shot down, via congress or SC. Its an unconstitutional mess, but so is just about everything the government has done over the last 100 years

I would tend to agree with you about the polls but Repubs act like they have some overwhelming support and that doesn't appear to be the case.  It took a few months for the dipshit in our country to realize there are no death panels, this is not a government take over etc...   People have only started to feel some of the benefits recently and as that hpapens public sentiment is changing
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 20, 2011, 12:07:20 PM
Not sure what you're implying here... Dems put something thru they knew wouldn't pass?  My guess, judging by the earth day timing of an oil well blowing up, is that it very well could have passed, had americans been a bit dumber.

Anyway, if your logic is "dems waste tax dollars, so it's cool for repubs to do it", then you just wiped tea party's nose in shit, bravo for that ;)  They're just as bad as dems, huh?

No, I am glad they are making this an issue.

Second, funny you never mention a word when they spend time passing laws celebrating the spotted owl week, or some other crap like that.      
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Kazan on January 20, 2011, 12:07:41 PM
Not sure what you're implying here... Dems put something thru they knew wouldn't pass?  My guess, judging by the earth day timing of an oil well blowing up, is that it very well could have passed, had americans been a bit dumber.

Anyway, if your logic is "dems waste tax dollars, so it's cool for repubs to do it", then you just wiped tea party's nose in shit, bravo for that ;)  They're just as bad as dems, huh?

So what do you propose then? Just fucking ignore it? Seems they were elected for a reason.
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 20, 2011, 12:08:14 PM
I would tend to agree with you about the polls but Repubs act like they have some overwhelming support and that doesn't appear to be the case.  It took a few months for the dipshit in our country to realize there are no death panels, this is not a government take over etc...   People have only started to feel some of the benefits recently and as that hpapens public sentiment is changing

Yeah, I got some benes Straw - a 50% rate hike.    ::)  ::)
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: tonymctones on January 20, 2011, 12:11:05 PM
Not sure what you're implying here... Dems put something thru they knew wouldn't pass?  My guess, judging by the earth day timing of an oil well blowing up, is that it very well could have passed, had americans been a bit dumber.

Anyway, if your logic is "dems waste tax dollars, so it's cool for repubs to do it", then you just wiped tea party's nose in shit, bravo for that ;)  They're just as bad as dems, huh?
Resisting bush tax cut extensions ring a bell? Hmm
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Kazan on January 20, 2011, 12:11:09 PM
I would tend to agree with you about the polls but Repubs act like they have some overwhelming support and that doesn't appear to be the case.  It took a few months for the dipshit in our country to realize there are no death panels, this is not a government take over etc...   People have only started to feel some of the benefits recently and as that hpapens public sentiment is changing

Really, what benefit? All I've seen is higher premiums, and that is not helpful with the cost of everything else going up. If this thing were to stay in tact, it would just be a matter of time before it is a government take over, after they bankrupt the insurance companies of course. I'll go one further, I think the government should repeal the HMO ACT of '73 and get the fuck out of something they have no constitutional authority for in the first place
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Option D on January 20, 2011, 12:14:34 PM
Ah no offense but fuck the polls, about 1 out of every 20 people I talk to actually like the POS.

Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: 240 is Back on January 20, 2011, 12:27:12 PM
i just wanna know what % of time you guys want congress passing 'symbolic' bills they readily admit won't pass.

Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Straw Man on January 20, 2011, 12:27:42 PM

Yeah, I got some benes Straw - a 50% rate hike.    ::)  ::)

yeah - I got 150% hike over the last 4 years and that was before any legislation
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Straw Man on January 20, 2011, 12:29:17 PM
Really, what benefit? All I've seen is higher premiums, and that is not helpful with the cost of everything else going up. If this thing were to stay in tact, it would just be a matter of time before it is a government take over, after they bankrupt the insurance companies of course. I'll go one further, I think the government should repeal the HMO ACT of '73 and get the fuck out of something they have no constitutional authority for in the first place

you're unaware of the benefits of the legislation?

and you're also against it?
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Kazan on January 20, 2011, 12:36:16 PM
you're unaware of the benefits of the legislation?

and you're also against it?

Yes I am against it, because for the 1000th time the federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in the first place. There would be no need to keep fixing everything they fuck up now would there
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: 225for70 on January 20, 2011, 12:41:25 PM
They aren't any benefits from Obamacare for Healthy people....
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Straw Man on January 20, 2011, 12:45:46 PM
Yes I am against it, because for the 1000th time the federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in the first place. There would be no need to keep fixing everything they fuck up now would there

ok - so just to be clear

you're against it for ideological reasons and you're completely unaware of what the benefits are and I assume all the problems that it tried to address (pre-existing condition, rescission, etc..) is due to the government "fucking up" in the first place

did I sum up your point of view accurately?
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 20, 2011, 12:48:15 PM
I prefer Steve Jobs developing a plan over Obama any day.   
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Kazan on January 20, 2011, 12:54:49 PM
ok - so just to be clear

you're against it for ideological reasons and you're completely unaware of what the benefits are and I assume all the problems that it tried to address (pre-existing condition, rescission, etc..) is due to the government "fucking up" in the first place

did I sum up your point of view accurately?

If you consider expecting the government to follow the constitution "ideological" then I guess so ::)

Strange how none of the things you listed were a problem until the government got involved.

So yes again, they passed the HMO ACT of '73 and every other piece of crap legislation that has given and kept insurance companies with a monopoly. How you can even attempt to justify any of this makes no sense
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Straw Man on January 20, 2011, 01:06:58 PM
If you consider expecting the government to follow the constitution "ideological" then I guess so ::)

Strange how none of the things you listed were a problem until the government got involved.
So yes again, they passed the HMO ACT of '73 and every other piece of crap legislation that has given and kept insurance companies with a monopoly. How you can even attempt to justify any of this makes no sense

So government involvement is what allowed insurance companies to kick people off for pre-existing conditions, for rescission, etc...

I was not aware of that.  How did government involvement do that

btw - I DEFINITELY agree on one are of government involvement that never should have happened and should have been taken care in the legislation.  I'm not sure why it didn't get done as both Repubs and Dems were for getting rid fo this.

We've given them a legal monopoly.   I'm sure you and I can agree that's bullshit
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Kazan on January 20, 2011, 01:19:22 PM
So government involvement is what allowed insurance companies to kick people off for pre-existing conditions, for rescission, etc...

I was not aware of that.  How did government involvement do that

btw - I DEFINITELY agree on one are of government involvement that never should have happened and should have been taken care in the legislation.  I'm not sure why it didn't get done as both Repubs and Dems were for getting rid fo this.

We've given them a legal monopoly.   I'm sure you and I can agree that's bullshit

Where do you think HMO's came from? Did they just appear out of thin air? Health Maintenance Organization ACT of 1973, there is your government involvement.
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: George Whorewell on January 20, 2011, 01:46:51 PM
Repubs will quietly walk away from this because they can't get it done and more importantly, and very few people actually want it repealed. 

Nearly 50 % want repeal and an additional 30% want parts of the legislation removed.
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 20, 2011, 01:49:12 PM
Nearly 50 % want repeal and an additional 30% want parts of the legislation removed.

Straw thinks "BJ's w Barry" are part of ObamaCare so he supports it.   
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Straw Man on January 20, 2011, 01:54:10 PM
Nearly 50 % want repeal and an additional 30% want parts of the legislation removed.

where did you get those #'s

the most recent poll I saw was something less than 20% want it repealed

I'll find the link and post it
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: George Whorewell on January 20, 2011, 02:01:44 PM
This is from the Weekly Standard, but it references CNN, Quninpiac, Gallup and Rassmussen which all agree more that a majority of Americans want it gone.
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 20, 2011, 02:01:57 PM
I'm sure Straw will post a Daily Kos or Media Matters poll.    ::)
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Straw Man on January 20, 2011, 02:28:36 PM
This is from the Weekly Standard, but it references CNN, Quninpiac, Gallup and Rassmussen which all agree more that a majority of Americans want it gone.

Here's the poll I was referring to:

Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Straw Man on January 20, 2011, 02:29:46 PM
Straw thinks "BJ's w Barry" are part of ObamaCare so he supports it.   

never heard that before

must be something you fantasized about
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Dos Equis on January 20, 2011, 02:30:03 PM
Good.  This will help give voters some very clear choices in 2012.
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 20, 2011, 02:30:47 PM
never heard that before

must be something you fantasized about

Nah - 50 Y/O skinny Kenyan Males is not my thing.   

Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Option D on January 20, 2011, 02:44:25 PM
Nah - 50 Y/O skinny Kenyan Males is not my thing.   

You= birther?
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 20, 2011, 02:47:01 PM
You= birther?

I'm probably 51% birther.     Birthers of a Nation!   ;D  ;D 
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Option D on January 20, 2011, 02:49:58 PM

I'm probably 51% birther.     Birthers of a Nation!   ;D  ;D 

AMAZING..makes sense tho.. you want everything both ways
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: George Whorewell on January 20, 2011, 02:50:43 PM

I'm probably 51% birther.     Birthers of a Nation!   ;D  ;D 

Racist post reported. Here at we don't take kindly to DW Griffith's pro KKK movie the "Birth of a Nation"
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 20, 2011, 02:51:29 PM
AMAZING..makes sense tho.. you want everything both ways

Ha ha ha ha-  Why?   I'm leaving 49% chance out there he was born in Hawaii?   
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: 240 is Back on January 20, 2011, 04:32:49 PM

Ha ha ha ha-  Why?   I'm leaving 49% chance out there he was born in Hawaii?   

I'm a birther.  Why are you scared to commit, 33?  You think the prez is a puppet of some secret lair of vampires that print money and wage wars for their own evil masturbation sessions... but you are only 51% birther? 

That's like only being 51% pregnant, man.
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 20, 2011, 04:39:26 PM
Lol.  Ha ha ha.  This is why I love this site.   Llmmmffaaaoo.
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 20, 2011, 04:43:16 PM
240 - I can't stop laughing at that post.   Oh shit.   I think I might dhit my pants that was hysrerical. 
Title: Re: U.S. House repeals Obama health care reform
Post by: 240 is Back on January 20, 2011, 05:26:16 PM