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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: kevinf on January 29, 2011, 12:59:42 AM

Title: acne, what do you guys do about it?
Post by: kevinf on January 29, 2011, 12:59:42 AM
Ive recently started breaking out like crazy all over my chest and my back since starting my test and tren cycle. I dont mind the back so much, but acne on the chest looks horrible.
what do you guys do to control acne breakout? gh is not an option.
Title: Re: acne, what do you guys do about it?
Post by: dustin on January 29, 2011, 01:16:45 AM
What kind of acne? Dry plugs or do the heads become white pustules? If it's that deep rooted kind without a head to pop and a lot of pain, I wouldn't really know what to do other than make some drastic changes.

I thankfully just get either black head types which can be extracted using a disinfected metal cosmetic tool (don't know the name, just a loop on each end to force sebum out of the comedo). I pop mine and apply whatever acne product I have with salicylic acid, then apply some prescription salicylic/benzyl peroxide shit my doctor hooked me up with. Not sure of the name or what's available in the US but just plan BP works fine. Start with a lower concentration and if you can just leave it on the skin and let it dry the fuckers up. Be careful though because if you're sensitive you can get a nasty chemical burn.

One time my wife emulated my acne regimen and had a huge purple burn mark above her lip. Looked like an acid burned mustache that made me wanna puke just from thinking of her lol... but just pop that shit before bed if you have the kind of skin that can tolerate it. I do this and the next morning there's almost no inflammation or anything. Use rubbing alcohol if you have resilient acne that likes to keep flaring up. Regular dish soap can work pretty good too.

Oh, and don't forget to moisturize. Sounds faggy but dry skin will act up and sometimes even leads to excess oil production. A good noncomedogenic moisturizer like Cetaphyl is fucking awesome. I use that shit on my body in the winter and after you put it on it feels like it's completely gone. In the summer I don't dry out as much and the natural sun light really helps. I usually just have a zit or two on my body but if I get anymore I get extra vigilant so I don't break out. I had mad acne as a teen and don't want to relive a second. Any zits on my face and I meltdown like a bitch.
Title: Re: acne, what do you guys do about it?
Post by: Meso_z on January 29, 2011, 06:35:45 AM
Ive recently started breaking out like crazy all over my chest and my back since starting my test and tren cycle. I dont mind the back so much, but acne on the chest looks horrible.
what do you guys do to control acne breakout? gh is not an option.
Do you shave the chest with a razor? then thats your grows in the skin and causes infection.
Title: Re: acne, what do you guys do about it?
Post by: makaveli25 on January 29, 2011, 06:52:56 AM
Mega dose b5 panthoiec acid. Get some good body wash. First cycle I did I got cystic acne on my back. After that I started using b5 and it cleared it right up.
Title: Re: acne, what do you guys do about it?
Post by: tstmaniac on January 29, 2011, 08:29:25 AM
Wash with dove soap frequently and start goin helps a lot. I thankfully never get acne on or off sauce
Title: Re: acne, what do you guys do about it?
Post by: spude on January 29, 2011, 11:28:03 AM
if gh isn't an option then isotretinoin...brand name roaccutan/accutane/isotretinoin actavis. it will definitely take care of it, trust me i'm talking of experience...
Title: Re: acne, what do you guys do about it?
Post by: kevinf on January 29, 2011, 12:00:13 PM
thanks for the good advices fellas.
i have already started using bodywash like 10x a day and it really hasnt helped much.
ima give the other advices you guys said a try.
and mesoz, yea i was shaving my chest..what do you reccomend i do instead of shave it that wont cause infection?

it sucks having bad chest acne. I never had 1 zit on my entire body before i started cycling..but im not gonna stop cycling because of it either lol. If anyone else has more advice, please share. Thanks.
Title: Re: acne, what do you guys do about it?
Post by: Lord of the Roidz on January 29, 2011, 12:05:23 PM
thanks for the good advices fellas.
i have already started using bodywash like 10x a day and it really hasnt helped much.
ima give the other advices you guys said a try.
and mesoz, yea i was shaving my chest..what do you reccomend i do instead of shave it that wont cause infection?

it sucks having bad chest acne. I never had 1 zit on my entire body before i started cycling..but im not gonna stop cycling because of it either lol. If anyone else has more advice, please share. Thanks.
Get a good electric people use on their sideburns and shave your chest with that. It will still look basically hairless but you won't get ingrown hairs.
Title: Re: acne, what do you guys do about it?
Post by: tbombz on January 29, 2011, 07:09:46 PM
always change clothes after you sweat. shower at least once a day. using bodywash several times per day might not be the best idea, too much can cause irritation. wash your body with hot water, fully rinse off, and then turn it to cold and rinse off again. hot water opens pores and cold water closes it. try using some topical astringent salycilic acid. it helps.
Title: Re: acne, what do you guys do about it?
Post by: polychronopolous on January 29, 2011, 07:23:51 PM
thanks for the good advices fellas.
i have already started using bodywash like 10x a day and it really hasnt helped much.
ima give the other advices you guys said a try.
and mesoz, yea i was shaving my chest..what do you reccomend i do instead of shave it that wont cause infection?

it sucks having bad chest acne. I never had 1 zit on my entire body before i started cycling..but im not gonna stop cycling because of it either lol. If anyone else has more advice, please share. Thanks.

I used to always get the occasional break out on my chest and back but there is a website called that sells some AHA (alpha-hydroxy acid) which is better than anything I have ever used. It cleared up what bacne I did have within days and I have been totally clear since. Just apply after taking a shower once a day, really great stuff.
Title: Re: acne, what do you guys do about it?
Post by: Meso_z on January 29, 2011, 11:24:58 PM
thanks for the good advices fellas.
i have already started using bodywash like 10x a day and it really hasnt helped much.
ima give the other advices you guys said a try.
and mesoz, yea i was shaving my chest..what do you reccomend i do instead of shave it that wont cause infection?

it sucks having bad chest acne. I never had 1 zit on my entire body before i started cycling..but im not gonna stop cycling because of it either lol. If anyone else has more advice, please share. Thanks.
Shave it with a regular hair clipper.
As another guy said above, it will look pretty much hairless and you wont have to worry about hair growing inside your skin. Also another simple thing you can do it to NOT touch them. Its pretty hard i know but try not to.
Title: Re: acne, what do you guys do about it?
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on January 29, 2011, 11:27:25 PM
get as much sleep as possible

i have always had bacne even without ever using gear and i've found that if i only get a few hours sleep it will get worse.  give me two nights of 9-10 hrs sleep and it clears up.  hope this helps.
Title: Re: acne, what do you guys do about it?
Post by: flinstones1 on January 30, 2011, 09:25:18 AM
If your taking 750mg of testosterone , acne is inevitable. I know a thing or two about acne. ;)  You have two options imo.

Keep running high doses androgens and get some accutane (which is harsh shit I took it for 5 months) or run minimal test and more anabolics. Also orals are the worst thing for the skin by far. liver stress is acne causing.
Title: Re: acne, what do you guys do about it?
Post by: flinstones1 on January 30, 2011, 09:25:51 AM
get as much sleep as possible

i have always had bacne even without ever using gear and i've found that if i only get a few hours sleep it will get worse.  give me two nights of 9-10 hrs sleep and it clears up.  hope this helps.

yes sleep helps the liver