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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: BayGBM on August 06, 2011, 02:25:20 PM

Title: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: BayGBM on August 06, 2011, 02:25:20 PM
Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds

WASHINGTON -- As governor of Texas, Rick Perry has pursued a controversial agenda that would gut Texas' vaunted public university system in favor of something that more closely resembles a business.

As the Washington Post reported on Thursday, professors have been ranked according to how profitable they were to the university. Previous reports suggested Perry wanted to treat students as "customers" and tie teacher bonuses to anonymous student evaluations.

One reason that might explain his hostility toward the system: He didn't do very well in it. A source in Texas passed The Huffington Post Perry's transcripts from his years at Texas A&M University. The future politician did not distinguish himself much in the classroom. While he later became a student leader, he had to get out of academic probation to do so. He rarely earned anything above a C in his courses -- earning a C in U.S. History, a D in Shakespeare, and a D in the principles of economics. Perry got a C in gym.

Perry also did poorly on classes within his animal science major. In fall semester 1970, he received a D in veterinary anatomy, a F in a second course on organic chemistry and a C in animal breeding. He did get an A in world military systems and “Improv. of Learning” -- his only two As while at A&M.

"A&M wasn't exactly Harvard on the Brazos River," recalled a Perry classmate in an interview with The Huffington Post. "This was not the brightest guy around. We always kind of laughed. He was always kind of a joke."

A spokesperson for the governor recently told the Texas Tribune that the university "helped shape who he is today." The governor’s office did not return a request for comment from The Huffington Post.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 06, 2011, 02:29:11 PM
And where are Obama's records?   

Oh, thats' right . . . . .
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Mr. Magoo on August 06, 2011, 02:36:34 PM

dumb guy
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on August 06, 2011, 02:44:09 PM
And where are Obama's records?   

Oh, thats' right . . . . .

At Harvard Law School, Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude, which, according to the Havard Law School website, is awarded to the top 10% of Harvard Law School students.

Don't think he was making C's and D's..... ::)
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Mr. Magoo on August 06, 2011, 02:46:04 PM
At Harvard Law School, Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude, which, according to the Havard Law School website, is awarded to the top 10% of Harvard Law School students.

Don't think he was making C's and D's..... ::)

unless 90% of harvard law students make F's

Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 06, 2011, 02:46:30 PM
At Harvard Law School, Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude, which, according to the Havard Law School website, is awarded to the top 10% of Harvard Law School students.

Don't think he was making C's and D's..... ::)


obama said himself he was a bad student in college.   How did he get in to Harvard again?  

Oh thats right.  

Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Mr. Magoo on August 06, 2011, 02:48:16 PM

obama said himself he was a bad student in college.   How did he get in to Harvard again?  

Oh thats right.  

translation: "I'm bitter because I couldn't get in"
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 06, 2011, 02:51:22 PM
translation: "I'm bitter because I couldn't get in"


Watch the clip jackass.   
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on August 06, 2011, 03:05:51 PM

obama said himself he was a bad student in college.   How did he get in to Harvard again?  

Oh thats right.  

I have no clue why you posted that video for but I've never heard Obama state that he was a bad student.  Harvard doesn't give out good grades because you're black or some color, you have to earn those grades.   

The only thing I've even seen is that has A.B degree in political science was without honors, meaning that he had a GPA of less than 3.3 which could be due to him goofing off in his freshman years like a lot of student or whatever.  However since he was hired by BIC after graduating, his grades obviously weren't C's and D's or otherwise they would not have hired him.

Ultimately, he graduated from Harvard Law School w/ honors and that's what matters as his job prior to taking any office was an attorney....same as his wife Michelle.

As far as Rick Perry's grades are concerned and from what I understand, he's prob the type of guy I would have hung out with.  Putting M-80 firecrackers in toilets and live chickens in people's closet must have been a riot.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 06, 2011, 03:07:15 PM
Wrong jackass - a 3.3 does not get you into Havard law - and what was his LSAT score?


Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on August 06, 2011, 03:08:24 PM
Wrong jackass - a 3.3 does not get you into Havard law - and what was his LSAT score?


Its Harvard...bro... ::)
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 06, 2011, 03:10:33 PM
Its Harvard...bro... ::)


A 3.3 GPA is not sufficient for Harvard Law unless

1.  Affirmative action 

2.  special Favors from Saudi master like Khlaid Al mansour 
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Straw Man on August 06, 2011, 03:14:05 PM

A 3.3 GPA is not sufficient for Harvard Law unless

1.  Affirmative action 

2.  special Favors from Saudi master like Khlaid Al mansour  

LOL - I'd love to know where you found that idea.  Did his Saudi master know he would be POTUS someday too?
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on August 06, 2011, 03:14:50 PM

A 3.3 GPA is not sufficient for Harvard Law unless

1.  Affirmative action 

2.  special Favors from Saudi master like Khlaid Al mansour 

Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Mr. Magoo on August 06, 2011, 03:16:21 PM

A 3.3 GPA is not sufficient for Harvard Law  

Sorry Vince but 3333 is right, 3.3 isn't enough. Unless he scored very very high on the lsat....but wait...he would have took the lsat before the change over to the 120-180 scale, right? I'm not sure how the old score converts to the 120-180 scale. But now, a 170+ is required for harvard law.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on August 06, 2011, 03:35:01 PM
Sorry Vince but 3333 is right, 3.3 isn't enough. Unless he scored very very high on the lsat....but wait...he would have took the lsat before the change over to the 120-180 scale, right? I'm not sure how the old score converts to the 120-180 scale. But now, a 170+ is required for harvard law.

I don't know the scale neither but getting admission into any college has a lot more to do with just grades and LSAT scores.  Lets not forget that he enter Harvard at the age of 27 in 1988 after working for many years as a community organizer so work experience and references would definitely factor into the equation.  Whatever it may be, it was crystal clear that he make high marks at Harvard Law School to graduate magna cum laude in the top 10% of his class as well as become the first class president of the Harvard Law Review to be black. 

But here's all you need to know from the Harvard website.  I've posted Michelle's bio as well to piss 333386 off a bit more...... ;D   

Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: BayGBM on August 06, 2011, 04:06:35 PM
Sadly, I have had many students like this over the years.  Would I vote for them?  Um, no.  ::)
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 06, 2011, 04:10:28 PM
What state is in better shape - Illinois or Texas? 

From what i can tell so far - Perrynomics is a lot better than obamanomics. 
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: tonymctones on August 06, 2011, 04:46:27 PM
LMFAO, this is what obama was talking about when he said "dont go into details" to his supporters...

LMFAO, so our credit rating get lowered, record amounts of debt, sky high unemployment, no fixes for any of the major problems, no end in sight and you tools want to talk about perry?

hahahhahahahahah doesnt get any more team knee pad than this idiocy...
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: tonymctones on August 06, 2011, 04:48:09 PM
here you go vincent, go respond to the idiocy in this thread before moving on to the next...

same goes for you gayway...
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: George Whorewell on August 06, 2011, 07:01:13 PM
 You libs really deserve to have forced lobotomies.



Barak Hussein Osama (who won't release his college transcripts) can line my cats litter box with his degrees. They mean absolutely nothing. He is the worst President of my lifetime by a mile and has presided and contributed to the decline of this country in ways that I did not think were possible.

Jimmy Carter had terrific grades-- What kind of President was he?

GW Bush has an MBA from Yale-- how did he do? 

Don't you fucking shit for brains liberal cockroaches get it yet? The real world has NOTHING to do with the classroom. Obama has surrounded himself with career academics and political hacks which is why the economy is such a mess. And since Obama is a career politician/ academic/ all around con artist hack-- his anti american, anti growth, anti reality, anti math policies make perfect sense.

You stupid fucks would probably judge the Obama presidency based on whether or not he had a higher grade in freshman high school Earth Science than GW Bush. The economy has collapsed, the dollar is worthless, our foreign policy is nonsensical, the DOJ is corrupt--- but hey; Obama was better than Bush-- Don't believe me? Just look at their ninth grade high school transcripts!    ::)
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 06, 2011, 07:11:00 PM
Awesome post.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: rachaelsnav on August 06, 2011, 07:14:49 PM
Eureka College
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: roccoginge on August 06, 2011, 08:29:03 PM
Organic chemistry in college was a repeat of my advanced chemistry class in high school, an easy A+.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Hugo Chavez on August 07, 2011, 12:55:22 AM
And where are Obama's records?   

Oh, thats' right . . . . .
Did the thread title read, "Obama smarter than Perry?"

Yes yes, we know the only thing you want us to talk about is Obama and just how bad he sucks, but fuck man... 

I thought you didn't even like Perry?  WTF...
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 07, 2011, 04:30:36 AM
Its about left wing liberal double standards.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Skip8282 on August 07, 2011, 06:54:23 AM
Has this been authenticated yet?  Or is this another Palin transcript thing?
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: chadstallion on August 07, 2011, 01:42:21 PM
it's par for the course for the texas politican.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Hugo Chavez on August 07, 2011, 02:12:32 PM
Its about left wing liberal double standards.
::)  that's always the case isn't it...  that's a hell of a special card you have there.  You can demand we talk about Obama at any time and pull out your special "liberal hypocrisy" pass. ::)
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 07, 2011, 02:22:47 PM
::)  that's always the case isn't it...  that's a hell of a special card you have there.  You can demand we talk about Obama at any time and pull out your special "liberal hypocrisy" pass. ::)

Fine - im saying that his grades look like shit to me, fine, but you can't attack perry for this if you did not also request the same of obama considering he refuses to release his grades.   
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Hugo Chavez on August 07, 2011, 03:06:10 PM
Fine - im saying that his grades look like shit to me, fine, but you can't attack perry for this if you did not also request the same of obama considering he refuses to release his grades.   
how do you know who didn't or who did or just who didn't because they had other shit to do.  I'm glad we have you here as the grand overseer of what everyone thinks says or doesn't think.  I guess since you spend so much time reading eveyone's entire post history, you must have knowledge of where Bay is being a hypocrite by posting this?  go ahead and post that for us.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 07, 2011, 03:11:00 PM
how do you know who didn't or who did or just who didn't because they had other shit to do.  I'm glad we have you here as the grand overseer of what everyone thinks says or doesn't think.  I guess since you spend so much time reading eveyone's entire post history, you must have knowledge of where Bay is being a hypocrite by posting this?  go ahead and post that for us.

I'll bet anything Bay never once made mention of the fact that obama refuses to release any of his records from college, law school, etc.   

Be that as it may - Kerry was a c student, Biden got busted plagiarizing at Syracuse, Al gore failed out of law school, etc. 

No boggie. 
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Necrosis on August 07, 2011, 03:45:06 PM
Fine - im saying that his grades look like shit to me, fine, but you can't attack perry for this if you did not also request the same of obama considering he refuses to release his grades.   

he graduated magna cum laude, do you know what that means? AT HARVARD, he made better grades the the other 90% of his peers, what do you think his grades were? Is that not enough evidence or do you still believe he was born in kenya.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 07, 2011, 03:46:51 PM
he graduated magna cum laude, do you know what that means? AT HARVARD, he made better grades the the other 90% of his peers, what do you think his grades were? Is that not enough evidence or do you still believe he was born in kenya.

It does not mean shit.   The hardest thing about Harvard is getting in. 

What were his grades in columbia and occidental as well as his LSAT scores?   
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: 240 is Back on August 07, 2011, 03:57:57 PM
What state is in better shape - Illinois or Texas? 

how much oil is there in Chicago?
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Necrosis on August 07, 2011, 04:03:04 PM

It does not mean shit.   The hardest thing about Harvard is getting in. 

What were his grades in columbia and occidental as well as his LSAT scores?   

what so to get in is hard meaning you have to do well in the academic world then to finish ahead of 90% of your classmates is easy? i assume all these other people getting in were friends of terrorists and affirmitive action babies to. That is the only way obama could do better then the vast majority of them, i mean 90% of people in harvard are bad students right.

give it a break, your hate for obama is beyond normal, you will deny reality in order to slander him.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: 240 is Back on August 07, 2011, 04:04:11 PM
the argument can be made that grades don't matter all that much.

However, it is a bullshit argument to try to sell "Perry did better in college than Obama". 

Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: tonymctones on August 07, 2011, 04:04:48 PM
how much oil is there in Chicago?
how much is chicagos state income tax?

about as valid as your idiocy...

Texas also has a port

we also have business friendly laws and regulations

home to many energy companies that have nothing to do with oil...


kinda shits on your theory there doesnt it?
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: 240 is Back on August 07, 2011, 04:09:28 PM
how much is chicagos state income tax?

about as valid as your idiocy...

Texas also has a port

we also have business friendly laws and regulations

home to many energy companies that have nothing to do with oil...


kinda shits on your theory there doesnt it?

Soooo you think we should apply Texas' policies on a national level?
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 07, 2011, 04:10:23 PM
how much is chicagos state income tax?

about as valid as your idiocy...

Texas also has a port

we also have business friendly laws and regulations

home to many energy companies that have nothing to do with oil...


kinda shits on your theory there doesnt it?

5 of my friends moves to Dallas area and love it.   Said they will never step foot in NYC again.   5 goombahs went down there opened a resturant and doing fine.  

Another surgeon friend of mine moved his practice down there - loves it too.  
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: tonymctones on August 07, 2011, 04:17:38 PM
Soooo you think we should apply Texas' policies on a national level?

some, sure as shit...others work b/c of the unique things that Texas has going for it...things that other states dont have just like other states have things going for them that Texas doesnt...

only difference is one has learned how to capitalize on them and others havent ;)

hows florida doing?
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Hugo Chavez on August 07, 2011, 04:20:07 PM
the argument can be made that grades don't matter all that much.

However, it is a bullshit argument to try to sell "Perry did better in college than Obama". 

the bullshit is that you can't talk about Perry's shitty grades if you didn't join in with 3333 when he was flipping out over Obama not releasing records.  That's a bullshit argument lol...

Hey 3333, these grades of perry's suck ass.  I don't really remember if I did or did not comment about Obama's records, but you can kiss my fucking ass as I really don't give a fuck.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 07, 2011, 04:22:40 PM
the bullshit is that you can't talk about Perry's shitty grades if you didn't join in with 3333 when he was flipping out over Obama not releasing records.  That's a bullshit argument lol...

Hey 3333, these grades of perry's suck ass.  I don't really remember if I did or did not comment about Obama's records, but you can kiss my fucking ass as I really don't give a fuck.

Sorry - Bama got in to Harvard via affirmative action.  For all we know his grades - WHICH BAMA SAID SUCKED, were just as bad. 

But we will never know since the piece of shit YOU VOTED FOR refuses to release any of his records.   Wonder why. 
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Hugo Chavez on August 07, 2011, 04:29:30 PM
Sorry - Bama got in to Harvard via affirmative action.  For all we know his grades - WHICH BAMA SAID SUCKED, were just as bad.  

But we will never know since the piece of shit YOU VOTED FOR refuses to release any of his records.   Wonder why.  
You're such a fucking shit head.  really you are...

I don't give a fucking rats ass if you talk about Obama's grades or records or whatever.  Listen asshole, why can't you just talk about that and if Bay or whoever wants to talk about Perry, fine.  But you can't do that can you?  You have to insist that it's about Obama.  You have to call it a double standard if Bay didn't talk about Obama's records ::)

I've actually changed my mind.  I'm going to vote to re-elect Obama.  I can't stand him but I'm just dying to see what your block looks like after your fucking massive head explodes.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Necrosis on August 07, 2011, 04:31:33 PM
Sorry - Bama got in to Harvard via affirmative action.  For all we know his grades - WHICH BAMA SAID SUCKED, were just as bad. 

But we will never know since the piece of shit YOU VOTED FOR refuses to release any of his records.   Wonder why. 

are you retarded? how can obama be magna cum laude and have the grades of rick perry. Look up what the average gpa of a harvard law grad is.

fuck you are so stupid or just a blatant liar and deluded fool

"Harvard Law School — not reported, but 10% of class graduates magna cum laude with a GPA slightly above an A-minus (roughly the equivalent of a 3.72) or higher; the next 30% graduates cum laude with a GPA between a B+ and an A-minus (roughly the equivalent of a 3.55 or higher);[83] the current grading system of dean's scholar, honors, pass, low pass, and fail has a recommended curve of 37% dean's scholar and honors, 55% pass, and 8% low pass in classes with over 30 JD and LLM students[84]"Harvard Law School Handbook of Academic Policies 2009–2010

what does it say about magna cum laude there? can you repeat it for me?
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Necrosis on August 07, 2011, 04:33:04 PM
just so theres no confusion, 3.72 or higher implies that he had at the lowest, yup you guessed it 3.72 and more then likely was higher based on probability.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: garebear on August 07, 2011, 04:39:22 PM
You're such a fucking shit head.  really you are...

I don't give a fucking rats ass if you talk about Obama's grades or records or whatever.  Listen asshole, why can't you just talk about that and if Bay or whoever wants to talk about Perry, fine.  But you can't do that can you?  You have to insist that it's about Obama.  You have to call it a double standard if Bay didn't talk about Obama's records ::)

I've actually changed my mind.  I'm going to vote to re-elect Obama.  I can't stand him but I'm just dying to see what your block looks like after your fucking massive head explodes.

33386 is actually driving people to vote for Obama now.

Priceless. The guys spends every waking moment bashing the President and now he is getting the exact opposite of the result he wants.

Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Necrosis on August 07, 2011, 04:39:51 PM
33 you have been responding within seconds with every other post, any comment on the owning you just received.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 07, 2011, 04:47:34 PM
You're such a fucking shit head.  really you are...

I don't give a fucking rats ass if you talk about Obama's grades or records or whatever.  Listen asshole, why can't you just talk about that and if Bay or whoever wants to talk about Perry, fine.  But you can't do that can you?  You have to insist that it's about Obama.  You have to call it a double standard if Bay didn't talk about Obama's records ::)

I've actually changed my mind.  I'm going to vote to re-elect Obama.  I can't stand him but I'm just dying to see what your block looks like after your fucking massive head explodes.

LMAO - your first vote for obama is enough bro.  Anyone who voted for obama at this point really needs to STFU considering the state of the nation.     
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Kazan on August 07, 2011, 04:49:33 PM
Soooo you think we should apply Texas' policies on a national level?

It would make a hell of a lot more sense than applying Illinois policies at a national level. We have already seen what Illinois policy has done to the country.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: garebear on August 07, 2011, 04:57:02 PM
LMAO - your first vote for obama is enough bro.  Anyone who voted for obama at this point really needs to STFU considering the state of the nation.     
I'm not shutting up.

What are you going to do about it?
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 07, 2011, 05:01:49 PM
I'm not shutting up.

What are you going to do about it?

Laugh at you as even most animals learn after awhile from their mistakes.   
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Triathloncoach on August 07, 2011, 05:27:38 PM
Perry should have majored in Bible Studies. Or taken Charles Darwin is burning in Hell 101. he would have been magna cum lud.

You have to be a poor student to become Governor of Texas.

Perry has demonstrated his ability to lead, i just wish politicians would keep their religion out of my politics.

And Obama may be a lousy president . But he is a very smart guy.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: chadstallion on August 07, 2011, 05:35:45 PM
5 of my friends moves to Dallas area and love it.   Said they will never step foot in NYC again.   5 goombahs went down there opened a resturant and doing fine.  

Another surgeon friend of mine moved his practice down there - loves it too.  
Please move to Dallas- you can stay with me!
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 07, 2011, 05:38:43 PM
Please move to Dallas- you can stay with me!

My GF says its too hot. 

Me, I am ready to leave this hell hole. 

I see more pitbulls in a week than most do in a lifetime.

If I had my choice - i would go to the Poconos or Catskills in the mountains, build a compound, keep my roots in NYC, and keep my business as is. 

N YC is going down fast.  I see it daily.  the natives are getting restless in the heat.     
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on August 07, 2011, 07:29:18 PM
I'll bet anything Bay never once made mention of the fact that obama refuses to release any of his records from college, law school, etc.   

Be that as it may - Kerry was a c student, Biden got busted plagiarizing at Syracuse, Al gore failed out of law school, etc. 

No boggie. 

Gore goofed off his first 2 years as most student were at the era of Vietnam protest but his last 2 years, he made all A's and B's and graduated "cum laude".  John Kerry graduated not only from college but from Vietnam with 3 Purple Hearts and a Silver Star.

Biden...well..he made a citation error in 5 pages of a 15 page report which was recognized and expunged from his record.  However, I've never been pleased with him getting 5 draft deferements from serving in Vietnam.     

Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: tonymctones on August 07, 2011, 08:30:50 PM
Perry should have majored in Bible Studies. Or taken Charles Darwin is burning in Hell 101. he would have been magna cum lud.

You have to be a poor student to become Governor of Texas.

Perry has demonstrated his ability to lead, i just wish politicians would keep their religion out of my politics.

And Obama may be a lousy president . But he is a very smart guy.
I wish politicians would keep the politics out of my religion ;)
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Hugo Chavez on August 07, 2011, 11:11:32 PM
I'm not shutting up.

What are you going to do about it?
He thinks he runs the board now lol...  telling everyone who voted for Obama to shut up and demanding that we only talk about Obama's faults.  Quite the little dictator he is for not even being a mod. lol
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: tu_holmes on August 07, 2011, 11:15:38 PM

Hey 3333, these grades of perry's suck ass.  I don't really remember if I did or did not comment about Obama's records, but you can kiss my fucking ass as I really don't give a fuck.

This did make me laugh, but what do grades have to do with getting the job done?

Do we know what Teddy Roosevelt's college transcripts looked like? How about Truman or Eisenhower?  FDR?

All of this grade shit means dick if you fuck up... and we've seen a lot of fuck ups in politics lately.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Dos Equis on August 08, 2011, 12:06:15 AM
Has this been authenticated yet?  Or is this another Palin transcript thing?


Then again, even if it is authenticate, who the heck cares?   ::)  College grades from over 30 years ago, when the man has had a remarkably successful career?  Seriously?   ::) ::)
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Dos Equis on August 08, 2011, 12:08:57 AM

Biden...well..he made a citation error in 5 pages of a 15 page report which was recognized and expunged from his record.  However, I've never been pleased with him getting 5 draft deferements from serving in Vietnam.     

Dude I gave you the information showing it wasn't just a citation error.  He quoted pages and tried to pass it off as his own work.  That's not an "error."  Nobody "forgets" to attribute five pages of a fifteen page paper to someone else.  I doubt a student can't even quote five pages of a report that short and get credit for it.   
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Deicide on August 08, 2011, 03:07:12 AM
My GF says its too hot. 

Me, I am ready to leave this hell hole. 

I see more pitbulls in a week than most do in a lifetime.

If I had my choice - i would go to the Poconos or Catskills in the mountains, build a compound, keep my roots in NYC, and keep my business as is. 

N YC is going down fast.  I see it daily.  the natives are getting restless in the heat.     

Just move to Riverdale, it's not too far.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: George Whorewell on August 08, 2011, 03:20:57 AM
Just move to Riverdale, it's not too far.

Riverdale sucks dick as well.

Not as thugged out, but it's still the Bronx.

Would never live here if I had the choice.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Deicide on August 08, 2011, 03:49:37 AM
Riverdale sucks dick as well.

Not as thugged out, but it's still the Bronx.

Would never live here if I had the choice.

Uhm, why are you forced to live in the Bronx? ???
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: George Whorewell on August 08, 2011, 04:33:12 AM
I'm not.

My business is in the Bronx for the time being.

I lived in Queens for 26 years up until about 6 months ago.

Don't you live in Switzerland or something?
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Deicide on August 08, 2011, 04:46:22 AM
I'm not.

My business is in the Bronx for the time being.

I lived in Queens for 26 years up until about 6 months ago.

Don't you live in Switzerland or something?

I live in London, but I grew up in the Bronx, specifically Kingsbridge.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 08, 2011, 04:51:41 AM
I went to manhattan college and grew up in morris park area.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Deicide on August 08, 2011, 04:56:44 AM
I went to manhattan college and grew up in morris park area.

Fieldston is still one of the nicest areas in all of NYC.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 08, 2011, 05:02:23 AM
I can't afford those mansions.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Deicide on August 08, 2011, 05:04:22 AM
I can't afford those mansions.

Not many can...when I was a kid I got thrown out of there by their private security... ;D
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: dario73 on August 08, 2011, 05:20:58 AM

Gore goofed off his first 2 years as most student were at the era of Vietnam protest but his last 2 years, he made all A's and B's and graduated "cum laude".  John Kerry graduated not only from college but from Vietnam with 3 Purple Hearts and a Silver Star.

Biden...well..he made a citation error in 5 pages of a 15 page report which was recognized and expunged from his record.  However, I've never been pleased with him getting 5 draft deferements from serving in Vietnam.     

LOL!! Look at these idiot make excuses for these Democratic morons. I don't see anyone making excuses for Perry.

No one has yet to answer the question. What do college grades have to do with Perry's or any politician's performance in the political arena? Obama has a degree from Harvard, yet he has been useless.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: tu_holmes on August 08, 2011, 08:35:49 AM
LOL!! Look at these idiot make excuses for these Democratic morons. I don't see anyone making excuses for Perry.

No one has yet to answer the question. What do college grades have to do with Perry's or any politician's performance in the political arena? Obama has a degree from Harvard, yet he has been useless.

Because the answer is what I said.

They don't mean shit.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 08, 2011, 08:37:57 AM
Because the answer is what I said.

They don't mean shit.

Funny - mal and 240 paraded Palin's grades all over the place hundreds of times as if they thought they were making a point.   
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: tu_holmes on August 08, 2011, 08:41:43 AM
Funny - mal and 240 paraded Palin's grades all over the place hundreds of times as if they thought they were making a point.   

Well I think that is a different beast. After her poor showings on Katie Couric and her, in my opinion, abysmal debate, she was already seen in a bad light.

The grades just added to that.

Perry, however, seems capable.

Obama might have been a straight A student, but it hasn't helped the country one bit.

Right now we are just as fucked as we were when he took office.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on August 08, 2011, 08:43:50 AM
Dude I gave you the information showing it wasn't just a citation error.  He quoted pages and tried to pass it off as his own work.  That's not an "error."  Nobody "forgets" to attribute five pages of a fifteen page paper to someone else.  I doubt a student can't even quote five pages of a report that short and get credit for it.    

Well, that's the story Biden had given and records show it was expunged.  But I've never been a fan of Biden because for the most part, he's a career politician and yes man along with his continued draft dodging.  He's spent over 40 years being a politician.  But at least he does a great job in staying out of Obama's way and being a someone who has great negotiating authority
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Option D on August 08, 2011, 08:46:45 AM
5 of my friends moves to Dallas area and love it.   Said they will never step foot in NYC again.   5 goombahs went down there opened a resturant and doing fine.  

Another surgeon friend of mine moved his practice down there - loves it too.  

Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 08, 2011, 08:48:04 AM
Well I think that is a different beast. After her poor showings on Katie Couric and her, in my opinion, abysmal debate, she was already seen in a bad light.

The grades just added to that.

Perry, however, seems capable.

Obama might have been a straight A student, but it hasn't helped the country one bit.

Right now we are just as fucked as we were when he took office.

Palin helped alaska get a AAA rating, Obama caused ours to be lowered.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 08, 2011, 08:49:20 AM
Well, that's the story Biden had given and records show it was expunged.  But I've never been a fan of Biden because for the most part, he's a career politician and yes man along with his continued draft dodging.  He's spent over 40 years being a politician.  But at least he does a great job in staying out of Obama's way and being a someone who has great negotiating authority

LMAO!    Yeah, he did a bang up job with the stim bill alright.    ::)
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: dario73 on August 08, 2011, 08:54:04 AM
Please do.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Option D on August 08, 2011, 09:06:30 AM

Palin helped alaska get a AAA rating, Obama caused ours to be lowered.
During her second term as mayor, Palin proposed and promoted the construction of a municipal sports center to be financed by a 0.5%[45] sales tax increase and $14.7  million bond issue.[63] Voters approved the measure by a 20 vote margin and the Wasilla Multi-Use Sports Complex (later named the Curtis D. Menard Memorial Sports Center) was built on time and under budget. However, the city spent an additional $1.3 million because of an eminent domain lawsuit caused by the failure to obtain clear title to the property before beginning construction.[63] The city's long-term debt grew from about $1 million to $25 million
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: dario73 on August 08, 2011, 09:16:25 AM
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: dario73 on August 08, 2011, 10:00:28 AM
Because the answer is what I said.

They don't mean shit.

True. You were the only one to respond correctly.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: LurkerNoMore on August 08, 2011, 12:34:54 PM
::)  that's always the case isn't it...  that's a hell of a special card you have there.  You can demand we talk about Obama at any time and pull out your special "liberal hypocrisy" pass. ::)

how much oil is there in Chicago?

You're such a fucking shit head.  really you are...

I don't give a fucking rats ass if you talk about Obama's grades or records or whatever.  Listen asshole, why can't you just talk about that and if Bay or whoever wants to talk about Perry, fine. But you can't do that can you?  You have to insist that it's about Obama.  You have to call it a double standard if Bay didn't talk about Obama's records ::)

I've actually changed my mind.  I'm going to vote to re-elect Obama.  I can't stand him but I'm just dying to see what your block looks like after your fucking massive head explodes.


33386 is actually driving people to vote for Obama now.

Priceless. The guys spends every waking moment bashing the President and now he is getting the exact opposite of the result he wants.

BWAHAHAHAHA..   The sound of his ovaries popping under the heel of reality is deafening. 
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 08, 2011, 12:37:20 PM

BWAHAHAHAHA..   The sound of his ovaries popping under the heel of reality is deafening. 
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: LurkerNoMore on August 08, 2011, 12:38:47 PM

You were in meltdown mode three weeks ago when I left, and still in it when I return.

Carry on chump.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 08, 2011, 12:39:19 PM

You were in meltdown mode three weeks ago when I left, and still in it when I return.

Carry on chump.

Yeah for sure - of the fucking nation! 
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: OzmO on August 08, 2011, 12:44:21 PM
So the dozens of threads crying about OB's college records and now Perry had "C" and "D"?  Again, it didn't matter then and it doesn't matter now.     ::)
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 08, 2011, 12:51:50 PM
So the dozens of threads crying about OB's college records and now Perry had "C" and "D"?  Again, it didn't matter then and it doesn't matter now.     ::)

Here is the difference -

1.  No one claims Perry is some sort intellectual genius.

2.  Obama douches claimed, and still claim that part of his qualifications were some alleged legal scholarship and brilliance, which is bogus and always has been an absolute joke and farce needed to substitute his lack of any other qualifications for office. 

3.  Before his election, many in the media and those who voted for this jerkoff claimed he would be one of the smarted POTUS' of all time based on his alleged intellectual brilliance.  Again, based on what? 

4.  Any questions put to obama voters about these issues was met with personal attacks, derision, etc. 

5.  Perry actually has a record to run on so his grades are meaningless.  his record speaks for itself. 

6.  Obama had no record at all and his supproters asked us to take it on faith that he was brilliant and smart.  Again - in light of having no record, based on what?   


Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: OzmO on August 08, 2011, 12:56:54 PM
Here is the difference -

1.  No one claims Perry is some sort intellectual genius.

2.  Obama douches claimed, and still claim that part of his qualifications were some alleged legal scholarship and brilliance, which is bogus and always has been an absolute joke and farce needed to substitute his lack of any other qualifications for office. 

3.  Before his election, many in the media and those who voted for this jerkoff claimed he would be one of the smarted POTUS' of all time based on his alleged intellectual brilliance.  Again, based on what? 

4.  Any questions put to obama voters about these issues was met with personal attacks, derision, etc. 

5.  Perry actually has a record to run on so his grades are meaningless.  his record speaks for itself. 

6.  Obama had no record at all and his supproters asked us to take it on faith that he was brilliant and smart.  Again - in light of having no record, based on what?   

If OB wasn't claiming he was a genius you can't blame him fro other people doing so.  that being said, Harvard is a real bitch to get into.  So unless he some how bought their entrance people off i don't see how anyone could say he isn't at least smart. 

Unfortunately, intelligence is only a small part of having the ability to get things done. 
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: LurkerNoMore on August 08, 2011, 12:57:55 PM
So the dozens of threads crying about OB's college records and now Perry had "C" and "D"?  Again, it didn't matter then and it doesn't matter now.     ::)

Obama's does.  We should all just ignore Perry's.*

(* According to logic from a truly fractured brain and delusional tool bag. )
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 08, 2011, 01:00:20 PM
If OB wasn't claiming he was a genius you can't blame him fro other people doing so.  that being said, Harvard is a real bitch to get into.  So unless he some how bought their entrance people off i don't see how anyone could say he isn't at least smart. 

Unfortunately, intelligence is only a small part of having the ability to get things done. 

He got in to Harvard as a favor to a Saudi prince.   Here is proof.   

Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: LurkerNoMore on August 08, 2011, 01:01:26 PM
And then as a favor.... Harvard just graduated him in the top 10%?

Jealous little thing aren't you?
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 08, 2011, 01:01:56 PM
Obama's does.  We should all just ignore Perry's.*

(* According to logic from a truly fractured brain and delusional tool bag. )

Perry has a record - which is that Texas is doing better than most other states.  

Bama had no record before taking office - and is now showing how awful he is.  

Hope that helps.   remember - you voted for this.  Thank you for you contribution to the collapse of the nation.    
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Hugo Chavez on August 08, 2011, 01:16:40 PM
He got in to Harvard as a favor to a Saudi prince.   Here is proof.   

I'm going to start billing you for time wasted with stupid videos.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: garebear on August 08, 2011, 01:17:24 PM

You were in meltdown mode three weeks ago when I left, and still in it when I return.

Carry on chump.
We're coming up on the three year anniversary.

Our little slugger never quits.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: LurkerNoMore on August 08, 2011, 01:21:09 PM
I'm going to start billing you for time wasted with stupid videos.


Now you see why no one on the board hardly even bothers to watch his spam crap on here anymore.  No wonder he has to beg and plead "watch the clip" over and over.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 08, 2011, 01:22:51 PM
Right - cause the lawyer who lobbied for the Saudis' to get obama into Harvard is making it up.   ::)  ::)
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: LurkerNoMore on August 08, 2011, 01:25:17 PM
He seems to be a helluva better lawyer than the one you pretend to be.  Not only did he get Harvard to accept Obama, but he got Harvard to graduate him in the top 10%.

Bet that lawyer didn't run around deflecting, talking out of his ass, avoiding questions and in general turning the courthouse into a circus act.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 08, 2011, 01:27:39 PM
He seems to be a helluva better lawyer than the one you pretend to be.  Not only did he get Harvard to accept Obama, but he got Harvard to graduate him in the top 10%.

Bet that lawyer didn't run around deflecting, talking out of his ass, avoiding questions and in general turning the courthouse into a circus act.

Really?  show me one case or written decision you can ever cite from obama's legal careeer?  how about one legal article or work?  Even one will do. 

Just one. 

Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Hugo Chavez on August 08, 2011, 01:27:45 PM
Right - cause the lawyer who lobbied for the Saudis' to get obama into Harvard is making it up.   ::)  ::)
I think that guy was having problems remebering what he said 10 seconds ago.  He kept forgetting what he was talking about lol...
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: LurkerNoMore on August 08, 2011, 01:33:50 PM
Really?  show me one case or written decision you can ever cite from obama's legal careeer?  how about one legal article or work?  Even one will do. 

Just one. 

About the same number as yours isn't it?

But Obama went to Harvard... you didn't.  And you are jealous.
Title: Re: Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 08, 2011, 01:35:25 PM
About the same number as yours isn't it?

But Obama went to Harvard... you didn't.  And you are jealous.

 ::)  ::)   

I can't wait till next year when you pieces of shit are left scratching your head when this incompetent wrecking ball is sent packing back to Kenya.