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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Dos Equis on August 14, 2011, 01:31:51 PM

Title: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 14, 2011, 01:31:51 PM
Any day now, we should see stories in the media about Perry being "crazy," attacking his family, his religion, his sexual orientation, etc., etc.  Probably very little on the performance of the Texas economy during his tenure as governor.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 14, 2011, 01:32:39 PM
Ah yes, candidate vetting is now considered gotcha journalism in this era of pussification.

In 1959, we would have known about JFK's painkiller addiction.  Think about that one ;)
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 14, 2011, 01:34:25 PM
 ::)  I fully expect "Palin faked her pregnancy" stuff from liberal lackeys.  Stay tuned.   :)
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 14, 2011, 01:35:20 PM
Any day now, we should see stories in the media about Perry being "crazy," attacking his family, his religion, his sexual orientation, etc., etc.  Probably very little on the performance of the Texas economy during his tenure as governor.

I don't think the gay rumors/history are that big of a deal.  Bachmann's hubby speaks with a lisp and takes federal money to "un gay" people and it was barely a blip on the radar.

As far as perry's performance - tell me about that, Beach Bum, since you brought it up.  I heard the TX debt has TRIPLED under Perry.   I also heard he used a lot of Obama federal stim $ to create these jobs.  Oh, and that TX leads the nation in min wage jobs.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: headhuntersix on August 14, 2011, 01:37:57 PM
This will never be about Perry as much as Barry wants it to be....Barry fails on an hourly basis and thats what the election will be about.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 14, 2011, 01:40:20 PM
This will never be about Perry as much as Barry wants it to be....Barry fails on an hourly basis and thats what the election will be about.

Tell me about it.  One of the most telling things about his presidency (at least to me) was how the market tanked while he was speaking last week and really nose-dived after his speech.  He reeks of incompetence. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 14, 2011, 01:41:53 PM
This will never be about Perry as much as Barry wants it to be....Barry fails on an hourly basis and thats what the election will be about.

You're probably right - The 2012 election will be an Up/Down vote on Obama's performance.

The candidates aren't going to do things that much different - None of the GOP field are perfect.  Let's be honest.  Romney IS weird.  Bachmann IS nutty.  Palin IS stupid.  Perry DID borrow to create all those jobs.

But in office, I'll be honest, they'll all do a fairly decent job.  Their handlers won't let them gamble nuclear football codes on poker games, etc.  There's enough of check/balances in place.

it's fun to discuss candidates.  They're an interesting group.  newt meltting down on a conservative host - because he asked an honest question about the state of Newt's campaign team all jumping ship - said a lot about how these candidates need to just toughen the fck up and get thru it.  Hell, Perot's daughter had naked photoshopped pics out there (before everyone had photoshop).  THAT is some dirty shit.  Bush was calling voters implying Mccain had an illigitimate black daughter.  THAT is dirty shit.

Asking "Hey Netwie, your campaign team all quit and you're broke - how realistic are your chances here" - That's completely fair.  Tough up GOP.  It's about obama, not you - hh6 is correct.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Fury on August 14, 2011, 01:42:42 PM
::)  I fully expect "Palin faked her pregnancy" stuff from liberal lackeys.  Stay tuned.   :)

Give 180 a month or so.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 14, 2011, 02:31:33 PM
As far as perry's performance - tell me about that, Beach Bum, since you brought it up.  I heard the TX debt has TRIPLED under Perry.   I also heard he used a lot of Obama federal stim $ to create these jobs.  Oh, and that TX leads the nation in min wage jobs.

Beach, what were Perry's chief accomplishments as Governor?   Thanks!
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Straw Man on August 14, 2011, 02:44:17 PM
Beach, what were Perry's chief accomplishments as Governor?   Thanks!

I'll help Bum out on this one:

Rick Perry’s “Texas Miracle” Con Job

Texas Governor and reported GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry is the nation’s greatest political con artist. With greater scrunity, his so-called Texas economic miracle doesn't hold up.Yet, Perry with generous help from conservative business leaders, tea party acolytes, and suddenly revved up evangelicals will keep the con very much alive. The so-called economic miracle that Perry and his backers peddle is of course that Texas is the runaway national model for how to create lots of private sector jobs, with minimal government red tape, and with a pittance of taxes. It’s the state where the good times are supposedly rolling for everyone, while the bad times are piling up for everyone in every other state.

Debunking Perry’s con is easy. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that Texas’ jobless rate has steadily crept up in recent months, not plunged to zero as Perry would have the nation believe. Unemployment was over 8 percent in June. New York, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Wisconsin, and a slew of other states had lower unemployment rates. And New York and several other states that outshined Texas did it without gutting environmental and labor regulations, slashing taxes, and with bare-boned spending on education, housing, unemployment benefits and health services, as in Texas.

Even the 8 percent plus figure on Texas unemployment, though below the national jobless rate of just above 9 percent, is horribly misleading. In the state’s big cities, such as Houston, the jobless rate matches the national figure, and in rural, impoverished areas, the jobless rate soars to double-digit figures. This means only one thing. More and more people in the state have sunk into or never risen out of poverty. The quality of life indices on Texas amply confirm that. And an increase in the number of poor people invariably translates out to more children in poverty, greater income disparities, a dearth in quality prenatal care, and higher teen birth rates. Texas ranks in the bottom 10 (out of all states) in every one of these areas and is a rock bottom number 50 in the nation in the number who graduate from high school by age 25.

Then there are the types of jobs that have been created. Perry has little to say about them. And there’s a good reason. Nearly 40 percent of them are bottom rung, minimum wage retail and service industry jobs. Texas, along with Mississippi, lead the nation in the number of minimum wage workers.

There’s a good reason for that too. Texas, like most southern and southwest states, is a staunch right-to-work state. Unions are treated as virtual pariahs by Perry and Republican state officials. The result is minimal to nonexistent labor protections and pension benefits. The same holds for health care. Texas is again the national leader in having the highest number of residents without health insurance. Only slightly more than half of the state’s construction workers – who face the highest levels of workplace toxic exposures, injuries and fatalities -- are covered by workers’ compensation.
There’s virtually no chance any of this will change soon, and the reasons again aren’t hard to find. The state makes bare minimum investments in graduate and higher education for professional and job skills training. The state is in the bottom tier in the percentage of jobs that require a college education or degree. Yet, the state’s penny-pinching on education, health care, and professional job investment hasn’t made for a bulging state treasury.

The legislature had to scramble to close a $4 billion deficit in the current year’s budget. Texas officials did the one thing that officials everywhere are adept at doing when faced with budget deficits. They make even more slash-and-burn cuts to the favorite targets -- education and health care, at the expense of the poorest and neediest, and continue their all-out assault on state workers. Here is one glaring example. State officials axed funding for pre-kindergarten programs that served about 100,000 low income children.

The biggest reason, though, for there being little likelihood of change is who runs the state. Democrats hold majorities in a few Texas big cities, but they are an endangered species in Texas state government. The executive branch is run by Perry, and the state legislature is under lock down GOP control. In the 2010 elections, the GOP took a supermajority in the state’s House and even managed to capture two Hispanic-majority seats in south Texas.

Labor hostility, laissez faire taxes and business friendliness, and scorn for regulations, are virtually the sacrosanct Holy Grail in the state legislature and Perry’s state house. Perry genuflects before the grail deeper than nearly all the current crop of GOP presidential candidates. Now that he’s in the presidential race, he’ll take his Texas miracle con job to the nation. The terrifying prospect is more than a few just might buy it.

Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 14, 2011, 02:48:54 PM
Hey straw let's make the nation like cali rigfht?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: blacken700 on August 14, 2011, 02:50:07 PM
Hey straw let's make the nation like cali rigfht?

can you ever stick on the topic
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: blacken700 on August 14, 2011, 03:01:14 PM

Rick Perry's Crony Capitalism Problem The presidential candidate's signature economic development initiative has raised questions among conservatives  By CHARLES DAMERON Gov. Rick Perry's presidential pitch goes something like this: During one of the worst recessions in American history, he's kept his state "open for business." In the last two years, Texas created over a quarter of a million jobs, meaning that the state's 8% unemployment rate is substantially lower than the rest of the nation's. The governor credits this exceptional growth to things like low taxes and tort reform.

It's a strong message. But one of the governor's signature economic development initiatives—the Texas Emerging Technology Fund—has lately raised serious questions among some conservatives.

The Emerging Technology Fund was created at Mr. Perry's behest in 2005 to act as a kind of public-sector venture capital firm, largely to provide funding for tech start-ups in Texas. Since then, the fund has committed nearly $200 million of taxpayer money to fund 133 companies. Mr. Perry told a group of CEOs in May that the fund's "strategic investments are what's helping us keep groundbreaking innovations in the state." The governor, together with the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the Texas House, enjoys ultimate decision-making power over the fund's investments.

 National Review correspondent Robert Costa on last night's GOP presidential debate and Saturday's Iowa straw poll.
.Among the companies that the Emerging Technology Fund has invested in is Convergen LifeSciences, Inc. It received a $4.5 million grant last year—the second largest grant in the history of the fund. The founder and executive chairman of Convergen is David G. Nance.

In 2009, when Mr. Nance submitted his application for a $4.5 million Emerging Technology Fund grant for Convergen, he and his partners had invested only $1,000 of their own money into their new company, according to documentation prepared by the governor's office in February 2010. But over the years, Mr. Nance managed to invest a lot more than $1,000 in Mr. Perry. Texas Ethics Commission records show that Mr. Nance donated $75,000 to Mr. Perry's campaigns between 2001 and 2006.

The regional panel that reviewed Convergen's application turned down the company's $4.5 million request when it presented its proposal on Oct. 7, 2009. But Mr. Nance appealed that decision directly to a statewide advisory committee (of which Mr. Nance was once a member) appointed by Mr. Perry. Just eight days later, on Oct. 15, a subcommittee unanimously recommended approval by the full statewide committee. On Oct. 29, the full advisory committee unanimously recommended the approval of Convergen's application. When asked why the advisory committee felt comfortable recommending Convergen's grant, Lucy Nashed, a spokesperson for Mr. Perry, said that the committee "thoroughly vetted the company."

Starting in 2008, Mr. Perry also appropriated approximately $2 million in federal taxpayer money through the auspices of the Wagner-Peyser Act—a federal works program founded during the New Deal and overseen in Texas by Mr. Perry's office—to a nonprofit launched by Mr. Nance called Innovate Texas. The nonprofit was meant to help entrepreneurs by linking them to investors. It began receiving funding on Dec. 31, 2008, soon after Mr. Nance's previous company, Introgen Therapeutics, declared bankruptcy on Dec. 3. According to state records, Mr. Nance paid himself $250,000 for the two years he ran Innovate Texas. Innovate Texas, whose listed phone number is not a working number, could not be reached for comment. (Two phone calls left for Mr. Nance at Convergen's offices went unreturned.)

ThromboVision, Inc., a medical imaging company, was also the recipient of an award from the Emerging Technology Fund: It received $1.5 million in 2007. Charles Tate, a major Perry contributor, served as the chairman of a state committee that reviewed ThromboVision's application for state funding, and Mr. Tate voted to give ThromboVision the public money. One month after ThromboVision received notification that it would receive a $1.5 million state grant in April 2007, Mr. Tate invested his own money in ThromboVision, according to the Dallas Morning News. The Texas paper later found that by 2010 Mr. Tate owned a total of 200,000 preferred shares in ThromboVision.

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Associated Press
Texas Gov. Rick Perry
.According to a Texas state auditor's report, ThromboVision failed to submit required annual reports to the fund from 2008 through 2010, when the company went bankrupt. The report noted the tech fund's managers were "unaware of ThromboVision, Inc.'s bankruptcy until after the bankruptcy had been reported in a newspaper." ThromboVision's bankruptcy filing revealed not only that Mr. Tate had been a preferred shareholder in ThromboVision, but so had prominent Perry supporter Charles Miller, who owned 250,000 preferred shares in the company and has donated $125,000 to the governor's campaigns. Three phone calls and an email seeking Mr. Tate's side of the story went unreturned.

All told, the Dallas Morning News has found that some $16 million from the tech fund has gone to firms in which major Perry contributors were either investors or officers, and $27 million from the fund has gone to companies founded or advised by six advisory board members. The tangle of interests surrounding the fund has raised eyebrows throughout the state, especially among conservatives who think the fund is a misplaced use of taxpayer dollars to start with.

"It is fundamentally immoral and arrogant," says state representative David Simpson, a tea party-backed freshman from Longview, two hours east of Dallas. The fund "opened the door to the appearance of impropriety, if not actual impropriety."

In April, the state auditor's office called for greater transparency in the fund's management, and some legislators began looking for ways that the fund might be reformed. With the state facing a $27 billion budget shortfall in the last legislative session, Mr. Simpson filed a motion in the Texas House in May to shutter the fund and redirect the money to other portions of the budget. That measure passed 89-37 to cheers from the chamber. But the fund was kept alive by the legislature's conference committee. The fund currently has $140 million to spend, according to the governor's office.

Michael Quinn Sullivan, the president of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, sees in the Emerging Technology Fund a classic example of the perils of government pork. "The problem with these kinds of funds is that even when they're used with the best of intentions, it looks bad," says Mr. Sullivan. "You're taking from the average taxpayer and giving to someone who has a connection with government officials."
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on August 14, 2011, 03:07:14 PM
TA already posted some stuff about him being gay and having a gay affair.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on August 14, 2011, 03:08:44 PM
Any day now, we should see stories in the media about Perry being "crazy," attacking his family, his religion, his sexual orientation, etc., etc.  Probably very little on the performance of the Texas economy during his tenure as governor.
You mean like the type of shit Karl Rove pulled against opponents all the time?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 14, 2011, 03:10:41 PM
Lmao.  While not to my liking, those numbers are a decimal point compared to the garbage obama has pulled w gs, ge, citi, aig, solynadra, etc.  Perry is not my choice, but compared to what he have now, its not even close. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Straw Man on August 14, 2011, 03:31:42 PM
Hey straw let's make the nation like cali rigfht?

I'll take CA over TX any day but what doe that to do with Perry shitty record ?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: headhuntersix on August 14, 2011, 03:56:47 PM
Again...its about your fucking idiot president not Perry. We're a center right country....Perry is a hell of alot more right then that communist piece of shit in the white house now. Anybody would be better then Obama. The Tea Party isn't gonna get a hard right candidate elected so forget it.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Fury on August 14, 2011, 04:18:02 PM
Would he do a worse job than Obama has? I doubt it.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 14, 2011, 04:38:45 PM
TA already posted some stuff about him being gay and having a gay affair.

This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about.  Attacking his politics and his record is fine.  What I expect to see are the kinds of tactics used against Palin, Bachmann, and Romney.  They want to portray Romney as "weird."  Attacking Bachmann's husband.  Attacking Palin's family. 

Because it looks like Perry will be a frontrunner and poses a threat to Obama, I expect him to be next. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 14, 2011, 04:39:08 PM
let's focus upon his performance as he asked.

He tripled Texas' debt.  

Would he do a worse job than Obama has? I doubt it.

From 2001 to 2010, Texas' state debt under Perry grew from $13.4 billion to $37.8 billion , according to the Texas Bond Review Board

So yes, it looks like Perry is outperforming Obama in terms of amassing debt....

The national debt is up a very dismal 35% under Obama.

From 2001 to 2010, Texas' state debt under Perry grew from $13.4 billion to $37.8 billion , according to the Texas Bond Review Board
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on August 14, 2011, 04:52:04 PM
This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about.  Attacking his politics and his record is fine.  What I expect to see are the kinds of tactics used against Palin, Bachmann, and Romney.  They want to portray Romney as "weird."  Attacking Bachmann's husband.  Attacking Palin's family. 

Because it looks like Perry will be a frontrunner and poses a threat to Obama, I expect him to be next. 
I like how you make is sound as if only liberals/dems do this lol...  figures...
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 14, 2011, 04:55:35 PM
it's so funny to step back..

Perry is a former Al Gore campaign manager, who got a D in economics, who TRIPLED his state's debt in two terms.

And repubs are forced to defend him.  LMAO.  Look at the bucket of shit you're defending.  Former lib who just can't stop spending - and a globalist at that.  LMFAO.  You dumb shites. 

Granted, I'll vote perry over obama for the reduction in spending alone.  But it is dogshite funny to see the level of defense you have here - Perry is a spendhappy globalist - and you guys are defending him.  LMFAO.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 14, 2011, 04:56:06 PM
I like how you make is sound as if only liberals/dems do this lol...  figures...

Where did I say that?  And what does that have to do with calling Perry a homosexual, etc.?  
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Fury on August 14, 2011, 04:56:45 PM
it's so funny to step back..

Perry is a former Al Gore campaign manager, who got a D in economics, who TRIPLED his state's debt in two terms.

And repubs are forced to defend him.  LMAO.  Look at the bucket of shit you're defending.  Former lib who just can't stop spending - and a globalist at that.  LMFAO.  You dumb shites.  

Granted, I'll vote perry over obama for the reduction in spending alone.  But it is dogshite funny to see the level of defense you have here - Perry is a spendhappy globalist - and you guys are defending him.  LMFAO.

You're one of the biggest liberals on this board. You should be worshiping the guy. He's like a better version of Huntsman, who you couldn't stop praising a few months ago.

By the way, you've logged at least 20,000 posts praising Obama, you fucking hypocrite. Pot meet kettle.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 14, 2011, 04:56:52 PM

Granted, I'll vote perry over obama for the reduction in spending alone. 

Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 14, 2011, 04:58:58 PM
You're one of the biggest liberals on this board. You should be worshiping the guy. He's like a better version of Huntsman, who you couldn't stop praising a few months ago.

By the way, you've logged at least 20,000 posts praising Obama, you fucking hypocrite. Where do you think you're in a position to criticize anyone for praising Perry, you neocon douche bag?

you this, 240 that.

ignore my points.  Nice.

Then attack obama.

Why not defend perry?  LMAO. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Straw Man on August 14, 2011, 05:00:21 PM
This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about.  Attacking his politics and his record is fine.  What I expect to see are the kinds of tactics used against Palin, Bachmann, and Romney.  They want to portray Romney as "weird."  Attacking Bachmann's husband.  Attacking Palin's family. 

Because it looks like Perry will be a frontrunner and poses a threat to Obama, I expect him to be next. 

calling out hypocrisy in Palin and Bachmanns words as compared to their actions is not attacking them and Bachmann husband is fair game too

Palin's family is fair game too because of their actions and because of the fact that she put's them out as some sort of role model for family values

If the Obama kids were out getting drunk and knocked up or vandalizing the breaks on a school but you'd hear about it too
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Fury on August 14, 2011, 05:00:50 PM
you this, 240 that.

ignore my points.  Nice.

Then attack obama.

Why not defend perry?  LMAO. 

I couldn't care less about Perry. I'm realistic, though. All he has to do is point out that Obama's mismanagement of the US economy has lost millions of jobs while Texas has added 50% of all jobs since 2009 and he's done.

What points are you making, though, because I don't see any at all. You're a fucking hypocrite through and through. You claim to be a conservative and you've spent more time on this board defending Obama than ny other poster here. You're in no position to whatsoever to call people out for praising Perry.

Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 14, 2011, 05:01:19 PM

You can give a guy your vote without defending everything he does.

i'll vote tpaw, mitt, perry, bachmann, rpaul, etc over Obama in Nov 2012.  I'll take a cell pic and post it too ;)

But there's nothing that says you have to defend 100% of what a candidate does.  It's fun to compare them.  Perry is a guy who worked for Gore and TRIPLED the TX debt.  I mean, that's some funny shit.  Obama's a bag of crap, nobody denying that, and he's not getting my vote.

But wow, everyone gets their tampons in a tizzy because we're pointing out the irony in Perry's claim he creates jobs.  Sure, if you have to triple the debt, you can create some minimum wage jobs.  Bravo.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Fury on August 14, 2011, 05:02:38 PM
You can give a guy your vote without defending everything he does.

i'll vote tpaw, mitt, perry, bachmann, rpaul, etc over Obama in Nov 2012.  I'll take a cell pic and post it too ;)

But there's nothing that says you have to defend 100% of what a candidate does.  It's fun to compare them.  Perry is a guy who worked for Gore and TRIPLED the TX debt.  I mean, that's some funny shit.  Obama's a bag of crap, nobody denying that, and he's not getting my vote.

But wow, everyone gets their tampons in a tizzy because we're pointing out the irony in Perry's claim he creates jobs.  Sure, if you have to triple the debt, you can create some minimum wage jobs.  Bravo.

No, you won't. You're a far-left liberal snake whose only claim to conservatism is your gun obsession.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 14, 2011, 05:05:53 PM
I couldn't care less about Perry. I'm realistic, though. All he has to do is point out that Obama's mismanagement of the US economy has lost millions of jobs while Texas has added 50% of all jobs since 2009 and he's done.

What points are you making, though, because I don't see any at all. You're a fucking hypocrite through and through. You claim to be a conservative and you've spent more time on this board defending Obama than ny other poster here. You're in no position to whatsoever to call people out for praising Perry.


it's all abuot 240 for you.

I'd like to talk about perry's claims that he creates jobs.

I contend that he did so by tripling the state debt, and they were mostly min wage jobs.

Do you agree or disagree?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Straw Man on August 14, 2011, 05:07:09 PM
No, you won't. You're a far-left liberal snake whose only claim to conservatism is your gun obsession.

you think 240 is far left ?

are you kidding
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 14, 2011, 05:07:34 PM
No, you won't. You're a far-left liberal snake whose only claim to conservatism is your gun obsession.

okay, so are you telling me if I write "BerzerkFury rocks" on my palm and take a pic of my Romney/Perry ballot, and post it on getbig, you'll cut me some slack?  :)
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 14, 2011, 05:08:10 PM
You can give a guy your vote without defending everything he does.

i'll vote tpaw, mitt, perry, bachmann, rpaul, etc over Obama in Nov 2012.  I'll take a cell pic and post it too ;)

But there's nothing that says you have to defend 100% of what a candidate does.  It's fun to compare them.  Perry is a guy who worked for Gore and TRIPLED the TX debt.  I mean, that's some funny shit.  Obama's a bag of crap, nobody denying that, and he's not getting my vote.

But wow, everyone gets their tampons in a tizzy because we're pointing out the irony in Perry's claim he creates jobs.  Sure, if you have to triple the debt, you can create some minimum wage jobs.  Bravo.

I'm not a Perry supporter.  Yet.  Like I said in another thread, I like his background, but I want to hear what he has to say on the campaign trail before I support him.  

What I find really funny is you liberals jumping on the guy the day after he jumps in the race.

But that wasn't the point of the thread.  I'm talking about the dirty tricks we have seen with other candidates.  You're one of the main offenders on the board.   ::)  (Although I was talking about the mainstream media and political talking heads, and not necessarily people on the board when I started the thread.)
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Fury on August 14, 2011, 05:08:37 PM
it's all abuot 240 for you.

I'd like to talk about perry's claims that he creates jobs.

I contend that he did so by tripling the state debt, and they were mostly min wage jobs.

Do you agree or disagree?

Please stop acting like your important on here. We've already got enough arrogant douche bags like Straw Man who do a good enough job using this board for validation of their existence. The only reason anyone bothers to reply to you is that: 1) you spam the fuck out of this board with your spinster shit and 2) you continue to carry on with the lie that you're conservative.

Texas has created 50% of all jobs in this country since 2009. In-fact, Texas has created more jobs than every state but NY and PA combined. Obama has lost millions of jobs. That's all that matters. No amount of spin from you will change those facts.  :)
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Fury on August 14, 2011, 05:11:33 PM
By the way, Obama criticizing Perry's spending would be a direct refutation of the very Keynesian principles that Obama adheres to. Oops. :-X
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: blacken700 on August 14, 2011, 05:16:26 PM

In an unannounced June 14 appearance on the Fox News Channel, Texas Gov. Rick Perry strolled through another celebration of the state’s economy.

His 35-second cameo shows host Glenn Beck and Perry, who is not introduced, walking from a chalkboard past the camera as Beck asks: "How many jobs did you create, percentage, during the recession?" Perry replies: "Since June 2009, about 48 percent of all the jobs created in America were in Texas. Come add to it."

"Thank you; would love to," says Beck, whose show is leaving Fox.

After Perry walked off camera, Beck imitated Star Wars’ Obi-Wan Kenobi, waving his hand across his face and saying: "I have no idea who that man was. That’s not the candidate you were looking for."

We recognize that job-gain boasts can overreach. An example: Perry’s January 2009 claim that about 70 percent of the jobs created in the U.S. from November 2007-08 were in Texas. We rated that False because it was based on statistics from the 14 states in which job gains outnumbered job losses, and disregarded any jobs created in the other 36 states where losses outnumbered gains.

Per the governor’s recent claim, his office and the Texas Workforce Commission each attributed the 48 percent figure to research touted by the Dallas branch of the Federal Reserve. The Fed compared the number of jobs in Texas and the nation in April 2011 to the number of jobs in June 2009, the month marked by the National Bureau of Economic Research as the end of the recession that started in December 2007.

Workforce commission spokesman Mark Lavergne forwarded a June 14 email from Jerrod Vaughan, an assistant to Richard Fisher, president and ceo of the Dallas Fed, elaborating on Fisher’s recently telling the Wall Street Journal that Texas accounted for 37 percent of post-recession net job gains nationally, by one calculation, or 45 percent by another.

The Journal article says the Texas economy has averaged 3.3 percent annual growth over the last two decades, compared with 2.6 percent for the nation over all.

Vaughan’s email says that when the Dallas Fed compared its internally adjusted Texas employment totals to national survey employment figures, the Texas share of the whole was 47.8 percent--hence, we see, the figure Perry gave Beck.

Pia Orrenius, a senior economist at the Dallas Fed, told us the calculation came from subtracting the number of Texas jobs in June 2009 (10,287,000) from the jobs as of April 2011 (10,524,000) and determining the 237,000 increase accounted for nearly 48 percent of the 496,000 jobs gained nationally over that period. She said the national job figures were drawn from the federal government’s national payroll surveys.

Then again, Orrenius suggested the Texas economy has been roaring since 1990. "Long before Rick Perry" became governor, she said, "we were talking about the great Texas economy. There are so many exciting  things about the Texas economy that precede any political flavor of the month." She listed as favorable factors the state’s range of natural resources, its energy and high-tech sectors, its booming Gulf ports and its surging trade with Mexico and China.

Experts we contacted agreed Texas has enjoyed phenomenal job growth, though they stressed there are various ways to arrive at the state’s share of the nation’s rebound.

Cheryl Abbot, a Dallas-based economist at the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, initially advised by email that by the bureau’s count, Texas had 265,300 more jobs in April 2011 than in June 2009. Using the Dallas Fed’s equation, this suggests Texas accounted for about 54 percent of the nation’s net job growth over the period. Why the difference: The Dallas Fed checks the bureau’s monthly employment estimates against employers’ unemployment compensation tax filings once a quarter; the bureau only does so annually.

Abbot said, though, she prefers to judge "recoveries thus far" by comparing specific state or U.S. current employment levels with their peak employment prior to the recession. Texas, she said, has nearly recovered all the jobs lost in the recession. Its nearly 10.6 million jobs as of April ran 0.9 percent below its August 2008 peak employment level of more than 10.6 million jobs. In contrast, Abbot said, the U.S. employment of 131 million in May 2011 fell 5 percent below the peak U.S. employment of nearly 138 million in January 2008.

Chris Edwards, director of tax policy for the Libertarian-leaning Cato Institute, called the Fed’s comparison fair, but said he’s skeptical every time a leader touts economic gains when it’s unclear how they stoked the gains. "Reporters should ask the governor specifically what policies he put in place to create the much-better employment growth," Edward said, adding that he sees as a negative move changes in business taxation Perry signed into law in 2006 to help cover cuts in school property taxes.

Likewise, Bob Lerman, a fellow in labor and social policy at The Urban Institute in Washington saw no flaw in the Fed’s calculation. But at the liberal-leaning Economic Policy Institute, researcher Kathryn Edwards called Perry’s statement misleading because the Fed’s research reflects only the 31 states with net job gains over the post-recession period.

Jobs were created in the other states, Edwards pointed out, though more jobs were lost. It would be accurate, she said, to say Texas accounted for 27 percent of jobs gained in states with net job gains. For the same reason, Lee McPheters, an economist at Arizona State University, said the Fed’s statistical comparison is misleading.

McPheters wondered too why the cited comparison starts in June 2009 when the actual national low point in terms of employment was February 2010, because employment keeps falling after a recession ends. Applying the Fed’s methodology to the the later time frame, Texas accounted for only 18 percent of the jobs created from February 2010 into April 2011, he said.

Finally, we consulted Bernard Weinstein, an economist at Southern Methodist University familiar with the state’s economic ups and downs. "One can quibble over the numbers as well as the methodologies and time frames used to calculate Texas' job gains," Weinstein said by email. The big picture, he said, is that Texas has fared better than other big states since the recession and indeed over the past 20 years, for reasons including, he said, "enlightened" leadership, demographics and the resurgent energy sector.

Our take:The strength of the Texas economy, compared to many other states, isn’t in dispute. However, there are many ways to slice and dice employment statistics. The calculations behind the 48-percent boast may cover a less meaningful time frame while not weighing any jobs created in states with net job losses.

Mark Perry’s statement Half True.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Straw Man on August 14, 2011, 05:17:36 PM
Please stop acting like your important on here. We've already got enough arrogant douche bags like Straw Man who do a good enough job using this board for validation of their existence. The only reason anyone bothers to reply to you is that: 1) you spam the fuck out of this board with your spinster shit and 2) you continue to carry on with the lie that you're conservative.

Texas has created 50% of all jobs in this country since 2009. In-fact, Texas has created more jobs than every state but NY and PA combined. Obama has lost millions of jobs. That's all that matters. No amount of spin from you will change those facts.  :)


have you ever considered not posting or even reading the board

alternatively you could just stop being such a whiny little bitch

wait - that's all you've ever been on this board so I guess that option is out
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Fury on August 14, 2011, 05:18:48 PM

have you ever considered not posting or even reading the board

alternatively you could just stop being such a whiny little bitch

wait - that's all you've ever been on this board so I guess that option is out

Nice meltdown coming from the guy who can't admit he was wrong, despite the fact it happens so frequently.

How's the post office doing, bright spot?  :)
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: roccoginge on August 14, 2011, 05:29:10 PM
By the way, Obama criticizing Perry's spending would be a direct refutation of the very Keynesian principles that Obama adheres to. Oops. :-X
Would you rather he follow Say's Law?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Straw Man on August 14, 2011, 05:33:38 PM
Nice meltdown coming from the guy who can't admit he was wrong, despite the fact it happens so frequently.

How's the post office doing, bright spot?  :)

you call that a meltdown

have you noticed that almost all of your posts are nothing but personal attacks.

why is that

problems at home or just feeling bad about yourself in general?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Fury on August 14, 2011, 05:52:30 PM
you call that a meltdown

have you noticed that almost all of your posts are nothing but personal attacks.

why is that

problems at home or just feeling bad about yourself in general?

And you contribute to this board? All you do is follow 333 around like a lost puppy.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: roccoginge on August 14, 2011, 05:54:45 PM
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 14, 2011, 05:56:29 PM
I love seeing the far leftists like straw come out of the woodwork to attack others on things their messiah has been doing unabated for three years now and act all indignant.  Truly laughable.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Straw Man on August 14, 2011, 06:55:48 PM
And you contribute to this board? All you do is follow 333 around like a lost puppy.

you clearly spend way too much time thinking about me

and once again have proven yourself to be pretty much completely clueless

Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: blacken700 on August 14, 2011, 08:22:40 PM
Rick Perry's Texas jobs boom: The whole story
By Tami Luhby @CNNMoney August 13, 2011: 2:34 PM ET

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Texas has created a lot of jobs over the 10 years that Rick Perry's been governor -- there's no doubt about it.

Perry, who is formally launching his presidential candidacy on Saturday, is making his state's economic prowess a centerpiece of his campaign. Already he's been bragging about his state being the "epicenter of job growth."

102616Print Texas has gained more than 1 million net new jobs in the decade Perry has led the state. And it's been going strong since the recession ended.

"We are home to fewer than one in 10 Americans ... but four in 10 new American jobs are in our state," he told a conference of state legislators from around the nation this week.

But that doesn't mean that all is well with employment in the Lone Star State. Texas leads the nation in minimum-wage jobs, and many positions don't offer health benefits. Also, steep budget cuts are expected to result in the loss of more than 100,000 jobs.

Perhaps most importantly, Texas can't create jobs fast enough to keep up with its rapidly growing population. Since 2007, the state's number of working-age residents expanded by 6.6%, nearly twice the national average.

Factoring in that population growth means Texas would need to create another 629,000 jobs, or 5.6% more positions, just to reach its pre-recession employment level, according to the Economic Policy Institute.

"They have a long way to go before they get back to a positive place," said Doug Hall, director of the Economic Analysis and Research Network, an institute project.

0:00 / 1:49 Texans grab their guns as economy stalls
Still, Texas has been adding jobs at a rapid clip since the recession's end in 2009. The state has created nearly 297,000 net new positions since June of that year, representing a major chunk of the nation's 715,000 gain, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Of course, Texas enjoys advantages that have nothing to do with having Perry at the helm. Rich in natural resources, the state has been benefiting from the high price of oil and the expanded interest in natural gas exploration. Energy employment has soared by 16.8% over the past year alone.

While the energy sector is driving much of the recent jobs expansion, nearly all industries are doing well, said Jim Gaines, research economist at The Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University.

Construction jobs, for instance, have grown by 5.4% in the past year, according to the center. Employment in professional services is up 4.5% and in the hospitality business by 3%. Only the government and information technology sectors have seen drops, of 1.4% and 5%, respectively.

"Texas has fared better than most of the nation," said Terry Clower, who directs the Center for Economic Development and Research at the University of North Texas. "Private sector job creation has been pretty strong compared to most other states."

The secret, according to Perry, is low taxes, predictable regulation, a fair legal system, and a skilled workforce. And he's been sharing it with companies around the country, hoping to lure them to his state. Some are heeding his siren call, lured by the state's low cost of doing business, as well as Texas Enterprise Fund, which has awarded companies $440 million to relocate since it was created in 2003.

Texas, however, still faces many challenges on the jobs front. Many of the positions that have been created are on the lower end of the pay scale. Some 550,000 workers last year were paid at or below the federal minimum wage of $7.25, more than double the number making those wages in 2008, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That's 9.5% of Texas' hourly workforce, which gives it the highest percentage of minimum-wage hourly workers in the nation -- a dubious title it shares with Mississippi.

"We have created jobs, but they are not jobs with good wages and benefits," said F. Scott McCown, executive director, Center for Public Policy Priorities, which advocates for low-income residents.

Going forward, the Lone Star State will have to work even harder to create jobs. That's because Perry signed a budget in May that slashes $15 billion in government spending over the next two years. Also, the federal stimulus funds that poured into the state since 2009 have largely dried up.

The state budget cuts alone could result in the loss of more than 100,000 jobs, many of them in the public sector, Clower said. Thousands of teachers are already feeling the impact of more than $5 billion in cuts to education funding.

The state's rapidly expanding population has been both a blessing and a curse. While it has spurred the creation of jobs to service the new residents, it has also kept the state's unemployment rate higher than one would expect for a place that's adding so many positions. Texas' unemployment rate is 8.2% -- lower than the nation's, but higher than 25 other states.

Unless Perry can push job creation into overdrive, the rate is likely to stay high, economists say.

"Our labor force is growing substantially faster than we can grow jobs," Gaines said.

Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Fury on August 14, 2011, 08:23:26 PM
Ahh yes, now no jobs are better than minimum-wage jobs. The left is pretty desperate to smear this guy.

I take it you'll be criticizing Obama for bragging about hiring in May, where McDonald's added 50,000 of the pathetically low ~100k jobs he was bragging about, right?  ::)

Last I checked, minimum wage jobs > no jobs. I'm sure quite a few of the 7 million long-term unemployed Americans would be quite happy with any job at all. Never mind, Obama's brilliant jobs strategy revolves around the concept of unemployment benefits creating jobs or something like that.  ::)
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: blacken700 on August 14, 2011, 08:26:17 PM
was it you or 333386 that was complaining that all the jobs obama added were from mcdonald's,can't have it both ways
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: OzmO on August 14, 2011, 08:57:57 PM
Lol. I wonder how many posts on this thread are not attacks on each other?

So when is anyone other than  cut and pasters going to talk about Perry's politics?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 14, 2011, 09:10:38 PM
Lol. I wonder how many posts on this thread are not attacks on each other?

So when is anyone other than  cut and pasters going to talk about Perry's politics?

lol.  I was thinking the same thing.   :)
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: OzmO on August 14, 2011, 09:31:00 PM (

Summary of Perry from the same site that showed Michelle Bachmann hypocrisy as a cummunist traitor.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 14, 2011, 09:32:48 PM
This one is pretty good too.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 14, 2011, 09:40:43 PM (

Summary of Perry from the same site that showed Michelle Bachmann hypocrisy as a cummunist traitor.

That's a great website.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: OzmO on August 14, 2011, 09:51:25 PM
That's a great website.

Yeah PIP linked it.  Seems to be a Good way to see a voting record.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 15, 2011, 02:30:14 PM
Well that didn't take long.  lol . . . .


 A Christian Plot for Domination?
Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry aren't just devout—both have deep ties to a fringe fundamentalist movement known as Dominionism, which says Christians should rule the world.

 (Page 1 of 2)
 With Tim Pawlenty out of the presidential race, it is now fairly clear that the GOP candidate will either be Mitt Romney or someone who makes George W. Bush look like Tom Paine. Of the three most plausible candidates for the Republican nomination, two are deeply associated with a theocratic strain of Christian fundamentalism known as Dominionism. If you want to understand Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry, understanding Dominionism isn’t optional.

Put simply, Dominionism means that Christians have a God-given right to rule all earthly institutions. Originating among some of America’s most radical theocrats, it’s long had an influence on religious-right education and political organizing. But because it seems so outré, getting ordinary people to take it seriously can be difficult. Most writers, myself included, who explore it have been called paranoid. In a contemptuous 2006 First Things review of several books, including Kevin Phillips’ American Theocracy, and my own Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism, conservative columnist Ross Douthat wrote, “the fear of theocracy has become a defining panic of the Bush era.”

Now, however, we have the most theocratic Republican field in American history, and suddenly, the concept of Dominionism is reaching mainstream audiences. Writing about Bachmann in The New Yorker this month, Ryan Lizza spent several paragraphs explaining how the premise fit into the Minnesota congresswoman’s intellectual and theological development. And a recent Texas Observer cover story on Rick Perry examined his relationship with the New Apostolic Reformation, a Dominionist variant of Pentecostalism that coalesced about a decade ago. “[W]hat makes the New Apostolic Reformation movement so potent is its growing fascination with infiltrating politics and government,” wrote Forrest Wilder. Its members “believe Christians—certain Christians—are destined to not just take ‘dominion’ over government, but stealthily climb to the commanding heights of what they term the ‘Seven Mountains’ of society, including the media and the arts and entertainment world.”

In many ways, Dominionism is more a political phenomenon than a theological one. It cuts across Christian denominations, from stern, austere sects to the signs-and-wonders culture of modern megachurches. Think of it like political Islamism, which shapes the activism of a number of antagonistic fundamentalist movements, from Sunni Wahabis in the Arab world to Shiite fundamentalists in Iran.

Dominionism derives from a small fringe sect called Christian Reconstructionism, founded by a Calvinist theologian named R. J. Rushdoony in the 1960s. Christian Reconstructionism openly advocates replacing American law with the strictures of the Old Testament, replete with the death penalty for homosexuality, abortion, and even apostasy. The appeal of Christian Reconstructionism is, obviously, limited, and mainstream Christian right figures like Ralph Reed have denounced it.

Getty Images; AP Photo (2)

But while Rushdoony was a totalitarian, he was a prolific and influential one—he elaborated his theories in a number of books, including the massive, three-volume Institutes of Biblical Law. And his ideas, along with those of his followers, have had an incalculable impact on the milieu that spawned both Bachmann and Perry.

Rushdoony pioneered the Christian homeschooling movement, as well as the revisionist history, ubiquitous on the religious right, that paints the U.S. as a Christian nation founded on biblical principles. He consistently defended Southern slavery and contrasted it with the greater evils of socialism: “The law here is humane and also unsentimental,” he wrote. “It recognizes that some people are by nature slaves and will always be so ... Socialism, on the contrary, tries to give the slave all the advantages of his security together with the benefits of freedom, and in the process, destroys both the free and the enslaved.”

Rushdoony’s most influential idea was the concept of Dominionism, which spread far beyond the Christian Reconstructionist fringe. “‘Dominion theologians,’ as they are called, lay great emphasis on Genesis 1:26–7, where God tells Adam to assume dominion over the animate and inanimate world,” wrote the scholar Garry Wills in his book Under God: Religion and American Politics, describing the influence of the ideology on Pat Robertson. “When man fell, his control over creation was forfeited; but the saved, who are restored by baptism, can claim again the rights given Adam.”

Related StoriesJill Lawrence: The GOP’s Three to Beat x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x  x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x For believers in Dominionism, rule by non-Christians is a sort of sacrilege—which explains, in part, the theological fury that has accompanied the election of our last two Democratic presidents. “Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ—to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness,” wrote George Grant, the former executive director of Coral Ridge Ministries, which has since changed its name to Truth in Action Ministries. “But it is dominion we are after. Not just a voice ... It is dominion we are after. Not just equal time ... World conquest.”
Bachmann is close to Truth in Action Ministries; last year, she appeared in one of its documentaries, Socialism: A Clear and Present Danger. In it, she espoused the idea, common in Reconstructionist circles, that the government has no right to collect taxes in excess of 10 percent, the amount that believers are called to tithe to the church. On her state-senate-campaign website, she recommended a book co-authored by Grant titled Call of Duty: The Sterling Nobility of Robert E. Lee, which, as Lizza reported, depicted the civil war as a battle between the devout Christian South and the Godless North, and lauded slavery as a benevolent institution. “The unity and companionship that existed between the races in the South prior to the war was the fruit of a common faith,” the book said.

One could go on and on listing the Dominionist influences on Bachmann’s thinking. She often cites Francis Schaeffer, the godfather of the anti-abortion movement, who held seminars on Rushdoony’s work and helped disseminate his ideas to a larger evangelical audience. John Eidsmoe, an Oral Roberts University professor who, she’s said, “had a great influence on me,” is a Christian Reconstructionist. She often praises the Christian nationalist historian David Barton, who is intimately associated with the Christian Reconstructionist movement; an article about slavery on the website of his organization, Wallbuilders, defends the institution’s biblical basis, with extensive citations of Rushdoony. (“God's laws concerning slavery provided parameters for treatment of slaves, which were for the benefit of all involved,” it says.)

In elaborating Bachmann’s Dominionist history, though, it’s important to point out that she is not unique. Perry tends to be regarded as marginally more reasonable than Bachmann, but he is as closely associated with Dominionism as she is, though his links are to a different strain of the ideology.

For believers in Dominionism, rule by non-Christians is a sort of sacrilege.
The Christian Reconstructionists tend to be skeptical of Pentecostalism, with its magic, prophesies, speaking in tongues, and wild ecstasies. Certainly, there are overlaps between the traditions—Oral Roberts, where Bachmann studied with Eidsmoe, was a Pentecostal school. But it’s only recently that one group of Pentecostals, the New Apostolic Reformation, has created its own distinct Dominionist movement. And members see Perry as their ticket to power.

“The New Apostles talk about taking dominion over American society in pastoral terms,” wrote Wilder in the Texas Observer. “They refer to the ‘Seven Mountains’ of society: family, religion, arts and entertainment, media, government, education, and business. These are the nerve centers of society that God (or his people) must control.” He quotes a sermon from Tom Schlueter, New Apostolic pastor close to Perry. “We’re going to infiltrate [the government], not run from it. I know why God’s doing what he’s doing ... He’s just simply saying, ‘Tom I’ve given you authority in a governmental authority, and I need you to infiltrate the governmental mountain.”

According to Wilder, members of the New Apostolic Reformation see Perry as their vehicle to claim the “mountain” of government. Some have told Perry that Texas is a “prophet state,” destined, with his leadership, to bring America back to God. The movement was deeply involved in The Response, the massive prayer rally that Perry hosted in Houston earlier this month. “Eight members of The Response ‘leadership team’ are affiliated with the New Apostolic Reformation movement,” wrote Wilder. “The long list of The Response’s official endorses—posted on the event’s website—reads like a Who’s Who of the apostolic-prophetic crowd, including movement founder C. Peter Wagner.”

We have not seen this sort of thing at the highest levels of the Republican Party before. Those of us who wrote about the Christian fundamentalist influence on the Bush administration were alarmed that one of his advisers, Marvin Olasky, was associated with Christian Reconstructionism. It seemed unthinkable, at the time, that an American president was taking advice from even a single person whose ideas were so inimical to democracy. Few of us imagined that someone who actually championed such ideas would have a shot at the White House. It turns out we weren’t paranoid enough. If Bush eroded the separation of church and state, the GOP is now poised to nominate someone who will mount an all-out assault on it. We need to take their beliefs seriously, because they certainly do.

Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 15, 2011, 02:31:14 PM
Chris Matthews: Rick Perry A 'Clown' Full Of 'Texas B.S.' (VIDEO)
First Posted: 8/13/11 01:27 PM ET Updated: 8/13/11

Chris Matthews didn't mince words on his Friday show when it came to the newest entrant into the GOP presidential race.

Rick Perry formally entered the 2012 campaign on Saturday, but everyone knew that he was running days before. On Friday's "Hardball," Matthews made it clear that he doesn't think much of the Texas governor. As he watched the footage MSNBC was playing of Perry, Matthews openly mocked him--and his Texas ways.

"He looks like a clown," Matthews said. "He dresses very fancy. There's something about the way that he puts himself together that doesn't look authentic. He looks like, I don't know, a wax figure pretending to be governor. There's something about him that doesn't add up to me. Maybe it's this Texas B.S., this boots and tuxedo thing they do down there. Why does it work? Outside of Texas it doesn't travel very well."

Matthews also criticized Perry for mangling the history of Texas' relationship with the rest of the U.S. Matthews said that, unlike what Perry has claimed, Texas never had any clause in its founding documents that allowed it to secede from America. He wondered whether Perry was being "deliberately ignorant" in his telling of the state's history.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 15, 2011, 02:33:09 PM
I love it that the commies and obama bots are getting scared.   

They see the writing on the wall.   Bozo is done.   
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: jesusbod on August 15, 2011, 02:45:27 PM
I don't think the gay rumors/history are that big of a deal.  Bachmann's hubby speaks with a lisp and takes federal money to "un gay" people and it was barely a blip on the radar.

As far as perry's performance - tell me about that, Beach Bum, since you brought it up.  I heard the TX debt has TRIPLED under Perry.   I also heard he used a lot of Obama federal stim $ to create these jobs.  Oh, and that TX leads the nation in min wage jobs.

I live in Texas and I can tell you things are a lot better here than most places across the country. Perry has his flaws such as border security and the fact that he was Al Gores Campaign manager in Texas but other than that you can't knock a guy down when the amount of jobs in the Country are about as high as they come. May not be the best paying jobs but they are jobs and right now in this economy I don't think people in Texas are bitching as much about that as other in the rest of the country that have NO jobs.

Perry would be a good fit for the Presidency. Doesn't mess with the illegals or the gays but is fiscally conservative to a degree. He would be a right down the middle kind of guy. He will get a long with the Dumocrats just as well as the Rhino's....
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: GigantorX on August 15, 2011, 02:47:54 PM
Chris Matthews: Rick Perry A 'Clown' Full Of 'Texas B.S.' (VIDEO)
First Posted: 8/13/11 01:27 PM ET Updated: 8/13/11

Chris Matthews didn't mince words on his Friday show when it came to the newest entrant into the GOP presidential race.

Rick Perry formally entered the 2012 campaign on Saturday, but everyone knew that he was running days before. On Friday's "Hardball," Matthews made it clear that he doesn't think much of the Texas governor. As he watched the footage MSNBC was playing of Perry, Matthews openly mocked him--and his Texas ways.

"He looks like a clown," Matthews said. "He dresses very fancy. There's something about the way that he puts himself together that doesn't look authentic. He looks like, I don't know, a wax figure pretending to be governor. There's something about him that doesn't add up to me. Maybe it's this Texas B.S., this boots and tuxedo thing they do down there. Why does it work? Outside of Texas it doesn't travel very well."

Matthews also criticized Perry for mangling the history of Texas' relationship with the rest of the U.S. Matthews said that, unlike what Perry has claimed, Texas never had any clause in its founding documents that allowed it to secede from America. He wondered whether Perry was being "deliberately ignorant" in his telling of the state's history.

Matthews, and MSNBC as a whole, is a fucking embarrassment to journilsm and cable news and any other "news" source/outlet/channel/StreetWise seller out there...........and considering the sad shape of the above establishments, that's fucking saying something.

MSNBC makes Fox News look like a shinning beacon of journalistic power and ethics.

You want to talk about a 24/7/365 hate machine? Turn MSNBC on, especially now that their lord and savior is shitting the bed and making them (Obama's glee club) look real, real stupid. The station is nothing but Republican this and Republican that. If its all you watched you would think that the Republicans were the only party in D.C. It's all negative, all hate, all vitriol, all the damn time. From Schultz to Bashir, Olbermann (even now on his new failed channel), Maddow and even the mid-day "new reporting" hate robots they have...all hate, all negative, all attacks all the time.

The same fucking hyocrits that were taking the Rep. Giffords shooting and blaming it ALL on the Right for the "harmful" and "charged" god. Turn on MSNBC and they are talking all sorts of crazy shit towards the Right....the Right and how much they hate them is all they talk about.

Fucking funny.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: OzmO on August 15, 2011, 02:49:31 PM
I live in Texas and I can tell you things are a lot better here than most places across the country. Perry has his flaws such as border security and the fact that he was Al Gores Campaign manager in Texas but other than that you can't knock a guy down when the amount of jobs in the Country are about as high as they come. May not be the best paying jobs but they are jobs and right now in this economy I don't think people in Texas are bitching as much about that as other in the rest of the country that have NO jobs.

Perry would be a good fit for the Presidency. Doesn't mess with the illegals or the gays but is fiscally conservative to a degree. He would be a right down the middle kind of guy. He will get a long with the Dumocrats just as well as the Rhino's....

That's kind of what i am seeing, him being more centrists. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 15, 2011, 03:11:21 PM
Perry has his flaws such as border security and the fact that he was Al Gores Campaign manager in Texas

I don't think him being a former Democrat is a flaw.  His father was a big-time Democrat.  Perfectly understandable that he started off left of center.  But like a lot of people, he became more conservative as he got older.  At least that's my initial read. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 15, 2011, 03:12:46 PM
Matthews, and MSNBC as a whole, is a fucking embarrassment to journilsm and cable news and any other "news" source/outlet/channel/StreetWise seller out there...........and considering the sad shape of the above establishments, that's fucking saying something.

MSNBC makes Fox News look like a shinning beacon of journalistic power and ethics.

You want to talk about a 24/7/365 hate machine? Turn MSNBC on, especially now that their lord and savior is shitting the bed and making them (Obama's glee club) look real, real stupid. The station is nothing but Republican this and Republican that. If its all you watched you would think that the Republicans were the only party in D.C. It's all negative, all hate, all vitriol, all the damn time. From Schultz to Bashir, Olbermann (even now on his new failed channel), Maddow and even the mid-day "new reporting" hate robots they have...all hate, all negative, all attacks all the time.

The same fucking hyocrits that were taking the Rep. Giffords shooting and blaming it ALL on the Right for the "harmful" and "charged" god. Turn on MSNBC and they are talking all sorts of crazy shit towards the Right....the Right and how much they hate them is all they talk about.

Fucking funny.

Truth.  I can't watch that channel.  I didn't realize how big of a tool Matthews is.  They're all the same. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: garebear on August 15, 2011, 03:14:47 PM
Any day now, we should see stories in the media about Perry being "crazy," attacking his family, his religion, his sexual orientation, etc., etc.  Probably very little on the performance of the Texas economy during his tenure as governor.
Wa wa. I'm a tough Republican. Until, that is, the first person says anything against me.

Then I'm a victim of the liberal elite media.

Wa wa.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 15, 2011, 03:15:46 PM
Wa wa. I'm a tough Republican. Until, that is, the first person says anything against me.

Then I'm a victim of the liberal elite media.

Wa wa.

Wow.  A semi-serious post.  I don't know what to say . . . .
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 15, 2011, 03:55:18 PM
Wa wa. I'm a tough Republican. Until, that is, the first person says anything against me.

Then I'm a victim of the liberal elite media.

Wa wa.

yeah, i dont remember reagan whining and crying like a little punk.

today's crop is all "the media is attacking me..."

Hey, you've got the platform to answer tough Qs and make points about what a failure obama is.  Don't stand there and play the victim.  When Russia sets up bases in Cuba, or the IMF drops the dollar, or china demands repayment... will they cry and whine then too?

Sorry, but if Katie Couric and Jon Stewart are too tough for some of these candidates, I don't want to know how they'll handle a nuclear staredown.

They just don't make tough candidates anymore :(   Show me one that doesn't whine like a damn punk because the media picks on them.  hell, Newt was crying that CHRIS WALLACE was picking on him.  Geez.  man the fuuuk up.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: GigantorX on August 15, 2011, 04:26:03 PM
yeah, i dont remember reagan whining and crying like a little punk.

today's crop is all "the media is attacking me..."

Hey, you've got the platform to answer tough Qs and make points about what a failure obama is.  Don't stand there and play the victim.  When Russia sets up bases in Cuba, or the IMF drops the dollar, or china demands repayment... will they cry and whine then too?

Sorry, but if Katie Couric and Jon Stewart are too tough for some of these candidates, I don't want to know how they'll handle a nuclear staredown.

They just don't make tough candidates anymore :(   Show me one that doesn't whine like a damn punk because the media picks on them.  hell, Newt was crying that CHRIS WALLACE was picking on him.  Geez.  man the fuuuk up.

 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 15, 2011, 04:37:53 PM
but but but but but

yeah.  The ideal candidate would stand up and say "Man, you know what?  Ask anything you want.  i have nothing to hide.  if it's a stupid question, people will see thru it.  If it's a legit Q and I can't answer it, I'll find the answer for you.  If I'm clueless on simple things that I should know if I want to be your POTUS, then I don't deserve the job."

I'd admire the heck out of a candidate who did that.

Instead, it's "why ask me what I read... total gotcha question!  Why ask me about my campaign's chances, total gotcha question!"

A tough Q is a tough Q.  Stop whining about it candidates.  You wanna run the free world but some blogger at a town hall in Iowa is pwning you?  FAIL.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: The True Adonis on August 15, 2011, 04:54:21 PM
Tell me about it.  One of the most telling things about his presidency (at least to me) was how the market tanked while he was speaking last week and really nose-dived after his speech.  He reeks of incompetence. 
Looks like his Prayer-a-Lapooza failed since this happened the day after. ROFLMAO
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: garebear on August 15, 2011, 04:54:25 PM
I love it that the commies and obama bots are getting scared.   

They see the writing on the wall.   Bozo is done.   
The robots are scared?

Um, don't you mean cyborgs who have learned to feel?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: George Whorewell on August 15, 2011, 05:00:34 PM
The robots are scared?

Um, don't you mean cyborgs who have learned to feel?

I would make fun of you, but the challenge is gone.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: garebear on August 15, 2011, 05:16:31 PM
I would make fun of you, but the challenge is gone.
Whorewell, nobody cares about your 'comments'.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: The True Adonis on August 15, 2011, 05:54:18 PM
Please stop acting like your important on here. We've already got enough arrogant douche bags like Straw Man who do a good enough job using this board for validation of their existence. The only reason anyone bothers to reply to you is that: 1) you spam the fuck out of this board with your spinster shit and 2) you continue to carry on with the lie that you're conservative.

Texas has created 50% of all jobs in this country since 2009. In-fact, Texas has created more jobs than every state but NY and PA combined. Obama has lost millions of jobs. That's all that matters. No amount of spin from you will change those facts.  :)
??? I thought that the Private Sector was supposed to create jobs, not the Government.  ???
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on August 15, 2011, 06:07:10 PM
TA, have you found anything worth a shit to back up the gay rumors about perry you started here?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: The True Adonis on August 15, 2011, 06:09:29 PM
TA, have you found anything worth a shit to back up the gay rumors about perry you started here?
Yes.  Governor Perry PMed me yesterday morning asking for thong Pictures.  :-\
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on August 15, 2011, 06:17:51 PM
Yes.  Governor Perry PMed me yesterday morning asking for thong Pictures.  :-\
In other words you admit to posting shit knowing full well it was bullshit without any substance.  That's typical for you.  You usually have these crazy ideas without anything substantial to back it up.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: The True Adonis on August 15, 2011, 06:22:20 PM
In other words you admit to posting shit knowing full well it was bullshit without any substance.  That's typical for you.  You usually have these crazy ideas without anything substantial to back it up.
Why do you care if he is gay?  I only care if he is gay and is trying to deny them the same rights as everyone else.  He can be as gay as a Double Rainbow on Gay Pride Day and I wouldn`t really care.

We have already had a gay President you know, Buchanan.   

PS. (Abraham Lincoln may also have been bisexual)
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on August 15, 2011, 06:33:43 PM
Why do you care if he is gay?  I only care if he is gay and is trying to deny them the same rights as everyone else.  He can be as gay as a Double Rainbow on Gay Pride Day and I wouldn`t really care.

We have already had a gay President you know, Buchanan.   

PS. (Abraham Lincoln may also have been bisexual)
I really don't give a rats ass if he's gay or not.  But spreading rumors that he's gay with nothing to back it up is fucking wrong period.  It's the kind of crap Karl Rove would pull.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: The True Adonis on August 15, 2011, 06:35:21 PM
I really don't give a rats ass if he's gay or not.  But spreading rumors that he's gay with nothing to back it up is fucking wrong period.  It's the kind of crap Karl Rove would pull.
Why is it wrong?  Do people hate gays or something?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on August 15, 2011, 06:41:52 PM
Why is it wrong?  Do people hate gays or something?
::)  Keep trolling and see how fast it gets you banned from the board again... 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: The True Adonis on August 15, 2011, 06:53:27 PM
::)  Keep trolling and see how fast it gets you banned from the board again... 

I don`t understand.  My point is how can being called gay be offensive even if you aren`t gay?  Gay people are not offended if you make up "straight" rumors about them?

Why the double standard?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: jesusbod on August 15, 2011, 07:51:44 PM
but but but but but

yeah.  The ideal candidate would stand up and say "Man, you know what?  Ask anything you want.  i have nothing to hide.  if it's a stupid question, people will see thru it.  If it's a legit Q and I can't answer it, I'll find the answer for you.  If I'm clueless on simple things that I should know if I want to be your POTUS, then I don't deserve the job."

I'd admire the heck out of a candidate who did that.

Instead, it's "why ask me what I read... total gotcha question!  Why ask me about my campaign's chances, total gotcha question!"

A tough Q is a tough Q.  Stop whining about it candidates.  You wanna run the free world but some blogger at a town hall in Iowa is pwning you?  FAIL.

That is exactly what Bachmann did to the NBC "journalist". He tried to badger her into a corner and she shot him down. She told him like it was. I can't find the link now. Shit. Pretty good way of dealing with a person that is against everything you stand for.

Update* found the link (
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 15, 2011, 07:53:37 PM
MB is awesome.  She deals with Qs directly.

Palin and newt get all whiny and bitchy about it.  Just answer the Q, or chooose not to.  Don't cry about tough Qs.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 15, 2011, 07:55:14 PM
MB is awesome.  She deals with Qs directly.

Palin and newt get all whiny and bitchy about it.  Just answer the Q, or chooose not to.  Don't cry about tough Qs.

Bachmann was really good yesterday.   she never gets frazzled , never loses her cool, and just keeps plugging away.  

She also looked great yesterday for a 55 yo mother of 5
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 15, 2011, 07:57:41 PM
She also looked great yesterday for a 55 yo mother of 5

Completely irrelevant.

If someone commented "She looks really terrible for 55 years old", everyone would be crying sexist.

So please, don't triviliaze her to a pair of lips and legs, as was done with Palin.  I get annoyed when I hear people complain about sexism, 5 minutes after they say how good she looks.

Unless you want to tell us how studly you find Perry or how much you'd love to rub Romney's backside, keep the physical evaluations off the boards :)
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 15, 2011, 07:58:55 PM
Bachmann was really good yesterday.   she never gets frazzled , never loses her cool, and just keeps plugging away.  

She also looked great yesterday for a 55 yo mother of 5

Agree.  Saw her interview with Chris Wallace yesterday.  She's very good.  She has the right message. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: The True Adonis on August 15, 2011, 08:02:50 PM
I love her voice.  Does anyone know if she has done any Audio Books?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 15, 2011, 08:03:43 PM
Perry suggests Obama doesn't love America.

Perry, asked in Cerdar Rapids if Obama loves America, says, "You need to aak him."!/danbalz/status/103288195948613635

Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: The True Adonis on August 15, 2011, 08:07:54 PM
Perry suggests Obama doesn't love America.

Perry, asked in Cerdar Rapids if Obama loves America, says, "You need to aak him."!/danbalz/status/103288195948613635

Obama floated the topic of Secession recently?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 15, 2011, 08:10:21 PM
Perry on Bernanke: ‘I dunno what y’all would do to him in Iowa but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas’ /

Texas Governor Rick Perry, who entered the presidential campaign on Saturday, appeared to suggest a violent response would be warranted should Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke “print more money” between now and the election. Speaking just now in Iowa, Perry called the printing of money “almost treasonous” and added, “If this guy prints more money between now and the election, I dunno what y’all would do to him in Iowa but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas.”

Just earned a few points w me.   Bernake is a thief. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 15, 2011, 08:10:43 PM
Obama floated the topic of Secession recently?

oh fcuk!  Funny!

33, your retort?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: The True Adonis on August 15, 2011, 08:14:11 PM
Perry on Bernanke: ‘I dunno what y’all would do to him in Iowa but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas’ /

Texas Governor Rick Perry, who entered the presidential campaign on Saturday, appeared to suggest a violent response would be warranted should Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke “print more money” between now and the election. Speaking just now in Iowa, Perry called the printing of money “almost treasonous” and added, “If this guy prints more money between now and the election, I dunno what y’all would do to him in Iowa but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas.”

Just earned a few points w me.   Bernake is a thief. 

I didn`t know you supported  a Police State where law enforcement can run roughshod over anyone they deem guilty without a trial or guilty without committing a crime.  Very interesting.  How many police officers do you think it would take to restrain Bernake?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 15, 2011, 08:17:51 PM
Bernake and Obama are thieves devaluing the currency and stealing from all of us. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: The True Adonis on August 15, 2011, 08:22:50 PM
Bernake and Obama are thieves devaluing the currency and stealing from all of us. 
I am quite certain that Bernake owes me at least 14 dollars.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: jesusbod on August 15, 2011, 08:33:54 PM
I love her voice.  Does anyone know if she has done any Audio Books?

Yeah, she has a book out right now, it is called " how to make a socialist piss himself by have a conservative woman running for President".. You should buy it. They can be found at any Tea Party Rally and anywhere there is a debate. ;)
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 15, 2011, 08:35:21 PM
Yeah, she has a book out right now, it is called " how to make a socialist piss himself by have a conservative woman running for President".. You should buy it. They can be found at any Tea Party Rally and anywhere there is a debate. ;)

Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: The True Adonis on August 15, 2011, 09:06:01 PM
Yeah, she has a book out right now, it is called " how to make a socialist piss himself by have a conservative woman running for President".. You should buy it. They can be found at any Tea Party Rally and anywhere there is a debate. ;)
I couldn`t find it on Amazon.  :-\
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on August 15, 2011, 09:59:37 PM
Obama floated the topic of Secession recently?
that's actually a good point to raise.  If Perry became president after stating a few times that Texas is free to leave the union what would or could Perry do as president if Texas made that move while he was in office?  I guess he would just let them.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: George Whorewell on August 16, 2011, 03:44:49 AM
Whorewell, nobody cares about your 'comments'.

Says the sissy who responded to my last comment.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: blacken700 on August 16, 2011, 05:02:16 AM
MB is awesome.  She deals with Qs directly.

Palin and newt get all whiny and bitchy about it.  Just answer the Q, or chooose not to.  Don't cry about tough Qs.

yeah right  ::)

Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Freeborn126 on August 16, 2011, 05:22:56 AM
Rick Perry= re-packaged GW Bush

Neon con, big government, out of control spending, wars, world government, NAFTA, Bilderberger

But hey, he has a southern accent, shoots assault rifles, and can sell some high quality snake oil so lets vote for him. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Freeborn126 on August 16, 2011, 05:24:51 AM

Perry= another candidate that never served in the military.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 16, 2011, 05:25:19 AM
I could care less at this point. If charles manson can get bama out of office, so be it.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Freeborn126 on August 16, 2011, 05:26:33 AM
Upon graduation, he was commissioned in the United States Air Force, completed pilot training and flew C-130 tactical airlift in the United States, the Middle East, and Europe until 1977. He left the Air Force with the rank of captain, returned to Texas and went into business farming cotton with his father.

My fault, he has served. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: OzmO on August 16, 2011, 07:23:40 AM
I could care less at this point. If charles manson can get bama out of office, so be it.

333333= Obama voter in 2008
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 16, 2011, 07:32:03 AM
333333= Obama voter in 2008

Was Bush running for a third term? 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: OzmO on August 16, 2011, 07:39:13 AM
Was Bush running for a third term? 

Are you asking me that because you don't understand that when you say you would vote for Charles Mansion over Obama that you are no different than a Bush hater in 2008 who would vote for anyone not republican because they believed McCain was Bush#2?

We all know how it turned out....Obama is Bush 2, but your whorish eagerness is no different.

Yeah sure, let's vote for MB or Perry because there is no way they can be worse than Obama never mind one of them voted for 190 billion bail out while the other one of them tripled the state deficit. it's ok, put your blinders on, it feels better. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 16, 2011, 07:44:49 AM
Are you asking me that because you don't understand that when you say you would vote for Charles Mansion over Obama that you are no different than a Bush hater in 2008 who would vote for anyone not republican because they believed McCain was Bush#2?

We all know how it turned out....Obama is Bush 2, but your whorish eagerness is no different.

Yeah sure, let's vote for MB or Perry because there is no way they can be worse than Obama never mind one of them voted for 190 billion bail out while the other one of them tripled the state deficit. it's ok, put your blinders on, it feels better. 

I dont have my blinders on - Obama was very clear about what he was going to do before the election.  Thats the difference. 

You dopes who voted for his sorry ass were to blind to understand it.  MB so far has said what she will do and based on her record, I say she has at least a 50+ chance of doing it. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: dario73 on August 16, 2011, 07:56:24 AM
Are you asking me that because you don't understand that when you say you would vote for Charles Mansion over Obama that you are no different than a Bush hater in 2008 who would vote for anyone not republican because they believed McCain was Bush#2?

We all know how it turned out....Obama is Bush 2, but your whorish eagerness is no different.

Yeah sure, let's vote for MB or Perry because there is no way they can be worse than Obama never mind one of them voted for 190 billion bail out while the other one of them tripled the state deficit. it's ok, put your blinders on, it feels better. 

The difference is that you people BELIEVED, WRONGLY BELIEVED, that McCain was Bush#2. It was an assumption they made. Voting for Obama based on that and not looking at his lack of experience, lack of substantive legislations created by him and his extreme liberalism puts those voters in the "stupidest people ever" category. They voted against McCain. Based on what? Not what McCain had showed throughout his career, but on BUSH. That is completely different from what is going on now. People are willing to punish Obama by voting for another candidate BASED ON OBAMA'S OWN RECORD. Obama can hide what he has done. And if people are willing to not vote for him or not even support him, they are doing it because of his horrible performance. ANYONE CAN'T BE THAT BAD. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!

When a sports team keeps losing they fire the coach and put someone else. That is what should happen to Obama.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: OzmO on August 16, 2011, 08:11:32 AM
I dont have my blinders on - Obama was very clear about what he was going to do before the election.  Thats the difference. 

You dopes who voted for his sorry ass were to blind to understand it.  MB so far has said what she will do and based on her record, I say she has at least a 50+ chance of doing it. 

She voted for 190 billion dollar bail out.  She's a fraud. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: OzmO on August 16, 2011, 08:13:53 AM
The difference is that you people BELIEVED, WRONGLY BELIEVED, that McCain was Bush#2. It was an assumption they made. Voting for Obama based on that and not looking at his lack of experience, lack of substantive legislations created by him and his extreme liberalism puts those voters in the "stupidest people ever" category. They voted against McCain. Based on what? Not what McCain had showed throughout his career, but on BUSH. That is completely different from what is going on now. People are willing to punish Obama by voting for another candidate BASED ON OBAMA'S OWN RECORD. Obama can hide what he has done. And if people are willing to not vote for him or not even support him, they are doing it because of his horrible performance. ANYONE CAN'T BE THAT BAD. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!
When a sports team keeps losing they fire the coach and put someone else. That is what should happen to Obama.

"You people"? 

I agree, I thought Carter was the king of bad presidents.  But, if you are really interested in what's best for the Country you won't vote for just anyone.  Especially a fraud. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 16, 2011, 08:14:51 AM
"You people"? 

I agree, I thought Carter was the king of bad presidents.  But, if you are really interested in what's best for the Country you won't vote for just anyone.  Especially a fraud. 

Didnt stop you from doing so in 2008 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: OzmO on August 16, 2011, 08:18:32 AM
Didnt stop you from doing so in 2008 

What stopped me in 2008 was something different.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 16, 2011, 08:32:57 AM
that's actually a good point to raise.  If Perry became president after stating a few times that Texas is free to leave the union what would or could Perry do as president if Texas made that move while he was in office?  I guess he would just let them.

Palin's hubby was a member of the separist party for 7 years.
Palin spoke AS GOVERNOR at the separist party's annual meeting in 2006.

Seems like it's cool with GOP voters if their leader hates the UNITED states.  cause at least they're not obama.  They'd support a pedo bear or a person hoping to destroy the constitution - as long as his name isn't barry.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: The True Adonis on August 16, 2011, 08:34:22 AM
Palin's hubby was a member of the separist party for 7 years.
Palin spoke AS GOVERNOR at the separist party's annual meeting in 2006.

Seems like it's cool with GOP voters if their leader hates the UNITED states.  cause at least they're not obama.  They'd support a pedo bear or a person hoping to destroy the constitution - as long as his name isn't barry.
Obama is trying to get sunshine banned.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 16, 2011, 08:35:50 AM
33 is willing to 'settle' for a candidate he ADMITS has a 50% chance of doing what they promise to do.

It's like your girlfriend saying "Look, I won't let the O-Line of the Tampa Bay Bucs run train on my ass from monday-thursday, but weekends?  Gangbang City, baby" and being cool with that.

Are you cool with those kinds of odds, 33?  Why not Ron Paul, who you can know won't bang football players, 7 days a week?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 16, 2011, 08:36:43 AM
Obama is trying to get sunshine banned.

his anti-solar agenda has been obvious to 333386 from day 1.

it's the rest of us commie pinko incestuous bastards that won't get on board.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: The True Adonis on August 16, 2011, 08:44:04 AM
his anti-solar agenda has been obvious to 333386 from day 1.

it's the rest of us commie pinko incestuous bastards that won't get on board.
Obama already got rid of rain clouds in Texas.  Whats next, no more snow on Christmas? Is that the way Muslims do it?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 16, 2011, 08:44:31 AM
33 is willing to 'settle' for a candidate he ADMITS has a 50% chance of doing what they promise to do.

It's like your girlfriend saying "Look, I won't let the O-Line of the Tampa Bay Bucs run train on my ass from monday-thursday, but weekends?  Gangbang City, baby" and being cool with that.

Are you cool with those kinds of odds, 33?  Why not Ron Paul, who you can know won't bang football players, 7 days a week?

I'm going for RP or MB in the primary and whoever is the nominee in the GE.  
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 16, 2011, 08:46:17 AM
Obama already got rid of rain clouds in Texas.  Whats next, no more snow on Christmas? Is that the way Muslims do it?

I actually agree with repubs here.

I think the govt should stay out of our lives - except when it comes to legislating what we can do in the privacy of our own bedrooms, who we pray to, etc.  

If it has to do with statements attibuted to the invisible guy in the sky - then people should let Uncle Sam decide.  If it has to do with things like healthcare and people actually dying due to lack of available services, I want the govt to keep their damn hands off my medicare.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: The True Adonis on August 16, 2011, 08:49:05 AM

I'm going for RP or MB in the primary and whoever is the nominee in the GE.  
Which Ron Poop are we talking about?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 17, 2011, 11:34:14 AM
MSNBC's Schultz 'Regrets' Deceptive Edit, Racism Charge Against Perry
Wednesday, 17 Aug 2011
By Caroline Rawls

MSNBC host Ed Schultz says he regrets the fact that his show deceptively edited Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s comments and Schultz’s ensuing implication that Perry made a racist remark about President Barack Obama.

Speaking in Iowa during the weekend, Perry referred to the U.S. debt as a “big black cloud that hangs over America.” On “The Ed Show” Monday night, Schultz alleged that Perry’s comment was a racist slam.

“Perry comes from the radical country club that loves to remind white America that President Obama is other: not like you,” Schultz said.

Breitbart.TV ferreted out the full clip of Perry’s remarks, however, and exposed the fact that MSNBC’s selective editing smoothed the way for Schultz’s accusation.

Perry’s full comment: “I am a pro-business governor. I don’t make any apologies about it and I will be a pro-business president. Getting America back to work is the most important issue facing this country. That big black cloud that hangs over America, that debt that is so monstrous. There’s only one way to get rid of it that’s practical, that makes sense. And that is to free up America.”

Schultz’s slam sparked a backlash, with Red State blogger Caleb Howe even calling the his remarks “one of the most blatant, race-baiting moments in recent memory.”

Schultz didn’t issue a flat-out apology Tuesday night, but he acknowledged the gaffes

“We did not present the full context of those statements and we should have,” Schultz said. “No doubt about it, it was a mistake and we regret the error.”
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: jesusbod on August 17, 2011, 01:43:19 PM

Perry= another candidate that never served in the military.

Check your history. He was a pilot in the Air Force buddy...
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 19, 2011, 11:27:32 AM
"Have you ever had sex with Rick Perry?"
A Texas Ron Paul supporter runs a newspaper ad seeking women who have slept with the presidential candidate

An Austin Ron Paul supporter has taken out a full-page ad in the local alt weekly newspaper seeking any "stripper ... escort ... or 'young hottie'" who has slept with Rick Perry, part of his single-minded jihad against the presidential candidate.

Robert Morrow describes himself as a "self-employed investor and political activist" as well as a three-time delegate to the Texas state GOP convention.

"Have you ever had sex with Rick Perry?" blares the ad, placed by Morrow in this week's Austin Chronicle. "Are you a stripper, an escort, or just a 'young hottie' impressed by an arrogant, entitled governor of Texas? Contact CASH, and we will help you publicize your direct dealings with a Christian-buzzwords-spouting, 'family values' hypocrite and fraud."

CASH is the Committee Against Sexual Hypocrisy, of which Morrow is president. "Is it a real group? No. It's just me," he told Salon earlier this week. Here is the ad, which the paper confirmed is running today (click for full size):


To be clear, there is absolutely no evidence that Perry has had extramarital affairs. But Morrow has written a screed, currently circulating online, that denounces Perry both for his policies (it labels him a "crony capitalist" and a "Neocon") as well as his alleged dalliances.

Morrow claims that he knows strippers in Austin who have stories about Perry, but none of them are willing to come forward to the press; hence, the need for an ad in the Chronicle. "I think it's only a matter of time until somebody credible comes forward," he told me.

At the bottom of the ad is a nod to the longtime (and equally unsubstantiated) rumors that Perry, who has pursued sundry anti-gay policies, is himself gay. "Note to gay people: If you know the truth about Rick, please QUIT covering for him," it reads.

The Chronicle itself looked into the infidelity/gay rumors in 2004, calling them "extraordinary in their baroque detail and remarkable persistence." It found "no evidence of any truth to any of them, whatsoever." Just this past June, Politico reported that Perry's organization was "more than prepared" for a re-airing of the gay rumors. His spokesman said that Perry and his wife, Anita, "have been lovingly married since 1982 and are parents to two grown children."

Morrow, meanwhile, has been leaving comments on blogs, writing his widely circulated anti-Perry essay, and, he says, fielding calls from multiple reporters. (He even says he spoke with a National Enquirer reporter who is being dispatched to Austin.)

This isn't the first time Morrow has engaged in this sort of one-man attack campaign. Back in 2008, he paid for (and personally voiced) an anti-Hillary robocall in South Carolina that made the unsubstantiated claim that "Hillary knew about and helped cover up Bill's rape of Juanita Broaddrick."
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 19, 2011, 11:50:50 AM
Get on the record now, Perry supporters!

If men come fwd with evidence of sex with perry,
Will it change your vote?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 19, 2011, 11:52:06 AM
Get on the record now, Perry supporters!

If men come fwd with evidence of sex with perry,
Will it change your vote?

no.  I would vote for a AIDs riddled, illegal alien homeless bum on a cardboard mat sleeping in Penn station over Obama at this point. 

I would vote for Assad/Gadaffi over Obama right now. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 19, 2011, 11:56:22 AM
Former Reagan & GWB Official: 'Rick Perry's an Idiot'
Source: The Atlantic Wire

If Rick Perry has a "Rove problem," with the Bush team targeting him for criticism, he is apparently developing a Bartlett problem as well. Bruce Bartlett, who was a domestic policy adviser to President Reagan and served as the Treasury Department's deputy assistant secretary for economic policy under President George H.W. Bush, had some unflattering comments on the Texas governor and presidential candidate on CNN's American Morning today: "Rick Perry's an idiot, and I don't think anyone would disagree with that," he said, in a discussion about Perry saying Federal Reserve Bank chairman Ben Bernanke would be "treasonous" if he printed more money. CNN's Political Ticker relates Bartlett's own criticism of the Fed:

Bartlett said the politics at the Federal Reserve are a serious problem and in part blamed U.S. presidents, who he said have historically not focused their energies on the bank.

"He has had open seats on the fed almost his entire presidency and I think that this sends a signal that he just doesn't care very much about what the fed does," Bartlett said.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 25, 2011, 10:00:35 AM

August 24, 2011
Obama campaign searching for disgruntled Texans
by Charlie Spiering
Follow on Twitter:@charliespiering

Do you live in Texas, but hate governor Rick Perry? Do you love coyotes and hate concealed weapons and lower taxes? Well the Obama campaign is anxious to hear from you.

"Your feedback will help hold him (Perry) accountable on the campaign trail, inspire fellow Texans to get involved, and introduce his record -- his actual record -- to voters across the country," Hector Nieto, the campaign's Texas director, told Texas supporters in an email blast today. "Your words will remind him that even as he runs, he won't be able to hide -- a lesson he apparently hadn't learned as recently as last week."

The email sends Texas supporters to an online form that asks permission for the campaign to use your submission, name, city/state and other information.

What information would you submit to the Obama campaign? Let us know in the comments below.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 25, 2011, 10:05:53 AM
I'm really not feeling Perry for POTUS. 

I would vote for him over bama.  however - Perry is the bottom of my list.  I prefer Santorum to Perry to be honest. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: garebear on August 25, 2011, 11:55:35 AM
no.  I would vote for a AIDs riddled, illegal alien homeless bum on a cardboard mat sleeping in Penn station over Obama at this point. 

I would vote for Assad/Gadaffi over Obama right now. 
What if, like Jesus, Hitler came back from the dead?

Would you vote for him over Obama?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 25, 2011, 11:57:26 AM
What if, like Jesus, Hitler came back from the dead?

Would you vote for him over Obama?

Probably - same with Stalin, Ghengus Khan, Attila, etc. 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 25, 2011, 01:48:15 PM
santorum would be better than perry, i agree with you.

he just has a shitty name.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 25, 2011, 07:52:29 PM

As I write this, investors around the world are anxiously awaiting Ben Bernanke’s speech at the annual Fed gathering at Jackson Hole, Wyo. They want to know whether Mr. Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, will unveil new policies that might lift the U.S. economy out of what is looking more and more like a quasi-permanent state of depressed demand and high unemployment.

But I’ll be shocked if Mr. Bernanke proposes anything significant — that is, anything likely to make any serious dent in unemployment or offer any serious boost to growth.

Why don’t I expect much from Mr. Bernanke? In two words: Rick Perry.

O.K., I don’t mean that Mr. Perry, the governor of Texas, is personally standing in the way of effective monetary policy. Not yet, anyway. Instead, I’m using Mr. Perry — who has famously threatened Mr. Bernanke with dire personal consequences if he pursues expansionary monetary policy before the 2012 election — as a symbol of the political intimidation that is killing our last remaining hope for economic recovery.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 25, 2011, 09:15:14 PM
Any day now, we should see stories in the media about Perry being "crazy," attacking his family, his religion, his sexual orientation, etc., etc.  Probably very little on the performance of the Texas economy during his tenure as governor.

You know... it's funny...

his performance as Tx Governor is EXACTLY what he's being attacked on now.  His own words are EXACTLY what other repubs and dems are bashing him for.

His religion basely comes up.  Family?  I haven't heard anything.  Being a little gay?  not really.  I mean, you have fringe message board discussion, but mainstream canddiates and media are skewing him on his own stupid positions and actions in the past, like requiring 11 year olf girls to get dangerous vaccinations, making his chief of staff rich.

So while this thread was possibly designed into "our poor guy will be treated unfairly"...
He's actually been treated fairly by the media and otehr canddiates.  It's his own words!
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 26, 2011, 09:51:59 AM
This just might be the single dumbest non-issue that comes up in presidential elections.  I can't ever remember this being an issue with any president during his administration. 

Creationism Hits the Campaign Trail and Exposes Differences in the Field
By Shannon Bream
Published August 25, 2011

The battle between believers of creationism and those who believe in evolution has made its way onto the presidential campaign trail and exposes differences between candidates.

The latest chasm in the 2012 Republican field began with an exchange between Texas Gov. Rick Perry and a young child in New Hampshire. The boy was urged by an adult to ask Perry "why he doesn’t believe in science."

In his response on the issue of evolution and creation, Perry called evolution a theory with "some gaps in it."  He said that school children in Texas are taught about both evolution and creationism. Texas public school curriculum, however, does not officially include any lesson work on creationism.

GOP contender Jon Huntsman quickly tweeted:  “To be clear I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming.  Call me crazy.”

In its most recent polling on the topic, Gallup found that 40 percent of Americans believe God created humans just as they are today.  Another 38 percent said they believe God guided the evolution process. And 16 percent believe human evolution involved pure science.

“When a candidate like Jon Huntsman comes out and says, "Oh, I believe in evolution" then he’s out of sync with his own party,” said Frank Newport, editor in chief of Gallup.

Just 8 percent of Republicans who were polled said they believed in evolution without any other intervention.  Newport says it’s an issue that GOP candidates must consider carefully. "To very religious people, it’s a very sensitive issue," he said.

Political analyst Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia's Center for Politics, said Perry’s strategy will play well in conservative early caucus and primary states like Iowa and South Carolina.
“What Perry has done by mentioning creationism is to send this little signal to fundamentalists that says, "I’m one of you,'" Sabato said.
He believes Huntsman is casting a much wider net.  When asked about the issue Thursday Huntsman expressed worry that the GOP will come to be viewed as "anti-science."

"You can’t win as the anti-science party, simply can’t win elections," he told Fox News' Neil Cavuto.

Many of the other GOP candidates have taken carefully nuanced positions, saying they believe in both God's involvement and data from the scientific community.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 26, 2011, 10:06:06 AM
This just might be the single dumbest non-issue that comes up in presidential elections.  I can't ever remember this being an issue with any president during his administration. 

remember when bush admitted he didn't consult his Sec of Defense before attacking iraq, but he did talk to God about it?

little things like that ;)
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 26, 2011, 10:24:30 AM
remember when bush admitted he didn't consult his Sec of Defense before attacking iraq, but he did talk to God about it?

little things like that ;)

No I don't remember that, you lying liar.  And that has nothing to do with "creationism."   ::)
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 26, 2011, 10:28:01 AM
No I don't remember that, you lying liar.  And that has nothing to do with "creationism."   ::)

You should take fish oil.  It's great for the memory.  Rummy admitted Bush never consulted him:

MATTHEWS: Did you advise the president to go to war?

RUMSFELD: Yes. He did not ask me, is the question. And to my knowledge, there are a number of people he did not ask.

Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 26, 2011, 10:38:22 AM

You should take fish oil.  It's great for the memory.  Rummy admitted Bush never consulted him:

MATTHEWS: Did you advise the president to go to war?

RUMSFELD: Yes. He did not ask me, is the question. And to my knowledge, there are a number of people he did not ask.

Are you really that dumb, or are you just pretending?   ???
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 26, 2011, 10:48:00 AM

You should take fish oil.  It's great for the memory.  Rummy admitted Bush never consulted him:

MATTHEWS: Did you advise the president to go to war?

RUMSFELD: Yes. He did not ask me, is the question. And to my knowledge, there are a number of people he did not ask.

I just looked at the transcript.  You really do have a problem telling the truth.   :-\

Here is more:

Matthews: Did you advise the president to go to war?

Rumsfeld: Yes. He did not ask me, is the question. And to my knowledge, there are a number of people he did not ask.

Matthews: Does that surprise you, as secretary of defense?

Rumsfeld: Well, I thought it was interesting. He clearly asked us, "Could we win?" I said, obviously, that the military are sure that they can prevail in that conflict, in terms of the changing of regime.

He asked if they had everything they needed. He must have asked 5,000 questions over the period of a year about this, that and the other thing.

What could go wrong? What about a humanitarian crisis? What about an environmental crisis? What about internally displaced people? What about a fortressed Baghdad? Thousands of questions along those lines. And the president should, to have looked at the risks and concerns that . . .

Matthews: So he knew the tally sheet of costs and benefits, without only seeing the bottom line?

Rumsfeld: You bet. You bet. I gave him a list.

. . . .

Anyone trying to say he didn't consult with his advisors is just not telling the truth.   ::)
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 26, 2011, 10:54:58 AM
BUMP for 180!
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 26, 2011, 11:22:45 AM
You should take fish oil.  It's great for the memory.  Rummy admitted Bush never consulted him:

Are you really that dumb, or are you just pretending?   ???

It's true - link

Brain Health. According to Dr. David Horrobin, a pioneer fatty acid researcher, omega-3's make up eight percent of the human brain. Omega-3 supplements have been shown to prevent memory impairment and speed recovery from depression.

Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 26, 2011, 11:23:23 AM
For Gods' sake - please respond to what BB posted! 
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: dario73 on August 26, 2011, 11:26:35 AM
I just looked at the transcript.  You really do have a problem telling the truth.   :-\

Here is more:

Matthews: Did you advise the president to go to war?

Rumsfeld: Yes. He did not ask me, is the question. And to my knowledge, there are a number of people he did not ask.

Matthews: Does that surprise you, as secretary of defense?

Rumsfeld: Well, I thought it was interesting. He clearly asked us, "Could we win?" I said, obviously, that the military are sure that they can prevail in that conflict, in terms of the changing of regime.

He asked if they had everything they needed. He must have asked 5,000 questions over the period of a year about this, that and the other thing.

What could go wrong? What about a humanitarian crisis? What about an environmental crisis? What about internally displaced people? What about a fortressed Baghdad? Thousands of questions along those lines. And the president should, to have looked at the risks and concerns that . . .

Matthews: So he knew the tally sheet of costs and benefits, without only seeing the bottom line?

Rumsfeld: You bet. You bet. I gave him a list.

. . . .

Anyone trying to say he didn't consult with his advisors is just not telling the truth.   ::)


Looks like 120 needs to take more fish oil.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 26, 2011, 11:31:57 AM
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Skip8282 on August 26, 2011, 01:23:31 PM
santorum would be better than perry, i agree with you.

he just has a shitty name.

Better than Perry?

Do you know how religious Santorum is?

Thought you hated that?  Or is that just last weeks claim?
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 27, 2011, 05:52:25 AM
Weir: Can Rick Perry Survive the Smear Merchants?
The American Thinker ^ | August 27, 2011 | Bob Weir

________________________ ________________________ __________

...Campaign managers know that most of the population will not take the time to do their own independent research on the candidates, preferring to make up their minds after absorbing a myriad of sound bites that they can regurgitate to others....

How many times are we going to hear that Perry wants to secede from the Union? Democrat bomb-throwers think they have him corralled on that one. The fact is, during a rally in Austin, Texas, some attendees were yelling for secession. The governor's response was that he appreciated their frustration with the current administration, but essentially assured them that secession was not a serious proposal....

Another disambiguation being the one about the state's favorable unemployment statistics being the result of so many low-paying jobs. There are several ways to dispute that allegation, but I'll begin by saying that I'd rather have a low-paying job than no job at all. Secondly, having lived here for 22 years, after moving from Long Island, New York, I can tell you that the cost of living here is considerably lower.

That's because taxes are lower for the individual and for the entrepreneur who wants to take part in the capitalist system....bombarded by left-wing ideologues who believe in redistribution as the method of managing economic policy.....

Another charge...Perry wanted to force 11- and 12-year-old females to be prevent cervical cancer caused by the Human Papilloma Virus....What's not often mentioned is that Perry's executive order mandating the vaccine had an opt-out provision that parents could exercise. That matters little to the anti-Perry crowd,.......

As a Sarah Palin fan who has watched that strong woman withstand unparalleled savagery by vicious smear-merchants, I figure, if Perry is presidential timber, he's more than capable of dealing with it too. -- Full article

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: MCWAY on August 27, 2011, 10:07:02 AM
Weir: Can Rick Perry Survive the Smear Merchants?
The American Thinker ^ | August 27, 2011 | Bob Weir

________________________ ________________________ __________

...Campaign managers know that most of the population will not take the time to do their own independent research on the candidates, preferring to make up their minds after absorbing a myriad of sound bites that they can regurgitate to others....

How many times are we going to hear that Perry wants to secede from the Union? Democrat bomb-throwers think they have him corralled on that one. The fact is, during a rally in Austin, Texas, some attendees were yelling for secession. The governor's response was that he appreciated their frustration with the current administration, but essentially assured them that secession was not a serious proposal....

Another disambiguation being the one about the state's favorable unemployment statistics being the result of so many low-paying jobs. There are several ways to dispute that allegation, but I'll begin by saying that I'd rather have a low-paying job than no job at all. Secondly, having lived here for 22 years, after moving from Long Island, New York, I can tell you that the cost of living here is considerably lower.

That's because taxes are lower for the individual and for the entrepreneur who wants to take part in the capitalist system....bombarded by left-wing ideologues who believe in redistribution as the method of managing economic policy.....

Another charge...Perry wanted to force 11- and 12-year-old females to be prevent cervical cancer caused by the Human Papilloma Virus....What's not often mentioned is that Perry's executive order mandating the vaccine had an opt-out provision that parents could exercise. That matters little to the anti-Perry crowd,.......

As a Sarah Palin fan who has watched that strong woman withstand unparalleled savagery by vicious smear-merchants, I figure, if Perry is presidential timber, he's more than capable of dealing with it too. -- Full article

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

I believe he can. They're smearing him for a reason: To me, Perry is a hybrid of Romney and Bachmann. He a current, not former, governor who can deal with the economic issues; yet he has the Tea Party and evangelical appeal that Bachmann does.

That's why the left-winged goofies in the media are SCARED TO DEATH of Perry. This combination spells DOOM for Obama and they know it. And, that's also why they keep trying to prop up Jon Huntsman. The lefties want a GOP candidate to barely the nomination but who will crumble against Obama. Perry is nothing like that.

IMHO, If Perry gets the nod, he will rip Obama apart.
Title: Re: How long before the attacks on Perry begin?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 27, 2011, 11:50:41 AM
I believe he can. They're smearing him for a reason: To me, Perry is a hybrid of Romney and Bachmann. He a current, not former, governor who can deal with the economic issues; yet he has the Tea Party and evangelical appeal that Bachmann does.

That's why the left-winged goofies in the media are SCARED TO DEATH of Perry. This combination spells DOOM for Obama and they know it. And, that's also why they keep trying to prop up Jon Huntsman. The lefties want a GOP candidate to barely the nomination but who will crumble against Obama. Perry is nothing like that.

IMHO, If Perry gets the nod, he will rip Obama apart.

Certainly does look like they're afraid of him.