Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: BFG on March 24, 2012, 08:36:13 AM

Title: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: BFG on March 24, 2012, 08:36:13 AM
We have already established that it requires grams (average between 6-9g) of anabolic steroids per week in combination with 20-40iu's (average) of growth hormone weekly with insulin and various peptides to achieve IFBB pro muscular size.

While steroids in moderate to fairly large doses tend not to affect day to day activity, once you reach the threshold of what some may dub "mega-dosing," functionality on a daily basis becomes somewhat compromised.

The following is a typical high level IFBB pro's various drugs use to combat the negative side effects of the muscle building chemicals.

1. xanax/klonopin/various generic benzodiazepines - everyone in the pro circuit takes large doses of benzos numerous times a day. High doses of certain drugs like trenbolone and equipoise cause panic attacks and general anxiety. Its pretty hard to be friendly and appear well adjusted at a gigantic bodybuilding expo, people constantly touching you, asking you idiotic questions, forcing you to take photos in ridiculous poses all day long.

2. ambien/trazadone/various generic prescribed sleeping pills - it is almost impossible to fall asleep on the amount of anabolics that is required to achieve necessary muscular size to compete at the top level. Sure, GH makes you very sleepy but unfortunately it becomes very very hard to actually fall asleep without the sleeping pills.

3. GHB - Used both in combination with sleeping pills to help fall asleep and maintain a deep level of REM sleep through the night and also as a party drug as an alternative to alcohol since it does not have a direct negative impact on protein synthesis. GHB, though, is becoming a major cause of health problems in current bodybuilders because nowadays must GHB is synthesized from GBL, which is used in paint thinner.

4. Amphetamines - Taking 20-40iu's of GH everyday makes you a zombie. You will always feel like you are about to keel over and fall asleep and the smallest things require an extreme amount of effort to do because you are so tired. Amphetamines (usually prescription dextroamphetamine pills) used throughout the day, especially during expos or guest posing events, are extremely helpful. This also, unfortunately, compounds the insomnia issue which then in turn leads to larger doses of sleep inducing drugs.

5. Soma or various generic spasmolytics - Mineral imbalances induced by large doses of oral steroids, diuretics or vitamin deficiencies due to diet as well as chronic injuries often lead to intense muscle pain and cramping. Regular usage of muscle relaxant drugs usually allow painless training and functioning.

6. Opiate painkillers - Chronic pain as well as the mental side effects induced by large doses of the muscle building drugs often lead to self-medication with opiates. Nubain used to be the most popular, especially during contest prep, but most people graduate from the "bain" and move onto roxicodone/hydrocodone/etc and eventually morphine or dilaudid. I remember talking to one guy in specific who was very big on the opiates and would inject them IV numerous times throughout the day to function. He told me something to the extent of "I'm already sticking needles in my body 10 or more times per day, what does another few injections matter?"

7. Ketamine - most popular as a party drug but very big during contest prep. Do the drug dosages - and types of drugs - a lot of guys find they need a mental escape during contest prep and falling into a "k hole" often does the trick.

8. Marijuana - Most top pros do not have a job so it is not a problem to smoke marijuana prior to almost every meal for obvious reasons, appetite stimulation and mild sedation.

Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Disgusted on March 24, 2012, 08:38:28 AM
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Swlabr on March 24, 2012, 08:38:52 AM
Very fucked up and disturbing.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: wes on March 24, 2012, 08:39:13 AM
Who in their right fucking mind would want to take all that shit plus gear for a fucking possible shot at a trophy.

This sport has truly shit the bed!
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: BFG on March 24, 2012, 08:39:31 AM

Can I help you? Are you using the rolling eyes smiley face to imply that what I am saying is not true?
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: wes on March 24, 2012, 08:40:26 AM
No sentiments exactly.

If these guys did all this they wouldn`t even have time to take a piss or eat one meal.............there whole day would be drug intake 24/7.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: BFG on March 24, 2012, 08:42:16 AM
No sentiments exactly.

If these guys did all this they wouldn`t even have time to take a piss or eat one meal.............there whole day would be drug intake 24/7.

Just out of curiosity - what do you think a day in the life of Jay Cutler is like? Do you think he injects himself 3 times per week, eats chicken and rice and thats it?

Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Vikingman on March 24, 2012, 08:42:37 AM
they should change the name of  bodybuilding to bodykilling
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Disgusted on March 24, 2012, 08:43:19 AM
Can I help you? Are you using the rolling eyes smiley face to imply that what I am saying is not true?

No you can not help me and yes you are totally full of shit. I've known plenty of pros thru out the years and while some do rec drugs and maybe smoke some weed you are implying that all pros take the list of drugs that you post.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: wes on March 24, 2012, 08:44:03 AM
Just out of curiosity - what do you think a day in the life of Jay Cutler is like? Do you think he injects himself 3 times per week, eats chicken and rice and thats it?

Of course I don`t,but I hardly believe that he`s doing most or any of the stuff contained in your post.

He might as well hit the bricks and just be a street junkie.

Some may do some of this,but I`m sure not every pro is doing anything remotely close.......if they are,they`re fucking nuts!
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: BFG on March 24, 2012, 08:44:38 AM
No you can not help me and yes you are totally full of shit. I've known plenty of pros thru out the years and while some do rec drugs and maybe smoke some weed you are implying that all pros take the list of drugs that you post.

Sorry but you either:
1) Did not know them well enough
2) Are lying

Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: BFG on March 24, 2012, 08:47:07 AM
Of course I don`t,but I hardly believe that he`s doing most or any of the stuff contained in your post.

He might as well hit the bricks and just be a street junkie.

Some may do some of this,but I`m sure not every pro is doing anything remotely close.......if they are,they`re fucking nuts!

What do you define as a street junkie? Most pros are injecting themselves around 100 times per week when you include the insulin and GH. So do you believe that someone who sticks needles full of illegal drugs in their muscles, skinfolds and veins that many times will draw the line at steroids?
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Disgusted on March 24, 2012, 08:47:27 AM
Sorry but you either:
1) Did not know them well enough
2) Are lying

Been here a long time and I have never sugar coated anything. I've been to after parties and hung out with many pros. Yeah I'm sure that Jay and all the rest get up every day and take all the shit that you list.  ::)
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: bigmc on March 24, 2012, 08:48:11 AM
Been here a long time and I have never sugar coated anything. I've been to after parties and hung out with many pros. Yeah I'm sure that Jay and all the rest get up every day and take all the shit that you list.  ::)

are you aware gh15 is making out that you are his bitch
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Growth NOOB on March 24, 2012, 08:48:17 AM
So what would the the point of taking ampthetamines and benzos?  You would be right back where you started.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: BFG on March 24, 2012, 08:49:16 AM
Been here a long time and I have never sugar coated anything. I've been to after parties and hung out with many pros. Yeah I'm sure that Jay and all the rest get up every day and take all the shit that you list.  ::)

Thank you for your input, while I don't think you are coming from a place of knowledge I realize that we may just agree to disagree.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: undertaker90 on March 24, 2012, 08:52:19 AM
I know plenty guys i thougt where my friends they said they didnt do other things than steroids now 3 are dead from narcotics...
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: biff on March 24, 2012, 09:08:41 AM
lol next thing your gonna try and tell us that besides steroids and gh, baseball players have used amphetimines and cocaine (for a century) to help with the daily grind, alcohol and weed to calm down after, and ritalin to help focus when at bat

yeah right

Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Kulutues on March 24, 2012, 09:09:49 AM
stfu who r u you dont know shit
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: wes on March 24, 2012, 09:11:45 AM
Thank you for your input, while I don't think you are coming from a place of knowledge
This guy does contest prep for pro bodybuilders.

I usually enjoy your posts and almost always agree with your info,but this I can`t fathom most pros  doing.

Not an insult to you,and maybe I just don`t want to believe it,but I do find it ridiculous to say most pros do this, to say the very least.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Swlabr on March 24, 2012, 09:14:04 AM
I don't find it that hard to believe. I'm on a gram/week ("baby doses"  ;)) and I find that while I can deal with the side effects, I wouldn't be able to without other chemical help if the sides got worse.

Still very fucking disturbing, though.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Arthur Nus on March 24, 2012, 09:14:19 AM
Been here a long time and I have never sugar coated anything. I've been to after parties and hung out with many pros. Yeah I'm sure that Jay and all the rest get up every day and take all the shit that you list.  ::)

how about that sugar water you tried to sell honest, hardworking getbiggers ?

we haven't forgotten jim
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: biff on March 24, 2012, 09:20:17 AM
This guy does contest prep for pro bodybuilders.

I usually enjoy your posts and almost always agree with your info,but this I can`t fathom most pros  doing.

Not an insult to you,and maybe I just don`t want to believe it,but I do find it ridiculous to say most pros do this, to say the very least.

wes i dont know what goes on behind closed doors.  but people who are on the 'inside' of a situation always want to downplay this sort of thing. does hany rambod talk about the cycles he has his pro's on? no its his sillyfst-7 training. MLB, as i mentioned, tried to say it was just a handful of 'steroid cheats'. real testing starts guys are getting popped all the time, including a list of several hundred who had failed but since it was before they had a steroid policy, no punishment was given (a-rod was on the list). the NFL would have you think this world of musclebound freaks and giants are all natural. lol @ the olympics.  pro wrestling. hollywood would have you think the only guy doing coke is charlie sheen.

i know you are older, and maybe see things through a filter of how things used to be - or perhaps what used to not be talked about. my father is the same.  i however dont put anything past anyone.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Moen on March 24, 2012, 09:21:37 AM
Interesting. I always assumed most would need to be on a benzo at the very least because of the overactivation from all of the drugs. I was overactivated and had insomnia even on my first 500 mg testosterone cycle lol, luckily can't imagine what's it's like to be on pro-doses  :-X

How much are they spending each month on these aids alone?

Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: howardroark on March 24, 2012, 09:26:18 AM
How the fuck would you know exactly what pros do?  ::) Exactly, you wouldn't. So you're full of shit. Go fuck yourself.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Van_Bilderass on March 24, 2012, 09:32:22 AM
BFG, do you have any relation to "Gavin Kane"?
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: wes on March 24, 2012, 09:34:46 AM
wes i dont know what goes on behind closed doors.  but people who are on the 'inside' of a situation always want to downplay this sort of thing. does hany rambod talk about the cycles he has his pro's on? no its his sillyfst-7 training. MLB, as i mentioned, tried to say it was just a handful of 'steroid cheats'. real testing starts guys are getting popped all the time, including a list of several hundred who had failed but since it was before they had a steroid policy, no punishment was given (a-rod was on the list). the NFL would have you think this world of musclebound freaks and giants are all natural. lol @ the olympics.  pro wrestling. hollywood would have you think the only guy doing coke is charlie sheen.

i know you are older, and maybe see things through a filter of how things used to be - or perhaps what used to not be talked about. my father is the same.  i however dont put anything past anyone.
I totally agree with you trust me,but to paint all pro bodybuilders with the same brush.......sorry,I`m not naive`,been in this game too long, but I don`t believe they ALL do this, or even a large percentage of them.

Can you picture a guy like Dave Henry who is in the military and has an elite level build doing any of this shit?
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: hematocritter on March 24, 2012, 09:42:46 AM
I know gymrats that do all this, except for the GHB and ketamine.
Bigtime opiates users, a little coke to keep going while loaded on all the AAS, sleeping pills, benzos like crazy, muscle relaxers, lyrica, weed, adderall.... and on and on.
Some guys just really get into the drug thing. I know steroids are a gateway for some people, once you inject things (even if it is just AAS), it doesn't seem all that weird
to pop a pill here and there, which is what most of this stuff is anyway.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Agent69 on March 24, 2012, 09:45:47 AM
6-9 gr A WK --YOUR A FUCKEN IDIOT-- ::)


The way you generalize that ALL PROS DO ALL OF THIS!!! SOME IS TRUE ...BUT ALL...LMFAO
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Moen on March 24, 2012, 09:50:58 AM
I think it's the other way around, druggies take up bodybuilding to replace past drug use or add other drug addictions to their CV's. A lot or most of the AS-using bodybuilders have used recreational drugs long before they decided to stick needles in their bodies. At 15 I had no problem taking MDMA or smoking weed, but I sure as hell wouldn't have stuck needles in my ass then. After a while of recreational drug usage the needle thing becomes acceptable.

Not the case for all but for a lot of us here, let's be honest   :D
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: howardroark on March 24, 2012, 09:58:04 AM
I think it's the other way around, druggies take up bodybuilding to replace past drug use or add other drug addictions to their CV's. A lot or most of the AS-using bodybuilders have used recreational drugs long before they decided to stick needles in their bodies. At 15 I had no problem taking MDMA or smoking weed, but I sure as hell wouldn't have stuck needles in my ass then. After a while of recreational drug usage the needle thing becomes acceptable.

Not the case for all but for a lot of us here, let's be honest   :D

Good point.

Drugs I've experimented with before I ever considered AAS: weed, acid, 2cp, salvia, DMT, heroin, oxycodone, codeine, shrooms, amphetamine (adderall), tobacco and alcohol of course, and a few others I can't remember at the moment (lol).

BTW, I've never been addicted to anything and drugs have not negatively affected my life. So don't fall for the government's drug war bullshit propaganda.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: wes on March 24, 2012, 10:00:32 AM
Good point.

Drugs I've experimented with before I ever considered AAS: weed, acid, 2cp, salvia, DMT, heroin, oxycodone, codeine, shrooms, amphetamine (adderall), tobacco and alcohol of course, and a few others I can't remember at the moment (lol).

BTW, I've never been addicted to anything and drugs have not negatively affected my life. So don't fall for the government's drug war bullshit propaganda.
You got lucky!
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: howardroark on March 24, 2012, 10:02:58 AM
You got lucky!

No. Most of those substances are not very addicting. Those who get addicted are the ones who want to be addicted. Addiction is primarily psychological, not physical.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: OTHstrong on March 24, 2012, 10:06:12 AM
I didn't get the impression BFG was indicating that every pro does this everyday, I think he was saying this is what most top pros do and at any givan time they are doing more then half of the list at least, the way I see it is, it can't be done without this, of course, everyone is different but we are talking the top of the food chain, 7 billion people on earth, the top 100 must do outrageous amount of everything, we all know that a hardcore bodybuilder has no limits, look at Whitewidow thread 240mg oxy, that's insane. I know at lot of bodybuilder and they don't consider themselves drug addict cause for them there is a cause, not hard to believe for me.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Emmortal on March 24, 2012, 10:06:31 AM
BFG, do you have any relation to "Gavin Kane"?

Hah, haven't heard that name in quite some time...
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Voland on March 24, 2012, 10:07:33 AM
Good point.

Drugs I've experimented with before I ever considered AAS: weed, acid, 2cp, salvia, DMT, heroin, oxycodone, codeine, shrooms, amphetamine (adderall), tobacco and alcohol of course, and a few others I can't remember at the moment (lol).

BTW, I've never been addicted to anything and drugs have not negatively affected my life. So don't fall for the government's drug war bullshit propaganda.

hi aaron singerman.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: wes on March 24, 2012, 10:09:55 AM
No. Most of those substances are not very addicting. Those who get addicted are the ones who want to be addicted. Addiction is primarily psychological, not physical.
How many bags of dope did you shoot a day if you don`t mind answering?

How much booze did you drink per day and for how long and how often.

How much codeine use?

Dude,all of these things are physically addictive.....ever see anyone during ain`t a mental thing trust me.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Hiitsmichael on March 24, 2012, 10:11:51 AM
This is a sport full of drug addicts, do you think they care about taking these drugs? Even if it hhas no effect they are mentally fucked up the placebo effect of taking another drug makes them ffeel better. For those of you who don't believe this..
I know 16 year old honors students taking a fucking medicine cabinet full of drugs to help them wake up, focus during school deal with the stress of homework and constant running and then ffinally fall asleep at night. These are just barely teenagers taking these kind of drugs for school now relate that to bodybuilders that have the mentality that the more drugs uyouu take the better you are.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: smoothasf on March 24, 2012, 10:13:52 AM
I know body builders who take most of this. ghb ket and valiums usually with various amphetimines
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Zé galinha on March 24, 2012, 10:14:37 AM
well, this is very interesting thread ... to say at least
 the obscure dark side of bb
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: wes on March 24, 2012, 10:15:24 AM
This is a sport full of drug addicts, do you think they care about taking these drugs? Even if it hhas no effect they are mentally fucked up the placebo effect of taking another drug makes them ffeel better. For those of you who don't believe this..
I know 16 year old honors students taking a fucking medicine cabinet full of drugs to help them wake up, focus during school deal with the stress of homework and constant running and then ffinally fall asleep at night. These are just barely teenagers taking these kind of drugs for school now relate that to bodybuilders that have the mentality that the more drugs uyouu take the better you are.
Maybe you guys are right,if so,these people who are doing these things are fucked up beyond all repair.......gonna` have a hell of a time adjusting to life once they retire, if they make it that long.

A plastic trophy and a contract not worth a lifetime of drug abuse which will surely catch up to you after a always does.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: io856 on March 24, 2012, 10:22:18 AM
this is 100% true
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: oliveiraugo on March 24, 2012, 10:31:15 AM
hey BFG

how they control acne?
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Nasty Nate on March 24, 2012, 10:35:50 AM
With the dosages of AAS and GH pro's are on, a lot of those "ancillaries" are pretty fucking necessary imo.

Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: OptimusPrime1980 on March 24, 2012, 10:37:21 AM
We have already established that it requires grams (average between 6-9g) of anabolic steroids per week in combination with 20-40iu's (average) of growth hormone weekly with insulin and various peptides to achieve IFBB pro muscular size.

While steroids in moderate to fairly large doses tend not to affect day to day activity, once you reach the threshold of what some may dub "mega-dosing," functionality on a daily basis becomes somewhat compromised.

The following is a typical high level IFBB pro's various drugs use to combat the negative side effects of the muscle building chemicals.

1. xanax/klonopin/various generic benzodiazepines - everyone in the pro circuit takes large doses of benzos numerous times a day. High doses of certain drugs like trenbolone and equipoise cause panic attacks and general anxiety. Its pretty hard to be friendly and appear well adjusted at a gigantic bodybuilding expo, people constantly touching you, asking you idiotic questions, forcing you to take photos in ridiculous poses all day long.

2. ambien/trazadone/various generic prescribed sleeping pills - it is almost impossible to fall asleep on the amount of anabolics that is required to achieve necessary muscular size to compete at the top level. Sure, GH makes you very sleepy but unfortunately it becomes very very hard to actually fall asleep without the sleeping pills.

3. GHB - Used both in combination with sleeping pills to help fall asleep and maintain a deep level of REM sleep through the night and also as a party drug as an alternative to alcohol since it does not have a direct negative impact on protein synthesis. GHB, though, is becoming a major cause of health problems in current bodybuilders because nowadays must GHB is synthesized from GBL, which is used in paint thinner.

4. Amphetamines - Taking 20-40iu's of GH everyday makes you a zombie. You will always feel like you are about to keel over and fall asleep and the smallest things require an extreme amount of effort to do because you are so tired. Amphetamines (usually prescription dextroamphetamine pills) used throughout the day, especially during expos or guest posing events, are extremely helpful. This also, unfortunately, compounds the insomnia issue which then in turn leads to larger doses of sleep inducing drugs.

5. Soma or various generic spasmolytics - Mineral imbalances induced by large doses of oral steroids, diuretics or vitamin deficiencies due to diet as well as chronic injuries often lead to intense muscle pain and cramping. Regular usage of muscle relaxant drugs usually allow painless training and functioning.

6. Opiate painkillers - Chronic pain as well as the mental side effects induced by large doses of the muscle building drugs often lead to self-medication with opiates. Nubain used to be the most popular, especially during contest prep, but most people graduate from the "bain" and move onto roxicodone/hydrocodone/etc and eventually morphine or dilaudid. I remember talking to one guy in specific who was very big on the opiates and would inject them IV numerous times throughout the day to function. He told me something to the extent of "I'm already sticking needles in my body 10 or more times per day, what does another few injections matter?"

7. Ketamine - most popular as a party drug but very big during contest prep. Do the drug dosages - and types of drugs - a lot of guys find they need a mental escape during contest prep and falling into a "k hole" often does the trick.

8. Marijuana - Most top pros do not have a job so it is not a problem to smoke marijuana prior to almost every meal for obvious reasons, appetite stimulation and mild sedation.

completely false here!!
ghb makes one sleep yes... but! you do not fall into rem sleep anymore... that is why long term ghb/gbl users have panic attacks.... not because of the drug itself... but because of sleep deprivation...!!
and gbl is used as a industrial cleaner.... paint removal, aluminium cleaner.... ect ect... not used in paint thinner per se....
and you can just as well take the gbl, as it will be formed into ghb in your body....
i had my problems with ghb..... we had liters of the stuff in our fridge.... lol!
no pro i knew or know took that stuff! years ago they took it yes... but nowadays it's pretty commonly known that you need to get as far away from that stuff as possible....

and also ketamine???? you are serious??? have you ever taken stuff like that yourself????
ketamine does NOT give you a nice high at all.... very weird high.....low doses make one dreamy and you can not funtion at all....when dosed high you will not even be aware of your surroundings....  you will hallucinate and that can be quite a scary experience... ones a friend of mine used ketamine... i gave him a sandwich as he was hungry.... he took a bite and freaked out! panicked!! my teeth , my teeth!!! i said what is wrong with your teeth.. he said they all have broken off man, this sandwich is hard like concrete!! look my teeth have all broken off! he was deadserious .....

pro's use uppers and downers ..... period....uppers to function during the day.... downers to relax and sleep.... and to handle anxiety...
and some use opiates.... not all of them....
weed yes... especially the black dudes lol!
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: b-boy on March 24, 2012, 11:12:00 AM
What do you define as a street junkie? Most pros are injecting themselves around 100 times per week when you include the insulin and GH. So do you believe that someone who sticks needles full of illegal drugs in their muscles, skinfolds and veins that many times will draw the line at steroids?
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: apply85 on March 24, 2012, 11:27:31 AM
ketamine as a party drug lol, this is what u get when u r a faker, when u try to experience the world through the internet but dont know anything urself

take ketamine

go to a party

u wont get past ur door
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: no one on March 24, 2012, 11:28:17 AM

i wouldnt have a hard time believing that what the OP is saying is for the most part accurate- ie- these are probably abuses in the industry as a whole and not relegated to every pro bodybuilder- you cant, and it is not fair to, paint everyone with the same brush.

all of it i can see, except for the k. and if anyone is taking k it is out of personal preference to that drug and not for any bbing related reason. been there/ done that.

even the g i get as i know guys who train seriously and use liberal amounts of the stuff, in part because it may play a small role in the release of gh, help battle anxiety and the lack of sleep you often experience on big tren runs and the like, but again i think ghb usage is more because of that persons enjoyment of the compound rather than for the function it performs as a bbing tool.

like i said i dont think this applies to everyone as a standard, but i see how the possibility for abuse would exist for each compound, except for the k like i mentioned.

Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: no one on March 24, 2012, 11:30:43 AM
ketamine as a party drug lol, this is what u get when u r a faker, when u try to experience the world through the internet but dont know anything urself

take ketamine

go to a party

u wont get past ur door

dude, are you kidding me? k is a big time party drug in the electronic music scene. BIG TIME.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: local hero on March 24, 2012, 11:36:16 AM
dude, are you kidding me? k is a big time party drug in the electronic music scene. BIG TIME.

x 100, my younger brother is a raver and him and his crowd eat the stuff up every weekend, absolutly huge use all over europe
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: wes on March 24, 2012, 11:38:11 AM
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: apply85 on March 24, 2012, 11:40:37 AM
ketamine as a party drug is like this, when me and my friends had a party in college, the ones who went off and did k never left the room they were in, i had to make sure no one there fucked with them, sometimes one of them would wonder out of the room, we'd say lets play some beer pong, he wouldnt be able to catch it if i threw him the ping pong ball lol

im sure people who are seasoned vets of special k can learn what dose to take and what to take it with so that they can go out do something

but special k is a drug no one i knew ever took seriously, 5 times or so tnad that's it, the only people who did it consistently are now no where to be seen, probably in a wheelchair staring out the window drooling

weed, ghb, x, coke, are all much more popular, i have no idea what u mean by huge, k isn't huge anywhere outside of trailerparks
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: local hero on March 24, 2012, 11:41:42 AM
u know nothing and have never been anywhere,,,,, life outside your college kiddo
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: OptimusPrime1980 on March 24, 2012, 11:43:10 AM
i wouldnt have a hard time believing that what the OP is saying is for the most part accurate- ie- these are probably abuses in the industry as a whole and not relegated to every pro bodybuilder- you cant, and it is not fair to, paint everyone with the same brush.

all of it i can see, except for the k. and if anyone is taking k it is out of personal preference to that drug and not for any bbing related reason. been there/ done that.

even the g i get as i know guys who train seriously and use liberal amounts of the stuff, in part because it may play a small role in the release of gh, help battle anxiety and the lack of sleep you often experience on big tren runs and the like, but again i think ghb usage is more because of that persons enjoyment of the compound rather than for the function it performs as a bbing tool.

like i said i dont think this applies to everyone as a standard, but i see how the possibility for abuse would exist for each compound, except for the k like i mentioned.

you guys are wrong about the g.... really....
g is very addictive.... me and my girl used to do it... great sex!!! but it starts by taking it in the weekends only.... then also on a wednesday.... soon you are doing it every night lol.. as you feel great on it... also no hang over from it... BUT!!!
the sleep you have on g is no sleep... you do not fall into remsleep..... so you do not rest....
and this is what gives the sides in the long run... after a few weeks you are a walking zombie...
and during "sleep" you wake up every 2 hours because your body wants another 7 ml's of g....
also you start hearing things that are not there.... you think people are talking about you... think people are out to get you or kill you... again this is not the drug doing it... it is the sleep deprivation....
g seems like the ideal drug... but it isn't.... trust me....
i got out in time... could quit cold turkey.... it was hell on earth though...took me a few weeks to "learn" how to sleep again.... red wine and some oxazepam with a big ass joint is what got me sleeping at night during these weeks, lol!.... and after a few weeks i was sleeping on my own again... and i was fine....
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Overload on March 24, 2012, 11:43:41 AM
Thread moved due to heavy AAS discussion.

Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: apply85 on March 24, 2012, 11:44:55 AM
i been out of college for a while my man lol, i never ever met a recreational k user, only people who got their hands on it because its just anothe rdrug they could sell, that's what im going off of
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: wes on March 24, 2012, 11:47:33 AM
I`ve heard of guys using speed,downers to sleep,and weed for appetite......guess I better get out of my cave more often,not that I`d do any of this shit anyway...............fuc king insanity.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Nasty Nate on March 24, 2012, 11:48:53 AM
I`ve heard of guys using speed,downers to sleep,and weed for appetite......guess I better get out of my cave more often,not that I`d do any of this shit anyway...............fuc king insanity.

c'mon wes, bodybuilding is more than just upping your AAS dosages. you gotta up your narcotics game too bro  :D
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: notsureifsrs on March 24, 2012, 11:57:24 AM
Take away the word "prescribed" and replace it with "OTC"
Now you are basically looking at the daily routine of a large percentage of the people surrounding you.

Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: wes on March 24, 2012, 12:10:05 PM
c'mon wes, bodybuilding is more than just upping your AAS dosages. you gotta up your narcotics game too bro  :D
Been there done that bro........don`t wanna` take a step backwards!  ;D
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: D.O.U.P on March 24, 2012, 12:26:21 PM
dude, are you kidding me? k is a big time party drug in the electronic music scene. BIG TIME.


 A dude I used to hang with took K at his apartment and went into a K-HOLE.

The k-hole is a fucked place between reality and hell.

He ended up taking off all his clothes and wandering around his apt complex, knocking on doors.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: no one on March 24, 2012, 12:29:23 PM
you guys are wrong about the g.... really....
g is very addictive.... me and my girl used to do it... great sex!!! but it starts by taking it in the weekends only.... then also on a wednesday.... soon you are doing it every night lol.. as you feel great on it... also no hang over from it... BUT!!!
the sleep you have on g is no sleep... you do not fall into remsleep..... so you do not rest....
and this is what gives the sides in the long run... after a few weeks you are a walking zombie...
and during "sleep" you wake up every 2 hours because your body wants another 7 ml's of g....
also you start hearing things that are not there.... you think people are talking about you... think people are out to get you or kill you... again this is not the drug doing it... it is the sleep deprivation....
g seems like the ideal drug... but it isn't.... trust me....
i got out in time... could quit cold turkey.... it was hell on earth though...took me a few weeks to "learn" how to sleep again.... red wine and some oxazepam with a big ass joint is what got me sleeping at night during these weeks, lol!.... and after a few weeks i was sleeping on my own again... and i was fine....

lol dude you so hit the nail on the head with this post about g. its perfect. couldnt have said it better.

i just started 200mg of ace ed about 9 days ago and havent been sleeping much at all- got that constantly wired/ unable to relax energy thing going on.  i did 2 caps and laid on the couch for 2 hours in that floating state- not sleeping, not awake, but i was relaxed and it took the edge off my tren when i woke up. i was nice and relaxed, refocused. imo id rather do a cap than take a benzo. and your right it is highly easy to slip into 'needing it'- as little as 4-5 consecutive days of use will find you 'wanting' it.

a good friend of mine came off it. said it was a hard as opiates. lol its starts with the club. then you and your old lady take it thru the week for sex cause you know how that goes. but if you are not very careful your soon going thru it pretty rapidly and the scary part is you dont even realise it.

kids- stay away from g. this has been a public service announcement brought to you by no one and optimus prime.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: OptimusPrime1980 on March 24, 2012, 12:30:35 PM

 A dude I used to hang with took K at his apartment and went into a K-HOLE.

The k-hole is a fucked place between reality and hell.

He ended up taking off all his clothes and wandering around his apt complex, knocking on doors.
cool! just what you want to feel like at a party! lol!!
 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: OTHstrong on March 24, 2012, 12:47:01 PM
Thread moved due to heavy AAS discussion.

Ya OK, but if it was a gh15 thread it can go on for 30pages without being moved right?, Or do you like kissing his ass for any other reasons, why aren't his threads with "heavy aas discussion" ever moved, you are not a good Mod.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: falco on March 24, 2012, 12:48:18 PM
Someone forgot to mention the 400iu of insulin a day... ::)
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Borracho on March 24, 2012, 12:48:45 PM
I swear now even just reading about shit like g,k, oxys makes me sick to my stomach....thank god.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: D.O.U.P on March 24, 2012, 12:50:00 PM
cool! just what you want to feel like at a party! lol!!
 ;D ;D ;D ;D

forgot to mention this dude looked like Brad Pitt, if he was 6 2 235 8%.

he ended up in some broads apt, where he decided to try and "hide" in the fridge. For real.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Oly15 on March 24, 2012, 01:02:57 PM
I thought gh15 says bodybuilders that do the heavy narcotics like the ones being named in this thread end up the dead ones. But you guys are saying all of the elite bbers are doing this, how come they are still alive?

I'd imagine with a few years on these narcotics most would be dead or have major heart problems??
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: BFG on March 24, 2012, 01:07:14 PM
I thought gh15 says bodybuilders that do the heavy narcotics like the ones being named in this thread end up the dead ones. But you guys are saying all of the elite bbers are doing this, how come they are still alive?

I'd imagine with a few years on these narcotics most would be dead or have major heart problems??

The human body can take a lot of abuse. Besides, you have no idea what someone's current health status is based on pictures, workout videos and guest posings.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: OptimusPrime1980 on March 24, 2012, 01:15:36 PM
forgot to mention this dude looked like Brad Pitt, if he was 6 2 235 8%.

he ended up in some broads apt, where he decided to try and "hide" in the fridge. For real.
lol!!! funny shit bro!!!!

man this kind of talk brings back memories...
once a friend of mine was totally wasted on ghb... and as you know ghb gets you very horney... so he went to rent a movie.... porn ofcourse... lol....
so he went to the porn section.... and could not decide... (being totally wasted did not help ofcourse lol!!) so he went and sat down in the buda position... lol!!! in the middle of the porn section....
he was looking and looking.... then he felt a tap on his shoulder.... he looked behind him and it was the guy who worked there.....
he asked if all was ok... as he had been sitting there for over 2,5 hours!! lololol!!!!
he completely lost sense of time...  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: D.O.U.P on March 24, 2012, 01:40:05 PM
lol!!! funny shit bro!!!!

man this kind of talk brings back memories...
once a friend of mine was totally wasted on ghb... and as you know ghb gets you very horney... so he went to rent a movie.... porn ofcourse... lol....
so he went to the porn section.... and could not decide... (being totally wasted did not help ofcourse lol!!) so he went and sat down in the buda position... lol!!! in the middle of the porn section....
he was looking and looking.... then he felt a tap on his shoulder.... he looked behind him and it was the guy who worked there.....
he asked if all was ok... as he had been sitting there for over 2,5 hours!! lololol!!!!
he completely lost sense of time...  ;D ;D ;D ;D

 ;D hahhahhahaha! Solid!
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: wes on March 24, 2012, 01:55:27 PM
forgot to mention this dude looked like Brad Pitt, if he was 6 2 235 8%.

he ended up in some broads apt, where he decided to try and "hide" in the fridge. For real.
I`ve done crazy shit like that..............fuckin g nutty days I try to forget about.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: OptimusPrime1980 on March 24, 2012, 02:26:43 PM
lol dude you so hit the nail on the head with this post about g. its perfect. couldnt have said it better.

i just started 200mg of ace ed about 9 days ago and havent been sleeping much at all- got that constantly wired/ unable to relax energy thing going on.  i did 2 caps and laid on the couch for 2 hours in that floating state- not sleeping, not awake, but i was relaxed and it took the edge off my tren when i woke up. i was nice and relaxed, refocused. imo id rather do a cap than take a benzo. and your right it is highly easy to slip into 'needing it'- as little as 4-5 consecutive days of use will find you 'wanting' it.

a good friend of mine came off it. said it was a hard as opiates. lol its starts with the club. then you and your old lady take it thru the week for sex cause you know how that goes. but if you are not very careful your soon going thru it pretty rapidly and the scary part is you dont even realise it.

kids- stay away from g. this has been a public service announcement brought to you by no one and optimus prime.
thanx bro....
and yes , you do not notice it until it's to late.....
i could quit on my own.... luckily.... but it was HEL!
indeed stay away from it.... go and buy some X! lol....
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: OptimusPrime1980 on March 24, 2012, 02:29:51 PM
I`ve done crazy shit like that..............fuckin g nutty days I try to forget about.
lol! wes you should treasure these memories man.... lol!
i have had some fun times when i was in my crazy years.... i do not regret anything.....
well there was this one time........  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: deadpan on March 24, 2012, 03:37:04 PM
i am just a noob but i think that while these drugs may be common, the use of them as described is overblown, sure they might use them but nowadays many people do, it's not that hard to get scripts for antidepressants and painkillers especially, i mean regular people (housewives even) are using this stuff, and who hasn't smoked weed before? these guys probably have their own doctors to prescribe the stuff too, no black market hassle for them, and ghb is a known date rape drug so these would probably not be too hard to find as well. i mean people on here preach about how widespread steroids use is, rec/pharma drug use is just as widespread if not more so. and once you cross the drug gateway it's basically all the same, sure there are some differences like injection vs oral but the threshold for trying drugs is significantly lower
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: illwill on March 24, 2012, 04:00:24 PM
y'all make me wanna just smoke some pcp and call it a night...
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: biff on March 24, 2012, 04:28:53 PM
forgot to mention this dude looked like Brad Pitt, if he was 6 2 235 8%.

he ended up in some broads apt, where he decided to try and "hide" in the fridge. For real.

very odd. what else was he using?

i have used k many times, always along with xtc. dropped into a hole couple times, you do too much, it 'outruns' the speed (or god forbid you had alcohol, you're doomed).

you cant move when in a hole. its almost like sleep paralysis. no way was he in a hole and trying to hide in a fridge. when you start to come out you feel supercharged - really fantastic -  not sure why you're friend did what he did.
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: wes on March 24, 2012, 05:29:25 PM
lol! wes you should treasure these memories man.... lol!
i have had some fun times when i was in my crazy years.... i do not regret anything.....
well there was this one time........  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Dude,I`m still fucking nuts but I`d be scared shitless to do some of the shit I used to do.

I did crazy ass shit on a daily and nightly basis,just because! :D
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: D.O.U.P on March 24, 2012, 07:19:26 PM
very odd. what else was he using?

i have used k many times, always along with xtc. dropped into a hole couple times, you do too much, it 'outruns' the speed (or god forbid you had alcohol, you're doomed).

you cant move when in a hole. its almost like sleep paralysis. no way was he in a hole and trying to hide in a fridge. when you start to come out you feel supercharged - really fantastic -  not sure why you're friend did what he did.

 Booze. Approx 14 cocktails, dude is a VIKING so he survived.

Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: OptimusPrime1980 on March 24, 2012, 09:02:04 PM
Dude,I`m still fucking nuts but I`d be scared shitless to do some of the shit I used to do.

I did crazy ass shit on a daily and nightly basis,just because! :D
lol me 2 wes.... i was a crazy basterd... hahahaha...
lucky to have survived , without permanent damage... lol!
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: wes on March 25, 2012, 05:02:23 AM
lol me 2 wes.... i was a crazy basterd... hahahaha...
lucky to have survived , without permanent damage... lol!

I think I damaged my brain a bit.......I`ve got two surviving brain cells left, and if they meet up somewhere in my head,it might get dangerous again!  LOL    ;D   
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Brocty on March 25, 2012, 08:19:10 AM
Ketamine is a fun ass drug.  Turns you into a silly stumbling fool.  My buddy use to love it and always had some on him.  I'd be hanging off trees feeling like a monkey, talking in the most ridiculous ways...  No doubt you need to control your dose of it though, few times I took a little too much and was planted in a chair, very very helpless feeling.  Can be fun but also very scary.  Good thing is is wears off quick and there is no hang over what so ever.  Just gotta be careful with it. 
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: OptimusPrime1980 on March 25, 2012, 12:23:16 PM
I think I damaged my brain a bit.......I`ve got two surviving brain cells left, and if they meet up somewhere in my head,it might get dangerous again!  LOL    ;D   
lolol!!!  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: BigRo on May 26, 2014, 07:56:04 PM
I,m sure Evan Centopani is doing all this shit lol ::)

Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: ESFitness on May 26, 2014, 09:12:33 PM
having 'been there, done that' with a bunch of what the OP talked about, I was surprised as an 18yr old kid to learn that a lot of the guys (if not most) that I used to see, or who at that time WOULD see in the mags were shooting nubain (soon after, many/most nubain users went to oxy's or morphine), snorting coke, and drinking ghb/gbl daily, or taking klonopin/Xanax/valium daily/nightly.. better yet, nightly cocktails of klonopin/soma/painkiller so that when I'd stop by at 9pm they'd be completely fucked and drooling... or that the girls I'd see and probably at some point jerked off to when I was 15 were also snorting coke and shooting nubain and making home video's of themselves getting fucked in the ass... won't name names, at least a couple still either post/checkin here or their bf's or ex-bf's post here, or they have kids now.

I remember telling a fella who was in the magazines that I was headed down to Tijuana that night, and he asked if I could get him some Klonopin.. I had no idea what klonopin was and he said 'oh, it just makes you feel really good'.. ah, ok, sure.. so I go down on either a Friday or Saturday night with 2 littler Certs' breath mint plastic containers (different flavors) that were about the size of a small stack of credit cards each... filled them up with about 60tabs total, and since it was still too early to walk across the border and have customs think I was just some kid partying on the weekend (it was only 7pm), I decided to take 2 (4mg total) and head to a club and pass some time. so, I get to club XS and it's still early and there' NOBODY there, so I grab a drink (I normally don't drink) but all I have was a $50 bill left and the guy couldn't break it for a $2 beer so he pours me 2 big shots of tequila and I tip him $5... so I wait and wait and it's only 9pm, still nobody around, so I take another pill (6mg total now) and head to club Safari, looking back,by this time I realize the pills and booze were probably working as I went to the 2nd floor and got a margarita and gave the guy a $20 and he rings a cow-bell and pours more booze in my drink, and I take another pill (8mg total). I realize I don't have enough money to pay for my parking or a cab back to the border or for parking (opps lol) so I sell a couple pills to a guy for $20 and I walk out the door... I walk past a strip club and the guys wave me in.. sure, why not. lol... I remember sitting down and ordering a beer and taking 1 sip and remember the bottle being wet with sweat and humidity and seeing what looked to be an Asian girl dancing on stage and thinking "why is there an Asian girl dancing in a Tijuana strip club".......... next thing I know I'm sitting with a stripper/hooker in front of me at my table waving her hand in my face with the mamma-san next to me and the stripper asking if I was ok... uh, yea, I'm ok, why do you ask? then I look at my beer and my beer is completely warm and dry (and full). haha.. well, I think I'm a lil fucked up.. so I left and somehow walked from the far end of Revolution ave all the way back to the border (through alleys with a couple stray Tijuana street dogs walking with me haha).. next thing I know I'm at the customs gate showing my ID.. after that next thing I remember was getting into my car and paying the parking fee.. then I remember getting onto the freeway onramp... then I'm in the lobby of a club I worked security for and it's only 1am... next, I'm laying sideways on the sofa in the 'chill out area' of the club, getting poked in the ribs by another security worker telling be "dude, you gotta get up. SD Vice is here tonight".. so I went home.. have zero recollection of the drive home. I wake up about 10am the next morning in bed like normal, and go downstairs and outside to see my car parallel parked perfectly at the end of the cul de sac between two trucks that are parked in the same spot every day (no idea how I parallel parked being as fucked up as I must've been)... then headed to drop off the klonopin to by buddy and relay the entire story, who proceeds to tell me he takes 1 pill with 1 can of Guinness beer and he's fucked up for the night (and he was a good 30lbs heavier than I) and can't believe I took 6-7 pills WITH booze and made it home.

that dude was also the dude who introduced me to nubain.... a piece of shit junkie who's 'claim to fame' was his features in the bbing mags, who had more than 9 active restraining orders from ex-gf's, who never held a job longer than a couple months, who lived off his gf's credit cards (and his gf's mom's credit cards), and couldn't/wouldn't even post bail for his gf's when they got busted at the border bringing back his drugs.. since he couldn't cross the border anymore due to bench warrants from not completing anger management classes from his restraining orders..... he's a piece of shit who had no problem showing his cock to a room full of men.. and was at one time a frequent poster here on Getbig.

real eye-opener to what really goes on with the 'bodybuilding lifestyle'.   ::)
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: phil mcgroin on May 27, 2014, 11:59:59 AM
No sentiments exactly.

If these guys did all this they wouldn`t even have time to take a piss or eat one meal.............there whole day would be
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: ESFitness on September 23, 2017, 07:58:01 PM
about their friends or family members  having addiction problems and they know I kicked a Nubain addiction back in 02 and had b
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Evo on September 28, 2017, 06:57:31 AM
about their friends or family members  having addiction problems and they know I kicked a Nubain addiction back in 02 and had b

I slammed the bain for 5 years+

Never struggled to give it up...woke up one morning and just decided enough was enough.

If you put a amp of Sami Kinz Nalbuphine in front of me now, I would have to induldge!

No better feeling than 20mg bain, xanax bar and a blunt of pure green...good night GB!
Title: Re: "Ancillary" Drug Use for Those on Large Amounts of Anabolic Steroids and GH
Post by: Jovo on September 28, 2017, 04:00:59 PM
sounds about right