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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: SmoofCat on March 25, 2012, 11:44:00 PM

Title: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 25, 2012, 11:44:00 PM
I am seeing daily changes in my physique. And I had reached a point where I was becoming cynical about AAS, thinking that I had reached some sort of peak. And as many of you know, I won't touch insulin. My goal is to get as close to Arnold's body in 1974 or Serge in the same year as possible (roughly same stats as the two of them, 6 foot, around 230, 5% bf) I already have an advanced physique as many of you who have met me or seen my pictures know, and I don't need to support this much further. The thread with my pictures, which ended up coming back to bite me in the ass on a personal level, garnered the response that I already should be a top amateur, and be getting my pro card this year. Unfortunately, my life has changed drastically, and while bodybuilding was my #1 priority 6 months ago, now I am a few month away from being a father and husband, and I am no longer getting my phd full time, but I am now working (which wasn't hard at all to find a lucrative position, given the absurd amount of time I have been in school).

But something magical has happened. I have grown 8 lbs of lean muscle, as my body fat has actually continued to go down (i am officially in the 5% zone, possibly sub 5% now. I am actually growing into my contest. I will get to the cycle in one moment, but let me tell you about what has changed in my physique in the last few weeks since I switched from tren/masteron to this current cycle...

-Massive growth in my stubborn areas, i.e. rear delts. I hate to make this comparison, because I hate everything that he stands for in terms of drug use,  but my arms are taking on a very phil heath look lately, but i do not use synthol/insulin. My right arm measured 19.5 inches today,  and my left arm measured 19.75. And remember, I am 5%. No bloofy 20 inch arms here. I am grain.

-Abs/obliques look better than ever. Better than when I was on masteron. I am not AS slim as I was on the gram of masteron, but I was frankly getting too slim during that run, and I was bordering on fitness model status, which I do not like. Essentially, I started my pre contest cut too early. And now I am growing into my contest. And my abs/obliques are looking fucking insane. Gigantic veins under the belly button, to the left and right, and just perfect crisp lines DESPITE the fact that I am on a massive amount of chinese GH, which should be killing my lines... I really cannot verbalize what this cycle is doing for my midsection. Just trust me, magic is happening.

-Strength is absurd. I hate bragging about stats. But I had a small crowd gathered around me when my friend was making a video of me doing flat bench press (i have a blog about the UN... wanted to randomly post this video on it for shits and giggles.) And this is becoming an every day thing. Small crowds, a girl asking me if I was a football player the other day after incline bench pressing, whores following me around the gym. This is the most insignificant bullet point I am writing though. Strength doesn't mean shit. The biggest bodybuilder I know personally uses 30 lb dumbbells to train his 22 inch arms.

-Skin is shrink wrapped. There is no fat under it also. I now truly understand what certain members on this site have meant when they talk about "Statuesque" muscle. Deltoids are unreal, almost comical actually (in the best way possible...). And fuck equipoise (not really, it is a great hormone), but my veins are bigger and more protruding than they have EVER been and I am no EQ whatsoever.

So I'll cut the shit, and let me unveil the cycle that has put on 8 lbs of muscle on me in the last few weeks, shrink wrapped my skin, made my delts look like I belong in a comic book or like phil heath's white cousin who forgot his synthol at home, has literally added plates all of my power lifts which were already considerably high, have made my midsection truly look better than 50% of today's pro's, and finally has added roughly .5 inches of true, lean muscle to my arms...

-1050 mg Primo
-1050 mg tren ace
-700 mg NPP
-1000 mg sustanon
-1-2 CCs of TNE-drol-dbol blend before every workout (tren ace, test suspension, masteron, dbol 25 mg, drol 25 mg blend)
-80 mg proviron daily
-12.5 mcg t3 daily
-20-30 iu blue tops daily

all top chef. and before ANYBODY goes on a rant that I am on too much testosterone, remember this is THE special blend from top chef that a certain top 5 at olympia made it known that it is the best test he had ever seen... the only test that created upper body fullness, and did not affect mid section. and it is the truth. the chef did something INSANE here with the sustanon. and frankly, i am considering upping my dose to 1.5 grams weekly, because i could go on stage tomorrow and be fine. it is basically like injecting prop that somehow gives you the upper body fullness of old omnadren with none of the bloat in the face or waist.

and if you don't know what TNE-drol-dbol blend is, then don't question it. once you try it, you will never want to workout with out it. 2 CC of that shit 90 minutes before your workout and you are literally salivating to beat your last personal record by 2 plates, but go for reps. the shit makes you just want to tear the gym apart. and it also makes you want to just ravage your girl when you get home.

my analysis

My analysis of what is going on is that my body is LOVING the mixture of the NPP and the tren ace, being that I am gaining incredible size without retaining any water on the NPP, yet the tren ace is not allowing me to gain a single bit of body fat, and keeping that extra mass extremely cut. And then the primo @ 1050 mg per week has decided to work in unison with the 2 19 nors which are doing such a fantastic job at cooperating with one another, since they are such opposite types, one keeping me full, and the other making sure that fullness stays grainy; one making me hungry, and other making sure I rip the gym in 15,000 pieces and am constantly alert throughout the entire day (another reason I love tren ace). The primo came in and just blew everything up, in the best way possible. It has put on statuesque muscle to my deltoids, and actually  my entire body. I have not even talked about the wonderful meat it has put on my upper chest and legs. I am talking about LEAN muscle, daily, at this dose and this combination of hormones. I will not be surprised if I get up around 240 and continue to be 5% on this cycle (will continue this for 6 months).

And one I get there I will evaluate whether or not insulin is the route I want to take. Because I weighed 228 today @ 5%, but everybody believes I am 250-270 because of my frame. I am getting asked if I am a pro daily at the gym by younger guys, and I am getting followed by milfs and whores both at the grocery market, work and the gym. none of this matter though because i am soon to be a married man.

but trust me gentlemen. this is the ULTIMATE cycle. equipoise is a great drug, but this is the ULTIMATE cycle. Please weigh in if you think you can make it better. If any of you have a suggestion that makes sense to me, I will gladly try to make an adjustment and report back. But as of right now, I urge all of you who have jobs or money and take this seriously- those of you who have built a solid base on AAS and have considerable mass but are under 8%... can't emphasize this enough. This  cycle is NOT for anyone about 9-10% bf. I am playing with dianabol and anadrol AND sustanon and nandrolone here. I suggest you be down around 5-6 % or maybe 7 if you want to try what I am trying. But the gains are fantastic. And the proviron and tiny bit of masteron from the TNE blend is equating to no bloat. And everything else is just turning me into a statue.

Try it out for yourself. Report back. Or maybe the reardens/b-boys/nosleeps and other serious, lean and also large members on this site can weigh in and maybe give me some advice... Talk to me about possibly adding in humalog in a couple months.

Or maybe T bombs can just stop by and say _____________. Should be fun.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: tbombz on March 26, 2012, 12:10:21 AM
Phil heath like arms  ;D  cant wait till you post pictures and we all get to flame you for your absurd posts about being Nubreish, and now this  one on top of it ;D

"TOP CHEF" <---  ;D   ;D   ;D

cool cycle man..   your a bit of a fuck job sometimes but i am quite jealous of the amount of gear you run..
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: howardroark on March 26, 2012, 12:14:13 AM
What kind of ancillary drugs are you running to deal with side effects?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: chess315 on March 26, 2012, 12:16:33 AM
-1050 mg Primo
-1050 mg tren ace
-700 mg NPP
-1000 mg sustanon
-1-2 CCs of TNE-drol-dbol blend before every workout (tren ace, test suspension, masteron, dbol 25 mg, drol 25 mg blend)
-80 mg proviron daily
-12.5 mcg t3 daily
-20-30 iu blue tops daily

That does look to be a hell of a cycle. More power to you I really do like the idea of you oral testbase blend.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: oni on March 26, 2012, 12:58:56 AM
Please, PLEASE post pics
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Nasty Nate on March 26, 2012, 02:41:39 AM
Damn I'm jealous of all those drugs. I can't even afford all that AAS, let alone the 20-30iu gh per day to make it all worthwhile.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: whitewidow on March 26, 2012, 04:35:56 AM
Primo sounds very good at that dosage. Who's Primo is it? read what it does to me especially in high dosages so I wont be doing that.

Everything else looks good for a monster like yourself. I would be a statue (albeit a bit smaller) with half that. I work in a suit so cant permit becoming too bulky or monster-ish.

20-30 GH? That sounds awesome and validates your high dosages on other stuff!

Enjoy and let me know about this primo. looking to run primo soon. Contacted DL and Daman, maybe people can chime in

Its not their primo.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: nosleep on March 26, 2012, 04:40:17 AM
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Growth NOOB on March 26, 2012, 08:38:55 AM
Why do you run the T3 at such a low dose?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: silverback1984 on March 26, 2012, 08:52:08 AM
fantastic post! get pics up soon !
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Oly15 on March 26, 2012, 09:01:25 AM
You are running fucking 20-30 ius of GH per day along with over a gram of tren. That and the tren is why you are so lean and dry while on the test. Not because the test is special.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 26, 2012, 09:10:23 AM
Wait, you are taking 1050 mg tren ace straight up then 2 cc a day of TNE so another what?  400 mg tren?

You said you want to look like Arnold but even Arnold didn't take all of the shit you listed.

Time to post a pic man. Seriously.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Dogma2010 on March 26, 2012, 09:18:10 AM
Haha at Phil Heath's white cousin. Great job man keep it up. I keep missing you but if I read everything on here correctly congrats on the upcoming arrival smoof  :)
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 10:01:53 AM
Phil heath like arms  ;D  cant wait till you post pictures and we all get to flame you for your absurd posts about being Nubreish, and now this  one on top of it ;D

"TOP CHEF" <---  ;D   ;D   ;D

cool cycle man..   your a bit of a fuck job sometimes but i am quite jealous of the amount of gear you run..

You're a fucking joke. a fat joke with zero experience. Always first to post in all my threads. You give the advice of a retard.

Pictures have been posted you fucking fool!!! Multiple members have met me in person!

You are a disgrace to all hormone users you fat lazy shit now shut the fuck up and get out of my thread baby bitch
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 10:02:29 AM

E unfortunately but it is still working wonders
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 10:06:24 AM
And re: pics. Fuck pics. I made thatistake in November and got over 200 pm in one day asking for advice
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 10:10:07 AM
And finally back to t bombs the bitch. The one who disgraces this board.

There is a fucjin reAson I made $ in fitness print!!!! There is a reason I was signed to top agency until 2009 while still in grad school !!!

I said my GOAL physique was nubret and my arms were TAKING on a remnants of heath,s in that they are measuring about 20 now and I am 5 percent .

You are 20 percent bf plus. Just shut your god damned mouth.
 Disgrace .
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Swlabr on March 26, 2012, 10:14:28 AM
Goddamn, that is a juicy cycle. :o I hope I'll have the $$$ and the physique to run that cycle one day.

Are you not lethargic as fuck from all that GH, btw? Also, is it from the man whose name shall not be mentioned?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Schmoe Buster on March 26, 2012, 10:17:18 AM
Awesome cycle smoof, great post, excellent info

keep us updated
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: tbombz on March 26, 2012, 10:19:06 AM


you can talk all the shit you want, untill you post pictures of yourself nobody has any reason to believe you look anything like a bodybuilder, let alone bigger than me.     :-*
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Swlabr on March 26, 2012, 10:20:13 AM
Rearden met and vouched for the guy, what more do you want? Jesus Christ.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 10:27:31 AM
Let me get this back on track. The point of This thread was to share a fucking magnificent cycle I have come across, not to brag about myself or fight t bombs.

The main point of the thread is the following : if you are an advanced bodybuilder under 7 percent body fat, then I have a cycle that will transform you..

Ironic that t bombs, a novice if I can even call him a bodybuilder lol, was the first to post! And he posted a
Flame. Don't you see I am here to help?

I can even help you t bombs, you little estrogen float boat. I can help you. But your mind is weak and you are a fan . I am a body buld. You are a fan. Now stay in threads about 18 month 750 mg
Test only cycles for guys around 20 percent bf. You have nothing to add here. You know nothing of advanced body building. I built myself on AAS, a rarity in this generation. You are truly just the epitome of laziness and this
Generations view
On do nothing expect everything.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Meso_z on March 26, 2012, 10:30:16 AM
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: tbombz on March 26, 2012, 10:36:28 AM




no  pics - no muscles   ;)
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: hematocritter on March 26, 2012, 10:37:26 AM
Not to be a dick, but how on earth would you not see daily changes on all that AAS and GH.
You are on a ton of the finest compounds earth has to offer, of course you are going to grow big and lean at a rapid rate.

I'll spare you the health lecture, but I hope you are getting blood work throughout this and checking your BP and HR.
That is a lot of drugs, really.... I haven't seen a cycle like that ever.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on March 26, 2012, 10:41:34 AM
thats a helluva lot of tren... 1050 mg PLUS daily TNE... hey more power to you bro.

my question:

1) Any sides? any bad tren sides?

2) any ancillary drugs?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 10:56:20 AM
Rearden met and vouched for the guy, what more do you want? Jesus Christ.

Not only him, fiicking top members of site when my pictures circulated in November said I could go PRO on right compounds in next 1-2 years. Gh even said it! And I don't give
A FUCK what you think of him. But I am making the point that various top members w no attachment to one another gave me the g2g and said I could actually make a go at this Pro card!! And it is not a coincidence I was signed to one of the top modeling agencies until 2009 for fitness print and made actual $ while in grad school in NYC.

No I am not a top pro. But yes I have the fuckig experience. And physique. 230 at 5 percent. So don't try to fight me. I have only good intentions to help others and expose the bulkshit in this sport!!!

But this isn't about me!!! I am just trying to help others!!
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 26, 2012, 11:01:07 AM
Not only him, fiicking top members of site when my pictures circulated in November said I could go PRO on right compounds in next 1-2 years. Gh even said it! And I don't give
A FUCK what you think of him. But I am making the point that various top members w no attachment to one another gave me the g2g and said I could actually make a go at this Pro card!! And it is not a coincidence I was signed to one of the top modeling agencies until 2009 for fitness print and made actual $ while in grad school in NYC.

No I am not a top pro. But yes I have the fuckig experience. And physique. 230 at 5 percent. So don't try to fight me. I have only good intentions to help others and expose the bulkshit in this sport!!!

But this isn't about me!!! I am just trying to help others!!

If you are going to be an IFBB then your pic will be out there, most likely Ron has a hard drive of you.

But you can't say Nubret like condition and Heath arms without expecting a few "show the pics"

Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 11:10:11 AM



no  pics - no muscles   ;)


U posted in my thread back in November w pictures u ficking nut sucker . U are a drug
Addict as in narcotics and u are on Prozac - very unstable.

Yes I work !! I can afford hormones!! I am engaged!! I have a mortgage now too!! I have a kid on the way!!

Are u mad t bombs that I am an adult and u are a child ? A troubled child and disgrace to hormone users on America?

And finally my point is not "use as much drugs as
Possible!! See results!!"

My point is the specific mix of Primo + tren + Npp is giving me results like I have never seen before from AAS....

U won't ever know though. You realize even as a natural I had a superior physique to you to bomb right? 16 years old I had been seriously lifting for a
Few years and I was in all honesty in significantly better shape then you .

By 17 and a bit of old British dragon tren e? Lol, no comparison. You would just be my son. My point is I was born for this. I put in the work. You are a fan and u run ur fucking mouth when u shouldn't.

Get ur life together. U r a train wreck. I am writing this from my I phone at work that pays me well enough to afford these hormones and not bitch and complain and get jealous and fat.

I can help you, I know your
Type. First get
Your mind straight. Then we can address the fact
That you are made of estrogen; an estrogen float boat.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 26, 2012, 11:13:25 AM
Smoof, how many needles are you injecting each day?  Do you fill 1 needle with multiple drugs?  Do you do 1 needle per?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 11:14:35 AM
If you are going to be an IFBB then your pic will be out there, most likely Ron has a hard drive of you.

But you can't say Nubret like condition and Heath arms without expecting a few "show the pics"

Remnant of Heath bud. I was just making the point that the primo was really bringing out the delts and making the upper triceps bulge. That's it.

Here to help, again. If you don't want to be helped and you jut want to fight we can do it that way too cause i happen to know I have discovered some truths lately and feel relieved to cut trough the lies I have heard for years.

Just Teying to share that I discovered the cycle that pros use. This is it basically. I am suddenly seeing my body turn into generation nothingness Cartoon, and I am ashamed to admit it, but i like it. A little humalog and I am straight up there.

But I am not going that route yet
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 11:22:48 AM
If you are going to be an IFBB then your pic will be out there, most likely Ron has a hard drive of you.

But you can't say Nubret like condition and Heath arms without expecting a few "show the pics"

If you are going to be an IFBB then your pic will be out there, most likely Ron has a hard drive of you.

But you can't say Nubret like condition and Heath arms without expecting a few "show the pics"

Remnant of Heath bud. I was just making the point that the primo was really bringing out the delts and making the upper triceps bulge. That's it.

Here to help, again. If you don't want to be helped and you jut want to fight we can do it that way too cause i happen to know I have discovered some truths lately and feel relieved to cut trough the lies I have heard for years.

Just Teying to share that I discovered the cycle that pros use. This is it basically. I am suddenly seeing my body turn into generation nothingness Cartoon, and I am ashamed to admit it, but i like it. A little humalog and I am straight up there.

But I am not going that route yet
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 11:26:21 AM
Smoof, how many needles are you injecting each day?  Do you fill 1 needle with multiple drugs?  Do you do 1 needle per?

Roughly 10 injections daily.

3 - 6 injections of gh depending on schedule (5-10 iu per)
1 nightly melanotan 2
Morning shot of 10 mg dianabol
Pwo injection of tne
4 cc injection before bed every night of all my compounds in glute
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Nasty Nate on March 26, 2012, 11:29:01 AM
you've been on tren a long time now. going back from 700 to 1400 down to 1050, what dosage have you found to like the most and do you feel that tren is a drug that never downregulates and it always keeps doin its job? gh15 said this: "with trenbolona you can fart upside down trenbolona dont care it always work efficient ,, trenbolona is like a black slave from before civil is alway work efficient ,, trenbolona high dose low dose always work no matter how you treat it what you do to it always work lol as logn as legit,, "
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 11:29:30 AM
Ps .5 mg melanotan 2 before bed does wonders for overall complexion, and it takes away ALL AAS related acne and just makes you have the hardest erections ever . Shoot it sub q. Only peptide
That works.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 11:34:36 AM
you've been on tren a long time now. going back from 700 to 1400 down to 1050, what dosage have you found to like the most and do you feel that tren is a drug that never downregulates and it always keeps doin its job? gh15 said this: "with trenbolona you can fart upside down trenbolona dont care it always work efficient ,, trenbolona is like a black slave from before civil is alway work efficient ,, trenbolona high dose low dose always work no matter how you treat it what you do to it always work lol as logn as legit,, "

Yes. 1400 mg is wk dose and I am exceeding that now in fact w my tne .

You must get blood pressure in order however .

And I advocate going off tren for a few months a year (and masteron). These 2 compounds pose serious health risks in long term....

But to answer question, tren never stops working If it is ace. With E your body grows accustomed . I just did massive
Tren e masteron e run and by the end I was feeling not much at all. As soon as tren A was introduced... Fireworks
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Sector on March 26, 2012, 11:36:32 AM
Ps .5 mg melanotan 2 before bed does wonders for overall complexion, and it takes away ALL AAS related acne and just makes you have the hardest erections ever . Shoot it sub q. Only peptide
That works.

Wish it took away my acne  >:(

I appreciate your post Smoof. I think people forget how rare it use to be that guys would post up their cycles that exceeded 2 grams of AAS. This really is a treat to see you go into detail about the compounds and how they have changed you and in what ways on a daily/weekly basis.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Sector on March 26, 2012, 11:38:20 AM
Yes. 1400 mg is wk dose and I am exceeding that now in fact w my tne .

You must get blood pressure in order however .

And I advocate going off tren for a few months a year (and masteron). These 2 compounds pose serious health risks in long term....

But to answer question, tren never stops working If it is ace. With E your body grows accustomed . I just did massive
Tren e masteron e run and by the end I was feeling not much at all. As soon as tren A was introduced... Fireworks

How do you handle the sides at doses like that? Even 350mg of Tren a week skyrockets my BP and thats with diet/BF in order.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: dropp on March 26, 2012, 11:42:04 AM
How was your diet with the cycle?
I remember who posted it in another topic and I enjoyed it.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: DorianGrey on March 26, 2012, 11:46:37 AM
im a rookie so my word isnt worth shit.
but for what is worth, ive been on 200mg test e and 400mg tren e and its fukin insane...

only the 4th week and im leaner then ever while my strenght just keeps rising.
only sides are a lil bit of sweat at night and in the gym

ive been running gear for about 3 months now...always on and i think im pretty hardcore
till i step in here and read stuff like this.

it makes you wonder alot of things. i dont know if its the diet or the tren e but something
is working really good and ive been dropping fat like crazy. not saying that i know much
but i think tren e has its place.

Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Max B on March 26, 2012, 11:55:56 AM
How do you handle the sides at doses like that? Even 350mg of Tren a week skyrockets my BP and thats with diet/BF in order.

it comes down to personal tolerance, i can handle tren +eq but im literally about to die if i throw ephedrine in the mix.... just have to see wut works for u and if u really depend on certain compounds need to use medication to combat the sides.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Max B on March 26, 2012, 11:56:56 AM
everytime i read a fuckin post by smoof i go and load the my syringe to 3 cc's i swear this kid is my fucking idol and he def knows his shit, tbombz ur a fuckin herb for hating on him lol
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 11:57:07 AM
Wish it took away my acne  >:(

I appreciate your post Smoof. I think people forget how rare it use to be that guys would post up their cycles that exceeded 2 grams of AAS. This really is a treat to see you go into detail about the compounds and how they have changed you and in what ways on a daily/weekly basis.

Thank you. I can't Believe melanotan ii plus salicylic acid basic wash wont take away acne...

I am in a unique position where I learned personally tips from some pros and guys who are at national stage due to my location in the prime city of this cult and my time in fitness modeling, top level .

I am astonished anyone would flame me for a thread like this. It is NOT all about throwing as many hormones together into an syringe and then just "growing". It takes years of foundation as natural then years of building on AAS foundation and then DIET and a willingness to live
Clean and not fully ignore cardio and instead ignore
Narcotics . at advanced stage this is easier said than done
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 11:59:10 AM
everytime i read a fuckin post by smoof i go and load the my syringe to 3 cc's i swear this kid is my fucking idol and he def knows his shit, tbombz ur a fuckin herb for hating on him lol

Thank you. And you have the exact frame 99 percent of bodybuilders would KILL for bejng 5'11- 6 foot and lean. You, me, no sleep: that frame
. And I know both of you will soon be on my level and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know both of you this last year
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 26, 2012, 12:02:43 PM
How many kits of blue tops do you have? At your pace you are doing about 2 kits a week. 
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 12:06:52 PM
How was your diet with the cycle?
I remember who posted it in another topic and I enjoyed it.

My diet is relatively clean. And I do about 20- 30 minutes of cardio daily.

I don't slack. I work hard. I have listed my diet many times but here was yesterday:

7am: 1 cup oats 1 cup non fat milk 12 egg whites

9 am: 1 scoop whey water

Noon: 14 oz beef, brown rice

1:30: 1 scoop whey in non fat milk

4:00: 12 oz sirloin cheeseburger with mayo and 2 orders of fries, milk shake

5:00 : train. Heavy. Delts. 5 plates on each side of hammer military. Seated dumbbell presses w 160s and other light work. Abs. Cardio.

7:30: massive dinner. Stir fry of about 5 chicken breasts in vinegar and sesame
Oil and a mountain of white and brown rice , vegetables .

9:00- egg whites, vanilla ice cream, pineapple / orange juice

11:30- 8 lz leftover beef mixed in with hummus stick in wrap and eat

Fucked fiancée until 2am after my gh shot and 4 cc shot

2am- entire carton of cottage cheese

And this was a "cheat" day
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 12:09:42 PM
How many kits of blue tops do you have? At your pace you are doing about 2 kits a week. 

To get into too many specifics but i have 4 kits of serostim and about 16 kits of Chinese gh varying from K reship to novo to thanks all the way to a random kit of blue tops from an extremely respected local guy here who sells affordable blues comparable to Novos
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 12:12:36 PM
Ps regarding diet, sugar is very important to me
On this much gh... I crave it .. So i will
Sporadically drink glasses of apple or pineapple mixed w water
Through day
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Overload on March 26, 2012, 12:13:07 PM
Great post!

You are running a very serious cycle and I'm glad you are here and willing the share your experiences with us. No matter what you post on getbig, you are always going to catch some shit. Tbombz is a good bro, he just has a way with getting under your skin. In the end i think you realize this and know that you are always going to catch a little flack no matter what you post.

I have seen your pictures and I do believe you have upper level potential, but going Pro is a whole nother ballgame, which I'm sure you already know. I really want to see what you do the final week before the show.

Honestly, you would be taken more seriously with some pics, but i understand why you don't want to post them in the open. However I think it's only fair that you post some pics to show these guys you are serious. I know you are legit, but I think the regular members would like to see this transformation. A lot of people (including myself) don't take anything on the internet as any value without something to back it up. Sure it might open up the PM floodgates, but you can choose to respectfully not reply. Some days I get so many PM's i don't have enough time in the day to respond to all of them. It's your choice brother.

I train with two of the top NPC guys in my state and they run cycles similar to this, but they use more AAS and Slin. You are definitely on the right track man and i wish you the best. Your cycle actually isn't that wild compared to a lot of amateur guys i know. In fact it looks like you have put a lot of thought into what you are doing, which i think is awesome. You always need a gameplan.

You better PM me some contest pics, but if you are doing the show i think you are, i will see them in time anyway.

Good luck and thanks again for sharing!


Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: silverback1984 on March 26, 2012, 12:15:50 PM
Ps .5 mg melanotan 2 before bed does wonders for overall complexion, and it takes away ALL AAS related acne and just makes you have the hardest erections ever . Shoot it sub q. Only peptide
That works.

how many times a week you shooting the melanotan and is this always r can u take a break and it will hold ur colour for certain period? how often using sunbed?   is the hgh helping combat the tren sides ?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: DorianGrey on March 26, 2012, 12:21:05 PM
yea im in for a lil more info on the melanotan 2..

im so white that im transparent. plus who wouldnt like harder erections. lol

shoot it at night and for how long?

any reputable peptide ppl to get it from?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: diamondcut on March 26, 2012, 12:34:59 PM
wow that is some dedication right there

mind if you tell me how much the cycle ran you? that seems like one very expensive cycle...
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: nosleep on March 26, 2012, 12:43:33 PM
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 12:46:01 PM
yea im in for a lil more info on the melanotan 2..

im so white that im transparent. plus who wouldnt like harder erections. lol

shoot it at night and for how long?

any reputable peptide ppl to get it from?

Pm me
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 12:49:06 PM

how many times a week you shooting the melanotan and is this always r can u take a break and it will hold ur colour for certain period? how often using sunbed?   is the hgh helping combat the tren sides ?

1 mg sub q every night before bed for 30 days, then lower it to .5 for a

Then shoot it once a week on the day u go tanning (never tan more than once per week on melanotan!!!) at 2 mg before bed. This is maintenance. U can do maintenance

And yes at 30 iu gh no tren sides
At all except tren makes me
Very very horny and I think about sex all day long . That doesn't go away
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: thelamefalsehood on March 26, 2012, 12:49:45 PM
My apologies if you have already said it but what meds or supps do you take for BP, liver, cholesterol, etc. That cycle looks awesome man. If I run half that I feel like poop, so I gotta go lower in my old age. But reading your post,  I wanna whip out the 6cc cannons and go to town.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: notsureifsrs on March 26, 2012, 01:18:18 PM
I am just gonna read it once again before bed so i can have some sweet dreams :)

That's one crazy cycle, crazy gains, crazy everything.
Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 01:24:49 PM
My apologies if you have already said it but what meds or supps do you take for BP, liver, cholesterol, etc. That cycle looks awesome man. If I run half that I feel like poop, so I gotta go lower in my old age. But reading your post,  I wanna whip out the 6cc cannons and go to town.

Bp- propanolol , and for estrogen proviron the smallest smallest smallest amount of aromasin. Dropped nolvadex. .25 mg alprazolam (half of a .5 which is lowest dose ) roughly twice a week at night for anxiety
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: hangclean on March 26, 2012, 01:30:10 PM
If that sust you are talking about is made by the same guy who does the TNE-DBOL-DROL blend you are taking, it is indeed very good and very cheap.  I was shocked, actually.  I love that TNE blend, but i hate using anything with guaicol.  Stuff smells like shit.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 01:55:53 PM
If that sust you are talking about is made by the same guy who does the TNE-DBOL-DROL blend you are taking, it is indeed very good and very cheap.  I was shocked, actually.  I love that TNE blend, but i hate using anything with guaicol.  Stuff smells like shit.

Lol yeah and u can taste it after inject somehow...

I don't mind
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: mazrim on March 26, 2012, 02:32:29 PM
I need a better job....
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: silverback1984 on March 26, 2012, 02:53:31 PM
Bp- propanolol , and for estrogen proviron the smallest smallest smallest amount of aromasin. Dropped nolvadex. .25 mg alprazolam (half of a .5 which is lowest dose ) roughly twice a week at night for anxiety
how come hgh rules out most sides of most drugs but didnt lower your blood pressure?   so what exactly was your bp before or during the cycle that u decide to take propanolol and what did it bring it back down to ?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 02:59:20 PM
how come hgh rules out most sides of most drugs but didnt lower your blood pressure?   so what exactly was your bp before or during the cycle that u decide to take propanolol and what did it bring it back down to ?

Well a few weeks ago I upped my tren ace from 100 mg
Ed to 200 and my Bp went through the roof. My girlfriend was giving me a Blowjob after I got
Home from the gym and I suddenly got this feeling like my heart was
Going to explode.

And after I came, I almost called an ambulance
Because my heart rate must have been well over 200 Bpm.

Well I got on propranolol and now my Bp is perfect even back on 200 mg tren Ed .

And I dunno why gh eliminates sides. But it does. At 30 iu I have no sides. No Acne no anxiety no anything.... Just growth.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 03:01:09 PM
Great post!

You are running a very serious cycle and I'm glad you are here and willing the share your experiences with us. No matter what you post on getbig, you are always going to catch some shit. Tbombz is a good bro, he just has a way with getting under your skin. In the end i think you realize this and know that you are always going to catch a little flack no matter what you post.

I have seen your pictures and I do believe you have upper level potential, but going Pro is a whole nother ballgame, which I'm sure you already know. I really want to see what you do the final week before the show.

Honestly, you would be taken more seriously with some pics, but i understand why you don't want to post them in the open. However I think it's only fair that you post some pics to show these guys you are serious. I know you are legit, but I think the regular members would like to see this transformation. A lot of people (including myself) don't take anything on the internet as any value without something to back it up. Sure it might open up the PM floodgates, but you can choose to respectfully not reply. Some days I get so many PM's i don't have enough time in the day to respond to all of them. It's your choice brother.

I train with two of the top NPC guys in my state and they run cycles similar to this, but they use more AAS and Slin. You are definitely on the right track man and i wish you the best. Your cycle actually isn't that wild compared to a lot of amateur guys i know. In fact it looks like you have put a lot of thought into what you are doing, which i think is awesome. You always need a gameplan.

You better PM me some contest pics, but if you are doing the show i think you are, i will see them in time anyway.

Good luck and thanks again for sharing!


thank u for taking the time to write this. I'm at work and on mobile. I want to be sittin at my computer at home to respond properly to this to be respectful and write a solid response
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: dropp on March 26, 2012, 03:16:27 PM
you needed B6 or CABER to control prolactin?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: silverback1984 on March 26, 2012, 03:24:13 PM
Well a few weeks ago I upped my tren ace from 100 mg
Ed to 200 and my Bp went through the roof. My girlfriend was giving me a Blowjob after I got
Home from the gym and I suddenly got this feeling like my heart was
Going to explode.

And after I came, I almost called an ambulance
Because my heart rate must have been well over 200 Bpm.

Well I got on propranolol and now my Bp is perfect even back on 200 mg tren Ed .

And I dunno why gh eliminates sides. But it does. At 30 iu I have no sides. No Acne no anxiety no anything.... Just growth.

christ that must have been sum blowjob lol,  seriously , u must have been sh*tting it tho!
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Brocty on March 26, 2012, 03:35:05 PM

Cycle looks outstanding! 
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: makaveli25 on March 26, 2012, 03:41:03 PM
Awesome post smoofcat. Love reading your posts. Always very informative straight to the point. I agree propanol is a fantastic addition to any stack that may cause high blood pressure. I get prescribed ten mg ed. I only take it when I feel my blood pressure is getting high. I also take it before an interview or any situation that causes high anxiety. It lowers your blood pressure keeps your heart from beating so fast. I'm glad everything is working out for you. You have helped me a lot and I'm sure a lot of other people to.

Just got my sust can't wait to load that shit up.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: misterrut1 on March 26, 2012, 04:08:28 PM
I need to find one of these "top chefs"
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: makaveli25 on March 26, 2012, 04:12:20 PM
I need to find one of these "top chefs"

Got to put the time in man.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: diamondcut on March 26, 2012, 04:29:57 PM
My diet is relatively clean. And I do about 20- 30 minutes of cardio daily.

I don't slack. I work hard. I have listed my diet many times but here was yesterday:

7am: 1 cup oats 1 cup non fat milk 12 egg whites

9 am: 1 scoop whey water

Noon: 14 oz beef, brown rice

1:30: 1 scoop whey in non fat milk

4:00: 12 oz sirloin cheeseburger with mayo and 2 orders of fries, milk shake

5:00 : train. Heavy. Delts. 5 plates on each side of hammer military. Seated dumbbell presses w 160s and other light work. Abs. Cardio.

7:30: massive dinner. Stir fry of about 5 chicken breasts in vinegar and sesame
Oil and a mountain of white and brown rice , vegetables .

9:00- egg whites, vanilla ice cream, pineapple / orange juice

11:30- 8 lz leftover beef mixed in with hummus stick in wrap and eat

Fucked fiancée until 2am after my gh shot and 4 cc shot

2am- entire carton of cottage cheese

And this was a "cheat" day

this is a crazy fuggin diet

do you find yourself this hungry or do you have to force feed?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: theheman on March 26, 2012, 04:33:15 PM
My diet is relatively clean. And I do about 20- 30 minutes of cardio daily.

I don't slack. I work hard. I have listed my diet many times but here was yesterday:

7am: 1 cup oats 1 cup non fat milk 12 egg whites

9 am: 1 scoop whey water

Noon: 14 oz beef, brown rice

1:30: 1 scoop whey in non fat milk

4:00: 12 oz sirloin cheeseburger with mayo and 2 orders of fries, milk shake

5:00 : train. Heavy. Delts. 5 plates on each side of hammer military. Seated dumbbell presses w 160s and other light work. Abs. Cardio.

7:30: massive dinner. Stir fry of about 5 chicken breasts in vinegar and sesame
Oil and a mountain of white and brown rice , vegetables .

9:00- egg whites, vanilla ice cream, pineapple / orange juice

11:30- 8 lz leftover beef mixed in with hummus stick in wrap and eat

Fucked fiancée until 2am after my gh shot and 4 cc shot

2am- entire carton of cottage cheese

And this was a "cheat" day
Do you work?  If yeah when do you work?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: FAST LANE on March 26, 2012, 04:49:24 PM
Good shit my man!!! Keep up the good work, and good luck on your upcoming show, your gonna kill it!!!!
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: D.O.U.P on March 26, 2012, 04:59:56 PM
You're a fucking joke. a fat joke with zero experience. Always first to post in all my threads. You give the advice of a retard.

Pictures have been posted you fucking fool!!! Multiple members have met me in person!

You are a disgrace to all hormone users you fat lazy shit now shut the fuck up and get out of my thread baby bitch

Yes! YES!


This delusional, lazy punk is the most annoying getbig poster...other than dumfresh.

tbum, you flat out SUCK!
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Growth NOOB on March 26, 2012, 05:07:21 PM
smoofcat can you comment on why you run such a low T3 dose?

On my first run, I found 150mcg to be my sweet spot and I notcied excellent results.

OVerlord, what are you thoughts on T3 at high/low doses?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 05:56:28 PM
Do you work?  If yeah when do you work?

are you serious my man? i work 9-5... usually 9-6:30 actually. and i take classes all day saturday in my continuing effort to get my PHD. that was YESTERDAY's diet. YESTERDAY was sunday.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 05:57:23 PM
you needed B6 or CABER to control prolactin?

na i hate caber. and b6 is something i do take.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 26, 2012, 06:00:32 PM
smoofcat can you comment on why you run such a low T3 dose?

On my first run, I found 150mcg to be my sweet spot and I notcied excellent results.

OVerlord, what are you thoughts on T3 at high/low doses?

yes, sorry i did not get around to this yet.

i am an original fan of clen, but i recently realized that due to the amount of hormones i am on- specifically the tren- i can not use clen any more. i loved how clen would bring out my lines, and just make me look fucking shredded, and make me feel constantly incredibly energetic.

but then i started using GH on a more regular basis, and i felt sluggish. and the clen was not an option any more because of the amount of trenn ace i am on, and my weak heart.

so i talked to a pro. i talked to MANY top amateurs. all in person. i talked to members i trust on this site. and i found some damn good t3.

and 12.5 mcg works very well in the morning with my first GH shot and i don't fall asleep on my desk, and it also increases my metabolism.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: tbombz on March 26, 2012, 06:10:48 PM
U posted in my thread back in November w pictures u ficking nut sucker . U are a drug
Addict as in narcotics and u are on Prozac - very unstable.

Yes I work !! I can afford hormones!! I am engaged!! I have a mortgage now too!! I have a kid on the way!!

Are u mad t bombs that I am an adult and u are a child ? A troubled child and disgrace to hormone users on America?

And finally my point is not "use as much drugs as
Possible!! See results!!"

My point is the specific mix of Primo + tren + Npp is giving me results like I have never seen before from AAS....

U won't ever know though. You realize even as a natural I had a superior physique to you to bomb right? 16 years old I had been seriously lifting for a
Few years and I was in all honesty in significantly better shape then you .

By 17 and a bit of old British dragon tren e? Lol, no comparison. You would just be my son. My point is I was born for this. I put in the work. You are a fan and u run ur fucking mouth when u shouldn't.

Get ur life together. U r a train wreck. I am writing this from my I phone at work that pays me well enough to afford these hormones and not bitch and complain and get jealous and fat.

I can help you, I know your
Type. First get
Your mind straight. Then we can address the fact
That you are made of estrogen; an estrogen float boat.
LOL  .. another meltdown !  ;D

fact : i looked better as a natural than you did as a natural

fact : ive been juicing for only 3 years and i dont use half the aas you do, yet im still probably as big if not bigger than you albeit youve been juicing AND using mega doses of GH for triple the time I have

fact : nobody needs to hear your bullshit "advice" that using 8 grams of gear will bust through a platue.  for fuck sakes
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: old_lifter on March 26, 2012, 06:32:58 PM
how much b6 for prolactin control?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: theheman on March 26, 2012, 06:45:24 PM
are you serious my man? i work 9-5... usually 9-6:30 actually. and i take classes all day saturday in my continuing effort to get my PHD. that was YESTERDAY's diet. YESTERDAY was sunday.
Oh cool, man. I was wondering how you're able to fit all that in. Your cycle looks hardcore.  Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: AlphaMaleDawg on March 26, 2012, 07:18:44 PM
Smoof, this looks awesome. Do you get bloodwork or other tests? Ever had a health scare? And shit I wish I made the kind of money you do. That has to be at least $2K per month. Also, where can I purchase this pre workout blend you take?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: abijahmaniaco on March 26, 2012, 07:31:56 PM
how the fuck do you pay for all this????
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: whitewidow on March 26, 2012, 08:11:46 PM
smooth will you send any pics to my email?PM if you can
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: whitewidow on March 26, 2012, 08:13:38 PM
well feel free to say whos Primo is good (no pharm grade, too expensive, hate official labs)

DL has Primo E

who do you think it is? look at the other blend he uses not hard to figure out.No name dropping on the forum.Its not D's primo
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: hangclean on March 26, 2012, 10:19:23 PM
who do you think it is? look at the other blend he uses not hard to figure out.No name dropping on the forum.Its not D's primo
the guy with the blend only carries primo acetate, so its not his.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: whitewidow on March 26, 2012, 10:29:23 PM
the guy with the blend only carries primo acetate, so its not his.

He carried both at a time. maybe he is out of the primo E. he had acetate and enan for a little bit!plus look at the pre-workout blend who do you think makes that?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: flinstones1 on March 26, 2012, 11:01:15 PM
I am seeing daily changes in my physique. And I had reached a point where I was becoming cynical about AAS, thinking that I had reached some sort of peak. And as many of you know, I won't touch insulin. My goal is to get as close to Arnold's body in 1974 or Serge in the same year as possible (roughly same stats as the two of them, 6 foot, around 230, 5% bf) I already have an advanced physique as many of you who have met me or seen my pictures know, and I don't need to support this much further. The thread with my pictures, which ended up coming back to bite me in the ass on a personal level, garnered the response that I already should be a top amateur, and be getting my pro card this year. Unfortunately, my life has changed drastically, and while bodybuilding was my #1 priority 6 months ago, now I am a few month away from being a father and husband, and I am no longer getting my phd full time, but I am now working (which wasn't hard at all to find a lucrative position, given the absurd amount of time I have been in school).

But something magical has happened. I have grown 8 lbs of lean muscle, as my body fat has actually continued to go down (i am officially in the 5% zone, possibly sub 5% now. I am actually growing into my contest. I will get to the cycle in one moment, but let me tell you about what has changed in my physique in the last few weeks since I switched from tren/masteron to this current cycle...

-Massive growth in my stubborn areas, i.e. rear delts. I hate to make this comparison, because I hate everything that he stands for in terms of drug use,  but my arms are taking on a very phil heath look lately, but i do not use synthol/insulin. My right arm measured 19.5 inches today,  and my left arm measured 19.75. And remember, I am 5%. No bloofy 20 inch arms here. I am grain.

-Abs/obliques look better than ever. Better than when I was on masteron. I am not AS slim as I was on the gram of masteron, but I was frankly getting too slim during that run, and I was bordering on fitness model status, which I do not like. Essentially, I started my pre contest cut too early. And now I am growing into my contest. And my abs/obliques are looking fucking insane. Gigantic veins under the belly button, to the left and right, and just perfect crisp lines DESPITE the fact that I am on a massive amount of chinese GH, which should be killing my lines... I really cannot verbalize what this cycle is doing for my midsection. Just trust me, magic is happening.

-Strength is absurd. I hate bragging about stats. But I had a small crowd gathered around me when my friend was making a video of me doing flat bench press (i have a blog about the UN... wanted to randomly post this video on it for shits and giggles.) And this is becoming an every day thing. Small crowds, a girl asking me if I was a football player the other day after incline bench pressing, whores following me around the gym. This is the most insignificant bullet point I am writing though. Strength doesn't mean shit. The biggest bodybuilder I know personally uses 30 lb dumbbells to train his 22 inch arms.

-Skin is shrink wrapped. There is no fat under it also. I now truly understand what certain members on this site have meant when they talk about "Statuesque" muscle. Deltoids are unreal, almost comical actually (in the best way possible...). And fuck equipoise (not really, it is a great hormone), but my veins are bigger and more protruding than they have EVER been and I am no EQ whatsoever.

So I'll cut the shit, and let me unveil the cycle that has put on 8 lbs of muscle on me in the last few weeks, shrink wrapped my skin, made my delts look like I belong in a comic book or like phil heath's white cousin who forgot his synthol at home, has literally added plates all of my power lifts which were already considerably high, have made my midsection truly look better than 50% of today's pro's, and finally has added roughly .5 inches of true, lean muscle to my arms...

-1050 mg Primo
-1050 mg tren ace
-700 mg NPP
-1000 mg sustanon
-1-2 CCs of TNE-drol-dbol blend before every workout (tren ace, test suspension, masteron, dbol 25 mg, drol 25 mg blend)
-80 mg proviron daily
-12.5 mcg t3 daily
-20-30 iu blue tops daily

all top chef. and before ANYBODY goes on a rant that I am on too much testosterone, remember this is THE special blend from top chef that a certain top 5 at olympia made it known that it is the best test he had ever seen... the only test that created upper body fullness, and did not affect mid section. and it is the truth. the chef did something INSANE here with the sustanon. and frankly, i am considering upping my dose to 1.5 grams weekly, because i could go on stage tomorrow and be fine. it is basically like injecting prop that somehow gives you the upper body fullness of old omnadren with none of the bloat in the face or waist.

and if you don't know what TNE-drol-dbol blend is, then don't question it. once you try it, you will never want to workout with out it. 2 CC of that shit 90 minutes before your workout and you are literally salivating to beat your last personal record by 2 plates, but go for reps. the shit makes you just want to tear the gym apart. and it also makes you want to just ravage your girl when you get home.

my analysis

My analysis of what is going on is that my body is LOVING the mixture of the NPP and the tren ace, being that I am gaining incredible size without retaining any water on the NPP, yet the tren ace is not allowing me to gain a single bit of body fat, and keeping that extra mass extremely cut. And then the primo @ 1050 mg per week has decided to work in unison with the 2 19 nors which are doing such a fantastic job at cooperating with one another, since they are such opposite types, one keeping me full, and the other making sure that fullness stays grainy; one making me hungry, and other making sure I rip the gym in 15,000 pieces and am constantly alert throughout the entire day (another reason I love tren ace). The primo came in and just blew everything up, in the best way possible. It has put on statuesque muscle to my deltoids, and actually  my entire body. I have not even talked about the wonderful meat it has put on my upper chest and legs. I am talking about LEAN muscle, daily, at this dose and this combination of hormones. I will not be surprised if I get up around 240 and continue to be 5% on this cycle (will continue this for 6 months).

And one I get there I will evaluate whether or not insulin is the route I want to take. Because I weighed 228 today @ 5%, but everybody believes I am 250-270 because of my frame. I am getting asked if I am a pro daily at the gym by younger guys, and I am getting followed by milfs and whores both at the grocery market, work and the gym. none of this matter though because i am soon to be a married man.

but trust me gentlemen. this is the ULTIMATE cycle. equipoise is a great drug, but this is the ULTIMATE cycle. Please weigh in if you think you can make it better. If any of you have a suggestion that makes sense to me, I will gladly try to make an adjustment and report back. But as of right now, I urge all of you who have jobs or money and take this seriously- those of you who have built a solid base on AAS and have considerable mass but are under 8%... can't emphasize this enough. This  cycle is NOT for anyone about 9-10% bf. I am playing with dianabol and anadrol AND sustanon and nandrolone here. I suggest you be down around 5-6 % or maybe 7 if you want to try what I am trying. But the gains are fantastic. And the proviron and tiny bit of masteron from the TNE blend is equating to no bloat. And everything else is just turning me into a statue.

Try it out for yourself. Report back. Or maybe the reardens/b-boys/nosleeps and other serious, lean and also large members on this site can weigh in and maybe give me some advice... Talk to me about possibly adding in humalog in a couple months.

Or maybe T bombs can just stop by and say _____________. Should be fun.

Smoofcat I like you and please take this post with a grain of salt bothers me to see a man as inteligent as yourself posting shit  like this. There is only a testosterone molecule, whether it's turkish sustanon, q pharma testex, Testovis from italy or test prop you get from a synovex kit, it will make no difference. Kind of like the rumor about how american bodybuilders think test cyp is stronger than test-e, just cause an elite bodybuilder  tells you it's magical  does not make it true.  I'm asking you seriously here, what can a top chef do to make sustanon any better than any other sustanon besides being overdosed? Changing the ester ratio? cmon now
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: whitewidow on March 26, 2012, 11:36:14 PM
Smoofcat I like you and please take this post with a grain of salt bothers me to see a man as inteligent as yourself posting shit  like this. There is only a testosterone molecule, whether it's turkish sustanon, q pharma testex, Testovis from italy or test prop you get from a synovex kit, it will make no difference. Kind of like the rumor about how american bodybuilders think test cyp is stronger than test-e, just cause an elite bodybuilder  tells you it's magical  does not make it true.  I'm asking you seriously here, what can a top chef do to make sustanon any better than any other sustanon besides being overdosed? Changing the ester ratio? cmon now

could be in his head?I was alwast taught Test is Test! only thing that differs is the ester the test is attched to.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 27, 2012, 04:51:10 AM
LOL  .. another meltdown !  ;D

fact : i looked better as a natural than you did as a natural

fact : ive been juicing for only 3 years and i dont use half the aas you do, yet im still probably as big if not bigger than you albeit youve been juicing AND using mega doses of GH for triple the time I have

fact : nobody needs to hear your bullshit "advice" that using 8 grams of gear will bust through a platue.  for fuck sakes

1. you are an estrogen baby, you never looked better than me as a natural. i mean at 12 years old when i had first hit puberty i looked significantly better than you do today and that is a fact

2. i am advising on the specifics of a 4 gram cycle not an 8 gram cycle you fat bitch. big difference. and most pro cycles are upwards of 9 grams. so just shut your fucking mouth.

and this is no meltdown. i am saying it like it is. you are a joke t bombs. i am getting dressed for work right now, going to make money so i can easily afford these hormones and not think twice about it.

but if you had the $ to run a cycle like i can, you wouldn't know what to do with it. you would fuck up you would be so lost.

so stop giving advice to anybody asking about anything except 750 mg test only cycles which run 2 years or whatever that pathetic shit you were advocating was.

take your head out of your fucking ass and realize that when I was at your stage of hormones use (3 years right?) it was like night anad day physique wise. actually, i say in all honesty, i had a superior physique to you when i was a NATURAL. i had significantly less body fat and about the same amount of muscle. you have no chest and really no physique whatsoever and you just spot inject. you can't fucking fool us. you are 20 % body fat and you don't have a concept of training, diet or hormone use.

so just shut the fuck up buddy and never advice in an advanced cycle forum again.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 27, 2012, 04:52:16 AM
Smoof, this looks awesome. Do you get bloodwork or other tests? Ever had a health scare? And shit I wish I made the kind of money you do. That has to be at least $2K per month. Also, where can I purchase this pre workout blend you take?

no it is not 2k a month to run the whole thing. it is less.. not far off i guess. PM me i don't talk sources openly.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: AlphaMaleDawg on March 27, 2012, 04:55:47 AM
no it is not 2k a month to run the whole thing. it is less.. not far off i guess. PM me i don't talk sources openly.

I PMed you last week about something else and you didn't answer.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 27, 2012, 04:56:42 AM
Smoofcat I like you and please take this post with a grain of salt bothers me to see a man as inteligent as yourself posting shit  like this. There is only a testosterone molecule, whether it's turkish sustanon, q pharma testex, Testovis from italy or test prop you get from a synovex kit, it will make no difference. Kind of like the rumor about how american bodybuilders think test cyp is stronger than test-e, just cause an elite bodybuilder  tells you it's magical  does not make it true.  I'm asking you seriously here, what can a top chef do to make sustanon any better than any other sustanon besides being overdosed? Changing the ester ratio? cmon now

OK there was a reason people loved the original omnadren amps from years ago so much right?

it was because there was a higher prop amount (significantly), yet the long esters remained the same, and it still fit into 250 mg per amp?

and then the "new" omnadrens were met with unfavorable reviews because they bloated people. the prop wasn't apparent.

well my point is that this sustanon is reminiscent of the old omnadrens, except it is significantly more testosterone overall mg/ml... i am personally impressed that someone could get THAT much prop into a blend while fitting the long esters in as well, and have it all come out to around 400 mg/ml...

and flintstones i understand all testosterone breaks down the same man. i am just saying that sustanon is a funny blend that can be done VERY right and VERY wrong. and in this case it is done VERY right... reminiscent of some amps i have not seen in a  long time.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: ChristopherA on March 27, 2012, 05:29:00 AM
U posted in my thread back in November w pictures u ficking nut sucker . U are a drug
Addict as in narcotics and u are on Prozac - very unstable.

Yes I work !! I can afford hormones!! I am engaged!! I have a mortgage now too!! I have a kid on the way!!

Are u mad t bombs that I am an adult and u are a child ? A troubled child and disgrace to hormone users on America?

And finally my point is not "use as much drugs as
Possible!! See results!!"

My point is the specific mix of Primo + tren + Npp is giving me results like I have never seen before from AAS....

U won't ever know though. You realize even as a natural I had a superior physique to you to bomb right? 16 years old I had been seriously lifting for a
Few years and I was in all honesty in significantly better shape then you .

By 17 and a bit of old British dragon tren e? Lol, no comparison. You would just be my son. My point is I was born for this. I put in the work. You are a fan and u run ur fucking mouth when u shouldn't.

Get ur life together. U r a train wreck. I am writing this from my I phone at work that pays me well enough to afford these hormones and not bitch and complain and get jealous and fat.

I can help you, I know your
Type. First get
Your mind straight. Then we can address the fact
That you are made of estrogen; an estrogen float boat.
Geez that was brutal. I enjoy your posts for the most part Bombz but you are way off here. if you were ever in shape in your life some of the comments Smoof makes would hit home with you. For once in your life dont worry about what compounds to run and just lose all that bodyfat. I think you are just jealous of all the good shit he is running. Well get a job and maybe you can afford it too. but I am gonna tell you it wont make a diff if you dont learn how to get your body into shape. Your "adonis principle thread" is like 5 months old and how do you look? You should be crazy ripped by now! So ripped when you sucks your abs in, not your gut your abs, they feel like they are hitting your spine. When you do lateral raise, your shoulders explode into a million fibers. Any of that hit home? No cause you never been in shape. Like I said wasnt trying to be negative, just making a point
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 27, 2012, 07:18:21 AM
the guy with the blend only carries primo acetate, so its not his.

No no no U r wrong. I Refuse to divulge farther.
WAY too much respect for source. Once VIP w multiple Private sources many love here at thunder done, special blends are made. And if I told you Kai is on the same long Esther primo batch u can believe it or not . No pro will touch long ester tren for obvious reason. No pro will touch long Esther nandrolone w exception of Ronnie who was a personal advocate of deca and he was also genetically different from u and I (he told me a lot of very honest things about gear the time I truly got to sit down w him. We have met a few times, but he sort of blew me off. But I had the pleasure of catching him in an environment where we have a mutual top npc friend, and he kind of looked at me like "hm.. Ok so u r good". He told me he lots
Of truths. Lots of small facts I won't repeat out of respect but I will say this: he was a huge fan of DECA. I couldn't believe it because I hate deca, but Ron in person is massive and I believe anything he said, because he wasn't speaking to me. I was just in the convo taking it all in. He said to never touch long Esther tren.
This is advice I did not take and did not understand until now. And he also told me one truth - training and diet is equally as important as Hormlnes. U can't grow if u don't eat. And u can't grow Right if u eat
McDonald's etc. eat not clean not dirty . Brown rice
Oats. Egg whites . Ice
Cream. Juice. Lots of it.

And he also told me if u don't train HEAVy u don't become
Freak. U can get to be a huge
Dude w light weight heavy hormone lots
Of TIME w muscle under stress....

Or u can do what he advised and what I live by. WhAt Dorian lives by. Lift blood and guts style 4-5 time
A week never ever more. I will divulge more
On my training if anyone wants but I promise
After 2 cc of TNE Dbol drol mix in my blood AND the other shit circulating not to mention the A drug nobody but gh15 speaks openly about here, and we all fucking take, you better believe I am
Going heavy. Minomal sets. Max
Except biceps. Dorian trained arms w 30 lb dumbells. What should I use ? And how much time? 5-10 minutes a week MAX on biceps.

Final point Ron made- primo. All he said is there
Is no shortcut. I said "tren ace?" I was young. He gave me a
Look and laughed. Asked Hownlong he thought he was on tren ace yearly.

He never answered his own question.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: D.O.U.P on March 27, 2012, 07:18:29 AM
1. you are an estrogen baby, you never looked better than me as a natural. i mean at 12 years old when i had first hit puberty i looked significantly better than you do today and that is a fact

2. i am advising on the specifics of a 4 gram cycle not an 8 gram cycle you fat bitch. big difference. and most pro cycles are upwards of 9 grams. so just shut your fucking mouth.

and this is no meltdown. i am saying it like it is. you are a joke t bombs. i am getting dressed for work right now, going to make money so i can easily afford these hormones and not think twice about it.

but if you had the $ to run a cycle like i can, you wouldn't know what to do with it. you would fuck up you would be so lost.

so stop giving advice to anybody asking about anything except 750 mg test only cycles which run 2 years or whatever that pathetic shit you were advocating was.

take your head out of your fucking ass and realize that when I was at your stage of hormones use (3 years right?) it was like night anad day physique wise. actually, i say in all honesty, i had a superior physique to you when i was a NATURAL. i had significantly less body fat and about the same amount of muscle. you have no chest and really no physique whatsoever and you just spot inject. you can't fucking fool us. you are 20 % body fat and you don't have a concept of training, diet or hormone use.

so just shut the fuck up buddy  and never advice in an advanced cycle forum again.

 ;D Truth can sting, eh Tbums?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: LittleJ on March 27, 2012, 07:33:22 AM
I think this is a gimmick
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: ChristopherA on March 27, 2012, 07:48:15 AM
I think this is a gimmick
Who Smoof? No way. Some of the things he says, I know he doesnt bs. Reardon Metal has met him before anyway
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Growth NOOB on March 27, 2012, 07:53:27 AM
yes, sorry i did not get around to this yet.

i am an original fan of clen, but i recently realized that due to the amount of hormones i am on- specifically the tren- i can not use clen any more. i loved how clen would bring out my lines, and just make me look fucking shredded, and make me feel constantly incredibly energetic.

but then i started using GH on a more regular basis, and i felt sluggish. and the clen was not an option any more because of the amount of trenn ace i am on, and my weak heart.

so i talked to a pro. i talked to MANY top amateurs. all in person. i talked to members i trust on this site. and i found some damn good t3.

and 12.5 mcg works very well in the morning with my first GH shot and i don't fall asleep on my desk, and it also increases my metabolism.

Thanks for the info.  I am just mainly wondering why you run such a low dose, in my opinion anyway.  Is there some sort of synergism between low dose t3 and high dose gh?  I read conflicting reports on t3/t4 and gh use.

Also, I don;t really follow what you mean about clen and tren.  Since you are running high dose tren you don;t run the clen?  I am not a big fan of clen but am willing to try it again.   

Thanks for the info.  Any further insight is appreciated.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Oly15 on March 27, 2012, 08:07:11 AM
No no no U r wrong. I Refuse to divulge farther.
WAY too much respect for source. Once VIP w multiple Private sources many love here at thunder done, special blends are made. And if I told you Kai is on the same long Esther primo batch u can believe it or not . No pro will touch long ester tren for obvious reason. No pro will touch long Esther nandrolone w exception of Ronnie who was a personal advocate of deca and he was also genetically different from u and I (he told me a lot of very honest things about gear the time I truly got to sit down w him. We have met a few times, but he sort of blew me off. But I had the pleasure of catching him in an environment where we have a mutual top npc friend, and he kind of looked at me like "hm.. Ok so u r good". He told me he lots
Of truths. Lots of small facts I won't repeat out of respect but I will say this: he was a huge fan of DECA. I couldn't believe it because I hate deca, but Ron in person is massive and I believe anything he said, because he wasn't speaking to me. I was just in the convo taking it all in. He said to never touch long Esther tren.
This is advice I did not take and did not understand until now. And he also told me one truth - training and diet is equally as important as Hormlnes. U can't grow if u don't eat. And u can't grow Right if u eat
McDonald's etc. eat not clean not dirty . Brown rice
Oats. Egg whites . Ice
Cream. Juice. Lots of it.

And he also told me if u don't train HEAVy u don't become
Freak. U can get to be a huge
Dude w light weight heavy hormone lots
Of TIME w muscle under stress....

Or u can do what he advised and what I live by. WhAt Dorian lives by. Lift blood and guts style 4-5 time
A week never ever more. I will divulge more
On my training if anyone wants but I promise
After 2 cc of TNE Dbol drol mix in my blood AND the other shit circulating not to mention the A drug nobody but gh15 speaks openly about here, and we all fucking take, you better believe I am
Going heavy. Minomal sets. Max
Except biceps. Dorian trained arms w 30 lb dumbells. What should I use ? And how much time? 5-10 minutes a week MAX on biceps.

Final point Ron made- primo. All he said is there
Is no shortcut. I said "tren ace?" I was young. He gave me a
Look and laughed. Asked Hownlong he thought he was on tren ace yearly.

He never answered his own question.

Damn you are one lucky sob to have dicussed all these things with ronnie. I didnt get the primo part, he made a final point - primo. Meaning?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 27, 2012, 08:20:04 AM
I think this is a gimmick

Top members of site have met me trained w me vouched for me. I happen to have had a handful of opportunities to speak openly w pros due to mutual friends.

Won't get more into it . But I'm not a "gimmick".
Many members have met me in person in NYC. And my photos received excellent feedback including "on right compounds I could get pro card in 1-2 years" by god and other top members

I am not friends w top
Pros. However I have had some very candid combos
W. top top guys from golden era-now based on some relationships I have in NYC.

Don't really give a
Fuck what u think of me . I have given away enough personal information, truly personal stuff , stuff that was hard to share here to try to help bodybuilders stay away from narcotics.

And I think I'm a gimmick because _______. Because Kai takes a
Long Esther primo blend confirmed? Because Ron told me
He likes deca ?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: ChristopherA on March 27, 2012, 08:33:34 AM
No one really thinks your a gimmick Smoof. They are trolling and most likely jealous. One because your a friggin tank and two, they wish they had your hookups
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 27, 2012, 08:34:06 AM
Damn you are one lucky sob to have dicussed all these things with ronnie. I didnt get the primo part, he made a final point - primo. Meaning?

He wasn't talking to me directly except when I asked about tren ace

He was speaking to someone I won't mention who is a name you all know, top amateur at time,  friend of mine and truly my advisor on all things hormones growing up.

He was advising this guy - who is now pro- and I was
Given the good to go to listen.
In earlier encounters where i asked Ron about hormones he gave me
A look like "bitch I may kill you"
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Oly15 on March 27, 2012, 09:26:12 AM
He wasn't talking to me directly except when I asked about tren ace

He was speaking to someone I won't mention who is a name you all know, top amateur at time,  friend of mine and truly my advisor on all things hormones growing up.

He was advising this guy - who is now pro- and I was
Given the good to go to listen.
In earlier encounters where i asked Ron about hormones he gave me
A look like "bitch I may kill you"

LOL. Yeah I can imagine that, he's only protecting himself and his reputation/career. As far as outright lying about them, I don't think that's necessary. When asked the question simply dont answer I guess. Speaking of!!

Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: flinstones1 on March 27, 2012, 09:48:04 AM
OK there was a reason people loved the original omnadren amps from years ago so much right?

it was because there was a higher prop amount (significantly), yet the long esters remained the same, and it still fit into 250 mg per amp?

and then the "new" omnadrens were met with unfavorable reviews because they bloated people. the prop wasn't apparent.

well my point is that this sustanon is reminiscent of the old omnadrens, except it is significantly more testosterone overall mg/ml... i am personally impressed that someone could get THAT much prop into a blend while fitting the long esters in as well, and have it all come out to around 400 mg/ml...

and flintstones i understand all testosterone breaks down the same man. i am just saying that sustanon is a funny blend that can be done VERY right and VERY wrong. and in this case it is done VERY right... reminiscent of some amps i have not seen in a  long time.

ok I got you bro. I'm sure it makes a difference at the top level, for a guy like me fuck no. I take everything I can get my hands on and have no idea what does what  :D I got pretty big last cycle though so goes to show you there is more than one way to skin a cat. :D
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 27, 2012, 09:58:09 AM
ok I got you bro. I'm sure it makes a difference at the top level, for a guy like me fuck no. I take everything I can get my hands on and have no idea what does what  :D I got pretty big last cycle though so goes to show you there is more than one way to skin a cat. :D

Very true . Well put.

What it boils down to is testosterone is aesthetically dangerous... Too much or the wrong type can ruin a physique much like deca can. It has nada to do w diet. And this sust keeps you lean in waist like prop, but full in upper body like cyp... Very well made blend.

Obviously at end of day it is just test. But the community is raving about it so much because rarely is sustanon done this well! And at the end of the day, there is a reason the old Omnadren had a cult like following!! This sust is BETTER.

So yeah , just test at end of day! But we know there is a wide spectrum of test and naturally lean guys like me Who are advanced bodybuild LOVE good sustanon because of what it does to our upper body (thickness) without doing shit to our waists (obviously one of the lean types most prized
Features!! Lol).

I have to admit I am crazy about my waist. It always needs to be tight even in off season. I am ALL for growth, but I need my waist to stay reasonable.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: LittleJ on March 27, 2012, 10:28:53 AM
Top members of site have met me trained w me vouched for me. I happen to have had a handful of opportunities to speak openly w pros due to mutual friends.

Won't get more into it . But I'm not a "gimmick".
Many members have met me in person in NYC. And my photos received excellent feedback including "on right compounds I could get pro card in 1-2 years" by god and other top members

I am not friends w top
Pros. However I have had some very candid combos
W. top top guys from golden era-now based on some relationships I have in NYC.

Don't really give a
Fuck what u think of me . I have given away enough personal information, truly personal stuff , stuff that was hard to share here to try to help bodybuilders stay away from narcotics.

And I think I'm a gimmick because _______. Because Kai takes a
Long Esther primo blend confirmed? Because Ron told me
He likes deca ?

I wasn't talking about you ???
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Max B on March 27, 2012, 12:27:40 PM
I wasn't talking about you ???

uhhh then who were you referring to?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: nosleep on March 27, 2012, 12:37:37 PM

Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Max B on March 27, 2012, 12:51:24 PM


lucky mufucka  8)
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: tbombz on March 27, 2012, 01:08:32 PM
1. you are an estrogen baby, you never looked better than me as a natural. i mean at 12 years old when i had first hit puberty i looked significantly better than you do today and that is a fact

2. i am advising on the specifics of a 4 gram cycle not an 8 gram cycle you fat bitch. big difference. and most pro cycles are upwards of 9 grams. so just shut your fucking mouth.

and this is no meltdown. i am saying it like it is. you are a joke t bombs. i am getting dressed for work right now, going to make money so i can easily afford these hormones and not think twice about it.

but if you had the $ to run a cycle like i can, you wouldn't know what to do with it. you would fuck up you would be so lost.

so stop giving advice to anybody asking about anything except 750 mg test only cycles which run 2 years or whatever that pathetic shit you were advocating was.

take your head out of your fucking ass and realize that when I was at your stage of hormones use (3 years right?) it was like night anad day physique wise. actually, i say in all honesty, i had a superior physique to you when i was a NATURAL. i had significantly less body fat and about the same amount of muscle. you have no chest and really no physique whatsoever and you just spot inject. you can't fucking fool us. you are 20 % body fat and you don't have a concept of training, diet or hormone use.

so just shut the fuck up buddy and never advice in an advanced cycle forum again.

tbombz as a natural




Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Rearden Metal on March 27, 2012, 06:02:04 PM
Even I am jealous of this cycle. Ive never run Primo or more than 15iu gh.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Overload on March 27, 2012, 06:22:08 PM
OVerlord, what are you thoughts on T3 at high/low doses?

I prefer to run it at about 75-100mcg maximum. I know guys who go over 150, but i don't find this necessary if you are eating right and doing some cardio. I have used it for up to 3 months at a time at 50mcg, but i prefer people use it for 6-8 weeks when they "need" it. I do know guys who run it year round, i just don't think it's necessary. 12.5mcg is a great supplemental dose.

I think a low dose of T3 like Smoof is running is a good idea while on GH.

I haven't seen many problems while running T3 with AAS, i think T3 is a wonderful compound.

Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: whitewidow on March 27, 2012, 07:05:00 PM
Tbumz is crazy! I love a good battle though and Tbumz holds his own. lets remember he is not mentally stable. I may be all numbed up but I am mentally stable-lol.I dont know about smoothcat he isn't as smart as you would think he would be. he thought one supplier lived right by him in staten island. I had to correct him.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: D.O.U.P on March 27, 2012, 07:59:14 PM
Tbumz is  crazy! I love a good battle though and Tbumz holds his own. lets remember he is not mentally stable. I may all numbed up but I am mentally stable-lol.I dont know about smoothcat he isn't as smart as you would think he would be. he thought one supplier lived right by him in staten island. I had to correct him.

You sure about that my man? ;D

Perhaps your mind is a bit unstable but you percieve it to be 'normal'

Oh and I wrote TBUMS, maybe you were numb and thought you came up with it first?  ;D
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: abijahmaniaco on March 27, 2012, 09:36:02 PM
No no no U r wrong. I Refuse to divulge farther.
WAY too much respect for source. Once VIP w multiple Private sources many love here at thunder done, special blends are made. And if I told you Kai is on the same long Esther primo batch u can believe it or not . No pro will touch long ester tren for obvious reason. No pro will touch long Esther nandrolone w exception of Ronnie who was a personal advocate of deca and he was also genetically different from u and I (he told me a lot of very honest things about gear the time I truly got to sit down w him. We have met a few times, but he sort of blew me off. But I had the pleasure of catching him in an environment where we have a mutual top npc friend, and he kind of looked at me like "hm.. Ok so u r good". He told me he lots
Of truths. Lots of small facts I won't repeat out of respect but I will say this: he was a huge fan of DECA. I couldn't believe it because I hate deca, but Ron in person is massive and I believe anything he said, because he wasn't speaking to me. I was just in the convo taking it all in. He said to never touch long Esther tren.
This is advice I did not take and did not understand until now. And he also told me one truth - training and diet is equally as important as Hormlnes. U can't grow if u don't eat. And u can't grow Right if u eat
McDonald's etc. eat not clean not dirty . Brown rice
Oats. Egg whites . Ice
Cream. Juice. Lots of it.

And he also told me if u don't train HEAVy u don't become
Freak. U can get to be a huge
Dude w light weight heavy hormone lots
Of TIME w muscle under stress....

Or u can do what he advised and what I live by. WhAt Dorian lives by. Lift blood and guts style 4-5 time
A week never ever more. I will divulge more
On my training if anyone wants but I promise
After 2 cc of TNE Dbol drol mix in my blood AND the other shit circulating not to mention the A drug nobody but gh15 speaks openly about here, and we all fucking take, you better believe I am
Going heavy. Minomal sets. Max
Except biceps. Dorian trained arms w 30 lb dumbells. What should I use ? And how much time? 5-10 minutes a week MAX on biceps.

Final point Ron made- primo. All he said is there
Is no shortcut. I said "tren ace?" I was young. He gave me a
Look and laughed. Asked Hownlong he thought he was on tren ace yearly.

He never answered his own question.

interesting read. thanks
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: abijahmaniaco on March 27, 2012, 09:44:23 PM
tbombz as a natural




why are you always trying to argue/prove yourself bro? just chill, listen, and learn. take the best and leave the rest.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 27, 2012, 10:07:30 PM
tbombz as a natural




not only a joke, but a disgrace to all hormone users AND naturals.

u undestand in full modesty that i had a significantly better physique than you when i was 12 years old? when i was 12 years old i had a better natural physique and absolutely a better physique on hormones, which leads me to my next point....

you are a disgrace to all hormone users because for one you are a true idiot, and for two you look better as a natural! how does one do this? did have some blunt head trauma? i have never seen an example such as this one in my life; never have i seen someone's physique literally get worse on hormones. t bombs u are unique buddy. we  all know you are special. i mean look at the 2nd picture above here of you as a natural, the one in the white tee and your rolled up undies. you are making the "special" face there. the "I just shit in my pants in public mom yay!" face but it is ok because your name is t bombz and you wear diapers i assume.

and don't blame it on the way you pose bitch. i have seen the recent shot of you w the shaved head from a far and you look awful. I am straight up blown away that you have been using hormones for 3 years straight.

What is even  more astounding is that you give advice. just shut the fuck up and listen. again, i could help an estrogen container such as yourself. i could turn you into something much better (and no, you don't need much $ you broke ass bitch!) than you are. you take all the wrong hormones. don't you understand you are an estrogen float boat and that is the reason you speak like you do and take the medications you do? because you are overrun by estrogen.

STOP TAKING TESTOSTERONE ONLY CYCLES. let's start there. 750 mg test let alone SUST for 18 months is not for u buddy. just shut up and listen to people for a while. stop copy pasting chemistry shit. stop being a bitch and posting first in every one of my threads, which are always on topics that are out of your league and your only reply is "bla bla bla if I had the money... bla bla bla... i'm a fat bitch... bla bla bla (insert sarcastic tone) great advice! take a lot of drugs and grow! how unique"

fuck you t bombz.

(insert aziz ansari voice from observe and report)

Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 27, 2012, 10:23:55 PM
Tbumz is crazy! I love a good battle though and Tbumz holds his own. lets remember he is not mentally stable. I may all numbed up but I am mentally stable-lol.I dont know about smoothcat he isn't as smart as you would think he would be. he thought one supplier lived right by him in staten island. I had to correct him.

what a solid indication of intelligence! WW this is incredibly good work on your part!  and amazing reference of a PM from 8 months ago where i thought a source shipped from LI (not SI, even I remember our fucking PM... ).

the ironic part is that you left out my solid reasoning for thinking he shipped from there! convenient!

however let's fucking drop this conversation. this is the absolute edge of how much i will talk about this particular source in open forum.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: aesthetics on March 27, 2012, 11:03:12 PM
so you're going for pro-card then smoof?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: aesthetics on March 27, 2012, 11:05:11 PM
don't know why every thread on this forum has to devolve into stupid drama and conjecture. this is one of the least policed and corrupt boards and yet people just resort to infighting all the time instead of trying to help each other. very irritating to witness.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: tbombz on March 27, 2012, 11:11:49 PM
because smoof is a bullshitter. arms like heath and body like nubret  ;D 230lbs at 5% bodyfat  ;D  and he wont post a single picture  ;D not to mention insulting me when i have one of the best physiques on the board, rarely ever see anyone in person who comes close to my musculature and i know a ton of juicers !   everybody else seems to be kissing his ass, and for what ? telling us that if we take a gram of each of the most powerful steroids all at once and in conjunction with 30ius of GH that we are going to grow ? THANKS FOR THE INFO GENIUS !!!! lol @ smoof..   he can GTFO for all i care..  talking bout hes working on a phd while making dumbass comments about how "TOP CHEFS" are making "special recipes" and that his sustanon "works like magic" ..    phd in bro science .. MAYBE..
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: whitewidow on March 27, 2012, 11:58:45 PM
You sure about that my man? ;D

Perhaps your mind is a bit unstable but you percieve it to be 'normal'

Oh and I wrote TBUMS, maybe you were numb and thought you came up with it first?  ;D

oh i am stable! and the first guy I ever heard call tbombz tbumz is pillowtalk not you.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: oni on March 28, 2012, 12:34:06 AM
If t-bombz stepped on stage like that and I stepped on stage I'd beat him down to the ground at my scale-shattering 65kg just because he's a fat fuck in poor condition
just sayin
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Max B on March 28, 2012, 12:39:34 AM
because smoof is a bullshitter. arms like heath and body like nubret  ;D 230lbs at 5% bodyfat  ;D  and he wont post a single picture  ;D not to mention insulting me when i have one of the best physiques on the board, rarely ever see anyone in person who comes close to my musculature and i know a ton of juicers !   everybody else seems to be kissing his ass, and for what ? telling us that if we take a gram of each of the most powerful steroids all at once and in conjunction with 30ius of GH that we are going to grow ? THANKS FOR THE INFO GENIUS !!!! lol @ smoof..   he can GTFO for all i care..  talking bout hes working on a phd while making dumbass comments about how "TOP CHEFS" are making "special recipes" and that his sustanon "works like magic" ..    phd in bro science .. MAYBE..

WTF ... lol
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: tbombz on March 28, 2012, 12:49:55 AM
 :-* 255lbs bitches

yall can kiss my ass
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: diamondcut on March 28, 2012, 01:48:29 AM
i have nothing against you tbombz i wish you good luck in life

but you are making yourself sound and look like a damn fool in this thread
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: phroz3n on March 28, 2012, 02:52:11 AM
:-* 255lbs bitches

yall can kiss my ass

stop embarrassing yourself u estrogen filt
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: whitewidow on March 28, 2012, 03:06:57 AM
what a solid indication of intelligence! WW this is incredibly good work on your part!  and amazing reference of a PM from 8 months ago where i thought a source shipped from LI (not SI, even I remember our fucking PM... ).

the ironic part is that you left out my solid reasoning for thinking he shipped from there! convenient!

however let's fucking drop this conversation. this is the absolute edge of how much i will talk about this particular source in open forum.

well you cant be to smart if you cannot even figure out how to understand a tracking number! You thought he lived in staten island-LOL. and you have a tracking # that shows it is not true yet you cannot even understand the tracking#. Yes you are a genious! Oh I have the PM as well it was like 3-4 months ago. not 8 months.But why argue with this genious! I personally think you are pushing way to much HGH and AAS! some people can get done what you have probably gotten done with just minimal AAS and at most 12IU'ss of HGH ! If that! you are pissing alot of money away ! I would say some a daily shot of Test prop 100mg,100mg tren acetate daily, 600mg primo enanthate and 40mg halotestin and 14IU's of quality HGH, 20-40mcg clen would give you Pro like gains or if you want to use T3 that is cool but I would personally go with T4!
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Rearden Metal on March 28, 2012, 03:16:46 AM
:-* 255lbs bitches

yall can kiss my ass

C'mon Tbombz I could be 255 too. Weight isn't everything.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Rearden Metal on March 28, 2012, 03:24:56 AM
I personally think that threads like these have to be treated as gossip until pics are posted of the progress. That's the only reason I get any respect, and the reason Smoof gets respect is I vouched for him.

Post the progress Smoofy. That way ppl can get a visual aid to the cycle before they go concoct their own $2-3k cycle.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: hematocritter on March 28, 2012, 06:46:04 AM
all top chef. and before ANYBODY goes on a rant that I am on too much testosterone, remember this is THE special blend from top chef that a certain top 5 at olympia made it known that it is the best test he had ever seen... the only test that created upper body fullness, and did not affect mid section. and it is the truth. the chef did something INSANE here with the sustanon. and frankly, i am considering upping my dose to 1.5 grams weekly, because i could go on stage tomorrow and be fine. it is basically like injecting prop that somehow gives you the upper body fullness of old omnadren with none of the bloat in the face or waist.
I think people have gotten way to carried away about the specific look a product produces. I first saw it with GH15, and now I am seeing people make claims like that with all kinds of random things. Primo acetate is the one I am hearing about lately that does all sorts of magical things compared to enanthate.
They aren't different drugs....their effects are not all that different from the release rate alone.
I'm not doubting you got good test...... but 'special blend test' that creates fullness in specific areas and doesn't hold water in certain areas? come on now.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SL1CED on March 28, 2012, 07:15:42 AM
Crazy cycle.

I don't know if I could run tren that high. 400mg a week right now suits me good. Primo is my go to drug now.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: juicyjay on March 28, 2012, 08:47:37 AM
LMFAO at tbags thinking he has one of the best physiques on the board, hahahaha!!
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Nasty Nate on March 28, 2012, 08:51:35 AM
I personally think that threads like these have to be treated as gossip until pics are posted of the progress. That's the only reason I get any respect, and the reason Smoof gets respect is I vouched for him.

Post the progress Smoofy. That way ppl can get a visual aid to the cycle before they go concoct their own $2-3k cycle.

Yeah if he just posted one pic in the first post no one would've jumped all over him... probably would've just been a lot of questions and respect given to him if he's true to his word. I believe him because you made a thread backing him up as a real GB'er, but that's the only reason.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: flinstones1 on March 28, 2012, 08:55:21 AM
tbombz is a fat fuck but he's thick as fuck, there is alot of muscle underneath all that shit
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 28, 2012, 08:55:35 AM
I personally think that threads like these have to be treated as gossip until pics are posted of the progress. That's the only reason I get any respect, and the reason Smoof gets respect is I vouched for him.

Post the progress Smoofy. That way ppl can get a visual aid to the cycle before they go concoct their own $2-3k cycle.

If smoof is a cover model as he claims, then why so shy about posting photos?  If your job is/was to get photos taken it shouldn't be too hard to post.

this vouch thing is for the dogs.  What do you guys think you are goodfellas or something vouching for each other?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 28, 2012, 08:57:36 AM
Alright enough everyone. Facts-

1. Posted pictures in November. Don't you see the multiple people in thread who agree to this. My pm box filled in one day.

2. This is not about me. I am not like slin pimp or any body who wants attention or promotes themselves. I want no attention. I am here to discuss hormones.

3. Met 4 member from this site in NYC area this year. Why do you think I am backed personally?

4. Widow just stop it bro. Let's cut this little beef now . Yeah I thought a certain source shipped from LI and I was wrong. I never checked tracking bud. and btw I am done discussing sources in any depth so just stop this shit now.

5. Re: t bombs, won't even get into it anymore.  it's like a joke to me that he even speaks.

I'm here to discuss hormones and advanced cycles period. Not promote myself. I do happen to be 230 and 5 percent. And I have experience to share.

But fuck this board. Trying to just discuss an advanced cycle and yeah I happen to be 230 at sub 5 percent and I'm getting in wars w some bloof and some sketchy mod trying to call me out mistaking where a certain supplier shipped from back in summer or whatever (an issue I am warning u to drop. Don't continue to talk about this persons address state etc bud).
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 28, 2012, 09:03:05 AM
If smoof is a cover model as he claims, then why so shy about posting photos?  If your job is/was to get photos taken it shouldn't be too hard to post.

this vouch thing is for the dogs.  What do you guys think you are goodfellas or something vouching for each other?

Not a
Cover model dick. I was signed to 2 agencies
From 2007-2009 for a variety of print stuff (not cover model my man) and I was in 2 music
Videos and was basically a glorified extra in an independent film. Nothing to fuckig write home about.

U all love twisting my words.

I said I was seeing remnants of heaths arm as in I was seeing how primo affected the delt.

I commented  that serge was a goal physique and that him and I already have same stats and similar structure

Im out . I have work. Probably won't log in as much. Kind of sick of the attitude on this board. I just want to Discuss hormones. Not get 200 PMs in one day like i did in November after posting pictures in kig thread

Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: makaveli25 on March 28, 2012, 09:21:34 AM
Fucken assholes on here. Smoof is one of the most entertaining and knowledgeable people on this board.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Schmoe Buster on March 28, 2012, 09:23:31 AM
Fucken assholes on here. Smoof is one of the most entertaining and knowledgeable people on this board.


Smoof thanks for sharing and taking the time to post, please keep posting
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: makaveli25 on March 28, 2012, 09:33:08 AM
He's an actual competitor has tons of exeprice is in amazing shape 5% bodyfat is insane. Than you got Tbomz and all of his 30% bf trying to talk shit to him. Ridicolous. Tbomz you looked waaaay better as a natural. You look like a fat ass bro. You're suppose to be a bodybuilder not a powerlifter. You prob haven't been in shape since you took those natty pics.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 28, 2012, 09:58:16 AM
He's an actual competitor has tons of exeprice is in amazing shape 5% bodyfat is insane. Than you got Tbomz and all of his 30% bf trying to talk shit to him. Ridicolous. Tbomz you looked waaaay better as a natural. You look like a fat ass bro. You're suppose to be a bodybuilder not a powerlifter. You prob haven't been in shape since you took those natty pics.

Thank u. And those pictures from kig
Thread I was only 220-225 roughly  at 6 percent bf maybe even 6.5 and they elicited a response of over 200 PMs in one day and multiple people who know what they are talking about asked me to hop on certain compounds and make a run at pro card.

Yes, I am light. But i have the deceiving type of frame that appears to be 250 and I have even gotten 270 from a lot of people.

I may put a random photo up tonight for one hour. May not. Wrestling w idea because I don't want to promote myself and I sure as fixj dont want hundreds of PMs because I have ongoing convos on pm w many of u that get lost when my box gets flooded w source requests (reason I don't even hint sources anymore) or the various bullshit including multiple pm asking if I was open to do g4p via web cam after I posted pics in kig thread .

That's not what I'm here for. However I am just imagining t bombs ugly fat fucking face when he sees the pictures of who I am... That thought entertains me wildly.

And finally guys I have some personal shit going on. I Have a pregnant girlfriend who sort of "left" me last night because she intercepted my latest pack. She is adamant that i stop using gear before kid is born (I don't know why.. And I won't relent. I am fully the bread winner in This relationship, she just has a
Rich father). And her reasons for hating steroids and absurd. Anyways, she opened a pack of many vials tren ace many vials of a custom blend, and she jut had a female moment. Told me to pick her or gear. I told Her i will have both.

So she left to her parents, and stole a bag of thousands of syringes and needles and threw them
In the trash On the way.

Guys, females go NUTS when they are
Pregnant. Warning u all.. Be prepared and hold ur ground when they try to give u ultimatums. I mean she will come back to me. The worst thing i could have said is "oh baby I choose you. I look forward to a
Life w no hormones and just you."

The thing she doesn't get is the reason she is wet when she sees me from across the room, the reason SHE asked me out on our first date , the reason half the time I come home
From the gym she had a shake ready for me and she immediately is sucking my cock is because of the HORMONES. My SYNThEtIC hormones make her hormones
Go crazy.

Yeah I'd still b a
Good looking guy w no hormones. I after all was signed to one of the top 3 agencies in america for 18 months before being let go for body acne and gettin too big (they basically gave me the same ultimatum... Lower hormones or go). But i would b 180 and 7 percent bf.

Don't think she'd be so turned on by me at 180 7 percent ...

Ad she has a false
Impression that I can keep my body exactly as it is if I go off. She says "just work harder in the gym!"
She has no idea
. I should make her an account on thunder dome
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: hematocritter on March 28, 2012, 10:00:40 AM
I barely know anyone here, so when I see a cycle like this, I am very curious about the man behind it.
I give you props for posting your truthful doses. Maybe I am naive, because it just seems massively dosed to
me. Maybe if all the huge guys on other forums would stop lying about their doses, I wouldn't think this
particular one was all that crazy.
My cholesterol gets fucked on a cycle of NPP, tren, and masteron that totals about 1g per week....maybe my
genes suck when it comes to handling AAS, but when I see a cycle like this, I want to know everything I can
about that person. I totally understand you not wanting to post a pic, I would never post a pic on this forum
even if I looked like Serge Nubret..... too many haters and people that do weird things with pics. That still
doesn't stop me from wanting to know what a person that does this cycle looks like.
Have you been getting blood work?
The reason you are getting so much attention with this post is because;
-you are being truthful about doses.... no one does that
-you are using awesome drugs that we all want to use
-I (and probably many others) want to know how healthy you are on all this (possibly so we can emulate the cycle
in the future).

If everyone was honest about their doses, what level of physique they had achieved, and showed/discussed their
bloodwork and health issues, we would all be in a much better position to know what is safe for us to do.
I'll be on a cycle totaling just under 2g, much of it mild stuff, and I get anxiety worrying about what damage I might be
doing. I want to do a cycle like yours, but I am too scared.

As I said, I am fairly new, I don't know anyone's rep or who is who.
I do know that this tbombz fellow seems to pop in every thread and post very similar odd photos of himself.
tbombs.... you look very decent, I'd bet you have quite a bit of muscle under the bloat and extra fat (and hair),
but I don't understand why you come into so many threads and post up your pics that we have all seen.
I think you should diet down and post some pics once that is all done with.... you might look really impressive.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: lyquid on March 28, 2012, 10:31:31 AM
: :)) : :))I barely know anyone here, so when I see a cycle like this, I am very curious about the man behind it.
I give you props for posting your truthful doses. Maybe I am naive, because it just seems massively dosed to
me. Maybe if all the huge guys on other forums would stop lying about their doses, I wouldn't think this
particular one was all that crazy.
My cholesterol gets fucked on a cycle of NPP, tren, and masteron that totals about 1g per week....maybe my
genes suck when it comes to handling AAS, but when I see a cycle like this, I want to know everything I can
about that person. I totally understand you not wanting to post a pic, I would never post a pic on this forum
even if I looked like Serge Nubret..... too many haters and people that do weird things with pics. That still
doesn't stop me from wanting to know what a person that does this cycle looks like.
Have you been getting blood work?
The reason you are getting so much attention with this post is because;
-you are being truthful about doses.... no one does that
-you are using awesome drugs that we all want to use
-I (and probably many others) want to know how healthy you are on all this (possibly so we can emulate the cycle
in the future).

If everyone was honest about their doses, what level of physique they had achieved, and showed/discussed their
bloodwork and health issues, we would all be in a much better position to know what is safe for us to do.
I'll be on a cycle totaling just under 2g, much of it mild stuff, and I get anxiety worrying about what damage I might be
doing. I want to do a cycle like yours, but I am too scared.

As I said, I am fairly new, I don't know anyone's rep or who is who.
I do know that this tbombz fellow seems to pop in every thread and post very similar odd photos of himself.
tbombs.... you look very decent, I'd bet you have quite a bit of muscle under the bloat and extra fat (and hair),
but I don't understand why you come into so many threads and post up your pics that we have all seen.
I think you should diet down and post some pics once that is all done with.... you might look really impressive.

Real good post.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 28, 2012, 10:38:48 AM
I barely know anyone here, so when I see a cycle like this, I am very curious about the man behind it.
I give you props for posting your truthful doses. Maybe I am naive, because it just seems massively dosed to
me. Maybe if all the huge guys on other forums would stop lying about their doses, I wouldn't think this
particular one was all that crazy.
My cholesterol gets fucked on a cycle of NPP, tren, and masteron that totals about 1g per week....maybe my
genes suck when it comes to handling AAS, but when I see a cycle like this, I want to know everything I can
about that person. I totally understand you not wanting to post a pic, I would never post a pic on this forum
even if I looked like Serge Nubret..... too many haters and people that do weird things with pics. That still
doesn't stop me from wanting to know what a person that does this cycle looks like.
Have you been getting blood work?
The reason you are getting so much attention with this post is because;
-you are being truthful about doses.... no one does that
-you are using awesome drugs that we all want to use
-I (and probably many others) want to know how healthy you are on all this (possibly so we can emulate the cycle
in the future).

If everyone was honest about their doses, what level of physique they had achieved, and showed/discussed their
bloodwork and health issues, we would all be in a much better position to know what is safe for us to do.
I'll be on a cycle totaling just under 2g, much of it mild stuff, and I get anxiety worrying about what damage I might be
doing. I want to do a cycle like yours, but I am too scared.

As I said, I am fairly new, I don't know anyone's rep or who is who.
I do know that this tbombz fellow seems to pop in every thread and post very similar odd photos of himself.
tbombs.... you look very decent, I'd bet you have quite a bit of muscle under the bloat and extra fat (and hair),
but I don't understand why you come into so many threads and post up your pics that we have all seen.
I think you should diet down and post some pics once that is all done with.... you might look really impressive.

Thanks for the thoughtful post.

T bombs has hated on me since day 1. He even found a way to hate on me in a thread about
My best friend dying of a drug overdose.

Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: ChristopherA on March 28, 2012, 10:42:17 AM
Awesome post. Guy puts himself out there and is honest to the letter. Been there on the gf front except it was my wife at the time, ex now LOL! She was majorly against drugs of any kind, which isnt nessasarily a bad thing. But she didnt even like me smoking weed! She was Italian and her family could chug homemade wine at dinner every night but I'm not sopposed to rip a couple tubes after work every day? I just so happen to not drink alcohol at all and think thats bad for you.  Most people have their preconcieved notions on gear too. Roid rage, blah blah blah. I would get so heated talking to her about it. She would say steroids are bad and I would ask why. It was like "Oh because I saw on the news they are." Some people cant think out of the box, find out the facts about something and make their own informed decision. I hope you stick around Smoof and I sent you a pm
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: ChevChelios on March 28, 2012, 11:00:58 AM
stop embarrassing yourself u estrogen filt

Hahaa,this guy registered to bash tbombz.Tbombz u are one fat fuck,if you were to diet and loose all that water/bloat/fat you would be 200 lbs.Not so huge now,big tbumbz...

smoofcat i think i remember you,you had one awesome physique,especially small waist,i can't imagine how you look now with the same waist and bigger and thicker on the rest.

that is one nasty cycle,good luck with your show,and props sharing the real doses,it's very hard to find honest people on a board filled with liars like GROINK,slin,namat and counting... ::)
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: ChristopherA on March 28, 2012, 11:05:12 AM
Hahaa,this guy registered to bash tbombz.Tbombz u are one fat fuck,if you were to diet and loose all that water/bloat/fat you would be 200 lbs.Not so huge now,big tbumbz...

smoofcat i think i remember you,you had one awesome physique,especially small waist,i can't imagine how you look now with the same waist and bigger and thicker on the rest.

that is one nasty cycle,good luck with your show,and props sharing the real doses,it's very hard to find honest people on a board filled with liars like GROINK,slin,namat and counting... ::)
I thought you were a gimmick at first taking your name from a movie but I enjoy your posts too. Need more posters like you guys and less YAGR,the trainer, sexchange reeves, etc. Oh wait those are all the same person
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: notsureifsrs on March 28, 2012, 11:09:44 AM
Thank u. And those pictures from kig
Thread I was only 220-225 roughly  at 6 percent bf maybe even 6.5 and they elicited a response of over 200 PMs in one day and multiple people who know what they are talking about asked me to hop on certain compounds and make a run at pro card.

Yes, I am light. But i have the deceiving type of frame that appears to be 250 and I have even gotten 270 from a lot of people.

I may put a random photo up tonight for one hour. May not. Wrestling w idea because I don't want to promote myself and I sure as fixj dont want hundreds of PMs because I have ongoing convos on pm w many of u that get lost when my box gets flooded w source requests (reason I don't even hint sources anymore) or the various bullshit including multiple pm asking if I was open to do g4p via web cam after I posted pics in kig thread .

That's not what I'm here for. However I am just imagining t bombs ugly fat fucking face when he sees the pictures of who I am... That thought entertains me wildly.

And finally guys I have some personal shit going on. I Have a pregnant girlfriend who sort of "left" me last night because she intercepted my latest pack. She is adamant that i stop using gear before kid is born (I don't know why.. And I won't relent. I am fully the bread winner in This relationship, she just has a
Rich father). And her reasons for hating steroids and absurd. Anyways, she opened a pack of many vials tren ace many vials of a custom blend, and she jut had a female moment. Told me to pick her or gear. I told Her i will have both.

So she left to her parents, and stole a bag of thousands of syringes and needles and threw them
In the trash On the way.

Guys, females go NUTS when they are
Pregnant. Warning u all.. Be prepared and hold ur ground when they try to give u ultimatums. I mean she will come back to me. The worst thing i could have said is "oh baby I choose you. I look forward to a
Life w no hormones and just you."

The thing she doesn't get is the reason she is wet when she sees me from across the room, the reason SHE asked me out on our first date , the reason half the time I come home
From the gym she had a shake ready for me and she immediately is sucking my cock is because of the HORMONES. My SYNThEtIC hormones make her hormones
Go crazy.

Yeah I'd still b a
Good looking guy w no hormones. I after all was signed to one of the top 3 agencies in america for 18 months before being let go for body acne and gettin too big (they basically gave me the same ultimatum... Lower hormones or go). But i would b 180 and 7 percent bf.

Don't think she'd be so turned on by me at 180 7 percent ...

Ad she has a false
Impression that I can keep my body exactly as it is if I go off. She says "just work harder in the gym!"
She has no idea
. I should make her an account on thunder dome
lol i know how it feels, they are all fine they can discuss it and show some interest until they see some vials and needles and shit happens

btw what kind of cycles did you run back than when you were modeling?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: howardroark on March 28, 2012, 11:11:40 AM
Smoof, would love to see a pic. Us steroid newbies who have never done higher dosages want to see what your kind of cycle accomplishes.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: spude on March 28, 2012, 11:13:36 AM
1 mg sub q every night before bed for 30 days, then lower it to .5 for a

Then shoot it once a week on the day u go tanning (never tan more than once per week on melanotan!!!) at 2 mg before bed. This is maintenance. U can do maintenance

And yes at 30 iu gh no tren sides
At all except tren makes me
Very very horny and I think about sex all day long . That doesn't go away

thanks for good info in scandinavia i've been tempted to try mt2 for a while but always thought it would eat away one's definition by making your skin're a competitor too so what's your opinion on this?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Sector on March 28, 2012, 11:26:53 AM
Smoof, would love to see a pic. Us steroid newbies who have never done higher dosages want to see what your kind of cycle accomplishes.

Im not bashing this or anything but usually thats the problem is new users see big cycles then see the body linked to it and assume if they run a big cycle they will look like that. Often times they forget that the guy started small and worked his way up over the years and its not just the results of 1 or 2 big cycles.

Not saying you think that way, just new users in general.

Keep posting smoof, this is becoming like a Q n A and your experiences can be very helpful to the rest of us.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 28, 2012, 11:27:41 AM
lol i know how it feels, they are all fine they can discuss it and show some interest until they see some vials and needles and shit happens

btw what kind of cycles did you run back than when you were modeling?

I was all about prop and clen and I used a lot of arimidex back then for some odd reason. I also used tren. The truth is I had no concept of how to use hormones properly,  but I knew how to train and eat and manipulate water quickly. So I was an incredibly lean 210-215 in those days and I only touched real gh  once in that period .

Diuretic abuse to the max. Lots of amphetamine also. I, and everyone else in that industry, was not living healthy..

This is why guys like zyzz die. He is not big. But he walked Around under 6 percent all year and he abuse clen and diuretics. This will kill u.

His brother on other hand is a monster now. he is the definition of what gj15 refers to when he says "5'10" and 200 lbs is HUGE if 5 percent.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 28, 2012, 11:30:36 AM
Im not bashing this or anything but usually thats the problem is new users see big cycles then see the body linked to it and assume if they run a big cycle they will look like that. Often times they forget that the guy started small and worked his way up over the years and its not just the results of 1 or 2 big cycles.

Not saying you think that way, just new users in general.

Keep posting smoof, this is becoming like a Q n A and your experiences can be very helpful to the rest of us.

Yeah guys listEn, I ran tiny cycles and orals like haladrol for years... I have to do cycles like this now
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: ChristopherA on March 28, 2012, 11:45:14 AM
I was all about prop and clen and I used a lot of arimidex back then for some odd reason. I also used tren. The truth is I had no concept of how to use hormones properly,  but I knew how to train and eat and manipulate water quickly. So I was an incredibly lean 210-215 in those days and I only touched real gh  once in that period .

Diuretic abuse to the max. Lots of amphetamine also. I, and everyone else in that industry, was not living healthy..

This is why guys like zyzz die. He is not big. But he walked Around under 6 percent all year and he abuse clen and diuretics. This will kill u.

His brother on other hand is a monster now. he is the definition of what gj15 refers to when he says "5'10" and 200 lbs is HUGE if 5 percent.
Good points. The sides from clen were unbearable to me and I wont touch it to this day. I work with my hands and clen would have me shaking like a crackhead. Gear itself,if done responsibly, shouldnt cause any issues. It's all the other shit people use trying to get ripped
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: illwill on March 28, 2012, 11:57:58 AM
again, i could help an estrogen container such as yourself.

SmoofCat,  fugg these guys talking shit and bringing down your thread.    Even though Tbomz may not be worth the effort of you actually breaking down how he could helped, how about you do it for the others on GB who do tend to carry too much estrogen.

How would you design a cycle for them? Which drugs to use? The timing of them. Which drugs to avoid?  

Care to elaborate?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: makaveli25 on March 28, 2012, 12:02:03 PM
SmoofCat,  fugg these guys talking shit and bringing down your thread.    Even though Tbomz may not be worth the effort of you actually breaking down how he could helped, how about you do it for the others on GB who do tend to carry too much estrogen.

How would you design a cycle for them? Which drugs to use? The timing of them. Which drugs to avoid?  

Care to elaborate?

Avoid to much testerone. Use anabolic drugs. Primo, tren, and equipose.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: illwill on March 28, 2012, 12:09:39 PM
Avoid to much testerone. Use anabolic drugs. Primo, tren, and equipose.

That's what I figured. Probably want to throw in masteron as well.     

It would be nice to hear him to elaborate on it.    Like gh15,  its typically a good read when they just type away ....
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: makaveli25 on March 28, 2012, 01:00:44 PM

That's what I figured. Probably want to throw in masteron as well.     

It would be nice to hear him to elaborate on it.    Like gh15,  its typically a good read when they just type away ....

Ya I agree. I would like to hear a detailed response.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: nosleep on March 28, 2012, 01:31:52 PM
SmoofCat,  fugg these guys talking shit and bringing down your thread.    Even though Tbomz may not be worth the effort of you actually breaking down how he could helped, how about you do it for the others on GB who do tend to carry too much estrogen.

How would you design a cycle for them? Which drugs to use? The timing of them. Which drugs to avoid?  

Care to elaborate?



Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Ripped190 on March 28, 2012, 06:52:50 PM
I was all about prop and clen and I used a lot of arimidex back then for some odd reason. I also used tren. The truth is I had no concept of how to use hormones properly,  but I knew how to train and eat and manipulate water quickly. So I was an incredibly lean 210-215 in those days and I only touched real gh  once in that period .

Diuretic abuse to the max. Lots of amphetamine also. I, and everyone else in that industry, was not living healthy..

This is why guys like zyzz die. He is not big. But he walked Around under 6 percent all year and he abuse clen and diuretics. This will kill u.

His brother on other hand is a monster now. he is the definition of what gj15 refers to when he says "5'10" and 200 lbs is HUGE if 5 percent.

Just wondering what doses where u using and did u use t3?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: aesthetics on March 28, 2012, 07:04:12 PM
I was all about prop and clen and I used a lot of arimidex back then for some odd reason. I also used tren. The truth is I had no concept of how to use hormones properly,  but I knew how to train and eat and manipulate water quickly. So I was an incredibly lean 210-215 in those days and I only touched real gh  once in that period .

Diuretic abuse to the max. Lots of amphetamine also. I, and everyone else in that industry, was not living healthy..

This is why guys like zyzz die. He is not big. But he walked Around under 6 percent all year and he abuse clen and diuretics. This will kill u.

His brother on other hand is a monster now. he is the definition of what gj15 refers to when he says "5'10" and 200 lbs is HUGE if 5 percent.

i don't know why people say zyzz was small. he was 225 at 5-6%, completely dry, a few months leading up to his death. he went from 130 pounds wearing boots to 225 at 6% within a 2 year timeframe. what he accomplished is very respectable in my eyes, not only for the physique he achieved but also the way he marketed it. 
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: makaveli25 on March 28, 2012, 07:09:44 PM
i don't know why people say zyzz was small. he was 225 at 5-6%, completely dry, a few months leading up to his death. he went from 130 pounds wearing boots to 225 at 6% within a 2 year timeframe. what he accomplished is very respectable in my eyes, not only for the physique he achieved but also the way he marketed it. 

Dude no way zyzz was that big. honestly he looked 195-200 pounds at the max. No offense or anything but this guys legend grows bigger and bigger everday.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: ChristopherA on March 28, 2012, 08:20:46 PM
Dude no way zyzz was that big. honestly he looked 195-200 pounds at the max. No offense or anything but this guys legend grows bigger and bigger everday.
Well I have been 225 at 6'1", cut up about the same as him. I was way thicker in my upper body but haven't been able to trains legs right for while, torn ac. So he would be heavier through his lower body. Idk I would bet he was at least 210-215. I think Sherif had said he thought he was about 180. No way
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Sector on March 28, 2012, 08:24:20 PM
Well I have been 225 at 6'1", cut up about the same as him. I was way thicker in my upper body but haven't been able to trains legs right for while, torn ac. So he would be heavier through his lower body. Idk I would bet he was at least 210-215. I think Sherif had said he thought he was about 180. No way

Have you seen his legs? They arent big by any means. 210 tops, 190-199 if below 6% BF.

Im a tall guy just like you, its easier for us to look bigger then we are when we are lean and leaner then we are when we are fat.

Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: abijahmaniaco on March 28, 2012, 09:01:07 PM
Dude no way zyzz was that big. honestly he looked 195-200 pounds at the max. No offense or anything but this guys legend grows bigger and bigger everday.

reason being, he was ripped to shreds. this creates the illusion of size.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: ChristopherA on March 28, 2012, 09:25:48 PM
reason being, he was ripped to shreds. this creates the illusion of size.
Yup first time I ever cut up everyone thought I was getting bigger. In reality I went from 250 down to 210. Haha that's when I was natty and thought to get big you had to put 30lbs of fat on in the winter. Such a joke thinking the kid was special. I was into club scene with house music and taking x. Dude had a decent build, was a shitty dancer, and obviously couldn't hang because he's dead. I win
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: aesthetics on March 28, 2012, 10:07:29 PM
Dude no way zyzz was that big. honestly he looked 195-200 pounds at the max. No offense or anything but this guys legend grows bigger and bigger everday.

he said his weight before in one of his videos, it's not a guess
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: whitewidow on March 29, 2012, 02:17:28 AM
Alright enough everyone. Facts-

1. Posted pictures in November. Don't you see the multiple people in thread who agree to this. My pm box filled in one day.

2. This is not about me. I am not like slin pimp or any body who wants attention or promotes themselves. I want no attention. I am here to discuss hormones.

3. Met 4 member from this site in NYC area this year. Why do you think I am backed personally?

4. Widow just stop it bro. Let's cut this little beef now . Yeah I thought a certain source shipped from LI and I was wrong. I never checked tracking bud. and btw I am done discussing sources in any depth so just stop this shit now.

5. Re: t bombs, won't even get into it anymore.  it's like a joke to me that he even speaks.

I'm here to discuss hormones and advanced cycles period. Not promote myself. I do happen to be 230 and 5 percent. And I have experience to share.

But fuck this board. Trying to just discuss an advanced cycle and yeah I happen to be 230 at sub 5 percent and I'm getting in wars w some bloof and some sketchy mod trying to call me out mistaking where a certain supplier shipped from back in summer or whate
ver (an issue I am warning u to drop. Don't continue to talk about this persons address state etc bud).

hey smartass I never said anything about where the guy lived. All I said is you were wrong about it! and all of that was discussed through PM. You don't have the right to warn me. I never said anything about any locations just that you were way wrong! and it was not in the summer it was in january! I still have the PM's. sketchy mod-lol kid.why am I sketchy because I have just as much gear as you do for personal? or because I use narcotics that are prescribed to me?  you used bunk HGH for so long without knowing it was bunk ;D. And Tbumz you are going to be kicked out of here if you keep making an ass out of yourself! Smoothcat when you talk about these kinds of cycles people want to see a picture that is all! I personally doubt you got 200pm's last time you posted a picture. maybe 50Pms at very most not 200! no way!. one picture and this thread wouldn't of gotten so out of control! that is alot of gear and of course people would want to see a picture since you say in the title greatest cycle ever! do you at least look like this? this is capriese when he was still amateur
.hell capriese didn't even use that much HGH. maybe he used some slin but not that much HGH he just hot better quality HGH and AAS hanging out with this cat
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: bk77 on March 29, 2012, 03:04:29 AM
smoof, you sound like a cool guy...and yes sometimes we do appreciate privacy for whatever reasons..however in the context of this thread a picture speaks a thousand words and post one up and keep the haters at bay. :o
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: whitewidow on March 29, 2012, 04:18:44 AM
Avoid to much testerone. Use anabolic drugs. Primo, tren, and equipose.

you consider tren primarily anabolic? It is highly androgenic!Primo is def highly anabolic and EQ is pretty anabolic, but Tren? you serious?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: whitewidow on March 29, 2012, 04:34:15 AM
smoof, you sound like a cool guy...and yes sometimes we do appreciate privacy for whatever reasons..however in the context of this thread a picture speaks a thousand words and post one up and keep the haters at bay. :o

that is all we want! when you say best cycle ever and have no picture how can we believe it is the best cycle ever with no picture to back it up? of course every compound is going to work a little diffrent on some people a picture would be nice to add to a thread with a title like this. I mean that is alot of gear! Alot of us want to know how it transformed you that is all. No hate. just interested. Tbumz is going to get banned if he keeps talking crazy! I don't know what is wrong with the guy! very delusional mind at work. Blame it on the anti-psychotic meds
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 29, 2012, 07:24:12 AM
hey smartass I never said anything about where the guy lived. All I said is you were wrong about it! and all of that was discussed through PM. You don't have the right to warn me. I never said anything about any locations just that you were way wrong! and it was not in the summer it was in january! I still have the PM's. sketchy mod-lol kid.why am I sketchy because I have just as much gear as you do for personal? or because I use narcotics that are prescribed to me?  you used bunk HGH for so long without knowing it was bunk ;D. And Tbumz you are going to be kicked out of here if you keep making an ass out of yourself! Smoothcat when you talk about these kinds of cycles people want to see a picture that is all! I personally doubt you got 200pm's last time you posted a picture. maybe 50Pms at very most not 200! no way!. one picture and this thread wouldn't of gotten so out of control! that is alot of gear and of course people would want to see a picture since you say in the title greatest cycle ever! do you at least look like this? this is capriese when he was still amateur
.hell capriese didn't even use that much HGH. maybe he used some slin but not that much HGH he just hot better quality HGH and AAS hanging out with this cat

I got 50 pms YESTERDAY widow! what are you talking about? when i said 200 i meant i got a bit over 200 PMs in one single day...

and i have a show to really get into prep for and i have work and personal issues and frankly this thread is shut to me.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 29, 2012, 07:29:03 AM
Dude no way zyzz was that big. honestly he looked 195-200 pounds at the max. No offense or anything but this guys legend grows bigger and bigger everday.

yeah at a certain point he was definitely in the 190-200 zone.

but that last year i do think he got up around 215-220 or whatever. but regardless he was 6'2'' and just lanky. he would have had to get up to 245, and then his physique would be great because he had the frame to do big things.

his brother was always bigger and his brother now is a monster.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 29, 2012, 09:07:58 AM
The Greatest Cycle Ever should have been an old Whitney Houston song.  lol.

What type of changes have you seen?  Did you also change your training and diet with this cycle?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: THECHEMIST on March 29, 2012, 09:29:46 AM
keep on doing what your doing smoofcat fuck the haters, i just wish i had the money to run what you are runnning lol
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 29, 2012, 10:13:44 AM
The Greatest Cycle Ever should have been an old Whitney Houston song.  lol.

What type of changes have you seen?  Did you also change your training and diet with this cycle?

i have been training very heavy. i am back on my old blood and guts training regime where i really push myself. i feel very safe with the npp in my system, so i am back to 5+ plates on each side of the military hammer for reps, or 160s for my working set for seated dumbbell presses. that is jus ta shoulder day example.

furthermore i have been focusing a lot on the ancillary exercises, like high incline dumbbell flies for chest, and doing them slower than ever, and at a heavier weight than i ever have. my chest is seeing some serious growth in the past 2 months from going all out on incline dumbbell presses and then doing roughly 6 sets of incline flies, at 2 different angles. i also rely heavily on the hammer flat for chest development and i load it up. i no longer flat bench and rarely incline bench with barbell any longer. i have realized that flat hammer and incline dumbbell is the way pros truly train chest. it is not the best work out for your ego, but it actually hits the muscle.

i really don't have too much time now, since i am at work, to discuss my training in depth. but my mind set is load up on PWO anabolics and a bit of caffeine and then if you are not including at least one set per body part where you TRULY can not get more than 6 reps out with good form, then you are not respecting your body as you should. i think us in the sport too often rely on light weights, and "time under stress". while obviously one could grow on a normal diet and an exercise routine of strictly aerobics if they are on good AAS, i am a firm believer that you should go heavy every single day for one set.

i am however NOT a believer in olympic lifts in our sport. i think the only 2 that have a real place are :

1. squats

2. to a much lesser degree, deadlifts. because ask around. really try to ask around. find out which pros actually deadlift if it is not for a video. really do some research. nobody deadlifts. i do about 2 times a month, and i go heavy. But i truly notice a thickening in my midsection from deadlifts that is simply not aesthetic, and there are better ways to isolate your lower back without risking injury. but when i deadlift, i work my way up to 695.

flat bench has NO place in our sport. ask around! no pro flat benches! they use hammers. period. flat bench for close grip, yes. triceps, yes. chest? no.

video? yes. load the plates up. make that video. but alone it is incline and hammer, incline and hammer, flies of all sorts. no flat bench.

i can go on and on about arms because i do some really specific things for biceps/triceps and i am a firm believer that over training your BICEPS specifically is one of the worst ideas in our sport. there is a specific way to get 20 inch arms, or close to it, with no fucking synthol or insulin. and it is exactly what you do NOT think. let me put it this way. dorian never trained w heavier than 35 lb dumbbells to grow his arms... what should we use?

 more later. i have work. i have a girlfriend/fiancee who truly may have left me. i have a contest in the next couple days. my life is sort of falling apart right now to be honest, and it sucks because i am doing everything to be a man and support a family. but somehow my girlfriend and her family view my bodybuilding hobby as equating to mean i am an unfit father and unfit husband.

absurdity. but regardless, my life is in shambles this week for sure.

and the diuretic and upped dose of t3 and the diet is all starting to kill me, and i wish my life was just normal and my fiancee would come back to me. staying faithful to this pre contest regime is very hard to me with all that is going on in my life and many times in the last few days i have been tempted to say fuck it and go the easy way and quit it all. but some of the vicodin that every god damned bodybuilder i know takes every day and i don't. have a drink. but i know if i do any of that shit the world comes crumbling down.

this is just a warning to all that pre contest mindset can be a little funny... a lot of bodybuilders get fucked up right now. i may not be not he site for a few days, because i have some serious personal issues to work out and i am meeting not only my fiancee who is carrying my kid but her parents this evening. so i don't know what my next chapter is. but i'll be back soon.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 29, 2012, 10:19:54 AM
keep on doing what your doing smoofcat fuck the haters, i just wish i had the money to run what you are runnning lol
work man. i graduated from a top 10 university and then got my masters and then started my phd. getting a job paying 75k wasn't even that difficult at all. and this is my first real JOB. i used to teach a bit, but that was before my life changed and i realized i was going to be a father.

i dropped the phd, or deferred rather. and i actually found a great job in my field within 2 weeks of looking, was actually working within 3 weeks of my first application.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 29, 2012, 10:52:33 AM
Why take dieuretics just because.  Unless you are showing your body on stage, in a photo shoot or even planning a week in hawaii, why take them at all?  That shit is poisin to your body and will cause more harm than any of those steroids.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: THECHEMIST on March 29, 2012, 10:55:08 AM
sometimes help with the blood pressure as well , but im sure small doses of diuertics are fine keep minerals balanced, stay hydrated etc.?
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: patriceb on March 29, 2012, 11:01:16 AM
because smoof is a bullshitter. arms like heath and body like nubret  ;D 230lbs at 5% bodyfat  ;D  and he wont post a single picture  ;D not to mention insulting me when i have one of the best physiques on the board, rarely ever see anyone in person who comes close to my musculature and i know a ton of juicers !   everybody else seems to be kissing his ass, and for what ? telling us that if we take a gram of each of the most powerful steroids all at once and in conjunction with 30ius of GH that we are going to grow ? THANKS FOR THE INFO GENIUS !!!! lol @ smoof..   he can GTFO for all i care..  talking bout hes working on a phd while making dumbass comments about how "TOP CHEFS" are making "special recipes" and that his sustanon "works like magic" ..    phd in bro science .. MAYBE..

Your the most hairy on the board, thats all :)
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 29, 2012, 11:57:12 AM
Why take dieuretics just because.  Unless you are showing your body on stage, in a photo shoot or even planning a week in hawaii, why take them at all?  That shit is poisin to your body and will cause more harm than any of those steroids.

I am 99 percent competing in 2 days...

Just cut the gh 4 days before (talked to various personal friends who all said for my personal body type I only need to drop gh 1 week before show. Im way too lean and long limbed to get away w gh15 3 week protocol).

And I am basically only on tren ace primo anadrol now and I blasted the tne for fullness.

The only issue is my personal life is so fucjed up right now. I thought
My fiancée was bluffing when she left me, and now we have a meeting WITH HER FATHER tonight.

And i don't scare easily but I am not feeling good about this situation and 9 pm couldn't b farther away ...
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: ChevChelios on March 29, 2012, 12:01:15 PM
Damn,good luck getting your life in order,that's more important than anything.And good luck with your show,hope you are gonna show  a couple of pics from it  :D
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Schmoe Buster on March 29, 2012, 12:02:14 PM
I am 99 percent competing in 2 days...

Just cut the gh 4 days before (talked to various personal friends who all said for my personal body type I only need to drop gh 1 week before show. Im way too lean and long limbed to get away w gh15 3 week protocol).

And I am basically only on tren ace primo anadrol now and I blasted the tne for fullness.

The only issue is my personal life is so fucjed up right now. I thought
My fiancée was bluffing when she left me, and now we have a meeting WITH HER FATHER tonight.

And i don't scare easily but I am not feeling good about this situation and 9 pm couldn't b farther away ...

Bro, good luck with your contest and i hope your personal issues are resolved
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: makaveli25 on March 29, 2012, 12:52:42 PM
Ya smoof goodluck with the personal issues man. That was the downfall of my relationship to man. Once I moved in with my girl I tried to keep my shit secret the gear and all of that. Well it's impossible not to slip up they will find out eventually. I would forget I was logged on to a bodybulding site or she would read an email or something. The bitch wouldn't even reason with me about it. She would flip on me for smoking weed. Ended up being a stupid controlling c.unt. I was the mellow one in the relationship did all the nice things for her. Fucken bitch, woman are so stupid. Her being pregnat adds a new dimension to this.

You must be kind of nervous having to meet up with her and her family tonight. Stand your ground man.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: howardroark on March 29, 2012, 01:06:09 PM
Good luck Smoof. Don't let her control you or steal your individuality. Stand strong and don't ever regret what you could have done with your life.

BTW, if she can be reasoned with AT ALL, get her to watch these two videos:

Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: aesthetics on March 29, 2012, 02:13:31 PM
I am 99 percent competing in 2 days...

Just cut the gh 4 days before (talked to various personal friends who all said for my personal body type I only need to drop gh 1 week before show. Im way too lean and long limbed to get away w gh15 3 week protocol).

And I am basically only on tren ace primo anadrol now and I blasted the tne for fullness.

The only issue is my personal life is so fucjed up right now. I thought
My fiancée was bluffing when she left me, and now we have a meeting WITH HER FATHER tonight.

And i don't scare easily but I am not feeling good about this situation and 9 pm couldn't b farther away ...

she has her father mediating the meeting? wtf

Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Oly15 on March 29, 2012, 02:20:48 PM
Dont be scared of her father. Fuck him. He doesnt tell you what to do and he certainly doesnt tell you that you need to be a certain person to be with his daughter. This is between you and your fiance.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 29, 2012, 02:25:47 PM
RIght now you are getting ripped and dry.  Father starts to mouth off, drop a most muscular while you sweep the fiancee into your arms and run through the door growling like the old hulk shows.

Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Rearden Metal on March 29, 2012, 02:35:53 PM
Tell him you never achieved anything by quitting. You set a goal and followed through. No need to apologize for that.

Other than that show HER that you intend to care for her and your child but won't ever change who you are to fit someone else's notion of what they want.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Max B on March 29, 2012, 02:41:36 PM
Hes already mentioned the girls father is wealthy and if you have any idea about how those guys operate and how they have their daughters brainwashed especially if he is powerful and has a massive ego. Chances are hes going to be helping supporting their kid and their life atleast in the beginning. Even tho smoof is extremely succesful it seems youd be suprised About how demanding and stubborn these guys are. Its easy to fake it and lie when they just speculate something and cant prove it but when its been proven its a whole nother story. Good luck i mean shes going to have your kid i think u will be fine and be able to juice all u want. Especially if her dad likes you either way

edit- i typed this shit on my phone so it may not make the most sense, i think it makes sense though.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 29, 2012, 02:43:46 PM
Father's just want to make sure their daughters are taken care of.  He like most of the population have been trained to beleive in roid rage, murder/suicides caused by it and that muscular people are idiots and violent.  So trying to retrain him is not going to happen.  The fact is he thinks you're a ticking time bomb that can snap and kill his daughter from roid rage.  YOU need to make a decision.  Is it worth being built and muscular and losing her?  You said you beleive she was only attracted to you because of your body.  Do you think you'll look like this your whole life?  Get real.  YOU CAN'T BEAT AGE.  Age is a fucking asshole that ruins you.  Throw in the stesses of having kids and you age quicker.  If you think your fiancee will dump you if you looked like a 180 pound twink then your relationship is built on a bullshit premise.  It won't last.  Would you dump your wife if she put on 30 poounds and never lost it from the pregnancy?  If so then your relationship is doomed.

If you truly love each other for each other, then make a choice.  Do you drop all drugs?  No.  But do you really need 5 grams of shit a week if you don't plan on being in the IFBB?  NO.  Studies have shown the benefits from test and other low dose drugs.  You can still look good and not quit.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Rearden Metal on March 29, 2012, 02:45:11 PM
Hes already mentioned the girls father is wealthy and if you have any idea about how those guys operate and how they have their daughters brainwashed especially if he is powerful and has a massive ego. Chances are hes going to be helping supporting their kid and their life atleast in the beginning. Even tho smoof is extremely succesful it seems youd be suprised About how demanding and stubborn these guys are. Its easy to fake it and lie when they just speculate something and cant prove it but when its been proven its a whole nother story. Good luck i mean shes going to have your kid i think u will be fine and be able to juice all u want. Especially if her dad likes you either way

Yeah I married one. Lol. And competed for 2 years and juiced for the entire 10 years he knew me. By the end he would cook me 2 steaks and have fun trying to over feed me.

She divorced me a year before her 10m trust was handed over to her.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 29, 2012, 02:46:04 PM
Yeah I married one. Lol. And competed for 2 years and juiced for the entire 10 years he knew me. By the end he would cook me 2 steaks and have fun trying to over feed me.

She divorced me a year before her 10m trust was handed over to her.

Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Rearden Metal on March 29, 2012, 02:54:10 PM

Sick. She didn't even know she had a trust until a couple years before that. When I met her, I thought she was broke. Paid all the bills and worked 3 jobs plus overnight to provide for us.

Life is weird.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 29, 2012, 03:29:43 PM
Hes already mentioned the girls father is wealthy and if you have any idea about how those guys operate and how they have their daughters brainwashed especially if he is powerful and has a massive ego. Chances are hes going to be helping supporting their kid and their life atleast in the beginning. Even tho smoof is extremely succesful it seems youd be suprised About how demanding and stubborn these guys are. Its easy to fake it and lie when they just speculate something and cant prove it but when its been proven its a whole nother story. Good luck i mean shes going to have your kid i think u will be fine and be able to juice all u want. Especially if her dad likes you either way

edit- i typed this shit on my phone so it may not make the most sense, i think it makes sense though.

He's very wealthy... Beyond wealth.

He's basically attempting to buy her back
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: Rearden Metal on March 29, 2012, 05:15:03 PM
He's very wealthy... Beyond wealth.

He's basically attempting to buy her back

I saw that movie, it's called "Cocktail".

Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: randy841 on March 29, 2012, 07:28:43 PM
:-* 255lbs bitches

yall can kiss my ass

UnaBomber cut the crap.

High BW does not imply quality. You could be simply a sack of shit.

In your logic, if someone said

"271lbs bitches"

Does that mean they are even better than you?

Number(s) on the scale is a simply a number. I have been high 240s but look a thousands time better in the low 220s. Again the emphasis is quality over quantity. Stop the perma bulk cycle(s), find a job, and invest in some anabolics.

P.S. If you don't care for someones shit. Grow the fuck up and get on the G&O board to pull your low balling trash talk. Otherwise, use it as a learning experience.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: randy841 on March 29, 2012, 07:35:09 PM

Thanks for the info.  I am just mainly wondering why you run such a low dose, in my opinion anyway.  Is there some sort of synergism between low dose t3 and high dose gh?  I read conflicting reports on t3/t4 and gh use.

Also, I don;t really follow what you mean about clen and tren.  Since you are running high dose tren you don;t run the clen?  I am not a big fan of clen but am willing to try it again.    

Thanks for the info.  Any further insight is appreciated.

I also wondered the same. I suppose that keeps at baseline. Every steroid is known to suppress the thyroid levels more and more the stronger the androgen is.
When i added Tren E to Test & Eq my TSH levels were off the chart. Doctor increased the dosage of T4 to 100mcg. It was non functioning literally.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: randy841 on March 29, 2012, 08:30:44 PM
He's very wealthy... Beyond wealth.

He's basically attempting to buy her back

Don't let them patronize you in a condescending manner. The rich by their nature can come off like that. They can come across as the paragons of virtue, yet their own character might be of questionable morals. You are an educated - well to do individual -- not some joe blow they can talk down too however they please. That should be quite evident to them by now, if they are not totally blind.

Nowadays, people think they can buy anything, if they have money. Her daddies trust fund can't give her love. Been in a situation akin to your gf, except the shoe was on the foot. The parents loved the money more then she did.

Men should be men and stick to their ground on their own principles, not the ones bestowed upon them.

P.S. Great thread. Always learning something new. Best of luck on the competition bro.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: howardroark on March 29, 2012, 08:37:21 PM
He's very wealthy... Beyond wealth.

He's basically attempting to buy her back

Sell her.  ;D
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: abijahmaniaco on March 29, 2012, 08:43:36 PM
i have been training very heavy. i am back on my old blood and guts training regime where i really push myself. i feel very safe with the npp in my system, so i am back to 5+ plates on each side of the military hammer for reps, or 160s for my working set for seated dumbbell presses. that is jus ta shoulder day example.

furthermore i have been focusing a lot on the ancillary exercises, like high incline dumbbell flies for chest, and doing them slower than ever, and at a heavier weight than i ever have. my chest is seeing some serious growth in the past 2 months from going all out on incline dumbbell presses and then doing roughly 6 sets of incline flies, at 2 different angles. i also rely heavily on the hammer flat for chest development and i load it up. i no longer flat bench and rarely incline bench with barbell any longer. i have realized that flat hammer and incline dumbbell is the way pros truly train chest. it is not the best work out for your ego, but it actually hits the muscle.

i really don't have too much time now, since i am at work, to discuss my training in depth. but my mind set is load up on PWO anabolics and a bit of caffeine and then if you are not including at least one set per body part where you TRULY can not get more than 6 reps out with good form, then you are not respecting your body as you should. i think us in the sport too often rely on light weights, and "time under stress". while obviously one could grow on a normal diet and an exercise routine of strictly aerobics if they are on good AAS, i am a firm believer that you should go heavy every single day for one set.

i am however NOT a believer in olympic lifts in our sport. i think the only 2 that have a real place are :

1. squats

2. to a much lesser degree, deadlifts. because ask around. really try to ask around. find out which pros actually deadlift if it is not for a video. really do some research. nobody deadlifts. i do about 2 times a month, and i go heavy. But i truly notice a thickening in my midsection from deadlifts that is simply not aesthetic, and there are better ways to isolate your lower back without risking injury. but when i deadlift, i work my way up to 695.

flat bench has NO place in our sport. ask around! no pro flat benches! they use hammers. period. flat bench for close grip, yes. triceps, yes. chest? no.

video? yes. load the plates up. make that video. but alone it is incline and hammer, incline and hammer, flies of all sorts. no flat bench.

i can go on and on about arms because i do some really specific things for biceps/triceps and i am a firm believer that over training your BICEPS specifically is one of the worst ideas in our sport. there is a specific way to get 20 inch arms, or close to it, with no fucking synthol or insulin. and it is exactly what you do NOT think. let me put it this way. dorian never trained w heavier than 35 lb dumbbells to grow his arms... what should we use?

 more later. i have work. i have a girlfriend/fiancee who truly may have left me. i have a contest in the next couple days. my life is sort of falling apart right now to be honest, and it sucks because i am doing everything to be a man and support a family. but somehow my girlfriend and her family view my bodybuilding hobby as equating to mean i am an unfit father and unfit husband.

absurdity. but regardless, my life is in shambles this week for sure.

and the diuretic and upped dose of t3 and the diet is all starting to kill me, and i wish my life was just normal and my fiancee would come back to me. staying faithful to this pre contest regime is very hard to me with all that is going on in my life and many times in the last few days i have been tempted to say fuck it and go the easy way and quit it all. but some of the vicodin that every god damned bodybuilder i know takes every day and i don't. have a drink. but i know if i do any of that shit the world comes crumbling down.

this is just a warning to all that pre contest mindset can be a little funny... a lot of bodybuilders get fucked up right now. i may not be not he site for a few days, because i have some serious personal issues to work out and i am meeting not only my fiancee who is carrying my kid but her parents this evening. so i don't know what my next chapter is. but i'll be back soon.

interesting read. by in large i agree with your training advice.

whatever happens with your fiance don't stress over it. remember you can not control other people only yourself. so just do your personal best. force a smile and positive attitude. grow into the show. and NEVER EVER ABANDON YOUR DREAMS!!!
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: abijahmaniaco on March 29, 2012, 08:48:37 PM
Good luck Smoof. Don't let her control you or steal your individuality. Stand strong and don't ever regret what you could have done with your life.

BTW, if she can be reasoned with AT ALL, get her to watch these two videos:

enlarged for truth. she'll never respect you if you give into her bull shit demands. also the docudrama bigger faster stronger is a real eye opener for most people. cuts past the bull shit.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: whitewidow on March 30, 2012, 05:27:24 AM
I got 50 pms YESTERDAY widow! what are you talking about? when i said 200 i meant i got a bit over 200 PMs in one single day...

and i have a show to really get into prep for and i have work and personal issues and frankly this thread is shut to me.

Do you want me to shut it? or keep it going? I dont want the thread fucking up your prep. and Tbumz is banned if he says anymore delusional bullshit! Bro all we wanted to see was a picture! no offense.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: notsureifsrs on March 30, 2012, 05:49:14 AM
yeah at a certain point he was definitely in the 190-200 zone.

but that last year i do think he got up around 215-220 or whatever. but regardless he was 6'2'' and just lanky. he would have had to get up to 245, and then his physique would be great because he had the frame to do big things.

his brother was always bigger and his brother now is a monster.
Well his brother doesn't put himself to shame

Kinda funny they are matching dressing style and skin color
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: AlphaMaleDawg on March 30, 2012, 08:33:58 AM
Hope your personal shit gets sorted out homie. I went through something similar last year that nearly ruined my whole life.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 30, 2012, 09:13:49 AM
Do you want me to shut it? or keep it going? I dont want the thread fucking up your prep. and Tbumz is banned if he says anymore delusional bullshit! Bro all we wanted to see was a picture! no offense.

i'm on it. trust me a picture will be posted. right now i am sitting @ work, 1 day out from prep. spent last 4-5 nights w.out my fiancee or whatever the fuck she is who is carrying my kid. last night's meeting went something like this:

her father "you are a drug addict (referring to steroids), and you are living a life of sin (implying my life style goes against the relics of his catholic devotion.). i will not allow my daughter to stay with you at your house (which happens to be a 3,000 square foot, very clean loft with no alcohol or drugs in it and nothing bad at all. i have been completely sober for years, and they are attempting to say that since steroids are in the house, she is at risk). your tattoos (some americano traditional work that is really well done on one of my arms- nothing offensive!) are a microcosm of who you are. You are an unfit husband and father and you will have to fight to see my daughter or her child." He actually referred to the kid as "her child".

 the entire time she was fighting her father and explaining she loved me and she wanted to come back. and he kept repeating that it would be "the end" of their relationship, and she finally texted me back last night when i got home and said that her father would "disown her" if she came back.

so i have a serious problem. i am making over 75 k. i can easily support a kid. she works too.

anyways, a lawyer was contacted today and i put down a 3,000 dollar retainer and some sort of action will be taken by this evening. a preemptive action to remind the father and my girl/fiancee/whatever that once the kid is born, whatever their decision is, that i have every right to custody that she does. and that i am not going to back down whatsoever from this. i will fucking bleed it out in court.

and i want this thread closed. i shouldn't have even discussed this many personal details. i will be gone for a bit trying to do this contest tomorrow and handling my personal business.i really don't have time to come on her any more. this site which used to be one of my favorite things to do, now just makes me sad. everything actually has just been making me sad lately. because for some reason everything comes back to her. this site: steroids; steroids: the reason she left, apparently. therefore when i come on this site i just get depressed, which is really just me projecting. my life, which from a big picture stand point is SO in control for a 25 year old, is really a mess.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: aesthetics on March 30, 2012, 09:29:10 AM
bringing a lawyer into it at this point would give the impression that it's finalizing the breakup, which it doesn't look like the girl wants to do. i would continue trying to talk with her first, her father obviously is going to calm down eventually and he isn't going to disown her, or even if he does she can still be placed back into the will (which undoubtedly would happen eventually once he cools down.)

that girl's father is a pretty big dickhead though and he's just desperately trying to cling to his position of authority as he feels as though he's becoming irrelevant and losing control of his own daughter, which it sounds like he views as a piece of his property.
Title: Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
Post by: SmoofCat on March 30, 2012, 09:45:57 AM
bringing a lawyer into it at this point would give the impression that it's finalizing the breakup, which it doesn't look like the girl wants to do. i would continue trying to talk with her first, her father obviously is going to calm down eventually and he isn't going to disown her, or even if he does she can still be placed back into the will (which undoubtedly would happen eventually once he cools down.)

that girl's father is a pretty big dickhead though and he's just desperately trying to cling to his position of authority as he feels as though he's becoming irrelevant and losing control of his own daughter, which it sounds like he views as a piece of his property.

this is the same advice my dad just gave me basically.

to keep the lawyer on retainer, but not take any action... it is a very sketchy situation, and i need a lawyer on retainer. i don't necessarily need to take action today, but i need a lawyer on retainer.