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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: Garrison on November 05, 2005, 10:01:46 AM

Title: Is it worth it?
Post by: Garrison on November 05, 2005, 10:01:46 AM
Quick question, I have an opportunity to get a prescription for Upjohn Cyp and also american made growth, is it worth the extra expense to get this through a doctor, rather than using other sources for let's say chinese made growth and QV cyp? just your opinion, I know with the scrip it's all legal, but I am looking for two things here, 1) is the quality that much better, and 2) is the added expense worth it.

Title: Re: Is it worth it?
Post by: massivemann on November 05, 2005, 10:34:07 AM
good question i like shit to be legal but i do like my money i would go with saving money..i love the uglabs with all there mixes in gear like test e tren e prop mix is the shit..and generic hgh is soo cheap and works thats what i would do
Title: Re: Is it worth it?
Post by: DIVISION on November 05, 2005, 02:59:17 PM
Quick question, I have an opportunity to get a prescription for Upjohn Cyp and also american made growth, is it worth the extra expense to get this through a doctor, rather than using other sources for let's say chinese made growth and QV cyp? just your opinion, I know with the scrip it's all legal, but I am looking for two things here, 1) is the quality that much better, and 2) is the added expense worth it.


What's more important to you?

Being legal or getting it cheap?

There was a doc that used to write scripts for AAS, ancillaries, and GH with high end amounts but he got popped by the Feds last year.

I used to get my scripts through him and he was dependable and reasonable. 

It was the only way to get 10MG Halotestin tabs (Upsher-Smith) in the states.

Title: Re: Is it worth it?
Post by: hank on November 06, 2005, 07:46:14 PM
i would pay the extra money in order to avoid looking over my shoulder all the time. its worth the piece of mind.
Title: Re: Is it worth it?
Post by: Arnold jr on November 06, 2005, 07:58:47 PM
i would pay the extra money in order to avoid looking over my shoulder all the time. its worth the piece of mind.
I agree, the paranoia that comes with buying AS sucks!  But until the day comes when i can get a legitimate prescription, I guess I'll have to keep my head turned
Title: Re: Is it worth it?
Post by: blaster on November 06, 2005, 08:12:29 PM
1. It's legal

2. Your package might get seized so you lose money anyway.

3. You don't know 100% what you're getting.

Go the Doc.