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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: George Whorewell on October 04, 2012, 04:08:51 AM

Title: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: George Whorewell on October 04, 2012, 04:08:51 AM
As much as I despise Obama, Matthews needs to have his head examined:

"Where was Obama tonight? He should watch -- well, not just Hardball, Rachel, he should watch you, he should watch the Reverend Al [Sharpton], he should watch Lawrence. He would learn something about this debate. There's a hot debate going on in this country. You know where it's been held? Here on this network is where we're having the debate," Matthews said.

"We have our knives out," Matthews said, admitting his network is trying their best to defend Obama and his policies. "We go after the people and the facts. What was he doing tonight? He went in there disarmed."

"He was like, 'Oh an hour and half? I think I can get through this thing. And I don't even look at this guy.' Whereas Romney -- I love the split-screen -- staring at Obama, addressing him like prey. He did it just right. 'I'm coming at an incumbent. I got to beat him. You've got to beat the champ and I'm going to beat him tonight. And I don't care what this guy, the moderator, whatever he thinks he is because I'm going to ignore him," Matthews said.

"What was Romney doing?" Matthews asked. "He was winning.

All Obama needs to do is watch MSNBC. Then he can't lose!  ::) (
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2012, 04:16:22 AM
Brutality last night.
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Fury on October 04, 2012, 04:32:03 AM
Hahaha. This guy is such a pathetic human being. He's 240 in 30 years.
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2012, 04:59:03 AM
Obama and the liberal dolts are not battle ready for this.    This is not 2008. 
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2012, 06:23:53 AM
First presidential debate: Obama hit with left hook on TV, online

'Where was Obama tonight?' Chris Matthews asked. | John Shinkle/POLITICO
By KEVIN CIRILLI | 10/3/12 11:45 PM EDT

Left-leaning commentators hit President Barack Obama hard on TV and the Internet after the first presidential debate in Denver on Wednesday night, saying GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney handily defeated his more experienced opponent.
MSNBC hosts were “stunned” by Obama’s performance, suggesting the president was rusty for not having debated in four years.
Continue Reading

(Also on POLITICO: Not debatable: Obama stumbled)
“I don’t think he explained himself very well on the economy. I think he was off his game. I was absolutely stunned tonight,” Ed Schultz said.
“Where was Obama tonight?” Chris Matthews asked.
Matthews said Romney addressed Obama “like the prey. He did it just right. I’m coming at an incumbent. I’ve got to beat him. You gotta beat the champ, and I’m gonna beat him tonight. And I don’t care what this guy moderator, whatever he thinks he is, because I’m going to ignore him. What was Romney doing? He was winning.”
(See also: Obama's best 5 debate lines)
“It does remind you that the last debate Mitt Romney had was seven months ago and the last debate that Barack Obama had was four years ago,” said Maddow.
The Daily Beast’s Andrew Sullivan called Obama “tired,” “bored” and wrote that he might have even lost the election.
“He choked. He lost. He may even have lost the election tonight,” Sullivan wrote, later adding, “Obama looked tired, even bored; he kept looking down; he had no crisp statements of passion or argument; he wasn’t there. He was entirely defensive, which may have been the strategy. But it was the wrong strategy. At the wrong moment.”
Sullivan, an Obama supporter, was even more vicious on Twitter, calling Obama’s performance “terrible” and “political malpractice.”
(See also: Complete coverage of the Colorado presidential debate)
“This is a rolling calamity for Obama. He’s boring, abstract, and less human-seeming than Romney!” he wrote. “He’s throwing the debate away.”
Another Obama supporter, liberal comedian Bill Maher, went on a similar Twitter rant, firing off such comments as, “Obama made a lot of great points tonight. Unfortunately, most of them were for Romney.”
Howard Fineman, editorial director of the Huffington Post Media Group, said on MSNBC that Romney delivered “a big wake-up call” to the Obama campaign on Wednesday night.
“It’s a classic case of a president kind of showing up and figuring that because he’s president he going to get extra points. It didn’t work that way tonight. And it’s a big wake-up call to the Obama campaign with 34 days in the race,” Fineman said.

Read more:

Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2012, 06:27:50 AM
Obama: 'Everybody's Getting a Fair Share'
8:44 AM, Oct 4, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER

In President Obama's closing statement at last night's debate, he seemed to make a remarkable slip. "All those things are designed to make sure that the American people, their genius, their grit, their determination, is -- is channeled and -- and they have an opportunity to succeed. And everybody's getting a fair shot. And everybody's getting a fair share," Obama said, before quickly correcting himself and adding.

"[E]verybody's doing a fair share, and everybody's playing by the same rules," he added.
The president made the statement in conjunction with defending his time in office. "You know, four years ago, I said that I'm not a perfect man and I wouldn't be a perfect president. And that's probably a promise that Governor Romney thinks I've kept. But I also promised that I'd fight every single day on behalf of the American people, the middle class, and all those who were striving to get into the middle class. I've kept that promise and if you'll vote for me, then I promise I'll fight just as hard in a second term," Obama concluded.
Mitt Romney, for his part, used his closing argument to make the case for him to be elected president. "If I'm elected we won't have Obama. We'll put in place the kind of principles that I put in place in my own state and allow each state to craft their own programs to get people insured and we'll focus on getting the cost of health care down," said Romney.
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Necrosis on October 04, 2012, 06:35:03 AM
man I hate jesse jackson and al sharpton they are fucking morons of the highest degree.

Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2012, 06:35:40 AM

Ha ha ha ha!!!!!

Michael Moore in state of panic 
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2012, 06:40:14 AM
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2012, 06:42:55 AM
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: MCWAY on October 04, 2012, 07:15:29 AM
As much as I despise Obama, Matthews needs to have his head examined:

"Where was Obama tonight? He should watch -- well, not just Hardball, Rachel, he should watch you, he should watch the Reverend Al [Sharpton], he should watch Lawrence. He would learn something about this debate. There's a hot debate going on in this country. You know where it's been held? Here on this network is where we're having the debate," Matthews said.

"We have our knives out," Matthews said, admitting his network is trying their best to defend Obama and his policies. "We go after the people and the facts. What was he doing tonight? He went in there disarmed."

"He was like, 'Oh an hour and half? I think I can get through this thing. And I don't even look at this guy.' Whereas Romney -- I love the split-screen -- staring at Obama, addressing him like prey. He did it just right. 'I'm coming at an incumbent. I got to beat him. You've got to beat the champ and I'm going to beat him tonight. And I don't care what this guy, the moderator, whatever he thinks he is because I'm going to ignore him," Matthews said.

"What was Romney doing?" Matthews asked. "He was winning.

All Obama needs to do is watch MSNBC. Then he can't lose!  ::) (

Uh OH!! That thrill up his leg is gone!!
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2012, 07:16:43 AM
Tingles and the left are in total collapse and meltdown. 

Their liberal bubble has totally popped. 
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2012, 07:19:49 AM
Opinion: Romney debates an empty chair

By Joan Vennochi

October 4, 2012 4:35 AM GMTUpdated:   10/03/2012 09:34:08 PM PDT

One presidential candidate showed up to debate Wednesday night. His name is Mitt Romney.

President Obama was often grim, mostly disengaged, and generally ineffective in their first showdown. He could have been standing next to anyone; he never seriously challenged Romney on any point he made. Romney was sharp, aggressive, and "likeable enough," to borrow a phrase from candidate Obama in 2008.

As the night wore on and Romney realized that debating Obama was not unlike standing next to an empty chair, the Republican nominee got cockier and less appealing. But for much of the debate, Romney -- not Obama -- offered up the anecdotes that connect a candidate with the people. He also had the soundbites that stick, like "trickle-down government" and "you just pick the losers," a reference to Obama's selection of green energy companies like Solyndra. But mostly he had command of the stage -- and of debate moderator Jim Lehrer.

Obama must have spent his debate prep reading his poll numbers, instead of reading history, particularly as it applies to Romney's debating skills. In 2002, Romney won his only political office -- governor of Massachusetts -- by out-debating Democrat Shannon O'Brien.

But before that, Romney took the venerable Ted Kennedy by surprise. As the late, great Globe columnist David Nyhan wrote on Oct. 26, 1994, after the first debate in that legendary showdown: "My guess is that the Senate race, deadlocked two weeks ago, was

breaking open for Kennedy. Last night's solid performance by Romney may keep that gap from widening immediately . . . I give Round One to Mitt Romney."
In Nyhan's view, "the old war horse" -- Kennedy -- had "too much going for him." He predicted he would come roaring back to win, and he did.

Obama could, too. If he doesn't, he will never again have to fret about spending another wedding anniversary in front of 40 million people.

Joan Vennochi is a columnist for the Boston Globe
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2012, 07:21:02 AM
Last reminded me of the night Scott Walker and that little dolt was crying on CNN.

Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Kazan on October 04, 2012, 07:23:09 AM

Ha ha ha ha!!!!!

Michael Moore in state of panic 

You know whats really funny, is they are trying to blame his lack of performance on Kerry ::)
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2012, 07:25:39 AM
You know whats really funny, is they are trying to blame his lack of performance on Kerry ::)

Obama said himself Debate prep was a "drag" remember? 

Obama is a lazy, worthless, ignorant, dolt.

He thought he would wing it and get air cover from the debate mod and MSM. 

Obama is simply not prepared to defend his disastrous record and failed presidency. 


Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: James on October 04, 2012, 07:26:25 AM
Obama looks angry and negative in debates, same can be said for Hillary Clinton and John McCain, so when he debated against those 2 it was not a problem, but against Romney it is.  No amount of practice is going to hide that, just like no amount of practice is going to hide his record (failure) of the last 4 years.
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2012, 03:23:30 PM
Mika: Obama's Debate Performance 'Makes Me Sick To My Stomach'
NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein

Posted on Thursday, October 04, 2012 3:51:56 PM

Did Frank Rich, back in his drama-critic days, ever pan an actor's performance this profoundly?

Making it much worse is that Mika Brzezinski knows and avidly supports the actor in question: Barack Obama. On today's Morning Joe, Brzezinski exclaimed that Obama's disastrous debate performance "makes me sick to my stomach." Hat tip reader cobokat.

View the video after the jump.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2012, 03:29:53 PM
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2012, 04:28:42 PM
Skip to comments.

Romney: Best debate performance in 52 years ^ | Oct. 4, 2012 | Pat Buchanan
Posted on October 4, 2012 7:22:31 PM EDT by Free ThinkerNY

Mitt Romney on Wednesday night turned in the finest debate performance of any candidate of either party in the 52 years since Richard Nixon faced John F. Kennedy, with the possible exception of Ronald Reagan’s demolition of Jimmy Carter in 1980.

But where Reagan won with style and quips – “There you go again” – and his closing line, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” Romney crushed Obama on both substance and style.

Mitt was like a contender so keyed up by his title shot that, between rounds, he could not sit on his stool, but stood in his corner to rush out and re-engage the champ the instant the bell sounded for the next round.

Obama was mauled, with facts, figures, anecdotes, arguments, jokes, quips. A smiling Romney was on offense all night. And the president’s performance seems inexplicable.

With the split screen showing his response to Romney’s swarm attacks, he appeared diffident, sullen, pouting, flustered, petulant.

Obama made no serious blunder. Yet, on the split screen, as Romney lectured him with a stern smile, Obama seemed a chastened schoolboy, head down, being instructed by a professor that if he did not get his grades up he would not be back next semester.

The verdict on the Denver encounter – that Romney turned in the performance of his life and one of the most impressive in the history of presidential debates, and that the president underperformed, was outclassed and lost badly – was virtually unanimous.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on October 04, 2012, 05:19:16 PM
Romney: Best debate performance in 52 years

Well, of course they're going to say that.  

They're the birther website, right?  The #1 voice in news of "Obama is an illegal"?

Which I agree with - but I just want to make sure we're listening to the source that hates obama more than the 47% hate work boots.
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Straw Man on October 04, 2012, 05:19:39 PM
Finally got a chance to watch this and it was pretty ugly

Romney just steamrolled over the moderator and it looked like Obama was trying to be polite or something (seemed like he kept looking at Leher to do something whenever Romney went beyond his time limit)

Obama missed many many opportunities to call Romney on his bullshit yet today he is saying the Romney lied in the debate.     The time to have brought that up would have been during the debate.
He need to stop trying to be polite and gracious or he's going to get his clock cleaned again
You can't deal with a con man and a bully by being polite

I haven't seen any of the MSBC crowd but I've read that Chris Matthew went nuts as did Ed Shultz

If Obama can pull himself together for the next debate this one will probably be forgotten

Still, it's exactly what Romney needed to keep himself in the game
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Option D on October 04, 2012, 05:34:18 PM
Tingles and the left are in total collapse and meltdown. 

Their liberal bubble has totally popped. 

Lol.. bro.. what does that even mean.. TOTAL MEALTDOWN TSUMAMI!!!!!!!!!
Like dude its alright.. relax son
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Fury on October 04, 2012, 05:37:06 PM
Finally got a chance to watch this and it was pretty ugly

Romney just steamrolled over the moderator and it looked like Obama was trying to be polite or something (seemed like he kept looking at Leher to do something whenever Romney went beyond his time limit)

Obama missed many many opportunities to call Romney on his bullshit yet today he is saying the Romney lied in the debate.     The time to have brought that up would have been during the debate.
He need to stop trying to be polite and gracious or he's going to get his clock cleaned again
You can't deal with a con man and a bully by being polite

I haven't seen any of the MSBC crowd but I've read that Chris Matthew went nuts as did Ed Shultz

If Obama can pull himself together for the next debate this one will probably be forgotten

Still, it's exactly what Romney needed to keep himself in the game

Obama's actions over the last 4 years have shown that he is arguably the biggest bully in Washington. He will railroad anyone to get his way.
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Straw Man on October 04, 2012, 05:45:23 PM
Obama's actions over the last 4 years have shown that he is arguably the biggest bully in Washington. He will railroad anyone to get his way.

yeah, that's why when he got into office he repeatedly tried to compromise with the Repubs (even at the criticism of his own party)  That's what bullies do...right

And when he caved unemployment benefits, single payer, extending the Bush tax cuts, etc..

If he's a bully then I have yet to see it

Anyway, he better bring a different Obama to the next debate or he's going to give away the election to Romney
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: Fury on October 04, 2012, 05:52:22 PM
yeah, that's why when he got into office he repeatedly tried to compromise with the Repubs (even at the criticism of his own party)  That's what bullies do...right

And when he caved unemployment benefits, single payer, extending the Bush tax cuts, etc..

If he's a bully then I have yet to see it

Anyway, he better bring a different Obama to the next debate or he's going to give away the election to Romney

Yeah, he except he didn't. You're pretty much as big of a liar as the Usurper is. It's cute how much you try to emulate him.
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: tonymctones on October 04, 2012, 05:57:33 PM
yeah, that's why when he got into office he repeatedly tried to compromise with the Repubs (even at the criticism of his own party)  That's what bullies do...right

And when he caved unemployment benefits, single payer, extending the Bush tax cuts, etc..

If he's a bully then I have yet to see it

Anyway, he better bring a different Obama to the next debate or he's going to give away the election to Romney
LOL and pelosi isnt a far left nut job...
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: whork on October 06, 2012, 03:08:29 AM

Muhaha. Love it:)
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on October 06, 2012, 07:00:22 AM
Obama missed many many opportunities to call Romney on his bullshit yet today he is saying the Romney lied in the debate.     The time to have brought that up would have been during the debate.
He need to stop trying to be polite and gracious or he's going to get his clock cleaned again
You can't deal with a con man and a bully by being polite

I dunno.  What's the quote about "A wise man told me don't argue with fools - cause people from a distance can't tell who's who" ???

Obama sat there tired, looking at the lead he has in the polls, thinking "do no harm tonight".   He didn't HAVE to try to argue with the guy talking a mile a minute with 27 total truth distortions.  He didn't HAVE to try to play fact checker.   Seriously, if a homeless guy with a sign screams "the sky is falling", I don't sit and argue with him.  Ya don't swing down at a fool.

SO while romney looked excellent from a visual standpoint, and obama looked stammering and exhausted... a week after the debate, nobody is going to care that obama looked like stir fried shit... but all that video of romney promising things he contradicted earlier this year will be in commercials, etc.  Just 36 hours after debate, the job numbers came out and the news cycle moves on - but all that video of Romney pandering to the center is there now.  If the polls are suddenly shifting in swing states, let's see it in a day or three.
Title: Re: Liberal shitbags in total meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on October 06, 2012, 07:09:10 AM
but all that video of romney promising things he contradicted earlier this year will be in commercials, etc. 

New Obama Ad (calling Romney 'Dishonest') features footage from debate, Romney ad..

(CNN) – President Barack Obama's campaign on Saturday released their second television ad which argues Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was dishonest at Wednesday's debate and in one of his own television ads.
This ad, like one released Thursday - the day after the debate - uses footage from the faceoff between Obama and Romney.
"I'm not in favor of a $5 trillion tax cut," Romney can be seen saying on the debate stage in the spot.
Obama and Romney sparred over that point at the debate, and the campaigns have waged war over it since on the campaign trail and in statements...

[ Invalid YouTube link ]