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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: Ryder on December 01, 2005, 09:47:06 AM

Title: Back Attack???
Post by: Ryder on December 01, 2005, 09:47:06 AM
Need some new ideas for hitting the back... It seems as though everytime i'm done training back i feel short changed...

50 pullups (5 sets)
Lat Pulldowns (Usualy 6 sets of130-210)4-10 Reps
DB Rows (6Sets) 80lbs for 6 Reps 
Machine Pullovers 15 RepsX3Sets  for a good stretch

Anyone with new ideas??? 
Title: Re: Back Attack???
Post by: Blake on December 01, 2005, 10:39:19 AM
Need some new ideas for hitting the back... It seems as though everytime i'm done training back i feel short changed...

50 pullups (5 sets)
Lat Pulldowns (Usualy 6 sets of130-210)4-10 Reps
DB Rows (6Sets) 80lbs for 6 Reps 
Machine Pullovers 15 RepsX3Sets  for a good stretch

Anyone with new ideas??? 

If you're not totally spent after doing 20 sets, I'd say intensity is probably lacking to an extent.

For exercises, how about adding deadlifts?
Title: Re: Back Attack???
Post by: Cavalier22 on December 01, 2005, 05:37:19 PM
do 3 sets of pullups
3 sets of reverse grip pulldowns
4 sets DB rows
2 sets of seated cable rows

all of them close to failure
Title: Re: Back Attack???
Post by: Steve-O on December 03, 2005, 02:08:55 AM
Might try some T-Bar rows, or Bentover Barbell Rows maybe, see how ya like em.
Title: Re: Back Attack???
Post by: muscle19 on December 03, 2005, 11:42:13 AM
i love working back ,one of my best body part, i would try somthing of this magnitude:

deadlifts - 4 x 10 reps
bentover rows - 4 x 8-10 reps
lat pulldowns (reverse grip) - 3 x 10 reps
pullups - 3 x 12 reps

this should be enough to do ur back good. rest no more than 1 min in between sets and hit it hard, no pussy weights, weights that are a struggle by the last couple reps and remember HIT IT HARD BRO!

Title: Re: Back Attack???
Post by: NoCalBbEr on December 03, 2005, 12:00:04 PM
my current routines is
weiged chins 4x 10-12
bb rows 4x6-8
t-bar rows 4x6-8
deads 4x4-6

 i like the heavy basics. im more focusing right now on geting a wider back. if i was going towards thickness i'll do deads first
Title: Re: Back Attack???
Post by: bmacsys on December 03, 2005, 08:39:55 PM
Need some new ideas for hitting the back... It seems as though everytime i'm done training back i feel short changed...

50 pullups (5 sets)
Lat Pulldowns (Usualy 6 sets of130-210)4-10 Reps
DB Rows (6Sets) 80lbs for 6 Reps 
Machine Pullovers 15 RepsX3Sets  for a good stretch

Anyone with new ideas??? 

Your doing way too many sets per exercize. After a couple of sets your hitting the point of diminishing returns. I like to do one warm up set per exercize than one all out set with as much weight as I can handle for about 8 full reps then do partials till I can't move the weight anymore. Doing six sets of one exercize means you can't be going all out. Its like jogging vs sprinting. After a couple good sets there is nothing to gain by doing more. I do this routine. 2 sets of the following. Hyper extensions, shrugs,  dumbell pullovers, pulls to the front, t-bar rows. Like I said, one moderate set for warm up, one balls to the wall set. I rest  maybe 10 to 15 seconds between sets. The whole thing takes me 15 minutes max. Then I do four to six sets of biceps and four sets of forearms which takes me another 15 minutes. This workout makes me breathe heavily and sweat like a mofo. If you are not breathing heavy the tempo of your workout is TOO SLOW.
Title: Re: Back Attack???
Post by: SD_Adonis on December 05, 2005, 02:04:07 AM
Today, I hit back with:

1.  pin-1 rack deadlifts (maxed out at 550, but would normally hit 5 rep max)
2.  neutral/wide-grip pulldowns (takes the biceps out of the movement) (3x10
3.  BB rows (2x8)
4.  T-bar rows (old-school) (2x8)
5.  close-grip pulldowns (2x10)
6.  DB shrugs (2x10)

Try an focus on deadlifting; I know that you will see progressive results if you hit them hard enough.
Title: Re: Back Attack???
Post by: pumpster on December 15, 2005, 02:05:47 PM
Way too many sets.


-Do 3 sets of each of the exercises (substitute T-bars occasionally), add weight and go to failure. On the last set add some cheats, forced reps, rest-pause reps or partials. Bottom line should be increasing the weight used, not doing marathon volume.

-Rotate any 2 of those exercises with T-bars as one of the alternatives, 5-6 sets each. Again, focus is on increasing intensity by adding weight and increasing reps.

Also experiment with different grip widths-close and medium grips, and different handles-neutral palms in grip is best IMO.