Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: anabolichalo on December 04, 2013, 04:31:46 PM

Title: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 04, 2013, 04:31:46 PM
having been on roids for months and months on end i'm starting to wonder maybe my friend is right

i should just do 8-12 week cycles of a bigger dose instead of 20-30 week cycles of low dose
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: no one on December 04, 2013, 04:44:11 PM
are you serious about getting big? of course you are it's all you talk about.

then you need to discard the idea of 'cycling' altogether. cycling is something you do in spin class with other 40 year old housewives.

run low dose test year round. you don't need a lot. maybe 300mg of a long ester like enanthate or sustanon.

then at different points of the year you add in certain compounds depending on the look you wish to achieve. winter typically anadrol eq / spring summer tren anavar NPP

and your not going to get there on 'steroids' alone. you need also come to the realisation that you simply will not develop the type of size you are after without gh

I don't care abt your finances. your health. whatever other concerns you have kicking about in your head.  

if you want to get big this is how's it's done. there is no other way.

might as well just lock this thread now.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: ultrafuelmuscle on December 04, 2013, 05:11:55 PM
are you serious about getting big? of course you are it's all you talk about.

then you need to discard the idea of 'cycling' altogether. cycling is something you do in spin class with other 40 year old housewives.

run low dose test year round. you don't need a lot. maybe 300mg of a long ester like enanthate or sustanon.

then at different points of the year you add in certain compounds depending on the look you wish to achieve. winter typically anadrol eq / spring summer tren anavar NPP

and your not going to get there on 'steroids' alone. you need also come to the realisation that you simply will not develop the type of size you are after without gh

I don't care abt your finances. your health. whatever other concerns you have kicking about in your head.  

if you want to get big this is how's it's done. there is no other way.

might as well just lock this thread now.

Good post if serious about bodybuilding the word cycle is something done in the tour de france.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 04, 2013, 05:21:30 PM
and add the hgh some time.

but yeah, run test as baseline, no coming off, and then add whatever you feel like,for a while.then next compound or add another one.

test,tren+gh will give the most results,ut will still need time.

if you dont grow into atleast heavyweight class shredded, then this sport isnt for you.

but i think halo can do it.

he needs some 30lbs of pure muscle mass or bit more tog et there, if these 3 compounds dont bring him there, nothing will

for the time where tren isnt use, use eq in hiiiigh doses.

for the dieting down, masteron, or tren, or both.

tren is versatile,can be used for either.

but still, taking your time and slowly working up the doses will result in a better physique than huge dose blasting.

i mean, can try it, go "blast" run 2 gramms of tren, 1g test and 10iu gh daily for 3 month and see what happens.

here is what happens:the gains would be the same on less half that dosage,but afterwards coming down in dose will make you feel like shit and obviously cant realy expect gains afterwards.

build it up slowly.but do try a blast,see what happens afterwards, and you will realize that guy was woudl i know?learned in those fearless young years.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: the trainer on December 04, 2013, 05:41:20 PM
My idea of comming off is not to inject for a month while i am still taking some sort of oral, guess sometimes i get tired of injecting.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 04, 2013, 06:20:47 PM
This will be the great drama of GB in 2014: Does Halo have the guts to move beyond the current, relatively benign doses of test he's currently consuming, and adopt the above suggestions to take the next step chemically?

An anxious GB awaits his next move.
yes as of now, hes playing with poop, 250-500 test weekly, this is joke dosage.

after that , it will show wether theres potential for real size or if the sides will take over.or if no matter how disage is increased , nothing hapens anymore.

and if he has the guts, he will have certainity about the hair issue.

if tren and test , or better running test all time with all other compounds throughout the year, if that doesnt make the hair fall out, nothing will.

not to piss on the parade, or into his cookies, but hes getting itchy nipples at 500test weekly, i foresee him meeting a gyno surgeon sometime in the future.its just a matter of time, one coming of, one test-estro imbalance and boom,he will be able to lactate from the nipples.

this is associated with great bodily pains, something one never forgets,its a very intense feeling.

this will be the point where you etiher embrace bbuilding with all the little colateral issues, or stop and never look back.

the gyno genetics are there, when you feel them itching one time, its done, youll get it some day.

and then, how much gains will be on the important parts,and how much will be gut and obliques?

risk reward.

but lets keep one thing in mind, except levrone who had the size before, i havent ever seen anyone build impressive loads of new size from one huge couple months blast.old size coming back,yes, new size, never seen it happening.

this is something to keep in mind.

do not becaome one of the tv propaganda morons used to explain why peds are so bad, guys portrayed with nothing but pea sized testicles and bitchtits left from the bodybuilding endeavour.

"i wanted to become huge and now im a bitchtitted eunuch".

seen meatloaf in "fight club?"

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Shockwave on December 04, 2013, 06:21:42 PM
For you halo, youre going to need long cycles of mega doses
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Kwon_2 on December 04, 2013, 06:22:26 PM
not to piss on the parade, or into his cookies, but hes getting itchy nipples

lol...  ;D
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 04, 2013, 06:30:29 PM
For you halo, youre going to need long cycles of mega doses
3 or 4 years.

ppl will say that sounds too long, or hope that it sounds to long, but 30-40ls of muscle will need so much time.

we talking muscle when shredded down to 5%, not mere gaining 40lbs.i can gain 40lbs in 2 weeks if i try.all fat-water.

This has the makings of an epic thread. A Getbigger coached to the Olympia stage - or a "bitchtitted eunuch."
nah olympia stage will not happen no matter what, except maybe janitor duties on the stage between the different classes, cleaning up the sweat and posing oil.

but bald heavyweight competitor with eunuch follwup destinty i can foresee.

the question whatfor.even competitors use the comp more or less to justify their drug usage.

physique class, gh and steroids and fatburners and diuretics.

10 years ago gymrats would be scared about the mystified hgh, today they think its not so big deal,while inecting chinese bunk with no gh at all in it.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 04, 2013, 06:39:48 PM
you know, to the high dosage=i must get huge daydreamers....

it wouldnt occur to them that they might not be the first ones who came up with that "trick".

many have tried it, many have failed.

the biggest guy in the gyms arent the highest blasters, its the geneticaly superior who slowly work their way up.

but yeah, i know this naive, youth way of thinking, im gonna use huge doses and become a mass monster.

yahyah, go ahead, less talk, more inecting and lifting,and big eating.

theres maybe 5-6 useful steroids out there, theres pharma gh out there, can randomly mix it ,can even run them all at once,a gramm of each weekly, 20iu legit gh.

take befoe and after pics in 3 month timeframe and post them, if you will have the courage, in relation to the "gains" that will be made.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 04, 2013, 06:47:49 PM
maybe this will help to undrstand:

-bigro 1gr weekly

-cswole 5g+ weekly

-groink 500mg weekly

-noone between 250-750weekly

-gal : natty

-ukjeff : i dont talk about this weekly

-esfitness up to 6gr weekly

-bostin loid allegedly 13gr of bunk=3gramms weekly

-flintstone 19 year old since a decade and natural,never juiced weekly

-sev: depending of peace of mind, between nothing and 200mg dbol daily

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Mawse on December 04, 2013, 07:07:32 PM
maybe this will help to undrstand:

-bigro 1gr weekly

-cswole 5g+ weekly

-groink 500mg weekly

-noone between 250-750weekly

-gal : natty

-ukjeff : i dont talk about this weekly

-esfitness up to 6gr weekly

-bostin loid allegedly 13gr of bunk=3gramms weekly

-flintstone 19 year old since a decade and natural,never juiced weekly

-sev: depending of peace of mind, between nothing and 200mg dbol daily

mm, not sure I believe some of those.

Like Gal says it's all genetics, and not in a bullshit tom prince / pat o'banton meaning - Its all about how you react to the compounds. There were actual studies done by soviet bloc countries on this if anyone was dumb enough not to realize the huge difference in individual response.

I've done 2g's in the past, and looked pretty much the same as I do now on HRT test and 2 CC's of NPP weekly. I was much stronger obviously but not really much bigger.  So I'd be retarded to run higher doses.

Since you will be On for the rest of your life, run the lowest dose you can take to be happy with the way you look.

200mg test might make some people 'big' (LOL, right)  but it's just HRT for me, injected in one shot it boosts your levels high, true - but then they drop right back down. 200mg HRT split into injections every other day keeps my levels at the top of 'normal' range (1200-1300). Do this year round and add whatever else floats your boat.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: no one on December 04, 2013, 07:15:09 PM
maybe this will help to undrstand:

-bigro 1gr weekly

-cswole 5g+ weekly

-groink 500mg weekly

-noone between 250-750weekly

-gal : natty

-ukjeff : i dont talk about this weekly

-esfitness up to 6gr weekly

-bostin loid allegedly 13gr of bunk=3gramms weekly

-flintstone 19 year old since a decade and natural,never juiced weekly

-sev: depending of peace of mind, between nothing and 200mg dbol daily

- soul crusher: no roids all natural lift heavy eat heavy

fixed. :D

seriously tho good posts in here.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 04, 2013, 07:22:28 PM
nah mawse i believe all of those, ok ro could be 1500 weekly.

yah very same, theres been times on 2gramms for me too, the difference was, much heavier,much much stronger, but not bigger at all.
maybe a little bit.
was the guy who didnt believe the pro card holders who told me im 50lbs away from contest shape, i laughed at that.

goes to show they been right.

hrt kept the same size,more or less.500weekly ois the last time that it makes a difference to hrt, beyond that, all more growth.

the people wont have any of it,though.

the truth is, we max out, the other truth is i have quite decent genetics, the absoute truth is the guys who dwarf me are the genetic 1 in a 1000 genetic elite.
easy as that.

i dare the wishfull thinkers to go on 2gramms of gear and see what happens.

everyone has to find out for themselves.

the one time where more gear will be needed,imo, is when going for the total shreddenes,nomans land, where the fatties never will go anyway.

i know a guy who goes on stage shreded at 275lbs,just under 6ft tall. 1000test 800eq weekly.yes i do believe him why not.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 04, 2013, 07:23:53 PM

fixed. :D

seriously tho good posts in here.

haha yeah brother, soul cusher ust made it happen.

also,i forgot to list nycflex, natty.

ever noticed how very few of the "Blasters" will show pics?

how come?
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Competitor 9 on December 04, 2013, 07:31:06 PM
If you want a moderate stack that you should take year round I like
1200 sus
500 deca
600 eq
50 Abombs for strength

You have to watch the eq as it with raise you blood cell count and for some that's how blood pressure shoots up.  It would be the only one I "cycle"

If you feel like getting a little crazy throw on 400mg tren e.  Shit works wonders
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Mawse on December 04, 2013, 07:49:41 PM
nah mawse i believe all of those, ok ro could be 1500 weekly.

yah very same, theres been times on 2gramms for me too, the difference was, much heavier,much much stronger, but not bigger at all.
maybe a little bit.
was the guy who didnt believe the pro card holders who told me im 50lbs away from contest shape, i laughed at that.

goes to show they been right.

hrt kept the same size,more or less.500weekly ois the last time that it makes a difference to hrt, beyond that, all more growth.

the people wont have any of it,though.

the truth is, we max out, the other truth is i have quite decent genetics, the absoute truth is the guys who dwarf me are the genetic 1 in a 1000 genetic elite.
easy as that.

i dare the wishfull thinkers to go on 2gramms of gear and see what happens.

everyone has to find out for themselves.

the one time where more gear will be needed,imo, is when going for the total shreddenes,nomans land, where the fatties never will go anyway.

i know a guy who goes on stage shreded at 275lbs,just under 6ft tall. 1000test 800eq weekly.yes i do believe him why not.

true, and you have much better arm genetics (the important genetics, lets be honest) than 99% of people on mega cycles, I know a wanna be pro who is 290 on huge doses and his arms (with synthol) are barely 19". I feel bad for him, his legs are great but the rest.. not so much.

I have 'ok' genes, I am almost always by far the strongest person in any gym I train (apart from huge fat black guys) and I don't even train for strength, but cant metabolize high doses. So I'll never be huge but I look ok on low doses when I'm lean.

Could be worse. I knew a guy took 5 anadrol a day and barely looked like he trained. I know they were legit because I was benching 455 on two of them pre workout, he was struggling with 225 after years of training and abuse. Some people are just garbage DNA
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 04, 2013, 08:14:42 PM
true, and you have much better arm genetics (the important genetics, lets be honest) than 99% of people on mega cycles, I know a wanna be pro who is 290 on huge doses and his arms (with synthol) are barely 19". I feel bad for him, his legs are great but the rest.. not so much.

I have 'ok' genes, I am almost always by far the strongest person in any gym I train (apart from huge fat black guys) and I don't even train for strength, but cant metabolize high doses. So I'll never be huge but I look ok on low doses when I'm lean.

Could be worse. I knew a guy took 5 anadrol a day and barely looked like he trained. I know they were legit because I was benching 455 on two of them pre workout, he was struggling with 225 after years of training and abuse. Some people are just garbage DNA

yeah by looking at the pics in the mags, of the absolute genetic elite(thats why theyre in the mags, they werent picked at random), as far structure, fullnes, symetry goes, at their very much leanest, many somehow think thats the standard.

its the same phenomenon when ppl call phil heath narrow(hes mr olympia, if anyone watched this years contest, and see how it was decided as he stepped on stage,theyd know why).
when suffering from such delusions, its very best to take the shirt off, emulate the mandatory poses before the mirror, and then take pics.and then having a honest look at them.

in the real world, even at national shows, bbesides the top placers, the rest will have structural flaws.everyone who been to a show to just watch will know this.those flaws show less when dead shredded-peeled, but theyre there.high lats being a very notorois case.
most ppl have high and thin lats, the huge let guys are the excption,its not happening if one doesnt have the muscle insertions in the first the right lace.

tbh in this sport structure will always trup everything else.on a perfect structure, when ripped, a little bit mass gonna look infinitely more impressive than 50lbs haevier guy with blcky everything.

that said im ok with my genetics,theyre good enough, can consider myself lucky.

yes, some ppl just have shit genetics, and despite all the claims that some just need higher doses to get thr real growth are all bs wishful thinking.

this is why i tell ppl try 250 test,its strong enough, its stronger than tren if you ask me,mg per mg, for a while, take your time,a year.
then maybe 500w for a then one will know whether they have the pro card genes or not.its that simple.
and its best in the onterest of health to just accept whats built with that and settle with that.
much more wont happen.
ok if one can aford real pharma gh and adds that, there will be some extra growth, but nothing like ppl would expect.

95% ppl have shit genetics, 4% have ok genetics, less than 1% has the elite genetics that will step on stage as heavyweight.

additional to this, it takes madness level of willpower to stick to it for long enough to make it work.means almost perfect diet etcetc.
many fatsos already fail at the diet thing.
and just like they see somethng else in the mirror, they also think their training is more intesnse than it is.

lets say oit like this, a lifter who lifted 10years with solid muscle mind connection will know what hes doing and have an idea about intensity, a bloody beginner woman first time in gym will not be able to perform 1 single rep of squats al the way to floor wih 40lbs weight on her.

layman term, if the mirror doesnt show something impressve,something is being done wrong.

same thing with dieting, the fatties,ust like the over estimate their training intensity(yet call pros training not intense bc it doesnt look intense to them),they also think getting shredded is just bit cleaning up the diet.haha, to get to 5% bodyfat, you will so often feel like fainitng and feel like you gonna starve to death its not even funny.
the body hates being shredded, it has its artilery of hormones released when it gets uncomfortably lean for its liking.
the "fun" start at 6%.until 6%,its a joke compared to whats still to follow.
and then they ask but can i have a cheat treat daily.hahaha.sure you can.

and getting shredded is the least geneticaly impacted part of all this, this one everyone can manage,if the willpower is there.
also very easy summed up,if one wants to become shredded, they will.if they fail,they didnt want it bad enough.

oh brother, when those hunger pains kick in straight 1 minute after the meal and you know theres no meal scheduled for next 5 minutes,and after next meal,itll be the same,then the fatties can talk.

usualy they panick at the slightest bloodsugar decrease and have to have a whoe fucking pizza.haha.additonaly to that,they be afraidf to lose some aleged size that isnt even there in the forst place.

nobody in the world gives a shit about what one eats, wheter its clean and one suffers hunger, or whether one binges himself into further fatness bc unhappy about the simply just do it and pul it off.

and these clowns talk about big doses.jesus wept
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: ESFitness on December 04, 2013, 08:29:42 PM
how about long high dose cycles and periodic bloodwork to see if your ast/alt is too high (I'd say 4x normal is too high.. 2-3x normal "high" if you're on orals is expected), and check blood pressure ect...

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 04, 2013, 08:36:59 PM
how about long high dose cycles and periodic bloodwork to see if your ast/alt is too high (I'd say 4x normal is too high.. 2-3x normal "high" if you're on orals is expected), and check blood pressure ect...

yah exactly.

i initially was bit suspicious about esfitness, but the guy knows alot and has taken a sensible approach, or lets say, he realized maybe its necesary to point out to the people that theres a risk or 2.

short,but quality post.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 05, 2013, 02:36:11 PM
are you serious about getting big? of course you are it's all you talk about.

then you need to discard the idea of 'cycling' altogether. cycling is something you do in spin class with other 40 year old housewives.

run low dose test year round. you don't need a lot. maybe 300mg of a long ester like enanthate or sustanon.

then at different points of the year you add in certain compounds depending on the look you wish to achieve. winter typically anadrol eq / spring summer tren anavar NPP

and your not going to get there on 'steroids' alone. you need also come to the realisation that you simply will not develop the type of size you are after without gh

I don't care abt your finances. your health. whatever other concerns you have kicking about in your head.  

if you want to get big this is how's it's done. there is no other way.

might as well just lock this thread now.
i've been on 300-500mg test for like 25 weeks straight
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 05, 2013, 02:43:00 PM
my nipples never itched

i just thought the left one looked bloated so added ai

i asked galaniko about the left nipple before he said it semes to be displaced
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: nasht5 on December 05, 2013, 02:57:39 PM
300-500mg test for 25wks straight is just hrt/trt

YOU'VE DONE NOTHING but shutdown your balls and replaced your natural test with test from a bottle.

 Congratulations you've wasted time and money.

start doing ne less than 750mg a wk. shot (no pun intended) for 1000mg a wk of TEST for 12wks. wanna get big add 50-100mg dbol ed for 8-10wks. eat 1.5-2g prot per lbs of of bwt eat 2-3g of carbs per lbs of bwt. TRAIN LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER.

after the 12wks go back to 300-500mg a wk of test for a while... cruise.

do this OR OR... shut the fuck up cause your just a post gimmick.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 05, 2013, 02:59:01 PM

guess i can still watch the unbelievable over and over and bodybuild vicariously
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: nasht5 on December 05, 2013, 03:01:42 PM
yup, but you do have almost 11,000 post... you still have that.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 05, 2013, 03:01:59 PM
300-500mg test for 25wks straight is just hrt/trt

YOU'VE DONE NOTHING but shutdown your balls and replaced your natural test with test from a bottle.

 Congratulations you've wasted time and money.

start doing ne less than 750mg a wk. shot (no pun intended) for 1000mg a wk of TEST for 12wks. wanna get big add 50-100mg dbol ed for 8-10wks. eat 1.5-2g prot per lbs of of bwt eat 2-3g of carbs per lbs of bwt. TRAIN LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER.

after the 12wks go back to 300-500mg a wk of test for a while... cruise.

do this OR OR... shut the fuck up cause your just a post gimmick.
so 300-500 doesnt do shit but adding another 250 is gonna magically make me grow ???
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: nasht5 on December 05, 2013, 03:09:45 PM
your a gimmick.

anybody else wanna waste your time with this kid?.... go ahead.

halo, you'll do better by posting naked women for now on.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 05, 2013, 03:12:59 PM
my nipples never itched

i just thought the left one looked bloated so added ai

i asked galaniko about the left nipple before he said it semes to be displaced
ah, if its just that with no pains or lumps or slight feeling of electricity under nipple then itll just be fat-water.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 05, 2013, 03:15:49 PM
Halo's tepid response to this thread, and the advice given, leads me to believe he is not as committed as he claims (assuming it's not a complete gimmick).
maybe bit scared or so.

i dont know,if one wants to go full out, have kidney values and liver values checked until they get out of whackthats the very least one should do.

but try up to that point,well why not if one wants the size.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 05, 2013, 03:18:02 PM
you ppl seem to forget how long it took me to finally decide to get on the juice at all


it was literally YEARS
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 05, 2013, 06:43:12 PM
nah hes not gimmick, impossible to pull this off.

well,halo, now is time to move on to either adding tren or eq tothe hrt, or gh.

gh better on the hair.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: BigRo on December 05, 2013, 07:19:37 PM
Hey I am natty, was running a ml of prop a day since competition and ran out on monday so all natural here  8)

250-500mg a week is more than TRT.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 05, 2013, 07:23:48 PM
Hey I am natty, was running a ml of prop a day since competition and ran out on monday so all natural here  8)

250-500mg a week is more than TRT.

yeah its annoying when ppl say 250-500 is hrt,fuck no,this is an effective dosage for someone who does his doesnt just shut you down and does nothing.

hrt is 100mg week or less.

yes youre now natty.just as i am.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 05, 2013, 07:24:45 PM
yeah its annoying when ppl say 250-500 is hrt,fuck no,this is an effective dosage for someone who does his doesnt just shut you down and does nothing.

hrt is 100mg week or less.

yes youre now natty.just as i am.

I'm natty since Monday.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 05, 2013, 07:28:30 PM
I'm natty since Monday.
depends on the ester, you sure you calculated right? :D

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 05, 2013, 07:29:18 PM
depends on the ester, you sure you calculated right? :D

I don't "believe" in "ester lengths". Therefore I've been natty for roughly 72 hours  :D
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: oni on December 05, 2013, 08:25:04 PM
Hey galeniko,
I sent you a PM a week or so ago about my diet. I really want to get down to 6%.
I have a few more simple questions if you reply.

I decided to take my doses right down as well as of maybe a week ago. I don't see why I need more than 250mg a week until I am near an event. I guess I was just impatient and greedy lol. Although I seem to be tolerating my 1.25g + orals pretty fucking well, it's fucking stupid especially at 9% body fat with a 33" navel. I need to reduce doses and diet hard and get rid of the visceral fat bigtime
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 06, 2013, 09:46:36 AM
I'm natty since Monday.
me too

i'm natural 10079 minutes out of 10080
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: macos on December 06, 2013, 10:55:11 AM
yeah its annoying when ppl say 250-500 is hrt,fuck no,this is an effective dosage for someone who does his doesnt just shut you down and does nothing.

hrt is 100mg week or less.

yes youre now natty.just as i am.

Hrt is sustanona250 every three weeks. Lol.
I found that written on the leaflet of my box.

;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: nasht5 on December 06, 2013, 11:14:43 AM
I'm on hrt/trt, no "home work" needed here.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Mawse on December 06, 2013, 01:18:48 PM
yeah its annoying when ppl say 250-500 is hrt,fuck no,this is an effective dosage for someone who does his doesnt just shut you down and does nothing.

hrt is 100mg week or less.

yes youre now natty.just as i am.

200 is pretty much the upper prescribable limit for TRT, but if that isn't putting a patient into top range then they have underlying metabolic disorders that need fixing.

besides there is so much more to utilizing test than just the free test #, need enough SHBG to transport it around the body and keep it from degrading, need to aromatize the test properly to DHT to get the full benefits etc.

but yeah 500mg for TRT  ::)
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 06, 2013, 01:23:38 PM
your a gimmick.

anybody else wanna waste your time with this kid?.... go ahead.

halo, you'll do better by posting naked women for now on.
you are a fucking troll

500mg is hrt bs

750 -mg is getting big

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: SmallPole on December 06, 2013, 03:13:47 PM
never cared too much for galeniko's posts, but he's laying out some epic truth in this thread... he seems inspired  ;D

becoming a fan as of now... no homo
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: jr on December 06, 2013, 03:26:12 PM
200mg of test a week is equivalent to elite 0.1% genetics 20 year old negro pro athlete natural test levels.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Rascal full on December 06, 2013, 04:25:38 PM
My idea of comming off is not to inject for a month while i am still taking some sort of oral, guess sometimes i get tired of injecting.

Same here pal!  :D
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: tstmaniac on December 06, 2013, 04:44:53 PM
so 300-500 doesnt do shit but adding another 250 is gonna magically make me grow ???

I have always responded very well to 500mgs of test..I'm also not looking to be a pro bodybuilder's not worth it to blast and cruise heavy doses unless your trying to go pro..I use to cycle heavy and cut back a lot ..people now a days rely too much on the drugs rather than hard work and clean diet..
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 06, 2013, 05:05:11 PM
yah,most ppl will get fuck all in return after 500mg test.

were talking people who diet right and train properly,not the picless fools who advocAate high dosages.

the difference bettwen 500test and 750test is fuck all besides some extra bloat and acne.

oh brother lets see the pics of the 750mg weeklly+ "monsters" im all eyes on you ::)

s 500test is good enough baseline and you add compound to that if youre not happy with what thatll give you after a long enough time real training (i wont ask about the training videos of the loudmouts,the pics of physique will say everything about their training and diet),then yeah go on and add other compounds, bit gh would be sensible, or bit other steroids, but not just increase the test.

ok,the cheap mans route can be 1 gramm test+adex,thats soemwhat true.

lol@getting started with 750 weekly or more, i know fucking exactly how these clowns end up looking.

ppl can say about halo what the fuck they want,he went the smart path and had the best possible results.what would have been better if he started on a gramm?fuck all.

seriosly,wheres the pics of the megadosers, i wouldnt be suprised if halo carries more lean mass.

tstmaniac, the good thing,the drug reliant, if they dont pay attention to diet they still gonna look like shit.

500mg hrt, yeah right.750 the magic barrier(of acne ,bloat and waterbufallo look)

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: tstmaniac on December 06, 2013, 05:35:53 PM
yah,most ppl will get fuck all in return after 500mg test.

were talking people who diet right and train properly,not the picless fools who advocAate high dosages.

the difference bettwen 500test and 750test is fuck all besides some extra bloat and acne.

oh brother lets see the pics of the 750mg weeklly+ "monsters" im all eyes on you ::)

s 500test is good enough baseline and you add compound to that if youre not happy with what thatll give you after a long enough time real training (i wont ask about the training videos of the loudmouts,the pics of physique will say everything about their training and diet),then yeah go on and add other compounds, bit gh would be sensible, or bit other steroids, but not just increase the test.

ok,the cheap mans route can be 1 gramm test+adex,thats soemwhat true.

lol@getting started with 750 weekly or more, i know fucking exactly how these clowns end up looking.

ppl can say about halo what the fuck they want,he went the smart path and had the best possible results.what would have been better if he started on a gramm?fuck all.

seriosly,wheres the pics of the megadosers, i wouldnt be suprised if halo carries more lean mass.

tstmaniac, the good thing,the drug reliant, if they dont pay attention to diet they still gonna look like shit.

500mg hrt, yeah right.750 the magic barrier(of acne ,bloat and waterbufallo look)

Yes your right...mega dosers will never be successfull until they can discipline themselves to strict diet and training...I have gained very quality muscle of just 500mg of test and 4ius gh for 6 months.. Only pharm grade...hard work can never be replaced by drugs.. You need both
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: ESFitness on December 06, 2013, 07:51:18 PM
doses aren't everything.

high dose + not enough kcals = lean, hard, grainy physique... though not huge, but still impressive

low dose + enough/more than enough kcals = large, full physique... impressive in a different way

high dose + enough/more than enough kcals = when you're firing on all 8 cylinders.. large, grainy, lean.

everything's gotta be in line.

take it from me... I have unlimited access to all the goodies, but my food/diet/kcals/macros suck.. so I don't have the super-freaky size you'd expect from a guy who uses what I use. I do however have a different 'quality' that the androgens give.... luckily for me, my body tolerates the drugs very well.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: oni on December 06, 2013, 08:42:41 PM
yah,most ppl will get fuck all in return after 500mg test.

were talking people who diet right and train properly,not the picless fools who advocAate high dosages.

the difference bettwen 500test and 750test is fuck all besides some extra bloat and acne.

oh brother lets see the pics of the 750mg weeklly+ "monsters" im all eyes on you ::)

s 500test is good enough baseline and you add compound to that if youre not happy with what thatll give you after a long enough time real training (i wont ask about the training videos of the loudmouts,the pics of physique will say everything about their training and diet),then yeah go on and add other compounds, bit gh would be sensible, or bit other steroids, but not just increase the test.

ok,the cheap mans route can be 1 gramm test+adex,thats soemwhat true.

lol@getting started with 750 weekly or more, i know fucking exactly how these clowns end up looking.

ppl can say about halo what the fuck they want,he went the smart path and had the best possible results.what would have been better if he started on a gramm?fuck all.

seriosly,wheres the pics of the megadosers, i wouldnt be suprised if halo carries more lean mass.

tstmaniac, the good thing,the drug reliant, if they dont pay attention to diet they still gonna look like shit.

500mg hrt, yeah right.750 the magic barrier(of acne ,bloat and waterbufallo look)

When I get to the point where I am getting fatter but not bigger on 500mg of test with paleo diet and weekly cheat, what would be the next best path?
Is it as simple as keeping the test at 500mg and adding 200mg of deca? or would it be best to keep the test low and say 400 deca?
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: OTHstrong on December 06, 2013, 10:33:15 PM
When I get to the point where I am getting fatter but not bigger on 500mg of test with paleo diet and weekly cheat, what would be the next best path?
Is it as simple as keeping the test at 500mg and adding 200mg of deca? or would it be best to keep the test low and say 400 deca?
My suggestion would be to keep a maintains dose that allows you to be within 10% of your all time best physique then just dose harder for a short period when its time to break the plateau, then cruse again and repeat, of course combine compounds is key and always switch and experiment what gives the best results. remember its a marathon not a sprint.

I would go high on both  :)
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: OTHstrong on December 06, 2013, 10:36:47 PM
doses aren't everything.

high dose + not enough kcals = lean, hard, grainy physique... though not huge, but still impressive

low dose + enough/more than enough kcals = large, full physique... impressive in a different way

high dose + enough/more than enough kcals = when you're firing on all 8 cylinders.. large, grainy, lean.

everything's gotta be in line.

take it from me... I have unlimited access to all the goodies, but my food/diet/kcals/macros suck.. so I don't have the super-freaky size you'd expect from a guy who uses what I use. I do however have a different 'quality' that the androgens give.... luckily for me, my body tolerates the drugs very well.
ya good post, its time to put this myth away of all hormones and make it seem like food is not important, a heavy cycle without food means jack shit, food plays a huge role and getbig got away from this for a time but not me.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: POB on December 06, 2013, 11:54:01 PM
Blast and cruise, always keep the body guessing.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: SmallPole on December 07, 2013, 12:39:02 AM
Blast and cruise, always keep the body guessing.

yeeaaah, that's why i personally like to rip off the labels on my vials... then i just forget what's what, load up 5 ml of different shit in various proportions into the syringe and keep my body guessing to no end !
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: macos on December 07, 2013, 01:04:17 AM
yeeaaah, that's why i personally like to rip off the labels on my vials... then i just forget what's what, load up 5 ml of different shit in various proportions into the syringe and keep my body guessing to no end !

Hear of the shocking principle of Arnold to make your body grow. You have taken it to heart it seems

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: oni on December 07, 2013, 05:04:10 AM
My suggestion would be to keep a maintains dose that allows you to be within 10% of your all time best physique then just dose harder for a short period when its time to break the plateau, then cruse again and repeat, of course combine compounds is key and always switch and experiment what gives the best results. remember its a marathon not a sprint.

I would go high on both  :)

Yeah this seems logical. Maintaining is far easier than gaining, that's for sure. 500mg of test can probably maintain a pretty big and shredded physique. I don't plan on competing in BB so really all I want is muscle mass and low body fat
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: latiuss on December 08, 2013, 04:53:55 AM
250mg test same as 250mg tren? Lol yeah good one gal.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 08, 2013, 05:11:00 AM
250mg test same as 250mg tren? Lol yeah good one gal.
please speak on how to interpret statements such as

"tren is 5 times more anabolic than test, gram per gram"

how does this apply in real life bodybuilding
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: latiuss on December 08, 2013, 05:30:07 AM
please speak on how to interpret statements such as

"tren is 5 times more anabolic than test, gram per gram"

how does this apply in real life bodybuilding

You would gain more muscle off less calories with tren vs test.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: no one on December 08, 2013, 09:27:29 AM
doses aren't everything.

high dose + not enough kcals = lean, hard, grainy physique... though not huge, but still impressive

low dose + enough/more than enough kcals = large, full physique... impressive in a different way

high dose + enough/more than enough kcals = when you're firing on all 8 cylinders.. large, grainy, lean.

everything's gotta be in line.

take it from me... I have unlimited access to all the goodies, but my food/diet/kcals/macros suck.. so I don't have the super-freaky size you'd expect from a guy who uses what I use. I do however have a different 'quality' that the androgens give.... luckily for me, my body tolerates the drugs very well.

imo it has nothing to do with your diet. its 100% genetic response to anabolics/ peptides, and creating an environment that primes the body for growth.

i am making the best gains of my life right now on 125 grams of protein a day. 150 on some days but i seldom get more than that. i am bigger than i ever have been, and as lean. would taking in 250 grams of protein make me bigger? no. i took in 250-300 grams of protein RELIGIOUSLY for years, and im running LESS gear than when i was when i was taking in a very high protein diet. actually im taking in comparatively 1/2 as many caloires than i have used to get the size that i am building upon. this 'should not' be possible, given what we've been 'taught' or 'told'.

the only variable that has changed that i feel is generating these gains is my training frequency- i train my whole body 3x a week. this is where the growth comes from. i think if i was still blindly following the whole myth of over training (hahah gimme a fucking break) and only training my whole body once a eek i wouldnt be experiencing the growth i am. the 'need' for protein has been over exaggerated for years.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 08, 2013, 10:41:18 AM
imo it has nothing to do with your diet. its 100% genetic response to anabolics/ peptides, and creating an environment that primes the body for growth.

i am making the best gains of my life right now on 125 grams of protein a day. 150 on some days but i seldom get more than that. i am bigger than i ever have been, and as lean. would taking in 250 grams of protein make me bigger? no. i took in 250-300 grams of protein RELIGIOUSLY for years, and im running LESS gear than when i was when i was taking in a very high protein diet. actually im taking in comparatively 1/2 as many caloires than i have used to get the size that i am building upon. this 'should not' be possible, given what we've been 'taught' or 'told'.

the only variable that has changed that i feel is generating these gains is my training frequency- i train my whole body 3x a week. this is where the growth comes from. i think if i was still blindly following the whole myth of over training (hahah gimme a fucking break) and only training my whole body once a eek i wouldnt be experiencing the growth i am. the 'need' for protein has been over exaggerated for years.

Bro can you give a quick example of how you hit everything 3x a week?
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: almard on December 08, 2013, 10:56:32 AM
imo it has nothing to do with your diet. its 100% genetic response to anabolics/ peptides, and creating an environment that primes the body for growth.

i am making the best gains of my life right now on 125 grams of protein a day. 150 on some days but i seldom get more than that. i am bigger than i ever have been, and as lean. would taking in 250 grams of protein make me bigger? no. i took in 250-300 grams of protein RELIGIOUSLY for years, and im running LESS gear than when i was when i was taking in a very high protein diet. actually im taking in comparatively 1/2 as many caloires than i have used to get the size that i am building upon. this 'should not' be possible, given what we've been 'taught' or 'told'.

the only variable that has changed that i feel is generating these gains is my training frequency- i train my whole body 3x a week. this is where the growth comes from. i think if i was still blindly following the whole myth of over training (hahah gimme a fucking break) and only training my whole body once a eek i wouldnt be experiencing the growth i am. the 'need' for protein has been over exaggerated for years.

No one?

May I ask what AAs or doses you are taking about.

I always had my best gains when I shock the body. Different diet, training ....ect

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: no one on December 08, 2013, 12:42:53 PM
Bro can you give a quick example of how you hit everything 3x a week?

ya dude. the split is

back/ shoulders (great combo most guys do chest shoulders you want crazy upper back/ rear delt thickness start hitting this)
chest/ arms/ legs

i'll hit this rotation 3x the 7th day is a rest day if i dont feel like resting i'll train.

typically each body part is only trained 20min. i go set to set to set with no rest so i can pound out a lot of sets in 20 min and im typically hitting muscular exhaustion (decreased workload)by this point. decreased workload is a good gauge for me as typically my strength doesnt drop between sets and when it starts its time to pick a new exercise or go home. i dont count sets or reps everything is instinctual.

it sounds like a lot of volume and it is. but the body will adapt. its remarkably adaptive. once it adapts to the volume and frequency thats where the growth is.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: no one on December 08, 2013, 12:57:31 PM

ya bro i used to run 2g cycles all the time. my favourite being 7 and 7- 700mg tren ace/700mg prop and an oral of my liking typically anavar.

all this year i never went over 750mg of combined aa's. at the same time i trpiled my workout frequency. my gains have been better than when i was using 2g cycles, stuffing myself all the time and only training my whole body once a week.

this month i have bumped it up to 1600mg combined im in week 4 right now of this experiment ive got 4 left. my cals are only 1600 a day, some days low as 1000. protein is maybe 125-150 like i said. and im growing like a fucking weed over here.

honestly i say its all in the increased frequency of my sessions. upping the dose and not giving the body the stimulus necessary to repair and grow will get you no results. the body will utilise what little cals you give it efficiently. would i be making these gains on the same amount of anabolics, the same cals, and only training everything once a week. no. i dont think so. i did that for years and got nowhere.

the guys here know me. they know i dont bullshit or inflate the truth. i have no vested interest in saying anything like this other than to help you guys get gaining. up the frequency of your sessions. get your body used to the volume. it'll take porlly a good 3-4 weeks. once your get it adapting up your dose and watch the growth. typically even if you up the dose results appear to be very marginal. thats cause the workload isnt there. i honestly think guys could make as much in the way of gains by cutting their doses down, and increasing their workload. you want to make crazy gains, up the dose and the workload.  you dont even need to up it a lot- i less than doubled what i was running this year, but am still well under the 2g mark i normally ran, and i can promise you im bigger and better condidtioned than most guys running nosebleed digits. and imo i have shit genetics.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Christo on December 08, 2013, 01:47:47 PM
ya dude. the split is

back/ shoulders (great combo most guys do chest shoulders you want crazy upper back/ rear delt thickness start hitting this)
chest/ arms/ legs

i'll hit this rotation 3x the 7th day is a rest day if i dont feel like resting i'll train.

typically each body part is only trained 20min. i go set to set to set with no rest so i can pound out a lot of sets in 20 min and im typically hitting muscular exhaustion (decreased workload)by this point. decreased workload is a good gauge for me as typically my strength doesnt drop between sets and when it starts its time to pick a new exercise or go home. i dont count sets or reps everything is instinctual.

it sounds like a lot of volume and it is. but the body will adapt. its remarkably adaptive. once it adapts to the volume and frequency thats where the growth is.

But for my understanding: you do for example schoulders with 3 different exercises a lot of sets without counting the reps during 20 minutes?

So you are 20 minutes not resting? and you do 3 exercises after each other or one by one?
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: oni on December 08, 2013, 02:34:21 PM
ya bro i used to run 2g cycles all the time. my favourite being 7 and 7- 700mg tren ace/700mg prop and an oral of my liking typically anavar.

all this year i never went over 750mg of combined aa's. at the same time i trpiled my workout frequency. my gains have been better than when i was using 2g cycles, stuffing myself all the time and only training my whole body once a week.

this month i have bumped it up to 1600mg combined im in week 4 right now of this experiment ive got 4 left. my cals are only 1600 a day, some days low as 1000. protein is maybe 125-150 like i said. and im growing like a fucking weed over here.

honestly i say its all in the increased frequency of my sessions. upping the dose and not giving the body the stimulus necessary to repair and grow will get you no results. the body will utilise what little cals you give it efficiently. would i be making these gains on the same amount of anabolics, the same cals, and only training everything once a week. no. i dont think so. i did that for years and got nowhere.

the guys here know me. they know i dont bullshit or inflate the truth. i have no vested interest in saying anything like this other than to help you guys get gaining. up the frequency of your sessions. get your body used to the volume. it'll take porlly a good 3-4 weeks. once your get it adapting up your dose and watch the growth. typically even if you up the dose results appear to be very marginal. thats cause the workload isnt there. i honestly think guys could make as much in the way of gains by cutting their doses down, and increasing their workload. you want to make crazy gains, up the dose and the workload.  you dont even need to up it a lot- i less than doubled what i was running this year, but am still well under the 2g mark i normally ran, and i can promise you im bigger and better condidtioned than most guys running nosebleed digits. and imo i have shit genetics.

Before steroids existed, this is how people trained. They mainly did full body sessions and trained most days going very heavy. This is how I train and I got brutally strong incredibly fast on a shitty low protein high carb diet. I think that if I got my diet more on track and did more volume and reps, "mind muscle connection" I'd grow pretty well based on the strength gains I get alone. I stick to 1-4 reps though, many sets and low rest. Just a personal anecdote, might be completely incorrect and talking out my ass. But simply switching to keto got my body weight up 5kg and I look leaner and my deadlift went up 15kg in 3 months. As I dial shit in further the results are even better
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 08, 2013, 02:42:04 PM
Before steroids existed, this is how people trained. They mainly did full body sessions and trained most days going very heavy. This is how I train and I got brutally strong incredibly fast on a shitty low protein high carb diet. I think that if I got my diet more on track and did more volume and reps, "mind muscle connection" I'd grow pretty well based on the strength gains I get alone. I stick to 1-4 reps though, many sets and low rest. Just a personal anecdote, might be completely incorrect and talking out my ass. But simply switching to keto got my body weight up 5kg and I look leaner and my deadlift went up 15kg in 3 months. As I dial shit in further the results are even better
before steroids existed there were no impressive physiques
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: dj181 on December 08, 2013, 02:51:55 PM
ya dude. the split is

back/ shoulders (great combo most guys do chest shoulders you want crazy upper back/ rear delt thickness start hitting this)
chest/ arms/ legs

i'll hit this rotation 3x the 7th day is a rest day if i dont feel like resting i'll train.

typically each body part is only trained 20min. i go set to set to set with no rest so i can pound out a lot of sets in 20 min and im typically hitting muscular exhaustion (decreased workload)by this point. decreased workload is a good gauge for me as typically my strength doesnt drop between sets and when it starts its time to pick a new exercise or go home. i dont count sets or reps everything is instinctual.

it sounds like a lot of volume and it is. but the body will adapt. its remarkably adaptive. once it adapts to the volume and frequency thats where the growth is.

how in the hell do you joints handle that workload dude?

i'd get sore elbows and shoulders if i did that, in fact i get some elbows and shoulders when i train each bodypart twice a week

so are you saying that muscle gains are based on fatigue and not on load?
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: no one on December 08, 2013, 05:06:08 PM
But for my understanding: you do for example schoulders with 3 different exercises a lot of sets without counting the reps during 20 minutes?

So you are 20 minutes not resting? and you do 3 exercises after each other or one by one?

this is my shoulder workout.

dbell shoulder press 8reps rest 5 seconds 8 reps rest 5 seconds 8 reps

side laterals same way

rear delts same way

front raise same way

repeat cycle 2-3 times.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: no one on December 08, 2013, 05:07:57 PM
Before steroids existed, this is how people trained. They mainly did full body sessions and trained most days going very heavy. This is how I train and I got brutally strong incredibly fast on a shitty low protein high carb diet. I think that if I got my diet more on track and did more volume and reps, "mind muscle connection" I'd grow pretty well based on the strength gains I get alone. I stick to 1-4 reps though, many sets and low rest. Just a personal anecdote, might be completely incorrect and talking out my ass. But simply switching to keto got my body weight up 5kg and I look leaner and my deadlift went up 15kg in 3 months. As I dial shit in further the results are even better

I find it entirely believable keto promoted those gains.

too many people focus on what they are 'supposed to do' instead of finding out what works for them.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: no one on December 08, 2013, 05:12:07 PM
how in the hell do you joints handle that workload dude?

i'd get sore elbows and shoulders if i did that, in fact i get some elbows and shoulders when i train each bodypart twice a week

so are you saying that muscle gains are based on fatigue and not on load?

then you have to examine why your getting sore joints.  imo your either using too much weight, or doing exercises that are causing you discomfort. ie 3 sets of skullcrushers fuck my elbows for a week. so I don't do them.

what I'm saying is what I wrote in my posts. I can't make it any clearer. take from it what you will.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Dago_Joe on December 08, 2013, 05:41:37 PM
before steroids existed there were no impressive physiques

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: oni on December 08, 2013, 07:05:03 PM
Greek and Roman statues look pretty good
Just sayin
Depends what you mean by "impressive"
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: chess315 on December 08, 2013, 08:09:09 PM
maybe this will help to undrstand:

-bigro 1gr weekly

-cswole 5g+ weekly

-groink 500mg weekly

-noone between 250-750weekly

-gal : natty

-ukjeff : i dont talk about this weekly

-esfitness up to 6gr weekly

-bostin loid allegedly 13gr of bunk=3gramms weekly

-flintstone 19 year old since a decade and natural,never juiced weekly

-sev: depending of peace of mind, between nothing and 200mg dbol daily

the only ones whos dosage on there i really think may be accurate is efs possibly cswole but i really think he is more of a 1-3 gram guy just bullshiting
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: macos on December 08, 2013, 08:23:12 PM
imo it has nothing to do with your diet. its 100% genetic response to anabolics/ peptides, and creating an environment that primes the body for growth.

i am making the best gains of my life right now on 125 grams of protein a day. 150 on some days but i seldom get more than that. i am bigger than i ever have been, and as lean. would taking in 250 grams of protein make me bigger? no. i took in 250-300 grams of protein RELIGIOUSLY for years, and im running LESS gear than when i was when i was taking in a very high protein diet. actually im taking in comparatively 1/2 as many caloires than i have used to get the size that i am building upon. this 'should not' be possible, given what we've been 'taught' or 'told'.

the only variable that has changed that i feel is generating these gains is my training frequency- i train my whole body 3x a week. this is where the growth comes from. i think if i was still blindly following the whole myth of over training (hahah gimme a fucking break) and only training my whole body once a eek i wouldnt be experiencing the growth i am. the 'need' for protein has been over exaggerated for years.

ESF is right on spot there talking about diet and aas ratio and the effect.

Any guy can be a freak. Even the worsr generics will respond amazingly to grams of gear and peptides. Genetics is only an excuse when you do not know what to do to make yourself better than what you were.
You need intense training+ quality nutrition+ adequate rest+ the correct enhancers to make progress. If you have stalled lately, stop being a pussy blaming genetics and re-evaluate where possibly you are going wrong and what adjustments you need to make to achieve your goal.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 08, 2013, 08:48:38 PM
the only ones whos dosage on there i really think may be accurate is efs possibly cswole but i really think he is more of a 1-3 gram guy just bullshiting
well, not i thin and may be, i posted those for the reason that i know them.

some are bit joke-intent,but theyre accurate.

ESF is right on spot there talking about diet and aas ratio and the effect.

Any guy can be a freak. Even the worsr generics will respond amazingly to grams of gear and peptides. Genetics is only an excuse when you do not know what to do to make yourself better than what you were.
You need intense training+ quality nutrition+ adequate rest+ the correct enhancers to make progress. If you have stalled lately, stop being a pussy blaming genetics and re-evaluate where possibly you are going wrong and what adjustments you need to make to achieve your goal.
nah, theres many,many,many men out there who have absolute shit genetics for this and the size is not hapening for them, no matter what.

the vast majority has extremly shit genetics for this.

i seen it all, i seen the guys on gramms of pharmacy test,on the most expenisve gh sdtraight from hospitals, insulin, i seen them and their results.

the real big guys arent the ones on most gear,theyre just the most consistent.

in almost all gyms many do cycles and stuf and they look like first time in the gym.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: almard on December 08, 2013, 11:23:18 PM
ya bro i used to run 2g cycles all the time. my favourite being 7 and 7- 700mg tren ace/700mg prop and an oral of my liking typically anavar.

all this year i never went over 750mg of combined aa's. at the same time i trpiled my workout frequency. my gains have been better than when i was using 2g cycles, stuffing myself all the time and only training my whole body once a week.

this month i have bumped it up to 1600mg combined im in week 4 right now of this experiment ive got 4 left. my cals are only 1600 a day, some days low as 1000. protein is maybe 125-150 like i said. and im growing like a fucking weed over here.

honestly i say its all in the increased frequency of my sessions. upping the dose and not giving the body the stimulus necessary to repair and grow will get you no results. the body will utilise what little cals you give it efficiently. would i be making these gains on the same amount of anabolics, the same cals, and only training everything once a week. no. i dont think so. i did that for years and got nowhere.

the guys here know me. they know i dont bullshit or inflate the truth. i have no vested interest in saying anything like this other than to help you guys get gaining. up the frequency of your sessions. get your body used to the volume. it'll take porlly a good 3-4 weeks. once your get it adapting up your dose and watch the growth. typically even if you up the dose results appear to be very marginal. thats cause the workload isnt there. i honestly think guys could make as much in the way of gains by cutting their doses down, and increasing their workload. you want to make crazy gains, up the dose and the workload.  you dont even need to up it a lot- i less than doubled what i was running this year, but am still well under the 2g mark i normally ran, and i can promise you im bigger and better condidtioned than most guys running nosebleed digits. and imo i have shit genetics.

Thanks bro. Respect
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: macos on December 09, 2013, 10:00:50 AM
[quote author=galeniko link=topic=508305.msg7189938#msg7189938 daetics for this.

i seen it all, i seen the guys on gramms of pharmacy test,on the most expenisve gh sdtraight from hospitals, insulin, i seen them and their results.

the real big guys arent the ones on most gear,theyre just the most consistent.

in almost all gyms many do cycles and stuf and they look like first time in the gym.


Being consistent is an unwritten golden embossed rule that most guys forget.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Rascal full on December 09, 2013, 10:16:36 AM
I have made so many mistakes it is ridiculous. When I did my first cycle I expected to grow using a quarter of the intensity of when natural. I really took my foot off the gas expecting the drugs to make up the difference. They did to an extent but not as much as I expected. So I upped the dose! Big rookie error and it made no difference. Utilizing the drugs with consistent and progressive training is when it clicked in my head. Dose came down and training intensity went up. Results finally!
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: a_pupil on December 09, 2013, 11:28:11 AM
thread turned out great. good info  :)
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Christo on December 09, 2013, 12:55:29 PM
this is my shoulder workout.

dbell shoulder press 8reps rest 5 seconds 8 reps rest 5 seconds 8 reps

side laterals same way

rear delts same way

front raise same way

repeat cycle 2-3 times.

Ok. it means you are not using the pyramid system? but you start with a heavy weight?
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: no one on December 09, 2013, 02:44:23 PM
ESF is right on spot there talking about diet and aas ratio and the effect.

Any guy can be a freak. Even the worsr generics will respond amazingly to grams of gear and peptides. Genetics is only an excuse when you do not know what to do to make yourself better than what you were.
You need intense training+ quality nutrition+ adequate rest+ the correct enhancers to make progress. If you have stalled lately, stop being a pussy blaming genetics and re-evaluate where possibly you are going wrong and what adjustments you need to make to achieve your goal.

intense training? bullshit. I'm the laziest trainer going. I chase the pump. I don't lift heavy.

quality nutrition? bullshit. the bulk of my daily cals is ice cream and potato chips and chicken breast. think this is a joke? it is not. you think your body partitions cals differently given a deficit or a surplus? think again. in a deficit it will use every cal efficiently carbs fats for fuel protein for regeneration. in a surplus your going to get fat no matter what you eat cause your body can't utilize the cals anyway.

adequate rest? bullshit. I train each body part evey 48 hours.

your post sounds more like an article out of muscle and fitness and less based on any actual experience. I'm not bagging on you cause for years I drank the koolaid just like you do. then I got wise realised it's all bullshit.

re read what I wrote. this isn't fucking rocket science no matter how much you need to believe it is.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 09, 2013, 03:45:15 PM
yah, it seems the more rest i get,the less full and hard i look.

quality nitrition is very vague term
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Oly15 on December 09, 2013, 03:52:39 PM
ya bro i used to run 2g cycles all the time. my favourite being 7 and 7- 700mg tren ace/700mg prop and an oral of my liking typically anavar.

all this year i never went over 750mg of combined aa's. at the same time i trpiled my workout frequency. my gains have been better than when i was using 2g cycles, stuffing myself all the time and only training my whole body once a week.

this month i have bumped it up to 1600mg combined im in week 4 right now of this experiment ive got 4 left. my cals are only 1600 a day, some days low as 1000. protein is maybe 125-150 like i said. and im growing like a fucking weed over here.

honestly i say its all in the increased frequency of my sessions. upping the dose and not giving the body the stimulus necessary to repair and grow will get you no results. the body will utilise what little cals you give it efficiently. would i be making these gains on the same amount of anabolics, the same cals, and only training everything once a week. no. i dont think so. i did that for years and got nowhere.

the guys here know me. they know i dont bullshit or inflate the truth. i have no vested interest in saying anything like this other than to help you guys get gaining. up the frequency of your sessions. get your body used to the volume. it'll take porlly a good 3-4 weeks. once your get it adapting up your dose and watch the growth. typically even if you up the dose results appear to be very marginal. thats cause the workload isnt there. i honestly think guys could make as much in the way of gains by cutting their doses down, and increasing their workload. you want to make crazy gains, up the dose and the workload.  you dont even need to up it a lot- i less than doubled what i was running this year, but am still well under the 2g mark i normally ran, and i can promise you im bigger and better condidtioned than most guys running nosebleed digits. and imo i have shit genetics.


You're training the same way Arnold and all the top guys from the 70's trained. The reason they looked so much better and had much more dense quality muscle than the guys today is because they fed the drugs by training with high volume and high frequency. Guys today take exponentially more drugs than back then and even come contest time most look like water buffalos
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: oni on December 09, 2013, 03:56:43 PM
For me, "rest" is different to not training. That's not "rest", it's apathy and procrastination. I get my best results training full body 6 days a week. Granted, I'm not a bodybuilder so I might be talking out my ass here but for strength it works well. I don't really seem to have a problem with gaining muscle mass. I don't see why the rules would change simply because you're trying to get stronger with reps
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Christo on December 10, 2013, 10:48:10 AM
this is my shoulder workout.

dbell shoulder press 8reps rest 5 seconds 8 reps rest 5 seconds 8 reps

side laterals same way

rear delts same way

front raise same way

repeat cycle 2-3 times.

Can you please explain: so you are doing first one exercise which includes 3 sets. after that you do the second excercise and when you have done the last excercise you start again with the first excercise?

Please let me know because i have a lot of intrest in this system!

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 10, 2013, 12:24:29 PM

it's true but a lot of fools dont realize how long steroids already exist
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: no one on December 10, 2013, 01:09:39 PM

Can you please explain: so you are doing first one exercise which includes 3 sets. after that you do the second excercise and when you have done the last excercise you start again with the first excercise?

Please let me know because i have a lot of intrest in this system!

Thanks in advance

bro I'm not going to give you my system. not because I'm being a dick, but because I want you to figure out what works best for you. what I do won't work for you.

I can't explain what I do cause every workout I do is different. different exercises different rep schemes different poundages there is nothing I do in the gym that is the same from session to session. all that is the same is the rotation and even some days that changes. I'll leave a body part out that I feel is not ready to go, or I'll train the same part 2x in 24 hours.

forget about everything you have ever read learned or were told. go in the gym and just listen to your body. some days I'll do 8 sets if pulldowns for me back cause that's what's giving me a killer pump and I have a really good connection. some days I'll do one set and be like fuck it. not today.

there is no set routine bro. pick a body part and just start to train it not according to what your supposed to do, but according to how what your doing feels.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: no one on December 10, 2013, 01:25:45 PM
yah, it seems the more rest i get,the less full and hard i look.

quality nitrition is very vague term

what is 'quality nutrition' lol

this is a pet peeve of mine cause every body reguritates the same wrong useless bullshit.

so my body knows the difference between a calorie? oh wait this is a BAD CALORIE. I'm going to store it as fat. oh here is a GOOD CALORIE. ok I'll use this for fuel.

same thing w protein. oh wait this is an egg. hmmm. well maybe I'll just not utilize it properly just in case he takes in some isolate later. :D

gimme a fucking break.

in a deficit the type of calorie doesn't matter as it'll utilize them all efficiently for fuel. in a surplus thextypecof calorie doesn't matter cause your taking in too many calories than your body can utilize anyway. think a white potato is going to make you less fat than the same number of cals from potato chips in a surplus? hahaha fuck no. it's all going to fat. or maybe the white potato because it is a 'quality nutrient' magically gets used differently by the body.

all you need to know is this. protein builds muscle. not carbs. not fat. protein. take in enough protein to promote growth and it doesn't fucking matter where the remainder of your cals come from. the ONLY time it matters is when your trying to get from 5 to 4%.

then I believe insulin release plays a role. but until that point, which 99.9% of dedicated weight trainers will never see it doesn't fucking matter.

see all those fat permabulkers in your gym? they believe in 'quality nutrition'. and they are all FAT. ask yourselves why this is. after all they're eating 'quality' calories right?


so please PLEASE tell me, I'm dying to know, if we know that the only nutrient that creates lean tissue is protein WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT MATTER what the rest of your cals come from.

keep drinking the koolaid kids. while your struggling to break 6-7% with your quality nutrients I'll be eating ice cream and pizza EVERY FUCKING DAY.

/ rant.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 10, 2013, 01:40:07 PM

i eat pizza pancake french fries all the time

i just dont eat obscene amounts

and i'm lean all the time

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: macos on December 10, 2013, 01:43:00 PM
it's true but a lot of fools dont realize how long steroids already exist

True. Man has been eating crushed balls of cattle for a long time.
 Not very recently though  ;)
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: oni on December 10, 2013, 03:01:38 PM
I think if you're looking to keep fat under control, spiking insulin then eating fats is a bad idea. You simply can't justify deep frying something then wedging it in a bun.
Now clearly it's as simple as not eating a lot of it, but why would you eat a burger and fries for 1500kcal when you can eat a lot of meat, starches and veg and be very full
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 10, 2013, 03:05:30 PM
I think if you're looking to keep fat under control, spiking insulin then eating fats is a bad idea. You simply can't justify deep frying something then wedging it in a bun.
Now clearly it's as simple as not eating a lot of it, but why would you eat a burger and fries for 1500kcal when you can eat a lot of meat, starches and veg and be very full
reality is this shit dont matter

a calori is a calori

a protein is a protein

a steroid is a steroid
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: dj181 on December 10, 2013, 03:27:22 PM

quality nutrition? bullshit. the bulk of my daily cals is ice cream and potato chips and chicken breast. think this is a joke? it is not. you think your body partitions cals differently given a deficit or a surplus? think again. in a deficit it will use every cal efficiently carbs fats for fuel protein for regeneration. in a surplus your going to get fat no matter what you eat cause your body can't utilize the cals anyway.

i've been saying this for years dude, but nobody listened
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: oni on December 10, 2013, 03:33:43 PM
reality is this shit dont matter

a calori is a calori

a protein is a protein

a steroid is a steroid

Going to have to disagree there. 3500kcal in fast food gave me a large amount of visceral fat. 2,500kcal keto/paleo diet and I am growing more than ever and visceral fat is going down. I think there are certainly fats that are more lipogenic than others. Human adipose tissue has different ratios of saturated, mono and poly unsaturated fats and when you diet down it's been shown that the body prefers to use the saturated fats first. Sticking to mainly saturated fats + omega3 I am looking better than ever
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 10, 2013, 03:35:05 PM
Going to have to disagree there. 3500kcal in fast food gave me a large amount of visceral fat. 2,500kcal keto/paleo diet and I am growing more than ever and visceral fat is going down. I think there are certainly fats that are more lipogenic than others. Human adipose tissue has different ratios of saturated, mono and poly unsaturated fats and when you diet down it's been shown that the body prefers to use the saturated fats first. Sticking to mainly saturated fats + omega3 I am looking better than ever
you are eating less and therefor losing fat

you are training and or juicing harder and therefor gaining muscle


still doesnt prove ur theory

but maybe

i cant disprove either so

i say common sense is the way to go
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: oni on December 10, 2013, 06:31:16 PM
If it works, it works
I definitely grow more from eating less on a keto diet though
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 10, 2013, 08:44:57 PM
Going to have to disagree there. 3500kcal in fast food gave me a large amount of visceral fat. 2,500kcal keto/paleo diet and I am growing more than ever and visceral fat is going down. I think there are certainly fats that are more lipogenic than others. Human adipose tissue has different ratios of saturated, mono and poly unsaturated fats and when you diet down it's been shown that the body prefers to use the saturated fats first. Sticking to mainly saturated fats + omega3 I am looking better than ever

Yep this is spot on.

Don't have time to pull up the studies, but higher omega 3:6 ratios will promote greater fat lass.

Lacking proper omega 3s will slow fat loss. There is something to be said for "healthy fats" even though that's kind of a stupid term. They do posess fat burning abilities through various mechanisms.

Another key component of this argument that I can't get past is the hormonal effects from various food sources. I can eat 200g a day from rice and sweet potatoes or HFCS. Which will keep me fuller all day long, keep my blood glucose more stable? Which will trigger fat storage to a greater degree? I'll take my slow digesting carbs any day over some sugar which will screw with everything and then leave me hungry and flat an hour later.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: dj181 on December 10, 2013, 11:18:24 PM
higher omega 3:6 ratios will promote greater fat lass.

so does that mean that it helps one to land fatter chicks ???
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 11, 2013, 08:35:46 PM
so does that mean that it helps one to land fatter chicks ???

Yes it will help with your goals brother.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: dj181 on December 12, 2013, 12:28:05 AM
Yes it will help with your goals brother.

wait a minute man, i very much prefer this to fat chicks




Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 12, 2013, 11:47:26 AM
yah while one seems to get away with bad foods, there will be some visceral fat build up, think about it where are the excess calories going?

lol@dj he still doesnt get the guy in above pic has 10 times more shoulder mass and is structuraly 100times his superior
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 12, 2013, 11:59:26 AM
wait a minute man, i very much prefer this to fat chicks





Um.....are you gay bro?
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: dj181 on December 12, 2013, 12:11:15 PM
yah while one seems to get away with bad foods, there will be some visceral fat build up, think about it where are the excess calories going?

lol@dj he still doesnt get the guy in above pic has 10 times more shoulder mass and is structuraly 100times his superior

you will change your mind come jan 31st ;)
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycl
Post by: no one on December 12, 2013, 12:55:48 PM
you will change your mind come jan 31st ;)

you keep singing the same song bro.

its always "you'll see (at this date in the near future)'

not trying to be mean but its time to put up or shut up.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycl
Post by: dj181 on December 12, 2013, 01:44:22 PM
you keep singing the same song bro.

its always "you'll see (at this date in the near future)'

not trying to be mean but its time to put up or shut up.

here i'm 76.5 kg with 16 1/4 inch arms, before i was 69 kg with 15 1/3 inch arms

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycl
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 12, 2013, 02:10:10 PM
here i'm 76.5 kg with 16 1/4 inch arms, before i was 69 kg with 15 1/3 inch arms


Not bad for a natty
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycl
Post by: dj181 on December 12, 2013, 02:14:18 PM
Not bad for a natty

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycl
Post by: galeniko on December 12, 2013, 05:20:39 PM
you keep singing the same song bro.

its always "you'll see (at this date in the near future)'

not trying to be mean but its time to put up or shut up.
yeah theres no "youll see"

what he thinks to who hes talking to?

my size was all there already after 1 year of non stop bulking and there came nothing new the next 10+years.

theres no youll see, lol, esp not a some miserable orals only cycles.

there is no damn thing to see anytime soon, or ever, after age 30 if theres not yet a solid huge base,its not happening this lifetime.

here i'm 76.5 kg with 16 1/4 inch arms, before i was 69 kg with 15 1/3 inch arms

so waht,it looks exactly the same as before, no size was gained.

what was gained, i will list it for you:

-visceral fat from your shit diet, im not expert doctor ont this, but dont need to be one.thats that 1 or so inch widr waist.

-subcutane fat, some thin layer which adds to few lbs didnt ruin the shape, still lean, but a layer of fat everywhere, thats also why the abs arent shown in this pic.they covered in some fat.

-waterbloat from dbol, few lbs.

real muscle gains, none.

we can talk about numbers and stats till next sun-moon eclipse, but it doesnt change the visual fact that there was no gain.

at my most shredded my arms are just under 19inches and look their absolute biggest, when im fatter theyre around 20 and look huge but not as muscle gain either.

you know, pure muscle gain doesnt show as water under the skin, hope this helps to come down to earth a bit.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: dj181 on December 13, 2013, 01:02:13 AM
but here's the thing dude

i will post up this same exact shot on jan 31st at the same exact level of leanness and i will be anywhere from 3-5 kg bigger, and yes, you can quote me on this 8)

so therefore.... since i will be 3-5 kilos bigger with the same exact level of leanness and rippedness that WILL PROVE that this 3-5 kg gain WAS ALL LEAN MUSCLE TISSUE ;) 8)

and fuck it! i'll even add in some wheels shots sans calves

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Kim Jong Bob on December 13, 2013, 02:47:10 AM
Haters gonna hate and potatoes gonna potate.
Lots of jelousy here just because dj is a lean mean muscle machine with frank zaneish genetics
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: dj181 on December 13, 2013, 03:29:56 AM
Haters gonna hate and potatoes gonna potate.
Lots of jelousy here just because dj is a lean mean muscle machine with frank zaneish genetics


give my kind regards to n. korea
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 13, 2013, 12:36:39 PM
but here's the thing dude

i will post up this same exact shot on jan 31st at the same exact level of leanness and i will be anywhere from 3-5 kg bigger, and yes, you can quote me on this 8)

so therefore.... since i will be 3-5 kilos bigger with the same exact level of leanness and rippedness that WILL PROVE that this 3-5 kg gain WAS ALL LEAN MUSCLE TISSUE ;) 8)

and fuck it! i'll even add in some wheels shots sans calves

this picture is extremely impressive

lighting and sharpness etc is just phenomenal

however i think you lack size and lots of it

the solution is shooting more roids and lots of it
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: dj181 on December 13, 2013, 01:11:08 PM
this picture is extremely impressive

lighting and sharpness etc is just phenomenal

however i think you lack size and lots of it

the solution is shooting more roids and lots of it

what about lines and aesthetics ???
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 13, 2013, 01:12:26 PM
what about lines and aesthetics ???
hard to tell from the side

need to see the mandatory poses
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: dj181 on December 13, 2013, 01:27:46 PM
hard to tell from the side

need to see the mandatory poses

i'm not a bodybuilder brosef, and i don't want to be one, but i will post up some leg shots though (but probably just a quad shot and cut out the calf :D)

btw, what are your arms measuring nowadays?
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 13, 2013, 01:31:55 PM
i'm not a bodybuilder brosef, and i don't want to be one, but i will post up some leg shots though (but probably just a quad shot and cut out the calf :D)

btw, what are your arms measuring nowadays?
i understand, what you want is a top "physique" body


but i think you need to reconsider your strategy to achieve this, need a lot of size and then get super shredded

dude probably got real big before cutting down to this

anyway you must follow your own plan

my arm still 17", hope i can get to 18" when i start my new "blast" when i'm gonna do 750mg test

now i'm doing 150mg to take some brake on the hair body
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 13, 2013, 03:46:35 PM
the dude above, is an absolute monster "off-season", i seen pics, huge, not fat, just not soo shredded, very impressive size

50lbs of pure muscle over dj, and 50times better structure.

its not happening with oral only cycles+dj genetics its not.

hes not young enough either hes something 35 or what, if you havent got the size by then, we talk half the life is pretty mch over, most of the life where the joints etc will take the extra mass is long past,or soon to be.

its not happening in this life,it jst isnt,i cant tell it enough times.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: polychronopolous on December 13, 2013, 03:55:22 PM
Yep this is spot on.

Don't have time to pull up the studies, but higher omega 3:6 ratios will promote greater fat lass.

Lacking proper omega 3s will slow fat loss. There is something to be said for "healthy fats" even though that's kind of a stupid term. They do posess fat burning abilities through various mechanisms.

Another key component of this argument that I can't get past is the hormonal effects from various food sources. I can eat 200g a day from rice and sweet potatoes or HFCS. Which will keep me fuller all day long, keep my blood glucose more stable? Which will trigger fat storage to a greater degree? I'll take my slow digesting carbs any day over some sugar which will screw with everything and then leave me hungry and flat an hour later.

What kind of dosage of omega 3s are u taking daily?
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: no one on December 13, 2013, 06:09:58 PM
the dude above, is an absolute monster "off-season", i seen pics, huge, not fat, just not soo shredded, very impressive size

50lbs of pure muscle over dj, and 50times better structure.

its not happening with oral only cycles+dj genetics its not.

hes not young enough either hes something 35 or what, if you havent got the size by then, we talk half the life is pretty mch over, most of the life where the joints etc will take the extra mass is long past,or soon to be.

its not happening in this life,it jst isnt,i cant tell it enough times.

dude the guy just doesn't get it. I've told him. you've told him. countless others have told him.


dj simply doesn't have it. the BEST you'll ever do dj is a bigger version of what you are now. period.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 13, 2013, 09:24:01 PM
What kind of dosage of omega 3s are u taking daily?

An absolute shitload!

I'll have to add it up and get back to you.

Daily: 9 Fish oils, 4-6 TBSP of raw ground flaxseed in my shakes, wild salmon for 1 meal (almost every day)....

Also  the usual "healthy fats" foods (RAW uncooked nuts, avocados, nut butters), but those don't actually do much in terms of your 3:6 ratio, which people are often unaware of.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 14, 2013, 12:23:37 AM

dude the guy just doesn't get it. I've told him. you've told him. countless others have told him.


dj simply doesn't have it. the BEST you'll ever do dj is a bigger version of what you are now. period.
ar eyou saying he wont suddenly chamge muscle insertion if he finds a better training programme? ;D

you saying the skeletal structure is not gonna change if he always makes sure to keep the abs tight during exercise?

you think he would need hips transplant to get the v taper ;D

the guy has hilarious goals, he thinks bc he doesnt pick out the most massive monsters out there, the goal is within reach haha.

he then goes and picks out the most structuraly gifted men walking earth,haha, which if you think about it, is even more unrealistic.and says "something like this",yah sure, something like this guy whos 1 in 100million.

id rather bet on some permabulker to look like branchweerren one day.

this is a scary blurring of reality what we dealing with here, it liek taking a donkey and saying with little bit work and willpower ,its gonna turn into a award winning worldclass racehorse

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: dj181 on December 14, 2013, 01:43:37 AM
lol @ blow one and gayleniko

yeah my structure ain't phenomenal but it's pretty damn good

tiny joints (legit 6 inch wrists) fairly wide clavicles, very narrow waist (28 inches in fact) long legs, medium length torso

and i'll admit that dude in the above pic looks great, but i still don't wanna be even that big, he's a LEGIT light-heavy ie, a RIPPED AND DRY 90 kg

my goal is.... a RIPPED AND DRY 75 kg and once i hit that i'll stay there and not worry about getting bigger

right now i'm 72 kg and sitting @ 7%

and btw, i helped my source out with something and he gave my a some var and winny as a "gift" so i'll be trying them out in the near future to see what they do

right now i'm on a whopping 20 mg of dbol and i've gotten leaner as my waist has shrunk 1 inch and my ab skinfold has went down 2 mm but my bodyweight has stayed the same, so therefore i've gained muscle while losing fat 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 14, 2013, 06:36:22 AM
Your ribcage is odd looking.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Kim Jong Bob on December 14, 2013, 06:42:27 AM
Your ribcage is odd looking.
hater...its zanesque
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: dj181 on December 14, 2013, 07:04:56 AM
my goal is something like this but with just a bit bigger arms

dudes got great delts though 8)

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Borracho on December 14, 2013, 08:13:52 AM
What we should be doing is working together to help dj build the ultimate oral stack.

abombs + methyltrienolone + superdrol + cheque drops + winny = WINNING!!  
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycl
Post by: no one on December 14, 2013, 08:22:09 AM
ar eyou saying he wont suddenly chamge muscle insertion if he finds a better training programme? ;D

you saying the skeletal structure is not gonna change if he always makes sure to keep the abs tight during exercise?

you think he would need hips transplant to get the v taper ;D

the guy has hilarious goals, he thinks bc he doesnt pick out the most massive monsters out there, the goal is within reach haha.

he then goes and picks out the most structuraly gifted men walking earth,haha, which if you think about it, is even more unrealistic.and says "something like this",yah sure, something like this guy whos 1 in 100million.

id rather bet on some permabulker to look like branchweerren one day.

this is a scary blurring of reality what we dealing with here, it liek taking a donkey and saying with little bit work and willpower ,its gonna turn into a award winning worldclass racehorse


bingo. great analogy btw. lol

he wants to be round, full, symmetrical and balanced. hes angular and blocky.

i like the kid, hes got a great heart, but for some reason hes a dense as iron.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: dj181 on December 14, 2013, 08:42:00 AM
this is blocky ???

look how narrow that waist is, how can a fella with such a slim and narrow waist be blocky ???

blocky=wide waisted and i sure as hell ain't wide waisted lol
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 14, 2013, 08:48:51 AM
this is blocky ???

look how narrow that waist is, how can a fella with such a slim and narrow waist be blocky ???

blocky=wide waisted and i sure as hell ain't wide waisted lol

dj lacks self criticism

a bad quality for a bber

but hey if it makes him happy ???
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Borracho on December 14, 2013, 09:03:26 AM
What a disaster.

Fuck you ron avidan for not giving us another mod in this board.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: no one on December 14, 2013, 09:11:13 AM
this is blocky ???

look how narrow that waist is, how can a fella with such a slim and narrow waist be blocky ???

blocky=wide waisted and i sure as hell ain't wide waisted lol

are you on fucking drugs?

blocky refers to your whole overall appearance. there is not one round line on you. no roundness or the fullness that make roundness so impressive when someone does have it. therefor your as blocky as fuck. square. angular.

fuck your dumb. I try not to get mad at you but it's impossible. what the fuck is wrong with you. seriously bro you have real issues.

how THE FUCK can you look at that picture and think you have got good structure? HOW? you do not have good structure. 'I have 6inch wrists, a 28inch waist, long legs and a medium torso. therefor I've got good structure'

fuck your dumb.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 14, 2013, 09:43:20 AM
dj lacks self criticism

a bad quality for a bber


This x1000000000
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: dj181 on December 14, 2013, 10:26:50 AM
are you on fucking drugs?

blocky refers to your whole overall appearance. there is not one round line on you. no roundness or the fullness that make roundness so impressive when someone does have it. therefor your as blocky as fuck. square. angular.

fuck your dumb. I try not to get mad at you but it's impossible. what the fuck is wrong with you. seriously bro you have real issues.

how THE FUCK can you look at that picture and think you have got good structure? HOW? you do not have good structure. 'I have 6inch wrists, a 28inch waist, long legs and a medium torso. therefor I've got good structure'

fuck your dumb.

no worries dude

i could care less what you think of my "structure"

anyways i'm outta here and i ain't gonna post no update pics


Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 14, 2013, 10:29:25 AM

this dude

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Kim Jong Bob on December 14, 2013, 11:09:29 AM
no worries dude

i could care less what you think of my "structure"

anyways i'm outta here and i ain't gonna post no update pics


fucking haters look what you all did  >:(
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 14, 2013, 11:44:11 AM
no worries dude

i could care less what you think of my "structure"

anyways i'm outta here and i ain't gonna post no update pics


Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: polychronopolous on December 14, 2013, 12:09:10 PM
An absolute shitload!

I'll have to add it up and get back to you.

Daily: 9 Fish oils, 4-6 TBSP of raw ground flaxseed in my shakes, wild salmon for 1 meal (almost every day)....

Also  the usual "healthy fats" foods (RAW uncooked nuts, avocados, nut butters), but those don't actually do much in terms of your 3:6 ratio, which people are often unaware of.

Your post on this ratio kinda hit home for me cause I recently started taking about 5 to 10 1000 mg fish oil capsules a day 300mg of Omega 3 in each capsule. Basically the only supplement I take and it was really for heart health after listening to such industry leaders as Will Brink recommend them so much.

My diet has always been pretty average and I don't really pay alot of attention to it. I eat alot of poor food too which was probably holding me back(double meat cheeseburgers, Tostinos CrispCrust Party Pizzas, Sams Choice Great Value fish sticks) I do try to keep my calories somewhat in check though. I noticed after keeping my diet about the same and implementing the fish oil, I did lean up a little bit with better vascularity. I bet my ratio was jacked because of the diet not being very spot on just like u stated.

Does the flaxseed give some kind of benefit that the fish oil does not?
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 14, 2013, 12:37:41 PM
Your post on this ratio kinda hit home for me cause I recently started taking about 5 to 10 1000 mg fish oil capsules a day 300mg of Omega 3 in each capsule. Basically the only supplement I take and it was really for heart health after listening to such industry leaders as Will Brink recommend them so much.

My diet has always been pretty average and I don't really pay alot of attention to it. I eat alot of poor food too which was probably holding me back(double meat cheeseburgers, Tostinos CrispCrust Party Pizzas, Sams Choice Great Value fish sticks) I do try to keep my calories somewhat in check though. I noticed after keeping my diet about the same and implementing the fish oil, I did lean up a little bit with better vascularity. I bet my ratio was jacked because of the diet not being very spot on just like u stated.

Does the flaxseed give some kind of benefit that the fish oil does not?

Good stuff bro!

Flax has a lotta good benefits. High in antioxidants, 75x more Lignans than any other plant source, lotta good fiber. But, I mainly take it for the Omega 3 mega dose. 2TBSP contains 2.8g.

I always eat lots of "good fats", but I've been trying to supplement more with fish oils and flax or chia more because there's a dramatic decrease in the prevalence of disease in those who have a better Omega 3:6 ratio. Not saying omega 3's or 9's aren't necessary, but most people are just very deficient in 3's.

PS I notice the same thing regarding my physique when I keep my omega 3's high. If I could only spend money on a few supps it would be 1) a comprehensive cold processed multivitamin/mineral, 2) some form of Omega 3 supplementation, and 3) probiotics. All other "bodybuilding" supps come after these needs are met.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: no one on December 14, 2013, 01:57:42 PM
no worries dude

i could care less what you think of my "structure"

anyways i'm outta here and i ain't gonna post no update pics


oh fuck no don't do that! don't take away the progress pics bro! fuck my whole being and reason for living revolves around seeing how you've made ZERO FUCKING PROGRESS in the past 10 years you've been here.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Dago_Joe on December 14, 2013, 10:43:50 PM
What we should be doing is working together to help dj build the ultimate oral stack.

abombs + methyltrienolone + superdrol + cheque drops + winny = Trip to morgue
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 15, 2013, 03:31:27 AM
What we should be doing is working together to help dj build the ultimate oral stack.

abombs + methyltrienolone + superdrol + cheque drops + winny = WINNING!!  
no need

he has stabilized his bodyweight while getting leaner

means he is losing fat AND adding muscle

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Dago_Joe on December 15, 2013, 11:45:00 AM
no need

he has stabilized his bodyweight while getting leaner

means he is losing fat AND adding muscle


Or even better, he is TURNING FAT INTO MUSCLE.  The ultimate superpower.  Besides big arms and getting the girls.  That is the greatest power ever.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: anabolichalo on December 15, 2013, 12:27:54 PM
realistically he's dehydrating and thinking he lost fat ???

or plain delusional
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: no one on December 15, 2013, 08:48:51 PM

Or even better, he is TURNING FAT INTO MUSCLE.  The ultimate superpower.  Besides big arms and getting the girls.  That is the greatest power ever.

so therefore.... since i will be 3-5 kilos bigger with the same exact level of leanness and rippedness that WILL PROVE that this 3-5 kg gain WAS ALL LEAN MUSCLE TISSUE ;) 8)

lol hes going to put on 5KG of LEAN TISSUE in one month using orals. guys running nosebleed numbers/ running gh are LUCKY to put on 7kg of lean tissue in a year.

fuck at that rate why not stay on for 12 months and put on a SHREDDED 50 kilo of ripped fucking mass.

lol jesus wept

the guys a headcase.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 15, 2013, 08:53:07 PM

lol hes going to put on 5KG of LEAN TISSUE in one month using orals. guys running nosebleed numbers/ running gh are LUCKY to put on 7kg of lean tissue in a year.

fuck at that rate why not stay on for 12 months and put on a SHREDDED 50 kilo of ripped fucking mass.

lol jesus wept

7kg of pure dry muscle is mind blowing gains.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: no one on December 15, 2013, 08:55:35 PM
7kg of pure dry muscle is mind blowing gains.

fuck ya. astronomical.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Dago_Joe on December 15, 2013, 09:04:15 PM

lol hes going to put on 5KG of LEAN TISSUE in one month using orals. guys running nosebleed numbers/ running gh are LUCKY to put on 7kg of lean tissue in a year.

fuck at that rate why not stay on for 12 months and put on a SHREDDED 50 kilo of ripped fucking mass.

lol jesus wept

the guys a headcase.

I gained 7 kg of mostly water and a bit of fat on Abombs, but I am a fatso to start with.  Like you said 7 kg of actual lean muscle is impossible on just orals.  No amount of any of them will ever achieve that without first killing you from liver failure.  I'm not ragging on the guy, but he is delusional if he thinks this going to happen.
  I'm a relative newb here, but is there any particular reason he won't shoot gear?  Needle phobia?
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: dj181 on December 15, 2013, 09:11:12 PM

lol hes going to put on 5KG of LEAN TISSUE in one month using orals. guys running nosebleed numbers/ running gh are LUCKY to put on 7kg of lean tissue in a year.

fuck at that rate why not stay on for 12 months and put on a SHREDDED 50 kilo of ripped fucking mass.

lol jesus wept

the guys a headcase.

nice job of putting words in my mouth dummy

never said i'd add 5 kg of pure muscle tissue in one month

i was at that ripped level at he end of may, so the end of january would be 8 months genius

and it was 3-5 kg added

remember dipshit, i haven't trained legs hard IN YEARS, and in fact i've never trained them hard for more than 2 months in a row EVER
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 15, 2013, 09:17:26 PM
nice job of putting words in my mouth dummy

never said i'd add 5 kg of pure muscle tissue in one month

i was at that ripped level at he end of may, so the end of january would be 8 months genius

and it was 3-5 kg added

remember dipshit, i haven't trained legs hard IN YEARS, and in fact i've never trained them hard for more than 2 months in a row EVER

Why do you have to be so rude and curse in a civilized discussion such as this?
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Dago_Joe on December 15, 2013, 09:21:35 PM
Really DJ, why do you avoid injecting gear?  I'm curious since I am a newb.  Are you worried or have a phobia about needles and injecting? 
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: no one on December 15, 2013, 09:26:54 PM
Why do you have to be so rude and curse in a civilized discussion such as this?

holy fuck I just burst out laughing your too much dude awesome :D
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: dj181 on December 15, 2013, 09:37:47 PM
Really DJ, why do you avoid injecting gear?  I'm curious since I am a newb.  Are you worried or have a phobia about needles and injecting? 

don't know really

and don't know why you dudes care so much about it ???

i could care less if you inject pop pills or whatever, but i guess that's coz narcissists only see themselves and not others lol

    Expects to be recognized as superior and special, without superior accomplishments
    Expects constant attention, admiration and positive reinforcement from others
    Envies others and believes others envy him/her
    Is preoccupied with thoughts and fantasies of great success, enormous attractiveness, power, intelligence
    Lacks the ability to empathize with the feelings or desires of others
    Is arrogant in attitudes and behavior
    Has expectations of special treatment that are unrealistic

just this past weekend i had a go in with my girl about my narcissism and let's just say that she ain't a fan of it ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 15, 2013, 10:26:34 PM
don't know really

and don't know why you dudes care so much about it ???

i could care less if you inject pop pills or whatever, but i guess that's coz narcissists only see themselves and not others lol

    Expects to be recognized as superior and special, without superior accomplishments
    Expects constant attention, admiration and positive reinforcement from others
    Envies others and believes others envy him/her
    Is preoccupied with thoughts and fantasies of great success, enormous attractiveness, power, intelligence
    Lacks the ability to empathize with the feelings or desires of others
    Is arrogant in attitudes and behavior
    Has expectations of special treatment that are unrealistic

just this past weekend i had a go in with my girl about my narcissism and let's just say that she ain't a fan of it ;D ;D ;D

You aren't a narcissist bro....
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Kim Jong Bob on December 16, 2013, 01:31:36 AM
You aren't a narcissist bro....
sure about that  ;D
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 16, 2013, 06:28:00 AM
sure about that  ;D

He's just an insecure guy. Labels himself a narcissist because he thinks it sounds cooler and more manly than being labeled an insecure, scared  little man. no offense.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: dj181 on December 16, 2013, 08:02:04 AM
He's just an insecure guy. Labels himself a narcissist because he thinks it sounds cooler and more manly than being labeled an insecure, scared  little man. no offense.

everyone is insecure from time to time unless they are complete sociopaths

and guess what? i ain't as insecure as you think i am, at least not in regards to my physique ;)

in fact, i'm VERY VERY close to the point that i want to be physique wise, so what the hell is there to be insecure about as i'm very satisfied with my physique and how it looking nowadays ???

i'm maybe a bit insecure or at least seen as insecure with male-female relationships but it's more like anger and fear of being trapped by a female and losing my freedoms

"there's one way out baby, Lord i just can't get out that door"

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 16, 2013, 08:16:15 AM
everyone is insecure from time to time unless they are complete sociopaths

and guess what? i ain't as insecure as you think i am, at least not in regards to my physique ;)

in fact, i'm VERY VERY close to the point that i want to be physique wise, so what the hell is there to be insecure about as i'm very satisfied with my physique and how it looking nowadays ???

i'm maybe a bit insecure or at least seen as insecure with male-female relationships but it's more like anger and fear of being trapped by a female and losing my freedoms

"there's one way out baby, Lord i just can't get out that door"

You're just delusional then  :D
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: dj181 on December 16, 2013, 08:25:22 AM
You're just delusional then  :D

i'd be willing to be that you're more insecure than me ;)

btw, i was diagnosed as a narcissist by a professional therapist
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 16, 2013, 09:17:12 AM
i'd be willing to be that you're more insecure than me ;)

Spot on,  I am probably much more insecure than you broski

BRB gotta go measure my brachialis within the 1/16th inches
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Dago_Joe on December 16, 2013, 09:20:11 AM
don't know really

and don't know why you dudes care so much about it ???

i could care less if you inject pop pills or whatever, but i guess that's coz narcissists only see themselves and not others lol

    Expects to be recognized as superior and special, without superior accomplishments
    Expects constant attention, admiration and positive reinforcement from others
    Envies others and believes others envy him/her
    Is preoccupied with thoughts and fantasies of great success, enormous attractiveness, power, intelligence
    Lacks the ability to empathize with the feelings or desires of others
    Is arrogant in attitudes and behavior
    Has expectations of special treatment that are unrealistic

just this past weekend i had a go in with my girl about my narcissism and let's just say that she ain't a fan of it ;D ;D ;D

Dude, I was just wondering.  I, like you, do not care how or what someone ingests drug wise.  Some guys have a legit needle phobia and jabbing a 1 in 22 gauge needle into their ass or quad is a bit scary for them.  I never had this phobia luckily considering my choice of injection sites.  If you want to really get the maximum effect from gear you know you have to inject them, I'm sure you do and choose not to.  thats cool.  Whatever floats your boat, but trying to achieve big muscle gains off of orals is really not feasible health wise.    
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 16, 2013, 09:24:27 AM
Dude, I was just wondering.  I, like you, do not care how or what someone ingests drug wise.  Some guys have a legit needle phobia and jabbing a 1 in 22 gauge needle into their ass or quad is a bit scary for them.  I never had this phobia luckily considering my choice of injection sites.  If you want to really get the maximum effect from gear you know you have to inject them, I'm sure you do and choose not to.  thats cool.  Whatever floats your boat, but trying to achieve big muscle gains off of orals is really not feasible health wise.    

Bro, I know you mean well, but you will be pulling your hair out in frustration 6 months from now when dealing with this kid.

We've all tried to help him after dozens of his threads asking the same questions and ignoring the same advice.

Just wait and you'll see.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Dago_Joe on December 16, 2013, 09:31:48 AM
Bro, I know you mean well, but you will be pulling your hair out in frustration 6 months from now when dealing with this kid.

We've all tried to help him after dozens of his threads asking the same questions and ignoring the same advice.

Just wait and you'll see.

Thanks.  I will call this a lost cause and move on.  Just got me really curious and once i get a question in my head i have a hard time just forgetting about it until i get an answer.  Really though? Who uses just orals to try to get huge?  I can understand if you are a newb gear user and don't know shit or are afraid of needles and do a cycle of dbol or abombs and realize nothing big happens so you do a real cycle next time of injectables and orals.  just don't get it.... ??? ???
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: dj181 on December 16, 2013, 09:34:50 AM
here's the thing.... i want to weigh 165 @ 6%

not 185 or 2 bills just 165 and that's it (not looking to be big, just want to be very aesthetic with very nice and pretty lines (no homo) 8))

so do you really think that i need that much gear to weigh a buck 65 @ 6% ???

and on a side note, i gotta give a tip of the hat to chico flex for paying for that ladies grub at the fast food drive thru RESPECT

btw, i'm now running var and it's seems to be doing me good, just wish that it wasn't so goddamn mothefucking expensive >:( >:( >:( (although i did get it for free this time)
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on December 16, 2013, 09:36:31 AM
here's the thing.... i want to weigh 165 @ 6%

not 185 or 2 bills just 165 and that's it (not looking to be big, just want to be very aesthetic with very nice and pretty lines (no homo) 8))

so do you really think that i need that much gear to weigh a buck 65 @ 6% ???

and on a side note, i gotta give a tip of the hat to chico flex for paying for that ladies grub at the fast food drive thru RESPECT

btw, i'm now running var and it's seems to be doing me good, just wish that it wasn't so goddamn mothefucking expensive >:( >:( >:( (although i did get it for free this time)

I woulda bought you a happy meal too, stud.  8)
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: flinstones1 on December 16, 2013, 06:12:16 PM
everyone is insecure from time to time unless they are complete sociopaths

and guess what? i ain't as insecure as you think i am, at least not in regards to my physique ;)

in fact, i'm VERY VERY close to the point that i want to be physique wise, so what the hell is there to be insecure about as i'm very satisfied with my physique and how it looking nowadays ???

i'm maybe a bit insecure or at least seen as insecure with male-female relationships but it's more like anger and fear of being trapped by a female and losing my freedoms

"there's one way out baby, Lord i just can't get out that door"

this is painful for me to read.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: galeniko on December 16, 2013, 07:12:27 PM
let the physiques do the talk.

easy as.

long term low, short term high, orals only, whatever, let the phisiques do the talk.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycl
Post by: no one on December 17, 2013, 10:10:35 AM
i'd be willing to be that you're more insecure than me ;)

btw, i was diagnosed as a narcissist by a professional therapist

well fuck this explains everything.

carry on.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycl
Post by: no one on December 17, 2013, 10:11:20 AM
let the physiques do the talk.

easy as.

long term low, short term high, orals only, whatever, let the phisiques do the talk.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: deadz on December 17, 2013, 02:03:06 PM
younger than 35 cycle over stay on
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: latiuss on January 04, 2014, 02:54:12 AM
everyone is insecure from time to time unless they are complete sociopaths

and guess what? i ain't as insecure as you think i am, at least not in regards to my physique ;)

in fact, i'm VERY VERY close to the point that i want to be physique wise, so what the hell is there to be insecure about as i'm very satisfied with my physique and how it looking nowadays ???

i'm maybe a bit insecure or at least seen as insecure with male-female relationships but it's more like anger and fear of being trapped by a female and losing my freedoms

"there's one way out baby, Lord i just can't get out that door"

You sound like a closet homo, fear of being trapped? Lol also your physique is trash,drug use is pathetic for what you look like. Gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Shockwave on January 04, 2014, 10:28:42 AM
everyone is insecure from time to time unless they are complete sociopaths

and guess what? i ain't as insecure as you think i am, at least not in regards to my physique ;)

in fact, i'm VERY VERY close to the point that i want to be physique wise, so what the hell is there to be insecure about as i'm very satisfied with my physique and how it looking nowadays ???

i'm maybe a bit insecure or at least seen as insecure with male-female relationships but it's more like anger and fear of being trapped by a female and losing my freedoms

"there's one way out baby, Lord i just can't get out that door"

Translation - im a 40 year old virgin and shit my pantz every time a female looks at me, and I think if y reach my physique goals ill suddenly be confident and a woman will fall in my lap and ill live happily ever after.

or more simply - im insecure as fuck and have no confidence wirh women. Got it
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Overload on January 04, 2014, 11:35:38 AM
Let's play nice fellas.

No need to get a shit fest going again.

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on January 04, 2014, 03:21:57 PM
Let's play nice fellas.

No need to get a shit fest going again.


What's that supposed to mean?

Wanna take this outside???
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Dago_Joe on January 04, 2014, 04:33:49 PM
Let's play nice fellas.

No need to get a shit fest going again.


Them's fightin' words.
Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Overload on January 04, 2014, 10:28:52 PM
What's that supposed to mean?

Wanna take this outside???

Outside here in Houston or up by your place bro?

It's getting a bit nippy and my bad knee doesn't do so well on icey terrain.

I just shot 2cc of Test and i can take on the world.  Just sign the waiver...

Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on January 05, 2014, 01:50:19 AM
Outside here in Houston or up by your place bro?

It's getting a bit nippy and my bad knee doesn't do so well on icey terrain.

I just shot 2cc of Test and i can take on the world.  Just sign the waiver...


Title: Re: i'm questioning the theory of long low dose cycles over short high dose cycles
Post by: latiuss on January 05, 2014, 04:04:33 AM
What's that supposed to mean?

Wanna take this outside???
