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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => History - Stories - and Memories => Craig Titus & Kelly Ryan Discussions => Topic started by: tommywishbone on January 13, 2006, 08:59:21 PM

Title: Attention Gold's Las Vegas & Gold's Venice BB's.
Post by: tommywishbone on January 13, 2006, 08:59:21 PM
Soon Craig & Kelly will be brought back to Las Vegas and the media's coverage of the debacle will intensify. If by chance you are interviewed/taped/questioned/etc. by the print media/TV/etc., please stop and think through what you are going to say & do before you say or do it.

A good example of how your words & actions will be misused is the Geraldo interview (1/12/06) with Lonnie Teper. Someone from the TV crew asked Lonnie to do a few resistance-band curls (in the middle of his office) and for no reason at all, they inserted the video of Lonnie doing resistance-band curls into the middle of the interview... It made him look idiotic. It is very easy for your comments be edited or used in 'sound bite' interviews and you will look and sound like a dunce.

The freaks from Court TV, The Insider, Entertainment Tonight, Access Holywood, Greta Van Sustren, etc., will try their best to get people to say exactly what they want to hear and the result is embarrassing for those being interviewed.

Good luck.

Edit: I just wanted to add that I have met & spoken with Lonnie many times and he is not idiotic. The producers just have a way of making things seem different than they really are.
Title: Re: Attention Gold's Las Vegas & Gold's Venice BB's.
Post by: bigdumbbell on January 13, 2006, 09:20:40 PM
RITA COSBY  broke this story on national media. and dont you all forget it.  geraldo is about to arrive with his trash truck  lol 
rita got the exclusive on timothy mcveigh, tookie williams and all the othere jail interviews.  not fuckin geraldo     lol

Title: Re: Attention Gold's Las Vegas & Gold's Venice BB's.
Post by: deeznutz on January 14, 2006, 06:27:24 AM
Tommywishbone, that was so right on it ain't funny.  My thoughts exactly.  My advice for all is to say nothing, that way words won't be taken out of context and edited for sensational purposes.  Where is Edward R Murrow when you need him?

Title: Re: Attention Gold's Las Vegas & Gold's Venice BB's.
Post by: Tre on January 14, 2006, 07:16:34 AM

Give them something sensational to use and make sure you find a way to profit from it. 

I always advise declining comment, but if you think there's a payoff for you in talking and giving them sound bites, then you should certainly go for it. 
Title: Re: Attention Gold's Las Vegas & Gold's Venice BB's.
Post by: LatsMcGee on January 14, 2006, 08:10:31 AM
When Geraldo went to Iraq he took a bunch of beers with him and he refused to share them with the troops.  My brother in law said he's a real douche.
Title: Re: Attention Gold's Las Vegas & Gold's Venice BB's.
Post by: onlyme on January 14, 2006, 01:30:45 PM
You can say you know them like Chick did and get on TV then not be able to answer any of the questions they ask you about the case