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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => History - Stories - and Memories => Topic started by: young_athlete on June 18, 2014, 02:06:28 AM

Title: Pavel Markov - young athlete. Bodybuilding - my way to the championship.
Post by: young_athlete on June 18, 2014, 02:06:28 AM
Perfection! Grow! Never give up!"
Pavel Markov / young_athlete

Hello, my dear forum-friends. My story is dedicated to impetuous progress, transformation and something else … (intrigue). Also, I am going to give a talk about competitive bodybilding and some less-discussed themes. Nestle yourself and be ready to get an enormous charge of motivation and positive energy. You’ll be very interested, I promise. Are you ready? Then let’s get started. 

Progress/ transformation (photo-report):
Let’s begin with the most interesting thing. Here is visual demonstration of my progress for the last 1.7 year.
Weight before: approximately 53 kg.


Shortly about me:
My name is Pavel Markov, they may know me as “Young athlete”
Date of birth : 14 Мarch, 1997. Recently I’ve reached 17. I am a beginner in competitive bodybuilding.
I live in The Republic of Belarus, in a town called Minsk. At the moment I am preparing to compete in Russian national tournament (2014). As soon as I reach 18, I will take part in Arnold Classic (2015)
Some basic statistics:
Weight: At the moment I am on pre-contest diet. I haven’t weigh myself. That’s my principle. I estimate my form only looking at the mirror. That’s kind of experiment. Original one.
Max weight in off-season: 108 kg
Height: 184 cm.
Training experience: 1.7 year

Anthropometric stats for the moment:
Biceps: 44 cm+
Waist: 77 cm
Other muscle groups have never been measured.

Basic power activities for the moment:
It should be mentioned: I train highly intensive I’ve never made low reps. (Well, being honest, I have.  At the beginning of my way. Yeah, I still remember those days when I feverishly tried to push 100 kilo barbell a single time. Anyway, I managed to do that in a short period of time). Now, about my stats:
1.   Dumbbell pushing on horizontal bench : 100 kg with 22 reps ( there are no heavier dumbbells in my gym)
2.   Squats: 215 kg with 18 reps. High intension and huge weights is what demanded to get big legs. 
3.   Bent Over Barbell Row: 140 kg with 14 reps. Angle equals to 25-30 degrees.
That is all. I mean basic moves.
“ Hey, what is about a deadlift?” – You may ask.
A deadlift? I don’t do that. There are some reasons for that (Me reasons may not coincide with yours, please, don’t get mad)

1)   I consider a deadlift as the most injury-prone exercise.
2)   I just don’t feel the biomechanics of a deadlift on me. Only small of the back gets loaded . I feel some discomfort, doing it.
3)   I impose that a deadlift is unnecessary in bodybuilding. I am trying to build a beautiful and proportional body. I am sure that doing deadlifts may widen my waist. Maybe, I am wrong…  Anyway, tha’s just my point of view. So, please,  don’t make any kid of debuts out of that. Possibly, I’ll change my opinion about that, but it will be an another story.

Working out:
I have 5-6 training days. Using all of my experience I’ve concluded, that I’ve got to train instinctively. I do not use the same exercises every week. Just variety – just hardcore. Keep in mind, that your body has to be stressed to grow If you train actively, your muscle fibers will be damaged. Our body always tries to adopt to outward conditions. That is why the fibers will be reconstructed the way to resist further work. And here is my answer to the question “Why do muscle grow?”  I consider a gain as reciprocal reaction of your organism.

Now, about my training days splits:
1.   Arms, abs
2.   Chest, calves
3.   Delts, abs. ( my advice is to start with rear delt)
4.   Back and traps
5.   legs
6.   decelerating muscle groups
I don’t use periodization. Just a CONTSANT weight increase! I try to experiment as much as I can. For example: ///// for one week with a big weight for 12 reps. On the next week – moderate weight, destructive drop-sets, supersets, unimaginable combination of exercises
Quantity of reps: It’s in never less than 10. The first reason for that is the way muscles react to  high volume training . I realized that I easily get all kinds of gains with that. Of course, weight progression is needed. I haven’t been doing low-reps sets during last 7 months. Reps is what makes difference between bodybuilding and another sports.

In bulking period I have 7-9 meals.  I never limit myself in eating whatever I want. Surely, I try to get my proteins, carbs, and fats from qualitative products. But Every man has his besetting sin. At the moment I’m on pre-contest diet. I use protein and carb alternation. It looks like:
1st day
Intact eggs – 8, + 2 eyes of egg
Chicken chest – 300
Fish fillet – 400
Cottage  cheese – 400, + a lot of tasteless vegetables with every meal
Asparcam, vitamins, minerals, isolate, BCAA

2nd day
Intact eggs – 4, + 6 eyes of eggs, oatmeal – 50
Chicken chest – 250, buckwheat – 50
Fish – 300, a vegetable
Cottage cheese – 300, grapefruit, sometimes a green apple
Chicken chest – 250, rice – 50
Cottage cheese – 300
Asparcam, vitamins, minerals, isolate, BCAA

3rd day
Eyes of eggs – 10, oatmeal – 100
Chicken chest – 250, buckwheat – 100
Fish – 300, a vegetable
Cottage cheese – 300, a green apple or a grapefruit
Chicken chest – 250, rice – 100
Fish – 300, a vegetable
Cottage cheese – 300, an apple
Asparcam, vitamins, minerals, isolate, BCAA
Vegetables: cabbage, radish, cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli
Al in all (approximately):
1)   Carbs – 0, protein – 400, fats – 40, ccal – 2160
2)   Carbs – 120, protein – 350, fats – 20, ccal – 2000
3)   Carbs – 230, protein – 330, fats – 0, ccal - 2200

Sport nutrition I use constantly. ( Positions mean its value)
1.   Protein
2.   BCAA (The most important pre-contest addition)
3.   Multi-vitamins + minerals
4.   The rest of sport nutrition. It all depends on the period of time

Peptides and… :
They keep asking: “Did Markov use somatotropin?” . Here is the answer: “No”. The reason is: I’m too young,  and respected athletes keep telling me: “Way too early, Pavel”
Peptides: I’ve tried a huge quantity of it. The most discussed question is: “Does it work”. I am sure “IT DOES”. Proof for that is analyzes results. To Understand it you don’t have to be a doctor. The one who grasps in bodybuilding would get it. Analyzes show that there is an increased somatotropin maintenance in blood. It goes without saying that peptides you use would better be original. Buy it only from approved sellers and dealers. Make sure it’s not a placebo (a fake).  Have you got any questions?  I advise all the theorists to define the product after its usage.   
Those peptides should be mentioned (The order is accidental; I’ve used it):
1.   GHRP-6 or GHRP-2, ipamorelin, Geksarelin.
2.   GHRP:  CJC-1295 DAC or CJC-1295
3.   IGF-1 LR3
4.   PEG-MGF
Peptides advantage, as I see it:
•   Satisfactory ratio of price – quality
•   Peptides are rather cheaper than somatotropin (but not more effective!)
•   Very useful in gaining some mass in off-season. Helps you in achieving higher stats.
•   Disappear quickly and completely, you can avoid doping control test failure.
•   Its production and spreading isn’t forbidden by the law. Peptides are absolutely legal.
•   Speeded up natural hormones making (somatotropin, testosterone)
•   Speeded up recovery.
•   It influences mechanisms o its cellar level.
•   Immune system consolidation, increased appetite, slumber improvement.
•   It really works

Anyway, the main plus is its price. But even with all of those advantages listed, peptides are not as effective as somatotropin. Its influence is rather weaker. 
Pharmacology (hot, really hot)
Pharmacology questions will stay without an answer because of my personal interest.
The only thing I would say is that all the production was from Pharmacolabs. That’s the only company I can impeccably trust and never worry about my preparation. Pharmacolabs production works on its 110% out of 100% 

Lyric digression:
Nothing ever happens for no particular reason. There are no any secrets. To get something, you have to give something. It’s a harsh law of nature that can’t be changed. For instance, to have an imposing muscle body, you need to have an enormous knowledge package. Using it wisely you would save a lot of time, avoid unnecessary outlays, have a minimal injury risk. Knowledge is what support you in achieving whatever you want in every aspect of your life. Though, guys, educate yourself! Knowledge is a power. Train your brains not less than your muscles. 

I do cardio only when I’ on low-carb diet, I work-out with high intensity because high intense is what splits your fat cellars, To compare: Sprinter and marathoner. You can see that a sprinter has a impressive muscle mass and minimal fat sediment. At the same time a marathoner has the same fat sediment but with smaller muscles. The main point is not to step over this edge between fat and muscle splitting. I work out this way: Pulse – 140 beats per minute. Obligatory BCAA usage before cardio – 20 gr, after – 20 gr. I train with max intensity, use interval speeding up. All in all continuance depends on my mood. Also, never forget about liquids. That’s very important.

Water consumption:
Water is a life. Every process in our body is somehow connected with water. My advice is to drink water in heightened quantity. 2 liters is a minimum! This is especially related to those who is on low-carb-diet. Water has no calories at all, also it’s needed for lipolysis – biochemical fats decomposing. What is more, water take part in a cellar exchange, helps your body to get rid of skim and lipolysis remainders as well. It is extremely important, get it?

Bodybuilding in my life. The way it started:
Now I can’t answer it unambiguously. I don’t remember the exact reason for starting working out. I hues, the reason was the same as always: I wanted to become a little bit stronger, bigger, cooler. Maybe, cos I wanted to be liked with girls. It’s pretty hard to recollect that.
I distinctly remember that my head was full of thoughts like: Pasha, you’ve got to change yourself . You’ve got to get better”. From the same moment is started painstakingly looking for an information in internet, reading some literature, consulting with knowing people. I aimed everything to achieve my goal. I tried to build it the way to change myself, to get better. Step by step I was systematically approaching to my goal.  When I had seen my first results, I got even more motivated and kept going on with a bigger zeal. This is how I became who I am. 1.7 of the year has passed by.

My motivation:
Motivation is an integral part of my life. My main motivation is my mirror reflection. My motivation is a constant self-improvement, it’s my stimulus to get better in every aspect (not just in BB). Motivation is an aim and a zeal. The key is to get better, achieve the highest summit, whatever happens, I would try to succeed in it, they would be proud of me. It’s a high time to write my story the way I want.

I am not a typical schoolboy.

My aims, plans for the nearest future:
My plans are like Napoleon ones. From june 1st begins my assiduous preparation for Russia championship (2014), Most likely, I will train under a coach’s vision. I’ve passed my 1.7 year way without a coach. But I’m sure that a qualified coach knows what fits you the most like no one else does. He would point you at your shortcoming, would help you in achieving new goals. As soon as I get 18, I star my Arnold Classic (2015) preparation. I promise you to surprise everyone with my “Nuclear” form. I will do my best, I swear.   

Conclusion (watch out, motivation presence):
I hope you enjoyed reading that. If someone has drawn a lesson for himself – that’s just a pleasure of mine!
Know what, sometimes it’s very hard to handle yourself, change something in your life. In those situations you’ve got to set an aim and tell yourself: I can! I would do my best, do what I can to get better!” – Oh, have you just said it? Then do it!
The meaning of my life I see in a constant achieving of my goals. Keep in mind that if you want to get something, you’ve got to do something! You are the only one who is responsible for your life. And never search for justifications like “bad genetics”( for instance, Arnold and Lou Ferrigno had bad genetics,  nevertheless, look at them.) There is absolutely no point in crying about lack of finances, time, whatever. Enough excuses! If you desire – you would always find the time, the finances. Today is the high time of self-improvement! Time to be changed!

My contact info:

Vkontakte, Russian facebook like site:

Facebook itself:

Email: or

Skype: markel_l

ICQ: 677294701

Have you got an offer? Request? Question? Write to me!

I am always open for interesting offers, collaboration, bargains and etc. I would pleasurably  write you back.

Thank you for your attention and your time.

Yours faithfully, young athlete, Pavel Markov.

Further – brings more! Further – brings better!

To be continued…Don’t switch channels…

My actual form:

Title: Re: Pavel Markov - young athlete. Bodybuilding - my way to the championship.
Post by: nasht5 on June 18, 2014, 02:08:32 AM
wearing "workout gloves"... lol, would not hit.
Title: Re: Pavel Markov - young athlete. Bodybuilding - my way to the championship.
Post by: falco on June 18, 2014, 04:12:49 AM
Steroids may have stunted your growth bud. No turning back now.
Keep up the good work.

PS: You forgot to write "No homo" at the end of your essay.
Title: Re: Pavel Markov - young athlete. Bodybuilding - my way to the championship.
Post by: Quickerblade on June 18, 2014, 06:26:51 AM
Good you young fella.
Stay natural as long as you can, GH will make your head massive.
Don't forget to have fun, don't take this to seriously.
Title: Re: Pavel Markov - young athlete. Bodybuilding - my way to the championship.
Post by: Tedim on June 18, 2014, 07:09:59 AM
Privet patsan.....
Title: Re: Pavel Markov - young athlete. Bodybuilding - my way to the championship.
Post by: funk51 on June 18, 2014, 09:35:04 AM
Perfection! Grow! Never give up!"
Pavel Markov / young_athlete

Hello, my dear forum-friends. My story is dedicated to impetuous progress, transformation and something else … (intrigue). Also, I am going to give a talk about competitive bodybilding and some less-discussed themes. Nestle yourself and be ready to get an enormous charge of motivation and positive energy. You’ll be very interested, I promise. Are you ready? Then let’s get started. 

Progress/ transformation (photo-report):
Let’s begin with the most interesting thing. Here is visual demonstration of my progress for the last 1.7 year.
Weight before: approximately 53 kg.


Shortly about me:
My name is Pavel Markov, they may know me as “Young athlete”
Date of birth : 14 Мarch, 1997. Recently I’ve reached 17. I am a beginner in competitive bodybuilding.
I live in The Republic of Belarus, in a town called Minsk. At the moment I am preparing to compete in Russian national tournament (2014). As soon as I reach 18, I will take part in Arnold Classic (2015)
Some basic statistics:
Weight: At the moment I am on pre-contest diet. I haven’t weigh myself. That’s my principle. I estimate my form only looking at the mirror. That’s kind of experiment. Original one.
Max weight in off-season: 108 kg
Height: 184 cm.
Training experience: 1.7 year

Anthropometric stats for the moment:
Biceps: 44 cm+
Waist: 77 cm
Other muscle groups have never been measured.

Basic power activities for the moment:
It should be mentioned: I train highly intensive I’ve never made low reps. (Well, being honest, I have.  At the beginning of my way. Yeah, I still remember those days when I feverishly tried to push 100 kilo barbell a single time. Anyway, I managed to do that in a short period of time). Now, about my stats:
1.   Dumbbell pushing on horizontal bench : 100 kg with 22 reps ( there are no heavier dumbbells in my gym)
2.   Squats: 215 kg with 18 reps. High intension and huge weights is what demanded to get big legs. 
3.   Bent Over Barbell Row: 140 kg with 14 reps. Angle equals to 25-30 degrees.
That is all. I mean basic moves.
“ Hey, what is about a deadlift?” – You may ask.
A deadlift? I don’t do that. There are some reasons for that (Me reasons may not coincide with yours, please, don’t get mad)

1)   I consider a deadlift as the most injury-prone exercise.
2)   I just don’t feel the biomechanics of a deadlift on me. Only small of the back gets loaded . I feel some discomfort, doing it.
3)   I impose that a deadlift is unnecessary in bodybuilding. I am trying to build a beautiful and proportional body. I am sure that doing deadlifts may widen my waist. Maybe, I am wrong…  Anyway, tha’s just my point of view. So, please,  don’t make any kid of debuts out of that. Possibly, I’ll change my opinion about that, but it will be an another story.

Working out:
I have 5-6 training days. Using all of my experience I’ve concluded, that I’ve got to train instinctively. I do not use the same exercises every week. Just variety – just hardcore. Keep in mind, that your body has to be stressed to grow If you train actively, your muscle fibers will be damaged. Our body always tries to adopt to outward conditions. That is why the fibers will be reconstructed the way to resist further work. And here is my answer to the question “Why do muscle grow?”  I consider a gain as reciprocal reaction of your organism.

Now, about my training days splits:
1.   Arms, abs
2.   Chest, calves
3.   Delts, abs. ( my advice is to start with rear delt)
4.   Back and traps
5.   legs
6.   decelerating muscle groups
I don’t use periodization. Just a CONTSANT weight increase! I try to experiment as much as I can. For example: ///// for one week with a big weight for 12 reps. On the next week – moderate weight, destructive drop-sets, supersets, unimaginable combination of exercises
Quantity of reps: It’s in never less than 10. The first reason for that is the way muscles react to  high volume training . I realized that I easily get all kinds of gains with that. Of course, weight progression is needed. I haven’t been doing low-reps sets during last 7 months. Reps is what makes difference between bodybuilding and another sports.

In bulking period I have 7-9 meals.  I never limit myself in eating whatever I want. Surely, I try to get my proteins, carbs, and fats from qualitative products. But Every man has his besetting sin. At the moment I’m on pre-contest diet. I use protein and carb alternation. It looks like:
1st day
Intact eggs – 8, + 2 eyes of egg
Chicken chest – 300
Fish fillet – 400
Cottage  cheese – 400, + a lot of tasteless vegetables with every meal
Asparcam, vitamins, minerals, isolate, BCAA

2nd day
Intact eggs – 4, + 6 eyes of eggs, oatmeal – 50
Chicken chest – 250, buckwheat – 50
Fish – 300, a vegetable
Cottage cheese – 300, grapefruit, sometimes a green apple
Chicken chest – 250, rice – 50
Cottage cheese – 300
Asparcam, vitamins, minerals, isolate, BCAA

3rd day
Eyes of eggs – 10, oatmeal – 100
Chicken chest – 250, buckwheat – 100
Fish – 300, a vegetable
Cottage cheese – 300, a green apple or a grapefruit
Chicken chest – 250, rice – 100
Fish – 300, a vegetable
Cottage cheese – 300, an apple
Asparcam, vitamins, minerals, isolate, BCAA
Vegetables: cabbage, radish, cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli
Al in all (approximately):
1)   Carbs – 0, protein – 400, fats – 40, ccal – 2160
2)   Carbs – 120, protein – 350, fats – 20, ccal – 2000
3)   Carbs – 230, protein – 330, fats – 0, ccal - 2200

Sport nutrition I use constantly. ( Positions mean its value)
1.   Protein
2.   BCAA (The most important pre-contest addition)
3.   Multi-vitamins + minerals
4.   The rest of sport nutrition. It all depends on the period of time

Peptides and… :
They keep asking: “Did Markov use somatotropin?” . Here is the answer: “No”. The reason is: I’m too young,  and respected athletes keep telling me: “Way too early, Pavel”
Peptides: I’ve tried a huge quantity of it. The most discussed question is: “Does it work”. I am sure “IT DOES”. Proof for that is analyzes results. To Understand it you don’t have to be a doctor. The one who grasps in bodybuilding would get it. Analyzes show that there is an increased somatotropin maintenance in blood. It goes without saying that peptides you use would better be original. Buy it only from approved sellers and dealers. Make sure it’s not a placebo (a fake).  Have you got any questions?  I advise all the theorists to define the product after its usage.   
Those peptides should be mentioned (The order is accidental; I’ve used it):
1.   GHRP-6 or GHRP-2, ipamorelin, Geksarelin.
2.   GHRP:  CJC-1295 DAC or CJC-1295
3.   IGF-1 LR3
4.   PEG-MGF
Peptides advantage, as I see it:
•   Satisfactory ratio of price – quality
•   Peptides are rather cheaper than somatotropin (but not more effective!)
•   Very useful in gaining some mass in off-season. Helps you in achieving higher stats.
•   Disappear quickly and completely, you can avoid doping control test failure.
•   Its production and spreading isn’t forbidden by the law. Peptides are absolutely legal.
•   Speeded up natural hormones making (somatotropin, testosterone)
•   Speeded up recovery.
•   It influences mechanisms o its cellar level.
•   Immune system consolidation, increased appetite, slumber improvement.
•   It really works

Anyway, the main plus is its price. But even with all of those advantages listed, peptides are not as effective as somatotropin. Its influence is rather weaker. 
Pharmacology (hot, really hot)
Pharmacology questions will stay without an answer because of my personal interest.
The only thing I would say is that all the production was from Pharmacolabs. That’s the only company I can impeccably trust and never worry about my preparation. Pharmacolabs production works on its 110% out of 100% 

Lyric digression:
Nothing ever happens for no particular reason. There are no any secrets. To get something, you have to give something. It’s a harsh law of nature that can’t be changed. For instance, to have an imposing muscle body, you need to have an enormous knowledge package. Using it wisely you would save a lot of time, avoid unnecessary outlays, have a minimal injury risk. Knowledge is what support you in achieving whatever you want in every aspect of your life. Though, guys, educate yourself! Knowledge is a power. Train your brains not less than your muscles. 

I do cardio only when I’ on low-carb diet, I work-out with high intensity because high intense is what splits your fat cellars, To compare: Sprinter and marathoner. You can see that a sprinter has a impressive muscle mass and minimal fat sediment. At the same time a marathoner has the same fat sediment but with smaller muscles. The main point is not to step over this edge between fat and muscle splitting. I work out this way: Pulse – 140 beats per minute. Obligatory BCAA usage before cardio – 20 gr, after – 20 gr. I train with max intensity, use interval speeding up. All in all continuance depends on my mood. Also, never forget about liquids. That’s very important.

Water consumption:
Water is a life. Every process in our body is somehow connected with water. My advice is to drink water in heightened quantity. 2 liters is a minimum! This is especially related to those who is on low-carb-diet. Water has no calories at all, also it’s needed for lipolysis – biochemical fats decomposing. What is more, water take part in a cellar exchange, helps your body to get rid of skim and lipolysis remainders as well. It is extremely important, get it?

Bodybuilding in my life. The way it started:
Now I can’t answer it unambiguously. I don’t remember the exact reason for starting working out. I hues, the reason was the same as always: I wanted to become a little bit stronger, bigger, cooler. Maybe, cos I wanted to be liked with girls. It’s pretty hard to recollect that.
I distinctly remember that my head was full of thoughts like: Pasha, you’ve got to change yourself . You’ve got to get better”. From the same moment is started painstakingly looking for an information in internet, reading some literature, consulting with knowing people. I aimed everything to achieve my goal. I tried to build it the way to change myself, to get better. Step by step I was systematically approaching to my goal.  When I had seen my first results, I got even more motivated and kept going on with a bigger zeal. This is how I became who I am. 1.7 of the year has passed by.

My motivation:
Motivation is an integral part of my life. My main motivation is my mirror reflection. My motivation is a constant self-improvement, it’s my stimulus to get better in every aspect (not just in BB). Motivation is an aim and a zeal. The key is to get better, achieve the highest summit, whatever happens, I would try to succeed in it, they would be proud of me. It’s a high time to write my story the way I want.

I am not a typical schoolboy.

My aims, plans for the nearest future:
My plans are like Napoleon ones. From june 1st begins my assiduous preparation for Russia championship (2014), Most likely, I will train under a coach’s vision. I’ve passed my 1.7 year way without a coach. But I’m sure that a qualified coach knows what fits you the most like no one else does. He would point you at your shortcoming, would help you in achieving new goals. As soon as I get 18, I star my Arnold Classic (2015) preparation. I promise you to surprise everyone with my “Nuclear” form. I will do my best, I swear.   

Conclusion (watch out, motivation presence):
I hope you enjoyed reading that. If someone has drawn a lesson for himself – that’s just a pleasure of mine!
Know what, sometimes it’s very hard to handle yourself, change something in your life. In those situations you’ve got to set an aim and tell yourself: I can! I would do my best, do what I can to get better!” – Oh, have you just said it? Then do it!
The meaning of my life I see in a constant achieving of my goals. Keep in mind that if you want to get something, you’ve got to do something! You are the only one who is responsible for your life. And never search for justifications like “bad genetics”( for instance, Arnold and Lou Ferrigno had bad genetics,  nevertheless, look at them.) There is absolutely no point in crying about lack of finances, time, whatever. Enough excuses! If you desire – you would always find the time, the finances. Today is the high time of self-improvement! Time to be changed!

My contact info:

Vkontakte, Russian facebook like site:

Facebook itself:

Email: or

Skype: markel_l

ICQ: 677294701

Have you got an offer? Request? Question? Write to me!

I am always open for interesting offers, collaboration, bargains and etc. I would pleasurably  write you back.

Thank you for your attention and your time.

Yours faithfully, young athlete, Pavel Markov.

Further – brings more! Further – brings better!

To be continued…Don’t switch channels…

My actual form:

nice post man  welcome to getbig..... ;D ;D ;D amazing one year progress....
Title: Re: Pavel Markov - young athlete. Bodybuilding - my way to the championship.
Post by: young_athlete on June 19, 2014, 12:22:58 PM
Hi all! Thanks for your abandoned opinion. I am very pleased to read your comments.
Plan to soon, if possible, to move to the US for the further development.
If you have questions, please send an email or other social networks, which are listed at the end of the article!

Title: Re: Pavel Markov - young athlete. Bodybuilding - my way to the championship.
Post by: falco on June 19, 2014, 01:16:36 PM
Just keep taking those pink russian vitamin pills.
Title: Re: Pavel Markov - young athlete. Bodybuilding - my way to the championship.
Post by: Quickerblade on June 19, 2014, 03:22:04 PM

Plan to soon, if possible, to move to the US for the further development.


Oh brother!