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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: Cavalier22 on February 13, 2006, 06:14:44 PM

Title: finally changing my split
Post by: Cavalier22 on February 13, 2006, 06:14:44 PM
 Basically for a long ass time i have been hittin each bodypart once a week in the standard form with a lil deviation, such as M-chest/tris, T-back, thurs-shoulders traps, fri-legs,bis

Finally I am going to switch thigns up as my gains have started to fizzle.  I want to hit each bodypart twice.
Such as

M-Chest Shoulders Tris
T- back Bis

2 things i would like some help from those who know more and are more experienced:

A. I have never done this kinda split, at least not when i was seriosly lifting.  What kinda program should i be setting up in terms of volume etc:  how does this look

day 1:  (these are working sets)
Incline Press 3X8
Flyes 3X 10
Bench Press 3X8
DB Shoulder Press 3X8
Lateral raises 3X8
Weighted Dips 3 X8
Skullcrushers 3 X`12

day 2:
Pullups 4 X10
Barbell Rows 3 X 8
Db Rows or Deadlifts (switch every other workout) 3X6-8
Reverse lat pulldown or cable rows (switch every other workout) 3X12
Barbell Curls
Hammer DB curls

day 3.
Squat 4 X 10-12
Leg curls 4x10
Leg press 3X 10
calf raise 3-15

2.  what about going to failure.  I usually go to failure or close to it on most of my lifting in my once a week split because i want to totally rip the muscle apart since it will basically get 7 days off.  In a twice  a week split do i not go to failure at all, or barely if ever.  Also, do you think i should cut the volume from above at all of does that look good.  I dont respond well to real low volume i have noticed.

Also I am 22 and a natural

let me know what you guys think, i really appreciate it.

Title: Re: finally changing my split
Post by: Sculpter on February 13, 2006, 08:46:54 PM
Wow!! Your tris are gonna be taking a beating on Mondays from the way you have that set up.Personally the way I would do this split myself is:
Then repeat from Monday to Wednesday again & finish on Saturday.No off day in between but only because my gym isn't open on Sundays.I would stick to maybe 2 mass exercises for each bodypart & 1 shaping/pumping exercise & do each for 3 sets not counting warmups.Abs can be worked every second day or alternate them by working lower abs 1 day then doing upper abs the next day then a rest day for them & then repeat.
Title: Re: finally changing my split
Post by: Cavalier22 on February 13, 2006, 10:25:14 PM
hows this look


Incline 3 sets
some sort of Flyes 3 sets
Bench 3 sets
Barball Curls 3 sets
DB Hammer curls 3 sets
Preacher curls 3 sets


Squats 4 sets
Lying leg curls 3
Calf raises 3
DB Military Press
Side laterals


Pullups 4
barbell rows4
seated cable rows/deadlifst (alternate) 3 sets
weighted dips 3
Skulls 3
tricept extension (rope) 2


what about goin to failure? is that a bad idea for hittin everythin twice a week?
Title: Re: finally changing my split
Post by: Sculpter on February 15, 2006, 06:53:31 AM
Heres the way I would do this type of routine if you.Been thinking of going twice a week per muscle group myself lately so heres what I would do.
   Monday-Incline Bench Press
                Flat Bench press
                Incline Flies
                Barbell Curls
                Seated Incline DB Curls
                  Hack Squats
                  Leg Curls
                  Standing Calf Raises
                  DB or Barbell Military Presses
                  Side Laterals
                  Bent Over Laterals
   Wednesday-Wide Grip Chins
                       Deadlifts or Bent Over Rows (alternate them)
                       Wide Grip Pulldowns
                       Close Grip Bench Presses
                       Lying Tricep Extensions (skull crushers)
                       Reverse Grip Pressdowns
As for going to failure I myself am not a great fan of that esp. if a natural trainer.I figure going to failure on maybe 1 set of each exercise once a week would be enough for a natty.I believe more in cycling your rep range for a natural trainer.
Title: Re: finally changing my split
Post by: Cavalier22 on February 15, 2006, 03:33:25 PM

anyone else wanna chime in ?