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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => Wrestling Board => Topic started by: Playboy on November 23, 2015, 01:01:55 PM

Title: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on November 23, 2015, 01:01:55 PM
There are literally millions of wrestling fans worldwide that watch World Wrestling Entertainment.

The question is, do they actually enjoy what they are seeing, or do they wish wrestling would go back to a time when it was actually good?

Back in the day, Monday Night Raw was the place to be. Stone Cold, DX, Vince McMahon and others always made for interesting story-lines. We also had a lot of young and talented guys who went out there and did things that hadn't been done, like ladder matches and TLC tag matches.

Where did these days go?

Now when I tune in there is always some Hollywood actor or gimmick host supposedly calling the shots. Do wrestling fans actually care that Ashton Kutcher has another movie out, or that he is in a tweet war with some guy that has Woo Woo across his headband?

WWE is actually starting to creep back towards the days of the early to mid '90s when I didn't watch, and neither did a lot of people.

So what are they doing wrong?

Well, it's simple. They have gone from trying to dominate that male 18-34 demographic and have made it more family and kid friendly. Maybe by now they figure that those who watched religiously back in the '90s have kids and want to bring in the next generation for a ride.

Either way, the product has gone stale.

I rarely watch anymore. In fact I may turn on Raw for the first five minutes and see if it looks appealing, but after those five minutes I usually change it.

The biggest problem I have is seeing the same crap week in and week out. How many angles can you have between Cena and Bautista? How many times can we have a tag match with main eventers from the upcoming pay-per-view on the Monday before the event?

There are so many wrestlers on the roster that we shouldn't be seeing the same matches over and over again, plain and simple.

Then there are the story-lines.

Lame, enough said.

Whatever happened to factions and pushing young talent? It wasn't too long ago when Rhodes and Dibiase were given the push that way, and it worked.

If you look back in time at the guys that were developed from these groups you have some of the best. The Rock got his career going with the Nation, HHH really got chugging while in DX, and both Edge and Christian were in the Brood.

That is how you push talent.

This NXT stuff is a joke. I know they tried to come up with a new way to push young talent, but I didn't care, and I know many others share in my opinion.

The other reason the entertainment has turned to excrement is the actual story-lines themselves.

Outside of the Shawn Michaels-Undertaker plot line that took us into Mania a few years ago, there really haven't been any that make me want to spend $35 on a pay-per-view.

Do we care that Jack Swagger is a college All American with a lisp? Do we care that yet another wrestler got his head shaved in a match? Oh, and my favorite—the gimmick pay-per-views they have each month now.

I have a solution to their pay-per-view problem too—dump about half of them. They are mostly the same crap as the month before.

I am sure there are many out there that share my thoughts on the current state of the WWE, and there just as many that will argue it is good.

All I think is that it is going into the outhouse right now. They need to shake things up. Start a new faction, turn John Cena heel, actually kill the Undertaker in the ring. At the end of the day, there is only one....VINCE MCMAHON. He is the owner and the final decision maker in the company. Creative, HHH, Stephanie, Marc Carrano, etc...they can all say what they want but its MCMAHON that has the final say.

Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on November 23, 2015, 01:55:59 PM
The product is about to get worse. Cesaro out 4-6 months, shoulder surgery.

As big as he is, and the way he throws his body around, he was bound to get hurt sooner or later.

They almost have to bring up some NXT guys, now.

A Bully Ray singles push needs to happen, as well.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: TuHolmes on November 23, 2015, 03:23:08 PM
NXT is a pretty good product though.

The rest I agree with, but not NXT.

I really enjoy watching that.

I watch more RoH and NJPW than WWE by far.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Montague on November 23, 2015, 03:29:09 PM
The product is about to get worse. Cesaro out 4-6 months, shoulder surgery.

As big as he is, and the way he throws his body around, he was bound to get hurt sooner or later.

They almost have to bring up some NXT guys, now.

A Bully Ray singles push needs to happen, as well.

I respectfully disagree.

I honestly believe that history has proven that Bubba & Devon are at their respective best in tag action.
Bubba even admitted on Jericho's podcast that his ultimate wrestling dream was to be in a great tag team.
That's just "where he lives."
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on November 24, 2015, 04:01:07 AM
The problem with NXT is they put the wrong people in there. NXT was designed to train talent and get them ready for TV. Problem I have? Why are they putting people who are already established in NXT? Why was C.M.Punk and Colt Cabana (at the time he was still signed) regulated to NXT for a year before they debuted? Why is Samoa Joe in NXT? Kenta? At best this just pisses off wrestlers. These guys mentioned above were already established stars prior to signing with WWE. Right now, here is their failing formula....
- Bring a guy/girl in
- Stick him / her in NXT for a year - two years
- Bring him / her up to the main roster
- Shove him / her in the main event immediately
- 6 months goes by, wrestler is lost in oblivion and floats down to the lower card.

They did this with Paige, Roman Reigns, The Wyatts, Ryback, Curtis Axel, Dolf Ziggler, Miz and countless more. They are currently doing it with Charlotte. What happens now when she loses the title and we all know that it will happen soon enough? Charlotte over Sasha Banks just because she is Flair's daughter (and I like Charlotte but lets be fair here)? I don't think so.

The end
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on November 24, 2015, 04:08:26 AM

I respectfully disagree.

I honestly believe that history has proven that Bubba & Devon are at their respective best in tag action.
Bubba even admitted on Jericho's podcast that his ultimate wrestling dream was to be in a great tag team.
That's just "where he lives."

Yeah, looks like you're right. Watching them last night, their role seems pretty well defined: put over the younger tag teams. The Wyatts dominated them pretty good. It was the only interesting thing I saw on the show, as it was a fresh match up and I was wondering how they would book it.

As an aside, Raw sucking has made for some good sleep on Monday Nights. After an hour or so, you're ready to turn off the TV. Stardust and Titus O'neal made me hit the Power Off button.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: TuHolmes on November 24, 2015, 12:00:56 PM
The problem with NXT is they put the wrong people in there. NXT was designed to train talent and get them ready for TV. Problem I have? Why are they putting people who are already established in NXT? Why was C.M.Punk and Colt Cabana (at the time he was still signed) regulated to NXT for a year before they debuted? Why is Samoa Joe in NXT? Kenta? At best this just pisses off wrestlers. These guys mentioned above were already established stars prior to signing with WWE. Right now, here is their failing formula....
- Bring a guy/girl in
- Stick him / her in NXT for a year - two years
- Bring him / her up to the main roster
- Shove him / her in the main event immediately
- 6 months goes by, wrestler is lost in oblivion and floats down to the lower card.

They did this with Paige, Roman Reigns, The Wyatts, Ryback, Curtis Axel, Dolf Ziggler, Miz and countless more. They are currently doing it with Charlotte. What happens now when she loses the title and we all know that it will happen soon enough? Charlotte over Sasha Banks just because she is Flair's daughter (and I like Charlotte but lets be fair here)? I don't think so.

The end

I have no argument.

You are saying many things.

Although, jobbing Ryback and Miz doesn't upset me... Also, I agree, Charlotte while a decent wrestler, should have the women's title at this point.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on November 24, 2015, 01:25:33 PM
I have no argument.

You are saying many things.

Although, jobbing Ryback and Miz doesn't upset me... Also, I agree, Charlotte while a decent wrestler, should have the women's title at this point.
I'd have waited longer before putting any title on any of these NXT women. Have them have grudge matches, tag matches, etc. Once established, then put the title on one of them. I'd like to see a Paige vs Bailey fued.
Continuing my lovely rant, they need to bring prestige back to the titles. Champions should not get pinned clean and on TV no less unless they lose the title. It simply de-values them. Kill the US title, its not Crockett promotions. Retire that belt. Have a heavyweight, IC, Tag title and womens championship.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: TuHolmes on November 24, 2015, 01:28:36 PM
I'd have waited longer before putting any title on any of these NXT women. Have them have grudge matches, tag matches, etc. Once established, then put the title on one of them. I'd like to see a Paige vs Bailey fued.
Continuing my lovely rant, they need to bring prestige back to the titles. Champions should not get pinned clean and on TV no less unless they lose the title. It simply de-values them. Kill the US title, its not Crockett promotions. Retire that belt. Have a heavyweight, IC, Tag title and womens championship.

I meant to say Charlotte should NOT have the title.

Sorry about my typing there.

Paige should have received the title if any of the current group was to get it. Charlotte should NOT.

Sorry about that.

I would like a TV title. One that should be defended on TV once a week. Either smackdown or RAW. Doesn't matter.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: TheGrinch on November 24, 2015, 01:48:54 PM
can we just get the real ECW back already???

Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Montague on November 24, 2015, 04:00:29 PM
can we just get the real ECW back already???


That mutherfukker once spilled a Wendy's iced tea in my Camaro.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on November 24, 2015, 05:37:33 PM
Whatever they're doing, it's not working:

( (
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: gmflex on November 24, 2015, 07:28:02 PM
The old man needs to stop pushing Roman reigns down the fans throats..
It is clear he is not over..
His obsession with pushing big guys needs to stop..
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: calfzilla on November 25, 2015, 02:00:33 AM
Good comments by Mick Foley. (
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on November 25, 2015, 03:57:40 AM
I meant to say Charlotte should NOT have the title.

Sorry about my typing there.

Paige should have received the title if any of the current group was to get it. Charlotte should NOT.

Sorry about that.

I would like a TV title. One that should be defended on TV once a week. Either smackdown or RAW. Doesn't matter.
Lol, no need for apologies bro, all good.
TV title would be a nice addition. Bring back a little old school there. But I would leave it at that in terms of belts. I agree with you on the Paige thing. Let her have a good run with the title. Apparently, WWE's mentality is that she is only 22 years old and has "lots of time to have more runs with the title".
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on November 25, 2015, 03:58:18 AM
The old man needs to stop pushing Roman reigns down the fans throats..
It is clear he is not over..
His obsession with pushing big guys needs to stop..

Bullseye!  :)
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on November 25, 2015, 05:59:44 AM
Reigns just doesn't have mic skills and you can't be a top guy without them in this era, or any other for that matter. This is Cena after about a year in the business and he's already better than Reigns is,now:

Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on November 25, 2015, 06:39:50 AM
Reigns was rushed. That's the problem. He needs someone to do his talking and let his athletisism do the work. Problem is the damage is done. No one has bought into his shtick.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Grape Ape on November 25, 2015, 06:41:52 AM
Reigns was rushed. That's the problem. He needs someone to do his talking and let his athletisism do the work. Problem is the damage is done. No one has bought into his shtick.

Could Heyman salvage him?
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on November 25, 2015, 06:44:18 AM
Could Heyman salvage him?
I honestly don't see it. Not unless Reigns turns full blown heel and does some serious damage like his Shield days. They've turned him into the "big softie who high fives kids and comes ever so close to the brass ring but never gets it".
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Grape Ape on November 25, 2015, 07:12:40 AM
I honestly don't see it. Not unless Reigns turns full blown heel and does some serious damage like his Shield days. They've turned him into the "big softie who high fives kids and comes ever so close to the brass ring but never gets it".

Maybe they make him snap and do just that.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on November 25, 2015, 08:09:04 AM
Maybe they make him snap and do just that.
They need to shake it up.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on November 25, 2015, 10:12:44 AM
Could Heyman salvage him?

I don't think so. He's too associated with Lesnar. For him to suddenly act as though Reigns is God's gift, would come off as contrived.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on November 25, 2015, 11:16:25 AM
I don't think so. He's too associated with Lesnar. For him to suddenly act as though Reigns is God's gift, would come off as contrived.
Apparently now Cesaro is out with a bad shoulder and is going for surgery. Maybe we'll all have to go show up at the next Raw taping and show these guys how its done  ;D
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: TuHolmes on November 25, 2015, 11:20:38 AM
Apparently now Cesaro is out with a bad shoulder and is going for surgery. Maybe we'll all have to go show up at the next Raw taping and show these guys how its done  ;D

Honestly, I could be better on the stick than 1/2 of these clowns.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on November 25, 2015, 01:59:50 PM
Apparently now Cesaro is out with a bad shoulder and is going for surgery. Maybe we'll all have to go show up at the next Raw taping and show these guys how its done  ;D

Austin pointed out something interesting on his podcast. During the Sasha/Becky Lynch match, Sasha won by using the tights, but none of the announcers made any mention of it, and 15 minutes later Becky was in the back joking around with New Day.

If the announcers and the wrestler who lost the match don't care if someone cheats to win, why should we? Meanwhile, Sasha gets no heat because no one mentioned what she did.

Austin seems just as disgusted with the product as we are. So, it's definitely not us.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on November 26, 2015, 03:58:26 AM

Austin pointed out something interesting on his podcast. During the Sasha/Becky Lynch match, Sasha won by using the tights, but none of the announcers made any mention of it, and 15 minutes later Becky was in the back joking around with New Day.

If the announcers and the wrestler who lost the match don't care if someone cheats to win, why should we? Meanwhile, Sasha gets no heat because no one mentioned what she did.

Austin seems just as disgusted with the product as we are. So, it's definitely not us.
Austin has been critisizing the product steadily on his podcasts. Everyone sees the nonsense. They only ones who "don't" are as C.M. Punk stated are "the Vnce McMahon "yes" people who tell him what he wants to hear."
Punk saw the writing on the wall a long time ago and that's why he bailed.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: littleguns on November 27, 2015, 02:09:13 AM
Ric Flair said on his podcast, let him Manage Cesaro and take him to the next level. Half of me says this could be great then I remember the AJ Styles and Miz debacle...

As for washed up NXT Talents..lets not forget Bo Dallas...
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on November 27, 2015, 04:02:37 AM
Ric Flair said on his podcast, let him Manage Cesaro and take him to the next level. Half of me says this could be great then I remember the AJ Styles and Miz debacle...

As for washed up NXT Talents..lets not forget Bo Dallas...

I wouldn't bet the Ranch on it, but it has a shot of working. AJ really didn't need a manager, and Miz isn't a top tier talent.

Cesaro is a top tier talent who does need a manager.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on November 27, 2015, 05:28:01 AM

I wouldn't bet the Ranch on it, but it has a shot of working. AJ really didn't need a manager, and Miz isn't a top tier talent.

Cesaro is a top tier talent who does need a manager.
Cesaro is good but not top way. I would pay money to attend a show to see him "main event". I agree with your other statements.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on November 27, 2015, 09:47:54 AM
Cesaro is good but not top way. I would pay money to attend a show to see him "main event". I agree with your other statements.

IMO his in ring is top tier, his personality, or lack thereof, is what keeps him from the Main Event.

If his in ring wasn't exceptional, he probably would've already been told "Good luck in future endeavors." ;)
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: calfzilla on November 27, 2015, 10:12:04 AM
Ric Flair said on his podcast, let him Manage Cesaro and take him to the next level. Half of me says this could be great then I remember the AJ Styles and Miz debacle...

As for washed up NXT Talents..lets not forget Bo Dallas...

I think Bo Dallas is awesome. They just don't do anything with him.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on November 27, 2015, 11:16:58 AM
IMO his in ring is top tier, his personality, or lack thereof, is what keeps him from the Main Event.

If his in ring wasn't exceptional, he probably would've already been told "Good luck in future endeavors." ;)
He's good, no question but I just can't put him in the sam catagory as Austin, Rock, and Hogan in their respective primes.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: littleguns on November 29, 2015, 09:35:46 AM
He's good, no question but I just can't put him in the sam catagory as Austin, Rock, and Hogan in their respective primes.

In all fairness we will NEVER see someone in that class. Cena is at an elite level but not that level
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Montague on November 29, 2015, 12:45:59 PM
In all fairness we will NEVER see someone in that class. Cena is at an elite level but not that level

You're right. And, that's primarily because of the way the business operates now. The evolution to that level is no longer permitted.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on November 29, 2015, 01:05:43 PM
There's the in-ring, and then there's the persona. In ring, Cesaro compares favorably. None of the three were technical geniuses that would make anyone forget Lou Thesz. From a persona standpoint, Cesaro isn't a pimple on any of their asses.

Combine Cesaro with Bobby Heenan, in his prime, and you'd have something special.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on November 30, 2015, 04:41:51 AM
In all fairness we will NEVER see someone in that class. Cena is at an elite level but not that level
I wouldn't even class Cena at that (Elite). He's just over with some. Hogan, Austin, Rock were over with everyone.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: TuHolmes on November 30, 2015, 09:27:46 AM
I wouldn't even class Cena at that (Elite). He's just over with some. Hogan, Austin, Rock were over with everyone.

Cena was 100% over for a long time, now it's like 65% over.

Still, even though I'm not much on his gimmick, the rest of everything he does is fine by me.

Not a great person in the ring, but passable and the work he does with Make a Wish? If someone says something negative about him, personally, I think they can fuck off. Guy is a class act and I won't say anything really bad about him.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on November 30, 2015, 10:33:24 AM
Cena was really over between 2005-2008 especially during his fueds with JBL and Edge. After that, he sunk and sunk fast. Kids love him but theres also a shitload of adults in the crowd and not soley kids. Randy Orton and C.M.Punk made just as many Make a Wish for kids as Cena, its just not advertised.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: TuHolmes on November 30, 2015, 10:37:17 AM
Cena was really over between 2005-2008 especially during his fueds with JBL and Edge. After that, he sunk and sunk fast. Kids love him but theres also a shitload of adults in the crowd and not soley kids. Randy Orton and C.M.Punk made just as many Make a Wish for kids as Cena, its just not advertised.

No, they haven't.

That's the thing. Cena is the all time Make A Wish leader among EVERYONE.

Not just wrestlers. Apparently number 2 is Justin Bieber, but anyway...

That's why I won't dog Cena out.

Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: deadz on November 30, 2015, 07:13:44 PM
Raw sucked tonight. The Fans were uncomfortably quiet at times.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: calfzilla on November 30, 2015, 09:51:33 PM
No, they haven't.

That's the thing. Cena is the all time Make A Wish leader among EVERYONE.

Not just wrestlers. Apparently number 2 is Justin Bieber, but anyway...

That's why I won't dog Cena out.

Just imagine how awesome a Cena heel turn would be. Not just a regular heel turn but have him do something awful that makes everyone hate him. Would draw huge interest.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: TuHolmes on November 30, 2015, 10:26:15 PM
Just imagine how awesome a Cena heel turn would be. Not just a regular heel turn but have him do something awful that makes everyone hate him. Would draw huge interest.

Absolutely true. It's been 20 years since the NWO.

Would people throw trash in the ring like when Hogan turned?

He wouldn't do it because of the Make A Wish type stuff, but it would be awesome right now.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: calfzilla on November 30, 2015, 10:32:25 PM
Absolutely true. It's been 20 years since the NWO.

Would people throw trash in the ring like when Hogan turned?

He wouldn't do it because of the Make A Wish type stuff, but it would be awesome right now.

Exactly what I was thinking. Set it up similar to how when Hulk joined nwo.

I think he could still do the make a wish and other pr stuff. I saw a pic last week of Bray Wyatt granting a make a wish.

It might be just what wwe needs to get back on the right track.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on December 01, 2015, 05:32:48 AM
Regardless, doing 5000000 make a wishes don't make a person a good wrestler / entertainer. If Vince doesn't wake up and see the light, they will be wrestling in armouries again.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: TheGrinch on December 01, 2015, 08:53:02 AM
no vince russo = product sucks

Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on December 01, 2015, 11:01:42 AM
I suspect that Cena is already thinking about life after wrestling. He's not one of those guys who wanted to be a pro wrestler from the time he was a kid regardless of what he says. If he really wanted to be wrestler from the get go, why go out to LA and work in a Gold's? After seeing bodybuilding was a dead end, he gave wrestling a shot, and it worked out beautifully.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Grape Ape on December 02, 2015, 12:09:06 PM
I suspect that Cena is already thinking about life after wrestling. He's not one of those guys who wanted to be a pro wrestler from the time he was a kid regardless of what he says. If he really wanted to be wrestler from the get go, why go out to LA and work in a Gold's? After seeing bodybuilding was a dead end, he gave wrestling a shot, and it worked out beautifully.

Had to watch a chick movie called Trainwreck with my wife.  Cena was in it and he was absolutely hilarious.  Looked like he totally belonged on the big screen.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: TuHolmes on December 02, 2015, 12:23:10 PM
no vince russo = product sucks

To be fair, TNA sucked WITH Russo, so it's not like Russo is gold or anything.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: calfzilla on December 02, 2015, 12:24:26 PM
To be fair, TNA sucked WITH Russo, so it's not like Russo is gold or anything.

Agreed, he has his value but also look how shitty WCW final days were when Russo was in charge.

Guy is talented but not God of wrestling.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on December 02, 2015, 12:31:49 PM
Agreed, he has his value but also look how shitty WCW final days were when Russo was in charge.

Guy is talented but not God of wrestling.
Russo had his moment in the sun for 3 years in WWE during the attitude era and because of that he thought he should be on Mount Rushmore. He made some ridiculous calls in WCW at the tale end and did the same thing in TNA.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: TuHolmes on December 02, 2015, 12:35:34 PM
Exactly... Russo isn't some amazing wrestling genius.

Some of it was just luck too. The Rock and Austin coming along when they did and being able to kind of write their own stuff.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Montague on December 02, 2015, 02:12:50 PM
Russo had his moment in the sun for 3 years in WWE during the attitude era and because of that he thought he should be on Mount Rushmore. He made some ridiculous calls in WCW at the tale end and did the same thing in TNA.

Russo & Ferrara pitched maybe 50 ideas. The old man took the best five & modified them beyond that.

Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on December 03, 2015, 04:50:35 AM
Exactly... Russo isn't some amazing wrestling genius.

Some of it was just luck too. The Rock and Austin coming along when they did and being able to kind of write their own stuff.
You said it right there. Luck has ALL kinds to do with it. They had Rock and Austin...two of the biggest stars right there to work with. Plus HHH who was a rising star in 1999 when he came back amplified. I honestly think HHH is grossly under-rated as a performer. Check out his HITC match with Cactus Jack and his matches with Austin and Rock were legendary.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: littleguns on December 05, 2015, 04:43:48 AM
Makes you wonder if Bischoff never released Austin, what the WWF would have been like
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: TuHolmes on December 05, 2015, 11:10:17 AM
Makes you wonder if Bischoff never released Austin, what the WWF would have been like

True. Also, what could WCW have returned to if they had not been sold off by Time Warner.

The ratings at the time were better than what the WWE product has going on right now.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Montague on December 05, 2015, 01:35:37 PM
Makes you wonder if Bischoff never released Austin, what the WWF would have been like

 I believe Austin served as a catalyst. Stone Cold was an "accident."
When the old man saw his reactions, he decided to pursue that direction.

If Austin hadn't have started it, we may still have Duke "The Dumpster" and Adam Bomb on the marquee.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Dave D on December 05, 2015, 08:01:23 PM

 I believe Austin served as a catalyst. Stone Cold was an "accident."
When the old man saw his reactions, he decided to pursue that direction.

If Austin hadn't have started it, we may still have Duke "The Dumpster" and Adam Bomb on the marquee.

Obviously no one saw what Austin was going to become, but looking back it seemed like Vince was opposed to him being the next guy (or maybe he wasn't 100% behind it). Austin was a SLOW build up, literally a whole year from 13 to 14, and that might have been the plan all along but he was a secondary player as far as storyline went while they went from Taker to Hitman to HBK and Sid was in there somewhere.

If Austin didn't happen WCW probably wins....
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Montague on December 06, 2015, 04:55:36 AM
Obviously no one saw what Austin was going to become, but looking back it seemed like Vince was opposed to him being the next guy (or maybe he wasn't 100% behind it). Austin was a SLOW build up, literally a whole year from 13 to 14, and that might have been the plan all along but he was a secondary player as far as storyline went while they went from Taker to Hitman to HBK and Sid was in there somewhere.

If Austin didn't happen WCW probably wins....

I think it was a slow buildup because the drastic transition required for that character and it's environment took time.

It was almost like Vince began transforming his product to meet the Austin persona, as other guys began ditching their character gimmicks and moved more towards just being personalities.
Plumbers, garbage men, and clowns were ushered out; jeans, black t-shirts, and leather jackets were ushered in along with the attitudes that came with them.

Also, the old man had to answer to sponsors and networks who carried his shows.

But, Austin seemed to be at the helm of that movement, which seemed tailored specifically TO him.
Must be a nice feeling.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on December 06, 2015, 07:32:33 AM
You could make the case that if ECW didn't happen WCW would've won. ECW was where Austin was encouraged to speak his mind and develop the character which later became Stone Cold.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on December 07, 2015, 04:27:39 AM
Obviously no one saw what Austin was going to become, but looking back it seemed like Vince was opposed to him being the next guy (or maybe he wasn't 100% behind it). Austin was a SLOW build up, literally a whole year from 13 to 14, and that might have been the plan all along but he was a secondary player as far as storyline went while they went from Taker to Hitman to HBK and Sid was in there somewhere.

If Austin didn't happen WCW probably wins....
Actually, there was one person who saw...the one person who can spot talent a mile away....the one person who saw the skill stars and helped mould them into the stars they are today....

PAUL HEYMAN ... the most under-rated promoter/writer/coach.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Skeeter on December 07, 2015, 08:08:58 AM
Obviously no one saw what Austin was going to become, but looking back it seemed like Vince was opposed to him being the next guy (or maybe he wasn't 100% behind it). Austin was a SLOW build up, literally a whole year from 13 to 14, and that might have been the plan all along but he was a secondary player as far as storyline went while they went from Taker to Hitman to HBK and Sid was in there somewhere.

If Austin didn't happen WCW probably wins....

I believe at that time Vince wanted HHH to be the next top guy. That was squashed because of the MSG curtain call.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Montague on December 07, 2015, 03:27:03 PM

I believe at that time Vince wanted HHH to be the next top guy. That was squashed because of the MSG curtain call.

I don't know how close Hunter was at that point in time, but he himself has admitted that he was to receive a nice push that was put on hold because of MSG.

Even the D-X angle was a bit of a setback because, although insanely over, it kept him out of the main event spotlight.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: littleguns on December 08, 2015, 03:39:20 AM

I believe at that time Vince wanted HHH to be the next top guy. That was squashed because of the MSG curtain call.

Great point. In hindsight, would Austin have gotten over eventually if Vince went with the original plan of HHH winning the King of the Ring. Austin was a great mechanic prior to his neck injuries and my understanding was everyone wanted to work with him, Brett, Shawn etc.....

Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Skeeter on December 08, 2015, 08:25:31 AM
Great point. In hindsight, would Austin have gotten over eventually if Vince went with the original plan of HHH winning the King of the Ring. Austin was a great mechanic prior to his neck injuries and my understanding was everyone wanted to work with him, Brett, Shawn etc.....

Bret has spoken very highly of Steve Austin but Shawn was always difficult when he had to job for someone that wasn't a cliq member. Did Shawn really want to work with Austin? (

Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Grape Ape on December 08, 2015, 09:51:13 AM
I'm considering grabbing tix to TLC as a birthday present for my son.

Is it going to be awful?
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on December 08, 2015, 01:15:22 PM
I'm considering grabbing tix to TLC as a birthday present for my son.

Is it going to be awful?
Save your money and watch it on the network. A lot of talent is injured thus I cannot see it as a stellar ppv worth attending. Just my two pennies.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Grape Ape on December 09, 2015, 10:36:08 AM
Save your money and watch it on the network. A lot of talent is injured thus I cannot see it as a stellar ppv worth attending. Just my two pennies.

I agree with all those points......

I'm also stuck for a gift....... ;D
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on December 09, 2015, 01:58:58 PM
I agree with all those points......

I'm also stuck for a gift....... ;D

I'm going to a Christmas toy drive on Friday and picked this up. The cars are so cool, I've been tempted to open the box and play with them myself. :D

( (
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on December 10, 2015, 05:15:44 AM
Booze...the gift that keeps on giving  ;D
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Grape Ape on December 10, 2015, 06:40:34 AM
Booze...the gift that keeps on giving  ;D

Wife might get pissed if I gave a 12 year old that though.

I think I'll end up going - just have to decide on seats.....loge seats look like they have the best viewing.  Since wrestling knuckleheads stand the whole show, we'll need a bit of elevation.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on December 10, 2015, 09:59:55 AM
Wife might get pissed if I gave a 12 year old that though.

I think I'll end up going - just have to decide on seats.....loge seats look like they have the best viewing.  Since wrestling knuckleheads stand the whole show, we'll need a bit of elevation.
Good point and a word of advice to all of you. If you go to any show, never get ground floor seats. You will she nothing and be forced to stand for 3 hours.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Grape Ape on December 10, 2015, 10:48:21 AM
Good point and a word of advice to all of you. If you go to any show, never get ground floor seats. You will she nothing and be forced to stand for 3 hours.

Appreciate that - head the exact same advice from a buddy of mine who's a huge fan.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on December 10, 2015, 01:24:55 PM
Appreciate that - head the exact same advice from a buddy of mine who's a huge fan.

Funny, I always give this advice to people who want to go to Madison Square Garden. You don't want floor level, Orchestra seating, for the reasons Playboy mentioned. Loge is the way to go.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Grape Ape on December 10, 2015, 02:16:17 PM
Funny, I always give this advice to people who want to go to Madison Square Garden. You don't want floor level, Orchestra seating, for the reasons Playboy mentioned. Loge is the way to go.

Thanks - I'm looking at loge....there is a loge directly even with the stage....but that will run me $460.....but the loge next to that one, slightly off the corner is 350........might go that route.  Plus that loge is entrance side..
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on December 11, 2015, 04:30:10 AM
Appreciate that - head the exact same advice from a buddy of mine who's a huge fan.
I made that mistake once sitting 3 rows back from the ring on a Raw show that came to my town about 6 years ago when it was somewhat worth watching. I pretty much stood the whole 3 hours and had to deal with idiots putting their kids on their shoulders, people knocking my chair around, etc.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Grape Ape on December 14, 2015, 06:37:14 AM
We had a blast.

Seats were awesome - loge - 7 th row, slightly offset from ring corner, jumbo screen side...

Don't know the overall feelings, but what I saw:

TLC Opening match was great live.....some crazy spots....crowd totally nuts and into the match.

Russev / Ryback  Delrio/Swagger - nobody really cared but kind of expected after opener..

Owens / Ambrose - crowed went totally bonkers over Ambrose win.....

Divas - no idea why they bother with this.

Title match - Reigns was completely over with the  crowd.   Match started out great, but seemed to get pretty slow to me.  But as stated, him destroying HHH went over very well.

Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on December 14, 2015, 08:30:22 AM
We had a blast.

Seats were awesome - loge - 7 th row, slightly offset from ring corner, jumbo screen side...

Don't know the overall feelings, but what I saw:

TLC Opening match was great live.....some crazy spots....crowd totally nuts and into the match.

Russev / Ryback  Delrio/Swagger - nobody really cared but kind of expected after opener..

Owens / Ambrose - crowed went totally bonkers over Ambrose win.....

Divas - no idea why they bother with this.

Title match - Reigns was completely over with the  crowd.   Match started out great, but seemed to get pretty slow to me.  But as stated, him destroying HHH went over very well.

Ahhh nice! I was worried that you would have a shit show. Glad you guys had fun! I saw the spots in that first 3 way tag title match and it was amazing how no one got hospitalized.
Reigns vs HHH at RR in January is definately in the works. Best way to get Reigns over? Put him in the ring with the biggest "prick" in the business...HHH. HHH will make him, provided his ego doesn't get in the way of putting him over.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on December 14, 2015, 01:56:49 PM
Nice that you had a good time, GA.

Ironically, most people I know who have gone to shows have had a positive experience, even those who weren't into Pro Wrestling and went for some friend or family reason.

Vince knows how to put on a show, just not every Monday for three hours.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Dave D on December 14, 2015, 04:06:10 PM
Nice that you had a good time, GA.

Ironically, most people I know who have gone to shows have had a positive experience, even those who weren't into Pro Wrestling and went for some friend or family reason.

Vince knows how to put on a show, just not every Monday for three hours.

Live events are always entertaining and enjoyable. I'm assuming because most are there to have fun, unlike a sporting event where wearing another teams logo can cause people to lose their minds and start fights.

Most wrestling fans are also aware of what's going on and they realize that they are part of the "magic" thats taking place
(We know we're nerds).
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on December 15, 2015, 04:35:11 AM
PPV's are great to watch if you are live in person. I was lucky enough to experience 3 PPV's in my area and I enjoyed each one.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Grape Ape on December 15, 2015, 06:16:47 AM
It was good, but half the matches had zero heat.  They were able to sustain the PPV with an insanely hot opening match, than bridge the gap with the Ambrose win and the eventual final.

Owens cut a decent promo, but man he missed an opportunity to put that crowd into a frenzy: "You can't relate to my title, because unlike the Patriots, I won it without cheating"
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on December 15, 2015, 01:37:54 PM
It was good, but half the matches had zero heat.  They were able to sustain the PPV with an insanely hot opening match, than bridge the gap with the Ambrose win and the eventual final.

Owens cut a decent promo, but man he missed an opportunity to put that crowd into a frenzy: "You can't relate to my title, because unlike the Patriots, I won it without cheating"

I caught a bit of Austin's Podcast. He questioned putting a show stopper match up first, because it's hard to follow and top.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Grape Ape on December 15, 2015, 03:12:33 PM
Is that a good podcast?
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on December 15, 2015, 03:47:28 PM
Is that a good podcast?

Austin figured out that he can't just have friends on to bullshit. So, he often has Wade Keller on as a co-host to review recent wrestling events.  Keller is a 30 year wrestling journalist. The two of them mesh well. Keller, from a journalist view and Austin, of course, from a performer at all levels view.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Montague on December 15, 2015, 05:40:40 PM
Is that a good podcast?

I enjoy it. Not every show is a gem, but most are entertaining.

On the topic of podcasts, I also regularly listen to Flair's and Jericho's.
Naitch's best so far (or, I should say "my favorites") are the episodes with Steamboat and Sullivan.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Grape Ape on December 15, 2015, 05:53:12 PM

I enjoy it. Not every show is a gem, but most are entertaining.

On the topic of podcasts, I also regularly listen to Flair's and Jericho's.
Naitch's best so far (or, I should say "my favorites") are the episodes with Steamboat and Sullivan.

I'd be looking for a podcast that is through the lens of the smartmark - Austin has been critical of the WWE, true?
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Montague on December 15, 2015, 05:55:21 PM
I'd be looking for a podcast that is through the lens of the smartmark - Austin has been critical of the WWE, true?

Yes, but I believe he still holds back some.

And, he always will so long as he's got any kind of relationship with them.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on December 16, 2015, 04:34:09 AM
I'd be looking for a podcast that is through the lens of the smartmark - Austin has been critical of the WWE, true?
Its one of the main reasons why he wants no part of WM even as a guest host.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on December 16, 2015, 09:08:21 AM
Its one of the main reasons why he wants no part of WM even as a guest host.

On the last show, he criticized Reigns for lacking "attitude."

Nothing too harsh but he's still critiquing the top WWE guy.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Playboy on December 16, 2015, 10:05:40 AM
On the last show, he criticized Reigns for lacking "attitude."

Nothing too harsh but he's still critiquing the top WWE guy.
That's the point bro, if Reigns is considered the "top guy", something is drastically wrong. Flair, Bruno, Hogan, Austin, Rock were top guys all for their respective era's but Reigns doesn't even come close to lacing up any of their boots.
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on December 29, 2015, 01:05:37 PM

Austin pointed out something interesting on his podcast. During the Sasha/Becky Lynch match, Sasha won by using the tights, but none of the announcers made any mention of it, and 15 minutes later Becky was in the back joking around with New Day.

If the announcers and the wrestler who lost the match don't care if someone cheats to win, why should we? Meanwhile, Sasha gets no heat because no one mentioned what she did.

Austin seems just as disgusted with the product as we are. So, it's definitely not us.

I couldn't believe it. They did the same thing on last night's Raw. Sasha wins by pulling the tights and the announcers don't mention it. When it happened, I envisioned Austin watching the show and saying, "You gotta be effin kidding me!"
Title: Re: Why the WWE current product stinks....
Post by: Montague on December 29, 2015, 02:24:39 PM
I couldn't believe it. They did the same thing on last night's Raw. Sasha wins by pulling the tights and the announcers don't mention it. When it happened, I envisioned Austin watching the show and saying, "You gotta be effin kidding me!"

Austin should just capitalize what he can from the Fed.

No shame in that.