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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: theworm on March 13, 2006, 01:12:30 PM

Title: Yelling!
Post by: theworm on March 13, 2006, 01:12:30 PM
Why do most if you all scream when lifting in the gym?  Get over yourselves.  You look stupid.  These people scream lifting 225, all they want is attention.  It does not make you lift more.  Stop it!! 
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: MartiniMan on March 14, 2006, 06:21:51 AM
Couldn't agree with you more!

I completely understand letting out a little "verbal steam" when you are pushing for that last rep or two, or when maxing out and need everything you've got, but my personal "pet peeve" in the gym are these couple of guys who scream over every damn little thing they do.

Come on, during a 15 rep set, there is NO REASON to scream during all 15 reps.  If you need to scream during the first rep of a 15 rep set, there is something seriously wrong with your mental approach to lifting weights, or your need to attract attention.   

Again, don't get me wrong, when I see some guy squatting a pile of plates for his last working set, and he grunts out the last two or three, I definately respect his intensity - many miss out on that important part of a great workout.  But seriously, no one wants to hear you scream during all 15 reps of your massive 30 lb. dumbell curls!

Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: JPM on March 14, 2006, 08:19:49 AM
Silence is golden when lifting. Grunting and an ocasional moan, suggesting pain, can be considered normal and is OK, while four letter words are allowed from time to time.  Confirming your religious beliefs with a Jesus, Jesus Christ, Jesus F. Christ, Sweet Jesus, God, etc  can have it's place. Yelling at the top of one's lungs is something a drama queen would do. The real girly men who handle light or moderate weight in the gym will do this. I've known top women BB'er's & PL'ers who would never consider yelling at all when working heavy. Come to think of it, some of those women have a better work attitude than a lot of men I've seen. Good Luck.

Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: monster triceps on March 14, 2006, 08:54:44 AM
I psyche myself up Ronnie style by yelling "Light Weight, yeah baby!" before unracking 315 and doing 6 front shrugs. I also grunt louudly between each rep.

Monster attitude.
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: Darren Avey on March 14, 2006, 10:48:02 AM
I scream as loud as i fucking want! RAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! >:(
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: pumpster on March 14, 2006, 12:28:19 PM
Shouting, if it matches the intensity, makes total sense. Only when it's not consistent with the intensity does it look strange, otherwise bring it on!
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: brianX on March 14, 2006, 12:38:37 PM
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: jpeso on March 14, 2006, 12:52:53 PM
Someone needs to add in:

There is NO SCREAMING allowed on Curls, Tricep Pressowns or Ab crunches  ;D
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: pumpster on March 14, 2006, 01:33:51 PM
I don't know what kinda curls or pushdowns you're doing, if you're serious I expect some noise!
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: runnerbabe on March 15, 2006, 07:50:11 AM
Couldn't agree with you more! I completely understand letting out a little "verbal steam" when you are pushing for that last rep or two, or when maxing out and need everything you've got, but my personal "pet peeve" in the gym are these couple of guys who scream over every damn little thing they do.But seriously, no one wants to hear you scream during all 15 reps of your massive 30 lb. dumbell curls!

The real girly men who handle light or moderate weight in the gym will do this. I've known top women BB'er's & PL'ers who would never consider yelling at all when working heavy. Come to think of it, some of those women have a better work attitude than a lot of men I've seen. Good Luck.

Last few presses-- bring it on! But, yep, for me at least ----mum's the word! ;D

Besides, the adjacent main aerobics area is so noisy -- and I train with headphones blaring "Born to Run" on -- so there's no way I could hear a grunt...even if I wanted to. LOL.

Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: Ledd on March 15, 2006, 04:32:22 PM
Silence is golden when lifting. Grunting and an ocasional moan, suggesting pain, can be considered normal and is OK, while four letter words are allowed from time to time.  Confirming your religious beliefs with a Jesus, Jesus Christ, Jesus F. Christ, Sweet Jesus, God, etc  can have it's place. Yelling at the top of one's lungs is something a drama queen would do. The real girly men who handle light or moderate weight in the gym will do this. I've known top women BB'er's & PL'ers who would never consider yelling at all when working heavy. Come to think of it, some of those women have a better work attitude than a lot of men I've seen. Good Luck.

Well, you can't really use female bb'ers or pl'ers as an example, JPM.  Men and women pro's aren't exactly apples to oranges in this day in age, considering certain oral and injectible chemicals.   ;)
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: Buzz363 on March 15, 2006, 04:54:41 PM
I run on the treadmill with my walkman blaring " Run with the Marine Corp". I sing along as I go..

" Pain (pain) in my thigh..Pain (pain) in my leg
  Pain (pain) feels good.."

People will stop and stare, obviously awed by my intensity and will respectfully not run beside me, or within a ten foot radius.
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: ARMZ on March 15, 2006, 05:29:50 PM
"It has to be quiet, like in a church" -arnold schwarzenegger
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: pumpster on March 15, 2006, 05:34:39 PM
Well, you can't really use female bb'ers or pl'ers as an example, JPM.  Men and women pro's aren't exactly apples to oranges in this day in age

Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: runnerbabe on March 15, 2006, 07:39:04 PM
People will stop and stare, obviously awed by my intensity

Oh yes-- obviously that's why   ;D
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: Robert E. Lee on March 15, 2006, 08:12:27 PM
At Planet Fitness they kick you out and cancel your membership if you yell, grunt, or drop weights.  We're the "Judgement Free Zone."  Yeah right, only people we judge are bodybuilders.
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: ARMZ on March 15, 2006, 08:21:20 PM
At Planet Fitness they kick you out and cancel your membership if you yell, grunt, or drop weights.  We're the "Judgement Free Zone."  Yeah right, only people we judge are bodybuilders.

yeap, even a golds out here in palm springs they kick you out for that..
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: JPM on March 15, 2006, 09:43:07 PM
Sorry Ledd, would you mind rephasing your post again. I'm trying to reconfig a older Linux system and mental numbness (normal for me) has set in. Would that be apples and oranges?  I regret that I'm missing your point.

Speaking of fruit, God speed to you Pumpster and your pursuit of emotional balance and inner happiness. Good Luck.
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: monster triceps on March 16, 2006, 12:36:51 AM
Speaking of fruit, God speed to you Pumpster and your pursuit of emotional balance and inner happiness. Good Luck.

Pure ownage.
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: pumpster on March 16, 2006, 05:08:18 AM
LOL try the certified JPM Pussy Workout-white gloves, well-behaved with no groaning or noise of any kind, forget sweating. All because, according to this "sage" you're not supposed to go to failure.. ;D ::)
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: RancherRanger on March 16, 2006, 12:41:45 PM
Actually screaming while lifting is stupid.  Breathing properly is key.  It gives your muscles oxygen and is very benefitual.
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: JPM on March 16, 2006, 01:55:42 PM
Agree with R-Ranger, screaming like Michael Jackson during a little boy's birthday party at Neverland is rather uncool. If you really were mentally focused on a  execise, all the energy (hopefully 100%) would be on that exercise and controled breathing and not on how loud a femine sound you could produce. Or trying to make other people think you were really working out hard by yelling is just pretending that you know how to workout. Girly men (thank's Arnold) shouldn't have to act like girly men during a hard workout. Might want to act a little masculine, at least in a gym. Good Luck.
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: pumpster on March 16, 2006, 02:05:47 PM
Let's see-recently JPM's told us in various posts that he happens to know better than various famous bodybuilders re: technique and exercise. Then he goes on to inform us that going to failure or making any of those rude noises serious builders make from time to time in going to failure aren't acceptible.

All the while my own experiences are totally consistent with the builders who know more than JPM.

Thank GOD for a know-all like JPM to set us straight.. ::)
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: JPM on March 16, 2006, 03:07:12 PM
Please feel free to read any of my past post..they are in English Pumpster. I understand that English is a challenge for you so maybe your nurse can explain things in a slow easy manner. The nurse might have to draw stick figures or use hand puppets ( I heard you like the little puppy dog one's the best) to help you understand things but I guess that's all part of the healing process to help you back from that mental disfunction that has overcome you. God bless you and good luck.
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: pumpster on March 16, 2006, 04:27:35 PM
JPM doesn't comprehend the english language sufficiently to understand what a run-on sentence & paragraph are, thus all his comments are incoherent, as in a lot of hot air.

Did I mention boring? Almost always equal parts inaccuracy and plagerism of comments already made by others and re-fried/buried within another long JPM treaties.

Guess what-a lot of the pros say what i've found to be true-JPM" claims to know better. Sure buddy!
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: monster triceps on March 17, 2006, 12:42:21 AM
Yes because grunting and sniveling is an important part of a Hardcore Workout.
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: tipdog on March 17, 2006, 03:52:26 AM
I couldn't finishes watching Dorian Yates' video Blood and Guts with the sound on.  I had to turn off the sound because his training partner was absolutely rediculous with his "motivational" screaming. 
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: tipdog on March 17, 2006, 03:54:41 AM
Oops, "finish" would have been the correct word in the above post.
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: pumpster on March 17, 2006, 07:10:40 AM
Ya, that yelling stuff is terrible.. ::) Why can't they just be noiseless?  ???
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: monster triceps on March 17, 2006, 07:16:23 AM
Ya, that yelling stuff is terrible.. ::) Why can't they just be noiseless?  ???

Because they're hardcore, just like you, hahahahahahahahahahaha, oh brother, hahahahahahahahahaha. Pathetic.
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: pumpster on March 17, 2006, 08:53:24 AM
Monster Triceps, another sarcasm account. How many does that make, 5 accounts talking to one another?
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: Ledd on March 17, 2006, 05:33:03 PM
Sorry Ledd, would you mind rephasing your post again. I'm trying to reconfig a older Linux system and mental numbness (normal for me) has set in. Would that be apples and oranges?  I regret that I'm missing your point.

Speaking of fruit, God speed to you Pumpster and your pursuit of emotional balance and inner happiness. Good Luck.

No, I think the phrase is "apples to oranges", its used when comparing two things which are different.  I was just saying that strength and physical build are seemingly not so different between male and female bbers and plers.

I was speaking in reference to what you said about women pro's training and working more quietly than many men.  It was a sarcastic joke about the size and vascularity of MANY female pros, not meant to offend anyone, and now has lost all humor even to me, the owner of the statement, since I have had to dryly explain myself.

By the way what is this ongoing battle between you and pumpster?  Seems like every thread I read which you two have posted on you guys are attacking one another.  Both you guys are apparently lifting guru's, why not respectfully disagree?  Oh well, makes for interesting reading.
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: JPM on March 17, 2006, 07:30:20 PM
Ledd: apples to oranges or apples and oranges, I am not sure of the correct wordage.. Any way the point is well taken. I do understand the reference of the phrase. Two different elements can not be judged on  the same scale.

I tried some veiled dry humor and/or tongue in cheek when I first started posting here but it is usually lost in the meaning. Too bad for me. Probably 90% of the people who come to this site and read the post do not, or never will, post themselves. Just like on talk radio, 95% of the people who listen never call in. Sarcastic wit is also lost here. I understood the reference to the gender bender nature of some of the extreme women BB'ers. I can understand your desire to inject a little humor  but most people take humor the wrong way on this site. This can be a lost cause. People tend to get confused and defensive very easily if things are not presented in a easy to understand manner or do not agree with their ideas or what they read in the T&A muscle mags. People in the other sections at GetBig seem to be looser and have more fun posting.....most of the time.

Please read any past post of mine to see where I stand on lifting.   I am not by any means a "lifting Guru" just a very lucky person who has remained in the field of training and the progress of different athletes. I'm also learning new theory's and methods of working out all the time, always room to absorb new ideas. As far as a battle goes, there is no battle I have already won the war. Good Luck.
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: gtbro1 on March 20, 2006, 11:11:26 AM
I scream BEEFCAKE on every set.
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: NYCDVR on March 21, 2006, 04:54:49 PM
Look fuck all of you pussies

Some people train at the edge personally I only do when I am heavy in a cycle but when this is going on and I get beat red huffing and puffing for air and leaning on equipment for support after sets I get dirty looks from people who are like why don't you lift less and breath

Fuck you fitness pussies

As far as the guys who are screaming there idiots to

I have no lungs when I am really training the grunting is gasps for air

I deserve my air
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: Eric15210 on March 29, 2006, 11:38:36 AM
I tore my pec muscle off and screamed like a lil girl
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: anvil on April 03, 2006, 11:53:16 AM
I saw a saggy old dude in the locker room with toilet paper hanging out of his ass and i think i screamed before i started throwing up uncontrollably :o
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: ARMZ on April 03, 2006, 02:08:41 PM
I saw a saggy old dude in the locker room with toilet paper hanging out of his ass and i think i screamed before i started throwing up uncontrollably :o

You gotta help the man out..  Just sneak up and pull it off..
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: anvil on April 03, 2006, 02:17:26 PM
uuuuugh, i shouldn't have even said anything.  Just remembering that sight is making me sick again
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: MidniteRambo on April 18, 2006, 01:26:06 PM
That's one nice thing about working out at home alone, I can grunt, scream, not wipe down the equipment and no one asks me to "work in."
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: blondmusclhunk on April 18, 2006, 02:45:47 PM
Ive heard occasional moans or a some grunts.  I do sometimes on some lifts but only  a few people close by may barely hear.  The screaming and loudness funny thing comes from a few guys that are skinny and think they are lifting hard. Same guys that try to walk around like they have lats, I think weve all seen this one.
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: Always Sore on April 19, 2006, 05:48:57 AM
The problem i have with people who feel the need to yell is twofold. One most people who yell are yelling with either little weights or doing something like overhead cable pressdowns (or working with useless weighted balls) and it makes no sense.

Two the people who yell fall in one of two catagories, skinny and small and annoying (this is the group that shadow boxes between sets or tries out there latest dance moves) or the over fat wannabee bodybuilders/powerlifters, who really need to just buy the medium shirt to stretch over there XXL frame that lights up and says "please look at me i spend all day in the gym and my daddy never loved me."

I have no problem if you hit a personal best max lift and want to either force out the last rep or two or are working with a buddy who is doing the same but if you are shouting and yelling at the first rep you need to take a look at why you feel you need the attention (this goes with my problem of people who feel the need to clank the shit out of weights as they load the bar/machine).

i lift what i would consider heavy weights and i tip the scales at 288 lbs and tho i am a old marine asshole with a reckless temper outside the gym i am very nice and polite and respectfull that its not my personal gym and try not to make a jerk of myself around other people using the gym.
Title: Re: Yelling!
Post by: blondmusclhunk on April 19, 2006, 08:32:18 AM
I think its kinda rude too.  When I hear a guy do that and lifting crap for weight i just give him a look that says why the hell do you need to scream