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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Las Vegas on November 09, 2016, 10:52:44 AM

Title: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 09, 2016, 10:52:44 AM
"It is so important to audit The Federal Reserve"

- Donald Trump, February 22 2016
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on November 09, 2016, 10:54:38 AM
"It is so important to audit The Federal Reserve"

- Donald Trump, February 22 2016

Ron Paul, Secretary of Treasury
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 09, 2016, 10:57:03 AM
Trump Press Release -- September 2016:

One of Mr. Trump’s first commands after taking office will be asking the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and all relevant federal departments, to conduct a thorough review of United States cyber defenses and identify all vulnerabilities – in our power grid, our communications systems, and all vital infrastructure.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 09, 2016, 10:58:16 AM
^ and of course you don't "ask" -- you tell.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 09, 2016, 11:01:05 AM
Ron Paul, Secretary of Treasury

That would work for me.

And I expect Trump to make good on his word, regarding the things he's said.  That's what he's going to be judged on.  I'm a little nervous about him, admittedly, but I have high hopes.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 09, 2016, 11:03:59 AM
Trump Press Release -- September 2016:

Immediately after taking office, Mr. Trump will ask the generals to present a plan within 30 days to defeat and destroy ISIS.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: SOMEPARTS on November 09, 2016, 11:15:44 AM
Going to be a sticky situation when the people funding isis have direct money ties to Hill and Huma.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 09, 2016, 11:28:05 AM
Going to be a sticky situation when the people funding isis have direct money ties to Hill and Huma.

You know, that's among the things which give me such great hope.  Getting to the core of this ISIS claim.  Let's find out exactly how they're funded.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 09, 2016, 11:40:19 AM
"I'm going to tell our NAFTA partners that I intend to immediately renegotiate the terms of that agreement to get a better deal for our workers” - Donald Trump

NAFTA Could Be Replaced By U.S.-Canada Deal Under Trump: CIBC

TORONTO - The North American Free Trade Agreement could be replaced by a Canada-U.S. deal following Donald Trump’s election to the presidency, CIBC says.

And while that would put a huge question mark over Mexico’s future, it could actually be partly good news for Canada, economists Avery Shenfeld and Royce Mendes wrote in a client note Wednesday morning.

“Canada and the U.S. could revert to a bilateral free trade arrangement that excludes Mexico,” they wrote, referring to the U.S.-Canada trade agreement that existed before NAFTA was ratified in 1994.

“That might help Canada reap market share stateside, but there are also risks that protectionist sentiments could extend to restrictions on some Canadian shipments to the U.S., given the political tide in that direction.”

They noted that Trump is largely concerned about competition from “low cost producers like China and Mexico,” giving Canada an opening to maintain free trade with the U.S. if Trump goes ahead with his protectionist agenda.

Indeed, Canada could benefit in certain ways from a possible departure of Mexico from NAFTA. Mexico recently overtook Canada as the largest exporter of cars to the U.S. It has seen much more auto industry investment than Canada in recent years. A deal between Canada and the U.S. alone could help turn that tide.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 09, 2016, 11:45:34 AM
Prepare for a desperate flood of lies from the media.  They'll try to pull the rug from under him, at every step.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 09, 2016, 12:50:49 PM
Ron Paul, Secretary of Treasury

Ron Paul: Donald Trump Wants To Audit The Federal Reserve, The “Secret Society” Loves Hillary

October 21, 2016: Ron Paul rips both candidates, but appreciates Trump wanting to audit the Federal Reserve while Hillary Clinton is in bed with the establishment.

“I find Hillary astounding,” Paul said. “For her to say that we shouldn’t comment on the Fed — it is off limits, don’t talk about it.”

“I think the members of the secret society of the Federal Reserve will love Hillary,” Paul said. “Because you’re not allowed to say anything. And yet, as you know, I consider the Federal Reserve and the monetizing of debt as being very important. Because I think the next step that we have, not only the desire to know what the Fed is doing –And Donald Trump wants to audit the Fed– I think the connection has to be known that the deficit can be dealt with by the Federal Reserve, they just have to be prohibited from monetizing debt.”

“When I was in Congress, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve always blamed the Congress for spending too much money, but the Fed accomodates them by doing what? Keeping interest rates low!”

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 09, 2016, 01:54:18 PM
And NOW.  For the main event...

Donald J. Trump:

What follows is my 100-day action plan to Make America Great Again. It is a contract between myself and the American voter — and begins with restoring honesty, accountability and change to Washington

Therefore, on the first day of my term of office, my administration will immediately pursue the following six measures to clean up the corruption and special interest collusion in Washington, DC:

* FIRST, propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress;

* SECOND, a hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health);

* THIRD, a requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated;

* FOURTH, a 5 year-ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service;

* FIFTH, a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government;

* SIXTH, a complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.

On the same day, I will begin taking the following 7 actions to protect American workers:

* FIRST, I will announce my intention to renegotiate NAFTA or withdraw from the deal under Article 2205

* SECOND, I will announce our withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership

* THIRD, I will direct my Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator

* FOURTH, I will direct the Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade Representative to identify all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers and direct them to use every tool under American and international law to end those abuses immediately

* FIFTH, I will lift the restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars' worth of job-producing American energy reserves, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal.

* SIXTH, lift the Obama-Clinton roadblocks and allow vital energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward

* SEVENTH, cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs and use the money to fix America's water and environmental infrastructure

Additionally, on the first day, I will take the following five actions to restore security and the constitutional rule of law:

* FIRST, cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama

* SECOND, begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia from one of the 20 judges on my list, who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States

* THIRD, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities

* FOURTH, begin removing the more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants from the country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won't take them back

* FIFTH, suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur. All vetting of people coming into our country will be considered extreme vetting.

Next, I will work with Congress to introduce the following broader legislative measures and fight for their passage within the first 100 days of my Administration:

1. Middle Class Tax Relief And Simplification Act. An economic plan designed to grow the economy 4% per year and create at least 25 million new jobs through massive tax reduction and simplification, in combination with trade reform, regulatory relief, and lifting the restrictions on American energy. The largest tax reductions are for the middle class. A middle-class family with 2 children will get a 35% tax cut. The current number of brackets will be reduced from 7 to 3, and tax forms will likewise be greatly simplified. The business rate will be lowered from 35 to 15 percent, and the trillions of dollars of American corporate money overseas can now be brought back at a 10 percent rate.
2. End The Offshoring Act. Establishes tariffs to discourage companies from laying off their workers in order to relocate in other countries and ship their products back to the U.S. tax-free.
3. American Energy & Infrastructure Act. Leverages public-private partnerships, and private investments through tax incentives, to spur $1 trillion in infrastructure investment over 10 years. It is revenue neutral.
4. School Choice And Education Opportunity Act. Redirects education dollars to give parents the right to send their kid to the public, private, charter, magnet, religious or home school of their choice. Ends common core, brings education supervision to local communities. It expands vocational and technical education, and make 2 and 4-year college more affordable.
5. Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act. Fully repeals Obamacare and replaces it with Health Savings Accounts, the ability to purchase health insurance across state lines, and lets states manage Medicaid funds. Reforms will also include cutting the red tape at the FDA: there are over 4,000 drugs awaiting approval, and we especially want to speed the approval of life-saving medications.
6. Affordable Childcare and Eldercare Act. Allows Americans to deduct childcare and elder care from their taxes, incentivizes employers to provide on-side childcare services, and creates tax-free Dependent Care Savings Accounts for both young and elderly dependents, with matching contributions for low-income families.
7. End Illegal Immigration Act Fully-funds the construction of a wall on our southern border with the full understanding that the country Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost of such wall; establishes a 2-year mandatory minimum federal prison sentence for illegally re-entering the U.S. after a previous deportation, and a 5-year mandatory minimum for illegally re-entering for those with felony convictions, multiple misdemeanor convictions or two or more prior deportations; also reforms visa rules to enhance penalties for overstaying and to ensure open jobs are offered to American workers first.
8. Restoring Community Safety Act. Reduces surging crime, drugs and violence by creating a Task Force On Violent Crime and increasing funding for programs that train and assist local police; increases resources for federal law enforcement agencies and federal prosecutors to dismantle criminal gangs and put violent offenders behind bars.
9. Restoring National Security Act. Rebuilds our military by eliminating the defense sequester and expanding military investment; provides Veterans with the ability to receive public VA treatment or attend the private doctor of their choice; protects our vital infrastructure from cyber-attack; establishes new screening procedures for immigration to ensure those who are admitted to our country support our people and our values
10. Clean up Corruption in Washington Act. Enacts new ethics reforms to Drain the Swamp and reduce the corrupting influence of special interests on our politics.

On November 8th, Americans will be voting for this 100-day plan to restore prosperity to our economy, security to our communities, and honesty to our government.

This is my pledge to you.

And if we follow these steps, we will once more have a government of, by and for the people.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 09, 2016, 06:34:52 PM
Bernie on Trump's win:

“Donald Trump tapped into the anger of a declining middle class that is sick and tired of establishment economics, establishment politics and the establishment media.  People are tired of working longer hours for lower wages, of seeing decent paying jobs go to China and other low-wage countries, of billionaires not paying any federal income taxes and of not being able to afford a college education for their kids - all while the very rich become much richer."
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 10, 2016, 08:47:10 AM
Is Trump Already Headed Down The Path Of The George W. Bush Presidency?


President-elect Donald Trump, during his campaign, refreshingly criticized Republican George W. Bush’s war in Iraq and Democrat Barack Obama’s war in Libya; seemingly advocated a more restrained American foreign policy abroad; touted the need for a better relationship with Russia; and even propounded a badly needed reassessment of overextended U.S. alliances around the world. However, already his apparent consideration of the usual hawkish Republican retreads for top foreign policy and national security posts threatens to take him down the well-worn path of the Bush presidency he so vehemently criticized during the political season.

In the 2000 presidential campaign, George W. Bush, to distinguish himself from the interventionist presidency of Democrat Bill Clinton, promised a “more humble foreign policy.” Yet, after he became president, Bush, advised by neo-conservative hawks, took advantage of the tragic 9/11 attacks to invade a Muslim country that had no part in those attacks — Iraq. This invasion was one of the biggest foreign policy blunders in American history — turning into a U.S. quagmire that destabilized both Iraq and Syria and led to an Islamist guerrilla opposition movement that ultimately became the brutal group Islamic State, with which will Mr. Trump will now have to contend.

Yet disappointingly, Trump’s rumored consideration of former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Sen. Bob Corker (Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee), and former diplomat and neo-conservative John Bolton for Secretary of State point in the direction of continuing the standard Republican hawkish foreign policy of George W. Bush — about which Trump complained in the campaign and which the American people resoundingly rejected in the election.

For defense secretary, the seeming consideration of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), former Bush National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley, and former Sen. Jim Talent (R-Mo.) seem to go down the same road. The apparent consideration of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) for National Security Adviser also have an excessively muscular tinge.

For such high security posts, some Trump consideration is needed of fresh voices on the right who advocate the time-tested and more restrained foreign policy of the nation’s founders — to be more aligned with Trump’s campaign rhetoric to the American people implying fewer entanglements in exhausting faraway foreign wars, better relations with great powers such as Russia, and reassessment, and perhaps a scaling back, of the costly U.S. role in a globe-spanning network of outdated alliances.

(Ivan Eland -- Senior Fellow and Director of the Center on Peace & Liberty, The Independent Institute)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: OzmO on November 10, 2016, 08:50:34 AM
Bernie on Trump's win:

“Donald Trump tapped into the anger of a declining middle class that is sick and tired of establishment economics, establishment politics and the establishment media.  People are tired of working longer hours for lower wages, of seeing decent paying jobs go to China and other low-wage countries, of billionaires not paying any federal income taxes and of not being able to afford a college education for their kids - all while the very rich become much richer."

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 10, 2016, 08:58:58 AM


Love the way he did that, too.  He started and finished his statement by jabbering a "warning" to Trump about "racism" and "homophobia" or something like that, then he took a hard shot at Hillary with the rest.  Didn't even need to mention her name, lol.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: headhuntersix on November 10, 2016, 09:12:43 AM
Well he better not freeze DOD hires because I just found out I got hired on with the DOD after my 1DEC retirement...fucker.  Anyway still in shock over the election. This should be interesting
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Howard on November 10, 2016, 09:19:31 AM
Prepare for a desperate flood of lies from the media.  They'll try to pull the rug from under him, at every step.

Some will try , but, I have a slightly different take on the direction of the media.

The majority of the country , especially in middle America wanted Trump and the GOP.
The major urban centers ( LA, NY, Chicago, etc) will use their media outlets to promote liberal ideas to these geographic locations.

" Conservative talk radio" and related networks will be bolder and more partisan as they speak to their followers ( fly over country).

In simple terms, the "media" will be more polarized then ever before in their coverage.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: hardgainerj on November 10, 2016, 09:19:59 AM
"It is so important to audit The Federal Reserve"

- Donald Trump, February 22 2016
never gonna happen, never
Title: Donald Trump
Post by: Army of One on November 10, 2016, 04:24:14 PM
Donald Trump
Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Kwon on November 10, 2016, 04:25:00 PM
Donald Trump

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Army of One on November 10, 2016, 04:47:43 PM

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: The True Adonis on November 10, 2016, 04:48:09 PM
Donald Trump
God-Emperor.  Praise KeK.
Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Army of One on November 10, 2016, 04:50:42 PM
God-Emperor.  Praise KeK.

I don't think Ive ever admired a man as much as Trump, Jordan and Arnold come close.No homo.
Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: The True Adonis on November 10, 2016, 04:52:40 PM
I don't think Ive ever admired a man as much as Trump, Jordan and Arnold come close.No homo.
Nobody wins as much as Trump, Nobody.  That I can tell you.

Finally we have a real President.  I have never felt so good about all of it.  I noticed a complete change in people today too.  People were extra happy and nice.  Never remember this before.  Its crazy.
Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Army of One on November 10, 2016, 05:01:03 PM
Nobody wins as much as Trump, Nobody.  That I can tell you.

Finally we have a real President.  I have never felt so good about all of it.  I noticed a complete change in people today too.  People were extra happy and nice.  Never remember this before.  Its crazy.

He's hugely popular in uk too, it overtook the media so much you'd think he was running for and won primeminister
Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: The True Adonis on November 10, 2016, 05:03:47 PM
"Hillary won 4% LESS female voters than Obama in 2012. Turns out "I have a vagina" isn't a great campaign platform."
Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: oldschoolfan on November 10, 2016, 05:08:12 PM
"Hillary won 4% LESS female voters than Obama in 2012. Turns out "I have a vagina" isn't a great campaign platform."

true adonis did you find it comical when she had jay z and beyonce perform there shitty music to lure young voters
Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Army of One on November 10, 2016, 05:11:43 PM
true adonis did you find it comical when she had jay z and beyonce perform there shitty music to lure young voters

Funniest part is that she didn't learn from Brexit,that liberal celebs endorsing a cause is a sure fire way to turn the general public away.
Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: The True Adonis on November 10, 2016, 05:13:08 PM
true adonis did you find it comical when she had jay z and beyonce perform there shitty music to lure young voters
Here is what I said about that:

I wonder why Blacks are not angry at the obvious pandering.

In the Wikileaks there is an attatchment on how to "Get the black vote".  It contains strategies on other races as well.  With whites, they list a litany of economic issues etc...  With blacks,  They have 2 things only.

1. Celebrities
2. Michelle Obama  (this is why she was going around at the final stages, trying to collect the black vote)

They REALLY think of their pets as mindless idiots and yet the blacks FALL FOR IT EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME!

Now Trump actually wants to give them a fighting chance at having a decent life, to be treated with some decency and respect via their own work and they don't want it.

Its unreal.
Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: OlympiaGym on November 10, 2016, 05:14:33 PM
Here is what I said about that:

I wonder why Blacks are not angry at the obvious pandering.

In the Wikileaks there is an attatchment on how to "Get the black vote".  It contains strategies on other races as well.  With whites, they list a litany of economic issues etc...  With blacks,  They have 2 things only.

1. Celebrities
2. Michelle Obama  (this is why she was going around at the final stages, trying to collect the black vote)

They REALLY think of their pets as mindless idiots and yet the blacks FALL FOR IT EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME!

Now Trump actually wants to give them a fighting chance at having a decent life, to be treated with some decency and respect via their own work and they don't want it.

Its unreal.

Who did the Jews vote for?
Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Yamcha on November 11, 2016, 03:12:15 AM
Here is what I said about that:

I wonder why Blacks are not angry at the obvious pandering.

In the Wikileaks there is an attatchment on how to "Get the black vote".  It contains strategies on other races as well.  With whites, they list a litany of economic issues etc...  With blacks,  They have 2 things only.

1. Celebrities
2. Michelle Obama  (this is why she was going around at the final stages, trying to collect the black vote)

They REALLY think of their pets as mindless idiots and yet the blacks FALL FOR IT EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME!

Now Trump actually wants to give them a fighting chance at having a decent life, to be treated with some decency and respect via their own work and they don't want it.

Its unreal.

I always carry hot sauce in my bag.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: youandme on November 11, 2016, 06:12:45 AM
I always carry hot sauce in my bag.


lmfao, great twitter post
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on November 11, 2016, 07:40:38 AM
Found Trump's game plan for renegotiating NAFTA and the Chinese currency manipulation fiasco.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Nails on November 11, 2016, 08:43:41 AM
2012 Trump Tweets

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Trev on November 11, 2016, 08:52:35 AM
He's hugely popular in uk too, it overtook the media so much you'd think he was running for and won primeminister

No he's not, we all see him for egotistic moron he is. Anyone who believes anything the guys says is totally deluded.

American's are insane and a joke to the world now - First off they allow their government to comply with killing over 3000 of their own citizens in the 911 demolitions and now they vote in the son of a billionaire who bullshits his way through business and has zero experience in any form of politics
Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Yamcha on November 11, 2016, 08:54:10 AM
No he's not, we all see him for egotistic moron he is. Anyone who believes anything the guys says is totally deluded.

American's are insane and a joke to the world now - First off they allow their government to comply with killing over 3000 of their own citizens in the 911 demolitions and now they vote in the son of a billionaire who bullshits his way through business and has zero experience in any form of politics

good... you're next  8) cling to your precious Mecca while you can

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 11, 2016, 08:54:21 AM
I always carry hot sauce in my bag.


Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mazrim on November 11, 2016, 08:58:06 AM
Is Trump Already Headed Down The Path Of The George W. Bush Presidency?


President-elect Donald Trump, during his campaign, refreshingly criticized Republican George W. Bush’s war in Iraq and Democrat Barack Obama’s war in Libya; seemingly advocated a more restrained American foreign policy abroad; touted the need for a better relationship with Russia; and even propounded a badly needed reassessment of overextended U.S. alliances around the world. However, already his apparent consideration of the usual hawkish Republican retreads for top foreign policy and national security posts threatens to take him down the well-worn path of the Bush presidency he so vehemently criticized during the political season.

In the 2000 presidential campaign, George W. Bush, to distinguish himself from the interventionist presidency of Democrat Bill Clinton, promised a “more humble foreign policy.” Yet, after he became president, Bush, advised by neo-conservative hawks, took advantage of the tragic 9/11 attacks to invade a Muslim country that had no part in those attacks — Iraq. This invasion was one of the biggest foreign policy blunders in American history — turning into a U.S. quagmire that destabilized both Iraq and Syria and led to an Islamist guerrilla opposition movement that ultimately became the brutal group Islamic State, with which will Mr. Trump will now have to contend.

Yet disappointingly, Trump’s rumored consideration of former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Sen. Bob Corker (Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee), and former diplomat and neo-conservative John Bolton for Secretary of State point in the direction of continuing the standard Republican hawkish foreign policy of George W. Bush — about which Trump complained in the campaign and which the American people resoundingly rejected in the election.

For defense secretary, the seeming consideration of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), former Bush National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley, and former Sen. Jim Talent (R-Mo.) seem to go down the same road. The apparent consideration of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) for National Security Adviser also have an excessively muscular tinge.

For such high security posts, some Trump consideration is needed of fresh voices on the right who advocate the time-tested and more restrained foreign policy of the nation’s founders — to be more aligned with Trump’s campaign rhetoric to the American people implying fewer entanglements in exhausting faraway foreign wars, better relations with great powers such as Russia, and reassessment, and perhaps a scaling back, of the costly U.S. role in a globe-spanning network of outdated alliances.

(Ivan Eland -- Senior Fellow and Director of the Center on Peace & Liberty, The Independent Institute)

My biggest fear. Retreads.

 Gowdy, Cruz, etc. Reward fighters. Not the same old same old.
Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: James on November 11, 2016, 11:10:35 AM
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 11, 2016, 01:25:30 PM
Mike Pence has been placed in charge of the Transition Team, which (unfortunately) includes many dangerous no-goods, but also Trump's three oldest children (for whatever that'll mean, IDK).

My problem is that, if he has the wrong people working with him, then his plans will be for naught and we'll all end up against him.  It will have been a big failure.

One hopeful thing, though, is this:

Pence will not make all the recommendations on top White House staff assignments. Instead, Pence and Trump will collaborate on those choices.

Pence will provide recommendations, while Trump makes the final decision in all cases.

Time to up your game, Trump!  Get it together, because it's your only chance to do it right.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mazrim on November 11, 2016, 01:36:36 PM
Mike Pence has been placed in charge of the Transition Team, which (unfortunately) includes many dangerous no-goods, but also Trump's three oldest children (for whatever that'll mean, IDK).

My problem is that, if he has the wrong people working with him, then his plans will be for naught and we'll all end up against him.  It will have been a big failure.

One hopeful thing, though, is this:

Time to up your game, Trump!  Get it together, because it's your only chance to do it right.

Glad he demoted Christie.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 11, 2016, 01:54:13 PM
Glad he demoted Christie.

I haven't found word on why that happened.

Looks like a few of the guys on the "team" are there with the single purpose of "outsmarting" the others (outsmarting Pence, as it may turn out) and no doubt in my mind they're viewing it as the investment of a lifetime.

If Trump's in over his head, then we're about to find out.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 11, 2016, 01:56:04 PM
Well he better not freeze DOD hires because I just found out I got hired on with the DOD after my 1DEC retirement...fucker.  Anyway still in shock over the election. This should be interesting

I'd appreciate it if you'd give us an update on that, HH.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 11, 2016, 02:03:28 PM
Some will try , but, I have a slightly different take on the direction of the media.

The majority of the country , especially in middle America wanted Trump and the GOP.
The major urban centers ( LA, NY, Chicago, etc) will use their media outlets to promote liberal ideas to these geographic locations.

" Conservative talk radio" and related networks will be bolder and more partisan as they speak to their followers ( fly over country).

In simple terms, the "media" will be more polarized then ever before in their coverage.

Let's see what happens when he starts taking meaningful steps.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 11, 2016, 02:07:08 PM
never gonna happen, never

He now has the time and place to carefully explain his stand to all Americans, in a way everyone will hear.

Let's see if he does that.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 11, 2016, 02:21:20 PM
Found Trump's game plan for renegotiating NAFTA and the Chinese currency manipulation fiasco.


 ;D  ;D
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 11, 2016, 02:26:43 PM
My biggest fear. Retreads.

 Gowdy, Cruz, etc. Reward fighters. Not the same old same old.

Yep exactly.  He should know that the bad guys will be after him to gain power.

If he's into something he can't handle, we're going to be the ones to pay badly. 
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 11, 2016, 02:57:49 PM

Ever wonder why Paddy Power decided to pay on Hillary as a win, approximately three weeks before the election?

Despite all claims from PP itself, it's said to have been done for extreme publicity.  In other words: PP saw such a strong urge by the media to portray Hillary as "the winner" that, clearly, an early pay would pick up tons of coverage.  And it did exactly that, all for about 900K.

They've made up the $$ it cost them, and they'll continue to make millions from it.  (Unacceptable practice, though, imo.)

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Howard on November 11, 2016, 05:05:41 PM
When did TA became the jockey for PP?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 12, 2016, 05:49:00 PM
A Los Angeles Times work, by way of the Chicago Tribune:

Fight to define Trump's presidency will be waged between two competing factions

Fresh from a successful battle against a Democratic opponent, Donald Trump’s attention must now turn to defining his presidency.

His campaign offered two divergent approaches. He was a disruptive rabble-rouser when it came to general demeanor and his immigration and national security stances. He was a more conventional Republican when it came to his social-issue positions and economic concerns.

The warring options were on sharp display overnight into Friday.

Responding to protests around the country Thursday night, Trump first issued a tweet in keeping with the defiant tone of his campaign that “professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!”

Nine hours later came one that was more presidential in approach, if a reversal from his first sentiment.


“Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud!” he said.

The early discussions about key positions in his administration included similarly opposed sentiments, suggesting that Trump has yet to lock down precisely how he will approach governing the nation.

Among those being considered for presidential chief of staff — the figure who more than any other determines how well a White House works, and at what — was Stephen Bannon, who took a leave as chairman of Breitbart News to serve as Trump’s campaign CEO.

Bannon is a controversial figure even among Republicans, seen in the campaign as encouraging Trump’s more eye-opening stunts such as his news conference with several women who accused former President Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct. He also fanned some of Trump’s incendiary rhetoric about immigrants, Muslims and African-Americans. But he has no experience in governing or keeping on track an organization as large as the executive branch.

Another person being considered was the far more button-down Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, an establishment figure who has close ties to House Speaker Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin and other GOP leaders, having helped run the party for almost six years.

Bannon and Priebus share an alliance with Trump, but little else. The pick is seen as essential to Trump’s direction since the chief of staff often has the president’s ear just before a decision is reached.

The picture is no clearer for other top Cabinet posts, such as secretary of state. Trump is considering Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee, a consensus builder in the Senate who is well-liked across the aisle. But he is also looking at former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton, one of the most aggressive neoconservative hawks during the George W. Bush administration and a favorite among the Breitbart set.

Adding further uncertainty, on Friday afternoon Trump shook up his transition team, announcing that Vice President-elect Mike Pence would take over, replacing New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

As much as staffing, Trump’s presidency also will be defined by the issues he chooses to take up early in his administration. Already, outside groups and Republicans on Capitol Hill, who will continue to control both houses, are pressuring Trump to make good on myriad and sometimes competing campaign promises. And they are moving into the vacuum formed by the lack of substantive policy proposals in the campaign.

Trump’s success in Tuesday’s election rested on running against both parties, Democrats and Republicans alike. That suggests that he may end up cutting a distinct path untethered to the traditional lines, even Republican ones.


Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 12, 2016, 06:40:30 PM
Vanity Fair, reporting on negative comments made by wealthy global CEOs regarding the Trump victory:

Matt Maloney, the C.E.O. of Grubhub, took things even further in a company-wide e-mail sent to his employees on Wednesday, asking them to resign if they shared president-elect Donald Trump’s values. “I absolutely reject the nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump and will work to shield our community from this movement as best as I can,” Maloney said. “If you do not agree with this statement then please reply to this email with your resignation because you have no place here. We do not tolerate hateful attitudes on our team.”

GrubHub stock dropped 5% after, at which time Maloney said:

“I want to clarify that I did not ask for anyone to resign if they voted for Trump,” he wrote. “I would never make such a demand. To the contrary, the message of the email is that we do not tolerate discriminatory activity or hateful commentary in the workplace, and that we will stand up for our employees.”

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Howard on November 12, 2016, 07:12:28 PM
Vanity Fair, reporting on negative comments made by wealthy global CEOs regarding the Trump victory:

GrubHub stock dropped 5% after, at which time Maloney said:


Holy Snikey! If GrubHub tanks , America is doomed.

In related BIG news, my last fart was 3 sec long .
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 12, 2016, 10:09:31 PM
Holy Snikey! If GrubHub tanks , America is doomed.

In related BIG news, my last fart was 3 sec long .

No, I don't believe GrubHub is at risk of tanking for his actions in this regard.  Not at all.  But if a guy like that chooses to shoot his face off in such a stupid way, then he's going to meet backlash.

The real story (and big lol) is a globalist CEO pretending to "shield" humanity from anything.  Americans are getting too wise for the game.
Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: calfzilla on November 12, 2016, 11:58:18 PM

Someone should shop jizz on the glasses and put the. Brazzers logo in the pic.
Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Mobil on November 13, 2016, 02:31:24 AM
No he's not, we all see him for egotistic moron he is. Anyone who believes anything the guys says is totally deluded.

American's are insane and a joke to the world now - First off they allow their government to comply with killing over 3000 of their own citizens in the 911 demolitions and now they vote in the son of a billionaire who bullshits his way through business and has zero experience in any form of politics

So in your thought process...u think a crook and killer such as Hillary is ok?
Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Coach is Back! on November 13, 2016, 09:16:35 AM
2012 Trump Tweets


Strawman posted the same thing, maybe you missed my reply..

"I can't remember, maybe you can help. Did that happen? I don't recall seeing protests all around the country that he funded, burning shit, beating up people, crying like children that didn't their way....that being said who gives a shit what he said. Stop trying to justify you and every other liberal that talked shit for the last eight years and in one fell swoop got your asses LITERALLY handed to you in a matter of a few hours.

You got fucking lied too by your own MSM media that, again, in one fell swoop (along with the help of Wikileaks, Veritas, Anonymous) all got reduced to no more an "Onion" parody.

Accept it, live with it, we did for eight years despite you being warned and this country got fucking HAD by PROVEN liberal cheats and still you and the whining left in this country still have the balls to bring up shit that someone said 4 years ago because you on the left were too God damn dumb to do actual research on a candidate instead of listening to others.

All of this being said, lets see what Trump can do. Even if he keeps half of his promises it will still be 1000% better than what we had before. All we heard for eight years was "Obama is trying to undo the mess that Bush did"....are you fucking kidding me? You know, the ole "It's Bush's fault" excuse. 4-5 months of what Bush did in his last term pales in comparison to the lies and deceit that Obama and the rest of the political left brought in eight years.....spare me your bullshit, cupcake."
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: loco on November 13, 2016, 01:52:42 PM
Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: mass243 on November 13, 2016, 02:06:30 PM
No he's not, we all see him for egotistic moron he is. Anyone who believes anything the guys says is totally deluded.

American's are insane and a joke to the world now - First off they allow their government to comply with killing over 3000 of their own citizens in the 911 demolitions and now they vote in the son of a billionaire who bullshits his way through business and has zero experience in any form of politics

Quite the opposite.
I don't see world making joke of Americans for the past few days. What I see is fear. Fear from the political elite especially in Europe who are nothing but dogs on American establishments leash. If Trump turns the tables and starts to pursue politics favoring Americans, it will most likely open the eyes even more in Europe. Ang guess who are thrown the fuck out then? Yes, the current political elite.
Le Pen will win in France... bulgarian pro-russia candidate just won in Bulgaria... Brexit happened already... right wing party knocking doors in Sweden... This might very well open path for the Europe to take our countries back.

Trump has keyes to become politician who has influenced the world order the most since ww2.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: loco on November 13, 2016, 02:43:00 PM
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 16, 2016, 01:10:47 PM
Glad he demoted Christie.


Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner is thought to be behind Mr. Christie's and Mr. Rogers' departure.

Mr. Christie was the US Attorney for New Jersey when Mr. Kushner's father was tried and jailed in the state for tax evasion, illegal campaign contributions and witness tampering in 2004. (BBC)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 16, 2016, 01:43:18 PM
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 16, 2016, 02:03:19 PM

The Jones guy is a perfect example of media creation.  Totally empty space and meaningless words coming from him.  About 1 mm deep and all useless.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: calfzilla on November 16, 2016, 06:23:18 PM
The Jones guy is a perfect example of media creation.  Totally empty space and meaningless words coming from him.  About 1 mm deep and all useless.

He's so smart maybe he should throw out some solutions with all his criticisms.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on November 17, 2016, 02:36:30 AM
The Jones guy is a perfect example of media creation.  Totally empty space and meaningless words coming from him.  About 1 mm deep and all useless.

I think he is actually married to a white woman.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 17, 2016, 06:44:08 AM
Trump Enacts Five-Year Lobbying Ban for Administration Officials
Newsmax ^ | 17 Nov 2016 | Jason Devaney
Posted on 11/17/2016, 9:30:23 AM by mandaladon

People serving in President-elect Donald Trump's administration will be banned from working as lobbyists for five years, Trump's transition team said Wednesday.

"It goes back to Mr. Trump's goal of making sure people aren't using government to enrich themselves," said Sean Spicer, the Republican National Committee's chief strategist and a member of Trump's transition team.

Spicer made the announcement on a media call, according to The Hill.

The website reported everyone appointed to Trump's administration will sign a contract that said they are not currently working as a lobbyist and will not do so within five years of leaving the administration.

NBC News reported Wednesday that Vice President-elect Mike Pence has ordered the removal of all lobbyists from Trump's transition team.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Howard on November 17, 2016, 09:34:03 AM
Someone should shop jizz on the glasses and put the. Brazzers logo in the pic.

THAT would make getbig great again.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: loco on November 17, 2016, 09:40:23 AM
I think he is actually married to a white woman.


Is that Vegan Gains and wife?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Howard on November 17, 2016, 09:53:41 AM
I think he is actually married to a white woman.


Dude needs to break out the Turtle wax and get that dome hella shiny :D
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 17, 2016, 10:06:40 AM
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 17, 2016, 10:14:48 AM
I think he is actually married to a white woman.


Yes, he figures that serves as a license for his endlessly cryptic comedy act.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: calfzilla on November 17, 2016, 11:20:57 AM
^ She is unattractive.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Howard on November 17, 2016, 11:29:26 AM
^ She is unattractive.


Standing , fully clothed , maybe a 5.
On her  knees with a lip lock on your dip stick = 10+
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 17, 2016, 12:00:40 PM
I really hope Trump knows how to handle this character -- and that he knows how to view him without Ivanka acting as the lens.

Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, talks with lawyers

Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of Mr. Trump, has consulted with lawyers about the possibility of joining the new administration as soon as the president-elect takes office.

Mr. Kushner, 35, who was often described as a de facto campaign manager for Mr. Trump, had been planning to return to his private businesses after Election Day. But on the morning after Mr. Trump won, he began discussing a role in the White House, according to two people briefed on his discussions, who asked for anonymity to describe his thinking.

Among the reasons for Mr. Kushner’s interest is Mr. Trump urging him to join, according to one of the people briefed. Stephen K. Bannon, the chief strategist for the White House, and Reince Priebus, who was named chief of staff, support the idea.

It is still not certain that Mr. Kushner would take such a role, but if he does, he would start on Day 1. There are anti-nepotism rules that prohibit close relatives of the president from playing an active role in the government.

Mr. Kushner has consulted with at least one lawyer and believes that by forgoing a salary and putting his investment fund, his newspaper (The New York Observer) and his real estate holdings into a blind trust that he would not be bound by such rules, according to one of those people briefed.

Mr. Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, have not sought security clearances during the transition process and did not seek to attend daily presidential briefings that Mr. Trump receives. Transition officials said they had no plans to do so. But if Mr. Kushner seeks a role in the administration, that would change.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 17, 2016, 12:04:48 PM

Ted Cruz: From bitter enemy to ‘eager and committed’ to Trump.

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, who battled bitterly with Mr. Trump during the Republican primary, said on Thursday that he was “eager and committed” to working with him.

In an interview on Fox News, Mr. Cruz said that he met with Mr. Trump on Wednesday and that they had a “far-reaching” conversation about the challenges facing the country. There is speculation that Mr. Cruz could be a potential nominee for attorney general or the Supreme Court, but on Thursday he dodged questions about his future.

“I’m eager to work with the president in whatever capacity I can have the greatest impact defending the principles I was elected to defend,” Mr. Cruz said. “I am excited for the opportunity we have to come together and get the job done.”

Republicans have only a slim majority in the Senate, but Mr. Cruz expressed openness to doing away with the filibuster so that his party could push through Mr. Trump’s agenda.

“I think we need to do whatever is necessary to get the job done,” he said.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 17, 2016, 12:06:24 PM
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 17, 2016, 12:32:19 PM
It appears to be a real story, that a woman got this tattoo...

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 17, 2016, 01:55:25 PM

Great article/

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 18, 2016, 04:19:58 PM
$25 Million Settlement Reached in Trump University Lawsuit

Donald Trump has reached an agreement to settle the lawsuit against Trump University for $25 million, New York's attorney general said Friday.

The settlement likely means that Trump will avoid becoming possibly the first sitting president to testify in open court.

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman called the settlement "a major victory for the over 6,000 victims of his fraudulent university." Lawyers involved in the cases say the settlement applies to all three lawsuits against Trump University including two cases filed in California.

The trial for one of the cases had been scheduled to start Nov. 28.

The $25 million figure will be split among the students who sued, minus the legal fees.

Trump will also pay up to $1 million in penalties to the state of New York, Schneiderman said.

Former students of Trump University say the school fraudulently misrepresented what students would be taught and falsely claimed that instructors were handpicked by Trump.

Trump's attorneys last week asked the judge to delay the trial until after the inauguration, citing the "critical and all-consuming" work the president-elect has to do before he takes office in January.

The deal doesn't require Trump to acknowledge wrongdoing. Trump has strongly denied the allegations and said during the campaign that he wouldn't settle.

"We are pleased to announce the complete resolution of all litigation involving Trump University," the Trump organization said in a statement on Friday. "While we have no doubt that Trump University would have prevailed at trial based on the merits of this case, resolution of these matters allows President-Elect Trump to devote his full attention to the important issues facing our great nation."

During the campaign, Trump said Gonzalo Curiel, the federal judge in the San Diego case, was hostile to him.

"I believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fine. He is Hispanic, which is fine. And we haven't asked for recusal, which we may do," Trump said in May. "But we have a judge who is very hostile. Should've been thrown out. Wasn't thrown out."
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 18, 2016, 04:21:35 PM

Great article/


Read it yesterday.  It is a good one and I'd recommend it for everyone, to get a better idea of what happened.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: polychronopolous on November 18, 2016, 04:26:21 PM
Read it yesterday.  It is a good one and I'd recommend it for everyone, to get a better idea of what happened.


Good read.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 18, 2016, 04:44:28 PM

Good read.

A little OT, but just catching up on news and I can see how it's going to be with this pathetic media.  They grasp so hard for anything -- anything! -- at all, that they'll make "news" stories based on things like allegedly "angry tweets" and stupid stuff like that.   lmao they're trying to base news on "angry" tweets.

 ::)  ::)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 18, 2016, 04:52:46 PM
Trump Moves His Transition Talks to Trump Golf Course in Somerset Hills

BEDMINSTER, NJ - Traffic was already backed up by late Friday afternoon in the area of Trump National Golf Course on Lamington Road in Bedminster, where U.S. President-elect Donald J. Trump shifted his transition meeting talks starting today, Nov. 18.

Meetings are expected to continue throughout the weekend.

According to various media reports, including a report on, Trump's transition team will conduct some of its meetings at Trump National Golf Club on Lamington Road beginning on Friday, Nov. 18.

Trump National Golf Course already has long been an important location for Trump: his daughter, Ivanka, held her wedding to Jared Kushner in 2009. Trump also requested permission from the Bedminster Land Use Board to be buried in a private cemetery on golf course property, although there is no guarantee that would be his ultimate decision.

The transition team has been centered at the Trump Tower in Manhattan. Vice President-elect Mike Pence chairs the transition team. The team is tasked with helping the President-elect decide who he will nominate for cabinet posts in his administration, and how to fill other key posts in the administration.

TapInto - Neighborhood News
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 18, 2016, 05:09:22 PM

Vince Neil 'Uninvited' From Donald Trump's Presidential Inauguration

Vince Neil revealed Friday that he had been recruited to perform at Donald Trump's presidential inauguration in Washington, D.C. on January 20th. However, hours later, the Mötley Crüe singer announced that he had been "uninvited" from the event.

As Neil told Billboard, Trump's people approached the singer about his availability "months ago," soon after he declined an invitation to attend the third presidential debate in Neil's now-native Las Vegas.

"The promoters asked if I was available, and I said yes," Neil said of the invitation. "So we sent all of the band's passports to the Secret Service so everybody can get in, and all of the crew people, not knowing who was winning. But we were already scheduled to play."

A representative for Neil did not immediately reply to a request for comment.

However, speaking to TMZ, Neil said that Trump's unexpected win changed everything, and while he was initially asked to perform at the inauguration, those plans have since been altered. "I don't know who's playing the inauguration, but god bless 'em," Neil said.

Neil, who recently pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault on a female autograph seeker, said he would perform at the inauguration ceremony with his own band and not Mötley Crüe, he said. (Crüe bassist Nikki Sixx, a self-proclaimed liberal, tweeted after Trump's election, "If Trump wins can we morally grab woman by their pussys when we greet them??")

The unique gig's set list was also still up for debate. "I don't know how long I have to play. I don't know if the Republican Party says which [songs] to play and what not to do," Neil said. "It's a little ways out. I'll have more information as time goes on."

Neil, ironically, is also taking part in the upcoming season of Celebrity Apprentice, although he'll be trying to impress new boss Arnold Schwarzenegger and not Trump.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 18, 2016, 05:22:41 PM
The Fate of Assange During a Trump Presidency is Unknown

In a political climate imbued with uncertainty as the transition between the Obama and Trump camps creaks haltingly along (or glides smoothly, depending on the source of the status report), one entity seeks to capitalize upon the new administration: WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, currently residing in exile — and ostensibly without internet access — after receiving political asylum in Ecuador’s London embassy. Assange’s lawyers are alleged to be gearing up to petition the incoming administration to drop the probe into Assange’s dissemination of classified documents, evidently anticipating a warmer relationship than the one they share with President Obama and his cabinet. A statement released on the WikiLeaks website just prior to the November 8 election and attributed to Assange claims that:

“In recent months, WikiLeaks and I personally have come under enormous pressure to stop publishing what the Clinton campaign says about itself to itself. That pressure has come from the campaign’s allies, including the Obama administration, and from liberals who are anxious about who will be elected US President.”

Though the statement also underscores the organization’s lack of allegiance to any campaign in particular, Trump’s reaped arguably the greatest benefit from the release of information that called further into question Clinton’s relationship with Wall Street. In spite of pressure from U.S. lawmakers, Assange has not been charged with espionage; however, the Justice Department investigation is ongoing and would land on Trump’s radar when he takes office in January. A sudden termination of the investigation under Trump could trigger censure and allegations of impropriety against the fledgling administration, with the implication that failing to push for Assange’s extradition to face charges could be construed as payment for services rendered during the election.


The rumors of Assange’s intent to lobby Trump for leniency are accompanied by an op-ed published yesterday to the New York Times by WikiLeaks editor Sarah Harrison titled “Why the World Needs WikiLeaks,” reaffirming the WikiLeaks mantra that they are a “desperately needed” check against the rampancy of government power. The Trump campaign also maintained an anti-establishment stance throughout the course of his campaign and attempted, successfully, to tar Clinton and the Obama administration with the corruption brunch. However, Trump has also battled his own demons, chief among them insinuations that his campaign was affiliated with a Russian government that had its own stake in his ascendancy to power.

Another potential problem for Trump if he declines to pursue the investigation into Assange and WikiLeaks is the matter of Assange’s other pending legal situation, this one in Sweden. Assange faced allegations of sexual assault there, two of which were dropped and one of which, rape, is set to expire in 2020. Assange claims that his legal situation in Sweden is inextricably tied to the U.S. investigation, citing fears that he will be unjustly extradited to the United States if he travels to Sweden to contend with his legal situation there. Trump also faced multiple accusations of sexual assault during a campaign already dogged by widespread misgivings about his treatment of women. Trump adamantly denied perpetrating any form of sexual assault, but a demonstration of clemency toward another figure so publicly accused could be problematic for an administration that has professed its intention to heal deep rifts in the country following the election.


Trump has not issued a statement regarding his intentions as to how to handle Assange and has exhibited conflicting sentiments toward cybersecurity. He campaigned on the premise of strengthening American security against foreign threats, but actively encouraged Russia during a July news conference to locate emails of Clinton’s that were presumed to be missing during the first FBI probe. Assange will join the long queue of United States citizens and non-citizens alike who view the road ahead as uncertain.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 18, 2016, 06:46:33 PM
This is Vince Neil's exchange with TMZ.  From Billboard Magazine.

UPDATE: Since speaking to Billboard on Friday afternoon (Nov. 18), Vince Neil discovered that his invitation to perform at the inauguration was not a done deal. “I was asked to do the inauguration two months ago no matter who won,” he told TMZ. “As far as I knew, we were playing. It turns out when the Republicans won, we were uninvited. I didn’t know about the Democratic part of asking us to play. I assumed ... it didn’t matter who won, it would still be a party. I guess there is more politics in bands playing than I thought there was. I just found out about this today when all this stuff came out when I was playing. I asked my guys, and they said once Trump won, it was all politics. I don’t know who’s playing Trump’s party, but God bless them.”
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Mobil on November 18, 2016, 06:58:10 PM
This is Vince Neil's exchange with TMZ.  From Billboard Magazine.

Media would have more ammo against him..if this druggie played..
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: polychronopolous on November 18, 2016, 07:17:16 PM
A little OT, but just catching up on news and I can see how it's going to be with this pathetic media.  They grasp so hard for anything -- anything! -- at all, that they'll make "news" stories based on things like allegedly "angry tweets" and stupid stuff like that.   lmao they're trying to base news on "angry" tweets.

 ::)  ::)

The 2016 election of Donald Trump was the definitive kill shot of the classical "legacy" media as we knew it. The alternative media has ALREADY passed it up and I would argue by a large margin even today. You have channels like Alex Jones who blow them away in subscriptions and views. You even have channels of guys with basically a microphone in their basement who surpass their view counts on a regular basis as well.

A video making fun of The Young Turks will get 5 to 10 times as many views as that of THEIR OWN original content.

Read the comments of videos from CNN and MSNBC...the vast majority is just that of people simply trolling or expressing contempt for their dishonest form of "journalism"

And that is not even taking into account that Trump's top adviser Steven Bannon has deep, deep ties with Breitbart which DOMINATES social media. After the failures of the mainstream media to character assassinate Bannon he is basically bulletproof at this point and he knows it.

Within the coming days they will attempt to screw up the appointment of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, it will ultimately fail.

Trump has all the cards. The Senate. The House. The Presidency. The Supreme Court. The Media(albeit not in the classical sense). A Democrat Party who leadership is in complete disarray. He even has Ford, Apple and Mitt Romney coming to the table to negotiate weeks before he even takes power.

He has all the momentum in the world.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: polychronopolous on November 18, 2016, 07:52:19 PM
Trump brings South Carolina Governor and one of his biggest critics to heel. Nikki Haley Warns Republicans: Trump Did Not Win by ‘Celebrating’ Our Party

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: SaintAnger on November 18, 2016, 08:33:11 PM
The 2016 election of Donald Trump was the definitive kill shot of the classical "legacy" media as we knew it. The alternative media has ALREADY passed it up and I would argue by a large margin even today. You have channels like Alex Jones who blow them away in subscriptions and views. You even have channels of guys with basically a microphone in their basement who surpass their view counts on a regular basis as well.

A video making fun of The Young Turks will get 5 to 10 times as many views as that of THEIR OWN original content.

Read the comments of videos from CNN and MSNBC...the vast majority is just that of people simply trolling or expressing contempt for their dishonest form of "journalism"

And that is not even taking into account that Trump's top adviser Steven Bannon has deep, deep ties with Breitbart which DOMINATES social media. After the failures of the mainstream media to character assassinate Bannon he is basically bulletproof at this point and he knows it.

Within the coming days they will attempt to screw up the appointment of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, it will ultimately fail.

Trump has all the cards. The Senate. The House. The Presidency. The Supreme Court. The Media(albeit not in the classical sense). A Democrat Party who leadership is in complete disarray. He even has Ford, Apple and Mitt Romney coming to the table to negotiate weeks before he even takes power.

He has all the momentum in the world.

And he and his clan will blow it all.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Erik C on November 18, 2016, 08:37:36 PM
And he and his clan will blow it all.

Who? Obama? Yeah, that boy blew it! Worst president ever. Made even Jimmy Carter look like a military genius, and an economic savant.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 19, 2016, 10:17:21 AM
Media would have more ammo against him..if this druggie played..

Yeah, could be one or more of millions of reasons why it happened.  Might've just taken a routine security concern to trip a matter like this.

You know they wished to have the gig, though.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 19, 2016, 10:35:07 AM
The 2016 election of Donald Trump was the definitive kill shot of the classical "legacy" media as we knew it. The alternative media has ALREADY passed it up and I would argue by a large margin even today. You have channels like Alex Jones who blow them away in subscriptions and views. You even have channels of guys with basically a microphone in their basement who surpass their view counts on a regular basis as well.

A video making fun of The Young Turks will get 5 to 10 times as many views as that of THEIR OWN original content.

Read the comments of videos from CNN and MSNBC...the vast majority is just that of people simply trolling or expressing contempt for their dishonest form of "journalism"

And that is not even taking into account that Trump's top adviser Steven Bannon has deep, deep ties with Breitbart which DOMINATES social media. After the failures of the mainstream media to character assassinate Bannon he is basically bulletproof at this point and he knows it.

Within the coming days they will attempt to screw up the appointment of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, it will ultimately fail.

Trump has all the cards. The Senate. The House. The Presidency. The Supreme Court. The Media(albeit not in the classical sense). A Democrat Party who leadership is in complete disarray. He even has Ford, Apple and Mitt Romney coming to the table to negotiate weeks before he even takes power.

He has all the momentum in the world.

I like your style, poly.  I'm looking for reasons to feel confidently good about the administration living up (knowing that NO WAY we could've survived Hillary) and you really deliver it.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: polychronopolous on November 19, 2016, 01:53:48 PM
I like your style, poly.  I'm looking for reasons to feel confidently good about the administration living up (knowing that NO WAY we could've survived Hillary) and you really deliver it.

It's an fascinating time to be alive. I really feel like the people are about to wield more power than they ever have via social media.

Concerning the character assassination of's already under way. I already posted this video in another thread but look how easily Tucker is able to take this guy down. 10 or 15 years ago this could have very well put Sessions appointment in doubt. People yawn at these pathetic attempts by the Left now.

Read this comments underneath almost all showing utter contempt for this fat maggot. We finally have a say when the Left tries to use these tactics.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Thin Lizzy on November 19, 2016, 02:05:37 PM
Quite the opposite.
I don't see world making joke of Americans for the past few days. What I see is fear. Fear from the political elite especially in Europe who are nothing but dogs on American establishments leash. If Trump turns the tables and starts to pursue politics favoring Americans, it will most likely open the eyes even more in Europe. Ang guess who are thrown the fuck out then? Yes, the current political elite.
Le Pen will win in France... bulgarian pro-russia candidate just won in Bulgaria... Brexit happened already... right wing party knocking doors in Sweden... This might very well open path for the Europe to take our countries back.

Trump has keyes to become politician who has influenced the world order the most since ww2.

Yes, who exactly is laughing? Japan? Russia? Germany? China?

This sounds like a healthy dose of respect and fear?

Chinese President Xi Jinping has called Donald Trump to congratulate him, Reuters reported.

“I place great importance on the China-U.S. relationship, and look forward to working with you to uphold the principles of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation,” Xi told Trump by phone, according to Reuters.

The only laughing is being directed into the faces of loser Leftists and Snowflakes.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 21, 2016, 09:32:55 AM
Trump meets with Tulsi Gabbard, others

President-elect Donald Trump scheduled meetings with an array of politicians and former government officials on Monday, including a Democratic congresswoman who backed Senator Bernie Sanders in the 2016 presidential primary against Hillary Clinton.

War veteran Tulsi Gabbard, a U.S. representative from Hawaii who quit the Democratic National Committee in February to endorse the independent U.S. senator from Vermont, will be first on Trump's meeting list, transition officials said.

Gabbard, the first Hindu member of the U.S. Congress, has veered from Democratic Party positions at times, backing policies cracking down on immigration to the United States by Muslims in particular.

In November 2015, she was one of a few dozen Democrats who joined Republicans to pass a bill mandating stronger screening process for refugees from Iraq and Syria seeking to enter the United States. In 2014, she called for a rollback of the visa waiver program for Britain, Germany, France and other European countries with what she called "Islamic extremist" populations.

The Republican president-elect has hosted a parade of visitors at his offices in Manhattan, and in New Jersey over the weekend, as he works to build a Cabinet and fill other senior administration positions for his term that begins on Jan. 20.

In addition to seeing Gabbard, Trump was scheduled to meet on Monday with former Texas Governor Rick Perry, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin, former House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich and Elaine Chao, the U.S. labor secretary under former President George W. Bush, advisers said.

Perry is being considered for Cabinet posts including defense, energy and veterans affairs, Trump's transition team said. Fallin's name has come up as a possibility for interior secretary, Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway said on Fox News.

Conway said the transition team is "way ahead of schedule" on Cabinet decisions as Trump speaks to a variety of current and former leaders and experts from many fields. "Most people who meet with him are not going to be in his Cabinet," she said.

Trump, a New York businessman who has never previously held public office and who was the surprise winner over Clinton in the Nov. 8 election, has so far chosen three senior leaders of his national security and law enforcement teams.

They are U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions for attorney general, U.S. Representative Mike Pompeo as CIA director, and retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn as national security adviser.

Over the weekend, Trump held court at his golf resort in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he conferred with retired Marine Corps General James Mattis, a contender for defense secretary, and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, a fierce Trump critic during the presidential campaign who is now under consideration for secretary of state.

Summing up two days of talks on Sunday evening, Trump said he had made decisions on a couple of appointments. "We really had some great meetings, and you’ll be hearing about them soon,” he said.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 21, 2016, 09:36:31 AM
Trump's popularity soaring after election

Donald Trump’s popularity is rising in the days since his election, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll of registered voters.

Forty-six percent of voters now have a very favorable or somewhat favorable opinion of the president-elect. Twelve percent have a somewhat unfavorable opinion and 34 percent have a very unfavorable opinion of him.

It’s a dramatic uptick since the election. Trump’s favorability has grown 9 points, 37 percent to 46 percent, compared to a Morning Consult poll right before the election -- while his unfavorability has dropped 15 points, from 61 percent to 46 percent.

President Barack Obama’s approval rating is also up. Fifty-four percent of voters approve of the job Obama is doing, while 43 percent disapprove. That’s up from 50 percent approving and 48 percent disapproving of Obama before the election.

"Trump’s favorability among voters has reached new highs since he became president-elect,” said Morning Consult cofounder and Chief Research Officer Kyle Dropp. "This honeymoon phase in common for new presidents. For example, Obama saw about a 20 point swing in his favor following the 2008 election."

Trump is also getting high marks for his transition effort. Nineteen percent of those polled believe it is more organized than past efforts and another 34 percent believe the transition is about the same, according to the poll that Morning Consult conducted Nov. 16-18.

"About half say Donald Trump's presidential transition is as organized or more organized than previous administrations, whereas about one in three describe it as less organized than past transitions,' said Dropp, though he noted that “many of the initial transition picks including Reince Priebus, Steve Bannon and Jeff Sessions are still largely unknown to Americans."
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 21, 2016, 09:57:41 AM
It's an fascinating time to be alive. I really feel like the people are about to wield more power than they ever have via social media.

Concerning the character assassination of's already under way. I already posted this video in another thread but look how easily Tucker is able to take this guy down. 10 or 15 years ago this could have very well put Sessions appointment in doubt. People yawn at these pathetic attempts by the Left now.

Read this comments underneath almost all showing utter contempt for this fat maggot. We finally have a say when the Left tries to use these tactics.

That is really good stuff, lmao.  What a load of fertilizer, that guy.  And to think someone is paying that sack of barf to make this stuff up, in order to mislead and misdirect (and divide, of course).
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 21, 2016, 11:02:59 AM
Trump's off-the-record meeting with Media

Donald Trump has set up an off-the-record meeting with the country’s five biggest television networks for this afternoon. Participants will not be able to divulge what is said, but the future POTUS is said to want to talk to TV executives about how they got it wrong during the presidential campaign.

According to TMZ, Donald Trump is meeting with top television executives today at 1 p.m. at Trump Tower, and tomorrow, he will do the same with the New York Times executives and others. Sources say that Trump fully intends to inform the media of his feelings and does not plan to hold back despite them being his harshest critics.

Fox40 reported that executives and network anchors from ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and Fox News will all be in attendance at today’s meeting. NBC’s cable news network MSNBC is included in the invitation as well.

The meeting is intended to be off the record, so the public will not be informed about what is divulged. President Obama and other government officials have occasionally had similar off-the-record sessions with reporters, anchors, and other media personnel in the past.

The meeting was organized by Donald Trump’s campaign manager and now senior advisor, Kellyanne Conway.

Donald Trump has had long-standing relationships with many people in the television news business. However, during his political campaign for president, Trump waged an anti-media crusade.

Many are questioning whether Donald Trump will provide the same levels of press access that presidents in the past have permitted, such as a traveling “press pool” and regular news conferences.

Trump has vilified the media many times during the election months, especially the New York Times and the Washington Post.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 21, 2016, 11:24:35 AM
I can't disagree with him.  Giuliani is longtime pals with Trump, though, and that's going to have an impact.  But Bolton could walk off a pier and the world wouldn't lack for it, IMO.

Rand Paul Speaks Out Against Potential Trump Nominees

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul is vowing to oppose several of President-Elect Trump’s proposed and announced Cabinet members:

Sen. Rand Paul is flexing some maverick muscle.

Speaking on “Face the Nation” on CBS on Sunday, the Kentucky Republican lashed out against two of the people President-elect Donald Trump is said to be considering for secretary of state: John Bolton and Rudy Giuliani.

“Both Bolton and Giuliani have advocated for regime change in Iran, and that doesn’t sound like diplomacy, that sounds like war,” Paul said.

“Giuliani and Bolton are out there on the extreme. I don’t think they are very diplomatic. Bolton might be better as a secretary of war, but he is certainly not a diplomat or someone who acts in a diplomatic way or thinks that diplomacy might be an alternative to war.”

Bolton was ambassador to the U.N. under President George W. Bush; Giuliani is a former mayor of New York and a loyal Trump supporter.

Paul said there will be 52 Republicans in the next Senate, a slim majority. “It is a very close vote.” (The 52nd would be Louisiana’s John Kennedy, who is facing Democrat Foster Campbell in a December runoff.)

“There are several potential Republican votes against someone like a Bolton, possibly Giuliani,” Paul said. “The other thing Giuliani is going to stir up is it is going to be a hornet’s nest on all the financial stuff,” he said, without elaborating.

Separately, Paul said he agrees with Sen. John McCain that waterboarding is torture. Trump has indicated he would bring back waterboarding as an interrogation tool.

“We should telegraph to the world that we are better than this, and we do not torture,” Paul said.

Paul also said that President-Elect Trump’s  choice to head the Central Intelligence Agency, Kansas Congressman Mike Pompeo would have to be questioned to determined if he intends to continue the spy agencies long-standing opposition to any effort to resume waterboarding of present or future terrorism suspects or other detainees. The newly re-elected Kentucky Senator, who had been running an ill-fated Presidential campaign in which he was one of the few candidates to speak out against Trump during candidate debates, also expressed skepticism about Trump’s selection of Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, most notably due to Sessions positions on issues such as the War On Drugs, including the efforts of some states to legalize marijuana for medicinal or recreational use, and his opposition to criminal justice and sentencing reform, two issues that Senator Paul has been involved with over the past several years along with a small group of Republicans and Democratic Senators such as New Jersey Senator Cory Booker. As a Senator, Sessions has been a vocal opponent of many of the proposals that have been proposed by the groups backing Paul’s proposals, such as continuing the Justice Department’s ‘hands off’ approach to enforcing marijuana laws inside the borders of states where it has been legalized or decriminalized, reforming the Federal mandatory minimum sentencing practices, reforming sentencing guidelines that disproportionately impact minorities and the poor, and changing laws that make it difficult for criminals who have served their sentences and completed parole without violations from resuming normal lives, many of which have been shown to have a tendency to lead former felons to turn to crime again.

Paul’s warnings bring to mind the question of just how much of a barrier Congress is likely to be to President-Elect Trump once he takes office. It’s true that many Republicans in the House and Senate refused to have anything to do with Trump during the campaign, and that several outright stated that they would not vote for him, but in many cases it’s likely that was a political calculation based on the presumption that being associated with Trump would hurt them in the General Election and the presumption, seemingly supported by the polling evidence, that Hillary Clinton would be the 45th President of the United States. Now that Trump has won the election, Republicans are once again bending over backwards to curry favor with the President-Elect and, in some cases, obsequiously answering his call to come to visit him amid speculation they are being considered for a cabinet position.  Additionally, party leaders in the House and Senate are currying favor with the President-Elect in the hope that he’ll back their agenda on issues such as spending and tax reform. Given that, one wonders just how intense the oversight of the Trump Administration will be by the Congress charged with doing so. Democrats will no doubt be critical of the incoming President, but because they are in the minority they have limited authority to hold hearings or conduct investigations unless they have the support of some Republicans. The fact that Senator Paul appears to be willing to question the incoming Administration is hardly surprising since he’s done that rather consistently in the past, but it seems doubtful that many other Republicans will join him except perhaps in extreme circumstances.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 21, 2016, 11:32:51 AM

Trump supporters are protesting Starbucks with the #TrumpCup campaign

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) -- Trump supporters are protesting against Starbucks for alleged political and anti-white discrimination. Supporters are ordering their drinks under Trump's name as an attempt to get Starbucks baristas to yell "Trump" in stores. Supporters have also been sharing photos of their "TrumpCups" online.

The #TrumpCup movement took off last Wednesday after a video of a Trump supporter yelling at a Starbucks barista went viral. The man in the video claims that he was racially and politically discriminated against because he is white and he voted for Donald Trump.

CNN reported a Starbucks spokesperson responded to the controversy saying, "Over the years, writing customer names on cups and calling out their names has been a fun ritual in our stores. Rarely has it been abused or taken advantage of. We hope and trust that our customers will continue to honor that tradition."
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 21, 2016, 11:40:45 AM
Interesting to find that Rediff (not to be confused with Reddit) says Tulsi Gabbard did in fact end up claiming a vote for Hillary.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mazrim on November 21, 2016, 01:33:17 PM

Trump supporters are protesting Starbucks with the #TrumpCup campaign

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) -- Trump supporters are protesting against Starbucks for alleged political and anti-white discrimination. Supporters are ordering their drinks under Trump's name as an attempt to get Starbucks baristas to yell "Trump" in stores. Supporters have also been sharing photos of their "TrumpCups" online.

The #TrumpCup movement took off last Wednesday after a video of a Trump supporter yelling at a Starbucks barista went viral. The man in the video claims that he was racially and politically discriminated against because he is white and he voted for Donald Trump.

CNN reported a Starbucks spokesperson responded to the controversy saying, "Over the years, writing customer names on cups and calling out their names has been a fun ritual in our stores. Rarely has it been abused or taken advantage of. We hope and trust that our customers will continue to honor that tradition."
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: kogba on November 21, 2016, 02:26:47 PM
Make Nature Great Again!

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on November 22, 2016, 08:52:29 AM
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 23, 2016, 04:42:43 PM
Donald Trump urges Americans to move past divisions and unite in Thanksgiving message

FLORIDA (AFP) - US President-elect Donald Trump acknowledged that a "long and bruising" presidential campaign had left emotions raw and tensions high, but urged America to come together on its Thanksgiving holiday. In a YouTube video address on Wednesday (Nov 23) from his Florida golf resort, the 70-year-old tycoon said: "It is my prayer, that on this Thanksgiving, we begin to heal our divisions and move forward as one country, strengthened by a shared purpose and very, very common resolve." Mr Trump will spend Thursday's holiday with part of his family in the Mar-a-Lago resort outside Palm Beach before returning to the job of picking nominees for the new US administration taking over on Jan 20.

Some of his earlier choices have fed existing concerns among minority groups and the Republican's liberal opponents he will lead a divisive government, concerned only with his white conservative base. "We have just finished a long and bruising political campaign. Emotions are raw and tensions just don't heal overnight," Mr Trump admitted. "It doesn't go quickly, unfortunately, but we have before us the chance now to make history together to bring real change to Washington, real safety to our cities, and real prosperity to our communities, including our inner cities.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 24, 2016, 02:20:28 PM
Lost his mind?  Fake story?  Yes to the first, no to the second. (apparently)

Marketing Firm CEO Tells Trump Supporters He Doesn't Need Their Business

(KOB4 News) The CEO of an Albuquerque-based internet marketing firm asked his clients to openly state their political attitudes and then urged Trump supporters to take their business elsewhere.

Donald Trump's victory has exacerbated deep divisions within the country, and created a great deal of bitterness among some supporters of his presidential rival, Hillary Clinton. In the latest development, CEO of an Albuquerque-based SEO firm Mathew Blanchfield issued an official letter to his customers stating that his company will no longer serve the supporters of the Republican president-elect.

"If you are a Republican, voted for Donald Trump or support Donald Trump, in any manner, you are not welcome at 1st In SEO and we ask you to leave our firm," Blanchfield wrote in a letter.

It should be noted that Blanchfield has not only expressed the company's political allegiance, but also insisted that all his clients should do the same.

"We ask you, our current clients, to please respond to this letter and confirm where you stand politically. If you are a Republican or support Trump, we will no longer serve you," he wrote.

The letter states the company will continue to serve its "Democrat and Progressive" clientele.

In an interview with a local news outlet, Blanchfield said that it is his "moral obligation" to stand up for what he thinks is right. Commercial profits and even business loss, on the other hand, concerns him little.

"It is my firm belief that we elected a fascist as our next president," he said.

"The expense financially to me is immaterial," he added.

The response of the company's board of directors remains undisclosed.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mazrim on November 25, 2016, 08:26:55 AM
Hmm..Yet, Christians must bake cakes for homosexual marriages? Odd.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 25, 2016, 11:31:05 AM
Hmm..Yet, Christians must bake cakes for homosexual marriages? Odd.

Damn fine point, mazrim.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 28, 2016, 06:15:29 PM

YouTube User Behind Barron Trump ‘Autism’ Video Responds To Lawsuit Threat

YouTube user James Hunter, who created the viral video speculating that Barron Trump might be autistic, has responded to Melania Trump threatening to sue him. In a statement released exclusively to Gossip Cop, Hunter assures us he “never meant to hurt” the Trump family and “just wanted to bring light to the autism epidemic.”

As Gossip Cop reported, Melania threatened a lawsuit against Hunter for making the autism video alleging her 10-year-old son might have the condition, and demanded it be taken down. Charles Harder, an attorney for Donald Trump and the future First Lady, stated in his legal letter that Barron isn’t autistic and the claim otherwise is completely false. Gossip Cop reached out to Hunter about the matter, and he tells us, “I’m honestly kinda scared right now. The only reason I made the video is because I saw how much social media was bullying Barron Trump, and I wanted it to stop. I’d be really sad if I’ve made the situation worse, but I never could’ve imagined that the video would get so much press.”

The originator of the video continued, “I was just sending it privately to people who were bullying him to explain to them that Barron might be autistic, and that’s it isn’t okay to bully him for it, because I know what it’s like to be bullied for being autistic. But then Rosie O’Donnell shared it and it blew up.” He went on to reveal, “I myself am on the spectrum, and I honestly just wanted to bring light to the autism epidemic. I have a lot of respect for Melania Trump. I believe she’s a very smart and I’ll think she’ll be a great First Lady.”

Hunter concluded, “I never ever meant to hurt her family or her son. If this is actually true, and if I actually see a real statement of her asking me to remove it, I will. I NEVER meant to hurt their family. I just with them the best.”
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 29, 2016, 03:57:22 PM
Trump in Bedminster, waiting to greet friend Giuliani

Trump heads back out on the road

WASHINGTON - Don’t call it a victory tour.

But President-elect Donald Trump will begin what his team is calling a “thank you tour” Thursday.

The transition team hasn’t released details yet but Trump could visit Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Florida, states that flipped from Democrat to Republican in the 2016 election.

Trump is expected to kick off the trip with a campaign-style rally at the U.S. Bank Arena in Cincinnati.

During the presidential campaign, Trump drew thousands of people to his rallies across the country. He has spent most of his time since the election at Trump Tower in New York, where he is interviewing people for various administration appointments.

(San Luis Obispo Local)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 29, 2016, 04:24:38 PM
Then discuss it with him privately, Newt.  Just because he didn't immediately "appoint" you Permanent Master of the Universe...


Newt Gingrich criticizes Trump for baseless tweet that 'millions of people' voted illegally

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a top ally to President-elect Donald Trump, criticized the real-estate magnate Tuesday for baselessly tweeting over the weekend that "millions of people" voted "illegally" in an election he won.

In an interview with USA Today, Gingrich said such a tweet "makes you wonder about whatever else he's doing."

"The president of the United States can't randomly tweet without having somebody check it out," Gingrich said, later adding, "It undermines much more than a single tweet."

The former House speaker said later that Trump should not give up tweeting, however.

"He should tweet, but he ought to have an editorial board in-between the first draft and sending it," he suggested. "But he shouldn't give it up, and he shouldn't give up being Donald Trump. He got elected being this unique, charismatic, entrepreneurial guy who breaks lots of rules. ... If he starts getting to be normal, he'll cease being Donald J. Trump."

Top election officials from three states targeted by Trump in his tweets — California, Virginia, and New Hampshire — called Trump's assertion that massive voter fraud occurred in each "unfounded" and "unsubstantiated."

Gingrich also described a recent meeting he held with Trump, saying the president-elect told him that "this is really a bigger job than I thought."

"Which is good," Gingrich said. "He should think that ... you have war and peace, you have enormous powers ... and it all comes down to the Oval Office and it all comes down to you."
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on November 29, 2016, 04:32:43 PM
Then discuss it with him privately, Newt.  Just because he didn't immediately "appoint" you Permanent Master of the Universe...


Newt Gingrich criticizes Trump for baseless tweet that 'millions of people' voted illegally

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a top ally to President-elect Donald Trump, criticized the real-estate magnate Tuesday for baselessly tweeting over the weekend that "millions of people" voted "illegally" in an election he won.

In an interview with USA Today, Gingrich said such a tweet "makes you wonder about whatever else he's doing."

"The president of the United States can't randomly tweet without having somebody check it out," Gingrich said, later adding, "It undermines much more than a single tweet."

The former House speaker said later that Trump should not give up tweeting, however.

"He should tweet, but he ought to have an editorial board in-between the first draft and sending it," he suggested. "But he shouldn't give it up, and he shouldn't give up being Donald Trump. He got elected being this unique, charismatic, entrepreneurial guy who breaks lots of rules. ... If he starts getting to be normal, he'll cease being Donald J. Trump."

Top election officials from three states targeted by Trump in his tweets — California, Virginia, and New Hampshire — called Trump's assertion that massive voter fraud occurred in each "unfounded" and "unsubstantiated."

Gingrich also described a recent meeting he held with Trump, saying the president-elect told him that "this is really a bigger job than I thought."

"Which is good," Gingrich said. "He should think that ... you have war and peace, you have enormous powers ... and it all comes down to the Oval Office and it all comes down to you."

I nominate Newt as Trump's Twitter bitch.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 29, 2016, 06:02:31 PM
Tucker Carlson against the Internet Marketing CEO who refuses to serve those that support Trump "in any manner at all" (story posted on this page)

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 30, 2016, 11:11:48 AM

Donald Trump comments on Ohio State University stabbing attack

President-elect Donald Trump weighed in on the Ohio State University attack in a tweet early Wednesday morning, claiming that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) was “taking credit” for the attack. The tweet also claimed that the suspect, a Somali refugee, “should not have been in our country.”

ISIS is taking credit for the terrible stabbing attack at Ohio State University by a Somali refugee who should not have been in our country.
5:20 AM - 30 Nov 2016

The Monday attack left 11 injured and the suspect, identified by officials as Abdul Razak Ali Artan, dead. Artan was a legal permanent resident and student at the university. He and his family arrived in the U.S. as refugees from Somalia in 2014.

ISIS has praised the attack, according to a self-described news agency for the terrorist organization. The group called Artan a “soldier of the Islamic State” who had “carried out the operation in response to calls to target citizens of international coalition countries.” But ISIS has used that phrasing to describe other violent actors without laying specific claim to the act itself.  And so far, investigators say there are no indications that Artan had direct connections to ISIS or al Qaeda. Investigators suspect he was inspired by a mix of terrorist ideologies and that’s what sparked him to act “out of the blue”.

U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, a California Democrat who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, issued a statement Tuesday evening saying it appeared Artan had been radicalized online. Schiff stated, however, that there was no evidence yet that he was communicating with radical terror organizations overseas.

The tweet comes days after the president-elect issued a measured statement on the stabbing.  

On Monday, Mr. Trump said his “thoughts and prayers are with all of the students and administration.” He also praised the “excellent job” of OSU’s first responders and emergency management team.

During his presidential campaign, Mr. Trump had slammed U.S. policies towards refugees from terror hot spots, who he said could be “Trojan horse(s)” for the country.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on November 30, 2016, 11:21:52 AM
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 30, 2016, 12:20:54 PM

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mass243 on November 30, 2016, 12:31:16 PM

Donald Trump comments on Ohio State University stabbing attack

President-elect Donald Trump weighed in on the Ohio State University attack in a tweet early Wednesday morning, claiming that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) was “taking credit” for the attack. The tweet also claimed that the suspect, a Somali refugee, “should not have been in our country.”

The Monday attack left 11 injured and the suspect, identified by officials as Abdul Razak Ali Artan, dead. Artan was a legal permanent resident and student at the university. He and his family arrived in the U.S. as refugees from Somalia in 2014.

ISIS has praised the attack, according to a self-described news agency for the terrorist organization. The group called Artan a “soldier of the Islamic State” who had “carried out the operation in response to calls to target citizens of international coalition countries.” But ISIS has used that phrasing to describe other violent actors without laying specific claim to the act itself.  And so far, investigators say there are no indications that Artan had direct connections to ISIS or al Qaeda. Investigators suspect he was inspired by a mix of terrorist ideologies and that’s what sparked him to act “out of the blue”.

U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, a California Democrat who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, issued a statement Tuesday evening saying it appeared Artan had been radicalized online. Schiff stated, however, that there was no evidence yet that he was communicating with radical terror organizations overseas.

The tweet comes days after the president-elect issued a measured statement on the stabbing.  

On Monday, Mr. Trump said his “thoughts and prayers are with all of the students and administration.” He also praised the “excellent job” of OSU’s first responders and emergency management team.

During his presidential campaign, Mr. Trump had slammed U.S. policies towards refugees from terror hot spots, who he said could be “Trojan horse(s)” for the country.

Thank god it was Somali. That probably limited the victims of that barbarous attack.
Middle east is already few shades less dark:

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 30, 2016, 12:31:47 PM
On Thanksgiving Day, I noticed Trump was working on Carrier to "save" American jobs.

As it stands, right now, approximately 1000 jobs in Indiana have been preserved thanks to Trump's effort.  Jobs that would have disappeared to the uncontrolled black hole of the Third World.  Thank you so very much, Mr. President. (On and since November 8, I stopped recognizing Mr. NAFTA/TPP/anti-JASTA as president... GTFO, you traitor.)

By the way, Trump's success in Indiana was fulfillment of a campaign promise, but he knows it isn't practical to make a routine of it.  That's why he wants trade to be properly handled.  

He knows, too, how badly we've been damaged by NAFTA and that rebuilding isn't possible without proper trade.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 30, 2016, 12:51:50 PM
Thank god it was Somali. That probably limited the victims of that barbarous attack.
Middle east is already few shades less dark:


Funny thing about people from that region, is that they use a certain sort of leaf (khat and similar names) which makes them essentially crazy by late afternoon, after chewing it all day.  Their communities, here, do the same.  It's imported with ease through produce markets etc.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 30, 2016, 01:10:59 PM
As was reported here on GB: Trump has removed himself from appearances of conflicting interest.  Completely expected and necessary.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 30, 2016, 02:09:03 PM
Coming up is an attempted merge between ATT and Time Warner, which Trump has said he'll block.  Let's see what he does.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on November 30, 2016, 05:14:45 PM
Some WTF stuff from Newt, regarding the most recent Trump-Romney meeting:

You have never, ever, in your career seen a wealthy adult who is independent, has been a presidential candidate, suck up at the rate that Mitt Romney is sucking up.

I am confident that he thinks now that he and Donald Trump are the best of friends, they have so many things in common. That they're both such wise, brilliant people. And I'm sure last night at an elegant three-star restaurant, he was happy to share his version of populism, which involve a little foie gras, a certain amount of superb cooking, but put that in a populist happy manner.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 01, 2016, 09:17:18 AM
I believe Trump knows it isn't a practical long-term strategy, but that he was determined to make a good show on his promise in due time.

Bernie Sanders: Carrier just showed corporations how to beat Donald Trump

Today, about 1,000 Carrier workers and their families should be rejoicing. But the rest of our nation’s workers should be very nervous.

President-elect Donald Trump will reportedly announce a deal with United Technologies, the corporation that owns Carrier, that keeps less than 1,000 of the 2100 jobs in America that were previously scheduled to be transferred to Mexico. Let’s be clear: It is not good enough to save some of these jobs. Trump made a promise that he would save all of these jobs, and we cannot rest until an ironclad contract is signed to ensure that all of these workers are able to continue working in Indiana without having their pay or benefits slashed.

In exchange for allowing United Technologies to continue to offshore more than 1,000 jobs, Trump will reportedly give the company tax and regulatory favors that the corporation has sought. Just a short few months ago, Trump was pledging to force United Technologies to “pay a damn tax.” He was insisting on very steep tariffs for companies like Carrier that left the United States and wanted to sell their foreign-made products back in the United States. Instead of a damn tax, the company will be rewarded with a damn tax cut. Wow! How’s that for standing up to corporate greed? How’s that for punishing corporations that shut down in the United States and move abroad?

In essence, United Technologies took Trump hostage and won. And that should send a shock wave of fear through all workers across the country.

Trump has endangered the jobs of workers who were previously safe in the United States. Why? Because he has signaled to every corporation in America that they can threaten to offshore jobs in exchange for business-friendly tax benefits and incentives. Even corporations that weren’t thinking of offshoring jobs will most probably be re-evaluating their stance this morning. And who would pay for the high cost for tax cuts that go to the richest businessmen in America? The working class of America.  

Let’s be clear. United Technologies is not going broke. Last year, it made a profit of $7.6 billion and received more than $6 billion in defense contracts. It has also received more than $50 million from the Export-Import Bank and very generous tax breaks. In 2014, United Technologies gave its former chief executive Louis Chenevert a golden parachute worth more than $172 million. Last year, the company’s five highest-paid executives made more than $50 million. The firm also spent $12 billion to inflate its stock price instead of using that money to invest in new plants and workers.

Does that sound like a company that deserves more corporate welfare from our government? Trump’s Band-Aid solution is only making the problem of wealth inequality in America even worse.

I said I would work with Trump if he was serious about the promises he made to members of the working class. But after running a campaign pledging to be tough on corporate America, Trump has hypocritically decided to do the exact opposite. He wants to treat corporate irresponsibility with kid gloves. The problem with our rigged economy is not that our policies have been too tough on corporations; it’s that we haven’t been tough enough.

We need to re-instill an ethic of corporate patriotism. We need to send a very loud and clear message to corporate America: The era of outsourcing is over. Instead of offshoring jobs, the time has come for you to start bringing good-paying jobs back to America.

If United Technologies or any other company wants to keep outsourcing decent-paying American jobs, those companies must pay an outsourcing tax equal to the amount of money it expects to save by moving factories to Mexico or other low-wage countries.  They should not receive federal contracts or other forms of corporate welfare.  They must pay back all of the tax breaks and other corporate welfare they have received from the federal government. And they must not be allowed to reward their executives with stock options, bonuses or golden parachutes for outsourcing jobs to low-wage countries. I will soon be introducing the Outsourcing Prevention Act, which will address exactly that.

If Donald Trump won’t stand up for America’s working class, we must.

(Bernie Sanders Guest Opinion --WP)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 01, 2016, 09:40:35 AM

A danger for Donald Trump: Falling into the mayor trap

Donald Trump hasn't even taken office yet and he's already fulfilled a campaign promise. This week, he struck a deal to save 1,000 jobs at a Carrier air-conditioner factory in Indianapolis. This factory became a campaign issue when a leaked video showed management announcing that the plant would close and move to Mexico, with 1,400 unionized American workers losing their jobs. The deal gives a glimpse of Trump's potential governing style—a style shaped by his professional background as a New York City real-estate developer.

Trump thinks big and is a master of complex deal-making. He has a project orientation, seeks to maximize his PR value, focuses on brand-building and increasing brand value, and boasts of his cost efficiency and operational excellence. Trump really did save that late, mismanaged, and over-budget Wollman Rink project in Central Park, finishing in mere months a renovation that had dragged on for four years. He really did spend far less than both his primary opponents and Hillary Clinton during the election. And now he really has cut a deal to save Carrier. “Trump buildings are extremely well managed. Like it or not, he does a good job,” the head of a real-estate brokerage told Crain's New York.  

The challenge for Trump is that this operational orientation translates imperfectly to the presidency. Trump may have run a large business empire, but it's small enough—even now—for him personally to oversee deals and projects. The presidency isn't like that. There's no way he can govern effectively by involving himself in deals relating to individual factories or infrastructure projects.

Abandoning this successful style will be a challenge for Trump. He'll need to be strategic about which “deals” he chooses to oversee himself as president. The Carrier agreement was high-visibility and it fulfilled a campaign promise, making it a perfect example of the kind of deal Trump should involve himself in. Because Carrier's parent company is a large defense contractor, Trump had leverage. His running mate, Mike Pence, is still governor of Indiana, and thus had a governor's economic-development tools to work with. Above all, the Carrier deal sends a powerful message to corporate America: There's a new sheriff in town. Still, it can't be the norm. Instead, Trump needs to think bigger, focusing on transformative agreements—renegotiating unfavorable trade deals, getting legislation through Congress, adjusting relations with foreign governments—that affect the larger economy.

Trump should also apply his brand-building skill to the American economy. “Brand USA” needs to encompass more than just post-industrial services like tech and finance. How can Trump make the United States an aspirational brand for middle-class employers? Branding is critical. It's not just about the product. Marketing matters, too, and Trump is a master marketer. He built his business empire as a luxury brand, then demonstrated his prowess by running a successful political campaign with a working-class brand. Trump knows that the United States badly needs a “brand lift,” and this may be the first time that the country has had a brand builder as president. There are real opportunities here.

Infrastructure should also have great appeal to Trump. He already understands the value of physical structures like Trump Tower to his personal and business brand. The Wollman Rink project formed a key part of his legend. Publicly financed buildings and structures often have a plaque attached with the names of all the elected and appointed officials involved in their construction. There are still buildings with WPA markers on them, for example. A vast number of public works projects in America with “Donald J. Trump, President of the United States” on them would give him a legacy etched in concrete and steel.

Again, Trump needs to be strategic. He can't treat infrastructure like a bunch of Wollman Rink projects. He should pick a few high-profile and high-visibility projects to push through as personal priorities. The Gateway Tunnel beneath the Hudson River and the water-system rebuild in Flint, Michigan, come immediately to mind. Beyond that, he needs to crack the code on America's dysfunctional infrastructure system, which too often chooses the wrong projects to build or repair, and then—as with Wollman Rink—weighs them down with vast delays and inflated costs. The good news is that we still know how to build things quickly. After the I-35 bridge collapsed in Minneapolis, its replacement opened 18 months later. That should be the model for all replacement and maintenance projects.

While President Trump may be able to push individual infrastructure projects over the finish line through force of will, our national infrastructure-building strategy requires substantial reform. The notion of “systems change” is not a part of his developer's DNA. He will need to adjust.  Unfortunately, Trump's choice of Elaine Chao for Transportation secretary doesn't suggest that he has reform in mind.

In short, Trump's background is a good but uneven fit for the Oval Office. Though his Carrier deal can be justly celebrated, Trump can't allow himself to get so distracted by ribbon-cutting and deal making that he starts acting like a governor or mayor instead of the president of the United States.

(Aaron M. Renn is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of City Journal, where this piece first appeared.)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 01, 2016, 09:42:42 AM

Is Twitter Willing to Ban President-Elect Trump?

In 2012, the general manager of Twitter in the UK spoke at the Guardian Changing Media Summit: “Generally, we remain neutral as to the content because our general council and CEO like to say that we are the free speech wing of the free speech party.”

Boy, have things changed since then.

Earlier this month, Twitter suspended a number of accounts associated with the alt-right movement. Among those suspended was Richard Spencer, the National Policy Institute, Radix Journal, Paul Town, Pax Dickinson, Ricky Vaughn and John Rivers. Some might argue that Twitter’s suspension of these accounts is content discrimination. In other words, Twitter is censoring users simply because of their views. That doesn't sound like “remaining neutral” or promoting free speech.

Unfortunately, censorship seems to be Twitter’s new favorite weapon - and it’s not afraid to take aim at Trump.

Slate recently asked Twitter whether it would consider banning key government officials or even the president. A company spokesperson responded via email: “The Twitter Rules prohibit violent threats, harassment, hateful conduct, and multiple account abuse, and we will take action on accounts violating those policies.”

Slate pushed a bit more, asking if Trump could be suspended if he violated these policies, hypothetically speaking.

“The Twitter Rules apply to all accounts, including verified accounts,” the spokesperson responded.

(Town Hall)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 01, 2016, 09:46:40 AM
I believe Trump knows it isn't a practical long-term strategy, but that he was determined to make a good show on his promise in due time.

Bernie Sanders: Carrier just showed corporations how to beat Donald Trump

Today, about 1,000 Carrier workers and their families should be rejoicing. But the rest of our nation’s workers should be very nervous.

President-elect Donald Trump will reportedly announce a deal with United Technologies, the corporation that owns Carrier, that keeps less than 1,000 of the 2100 jobs in America that were previously scheduled to be transferred to Mexico. Let’s be clear: It is not good enough to save some of these jobs. Trump made a promise that he would save all of these jobs, and we cannot rest until an ironclad contract is signed to ensure that all of these workers are able to continue working in Indiana without having their pay or benefits slashed.

In exchange for allowing United Technologies to continue to offshore more than 1,000 jobs, Trump will reportedly give the company tax and regulatory favors that the corporation has sought. Just a short few months ago, Trump was pledging to force United Technologies to “pay a damn tax.” He was insisting on very steep tariffs for companies like Carrier that left the United States and wanted to sell their foreign-made products back in the United States. Instead of a damn tax, the company will be rewarded with a damn tax cut. Wow! How’s that for standing up to corporate greed? How’s that for punishing corporations that shut down in the United States and move abroad?

In essence, United Technologies took Trump hostage and won. And that should send a shock wave of fear through all workers across the country.

Trump has endangered the jobs of workers who were previously safe in the United States. Why? Because he has signaled to every corporation in America that they can threaten to offshore jobs in exchange for business-friendly tax benefits and incentives. Even corporations that weren’t thinking of offshoring jobs will most probably be re-evaluating their stance this morning. And who would pay for the high cost for tax cuts that go to the richest businessmen in America? The working class of America.  

Let’s be clear. United Technologies is not going broke. Last year, it made a profit of $7.6 billion and received more than $6 billion in defense contracts. It has also received more than $50 million from the Export-Import Bank and very generous tax breaks. In 2014, United Technologies gave its former chief executive Louis Chenevert a golden parachute worth more than $172 million. Last year, the company’s five highest-paid executives made more than $50 million. The firm also spent $12 billion to inflate its stock price instead of using that money to invest in new plants and workers.

We need to re-instill an ethic of corporate patriotism. We need to send a very loud and clear message to corporate America: The era of outsourcing is over. Instead of offshoring jobs, the time has come for you to start bringing good-paying jobs back to America.

If United Technologies or any other company wants to keep outsourcing decent-paying American jobs, those companies must pay an outsourcing tax equal to the amount of money it expects to save by moving factories to Mexico or other low-wage countries.  They should not receive federal contracts or other forms of corporate welfare.  They must pay back all of the tax breaks and other corporate welfare they have received from the federal government. And they must not be allowed to reward their executives with stock options, bonuses or golden parachutes for outsourcing jobs to low-wage countries. I will soon be introducing the Outsourcing Prevention Act, which will address exactly that.

If Donald Trump won’t stand up for America’s working class, we must.
Does that sound like a company that deserves more corporate welfare from our government? Trump’s Band-Aid solution is only making the problem of wealth inequality in America even worse.

I said I would work with Trump if he was serious about the promises he made to members of the working class. But after running a campaign pledging to be tough on corporate America, Trump has hypocritically decided to do the exact opposite. He wants to treat corporate irresponsibility with kid gloves. The problem with our rigged economy is not that our policies have been too tough on corporations; it’s that we haven’t been tough enough.

(Bernie Sanders Guest Opinion --WP)

An old man, who has never really worked a single day of his hippy life, is lecturing a multi-millionaire (billionaire, maybe) businessman on how to deal with businesses.

Where were these scathing editorials when Obama let numerous companies leave without a fight?!
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 01, 2016, 09:48:57 AM
AP - The Latest: Trump to meet Dem Sen. Heitkamp of North Dakota

Looking to re-route the pipeline? THAT would throw the liberals into a true shit fit. Would love to see how they'd spin that!
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 01, 2016, 10:13:35 AM
An old man, who has never really worked a single day of his hippy life, is lecturing a multi-millionaire (billionaire, maybe) businessman on how to deal with businesses.

Where were these scathing editorials when Obama let numerous companies leave without a fight?!

Yeah, sorry to say, but that's a damn good point.  Why hasn't Bernie been on a nonstop attack against Bitchly for the past eight years?  Why did he pull punches all the way through his campaign, instead of fighting for what he claims to believe in?  He should know that if he'd done these things, then not only would he have beaten Hillary, but he'd be much more convincing when he takes to the pulpit.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 01, 2016, 11:34:52 AM
Don't waste time on stuff like this, Sessions.  Huge mistake to even consider it.  You have much bigger fish to fry -- real work.


Trump’s anti-pot attorney general choice rattles legal marijuana movement

DENVER – Legal pot's future is in a haze, thanks to President-elect Trump's nomination of a staunchly anti-marijuana lawmaker for attorney general.

“Good people don't smoke marijuana," said Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions in an April Senate hearing.

That view from the nation's incoming top cop, a sharply different tone than President Obama's, has cast a pall over an industry that's recently celebrated a watershed moment. Voters in eight states relaxed their marijuana laws on Nov. 8, raising to 29 the states that now permit medical use of marijuana, and eight with legal recreational laws on the books.

Marijuana opponents are energized by Sessions' nomination, saying the federal government could easily reverse the national trend toward legalization.

“The point is that it's a new day for marijuana policy,” said Kevin Sabet, president of the anti-legalization Smart Approaches to Marijuana group. “All options are on the table — something unthinkable three weeks ago.”

Legal pot's shaky legal ground adds to the uncertainty. While more states loosen restrictions, marijuana remains illegal at the federal level, preventing its sale across state lines and limiting businesses from opening bank accounts.

Marijuana-industry workers say a change in attitude at the top of government would quickly trickle down. A few high-profile raids by the DEA would likely dissuade many of those who are today publicly selling cannabis.


Many marijuana business owners are wary of drawing Trump's ire, and are "proceeding with caution," said Nate Bradley, the executive director of the California Cannabis Industry Association. Yet advocates for legal marijuana also are hopeful that the views of Trump, who has supported states' rights to establish their own marijuana policies, will outweigh those of Sessions.

“We would expect appointees who serve at the pleasure of the president to stick to the president’s position on this subject. It would certainly be controversial if Sen. Sessions completely defied the president who appointed him,” said Mason Tvert, a spokesman for the pro-legalization Marijuana Policy Project.

For states with legal pot, there are jobs and tax revenue at stake.

In all the recreational states – Colorado, Alaska, Oregon, Washington, California, Massachusetts, Maine and Nevada – buyers must pay taxes on their marijuana purchases. California alone is expected to have a marijuana marketplace worth $7.6 billion by 2020, according to industry analysts New Frontier Data and ArcView Market Research.


Today, marijuana dealers feel largely protected by the Cole Memo, a Justice Department letter establishing under what circumstances federal law enforcement would step in. Generally speaking, the Cole Memo says the federal government will ignore marijuana businesses working in states with strong regulatory systems that take steps to keep pot out of the hands of kids, and prevent drug cartels from profiting. But that 2013 memo also specifically says prosecutors retain the discretion to target the marijuana industry if there’s a “strong federal interest.”

Congress has also prohibited the Justice Department from using federal money to interfere with medical marijuana patients in states where it’s been approved.

President Obama told Rolling Stone that he believes marijuana should be treated as a public health issue, similar to alcohol or tobacco, and called the growing patchwork of state laws "untenable" from a federal perspective, because there's such a disparity across state borders. Some marijuana advocates remain bitterly disappointed Obama didn't do more to push the DEA to classify cannabis as something other than a Schedule 1 controlled substance.

Industry analysts say it’s unlikely Trump will make dramatic changes to marijuana enforcement, given the repeated choices made by voters and the economic impact the industry has. But they're also unsure, given the president-elect's propensity for changing his mind or significantly rolling back campaign promises.

“You had Donald Trump running on a slogan of ‘Make America Great Again,’ bringing back jobs and economic opportunities, and as one of its first acts (the Trump administration) tries to dismantle one of the fastest growing economic opportunities in the country?” asked John Kagia, New Frontier’s executive vice president for industry analytics. “I think they’re going to be walking gingerly here. The likelihood of federal agents effectively shutting down the adult use industry … in our humble opinion, is unlikely.”

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 01, 2016, 04:18:12 PM
I'm so glad your butt no longer hurts, Mr. Speedfreak.  Maybe you can STFU now.


Ryan on Trump: 'We're not looking back'

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Ohio) says he and President-elect Donald Trump are on good terms now and talk almost daily.

"We're fine. We're not looking back. We're looking forward," Ryan said during an excerpt of a "60 Minutes" interview released Thursday.

"We speak about every day. And it's not about looking ... back in the past. That's behind us. We're way beyond that."

When asked if he thought Trump could be nominated, Ryan said he "didn't see this one coming."

"He knows that," Ryan said, calling Trump "a very unconventional candidate."

"He's going to be an unconventional president," Ryan continued, likening Trump to a "get-things-done kinda guy."

Ryan said weeks before the election that he would no longer campaign for Trump or defend the businessman in the wake of an "Access Hollywood" tape of Trump making sexually aggressive comments about women in 2005.

Trump responded by attacking the Speaker at the time on Twitter, saying Ryan was a man who "doesn't know how to win."

The pair quickly moved to patch up their relationship in public following Trump's surprise win Nov. 8, which came as Republicans maintained their majorities in the House and Senate.

Ryan said during the CBS interview airing Sunday that he's talked with the president-elect about the Constitution and separation of powers.

"He feels very strongly, actually, that, under President Obama's watch, he stripped a lot of power away from the Constitution, away from the legislative branch of government," Ryan said.

"And we want to reset the balance of power, so that people and the Constitution are rightfully restored."

(The Hill)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 01, 2016, 04:27:01 PM
Trump freezes Stein's recount efforts in Michigan

President-elect Trump's attorneys filed an objection with the Michigan Bureau of Elections on Thursday in protest of ballot recount efforts.

The move will suspend progress by Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein to have the ballots recounted. Stein's team wrote in its complaint that the voting machines were flawed.

"All available evidence suggests that the 2016 general election was not tainted by fraud or mistake," Trump's complaint states, adding that Stein has not provided sufficient evidence to back her allegation.

The recount had been slated to begin on Friday, and as long as Trump's complaint is not adopted by the board, it will continue.


Stein responded on Thursday to Trump, calling his refusal to cooperate "outrageous."

"The recount in Michigan, which has been driven by an outpouring of grassroots support in the state — will go forward," Stein said in a statement. "The Michigan Board of State Canvassers and Director of Elections has been a model of professionalism in moving this recount forward in an efficient, transparent manner. Yet the Trump campaign's cynical efforts to delay the recount and create unnecessary costs for taxpayers are shameful and outrageous."

(A Washington Examiner Article)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 01, 2016, 05:27:16 PM
Kellyanne Conway sits with Robbie Mook, shortly before he melts down.

Shouting match erupts between Clinton and Trump aides

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — The raw, lingering emotion of the 2016 presidential campaign erupted into a shouting match here Thursday as top strategists of Hillary Clinton’s campaign accused their Republican counterparts of fueling and legitimizing racism to elect Donald Trump.

The extraordinary exchange came at a postmortem session sponsored by Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, where top operatives from both campaigns sat across a conference table from each other.

As Trump’s team basked in the glow of its victory and singled out for praise its campaign’s chief executive, Stephen K. Bannon, who was absent, the row of grim-faced Clinton aides who sat opposite them bristled.

Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri condemned Bannon, who previously ran Breitbart, a news site popular with the alt-right, a small movement known for espousing racist views.

“If providing a platform for white supremacists makes me a brilliant tactician, I am proud to have lost,” she said. “I would rather lose than win the way you guys did."

Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, fumed: “Do you think I ran a campaign where white supremacists had a platform?”

“You did, Kellyanne. You did,” interjected Palmieri, who choked up at various points of the session.

“Do you think you could have just had a decent message for white, working-class voters?” Conway continued. “How about, it’s Hillary Clinton, she doesn’t connect with people? How about, they have nothing in common with her? How about, she doesn’t have an economic message?”

Joel Benenson, Clinton’s chief strategist, piled on: “There were dog whistles sent out to people.. . .Look at your rallies. He delivered it.”

At which point, Conway accused Clinton’s team of being sore losers.

“Guys, I can tell you are angry, but wow,” she said. “Hashtag he’s your president. How’s that? Will you ever accept the election results? Will you tell your protesters that he’s their president, too?”

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 01, 2016, 05:42:08 PM
Funny that WSJ refers to Trump "arm-twisting" Carrier.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Thin Lizzy on December 01, 2016, 05:50:54 PM
Brutal owning of Martha Raddatz during Trump's speech. She won't recover 8)

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 02, 2016, 12:27:08 PM

CNN apologizes for producer’s ‘inappropriate’ joke about Trump’s plane

CNN is apologizing after one of its producers joked on Thursday that President-elect Donald Trump’s plane “crashed.”

Moments before going on air, reporter Suzanne Malveaux was coordinating with producers to make sure all was a go for the live hit: making sure she had water and her microphone was working and figuring out which topics to speak about. All of this was happening in Indianapolis before Trump’s plane landed on his way to visit the local Carrier factory and later hold a rally in Cincinnati.

The producer told Malveaux she would give a signal if Trump’s plane happened to land during the live hit. She then apparently gave one more signal, but that didn’t fly with the CNN bosses.

“That means his plane’s crashed,” the producer is heard saying in the video, which was obtained by “Just kidding,” the same producer then adds.

The comment prompted an awkward reaction from Malveaux, whose eyes immediately opened wide. The reporter then laughed off the unseemly joke.

On Friday, CNN released a statement regarding the “inappropriate” comment made by one of its producers, who was not identified.

(The Blaze)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 02, 2016, 12:29:53 PM
Brutal owning of Martha Raddatz during Trump's speech. She won't recover 8)

The woman is awful.  Everything wrong with the media can be found in her.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 02, 2016, 12:38:56 PM

Trump Spokeswoman: Hillary May Still be Prosecuted

Incoming administration ‘may look at that again’

Speaking with ABC News, Conway told George Stephanopolous that some Trump administration officials may still want to re-examine the former Secretary of State’s mishandling of classified emails.

“You talk about the bruising campaign, it seemed to continue last night in Cincinnatti. You had that crowd chanting, ‘Lock her up! Lock her up!’” Stephanopolous said.

“That’s the way they feel, and there will be officials who are in charge of such things in the Trump administration who may look at that again,” Conway stated, adding that Trump last week said he was looking beyond Clinton and focusing on a succsessful transition.

“Wait, so you’re suggesting now that the Trump administration may actually pursue prosecution?” Stephanopolous asked.

Reiterating Trump’s statements to the New York Times last week, Conway argued, “No, I’m not suggesting that at all. That would be something I would not be able to say.”

But Conway went on to add: “Of course, the Dept. of Justice, the different committees, the FBI perhaps can take a different look, but nobody expects that. No one is talking about that right now.”

The Trump team stirred controversy last week when Conway stated Trump had no formal plans of pursuing charges against Clinton, and instead wanted her to “heal.”
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 02, 2016, 01:20:31 PM
Green Beret war hero accuses Trump pick Gen. James Mattis of 'LEAVING MY MEN TO DIE'

A Green Beret war hero says that Donald Trump’s Defense Secretary pick James Mattis left his men to die after they were hit by friendly fire in Afghanistan.


Retired Lt. Col. Jason Amerine was in charge of U.S. special forces protecting future Afghan president Hamid Karzai when his troops were hit by friendly fire on December 5, 2001.

Three American soldiers and dozens of Afghanis died after being hit by a U.S. smart bomb, though help from other military units came late because the closest forces, Mattis’s Marine contingent, were not sent.

“He was indecisive and betrayed his duty to us, leaving my men to die during the golden hour when he could have reached us,” Amerine said in a Facebook post Friday morning.

Mattis, who was 45 minutes away at Camp Rhino, repeatedly refused requests to send rescue helicopters, unidentified sources told NBC News, which first reported on Amerine’s Friday comments.

War journalist Eric Blehm, who wrote about this incident in “The Only Thing Worth Dying For,” told the network that a special forces sergeant who disagreed with Mattis was thrown out of his office.

Air Force helicopters based three hours away in Pakistan ultimately took the wounded to Camp Rhino.

Sgt. Jefferson Donald Davis, 39, and 32-year-old Sgt. Daniel Henry Petithory, 32, were both killed instantly, though Amerine says that Sgt. Brian Cody Prosser, 28, died around the time they reached the base.

He said that two Afghans are also believed to have died because of the delay in help, though no formal investigation has ever looked into exactly what happened or whether deaths could have been prevented by a more rapid rescue.

Amerine, who made headlines for whitleblowing to Congress about U.S. hostage policy before retiring last year, said that Mattis may have been a good general during later assignments in Iraq.

However, he addd hat it has been “bizarre” seeing the 2001 incident debated now and said that praise given to Mattis amounts to a “revisionist history of the man who left us to die.”

Mattis has not commented on the 2001 friendly fire deaths or his response to it.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 02, 2016, 01:36:25 PM
Trump treasury secretary pick Steven Mnuchin’s bank foreclosed on 90-year-old woman who owed 27 cents

A bank owned by Steven Mnuchin, Donald Trump's Treasury secretary nominee, foreclosed on a 90-year-old Florida woman who owed 27 cents, reports revealed Thursday.

The practices of OneWest Bank have received renewed scrutiny since the Republican president-elect announced the onetime Goldman Sachs banker as his pick Wednesday. Over 36,000 foreclosures followed Mnuchin and partners’ purchase of failed bank IndyMac in 2009, according to the California Reinvestment Coalition.

“In essence what they did is they bought a foreclosure machine,” Kevin Stein, the housing advocacy group's deputy director, told National Public Radio.

An 86-year-old California man told the radio station that OneWest refused to modify the home equity loan on him and his wife’s longtime home even though they qualified three times for a government-backed modification. The bank sold their home of 50 years in 2011.

Outcry over OneWest's foreclosures drew over 100 sign-waving and chanting protesters to Mnuchin’s $26 million family mansion in Bel Air that year. He later said he had been subjected to “public ire” in a divorce filing asking that the address be kept completely private.

Goofy, Hell-Bound "Banker"

The Florida woman, Ossie Lofton, found herself facing a foreclosure by OneWest in 2014 after confusion about payments on her reverse mortgage, according to court papers obtained by Politico. Lofton sent a check for $423 in response to a bill for $423.30, the documents showed.

The OneWest subsidiary responded by billing the Lakeland resident for $0.30, but Lofton sent a check back for only $0.03. A nonprofit firm called Florida Rural Legal Services challenged the foreclosure in Polk County Circuit Court in October, Lofton’s lawyers told Politico.

“I don’t know that they’re the worst, but I certainly think it’s criminal the way these servicers are treating elderly homeowners,” attorney Lynn Drysdale said.

Representatives for Trump’s transition team and the bank that acquired OneWest last year, CIT Bank, didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment Thursday night.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 02, 2016, 01:55:36 PM
El Stupido

New California AG Becerra Dares Donald Trump: ‘Come at Us’

Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA), who was nominated Thursday to be California’s new attorney general, issued a forceful challenge to President-elect Donald Trump over his pledge to enforce federal immigration law: “Come at us.”

Becerra, who has yet to be confirmed by the state legislature, and whose membership in the State Bar has been inactive for more than two decades, did his best impression of segregationist Democrat George Wallace in defying federal authority.

Claiming to “know the true value of diversity,” Becerra told reporters on a conference call, as quoted by The Recorder: “If you want to take on a forward-leaning state that is prepared to defend its rights and interests, come at us.”

California Democrats are enthusiastic about Becerra, who will be the state’s first Latino attorney general, and will replace Kamala Harris, who was just elected to the U.S. Senate to replace outgoing Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA). Becerra is also the outgoing chair of the House Democratic Caucus and the highest-ranking Latino in the House of Representatives. He is a passionate, and highly partisan, advocate for Democratic Party policies — including, lately, amnesty for illegal aliens.

President-elect Trump has promised to enforce federal immigration law, and to end the practice of “sanctuary cities” — of which California has several — in which local law enforcement refuse to cooperate with federal immigration officials without a warrant or court order. The policy has resulted in illegal aliens, including violent felons and repeat deportees, remaining in the United States. Big-city Democrat mayors across the state and throughout the country have vowed, Wallace-style, to resist.

However, there is no legal basis for sanctuary cities. Ironically, a 2012 Supreme Court decision striking down Arizona’s aggressive SB 1070 immigration law provides the basis for their undoing, ruling that immigration law is an area of exclusive federal jurisdiction. The same principle would likely be applied by the Trump administration against a “rebel California.”

Aside from the courts, as Breitbart News’ Chriss Street has pointed out, a Trump administration could also exert leverage by withholding federal funds from California. The state is uniquely vulnerable, given its dependence on federal expenditures.

Nevertheless, Becerra and his Democrats are spoiling for a fight. And Donald Trump seems inclined to give it to them.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 02, 2016, 02:21:32 PM
CENSORSHIP: The Reddit Saga Continues

The social media site, which has hundreds of millions of users, has begun censoring one the site’s most active communities: supporters of President-elect Donald Trump.

The trouble began over the Thanksgiving holiday when Reddit’s CEO, Steve Huffman, secretly used his administrative access to the site to alter angry comments directed at him – changing the text of the comments to make them appear directed at Trump supporters on the site instead.

After an uproar, Huffman admitted doing that and said “as the CEO, I shouldn’t play such games, and it’s all fixed now… I most assuredly won’t do this again.”

But Wednesday, while issuing a further apology, Huffman announced that due to some “toxic” users, he would begin to censor all posts in a pro-Trump section of the site (called “r/The_Donald”) by limiting the ability of posts there to reach what many consider the “front page” of Reddit – where the posts get seen by a wider audience.

Extra Weak, with a Twist of Fruit: Steve Huffman

Huffman added: “We have identified hundreds of the most toxic users and are taking action against them, ranging from warnings to timeouts to permanent bans.”

Reddit’s “r/The_Donald” community has more than 300,000 users, who are known for being both enthusiastic and irreverent. In July, Donald Trump visited the page and answered fans’ questions there.

Reddit and the company that owns it, Advance Publications, did not respond to requests for comment.

Huffman also hinted that he may further target the Trump section of Reddit. Responding to a question Thursday about whether the new limits impacted anyone besides the “r/The_Donald” community, he replied, “Right now, just them… Going forward, we'll just take away their toys specifically and move on.”

Many Reddit users welcomed their CEO’s crackdown on the Trump section, with some saying he should go further.

“’The_donald’ is not something that should be on Reddit… It should be banned, along with all its members,” user “Tyler_Vakarian” wrote.

The volunteer moderators who support and run the Trump section of Reddit told through a spokesperson (user “PrinceCamelton”) that they were not surprised by the censorship given censorship by other social media CEOs such as Twitter’s Jack Dorsey – but were surprised that Huffman had not apologized to the users of r/The_Donald for using his administrative access to falsely direct angry comments towards them.

“Huffman has not directly issued our community an apology. Instead, he has the audacity to call us ‘toxic.’ They are trying to control and push the radical left-wing narrative that our country has turned away by electing Mr. Trump.”

The moderators added that their section of Reddit does not allow either hateful comments or harassment.

“We are not a toxic community. Huffman is trying to frame us as a community that harbors harassment. This couldn't be any further from the truth. We have let our community know multiple times that we do not support harassment. We've even been complimented by the Staff Coordinator of Reddit,” moderators from “r/The_Donald” told in an emailed statement.

The moderators said that despite the limits imposed on them, they will continue spreading their pro-Trump message on the site as long as they are allowed to.

“We live in a phenomenal information age that makes it so easy to pass on information. Do not allow these radical leftists push you around. Stand up for what you believe in.”

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mazrim on December 02, 2016, 04:18:35 PM
El Stupido

New California AG Becerra Dares Donald Trump: ‘Come at Us’

Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA), who was nominated Thursday to be California’s new attorney general, issued a forceful challenge to President-elect Donald Trump over his pledge to enforce federal immigration law: “Come at us.”

Becerra, who has yet to be confirmed by the state legislature, and whose membership in the State Bar has been inactive for more than two decades, did his best impression of segregationist Democrat George Wallace in defying federal authority.

Claiming to “know the true value of diversity,” Becerra told reporters on a conference call, as quoted by The Recorder: “If you want to take on a forward-leaning state that is prepared to defend its rights and interests, come at us.”

California Democrats are enthusiastic about Becerra, who will be the state’s first Latino attorney general, and will replace Kamala Harris, who was just elected to the U.S. Senate to replace outgoing Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA). Becerra is also the outgoing chair of the House Democratic Caucus and the highest-ranking Latino in the House of Representatives. He is a passionate, and highly partisan, advocate for Democratic Party policies — including, lately, amnesty for illegal aliens.

President-elect Trump has promised to enforce federal immigration law, and to end the practice of “sanctuary cities” — of which California has several — in which local law enforcement refuse to cooperate with federal immigration officials without a warrant or court order. The policy has resulted in illegal aliens, including violent felons and repeat deportees, remaining in the United States. Big-city Democrat mayors across the state and throughout the country have vowed, Wallace-style, to resist.

However, there is no legal basis for sanctuary cities. Ironically, a 2012 Supreme Court decision striking down Arizona’s aggressive SB 1070 immigration law provides the basis for their undoing, ruling that immigration law is an area of exclusive federal jurisdiction. The same principle would likely be applied by the Trump administration against a “rebel California.”

Aside from the courts, as Breitbart News’ Chriss Street has pointed out, a Trump administration could also exert leverage by withholding federal funds from California. The state is uniquely vulnerable, given its dependence on federal expenditures.

Nevertheless, Becerra and his Democrats are spoiling for a fight. And Donald Trump seems inclined to give it to them.

You would think that these types of things would be from the Onion or something its so laughable but scary that it is true. Issuing a forceful reply to your president to not enforce the law......That doesn't seem right, lol.

Sounds like a confederacy or something.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 02, 2016, 04:41:10 PM
You would think that these types of things would be from the Onion or something its so laughable but scary that it is true. Issuing a forceful reply to your president to not enforce the law......That doesn't seem right, lol.

Sounds like a confederacy or something.

Yeah, I agree.  It has potential to be a very interesting fight, IMO, and this guy should stfu... because he may get his ass owned.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 03, 2016, 08:34:04 AM
So we can deport all the illegals to California and cut ALL federal funding? Okay. Sounds good to me.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mass243 on December 03, 2016, 10:13:46 AM

Trump talked on phone with Taiwan president (Musclecenter?) which pissed off China  8)

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 03, 2016, 12:36:54 PM
Trump talked on phone with Taiwan president (Musclecenter?) which pissed off China  8)

And now the liberal media is upset that Trump spoke with a democratically elected official because it may upset the Communist country China....
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mass243 on December 03, 2016, 12:44:27 PM
And now the liberal media is upset that Trump spoke with a democratically elected official because it may upset the Communist country China....

Yes, I was wondering wtf.

Didn't even know you had some kind of agreement with China not to talk with Taiwanese.
Taiwan army is supplied by USA.
Oubama met with Dalai Lama who advocates free Tibet and opposes China.

What is the purpose of that no-talk agreement?

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: calfzilla on December 03, 2016, 04:25:05 PM
Who gives a fuck about China, we will talk with whoever we want.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: polychronopolous on December 03, 2016, 04:45:45 PM
Yes, I was wondering wtf.

Didn't even know you had some kind of agreement with China not to talk with Taiwanese.
Taiwan army is supplied by USA.
Oubama met with Dalai Lama who advocates free Tibet and opposes China.

What is the purpose of that no-talk agreement?

At first glance it seems Trump is trying to warm up with Putin and Russia in order to create leverage versus China and their economic interests.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 03, 2016, 05:13:48 PM
Lol at Musclecenter, mass!   ;D ;D ;D

Yes, it's supposed to be that we recognize China's claim that Taiwan is theirs, and this was (supposedly) the first contact in almost 40 years.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 03, 2016, 05:19:45 PM
Some Capitol Hill Republicans Applaud Trump's Call With Taiwan's Leader

President-elect Donald Trump’s call with the president of Taiwan on Friday triggered a formal protest by China and sent shock waves through at least parts of the U.S. diplomatic establishment. But the move was welcomed by many Republicans on Capitol Hill.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a former rival of Trump's for the GOP presidential nomination, showed his support on Twitter for the president-elect's phone call with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen, calling it an “improvement.”

I would much rather have Donald Trump talking to President Tsai than to Cuba's Raul Castro or Iran's Hasan Rouhani. This is an improvement.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 3, 2016

Similarly, Colorado Republican Sen. Cory Gardner, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee on East Asia and Pacific affairs, said he looks forward to working with the president-elect to find ways to "strengthen our relationship with our ally and friend, Taiwan.”

“The friendship between our two countries is important, and I am glad to hear the president-elect is committed to that friendship," Gardner said in a statement.

Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, a Republican, also issued a statement of approval.

"I commend President-elect Trump for his conversation with President Tsai Ing-wen, which reaffirms our commitment to the only democracy on Chinese soil,” Cotton said. “I have met with President Tsai twice and I'm confident she expressed to the president-elect the same desire for closer relations with the United States."

Taiwan has held that it is an independent nation since it split from the Chinese mainland in a 1949 civil war.

But the U.S. has maintained a "one China" policy since establishing diplomatic relations with Beijing in 1979, meaning that it has not recognized Taiwan as its own country, but rather as a part of China. Since then, there have been no publicly reported phone calls between a U.S. president or president-elect and a Taiwanese leader.

The U.S. does have a "robust unofficial relationship" with Taiwan and commits to defending it in the event of a Chinese attack, according to the Department of State's website.

The White House did not know about the call until after it took place.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 03, 2016, 05:27:15 PM

Eyes Wide Shut?

President-elect Donald Trump to party down at extravagant Long Island costume party

President-elect Donald Trump will play the role of partier-in-chief at a swanky Saturday night costume party on Long Island themed “Villains and Heroes.”

The ultra-exclusive soirée at the Suffolk County estate of hedge fund manager Robert Mercer is expected to draw a who’s who of conservative big shots.

“It will be the hottest ticket in town,” Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, told Bloomberg News this week.

“I deign to guess that this year, it’s going to be a spectacular, super-sized, unprecedented celebration given what just happened in the election.”

Trump is expected to be the featured guest at the invitation-only party, sources told Politico.

Mercer and his wife Diana, who donated $2 million to a pro-Trump super PAC, have hosted the masquerade since 2009.

Everything about the party — from the decor to the invitations — is over-the-top.

For last year’s World War II-themed party, a tank guarded the gates of the Mercer compound, and the library was filled with relics including a piece of the USS Arizona recovered from the bottom of Pearl Harbor.

This year’s invitation featured “a sword-wielding centurion crouching in an ancient ruin, facing down a serpent-haired Medusa,” according to Bloomberg News.

The invites directed guests to a secret website where they’re told to draw costume inspiration from the likes of Mother Teresa, Superman and Captain Hook, according to Bloomberg News.

“I predict there will be an abundance of Hillary and Trump finery,” Conway said. “We can’t get enough of this victory.”

Conway herself said she’s planning to dress up as Stephen Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist who she described as a villain to the media and a hero to just about everyone else.

There was no word on Trump’s costume.

A competitive poker player, Mercer is known for rolling out blackjack and poker tables at his parties, according to Politico.

Chips are supplied free of charge and can be redeemed for such swanky prizes as gold Rolexes.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 03, 2016, 05:31:30 PM

Trump braces to 'hit the ground running' as president

While the mainstream media camp out in the lobby of Trump Tower, the work being done upstairs by the Trump transition team is a seemingly endless stream of personnel decisions, policy briefings and figuring out the personal and political chemistry of the president-elect’s inner circle.

Trump won the 2016 election on Nov. 8. He now has just over 50 days to prepare to assume the most powerful office in the world. And that means his team needs to get him ready.

“The idea is that when a president takes office Jan. 20, that he can literally step into his desk that first morning and begin to function as commander in chief and handle all the duties of the presidency,” said Reagan White House political director Frank Donatelli.

He told WND and Radio America the first order of business is growing the president’s staff.

“When someone runs for president, chances are they have a small coterie of advisers around them. Of course, once you become president, you need a lot more people than that. So they have to expand the circle pretty rapidly,” Donatelli explained.

While much of the media attention centers on the high-profile cabinet selections, there are a total of about 4,000 political appointments for a president to make.

“Any position that is cabinet-level, deputy secretary or assistant secretary, generally those require Senate confirmation. The president will have some involvement at that level,” Donatelli said.

He adds that while 4,000 may seem like a lot, there are about one million career government employees.

Donatelli said some of the lower political appointments often go to people with a connection to the president or the party.

“The president will give some direction to the kinds of people he wants. Generally, the Office of Presidential Personnel in the White House is responsible for filling out the bureaucracy. They’ll take into consideration campaign workers and key members of the Republican Party and fundraisers for the president, and oh by the way, people who actually have some expertise in the job,” Donatelli said.

In addition to personnel matters, there is the issue of bringing the president-elect up to speed on a wide range of policy matters.

“You want to be able to hit the ground running and so the president needs to be broadly familiar with the issues that are going to be hitting his desk immediately: budget issues, economic issues, obviously foreign policy issues and briefings,” Donatelli said.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: calfzilla on December 03, 2016, 05:35:52 PM
Is Robert Mercer a pseudonym for Joon?  ;D
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 03, 2016, 05:38:54 PM
BTW, I believe Taiwan issued a congratulatory call to Trump.  That's what happened afaik, so it's not as though Trump decided to initiate contact (as some are trying to act like).
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 03, 2016, 05:40:31 PM
Is Robert Mercer a pseudonym for Joon?  ;D

This is l-o-l:

Conway herself said she’s planning to dress up as Stephen Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist who she described as a villain to the media and a hero to just about everyone else.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 03, 2016, 06:06:52 PM

Jill Stein Drops Pennsylvania Recount Effort, Ending Unlikely Push Against Trump

Pennsylvania will apparently not have a statewide recount of its votes, removing the last long-shot hope by opponents of Donald J. Trump that a review of the ballots could overturn his election as president.

In a filing on Saturday, a lawyer for Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate, who began the recount bids in Pennsylvania — as well as in Michigan and Wisconsin — said “petitioners are regular citizens of ordinary means” and could not afford a $1 million bond payment that was ordered by Pennsylvania courts.

Lawyers for Pennsylvania Republicans and Mr. Trump had asked a judge on Thursday to dismiss Ms. Stein’s request, saying she had not identified any fraud or illegal activity during the Nov. 8 election.

Lawrence J. Tabas, the general counsel of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania, said on Saturday that the withdrawal served as “recognition” that the Stein-led effort was “completely without merit,” and that the decision to drop the case “assures that President-elect Trump will be declared the winner by the Electoral College,” which meets on Dec. 19.

In a statement, Ms. Stein left open the possibility that she had further plans in Pennsylvania, and promised a “major announcement” on Monday morning. She criticized the $1 million bond needed to proceed with a recount.

“This is yet another sign that Pennsylvania’s antiquated election law is stacked against voters,” Ms. Stein said. “We will pursue every available remedy to ensure Pennsylvanians can trust what happened in this election.”

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, trails Mr. Trump by 49,543 votes in the state, according to data from the Pennsylvania Department of State. As voting results were updated this week, Mr. Trump’s lead in Pennsylvania had shrunk by about 20,000 votes. Mrs. Clinton would have needed to be declared the winner in all three recount states to overturn the Electoral College result.

While the statewide effort was withdrawn, a related campaign to recount votes in targeted precincts in places like Philadelphia is continuing, but it would fall far short of the statewide recount Ms. Stein had sought.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: SOMEPARTS on December 03, 2016, 07:03:31 PM
I'm sure she's going to make sure and refund that 8 million she raised for the recounts....more than her campaign could raise.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 04, 2016, 11:53:17 AM
Trump will do his best to work it all out.  Keep the faith.  The good news is that he really does want to succeed.

After Carrier deal, Trump vows tax of 35 percent for US business going overseas

President-elect Donald Trump said Sunday that he’ll slap a 35 percent tax on U.S. companies that move jobs or operations to other countries -- days after announcing a controversial deal with Carrier to keep roughly 1,100 manufacturing jobs in the United States.

Trump, a prolific tweeter with about 15 million followers, needed six posts, each limited to 40 characters, to get out his message.

“The U.S. is going to substantially reduce taxes and regulations on businesses,” Trump tweeted. “But any business that leaves our country for another country, fires its employees, builds a new factory or plant in the other country, and then thinks it will sell its product back into the U.S. without retribution or consequence, is WRONG!

“There will be a tax on our soon to be strong border of 35% for these companies ... Please be forewarned prior to making a very expensive mistake! THE UNITED STATES IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS.”

The string of tweets follow Trump’s announcement last week that he had reached a deal with the Carrier furnace and air-conditioning manufacturer to keep the jobs in Indiana, instead of moving them to Mexico where labor costs are significantly less expensive.

Trump made vowing to keep Carrier in the country and returning other good-paying manufacturing jobs to the economically challenged Midwest a major part of his successful presidential campaign.

But the Carrier deal -- which purportedly includes $6 million in tax incentives and $1 million in job-training grants over 10 years -- has been criticized by liberals and conservatives alike.

Among them are self-described socialist and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and 2008 GOP vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin, who suggest the deal was an example of “crony capitalism.”

Vice President-elect Mike Pence, who remains governor of Indiana until next month, defended Trump’s effort on Carrier on NBC’s “Meet the Press."

“We were heartbroken when we heard Carrier was pulling up stakes,” said Pence, who acknowledges he couldn’t broker the deal. “The only reason Carrier is staying in the United States is because Donald Trump was elected president.”

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 04, 2016, 11:59:02 AM
I'm sure she's going to make sure and refund that 8 million she raised for the recounts....more than her campaign could raise.

Yes.  Wouldn't surprise me at all if this was about raising $$ and not much else.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 04, 2016, 12:07:22 PM
The key with trade IMO is to join with other countries who share our goals, and shut-out those who do not.  That's the best way to settle the score in this world, and the surest path to spread democracy.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 04, 2016, 01:28:18 PM
Here's an interesting claim:

Romney fading, Rohrabacher, Bolton rising for State as 'consensus package'

Mitt Romney's chances for being secretary of State in a Trump administration are fading amid a deep division among President-elect Trump's team, and that is giving rise to dark horse candidate Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a foreign policy tough guy who once arm wrestled Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to insiders.

The Trump cabinet executive committee is also eyeing long-time Republican diplomat John Bolton as deputy secretary of State, though there are some who prefer him in the top job.

Rohrabacher meets with soldiers in Afghanistan in 2002.

Two sources late Saturday said that there is an emerging "consensus package" of Rohrabacher, a long-serving California lawmaker who heads a House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee, as the secretary and Bolton as his chief deputy.

"This is percolating through the system and Dana the dark horse is emerging from the back of the pack," said one transition source. Another said, "I'm feeling like a surprise might be in order."

According to the sources, Trump advisors Stephen Bannon and Peter Thiel have spent four hours on the phone with Rohrabacher and found that he agrees with all Trump top policy agenda items. He was a supporter of Trump also. One source said that Rohrabacher may be headed to Trump Tower next week for a meeting with the President-elect.


He is a former Reagan speechwriter and expert on Afghan policy. He also has one of the most interestingly-decorated House offices and is even a California surfer.

Sources said that he was previously asked his interest in being No. 2 at State under Romney, but said that he couldn't work for a secretary who did not support Trump during the campaign.

Romney was harshly critical of Trump during the election, though he has eaten crow in two meetings since Trump was elected president-elect.

For many Trump insiders, notably campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, that's not good enough to then be rewarded with one of the administration's top jobs.

Bolton, like Romney, also has champions on the Trump executive committee. He worked for former President Reagan and both former Presidents Bush, mostly in key State and diplomatic roles, including as ambassador to the United Nations.

(Washington  Examiner)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 04, 2016, 01:39:57 PM
Who gives a fuck about China, we will talk with whoever we want.

Have you ever noticed how much of what you buy was "made in China"?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 04, 2016, 01:45:10 PM
I'm sure she's going to make sure and refund that 8 million she raised for the recounts....more than her campaign could raise.

Funding political actions or politicians is a donation (gift). There is no expectation of refunds.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 04, 2016, 01:51:12 PM
Have you ever noticed how much of what you buy was "made in China"?

To say nothing of what's in the overflowing landfills of this country.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 04, 2016, 02:00:32 PM
And more...

Exxon CEO emerges as a contender for Donald Trump’s secretary of state

WASHINGTON—President-elect Donald Trump is widening the circle of candidates for secretary of state and will interview more prospects this week, transition officials said, a sign that after multiple meetings with high-profile hopefuls he still isn’t sold on who he wants as the nation’s top diplomat.

Though Trump’s transition team said last week that the search had narrowed to four finalists, new candidates have emerged, including Rex Tillerson, chairman and chief executive officer of Exxon Mobil Corp., one transition adviser said.

Alan Jeffers, an Exxon spokesman, declined to comment. A final decision by Trump could come by week’s end, the adviser said.

Vice President-elect Mike Pence, appearing Sunday on NBC, said the list of secretary of state candidates “might grow a little bit.”

(marketwatch, WSJ)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 04, 2016, 02:03:57 PM
Fuck off, Feinstein.  Stay out of it.

Feinstein plans to lead ‘the Resistance’ to Trump

You won’t hear Dianne Feinstein moaning about the election results. California’s senior senator has been too busy making plans on how to fight back against the Trump administration. And she’s got some advice for Democrats trying to figure out how to do the same.

“Don’t panic,” she told me during a recent chat. “And don’t be fearful. We need to see what moves he makes and see how best how to counter them.”

To be sure, Feinstein’s version of what progressives call “the Resistance” is never going to be confused with that of Code Pink or Black Lives Matter or the Courage Campaign. Or Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s, for that matter.

But as a Democrat near the top of her party’s seniority list (24 years and counting) in a Senate where Republicans hold a narrow majority, Feinstein will be a leader in the official version of the Resistance. She doesn’t yell into a bullhorn, she makes plans.

“Right now, my biggest concern is immigration,” Feinstein said. She’s focused on protecting “dreamers,” the more than 2 million immigrants brought to the United States as children without documentation by their parents. Four years ago, President Obama gave them temporary legal status through an executive order, but President-elect Donald Trump has promised to overturn all of Obama’s orders. Many dreamers are cowering in fear about what will come next.

(SF Chronicle)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 04, 2016, 02:12:59 PM
Fuck off, Feinstein.  Stay out of it.

Feinstein plans to lead ‘the Resistance’ to Trump

You won’t hear Dianne Feinstein moaning about the election results. California’s senior senator has been too busy making plans on how to fight back against the Trump administration. And she’s got some advice for Democrats trying to figure out how to do the same.

“Don’t panic,” she told me during a recent chat. “And don’t be fearful. We need to see what moves he makes and see how best how to counter them.”

To be sure, Feinstein’s version of what progressives call “the Resistance” is never going to be confused with that of Code Pink or Black Lives Matter or the Courage Campaign. Or Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s, for that matter.

But as a Democrat near the top of her party’s seniority list (24 years and counting) in a Senate where Republicans hold a narrow majority, Feinstein will be a leader in the official version of the Resistance. She doesn’t yell into a bullhorn, she makes plans.

“Right now, my biggest concern is immigration,” Feinstein said. She’s focused on protecting “dreamers,” the more than 2 million immigrants brought to the United States as children without documentation by their parents. Four years ago, President Obama gave them temporary legal status through an executive order, but President-elect Donald Trump has promised to overturn all of Obama’s orders. Many dreamers are cowering in fear about what will come next.

(SF Chronicle)


because Dems are so good at doing that!
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 04, 2016, 02:27:01 PM

because Dems are so good at doing that!

What a damn joke.  Probably took a crane with full crew, too, to get John Lewis up and down.



Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: calfzilla on December 04, 2016, 03:23:25 PM
What a damn joke.  Probably took a crane with full crew, too, to get John Lewis up and down.



Would gladly bash their heads in with a club.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 05, 2016, 02:59:35 AM

because Dems are so good at doing that!

What a bunch of losers and babies.   
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 05, 2016, 08:16:31 AM
Carson to HUD.  From everything I've seen, though, the dude is flat-lining.  He's just not 'there' if you know what I mean.

Maybe he was dosing on heavy meds at the time, to deal with campaigning, IDK.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 05, 2016, 08:39:17 AM

After hesitation, Carson accepts Trump's offer to head U.S. housing department

(Reuters) Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, a rival-turned-supporter of Donald Trump, overcame his stated qualms about a lack of government experience on Monday to accept the president-elect's nomination to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Carson, a popular writer and speaker in conservative circles, has been a close adviser to Trump since dropping out of the 2016 Republican presidential primary contest.

He is the first African-American picked for a Cabinet spot as Trump fills out his administration before his inauguration on Jan. 20. The position requires confirmation by the U.S. Senate.

Trump's Cabinet picks so far have been mostly white men, although he has also nominated two women, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and Republican donor Betsy DeVos to be education secretary.

Trump, who beat Democrat Hillary Clinton in last month's election, has filled 13 high-level administration posts, with the key position of U.S. secretary of state among jobs remaining to be filled.

He and Carson discussed the HUD position before the Thanksgiving Day holiday late last month, although Carson - despite his presidential run - had indicated reluctance to take a post in the incoming administration because of his lack of federal government experience.

Trump, a real estate magnate and former reality TV star who also has no government experience and has never held public office, expressed confidence Carson could do the job.

"Ben Carson has a brilliant mind and is passionate about strengthening communities and families within those communities," he said in a statement.

The transition team described Carson as a national leader who overcame a "troubled youth in the inner city of Detroit to become a renowned neurosurgeon."

Carson said he was honored to accept the post, saying he believes he can make a "significant contribution particularly by strengthening communities that are most in need."

(Reuters News Service)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 05, 2016, 08:54:37 AM
No doubt, Mr. President.  You are absolutely correct.


Trump: I would have 'far less reason to tweet' if I was covered accurately

President-elect Donald Trump on Monday blasted the press, suggesting he might not have to tweet if he was given fair coverage by news outlets.

"If the press would cover me accurately & honorably, I would have far less reason to 'tweet,'" the president-elect tweeted. "Sadly, I don't know if that will ever happen!"

If the press would cover me accurately & honorably, I would have far less reason to "tweet." Sadly, I don't know if that will ever happen! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 5, 2016

Trump often takes to Twitter to hammer critics or make campaign announcements. He has faced scrutiny in the past over the tweets he sends out on his personal account.
He often uses the medium to rail on the media, saying its coverage of him is inaccurate and biased.
Last week, the president-elect spurred controversy after alleging serious voter fraud and claiming he would have won the popular if you "deduct the millions of people who voted illegally."
Later in the week, the president-elect said on Twitter that no one should be allowed to burn the American flag. He suggested those who do should face consequences, such as a loss of citizenship or a year in jail.
Trump's top aide, Kellyanne Conway, said Sunday it is still undetermined if the president-elect will keep control of his personal Twitter account when he takes office.
"That's going to be up to him, the Secret Service and others who have to help decide those issues," Conway said in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper.

"I will tell you people look at his social media accounts ... as a very good platform of which to convey his message."

She added: "He's a unique person that's been following his instincts and judgments from the beginning."

(The Hill)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 05, 2016, 09:03:25 AM
Oh. My. God.  :D (

WOAH. Trump transition team announces Ivanka Trump is meeting w/ Al Gore this morning to discuss climate issues
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 05, 2016, 09:08:40 AM

Mess with Pence, get dents!  8)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 05, 2016, 09:54:01 AM
Rogue electors brief Clinton camp on anti-Trump plan

Advocates of the long-shot bid to turn the Electoral College against Donald Trump have been in contact with close allies of Hillary Clinton, according to multiple sources familiar with the discussions, but the Clinton camp — and Clinton herself — have declined to weigh in on the merits of the plan.

Clinton's team and the Democratic National Committee have steadfastly refused to endorse the efforts spearheaded by a group of electors in Colorado and Washington state. But, as with the ongoing recounts initiated by Green Party nominee Jill Stein, the Clinton team has not categorically rejected them, leaving the collection of mainly Democratic electors to push forward with no explicit public support from the failed Democratic nominee or any other prominent party leaders.

In a sign of the sensitivity of the issue, former Clinton campaign officials declined repeated requests to comment on the Electoral College effort. DNC officials also failed to respond to requests for comment.

The Clinton camp’s silence follows its cautious approach to another long-shot effort to deny Trump the presidency: the last-minute recount efforts in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan launched by Stein. Stein's aggressive push has annoyed Clinton aides but has also not drawn their outward condemnation — Clinton's top campaign lawyer, Marc Elias, said in carefully chosen language last week that the campaign will “participate” in the recounts, without expanding on its plans to get involved.

"Regardless of the potential to change the outcome in any of the states, we feel it is important, on principle, to ensure our campaign is legally represented in any court proceedings and represented on the ground in order to monitor the recount process itself," wrote Elias.

The electors leading the anti-Trump push say they’re operating without regard to the Clinton campaign’s views and without its assistance. To some leaders of the anti-Trump effort, the lack of formal Democratic Party engagement is an asset as they attempt to woo Republicans.

“We’re really doing this on our own,” said Polly Baca, a Democratic elector from Colorado and organizer of "Hamilton Electors," the group encouraging Republican defections from Trump. “This is something we have to do as electors. This is our responsibility.”

But Clinton will not be able to avoid getting drawn into the Electoral College machinations. That’s because her husband —former President Bill Clinton — is a Democratic elector from New York. Aides to the former president have declined repeated requests for comment on whether he intends to fulfill the role or pass it to an alternate when New York’s Electoral College members convene in Albany on Dec. 19. Baca has indicated that she intends to reach out to all electors — including Clinton — for support.

Another leader of the Hamilton Electors group, Colorado elector Micheal Baca (no relation to Polly), said the group's outreach efforts were wide-ranging.

"Given what’s at stake, we have been outreaching to everyone we can including electors, various members of both parties, and the media," he said. "One of the most inspiring things about this entire process is how we have encountered such patriotism from both sides of the aisle and much willingness to unite for America."

Backers of Hamilton Electors are also preparing a wave of lawsuits challenging 29 state laws that purport to bind electors to the results of the statewide popular vote. These laws have never been enforced or tested, and many constitutional scholars believe they conflict with the Founders’ vision of the Electoral College as a deliberative body. Courtroom victories, they hope, will embolden other electors to join their cause.

All 538 members of the Electoral College will meet on Dec. 19 in their respective state capitals to cast the formal vote for president. Trump won the popular vote in states that constitute 306 electors — easily above the 270-vote threshold he needs to become president if all Republican electors support him. That’s why anti-Trump electors are working to convince at least 37 Republican electors to ditch Trump, the minimum they’d need to prevent his election. Clinton won the popular vote in states that include 232 electors.

At least eight Democratic electors are promising to defect from Clinton and support a Republican alternative to Trump. Trump won the popular vote in states that constitute 306 electors — easily above the 270-vote threshold he needs to become president if all Republican electors support him. That’s why anti-Trump electors are working to convince at least 37 Republican electors to ditch Trump and join them in support of a compromise candidate, which could send the final decision to the House of Representatives.

While Trump's lawyers have been working to stymie the recounts, his campaign has paid little attention to the Electoral College initiative. The same is true of the Clinton camp. While Clinton won the popular vote in states that include 232 electors, she would need all three recounts to overturn the Election Day results to get to 270 electoral votes — an extremely unlikely event.

Recounts aside, there’s little incentive for the Clinton camp to become involved with the anti-Trump effort since it can only result in detracting from her electoral vote total. The only reason to engage at all would in support of an effort to deny Trump an Electoral College majority.

The Democratic electors have already revealed that they’re close to a consensus pick for whom they will vote: Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

Kasich: boogers and all.

Kasich is increasingly seen as the most acceptable Republican alternative to electors on both sides of the aisle, according to multiple electors familiar with the conversations. They note that Kasich defeated Trump in Ohio's primary, that the governor boasts a high approval rating in his state and that Kasich was reportedly under consideration to be Trump's vice president before he selected Indiana Gov. Mike Pence.

"Many Electors are saying that Governor John Kasich would be best for our country. A consensus is beginning to form that Governor Kasich would be best positioned to unite America," said Micheal Baca, in a statement to POLITICO on Sunday. Other electors involved in the effort confirmed this line of thinking.

It’s unclear if Kasich would accept support from these electors, and a top political adviser downplayed the strategy.

"There's no question Trump won enough votes in the states to receive over 270 votes when the members of the Electoral College meet,” said Kasich’s top political adviser John Weaver, when asked about the prospect that some electors might vote for Kasich. “I'm sure the [Electoral College] will affirm this when it gathers later this month.”

Even if no Republicans join the recalcitrant Democrats, eight defections from Clinton would represent more “faithless electors” — members who don’t vote for their party's designated presidential candidate — than at any time in American history. Leaders of the effort claim at least one firm commitment from a Republican elector, though none have spoken out publicly.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 05, 2016, 10:02:54 AM
OK, hon.  We'll see about reversing the results, since you don't approve.

Vintage Madonna

Madonna on the Election

Madonna is opening up about her thoughts on the election and her friends who support Donald Trump in a candid new interview with Billboard.

On the outcome of the election: “It felt like someone died. It felt like a ­combination of the heartbreak and betrayal you feel when someone you love more than anything leaves you, and also a death. I feel that way every morning; I wake up and say, ‘Oh, wait, Donald Trump is still the president,’ and it wasn’t a bad dream that I had. It feels like women betrayed us. The percentage of women who voted for Trump was insanely high.”

On why women voted for Trump: “Women hate women. That’s what I think it is. Women’s nature is not to support other women. It’s really sad. Men protect each other, and women protect their men and children. Women turn inward and men are more external. A lot of it has do with jealousy and some sort of tribal inability to accept that one of their kind could lead a nation.”

On what her friends who support Trump said: “That they would rather have a successful businessman running the country than a woman who lies. Just absurd. But people don’t have faith in government as we know it. We live in a country that’s run by ­bankers. In a way, it makes sense that Donald Trump is the president. Because money rules. Not intelligence, not experience, not a moral compass, not the ability to make wise ­decisions, not the ability to think of the future of the human race.”

(Billboard Magazine)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 05, 2016, 10:20:49 AM
Oh. My. God.  :D (

Lol, yeah I saw that.  Gore huffs and puffs his way into Trump Tower:

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 05, 2016, 11:17:33 AM

Mess with Pence, get dents!  8)

I love seeing Stephanopolis get shut the fuck down.  Can't stand that guy.  Great job by Pence.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 05, 2016, 11:19:00 AM

Al Gore just had ‘an extremely interesting conversation’ with Trump on climate change

As Donald Trump continues to indicate that he might be willing to change his position on climate change, which he has long called a “hoax,” the president-elect met Monday with former vice president Al Gore, who has become a prominent activist in the fight against global warming.

Gore was originally scheduled to meet just with Trump's oldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, who is not registered with a political party and has already pushed her father to adopt positions usually promoted by Democrats. Gore told reporters that after that meeting, he then had “an extremely interesting conversation” with the president-elect.

“I had a lengthy and very productive session with the president-elect. It was a sincere search for areas of common ground,” Gore told reporters after spending about 90 minutes at Trump Tower in Manhattan during the lunch hour Monday. “I had a meeting beforehand with Ivanka Trump. The bulk of the time was with the president-elect, Donald Trump. I found it an extremely interesting conversation, and to be continued, and I'm just going to leave it at that.”

(Washington Post)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 05, 2016, 11:39:48 AM
Report buried Trump-related ‘hate crimes’ against white kids

(New York Post - Paul Sperry)  At least 2,000 educators around the country reported racist slurs and other derogatory language leveled against white students in the first days after Donald Trump was elected president. But the group that surveyed the teachers didn’t publish the results in its report on Trump-related “hate crimes.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center partnered with the American Federation of Teachers, which formally endorsed Hillary Clinton, to circulate the questionnaire among its 1.6 million mostly Democrat members. The survey was sent out to K-12 teachers and administrators who subscribe to its “Teaching Tolerance” newsletter.

The SPLC’s widely cited report — “The Trump Effect: The Impact of the 2016 Presidential Election on Our Nation’s Schools” — reported that 40 percent of the more than 10,000 educators who responded to the survey “have heard derogatory language directed at students of color, Muslims, immigrants and people based on gender or sexual orientation.”

The takeaway was that Trump-supporting white kids have been harassing minorities at the nation’s schools. And SPLC’s schools report, along with a broader report on alleged Trump-inspired hate crimes — “Ten Days After: Harassment and Intimidation in the Aftermath of the Election” — sparked breathless coverage in the New York Times, Washington Post and other major media.

The reports also triggered a statement Friday from the US Commission on Civil Rights, which expressed “deep concern” that “prejudice has reared its ugly head in public elementary and secondary schools.” The panel called for more federal funding to prosecute “hate crimes.”

But the SPLC didn’t present the whole story. The Montgomery, Ala.-based nonprofit self-censored results from a key question it asked educators — whether they agree or disagree with the following statement: “I have heard derogatory language or slurs about white students.”

Asked last week to provide the data, SPLC initially said it was having a hard time getting the information “from the researchers.” Pressed, SPLC spokeswoman Kirsten Bokenkamp finally revealed that “about 20 percent answered affirmatively to that question.”

Bokenkamp did not provide an explanation for the absence of such a substantial metric — at least 2,000 bias-related incidents against white students — from the report, which focuses instead on “anti-immigrant sentiment,” “anti-Muslim sentiment” and “slurs about students of color” related to the election.

“They left that result out because it would not fit their ideological narrative,” former Education Department civil-rights attorney Hans Bader said. “It was deemed an inconvenient truth.”

Suppressing reports of crimes against Trump supporters gives a one-sided and misleading view of post-election discord.

Founded in 1971, SPLC claims to be a non-partisan civil-rights law firm. But it receives funding from leftist groups, including ones controlled by billionaire George Soros. And a review of Federal Election Commission records reveals that its board members have contributed more than $13,400 to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns.

Bader says SPLC has an agenda to derail the Trump administration before it starts.

“These flawed SPLC reports will be cited by left-wing special interests to try to block the confirmation of moderate and conservative people to posts such as attorney general by falsely making it look like America’s schools and streets are pervaded by bigotry,” Bader said.

Last week, SPLC held a press conference in Washington to demand Trump “reconsider” his picks for White House advisers and attorney general, and “disavow” his immigration policies.

“His own words have sparked the barrage of hate that we are seeing,” SPLC President Richard Cohen maintained. “He has been singing the white supremacist song since he came down the escalator in his tower and announced his candidacy.”

Cohen tied Trump to a number of hate crimes, which he warns will only “spike” once he’s inaugurated. He noted his center recorded 867 alleged anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and anti-black hate crimes in the 10 days following Trump’s Nov. 8 win.

But the SPLC acknowledges that it has not independently verified any of the claims. It collected most of them on its website, many anonymously.

The group won’t use its $315 million in assets to investigate the “hate crimes,” or at least help alleged victims file police reports or provide them counseling or other assistance, but it has offered “sympathy.”

“We wrote back to every submission that provided an email address to express sympathy and encourage them to report the incident to local authorities,” Bokenkamp said.

Bader pointed out that most of the anti-minority “hate crimes” and “hate incidents” cited by SPLC do not legally constitute hate crimes, and many involve constitutionally protected speech.

“It is simply ridiculous that SPLC treats ‘build the wall’ as hate rhetoric,” he said. The center counted people mentioning “build the wall” as 467 incidents of hate.

“Alas, these days the SPLC is mainly a fundraising machine,” said Gail Heriot, a US Commission on Civil Rights member who voted against Friday’s resolution. “The more it can persuade its donors that hate groups have penetrated every nook and cranny of American society, the more money it can raise. Now it wants us to believe that the election has unleashed unprecedented waves of hatred and violence among schoolchildren. Let’s stop and take a deep breath before we assume that’s true. The SPLC has no credibility with anyone — on the left or the right — who is familiar with its methods.”

While there no doubt are legitimate reports of hate crimes against minorities — and even one is too many — hyping such incidents recklessly fans the flames of anxiety among such communities. And suppressing reports of crimes against Trump supporters gives a one-sided and misleading view of post-election discord.

(New York Post.  Paul Sperry is a former Washington bureau chief for Investor’s Business Daily and the author of “Infiltration.”)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 05, 2016, 11:41:19 AM
All the lib fags on my page have been 24/7 melt down since he was elected

Report buried Trump-related ‘hate crimes’ against white kids

(New York Post - Paul Sperry)  At least 2,000 educators around the country reported racist slurs and other derogatory language leveled against white students in the first days after Donald Trump was elected president. But the group that surveyed the teachers didn’t publish the results in its report on Trump-related “hate crimes.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center partnered with the American Federation of Teachers, which formally endorsed Hillary Clinton, to circulate the questionnaire among its 1.6 million mostly Democrat members. The survey was sent out to K-12 teachers and administrators who subscribe to its “Teaching Tolerance” newsletter.

The SPLC’s widely cited report — “The Trump Effect: The Impact of the 2016 Presidential Election on Our Nation’s Schools” — reported that 40 percent of the more than 10,000 educators who responded to the survey “have heard derogatory language directed at students of color, Muslims, immigrants and people based on gender or sexual orientation.”

The takeaway was that Trump-supporting white kids have been harassing minorities at the nation’s schools. And SPLC’s schools report, along with a broader report on alleged Trump-inspired hate crimes — “Ten Days After: Harassment and Intimidation in the Aftermath of the Election” — sparked breathless coverage in the New York Times, Washington Post and other major media.

The reports also triggered a statement Friday from the US Commission on Civil Rights, which expressed “deep concern” that “prejudice has reared its ugly head in public elementary and secondary schools.” The panel called for more federal funding to prosecute “hate crimes.”

But the SPLC didn’t present the whole story. The Montgomery, Ala.-based nonprofit self-censored results from a key question it asked educators — whether they agree or disagree with the following statement: “I have heard derogatory language or slurs about white students.”

Asked last week to provide the data, SPLC initially said it was having a hard time getting the information “from the researchers.” Pressed, SPLC spokeswoman Kirsten Bokenkamp finally revealed that “about 20 percent answered affirmatively to that question.”

Bokenkamp did not provide an explanation for the absence of such a substantial metric — at least 2,000 bias-related incidents against white students — from the report, which focuses instead on “anti-immigrant sentiment,” “anti-Muslim sentiment” and “slurs about students of color” related to the election.

“They left that result out because it would not fit their ideological narrative,” former Education Department civil-rights attorney Hans Bader said. “It was deemed an inconvenient truth.”

Founded in 1971, SPLC claims to be a non-partisan civil-rights law firm. But it receives funding from leftist groups, including ones controlled by billionaire George Soros. And a review of Federal Election Commission records reveals that its board members have contributed more than $13,400 to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns.

Bader says SPLC has an agenda to derail the Trump administration before it starts.

“These flawed SPLC reports will be cited by left-wing special interests to try to block the confirmation of moderate and conservative people to posts such as attorney general by falsely making it look like America’s schools and streets are pervaded by bigotry,” Bader said.

Last week, SPLC held a press conference in Washington to demand Trump “reconsider” his picks for White House advisers and attorney general, and “disavow” his immigration policies.

“His own words have sparked the barrage of hate that we are seeing,” SPLC President Richard Cohen maintained. “He has been singing the white supremacist song since he came down the escalator in his tower and announced his candidacy.”

Cohen tied Trump to a number of hate crimes, which he warns will only “spike” once he’s inaugurated. He noted his center recorded 867 alleged anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and anti-black hate crimes in the 10 days following Trump’s Nov. 8 win.

But the SPLC acknowledges that it has not independently verified any of the claims. It collected most of them on its website, many anonymously.

The group won’t use its $315 million in assets to investigate the “hate crimes,” or at least help alleged victims file police reports or provide them counseling or other assistance, but it has offered “sympathy.”

“We wrote back to every submission that provided an email address to express sympathy and encourage them to report the incident to local authorities,” Bokenkamp said.

Bader pointed out that most of the anti-minority “hate crimes” and “hate incidents” cited by SPLC do not legally constitute hate crimes, and many involve constitutionally protected speech.

“It is simply ridiculous that SPLC treats ‘build the wall’ as hate rhetoric,” he said. The center counted people mentioning “build the wall” as 467 incidents of hate.

“Alas, these days the SPLC is mainly a fundraising machine,” said Gail Heriot, a US Commission on Civil Rights member who voted against Friday’s resolution. “The more it can persuade its donors that hate groups have penetrated every nook and cranny of American society, the more money it can raise. Now it wants us to believe that the election has unleashed unprecedented waves of hatred and violence among schoolchildren. Let’s stop and take a deep breath before we assume that’s true. The SPLC has no credibility with anyone — on the left or the right — who is familiar with its methods.”

While there no doubt are legitimate reports of hate crimes against minorities — and even one is too many — hyping such incidents recklessly fans the flames of anxiety among such communities. And suppressing reports of crimes against Trump supporters gives a one-sided and misleading view of post-election discord.

(New York Post.  Paul Sperry is a former Washington bureau chief for Investor’s Business Daily and the author of “Infiltration.”)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 05, 2016, 12:34:34 PM
Don't know if I like the entire message behind the story, as to what it might say about America and us, but nonetheless very interesting.

Hillary, Chelsea, and Bill Clinton in New York on the day after the election.

Bill Clinton or Donald Trump: Who said it?

The Democrats, still reeling from their White House loss, are blaming everyone but themselves.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager Robby Mook believes it was the FBI directors’ fault Mrs. Clinton lost, and her communications director Jennifer Palmieri made clear she believes Donald Trump’s team stoked the flames of white supremacists, thereby leading to his victory.

What Mr. Trump did do was connect with middle-class voters in rural America — winning about one-third of the 700 counties that President Obama won twice. So in other words, Mr. Trump appealed to blue-dog Democrats, who felt their party had abandoned them.

For all those who believe Mr. Trump’s rhetoric is divisive, racist or inflammatory, really much of what he says comes from Bill Clinton’s old playbook. The Democratic Party has just become so progressive since his presidency — built on identity politics and coastal elitism — it can’t even speak to realities anymore.

Here’s a few examples of where Mr. Clinton and Mr. Trump sound almost alike — and a lesson to all those on the left who believe Mr. Trump won simply because the alt-right movement.


Bill Clinton, in his 1995 State of the Union address, spoke about illegal immigration and didn’t mince words. He even used the word “illegal aliens,” not “undocumented”— gasp!

“All Americans, not only in the states most heavily affected but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country,” Mr. Clinton said. “The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers.

“That’s why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens,” he said. “In the budget I will present to you, we will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes, to better identify illegal aliens in the workplace.

“We are a nation of immigrants,” Mr. Clinton said. “But we are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it.”

Sound familiar? Here’s Mr. Trump in his immigration-focused speech in Phoenix in August.

“If we’re going to make our immigration system work, then we have to be prepared to talk honestly and without fear about these important and very sensitive issues,” Mr. Trump said. “For instance, we have to listen to the concerns that working people, our forgotten working people, have over the record pace of immigration and its impact on their jobs, wages, housing, schools, tax bills and general living conditions.”

He proposed building a wall along the Southern border, ending catch and release, having zero tolerance for criminal aliens, blocking funding for sanctuary cities, and canceling all of Mr. Obama’s executive orders, among others.

Make America Great Again

This is Mr. Trump’s slogan, which Mr. Clinton has ridiculed as racist.

“That message where ‘I’ll give you America great again’ is if you’re a white Southerner, you know exactly what it means, don’t you?” Mr. Clinton said. “What it means is ‘I’ll give you an economy you had 50 years ago, and I’ll move you back up on the social totem pole and other people down.”

Except during Mr. Clinton’s first presidential campaign, when apparently the slogan didn’t mean that. At a 1991 campaign event in Little Rock, Arkansas, Mr. Clinton declared, “Together, we can make America great again.”

He used the same phrase again during a speech in 1992 and during a television interview that same year.


Speaking at a Democratic rally in Flint, Michigan, in October, Mr. Clinton had some choice words for Mr. Obama’s signature health care plan, Obamacare.

“So you’ve got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have health care and then the people who are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. It’s the craziest thing in the world,” Mr. Clinton said.

Yup. Mr. Trump has echoed the problems with Obamacare.

“It is going to be amazingly destructive,” Mr. Trump said in a speech kicking off his presidency in June 2015. “Doctors are quitting. I have a friend who’s a doctor, and he said to me the other day, ‘Donald, I never saw anything like it. I have more accountants than I have nurses.’ It’s a disaster. My patients are beside themselves. They had a plan that was good. They have no plan now.”

Concerns for the white working class

In a speech given at one of his wife’s fundraisers in Canton, Ohio, last year — and released by WikiLeaks — Mr. Clinton expressed disappointment that the most recent Democratic primary debate hadn’t a single mention of the fact that “84 percent of the American people, after inflation, had not had a raise of 1 cent since the financial crash.”

“And in the middle of all this we learned, breathtakingly, that middle-aged, non-college-educated white Americans’ life expectancy is going down and is now lower than Hispanics, even though they make less money,” Mr. Clinton said. “And the gap between African-Americans and whites is closing, but unfortunately not because the death rate among African-Americans is dropping but because the death rate among white Americans is rising. Why? Because they don’t have anything to look forward to when they get up in the morning. Because their lives are sort of stuck in neutral.”

That’s the exact nerve Mr. Trump hit, which helped propel him to the White House.

“My message is that things have to change — and they have to change right now,” Mr. Trump said at the Republican National Convention during his nomination acceptance speech in July. “Every day I wake up determined to deliver for the people I have met all across this nation that have been neglected, ignored and abandoned.

“I have visited the laid-off factory workers, and the communities crushed by our horrible and unfair trade deals,” he said. “These are the forgotten men and women of our country. People who work hard but no longer have a voice. I am your voice.”

And four months later, he became the president-elect.

(Washington Times)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mass243 on December 05, 2016, 01:55:01 PM
OK, hon.  We'll see about reversing the results, since you don't approve.

Vintage Madonna

Madonna on the Election

Madonna is opening up about her thoughts on the election and her friends who support Donald Trump in a candid new interview with Billboard.

On the outcome of the election: “It felt like someone died. It felt like a ­combination of the heartbreak and betrayal you feel when someone you love more than anything leaves you, and also a death. I feel that way every morning; I wake up and say, ‘Oh, wait, Donald Trump is still the president,’ and it wasn’t a bad dream that I had. It feels like women betrayed us. The percentage of women who voted for Trump was insanely high.”

On why women voted for Trump: “Women hate women. That’s what I think it is. Women’s nature is not to support other women. It’s really sad. Men protect each other, and women protect their men and children. Women turn inward and men are more external. A lot of it has do with jealousy and some sort of tribal inability to accept that one of their kind could lead a nation.”

On what her friends who support Trump said: “That they would rather have a successful businessman running the country than a woman who lies. Just absurd. But people don’t have faith in government as we know it. We live in a country that’s run by ­bankers. In a way, it makes sense that Donald Trump is the president. Because money rules. Not intelligence, not experience, not a moral compass, not the ability to make wise ­decisions, not the ability to think of the future of the human race.”

(Billboard Magazine)

LOL that old hag. Why put a pic there of her 30 years ago?

Truth is no one wanted blowjob from her.

I hate women who don't understand that women have different situations of life too. They can't all have same political views.
Delusional old bitch who has to pay for low iq men from 3rd world to fuck her. That's pretty bad for a woman.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 05, 2016, 02:17:38 PM

LOL that old hag. Why put a pic there of her 30 years ago?

Truth is no one wanted blowjob from her.

I hate women who don't understand that women have different situations of life too. They can't all have same political views.
Delusional old bitch who has to pay for low iq men from 3rd world to fuck her. That's pretty bad for a woman.

Exactly.  This chick is so, so lost in delusion.

It caused me to question whether she'd done any campaigning for Hillary (other than that last-minute concert she did, day before election) and I found this from mid-October -- said at Madison Square Garden:

If you vote for Hillary Clinton I will give you a blowjob. I’m really good. I’m not a douche, and I’m not a tool. I have eye contact and I do swallow.

So that must be what you meant... I'll admit this really is news to me.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 05, 2016, 02:44:50 PM
LMAO -- from Online Magazine HeatStreet:

No singing or dancing for Madonna right now as the Queen of Pop is at the forefront of manning the barricades, protesting against the election of Donald Trump.

Madonna, a big Hillary Clinton supporter, has stepped up her political activism, sharing a video of footage from the  “Love Trumps Hate” protest that occurred on Manhattan’s 5th Avenue on Instagram.

She wrote: “Need to Turn these Words into Action……….So Now What? ?????? 🙏🏻🇺🇸 Rebel ❤️’s Unite. N.Y.C. Start A Revolution of ❤️🙏🏻🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃

Her Madgesty has, not surprisingly, gone back on her pledge last month to concertgoers that, “If you vote for Hillary Clinton I will give you a blowjob.”

You might think therefore that Trump is the last person Madonna would do business with, but let Heat Street fill you in on a previous 5th Avenue happening in 2008.

Gucci and Madonna hosted a fundraising event in February 2008 to raise money for her non-profit Raising Malawi. The fundraiser coincide with the opening of the Gucci store in Trump Tower on 5th Avenue and 56th Street.

The press conference for the Gucci Flagship Store was hosted by Trump a day before Madonna’s fundraiser, which took place on the North Lawn of the UN.

Donald Trump attended together with his wife Melania, daughter Ivanka Trump, and son-in-law Jared Kushner along with celebrities including Gwyneth Paltrow, Tom Cruise, and Demi Moore.

One guest who attended, speaking on condition of anonymity, recalled seeing Trump and Madonna conversing.

At the auction to raise funds for Madonna’s Malawi foundation held during the event, Trump successfully bid $120,000 for a trip to Paris, where they would enjoy a tour of the famed Chateau Latour vineyard and have a meal with actress Salma Hayek and her husband, the French billionaire François-Henri Pinault.

Buzzfeed later reported that the cash came from Trump’s own foundation, rather than his own pocket, and that he didn’t himself subsequently go to Paris.

The pair have never been close (Madonna objected to Trump’s verbal assaults on her close pal Rosie O’Donnell, and the Donald uncharitably told ABC’s defunct talkshow Nitecap in 1992: “If Madonna were in this room, she’d be the least attractive woman here.”)

Trump resumed hostilities when he tweeted in 2012:

Donald J. Trump


Many people walked out on Madonna's concert when she told them to vote for Obama. Years ago I walked out because the concert was terrible!
12:59 PM - 29 Oct 2012

But since it’s now Madonna who is on the warpath, what better way is there to turn her “words into action” than by returning the $120,000 her foundation was given by Trump back in 2008?

(Heat Street)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 05, 2016, 03:02:32 PM
2016 November 08 11:50 AM

It started with Madonna.

Now, a couple of adult film stars, Angela Castro (of a movie, or something, called Boob Science) and Maggie Green (star of Miami MILFs 2), have joined together to launch an official campaign: They say they’ll give a blow job to anyone who votes against Donald Trump in the Presidential election.

They even have a top-notch promotional video (which is obviously NSFW) filmed in someone’s apartment, in front of a closet. In it, they explain that the bargain is simple. “Vote against the orange clown,” Castro says, and the two will make good on their end of the deal, subject to a few specific provisions, including a Trump loss:

To qualify for a BJ fans must follow both Angelina Castro and Maggie Green on Twitter and vote against Trump. Details on how to collect the BJs if Trump loses the election will be posted on three days after the election day. The girls are tentatively planning Inauguration Day to deliver on their promise.

But, of course, Angela and Maggie (and Madonna, *shudder*) aside, the question is: Can you actually trade your vote for a sexual favor? The answer isn’t as clear-cut as you might think.

It’s considered a violation of Federal law to trade anything of value for a vote. According to Article 52 of the US Code, any exchange of money, goods or services for a vote—or voter registration, for that matter—is a serious offense. It’s likely, based on the law, that even the offer of payment, financial or otherwise, is likely illegal, and could lead to a Federal prison sentence of at least five years, or a fine of more than $10,000. Or both.

Another section of Federal law, though, goes a bit further in exactly what constitutes an offer for payment. 42 USCS § 1973i(c) of the U.S. Code says the bribe has to have monetary value. So while things like cold hard cash, liquor, and lottery tickets might be problematic, sexual favors might not be.

But while Madonna probably doesn’t make money on her various extracurricular activities, Angela and Maggie are part of the sex industry—and their comparative sexual prowess does happen to earn them money. I’ve never seen Miami MILFs 2, but I assume that Maggie both performed the Trump program’s signature reward on screen in it, and earned some take-home pay for it.

It is, of course, unlikely that the Justice Department is going to go after either of these adult film stars for their election-altering promises. So go for it America. Or go at it.

Or something.

(Heat Street)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 05, 2016, 03:58:09 PM
 ::) Weak Ass newspaper.  Doesn't surprise me their writers are crazy.

WaPo Writer Blames Trump For Being Single

Donald Trump has been blamed for just about everything. Pundits said he would crash the market. Race hustlers said he would cause a greater rift between whites and minorities. Now, feminists are even blaming him as the reason they’ve given up on finding love.

Stephanie Land wrote in The Washington Post on Monday that she’s no longer looking for a relationship because of Trump.

“I’ve lost the desire to attempt the courtship phase. The future is uncertain. I am not the optimistic person I was on the morning of Nov. 8, wearing a T-shirt with ‘Nasty Woman’ written inside a red heart,” Land wrote in her op-ed. “It makes me want to cry thinking of that. Of seeing my oldest in the shirt I bought her in Washington, D.C., that says ‘Future President.’”

“There is no room for dating in this place of grief,” she continued. “Dating means hope. I’ve lost that hope in seeing the words ‘President-elect Trump.’”

Land said throughout the article that she was strong enough to pay her bills, raise her children, and financially support her family. But dealing with Trump’s victory? That’s a bridge too far.

Feminists love to claim that they are as strong (or stronger) than men and that they’re not some delicate flower. I am woman hear me roar — but if an election doesn’t go my way, watch me cry.

Anyone clinging to a support group for up to eight years because of something entirely out of their control shouldn’t be looking for a boyfriend. They should seek a therapist and stop blaming Trump.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 05, 2016, 04:01:50 PM
Exactly.  This chick is so, so lost in delusion.

This explains why Madonna's MDMA Tour in 2012 only grossed $315,066,389 down from her 2009 Sticky and Sweet Tour which grossed $450,780,828 (amounts are adjusted for inflation).

I'm not one of the tour attendees. Madonna doesn't do it for me.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 05, 2016, 04:28:07 PM
This explains why Madonna's MDMA Tour in 2012 only grossed $315,066,389 down from her 2009 Sticky and Sweet Tour which grossed $450,780,828 (amounts are adjusted for inflation).

I'm not one of the tour attendees. Madonna doesn't do it for me.

I don't think big $$ is a gauge-reading for absence of delusion, Prime.  Too many deluded rich people out there.

Btw, you don't seem like a Madonna-type, no.   ;D
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 05, 2016, 04:41:06 PM
You and the other weasels will have to be angry by yourselves, little man.  No one else is buying into the drama.

Trump arrives at party Saturday night

Texas Republican elector says he won't cast ballot for Trump

By WILL WEISSERT Associated Press

A Republican member of the Electoral College from Texas said Monday that he won't cast one of his state's 38 electoral votes for Donald Trump because "I am here to elect a president, not a king."

Dallas paramedic Chris Suprun previously indicated he would support Trump. But he now says the president-elect's postelection attacks on the First Amendment and the country's electoral process, as well as the billionaire businessman's continued promotion of his brand and business interests overseas, changed his mind.

Texas law doesn't mandate that electors vote according to the results of the state's presidential election, which Trump won by nine percentage points over Hillary Clinton. Suprun and the GOP's other electors signed pledges at the state Republican convention in Dallas this summer promising to vote for their party's nominee, but those aren't legally binding.

"I'm expecting backlash, but that has been par for the course this campaign. People are unhappy. They're angry. But I'm angry, too," said Suprun, who said that prior to changing his mind he had received hundreds of emails, letters and phone calls urging him not to support Trump.

Suprun said the Electoral College system "is fine as it currently exists." His problem is just with its winner.

"I was told if we elected Donald Trump he would transform his personality into being presidential. He isn't," Suprun said. "I wanted him to be presidential, but since the election he hasn't grown into our institution, he's attacked them. I am here to elect a president, not a king."

Another Texas Republican elector, Art Sisneros, resigned last week rather than vote for Trump. Electors will vote to replace Sisneros when they convene Dec. 19 in Austin and in state capitals across the country to vote for president.

Suprun said he was not resigning but also won't be voting for Hillary Clinton.

"I am not sure of who I will vote for, but would have to strongly consider someone like (Ohio Gov. John) Kasich who has both executive and legislative experience bringing people together," he said.

Suprun said he was waiting to see if other electors will revolt and rally behind a Trump alternative like Kasich.

"I'm looking for someone we can all unify behind," he said.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 05, 2016, 05:04:29 PM
I don't think big $$ is a gauge-reading for absence of delusion, Prime.  Too many deluded rich people out there.

Btw, you don't seem like a Madonna-type, no.   ;D

Your right. Actually. I combined two statements made here about Madonna. The other one referred to her as being a hag. -Just noticing that lots of people pay good money to watch a deluded old hag act like a whore under the guise of being a performer/singer.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 05, 2016, 05:41:27 PM
Your right. Actually. I combined two statements made here about Madonna. The other one referred to her as being a hag. -Just noticing that lots of people pay good money to watch a deluded old hag act like a whore under the guise of being a performer/singer.

lol!  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 05, 2016, 07:09:37 PM
I wonder what this fat pos looks like

quote author=Las Vegas link=topic=621888.msg8658632#msg8658632 date=1480982289]
 ::) Weak Ass newspaper.  Doesn't surprise me their writers are crazy.

WaPo Writer Blames Trump For Being Single

Donald Trump has been blamed for just about everything. Pundits said he would crash the market. Race hustlers said he would cause a greater rift between whites and minorities. Now, feminists are even blaming him as the reason they’ve given up on finding love.

Stephanie Land wrote in The Washington Post on Monday that she’s no longer looking for a relationship because of Trump.

“I’ve lost the desire to attempt the courtship phase. The future is uncertain. I am not the optimistic person I was on the morning of Nov. 8, wearing a T-shirt with ‘Nasty Woman’ written inside a red heart,” Land wrote in her op-ed. “It makes me want to cry thinking of that. Of seeing my oldest in the shirt I bought her in Washington, D.C., that says ‘Future President.’”

“There is no room for dating in this place of grief,” she continued. “Dating means hope. I’ve lost that hope in seeing the words ‘President-elect Trump.’”

Land said throughout the article that she was strong enough to pay her bills, raise her children, and financially support her family. But dealing with Trump’s victory? That’s a bridge too far.

Feminists love to claim that they are as strong (or stronger) than men and that they’re not some delicate flower. I am woman hear me roar — but if an election doesn’t go my way, watch me cry.

Anyone clinging to a support group for up to eight years because of something entirely out of their control shouldn’t be looking for a boyfriend. They should seek a therapist and stop blaming Trump.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 06, 2016, 05:59:53 AM
Boeing is building a brand new 747 Air Force One for future presidents, but costs are out of control, more than $4 billion. Cancel order!

 :D :D :D :D :D (
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 06, 2016, 07:29:38 PM
I wonder what this fat pos looks like


Extra durable man-hater.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 07, 2016, 08:36:23 AM
Trump ‘First Dog’: Young Barron Trump May Have Just Chosen The Family’s ‘First Dog,’ A Goldendoodle Puppy

A Trump “First Dog” may have just been chosen by the president-elect’s youngest son. 10-year-old Barron Trump was given the “golden” opportunity by his father to help select the perfect puppy as the family’s “first dog,” a Goldendoodle.

According to the Washington Post, renown Palm Beach, Florida philanthropist, Lois Pope, currently owns the potential first dog-elect. Pope advocates for veterans’ and animal causes and reveals that Donald and Barron Trump are heavily leaning toward getting the 9-week-old Golden Retriever and Poodle mix.

Pope has known Trump for over 20 years and wrote him about the Goldendoodle. When the family spent Thanksgiving at Mar-a-Lago, Pope showed the president-elect a photo of the dog. At that point, Trump told her to show the photo to Barron.

“He said, ‘Go over there and show it to Barron,'” Pope said. “He said, ‘He’s going to fall in love with him.’ He said, ‘Barron will want him.'”

As far as anyone knows, the Trumps don’t own any pets. Donald Trump will be the first president in 150 years to enter the White House without a pet unless he makes that change soon.

Pope said when Barron Trump saw the photo of the Goldendoodle, “this big smile came over his face, and it just brought tears to his eyes.”

Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks noted in an email Tuesday that “no decisions have been made” about the possible first dog. However, she’s wagering that the Trumps will give the Goldendoodle puppy his new home.

While not every president has owned a dog, they’re seen as a non-partisan representative of the acting U.S. President. Despite differing political views, a great number of American citizens will agree that fun-loving dogs bring smiles to their faces. Democrats, Republicans, and third parties alike all have animal lovers.

President Obama got a Portuguese water dog named Bo in 2009 and got another one named Sunny in 2013. The Clintons owned a chocolate Labrador named Buddy and had a cat named Socks.

What will the next first dog be named if Donald and Barron Trump take him? Pope has already named the Goldendoodle Patton after George Patton, a World War II general Trump admires.

Pope thought about Barron Trump when she selected Patton as a possible first dog. She said moving to the White House will be stressful for a young boy and bonding with a canine buddy will make the transition smoother.

“It’ll help with the transition. It’ll take away some of the wonder and awe,” said Pope. “I mean, can you imagine moving into the White House as a child? It’s hard.”

Pope didn’t disclose where the Goldendoodle came from, but reveals he has some training to go through first. For one, he needs to be potty-trained, which Pope explains they’re in the process of doing now. Patton will then have what’s referred to as “hero dog training,” a program sponsored by Life Foundation members that awards for “hero dogs” that have helped human lives. It’s intended to not only make Patton the first family’s beloved pet, but protector as well.

Pope said since Patton is part Poodle, he won’t be a problem for people with allergies. She gushes that the anticipated first dog is “incredibly cute.” The veteran and animal advocate adds that it’s going to be hard for her to let him go. She realizes it’s not a done deal just yet that Patton will be the Trump’s first dog. The report likens Trump’s decision to appoint the Goldendoodle as first dog to that of appointing the next secretary of state — he’s still “weighing” that out.

As hard as it’ll be for Pope to see Patton go, she feels Barron Trump is more important than her keeping the Goldendoodle. Surely, she’ll still see him if he becomes the nation’s next “first dog.”

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 07, 2016, 08:46:59 AM
Where are the Loyalists?

As President-elect Donald Trump puts together his White House team and makes his Cabinet picks, he has tapped governors, business executives and retired military officers, but there’s one group largely absent from the his appointments so far: longtime Trump loyalists.

With the exception of Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., who supported Trump early and landed the nomination for attorney general, Trump’s highest-profile political supporters during the campaign — Chris Christie, Rudy Giuliani and Newt Gingrich — are all, at least for now, without any known role in the incoming Trump administration.

The same is true for those who ran Trump’s campaign during the first months of the Republican primaries.

Until Trump started winning primaries, his campaign was run by a small band of dedicated loyalists including former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, spokesperson Hope Hicks, social media guru Dan Scavino, former political director Michael Glassner and Iowa state director Chuck Laudner. So far, none of them have been publicly offered jobs in the administration.

Meanwhile, Trump’s Cabinet picks have included people who opposed him during the Republican primaries, including Gov. Nikki Haley, R-S.C. (U.N. ambassador), and Betsy DeVos (education). His pick for deputy commerce secretary, Cubs co-owner Todd Ricketts, even funded a super PAC that ran ads attacking Trump during the primaries.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 07, 2016, 08:50:14 AM
Of course they MUST add "divided" as though it's the fault of anyone else but the media.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 07, 2016, 08:53:29 AM
Adios, Assholes.  Don't come back.  Any of you.


As if she's fooling anyone into believing her 'virgin ears' have been assaulted by Trump.  ::)  Get lost, lady.  We don't believe you.

'I Went to Bed': Michelle Obama Didn't Watch Trump's Election Night Win

First Lady Michelle Obama is speaking out for the first time since President-elect Donald Trump's victory.

In a joint interview with President Barack Obama for People magazine, the first lady said she stands by her criticisms of Trump from the campaign trail but is willing to work with the Trump administration "because that's what's best for this country."

"This is our democracy, and this is how it works,” she said. “We are ready to work with the next administration and make sure they are as successful as they can be."

While millions of Americans were following along on election night into the wee hours of the morning, the first lady, a major surrogate for Hillary Clinton's campaign, had a slightly different agenda.

"I went to bed," she said. "I don’t like to watch the political discourse; I never have."

In the final weeks of the campaign, Mrs. Obama delivered an impassioned plea to voters to reject Trump following the release of the vulgar "Access Hollywood" tape.

"This was not just a 'lewd conversation.' This wasn't just locker-room banter. This was a powerful individual speaking freely and openly about sexually predatory behavior, and actually bragging about kissing and groping women, using language so obscene that many of us were worried about our children hearing it when we turn on the TV," she said.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 07, 2016, 08:54:36 AM
Of course they MUST add "divided" as though it's the fault of anyone else but the media.



Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 07, 2016, 09:13:15 AM
Here is the claim:

WASHINGTON (AP) - Last week's telephone call between President-elect Donald Trump and Taiwan's president was the result of six months of behind-the-scenes work by former Sen. Bob Dole acting on behalf of the Taiwanese government, according to federal filings and published reports.

The call was a breach of diplomatic protocol, and Trump advisers have made conflicting statements about whether it signaled a new policy toward China. Taiwan split from China in 1949, but China still considers the island part of its territory and would consider it unacceptable for the U.S. to recognize Taiwan's leader as a head of state.

Dole, who is now a lobbyist at the Washington firm Alston & Byrd and a registered foreign agent representing Taiwan, told The Wall Street Journal on Monday that his firm helped arrange the call.

"It's fair to say that we may have had some influence," Dole told The Journal.

The work by Dole, a former Senate Republican leader and the 1996 Republican presidential nominee, was disclosed in documents filed Nov. 30 with the Justice Department's Foreign Agent Registration Act section. The extent of Dole's work as a registered foreign agent for the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office, which serves as an embassy-like entity for Taiwan, was reported Tuesday by Buzzfeed News and The New York Times.

According to the filings, Dole has lobbied for a closer relationship with Taiwan over the past six months by pushing for the Trump campaign to participate in a U.S. delegation to the island and working to arrange a Taiwanese delegation at the Republican National Convention.

Dole reported that he set up a briefing call on Taiwan for the Trump campaign's policy director, convened a meeting between Taiwanese embassy staff and the Trump presidential transition team and helped to include language in the GOP platform supportive of Taiwan.

Dole also set up a meeting between a Taiwanese official and Sen. Jeff Sessions, who is Trump's pick for attorney general.

The filings show that Alston & Bird received $140,000 from May to October for the work.

The phone call between Trump and Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen was a break from nearly four decades of diplomatic practice and drew immediate complaints from China.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 07, 2016, 09:53:36 AM

Trump's religious dealmaking pays dividends

The president-elect shrewdly courted evangelical leaders during his presidential run, and that transactional style appears likely to carry into the White House.

Nine days before the election, Donald Trump was backstage at a rally in Warren, Michigan, listening to a fiery South Carolina preacher-turned-top surrogate prayerfully predicting victory.

After pastor Mark Burns finished relaying religiously hued reassurances in a private conversation ahead of Trump’s speech, the then-candidate turned to Burns’ wife and offered his own, classically Trumpian expression of faith: He handed her a crucifix necklace made, in typical Trump style, of gold.

“We don’t need a religious president,” said Burns, who was touched by the gift and recounted the story in a recent interview. “We need a president who can build relationships with people.”

And for the New York businessman who prides himself on deal-making aptitude, building relationships — often by making policy promises that go well beyond what previous, more traditionally conservative candidates have pledged — has defined his outreach to the network of previously wary Christian leaders who helped him win the presidency. And now, that transactional cycle seems likely to shape his White House agenda on issues of interest to the religious right.

It’s a strikingly different approach from that of the most recent Republican president, George W. Bush, himself a born-again Christian who wore his faith on his sleeve and communicated about religion far more fluently than Trump does.

But as much as religious conservative leaders respected Bush’s personal evangelical bona fides, they say that Trump — a man who has struggled to articulate his faith principles and is unapologetic about his tabloid-worthy personal life — has made more concrete commitments. They range from his pledge to appoint only Supreme Court justices who oppose abortion rights — a commitment Bush wouldn’t make — to his vow to defund Planned Parenthood.

Trump offered those promises as he sought to shore up more support from the evangelical community during the campaign, and it worked: He ultimately won the support of nearly every politically prominent Christian leader and landed 81 percent of the evangelical vote, a higher percentage than Bush netted in 2004.

“I think that he understood that his best and likely only chance to win the nomination and ultimately the presidency was to compete for and win the support of voters of faith,” said Ralph Reed, chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, who says he considers Trump a friend.

As Trump heads to the White House, the leaders who helped guide his policy promises, lending him credibility with evangelical voters in the process, say he is still keeping them in his orbit as the transition process unfolds, aware of the role their community played in getting him to the presidency in the first place.

The first sign that these leaders will continue to have influence after helping him win: He is keeping intact his evangelical advisory board, according to several members of the group, who say that there continues to be a weekly conference call, facilitated by Pam Pryor, a member of Trump’s transition team with a background in conservative politics, including a stint with Sarah Palin. She was not made available for an interview, and the Trump transition team didn’t respond to detailed requests for comment.

“Mr. Trump evidently told his staff he wanted to keep the advisory board intact, he wanted us to continue to meet, to give him advice, and I will tell you, I have been surprised at the level to which the transition team has solicited our input on personnel,” said Richard Land, a longtime leader in Southern Baptist politics, who said top Trump aide Kellyanne Conway has also checked in with the group since the election.

Members of the board are already making plans to be in Washington for the National Prayer Breakfast, slated for Feb. 2 — less than two weeks after Trump’s inauguration, and likely the first high-profile faith event of Trump’s presidency. There are discussions underway for the board to meet in person in Washington. And they have already been asked by the transition team to provide names for key slots in the administration, including for faith-based offices.

“I will say, having been involved with administrations from Reagan’s forward, this is the most solicitous that any incoming administration has been for input from evangelicals concerning personnel decisions that I’ve experienced,” Land said, going on to add, “It’s come from Pam’s office, and she has said, ‘He’s very grateful for the faith community, he wants your input.’ That didn’t even happen under George W. Bush. They were willing to take our recommendations, but they didn’t actively solicit them three times before inauguration.”

What Trump himself believes, and how he will practice, is a more open question, and one he doesn’t spend much time addressing publicly — and while his evangelical advisers hope he goes to church, they aren’t stressing the issue right now.

Trump has attended church since the election, making a stop at a Presbyterian church in Bedminster, New Jersey, near Trump National Golf Club, late last month. Trump is a Presbyterian, and speculation is already underway over whether, and where, he might go to church regularly in Washington.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 07, 2016, 10:32:01 AM
US Steel CEO: 10,000 American new jobs on the horizon.

EDIT: It will be a re-hire of 10,000 individuals who were previously let go
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 07, 2016, 01:49:45 PM
Linda McMahon to Small Biz.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 07, 2016, 01:55:14 PM
(WSYR) Before the election, prominent stock pickers warned the Dow would plunge 1,000 points if Donald Trump was elected. In reality, the exact opposite has happened.

Trump euphoria has sent the index up over 1,200 points in the four weeks since Trump's shocking defeat of Hillary Clinton. On Wednesday, a burst of buying has sent the Dow surging nearly 300 points to new all-time highs.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: polychronopolous on December 07, 2016, 01:55:50 PM
Linda McMahon to Small Biz.

Would DEFINITELY prefer Vince.

Could you imagine the media meltdown over that one!  ;D :D
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: polychronopolous on December 07, 2016, 01:57:10 PM
(WSYR) Before the election, prominent stock pickers warned the Dow would plunge 1,000 points if Donald Trump was elected. In reality, the exact opposite has happened.

Trump euphoria has sent the index up over 1,200 points in the four weeks since Trump's shocking defeat of Hillary Clinton. On Wednesday, a burst of buying has sent the Dow surging nearly 300 points to new all-time highs.

 :o :o :o
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 07, 2016, 02:04:56 PM
^  About that steel...

United States Steel Corp could be looking at restoring up to 10,000 jobs in the United States, Chief Executive Mario Longhi told CNBC on Wednesday, Dec. 7, without providing a timeline for the additions.

"I'm more than happy to bring back the employees that we were forced to lay off during the depressing period," Longhi said in an interview on CNBC.

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump emphasized his desire to renegotiate trade deals and restore jobs during his election campaign.

U.S. Steel has cut jobs and idled plants in the country as it tried to keep a lid on costs to tackle a steep fall in steel prices due to a global surplus.

The company had about 21,000 employees in North America as of Dec. 31, down from about 28,000 in 2007.

The steelmaker is hoping to accelerate its investments in the United States in near future as improvements to regulation and tax laws would significantly drive growth, Longhi said in the interview.

Trump put forth a plan in September to simplify the tax code and slash the corporate tax rate to 15 percent from 35 percent.

Investors have put fresh bets on steel company shares on a positive sentiment in the industry that has been fueled by the Nov. 8 election.

"I have not felt an environment of positive optimism, where forces are converging to provide for better environment in quite a while," Longhi was quoted as saying in the interview.

U.S. Steel did not immediately respond to a request for a comment on the job restoration plan.

The company's shares closed up 4.3 percent at $37.49 on Wednesday. The stock has risen 79 percent since Trump's victory.

(InForum dot com)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 07, 2016, 03:05:04 PM
Would DEFINITELY prefer Vince.

Could you imagine the media meltdown over that one!  ;D :D

(Chicago Tribune - AP) President-elect Donald Trump is adding former wrestling executive Linda McMahon to his Cabinet as leader of the Small Business Administration.

McMahon and her husband, Vince, founded and built World Wrestling Entertainment Inc., now a publicly traded sports entertainment company. She stepped down as the company's chief executive officer in 2009 and in recent years began a start-up to encourage more women business owners.

She also poured $100 million of her fortune into two unsuccessful bids for a U.S. Senate seat in Connecticut and has become an influential Republican donor.

"Linda is going to be a phenomenal leader and champion for small businesses and unleash America's entrepreneurial spirit all across the country," Trump said in a statement Wednesday.

Trump said she shares his vision of decreasing "burdensome regulations that are hurting our middle-class workers and small businesses."

"As an entrepreneur myself, I have shared the experiences of our nation's small business owners and will do my best to advocate on their behalf," McMahon said in a statement. "My husband and I built our business from scratch, building it to a publicly traded global enterprise with more than 800 employees."

McMahon has known Trump for three decades and contributed $5 million to his family charity, almost all of it in 2007. Trump has participated in WWE events, including a 2007 "Battle of the Billionaires," during which he shaved Vince McMahon's head.

Trump wasn't McMahon's first choice for president. She first backed New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. But McMahon told The Associated Press in September that she was confident Trump would be a good president and said the two were on good terms.

"Once you're his friend, he is loyal to the end," she said. "He's an incredibly loyal, loyal friend."

(Associated Press)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 07, 2016, 03:23:28 PM
Trump called for the legalization of all drugs in 1990 — but his cabinet signals a very different policy

(AOL - B.I.) President-elect Donald Trump once deemed the drug war a 'joke' and called for the legalization of all drugs, during a luncheon held by The Miami Herald in 1990.

But as Trump's cabinet takes shape — he's tapped Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) as attorney general and General John Kelly as the secretary of homeland security — it's clear that the president-elect's thinking around the issue has shifted drastically.

"We're losing badly the war on drugs," Trump said in 1990, per The Herald. "You have to legalize drugs to win that war."

"You have to take the profit away from these drug czars."

Trump further explained that tax revenues from a legal drug trade could be used to educate the public about "the dangers of drugs."

It's important to note that Trump's comments came decades before he ran for an elected office.

Since the beginning of the campaign, Trump has taken a very different stance on drugs. In a February interview with Fox News host Bill O'Reilly, Trump called Colorado's legal marijuana industry a "real problem," though he did say that he's "100%" in favor of medical marijuana.

Trump also said in an interview with The Washington Post in October 2015 that "we should leave it up to the states," to decide whether or not marijuana should be legal.

Since the election, the president-elect has stacked his new cabinet with staunch anti-marijuana advocates.

Trump's attorney general pick, Jeff Sessions, said in an April Senate hearing that "good people don't smoke marijuana," and linked marijuana use to cocaine and heroin.

Rep. Tom Price (R-GA), Trump's pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services, has also expressed opposition to legalizing marijuana.

Further, John Kelly — who Trump has tapped as Secretary of Homeland Security — was formerly the head of the U.S. Southern Command, which coordinates military activities in Central and South America, and plays a prominent role in curbing the flow of illicit substances into Mexico and across the US's southern border.

Kelly has argued that the solution to the drug war isn't to legalize drugs, but to "destroy" drugs before they arrive in the US.

He also claimed that marijuana legalization in US states has sent the wrong message to partner organizations in Latin America.

"The word hypocrite comes into the conversation," Kelly told The Huffington Post in 2014. "We seemingly are not caring about drugs anymore."

"This is looking really bad," Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, said in a press release about Trump's cabinet picks. "First Sessions for Attorney General, then Price at HHS, and now yet another old-style drug war character for Homeland Security. It looks like Donald Trump is revving up to re-launch the failed drug war."

Though Trump's cabinet will be filled with anti-drug crusaders, it remains to be seen what the president-elect's official policy on marijuana, and the drug war as a whole, will be once he takes office.

"There's two questions here. One, is how influential is Donald Trump in a Trump administration?" Mark Kleiman, a professor of public policy at New York University told Business Insider. "And two, does he actually believe anything?"

(AOL, Business Insider)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 07, 2016, 03:26:17 PM
Good for Trump. He's nominating folks who otherwise would have no chance of becoming public servants.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 07, 2016, 03:36:59 PM
Good for Trump. He's nominating folks who otherwise would have no chance of becoming public servants.

Well, apparently he's making guys like this happy.  I'm so glad.   ::) ::)


Billionaire Paul Singer moves to make nice with Donald Trump

Hedge funder manager Paul Singer, once one of Donald Trump's harshest critics, is making up with the president-elect.

Singer attended a fundraising breakfast that Trump held Wednesday at Cipriani in New York, CNBC has learned.

The two are mending fences so thoroughly that sources say Singer is giving a substantial amount of money to Trump's inauguration next month.

The Elliott Management founder was a noted critic of Trump and told a conference last summer in Aspen that Trump's policies, if he stuck to them, were — "close to a guarantee of a global depression, widespread global depression."

Sources told CNBC that Singer and Trump have been in touch since the election and that Singer is encouraged by the team Trump is putting together. He is also enticed by the opportunity to get things done on the economic front with Trump in the White House and Republicans controlling Congress, sources said.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 07, 2016, 03:56:55 PM
World gone mad...



Architect wants to use golden pigs to hide Trump name on Chicago tower

Bellingham Herald - The 20-foot-tall “Trump” sign on the side of Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago has raised ire ever since it was installed in 2014, before the building’s namesake was a presidential candidate.

Critics deemed the sign tasteless, “an aesthetic assault on the surrounding scenic waterfront view,” according to the Hyperallergic arts and culture website.

One Chicago tour guide made it a stop on her downtown “disaster” tour.

Now a Chicago architect has created a unique way to partially block “the sign’s visual noise.”

Jeffrey Roberts at New World Design Ltd. proposes floating four giant, gilded pig balloons next to the building, strategically placed to “provide visual relief to the citizens of Chicago by interrupting the view of the ostentatious Trump Tower Chicago sign.”

The bloated balloons, which look like giant piggy banks, would be attached to buoys in the Chicago River, which the building overlooks.

“Flying Pigs on Parade” invites viewers to read between the lines.

The design follows “rigorous rationale in providing layers of meaning while allowing for nuanced interpretations by viewers,” the firm writes on its website.

Pink Floyd fans will recognize the homage to the band’s 1977 “Animals” album, which, like George Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” depicted pigs as the rulers of society.

“While many Donald Trump protests have taken place across the country, the latest in Chicago takes its inspiration from an unusual source,” says Billboard.

“The protest follows Pink Floyd bassist Roger Waters’ use of a giant inflatable pig that flew over the crowd at the Desert Trip music festival. On that occasion, the pig was printed with the phrases ‘f*** Trump and his wall’ and ‘Ignorant, lying, racist, sexist.’”

The pigs are rife with other symbolism, according to the architecture firm’s website.

Their gold color is a “commentary on the gaudy style of Mr. Trump’s own gold ensconced penthouse interior he has labeled ‘comfortable modernism.’”

Flying pigs reference the once-perceived small chance of Trump becoming president.

Pigs refer to Trump’s infamous “Miss Piggy” critique of former Miss Universe Alicia Machado.

Four pigs symbolize “each of the four years the world will need to endure the Trump presidency.”

And, the pigs fly eastward toward Washington, D.C.

The firm is exploring ways to make the project happen.

(Bellingham Herald... WA)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 07, 2016, 04:45:21 PM
Just target practice, IMO.  That's it.


What the drone industry wants from the FAA and Trump

The commercial drone industry in the U.S. hasn’t heard much from the President-elect about his plans for rulemaking that will impact their business and global competitiveness.

Last month, Associated Press broke the story that Trump is interested in privatizing air traffic control, wresting that responsibility from the Federal Aviation Administration and handing it to a nonprofit chartered by Congress.

But we still don’t know what his take might be when it comes to drones, which operate in lower airspace.

Drones, of course, could be exceedingly useful to real estate companies, like Trump’s own, in terms of delivering aerial inspections and security surveillance around properties. So one would expect Trump to have a solid understanding of their potential, along with major players in the commercial drone industry domestically.

In August, the FAA enacted its Part 107 regulation, which provides national and universal rules around the commercial use of unmanned aerial vehicles that weigh up to 55 lbs.

Meanwhile, NASA has been working with a range of tech companies — including Precision Hawk, Verizon (the parent company of TechCrunch), Gryphon Sensors, Airware, Flirty, SkySpecs, ne3rd, Harris/Exelis, Unmanned Experts — to develop drone traffic management systems to keep drones from colliding with each other or critical infrastructure.

We do know that Trump has chosen Elaine Chao as Transportation Secretary. A veteran of the Department of Transportation, her duties will include oversight of the Federal Aviation Administration and other offices like the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Now, aviation and drone industry insiders are eagerly waiting to see who will join Chao’s team as FAA administrator.

This week, a drone industry trade group called the Commercial Drone Alliance sent the Trump transition team a letter with some policy and personnel recommendations. The letter encouraged Trump to “hire commercial drone experts into the new administration.”

According to the co-executive directors of the group, Lisa Ellman and Gretchen West, who are both attorneys with the law firm Hogan Lovells, the industry group is hoping Trump’s FAA will prioritize the following:

“The government must make it easier for everyone to participate in the regulatory process,” Ellman says.

(Tech Crunch)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 07, 2016, 07:33:35 PM
Trump is absolutely right in that unions have had a big part in destroying labor interests in this country through political stands.  Infiltration?  IDK, but the effects remain the same.


Trump unleashes on Carrier union boss who blasted him

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- President-elect Donald Trump lashed out Wednesday at a union leader who has criticized Trump's Carrier job deal as a promise "half-way delivered."
Chuck Jones, president of United Steelworkers Local 1999, has been critical of Trump's claim to have saved 1,100 jobs at the Indianapolis plant since Tuesday.
But shortly after he appeared on CNN's "Erin Burnett Out Front" program Wednesday night, the president-elect appeared to blame union leaders like Jones for companies leaving the U.S.
"Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!" Trump wrote.
Jones has complained that Trump has fallen short of his campaign promise to keep Carrier from moving 1,400 jobs to Mexico.
"You made a promise to keep all these jobs. You half-way delivered," Jones told CNNMoney in an interview earlier Wednesday. "We expect you go back and keep all the jobs."
Jones added that Trump should also help the 350 workers at an Indianapolis plant owned by another company, Rexnord, which is also slated to move to Mexico. Workers there are also members of USW Local 1999.
"Trump said no companies would be allowed to go to Mexico," Jones said. "There are more than 300 people over there at Rexnord. He needs to deliver for them as well."
Jones did not get to speak with Trump when the President-elect visited Carrier last week. But he said he was angry when Trump praised Carrier for "keeping 1,100 people" in jobs that won't move to Mexico. The real number is 800.
To get the higher number, Carrier and Trump are counting 300 administrative and engineering jobs at a different facility in Indianapolis that were never at risk of being shipped to Mexico.
Carrier is still shifting about 600 jobs building fan coils to Mexico sometime next year. Under the deal with Trump, Carrier only agreed to keep the part of the plant that builds furnaces open, saving the 800 jobs in Indianapolis.
Carrier confirmed to CNNMoney on Friday that it never planned to move the 300 administrative and engineering positions.
"He's lying his a-- off," Jones said about Trump's claim of saving 1,100 jobs. "That's not just my feeling. The numbers prove he's lying his a-- off. It's a damn shame when you come in and make a false statements like that."
Later Wednesday Jones elaborated in an interview with Erin Burnett.
Jones said many of the workers whose jobs may now be saved are grateful to Trump, but that some workers who are still worried about losing their jobs are angry.
"We have a lot of our members, when word was coming out... they thought they would have a job. Then they found out Friday, that most likely they weren't," he said.
Burnett asked if Jones thought Trump should apologize, and he said, "I think he ought to make sure he gets all the facts straight before he starts talking about what he's done."
"I'm extremely grateful for what he did. There's 800 people who have jobs... It's not all one sided. I just wished it had been handled in more of a professional matter."
The Trump transition team did not respond to a request for comment about the jobs still moving to Mexico.
Jones said he hopes the company will offer workers the chance to leave voluntarily with the severance package that was previously negotiated -- one week of pay for every year of service.
Ideally, more senior workers at the plant would take the package and retire, which would save the jobs of younger workers. The plant has a large number of senior employees.
"For workers who have 40 years in and were getting close to retirement, that 40 weeks pay might look pretty good," Jones said. But severance talks have yet to start.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 08, 2016, 10:13:31 AM
OK, Michael.  It's possible you may single-handedly destroy the entire planet with a gas attack, too.  I wouldn't count-out either of those things.


Michael Moore: It's possible Trump doesn't become president

After predicting Donald Trump would win the presidency, documentary filmmaker Michael Moore speculated as to whether Trump will make it to the Oval Office.

“Nothing anyone has predicted has happened,” Moore said of the 2016 election on Wednesday night’s “Late Night with Seth Meyers”. “The opposite has happened."

Moore described the unpredictable nature of the election, telling Meyers that anything could happen between now and the inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017.

"So is it possible, within the next six weeks, that something else might happen? Something crazy? Something that we’re not expecting?" Moore asked.

Without specifying what that "something crazy" might be, Moore described the Electoral College as a "stopgap" meant to keep a "madman who wants to be king" from becoming president.

Moore, a staunch opponent of Trump, made waves in July with a post on his website that predicted Trump would win the presidency. He also correctly predicted the Rust Belt — Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — would turn red for Trump.

“I never wanted to be more wrong,” Moore said Wednesday night.

While Moore's prediction that Trump would win now looks prescient, his new prediction looks far more unlikely. Efforts among the self-proclaimed "Hamilton Electors" to convince Republican electors to defect from Trump have so far fizzled.

Hillary Clinton, the 2016 democratic presidential nominee, beat Trump by more than 2 million in the popular vote — a number that is still growing. Millions of other Americans voted for Green Party candidate Jill Stein and Libertarian Gary Johnson.

“The majority of our fellow Americans do not want him in the White House,” Moore said. “The irony is unbearable.”

As a result, Moore said he would "lead the charge" in abolishing the Electoral College.

(The Hill)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 08, 2016, 10:26:30 AM
WOW!! So you're an actor AND an expert on "green jobs"??




Add Leonardo DiCaprio to the list of people who’ve come to Trump Tower to meet with President-elect Donald Trump. The subject: green jobs.

The Oscar winner, who’s known for his environmental advocacy as well as his support of Hillary Clinton, connected with the next commander-in-chief on Wednesday in New York City, the chief executive of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation confirmed to the Associated Press.

"[W]e presented the president-elect and his advisers with a framework — which LDF developed in consultation with leading voices in the fields of economics and environmentalism — that details how to unleash a major economic revival across the United States that is centered on investments in sustainable infrastructure," Terry Tamminen said in a statement.

"Our conversation focused on how to create millions of secure, American jobs in the construction and operation of commercial and residential clean, renewable energy generation,” continued Tamminen, who was California's Environmental Protection Agency secretary in the early 2000s under former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The message of jobs aligns well with Trump’s stated agenda. The green part? Based on Trump’s selection Wednesday of climate-change skeptic and oil industry ally Oklahoma Atty. Gen. Scott Pruitt to head the EPA, some folks would say not so much. But the campaign’s stated intentions have included implementing an “energy revolution” that also takes steps to “conserve our natural habitats, reserves and resources.” That and opening up energy-related onshore and offshore leasing on federal lands. The  DiCaprio Foundation has called for offshore and deep-water drilling to be “banned everywhere.”

According to the AP, the meeting ran 90 minutes, during which DiCaprio gave Trump a copy of the documentary “Before the Flood,” in which the actor visits environmental hot spots worldwide. DiCaprio had previously met with Ivanka Trump, who attended Wednesday’s meeting as well, and given her a copy of the film, the New York Times reported Monday.

"We look forward to continuing the conversation with the incoming administration as we work to stop the dangerous march of climate change, while putting millions of people to work at the same time," Tamminen said.

A person familiar with the meeting but not authorized to speak on the record told the AP that the president-elect promised he would watch the film and suggested meeting again next month.

(LA Times)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 08, 2016, 10:42:03 AM
Yeah, um... I don't think putting this Pudzer guy (Puzder, whatever) in charge of Labor, was a real sharp move.

Why would you want someone with that mindset in that job?  C'mon, Trump.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 08, 2016, 11:37:07 AM
Here's this guy's side of the story.  He is president of United Steelworkers 1999, and the subject of recent tweets by Donald Trump.  His name is Chuck Jones.

(  I’m the union leader Donald Trump attacked. I’m tired of being lied to about our jobs.

I’m a union leader in Indianapolis. I represent the Carrier workers whose jobs Donald Trump has pledged to save. And I’m tired of being lied to.

In February, corporate officials came to our plant and announced that they were closing the facility. They would move 1,300 jobs to a plant in Mexico. (Three hundred and fifty positions would remain in Indianapolis, mostly filled by research and development staff.)

Over the next several months, my team and I worked tirelessly to keep Carrier in our city. We came up with $23 million in savings, but the Carrier brass said that wasn’t enough. They could save $65 million by moving to Mexico. We couldn’t match that unless we were willing to cut wages to $5/hour and cut all benefits.

So we started to negotiate a severance package instead — one week of pay for every year of service, a $2,500 lump sum for every employee and free health care for six months.

Then, a couple of weeks ago, Trump got involved. He sat down with Carrier leaders. Afterward, he announced that 1,100 jobs would be saved. When I first heard the news, I was optimistic. But I began to get nervous when we couldn’t get any details on the deal. I urged caution, but our members got their hopes up. They thought their jobs had been saved.

When I met with Carrier officials last Thursday, I realized that that wouldn’t be the case. Though Trump said he’d saved 1,100 jobs, he hadn’t. Carrier told us that 550 people would get laid off.

Trump didn’t tell people that, though. When he spoke at our plant, he acted like no one was going to lose their job. People went crazy for him. They thought, because of Trump, I’m going to be able to provide for my family.

All the while, I’m sitting there, thinking that’s not what the damn numbers say. Trump let people believe that they were going to have a livelihood in that facility. He let people breathe easy. When I told our members the next day, they were devastated.

I was angry, too. So I told a reporter the truth — that Trump’s 1,100 number was wrong. When Trump read my comments, he got angry. Last night, he tweeted:

Donald J. Trump


Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!
6:41 PM - 7 Dec 2016

Donald J. Trump


If United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, they would have kept those jobs in Indiana. Spend more time working-less time talking. Reduce dues
7:56 PM - 7 Dec 2016

Now our office is getting phone calls and emails from people who are mad that I called Trump on his dishonesty. One man left five messages (though when I called him back and told him who I was, he hung up the phone). Some people have suggested that Trump didn’t mean to lie, he just got the numbers wrong. But I know that’s not true. On the campaign trail, Trump made perfectly clear how excellent a negotiator he is. I have negotiated hundreds of contracts. I know that if I’m going to have a fighting chance, I better damn well know the numbers.

To be honest, the attention isn’t a big deal. I’ve been doing this job for 30 years. In that time, people have threatened to shoot me, to burn my house down. I’m not a macho man, but I’m just used to it.

What I can’t abide, however, is a president who misleads workers, who gives them false hope. We’re not asking for anything besides opportunity, for jobs that let people provide for their families. These plants are profitable, and the workers produced a good-quality product. Because of corporate greed, though, company leaders are racing to the bottom, to find places where they can pay the least. It’s a system that exploits everyone.

(Chuck Jones, by way of WP)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 08, 2016, 11:54:25 AM
Well, we're happy if you're happy, Harry!!



Outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid says Donald Trump is "not as bad as I thought he would be."

The Nevada Democrat specifically mentioned the president-elect's decision not to pursue charges against Hillary Clinton, Trump's Democratic opponent in the presidential election, and his relaxed position on undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children.

"I have to say this — he's not as bad as I thought he would be," he said in an interview with NPR Thursday.

"Obviously he didn't believe in all of the stuff he said — which is a step in the right direction."

Reid said he does not hate Trump and hopes he does well as president.

"You know, it's not as if Donald Trump and I have been enemies our whole lives — he's done fundraisers for me. When I was elected last time he sent me a letter saying 'you're awesome' — a handwritten note. ... It's not as if I have hate in my soul for Donald Trump," he said.

"I hope, beyond all, that he does well. It's important to the stability of this great nation we have. And I'm hopeful — I keep using that word, but that's what it is — hopeful that he will lessen his rhetoric and work toward a safer, more productive America."

Reid was a vocal critic of Trump during the campaign, at one point calling him a "human leech" who would bleed the country while sitting at his golf resort "laughing at the money he has made." 

After Trump won the election, Reid issued a sharp rebuke of the businessman, blaming him for emboldening the forces of "hate and bigotry" in the U.S. while calling him a "sexual predator" for his past remarks about women.

Trump has also taken his fair share of shots at Reid, mocking him in September for an exercise accident that left Reid blind in one eye. 

“Harry Reid? I think he should go back and start working out again with his rubber work-out pieces," he said.

(The Hill)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 08, 2016, 03:37:59 PM
"Joke's on you, Public!"

Trump’s Labor Dept. Pick Slammed By Pro-American Immigration Reformers

(Breitbart) Pro-American immigration reformers and advocates for higher-wages are hammering Donald Trump’s selection of a cheap-labor, migration-boosting employer to run the Department of Labor.

The opponents — some of whom backed Trump’s pro-American, immigration-reducing promises in the election — are rallying opposition to Puzder’s appointment via the twitter hashtag, #NeverPuzder.

Trump’s deputies announced the selection of Andy Puzder, the CEO of CKE Restaurants, which owns Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s fast-food restaurants, which get mixed reviews from their low-wage employees. Wages and productivity growth at the low-tech, low-wage restaurant industry are very low, in part, because the restaurants employ cheap immigrant workers instead of well-paid Americans plus greater automation.

The Labor Department plays a central role in either enforcing or ignoring the weak worker-protection rules that protect Americans from imported illegal workers and from legally imported H-2B and H-1B guest-workers.

But Puzder is also a strong supporter of increased immigration, which provides his companies with a fresh supply of cheap workers — plus additional customers. In 2013, he supported the proposed “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” bill which would have provided companies with more white-collar H-1B guest-workers, plus more than thirty million new workers and customers by 2023.

Puzder also supported Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio, both of whom were defeated by Trump during the campaign, as he promised to curb low-wage competition from imported workers.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 08, 2016, 04:11:24 PM


Van Jones’ PR Firm Now Representing Republican Electors Intending on Voting Against Trump

CNN political contributor, and vehement anti-Trumper Van Jones, is representing at least two Republican electors who intend to vote against President-elect Donald Trump. They are being represented by Van Jones’ PR firm. One of the electors is Chris Suprun, from Texas. He received a lot of attention after publishing an opinion piece in the New York Times on Monday. Suprun wrote:

The election of the next president is not yet a done deal. Electors of conscience can still do the right thing for the good of the country. Presidential electors have the legal right and a constitutional duty to vote their conscience. I believe electors should unify behind a Republican alternative, an honorable and qualified man or woman such as Gov. John Kasich of Ohio. I pray my fellow electors will do their job and join with me in discovering who that person should be.

If you take a look at Suprun’s Twitter bio, it directs all media inquiries to an email address at Megaphone Strategies, a Washington, D.C.-based “social justice” public relations firm.

Van Jones is a former adviser to President Obama, but he had to resign for his affiliation with 9/11 conspiracy theorists and for calling Republicans “assh***s.” He had founded Megaphone Strategies earlier this year, a propagandist outlet for sure.

Oh, and he said Trump won due to a “white-lash,” and that a Trump “hate wave” could hit Canada. On Megaphone’s website, it states:

We offer cutting edge strategy, training, and media relations services to high-impact social justice organizations and individuals. Our mission is to use PR as a tool to diversify progressive movements–lifting up diverse progressive leadership in the media–and to provide services based on ability to change the world, not ability to pay. We are run by and for the movement, profits are reinvested into the movement to provide services to up-and-coming groups who couldn’t traditionally afford our work.

It lists some of its major clients as “social justice” organizations such as Green For All, Demand Progress and Democracy Fund.

Nina Smith, the director of media relations at Megaphone Strategies, said:

We are working with a number of electors on this issue, not just Chris. Elector Suprun placed my email in his bio to help direct the deluge of media coming his way.

In addition, they issued this release:

In contrast, Trump is facing a growing Electoral College revolt, where Electors from both parties are working together to deny him the Presidency. Conversations with many other Electors, both Republican and Democratic, indicate that many more are coming forward to reject Trump in the days ahead. If Trump loses an additional 36 votes in the Electoral College, he will not win the Presidency, and the election would go to the U.S. House of Representatives, which has happened twice in our nation’s history.

If these “Republican” electors are allowing Van Jones to represent them, then they are definitely not Republicans–they’re moles. And, they’re working overtime to try to ruin a fair election.

(Down Trend)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 08, 2016, 04:33:33 PM



Donald Trump Is Staffing His Administration with TPP Supporters

President-elect Donald Trump railed against the Trans-Pacific Partnership on his way to winning the White House and has vowed immediately to withdraw the U.S. from the 12-nation accord.

Several of his cabinet picks and other early nominees to top posts, however, have endorsed or spoken favorably about the trade pact, including Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad, announced Wednesday as Mr. Trump’s pick for ambassador to China, and retired Marine Gen. James Mattis, Mr. Trump’s pick to head the Department of Defense.

At a summer conference of U.S. governors, Mr. Branstad said the TPP was “very important to Iowa” given the role it would play opening up more markets to U.S. agricultural exports.

“It’s not perfect … but let’s continue to build on breaking down these barriers in opening up markets,” he said. “We benefit. We create jobs. And we grow farm income. That’s a positive thing, and that’s why I’m a strong supporter of free trade and the TPP.”

Gen. Mattis joined 16 other retired military leaders and former defense secretaries in a May 2015 letter to congressional leaders that said TPP would help the U.S. maintain a geopolitical advantage in Asia.

“There would be harmful strategic consequences if we fail to secure these agreements,” the letter said. “Our allies and partners would question our commitments, doubt our resolve, and inevitably look to other partners.”

Another signatory to that letter: David Petraeus, the retired general who ran the Central Intelligence Agency and who has been considered by Mr. Trump for secretary of state. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr., also considered candidates for the secretary of state post, have supported the TPP.

“Every nominee that will be put forward by the Trump Pence administration understands that trade deals must first create an advantage for American workers and American companies,” said R.C. Hammond, a spokesman for the Trump transition team.

Wilbur Ross Jr., Mr. Trump’s nominee for Commerce secretary, has been extremely critical of the TPP in recent interviews, but he signed a letter in support of the agreement last year to the New York congressional delegation.

Mr. Ross signaled his support for TPP as recently as a May appearance on Bloomberg TV, according to a report by CNN Money.

“I like the TPP,” he said. “But I think also the rhetoric that everybody has in campaigns is usually quite a bit different from what comes out of the Washington negotiations.”

On Fox Business Network last week, Mr. Ross said the agreement was flawed and ruled out any prospect that it might be revived in a Trump administration. “That’s a silly treaty,” he said.

While the cabinet and ambassador picks don’t suggest Mr. Trump will change his mind on the trade deal, they highlight potential divisions and contradictions on the issue. During the campaign, Mr. Trump repeatedly pointed to Democratic rival Hillary Clinton’s past support for the TPP when she was secretary of state to undercut her later opposition to the deal after it was finalized.

“The next betrayal will be the Trans-Pacific Partnership,” he said in an August speech in Detroit. “If sent to the Oval Office, Hillary Clinton will enact the TPP as sure as you’re sitting there.”

Vice President-elect Mike Pence also supported the TPP as Indiana governor, but he said he changed his mind on the trade accord, and other multilateral deals, after he discussed the issue with Mr. Trump this past July.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 08, 2016, 05:01:44 PM
Trump’s Labor Dept. Pick Slammed By Pro-American Immigration Reformers (Breitbart)

[Trump Labor Secretary pick] Puzder supported JEB BUSH and MARCO RUBIO, both of whom were defeated by Trump during the campaign, as he promised to curb low-wage competition from imported workers. (Breitbart)

"I have asked him what he would think of this one and that one," Trump said, "I take [Obama's] recommendations very seriously," (CNN) "I really like Obama!" (Time)  

Donald Trump Is Staffing His Administration with TPP Supporters (WSJ)

What the hell is happening, I'd like to know.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 08, 2016, 06:29:35 PM
Trump’s Labor Dept. Pick Slammed By Pro-American Immigration Reformers (Breitbart)

[Trump Labor Secretary pick] Puzder supported JEB BUSH and MARCO RUBIO, both of whom were defeated by Trump during the campaign, as he promised to curb low-wage competition from imported workers. (Breitbart)

"I have asked him what he would think of this one and that one," Trump said, "I take [Obama's] recommendations very seriously," (CNN) "I really like Obama!" (Time)  

Donald Trump Is Staffing His Administration with TPP Supporters (WSJ)

What the hell is happening, I'd like to know.

The same thing that has always been going on with CNN, WSJ, and TIME.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 08, 2016, 06:35:31 PM
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 08, 2016, 06:42:35 PM
^ Yeah, I still have high hopes.  He's the one guy who can keep all those dipshits in line, and it may be yet another owning he has in mind.

Besides, can't forget that the alternative was Hillary.  >:(
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 08, 2016, 07:05:00 PM
The same thing that has always been going on with CNN, WSJ, and TIME.


Typical...if you don't like something (just like Trump) you call foul. Maybe this is the wave of the future for the next 4 years. The demigod rises! He represents his flock (sheep) idiots.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Walter Sobchak on December 08, 2016, 08:04:31 PM
I can't wait until Trump's Supreme Court nominees cause Ruth "Masterbader" Ginsburg's head to fucking explode.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Pray_4_War on December 08, 2016, 09:13:37 PM
I can't wait until Trump's Supreme Court nominees cause Ruth "Masterbader" Ginsburg's head to fucking explode.

That old bitch needs to retire.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 09, 2016, 02:33:49 AM
Typical...if you don't like something (just like Trump) you call foul. Maybe this is the wave of the future for the next 4 years. The demigod rises! He represents his flock (sheep) idiots. (

So I am an idiot for not liking terrible reporting, quote skewing, and the media having a political agenda?

Keep suckling that MSM teat.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 09, 2016, 05:40:07 AM
Cathy McMorris to Interior.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 09, 2016, 05:51:57 AM
So true.

Conway: 'The most fake news’ was Trump couldn’t beat Clinton

.@KellyannePolls: The most fake piece of news I heard all along is that Donald Trump couldn't win, how's that for 'fake news'?
    — FOX & Friends (@foxandfriends) December 9, 2016

A top aide to President-elect Donald Trump says the best example of fake news is the idea he could not defeat Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in their race the White House.

“The most fake piece of news I heard all along, up until Election Day — and I still hear from some people — is that Donald Trump couldn’t win,” former campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said on Fox News’s “Fox & Friends” Friday. "How’s that for fake news?”

Conway jabbed at critics who say fake news helped Trump defeat Clinton, arguing the former first lady did not have a coherent pitch to voters.

“They just can’t grapple with the fact that — I don’t know what her message was to America other than, ‘I’m not Donald Trump and you shouldn’t vote for him,’” she said. "I don’t know what her message was to the working class voters we captured and the union households we carried in some places by two-to-one.

"I don’t know what her message was to America’s women, where she only got 55 or 56 percent of the vote as the first female presidential nominee of a major party.”

Some Democrats have argued the spread of anti-Clinton fake news online contributed to her electoral loss to Trump.

Clinton on Thursday decried the spread of fake news online, adding Congress should take action against it.

“The epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year — it’s now clear the so-called fake news can have real-world consequences,” she said in a speech on Capitol Hill given days after the "Pizzagate" fake news story led to a man firing a gun in a D.C. pizzeria.

(The Hill)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 09, 2016, 06:05:36 AM
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 09, 2016, 11:56:44 AM (

So I am an idiot for not liking terrible reporting, quote skewing, and the media having a political agenda?

Keep suckling that MSM teat.

You're not an idiot. Do you have a political agenda? Does it affect how you view the media?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 09, 2016, 12:04:16 PM
You're not an idiot. Do you have a political agenda? Does it affect how you view the media?

Sure, but it does not affect how I view the truth.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 09, 2016, 12:22:05 PM
Sure, but it does not affect how I view the truth.

Or so you believe. There is usually more than one version of the truth. Everyone has filters.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Thin Lizzy on December 09, 2016, 01:11:52 PM
Or so you believe. There is usually more than one version of the truth. Everyone has filters.

Yeah, let's pretend the media calls it down the middle. Your credibility is on par with that of the failing NY Daily News:

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 09, 2016, 01:59:39 PM
Yeah, let's pretend the media calls it down the middle. Your credibility is on par with that of the failing NY Daily News:

I seriously doubt the media is neutral. The media panders to the public. Much of the media has a fairly specific audience.

My credibility is of little importance as is the case with yours. I actually couldn't care less whether I am taken seriously by Getbiggers, including you. Regardless of what each of us believes or says we will have no effect on the future except maybe our own.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 09, 2016, 03:16:58 PM
Everyone has filters.

And you happen to like cock down your filters.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 09, 2016, 03:54:09 PM
And you happen to like cock down your filters.

Cock on your mind?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 09, 2016, 04:27:55 PM
Yeah, let's pretend the media calls it down the middle. Your credibility is on par with that of the failing NY Daily News:


Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 09, 2016, 05:30:41 PM
Ooooowee.... A "Secret CIA Assessment" says Russia "was trying to help" Trump win office.

...AS IF we have reason to trust the CIA.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 09, 2016, 05:33:33 PM

Wash Post: CIA Assessment Concludes Putin Was Trying to Help Trump Win White House

(NEWSMAX) The CIA has concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to a secret assessment disclosed on Friday.

"It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected," a senior U.S. official told The Washington Post. "That’s the consensus view."

The official was briefed on an intelligence presentation made by the CIA to U.S. senators, the Post reports.

According to the Post, American intelligence agencies identified "individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman.

"Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances."

Clinton long has charged that Russia was meddling in the election — and President Barack Obama ordered intelligence officials to review the widespread election-season hacking.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina also declared that he was chairing several investigations into Russia because he wanted President Vladimir Putin "personally to pay a price."

But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell doubted the credibility of any intelligence linking Russia to any elections tampering in a secret briefing for Congress in September, the Post reports.

Trump also has dismissed concerns about Russian hacking.

"I don’t believe they interfered," he told Time magazine this week.

The hacking, "could be Russia," he said. "And it could be China. And it could be some guy in his home in New Jersey."

According to the Post, the CIA briefed top senators last week on its latest assessment, citing growing evidence from "multiple sources."

They said it was now "quite clear" Moscow's goal was to elect Trump, said the officials, who spoke to the Post on the condition of anonymity.

Last week's CIA presentation, however, fell short of a formal U.S. assessment produced by all 17 intelligence agencies, the Post reports.

A senior U.S. official said minor disagreements had occurred among intelligence officials about the agency’s assessment, in part because various questions remain unanswered.

"We may have crossed into a new threshold, and it is incumbent upon us to take stock of that, to review, to conduct some after-action, to understand what has happened and to impart some lessons learned," Lisa Monaco, Obama's counterterrorism and homeland security adviser, said at a breakfast sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor.

President Obama wants the report before he leaves office Jan. 20, Monaco said, the Post reports.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 09, 2016, 05:41:51 PM

Trump remains executive producer on reality TV show: Schwarzenegger

(Reuters) President-elect Donald Trump will remain an executive producer on the reality TV show "Celebrity Apprentice," new host Arnold Schwarzenegger said on Friday, defending the situation as similar to his own transitions between politics and entertainment.

Trump, who famously barked the catchphrase "You're fired!" as he dismissed competitors on the "Apprentice" and "Celebrity Apprentice" programs, stepped down from the show last year when he entered the Republican presidential race.

"Celebrity Apprentice" returns to the air with Schwarzenegger, star of the "Terminator" films and former two-term California governor, as host on Jan. 2, 18 days before Trump is sworn in as president.

"I knew from the beginning he is executive producer of the show...His credit was on there," Schwarzenegger told reporters at a promotional event for the next season.

"It is no different than when I was running for governor and I became governor. My credit for starring in ‘Terminator’ still said Schwarzenegger and everything stayed the same and I continued getting my royalties," he said.

Asked whether Trump should step away from the program, Schwarzenegger joked: "I don’t think he’ll be co-hosting with me." He suggested Trump could appear on future seasons as a guest adviser “if he has time.”

Variety, which first reported Trump's decision to remain as executive producer, said his name would air in the credits before that of Schwarzenegger. The show is broadcast by NBC, a unit of Comcast Corp.

Variety said he was likely to be due a payment in the low five-figures per episode. Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway did not confirm that Trump would retain the executive producer credit and said she did not know whether he would accept potential payments for the program.

"Presidents have a right to do things in their spare time or their leisure time," she told CNN. "Nobody objects to that."

Debuting in 2004, "The Apprentice" and its spinoff, "Celebrity Apprentice," were ratings hits and boosted Trump's popularity after he suffered a financial downturn in the 1990s. "He did a great job. That’s why I was attracted to the show. Now I am the new boss. I am the new host. I hope I can match up with what he has done ... I want to have my ratings a little higher than his were," Schwarzenegger said.

Trump has been speaking to lawyers and protocol experts about his global business interests once he takes office on Jan. 20, Conway said on CNN.

(Reporting by Lisa Richwine in Los Angeles; Additional reporting by Doina Chiacu and Emily Stephenson in Washington; Editing by Dan Whitcomb and Grant McCool)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 09, 2016, 05:44:33 PM

Wash Post: CIA Assessment Concludes Putin Was Trying to Help Trump Win White House

(NEWSMAX) The CIA has concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to a secret assessment disclosed on Friday.

"It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected," a senior U.S. official told The Washington Post. "That’s the consensus view."

The official was briefed on an intelligence presentation made by the CIA to U.S. senators, the Post reports.

According to the Post, American intelligence agencies identified "individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman.

"Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances."

Clinton long has charged that Russia was meddling in the election — and President Barack Obama ordered intelligence officials to review the widespread election-season hacking.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina also declared that he was chairing several investigations into Russia because he wanted President Vladimir Putin "personally to pay a price."

But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell doubted the credibility of any intelligence linking Russia to any elections tampering in a secret briefing for Congress in September, the Post reports.

Trump also has dismissed concerns about Russian hacking.

"I don’t believe they interfered," he told Time magazine this week.

The hacking, "could be Russia," he said. "And it could be China. And it could be some guy in his home in New Jersey."

According to the Post, the CIA briefed top senators last week on its latest assessment, citing growing evidence from "multiple sources."

They said it was now "quite clear" Moscow's goal was to elect Trump, said the officials, who spoke to the Post on the condition of anonymity.

Last week's CIA presentation, however, fell short of a formal U.S. assessment produced by all 17 intelligence agencies, the Post reports.

A senior U.S. official said minor disagreements had occurred among intelligence officials about the agency’s assessment, in part because various questions remain unanswered.

"We may have crossed into a new threshold, and it is incumbent upon us to take stock of that, to review, to conduct some after-action, to understand what has happened and to impart some lessons learned," Lisa Monaco, Obama's counterterrorism and homeland security adviser, said at a breakfast sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor.

President Obama wants the report before he leaves office Jan. 20, Monaco said, the Post reports.


What does that even mean???

A secret assessment that Obama wants before Jan. 20th, but the media already knows about what's in the secret assessment.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 09, 2016, 05:47:22 PM
Waste of time to dye your hair, Schwarzo... trust me on that one.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 09, 2016, 05:50:56 PM
What does that even mean???

A secret assessment that Obama wants before Jan. 20th, but the media already knows about what's in the secret assessment.

Yup, fuckng CIA.  Ridiculous, isn't it.

Btw, this "media" everyone complains about is RUN (damn near) 100% by them.  One big Information-Control scheme.  That's what it is.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 09, 2016, 05:59:23 PM
Trump wants list of employees and contractors who have worked on Climate Change issues.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 09, 2016, 06:02:23 PM

Former Trump critics make up a PARADE OF SHAME at Trump Tower

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan made the pilgrimage Friday morning that many former critics of Donald Trump have made since the election: up to Trump Tower in Manhattan for a meeting with the president-elect and then a walk through the lobby to address reporters wanting to know how it feels.

“Very exciting meeting,” Ryan (R-Wis.) said in remarks that lasted mere seconds. “I really enjoyed coming up here and meeting with the president-elect. We had a great meeting to talk about our transition. We are really excited about getting to work and hitting the ground running in 2017. And getting this country back on track.”

Over the past month, the ­president-elect and his team have been mending relationships within their party, meeting with former rivals who resisted the idea of Trump becoming president but are now willing to work with him. But forgiveness often comes only after accepting a heap of humility.

The parade of shame has included GOP primaries opponent Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) and the previous Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney. On Monday, Trump’s team expects the arrival of Carly Fiorina, the former business chief executive and presidential candidate who Trump suggested was unattractive. And the ritual isn’t reserved just for Republicans: Trump invited a group of television personalities and executives to the tower soon after the election, and then yelled at them for underestimating him and accused them of dishonest reporting about his campaign, surprising and unsettling many attendants.

John Weaver, a strategist for Gov. John Kasich (R-Ohio) who has been critical of Trump, said he understands why former critics are having these meetings — but he worries that embracing Trump has led some to embrace his approach and policies, abandoning long-held Republican principles. He has already seen it happen with free trade and federal spending, and he worries it could also happen with the country’s approach to Russia.

“Some leaders are rolling over for Mr. Trump,” Weaver said.

Sometimes Trump’s guests ­secretly slip upstairs without being seen, but they frequently have to run the gantlet that has become the Trump Tower lobby — a maze that twists through packs of tourists with cameras, a horde of reporters screaming questions and a C-SPAN live feed. Part of pleasing the president-elect often involves public praise.

When Cruz visited a week after the election, he managed to slip upstairs undetected. During the campaign, Trump compared the attractiveness of their wives, suggested that Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy and raised questions about Cruz’s eligibility for the presidency, since he was born in Canada. Cruz refused to endorse Trump at the Republican National Convention but did so just before the election.

After the Trump Towers meeting, Cruz took a more direct route through the lobby. It was nearly 7 p.m., and most reporters had left for the evening. But the few that remained shouted questions and, when ignored, followed Cruz outside, where his escape was slowed by a heavily armed guard who wanted a photo.

Cruz continued down the block, followed by reporters who wanted to know how the meeting went. He finally stopped.

“This election was a mandate for change,” Cruz said. “The American people rose up and spoke overwhelmingly to say that the path we’re on, it didn’t work. And they want change, and they have given Republicans a historic opportunity.”

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 09, 2016, 06:27:54 PM
Trump transition team for Energy Department seeks names of employees involved in climate meetings

Donald Trump’s transition team has issued a list of 74 questions for the Energy Department, asking agency officials to identify which employees and contractors have worked on forging an international climate pact as well as domestic efforts to cut the nation’s carbon output.

The questionnaire requests a list of those individuals who have taken part in international climate talks over the past five years and “which programs within DOE are essential to meeting the goals of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan.”

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 10, 2016, 07:21:29 AM
Yup, fuckng CIA.  Ridiculous, isn't it.

Btw, this "media" everyone complains about is RUN (damn near) 100% by them.  One big Information-Control scheme.  That's what it is.

Anonymous CIA statements vs. Public FBI statements... (

There were 7 FUCKING FOREIGN NATIONS that got access into the Clinton private server. 7!

So let's create a Cold War scenario with Russia...  ::) ::) ::)

EDIT: She still used G mail, She still had the DNC set up Bernie, and she still cheated during debates, she was still too Narcissistic to campaign in close states, her own campaign blamed her for not "leading" efforts in the right states... but let's blame Russia for Hillary not connect AT ALL with middle America.

EDIT2: Russia probably hacked her health in September too, causing her to have heat exhaustion in 70 degree weather. 
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 10, 2016, 07:23:22 AM
Washington Compost title "CIA says Russia helps Trump's election".

And within the article it says "CIA reports there is no evidence Russia helped Trump with his election".
1 9 8 4
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 10, 2016, 07:28:59 AM
In good news... Trump will attend the ARMY-NAVY game today and sit with the Army troops as their commander-in-chief to be.  :-* (

Boom! Dow Chemical CEO Announces New Plant in Michigan at Trump’s Grand Rapids Rally

Andrew Liveris: We’ve made a decision. We’re going to announce a state-of-the-art innovation center in Michigan. We’re going to put an R&D Center in place. This decision is because of this man and these policies. We could have waited. We could have put it anywhere in the world. Several hundred jobs on top of the thousands. We are not waiting. We are going ahead. We are going to use American hard work and American brains and we’re going to fight for the Dow company out of the USA… Mr. Trump, with the investments that you talk about. You’re paving the way with your administration with your policies to make it easier to do business in this country. Not a red tape country but a red carpet country for American businesses.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mass243 on December 10, 2016, 07:48:31 AM

Wash Post: CIA Assessment Concludes Putin Was Trying to Help Trump Win White House

(NEWSMAX) The CIA has concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to a secret assessment disclosed on Friday.

"It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected," a senior U.S. official told The Washington Post. "That’s the consensus view."

The official was briefed on an intelligence presentation made by the CIA to U.S. senators, the Post reports.

According to the Post, American intelligence agencies identified "individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman.

"Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances."

Clinton long has charged that Russia was meddling in the election — and President Barack Obama ordered intelligence officials to review the widespread election-season hacking.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina also declared that he was chairing several investigations into Russia because he wanted President Vladimir Putin "personally to pay a price."

But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell doubted the credibility of any intelligence linking Russia to any elections tampering in a secret briefing for Congress in September, the Post reports.

Trump also has dismissed concerns about Russian hacking.

"I don’t believe they interfered," he told Time magazine this week.

The hacking, "could be Russia," he said. "And it could be China. And it could be some guy in his home in New Jersey."

According to the Post, the CIA briefed top senators last week on its latest assessment, citing growing evidence from "multiple sources."

They said it was now "quite clear" Moscow's goal was to elect Trump, said the officials, who spoke to the Post on the condition of anonymity.

Last week's CIA presentation, however, fell short of a formal U.S. assessment produced by all 17 intelligence agencies, the Post reports.

A senior U.S. official said minor disagreements had occurred among intelligence officials about the agency’s assessment, in part because various questions remain unanswered.

"We may have crossed into a new threshold, and it is incumbent upon us to take stock of that, to review, to conduct some after-action, to understand what has happened and to impart some lessons learned," Lisa Monaco, Obama's counterterrorism and homeland security adviser, said at a breakfast sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor.

President Obama wants the report before he leaves office Jan. 20, Monaco said, the Post reports.


American elite needs to get over their Russia-hate.
It's no good for anything.

Do Americans have to fear a Russian opening fire at local mall? No.
Do Americans have to fear a Russian blowing up an airplane they are with their family going to vacation? No, unless it's in Russian airspace without permission.
Are Russians there preaching hate against Americans in your own country? Doubt that.

Open your fucking eyes already.  
It's windmills.
UK contested Russia for hundreds of years. Look at what is left of UK now.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Thin Lizzy on December 10, 2016, 08:14:44 AM
The polling machines weren't hooked up to the Internet. So, the Russians would've hacked into each one individually.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 10, 2016, 10:23:12 AM
The whole Russian thing is a thoroughly ridiculous story and a sorry excuse for an "accusation" if that's what they're trying to make.

To begin with, it's a long way from saying "Russia preferred/favored one candidate over the other" to pinning something on someone. 

It's like, "OK so even Russia knows what a flake Hillary can be"  AND??

Damn good point about the hacking, too.  WHAT "hacking"?  WTF are you talking about, media?

Furthermore, can anyone imagine a U.S. election in which practically everyone on the planet wouldn't "favor one candidate over the other"?  THAT'S WHAT AN ELECTION IS ABOUT.

It's like this story:

Trump transition team for Energy Department seeks names of employees involved in climate meetings

They're trying to make it out to be that Trump wants a list of people to harass.  Bullshit.  To me, it says he's investigating the issue, and no one should have a problem with that.  Let them investigate and state their case, if they choose to make one.  That's what makes the world go round.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 10, 2016, 11:31:51 AM
Anonymous CIA statements vs. Public FBI statements... (

There were 7 FUCKING FOREIGN NATIONS that got access into the Clinton private server. 7!

So let's create a Cold War scenario with Russia...  ::) ::) ::)

EDIT: She still used G mail, She still had the DNC set up Bernie, and she still cheated during debates, she was still too Narcissistic to campaign in close states, her own campaign blamed her for not "leading" efforts in the right states... but let's blame Russia for Hillary not connect AT ALL with middle America.

EDIT2: Russia probably hacked her health in September too, causing her to have heat exhaustion in 70 degree weather. 

From this one:

In classified sessions in August and September, intelligence officials also briefed congressional leaders on the possibility of financial ties between Russians and people connected to Mr. Trump. They focused particular attention on what cyberexperts said appeared to be a mysterious computer back channel between the Trump Organization and the Alfa Bank, which is one of Russia’s biggest banks and whose owners have longstanding ties to Mr. Putin.

F.B.I. officials spent weeks examining computer data showing an odd stream of activity to a Trump Organization server and Alfa Bank.
Computer logs obtained by The New York Times show that two servers at Alfa Bank sent more than 2,700 “look-up” messages — a first step for one system’s computers to talk to another — to a Trump-connected server beginning in the spring. But the F.B.I. ultimately concluded that there could be an innocuous explanation, like a marketing email or spam, for the computer contacts.

So really, why are they even mentioning it?  What's the point?

Here's what they say about the mysterious "hacking" we hear about all the time:

The most serious part of the F.B.I.’s investigation has focused on the computer hacks that the Obama administration now formally blames on Russia. That investigation also involves numerous officials from the intelligence agencies. Investigators, the officials said, have become increasingly confident, based on the evidence they have uncovered, that Russia’s direct goal is not to support the election of Mr. Trump, as many Democrats have asserted, but rather to disrupt the integrity of the political system and undermine America’s standing in the world more broadly.

The hacking, they said, reflected an intensification of spy-versus-spy operations that never entirely abated after the Cold War but that have become more aggressive in recent years as relations with Mr. Putin’s Russia have soured.

A senior intelligence official, who like the others spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a continuing national security investigation, said the Russians had become adept at exploiting computer vulnerabilities created by the relative openness of and reliance on the internet. Election officials in several states have reported what appeared to be cyberintrusions from Russia, and while many doubt that an Election Day hack could alter the outcome of the election, the F.B.I. agencies across the government are on alert for potential disruptions that could wreak havoc with the voting process itself.


Too vague IMO to be taken seriously.  They'll need to be more specific.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 10, 2016, 02:36:44 PM
Exxon man Tillerson "likely" to Secretary of State.

And, as if Harry Reid thinks we'll take him seriously for a change....


FBI covered up Russian influence on Trump's election win, Harry Reid claims

A secret CIA analysis found that people with connections to the Russian government provided emails, hacked from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign, to the whistleblower website WikiLeaks in the final months of the election, according to a Washington Post report published late Friday.

“The FBI had this material for a long time but Comey, who is of course a Republican, refused to divulge specific information about Russia and the presidental election,” Reid told MSNBC on Saturday. Comey testified to Congress in July that he was no longer a registered Republican, though he belonged to the party most of his life.

“Everyone should know WikiLeaks was involved from the very beginning,” Reid continued. “They leaked the information as if it was run by one of the great political operatives in America when in fact it was run by the political operatives in Russia.

“Russia has a pretty good way of cheating. Look at what they did with athletes,” he added, alluding to the long-running doping scandal of Russian Olympic athletes.

Pressed on whether he believed Comey had information on Russia’s influence and sat on it, Reid replied: “That’s right, that is true.”

“I am so disappointed in Comey. He has let the country down for partisan purposes and that’s why I call him the new J Edgar Hoover, because I believe that,” Reid added, calling for the director’s resignation.

“I think he should be investigated by the Senate. He should be investigated by other agencies of the government including the security agencies because if ever there was a matter of security it’s this … I don’t think any of us understood how partisan Comey was.”


Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 10, 2016, 02:40:54 PM
I guess, then, the claim is that Russia "hacked" the Clinton emails that Hillary idiotically allowed to become unsecured, that were then given to Wikileaks.  Or something like that.


Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mass243 on December 10, 2016, 03:16:25 PM

“Russia has a pretty good way of cheating. Look at what they did with athletes,” he added, alluding to the long-running doping scandal of Russian Olympic athletes.

Someone should remind the demented old fart about Balco laboratory etc...

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 10, 2016, 03:23:30 PM
Fuck I am so happy that we didn't elect Hillary.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 10, 2016, 04:13:16 PM
Someone should remind the demented old fart about Balco laboratory etc...

Yes, what a dumb connection he's trying to make.

IMO, the funny thing is that once we said it was OK and necessary to spy on anything and everything in the name of security (as someone like Obama imposes as he sees to Patriot Act extensions) then it becomes very difficult to tell Russia that it's not OK for them.

So right there, even if it could be shown that Russia obtained he information, then it still doesn't amount to shit.  That's unfortunate for anyone who wants to "prove" that Russia "wanted to influence the election" merely by showing they collected that info.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 10, 2016, 04:16:31 PM
Hahaa... and there's NO getting away from the fact it all originated with Hillary.

What a damn comedy for the ages.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Walter Sobchak on December 10, 2016, 04:49:12 PM
Democrats are looking everywhere for the reason they lost the election......except in the mirror.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 10, 2016, 05:01:30 PM
Democrats are looking everywhere for the reason they lost the election......except in the mirror.

Yes, scary delusion.

Trump team says 'move on,' after Obama calls for cyber-hacking probe

Donald Trump’s presidential transition team late Friday criticized President Obama's order for a full-scale review of campaign-season cyber-attacks allegedly linked to Russia, saying it’s “time to move on.”

Trump has been repeatedly dismissive of the intelligence community's determination that Russia sought through hacking to disrupt the U.S. election, which he won in a stunning upset over Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

“The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. It's now time to move on and `Make America Great Again,’ ” the transition team said. "These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.”

The investigation ordered by Obama will be a "deep dive" into a possible pattern of increased "malicious cyber activity" timed to the campaign season, White House spokesman Eric Schultz said Friday.

On Saturday, New York Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer, the next Senate minority leader, called for the Republican-led Congress to address the issue.

“Reports of the CIA’s conclusion that Russia actively sought to help elect Donald Trump are simultaneously stunning and not surprising, given Russia’s disdain for democracy and admiration for autocracy,” Schumer said. “Senate Democrats will join with our Republican colleagues next year to demand a congressional investigation and hearings to get to the bottom of this.”

The administration probe will include looking into the email hacks that rattled the presidential campaign. It also will look at the tactics, targets, key actors and the U.S. government's response to the hacks, as well as incidents reported in past elections,.

The president ordered the report earlier in the week and asked that it be completed before he leaves office next month, Schultz said.

The Washington Post reported Friday that the CIA has concluded that Russia aimed specifically to help Trump, a Republican, win the presidency.

The Kremlin has rejected the hacking accusations.

In the months leading up to the election, email accounts of Democratic Party officials and a top Clinton campaign aide were breached, emails leaked and embarrassing and private emails posted online. Many Democrats believe the hackings benefited Trump's bid.

Schultz said the president sought the probe as a way of improving U.S. defense against cyberattacks and was not intending to question the legitimacy of Trump's victory.

Obama's move comes as Democratic lawmakers have been pushing Obama to declassify more information about Russia's role, fearing that Trump, who has promised a warmer relationship with Moscow, may not prioritize the issue.

The White House said it would make parts of the report public and would brief lawmakers and relevant state officials on the findings.

It emphasized the report would not focus solely on Russian operations or email hacks involving Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta and Democratic National Committee accounts. The emails were made public by WikiLeaks.

Schultz said intelligence officials would be reviewing incidents going back to the 2008 presidential campaign, when the campaigns of Sen. John McCain and Obama were breached by hackers.

The intelligence community has already concluded that Russia-backed actors likely were involved in breaching and releasing the Democratic Party emails.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has denied the Russian government or any other “state parties” were the source for the 50,000 emails, which fueled weeks of embarrassing coverage for the Clinton campaign detailing behind-the-scenes discussions and arguments among advisers and family members.

Many Democrats believe the disclosures in emails stolen from Democratic Party officials and Podesta’s account benefited Trump.

Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway told “Fox & Friends” on Friday that Democrats “won’t learn the lessons” from the 2016 race.

"A little self-awareness would do for a team that is blaming everybody but themselves for this. It’s Bernie Sanders’ fault … It’s the alt-right’s fault," she said. "It’s … fake news’ fault. It’s Russian interference. It’s James Comey. ... How about you had no message?"

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Walter Sobchak on December 10, 2016, 05:26:05 PM
Yes, scary delusion.

Trump team says 'move on,' after Obama calls for cyber-hacking probe

Donald Trump’s presidential transition team late Friday criticized President Obama's order for a full-scale review of campaign-season cyber-attacks allegedly linked to Russia, saying it’s “time to move on.”

Trump has been repeatedly dismissive of the intelligence community's determination that Russia sought through hacking to disrupt the U.S. election, which he won in a stunning upset over Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

“The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. It's now time to move on and `Make America Great Again,’ ” the transition team said. "These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.”

The investigation ordered by Obama will be a "deep dive" into a possible pattern of increased "malicious cyber activity" timed to the campaign season, White House spokesman Eric Schultz said Friday.

On Saturday, New York Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer, the next Senate minority leader, called for the Republican-led Congress to address the issue.

“Reports of the CIA’s conclusion that Russia actively sought to help elect Donald Trump are simultaneously stunning and not surprising, given Russia’s disdain for democracy and admiration for autocracy,” Schumer said. “Senate Democrats will join with our Republican colleagues next year to demand a congressional investigation and hearings to get to the bottom of this.”

The administration probe will include looking into the email hacks that rattled the presidential campaign. It also will look at the tactics, targets, key actors and the U.S. government's response to the hacks, as well as incidents reported in past elections,.

The president ordered the report earlier in the week and asked that it be completed before he leaves office next month, Schultz said.

The Washington Post reported Friday that the CIA has concluded that Russia aimed specifically to help Trump, a Republican, win the presidency.

The Kremlin has rejected the hacking accusations.

In the months leading up to the election, email accounts of Democratic Party officials and a top Clinton campaign aide were breached, emails leaked and embarrassing and private emails posted online. Many Democrats believe the hackings benefited Trump's bid.

Schultz said the president sought the probe as a way of improving U.S. defense against cyberattacks and was not intending to question the legitimacy of Trump's victory.

Obama's move comes as Democratic lawmakers have been pushing Obama to declassify more information about Russia's role, fearing that Trump, who has promised a warmer relationship with Moscow, may not prioritize the issue.

The White House said it would make parts of the report public and would brief lawmakers and relevant state officials on the findings.

It emphasized the report would not focus solely on Russian operations or email hacks involving Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta and Democratic National Committee accounts. The emails were made public by WikiLeaks.

Schultz said intelligence officials would be reviewing incidents going back to the 2008 presidential campaign, when the campaigns of Sen. John McCain and Obama were breached by hackers.

The intelligence community has already concluded that Russia-backed actors likely were involved in breaching and releasing the Democratic Party emails.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has denied the Russian government or any other “state parties” were the source for the 50,000 emails, which fueled weeks of embarrassing coverage for the Clinton campaign detailing behind-the-scenes discussions and arguments among advisers and family members.

Many Democrats believe the disclosures in emails stolen from Democratic Party officials and Podesta’s account benefited Trump.

Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway told “Fox & Friends” on Friday that Democrats “won’t learn the lessons” from the 2016 race.

"A little self-awareness would do for a team that is blaming everybody but themselves for this. It’s Bernie Sanders’ fault … It’s the alt-right’s fault," she said. "It’s … fake news’ fault. It’s Russian interference. It’s James Comey. ... How about you had no message?"


Many Democrats believe the details in Podesta's emails benefitted Trump.

What they actually meant was....the truth came out and we got exposed for the lying, conniving, thieving, pieces of shit that we really are.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 11, 2016, 09:00:04 AM
Many Democrats believe the details in Podesta's emails benefitted Trump.

What they actually meant was....the truth came out and we got exposed for the lying, conniving, thieving, pieces of shit that we really are.

Exactly.  The REAL story.  These people disgust me.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 11, 2016, 09:07:22 AM
Compared to what we've been through with the media, this is nothing.  A non-story IMO.  IOW: Either they have a legit gripe at this moment in time or they don't.  And they don't.

Tyra Banks, from left, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Patrick Knapp attend a press junket for “The New Celebrity Apprentice,” in Los Angeles.

Schwarzenegger: It's OK that Trump is still an 'Apprentice' producer

UNIVERSAL CITY – Arnold Schwarzenegger, star of the new version of “Celebrity Apprentice,” is unfazed that President-elect Donald Trump has retained a producer’s stake in the show.

Schwarzenegger said Friday that it’s just business, comparable to his situation when he became California’s governor and retained a screen credit and kept earning royalties for the “Terminator” movie.

“So, I think this is a contract that he had and I think it’s great that he was part of it,” Schwarzenegger said during a red-carpet event for NBC’s “The New Celebrity Apprentice,” which debuts Jan. 2.

Replacing Trump as boss in the reality show’s boardroom meant “big shoes to fill,” he added.

Cast members including Boy George, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi and Eric Dickerson compete to raise money for charity, advised by Warren Buffett, Steve Ballmer and other financial heavyweights.

On Thursday, a spokeswoman for “Apprentice” creator Mark Burnett confirmed that Trump remains an executive producer on the latest edition of the long-running “Apprentice” franchise. The eight episodes ordered by NBC from MGM, where Burnett is president of its TV and digital group, were taped last February.

(OC Register)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 11, 2016, 09:13:52 AM
^ Btw, for those non-TV-types who don't know: the guy on the right in the picture is Patrick Knapp Schwarzenegger, the son of Arnold's late brother Meinhard.  He goes by Knapp and Knapp-Schwarzenegger, depending upon the opportunity at hand, lol.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 11, 2016, 09:21:33 AM
What's bolded, is the complaint.  But this is the problem when a network decides they're going to play games with information, rather than report news as they are supposed to do.  They aren't a legitimate news-reporting entity.  THEY made that decision, whether or not they'd admit to it (which they won't).  Maybe this is the opportunity to show everyone, even the ones who have so-far refused to acknowledge it.

Conway on Trump 'Apprentice' role: He'll do it in his spare time

(CNN) Kellyanne Conway on Friday defended President-elect Donald Trump's decision to remain an executive producer on NBC's "Celebrity Apprentice" even as he takes office, arguing that "presidents have a right to do things in their spare time."

"He's a very transparent guy. Everyone can see what he's doing, and the fact is that he is conferring with all types of experts who tell him what he can do and not do as President of the United States," Conway, a top Trump adviser and his former campaign manager, said on CNN's "New Day." "If this is one of the approved activities, then perhaps he will consider staying on."

Trump's agreement with the show, first reported by Variety and confirmed by sources at NBC and the Trump campaign, means the president will have an interest in a show aired by a media company that also reports on his presidency -- a major conflict of interest for the network.

"Were we so concerned about the hours and hours and hours spent on the golf course of the current president? I mean presidents have a right to do things in their spare time, in their leisure time," Conway argued.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 11, 2016, 01:50:37 PM


Christie turned down several jobs in Trump administration, sources say

TRENTON -- President-elect Donald Trump offered Gov. Chris Christie numerous positions in his incoming administration, but the New Jersey governor turned them down, two sources with knowledge of Trump's transition efforts told NJ Advance Media.

The sources said those jobs included Cabinet-level posts like Homeland Security secretary and Veterans Affairs secretary, as well as other posts, like a White House advisory role and U.S. ambassador to Italy.

But the sources noted Christie, a longtime Trump friend and adviser, was not offered the role of U.S. attorney general -- a post the governor reportedly coveted.

And sources confirmed earlier this week that Christie would not assume another job he lobbied for: chairman of the Republican National Committee. The sources requested anonymity because they are not authorized to publicly discuss the matter.

Thus, despite months of speculation over where Christie might land in Trump's White House, it appears likely the governor will indeed remain in New Jersey to finish out his second and final term, which ends in January 2018.

Gov. Chris Christie had been angling for the job as chairman of the Republican National Committee.

The sources said Christie did not consider any of the posts he was offered to be a good fit for him.

The revelations come amid questions over why Christie and New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani -- two of Trump's most loyal allies throughout his campaign -- did not receive the jobs they were hoping for as Trump prepares to assume the Oval Office. Trump, a celebrity real estate mogul, has repeatedly said loyalty is paramount to him.

But while Giuliani was seeking to become U.S. secretary of state, Trump released a statement Friday saying the mayor had withdrawn his name for consideration.

The New York Times reported Friday that while Giuliani was offered numerous other positions, including attorney general, he declined.

Trump ultimately chose another ally, U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, as attorney general.

Citing anonymous Trump advisers, the Times reported that Trump's inner circle had issues with both Giuliani and Christie -- including the shadow of the George Washington Bridge scandal that has hung over Christie.

Christie has been friends for nearly 15 years with Trump, a former Atlantic City casino magnate. And in February, shortly after ending his own bid for the party's presidential nomination, the governor was one of the first major Republicans to endorse Trump for the White House -- a decision that was widely ridiculed among many establishment members of the GOP.

(And Rick Perry possibly goes to Energy... the one Perry forgot the name to, in that debate)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 11, 2016, 02:18:21 PM
Chuckle chuckle.  OK.  Who cares, but those looking for a laugh.


Possible Trump appointee scrubs Facebook post after fantasizing about ‘exterminating’ Muslims

(Raw Story) The editor of a website belonging to a former Florida congressman under consideration for a position in the Trump administration was forced to issue a apology on Sunday after deleting a meme calling for the extermination of Muslims that was posted on his Facebook page.

Saturday, Michele Hickford, editor-in-chief on issued an apology for the image of President-elect Donald Trump’s potential defense secretary, retired Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis.

Included in the picture were the lines: “Fired by Obama to please the Muslims. Hired by Trump to exterminate them.”

Writing on Facebook, Hickford took responsibility for the “reprehensible” Facebook post.

“As editor in chief, I must take full responsibility for this, although I was not the one who posted it, and it was posted without my knowledge. I neither condone nor support the message included in the meme,” she wrote. “This meme was not created by me or any of our writers. It was reposted from another source. The image has been removed. Its message was despicable, offensive to many, and a terrible error in judgement by the person who posted it. Furthermore, it does not reflect Col. West’s beliefs, principles and values.”

In a recent post on West’s website, Hickford linked to story from The Hill about West making the pilgrimage to Trump Tower to meet  the president-elect, with West admitting, “Nothing was offered. I mean, they know my reputation very well.”

West’s career in the U.S. Army came to an abrupt end in 2003 when he faced an Article 32 hearing over treatment of a prisoner,  accepted a non-judicial punishment and was allowed to retire.

A screenshot of the Facebook posting below was captured by Imrann Siddiqi:


(Raw Story)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 11, 2016, 02:59:15 PM
I'm not willing to give up hope so easily.  Remember, this is Trump -- and he's all about the unexpected.  But IMO it's not entirely unfair criticism to bring it up, and Trump of all people shouldn't be surprised by it.  He's the one making these choices.

Trump can’t wait to sell out his base

A rule of thumb for the next four years: With Trump, everything that Republicans said about corruption and conflicts of interest where Clinton was concerned is now, to use the Nixon-era word, inoperative.

“Watch what we do, not what we say.”

At the beginning of Richard Nixon’s presidency, that’s how Attorney General John Mitchell explained the way reporters could best understand what the country was about to experience.

It’s also good advice for understanding the administration of the billionaire phony populist who will assume the presidency next month. Donald Trump cast himself as the champion of a besieged American working class and a defender of its interests. His early decisions tell us something very different: This could be the most anti-worker, anti-union crowd to run our government since the Gilded Age.

There’s an irony here, since Mitchell was trying to reassure journalists that despite Nixon’s 1968 law-and-order campaign, he would stay true to enforcing civil rights laws. In Trump’s case, we’re learning that rhetoric out of labor songbooks meant less than nothing. He was covering up an agenda focused on undercutting legal protections for workers and weakening their already beleaguered organizations.

How else to understand Trump’s decision to nominate Andrew Puzder, a fast-food executive, as secretary of labor? Perhaps, in the interests of transparency, the incoming Republican Congress can rename the part of our government historically devoted to workers’ interests the “Department of Low-Wage Labor.”

The contradictions abound. One of Trump’s core promises was to restore well-paying jobs in the factories and the mines. But he’s putting at the helm of the Labor Department the CEO of the company that franchises Hardee’s and Carl Jr.’s. Their workers tend to be at the bottom end of the pay scale. Puzder’s passions have been invested in cutting wage costs. If Trump wanted a corporate type at Labor, might he at least have tried to pick someone from the manufacturing sphere?

Ah, but Trumpworld is also a land of cronies. Trump and the Republican Party could not say enough about the “corrupt” intersection of donors to the Clinton Foundation and the policies that Hillary Clinton would pursue as president. Yet here comes Puzder -- joining a Cabinet of working stiffs with a net worth so far of $14.5 billion, according to NBC News -- who will no doubt feel well rewarded for his own financial support of the Trump campaign.

A rule of thumb for the next four years: With Trump, everything that Republicans said about corruption and conflicts of interest where Clinton was concerned is now, to use the Nixon-era word, inoperative.

The labor secretary is responsible for enforcing laws that protect employees. But as New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman noted, “the fact that Mr. Puzder has now reportedly been selected to lead the same agency that uncovered wage theft at his restaurants is a cruel and baffling decision by President-elect Trump.” How closely will the Republican-led Senate look into this issue?

And you get a clear sense of how anti-union Trump threatens to be when you combine the Puzder pick with Trump’s attack on Chuck Jones. He’s the president of the United Steelworkers Local 1999 at the Carrier plant in Indiana where Trump claimed he saved 1,100 jobs. Jones used colorful language to say that Trump had “lied” about the number of jobs protected and had given Carrier workers “false hope.” The real jobs number was closer to 800 and layoffs are expected in 2017.

Jones was quickly assailed by Trump (on Twitter, of course) for having “done a terrible job representing workers.” Further, Trump blamed the union for the job losses. “If United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, they would have kept those jobs in Indiana.” Trump likes to talk about workers but hates it when they talk back.

Jones, tougher than Trump when it comes to absorbing criticism, shrugged off the president-elect’s tantrum, saying Trump didn’t know “what in the hell he was talking about.”

But the rest of us — and particularly workers who cast ballots for Trump in the hope of better days — ignore the Tweeter-in-Chief’s behavior at our peril.

Fake populism is an old story, and it often involves dividing workers against each other along the lines of race, religion, ethnicity or immigration status. Trump has already proved himself a master of this sort of manipulation.

Over the long run, though, workers will rely on the content of their paychecks and the quality of their living standards to help them decide whether Trump’s word to them was any better than his promises to the students he fleeced at Trump University. They won’t need John Mitchell to tell them to keep a close eye on what this man actually does.

(Journal Sentinal - Opinion: EJ Dionne)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 11, 2016, 03:38:21 PM
I'm sorry; but I will not believe a single Opinion piece from any news outlet until they change their tune.

That being said about the "hacking" of the election; how is it that the media isn't questioning the great number of foreign nations that made donations to the Clinton Foundation right before Hillary announced her candidacy? God knows she used that money for her campaign. Isn't that illegally skewing the advantage of an election due to foreign contributions?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 11, 2016, 04:23:16 PM
I'm sorry; but I will not believe a single Opinion piece from any news outlet until they change their tune.

That being said about the "hacking" of the election; how is it that the media isn't questioning the great number of foreign nations that made donations to the Clinton Foundation right before Hillary announced her candidacy? God knows she used that money for her campaign. Isn't that illegally skewing the advantage of an election due to foreign contributions?

I really can't deny what you say.

Where have these people been for the last eight years, for instance?   Have they been on Obama's ass for trying to sneak-in TPP?   Or for trying to stop JASTA?

No, they seem to be crawling out of the holes in the ground, right at the moment Trump steps up.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 12, 2016, 10:09:19 AM
How much is one tweet worth? Depends on who you are and what it says...


Donald Trump wipes $3.5bn off Lockheed Martin market value with single tweet (
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 12, 2016, 12:52:28 PM
Being that he's a guy who has spoken against the effects of globalism and cheap human value, I'd like to know why he insists on surrounding himself with people who think the opposite way.

Carly Fiorina and Kellyanne Conway at Trump Tower.

President-elect Donald Trump considers Carly Fiorina for national intelligence director

Carly Fiorina — who had her physical appearance insulted by Donald Trump during the GOP primary campaign and who later called on the then-nominee to step aside — is now under consideration to be the President-elect's director of national intelligence, according to a report Monday.

Fiorina discussed the position with the mogul during a visit to Trump Tower Monday, The New York Times reported, citing transition sources.

The former Hewlett-Packard CEO also discussed foreign hacking by nations like Russia and China with Trump, and, after her meeting praised her former rival's "executive abilities."

"We talked about hacking, whether it's Chinese hacking or purported Russian hacking," Fiorina told reporters inside the Trump Tower lobby. "We talked about the opportunity that the President-elect has to literally reset things, to reset the trajectory of this economy, to reset the role of government, to reset America's role in the world and how we're perceived in the world."

If Fiorina were to land the job, it would mark a stunning turnaround for the former presidential candidate, who during her campaign, frequently exchanged intense barbs with Trump.

In a September 2015 Rolling Stone article, Trump was quoted as insulting Fiorina's appearance.

"Look at that face," Trump said. "Would anyone vote for that?"

"Can you imagine that, the face of our next president," he added. "I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not supposed to say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?"

At a Republican primary debate a week later, Fiorina took Trump to task for the attack, telling the crowd, "I think women all over the country heard very clearly what Mr. Trump said."

Later, she even teamed up with Ted Cruz, signing on as the Texas senator's running mate, in a last ditch attempt in April to prevent the ascendant Trump from winning delegates in the remaining primaries.

And months later, when, in October, a tape of unaired "Access Hollywood" footage from 2005 surfaced, showing Trump bragging about grabbing women, Fiorina actually called on Trump to drop out of the race altogether.

"We must have a conservative in the White House to restore accountability, opportunity and security. For the sake of our Constitution and the rule of law, we must defeat Hillary Clinton," she said just four weeks before the general election. "Today I ask Donald Trump to step aside and for the RNC to replace him with Gov. Mike Pence."

Trump's inauguration lacks entertainment lineup, but set on funds

Fiorina wouldn't be the first rival Trump has considered for a cabinet or cabinet-level post. Former GOP nominee Mitt Romney, with whom Trump also sparred frequently during the campaign, is a top contender for the secretary of state.

As the director of national intelligence, Fiorina would be charged with overseeing the nation's intelligence agencies and would serve as the President's top intelligence adviser. Fiorina served on the CIA's external advisory board from 2007 to 2009.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 12, 2016, 12:58:11 PM
How much is one tweet worth? Depends on who you are and what it says...


Donald Trump wipes $3.5bn off Lockheed Martin market value with single tweet (

 :o  But they'll regain it soon enough.  It's actually only a small percentage, for as big $ as it is.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 12, 2016, 01:13:08 PM
Trump picks Goldman-Sachs executive (Gary Cohn) for director of NEC.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 12, 2016, 01:33:46 PM
Many sharks looking to draw blood with the Russia "hacking" story, I notice.  Looks to be building.

But they'd better step-up their game a whole damn bunch, if they expect to get some mileage from it.  At this point, they are just being annoying.

And the thought that we're supposed to accept the CIA claim stating Russia intended to assist Trump, while the FBI says they simply wanted to "undermine faith" in our system (calling the results into question just the same), and that the two chose to make media statements as a reaction to it all -- rather than to sort through it first -- is just so very insulting.  Not even slightly believable.

Guess they're not done perfecting their Fake News technique.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 12, 2016, 01:59:19 PM
Many sharks looking to draw blood with the Russia "hacking" story, I notice.  Looks to be building.

But they'd better step-up their game a whole damn bunch, if they expect to get some mileage from it.  At this point, they are just being annoying.

And the thought that we're supposed to accept the CIA claim stating Russia intended to assist Trump, while the FBI says they simply wanted to "undermine faith" in our system (calling the results into question just the same), and that the two chose to make media statements as a reaction to it all -- rather than to sort through it first -- is just so very insulting.  Not even slightly believable.

Guess they're not done perfecting their Fake News technique.

they have a week before electoral college votes
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 12, 2016, 02:25:12 PM
they have a week before electoral college votes

IMO they're either going to have to manufacture something (which will sharply increase the chance for them to get busted at it) or they will need to STFU and quit bothering us with their bull.

But we know they'll just extend their passively aggressive, highly vague, thoroughly BULLSHIT stories like they are doing right now, for as long as they can get away with it.

Until they convince us, though, it's nothing but FAKE NEWS.  STFU, MSM.  Do you really, really think you're fooling anyone but the sad cases who wanted Hillary in office (despite them having no explanation for it)?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 12, 2016, 03:57:01 PM
IMO they're either going to have to manufacture something (which will sharply increase the chance for them to get busted at it) or they will need to STFU and quit bothering us with their bull.

But we know they'll just extend their passively aggressive, highly vague, thoroughly BULLSHIT stories like they are doing right now, for as long as they can get away with it.

Until they convince us, though, it's nothing but FAKE NEWS.  STFU, MSM.  Do you really, really think you're fooling anyone but the sad cases who wanted Hillary in office (despite them having no explanation for it)?

For the most part, these elites aren't nearly as smart as they want you to believe.

They are still using tactics that were developed before the Internet age, and they always leave a trail. Always. The sad thing is most Americans are too drugged up, or entrenched in partisan/identity politics, to even care.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 12, 2016, 04:57:01 PM

Wash Post: CIA Assessment Concludes Putin Was Trying to Help Trump Win White House

(NEWSMAX) The CIA has concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to a secret assessment disclosed on Friday.

"It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected," a senior U.S. official told The Washington Post. "That’s the consensus view."

The official was briefed on an intelligence presentation made by the CIA to U.S. senators, the Post reports.

According to the Post, American intelligence agencies identified "individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman.

"Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances."

Clinton long has charged that Russia was meddling in the election — and President Barack Obama ordered intelligence officials to review the widespread election-season hacking.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina also declared that he was chairing several investigations into Russia because he wanted President Vladimir Putin "personally to pay a price."

But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell doubted the credibility of any intelligence linking Russia to any elections tampering in a secret briefing for Congress in September, the Post reports.

Trump also has dismissed concerns about Russian hacking.

"I don’t believe they interfered," he told Time magazine this week.

The hacking, "could be Russia," he said. "And it could be China. And it could be some guy in his home in New Jersey."

According to the Post, the CIA briefed top senators last week on its latest assessment, citing growing evidence from "multiple sources."

They said it was now "quite clear" Moscow's goal was to elect Trump, said the officials, who spoke to the Post on the condition of anonymity.

Last week's CIA presentation, however, fell short of a formal U.S. assessment produced by all 17 intelligence agencies, the Post reports.

A senior U.S. official said minor disagreements had occurred among intelligence officials about the agency’s assessment, in part because various questions remain unanswered.

"We may have crossed into a new threshold, and it is incumbent upon us to take stock of that, to review, to conduct some after-action, to understand what has happened and to impart some lessons learned," Lisa Monaco, Obama's counterterrorism and homeland security adviser, said at a breakfast sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor.

President Obama wants the report before he leaves office Jan. 20, Monaco said, the Post reports.


Do you trust anyone connected to the government or media?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 12, 2016, 04:59:52 PM
For the most part, these elites aren't nearly as smart as they want you to believe.

They are still using tactics that were developed before the Internet age, and they always leave a trail. Always. The sad thing is most Americans are too drugged up, or entrenched in partisan/identity politics, to even care.

Really, couldn't agree more.  IMO they manage to stay "just" ahead of the curve.  

Without their Fake News operation, they'd have been taken down to the sidewalk by now and stomped into it.

Thing is, I just can't help but sense we're in for something very twisted.  I don't know if it includes a big set-up on the FBI, to say they're in on it too, or what.  Someone is up to something, and God help us if it gets out of control.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 12, 2016, 05:00:39 PM
Do you trust anyone connected to the government or media?

I do, yes.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 12, 2016, 05:02:30 PM
What do you think about the "Russia hack" story, Prime?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 12, 2016, 05:09:14 PM
"This is an Investigation!"

Did Russia try to aid Trump? Make the hacking intelligence public

(Chicago Tribune) Washington is in an uproar over reported findings by U.S. intelligence agencies that the Russian government used secret cyberattacks to help Donald Trump's presidential campaign.

Trump called the charge "ridiculous," while deriding the agencies for their errors before the Iraq War. But Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., demanded a full investigation, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., wants the Senate Intelligence Committee to take it on. President Barack Obama has ordered Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to undertake a review and report back before Obama leaves office Jan 20.

Judging what to believe here is difficult, though, because little information is available. News stories have been based on accounts of a secret CIA report, as revealed to reporters by anonymous government sources. One "senior U.S. official" told The Washington Post, "It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia's goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected."

Yet other intel officials familiar with the same raw information evidently disagree with the CIA's conclusions about it: The Post also reports that, several days ago, a senior FBI official's briefing for lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee was, in comparison with the CIA's certitude, "fuzzy" and "ambiguous," suggesting to those in attendance that the bureau and the agency weren't on the same page. "For the Democrats in the room," the Post reports, "the FBI's response was frustrating — even shocking."

If the CIA's view is true, it demands responsive action. But there is no way for the rest of us to know, because the people overseeing the CIA and FBI have not come forward with public statements. They should — and right away. Calls for congressional investigations may be de rigueur, and certainly make all of us feel that our government is on the case. But remember: Such probes (most recently of American deaths in Benghazi, Libya) can drag on interminably.

If there is firm evidence that Vladimir Putin had Russians hack the email accounts of the Democratic National Committee and others to get material to transmit to WikiLeaks in an attempt to change the outcome of our presidential election, the American people should see that information. How better to keep such intrusions from occurring again? But House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, a member of Trump's transition team, told The Post that "there is no clear evidence — even now. There's a lot of innuendo, lots of circumstantial evidence, that's it."

The opaque nature of all this leaves the American people buffeted between troubling speculation and the self-assured pronouncements of U.S. officials and politicians who may or may not have hard evidence supporting them. Among those doing the pronouncing is the president-elect, who has taken the unusual step of dismissing the work of intel analysts he'll soon oversee.

Did Moscow in fact deploy spycraft in an attempt to rig a U.S. presidential election? Only the agencies that investigated the matter have the information needed to assess the competing claims. Most of the time, these agencies have an understandable preference for secrecy. But this is one of those occasions when greater transparency is essential.

Clapper, who oversees the 17 government units that collect and analyze intelligence data, is the logical person to step out and shine a light on what is known — and what is not. Obama can help by declassifying any relevant documents that can be safely published.

There are limits to such openness, of course. The agencies don't want to compromise human sources or reveal spying methods that would help our enemies figure out how to evade detection in the future. But if people in the executive branch can talk about these things with reporters, on the condition of anonymity, it's safe to assume the people running our intelligence agencies can address the controversy before TV cameras without doing harm.

The House and Senate intelligence committees may want to invite public testimony from Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan, FBI Director James Comey and others. But the reveal shouldn't have to wait until Congress is ready.

As things stand, President-elect Trump is beset by suspicions he benefited from the surreptitious efforts of a longtime U.S. rival — suspicions that he can't dispel and his detractors can't prove. When the stakes are this high, the public deserves to know more, and the sooner the better.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Walter Sobchak on December 12, 2016, 05:56:02 PM
Just so we are clear here.....did Russia tell Hillary not to campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin?

Did Putin force Hillary, Podesta, and Huma to lie, cheat, insult, backstab, and steal every chance they could?

Did Russian hackers force Hillary to run the shittiest, most expensive, least successful campaign in history?

Gayer than a 50 year old playing with a kiddie train set in his mommy's basement....
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 12, 2016, 06:02:26 PM
I do, yes.

This is good to know. Could you name some of those you place your trust in and tell us why you do?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 12, 2016, 06:18:37 PM
What do you think about the "Russia hack" story, Prime?

I'm going to take a "wait and see" approach to this CIA announcement. So far, what I've read seems pretty vague considering the media usually exaggerates or sensationalizes stories such as this one. Where the hell is inspector Cluzo  when we need him?

I don't have strong opinions on a lot of things some people think I do. My world is fairly small; engaging with family, friends and a couple of volunteer positions I hold is about it for me...oh, and posting on Getbig for fun and giggles. You youngins keep me current on a lot of things. I appreciate it. Believe it or not.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 12, 2016, 06:29:27 PM
This is the printing of blatant lies.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 12, 2016, 06:33:08 PM
They may well be lies, but who can disprove them?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 13, 2016, 02:35:30 AM
They may well be lies, but who can disprove them?

Who can prove them? There hasn't been any new information regarding this since before the election. The NYT's article even states that. Even if there was Russian interference, it didn't effect the outcome of the election. With recounts in a few KEY states, you'd expect that if Russian tampering was discovered it'd be all over the MSM. Funny how all the recount discussions kinda disappeared... now on to the next way to delegitimize Trump's presidency and tamper with the electoral college votes.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 13, 2016, 09:02:01 AM
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 13, 2016, 01:09:31 PM
Just so we are clear here.....did Russia tell Hillary not to campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin?

Did Putin force Hillary, Podesta, and Huma to lie, cheat, insult, backstab, and steal every chance they could?

Did Russian hackers force Hillary to run the shittiest, most expensive, least successful campaign in history?

Gayer than a 50 year old playing with a kiddie train set in his mommy's basement....

Exactly.  They need make their accusation against Trump if they think it's possible to do that with any credibility.  I want to see them take information from what we know, and make a damn accusation already.  Or deliver some new facts and insight, something.

Because right now, it looks like they're trying to infuence the EC with nonsense.  FAKE NEWS.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 13, 2016, 01:11:28 PM
This is good to know. Could you name some of those you place your trust in and tell us why you do?

I'm rather partial to Big Lou Dobbs.  When I watched him speak on the subject of 9/11 on his show (240 directed me to that, in fact, and that's the way I became aware of it) I knew it was a highly unusual and unexpected "blip" in the media world.  One of a kind.

Lou must have sufficient control over his operation to have gotten-in his say, and a logical say it was, and that's a very respectable feat imo.

There have been a few people along the way in local media, too, who follow what they know is right.  I recall watching a guy on a local FOX station somewhere down south, and he created a piece asking WTF is up with the FBI appearing to have their hand in so much of the crime we see.

And I'd say there are good people, too, who come and go in local governments all the time.  Some climb the ladder to a certain height, but many don't.  Tulsi Gabbard is someone who risen quite high in Hawaii and I look forward to seeing what happens with her.  She's a winner imo.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 13, 2016, 01:15:06 PM
I'm going to take a "wait and see" approach to this CIA announcement. So far, what I've read seems pretty vague considering the media usually exaggerates or sensationalizes stories such as this one. Where the hell is inspector Cluzo  when we need him?

Very good point.

I don't have strong opinions on a lot of things some people think I do. My world is fairly small; engaging with family, friends and a couple of volunteer positions I hold is about it for me...oh, and posting on Getbig for fun and giggles. You youngins keep me current on a lot of things. I appreciate it. Believe it or not.

We love you, Prime.  You are a great contributor to this board.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 13, 2016, 01:19:34 PM

P4W posted a few pics from this chick on another thread.  Pretty face for all that muscle, damn.  (but a little too "gender bendy" imho).
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 13, 2016, 01:27:11 PM
Who can prove them? There hasn't been any new information regarding this since before the election. The NYT's article even states that. Even if there was Russian interference, it didn't effect the outcome of the election. With recounts in a few KEY states, you'd expect that if Russian tampering was discovered it'd be all over the MSM. Funny how all the recount discussions kinda disappeared... now on to the next way to delegitimize Trump's presidency and tamper with the electoral college votes.

Sunday's Oregonian had an article regarding the riff between the CIA and Trump. Note: The Oregonian generally leans pretty hard to the right. Surprisingly, their articles have not favored Trump.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 13, 2016, 01:31:15 PM
P4W posted a few pics from this chick on another thread.  Pretty face for all that muscle, damn.  (but a little too "gender bendy" imho).

Her delts and arms seem disproportionately large. She has managed to maintain a womanly face, unlike some female bodybuilders.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 13, 2016, 01:32:38 PM
Very good point.

We love you, Prime.  You are a great contributor to this board.

Thanks, I appreciate the compliment.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: calfzilla on December 13, 2016, 01:50:13 PM
Sunday's Oregonian had an article regarding the riff between the CIA and Trump. Note: The Oregonian generally leans pretty hard to the right. Surprisingly, their articles have not favored Trump.

I strongly disagree the Oregonian leans to the right.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 13, 2016, 02:03:15 PM
I strongly disagree the Oregonian leans to the right.

Ever read Ted Sickinger's articles in the Oregonian? He does not have a bone in his body that's liberal.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 13, 2016, 03:04:59 PM
This is the printing of blatant lies.


I got to thinking about this one, and it's really a damn good point.  I want to see how they hope to show it.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 13, 2016, 03:07:45 PM
Her delts and arms seem disproportionately large. She has managed to maintain a womanly face, unlike some female bodybuilders.

Could be Shopped too.  I don't recall this girl as being quite that muscular, but it's a crazy world and she may have upped the dose.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 13, 2016, 03:33:52 PM
This is the Kanye West thing, lol:

^ thank you to Yamcha for the gif from "Implosion" thread.

Kanye West, Jim Brown, Ray Lewis meet with Trump in NYC

President-elect Donald Trump met Tuesday with several black celebrities, including rap mogul and possible future presidential candidate Kanye West, to talk about some of the issues facing inner city African-Americans.

"I feel it is important to have a direct line of communication with our future president if we truly want change," West later said in a tweet.

Trump met with West, former NFL linebacker Ray Lewis and NFL icon and civil rights leader Jim Brown, along with longtime Trump backer Omarosa Manigault, at Trump Tower in New York City on Tuesday. West refused to comment with reporters after the meeting, instead saying only "I just want to take a picture right now" as he posed for pictures with Trump.

A few minutes later, West tweeted from his @kanyewest account that he met with Trump "to discuss multicultural issues" including bullying, education and "violence in Chicago."

West announced last year at the Video Music Awards that he would run for president in 2020. That means he would face Trump if the president-elect seeks a second term. After meeting with Trump, West hashtagged a tweet #2024, the first time someone would be able to run for president outside of a possible two-term Trump presidency.

This all comes as civil rights leaders have been asking for a meeting with Trump to discuss his upcoming administration's positions on issues like housing and urban renewal. The Rev. Jesse Jackson and other civil rights leaders last week wrote Trump to ask for a meeting to discuss urban policies, and to hold a White House conference on violence.

It was not immediately known whether Trump would be meeting with civil rights leaders. Meeting with black celebrities - especially West - is not going to give Trump much credibility among black voters, said Leah Wright Rigueur, a professor of public policy at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government.

Exit polls showed only about 8 percent of black voters backed Trump.

"While Trump may see this as establishing a level of legitimacy, it does nothing to validate him among black audiences. Kanye's recent views are outside the mainstream of black political thought, as are Donald Trump," she said. "If anything, the association only serves to weaken Kanye's standing, particularly since Kanye has been silent on issues like economic inequality, joblessness, criminal justice reform and Black Lives Matter."

Brown and Lewis said they talked with Trump about the new administration partnering with Brown's "Amer-I-Can" outreach program, which aims to teach life skills to young people from poor backgrounds.

The full governmental involvement of President Barack Obama's signature program, "My Brother's Keeper," which is designed to improve the lives of boys and young men of color, will likely come to an official end at the conclusion of his presidency.

Brown said he didn't vote for Trump. But "we couldn't have had a better meeting," said Brown, a three-time MVP who retired from football to pursue an acting career and crusade for racial justice. "The graciousness, the intelligence, the reception we got was fantastic."

Lewis, a former Super Bowl MVP, said on Twitter that "wherever Papa JB asks me to go I go. His vision is beyond platforms."

After the meeting, Lewis praised the Amer-I-Can program, saying because of it "we have 30,000-40,000 former gang members who've changed their lives."

If they can partner with the Trump administration, "forget black or white. Black or white is irrelevant," Lewis said. "The bottom line is job creation and economic development in these urban areas to change the whole scheme of what our kids see."

(The Associated Press)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 13, 2016, 04:26:04 PM
I got to thinking about this one, and it's really a damn good point.  I want to see how they hope to show it.

"interfered with the vote" is a fairly broad statement which could mean a number of different things. Hacking into the DNC and providing the information to WIKI leaks is interfering with the vote. It doesn't necessary mean the Russians literally hacked in to voting machines and altered the vote count.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 13, 2016, 08:41:18 PM
"interfered with the vote" is a fairly broad statement which could mean a number of different things. Hacking into the DNC and providing the information to WIKI leaks is interfering with the vote. It doesn't necessary mean the Russians literally hacked in to voting machines and altered the vote count.

For their sake, I hope they plan to have something better than "AND THEN, WikiLeaks showed everyone how terrible it really is!!!"

Plus, since it's intended to impact Trump (someone correct me if that's not true) then they'd better get busy on convincing us.  Right now, they're a joke.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: johnthegreat687 on December 13, 2016, 09:21:08 PM
Just so we are clear here.....did Russia tell Hillary not to campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin?

Did Putin force Hillary, Podesta, and Huma to lie, cheat, insult, backstab, and steal every chance they could?

Did Russian hackers force Hillary to run the shittiest, most expensive, least successful campaign in history?

Gayer than a 50 year old playing with a kiddie train set in his mommy's basement....
thats me thats me  :D :D :D
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Walter Sobchak on December 13, 2016, 09:27:24 PM
"interfered with the vote" is a fairly broad statement which could mean a number of different things. Hacking into the DNC and providing the information to WIKI leaks is interfering with the vote. It doesn't necessary mean the Russians literally hacked in to voting machines and altered the vote count.

Hillary and the DNC were perfectly fine with Colin Powell's emails getting hacked, so crying about Podesta's emails is hypocritical.

If Hillary wouldnt have had an illegal private email server, she wouldn't have had to lie about emails and destroy evidence during an FBI investigation. Without the illegal server, there would have been no hidden email and the hack would be a non-issue. For chrissakes, the Russians didn't force her to steal an election from senile Bernie, they didn't make Donna Brazile cheat at the debates, they didn't make Hillary run a shitty campaign or pass out at a 9/11 event.

Let's face it.....Hillary and the Demidiots ran on a platform of "more of the same" because they were too stupid and too detached from reality to realize how much America hates Obama
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 13, 2016, 09:42:38 PM
thats me thats me  :D :D :D

You gotta love Walter.  ;D
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 14, 2016, 04:56:50 AM
Hillary and the DNC were perfectly fine with Colin Powell's emails getting hacked, so crying about Podesta's emails is hypocritical.

If Hillary wouldnt have had an illegal private email server, she wouldn't have had to lie about emails and destroy evidence during an FBI investigation. Without the illegal server, there would have been no hidden email and the hack would be a non-issue. For chrissakes, the Russians didn't force her to steal an election from senile Bernie, they didn't make Donna Brazile cheat at the debates, they didn't make Hillary run a shitty campaign or pass out at a 9/11 event.

Let's face it.....Hillary and the Demidiots ran on a platform of "more of the same" because they were too stupid and too detached from reality to realize how much America hates Obama

And for the grand finale, it seems they want to blame Trump.  They've got a long way to go.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 14, 2016, 05:04:40 AM
Don't You Dare Tangle with the Honey Badger!

Hamilton Electors: The Left's Scheme to Stop Trump a Betrayal of Our Democracy

By F.H. Buckley, The New York Post

Occasionally you come across an idea so startlingly bad you have to pinch yourself.

Bacon-flavored ice cream. An all-Monkees oldies station. And the campaign to urge Republican presidential electors to vote for someone other than Donald Trump.

They’ve even got a name — Hamilton Electors — and a Web site. Their message, taken from “Animal House,” is that “it’s not over.” Trump hasn’t been officially elected, and won’t be until the electors meet in each state next Monday. We might have thought we were voting for Trump or for Hillary, but we were really voting for a set of electors in each state who were pledged to vote for one or the other candidate. That’s what the Framers gave us, in Art. II of the Constitution.

Big deal, one might think, if all the electors vote like automatons for the candidate they’re pledged to support. Over 58 presidential elections since 1788, fewer than 160 electors failed to vote as they promised, and only six in the last 50 years. People ordinarily perform their promises, and for electors party loyalty supplies a further motive to do so. In addition, political parties extract a pledge that electors vote as promised, and in half the states the so-called “faithless elector” is subject to criminal sanctions if he fails to do so.

So what’s different this time? It’s not that the president-elect lost the “popular vote.” That’s happened four times before, most recently in 2000. It’s that Trump wasn’t supposed to win.

Now, it’s true that while electors might have turned into automatons over the years, that wasn’t how the Framers saw them. They expected the electors to exercise independent judgment.

But then that doesn’t take us very far. In 1787, when the Framers drafted the Constitution, people in the different states knew little about each other. “Of the affairs of Georgia,” said Virginia’s James Madison, “I know as little as those of Kamskatska.” The voters wouldn’t know much about out-of-state candidates, they thought. But the electors might, and so we might trust them more than the voters.

That’s obviously not true today, especially with a public celebrity such as Trump. People who voted for him didn’t need to be instructed about his character by better-informed electors.

As for the electors, they knew all there was to know about Trump’s character before the election. A Republican elector from Texas, Chris Suprun, has announced that he might not vote for Trump. He’s being hailed as a hero by the left, but he’s simply a promise-breaker.

(NY Post by way of FOX)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 14, 2016, 05:13:38 AM
Thought these guys were buds


Trump thought Giuliani 'lacked stamina' to be secretary of state

Donald Trump worried that Rudy Giuliani might lack the stamina to fulfill the duties of secretary of state, according to a report.

Once a leading candidate to be America’s top diplomat, Giuliani, fell out of favor, in part, because Trump began to question the 72-year-old’s fitness, according to the The Wall Street Journal, which cited an unnamed transition official.

Giuliani strongly disagreed, telling the paper: “My stamina in unbelievable.”

The former mayor, who was one of billionaire’s most fierce loyalists on the campaign trail, has said he has so far passed on two cabinet postings in the Trump administration, without specifying which posts.

(NY Post)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 14, 2016, 02:15:19 PM
There's only ONE Honey Badger, Kanye, and you ain't it!!



More on Kanye: Talked with Trump about 'Life'

(Uproxx) Is Kanye West looking for a position in President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet? Okay, that’s a big reach, but the rapper, who was just released from the hospital following a mental breakdown, was spotted looking healthy and happy while walking into Trump Tower in New York early Tuesday morning. Kanye didn’t answer any questions when asked about his visit as he and his entourage made their way to the elevator.

Later, Kanye was spotted taking pictures with Donald Trump and avoided all questions because he “just wanted to take a picture with Donald Trump right now.” Trump also revealed they’ve “been friends for a long time” and talked about “life.” (Uproxx)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 14, 2016, 02:38:28 PM
ALL TRUE.  But it's from Slate, so keep that in mind while considering certain adjectives used.

Throughout the grueling, ugly election, Late Night host Seth Meyers emerged as a surprisingly harsh critic of Donald Trump (well, as harsh as one can expect an NBC late night host to be). He’s chastised him for his cabinet picks, mocked him for feuding with the cast of Hamilton, and called him out on his “incredibly racist” remarks against Mexican judge Gonzalo Curiel.

And yet, on Tuesday night’s episode, Meyers did a curious and infuriating thing. While interviewing Bernie Sanders, he wondered what the Democratic Party could do to win back the supporters it lost in this election.


There was so much on voters—and we were talking about this backstage—Trump voters who voted for Obama twice, and then voted for Donald Trump. So these people are not racists. They don’t have a racist bone in their body.

Replied Sanders, agreeing with him:


Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 14, 2016, 07:47:54 PM
I think for Trump's 'personality issues' he's probably a good guy underneath it all.  It would be the easiest thing ever for him to dismiss a guy like Kanye West, who: doesn't hold any rep with Hebrews (GB) tmk, is insane, is somehow connected to the whole Bruce Jenner and Kardashian farce, and all the rest.  But he didn't do that.


Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 14, 2016, 08:09:15 PM
Here's a good one from WRDW:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The state of Georgia is asking President-elect Donald Trump to investigate what Georgia says are "failed cyberattacks" on its secretary of state's network that it traced to the federal Homeland Security Department.

Secretary of State Brian Kemp says his staff has uncovered nine more instances when computers traced to the Homeland Security Department appeared to try to "infiltrate" the state's network.

Kemp says the cases didn't raise major red flags. He says they corresponded to dates and times he was speaking out against the department designating elections systems as "critical infrastructure."

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson has said what appeared to be a scan on Nov. 15 came from the workstation of a law enforcement-related federal contractor trying to corroborate new employees' professional licenses.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 14, 2016, 08:15:45 PM
Too weird.  The Santa Monica Observer just reported (in an article dated two days into the future... don't ask me) this:

Kanye West Appointed Under-Secretary of the Interior After Meeting at Trump Tower

Kanye West and Donald Trump discussed more than just "life" Tuesday morning.

After their meeting at Trump Tower in New York City, Donald Trump nominated Rapper Kanye West to be the nation's 23rd Under-Secretary of the Interior. No one we spoke to is entirely sure what Secretary of the Interior actually does. So the fact that West is a musician who dropped out of Chicago State University to pursue music, is no barrier.

"West knows many of the players in Hollywood, where he does massive deals," said Trump in a tweet. "We're just friends, just friends. He's doing well. He's well qualified!" Trump said, walking out of a meeting at Trump Tower.

Sen. John McCain quietly took issue with West's qualifications, saying he intended to question the Rapper about his drug use and recent time in a mental facility, when the nomination came up in committee.

"I wanted to meet with Trump today to discuss multicultural issues," Kanye tweeted after the meeting, "These issues included bullying, supporting teachers, modernizing curriculums, and violence in Chicago." He later tweeted, "I feel it is important to have a direct line of communication with our future President if we truly want change."

It's not entirely clear whether West will accept or decline the nomination, or even if he is open to considering the position, which makes $205,000 a year, about what he now makes in an hour. No mention was made by either man, as far as we know, of West's recent time spent in a mental facility.

(Santa Monica Observer)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 14, 2016, 08:53:06 PM
Sean Spicer

Search for Trump press secretary, communications director heating up

(KQTV - St. Joseph) Sean Spicer, the Republican National Committee communications director, is a leading candidate to serve as White House press secretary under Donald Trump, according to two sources with knowledge of the matter.

Spicer has "the inside track," said one transition source.

A six-year veteran of the RNC, Spicer has well-established relationships with the Washington press corps and is a familiar face on both cable news and the D.C. social circuit. Yet he can also be combative, and is known for unleashing his Twitter account on reporters and news organizations if he feels he's been wronged by them.

On Wednesday, Spicer praised Trump's transparency during the transition -- despite Trump's decision to postpone his first press conference as president-elect until January.

"What we've seen in government for so often is that people have been shady -- about their roles, hiding things, not releasing things. We have a camera for goodness sake. Every single person who enters Trump Tower, you get to see them go up, go down, they talk to the press," Spicer said in an interview with CNN's Kate Bolduan.

"At some point, the level of transparency has exceeded any modern president in terms of who's involved," he said.

Several people are also in contention for the White House communications director role, including Chris Vlasto, a veteran ABC News producer. Vlasto is the executive producer of "Good Morning America," the network's flagship morning show. A source with knowledge of the talks confirmed that Vlasto has held discussions with Trump aides about the role.

"I was approached about a job in the new administration. I had preliminary conversations with the transition team, and I've taken my name out of consideration," Vlasto said in a statement.

Transition spokesperson Jason Miller is also said to be a possible choice for communications director.

Other names under consideration for the press secretary post include Fox News personalities Laura Ingraham and Monica Crowley. Sources at both the transition and Fox News said they believed both were long shots for the position, though, in part because it would require taking a pay cut.

Katrina Pierson, a Trump campaign spokesperson who has made multiple visits to Trump Tower this week, has pitched herself for the press secretary position but is not believed to be a top contender, according to transition sources.

"She is looking at a lot of opportunities," one Trump transition source said of Pierson.

Pierson told CNNMoney, "I'm at Trump Tower because I work here. I'm a Senior Advisor for the Trump Transition team. Our meetings are confidential."

David Martosko, the Daily Mail political editor who covered the Trump campaign and was spotted at Trump Tower this week, is not under consideration for the job, according to two sources with knowledge of the matter.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 15, 2016, 08:57:25 AM

Palantir CEO at Trump-tech summit raises red flags

As top executives from the world's biggest technology companies paraded through Trump Tower for a meeting with the president-elect, one particular participant stood out: Alex Karp.

Unlike the other attendees, like Apple CEO Tim Cook, CEO Jeff Bezos and Alphabet CEO Larry Page, who oversee companies worth hundreds of billions of dollars, Karp runs a privately held business valued at $20 billion, one that's hardly known outside of Silicon Valley and Washington.

Karp's company is Palantir Technologies, a Palo Alto, California-based software developer that's backed by the CIA's venture arm and has done work for government agencies including the FBI, the Pentagon and IRS.

Given how much smaller Palantir is than the other companies represented, why was Karp invited to meet with Donald Trump?

The most obvious reason contains little subtlety. Peter Thiel, the venture capitalist and Facebook board member who is part of Trump's transition team, is a co-founder of Palantir and is the company's biggest backer.

Karp's presence may or may not represent an actual conflict of interest, but the appearance of one is hard to deny, according to Norman Eisen, a former U.S. ambassador to the Czech Republic who worked on President Barack Obama's ethics initiatives.

 "It raises profound questions as to whether there has been the use of the transition to try to enhance the profile and value of Mr. Thiel's company," Eisen said. "For a campaign that ran on `drain the swamp,' it seems to me like they just threw another alligator in the swamp."

A spokesperson for Thiel, who is a partner at San Francisco-based venture firm Founders Fund, didn't respond to a request for comment. Representatives of Palantir and the Trump transition also didn't respond.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 15, 2016, 09:01:42 AM
Take Two: McMorris out, Zinke in.


Trump taps Rep. Ryan Zinke to head Interior Department

(Washington Times) President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday officially tapped Rep. Ryan Zinke of Montana to head the Interior Department, finalizing a team that will be tasked with rolling back much of President Obama’s environmental agenda.

The pick — which came as something of a surprise after widespread reports that Mr. Trump would choose Washington Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers as Interior secretary — underscores the incoming administration’s desire to ramp up domestic oil, gas, and coal production.

Mr. Zinke “has incredible leadership skills and an attitude of doing whatever it takes to win. America is the most beautiful country in the world and he is going to help keep it that way with smart management of our federal lands,” Mr. Trump said in a statement. “At the same time, my administration’s goal is to repeal bad regulations and use our natural resources to create jobs and wealth for the American people, and Ryan will explore every possibility for how we can safely and responsibly do that.”

If confirmed, Mr. Zinke would oversee a vast portfolio that includes more than 500 million acres, including America’s national parks and monuments, and energy exploration on federal land. The Interior secretary also is the key government liaison with Native American tribes.

Mr. Zinke also is the latest in a trend of Interior secretaries hailing from Western states. President Obama’s first Interior secretary, Ken Salazar, previously served as a U.S. senator from Colorado. Mr. Salazar was replaced by Sally Jewell, the former CEO of leading outdoor company REI.

In his own statement, Mr. Zinke took shots at his predecessors and vowed to make the Interior Department “great again,” a spin on Mr. Trump’s famous campaign slogan.

(Washington Times)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 15, 2016, 09:33:43 AM
Hmm, maybe THIS explains why Trump's posse looks just like we'd expect from JEB BUSH or MARCO RUBIO.

Priebus Manhandles, Owns Trump?

Reince Priebus Is Dominating The Trump Transition

(Daily Caller) Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Reince Priebus is in control of most of the hiring decisions for President-elect Donald Trump, according to a Wednesday report from Politico.

Trump loyalists who have been with the campaign since the beginning clashed with Priebus, who is a recent establishment addition to the Trump transition team as his future chief of staff.

Former executive chairman of Breitbart, Steve Bannon, and campaign manager Kellyanne Conway fielded their pick for the next head of the RNC. Priebus had other plans, and ultimately prevailed when Trump officially named Ronna Romney McDaniel to the top post over Nick Ayers, the Bannon favorite.

Priebus also reportedly tried to get Conway to commit to staying on with the Trump White House, a move Conway immediately rejected, adding that Priebus “doesn’t speak for me.”  Trump insiders told Politico that Trump seemed taken aback by the severity of Conway’s response, turning to Priebus to say, “She’s tough.”

Priebus allies rejected the idea that he is stocking the office with people loyal to the establishment, adding that Priebus reached out to former Trump campaign loyalists to assure them they would be discussed for positions in the administration.

(Daily Caller)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 15, 2016, 09:42:51 AM
In 1987, Politico reported this week, former president Richard Nixon wrote a brief letter to future president Donald Trump. “Mrs. Nixon told me that you were great on the Donahue Show,” Nixon wrote. “As you can imagine, she is an expert on politics and she predicts that whenever you decide to run for office you will be a winner!” The letter will be displayed in the Oval Office.

(Interesting little blip, by way of WP)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 15, 2016, 10:20:11 AM
Lmao, OK.  Now they're taking Step One, by making this claim.  Reported by HuffersPost.

American intelligence agencies have told the White House they now have “high confidence” that the Russian government was behind the theft of emails and documents from the Democratic National Committee, according to federal officials who have been briefed on the evidence.

But intelligence officials have cautioned that they are uncertain whether the electronic break-in at the committee’s computer systems was intended as fairly routine cyberespionage — of the kind the United States also conducts around the world — or as part of an effort to manipulate the 2016 presidential election.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 15, 2016, 10:30:40 AM
HAHAHAHA!!!! That's great.

"We don't know what we don't know..."

Also, I didn't know Seth Rich was Russian  ::)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 15, 2016, 10:58:33 AM
When they say something like this, I'd want to come back down on the dude's head with a hammer (so to speak) if he didn't back it up in reasonably short order.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said there’s “ample evidence” Trump was “obviously aware” Russia was involved in helping him win.

But even then, you can see what a gap exists between what they CLAIM to "know" and what they want us to believe.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 15, 2016, 12:02:39 PM
Aww... it's the "feel-good story" of the decade.  ::)


Trump Supporter and the Protester He Punched Hug It Out

One of the early violent moments in the tense 2016 presidential campaign came to a close this week with a handshake and a hug.

John Franklin McGraw, who punched a protester at a Donald Trump rally in Fayetteville, N.C. in March, apologized for his actions when he faced Rakeem Jones, the man he hit, in court on Wednesday, the Washington Post reports. After McGraw was sentenced, the two men shook hands and hugged, prompting the courtroom to break into applause.

The 79-year-old pleaded no contest to misdemeanor charges of assault and battery and disorderly conduct, for which a judge gave him a 30-day suspended sentence and 12 months of unsupervised probation, according to the Associated Press. He will also have to pay a $250 fine and $180 in court costs, the AP reported.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 15, 2016, 12:32:48 PM

Conway 'just kidding' about Trump working on 'Celebrity Apprentice'

Kellyanne Conway said Thursday she was joking when she said President-elect Donald Trump would work on the "The Celebrity Apprentice" in his spare time.

"I was kidding, OK? Any free time he has, he works. He works. I promise," the top Trump aide said to reporters at Trump Tower.

The president-elect will retain an executive producer credit for the reality show after taking office.

Conway suggested to CNN last week that Trump would work on the show in his "spare time." “I mean, presidents have a right to do things in their spare time or their leisure time. I mean, nobody objects to that," she said.
But Trump followed up on Twitter, saying his involvement will be nothing more than a title.
“I have NOTHING to do with The Apprentice except for fact that I conceived it with Mark B & have a big stake in it. Will devote ZERO TIME!” he wrote Saturday.
Variety reported last Thursday that Trump's executive producer credit will likely garner him a low five-figure fee per episode, which will be paid by the production company, MGM, rather than by NBC.
The show is set to return on Jan. 2 after a two-year hiatus with new host Arnold Schwarzenegger.

(The Hill)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 15, 2016, 12:53:59 PM
This story will develop to whatever point that it will, and it'll probably do it quickly... but ATM this thing, here:

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said there’s “ample evidence” Trump was “obviously aware” Russia was involved in helping him win.

looks to be about nothing but Trump's comments that day during the race (which we've all heard).

WH goes on to say:

"I don't know if it was a staff meeting or if he had access to a briefing or he was just basing his assessment on a large number of published reports, but Mr. Trump obviously knew that Russia was engaged in malicious cyberactivity that was helping him and hurting Hillary Clinton's campaign," Earnest said.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mazrim on December 15, 2016, 12:58:02 PM
Don't know why "conservative" talk show hosts are giving this story the time of day. Giving it waaaay too much coverage for it essentially being about nothing. Not really worth the time to refute it.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 15, 2016, 01:04:34 PM
Don't know why "conservative" talk show hosts are giving this story the time of day. Giving it waaaay too much coverage for it essentially being about nothing. Not really worth the time to refute it.

Yes, especially since they want to remain vague as to not give anyone anything to fight.

But they're doing a smashing job convincing those pathetic cases who wanted Hillary in office, and who now believe the sky is falling.

The same ppl, of course, who DID NOT UTTER A PEEP when Obama was caught on camera asking to "wait until the election when I have flexibility" or very similar.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 15, 2016, 01:28:59 PM

Sylvester Stallone could get a job in the Trump administration

Sylvester Stallone may be joining the Trump administration.

Stallone, 70, could be up for chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, The Daily Mail reports.

“It’s been widely and wrongly assumed that a Trump presidency will be hostile to the arts,” a source tells the paper.

“But Mr. Trump feels this sort of A-list appointment is precisely the shot in the arm that the industry needs,” the source added.

Stallone, best known for his roles in the “Rocky” and “Rambo” movie franchises, publicly praised Trump’s run for president in January.

“I love Donald Trump,” the actor told Variety.

“He’s a great Dickensian character. You know what I mean? There are certain people like Arnold, Babe Ruth, that are bigger than life. But I don’t know how that translates to running the world,” he said.

A Stallone rep did not respond to a request for comment.

The Trump transition team did not immediately provide a comment.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 15, 2016, 03:01:48 PM
OK, Megan.   ::)


Megan Mullally on her performance with Trump at 2005 Emmys

When Megan Mullally performed with Donald Trump at the 2005 Emmys, she probably didn't think she was duetting with the future president-elect.

Stephen Colbert invited Mullally to The Late Show Wednesday night and showed her a photo of her and Trump onstage, where they sang a parody of the Green Acres theme song, with Trump dressed as a farmer and Mullally as her Will & Grace character Karen.

"See this photo? (It's) otherwise known as 'my suicide note,'" Mullally said. "I've heard they can be very tricky to write, so this just saves me the trouble."

While Mullally didn't support Trump in the election, she was diplomatic about working with him in the past. "He's an entertainer, you gotta give him that much. You know what I like? He put on an undershirt and held a pitchfork. I have to give him points," she said before adding, "No, I'm not giving him any points for anything."

As Mullally went on to explain, the country was gripped with American Idol fever in 2005, so she and Trump appeared together in a sketch called "Emmy Idol," where pairs of celebrities competed for viewers' votes.

"He really wanted to win it because people were calling in to vote," she said. "We won it... so the next day, I was in my Will & Grace dressing room and the phone rang and it was Donald Trump."

"And he said, 'You know what? We really needed to win that thing and we did. And you were a big part of that, so I just wanted to say that we really needed to win it, and not only did we win it, but I hear we killed them. It was a landslide.'"

(USA Today)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 15, 2016, 04:02:55 PM
I used to dislike this guy.

GOP rep: 'There is no CIA conclusion’ on Trump

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) on Thursday disputed reports that the CIA has concluded Russia meddled in the presidential election to help elect Donald Trump.

“Whatever conclusion they want to come up with is one thing,” he told reporters at Trump Tower in New York City. "There is no CIA conclusion. The CIA has repeatedly told us that they have no idea what [Russia’s] intent was.

“If there is an intent, it was to disrupt the election, to create confusion and cast a cloud over the winner,” added King, who endorsed Trump before he became president-elect.

“To me what happened has been disgraceful. This is almost the CIA, people in the intelligence community using disinformation tactics against the president-elect of the United States, and that has been just disgraceful.”

King also rebuked Trump’s critics for trumpeting reports of a CIA assessment linking the president-elect’s White House win with Russian interference.

“This is several days before the Electoral College,” he said, citing Monday’s finalizing vote. "They’re creating this uncertainty over the election. And right now, certain elements of the media and certain elements of the intelligence community and certain politicians are really doing the work of the Russians.

“To suddenly have it appear in the Washington Post and the New York Times that the intelligence community has concluded this. Who? Who in the CIA? Is it [CIA Director] John Brennan? Is it some rogue person behind a desk somewhere?”

(The Hill)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 15, 2016, 04:28:50 PM
Shut it, liars.  Not quite.


Editor’s Note: How did the pollsters get it so wrong? It’s a question that’s been on many minds since Nov. 9, when Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States. Leading up to Election Day, the grand majority of polls, pollsters and prediction markets had predicted a Clinton presidency.

Economics correspondent Paul Solman posed this question to University of Michigan economist Justin Wolfers, who also writes for the New York Times Upshot, which had predicted that Clinton had an 85 percent chance of winning. For more, tune in to tonight’s Making Sen$e report, which airs every Thursday on the PBS NewsHour. The following conversation has been edited and condensed for clarity and length.

PAUL SOLMAN: So the outcome of the election has been pretty humbling for those of us who follow the prediction markets, no?

JUSTIN WOLFERS: I’d just say it was a little humbling. I don’t want to overstate that case though. Remember the Chicago Cubs were two games behind in the World Series, and betting markets said that there was only a 30 percent to win the World Series. As history now records it, they went on and won the World Series.

“But, you know, the truth is when the markets tell you something is a one-in-seven chance to happen, it’s going to happen one in seven times.”

Well, betting markets said the same thing about Donald Trump. They said that there’s some chance he could win; he wasn’t the likely candidate by any means. But just as sports history has seen upsets happen, so has political history, and Donald Trump will go down as one of the unlikely candidates who won, perhaps the least likely. But, you know, the truth is when the markets tell you something is a one-in-seven chance to happen, it’s going to happen one in seven times.

SOLMAN: And that’s I think what was so hard for people like myself and you who followed the betting markets to really fully internalize, don’t you think?

WOLFERS: Yeah, so when the market says something has, say, an 83 percent chance of happening, it’s like a lot of people use an internal shorthand — “Well, that’s near enough that I think it’s pretty close to a sure thing.” So markets weren’t telling you it’s not a sure thing; there’s some risk this won’t happen.

“… so we were surprised, but we should have been no more surprised than we were when the Cubs won the World Series.”

You know, I was surprised the whole time actually that markets weren’t more confident that Clinton would win. They were worried that the polls might not get this right. That something else was going on out there. They pointed to that very real risk, and that very real risk turned out to be something that happened, so we were surprised, but we should have been no more surprised than we were when the Cubs won the World Series.

SOLMAN: Sam Wang of Princeton said there was a 99 percent chance that Clinton would win, and that was days before and right up to the night of the election.

WOLFERS: That’s Sam’s forecast, it’s Sam’s forecasting model; the betting markets told me it was maybe a one-in-six or one-in-seven chance Trump would win. We can’t say after the fact who was right. So the analogy my colleagues at the [New York Times] Upshot would use is this is like a 37-yard field goal. Well, what do we know after the fact? We know the field goal missed. What we don’t know was it a 37-yard field goal attempt, or was it, as Sam Wang would have it, a field goal attempt from right in front of the sticks? All we know at this point is the field goal missed.

SOLMAN: When I first began to think that Donald Trump had a real chance was when the New York Times Upshot made that field goal analogy, and my favorite kicker from my team, the New England Patriots, missed field goals from a shorter distance than the odds were of Donald Trump winning. And at that point, I thought, “Hmm, I’d better realize that this is a possibility.”

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 15, 2016, 07:06:44 PM
Last sentence is Pure Platinum.


Now you can get unfriended for not hating Trump enough

(NY Post, Opinion: Karol Markowicz) By now we’ve all heard how the contentious election, and the surprising result, has frayed friendships — especially on social media. Hillary Clinton supporters, angry and dismayed at the result, have chopped Trump-loving friends off their friend lists. But the culling seems to be progressing beyond just active Trump supporters. Now, some people who are insufficiently anti-Trump, even if they didn’t vote for him, are getting the boot.

Dorian Davis, an adjunct professor of media in Washington, DC, has noticed a slide in his friend count because, he suspects, he’s not “critical enough of Trump.”

“If you post anything even remotely critical of Clinton’s campaign, or of this new movement to dump the Electoral College, or point out even one single thing Trump’s done that you like, you get accused in the comment section of aiding and abetting the next Hitler, and before you know it, you’re down a Facebook friend or two,” Davis said.

This, when he openly supported Gary Johnson. “I post about politics all the time, but I’ve never experienced the rate of attrition I have as a result of Trump posts this year,” he added.

Bruce Carroll, a gay conservative activist, says he watched “a gay friend on Facebook systematically unfriend people who weren’t vocally anti-Trump.” It didn’t matter if you voted for the guy or not; now is the time to virtue signal from the rooftops, and if you’re not doing it, you’re out.

K, who prefers to remain anonymous, says she didn’t vote for Trump but lost a longtime friend after making a joke about anti-Trump hysteria in another friend’s comment section.

It’s out of control, and the insanity doesn’t end at cutting off friends for failing to warn that the sky is falling. So many pieces in the media recently proudly showcase people openly losing their minds over the election.

New York magazine wrote about women spontaneously cutting off their hair, allegedly as a response to the election. It was filled with quotes like, “The election results felt like an attack on minorities, women, and marginalized people in general. Having long hair was my attempt to fit into society, so after the election, I felt a need to exert my ‘uniqueness’ and not tie my femininity to the length of my hair.”

The Washington Post had a piece from a woman who lost all will to date post-election. The column is titled “Trump’s election stole my desire to look for a partner.” What takes her story from sad to crazy is that she had met someone great and was dating him, only to cut him off because the election so badly damaged her psyche.

It’s all way too much. Firms are canceling holiday parties, daughters are raging at their Trump-voter parents in public and people are inventing fake hate crimes to send some message no one understands. Trump voters in the Electoral College are even getting death threats.

The outrage is at peak level — and we haven’t even had an inauguration yet.

I was vocally anti-Trump from the moment he descended the escalator, and I wrote against his candidacy frequently. But even for me, the current anti-Trump fever pitch is unsustainable, and it’s time to dial it back.

If you’ve reached the point where you’re cutting off friends who are merely taking a wait-and-see attitude about our next president, even when they didn’t themselves support him, or cutting off your hair to make a point, you’re taking your anguish over the election too far.

A common retort during the election to Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan was “America is already great.” If that’s true, then we can survive any president, even if it’s one you so deeply didn’t want.

Our system is set up to shake off a term or two of even the worst presidents, and we don’t even know yet what kind of president Donald Trump will be. Fight against his policies, when he actually showcases them, but don’t lose your friends, or your mind, in the process.

(NY Post, Opinion: Karol Markowicz)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 16, 2016, 12:27:49 PM
Lol, OK.  Sure.


The Narcotic of Trump

You would think forcing Mitt Romney to eat frog legs, while swallowing his dignity, would have been enough humiliation during the dinner segment of his failed tryout for secretary of state. You would think.

But the president-elect wanted more. Romney was a “choker,” in Donald Trump’s earlier put-down; that, and he walked “like a penguin.” If Romney could take his flightless bird-in-a-tuxedo-act outside and apologize for calling Trump a fraud, then maybe the job was his. Romney would waddle no further. Apologize? Cripes, the title of his book is “No Apology.”

Still, high-five! For Trump, the debasement of Romney was just another hit of dopamine — the neurotransmitter once called the Kim Kardashian of molecules. He needs a jolt several times a day. But in turn, he gives it back to you, the millions in his personality cult, and certainly the click-bait web and cable press, who need it just as much.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 16, 2016, 12:50:51 PM
Good read above and quite humorous. Thanks.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 16, 2016, 01:40:28 PM
Good read above and quite humorous. Thanks.

I really lol'ed at it.

Oh, you are SO owned, Obama.  At 2:00, below (said in October).  Thanks to Thin Lizzy for pointing out the comments on another thread.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 16, 2016, 07:15:26 PM
Reported that FBI now in "agreement" with CIA that Russia "aimed to help" Trump.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 16, 2016, 07:21:52 PM
Reported that FBI now in "agreement" with CIA that Russia "aimed to help" Trump.

Well that's interesting. Are you sure about this? Next up, did Trump solicit Putin's help or was it truly just Russian interference?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 16, 2016, 07:50:11 PM
Well that's interesting. Are you sure about this? Next up, did Trump solicit Putin's help or was it truly just Russian interference?

Yes, it's been reported.  Will sort through it as she blows.   ;D
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 17, 2016, 05:50:05 AM
ATM, looks to be the point they're angling toward is that Russia didn't want Hillary as CiC.  

Much easier for them to "show" that, I'm sure, compared to giving a direct connection with Trump (but they're undoubtedly trying to find one or more of those, too).

NYTimes, for instance, says the "hacking" is a result of "years of paranoia" against Hillary on the part of the Russians.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 17, 2016, 06:00:01 AM
Stuff like this is why they want to stop Trump.  He wants to shut-down their little experiment.


Trump slams U.S. interventions, vows to crush ISIS

NEW YORK -- President-elect Donald Trump on Friday continued a tour of the states that won him the White House, departing New York for a rally in Orlando, Fla.

"For too long, we've [been] moving from one reckless intervention to another, to countries you've never heard of before," Trump said at the rally in Orlando, referring to U.S. foreign policy. "It's crazy and it's going to stop."

Trump again vowed to defeat the Islamic State extremist group, offering no details but promising a foreign policy strategy that "means crushing ISIS rapidly." ISIS is an acronym used to refer to the Islamic State.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 17, 2016, 06:08:22 AM
Kellyanne Conway Heard WH Link Trump to DNC Hacks. Get the Popcorn to Watch Her Verbal Finishing Move

Initially, the White House accepted the results of the November election and made a show of helping Team Trump make a smooth transition into office. But recently, they appear to have changed their tack - this week linking Donald Trump to the computer hacks which they claim led to their party’s defeat.

Tuesday, Obama spokesman Josh Earnest said it looked like Trump knew in advance that the “Russians” hacked into the DNC and Clinton campaign chair John Podesta's emails.

Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway was asked about Earnest's statement when she appeared on “Fox and Friends.” Conway shook her head:

"That is remarkable. That is breathtaking. I guess he's auditioning to be a political pundit after his job is over. That is incredibly irresponsible to hear from the podium of the White House press secretary.

Because he essentially stated that the president-elect had knowledge of this, maybe even fanned the flames. It’s incredibly irresponsible and I wonder if his boss, President Obama agrees."

And then she opened up on what she believes to be the real hacking danger that no one is talking about.

"We should be talking about what we know, not what we don't know. And what we know is that Hillary Clinton selfishly set up a private server that put us all at risk. And when you're talking about hacking into emails, why have we left behind the piece of evidence that is right in front of us?

What are people going to say, 'Oh, we've already investigated that. We had those two Comey things. We already know.' Do we?

She got this party started."

Conway couldn't believe that the same bunch helping them transition to the White House are the same people promulgating the story about Trump playing a role in the Democrat hacking scandal.

(Independent Journal)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 17, 2016, 06:12:32 AM

Kellyanne Conway: I could work outside administration to ‘haunt’ Trump opponents

Kellyanne Conway, President-elect Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, said on Thursday that she would soon either be working in the new administration or be on the outside to “haunt” lawmakers who try to get in Mr. Trump’s way.

Ms. Conway said she has already turned down the position of White House press secretary, but didn’t rule out another role within the administration.

“I’m going to support him. I’m either going to go outside and build this surround sound superstructure so that every time somebody tries to get in his way with legislation he wants to pass, I will be there to haunt them,” she said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“Including the 10 Democrats that are up in 2018 in seats that he just won, and the additional five or six that are in states … that he came close to winning,” she said. “That’s very important. I want this guy to have 60 or 61 senators after 2018. Or I’ll go inside.”

“I think after we form the Cabinet … then we’ll start to announce some of the senior staff positions, which could happen as soon as this week,” she said.

(Washington Times)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: muscleman-2013 on December 17, 2016, 07:20:08 AM
AMAZING woman!

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mass243 on December 17, 2016, 08:10:08 AM
AMAZING woman!


Looks like witch but definitely great female.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: polychronopolous on December 17, 2016, 08:13:55 AM
AMAZING woman!



Kellyanne is one hell of an attack dog.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 17, 2016, 11:51:30 AM
Who cares?  Fuck off.

David Foster Declines Offer to Organize Donald Trump's Inauguration — Read His Statement

David Foster has declined an offer to organize President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration. The news comes a day after Page Six reported that the music producer, 67, was scheduled to arrange the performers for the January 20 ceremony.

"I was invited to participate and I politely declined," Foster said in a statement to Us Weekly on Saturday, December 17. "I have no idea where this story came from. Neither me nor my manager was ever contacted by Page Six or any other media outlet."

Foster has been friends with Trump, 70, for years, but he reportedly supported Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. Earlier in the week, on Wednesday, December 14, the Canadian producer and his rumored new girlfriend, supermodel Christie Brinkley, were spotted chatting with Clinton, 69, while on a date at the Polo Bar in New York City.

Us Weekly previously reported that America's Got Talent season 5 runner-up Jackie Evancho is scheduled to perform at Trump's inauguration next month. Andrea Bocelli was also rumored to take the stage, but a source tells Us the Italian classical singer, 58, has yet to confirm or accept the offer. "He is merely on Trump's wish list," the insider adds.

Evancho, meanwhile, confirmed the news during an interview on the Today show on Wednesday. "I have recently been asked by the president-elect to perform the national anthem for the swearing-in ceremony at the inauguration, and I am so excited," the 16-year-old singer said. "It's gonna be awesome! I felt really honored. To be able to sing for the office, it's a great honor for me."

Aretha Franklin and Beyoncé performed at President Barack Obama's first and second inaugurations, respectively.

(Us Weekly)

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 17, 2016, 12:02:45 PM
Gwen Stafani

Trump's ppl looking to arrange w Gwen Stefani for Inauguration.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 17, 2016, 02:26:37 PM
Why?  What's the relevance?  I really don't see it.


Woody Guthrie's Protest Songs Against Donald Trump's Father Are Covered By Modern Artists 65 Years Later

More than 60 years before Donald Trump was elected president, legendary folk singer/songwriter Woody Guthrie was writing song lyrics blasting his father, Fred Trump, as a racist landlord. Now those lyrics are getting new life in songs like “Old Man Trump,” covered by Ryan Harvey, Tom Morello, and Ani DiFranco, and “I Ain’t Got No Home,” covered by the Missin’ Cousins.

Woody Guthrie, a pillar of American protest music who was famous for songs like “This Land Is Your Land,” signed a lease in an apartment complex in Brooklyn back in 1960 and was soon writing bitter words about his landlord, Fred C. Trump, according to The New York Times.

The angry writings about “Old Man Trump” were uncovered by scholar Will Kaufman, a professor of American literature and culture at the University of Central Lancashire, who was working on a book about Guthrie. In them, Guthrie claimed that blacks were unwelcome as tenants in the Trump apartment complex near Coney Island and that Fred Trump stirred up racial hate and profited from it.

Guthrie’s lyrics named Fred Trump by name, calling him out for bigotry and discrimination in the apartment complex.

    I suppose
    Old Man Trump knows
    Just how much
    Racial Hate
    he stirred up
    In the bloodpot of human hearts
    When he drawed
    That color line
    Here at his
    Eighteen hundred family project

Guthrie went on to rework his song “I Ain’t Got No Home” into an angry critique of Fred Trump, according to Mr. Kaufman, again calling out Fred Trump in the song.

    Beach Haven ain’t my home!
    I just can’t pay this rent!
    My money’s down the drain!
    And my soul is badly bent!
    Beach Haven looks like heaven
    Where no black ones come to roam!
    No, no, no! Old Man Trump!
    Old Beach Haven ain’t my home!

Kaufman wrote about Guthrie’s journal writings in a thorough piece on The Conversation, with “Woody Guthrie, ‘Old Man Trump’ and a real estate empire’s racist foundations.”

“For Guthrie, Fred Trump came to personify all the viciousness of the racist codes that continued to put decent housing – both public and private – out of reach for so many of his fellow citizens,” Kaufman said.

Indeed, years later the Justice Department would bring federal cases against Fred and Donald Trump for “racially discriminatory conduct” for practices such as charging higher rent to black families and instructing management to tell blacks that there were no vacancies. Trump Management settled the case, though they said the agreement did not constitute an admission of guilt.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 17, 2016, 02:29:34 PM
Man Tries To Use Trump As A Defense For Hitting Someone With A Brick

With the election of Donald Trump, many people in this country have gone completely insane. He hasn’t even taken office yet and is being blamed for everything from hate crime hoaxes to the utter destruction of the planet, which hasn’t actually happened. With Trump now the most convenient excuse, it’s not surprising that a lawyer is trying to use him as a legal defense for his client who hit someone with a brick.

NBC Boston reports that 49-year-old Stephen Fusco was standing on a Massachusetts commuter train platform last August while inexplicably holding a brick in his hand. He approached a Hispanic man and asked where he was from. When the man responded that he was from Mexico, Fusco hit him in the face with the brick.

Fusco was arrested and charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, violation of constitutional rights, and assault and battery for the purpose of intimidation. He plead not guilty, and it seems as if his attorney plans to launch a precedent setting defense that blames Donald Trump for his client’s actions.

“His mental health problems on that night might have been exacerbated by what the president-elect was saying about people from Mexico,” said lawyer Arbold Abelow.

The question is: will this defense be successful?

There are more than a few problems for Fusco trying to blame Trump for his brick assault. Trump never said anything about hitting Mexicans with bricks or anything else. They only thing he ever said about Mexicans was that some illegal aliens from Mexico are drug dealers, rapists, and criminals. It will be hard to draw a parallel between stating the truth about illegal immigration and smashing someone in the face with a brick. There is not even an inference of brick smashing in Trump’s words.

Also, there is some legal precedent here and it doesn’t help Fusco’s case. When Joe Biden was taking the lead on gun control following the Sandy Hook shooting, he tried to justify an assault weapons ban by saying people only need shotguns for self-defense. He went on to tell people they should fire their shotguns in the air to scare off the bad guys. Several people took this horrible advice and were all arrested for illegally discharging firearms. The fact that they were doing something that the Vice President told them to did not save them from the law or their actions.

If people cannot get out of criminal activity for following Biden’s advice word-for-word, it’s unlikely Fusco is going to get off because he read something into Trump’s words that definitely wasn’t there. Then again, this is liberal Massachusetts and the left have transformed Trump’s name into some kind of evil magical spell whose invocation excuses all sorts of negative behavior.

Still, I think Fusco faces problems in that he is a white guy who attacked a minority and is disqualified from using the Trump excuse. If he had been a minority attacking a white person, he could successfully blame Trump, but not the other way around.

(Down Trend)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 17, 2016, 02:37:24 PM
The Media Says:


'Impartial’ BBC Calls Trump Election ‘An American Tragedy’

Britain’s public broadcaster — the BBC — has called the election of Donald Trump an “American Tragedy” in a headline for an article featuring an interview with the editor of the New Yorker magazine.

David Remnick, editor of the stridently anti-Trump New Yorker was granted an interview with BBC News, part of the British media company which is funded to the tune of billions of pounds a year by a television tax forced on the UK public.

Opening with his widely publicised comments from November when Mr. Remnick said of the Trump victory that it was “an American tragedy” and “a sickening event in the history of liberal democracy”, the BBC lauded the anti-Trump figure as a “hero to many in liberal America and beyond”.

His magazine has recently taken to publishing instructional articles on ways “to Oppose a Donald Trump Presidency” which includes information on signing left-wing petitions, protesting at the Presidential Inauguration, and even calling for an end to America’s Electoral College, the very system devised by the Founding Fathers to stop major, now liberal, population centres consistently dominating the country.

Claiming that the success of President-elect Trump was not down to a significant change in American politics but rather the willingness of the Mr. Trump to harness the concerns of many Americans affected by “globalisation, de-industrialisation”, Remnick said: “He’s a brilliant, I think pernicious, but brilliant demagogue, who was able to act as a demagogue – a successful demagogue – on the national level the likes of which you’ve never seen in the United States”

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 17, 2016, 02:53:24 PM
It's interesting... all of it.


So Much for That Ivanka Trump Charity Coffee Date

It’s difficult to comprehend a world in which Ivanka Trump thought that subjecting herself to a 45-minute coffee with the highest bidder was an evenly remotely good idea. I guess someone notified her otherwise, because the auction has been cancelled. But why? It was going to be so much FUN!

The coffee date was originally conceived to raise money for the Eric Trump Foundation, run by her brother and intended to benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. It was cancelled on Friday after 10 days thanks to a few little quibbles over the ethics of allowing wealthy business people to pay for face time with the president-elect’s daughter, who, it’s no secret, has Trump’s ear to an alarming degree.

According to the New York Times:

The auction had been running for 10 days, drawing 28 bids, the highest of which reached $72,888. The bidders included at least three businessmen who said in interviews that they saw their donation as an opportunity to have coffee with Ms. Trump to press her for information about her father’s plans as president or to try to urge Mr. Trump to take up an issue important to them.

All information on the amounts and names of the bidders disappeared from the internet with no notice on Friday afternoon. The winning bidder would have been an organization called Go Hydrogen, although no information could be found about this entity.

“We wanted to handle this with proper discretion once this was brought to our attention,” a statement from the Trump camp read. A slightly different message was sent from Eric himself:

“Today, the only people that lost are the children of St. Jude,” he wrote.

Always punishing the children with the damn “ethics,” aren’t we. Remind me which children will be suffering if Trump fails to divest from his businesses?

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: calfzilla on December 17, 2016, 10:18:28 PM
Sucks for st Jude.

For 60k I better get to eat her ass.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 18, 2016, 05:30:33 AM


Trump’s unique response to Michelle Obama’s ‘no hope’ remark is not what most people expected

While speaking at a “Thank You” rally Saturday in Mobile, Alabama, President-elect Donald Trump responded to first lady Michelle Obama’s “no hope” assessment of his presidency.

In an interview set to air on Monday, the first lady effectively told Oprah Winfrey that Americans are hopeless and hapless now that Trump has been elected president.

“Now we’re feeling what not having hope feels like, you know?” Obama said.

Trump assumed the role of interpreter at the rally, explaining the remark to the crowd.

“Michelle Obama said yesterday that there’s no hope,” he said. “But I assume she was talking about the past, not the future, ’cause I’m telling you, we have tremendous hope. And tremendous promise.”

Trump went on to show that despite what his many critics say, he can pivot to a more presidential posture when he spoke in defense of Obama’s remark, saying he believes her words came out differently than she intended.

“I actually think she made that statement not meaning it the way it came out. I really do,” he explained. “Because I met with President Obama and Michelle Obama in the White House, my wife was there — she could not have been nicer. I honestly believe she meant that statement in a different way than it came out.”

(Biz Pac Review)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 18, 2016, 05:35:36 AM
Brexiteer Farage says he wants to be a bridge between UK and Trump

(Reuters) Leading Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage said on Sunday he wanted to be a bridge between the British government and the new U.S. administration.

Last month U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said Farage - the former leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) - would be great as Britain's envoy to Washington, but the British government dismissed the suggestion.

"I can help to be a bridge between the government in this country, the new trade department in this country, and not just Donald Trump but his team, his administration, and I would like to do that," Farage told BBC Radio.

"If you wanted to get business from the biggest company in the world and there was someone there that had the contacts and connections, the first thing you would do is to employ that person because that is how the world works."

Farage, who said he did not think he would get a role in the U.S. administration because he had a British passport, said Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May had banned members of her senior team of ministers from speaking to him.

However, trade secretary Liam Fox said he had received no such instruction.

"We have long-standing understandings of how we deal with incoming administrations ... We don't need anything as an adjunct to what the government already does and has successfully done in the past," he told BBC TV. "We have got a perfectly good ambassador in Washington at the present time."

Farage spent decades campaigning for Britain to leave the European Union and helped to force the then Prime Minister David Cameron to call the June referendum that brought the Brexit vote.

He spoke at a Trump rally during the U.S. presidential campaign and has met the president-elect since his victory.

(Reporting by Kylie MacLellan; Editing by Andrew Bolton)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 18, 2016, 05:40:30 AM

Trump’s New World Order

As currently constituted, he says, NATO is ill-suited to combating international terrorism, which is for him the world’s “single biggest threat”. He especially objects to the US footing so much of the bill, saying that other allies should “pay up or get out”, and refuses to see the US as the “world’s policeman”. As he told a town hall meeting in Wisconsin: “Maybe NATO will dissolve and that’s OK, not the worst thing in the world.”

As a result of that speech, NATO is currently being drastically overhauled.

President-elect Donald J. Trump spoke by telephone with Taiwan’s president a couple of weeks ago, thereby breaking with nearly four decades of diplomatic practice. Beijing was not pleased. Trump, during the campaign, continually complained about what China does to undermine the US.  He has characterized climate change as a “Chinese hoax,” designed to undermine the American economy. He has criticized China for its manipulation of its currency to America’s disadvantage. And he has threatened to impose a heavy tariff on Chinese goods, a proposal that critics said would set off a trade war.

So it would appear that the phone call is part of a negotiating strategy.

More at CanadaFreePress:
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 18, 2016, 04:28:31 PM
What?  Obama now claims he was aware (as the race was in progress) of "Russian hacking" and that he had a "confrontation" with them in September:

During a meeting on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in China, Obama said he insisted President Vladimir Putin “cut it out” and told him “there were going to be serious consequences if he didn’t.”
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Kazan on December 18, 2016, 05:03:54 PM
What?  Obama now claims he was aware (as the race was in progress) of "Russian hacking" and that he had a "confrontation" with them in September:

And still no evidence produced, strange..........
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 18, 2016, 05:26:45 PM
And still no evidence produced, strange..........

Obama said that about the past September, then Donna Brazile said this:

Brazile said the cyberattacks against the DNC occurred every day through the end of the election. (Virginia Pilot)

And John Podesta (eek) just said this:

"So I was surprised to read in the New York Times that when the FBI discovered the Russian attack in September 2015, it failed to send even a single agent to warn senior Democratic National Committee officials." (Australian Financial Review)

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Kazan on December 18, 2016, 05:30:12 PM
Obama said that about the past September, then Donna Brazile said this:

And John Podesta (eek) just said this:

So we are just supposed to take their word for it then? Nah, I wanna see the intel
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 18, 2016, 05:38:29 PM
So we are just supposed to take their word for it then? Nah, I wanna see the intel

I'd definitely say the opposite.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 18, 2016, 05:42:19 PM
Really incredible that they'd come out at this point (given the story so far) saying they were "aware" of "Russian hacking" for a year or more.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Kazan on December 18, 2016, 05:44:53 PM
I'd definitely say the opposite.

That's the point, non stop "reports" that claim something with no evidence presented. The Electors will not get a security briefing, why? CIA decides not to send anyone to congress for the security briefing on this, why? Wikileaks who put the information out there say it was not hacked, but leaked to them. What could they have to gain by lying and protecting Russia?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Kazan on December 18, 2016, 05:46:47 PM
Really incredible that they'd come out at this point (given the story so far) saying they were "aware" of "Russian hacking" for a year or more.

Well if they have only been aware for a year, then they are fucking stupid. Does .Gov really expect us to believe that Russia just started trying to get at shit a year ago.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 18, 2016, 05:52:08 PM
Well if they have only been aware for a year, then they are fucking stupid. Does .Gov really expect us to believe that Russia just started trying to get at shit a year ago.

Yes, they treat people (through their media) as being very dumb.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Kazan on December 18, 2016, 05:56:22 PM
Yes, they treat people (through their media) as being very dumb.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 18, 2016, 05:57:02 PM
That's the point, non stop "reports" that claim something with no evidence presented. The Electors will not get a security briefing, why? CIA decides not to send anyone to congress for the security briefing on this, why? Wikileaks who put the information out there say it was not hacked, but leaked to them. What could they have to gain by lying and protecting Russia?

If everything is as it looks (but who knows what will happen as it goes) I'd say this is a sign that they've got zilch and they're trying to milk mileage from it, OR they're trying to use their Fake News operation to create a fake stand.  Either way, the goal is to make it seem Trump isn't legit CiC.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 18, 2016, 06:10:29 PM
For one thing, if the new timeline is true, why is it only now that Obama "vows retaliation"?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Kazan on December 18, 2016, 06:16:04 PM
For one thing, if the new timeline is true, why is it only now that Obama "vows retaliation"?

Good question, whats the end game?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 18, 2016, 06:18:05 PM
McCain: Russian election-related hacks threaten to 'destroy democracy'

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. John McCain said Russian election-related hacks threaten to "destroy democracy" and faulted the American response as "totally paralyzed."
McCain, the Arizona Republican who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, again called for a select committee to investigate the CIA's finding that Russia hacked Democrats' emails in a bid to help President-elect Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton.
"This is the sign of a possible unraveling of the world order that was established after World War II, which has made one of the most peaceful periods in the history of the world," McCain told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." "We're starting to see the strains and the unraveling of it, and that is because of the absolute failure of American leadership."
"When America doesn't lead, a lot of other bad people do," he added.
McCain's calls so far have been rejected by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan, who have backed investigations but said they want to see them conducted through already-existing Senate and House committees.
"This is serious business. If they're able to harm the electoral process, they may destroy democracy, which is based on free and fair elections," he said.
McCain further ratcheted up pressure on McConnell Sunday, sending a letter to the majority leader asking him to allow for a Senate select committee to probe Russian hacking.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 18, 2016, 06:25:22 PM
Good question, whats the end game?

Speaking of good questions.  IMO, we'd need to know how 'real' Trump will turn out to be, to determine it.  I really don't know, except to say he was our only choice.

But if you figure the prevailing media is out to get him (and IT IS, trust me... I've learned that big-fucking-time by researching for this thread) then it says volumes.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Kazan on December 18, 2016, 06:25:34 PM
Funny, but what was in those emails is what threatens to destroy democracy.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 18, 2016, 06:26:08 PM
so is it Russian Fake News or Fake Russian News that caused Hillary to lose?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Kazan on December 18, 2016, 06:28:55 PM
Speaking of good questions.  IMO, we'd need to know how 'real' Trump will turn out to be, to determine it.  I really don't know, except to say he was our only choice.

But if you figure the prevailing media is out to get him (and IT IS, trust me... I've learned that big-fucking-time by researching for this thread) then it says volumes.

They are just scared that they are loosing their grip on how information is disseminated to the American public
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 18, 2016, 07:19:29 PM
so is it Russian Fake News or Fake Russian News that caused Hillary to lose?

Lmao.. good point.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 18, 2016, 07:22:35 PM

They are just scared that they are loosing their grip on how information is disseminated to the American public

That's a concern for them, definitely.  IMO a lot of what we see in anti-freedom pushes toward the internet are based around that: control of information and the fear of losing it.

One tactic used is to make a flood of sites to dominate a certain area of thought (not hard when your partner is Google).  Then copycat sites develop around that information and it becomes "truth" to most people.

They're safe with that scheme atm imo, but it won't be possible for them to keep away nearly 100% risk of control-loss forever without taking certain measures.  You're right, they are scared -- unfortunately, though, they've got the upper hand with our wonderful politicians.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 19, 2016, 05:28:52 AM

Clinton advisers point fingers at Huma Abedin, inner circle for loss

While many of Hillary Clinton’s top advisers have focused their post-presidential election fury on blaming alleged Russian interference and FBI Director James Comey for Clinton’s loss, some in the so-called “Hillaryland” orbit are looking inward, including pointing fingers at Clinton’s most-trusted aide: Huma Abedin.

“The real anger is toward Hillary’s inner circle,” a Clinton insider told Vanity Fair for a Wednesday feature on Abedin. “They reinforced all the bad habits.”

One of the most important people in that “inner circle” was Abedin, 40, who has been by Clinton’s side since she was a White House intern during President Bill Clinton’s tenure. The email trove hacked from Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta and posted on WikiLeaks shows Abedin, the estranged wife of disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner, as an important resource for the campaign. The vice chair of the Clinton campaign, Abedin offered guidance on Clinton’s probable thoughts regarding upcoming events, meetings and calls before the requests ever made it to the Democratic presidential candidate. While her fingerprints don’t often appear on policy issues, she weighed in with authority on most other matters.


Clinton was known to keep an extremely small and tight-knit group around her, and, indeed, during the 2016 primary and presidential campaign, the core group – including Campaign Manager Robbie Mook, Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri, adviser Cheryl Mills, Podesta and Abedin – never changed.

One Clinton insider, however, said the closeness of that group also created problems, prompting dismissive answers when new ideas that originated outside the circle were suggested, Vanity Fair reported.

“Where in most presidential campaigns the circle grows broader and broader, hers grew smaller and smaller,” a source told Vanity Fair.

A spokesperson for the Clinton campaign disputed that notion to Vanity Fair and said the campaign’s plane seated up to three times as many people during the run-up to the November vote. Abedin declined to be interviewed for the feature.

Abedin’s proximity to Clinton – and in turn the limelight – also created another issue, according to some observers.

“She was enjoying the red carpet and enjoying the photo spreads much too much in my opinion,” one Clinton insider told Vanity Fair. “She enjoyed being a celebrity too much.”

Though Abedin’s next move seems to be in limbo now that Clinton’s political career appears to be over, she was recently spotted at Clinton’s “Thank You” holiday party for top-tier donors on Thursday and then at an after party with fellow attendees Mick Jagger and Reese Witherspoon, The New York Post reported.

“Maybe I’m just p----- off, but I really don’t give a s--- about what happens to Huma to be honest with you,” one close adviser to Clinton told Vanity Fair.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 19, 2016, 05:39:00 AM
I really can't blame him under these circumstances.  He should have people he trusts 100% to watch after him and his operation.  He'd be crazy not to, especially when he has good reason to believe so many cruds are out to get him.


Trump private security force ‘playing with fire’

GRAND RAPIDS, Michigan — President-elect Donald Trump has continued employing a private security and intelligence team at his victory rallies, and he is expected to keep at least some members of the team after he becomes president, according to people familiar with the plans.

The arrangement represents a major break from tradition. All modern presidents and presidents-elect have entrusted their personal security entirely to the Secret Service, and their event security mostly to local law enforcement, according to presidential security experts and Secret Service sources.

But Trump — who puts a premium on loyalty and has demonstrated great interest in having forceful security at his events — has opted to maintain an aggressive and unprecedented private security force, led by Keith Schiller, a retired New York City cop and Navy veteran who started working for Trump in 1999 as a part-time bodyguard, eventually rising to become his head of security.

Security officials warn that employing private security personnel heightens risks for the president-elect and his team, as well as for protesters, dozens of whom have alleged racial profiling, undue force or aggression at the hands Trump’s security, with at least 10 joining a trio of lawsuits now pending against Trump, his campaign or its security.

“It’s playing with fire,” said Jonathan Wackrow, a former Secret Service agent who worked on President Barack Obama’s protective detail during his 2012 reelection campaign. Having a private security team working events with Secret Service “increases the Service’s liability, it creates greater confusion and it creates greater risk,” Wackrow said.

“You never want to comingle a police function with a private security function,” he said, adding, “If you talk to the guys on the detail and the guys who are running the rallies, that’s been a little bit difficult because it’s so abnormal.”

Wackrow, who left the Service in 2014 and is now executive director of a security company called RANE (short for Risk Assistance Network + Exchange), said if he were the lead agent at a Trump rally, “I wouldn’t allow it.” But he suggested it’s a tricky situation for the Service. “What are they going to do: pick a fight with the president-elect and his advisers? That’s not a way to start a romance.”

Several past presidential nominees have used private security or, in the case of governors running for president, state police details. But the experts could not think of another example of a president-elect continuing with any private security after Election Day, when Secret Service protection expands dramatically for the winner. In fact, most candidates drop any outside security the moment they’re granted Secret Service protection.

Trump’s spending on private security, on the other hand, actually increased after he was granted Secret Service protection in November 2015.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 19, 2016, 07:40:52 AM
Be angry with yourself, Clinton.  You set it up and the plan backfired.


Bill Clinton bashes Trump, blames 'angry white men' and Comey for wife's loss

December 19, 2016 (FOX)

Former President Bill Clinton mocked President-elect Donald Trump’s intelligence, said “angry, white men” helped secure his victory and blamed FBI Director James Comey for Hillary Clinton’s November defeat during a spontaneous Q-and-A at a New York bookstore earlier this month.

An unidentified editor at the Bedford-Pound Ridge Record Review happened to be present at the impromptu session and revealed the details in an editorial in the paper’s print edition. The editorial did not appear online but the contents were reported by Politico.

“He doesn’t know much,” Clinton said when asked if Trump was smart. “One thing he does know is how to get angry, white men to vote for him.”

Clinton placed the blame for his wife’s defeat squarely at the feet of Comey, who announced 11 days before the election that the FBI was reviewing newly discovered emails for any ties to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s secret server. Comey told Congress two days before the election the FBI didn’t find any new evidence.

“James Comey cost her the election,” Clinton said during the lengthy discussion.

Clinton also said he believed the allegations that Russia was responsible for a series of pre-election hacks that revealed embarrassing – and politically damaging – acts by some prominent Democrats associated with Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

“You would need to have a single-digit IQ not to recognize what was going on,” Clinton said.

He also disputed that Trump won in a landslide, with a likely 306 electoral vote tally.

“Landslide?” Clinton asked. “I got something like 370 electoral votes. That was a landslide.” (Clinton earned exactly 370 electoral votes during his 1992 presidential election win).

Clinton said Trump called him the day after the election and, the Record Review editor wrote, Clinton appeared “incredulous” about Trump's cordial tone so soon after the contentious 2016 campaign.

“Like it was 15 years ago,” Clinton said.

Trump reportedly told Clinton his wife “was tougher than I thought she’d be.”

Asked if President Obama should make a recess appointment of Hillary Clinton to the Supreme Court, Clinton said he didn’t think the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee would “want” the gig.

The Man from Hope apparently offered little optimism, telling the crowd they were living in a “post-truth era where facts don’t matter.”

One woman reportedly told Clinton her 6-year-old child has asked to go to sleep for four years when he found out Trump won.

“No, we can’t go to sleep,” Clinton said. “We need to stay active."

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 19, 2016, 07:58:07 AM
Dow possibly will exceed 20-thousand, later today.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Chadwick The Beta on December 19, 2016, 08:07:00 AM
One woman reportedly told Clinton her 6-year-old child has asked to go to sleep for four years when he found out Trump won.

 ::)  Some brain-dead soccer mom inventing something she wished her six year old child had asked.  Pathetic whore.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 19, 2016, 08:18:51 AM
::)  Some brain-dead soccer mom inventing something she wished her six year old child had asked.  Pathetic whore.

Lmao.  Exactly.

And even IF the child thought to ask it: WHERE did the idea come from, if not from the mom and dad (but probably single mom living under total delusion, let's face it).
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 19, 2016, 08:47:09 AM

'Flattered' Stallone signals he would not take Trump arts job

Sylvester Stallone has said he was flattered by the possibility of working in Donald Trump's incoming administration – but he is not interested.

The Rocky and Rambo star said in a statement carried by US media that he would rather help military veterans.

The Daily Mail reported last week that Stallone had been approached about a possible top arts-related position in the Trump administration, possibly as head of the National Endowment for the Arts.

The New York Times quoted Mr Trump's advisers as saying no formal offer had been put forth, though "overtures" had been made.

"I am incredibly flattered to have been suggested to be involved with the National Endowment of the Arts," the statement by Stallone said, according to the New York Times, Variety and others.

Stallone as Rambo, 1980

"However I believe I could be more effective by bringing national attention to returning military personnel in an effort to find gainful employment, suitable housing and financial assistance these heroes respectfully deserve."

The 70-year-old actor did not elaborate how he would be involved trying to help the veterans.

The National Endowment for Arts is an independent federal agency that offers support and funding for projects in the art.

Stallone said in an interview at the start of the year that he considered following Arnold Schwarzenegger's footsteps and entering politics, but the idea was short-lived.

Trump with Kanye West, Last Week

Asked about Mr Trump, then a front runner for the Republican nomination, he told Variety: "I love Donald Trump.

"He's a great Dickensian character. You know what I mean? There are certain people like Arnold, Babe Ruth, that are bigger than life.

"But I don't know how that translates to running the world."

Mr Trump has been working on his transition from his headquarters in Trump Tower.

He has recently met with other celebrities, including Leonardo DiCaprio and Kanye West.

(Sky News)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 19, 2016, 09:32:53 AM
Keep in mind, they take themselves 100% seriously.  This is not meant as a joke.  They encourage one another to play "victim" and next thing you know, we have a large culture of screwed-up halfwits too weak to think.  GTFO.  You're doing this on purpose, MSM.


Just How Safe Will We Be in Donald Trump’s America?

By Ellen Litman

The day after the Election I was supposed to give a reading at a small private college. Normally I enjoy giving readings, and I’d been looking forward to this one. But on that particular morning, I didn’t want to leave the house. I didn’t want to face a world that was, apparently, so full of hate, blame and fear.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: polychronopolous on December 19, 2016, 09:53:07 AM
"I find myself rushing home and triple bolt locking the door. Terrified of the hateful, dangerous world that awaits me outside"
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mass243 on December 19, 2016, 10:03:05 AM
^ There's still room in Aleppo if the bitch needs to be reminded what is dangerous.
I bet she would enjoy the lovely muzzies who are not dangerous and primitive like white males.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 19, 2016, 10:14:25 AM
Could be a GBer (serious) or a close relative behind this from 10 years ago.  Isn't the GBer "Hero Envy" guy (can't think of GB handle atm) a comics-producer named Cimino?


(Fusion) Around 2006, Donald Trump was enjoying a run as the namesake of Trump Magazine— a publication that had begun primarily as a marketing vehicle to be distributed at his properties, but had come to be distributed on newsstands nationally. The magazine celebrated Trump’s “opulence and business savvy,” according to press releases. Covers featured Trump, his kids, or Trump and his kids. Articles highlighted other Trump-branded ventures, like Trump Vodka, and profiled comedians and TV hosts.

But the short-lived magazine almost birthed another Trump-branded venture: a TV cartoon for kids, starring The Donald as a wrong-righting, crusading superhero.


The catalyst for that idea was Mitchell Schultz, a former New Yorker who is now a “space tourism consultant” in Florida. Schultz tells Fusion he knew Trump Magazine’s publisher, Michael Jacobson, and had met Trump at a party through their mutual friend. Schultz remembers telling Jacobson that “the way to create immortality for Donald Trump is through the youth of America.” (Jacobson did not respond to requests for comment.)

Schultz imagined a show tentatively called Trump Takeover. Plotlines—which Schultz developed with the help of a writer friend, Louis Cimino—were prescient. They imagined an episode in which America would be “in a state of virtual collapse,” according to draft materials for the show.


Trump and his team—including characters from The Apprentice—would “go to Washington to take over!” In another episode, Trump and team would seize control of the stock market to save the world:


Save it from what? “A global financial conspiracy,” according to the show notes:


“We wrote some stories—’SuperTrump,’ that kind of thing,” Cimino recalls. “I wrote the stories—‘[Trump] solves the gang problem in New York and fights the aliens,’ stuff like that. I just remember the gist. He saves the city; he saves the Yankees. I wrote whole episodes with the dialogue.” Cimino says he “did it as a goof. I did it for fun.”



Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 19, 2016, 11:00:54 AM
So we are just supposed to take their word for it then? Nah, I wanna see the intel

I doubt you or anyone else in the general public will see the "intel".
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Kazan on December 19, 2016, 11:11:05 AM
I doubt you or anyone else in the general public will see the "intel".

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 19, 2016, 06:42:31 PM
As an American citizen, I find "private, off-the-record" meetings between these particular parties to be highly offensive and suspicious.  We're the ones at the center of this, making it just an incredibly arrogant display (at the very least).  It's what what we'd expect from, say, a guy like Obama.  Not acceptable.

From earlier in thread:

Trump's off-the-record meeting with Media: The meeting is intended to be off the record, so the public will not be informed about what is divulged.

AND from today:

Sacramento Bee Staff

President-elect Donald Trump met Sunday off the record with reporters at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, where the Trump family is spending the holidays, according to a report by The Hill.

In attendance: Trump, Melania Trump, incoming chief of staff Reince Priebus, and advisers Kellyanne Conway, Stephen Miller and Jason Miller, said The Hill, citing a presidential pool report.

The news of journalists sipping drinks and going off-the-record with Trump, who last week canceled the only news conference scheduled since his election, created quite a Twitter storm. Mike Allen, co-founder of Axios and co-founder of Politico, seems to have touched it off with this:

Christmas @ Mar-a-Lago: @realDonaldTrump, relaxed and chatty, hosts press for drinks -- off-record but pics OK @axios
— Mike Allen (@mikeallen) December 19, 2016

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Kazan on December 19, 2016, 06:47:44 PM
As an American citizen, I find "private, off-the-record" meetings between these particular parties to be highly offensive and suspicious.  We're the ones at the center of this, making it just an incredibly arrogant display (at the very least).  It's what what we'd expect from, say, a guy like Obama.  Not acceptable.

From earlier in thread:

AND from today:

I have to agree, the POTUS works for us, not the other way around.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 19, 2016, 07:03:10 PM
I have to agree, the POTUS works for us, not the other way around.

100% AGREE.

Let's hope Trump is being Trump and he knows what to do.  IMO he needs to fix the problem with that (right after he secures our grid).  Because if we didn't learn our lesson from this past election... about this thoroughly UNACCEPTABLE BAD JOKE of a media... then it must mean we're destined to fail.  And I just can't accept that.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 20, 2016, 09:36:44 AM
Settlement now officially filed and K. Conway to move to Washington, will continue to work with Trump.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 20, 2016, 09:38:08 AM
Conway to move to Washington, keep working for Trump

Donald Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway confirmed to Fox News on Tuesday that she’ll move with her family to Washington, D.C., to take a job in support of the president-elect – either inside or outside his administration.

“My family is going to move to Washington, D.C., and I will either stay outside and run the political super-structure, or I will go into the West Wing and take a position right next to the president,” Conway, who ran Trump’s campaign, told Fox News’ “Happening Now.”

“I just want to find my best and highest use,” she said.

Conway did not specify what job she will take, but made clear she will continue working on behalf of Trump in some capacity, “no question.”

“I have the president-elect’s trust and I have his ear,” she said.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 20, 2016, 10:12:09 AM
Everyone has seen the report from Tom Arnold, I'm sure.

Hundreds of people have seen it, according to him, yet his mention is the first I've heard of it. 

So what's he (Tom Arnold) trying to say with this?   ???
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 20, 2016, 10:16:19 AM
Trump STRIKES BACK at Bill Clinton: 'He doesn't know much'

(CNN) - President-elect Donald Trump mocked Bill Clinton on Tuesday after the former president said Trump "doesn't know much" in an interview with a local paper.

"Bill Clinton stated that I called him after the election. Wrong, he called me (with a very nice congratulations). He doesn't know much ... " Trump began a series of tweets.

"Especially how to get people, even with an unlimited budget, out to vote in the vital swing states ( and more). They focused on wrong states," the President-elect added.

Trump was responding to sharp remarks by Bill Clinton in an interview with the Bedford and Pound Ridge Record-Review, a small weekly newspaper near the Clintons' New York home. Speaking to the paper at a bookstore, Clinton had said that Trump "doesn't know much," but that "one thing he does know is how to get angry, white men to vote for him."

The former president also blamed FBI chief James Comey for costing his wife the election.

According to the Record-Review, Clinton claimed that he'd received a call from Trump the day after the election, and he had marveled at how cordial Trump was after the divisive battle -- "like it was 15 years ago," he said, when they were socially friendly.

Trump, however, was insistent: "Wrong, he called me."
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 20, 2016, 10:34:23 AM
"Verrry Interesting!"

Trump’s book ‘Art of the Deal’ is a bestseller again

Donald Trump is a best selling author again.

The president-elect’s book, “Trump: The Art of the Deal,” made it onto Amazon’s Top 100 Best Seller list on Thursday.

The book has skyrocketed in popularity since Trump won the election.

In July 2015, when Trump’s campaign was still in its early days, “Trump: The Art of the Deal” was ranked #1,128 on the Amazon Best Seller list.

The book had leaped to #304 by August 2016 — shortly after the Republican National Convention. Now it’s #97 overall (and #1 on Amazon’s Entrepreneurship list).

The book was first published in 1987 and became an instant hit. It’s part memoir and part business advice.

Related: Trump just can’t let go of feud with Vanity Fair

The book had faded in popularity by the time Trump announced his run for president. He revived it by publishing a new paperback edition in October 2015 while he was campaigning. It came out shortly before he released, “Crippled America.”

Trump started encouraging the thousands of fans who attended his rallies to bring copies of his books. For donors who gave $184 to his campaign, Trump even offered a signed copy of the original edition of “Art of the Deal” (now out of print).

Since the election, the book has become a popular gift at some Wall Street holiday parties, where co-workers have “white elephant gift exchanges,” according to financial professionals. It’s also getting a lot of attention in Washington and among journalists. People close to Trump say his books offer clues on how he’ll lead in the White House.

Related: Janet Yellen to Donald Trump: I’m not going anywhere

The paperback version sells for $16.99, although Amazon is offering it for just $9.45.

The book is co-authored with Tony Schwartz, who became a major critic of Trump during the campaign and said he deeply regretted working on the book.

Trump “is a man who cares only about himself,” Schwartz told CNN in October. “He is prepared to blow up American democracy if that’s what it takes to get a sense of self back.”

On the campaign trail, Trump claimed “The Art of the Deal” was “the No. 1 selling business book of all time.” Politifact rated that statement as “false” last year, but that may change if sales continue to boom.

Amazon did not respond to CNNMoney’s request for comment.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 20, 2016, 11:05:48 AM
OK just to be perfectly clear and so no doubt is left: they were yelling "TRUMP!, TRUMP!, TRUMP!"

I see, yes.  Totally believable.  Nothing questionable happening here.


Activists brutally attacked by Donald Trump supporters in New York City

After leaving a party and heading to a restaurant, a group of nine activists say they were attacked by four men who shouted, “Trump, Trump, Trump!” and “Blues Lives Matter” and called them “communists” and “fa66ots.”

They report that the men, said to also have been wearing “Blue Lives Matter” bracelets, quickly escalated from verbal intimidation to a physical attack.

Activist Peter Soeller told reporter Alex Rubinstein that the party they were attending was to mark the end of their three-month campaign organizing event space “Decolonize This Place,” and that they were chanting slogans often heard at political protests when the men approached.

Another member of the group, Patti Cruz, who shared photos of the aftermath of the violence on Facebook, said there was “no time to film this racist and disgusting attack because some of us were too busy trying to pull Trump supporters off of Colin and the rest of the comrades.”

Those physically attacked include Soeller, Cruz, Colin Ashley, Connor Hicks and Christian Velencia.

“It got violent really quickly because they had the intention to fight. They were not there to troll. Either way, they were going to hit us at some point. I ran to Decolonize This Space and asked for a medic. Then the police came and separated the fight. It was probably in the window of 10 minutes,” witness Michael Basillas said, adding, “this is what we’re going to be doing for the next four years.”

“I don’t even want to say they are alt-right because it politicizes the narrative when it’s really just queer bashing. The media is going to look at it like it’s the radical left versus the alt-right, but people can ostensibly see that the people that were targeted were queer, black and non-cisgender,” said Caribou, of the group Bash Back NYC, who reports having caught the tail end of the assault.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Kazan on December 20, 2016, 11:27:36 AM
9 got their asses beat by 4  ;D
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 20, 2016, 11:41:33 AM

Falmouth woman sees greater good in denying theft of Trump signs

FALMOUTH — A local woman accused of removing Trump for president campaign signs will have her day in court.

Betta Stothart, 52, could face a $250 fine for each Trump sign that she and two friends are accused of removing from along U.S. Route 1 in October.

According to Police Lt. John Kilbride, the three local women removed approximately 40 signs, which means the fine could total $10,000.

Stothart denied taking the Trump signs during a Dec. 15 appearance in District Court in Portland on the civil complaint alleging wrongful removal of temporary signs. She did so, she said this week, to ensure she would have a chance to go to trial and “plead my case before a judge.”

Heidi Kendrick, 42, of Portland, and Martha Murdick, 44, of Falmouth, who were charged along with Stothart, also denied the accusations filed against them.

Stothart wrote an op-ed column for the Washington Post in late October in which she admitted to “tearing up the Donald Trump signs along our version of Main Street.”

This week she said, “I’m fully prepared to face my day in court and pay whatever penalty the judge feels is correct and fair. But I know that I am not alone in feeling that our town was taken over by political signs this election, and it created a hostile environment for many of our residents. Those signs were vandalized nearly every night.”

Following the court hearing last week, Stothart’s attorney, Benjamin Donahue, said his client’s appearance was “the equivalent of an arraignment in a criminal case.” He said that unless a settlement agreement is reached with the Cumberland County district attorney or the charges are dropped, Stothart could face a trial sometime in February.

While there is no risk of jail time, Donahue said his client “could still face a significant penalty” if a judge imposes the full fine for each sign removed. He said whether to impose a fine and how much the fine would be is fully within the judge’s discretion.

In addition, Donahue said because it is a civil matter, the standard of proof is lower, and all the state needs is a preponderance of evidence that Stothart and her friends took the Trump signs.

He said it’s important to go to trial, if possible, because “even though there is minimal risk, the (issue) is important because of the (overall) issues with the (placement) of political signs.”

“There’s certainly a right to free speech,” he said, but “one individual does not have the right to dominate the conversation by cluttering the roadway.”

David Jones, a local Realtor and chairman of the political action committee Making Maine Great Again, which placed the Trump signs along Route 1, said Dec. 20 that he wishes Stothart had just admitted to the theft.

“There’s nothing to be gained by continuing the drama,” Jones said. “As far as I’m concerned, this is a thing of the past (and) I’m done with it. I don’t understand why she did not say she did it. She was caught red-handed and obviously stole the signs for whatever reason.”

He also called the probable civil trial a waste of the state’s time and money.

Jones initially wanted to pursue criminal charges, Kilbride said this week, but when Trump won the election he was willing to drop the matter.

“The whole purpose of asking the DA not to pursue the criminal charges is because I wanted to put this to rest,” Jones said Tuesday. “I did my best to make it go away (and) I’m surprised (Stothart wants to go trial, but) it’s a free country and I wish her the best.”

Kilbride said Officer Michel Brown was on patrol along Route 1 near Fundy Road at 11:49 p.m. Oct. 14 when he saw three middle-aged women a car trunk with Trump signs.

Stothart said her hope is that “the judge will hear our argument with an open mind, and consider the fact that, by their own admission, Mr. Jones … placed somewhere in the neighborhood of 400 Trump/Pence signs in a 1.5-mile stretch of road in Falmouth.”

“I have no regrets about what I did. On the contrary, it has been a great lesson, and it has caused me to think long and hard about why I actually did it. I was deeply triggered by Trump’s abuse of power over women,” she said. “I have experienced abuse of power on many levels and am at the point where I refuse to be silent any longer.”

(The Forecaster)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 20, 2016, 11:43:02 AM
9 got their asses beat by 4  ;D

Happened JUST LIKE they said, too!  Trust 'em!
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 20, 2016, 03:56:23 PM
Could be a GBer (serious) or a close relative behind this from 10 years ago.  Isn't the GBer "Hero Envy" guy (can't think of GB handle atm) a comics-producer named Cimino?


(Fusion) Around 2006, Donald Trump was enjoying a run as the namesake of Trump Magazine— a publication that had begun primarily as a marketing vehicle to be distributed at his properties, but had come to be distributed on newsstands nationally. The magazine celebrated Trump’s “opulence and business savvy,” according to press releases. Covers featured Trump, his kids, or Trump and his kids. Articles highlighted other Trump-branded ventures, like Trump Vodka, and profiled comedians and TV hosts.

But the short-lived magazine almost birthed another Trump-branded venture: a TV cartoon for kids, starring The Donald as a wrong-righting, crusading superhero.


The catalyst for that idea was Mitchell Schultz, a former New Yorker who is now a “space tourism consultant” in Florida. Schultz tells Fusion he knew Trump Magazine’s publisher, Michael Jacobson, and had met Trump at a party through their mutual friend. Schultz remembers telling Jacobson that “the way to create immortality for Donald Trump is through the youth of America.” (Jacobson did not respond to requests for comment.)

Schultz imagined a show tentatively called Trump Takeover. Plotlines—which Schultz developed with the help of a writer friend, Louis Cimino—were prescient. They imagined an episode in which America would be “in a state of virtual collapse,” according to draft materials for the show.


Trump and his team—including characters from The Apprentice—would “go to Washington to take over!” In another episode, Trump and team would seize control of the stock market to save the world:


Save it from what? “A global financial conspiracy,” according to the show notes:


“We wrote some stories—’SuperTrump,’ that kind of thing,” Cimino recalls. “I wrote the stories—‘[Trump] solves the gang problem in New York and fights the aliens,’ stuff like that. I just remember the gist. He saves the city; he saves the Yankees. I wrote whole episodes with the dialogue.” Cimino says he “did it as a goof. I did it for fun.”




I've been wondering about the bad guys in this, and who they were.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 20, 2016, 04:04:22 PM

Investor Snaps Up Donald Trump’s First Home

A New York investor has purchased President-elect Donald Trump’s first home in Queens and will take it to auction next month in hopes of turning a profit, auctioneers Paramount Realty USA told Mansion Global.

The Tudor-style home in Jamaica Estates, Queens, will hit the auction block on Jan. 17, a few days before Mr. Trump will be sworn into office, said Misha Haghani, owner of auction house Paramount Realty USA. The unidentified investor hopes to capitalize on recent estimates from high-profile brokers that Mr. Trump’s shocking victory against Hillary Clinton caused the property’s value to spike as much as tenfold, the auctioneer said.

Mr. Haghani of Paramount would not identify who the buyer was—describing the new owner only as a New York investor—or say for how much the home sold. The house on Wareham Place was last listed with Laffey Real Estate for $1.25 million.

About a week after Election Day in November, superbroker Dolly Lenz estimated that the home’s market value had skyrocketed in the wake of Mr. Trump’s victory, speculating that it is now worth as much as three-to-10 times as much as before, The New York Post reported.

That would make the home worth as much as $10 million, or more.

Mr. Trump, 70, has expressed interest in buying the property himself. He told Jimmy Fallon on NBC’s “Tonight Show” as much on Sept. 15.

“That’s it, that’s where I was born…I want to buy it,” Mr. Trump said on air—though it was an off-the-cuff statement.

Whoever it is, the new mystery investor went into contract on the home in early December, according to listing records. The home’s broker, Howard Kaminowitz of Laffey Real Estate, did not immediately return a request for comment.

The two-story home, which has a fireplace, sunroom and detached garage, is in the well-off neighborhood of Jamaica Estates, where homes of that size typically trade hands for around $1 million. 

Mr. Trump’s father built the home in 1940, and the address is listed on Mr. Trump's birth certificate. The family later moved into a grander, red brick house around the corner on Midland Parkway when the president-elect was only 4 years old, meaning Mr. Trump’s memories from his birthplace are likely scarce.

The sudden sale and upcoming auction mark a major turn of events for the five-bedroom home on Wareham Place, which got a lukewarm response when it first hit the market over the summer.

The mystery investor bought the home from Isaac and Claudia Kestenberg, who originally put the house on the market in June for $1.65 million. They knocked the price down to $1.25 million before deciding to take the home to auction with Paramount Realty. That auction was postponed at the last minute on Oct. 19, about three weeks before Election Day, in hopes of stoking more interest.

(Mansion Global)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 20, 2016, 05:44:45 PM
^ Wonder why Trump didn't buy it himself.  It's nothing to him, cost-wise, so why not have it for the investment alone?  (To say nothing of personal meaning, even.)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 20, 2016, 09:51:20 PM
I have to agree, the POTUS works for us, not the other way around.

You are a wise man.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 20, 2016, 10:00:04 PM
100% AGREE.

Let's hope Trump is being Trump and he knows what to do.  IMO he needs to fix the problem with that (right after he secures our grid).  Because if we didn't learn our lesson from this past election... about this thoroughly UNACCEPTABLE BAD JOKE of a media... then it must mean we're destined to fail.  And I just can't accept that.

I would like to agree with you, but have you considered that if it were not for media, Donald Trump would be a nobody. Success and notoriety doesn't exist without media attention. Trump knows this as well or better than most. He's constantly manipulating the media. In this area, he is genius. It's the primary reason he is where he is today. He is also expert at manipulating the masses, including foreigners, whether friend of foe.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Chadwick The Beta on December 21, 2016, 02:30:02 AM
I would like to agree with you, but have you considered that if it were not for media, Donald Trump would be a nobody. Success and notoriety doesn't exist without media attention. Trump knows this as well or better than most. He's constantly manipulating the media. In this area, he is genius. It's the primary reason he is where he is today. He is also expert at manipulating the masses, including foreigners, whether friend of foe.

says a total nobody
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mass243 on December 21, 2016, 10:34:34 AM
Nice looking house considering the age.
Very expensive for size though.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 21, 2016, 10:41:22 AM
says a total nobody

Right. Who better to make that observation, than a nobody.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 21, 2016, 01:38:01 PM
If it's all as it seems, and considering Bill Clinton was probably convinced at one time he'd made a brilliant move to get Hillary elected: then it was a season of exploding plans and badly burned planners, like we've never seen before.

Once again, though, we must trust the media.  Who knows if the whole thing is bullshit, really.

But the idea is that no one wanted to give the Clinton Camp the recordings in question, because no one wanted to risk losing future $$ deals.  They figured "WTF, this guy isn't getting elected anyway" which turned out to be worth one huge pile of nothing.

How Hollywood Moguls Sat on Shocking 'Apprentice' Tapes—and Helped Trump Get Elected

(AlterNet) How did Donald Trump win this year’s presidential election? There’s not one reason or cause, but it seems that some Hollywood executives might be feeling some pangs of regret right now.

A new report from Vanity Fair reveals that the Clinton campaign’s efforts to get people in Hollywood to hand over damning outtakes of Donald Trump filmed during his time as the host of The Apprentice were never successful because nobody thought Trump would actually win the election.

“Two days before the election, one entertainment executive with ties to Clinton contacted someone in the industry who had said he had a copy of a tape depicting Trump that could create problems for the then candidate,” the publication writes. “Would this person be willing to pass him the footage to give to the Clinton campaign? Since the latest poll numbers indicated it was clear Clinton would win the election… this person didn’t want to risk it.”

This wasn’t the only incident where people in Hollywood who had dirt on Trump got cold feet when asked to produce, either.

Vanity Fair’s sources claim that reality TV mogul Mark Burnett was reluctant to leak out damning footage of Trump shot during The Apprentice because he feared it could hinder his ability to get future stars to agree to work on his shows.

“Burnett has been able to persuade countless minor celebrities to come on his shows with the implicit promise that he would never make them look bad,” the report notes.

Earlier this week, comedian Tom Arnold claimed that he had recordings of Trump using racial slurs and calling his own son a “retard,” but has said he didn’t release them in part because he wasn’t sure how much of an impact they would have made.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 21, 2016, 01:45:32 PM
I would like to agree with you, but have you considered that if it were not for media, Donald Trump would be a nobody. Success and notoriety doesn't exist without media attention. Trump knows this as well or better than most. He's constantly manipulating the media. In this area, he is genius. It's the primary reason he is where he is today. He is also expert at manipulating the masses, including foreigners, whether friend of foe.

I understand what you'tre saying, Prime.  But IMO if it were actually left up to it them -- and Lord knows they treated it as though it was -- then the very last place he'd be is in command.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 21, 2016, 02:00:08 PM
Nice looking house considering the age.
Very expensive for size though.

Yes, NY is robbery IMO, especially with that weather.

They'd earlier put it up for 1.65M (found no interest) before pulling it back a while, to see how it would go with Trump.  But, of course, almost no one figured he'd be elected.





Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 21, 2016, 02:06:15 PM

 ;D  ;D You know, I've actually read many of these letters and it is funny as can be.  No question imo it was Trump doing it, too, and not an assistant.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 21, 2016, 02:38:53 PM
Damn.  I thought it is the whole point.


Trump adviser says he is ditching 'drain the swamp'

One of Donald Trump's advisers says the president-elect is no longer interested in his rallying cry "drain the swamp."

"I'm told he now just disclaims that. He now says it was cute, but he doesn't want to use it anymore," former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said in an interview that aired Wednesday on NPR. Gingrich, a vice chairman of the transition team, also predicted there would be "constant fighting" over Trump's efforts to reduce the influence of lobbyists and Washington insiders.

Trump's aides say he remains committed to his underlying swamp-draining policies, such as banning outgoing Trump transition and administration members from lobbying for five years. Trump also prohibits any lobbyists from joining his transition team or administration unless they de-register.

"President-elect Trump's ethics reform policies are full speed ahead," transition spokesman Jason Miller said. "We're going to change the way business is done in Washington and start putting the American people first."

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 21, 2016, 03:31:44 PM
Trump picks 'Death by China' author for trade advisory role

(Reuters) U.S. President-elect Donald Trump named Peter Navarro, an economist who has urged a hard line on trade with China, to head a newly formed White House National Trade Council, the transition team said on Wednesday.

Navarro is an academic and one-time investment adviser who has authored a number of popular books and made a film describing China's threat to the U.S. economy as well as Beijing's desire to become the dominant economic and military power in Asia.

Trump's team praised Navarro in a statement as a "visionary" economist who would "develop trade policies that shrink our trade deficit, expand our growth, and help stop the exodus of jobs from our shores." (Reuters)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 21, 2016, 05:36:42 PM
I'm sure everyone has seen the post-election headlines about the poor young lady who was "threatened" that she'd be "set on fire" if she didn't remove her hijab. 

Well, never happened.

How about the woman reportedly attacked on the subway, due to race and religion?


And NO WAY anyone missed the many headlines about a "Black Church" in Mississippi that was torched, with "VOTE TRUMP" painted on the wall.



Things are tough, lol, when you can't even find real white bigots to do the work you claim they're so busy at.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 21, 2016, 06:51:01 PM
Boeing announces they've been persuaded by Trump.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 21, 2016, 07:16:30 PM
Working with anyone?  That's what I want to know.


Said 'Vote Trump' Arsonist Member of Church He Burned

(Inquistr) The photo above shows the Mississippi state driver’s license of Andrew McClinton, a man who has been charged with spray-painting “Vote Trump” on the Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church in Greenville, Mississippi, and then setting fire to the church. McClinton, who hails from Leland, Mississippi, was arrested on Wednesday and charged with first-degree arson of a place of worship. The fact that the 45-year-old was arrested by the Greenville Police Department, and was charged with setting the fire on November 1, only one week prior to the heated presidential election, is sending shockwaves through social media for those reacting to the fact that Andrew is African American.


As reported by Heavy, which has several Facebook photos of Andrew on their website, McClinton was also a member of the church that he set on fire. Bishop Clarence Green had not even heard that McClinton had been charged with setting the Greenville Hopewell Baptist Church on fire, according to the Associated Press. With the church appearing burned with “Vote Trump” painted on the side of the church, the assumption during the time of the fire by many in the public was that it represented a hate crime.

Meanwhile, the fire at the church caused the place of worship to be declared a total loss, according to the Clarion-Ledger, meaning it would take quite some time to be rebuilt for the 200 church members. Little did the public know at the time of the blaze that Andrew was one of the members of the church who would be later accused of setting it on fire. The church was founded in 1905.


As seen in the photo above from November 2, Wednesday, the words “Vote Trump” can be seen on the side of the church after the fire was put out.

Any motive that Andrew may have had for spray-painting “Vote Trump” on his own church and setting it on fire has not been released by authorities, but folks on social media have come to their own conclusion that it was a fake hate crime designed to make it seem as though supporters of President-elect Trump set the church on fire. Ironically, police say they don’t believe the fire was politically motivated — perhaps meaning that the fire instead was some sort of financial fraud.

McClinton previously did an eight-year stint in prison after an armed robbery conviction in 2004, as reported by the Associated Press.

Heavy links to a page that they claim is McClinton’s Facebook page, with the Facebook account showing that Andrew was married in 2015. Congratulations for that marriage can be seen in the Facebook comments section on McClinton’s Facebook page. Now Andrew could be facing anywhere from five to 30 years in prison if found guilty of the fire.

The GoFundMe page that was once set up for the church, and had raised more than $230,000, has been deleted in the wake of the controversy. The campaign originally spoke of how burning black churches was something used as a symbol of hate, as written by J. Blair Reeves, Jr.

“The animus of this election cycle combined with the potent racial history of burning black churches as a political symbol makes this event something we must not ignore. Only two weeks ago, the internet came together to help repair a North Carolina GOP field office that had been burned by thugs. Justice demands we do the same now. More details as they are available. Can we do this? Can we help show the world, the country, and most importantly, the churchgoers of Hopewell Baptist that we, as a society, are better than this?”

[Featured Image by Mississippi Department of Public Safety/AP Images]

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 21, 2016, 07:34:44 PM

U-M student made up story about man threatening to burn hjiab, police say

ANN ARBOR, Mich. (WXYZ) - Ann Arbor police say a report of ethnic intimidation involving a woman wearing a hijab did not actually happen.

According to police, a University of Michigan student told police on she was approached by a man who threatened to set her hijab on fire if she didn't remove it. It happened on Nov. 11.

She then said the suspect pulled out a lighter, so she removed her hijab before he ran away on foot.

Police say detectives have been working with the U of M Police Department and the FBI. They have conducted multiple interviews and reviewed multiple surveillance videos.

"During the investigation, numerous inconsistencies in the statements provided by the alleged victim were identified," police said in a release.

Detectives then determined the incident did not happen.


Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Skeletor on December 21, 2016, 07:40:38 PM
Working with anyone?  That's what I want to know.


Said 'Vote Trump' Arsonist Member of Church He Burned

(Inquistr) The photo above shows the Mississippi state driver’s license of Andrew McClinton, a man who has been charged with spray-painting “Vote Trump” on the Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church in Greenville, Mississippi, and then setting fire to the church. McClinton, who hails from Leland, Mississippi, was arrested on Wednesday and charged with first-degree arson of a place of worship. The fact that the 45-year-old was arrested by the Greenville Police Department, and was charged with setting the fire on November 1, only one week prior to the heated presidential election, is sending shockwaves through social media for those reacting to the fact that Andrew is African American.


As reported by Heavy, which has several Facebook photos of Andrew on their website, McClinton was also a member of the church that he set on fire. Bishop Clarence Green had not even heard that McClinton had been charged with setting the Greenville Hopewell Baptist Church on fire, according to the Associated Press. With the church appearing burned with “Vote Trump” painted on the side of the church, the assumption during the time of the fire by many in the public was that it represented a hate crime.

Meanwhile, the fire at the church caused the place of worship to be declared a total loss, according to the Clarion-Ledger, meaning it would take quite some time to be rebuilt for the 200 church members. Little did the public know at the time of the blaze that Andrew was one of the members of the church who would be later accused of setting it on fire. The church was founded in 1905.


As seen in the photo above from November 2, Wednesday, the words “Vote Trump” can be seen on the side of the church after the fire was put out.

Any motive that Andrew may have had for spray-painting “Vote Trump” on his own church and setting it on fire has not been released by authorities, but folks on social media have come to their own conclusion that it was a fake hate crime designed to make it seem as though supporters of President-elect Trump set the church on fire. Ironically, police say they don’t believe the fire was politically motivated — perhaps meaning that the fire instead was some sort of financial fraud.

McClinton previously did an eight-year stint in prison after an armed robbery conviction in 2004, as reported by the Associated Press.

Heavy links to a page that they claim is McClinton’s Facebook page, with the Facebook account showing that Andrew was married in 2015. Congratulations for that marriage can be seen in the Facebook comments section on McClinton’s Facebook page. Now Andrew could be facing anywhere from five to 30 years in prison if found guilty of the fire.

The GoFundMe page that was once set up for the church, and had raised more than $230,000, has been deleted in the wake of the controversy. The campaign originally spoke of how burning black churches was something used as a symbol of hate, as written by J. Blair Reeves, Jr.

[Featured Image by Mississippi Department of Public Safety/AP Images]


Was just about to post this story on another thread. Not surprising.

Growing list of post-election 'hate crimes' turn out to be hoaxes

Since the election victory of Donald Trump, numerous stories have surfaced about hate crimes allegedly tied to supporters of the businessman or to his rhetoric, some true and many not.

Although the Southern Poverty Law Center reports that there have been hate crimes since the election, a number of the incidents have been disproven or shown to be hoaxes or ill-timed jokes. Here are some noteworthy ones.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 21, 2016, 07:51:30 PM
All are a hoax.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 21, 2016, 08:09:11 PM
So what do we do about it, dudes?   This is a serious problem.  The trick they're using is to burn the miles with the false claims and imagery, then run like hell when the LOCALS figure it out.  Another reason why we can't trust the so-called "federal authorities" to investigate this stuff.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 21, 2016, 08:12:32 PM
I mean, come on.  The insane potential from this image.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 22, 2016, 02:41:15 AM
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 22, 2016, 09:18:30 AM
Trump denies Gingrich claim that he's dropping 'drain the swamp'

(CNN) "Drain the swamp" was a refrain of Donald Trump during the presidential campaign, but on Wednesday Newt Gingrich said the president-elect "doesn't want to use it anymore" now that he's knee-deep in alligators. Trump tweeted Thursday that he will "always be trying to (drain the swamp)."
"I'm told he now just disclaims that. He now says it was cute, but he doesn't want to use it anymore," Gingrich, who informally advises Trump, said Wednesday on NPR's "Morning Edition."

The former House Speaker said that he had "written what I thought was a very cute tweet about 'the alligators are complaining,' " but that "somebody wrote back and said they were tired of hearing this stuff."

Trump corrected him on Thursday.

"Someone incorrectly stated that the phrase "DRAIN THE SWAMP" was no longer being used by me. Actually, we will always be trying to DTS," he tweeted.

Gingrich quickly admitted he "goofed" after Trump's tweet.

"I goofed. Draining the swamp is in, @realDonaldTrump is going to do it, and the alligators should be worried," he tweeted.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 22, 2016, 09:28:34 AM

Trump campaign star Conway named as his presidential counselor

(Reuters) Kellyanne Conway, a Republican pollster who was widely credited with bringing a more disciplined approach to Donald Trump's presidential election campaign, will become White House counselor when he takes office next month.

In her new post, Conway will play a key advisory role, helping to manage Trump's messaging and legislative priorities, the transition team said in a statement on Friday. It praised Conway, 49, as the first woman campaign manager to guide a winning U.S. presidential campaign.

Both before the Nov. 8 election and after, as a senior adviser on the transition team, Conway has been a frequent presence on U.S. television news programs, often called upon to defend or explain Trump's thinking.

Conway "played a crucial role in my victory," Trump said in the transition team statement. "She is a tireless and tenacious advocate of my agenda and has amazing insights on how to effectively communicate our message."

Trump, a New York businessman, takes office on Jan. 20.

In an interview with ABC's "Good Morning America" shortly after the announcement, Conway said Trump was finalizing his communications staff and was preparing to announce his choices for White House press secretary and related posts soon.

Asked when Trump would hold his first news conference, Conway avoided directly answering the question. Trump has held several rallies since winning the election but has not taken formal questions from reporters.

He canceled a Dec. 15 news conference to discuss how he would handle his vast business interests once in the White House and said he would reschedule that for January.

Conway told ABC that Trump was focusing on forming his Cabinet. "He's been very busy doing that," she said.

Because of her prominent role in the campaign and transition team, there had been considerable speculation over what post Conway, a veteran political strategist, might occupy in Trump's administration.

Conway, who has four children, said she did not immediately accept a position offered to her early on in the transition period because she had to weigh her family obligations.

"I would say that I don’t play golf and I don’t have a mistress so, I have a lot of time that a lot of these other men don't," Conway told Fox Business News.

"I see people on the weekend spending an awful lot of time on their golf games and that’s their right, but the kids will be with me, we live in the same house, and they come first." (Reuters)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 22, 2016, 12:04:48 PM

How a former NFL coach got the gullible media to publish ‘fake news’ about Trump

The constant stream to Trump Tower of supplicants begging for a place in the president-elect’s administration has had the press buzzing with activity. But they didn’t count on one visitor using the occasion to show how gullible and foolish they are.

Former Dallas Cowboys coach Barry Switzer says that he was shopping with this wife and daughter when he decided to walk into Trump Tower even though he had no meeting scheduled, according to Politico. Switzer relates how the media responded:

All the media people said, “Coach, what are you doing here.” I told them I was here to see the president like everyone else.

But instead of meeting with the president-elect, whom he had known for decades, Switzer simply waltzed up Trump Tower, went to the in-house Starbucks and bought a coffee. When he came back down, the press was clamoring for details about his “visit” with Trump.

“I told the reporters I had a great visit, and that we were going to make the wishbone great again,” he said. “I told them I was going to be Secretary of Offense and that Trump knew how to run the ball down the field.”

Reporters ate it up, sending it out as an example of how crazy Trump’s interviewing process is:

Dave Evans


Funny-especially for @dallascowboys fans. @Barry_Switzer just now at trump tower "I'm here to interview for the secretary of offense"
12:29 PM - 7 Dec 2016

Terrence Dopp


Seen at Trump Tower: former Dallas Cowboys coach Barry Switzer. Says he's seeking Secretary of Offense. I know about running the ball
12:29 PM - 7 Dec 2016

And it was all a big joke on the press. Switzer concluded, “Then I went back to my hotel and laughed my ass off. It went everywhere. Everyone believed it. I had all these calls, but I was just jerking people around.”

(the blaze)

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 22, 2016, 12:23:42 PM


But at the same time, they know mileage can be had just the same, so that's why they do it imo.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Skeletor on December 22, 2016, 01:14:49 PM

Hahaha! The young turds must have eaten so much crow the last 6 weeks... And there should be more to come.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 22, 2016, 03:58:13 PM

Based on the tremendous cost and cost overruns of the Lockheed Martin F-35, I have asked Boeing to price-out a comparable F-18 Super Hornet!
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 23, 2016, 06:28:17 AM
Jimmy Carter Is The Only Former President To RSVP For Trump’s Inauguration

Jimmy Carter is the only former president who has confirmed that he will be at Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Bill Clinton is considering skipping the inauguration, a source told Politico Thursday night, after he got into a bitter argument with the president-elect on Twitter.

The former president said Trump only knows “how to get angry, white men to vote for him,” while Trump said Clinton can’t win an election despite an “unlimited budget.”

George W. Bush hasn’t decided if he’s attending the event either, his spokesman Freddy Ford said, and will make his decision after the new year.

(Daily Caller)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 23, 2016, 06:32:57 AM

Bill Clinton, Who May Have Cost Hillary the Election, Passes the Buck to James Comey

Former President Bill Clinton is quick to apportion blame for his wife’s defeat.

“James Comey cost her the election,” Clinton was quoted telling a group of holiday shoppers during an impromptu chat in a Westchester County bookshop last week.

But he has yet to place any blame at all on an otherwise great man with a great fault who bears considerably more responsibility for Hillary Clinton’s loss.

That man is Bill Clinton himself. His great fault is one he shares with his wife; they too often act as if rules that apply to you or me do not apply to them.

In blaming Comey, Bill Clinton noted that “we were seven points up” before the FBI director made it known via a letter to Congress that the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails had been reopened.

Bill Clinton did not add that Comey had felt obliged to make the reopening public because he had previously felt obliged to make the initial closing of the investigation public.

And the reason Comey had made the initial closing public was that the rules do in fact apply to everybody.

One rule holds that the husband of the target of a criminal investigation should not seek to meet privately with the law enforcement official ultimately in charge of that same investigation, no matter how innocent the talk.


Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 23, 2016, 06:41:00 AM
It's comeys fault Hillary committed crimes
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 23, 2016, 05:35:44 PM
It's comeys fault Hillary committed crimes

Yep.  Amazing, but that's just about what it comes down to.

Trump had better fix this media problem -- open up the floodgates against them with REAL competition, and lots of it.  If this fkng election didn't open our eyes, then it must mean nothing can do that... no way I want to believe that's true.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 23, 2016, 05:40:41 PM
Carl Paladino had a 'fuck it' sort of day, apparently,  He went on a roll with some comments, which I won't post here... but look it up if you want to see an old guy throw a fastball from Hell.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 24, 2016, 01:02:03 PM
Julian Assange on U.S. election.

Assange spoke with La Repubblica and immediately dismissed the idea that he was in the business of helping Donald Trump.

And he has this assessment of how Trump’s team is beginning to form:

“Donald Trump is not a DC insider, he is part of the wealthy ruling elite of the United States, and he is gathering around him a spectrum of other rich people and several idiosyncratic personalities. They do not by themselves form an existing structure, so it is a weak structure which is displacing and destabilising the pre-existing central power network within DC. It is a new patronage structure which will evolve rapidly, but at the moment its looseness means there are opportunities for change in the United States: change for the worse and change for the better.”

As for Hillary Clinton, Assange is far more critical. He claims, “It is clear that she pursued this war [in Libya] as a staging effort for her Presidential bid.”

He reiterated his position that Wikileaks simply got information about her because they previously released information on Clinton while she was at State and “it is natural for sources who have information on Hillary Clinton to come to us.”

In recent weeks there have been reports about an intel consensus on Russian interference in the election, potentially to help Trump. Assange has denied that the Russian government was his source.

He thinks that Clinton’s election “would have been a consolidation of power in the existing ruling class of the United States,” and had this to say about the end result of Clinton going after Wikileaks:

“Power is mostly the illusion of power. The Pentagon demanded we destroy our publications. We kept publishing. Clinton denounced us and said we were an attack on the entire “international community”. We kept publishing. I was put in prison and under house arrest. We kept publishing. We went head to head with the NSA getting Edward Snowden out of Hong Kong, we won and got him asylum. Clinton tried to destroy us and was herself destroyed. Elephants, it seems, can be brought down with string. Perhaps there are no elephants."

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on December 24, 2016, 02:58:35 PM
Trump took John Bolton out of the race for Secretary of State because he hated his mustache. Getbig Alpha right there...Classic TRump.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 24, 2016, 04:36:46 PM
Trump took John Bolton out of the race for Secretary of State because he hated his mustache. Getbig Alpha right there...Classic TRump.


Yeah, I saw that.  Lol.  I'd read before that Trump had a problem with facial hair (who knows) but didn't even think about how it might impact Bolton.

IMO, Bolton is a kunt anyway so if this is what it takes, it's good.  Hope he gets lost on a safari or something, soon.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Slapper on December 25, 2016, 07:46:38 AM
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 25, 2016, 01:02:11 PM
Donald Trump Reveals The Truth About His Religion!

(Politicus) Donald Trump spoke about his religious views, and promised to “defend Christmas.”

“There’s an assault on anything having to do with Christianity,” Trump stated on Yellowhammer Radio with host Cliff Sims on Friday. “They don’t want to use the word Christmas anymore at department stores.”

“There’s always lawsuits and unfortunately a lot of those lawsuits are won by the other side,” Trump added. “I will assault that. I will go so strongly against so many of the things, when they take away the word Christmas.”

Continued Trump: “I go out of my way to use the word Christmas.”

“I’ve even had people that do this very professionally,” Trump recalls, “they say, ‘oh don’t mention the word Christmas’…I get up there, I mention Christmas before I even start speaking. So there’s a great assault on Christianity in so many ways.”

Trump also noted that the “assault on Christianity” goes as far as the government spreads its policies.

“There’s real assault on Christianity when you look at what’s going on in Syria and ISIS,” Trump explained. “Do you know that if you’re a Christian from Syria, you cannot get into the United States? If you’re a Muslim from Syria, it’s one of the easiest places to get into the United States from.”

The host asked him to say something about his faith, and Trump said he is “somebody that believes very strongly in the Bible, believes in God.”

“I’m protestant,” he stated. “I’m Presbyterian to be exact. And I grew up in Sunday school, and I did all of the things that you probably did. And I believe very, very strongly. I’m a big believer in the Bible.”

Trump also admitted that he doesn’t go to church every Sunday, because of his packed schedule, according to The Daily Caller.

“I’m not sure numbers of times going to church,” Trump said. “I go as often as I can. As you can imagine, I have a schedule that’s not like a normal person’s schedule. My schedule is a killer. But I go as often as possible.”

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 25, 2016, 01:19:41 PM
Gingrich: Obama 'desperate frenzy' to save legacy

(CNN) - Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich in an interview that aired Sunday compared President Barack Obama's legacy to a deflating doll and argued Obama is in a "desperate frenzy" to save it.

"His legacy is like one of those dolls that, as the air comes out of it, shrinks and shrinks and shrinks," Gingrich said. "He's in this desperate frenzy."

Gingrich, a vice chairman of President-elect Donald Trump's transition team, made the comments as he pointed to executive actions Obama has taken just weeks before he surrenders the presidency to Trump.

The Obama administration last week nixed regulations that could have been used to reboot the George W. Bush administration's program known as NSEERS, the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System, which required men under 25 from many Muslim-majority countries to register with US immigration authorities. Trump called for banning foreign Muslims from the US during his campaign.

Obama also took action to ban offshore drilling in areas of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans indefinitely citing environmental reasons, a move aimed at making it more difficult for Trump to undo his legacy of progress on climate change issues.

Obama has also been shipping prisoners out of Guantanamo Bay to reduce its population, although Trump has vowed to "load up" the detention facility.

Trump repeatedly vowed during the campaign to undo many of the executive actions Obama implemented during his presidency.

Gingrich argued that much of Obama's legacy is tied to executive actions, "almost all of which will be repudiated by Trump."

While Gingrich did not hold his fire, Trump has largely avoided criticizing Obama during the transition to power and has repeatedly sought out Obama's counsel as he prepares to take office.

Obama has also avoided criticizing the President-elect and has said he would continue to be available to counsel Trump after he is inaugurated.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 25, 2016, 01:28:52 PM
Donald Trump Family Christmas Is Full Of Work, Vladimir Putin, ‘Savage Kids,’ Nutcracker Memories, Beaches, Boating and Hannukah

(Inquistr) The Trump family is having a busy Christmas and holiday season.

While siblings Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump have been tweeting pics of their far-flung Christmas festivities, President-elect Donald Trump was still working on Christmas Eve. As usual, some of the elder Trump’s efforts have been raising a few eyebrows, but he might get a few good marks for other recent endeavors.

On Christmas Eve the President-elect announced that he will be dissolving his nonprofit charity the Donald J. Trump Foundation. As the Inquisitr previously reported, the foundation has been under investigation in relation to accusations that it used donated funds to cover lawsuits for Donald Trump’s for-profit businesses. That investigation is still ongoing with with the New York Attorney General’s office, but critics viewed the organization as a potential conflict of interest for the incoming president. Trump cannot dissolve the Trump Foundation until the investigation is complete, but his lawyers have supposedly already begun getting things in order to do so.

On Friday, Donald Trump tweeted that his son, Eric, would also be ceasing his fundraising work with cancer charities because of potential conflicts of interests.

While severing ties to organizations — nonprofit or otherwise — that could raise ethical questions should be par for the course for an incoming president, the Trumps nevertheless deserve some credit for doing so.

Any good will those steps may have earned from critics and opponents, however, may have very likely been quashed by some misguided praise for Russian President Vladimir Putin from Donald Trump.

In a tweet sent out Friday, Trump quoted Putin for criticizing former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party because they’ve raised questions about Trump’s relationship with Putin in regards to the Russian government having possibly hacked into the Democratic National Committee’s email servers in the weeks prior to the election.

Donald J. Trump


Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary and Dems: "In my opinion, it is humiliating. One must be able to lose with dignity." So true!
6:13 PM - 23 Dec 2016

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 25, 2016, 01:56:27 PM

Lockheed Martin CEO promises Trump she’ll cut F-35 costs, possibly saving thousands of Conn. jobs

NEW YORK — Lockheed Martin’s CEO gave President-elect Donald Trump her “personal commitment” to cut the cost of the stealthy F-35 fighter jet.

Marillyn Hewson said she had a “very good conversation” with Trump Friday, the day after he tweeted that he was considering replacing the costly F-35 Joint Strike Fighter with a modified version of a cheaper jet.

“I’ve heard his message loud and clear about reducing the cost of the F-35,” Hewson said in a statement. “I gave him my personal commitment to drive the cost down aggressively.”

She added, “We’re ready to deliver.”

F-35 engines are built in Middletown, Connecticut, and West Palm Beach, Florida. Sen. Richard Blumenthal spoke to FOX 61 on Friday about the ramifications ending the program would have in Connecticut.

“Ending or reducing the production of the F-35 is not only bad for national security and increases the cost of each plane, but also, it will mean jobs — losses of job for Connecticut, as well as losses in air superiority. Our troops should never face a fair fight,” Blumenthal said. “What reducing or ending our program would mean for Connecticut is not a few jobs, it’s thousands and thousands of jobs that we’ve worked and fought to achieve.”

Earlier in the week, Trump extracted a promise from Boeing’s Dennis Muilenburg to lower the cost of building new Air Force One jets after Trump said estimated costs were “out of control.”

Trump has pitted aerospace giants Lockheed Martin and Boeing against each other by suggesting Thursday the F-35 could be replaced with Boeing’s F-18 Super Hornet.

“Based on the tremendous cost and cost overruns of the Lockheed Martin F-35 I have asked Boeing to price-out a comparable F-18 Super Hornet!” Trump tweeted.

Blumenthal commented on the newborn competition, saying, “Phasing out the (F-35) program and adopting F-18 not only deprives Connecticut of jobs, it deprives our nation of air superiority.”

Trump’s message about a need to reduce costs followed a Wednesday meeting with Hewson and Muilenburg to discuss their respective government deals.

Hewson said at the time that the conversation was “productive,” and that she had “conveyed our continued commitment to delivering an affordable aircraft to our U.S. military and our allies.”

The president-elect, however, told members of the press that he was concerned over the F-35’s price tag.

“It’s a little bit of a dance. But we’re going to get the cost down,” he said, calling the F-35 program “very, very—uhhh—expensive.”

The F-35 is the Pentagon’s largest single program, and is likely to cost the government around $400 billion over the next 22 years.

Still, BLumenthal thinks that with the right briefings, Trump would see the necessity of the F-35 program. “The idea that we’re gonna substitute the F18, which is a fourth-generation fighter, for a plane with the stealth and strength of an F-35 seems pretty misguided.”


Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 25, 2016, 04:43:23 PM
Trump White House Communications Director Jason Miller Resigns In The Midst Of An Apparent Adultery Scandal

(Uproxx) Just days after he was named Donald Trump’s White House communications director, Jason Miller has refused the job and stepped back from the Trump team. His departure from the administration is apparently related to Miller’s needs to focus on his family according to his official statement, but other details reportedly indicate there may be a more salacious reason.

Miller’s statement explains his reluctance to take on the job is due to his wife’s pregnancy with their second child according to the Daily News:

“It’s clear they need to be my top priority right now, and this is not the time to start a new job as demanding as White House communications director,”

This would all be fine if not for a series of deleted tweets from Trump surrogate and transition adviser A.J. Delgado. The posts allege that Miller may have been involved in an adulterous relationship with Delgado and that it could be the reason that Miller was stepping down from the position just two days after it was announced.

“Congratulations to the baby-daddy on being named WH Comms Director!” she wrote in one now-deleted tweet.

“The 2016 version of John Edwards,” she wrote in another, referring to the disgraced ex-Democratic senator who fathered a child with his mistress.


Delgado’s Twitter account has since been deleted, but most of the messages have been captured and saved at this point. Nothing posted online goes away forever, especially when they’re connected to an alleged sex scandal. The Miami lawyer apparently called on Miller to resign ahead of the Trump transition team announcement which did not happen, leading to the situation that played out on Saturday.

This isn’t the first time that the pair were in the headlines connected to behavior away from the campaign. Ahead of the final debate with Hillary Clinton in Las Vegas, the pair were part of a group from Trump’s campaign that entertained members of the media at a strip club the night before according to Page Six:

Sources said that Trump campaign senior communications adviser Jason Miller — along with female colleagues including senior adviser and surrogate A.J. Delgado and deputy communications director Jessica Ditto — went with several members of the media from networks, including CNN, NBC and ABC, to Sapphire Las Vegas Strip Club before the big night.

With “70,000 square feet of topless entertainment and serving the finest variety of cocktails,” Sin City’s Sapphire bills itself as the largest strip club in the world.

This trip was called a “serious lapse in judgment” by some insiders, but it’s likely that the latest allegations would shadow that.

(Via Daily News / Page Six / Mediaite)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 25, 2016, 07:28:40 PM
I'm glad the establishment is against him.  Not at all bad, really.

Donald Trump Inauguration Ceremony In The Soup As A-List Entertainers Plan Anti-Trump ‘Freedom Concert’

(Inquistr) President-elect Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day plans could be spoiled thanks to a bunch of celebrities reportedly planning an anti-Trump “Freedom Concert” to register their protest against his presidency on the same day he is set to take over the reins from outgoing President Barack Obama.

Over the course of the last few weeks, several celebrities have been approached to perform at Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day ceremony on January 20, 2017. But most of the entertainers approached by the Trump transition team have turned down the offer to perform at his Inauguration because of political and personal discrepancies with the new President-elect. In such a scenario, as The Wrap reported, Trump’s team have allegedly taken an unconventional route to try and populate the ceremony with A-list stars.

“They are willing to pay anything,” one source told the media outlet.

Usually, entertainers don’t charge for performing at a presidential inauguration because it is considered honorable to perform at a presidential event, but with Trump, even promises of huge money do not seem enough to convince A-list stars to perform at Trump’s Inauguration.

The desperation seems to have hit the Trump team so hard that his former campaign manager and now adviser Kellyanne Conway recently took to national television to make a plea to Justin Timberlake and Bruno Mars, asking them to call her to be part of the festivities, according to CNN.

But despite everything, not many celebrities seem willing to perform at Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day event. As AV Club reported, Ted Nugent and Kid Rock are the only musicians willing to perform at the event at this point, with 16-year-old American Idol runner-up Jackie Evancho having been confirmed as the singer who will sing the National Anthem. The Inquisitr had earlier reported that famed tenor Andrea Bocelli, who was rumored to be one of the performers at Trump’s Inauguration ceremony, backed off after a fierce social media backlash. In fact, just this last Thursday, it was confirmed that dancers with The Radio City Rockettes would perform at the event, but now BBC is reporting that the dancers have refused to take part at Donald Trump’s event.

“I usually don’t use social media to make a political stand but I feel overwhelmed with emotion,” Phoebe Pearl, a member of the Rockettes, wrote on Instagram.

“The women I work with are intelligent and are full of love and the decision of performing for a man that stands for everything we’re against is appalling.”

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 25, 2016, 10:16:45 PM
God I love this country.

could a serial bankrupt pass himself off as a successful businessman. (And almost none of those he bankrupted were even regular businesses. They were casinos - where people essentially come to lose their money.)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 25, 2016, 10:27:23 PM
God I love this country.

ONLY IN AMERICA could a serial bankrupt pass himself off as a successful businessman. (And almost none of those he bankrupted were even regular businesses. They were casinos - where people essentially come to lose their money.)

Serial bankruptcies? Ok, you're trolling now. If not you're completely clueless.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 25, 2016, 10:38:33 PM
God I love this country.

ONLY IN AMERICA could a serial bankrupt pass himself off as a successful businessman. (And almost none of those he bankrupted were even regular businesses. They were casinos - where people essentially come to lose their money.)

Btw, if you think that four or five bankruptcies compared to the hundreds of business with his name on them are bad, you're once again, clueless.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 25, 2016, 10:48:27 PM
Btw, if you think that four or five bankruptcies compared to the hundreds of business with his name on them are bad, you're once again, clueless.

ONLY IN AMERICA could a man who offended Hispanics, Muslims, Jews and African Americans, as well as women, babies and the handicapped become the Republican nominee for President.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 25, 2016, 10:58:15 PM
Serial bankruptcies? Ok, you're trolling now. If not you're completely clueless.

Serial: occurring in a series rather than simultaneously:
serial marriage; serial murders, serial bankruptcies.

A general rule of thumb is that less than 10 people out of every 1000 in the USA file bankruptcy.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 25, 2016, 11:10:58 PM
ONLY IN AMERICA could a man who offended Hispanics, Muslims, Jews and African Americans, as well as women, babies and the handicapped become the Republican nominee for President.

Only in America is where we can 56 different gender types and no matter what anyone says they'll get offended.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 25, 2016, 11:14:05 PM
ONLY IN AMERICA could a man for whom truth is an inconvenient concept refer to his opponent as "lying" and "crooked."
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Skeletor on December 25, 2016, 11:23:15 PM
ONLY IN AMERICA could a man for whom truth is an inconvenient concept refer to his opponent as "lying" and "crooked."

I'll spare you (and us and everyone else) the rest:

Btw, only in America could someone not only get away with crime but also be dubbed "the most qualified candidate since Washington". (Not to mention she was probably the only presidential candidate who was investigated by the FBI up to the elections - and possibly still being investigated.) Or the woman who called blacks "superpredators" be considered the "non racist" candidate. The list goes on. These were probably the most disappointing candidates to run for office.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 25, 2016, 11:23:35 PM
ONLY IN AMERICA could a man for whom truth is an inconvenient concept refer to his opponent as "lying" and "crooked."

Holy shit, are we going to re-live this again by pointing hard facts that completely refute anything you think? Seriously, your party got your asses handed to you based on hard facts and evidence that CANNOT be refuted with any credibility. Not kidding. You didn't read a GD thing put out by wikileaks or project Veritas did you? I want this answered. I want you to be honest by saying you really did not read anything on this....did you?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 25, 2016, 11:30:08 PM
I'll spare you (and us and everyone else) the rest:

Btw, only in America could someone not only get away with crime but also be dubbed "the most qualified candidate since Washington". (Not to mention she was probably the only presidential candidate who was investigated by the FBI up to the elections - and possibly still being investigated.) Or the woman who called blacks "superpredators" be considered the "non racist" candidate. The list goes on. These were probably the most disappointing candidates to run for office.


They were the most disappointing candidates to run for office in our lifetimes to date. I'm not surprised though, It's a thankless job that no one in their right mind would seek, unless their enormous ego has blinded them.

Come on, the ONLY IN AMERICA tidbits are humorous. I'm not suggesting they will open closed eyes, because it will take more than this to make that happen. Maybe something like Trump's campaign promise to create jobs by fixing our obsolete and broken infrastructure which he is now saying will be on the back burner for at least the next couple of years. Prediction: he will never follow through on it. The crumbling infrastructure will continue to crumble and those new jobs will not be created.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 25, 2016, 11:43:50 PM
ONLY IN AMERICA, a nation built on a history of immigration, could a man who married two immigrants -- one of whom is alleged to have worked illegally when she first arrived -- run on an anti-immigration platform.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Slapper on December 26, 2016, 04:59:54 AM
ONLY IN AMERICA, a nation built on a history of immigration, could a man who married two immigrants -- one of whom is alleged to have worked illegally when she first arrived -- run on an anti-immigration platform.

You folks seem to miss the point big time. You don't get it: The American Dream is dead. People voting for Trump voted for a guy who is on record saying that he is going to bring back the American Dream.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 26, 2016, 08:52:02 AM

The Wait is Over: Trump Announces Who Will Write his Inauguration Speech

(politistick) The inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States is just about 4 weeks away. When he is inaugurated, Trump will make history as the first person to serve as president who has never held an elected office or been in the military. So, who will write the speech for that monumental occasion? Trump has announced that Stephen Miller, his senior White House advisor for policy, will author his inauguration speech.

This will not be a new venture for Miller, who has written the majority of Trump’s past speeches including his speech to accept the nomination at the Republican National Convention.

In regards to the theme or focus of Trump’s inauguration speech, exactly what should we expect? Former White House speechwriter for George W. Bush, Peter Wehner, speaking with Politico said that the tone of it should be different than that of Trump’s campaign.

“A campaign message is taking place in the context of a conflict and you have an opponent and you’re trying to defeat that person, [while] an inaugural speech is the exact opposite of that. That’s the one moment where you really need to go in the opposite direction and try to bring the country together.”

The Trump campaign has indicated that they may follow such a theme and shift away from his “I alone can fix it” message which was stated frequently during his campaign. Trump, who is viewed as more of a populist than a conservative, may also capitalize on his populism theme and being “an outsider” by presenting himself as “the people’s president.” This message may not be delivered just in words but also in action. Trump may wade into the crowd or join the parade rather than immediately go to the traditional congressional lunch after his swearing in.

Miller, who was previously a top aide to Trump’s attorney general pick, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, was instrumental in Trump’s overall campaign theme and agenda focus of “America First” which resonated widely with the American people.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: polychronopolous on December 26, 2016, 08:58:29 AM
You folks seem to miss the point big time. You don't get it: The American Dream is dead. People voting for Trump voted for a guy who is on record saying that he is going to bring back the American Dream.

The live in a bubble.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 26, 2016, 08:59:46 AM

Hello from across the aisle: Meet Emma, a transgender woman who voted for Trump

"Am I glad this election is over?” Emma Olson, a 27-year-old transgender woman from Minnesota, asks herself on a cold December night. “Hell yeah! Ugh, there was so much drama and arguing. I didn’t like it!”

It’s been a month-and-a-half since the election, and Emma is still reeling–but not in the way you may think. Why? Because she voted for Donald Trump, a fact she proudly boasted in a Reddit post days after the election.

“By no means do I think he is an ‘ideal’ candidate, and yeah, I disagree with some of the things he’s said and done in the past,” she tells Queerty. “But put that up against all the things that Clinton has done and it doesn’t even compare.”

We sat down with Emma to discuss exactly why she voted for Trump, what she thinks about his increasingly anti-LGBTQ cabinet picks, the impact she believes Trump could have on her as a trans woman and more…

First things first, what led you to vote for Trump?

Mostly it came down to a culmination of many months of research, comparing Clinton versus Trump. I want to stress the fact that being transgender did not play that large of a role in who I voted for. Sure, it played some part in it, but I didn’t feel right putting my support behind someone based on one small part of who I am. I instead chose to focus on the larger picture.

Personally, I just have a trust issue when it comes to believing Clinton will do the things she says she will do. She may today support the public’s support on a topic that most would agree on, but what about when she goes into private meetings with lobbyists and other powerful people in government? The next week she may completely flop on her support.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 26, 2016, 09:02:55 AM
ONLY IN AMERICA could a man who offended Hispanics, Muslims, Jews and African Americans, as well as women, babies and the handicapped become the Republican nominee for President.

Lol, Prime  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 26, 2016, 09:09:34 AM
President-elect Donald Trump could soon make over 100 judicial appointments

(CBS) President-elect Donald Trump will likely have the chance to make over 100 judicial appointments, the Washington Post reports.

Mr. Trump will inherit an estimated 103 such vacancies throughout federal and district courts, allowing him and his Republican allies to reshape the judiciary with dozens of lifetime appointments. President Barack Obama only inherited 54 such vacancies from his predecessor, President George W. Bush.

The prospect of judicial appointments is thought to have helped mobilize Republicans behind Mr. Trump, particularly among conservative evangelical Christians.

This is particularly true when it comes to the Supreme Court, where Mr. Trump will nominate the successor to Justice Antonin Scalia, who died earlier this year. Mr. Obama’s choice for that position, Judge Merrick Garland, never saw his nomination brought to a vote by the GOP-controlled Senate.

During the campaign, Mr. Trump released two lists of conservative legal figures who could replace Scalia. Mr. Trump promised to appoint a justice in the mold of Scalia, and personally mentioned judges Diane Sykes and Bill Pryor, two well-known conservative jurists, as possibilities to fill the slot.

Democrats say that the high number of judicial appointments Mr. Trump has inherited is due to an unprecedented level of obstructionism by the Republican Congress.

“Republican tactics have been shameful and will forever leave a stain on the United States Senate,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “Republican congressional dysfunction has now metastasized to the third branch of government, and that is not a legacy to be proud of.”

Republicans, meanwhile, are optimistic Mr. Trump will appoint judges who will reflect conservative opinions on a wide array of issues, from gun control and abortion access to regulatory reform.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 26, 2016, 09:11:36 AM
Only in America is where we can 56 different gender types and no matter what anyone says they'll get offended.

Lol, exactly.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: polychronopolous on December 26, 2016, 09:15:59 AM
President-elect Donald Trump could soon make over 100 judicial appointments

(CBS) President-elect Donald Trump will likely have the chance to make over 100 judicial appointments, the Washington Post reports.

Mr. Trump will inherit an estimated 103 such vacancies throughout federal and district courts, allowing him and his Republican allies to reshape the judiciary with dozens of lifetime appointments. President Barack Obama only inherited 54 such vacancies from his predecessor, President George W. Bush.

The prospect of judicial appointments is thought to have helped mobilize Republicans behind Mr. Trump, particularly among conservative evangelical Christians.

This is particularly true when it comes to the Supreme Court, where Mr. Trump will nominate the successor to Justice Antonin Scalia, who died earlier this year. Mr. Obama’s choice for that position, Judge Merrick Garland, never saw his nomination brought to a vote by the GOP-controlled Senate.

During the campaign, Mr. Trump released two lists of conservative legal figures who could replace Scalia. Mr. Trump promised to appoint a justice in the mold of Scalia, and personally mentioned judges Diane Sykes and Bill Pryor, two well-known conservative jurists, as possibilities to fill the slot.

Democrats say that the high number of judicial appointments Mr. Trump has inherited is due to an unprecedented level of obstructionism by the Republican Congress.

“Republican tactics have been shameful and will forever leave a stain on the United States Senate,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “Republican congressional dysfunction has now metastasized to the third branch of government, and that is not a legacy to be proud of.”

Republicans, meanwhile, are optimistic Mr. Trump will appoint judges who will reflect conservative opinions on a wide array of issues, from gun control and abortion access to regulatory reform.


Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 26, 2016, 09:56:26 AM
God I love this country.

could a serial bankrupt pass himself off as a successful businessman. (And almost none of those he bankrupted were even regular businesses. They were casinos - where people essentially come to lose their money.)

Casinos would be a tough long haul, for sure, IMO.  They are impacted by almost everything surrounding them, in nearly every aspect imaginable, which makes them subject to too many things out of their control.  And it MUST remain a very active environment or it'll fail.

When everything is thriving, they can pay out close to 100% of what they take in.  And they'll still make a killing.  Gaming stays active and the $$ is good.  Guests are winning and they love it.

But as activity slows, the percentage of "payback" must decline to make up for it.  The guys running the casinos are the ones with the big $$, so they will see that any laws which need to be loosened to do that, are handled.  But it reaches a point in which failure is guaranteed, and nothing will stop it.

A casino would be a great business in a thriving environment, but an almost-sure fail in a slow one, iow.  
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 26, 2016, 10:27:58 AM
Trump poised for cost-cutting battle with defense contractors

President-elect Donald Trump’s preemptive strike on the price tag of two major projects with leading defense contractors has fiscal hawks hopeful the incoming administration can rein in Pentagon contract costs even as Trump vows to invest in rebuilding the U.S. military.

“I hope this will be an opportunity to look at the Pentagon more clearly from someone who has not been part of the system,” Mandy Smithberger, director of military reform for the Project on Government Oversight (POGO), told

Since early December, Trump has been browbeating Boeing and Lockheed Martin over the costs of the next Air Force One and the F-35, respectively.

“I don't need a $4.2 billion airplane to fly around in,” Trump told “Fox News Sunday” earlier this month, referring to Air Force One.

His criticism led to meetings last week with Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg and Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson.

Muilenburg afterward committed to deliver the next Air Force One for far less than $4 billion. Trump then turned up the heat on Lockheed, tweeting, “Based on the tremendous cost and cost overruns of the Lockheed Martin F-35, I have asked Boeing to price-out a comparable F-18 Super Hornet!”

Hewson put out a statement Friday, after another conversation with Trump, saying she heard his message “loud and clear.”

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 26, 2016, 10:33:07 AM
You folks seem to miss the point big time. You don't get it: The American Dream is dead. People voting for Trump voted for a guy who is on record saying that he is going to bring back the American Dream.

When do you expect he will get around to doing this?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Chadwick The Beta on December 26, 2016, 10:53:04 AM
When do you expect he will get around to doing this?

Probably some time after he takes office.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 26, 2016, 11:10:26 AM
You couldn't beat much more than your own dick at this point, criminal.  Take a hike already.

President Obama says he would have beaten Trump

President Obama said in an interview released Monday that he would have beaten Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump “if I had run again.” In his most pointed critique yet, Obama said Hillary Clinton's campaign acted too cautiously out of a mistaken belief that victory was all but certain.

“If you think you're winning, then you have a tendency, just like in sports, maybe to play it safer,” Obama said in the interview with former adviser and longtime friend David Axelrod, a CNN analyst, for his “The Axe Files” podcast. The president said Clinton “understandably . . . looked and said, well, given my opponent and the things he's saying and what he's doing, we should focus on that.”

Obama stressed his admiration for Clinton and said she had been the victim of unfair attacks. But, as he has in other exit interviews, he insisted that her defeat was not a rejection of the eight years of his presidency. To the contrary, he argued that he had put together a winning coalition that stretched across the country but that the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign had failed to follow through on it.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mass243 on December 26, 2016, 11:19:52 AM
Why Trump needs big inauguration with celebrities... he could say it's cost saving time and hold a small event.
Ratings would go through the roof.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 26, 2016, 11:41:19 AM
Why Trump needs big inauguration with celebrities... he could say it's cost saving time and hold a small event.
Ratings would go through the roof.

When they say 'A-List' it just means the media creations, to me.  That's all.  It sure as fuck doesn't mean the best talent.

Seriously, Lady Gaga.  What the hell is a "LADY GAGA"?   All the no-talent crap is being pushed by the same liars who tried to say Hillary had a "101% chance" or whatever.  The "acts" who "refuse" Trump are backed by the same people behind CNN and the rest.  All the same in mass media.  I'd be very concerned if that crowd wanted to perform for him.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 26, 2016, 12:56:13 PM
That's because it's what we want to hear.  Like music to our ears.  The infuriating part is when nationalistic things are said while globalistic things are done.  Like Hillary standing on stage as a zombie, saying "I am for the middle class."  So don't turn into Hillary, Trump.

Trump’s inauguration speech is looking like it will be very “nationalistic"

(Business Insider) President-elect Donald Trump has tapped senior aide Stephen Miller, who wrote most of Trump's campaign speeches, to author his inaugural address, Politico reported on Monday.

Miller has reportedly started composing an initial draft of the speech with Trump's transition team, touching upon major themes such as border security, jobs and outsourcing, and the economy.

The speech will frame "Trump’s first-term agenda in more nationalistic than ideological terms," Politico reporter Shane Goldmacher reported.

Miller, Trump's incoming senior White House adviser for policy, has been a major speechwriter throughout the campaign.

One of his most notable speeches was Trump's address at the Republican National Convention where the then-presidential candidate declared "I alone can fix it" when accepting the party nomination. Many critics, including BI's Josh Barro, deemed it "dark, depressing, and paranoid."

(Business Insider)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 26, 2016, 01:40:10 PM
Tom Arnold Says "Watergate Level Journalists" Are Looking into Supposed Trump-'Apprentice' Tapes

The actor posted a series of 14 tweets on Christmas addressing the recordings he claims are in his possession: "All will be reviewed soon."

Earlier this month, actor Tom Arnold made claims to Dori Monson's Seattle-based radio show that he has unreleased recordings of president-elect Donald Trump making racist, lewd and inflammatory statements when he was host of The Apprentice. Arnold said the tapes allegedly feature Trump using "the N-word," "the C-word" and that he can be heard calling his son a "retard."

On Christmas Day, Arnold took to Twitter to update followers on where the tapes currently are and what needs to happen to have them released.

The actor, who had previously taken to Twitter to say that Trump's camp had contacted him about a defamation suit over the claims, laid out a litany of tweets regarding the tapes in response to a question from fellow actor Michael Rapaport concerning the recordings. "Tom, you talking sideways. Where Dem Tapes At?" Rapaport tweeted.

"1. I'm going 2 explain cause I know U rode Trump's butt for the 5 yrs it took him 2 confirm Obama's legitimacy. I received tape via program," Arnold wrote in a response.

Arnold went on to address the privacy of the tapes, tweeting they "had a limited password" and that when he "received [the tapes] no one thought Trump would be Pres."

Also referenced in Arnold's tweets were Putin, JFK, the Russian hacking scandal, John McCain's POW internment and Trump's "playmate girlfriends." Arnold also tweeted about his own personal "risk" in bringing up the existence of the tapes, calling it a "terrible career move."

In conclusion, Arnold assured his followers that "all will be revealed soon" and that "Watergate level journalists are on top of this."

On Monday, it appeared the two actors connected off social media, as Rapaport tweeted that he spoke to Arnold in private and that the release of the tapes "isn't as easy as one would think," He then added, "It's not over."

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Slapper on December 26, 2016, 02:07:44 PM
When do you expect he will get around to doing this?

No one knows. But that Trump publicly recongizes the massive retraction in socio-economic conditions is a start. I'm sure he is going to be pushing certain things, but the how far is yet to be determined. If he defunds the military by a few billion, something he can easily do without putting us in danger, then I can see light at the end of the tunnel. If, from the get-go, he decides to expand the deficit (meaning passing your and my tab to your and my grandkids,) then we will be entering dangerous territory.

Any genuine intention of bringing the American Dream back by Trump MUST start by not flushing the military awash of cash and setting limits. He then will have to spend that money in infrastructure improvement and finding ways of ensuring Americans a cheap source of energy. In doing so, he is going to piss off a lot of powerful people, although The Donald doesn't seem to be particularly worried about people's feelings.

ANY and all solutions entail finding a cheap energy source. First obstacle: US corporations.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: SOMEPARTS on December 26, 2016, 08:02:52 PM
Tom Arnold Says "Watergate Level Journalists" Are Looking into Supposed Trump-'Apprentice' Tapes

The actor posted a series of 14 tweets on Christmas addressing the recordings he claims are in his possession: "All will be reviewed soon."

Earlier this month, actor Tom Arnold made claims to Dori Monson's Seattle-based radio show that he has unreleased recordings of president-elect Donald Trump making racist, lewd and inflammatory statements when he was host of The Apprentice. Arnold said the tapes allegedly feature Trump using "the N-word," "the C-word" and that he can be heard calling his son a "retard."

On Christmas Day, Arnold took to Twitter to update followers on where the tapes currently are and what needs to happen to have them released.

The actor, who had previously taken to Twitter to say that Trump's camp had contacted him about a defamation suit over the claims, laid out a litany of tweets regarding the tapes in response to a question from fellow actor Michael Rapaport concerning the recordings. "Tom, you talking sideways. Where Dem Tapes At?" Rapaport tweeted.

"1. I'm going 2 explain cause I know U rode Trump's butt for the 5 yrs it took him 2 confirm Obama's legitimacy. I received tape via program," Arnold wrote in a response.

Arnold went on to address the privacy of the tapes, tweeting they "had a limited password" and that when he "received [the tapes] no one thought Trump would be Pres."

Also referenced in Arnold's tweets were Putin, JFK, the Russian hacking scandal, John McCain's POW internment and Trump's "playmate girlfriends." Arnold also tweeted about his own personal "risk" in bringing up the existence of the tapes, calling it a "terrible career move."

In conclusion, Arnold assured his followers that "all will be revealed soon" and that "Watergate level journalists are on top of this."

On Monday, it appeared the two actors connected off social media, as Rapaport tweeted that he spoke to Arnold in private and that the release of the tapes "isn't as easy as one would think," He then added, "It's not over."


Too late. Plus it's Tom Arnold. He was a chromosome-damaged, poor man's Robin Williams at best to begin with....and that was when he could still do mountains of yayo.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 26, 2016, 11:18:02 PM
Why Trump needs big inauguration with celebrities... he could say it's cost saving time and hold a small event.
Ratings would go through the roof.

Trump is an egomaniac. He needs a "big" inauguration regardless of the cost. This explains why he's offering to pay performers to show up. It is unheard of for  performers at the Presidential inauguration to be paid....they do it gratis.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 27, 2016, 09:07:30 AM

Too late. Plus it's Tom Arnold. He was a chromosome-damaged, poor man's Robin Williams at best to begin with....and that was when he could still do mountains of yayo.

This is from an Opinion piece in the Star-Tribune (Twin Cities).

Arnold's allegations first came to light during a Dec. 16 interview on Seattle's KIRO radio. According to the Los Angeles Times, He told host Dori Monson then that he had outtakes from "The Apprentice" in which Trump says "every bad thing ever, every offensive, racist thing ever. It was him sitting in that chair saying the N-word, saying the C-word, calling his son a retard, just being so mean to his own children."

Arnold claims he got the tape from "Apprentice" staff members who circulated the video in early November as a funny Christmas gift, not expecting that Trump would actually win.

Arnold didn't provide many details until fellow actor Michael Rapaport challenged him on social media to cough up the tape. Arnold said the material had a time-limited password, but he did go more in-depth after Rapaport's tweet in a flurry of postings in which he stated that he had talked to several other Hollywood players who had also seen the tape.

IDK if "time-limited password" is his way of admitting that he doesn't really have access to it, or what.  But when he right-away refers to "other people" who "have seen" it, it sort of sounds that way.

This is from the same:

NBC has said it doesn't own "The Apprentice" outtakes. Mark Burnett, who created the show as well as "Survivor," has said he is powerless to help, saying in a statement that MGM, which acquired his company, is restricted in releasing such material, due to various contractual and legal requirements.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 27, 2016, 10:49:07 AM
Yes, turns out "time-limited password" means he doesn't have access to it.  He now says a cover-up by "seven powerful people" who "have everything" has blocked it from being analyzed.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 27, 2016, 10:52:42 AM
He's claimed before that "hundreds" of people have seen it.

Someone should ask him if he'll name just one.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 27, 2016, 11:18:01 AM
Tom Arnold insists video exists showing Trump using C-word and N-word in 'Apprentice' taping – and now claims Hollywood conspiracy to cover up file with 'limited time password'

Comedian Tom Arnold is re-upping his claim that there are videotapes from the archives of 'The Apprentice' showing Donald Trump using what polite society refers to as the C-word and the 'N-word.'

But now he has insisted on Twitter that a vast conspiracy of '7 powerful Hollywood people who have everything' is engaged in a cover-up to hide the outtake footage from public view.

Still, Arnold alleges that '[a]ll will be reviewed soon. Smart Watergate level journalists are ontop [sic] of this.'

Arnold explained to B-actor Michael Rapaport in a series of Christmas Day tweets that he had seen the video, forwarded to him through 'a program used in our biz 2 prevent piracy.'

He claimed he can't bring the purported video to light because the presumably encrypted computer file 'had a limited time password' – making it like a Snapchat message.


Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: calfzilla on December 27, 2016, 11:52:50 AM
Who cares? What alpha male hasn't used the c word or n word.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mazrim on December 27, 2016, 03:03:04 PM
Who cares? What alpha male hasn't used the c word or n word.

They have nothing else on him except to make a big deal about nothing and then go to the movies the next day to pay for something that they are sooooo offended by.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 27, 2016, 03:27:02 PM
Who cares? What alpha male hasn't used the c word or n word.

Some alpha males of a certain age use terms such as these words you're not able to post on fairly raunchy Getbig. Most men outgrow employing misogynistic, sophomoric and degrading terms as they mature. Trump was still talking shit when he was well past middle-aged. He probably still does in certain company. That recorded conversation might be okay for a college aged person hanging with his buds.

It's not just what Trump said, it is  that it is indicative of his feelings about women.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 28, 2016, 10:20:21 AM

Trump team: ‘Positive' news for workers coming Wednesday

President-elect Donald Trump will be making a "positive" announcement on economic development Wednesday afternoon, according to transition aides.
Aides did not provide further details, but spokesman and future White House press secretary Sean Spicer intimated to reporters that the news will be about American jobs.
"The president-elect will have some news on the economic front later this afternoon that should be very positive for American workers," he said during the daily call with reporters.

The news is expected around 4 p.m., Spicer said.
Trump has taken a more hands-on role than other presidents-elect, particularly in the hopes of delivering on his promise to bring jobs back to the U.S.
He announced a deal last month with Carrier to keep about 800 jobs at an Indiana furnace plant in the state instead of moving to Mexico and support another 300 jobs that weren't slated to leave the country.
Trump also stood onstage alongside Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris in Michigan while the executive promised new investment in the state.
Trump's opponents have panned that type of direct diplomacy, arguing that he is rewarding companies who threaten to leave and that the style is too small-scale to provide significant economic impacts.

(The Hill)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 28, 2016, 10:40:59 AM
Who cares? What alpha male hasn't used the c word or n word.

Who knows if it was even said, really.  Something is dumb when Tom Arnold tries to describe it as so cruel, so awful, so terrible, so "mean to his own kids" and all the rest.

Then he says it was distributed to be a "funny" message.

So which is it?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 28, 2016, 10:48:53 AM

Chris Christie Bets on Trump‘s Inner Circle to Fail... And that Trump comes running back to him when they do.

( By Tina Nguyen

New Jersey governor Chris Christie has not had a good 2016. Between losing his presidential bid, losing his dignity to Donald Trump, being passed over for vice president and then attorney general, losing his leadership position on Trump’s White House transition team, and finally being shut out of consideration to chair the Republican National Committee, few in politics have had a more dismal year. Say what you will about Hillary Clinton, but at least her approval rating is higher than 18 percent.

Now, as 2016 draws to a close, the governor is looking ahead to a new chapter in his own personal drama with the man he reportedly called “Mr. Trump”—the part where the spurned protagonist’s lover realizes his errors and comes running back. As The New York Times reports, Christie “still believes he has a political future nationally” and is pinning his hopes on Trump coming back to him once he grows disillusioned with the current White House management team of chief strategist Steve Bannon, chief of staff Reince Priebus, and Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. In Christie’s fever dreams, after that trio fails, “[he] will be tapped as the skilled manager, like David Gergen, the former aide to Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan who swooped in to steady Bill Clinton’s administration after a raucous first year.”

Fantasizing that Trump’s inner circle will fail, and that Trump will pluck him from political exile to pick up the pieces, marks a sad epitaph for the career of a man once considered a rising star within the Republican Party and its best hope to win the White House. But it is only the latest in a series of setbacks for Christie, whose humbling at the hands of the Trump campaign has often appeared to be personal. While Christie fell out of favor with Trump around the same time that two of his allies were found guilty in connection with the 2013 Bridgegate scandal (a third pleaded guilty in 2015), several of the governor’s associates are expected to receive plum positions within the administration—a clear signal that the repudiation of Christie is about more than just Bridgegate. Bill Stepien, Christie’s former campaign manager whom he fired over the scandal, is now expected to become White House political director. (When Trump hired Stepien during the campaign, Christie, who opposed the hiring, was reportedly uninvolved in the decision.) Debra Wong Yang, his lawyer during the Bridgegate trials, is reportedly Trump’s top pick to run the Securities and Exchange Commission.

While no national position of his own appears forthcoming, Christie seems to be working on plan B. “He has spent several mornings guest hosting a New York sports radio show, prompting speculation that he is auditioning for a more permanent role should the Trump administration not come knocking,” the Times reports.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 28, 2016, 12:01:25 PM
STFU and fix your society, China.  Hope you enjoy selling worthless stuff to yourself and filling up your own landfills.


Chinese mall unveils huge ‘Trump rooster’ mascot to ‘attract a lot of customers’

(Washington Times) A Chinese mall has tied some of its future profits to the allure of an anthropomorphic statue of President-elect Donald Trump.

The 45th U.S. commander in chief’s likeness has been turned into a rooster in the city of Taiyuan. Customers at one of its local malls will be able to celebrate the Chinese zodiac sign for 2017 — the year of the rooster — by marveling at a 32-foot tall statue or buying a miniaturized version for $57.

Cao Mingliang, the deputy director of planning department from N1 ArtWalk Mall, told CNN Tuesday that “Trump Rooster” will be its new mascot.

“I think the rooster is very cute and funny, the hairstyle and eyebrows look very much like Donald Trump. I’m sure it will attract a lot of customers,” added Wei Qing of Shenghe Yangtai Business, which sells replica Trump Roosters.

Deep-pocketed Chinese fans of the billionaire can buy their own 32-foot-tall statue for $1,739.

Chinese New Year begins Jan. 28, just eight days after Mr. Trump is sworn into office.

(Washington Times)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 28, 2016, 02:45:28 PM
STFU and fix your society, China.  Hope you enjoy selling worthless stuff to yourself and filling up your own landfills.


Chinese mall unveils huge ‘Trump rooster’ mascot to ‘attract a lot of customers’

(Washington Times) A Chinese mall has tied some of its future profits to the allure of an anthropomorphic statue of President-elect Donald Trump.

The 45th U.S. commander in chief’s likeness has been turned into a rooster in the city of Taiyuan. Customers at one of its local malls will be able to celebrate the Chinese zodiac sign for 2017 — the year of the rooster — by marveling at a 32-foot tall statue or buying a miniaturized version for $57.

Cao Mingliang, the deputy director of planning department from N1 ArtWalk Mall, told CNN Tuesday that “Trump Rooster” will be its new mascot.

“I think the rooster is very cute and funny, the hairstyle and eyebrows look very much like Donald Trump. I’m sure it will attract a lot of customers,” added Wei Qing of Shenghe Yangtai Business, which sells replica Trump Roosters.

Deep-pocketed Chinese fans of the billionaire can buy their own 32-foot-tall statue for $1,739.

Chinese New Year begins Jan. 28, just eight days after Mr. Trump is sworn into office.

(Washington Times)

*cough cough* Tariffs *cough*
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Skeletor on December 28, 2016, 03:03:38 PM
STFU and fix your society, China.  Hope you enjoy selling worthless stuff to yourself and filling up your own landfills.


Chinese mall unveils huge ‘Trump rooster’ mascot to ‘attract a lot of customers’

(Washington Times) A Chinese mall has tied some of its future profits to the allure of an anthropomorphic statue of President-elect Donald Trump.

The 45th U.S. commander in chief’s likeness has been turned into a rooster in the city of Taiyuan. Customers at one of its local malls will be able to celebrate the Chinese zodiac sign for 2017 — the year of the rooster — by marveling at a 32-foot tall statue or buying a miniaturized version for $57.

Cao Mingliang, the deputy director of planning department from N1 ArtWalk Mall, told CNN Tuesday that “Trump Rooster” will be its new mascot.

“I think the rooster is very cute and funny, the hairstyle and eyebrows look very much like Donald Trump. I’m sure it will attract a lot of customers,” added Wei Qing of Shenghe Yangtai Business, which sells replica Trump Roosters.

Deep-pocketed Chinese fans of the billionaire can buy their own 32-foot-tall statue for $1,739.

Chinese New Year begins Jan. 28, just eight days after Mr. Trump is sworn into office.

(Washington Times)

Now that Trump will take over, they'll change the name to year of the cock.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 28, 2016, 04:03:49 PM
Who knows if it was even said, really.  Something is dumb when Tom Arnold tries to describe it as so cruel, so awful, so terrible, so "mean to his own kids" and all the rest.

Then he says it was distributed to be a "funny" message.

So which is it?

Did you not hear the recording of Trump's conversation with Billy Bush in which he says: "I'm automatically attracted to beautiful [women]—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." This was in 2005. These are the words of a 60 year old who should have out grown "locker room talk" a long time before this.

It's not exactly the same as calling women cun.ts but it's the same sort of degrading talk.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 28, 2016, 04:13:30 PM

Did you not hear the recording of Trump's conversation with Billy Bush in which he says: "I'm automatically attracted to beautiful [women]—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." This was in 2005. These are the words of a 60 year old who should have out grown "locker room talk" a long time before this.

It's not exactly the same as calling women cun.ts but it's the same sort of degrading talk.

So you figure the Apprentice "outtakes" recording must be real, since he mentioned "grabbing puussy" in that 05 conversation?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 28, 2016, 04:32:40 PM
So you figure the Apprentice "outtakes" recording must be real, since he mentioned "grabbing puussy" in that 05 conversation?

Unless I see or hear the "outtakes" I can't say they are real. Surely there would have been outtakes from the Apprentice. Reality shows are often scripted, otherwise these types of shows would be even more  boring then they are. What I do think is that there is pretty good chance Trump made inappropriate comments. A leopard doesn't change its spots.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 28, 2016, 04:44:16 PM
When they say 'A-List' it just means the media creations, to me.  That's all.  It sure as fuck doesn't mean the best talent.

Seriously, Lady Gaga.  What the hell is a "LADY GAGA"?   All the no-talent crap is being pushed by the same liars who tried to say Hillary had a "101% chance" or whatever.  The "acts" who "refuse" Trump are backed by the same people behind CNN and the rest.  All the same in mass media.  I'd be very concerned if that crowd wanted to perform for him.

Does your negativity and tendency to think things you don't like, such as the media conspiring to lie, depress you?

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 28, 2016, 07:00:41 PM
Unless I see or hear the "outtakes" I can't say they are real. Surely there would have been outtakes from the Apprentice. Reality shows are often scripted, otherwise these types of shows would be even more  boring then they are. What I do think is that there is pretty good chance Trump made inappropriate comments. A leopard doesn't change its spots.

Yes, I understand.  But this one has been kept awfully quiet if it's indeed so bad.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 28, 2016, 07:01:32 PM
Does your negativity and tendency to think things you don't like, such as the media conspiring to lie, depress you?

No, I wouldn't say that.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 28, 2016, 07:06:39 PM
Not at all endorsing, just reporting....

A petition was started to get the husband of the man who harassed Ivanka Trump fired

(the blaze) You’ll recall that earlier this month, a man was kicked off a JetBlue flight for verbally harassing President-elect Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump as she was with her children.

The husband of man who harassed Ivanka is named is Matt Lasner, and he is a professor at Hunter College. Lasner, before the berating occurred, tweeted out his husband’s intention, but has since deleted the tweet, and his account.


Due to all of this, a petition was started by a man named Brendan Bradley on calling for the removal of Lasner from his post, and condemns not only the fact that he harassed Ivanka in the presence of her children, but later tried to cover up that it happened.

Matt Lasner’s conduct is a direct representation of Hunter College. We believe his immature and cruel harassment of Ivanka Trump and her family at JFK airport should be met with disciplinary action. The fact that someone who would be involved in such conduct is teaching students is very troubling. We are petitioning that Hunter College take ACTION. Someone like Mr. Lasner, who would harass a mother and her child simply trying to go about their day, does not deserve the honor of teaching. The fact that he tried to cover up and change the story around to avoid the consequences of his actions is also a testament to his character. He is NOT a good example for our youth.

As of this writing, the petition has nearly 30,000 signatures. While the petition was started five days ago, it surpassed various milestones in the thousands within the last 24 hours.

(the blaze)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Chadwick The Beta on December 28, 2016, 07:12:34 PM
Not at all endorsing, just reporting....

A petition was started to get the husband of the man who harassed Ivanka Trump fired

(the blaze) You’ll recall that earlier this month, a man was kicked off a JetBlue flight for verbally harassing President-elect Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump as she was with her children.

The husband of man who harassed Ivanka is named is Matt Lasner, and he is a professor at Hunter College. Lasner, before the berating occurred, tweeted out his husband’s intention, but has since deleted the tweet, and his account.


Due to all of this, a petition was started by a man named Brendan Bradley on calling for the removal of Lasner from his post, and condemns not only the fact that he harassed Ivanka in the presence of her children, but later tried to cover up that it happened.

As of this writing, the petition has nearly 30,000 signatures. While the petition was started five days ago, it surpassed various milestones in the thousands within the last 24 hours.

(the blaze)

"the husband of the man"  tells people all they need to know

only good qu33r is a dead qu33r
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 28, 2016, 11:07:15 PM
Yes, I understand.  But this one has been kept awfully quiet if it's indeed so bad.

You're right. It is hard to believe these outtakes aren't available somewhere. From what I've read, it seems they may have been destroyed. Tom Arnold's statements about this matter cannot be substantiated and are therefore not much more than gossip. The best I can do is to say where there's smoke there is usually fire.

It is reasonable to suspect there is some truth to these claims simply because there are so many other recent examples of Trump making denigrating remarks about various people he doesn't like. Could it be that he believes he is so wealthy and powerful, he can get away with making remarks most other people would get fried for.

Honestly, whether true or not, his remarks won't alter the course he's on. It's evident that a lot of folks have no problem with his remarks or his personality. It is all part of the package they are willing to support. Let's hope President Trump can control his outbursts and his need to unthinkingly tweet how he feels at any given moment. What works for Trump the business man won't work for Trump the President. This is a job that demands the ultimate in diplomacy.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 29, 2016, 07:41:07 AM
They should give a much better appearance of sticking to plans.  Careful with announcement until an idea is fully drawn.

Trump writing own 'short' inaugural speech

(CNN) West Palm Beach, Florida (CNN)President-elect Donald Trump is turning his attention Thursday to crafting a "short" but impactful inaugural address designed not to overly burden the thousands of supporters expected to attend next month's ceremony.

"He wants to write the inaugural himself," said presidential historian Douglas Brinkley, who met with Trump Wednesday to discuss, among other things, the upcoming speech on January 20th.

Trump was expected to spend at least part of his day Thursday at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, working on the speech, according to officials.

"He doesn't want it to be long," Brinkley said on CNN. "He would like it to be a shorter one. He doesn't want people standing out in the cold."

Trump, who initially chafed at the rigid formality of delivering speeches from a Teleprompter, is mindful of the inaugural's role in setting the tone for his upcoming administration, officials say. Until now, his highest-profile speech came at this summer's Republican National Convention. That address was darker in tone, warning of a deteriorating society and touting his ability to fix the country's problems.

Earlier this week, Trump's transition said the President-elect would rely on Stephen Miller, a policy aide who crafted his convention speech, to work on the inaugural address. Brinkley said Trump on Wednesday was intent on drafting the entirety of the speech himself, with input from his team.

Presidents and Presidents-elect typically work jointly with speechwriters to piece together major sets of remarks.

The topics are said to include the education system, infrastructure, border security, the state of the military, the economy and the outsourcing of jobs.

Boris Epshteyn, a spokesman for Trump's inauguration committee, previewed a more optimistic address from Trump and Miller than what was delivered at this summer's convention.

"They will be talking about uniting America, bringing American together. We are now in the post-politics, post-campaign season and that's the messaging around this inaugural," he told CNN on Tuesday. "I'm expecting a great address ... that talks to Americans about dreaming big, about making sure that we are a city on a hill one more time."

Brinkley said Trump recognized the importance of the speech and, more importantly, recognized that it would be a major ratings draw.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 29, 2016, 07:46:24 AM
You're right. It is hard to believe these outtakes aren't available somewhere. From what I've read, it seems they may have been destroyed. Tom Arnold's statements about this matter cannot be substantiated and are therefore not much more than gossip. The best I can do is to say where there's smoke there is usually fire.

It is reasonable to suspect there is some truth to these claims simply because there are so many other recent examples of Trump making denigrating remarks about various people he doesn't like. Could it be that he believes he is so wealthy and powerful, he can get away with making remarks most other people would get fried for.

Honestly, whether true or not, his remarks won't alter the course he's on. It's evident that a lot of folks have no problem with his remarks or his personality. It is all part of the package they are willing to support. Let's hope President Trump can control his outbursts and his need to unthinkingly tweet how he feels at any given moment. What works for Trump the business man won't work for Trump the President. This is a job that demands the ultimate in diplomacy.

IMO, the "racist" stuff was something overblown.  The claim of how he spoke of his children, though, might've been a weak spot.  But that's as if any of it is real to begin with... Tom Arnold's word alone is absolutely NOT good enough for me to believe any such thing.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 29, 2016, 07:58:40 AM
If we are SO fucked as this, though I refuse to believe it: then what's the point?  We're screwed no matter what happens.

The Psychological Toll of a President Trump

At 11 A.M. the morning after the election, Ruth Wittersgreen, a clinical psychologist in Washington, D.C., saw her first patient of the day. She’d been up late the night before, like the rest of the country, watching the returns with mounting horror. And, like most of the rest of the country, she was shellshocked. But she had to keep it together for her clients, for her practice. This was her job.

“That day was the longest day,” she recalls quietly, her exhaustion still palpable a month later. Her first patient, a high-powered woman and member of a minority group “targeted by hateful rhetoric” this cycle, was devastated by the election results, devastated that such a qualified woman lost to someone bearing the flag of misogyny so brazenly. “It was a real trigger for all the hurdles that she, as a minority woman, has had to overcome,” Wittersgreen tells me. After that hourlong session, she saw a patient with obsessive compulsive disorder, who couldn’t get a terrifying loop—what could happen when Donald Trump has his way with the nation’s nuclear arsenal?—out of their head. That week, the week of the election, talk of Trump dominated her sessions. “It was pretty much every hour.”

Wittersgreen specializes in trauma—grief, serious health issues, sexual assault. And yet, in two decades as a psychologist, the past month has been “pretty much the hardest phase of my career,” she tells me. “The amount of fear and grief—I haven't seen anything like it.”

More, lol:
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mazrim on December 29, 2016, 08:32:19 AM
What works for Trump the business man won't work for Trump the President. This is a job that demands the ultimate in diplomacy.
Yes, people like you prefer lies and dishonesty and call it "diplomacy"....
Or you would prefer to beat around the bush and continue to have the other nations look down their noses at us as Obama has brought about.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 29, 2016, 08:34:47 AM
If only Trump had been a Community Organizer and a Senator for a couple of years...

He will never grasp diplomacy now... He's only spent decades building his global business brand.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 29, 2016, 09:03:41 AM
If only Trump had been a Community Organizer and a Senator for a couple of years...

He will never grasp diplomacy now... He's only spent decades building his global business brand.

Exactly.  And a FOS crook who pauses for five minutes per syllable because he knows how easily prone to lying he is and that he can barely control himself.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 29, 2016, 10:01:48 AM
Martin Sheen's his dad after all.  And we know "put down the crackpipe" is more than just a saying in this case, but...


Charlie Sheen Wants Donald Trump to Be 2016’s Next Victim

(The Wrap) The year 2016 has seemingly seen an inordinate number of celebrity deaths, but Charlie Sheen took to Twitter to politely ask God if the year can squeeze in President-elect Donald Trump before the New Year.

Charlie Sheen


Dear God;

Trump next, please!
Trump next, please!
Trump next, please!
Trump next, please!
Trump next, please!
Trump next, please!


8:55 PM - 28 Dec 2016

The actor sent his message, which is currently pinned to his Twitter page, shortly after news broke that famed actress Debbie Reynolds died the day after her daughter, Carrie Fisher, passed away.

The year 2016 has also claimed the lives of Prince, David Bowie, Muhammad Ali, Glenn Frey, Nancy Reagan, Phife Dawg, Harper Lee, Garry Shandling and a ton of other notable celebrities and political figures.

Twitter users, who are presumably sick of hearing about people dying, were quick to rip the actor for the morbid request.

Fox News media guru Howie Kurtz called Sheen’s tweet “sick” and said it should be condemned, while other wondered if the Secret Service will get involved in what could be considered a threat. On user wrote, “Charlie Sheen is now exploiting tragedy as an excuse to attack President-elect Trump. Very sad.”

(The Wrap)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 29, 2016, 11:48:04 AM
Bristol Palin Savages “Rude” A-Listers Who Donald Trump Says He Does Not Want At His Inauguration

(Deadline) While conservative newser National Review applauds President-elect Donald Trump’s assertion he does not want celebrities at his inauguration, advocating for a celebrity-free January 20 event, former Daughter-of-GOP-VPOTUS-candidate Bristol Palin did not get the memo. She has savaged the  “rude…A-list artists” who have “refused to perform” at Trump’s inauguration.

Meanwhile, this week’s most recent inauguration booking:  televangalist Paula White; pastor of New Destiny Christian Center who once was investigated by the U.S. Senate over fundraising practices. She is scheduled to pray at Trump’s swearing-in ceremony, joining New York Archbishop Timothy Cardinal Dolan and The Rev. Dr. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, according to news reports.

Earlier this month, when media began reporting Trump was having trouble linking up celebs to perform at his swearing in clambake, Trump tweeted that “The so-called ‘A’ list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the inauguration, but look what they did for Hillary, NOTHING. I want the PEOPLE!”

Party convention ratings would seem to support Trump’s strategy, whether born of strategy or necessity. Though the celebrity-stacked Democratic National Convention boasted performances by Demi Lovato, Paul Simon, Alicia Keys, Lenny Kravitz, Carole King, and Katy Perry, among others, ratings for the GOP convention, which was noticeably lacking in celebrity stink, scored the bigger TV crowd — about 30M for the final night compared to 28M for the Dems.

So far, Team Trump has booked teenage America’s Got Talent contestant Jackie Evancho, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the Rockettes. But, former Dancing with the Stars competitor Bristol Palin noted in her blog, among the slew of celebs who were approached to participate were “mega-stars” Justin Timberlake, Bruno Mars, Katy Perry and Aretha Franklin, who “were apparently offered ambassadorships as a way to entice them to the inauguration, but even that wasn’t enough to lure them in. Trump’s team has denied those accusations, but it doesn’t matter at this point,” Palin wrote sternly. She made no mention of Alec Baldwin’s offer to perform at the ceremony.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 29, 2016, 01:50:34 PM
Good.  About time someone investigates the government.  They're supposed to be the public ones, remember, while we're the ones who can remain private.  Nevermind how badly that's been turned around.

Trump team causes tizzy with personnel inquiries to Obama agencies

(FOX) Inquiries from Donald Trump’s transition team to federal agencies about their work on hot-button issues like climate change and 'violent extremism' -- and about the staffers involved -- have spurred questions over what the incoming administration has planned for those programs.

His team, in the roughly seven weeks since the election, has posed such questions to the departments of Energy, State and Homeland Security.

Critics of President-elect Trump have suggested the inquiries are a sign his administration intends to gut key programs and punish the staffers involved. Republican defenders, though, say these concerns are overblown.

“The Democrats are trying to talk about anything other than their own problems, and currently they include stoking faux outrage about President-elect Trump rolling back women's rights and firing bureaucrats who don't agree with his environmental policy,” Republican strategist Joe Desilets said Wednesday.

The inquiries began earlier this month when transition team members submitted 74 questions to the Energy Department regarding climate change and other policy issues, including two about staffers who worked on President Obama’s climate agenda.

Energy officials have pledged to cooperate with the incoming Republican administration but didn’t provide the staffers’ names. The transition team hastily struck the questions, but not before a storm of criticism.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 29, 2016, 02:21:45 PM
Trump team: ‘Positive' news for workers coming Wednesday

This was an announcement about Sprint (telecom) and 5000 jobs to be in U.S. through them, as well as a potential 3000 jobs creating satellites for another company (one funded by the Japanese billionaire who was in the news with Trump).

It's just showmanship for now.  No problem, though.  It's good.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 29, 2016, 02:29:50 PM
IMO, the "racist" stuff was something overblown.  The claim of how he spoke of his children, though, might've been a weak spot.  But that's as if any of it is real to begin with... Tom Arnold's word alone is absolutely NOT good enough for me to believe any such thing.

I also don't put much stock in what Tom Arnold says.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 29, 2016, 02:40:36 PM

Trump has his first presidential portrait

(11-Alive Atlanta) Donald Trump isn't president yet, but he has his first presidential portrait.

C-SPAN revealed it Wednesday as part of its American Presidents Life Portraits exhibit. The network says the painting of the president-elect is the first portrait since he was elected.

North Carolina painter and sculptor Chas Fagan, who has painted all 44 prior presidents for the exhibit, said Trump’s “distinctive brow line” made it hard to depict Trump's eyes.

“One of the more challenging aspects of this specific portrait was President-Elect Trump’s eyes. In most photos, his eyes are in shadow and difficult to see, in part due to his distinctive brow line. But eyes are such a recognizable feature, and necessary to give a portrait warmth and personality, so I worked to give them a bit more prominence.” Fagan concluded that “the result is that we have a softer look into his face than we often get from public media photography."

Fagan said he reviewed multiple photographs of Trump to use as guidance, but he ultimately settled on one from an online advertisement for an upcoming interview because Trump looked more relaxed than usual.

(11-Alive Atlanta)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 29, 2016, 02:44:55 PM
If we are SO fucked as this, though I refuse to believe it: then what's the point?  We're screwed no matter what happens.

The Psychological Toll of a President Trump

At 11 A.M. the morning after the election, Ruth Wittersgreen, a clinical psychologist in Washington, D.C., saw her first patient of the day. She’d been up late the night before, like the rest of the country, watching the returns with mounting horror. And, like most of the rest of the country, she was shellshocked. But she had to keep it together for her clients, for her practice. This was her job.

“That day was the longest day,” she recalls quietly, her exhaustion still palpable a month later. Her first patient, a high-powered woman and member of a minority group “targeted by hateful rhetoric” this cycle, was devastated by the election results, devastated that such a qualified woman lost to someone bearing the flag of misogyny so brazenly. “It was a real trigger for all the hurdles that she, as a minority woman, has had to overcome,” Wittersgreen tells me. After that hourlong session, she saw a patient with obsessive compulsive disorder, who couldn’t get a terrifying loop—what could happen when Donald Trump has his way with the nation’s nuclear arsenal?—out of their head. That week, the week of the election, talk of Trump dominated her sessions. “It was pretty much every hour.”

Wittersgreen specializes in trauma—grief, serious health issues, sexual assault. And yet, in two decades as a psychologist, the past month has been “pretty much the hardest phase of my career,” she tells me. “The amount of fear and grief—I haven't seen anything like it.”

More, lol:

There have been good and not-so-good Presidents and we've survived. I take government seriously, but not so much that I'm going to have a nervous breakdown over unknown possibilities. No one can know for sure what kind of President Trump will be. If you base your best guess on his well publicized past behavior, the picture isn't great. On the other hand, Trump may have done some very positive things which weren't publicized because the public is so geared towards negativity and scandal.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 29, 2016, 02:52:54 PM

Trump has his first presidential portrait

(11-Alive Atlanta) Donald Trump isn't president yet, but he has his first presidential portrait.

C-SPAN revealed it Wednesday as part of its American Presidents Life Portraits exhibit. The network says the painting of the president-elect is the first portrait since he was elected.

North Carolina painter and sculptor Chas Fagan, who has painted all 44 prior presidents for the exhibit, said Trump’s “distinctive brow line” made it hard to depict Trump's eyes.

“One of the more challenging aspects of this specific portrait was President-Elect Trump’s eyes. In most photos, his eyes are in shadow and difficult to see, in part due to his distinctive brow line. But eyes are such a recognizable feature, and necessary to give a portrait warmth and personality, so I worked to give them a bit more prominence.” Fagan concluded that “the result is that we have a softer look into his face than we often get from public media photography."

Fagan said he reviewed multiple photographs of Trump to use as guidance, but he ultimately settled on one from an online advertisement for an upcoming interview because Trump looked more relaxed than usual.

(11-Alive Atlanta)

Besides making Trump's eyes more visible than they are, Chas Fagan made his face slimmer and more elongated. The overall perception is he's much younger looking in the portrait than in real life. As for his eyes, they are a pale shade of blue which some believe is ideal and the most compelling.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 29, 2016, 03:06:23 PM
I also don't put much stock in what Tom Arnold says.

Exactly.  If all's as said, then he should find a single person (at least) to back him up.  He could use it.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 30, 2016, 05:36:48 AM
Just to straighten out any confusion about the Rockettes (because I know everyone is just dying to do that).  The Rockettes management have agreed to the Inauguration, even though "many" dancers oppose the idea.  Some say that "most" were against the idea when it was voted.  Individual dancers won't be obligated to perform, despite earlier reports to the contrary.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 30, 2016, 05:45:41 AM
Besides making Trump's eyes more visible than they are, Chas Fagan made his face slimmer and more elongated. The overall perception is he's much younger looking in the portrait than in real life. As for his eyes, they are a pale shade of blue which some believe is ideal and the most compelling.

Now that you say it, Prime... yeah, I can see it.  You're right.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 30, 2016, 12:43:22 PM
Do whatever it takes to keep her day-by-day, imo


Trump's longtime gatekeeper may not be heading to DC

(CNN) Donald Trump's longtime secretary Rhona Graff may not be following the President-elect to the White House, according to a source familiar with the decision.

Graff, who sits outside Trump's Trump Tower office as his assistant at the Trump Organization, is considering remaining in New York as her daughter is a junior in high school there.

Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks insisted that "no decisions have been made" and noted that "Rhona would be a tremendous asset."

Graff has been a gatekeeper of access to the billionaire real estate developer and a constant presence around his business dealings for more than two decades. To reach Trump, business associates and other acquaintances have most often had to go through Graff, who sometimes provided a code system for callers who needed to get through to Trump.

If Trump needs to find a new personal secretary to serve him in the White House that could be an adjustment for the billionaire businessman, who has relied on Graff as a loyal assistant for decades.

Graff, who previously worked in marketing, joined the Trump Organization in 1987 as Trump's secretary and has served in the position since, though her duties have expanded as Trump's trust in her did as well. She currently holds the title of senior vice president and assistant to the president at the Trump Organization.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 30, 2016, 12:45:01 PM

A Rockette Speaks on Inauguration

(Marie Claire) It’s the worst, wonderful time of the year for at least one Rockette.

One of the famed Radio City dancers spoke of discord among ranks in the wake of the company’s agreement to perform at President-elect Donald Trump’s Jan. 20 inauguration.

In an anonymous interview with Marie Claire, the Rockette, going by the pseudonym “Mary,” said she didn’t know of any dancers of color who signed up to perform at the inauguration.

“It’s almost worse to have 18 pretty white girls behind this man who supports so many hate groups,” she told Marie Claire.

“Mary” also noted that many of the dance crew’s wardrobe and makeup staffers are LGBTQ and immigrants. “I feel like dancing for Trump would be disrespecting the men and women who work with us, the people we care about,” she said.

Since it was announced on Dec. 22 that the Rockettes would perform for Trump, “Mary” says she noticed there were more empty seats than normal right before Christmas.

The Rockette told Marie Claire, “Why would they want to pay $100+ for a ticket to support someone who doesn’t support all human rights? Women’s rights?”

She also called the announcement “a horrible bomb to drop on us at Christmas.”

The Rockettes' union, the American Guild of Variety Artists, had told the dancers in a letter that “any talk of boycotting this event is invalid ... if you are full time, you are obligated.”

But Madison Square Garden, which employs the Rockettes, insisted in a statement: “For a Rockette to be considered for an event, they must voluntarily sign up and are never told they have to perform at a particular event, including the inaugural. It is always their choice.”

“Mary” clarified that full-time dancers fell under union obligation rules, while seasonal dancers had the option to volunteer as per MSG. Since the backlash, however, the union has allowed full-timers to opt out — “Mary” said she knew 3 full-time Rockettes who have done so. “It will be interesting to see who doesn’t get their job back,” she said.

When asked if she’s concerned about her own job, despite her current anonymity, “Mary” said, “If I had to lose my job over this, I would. It’s too important. And I think the rest of the performing arts community would happily stand behind me.”

(Marie Claire)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 30, 2016, 01:37:51 PM
Sometimes you must make sacrifices when standing up for your beliefs. I'm not suggesting a Rockette who opts to not perform at Trump's inauguration be fired. However, if her contract requires her to and her employer fires for breaching the contract, so be it.

Fortunately for the Rockettes, both their employer and their union have chosen give them the option of not performing at the inauguration by letting them volunteer for the gig. It will be interesting to see how many ladies do volunteer.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 30, 2016, 01:53:38 PM
Sometimes you must make sacrifices when standing up for your beliefs. I'm not suggesting a Rockette who opts to not perform at Trump's inauguration be fired. However, if her contract requires her to and her employer fires for breaching the contract, so be it.

Fortunately for the Rockettes, both their employer and their union have chosen give them the option of not performing at the inauguration by letting them volunteer for the gig. It will be interesting to see how many ladies do volunteer.

It will.  I want to see how that works out.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 30, 2016, 01:55:41 PM
You think there is a little Democratic birdie on these Rockettes' shoulders? Promising tv interviews and money to not perform, just to make Trump look bad.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 30, 2016, 02:03:02 PM
You think there is a little Democratic birdie on these Rockettes' shoulders? Promising tv interviews and money to not perform, just to make Trump look bad.

Good point, and I wouldn't doubt it at all.  Sorry to have to say it.  

There has been very little said about the opposition... very little... and from quite few sources, considering the subject.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Skeletor on December 30, 2016, 02:10:43 PM
Sometimes you must make sacrifices when standing up for your beliefs. I'm not suggesting a Rockette who opts to not perform at Trump's inauguration be fired. However, if her contract requires her to and her employer fires for breaching the contract, so be it.

Fortunately for the Rockettes, both their employer and their union have chosen give them the option of not performing at the inauguration by letting them volunteer for the gig. It will be interesting to see how many ladies do volunteer.

It is similar to that christian clerk Kim Davis (more so for her since she is a state/county employee) who refused to signed marriage licenses because it was "against her beliefs". Some of these people seem to live in a bubble where everything revolves around their "feelings" and "beliefs" and once they are triggered they should be given total freedom to act how they want. The reality is if someone employs you, you can a) fulfill your duties promptly and professionally or b) quit/get fired. These ladies are lucky their employer offers them the option to volunteer. I don't know the employer's political leanings but it is a shame his/her employees politicize the issue like this. It seems they have a union too? That is a surprise.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 30, 2016, 02:14:12 PM
You think there is a little Democratic birdie on these Rockettes' shoulders? Promising tv interviews and money to not perform, just to make Trump look bad.

Anything is possible. Not everything is a conspiracy.  Have you considered those choosing not to perform just plain don't like Trump regardless of party affiliation? People should stand up for what they believe to be right. We supposedly live in a democracy. It is very possible that "making Trump look bad" is not why they are doing this.

Your question implies that all Republican women supported Trump and that is ludicrous.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 30, 2016, 02:27:24 PM
It is similar to that christian clerk Kim Davis (more so for her since she is a state/county employee) who refused to signed marriage licenses because it was "against her beliefs". Some of these people seem to live in a bubble where everything revolves around their "feelings" and "beliefs" and once they are triggered they should be given total freedom to act how they want. The reality is if someone employs you, you can a) fulfill your duties promptly and professionally or b) quit/get fired. These ladies are lucky their employer offers them the option to volunteer. I don't know the employer's political leanings but it is a shame his/her employees politicize the issue like this. It seems they have a union too? That is a surprise.

Standing up for what you believe often has consequences, so with respect to that it is similar to Kim Davis' choice. There are also some significant differences between these two examples. "Davis is an elected official and can’t be “fired” in the traditional sense of the word. She does not have a boss and can only be removed from office if she is impeached by the Kentucky legislature or charged with misconduct by the state’s attorney general."

Why do you Rocketts being in a union surprising? Unions are prevalent in the entertainment industry. Those who are not in the union either opted out or are recent hires.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Skeletor on December 30, 2016, 02:34:04 PM
Standing up for what you believe often has consequences, so with respect to that it is similar to Kim Davis' choice. There are also some significant differences between these two examples. "Davis is an elected official and can’t be “fired” in the traditional sense of the word. She does not have a boss and can only be removed from office if she is impeached by the Kentucky legislature or charged with misconduct by the state’s attorney general."

Why do you Rocketts being in a union surprising? Unions are prevalent in the entertainment industry. Those who are not in the union either opted out or are recent hires.

That (being elected and thus can't be fired) is what made the Kim Davis case different and unfortunate too. But Davis was also not working for a private company but for the county office which carries more weight. What is ironic is that up until that event she was a Democrat too.
The comment about the union was sarcastic.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 30, 2016, 03:02:53 PM
That (being elected and thus can't be fired) is what made the Kim Davis case different and unfortunate too. But Davis was also not working for a private company but for the county office which carries more weight. What is ironic is that up until that event she was a Democrat too.
The comment about the union was sarcastic.

I didn't miss the sarcasm, just thought some folks who haven't experience with the entertainment industry might find it interesting. Anyone who has worked in unionized entertainment know just how powerful these unions are. A long time ago, I worked as a grip on the Big Valley set. The pay and benefits were amazing.

Democrats can have "Christian values" too. Did she become a Republican after the event?

Politicians create protections for themselves because most want to stay in their jobs indefinitely. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing is arguable. Term limits legislation comes up often and never seems to go anywhere.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Skeletor on December 30, 2016, 03:06:05 PM
I didn't miss the sarcasm, just thought some folks who haven't experience with the entertainment industry might find it interesting. Anyone who has worked in unionized entertainment know just how powerful these unions are. A long time ago, I worked as a grip on the Big Valley set. The pay and benefits were amazing.

Democrats can have "Christian values" too. Did she become a Republican after the event?

Politicians create protections for themselves because most want to stay in their jobs indefinitely. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing is arguable. Term limits legislation comes up often and never seems to go anywhere.

Yes. I think most of the Democrat voters are christian or claim to hold such beliefs.

"She has come to the conclusion that the Democratic Party has left her," her lawyer, Mat Staver, said Saturday in a statement. "She has decided to switch her voter registration."

Staver said Davis "has been a lifelong Democrat but has received no support from the Democratic Party or leaders."
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on December 30, 2016, 03:09:21 PM
Anything is possible. Not everything is a conspiracy.  Have you considered those choosing not to perform just plain don't like Trump regardless of party affiliation? People should stand up for what they believe to be right. We supposedly live in a democracy. It is very possible that "making Trump look bad" is not why they are doing this.

Your question implies that all Republican women supported Trump and that is ludicrous.

HA! I'd love to hear that one of these Rockettes are a Republican! Now that's a conspiracy theory.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 30, 2016, 03:45:07 PM
Anyone know what this crazy chica means:  “It’s almost worse to have 18 pretty white girls behind this man who supports so many hate groups,” she told Marie Claire.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 30, 2016, 04:36:50 PM
Sylvester Stallone to attend Trump's New Year’s Eve party

(Statesman) Sylvester Stallone will be among more than 800 people attending President-elect Donald Trump's New Year's Eve party, Trump's transition team said Friday in a conference call with reporters.

Trump has held an annual bash at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, for years, in the past drawing big names like Vanessa Williams, Regis Philbin, Martha Stewart and Rod Stewart.

While some on social media have criticized the event, saying it could be construed as paying for access to Trump, Hope Hicks, incoming White House director of strategic communications, dismissed that idea.

“The transition is not concerned about the appearance of a conflict,” Hicks told Politico. “This is an annual celebratory event at the private club, like others that have continued to occur since the election. Additionally, the president cannot and does not have a conflict.”

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 30, 2016, 05:37:54 PM
When the story broke earlier in the week about the restaurant owner in Hawaii who "refuses" service to Trump voters, I figured it was an overdone act at that point and wasn't worth posting.

But here's an update.


Hawaiian cafe backs down over ban on Trump voters

(FOX) A business owner who posted a sign on the entrance of his eccentric Italian café in downtown Honolulu banning President Elect Donald Trump supporters, has removed the sign one day after broke a story about the severe policy.

“If you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis,” declared owner Robert Warner on a bright yellow, handmade sign, which he taped to his Café 8/12’s front glass door.

"This is my place and if I don't want to serve a Trump person, I can do that," he told Hawaii News Now on Wednesday, one day after the report generated thousands of adverse posts in the story comment section as well as on Yelp, Twitter and Facebook.

While Warner claims business has been better than ever since the story went viral in news media across the world, he took the notice down on Wednesday, telling Hawaii News Now: "If somebody came in and said, 'Hey, I know you can't tell who I voted for, but I voted for Trump, would you let me eat?' I would say, 'Sure, if you're nice with me and I'm nice with you and you like my food, sit down, no problem.”

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 30, 2016, 06:34:52 PM
HA! I'd love to hear that one of these Rockettes are a Republican! Now that's a conspiracy theory.

Now you are suggesting that the Rockettes are all Democrats or is it just the ones who aren't afraid of losing their jobs while standing up for their principles?

Someone opined white females voted for Trump and nonwhite females voted for HRC which doesn't add up. 54% of all women voters voted for HRC while 42% voted for Trump. 61 mil white females voted leaving 27 million nonwhite female voters. Even is every nonwhite female voted for HRC, a heck of a lot of white females must have too.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 31, 2016, 10:54:38 AM
K. Conway's husband George being considered for SG.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on December 31, 2016, 10:59:33 AM

New Year Greeting from Trump

PALM BEACH, Fla., Dec. 31 (UPI) -- President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday tweeted out a happy New Year's message aimed at his "enemies and those who have fought me."

Trump, who will spend New Year's Eve at his private Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Fla., tweeted the message Saturday morning.

"Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do. Love!"

USA Today reported Trump's private New Year's Eve party will include actor Sylvester Stallone on the guest list.

Donald J. Trump


Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do. Love!
7:17 AM - 31 Dec 2016

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: SaintAnger on December 31, 2016, 12:24:11 PM

New Year Greeting from Trump

PALM BEACH, Fla., Dec. 31 (UPI) -- President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday tweeted out a happy New Year's message aimed at his "enemies and those who have fought me."

Trump, who will spend New Year's Eve at his private Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Fla., tweeted the message Saturday morning.

"Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do. Love!"

USA Today reported Trump's private New Year's Eve party will include actor Sylvester Stallone on the guest list.


Real fucking mature.  Hard to believe we have this guy as our leader. 

Man child 100%.

I guess we can think the white trash component of our country and the deluded.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on December 31, 2016, 12:27:51 PM
Real fucking mature.  Hard to believe we have this guy as our leader. 

Man child 100%.

I guess we can think the white trash component of our country and the deluded.

I agree with your first line.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Chadwick The Beta on December 31, 2016, 03:01:20 PM
Real fucking mature.  Hard to believe we have this guy as our leader. 

Man child 100%.

I guess we can think the white trash component of our country and the deluded.

butthurt much ?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 01, 2017, 12:30:56 PM
Trump says he has inside info on hacking

West Palm Beach, Florida (CNN) President-elect Donald Trump said Saturday he has information that others lack and promised to reveal his knowledge this week, reiterating again his doubts that Russia was behind cyber-meddling in the US election.

Speaking to reporters ahead of an 800-person New Year's Eve bash at his Mar-a-Lago estate, a tuxedoed Trump maintained that another culprit aside from Russia could have been behind the tampering.

"It could be somebody else. And I also know things that other people don't know, and so they cannot be sure of the situation," he said. Asked to describe what undisclosed information he knew, Trump said, "You'll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday."

Trump has scheduled an intelligence briefing midweek on the hacking, a response to President Barack Obama's announcement of new sanctions on Moscow in retaliation for the cyber-intrusion.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 01, 2017, 12:44:45 PM
Very interesting little read.  It says a lot, about a lot.

Donald Trump Will Use Twitter For Policy Announcements, Even Though ‘No Computer Is Safe’

Donald Trump will use Twitter to make important policy announcements once he takes office on January 20. Sean Spicer, a Trump spokesman, said that Trump would make “bold use” of Twitter, according to the Chicago Tribune. Spicer claimed that the president-elect “gets results” when he uses Twitter.

Spicer’s suggestion that Trump will use Twitter as a primary means of communication with the public comes on the same day Trump claimed that computers are not safe. Just 19 days before his inauguration, Trump questioned Russia’s role in hacking and advised people not to think their computers are secure.

Spicer told an interviewer from ABC that Trump would continue to use social media and might even make major announcements on Twitter when he takes over the Oval Office. Trump has shown no sign of censoring himself on the micro-blogging site that helped make him so popular.

“I think it freaks the mainstream media out that he has this following of over 45-plus million people that follow him on social media, that he can have a direct conversation,” Spicer said. “Business as usual is over… There’s a new sheriff in town.”

But Spicer’s statement that Trump will make major use of Twitter conflicts with Trump’s own claim that computers are not secure. While Twitter has allowed Trump to reach millions of ordinary people, the president-elect made it clear he does not trust computers.

“You know, if you have something really important, write it out and have it delivered by courier, the old-fashioned way,” Trump said, according to Al Jazeera.“Because I’ll tell you what: no computer is safe.”

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 01, 2017, 12:54:30 PM
^ Stuff like that, and his mention of the intelligence failures and the rest, tells me he must be a real outsider.  What else makes sense to say?


I think he's legit.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 01, 2017, 12:56:58 PM
Biographer says Trump booted him from golf course

West Palm Beach, Florida (CNN) The author of a decades-old biography critical of Donald Trump says the now-President-elect asked him to leave a Trump-owned Florida golf course Friday, alleging his presence was "inappropriate."

Harry Hurt III, who penned "Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump," says he was preparing for a round at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach late last week and introduced himself to the billionaire Republican, who was on a practice range.

"Hurt, who has a scratch handicap and plays in colorful knickers, walked over to Trump on the practice range prior to his group's assigned tee time, only to suffer a tongue lashing from the President-elect," read a posting on Hurt's Facebook page Saturday.

Hurt said he shook Trump's hand and offered his congratulations, a gesture he said wasn't reciprocated by the President-elect.
"Trump said, 'You were rough on me, Harry. Really rough. That shit you wrote,' " read the Facebook post.

Hurt's book, first published in 1993, contained reporting that Trump's first wife Ivana had accused the real estate developer of rape during their divorce. Trump adamantly denies the charge, and Ivana has said while she felt "violated" during their marriage, she didn't intend her accusation to be taken in "a literal or criminal sense."

On the golf course in Florida Friday, Hurt said he "looked Trump in the eye, and said, 'It's all true,' to which Trump responded, 'Not in the way you wrote it,' " according to the post on Facebook.

He said Trump had his security detail escort him and three of his friends, which included the billionaire industrialist and major Republican donor David Koch, to the parking lot.

John Damgard, another member of Hurt's group, confirmed that Trump asked them to leave the course.

"We were on the putting green," Damgard, a Republican donor, said. "Harry came and said 'Mr. Trump doesn't want us to play.' We went to a different place."

But he said some details in Hurt's account weren't accurate.

"We had no interaction with security," Damgard told CNN in a phone interview. Damgard said the group was not escorted off the course.

Hurt wrote the foursome went instead to Emerald Dunes, which he called "a much, much better golf course than Trump International."

Politico first reported on the incident, which took place Friday. Journalists following the President-elect in Florida weren't made aware of Trump's travel to his golf course, since he didn't bring along the traditional pool of journalists assigned to cover his movements. He made a similar decision on Saturday when he traveled a half-hour from his Mar-a-Lago club to play at his course in Jupiter.

Officials with Trump's transition team did not respond to a request for comment. Reached Sunday, Hurt declined to elaborate on his telling of events.
Koch, who is a member at the Trump International course, "loves the club," according to Damgard, but wouldn't have chosen to play there if he'd known it would cause consternation for the President-elect. Damgard said neither he nor Koch were aware of the critical biography Hurt had written.
"Obviously it was something he didn't like. It is his golf course and it certainly it is his right" to remove a player, Damgard said.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 01, 2017, 12:59:08 PM
From Trump's twitter:

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 01, 2017, 03:03:15 PM
Here's a little more on what he said.  IMO, maybe he'll start seriously questioning the intelligence claims, and make them answer some questions about it.  Lmao he's the one guy they can't hide from behind "security" excuses.

Donald Trump Offers a Cyber-Security Prescription: ‘Old-Fashioned’ Paper Sent by Courier

(Yahoo) When it comes to hacking, Donald Trump has a solution: “Old-fashioned” snail mail.

The President-elect spoke to reporters on Saturday at his Mar-a-Lago New Year’s Eve party, saying that mail by courier is a sure way to ensure cyber security — “I don’t care what they say, no computer is safe,” the 70-year-old said.

“It’s very important, if you have something really important, write it out and have it delivered by courier, the old fashioned way. Because, I’ll tell you what, no computer is safe,” he said when asked how important the issue is to his incoming administration.

“I have a boy who’s 10 years old, he can do anything with a computer,” Trump said, referring to his youngest son Barron. “You want something to really go without detection, write it out and have it sent by courier.”

The comments come as U.S. intelligence agencies investigate Russian cyberattacks intended to interfere with the U.S. election.

Officials have alleged that Russian hackers targeted key Democratic leaders in an effort to influence the presidential election. However, the President-elect told reporters on Saturday that he wants to “be sure” that there is actual evidence of hacking by the Russians before agreeing with the intelligence community’s findings.

“I just want them to be sure, because it’s a pretty serious charge. I want them to be sure. I think it’s unfair if they don’t know. And I know a lot about hacking, and hacking is a very hard thing to prove,” he said.

“So it could be somebody else. And I also know things that other people don’t know, and so they cannot be sure of the situation.”

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 01, 2017, 06:17:24 PM
Sean Spicer: ‘Why aren’t we talking about the other influences on the election? Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? No one is asking those questions. The fact is that everyone wants to make Donald Trump admit to certain things. When do we talk about the other side, which is what did Hillary Clinton do to influence the election? Is she being punished?’
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Chadwick The Beta on January 01, 2017, 07:18:13 PM
Sean Spicer: ‘Why aren’t we talking about the other influences on the election? Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? No one is asking those questions. The fact is that everyone wants to make Donald Trump admit to certain things. When do we talk about the other side, which is what did Hillary Clinton do to influence the election? Is she being punished?

While I fully believe she should be prosecuted for her mishandling of classified information, the answer to the question about whether she should be punished for her attempts to influence the election are that she has already been punished:

- she lost the election
- she lost votes during the recount
- she lost more "faithless elector" votes than Trump did

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on January 01, 2017, 08:06:08 PM
Sean Spicer: ‘Why aren’t we talking about the other influences on the election? Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? No one is asking those questions. The fact is that everyone wants to make Donald Trump admit to certain things. When do we talk about the other side, which is what did Hillary Clinton do to influence the election? Is she being punished?’

The debates are ancient history regardless of who the finger gets pointed at. If you're referring to the possibility that the Russians may have hacked information and used it to try an influence voters is partly another issue. If the voters were influenced, that's not provable. The actual hacking is a problem because it shows the strong possibility of future cyber attacks. Whether Trump was in collusion with Putin, we will likely never know.

I don't like Trump. I think he's an asshole, but he soon will be president and that's something we will all be living with, probably for the next four years. Like others have said, get used to it. 
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Slapper on January 02, 2017, 04:28:46 AM
I personally do not like Trump either, but he is going to do some things that will make me very happy:

1. Bring and keep jobs here in the US;
2. Stop the military parades in the Baltic as well as the Black Sea.

#1 may, or may not bring back the American Dream, but at the very least he will try. # 2 will reduce hostilities against Russia, thereby reducing the chance of military escalation.

And I'm hard core left.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on January 02, 2017, 04:50:22 AM
The debates are ancient history regardless of who the finger gets pointed at.

Do you know when the supposed "hacking" of the controversial Podesta/DNC emails occurred?

Hint: Summer 2015

Why is this ancient history getting ass-pounded by the media now?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 02, 2017, 11:23:55 AM
While I fully believe she should be prosecuted for her mishandling of classified information, the answer to the question about whether she should be punished for her attempts to influence the election are that she has already been punished:

- she lost the election
- she lost votes during the recount
- she lost more "faithless elector" votes than Trump did

Agreed, IMO we should just let it go now and focus on the corrupt media.  They're the real enemy.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Dos Equis on January 02, 2017, 11:29:58 AM
I personally do not like Trump either, but he is going to do some things that will make me very happy:

1. Bring and keep jobs here in the US;
2. Stop the military parades in the Baltic as well as the Black Sea.

#1 may, or may not bring back the American Dream, but at the very least he will try. # 2 will reduce hostilities against Russia, thereby reducing the chance of military escalation.

And I'm hard core left.

I didn't vote for him, but I am hoping he and Congress reform the tax code, including reducing everyone's tax burden. 
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 02, 2017, 11:37:39 AM
I personally do not like Trump either, but he is going to do some things that will make me very happy:

1. Bring and keep jobs here in the US;
2. Stop the military parades in the Baltic as well as the Black Sea.

#1 may, or may not bring back the American Dream, but at the very least he will try. # 2 will reduce hostilities against Russia, thereby reducing the chance of military escalation.

And I'm hard core left.

Good post.  I'd just add a couple things:

TRUMP PRESS RELEASE, SEPTEMBER 2016: One of Mr. Trump’s first commands after taking office will be asking the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and all relevant federal departments, to conduct a thorough review of United States cyber defenses and identify all vulnerabilities – in our power grid, our communications systems, and all vital infrastructure.

^ That one is so important, IMO I don't think anything could rise above it on the list.

TRUMP PRESS RELEASE, SEPTEMBER 2016: Immediately after taking office, Mr. Trump will ask the generals to present a plan within 30 days to defeat and destroy ISIS.

Way too many asshats claiming to be "good guys" have full interest in keeping ISIS going for as long as possible.  One of the things I truly despise about Obama.  It makes such a convenient excuse to interfere with innocent Americans in the name of terror fighting.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 02, 2017, 11:39:31 AM
The debates are ancient history regardless of who the finger gets pointed at. If you're referring to the possibility that the Russians may have hacked information and used it to try an influence voters is partly another issue. If the voters were influenced, that's not provable. The actual hacking is a problem because it shows the strong possibility of future cyber attacks. Whether Trump was in collusion with Putin, we will likely never know.

I don't like Trump. I think he's an asshole, but he soon will be president and that's something we will all be living with, probably for the next four years. Like others have said, get used to it.  

Can't say I disagree.  And with the act of obtaining the info being off-limits for complaint, as well, it becomes little more than annoyance when presented as a "news" story.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 03, 2017, 08:20:44 AM


Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: James on January 03, 2017, 09:16:38 AM


Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on January 03, 2017, 09:36:08 AM
Trump calling out Republican majority Congress on their lack of initiative...


That's what I like to see. #DrainTheSwamp
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on January 03, 2017, 09:43:38 AM
I personally do not like Trump either, but he is going to do some things that will make me very happy:

1. Bring and keep jobs here in the US;
2. Stop the military parades in the Baltic as well as the Black Sea.

#1 may, or may not bring back the American Dream, but at the very least he will try. # 2 will reduce hostilities against Russia, thereby reducing the chance of military escalation.

And I'm hard core left.

I hope you're right.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on January 03, 2017, 10:02:09 AM
Do you know when the supposed "hacking" of the controversial Podesta/DNC emails occurred?

Hint: Summer 2015

Why is this ancient history getting ass-pounded by the media now?

Have you ever noticed how the media recycles old stuff when there is nothing new to report on? Also, news stories are "shared" whether willingly or otherwise within the media. If one reads a story of national interest in their local newspaper, they can usually find that story in many newspapers and on newscasts across the nation. We don't just get the news, we are browbeaten with it. Since negative stories sell better than feel good, ones we're browbeaten with negativity. It's downright depressing.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: James on January 03, 2017, 12:01:48 PM
But the "neverTrumpers" told me he’d never planned to build the wall!

Trump Tells DHS To Prepare For Border Wall Construction

A memo from the Department of Homeland Security, which was recently reviewed by Reuters, suggest that the Trump administration plans to hit the ground running on the construction of that U.S.-Mexico border wall when they move into the White House later this month. The memo apparently summarized a meeting held between DHS officials and Trump's transition team on December 5th in which requests were made for an assessment of "all assets available for border wall and barrier construction."

In a wide-ranging request for documents and analysis, President-elect Donald Trump's transition team asked the Department of Homeland Security last month to assess all assets available for border wall and barrier construction.

The requests were made in a Dec. 5 meeting between Trump's transition team and Department of Homeland Security officials, according to an internal agency memo reviewed by Reuters. The document offers a glimpse into the president-elect's strategy for securing the U.S. borders and reversing polices put in place by the Obama administration. The Trump transition team also allegedly took aim at Obama's executive actions, requesting "copies of every executive order and directive sent to immigration agents since Obama took office in 2009."

The transition team also asked for copies of every executive order and directive sent to immigration agents since Obama took office in 2009, according to the memo summarizing the meeting.

Trump has said he intends to undo Obama's executive actions on immigration, including a 2012 order to allow children brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents to remain in the country on temporary authorizations that allow them to attend college and work.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 03, 2017, 07:50:09 PM
Have you ever noticed how the media recycles old stuff when there is nothing new to report on? Also, news stories are "shared" whether willingly or otherwise within the media. If one reads a story of national interest in their local newspaper, they can usually find that story in many newspapers and on newscasts across the nation. We don't just get the news, we are browbeaten with it. Since negative stories sell better than feel good, ones we're browbeaten with negativity. It's downright depressing.

It's a deliberate and calculated attempt at brainwashing by echo chamber, IMO.

Makes sense when you realize that nearly all of it -- a huge "selection" of TV and internet content... seemingly endless stupidity -- is filtered by a small group of associates who meet behind closed doors.

All true.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 04, 2017, 01:54:52 PM
As reported on GB:

Mr. Dishonesty, himself: Eric "Gun-Run" Holder

California hires ex-Attorney General Holder to fight Trump

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Vowing to protect California's values and constitutional guarantees, Democratic leaders in the state Legislature announced Wednesday they have hired former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to serve as outside counsel to advise their legal strategy against the incoming administration of Donald Trump.

Holder will help legislators resist any attempts to roll back liberal progress on issues such as climate change, health care, civil rights and immigration, said California Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon, D-Los Angeles, and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, D-Paramount.

"With the upcoming change in administrations, we expect that there will be extraordinary challenges for California in the uncertain times ahead," the leaders said in a joint statement. "We have an obligation to defend the people who elected us and the policies and diversity that make California an example of what truly makes a nation great."

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 04, 2017, 01:59:29 PM
Christie's fired Bridgegate aide heads to Trump's White House, and more

Washington (CNN) -- New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, the first of President-elect Donald Trump's primary rivals to endorse him and once vetted as a vice presidential pick, has been shut out the new administration. But an ex-aide who played a role in the Bridgegate scandal that tarnished Christie will be in it.

Bill Stepien, who joined the Trump campaign in August as national field director, snagged a senior role as White House political director, Trump's transition team announced Wednesday.

Christie fired Stepien in January 2014 amid the Bridgegate scandal in which Christie aides directed the closure of lanes on the George Washington Bridge as political retribution.

Stepien was not charged in the federal investigation into the lane closures, but court documents revealed that a Christie aide texted a colleague amid Christie's news conference on the bubbling scandal in December 2013 that Christie "just flat out lied about senior staff and Stepien not being involved."

The transition team announced the names of more than a dozen members of White House staff, formalizing West Wing roles for several of his longtime campaign aides and Republican National Committee staffers. The announcement comes weeks after several longtime campaign staffers began to gripe publicly that White House roles were taking too long to take shape and that Republican National Committee staffers had an edge in earning White House jobs.

"These individuals will be key leaders in helping to implement the President-elect's agenda and bring real change to Washington," White House chief of staff Reince Priebus said in a statement, calling the staffers "instrumental" in helping Trump.

George Gigicos, who has served as the Trump campaign's director of advance from the outset, will take on that role at the White House.

Keith Schiller, Trump's longtime head of security at the Trump Organization who almost never left Trump's side during the campaign and helped coordinate Trump's security with the Secret Service, will take on a role as Director of Oval Office Operations. Omarosa Manigault, the former "Apprentice" contestant who has remained a close business associate of Trump's and helped him with diversity outreach during the campaign, was officially named communications director for the Office of Public Liaison.

Trump will also retain his campaign body man John McEntee as personal aide to the President.

Many other longtime campaign staffers have not yet officially snagged White House jobs, but the campaign called the announcement a "first wave" of staff announcements. The announcement of a dozen staffers came after the Trump transition formally tapped three deputy chiefs of staff, whose roles had been reported in recent days.

RNC senior adviser Katie Walsh will, as expected, become incoming White House chief of staff Reince Priebus's right hand as White House deputy chief of staff. Rick Dearborn, the chief of staff to Sen. Jeff Sessions who headed up congressional relations for the Trump campaign, will work to implement Trump's agenda on Capitol Hill as deputy chief of staff for legislative and intergovernmental affairs. And Joe Hagin will reprise his role in George W. Bush's administration as deputy chief of staff for operations.

Trump also formalized Marc Short, the longtime aide to Vice President-elect Mike Pence, as director of legislative affairs.

Other individuals named Wednesday to West Wing posts included John DeStefano, who will serve as director of presidential personnel; Jessica Ditto, the Trump campaign's deputy communications director, who will take on the same role at the White House; and Raj Shah, who will apply his job as RNC research director to the White House and also take on a deputy communications director title.

Longtime Pence aide Josh Pitcock will become the vice president's chief of staff and Jen Pavlik will serve as Pence's deputy chief of staff.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 04, 2017, 02:17:57 PM

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner believed to have bought house in D.C.

(Realtor) Prepare to meet your new first daughter-to-be, Washington, DC! Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, have reportedly picked up a six-bedroom, seven-bath house in the upscale neighborhood of Kalorama.


Located at 2449 Tracy Place Northwest, the power couple’s new home is less than two blocks from outgoing President Barack Obama‘s new home. Can’t you just picture this offshoot of the new first family bumping into the former one while they’re walking their dogs Sunny and Bo? Cute or awkward? Hard to say. (We go with awkward.)


Currently, a few key questions remain unanswered. Are Trump and Kushner renting, or did they buy? The local multiple listing service shows that the home was last sold in late December for $5,512,260 to an undisclosed owner. That mystery buyer could be Trump and Kushner, or it could be someone else who’s renting them the place (the broker behind this deal, Washington Fine Properties co-owner William F.X. Moody, could not be reached in time for comment).





(Realtor dot com)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 04, 2017, 05:06:13 PM
Big country... something like this is bound to happen sooner or later.   :P


Men wearing Trump masks duke it out in hardware store

RICHMOND, Va. — Police say shoppers were mystified and alarmed when two young men wearing Donald Trump masks began boxing one another inside a Virginia Lowe’s store on New Year’s Eve.

Officers were summoned to the store Saturday afternoon because of a “disorderly display that scared customers,” Henrico County Police Capt. Chris Eley told the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Henrico police have said little about the incident. However, 59-year-old witness Michael Willis told the newspaper he saw the men hitting each other while yelling, “Donald Trump! Donald Trump!” The men fell and knocked down merchandise in the process, Willis said.

“I mean, these people, they were hitting,” Willis said. “If they was acting, they was doing a good job on it.”

Willis said he called police because he feared they might be robbers.

But he said one young man who returned to retrieve some keys that were dropped during the fight told him they were just trying to have some fun.

No arrests were immediately made.

In Virginia, a person over the age of 16 can be charged with a felony for wearing a mask in certain circumstances, including on private property when the owner of the property hasn’t given permission. Willis and another unnamed witness guessed the boxers were in their early-20s.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 04, 2017, 05:34:33 PM
But the "neverTrumpers" told me he’d never planned to build the wall!

Trump Tells DHS To Prepare For Border Wall Construction

A memo from the Department of Homeland Security, which was recently reviewed by Reuters, suggest that the Trump administration plans to hit the ground running on the construction of that U.S.-Mexico border wall when they move into the White House later this month. The memo apparently summarized a meeting held between DHS officials and Trump's transition team on December 5th in which requests were made for an assessment of "all assets available for border wall and barrier construction."

In a wide-ranging request for documents and analysis, President-elect Donald Trump's transition team asked the Department of Homeland Security last month to assess all assets available for border wall and barrier construction.

The requests were made in a Dec. 5 meeting between Trump's transition team and Department of Homeland Security officials, according to an internal agency memo reviewed by Reuters. The document offers a glimpse into the president-elect's strategy for securing the U.S. borders and reversing polices put in place by the Obama administration. The Trump transition team also allegedly took aim at Obama's executive actions, requesting "copies of every executive order and directive sent to immigration agents since Obama took office in 2009."

The transition team also asked for copies of every executive order and directive sent to immigration agents since Obama took office in 2009, according to the memo summarizing the meeting.

Trump has said he intends to undo Obama's executive actions on immigration, including a 2012 order to allow children brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents to remain in the country on temporary authorizations that allow them to attend college and work.

Bristol sheriff offers Trump inmates to build Mexico wall

FALL RIVER (Boston Globe) — Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson has made a personal offer to President- elect Donald J. Trump: Bristol County inmates will be available to help build Trump’s border wall with Mexico.

Yes, really.

“I can think of no other project that would have such a positive impact on our inmates and our country than building this wall,” Hodgson said, in remarks at his inaugural ceremony Wednesday night at Bristol Community College.

“Aside from learning and perfecting construction skills, the symbolism of these inmates building a wall to prevent crime in communities around the country, and to preserve jobs and work opportunities for them and other Americans upon release, can be very powerful.”

Hodgson also said that his office is entering an agreement with federal immigration authorities that will grant immigration enforcement powers to members of the sheriff’s staff, “which will be specially trained by ICE on all immigration matters, from questioning to deportation.”

The sheriff did not address in his speech who would pay to transport, house, and secure local inmates while they labor on the wall project. Trump, however, has said Mexico will pay for the wall.

(Boston Globe)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 04, 2017, 06:40:47 PM
No problem, IMO.  Let the truth win.

Who hacked? Trump challenges intel agencies he'll oversee

WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday escalated his blunt public challenge to the U.S. intelligence agencies he will soon oversee, appearing to embrace WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's contention that Russia did not provide his group with the hacked Democratic emails that roiled the 2016 election.

Trump's defiance has increased the pressure on intelligence officials to provide decisive evidence of Russian election interference. A full report was ordered by President Barack Obama last month, and Obama will receive the report and be briefed on it Thursday, according to a White House official who wasn't authorized to speak to reporters and requested anonymity. High-level intelligence officials are heading to New York Friday to brief Trump on the classified findings.

The Obama administration also plans to make an unclassified version public before the president leaves office Jan. 20.

(Journal Times)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 04, 2017, 06:44:43 PM
Hey, Sister

Omarosa leads Trump team meeting with black leaders: report

(The Hill) Incoming White House official Omarosa Manigault on Wednesday led a “listening session” with black leaders on behalf of President-elect Donald Trump, according to a new report.

Manigault guided Trump’s transition team through a meeting with about 100 leaders from various African-American organizations in Washington, D.C., CNN said.

Participants included leaders from the NAACP, churches, the education sector and fraternities and sororities.

The former "Apprentice" contestant, whom Trump recently tapped to help his White House with public engagement, was joined by other members of the president-elect’s transition team. Trump domestic policy chair Ken Blackwell and senior adviser Katrina Pierson were also present for the huddle.

“[It] could be a great start,” Hilary O. Shelton, NAACP Washington Bureau director and senior vice president for advocacy and policy, told CNN after the event.

“We want to see them move on issues that are important to the communities that we serve,” she added. "We want to make sure they recognize who we are and the conditions are communities are in.”

“The presidential administration has an awful lot of power. They can decide to wield that power. What happens at this point is in the hands of the administration.”

Bishop Harry Jackson, a conservative activist and evangelical leader, praised the Trump team’s “openness” to connecting with African-American leaders.

“You have an outsider and an outside team. They’re not going to do business as usual, they don’t even know how to spell business as usual. For that reason, I’m optimistic," he said.

Manigault appeared on the first season of Trump’s reality television competition in 2004 before ultimately becoming the director of his presidential campaign’s African-American outreach.

Trump vowed to serve as a champion for African-American voters before Election Day, but he struggled with the voting bloc due, earning just 8 percent of the black vote.

(The Hill)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 04, 2017, 06:57:13 PM
The video is out there.  Not going to post it.  The elitists in media SELFISHLY created a monster in Trump, and they didn't concern themselves with the FACT that they bring out the worst in society by playing that game.

‘Fuck Donald Trump! Fuck White People!’: Four in Custody for Torturing Young Man Live on Facebook

(Mediaite) Chicago police currently have four people in custody over a Facebook Live video that showed a group of young black adults holding a mentally disabled young white man hostage and torturing him.

Police were made aware of the video on Tuesday afternoon. The video, shot by a young black woman, shows multiple people kicking and hitting the victim while he was tied up. They also cut his scalp and burn him with cigarettes. Police say the young man has special-needs and had been reported missing from a nearby suburb.

According to Chicago police, the young man was held captive for at least 24 hours and perhaps as long as 48. He also knew one of the assailants but it doesn’t appear to be a situation involving buying drugs. The four involved are considered adults but still in their teens.

Watch the video of the story above, via CBS Chicago.

During the beating, you could hear the attackers yelling “f*** Donald Trump! F*** white people!” along with other racial slurs.

The victim is now being treated at the hospital for his injuries. Meanwhile, no charges have yet been filed but police anticipate charges within next 24-48 hours. They’ll also investigate on whether this is defined as a hate crime.

Chicago PD released the following:

While on patrol Officers observes a disoriented male walking 3400 W. Lexington on January 3, 2017 who was then transported to an area hospital for treatment. At 5:26 p.m. officers then responded to a battery at a residence on the 3300 block of W. Lexington where they discovered signs of a struggle and damage to the property and where able to link this evidence to the disoriented male. Officers later became aware of a social media video depicting a battery of an adult male which is believed to be the same individual. At this point CPD believes the video is credible and detectives are questioning persons of interest in the case. The victim, whom CPD believes is from a neighboring suburb, was transported to an area hospital in stable condition. The investigation is ongoing.


Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on January 05, 2017, 02:38:49 AM
ABC News/Wall St. Journal were actually reporting on this ^ early this morning.

Said they were "pushing his face with their feet"  ???  "it could be a hate crime"

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Skeletor on January 05, 2017, 02:41:25 AM
ABC News/Wall St. Journal were actually reporting on this ^ early this morning.

Said they were "pushing his face with their feet"  ???  "it could be a hate crime"

As expected, the cops tried to downplay this savagery:


So, torturing and abusing a person (possibly with a mental handicap) is just a "stupid mistake" and a "stupid decision" and the things they were saying could be "stupid ranting and raving"? What's next, police chief saying "they good kids"?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 05, 2017, 08:44:14 AM

Amazon eyes American Apparel: The Trump Effect?

Christian Science Monitor (January 5, 2016) - One of the largest garment makers in the United States is being eyed for purchase by and teen apparel chain Forever 21, as President-elect Donald Trump ramps ups his rhetoric against imported goods.

American Apparel, with manufacturing facilities in southern California, could receive offers from Amazon, Forever 21, Next Level Apparel, and brand licensor Authentic Brands Group before its bankruptcy auction ends Friday, Reuters reported. Any offer would have to match or exceed a $66 million stalking horse bid that Canadian T-shirt and underwear maker Gilden Activewear placed when American Apparel filed for bankruptcy in November.

The clothing manufacturer is popular among young people and sports about 110 storefronts, making it an appealing buy, especially in the wake of announcements from Mr. Trump and his transition team that they may slap tariffs on products American companies import. Trump has also promised to lower taxes and regulations for domestic businesses.

The companies considering buying American Apparel are in talks with the Los Angeles-based clothing maker and its financial advisers. American Apparel filed for its second bankruptcy within a year in November with the intent to sell the company. The outcome of the auction is expected next week.

As its name implies, the company stakes its identity on its “Made in the USA” slogan. When Dov Charney started the company in the 1990s, most garment makers were moving offshore. But Mr. Charney printed “sweatshop-free” and “Made in the USA” on the label, and the brand became a hit among young people.

(Christian Science Monitor)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 05, 2017, 08:45:32 AM
Poll: More Americans Say They Prefer Trump Over Obama

(The Federalist) More Americans would rather Donald Trump be president than Barack Obama spend another term in office, according to a new poll.

Of the 2,000 registered voters surveyed in the Morning Consult/Politico poll, 45 percent of Americans preferred a Trump presidency while 44 percent said they want Obama to occupy the White House for another four years.

Despite a slight majority of Americans saying they would prefer Trump over Obama, more think Obama would win if the two were pitted against one another in an election. Of those surveyed, 47 percent said they thought Obama would win, while 42 percent said Trump would likely secure an electoral victory.

More Democrats wanted a Trump presidency than Republicans wanted Obama to occupy the presidency for another term. Among independent voters, Obama secured a three-point advantage over Trump.

Last week, Obama bragged that if he had run for a third term in office he would have beaten Trump. This week, the outgoing president has been reportedly meeting with Democratic legislators in an effort to save his signature health-care law, which Trump has said he plans to dismantle as soon as he is sworn into office.

(The Federalist)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 05, 2017, 07:22:46 PM

Petition Asks Trump’s White House For Life In Prison For Chicago ‘Black Lives Matter’ Hate Crime Foursome

(Inquistr) The term “Brittany Herring life in prison” was trending on Facebook on Wednesday, January 4. By Thursday, January 5, a petition on the White House’s website that is asking for life in prison for Tanishia Covington, Brittany Herring-Covington, Tesfaye Cooper, and Jordan Hill — who can been seen in some of their Facebook photos online — gained buzz.

Facebook Photos, Chicago Mugshots: Tanishia Covington, Brittany Herring, Tesfaye Cooper And Jordan Hill via Paula …

    — All Trends IT (@All_Trends_IT) January 5, 2017

The petition is titled “Life sentence for Brittany Herring and the other accomplices!” Created by a person only going by the initials “C.A.” on January 4, the petition is asking the White House to put Brittany, Tanishia, Tesfaye, and Jordan in prison for life. The petition also links the foursome to the Black Lives Matter movement — even though Chicago police have stated that the foursome had no connection to the controversial movement. According to CNN, Infowars editor named Paul Joseph Watson was the first person to link the Chicago foursome to the Black Lives Matter movement. But Chicago authorities have said they have found no connection between Covington, Herring, Cooper, and Hill to the Black Lives Matter movement.

The White House petition — as of this writing — still requires 98,490 signatures in order to reach the 100,000 goal required for the White House to provide a response to the petition. Since the petition states that those 100,000 signatures must be garnered by February 3, in order to get a response from the White House, that means the transition of power from President Obama to President-elect Trump will have already happened.

Brittany Herring’s Fake Mugshot: $1,500 bond le spreads fast, along with ‘crying’ booking photo [HOAX]

    — Alena Bubniak (@abubniak) January 5, 2017

As of this writing, 1,510 people have signed the petition. The important part of the petition requiring the 100,000 signatures is that Trump will have already been sworn in — and since anti-Trump sentiments were spewed in the Facebook Live video at the center of the hate crime — the president may play an integral part in determining the fate of the Chicago foursome.

The text of the petition, which begins with “WE THE PEOPLE ASK THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO CALL ON CONGRESS TO ACT ON AN ISSUE,” can be read below.

“Today 1/4/2017, four Black Lives Matter supporters kidnapped, tortured and abused a white Trump supporter, because of his race and political orientation. The act was so grotesque, it was barely watchable. This doesn’t only stop to the violence, there were extremely racist anti-white chants heard during the video. This attack was purely politically and racially motivated hate crime and it deserves the life sentence. If you are capable of abusing someone entirely because of his skin color, you are capable of anything, and it’s almost certainly obvious, that if it was a white person abusing a black person like that, he would get the life sentence. But in this country, racism against whites is tolerated, the terrorist Black Lives Matter movement is not only legal, but also promoted. Stop this!”

However, the bottom of the petition, which asks people to check a box to allow whether or not “PRESIDENT OBAMA AND THE WHITE HOUSE MAY SEND ME EMAILS ABOUT THIS AND OTHER ISSUES” should find itself updating the name of the president in 15 days. And as such, with a change in presidency, one can only wonder if Trump will weigh in on the fate of the Chicago foursome or send similar replies that the White House has sent to similar petitions in the past.

The White House petition isn’t the only one floating around about the crime. The petition titled Imprison Brittany Herring for Racism Hate Crimes and Assault has received nearly 1,500 signatures.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 06, 2017, 04:23:02 PM
^ The person in the lower left is the one who knew the guy.  He's the one who brought him to the apartment.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 06, 2017, 04:30:39 PM
(WASHINGTON) The Latest on President-elect Donald Trump:

6:55 p.m.

President-elect Donald Trump says he "learned a lot" in his briefing with top intelligence officials, but is declining to say whether he accepts their assertion that Russia meddled in the election on his behalf.

Trump spoke to The Associated Press in a brief telephone interview Friday evening.

Trump met with CIA Director John Brennan, FBI Director James Comey and other officials at his New York offices. He says of the officials, "I really like those people a lot" and he believes they also learned from the discussion.

The president-elect would not disclose the evidence he was presented with, saying only that he had learned "a lot of confidential things."


5:45 p.m.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer says Republicans should be just as alarmed as Democrats that Russia could interfere in the U.S. political process.

The New York Democrat says the new declassified report on Russian hacking of the 2016 presidential election "should send shivers down the spines of both political parties, regardless of which party benefited this time around."

He is also repeating his call for the formation of a special panel to investigate Russia's interference if Republican plans for examining Moscow's meddling come up short.

He says if the Senate Armed Services and Intelligence committees don't operate "in a truly bipartisan way" and make most of their findings public, "we will need to establish a select committee to get to the bottom of this."

Senior Republicans have rejected that idea.


5:40 p.m.

Top House Democrat Nancy Pelosi says a new report by the intelligence community proves that Russia's hacking of the election was "political thuggery in support of Donald Trump."

The California congresswoman says Russia's President Vladimir Putin ordered an "assault on American democracy" with the computer hacks, which resulted in steady, negative leaks about Hillary Clinton's campaign and actions by the Democratic National Committee.

Pelosi formerly served on the House Intelligence panel. She says the new report shows that an independent, bipartisan panel should conduct an investigation.


5:10 p.m.

U.S. intelligence officials are predicting that Russia will continue to develop capabilities to help President Vladimir Putin target the United States.

A new declassified report says that immediately after Election Day, Russian intelligence began a spear-phishing campaign against U.S. government employees and individuals associated with U.S. think tanks or nonprofit organizations working in the fields of national security, defense and foreign policy.

U.S. intelligence officials say this could supply Russia with new material for future influence operations or provide intelligence on the incoming Trump administration's goals and plans.


4:50 p.m.

Intelligence officials say in their new public report on Russian hacking that they believe with high confidence that Moscow's intelligence services relayed to WikiLeaks material it hacked from the Democratic National Committee and senior Democratic officials.

The report says the emails disclosed by WikiLeaks did not appear to contain any forged material.

Intelligence officials say the Russians had access to the DNC from July 2015 to at least June 2016.

They say the Russian intelligence agencies probably began cyber operations targeting the U.S. election by March 2016 and had stolen large volumes of data from the DNC by May 2016.


4:40 p.m.

House Speaker Paul Ryan says he strongly condemns Russian "interference" in last year's election.

Ryan is also echoing Donald Trump's take on the intelligence report released Friday: that the hacking by the Russians didn't affect the outcome and that Trump "won this election fair and square."

Ryan says Russia "clearly tried to meddle in our political system."

Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the ranking Democrat on the House intelligence committee, says the report makes clear that the Russian intervention was directed by President Vladimir Putin himself and not only was aimed at sowing discord in the United States, but also was motivated by a desire to help Trump's election chances.

He says Trump's statement that Russian hacking had no effect on the outcome of the election is not supported by the report or common sense.


4:35 p.m.

The Senate Intelligence Committee's top Democrat says the new declassified report about Russian meddling in the U.S. election shows Moscow interfered with "the goal of harming the candidacy of Hillary Clinton and boosting the candidacy of President-elect Donald Trump."

Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia says the report is "well in line with previous assessments from the intelligence community" that senior Russian officials carried out an unprecedented level of interference in the 2016 election.

Warner says the findings demonstrate "the important role of our nation's intelligence community and the men and women who work quietly every day to keep our country safe."

(Atlanta Journal Constitution)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 06, 2017, 04:33:25 PM

Donald Trump taunts Schwarzenegger over Celebrity Apprentice ratings

(BBC) Donald Trump has taunted Arnold Schwarzenegger, his replacement as host of The Celebrity Apprentice, saying the actor was "destroyed" in TV ratings.

"So much for being a movie star," wrote the US president-elect, who described himself as a "ratings machine".

In response, the actor called on him to work for all Americans "as aggressively as you worked for your ratings".

Monday's season launch was seen by an estimated 4.9 million people - down 43% on the last season premiere in 2015.

Schwarzenegger has received mixed reviews for his debut as the new star of the show.

The veteran action star and former California governor has replaced Mr Trump's "You're fired" catchphrase with "You're terminated" - a reference to his role in The Terminator film and its sequels.

In the tweets, sent on Friday, Mr Trump wrote: "Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got "swamped" (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT.

"So much for being a movie star - and that was season 1 compared to season 14. Now compare him to my season 1."

More than 11 million people watched the opening episode of Celebrity Apprentice in 2008, according to Variety.

Referring to Republican Ohio governor John Kasich and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Mr Trump added: "But who cares, he supported Kasich & Hillary."

In return, Schwarzenegger tweeted: "There's nothing more important than the people's work, @realDonaldTrump."

He added: "I wish you the best of luck and I hope you'll work for ALL of the American people as aggressively as you worked for your ratings."

Mr Trump helped create the show and starred on it until 2015, when his political career took over.

The contestants on the current series, who compete to raise money for charity, include boxer Laila Ali, Boy George and Motley Crue singer Vince Neil.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 07, 2017, 11:15:35 AM
Important day, Wednesday... Trump scheduled in a news conference from NY.  This is his big chance to turn it around on the media, setting the tone for everyone to hear.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: James on January 07, 2017, 11:43:28 AM
the truth:

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 07, 2017, 11:58:38 AM
the truth:

It's so messed up and wrong, it just can't continue to stand.  It's gotten so bad that the SPLC was OK with making a "study" to look at racial tensions related to the election... but they excluded data to show attacks on white people.  That's some bold shit, right there.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: James on January 07, 2017, 12:06:23 PM
It's so messed up and wrong, it just can't continue to stand.  It's gotten so bad that the SPLC was OK with making a "study" to look at racial tensions related to the election... but they excluded data to show attacks on white people.  That's some bold shit, right there.

Between the out of control dinudu's, muzzie's, and libtard commies, people have finally had enough, and that's is what got Trump elected.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 09, 2017, 06:16:13 PM
Inauguration announcer on being cut by Trump: 'I thought I was going to commit suicide'

Washington (CNN) President-elect Donald Trump is breaking from 11 presidents' worth of tradition and benching Charles Brotman.

The 89-year-old Brotman -- once the voice of the Washington Senators baseball team -- has announced every inauguration parade since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1957.

"I looked at at my email, then I got the shock of my life," Brotman told CNN's Carol Costello. "I felt like Muhammad Ali had hit me in the stomach."

Brotman, who has been the announcer at presidential inauguration for sixty years, said when he read the email from the Trump transition team he thought he "was going to commit suicide."

He told WJLA he was "heartbroken" and "destroyed" by the decision at first.

Charlie Brotman has been an announcer at presidential inaugurations since 1957.

"I've been doing this for 60 years," he told the Washington ABC affiliate.

In his place, the Trump team has tapped Steve Ray, a 58-year-old Washington-based freelance announcer who has worked with the MLB's Washington Nationals and for local radio stations.

"All of us think of Charlie as as much of the Washington landscape as any building," Ray told The Washington Post. "I'm on top of the world. From my point of view, I am not filling his shoes, I'm not taking his place, I just happen to be the guy who's next."

Trump transition spokesman Boris Epshteyn said Brotman will be honored as "announcer chairman emeritus.

"Since 1957, millions of Americans and countless entertainers have come to recognize Charlie Brotman as the voice of the inaugural parade," he said in a statement. "The Presidential Inaugural Committee will be proud to honor Charlie as Announcer Chairman Emeritus on January 20. We are thrilled for Steve Ray to be introducing a new generation of Americans to the grand traditions of the inaugural parade."

Brotman told WJLA he wished Ray well.

"As opposed to -- boy, I hope he fouls up so they say, 'We want Charlie back.' No. I don't want that at all," he said.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 09, 2017, 07:01:32 PM
I read that.   Poor taste to remove him IMHO
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Chadwick The Beta on January 10, 2017, 04:11:55 AM
Inauguration announcer on being cut by Trump: 'I thought I was going to commit suicide'

Washington (CNN) President-elect Donald Trump is breaking from 11 presidents' worth of tradition and benching Charles Brotman.

The 89-year-old Brotman -- once the voice of the Washington Senators baseball team -- has announced every inauguration parade since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1957.

"I looked at at my email, then I got the shock of my life," Brotman told CNN's Carol Costello. "I felt like Muhammad Ali had hit me in the stomach."

Brotman, who has been the announcer at presidential inauguration for sixty years, said when he read the email from the Trump transition team he thought he "was going to commit suicide."

He told WJLA he was "heartbroken" and "destroyed" by the decision at first.

Charlie Brotman has been an announcer at presidential inaugurations since 1957.

"I've been doing this for 60 years," he told the Washington ABC affiliate.

In his place, the Trump team has tapped Steve Ray, a 58-year-old Washington-based freelance announcer who has worked with the MLB's Washington Nationals and for local radio stations.

"All of us think of Charlie as as much of the Washington landscape as any building," Ray told The Washington Post. "I'm on top of the world. From my point of view, I am not filling his shoes, I'm not taking his place, I just happen to be the guy who's next."

Trump transition spokesman Boris Epshteyn said Brotman will be honored as "announcer chairman emeritus.

"Since 1957, millions of Americans and countless entertainers have come to recognize Charlie Brotman as the voice of the inaugural parade," he said in a statement. "The Presidential Inaugural Committee will be proud to honor Charlie as Announcer Chairman Emeritus on January 20. We are thrilled for Steve Ray to be introducing a new generation of Americans to the grand traditions of the inaugural parade."

Brotman told WJLA he wished Ray well.

"As opposed to -- boy, I hope he fouls up so they say, 'We want Charlie back.' No. I don't want that at all," he said.


I don't recall any liberal media meltdowns when Slick Willy broke with tradition in not inviting the VMI Marching Band to his inauguration.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 11, 2017, 06:51:50 AM
^ Makes me think of what happened to Andy Rooney, and how he died just a week or two after being removed from his show.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Las Vegas on January 11, 2017, 09:17:31 AM
Crazy times, my friends.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on January 11, 2017, 10:07:30 AM
Crazy times, my friends.

Buckle up; we haven't even put this puppy into drive yet!  :D
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on January 11, 2017, 10:17:07 AM
Trump said he donating all profits that are derived from foreign nations straight to the US Treasury 
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on January 11, 2017, 06:41:04 PM
^ Makes me think of what happened to Andy Rooney, and how he died just a week or two after being removed from his show.

Andy Rooney was 92 years old. I doubt he was removed from his segment "A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney" on 60 Minutes. It's more likely his health was failing so he decided to end his career on 60 Minutes four episodes before his death. He was witty and clever. I miss those short segments with him.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on January 12, 2017, 06:24:11 AM (


So what can President-Elect Trump look forward to in the 2017 Cadillac limousine?

When it comes to the exterior design and interior layout, the 2017 version may actually change the least compared to its predecessors. During the last 50 years, each generation of limousines was significant; each new version featured dramatically different styling (or a different marque altogether), while interior layouts were reworked from generation to generation. The changeover from President Bill Clinton's sedan-based Cadillac Fleetwood limousine to President George W. Bush's GMT800-based limousine was pretty significant, and the debut of the Kodiak-platform 2009 limousine for President Barack Obama's inauguration represented another major step in terms of engineering and exterior appearance.

But for 2017, the design and engineering of the presidential limousine appears to have reached a plateau of sorts; the limo cannot get any bigger, and when it comes to the interior layout the 2017 version will largely be a repeat of the 2009 limousine.

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on January 18, 2017, 05:47:01 AM
President-elect @realDonaldTrump: "I don’t want the celebrities and I want the people."

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on January 18, 2017, 10:21:43 AM
Trump to take handful of executive actions on Day One: transition (

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump may take four or five executive actions on Friday, the day he is sworn into office, spokesman Sean Spicer said.

"He's got a few of them probably in the area of four or five that we're looking at for Friday," some of them logistical, Spicer said Wednesday at a news briefing. "Then there are some other ones that I expect him to sign with respect to a couple of issues that have been high on his priority list."

Spicer did not elaborate. Trump had promised to take executive actions immediately after taking office to counter some of the policies of Democratic President Barack Obama.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on January 18, 2017, 10:23:50 AM
President-elect @realDonaldTrump: "I don’t want the celebrities and I want the people."


This is an ironic statement for a celebrity to make.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: loco on January 18, 2017, 10:37:17 AM
This is an ironic statement for a celebrity to make.

Why?  Trump is the only celebrity he wants.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on January 18, 2017, 10:40:23 AM
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on January 18, 2017, 10:40:36 AM
Why?  Trump is the only celebrity he wants.

Perhaps, but he's made a fortune off other celebrities.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: loco on January 18, 2017, 11:05:21 AM
Perhaps, but he's made a fortune off other celebrities.

So?  They benefited from Trump too.  Trump doesn't have to want them.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on January 18, 2017, 11:29:02 AM
So?  They benefited from Trump too.  Trump doesn't have to want them.

I have trouble with your choice of words, specifically "want" in this instance. Since the nay-saying celebrities keep the attention focused on Trump, who appears to grave the limelight, they are actually doing him a favor. Trump is smart enough to know this. Do you agree? 
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: loco on January 18, 2017, 11:40:24 AM
I have trouble with your choice of words, specifically "want" in this instance. Since the nay-saying celebrities keep the attention focused on Trump, who appears to grave the limelight, they are actually doing him a favor. Trump is smart enough to know this. Do you agree?  

Not my words

President-elect @realDonaldTrump: "I don’t want the celebrities and I want the people."
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: ARMZ on January 18, 2017, 11:47:13 AM
2 more days until you fools have to turn in your Obama phones and get a job.  8)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Skeletor on January 18, 2017, 02:07:49 PM
Wow, talk about a basket of deplorables.

Florida man charged with threatening to kill President-elect Trump at his inauguration on Twitter was a close family friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton

Dominic Puopolo, 51, is being held without bail on charges of threatening harm against a public servant
Hillary Clinton was especially close to Puopolo's sister Sonia and mother, also named Sonia
Puopolo once gave $20,000 to the Democratic National Committee
The threat suspect, according to federal elections records, gave $20,000 to the Democratic National Committee in 1996. He also contributed to Kerry and deceased Sen. Ted Kennedy in the mid-1990s. His name popped up again in contributions in 2006 when he gave $4,000 to Florida Sen. Bill Nelson's campaign.

His sister Sonia gave $4,000 to Hillary Clinton's various campaigns.

In Miami, meanwhile, Dom Puopolo was arrested four times for petty crimes since 2006, twice for petty theft and once for defrauding an innkeeper.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on January 18, 2017, 08:23:46 PM
Not my words

Why did you not put them in quotes then?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on January 18, 2017, 08:27:19 PM
2 more days until you fools have to turn in your Obama phones and get a job.  8)

-Not my smart phone, which I paid for. I could easily get a job, but what's the point? My retirement income is more than enough to keep me living in style for the rest of my life.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on January 18, 2017, 08:34:52 PM
Wow, talk about a basket of deplorables.

Florida man charged with threatening to kill President-elect Trump at his inauguration on Twitter was a close family friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton

Dominic Puopolo, 51, is being held without bail on charges of threatening harm against a public servant
Hillary Clinton was especially close to Puopolo's sister Sonia and mother, also named Sonia
Puopolo once gave $20,000 to the Democratic National Committee

This seemed like a reasonable post until I noticed I was the work of the Dailymail. Their idea of what constitutes a friend is decidedly different that what most of us think it is.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Skeletor on January 18, 2017, 09:57:22 PM
This seemed like a reasonable post until I noticed I was the work of the Dailymail. Their idea of what constitutes a friend is decidedly different that what most of us think it is.

The article had several pictures of the family (primarily his mother and sister) with Hillary and Bill Clinton and also this picture from his mother's funeral:


Also Hillary delivered a eulogy at that funeral:

The Daily Mail is a sensationalist rag indeed. However, it is accurate that Dominic Puopolo Jr was arrested for the threats he made against Trump and it is also reported that he once gave $20,000 to the Democratic National Committee.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: loco on January 19, 2017, 03:35:16 AM
Why did you not put them in quotes then?

Why would I put them in quotes?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on January 23, 2017, 05:54:51 AM
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on January 23, 2017, 06:03:45 AM
As of yesterday:

Trump Administration Deletes Spanish Language, LGBT Whitehouse Webpages
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mazrim on January 23, 2017, 06:16:34 AM
As of yesterday:

Trump Administration Deletes Spanish Language, LGBT Whitehouse Webpages
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on January 23, 2017, 06:17:02 AM

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: loco on January 23, 2017, 06:22:58 AM
As of yesterday:

Trump Administration Deletes Spanish Language, LGBT Whitehouse Webpages

I'm Hispanic, and I approve this message.

Is it true though, or is it just more CNN/ABC/NBC fake news?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 24, 2017, 06:05:56 AM
As of yesterday:

Trump Administration Deletes Spanish Language, LGBT Whitehouse Webpages

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: TuHolmes on January 24, 2017, 08:49:26 AM

I thought Trump said he loved the gays?

The Spanish thing doesn't really bother me that much. Hispanics here speak English, they just want to pretend that they don't.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on January 24, 2017, 09:13:07 AM
I thought Trump said he loved the gays?

The Spanish thing doesn't really bother me that much. Hispanics here speak English, they just want to pretend that they don't.

What does the White House have to do with gays?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Chadwick The Beta on January 24, 2017, 09:22:48 AM
What does the White House have to do with gays?

Nothing anymore.  Thank God.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: TuHolmes on January 24, 2017, 11:08:47 AM
What does the White House have to do with gays?

Not sure, but Trump said, "As your president I will do everything in my power to protect LGBTQ citizens,”
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Primemuscle on January 24, 2017, 12:41:39 PM
Incoming administrations routinely revise the White House web page to reflect their views. The fake news media is making too much of this. What is or isn't on the White House page does change the policies.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Skeletor on January 24, 2017, 01:01:00 PM
Aside from Spanish, in what other languages was the White House webpage available before?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mazrim on January 24, 2017, 01:25:05 PM
Not sure, but Trump said, "As your president I will do everything in my power to protect LGBTQ citizens,”
They are already very well protected. He is hopefully done with the pandering aspect. What is so hard to understand?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: TuHolmes on January 24, 2017, 01:33:14 PM
They are already very well protected. He is hopefully done with the pandering aspect. What is so hard to understand?

We appreciate the fact he says what he means and means what he says.

That's not pandering. I expect he wasn't pandering then and was just saying his belief. Why would you think otherwise? Has he given you some indication that he ever pandered?
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on January 24, 2017, 04:14:38 PM
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Chadwick The Beta on January 25, 2017, 05:17:03 AM
Aside from Spanish, in what other languages was the White House webpage available before?

Arabic and Ebonics.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on January 25, 2017, 10:44:40 AM
Bye bye sanctuary cities!

Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 25, 2017, 01:14:20 PM
Prepares To Drastically Reduce USA Involvement in UN
New York Times ^ | JAN. 25, 2017 | By MAX FISHER
Posted on 1/25/2017, 3:52:40 PM
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is preparing executive orders that would clear the way to drastically reduce the United States’ role in the United Nations and other international organizations, as well as begin a process to review and potentially abrogate certain forms of multilateral treaties, officials said.

The first of the two draft orders, titled “Auditing and Reducing U.S. Funding of International Organizations” and obtained by The New York Times, calls for terminating funding for any United Nations agency or other international body that meets any one of several criteria.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on January 25, 2017, 03:42:03 PM
That would make me stand up and applaud. 100% serious.

Start stretching those quads out
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on January 26, 2017, 06:05:52 PM
Prediction of The State of the Union Address  :D
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: dr.chimps on January 28, 2017, 04:42:02 AM
I could pick a random muppet who would do a better job. Hell, I could do a better job. I could be laying in my casket for 10 years and not bankrupt a casino, and run the country better than this buffoon. .    ::)
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2017, 04:48:21 AM
I could pick a random muppet who would do a better job. Hell, I could do a better job. I could be laying in my casket for 10 years and not bankrupt a casino, and run the country better than this buffoon. .    ::)

And he still beat hillbags and otwink is off golfing.   
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: Yamcha on January 28, 2017, 05:57:20 AM
I could pick a random muppet who would do a better job. Hell, I could do a better job. I could be laying in my casket for 10 years and not bankrupt a casino, and run the country better than this buffoon. .    ::)

Random Muppet > Dr. Chimps > Trump > Hillary
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: mazrim on January 28, 2017, 09:36:09 AM
We appreciate the fact he says what he means and means what he says.

That's not pandering. I expect he wasn't pandering then and was just saying his belief. Why would you think otherwise? Has he given you some indication that he ever pandered?
So what are you not understanding? They are already protected.

He said what he meant. You are simply not understanding what that means.

Who posted that he is pandering? Not me. What indication has he given you that he has pandered? Your questions do not apply to what I posted in the least.

You are implying that he didn't mean what he said with no evidence to back that up. Essentially you posted that by taking down the website stuff he didn't mean what he said.
Title: Re: President Trump
Post by: TuHolmes on January 28, 2017, 08:34:35 PM
So what are you not understanding? They are already protected.

He said what he meant. You are simply not understanding what that means.

Who posted that he is pandering? Not me. What indication has he given you that he has pandered? Your questions do not apply to what I posted in the least.

You are implying that he didn't mean what he said with no evidence to back that up. Essentially you posted that by taking down the website stuff he didn't mean what he said.

You did say pandering. I didn't imagine it.