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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => Mixed Martial Arts (MMA/UFC) => Topic started by: an123 on April 12, 2006, 09:59:00 AM

Title: Draining your own ears...
Post by: an123 on April 12, 2006, 09:59:00 AM
Anyone ever do it?  What gauge needle do you use?  I have some fairly nasty cauliflower forming on my ears, one of which is very new and fluid filled.  I want to drain it but don't want to run to a clinic each time.  Wondering if anyone has done it before and what the outcome was.

Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: texasRUSH on April 12, 2006, 10:20:56 AM
slin needles or 22-24 gauge... it's painless...

biggest risk is infection...due to low circulation in your ears keep the site clean and you should be fine!  :D
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: an123 on April 12, 2006, 11:09:53 AM
Thanks Texas, i'll pick up some rubbing alcohol and cotton swabs.  Going to give it a shot tonight.
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: bigbalddaddy on April 12, 2006, 12:27:49 PM
If it's really fresh a slin needle will work great.  I would buy a pack of 10 and use a new one about every 2-3 draws just to eliminate any bacteria caused by air hitting the needle, but that's just me.  I know of guys who waited and then resorted to a 22g after some brutal massaging to break stuff up.
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: texasRUSH on April 13, 2006, 08:41:34 AM
things you guys need to realize when using doens't just moves shit around on your when you clean the site make one swiping pass...dont rub it around.

the only readily available disinfectant that most people have at home is betadine...betadine=good shit! significantly reduces infectious material AND will allow you to stick the site multiple times without having to rewipe like you would with alcohol  :D

*EDIT* and in regaurds go bbd's comment he's right..NEVER reuse a needle...look at the shit you just took out of yourself...and then it came in contact WITH the air and you're gonna wanna reintroduce it to your body? yeah...if you're careless you deserve a rip roaring infection or even worse... i'm giving you guys this knowledge from what i've learned and am still learning in the paramedicine field...i want ya'll to be safe about doing this so i feel the need to share! hell i even do it..but the risks of doing this are pretty invasive when i'ts on your follow the simple guidelines i've presented and you should have no problems treating that shit.  but just like greg valentino's dumb ass...if you just do whatever the will pay for it.
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: an123 on April 13, 2006, 09:19:00 AM
I did it last night, was pretty easy and got 1cc of blood out of my ear.  I used rubbing alcohol then put a bit of neosporin on the puncture site.  I think i'll pick up a headgear tonight... I don't want to make a habit of jabbing my ear with a needle.
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: texasRUSH on April 13, 2006, 09:25:13 AM
one cc? that's not too bad...unlike that video where that one dude had about 3 or 4 drawn! lol  :o
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: an123 on April 13, 2006, 09:26:44 AM
Yeah, it was really fresh and I didn't get it completely drained.  But it no longer is painful at least.
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: bigbalddaddy on April 13, 2006, 09:30:35 AM
I'm glad to hear it worked out good!  If you have a little residual that has obvious puffiness to it, just pick up a slin needle so you can access the small pocket easier.  The headgear thing is the way to go.  I'm not one those guys that think they look tough with the califlower thing going on.  I'd rather be steal and looking healthy!
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: texasRUSH on April 13, 2006, 09:35:56 AM
not to mention that shit's just painful... :-\
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: an123 on April 13, 2006, 09:53:12 AM
Yeah, the whole "battlescars" bullshit doesn't fly with me either... Plus as you said, that shit just hurts!  Makes me not want to go in for the double leg since I have to push in with the ear that is killing :).
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: bigbalddaddy on April 13, 2006, 09:54:48 AM
Yeah, the whole "battlescars" bullshit doesn't fly with me either... Plus as you said, that shit just hurts!  Makes me not want to go in for the double leg since I have to push in with the ear that is killing :).

The ole' double leg will kill ya!!!  What's worse than that are the veterans that run around and flick your ear cause they know it hurts!  Damn those guys!!!
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: slippediskmountian on April 13, 2006, 10:10:08 AM
i hit myself in the ears twice a night so i look like badass! ... i also broke my nose for the same reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dont fuck iwth me!
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: texasRUSH on April 13, 2006, 10:12:18 AM
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: slippediskmountian on April 13, 2006, 10:14:27 AM
he knows not to talk back to a guy with a busted nose and ears ;D
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: texasRUSH on April 13, 2006, 10:16:01 AM

more like i wouldn't wnt to be seen talking to a chick that looks like she got her face monkey stomped by the local pimps..  :P :-X

*yes i know you're a*

Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: slippediskmountian on April 13, 2006, 10:18:15 AM
im too lazy to do anything about hte ears and they really arent that bad ....

the nose kinda bothers me though ... i really need to fight a southpaw at some point to even it out ;D
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: bigbalddaddy on April 13, 2006, 10:30:53 AM
i hit myself in the ears twice a night so i look like badass! ... i also broke my nose for the same reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dont f**k iwth me!

ahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!  I almost fell out of my chair, that's good!!!
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: texasRUSH on April 13, 2006, 10:32:24 AM
lol dude's a certified silver back! lmfao!

look i wouldnt' fuck wiht someone that just sat there and busted their nose up just to do it!

kinda like that video where that guy head butted the back window out of a car when he was pysching himself up to fight some other tool...after he did it..the other guy just walked away lmao  ;D
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: slippediskmountian on April 13, 2006, 10:34:14 AM
looks like im gonna have to knock out my front teeth to get some respect up in this bitch!

ps texas rush ... were u the guy who had a mma fight at 205 .... if so how did that go?
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: bigbalddaddy on April 13, 2006, 10:37:08 AM
looks like im gonna have to knock out my front teeth to get some respect up in this bitch!

Oh yeah?!!!!  I'm gonna beat my head in with a hammer so I can look like Ken Shamrock after Tito owned him!!!

ahahahahaha!!!! Stop it already!!! LOL!!!
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: texasRUSH on April 13, 2006, 10:38:27 AM
nope have yet to be in a fight yet...:( still trying to get in shape for it...hoping to go more than one round lmao... ;D

right now i'm sitting at 206 after cutting on my doc's scale and i still look like a fucking scrawn next to some of the guys in my class! i have yet to be able to do much of anything besides tussle a little here and there with some grappling..but have yet to find a looking to talk to a cardio kickboxing instructor here at the local gym that also does karate and bjj....might be the hot ticket!  :D

need help with those teeth?!   >:( :D
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: texasRUSH on April 13, 2006, 10:39:20 AM
start callin jimmy lousseau?!  ;D
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: slippediskmountian on April 13, 2006, 10:43:45 AM
nope have yet to be in a fight yet...:( still trying to get in shape for it...hoping to go more than one round lmao... ;D

right now i'm sitting at 206 after cutting on my doc's scale and i still look like a fucking scrawn next to some of the guys in my class! i have yet to be able to do much of anything besides tussle a little here and there with some grappling..but have yet to find a looking to talk to a cardio kickboxing instructor here at the local gym that also does karate and bjj....might be the hot ticket!  :D

need help with those teeth?!   >:( :D

careful of those "jack of all trade" instructor types man .... they are usually mediocre at everything :(

how tall r u?? ... i would rather fight a 5'10 jacked 205 guy than a 6'3 scrawn guy any day of the week ... so if youre tall its all good!
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: texasRUSH on April 13, 2006, 10:46:21 AM

strength on the ground is never an issue...i'm very proud of my take down defense and my ground skills..well for what it's stand up is eh...but yeah..i wondered that too..figured i could get alot of pull from many different styles with him..take what i like from each and incorporate it into my fighting...  :-\
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: slippediskmountian on April 13, 2006, 10:53:44 AM
for striking id say find yourself a really good boxer and do 6 months with him ... i spent 6 months in karate, a year in kickboxing ... and i learned more from 1 lesson with a boxing coach than i did in all my time in the other 2  :-\

basically you want someone to teach you balance and how to relax when u hit ... it all flows from there ive found (not that im a good striker, but ive come night and day from where i was last year)
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: texasRUSH on April 13, 2006, 11:04:19 AM
dude does thai boxing...he's a champ in his weight class..i'd love to throw hands with him at least once...

but he's all of 5' tall and 140 lbs...but i'm sure would rape anyone within reach.  :o

you relax when you throw a punch?! not to sound ignorant...but how to you generate power?  ??? just put your body into it and follow through?
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: an123 on April 13, 2006, 11:10:05 AM
6'1" you might want to cut down and fight at 185, since if you are comfortable at 206 you can just dump a few pounds of fat then lose the water.
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: texasRUSH on April 13, 2006, 11:29:27 AM
185lbs?! holy god how could i get down that low? i havne't seen that since hs!
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: an123 on April 13, 2006, 11:31:01 AM
Ask Franklin ;).  Guy walks around at 210, cuts down to 185 to fight.  Most of it is water weight.
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: slippediskmountian on April 13, 2006, 11:31:18 AM
dude does thai boxing...he's a champ in his weight class..i'd love to throw hands with him at least once...

but he's all of 5' tall and 140 lbs...but i'm sure would rape anyone within reach.  :o

you relax when you throw a punch?! not to sound ignorant...but how to you generate power?  ??? just put your body into it and follow through?

sounds counterintuitive doesnt it?? .... but if you tense up you wont generate any power (youll hit hard cause youre a big guy, but not nearly as hard as you would if you relaxed) ... you only tense up at the moment of impact

reason being is power comes from the weight behind your punch and the speed at which it travells ... when you tense up you slow yourself down significantly and thus rob yourself of power

im sure someone whose a more proficient striker than me could explain it better
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: texasRUSH on April 13, 2006, 11:40:28 AM
kinda like balllistics..a slow heavy bullet hits as hard as a fast lighter weight bullet...

but when you're faster...  ;)  yeah i' can throw hands faster when i'm relaxed on the bag...
Title: Re: Draining your own ears...
Post by: slippediskmountian on April 13, 2006, 11:45:10 AM
kinda like balllistics..a slow heavy bullet hits as hard as a fast lighter weight bullet...

exactly ...

one of the guys i train with is a "grandmaster" in hepkido and the best all around striker ive ever seen .... he can hit at half speed harder than anyone else can at full speed cause he knows how to time the weight transfer perfectly, therefore there is more weight behind the punch/kick!

but when you're faster...  ;)  yeah i' can throw hands faster when i'm relaxed on the bag...

learn to stay relaxed and just as important keep your balance .... and focus more on the speed /double end bags if u got them ... that will really bring up your hands man