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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Soul Crusher on September 23, 2019, 12:39:21 PM

Title: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 23, 2019, 12:39:21 PM
Pathetic how gullible these fruitcakes are.   Melting down over climate change every day. 

Another crack pot who never so much as paid a tax bill trying to run everyone elses life. 

F off you slut!   
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 23, 2019, 01:46:44 PM

Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: IroNat on September 23, 2019, 02:03:42 PM
She's quite an actress.  So very dramatic.

Sacrificing her education and fragile youth to save the earth!

She's wasting her time with this climate change crap.  Should hop on a plane to Hollyweird and make sitcoms for $$$.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on September 23, 2019, 02:08:23 PM
Funny how you never hear the term “Global Warming” anymore.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: IroNat on September 23, 2019, 02:11:21 PM
Funny how you never hear the term “Global Warming” anymore.

"Climate Change" covers all the possibilities: cooling, warming, meteor strike, nuke winter, shift in ocean currents, magnetic poles flipping, zombie apocalypse, etc.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 23, 2019, 02:49:11 PM
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on September 23, 2019, 03:33:31 PM
Funny how you never hear the term “Global Warming” anymore.

When they changed it from temp only going up to temps and conditions of any sort...prob laughed like hell at getting that out there without anyone calling them on it. Absurdity.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: falco on September 24, 2019, 02:40:38 AM
Within 10 years she will be a plain jane working at a burger king kitchen.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: IroNat on September 24, 2019, 03:17:22 AM
Within 10 years she will be a plain jane working at a burger king kitchen.

According to her the world will end before then.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on September 24, 2019, 04:15:10 AM

Donald J. Trump
She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Yamcha on September 24, 2019, 05:08:00 AM
What did we learn?
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: IroNat on September 24, 2019, 07:48:39 AM

"As a young child, she says, she was diagnosed not only with Asperger’s but obsessive-compulsive disorder and what’s called “selective mutism.” Beginning at age 11, seized by a deep depression about the fate of the world, she stopped talking and eating. That has led, she says, to the stunted growth that today gives her the appearance of a preteen, a wise-beyond-her-years golden child."


"Greta serves as a wish-fulfillment fantasy for members of an older generation, the one she so pointedly and repeatedly calls out, who seem desperate to believe in a next-generation savior..."
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: loco on September 24, 2019, 09:55:05 AM
"Climate Change" covers all the possibilities: cooling, warming, meteor strike, nuke winter, shift in ocean currents, magnetic poles flipping, zombie apocalypse, etc.

You forgot the second coming of Jesus.  They want to stop that too, for a hefty fee.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Purge_WTF on September 24, 2019, 07:03:53 PM
 She's a child abuse victim, just like Desmond is Amazing.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: JustPlaneJane on September 24, 2019, 07:15:21 PM
Within 10 years she will be a plain jane working at a burger king kitchen.

Careful....or I will punch you in the balloon knot !

Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Moontrane on September 24, 2019, 07:53:29 PM
Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg arrived in New York City on Wednesday after traveling
across the Atlantic Ocean in a zero-emission yacht. She is attending several events in the city next month,
including the U.N. General Assembly, U.N. Youth Summit on Climate and the Climate Action Summit.

A shy, small girl who self-identifies as having Asperger’s syndrome, a neurological difference on the autism
spectrum, Greta was thrust into the role of a global leader after years of struggling with crippling depression.
One of her first victories was persuading her mother, a well-known opera singer in Sweden, to stop flying.

There are many ways to remove a man’s dignity. One of the foremost, however, has got to be forcing him
to urinate sitting down.

At least, that’s how it seems to me. But the issue isn’t quite so clear-cut for the Swedes. Viggo Hansen,
a councillor from the Left Party in Sörmland – a socialist feminist outfit – tabled a motion to ban urinals.
That’s right. He wants to force Swedish men onto their haunches whenever they visit the lavatory.

According to the Vancouver Sun, the Swedes are even attempting to indoctrinate little boys at nursery,
drumming into them the message “be a sweetie and take a seatie”.  :D
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: falco on September 25, 2019, 06:25:29 AM
I have a 7yo daughter. I am going to start teaching her how to piss standing. She will start the movement icandoittoo#
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Yamcha on September 26, 2019, 01:56:18 AM
I have a 7yo daughter. I am going to start teaching her how to piss standing. She will start the movement icandoittoo#
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: James on September 26, 2019, 07:42:55 AM
Watch Greta Thunberg Channel Hitler In Hate Filled Rant

Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: chaos on September 26, 2019, 06:55:17 PM
Watch Greta Thunberg Channel Hitler In Hate Filled Rant

Can we get a link to the people that have died as a direct result of global warming climate change?
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Moontrane on September 26, 2019, 07:29:56 PM

This was written 5 months ago:

Greta Thunberg is just an ordinary 16-year-old Swedish schoolgirl whose fiery visions have convinced
the parliaments of Britain and Ireland to declare a “climate emergency”. Greta’s parents, actor Svante
Thunberg and opera singer Malena Ernman, are just an ordinary pair of parent-managers who want to
save the planet. Query their motives, and you risk being accused of “climate denial”, or of bullying a
vulnerable child with Asperger’s. But the Greta phenomenon has also involved green lobbyists, PR hustlers,
eco-academics, and a think-tank founded by a wealthy ex-minister in Sweden’s Social Democratic government
with links to the country’s energy companies. These companies are preparing for the biggest bonanza
of government contracts in history: the greening of the Western economies. Greta, whether she
and her parents know it or not, is the face of their political strategy.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on November 20, 2019, 07:19:01 AM
It's no wonder young people think the world is ending. Here's a BBC article on how the world is running out of SAND. SAND! HAHA
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Primemuscle on November 20, 2019, 11:11:22 AM
It's no wonder young people think the world is ending. Here's a BBC article on how the world is running out of SAND. SAND! HAHA

Who would have thought? Interesting article.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on November 20, 2019, 12:02:38 PM
You may not like her, but that retort is bit harsh for this teen girl , c'mon.
Insulting her won't help anyone.

Climate change is real and happening to planet earth right now.
The CO2 has nearly doubled in the past 120 yrs , after being very stable for the previous 10,000 years.
This data is a basic FACT and has an impact on our global climate.

The lowest level of our air is called the troposphere and we can only live long term within the  1st 3 miles of altitude.
If that goes bad we're all done. To aprox scale this is like the thin layer of mist on a soda can during a hot day.

The real problem lies in what to do about it.
  A moderate global solution would work best. We simply need to up the mpg standards of cars to a global avg of 25 mpg.

FYI, the vast majority of fresh, clean water is NOT used for showers, bath , laundry or toilets.
Nope! Aprox 90% is used to water grass and lawns. To me that's a huge waste of good water.
Only 3% of earth's water is fresh and only 1% is in liquid , drinkable form.

Show me proof of that one Greta, I mean Howard!
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: illuminati on November 21, 2019, 02:54:16 PM

the linear regression line analysis shows an extremely high correlation coef. between atmospheric CO2 level increase with global temp increase ( starting with the industrial revolution circa 1880's.)

Here is another more long term study going back 1000 years.
Please note the stable levels of atmospheric C02 until the spike continuously going up in the late 1800's.
The data is VERY clear that this isn't a close call .

Do you have similar counter study with rigorous data analysis to support your statement?
I've actually studied this kind of atmospheric physics and applied statistics as a physics grad student.

I hate to break this to you Howard only were all going to die sooner or later
Stop worrying about such things - The earth & nature will take care of itself
One way or another - just get on with enjoying what time we have on this planet.
The earth & nature care fuck all about us - so don’t worry about them.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: R.A.M. on November 22, 2019, 05:49:12 AM

I hate to break this to you Howard only were all going to die sooner or later
Stop worrying about such things - The earth & nature will take care of itself
One way or another - just get on with enjoying what time we have on this planet.
The earth & nature care fuck all about us - so don’t worry about them.

yeah... it was here before us... and it's gonna be here long after us.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 22, 2019, 05:49:39 AM
With that attitude ,humans would still be living in caves and existing as hunter-gatherer tribes. ;)

Everyone wants to act cool and detached UNTIL the crisis starts to directly effect them.
THEN, they cry OMG, how did this happen? Please help me!Alas, by then, it may be too late.

Global climate changes are a science reported by a mountain of data.
But this being a politics forum, I'll use the following analogy:

A lot of progressive liberals scoffed and laughed at the idea of a Trump presidency ,before Nov 2016.
 Unlike many other dems, I looked at the data from polls and voter groups.
 Trump went from  GOP front runner to nominee , to eventual winner ( via electoral college).

The polling numbers and survey data showed it would be close, but he had a real shot .
I was one of the few dems that urged caution and the need to turn out for dems.
Of course, most people live in "political bubbles", so other dems laughed at me.
They ignored the objective data because it ran counter to their existing BELIEF.
Climate change data and those who deny or ignore it, is a similar phenomenon.

The data on climate change from man made CO2 is clear and obvious.
You don't need a PhD in physics to see  the huge spike on the graphs I posted.
It's important to support leaders and elected officials who offer practical, workable solutions.

The problem is the so called "solutions" to this "crisis" usually involved nothing but more govt theft and taxes to go to worthless causes and agencies.  Nothing will be accomplished and nothing will be improved.  But to emotionally driven betas like yourself, its not the results that matter, but the feelings.  
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 22, 2019, 06:02:42 AM
***My conclusions are based on objective , scientific data related to atmospheric measurements.

Whatever fagget.  And the "solutions" are always what?   

One world Govt.  taxes.   Shutting down power plants.   You eco-idiots want everyone living in tents at night.  And when people have to build a camp fire to stay warm - you morons will complain about the smoke. 
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: illuminati on November 22, 2019, 08:21:38 AM
With that attitude ,humans would still be living in caves and existing as hunter-gatherer tribes. ;)

Everyone wants to act cool and detached UNTIL the crisis starts to directly effect them.
THEN, they cry OMG, how did this happen? Please help me!Alas, by then, it may be too late.

Global climate changes are a science reported by a mountain of data.
But this being a politics forum, I'll use the following analogy:

A lot of progressive liberals scoffed and laughed at the idea of a Trump presidency ,before Nov 2016.
 Unlike many other dems, I looked at the data from polls and voter groups.
 Trump went from  GOP front runner to nominee , to eventual winner ( via electoral college).

The polling numbers and survey data showed it would be close, but he had a real shot .
I was one of the few dems that urged caution and the need to turn out for dems.
Of course, most people live in "political bubbles", so other dems laughed at me.
They ignored the objective data because it ran counter to their existing BELIEF.
Climate change data and those who deny or ignore it, is a similar phenomenon.

The data on climate change from man made CO2 is clear and obvious.
You don't need a PhD in physics to see  the huge spike on the graphs I posted.
It's important to support leaders and elected officials who offer practical, workable solutions.

Howard to Put Not To Fine A Point On it Fuck Off with your stupidity
Where on earth do you get the still living in Caves Crap From ?

Just to simplyfy my point -
1, Just carry on as we are - There’s Nuclear weapons & Power Station all around
The globe & They Are potentialy a Huge Problem
2, A catastrophic act of Nature will just wipe us all out
3, I’ve no doubt the world has gone through more extreme & testing times
Long before Man appeared & Will after we’ve gone
4, You’re Far To wrapped up in your own & mankind’s importance
Me I Accept we are here for but a brief flicker of Time & Things Happen & Change
By Nature.
5, I don’t doubt we as humans have some impact on our environment
So do millions of people / cows / sheep & other animals Emitting Methane Gas
6, It is you that bought Politics into the subject.

Grow up - Stop Worrying - Enjoy Your life best you can

Dismissed - Off You Go.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: IroNat on November 22, 2019, 09:26:34 AM
My first real job AFTER the marines and undergard were working for Ashland Oil as an R&D pilot lab technician.
I also spent a few summers on a LSU/dept of env qual. funded bayou water analysis project back in the 90's.

Unlike some here, I have both academic and real world experience in this area.
  It's obvious from your silly insults, you have no idea about my actual position on energy.

I'm for CONSERVATION not preservation when it comes to energy resources and production.
  This means, I think we should make "wise use" of resources .
Fossil fuels used wisely is a densly packed, ready made source of energy we still need to use.
BUT, we eventually need to ween ourselves OFF it.

Before Tesla and his AC  system electrified America, kerosene lamps were all the rage.
 People with Edison ridiculed AC as dangerous and declared  DC was the only way to go.
It didn't take long before the success and safety of AC dominated and is the system we still use today 120 yrs later.

Eventually fossil fuels will become too costly and less practical  due to a decreasing  supply.
 THEN, we'll all be glad some science "fagget" will have a better , cheaper solution ready to go. ;D

I thought you said you made up being in the Marines?

Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: illuminati on November 22, 2019, 12:03:38 PM
I posted my work and academic experience on this topic.
I also posted my position on energy resources and the logic supporting those views.
Perhaps a cow will fart in your face and you'll learn something?

 ::) somewhat Triggered & Destroyed
You’re showing your Patheticness

I answered you politely you bought up the nonsense & Politics

Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: chaos on November 23, 2019, 07:45:28 AM
With that attitude ,humans would still be living in caves and existing as hunter-gatherer tribes. ;)

As it should be, just like the rest of the animals.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: JustPlaneJane on November 23, 2019, 11:07:42 AM
China accounts for more than 2X the greenhouse gasses than the U.S. does.

Why isn’t this autistic pawn screaming at people over in China instead of acting like a Stepford child over here?
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on November 23, 2019, 11:33:09 AM
China accounts for more than 2X the greenhouse gasses than the U.S. does.

Why isn’t this autistic pawn screaming at people over in China instead of acting like a Stepford child over here?

When the old Soviet union collapsed a lot of communist orphans over here moved over to the environmental movement. They’re real agenda is to torpedo the Capitalist system.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: JustPlaneJane on November 23, 2019, 04:04:03 PM
When the old Soviet union collapsed a lot of communist orphans over here moved over to the environmental movement. They’re real agenda is to torpedo the Capitalist system.

Democrats want to use taxpayer money to control the healthcare and energy sectors of the economy.

Does anyone really think once a 65% - 70% tax rate is applied that the government will ever roll it back?

Does it matter if the oceans increased in temperature by 0.04 degrees Celsius over the past decade if you’re flat broke from paying taxes?
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: JustPlaneJane on November 23, 2019, 05:38:01 PM
I'm no fan of Greta's opinions and fine her views too extreme and self-righteous.
But, as a fan of free speech, I support her right to say them.

We aren’t talking about free speech you moron, we are talking about credibility.

And the use of handicapped children by liberals to push their political ideology garbage, to lessen the likelihood of criticism.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: chaos on November 24, 2019, 09:27:51 AM
We aren’t talking about free speech you moron, we are talking about credibility.

And the use of handicapped actor children by liberals to push their political ideology garbage, to lessen the likelihood of criticism.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: chaos on November 24, 2019, 12:28:26 PM
Ok, so nobody is FREE to speak a controversial idea unless all sides approve of the messenger?
Wouldn't your criteria make it RESTRCTED speech?
Isn't that what you liberals are doing to conservative voices around the country? Attacking and assaulting people that voice a different opinion than you?
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: illuminati on November 24, 2019, 12:31:03 PM
Isn't that what you liberals are doing to conservative voices around the country? Attacking and assaulting people that voice a different opinion than you?

Bingo - Caught in his on Words.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: The Scott on November 24, 2019, 12:31:53 PM
Isn't that what you liberals are doing to conservative voices around the country? Attacking and assaulting people that voice a different opinion than you?

Selective Damnesia rears its viperous head again and strikes with that which is poisonous only to libtards - the truth.  This time it bites Howard in the buttocks... ;D
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: illuminati on November 24, 2019, 12:32:36 PM
Isn't that what you liberals are doing to conservative voices around the country? Attacking and assaulting people that voice a different opinion than you?

Bingo - Caught Him in His Own Words.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 24, 2019, 12:42:19 PM
Ok, so nobody is FREE to speak a controversial idea unless all sides approve of the messenger?
Wouldn't your criteria make it RESTRCTED speech?

She is free to act like a moron on a worldwide stage and we are free to mock her hilarious “how dare you?” Nonsense.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 15, 2019, 08:22:31 AM

She is done
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Irongrip400 on December 15, 2019, 08:38:46 AM

She is done

Ehh, nothing bad was said in respect to this one comment. I’m no real fan of her either but this is pretty innocuous.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 15, 2019, 08:52:48 AM
Ehh, nothing bad was said in respect to this one comment. I’m no real fan of her either but this is pretty innocuous.

This idea of guilting people - not smart. 
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 15, 2019, 05:40:21 PM

Like most leftists - liars.
Title: Re: Who is this angry kid named Greta all these lib psychos are crying about ?
Post by: illuminati on December 16, 2019, 10:47:42 AM

Like most leftists - liars.

The Lying Gremlin is Being Constantly Exposed as a Liar & Hypocrite
As always there’s a Hidden Agenda.  ::)