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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Matt on March 20, 2021, 02:37:41 PM

Title: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Matt on March 20, 2021, 02:37:41 PM
He was only 55:

I should have worded that question differently about his 600-lb bench press video. The way I worded it made it sound like the people were being unreasonable.

I just wanted to ask "How do you respond to allegations that your 600-lb bench press was fake."

He was probably almost for sure over 450-lb for bench press. I'm not sure on 500-600+.

Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Kwon on March 20, 2021, 02:43:17 PM
All bodybuildingpersonalitie s (that are from a younger generation than Arnie) seems to be passing away like flies.

We still have Mike O'Hearn
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: funk51 on March 20, 2021, 02:47:02 PM
Andy Haman


Colorado State - NPC, Super-HeavyWeight, 1st
Nationals - NPC, Super-HeavyWeight, Did not place
USA Championships - NPC, Super-HeavyWeight, Did not place


Masters Nationals - NPC, Overall Winner
Masters Nationals - NPC, Super-HeavyWeight, 1st


Atlantic City Pro - IFBB, Did not place
Atlantic City Pro - IFBB, Masters, 10th
Europa Supershow - IFBB, Open, Did not place


Orlando Show of Champions - IFBB, 13th


Phoenix Pro - IFBB, Open, Did not place


2011 May   Vol 70, Num 5   IronMan                              I just saw this 5 minutes ago.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: funk51 on March 20, 2021, 02:48:18 PM
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Matt on March 20, 2021, 02:57:41 PM
All bodybuildingpersonalitie s (that are from a younger generation than Arnie) seems to be passing away like flies.

We still have Mike O'Hearn

Unfortunately, yes. The only group that I think dies at a younger average age would be wrestlers, it seems.

I guess they have cocaine and head trauma, on top of the steroids.

Mike O'Hearn's mom died rather young, around 70, and I feel that's where he got his genetics from. Despite his clean eating, and his not being as big as most pro bodybuilders, I think O'Hearn is still taking a risk being that size.

Regarding Andy's death, here is confirmation from Andy's son Sam. I remember asking Andy about how Sam felt about the May 2011 Ironman cover they had, and Andy told me how proud Sam was of it. Sam was only 16 at the time. So I think he's only 24-25 now...maybe almost 26, but in that range.

Sam looks like he has good bodybuilding genetics too, and Andy looks like he was still carrying size. He was turning 55 this year if his date of birth claims online are accurate.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: BayGBM on March 20, 2021, 03:00:31 PM
Very sad news.  :'(  He was always a positive and energetic character.  What exactly did he do for a living?  55 seems so young to me.  My thoughts are with his family.  May he Rest In Peace.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: funk51 on March 20, 2021, 03:03:32 PM
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: IroNat on March 20, 2021, 03:08:43 PM
54 years old at death.

Worth it.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: BlackMetallic on March 20, 2021, 03:16:54 PM
Very sad news.  :'(  He was always a positive and energetic character.  What exactly did he do for a living?  55 seems so young to me.  My thoughts are with his family.  May he Rest In Peace.

I had read years ago that he was a P.E teacher
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Van_Bilderass on March 20, 2021, 03:21:30 PM
We don't know the circumstances but I
think of Romano's "where are the bodies?"
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: wes on March 20, 2021, 03:35:10 PM
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: pamith on March 20, 2021, 03:36:12 PM
This is sad, srs  :(, he appeared to be a great guy :( RIP
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: pamith on March 20, 2021, 03:38:05 PM
We don't know the circumstances but I
think of Romano's "where are the bodies?"
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: falco on March 20, 2021, 03:40:14 PM
RIP. So young.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: ThisisOverload on March 20, 2021, 03:48:06 PM
I remember watching his videos years ago. Cool guy with a personality.

Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: pamith on March 20, 2021, 03:53:21 PM
He was only 55:

I should have worded that question differently about his 600-lb bench press video. The way I worded it made it sound like the people were being unreasonable.

I just wanted to ask "How do you respond to allegations that your 600-lb bench press was fake."

He was probably almost for sure over 450-lb for bench press. I'm not sure on 500-600+.

Tbh I was very skeptical about his 600 lb bench press, he told me himself the lift was legitimate, but idk he had whipped cream in his mouth and moved the bar like it was a broomstick, but then again who knows the dude was huge, 6' tall I think and truly massive. I lifted 460 lbs at 185 lbs years ago so I guess it's possible
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Matt on March 20, 2021, 03:56:54 PM

I didn't play this video yet [I'll watch it after a current video is over], but if I recall correctly, Andy Haman got 315x20 then.

Eric Spoto got 315x43, and I've never heard of anyone get more reps than that.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Matt on March 20, 2021, 04:18:04 PM
We don't know the circumstances but I
think of Romano's "where are the bodies?"

Great post, Van. When I watched that HBO interview with Romano in 2005 [around then], I was like "That makes sense", but it was literally just that same time when Sonny Schmidt died [2004], who was probably the "oldest" of the "Chemical Era" of bodybuilding [1992 to present], and he was the first to go.

My math brain [mind for dates/numbers] should have picked up on that, but it did not.

Then the bodies did indeed start rolling in. Kind of sad. Makes me think that your genetic freak friend in Scandinavia did the smart thing by not pursuing bodybuilding competitively.

I still maintain that wrestlers die younger than competitive bodybuilders. I would have to do a proper analysis on paper or on a spreadsheet to confirm that...but my senses tell me that wrestlers die even younger.

Depressing day. Andy was a nice guy, and I felt he looked good even past 50 [video below]. But looks like he also stayed jacked to the end...and if he was sick with cancer or something, you'd think he would have been dropping weight

Andy had four children [one son and three girls], and had been with his wife Michelle since 1983. Andy's son Sam is around 6'2" and is a bodybuilder himself [although I'm not sure if he competes].

Andy Haman also wrestled for Dan Gable in Iowa, and was a tremendous wrestler. He also lived much longer than this Andy Haman, who was born only a little earlier:

Life is fleeting. Enjoy it - if you can. Frankly, I'd rather be in jail than on house arrest in Thunder Bay right now.

A recent-ish video of Andy Haman being interviewed by Dave Palumbo [from 04-15-2019]:

Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: WalterWhite on March 20, 2021, 04:21:21 PM

Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: stavios on March 20, 2021, 04:36:33 PM
Wasn't he rich from winning the lotto too ?
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: BB on March 20, 2021, 04:42:05 PM
Wasn't he rich from winning the lotto too ?

That was the rumor back when he burst on the scene, actually that he won it twice. I've never seen it confirmed though.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Van_Bilderass on March 20, 2021, 04:44:23 PM

Then the bodies did indeed start rolling in. Kind of sad.

Even bodybuilders have taken note and are starting to sort of police eachother. Not the least because death sort of interferes with reaching your full potential. They are trying to come up with solutions to protect your CV system and trying catch issues earlier, before symptoms manifest. Question is how much you can mitigate the risk while still being successful. Remains to be seen.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Matt on March 20, 2021, 05:09:32 PM
Wasn't he rich from winning the lotto too ?

First in French for stavios [it's nice to see you back on here, stavios - expect a bunch of errors here, but I'm pretty sure you will understand all of this, despite the mistakes]:

stavios, pour répondre à votre question sur la loterie - je n'avais pas entendu cela.

J'étais en Immersion Française ici en Ontario, et parlais le Français jusqu'à l'âge 20 ans.  Je trouve que je peux regarder un podcast Québécois et comprendre 100%, mais ma compréhension en Français d'environ seulement 25%. Je parle ce que j'appelle le "Louisiana Cajun Français", qui est une sorte de "Français Parisien du pauvre hommes", ou du "Québecois Français du pauvre hommes".  Esque tu es d'accord pour me parler en Français par message privé ici avec toi?  Je veux obtenir mon Français fluent encore.  C'est tout dans ma tête quelque part, mais j'ai oublié beaucoup de choses [les mots Française] au cours des 19 dernières années, pas parler beacoup de Français dans cette tempes.

In English, for Anglo-Getbiggers:

stavios, first to answer your question about the lottery - I had not heard that.

I was in French Immersion in Ontario, and spoke French fluently until age 20.  I find that I can watch a Quebec podcast and understand it 100%, but my French speaking comprehension is only at around 25%.  I speak what I call "Louisiana Cajun French", which is a sort of "the poor man's Parisian French", or "the poor man's Quebec French".  Would you be ok with speaking to me in French by private message on here?  I want to get my French back.  It's all in my mind somewhere, but I've forgotten a lot in the past 19 years.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Matt on March 20, 2021, 05:21:01 PM
Even bodybuilders have taken note and are starting to sort of police eachother. Not the least because death sort of interferes with reaching your full potential. They are trying to come up with solutions to protect your CV system and trying catch issues earlier, before symptoms manifest. Question is how much you can mitigate the risk while still being successful. Remains to be seen.

Very well said, Van.

Look what happened in the UFC when USADA testing actually started being effective - it diminished the quality of the UFC's product, and there is no way that the UFC can claim to have the world's best fighters, but somewhere in some university in Quebec City [hypothetically] there could be some 285-lb superheavyweight wrestler on juice who hits hard, who could probably beat the UFC's top fighter.

Not to say that juice makes all the difference - but it does make some difference.

Remember when you caught a cycle I had done through pictures and called me out on it, but I denied it?  LOL.  "I'm not on steroids" [yeah...technically true, but I WAS in the pictures you called me out on].  I guess I was technically not lying, but I consider deception to be a form of lying, and autistics are never going to hold onto lies.  I think lying is stupid for anyone [since liars will always eventually be caught, IMO], and I should also point out, I have a very limited history with steroid use.  I always found I drop back to 170-lb anyway, and I feel that's where my natural genetics take me.

Maybe 175-lb and 15% body fat, without sticking to an unsustainable lifestyle.  I need to be realistic.  I also think it's healthier for me to stay in the 170's.  I don't know what Andy was weighing recently [into his fifties], but probably at least 250-lb.  He could well have been 275-lb and in-shape, but not ultra-ripped, at about six feet even, or just over.

I wonder if he was just feeling fine, then all of a sudden dropped from a heart attack.

I think steroids, drugs, drinking, smoking, etc, is fine - but only if moderation is applied.  I want to smoke two light cigarettes every second Sunday evening.  I don't have strong evidence that level of smoking will hurt me, although in the video of John Meadows discussing his heart attack with his cardiologist, Meadows stated that if you smoke over 55 cigarettes in your life, you are at risk for impacting your heart's ejection fraction.  That's literally one cigarette a month for under five years.

But then...we trade off some quantity of life for some quality of life.  But dying before your 55th birthday...that is just too young, IMO.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Matt on March 20, 2021, 05:36:37 PM
Dave Palumbo just made a video on Andy's death:

It looks like Andy had some kind of health scare last year, if this photo is any indication:
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: mphgrove on March 20, 2021, 05:43:57 PM
What a great family from all appearances! Such an early death is a sad when you leave so much behind.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: pamith on March 20, 2021, 05:49:26 PM
This is why I'm natty. Steroids kill.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: ThisisOverload on March 20, 2021, 06:01:38 PM

I think the darker plates are fakes. Notice how the plates move.

Either way that's around 520 pounds i think.

Still impressive.

He was a showman and strong, but was not one the strongest benchers in the world.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: ThisisOverload on March 20, 2021, 06:02:44 PM
This is why I'm natty. Steroids kill.

460 bench at 185 as a natty. ;D
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 20, 2021, 06:30:44 PM
If he wrestled for Iowa he was a top of the food chain wrestler and athlete.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: MAXX on March 20, 2021, 06:50:52 PM
can't say I liked his personality. Thought he was abit of a wanker with a big ego


Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Fortress on March 20, 2021, 06:54:49 PM
460 bench at 185 as a natty. ;D

Yeah, that never happened. Not drug-free.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: The Scott on March 20, 2021, 07:04:51 PM
That is waaaaaaaaaaaaay too young and worse still he leaves behind his loving family.  I have no clear idea (yet) of what the cause was but this loss does not please me. 

I don't know much about him other than he was a goofball and obviously took steroids.  That said, he was not a PhildoHeath and it's too bad the Grim Reaper doesn't choose the biggest turds to flush first.  I wish his family well.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Matt on March 20, 2021, 08:27:53 PM
If he wrestled for Iowa he was a top of the food chain wrestler and athlete.

He was.  Apparently he won the state championships at age 19 [I guess in high school].  I think he may have been 190-lb there, and I'm not sure what weight class that would be.

Apparently, he went on to an even higher level in university.  He was definitely a top level wrestler.  And being so incredibly strong, I can't imagine how good he was.  It wouldn't surprise me if even deep into his forties, that in 2011, at 44- to 45-year-old Andy Haman could have tossed around a 30-year-old GSP.

I'm basing that on his 70-lb weight advantage, and the fact that Haman would have had literally twice the upper body strength.

I'm not claiming that Haman would be able to have beaten a prime 2011 GSP in an MMA cage fight.  I'm saying that in a strict wrestling match, even into this forties, being bigger/taller, much heavier, and MUCH long as he had any level of stamina, I don't exactly think a former national top level wrestler would ever exactly "forget" how to wrestler.

Andy Haman was the real deal as a top wrestler.  Probably among the best in the country when he competed for the University of Iowa in the 1980s.  I think this can be confirmed online with a web search.  If I'm not mistaken, I read an 1980s news article that did indeed confirm this.

As for Andy Haman bench pressing 600-lb wearing only a tank-top, and then bench pressing 675-lb, 45 minutes later in the same workout - I find that hard to believe.

Do I think he could have bench pressed 450+?  Yes.  As for 500-600+...I would need proof of that.

WalterWhite's suggestion of Andy Haman having a real maximum bench press of 520-lb is somewhat believable to me - still INSANELY strong...but believable.

But if he bench pressed 675-lb raw...I don't understand why he would only be able to bench press 315x20 in that Bros vs. Pros contest, even if he was 44 or 45 when that contest took place.

My max bench press was 315x8, and I never bench pressed 350-lb or more, so...I just find 675-lb hard to believe.  I have no doubt that Andy Haman could have bench pressed 450+, as said, but claims much beyond that are harder for me to believe.  I could accept 520-lb...but 675-lb is just...I mean, that would have been close to the raw record at the time.  Even 600-lb is INSANELY strong, and basically a Stan Efferding level bench press.  So I am skeptical about that.

Strong guy though - to be that strong in the upper body, and that good at wrestling...I have no doubt that Andy was super tough.

Really a shame about him dying before his 55th birthday coming up later this year [for some reason, November comes to mind, but I could be remembering that wrong].  Just to have a wife of 38 years to mourn him, and four children who he loved deeply, and who deeply loved's just sad all around.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: ThisisOverload on March 20, 2021, 08:43:03 PM
Not a snowballs chance in hell he could half rep 675. ::)
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Matt on March 20, 2021, 08:53:07 PM
Not a snowballs chance in hell he could half rep 675. ::)

 ;D ;D ;D

I love when someone just states the obvious, point blank, with no apologies.

What I meant, if I was capable of making posts under 10,000 words long, not trying to offend anyone just after the death of someone who lied about their bench press claim.  :)

Thank you for speaking the truth, as is.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: ThisisOverload on March 20, 2021, 08:57:04 PM
;D ;D ;D

I love when someone just states the obvious, point blank, with no apologies.

What I meant, if I was capable of making posts under 10,000 words long, not trying to offend anyone just after the death of someone who lied about their bench press claim.  :)

Thank you for speaking the truth, as is.

No worries Matt. He was obviously an exceptional athlete, not doubting that.

But i hate people who lie about weight lifting to get attention or promotions.

He seemed like a good guy, not trying to dissolve that. Just a liar like O'Hearn and so many others in Bodybuilding and "wrestling".
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Matt on March 20, 2021, 10:23:50 PM
No worries Matt. He was obviously an exceptional athlete, not doubting that.

But i hate people who lie about weight lifting to get attention or promotions.

He seemed like a good guy, not trying to dissolve that. Just a liar like O'Hearn and so many others in Bodybuilding and "wrestling".

Yep - and even a 450-lb or 475-lb bench press is extremely impressive.

What's weird is that it's not like the guy had nothing to brag about - he was big and strong, and had a great wrestling background...I just don't understand any reason why he would have to lie.  But it is what it is.

Although I don't know what Andy's cause of death was yet, given that he was posting on Instagram within the past four days, looking pretty large, I'm assuming that he was not suffering from a long-term illness, but suffered a sudden death [likely a heart attack, or maybe a stroke].

As his son seems to be following in his father's footsteps, I hope that he can take the good points out of his dad's career, without pushing his body to the same degree.  There is no reason to stay over 250-lb and lean over 40-45-50+.  I just don't see that ending well.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Tapeworm on March 20, 2021, 10:49:53 PM
What a great family from all appearances! Such an early death is a sad when you leave so much behind.

Dibs. I'll tell everyone too, so he's remembered. "You like 'em? These are Andy Haman's pants. This here is Andy Haman's corduroy sport coat with naugahyde elbow patches. And this was his fly fishing vest. Nice, right? Sit and I shall tell you more of Andy Haman."

And no, before anyone starts, I don't want his undergarments. I'm not some weirdo.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Gregzs on March 20, 2021, 10:54:29 PM

Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Tapeworm on March 20, 2021, 10:56:54 PM
Great belt.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: booty on March 21, 2021, 02:23:12 AM
Andy passed away from post routine surgery. I don’t know anything else. It’s a shock because he was too young and left a family behind. RIP
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: affeman on March 21, 2021, 02:27:08 AM
We don't know the circumstances but I
think of Romano's "where are the bodies?"

Sry, I know it's dark but

lol 10 yrs later:











Enough "bodies" for you, John? U need more? :D
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Bevo on March 21, 2021, 02:27:46 AM
Wow that’s sad, RIP

if John meadows isn’t careful he’s next
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: joswift on March 21, 2021, 03:07:16 AM
can't say I liked his personality. Thought he was abit of a wanker with a big ego



another few seconds and Dennis would have pulled his head off..
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on March 21, 2021, 03:40:29 AM
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: IroNat on March 21, 2021, 06:25:34 AM
Genetically disposed to dying at 54.

Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: monsterman500 on March 21, 2021, 06:30:52 AM
never heard of the guy  ???
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: affeman on March 21, 2021, 06:51:31 AM
never heard of the guy  ???

No? ???

He was the strongest BB alive, squatting 900 pds sitting on a clappable plastic camping chair :D

Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: njflex on March 21, 2021, 07:15:55 AM
another few seconds and Dennis would have pulled his head off..
He looked pissed off passed the publicity goofiness of it.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: The Scott on March 21, 2021, 07:22:10 AM
He looked pissed off passed the publicity goofiness of it.

Yup.  At least Andy might have been able to take him down and hold him there until his brain caught up with the moment.  Denis probably thought he was being made fun of, which can really piss off a person.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: joswift on March 21, 2021, 08:07:44 AM
No? ???

He was the strongest BB alive, squatting 900 pds sitting on a clappable plastic camping chair :D

all the outer plates were a different shade
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Taffin on March 21, 2021, 08:09:10 AM

Enough "bodies" for you, John? U need more? :D

Hahaha - that's so 'too soon' it's actually premature - you sick b@stard  ;D

Wow that’s sad, RIP

if John meadows isn’t careful he’s next

No no no - haven't you heard?  He announced that he'd cured himself just by the sheer effort of how much he wanted it...

Miracle thru willpower, apparently... 'normal' people just don't want to get better enough

Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Coach is Back! on March 21, 2021, 10:43:29 AM
From Lonnie Teper


I got the news in a 1:45 pm text from Dave Liberman on Saturday. A good source told Liberman that Andy Haman died. Although an autopsy has not yet been completed, Andy's wife Michelle said the death was due to complications from elbow joint surgery. Haman was 55 years old.

"The Doctors believe it was a massive blood clot to his  heart, lungs or brain," she said early Sunday morning from her Colorado  Springs, CO home. "

'If  you recall, Andy tore his triceps about four years ago and had to have it completely reattached", Michelle said. "Last Sunday his elbow became very swollen and painful. He went to his Orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday, who drained it with a syringe and it was full of pus.

"The Doctor then cancelled the rest of his afternoon appointments and scheduled Andy for immediate surgery. After the surgery he was in the hospital for three more days on IV antibiotics and blood thinners.

"He came home Thursday afternoon and was fine on Friday, other than a huge splint on his arm. He was just laying on the bed, and rolled over and stopped breathing.

"He was taken off the bed and and CPR was started. Paramedics were called but they think it (death) was  pretty much instant.

"One year ago Andy had a deep thrombosis in his calf, which broke off and went to his lung as a pulmonary embolism. He almost died there, but made it to the hospital, where he was put on IV blood thinners for 10 days. With his history of this the Doctor's believed that is what happened again."

Michelle said Andy was "larger than life and was as crazy and silly at home as people would see at Expos and that's how everyone should remember him"

Andy  had the  perfect last name....I called him Andy the Ham , meant in a good way, for his lively, creative persona. You never knew which character he would be portraying when he worked booths at Expos. But what you did know is there would always be long lines of fans waiting to get their shot at meeting the irrepressible one.

Haman eared pro status after winning the Masters Nationals, but he was best known  at one time as an All-American high school and college  wrestling champ. At the University of Iowa Haman wrestled under the iconic Dan Gable. He was also one of the strongest bodybuilders in the game.

He called me a couple times a few years ago, wanting to guest pose at my NPC West Coast Classic. Since I had Jay Cutler appearing nearly every year in that capacity, I politely declined the offer.

From my experience, Haman was a really nice man, and always had his entourage of Michelle and their four children with him at nearly all of his appearances.

I doubt any media member was as close to Haman as veteran journalist Bill Geiger, who was devastated by the sad news.

"Andy was one of the contracted athletes with MuscleMag International from 2008-2013," said Geiger, who was Group Editorial Director for MMI and Reps at the time.

"We did many photo shoots and trips together. He'd bring one large suitcase to each shoot filled with his goofy props, like a rubber chicken or his caveman outfit.

"Just an incredible man, gifted entertaining folks and a wonderful family man. Andy didn't just do what you asked, he was willing to go a step beyond.

"He was really a very considerate, caring individual".

I think all of us who got to know the man feel exactly the way you do, Bill.

Andy Haman, RIP.

Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Ron on March 21, 2021, 11:20:25 AM

Andy was always the nicest person, always trying to make people feel good in his crazy outfits and bring fun to all.

Condolences to his wife, children and the family.

Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Tom on March 21, 2021, 11:23:11 AM
complications from elbow joint surgery? that's just messed up!...and they used blood thinners and other medications and he STILL got a massive blood clot? and then BAM! that's it??!
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: affeman on March 21, 2021, 11:27:24 AM
From Lonnie Teper


He called me a couple times a few years ago, wanting to guest pose at my NPC West Coast Classic. Since I had Jay Cutler appearing nearly every year in that capacity, I politely declined the offer.

Epic and tactful statement in an obituary :D
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Matt on March 21, 2021, 12:37:40 PM
another few seconds and Dennis would have pulled his head off..

What reason to you have for thinking Denis could beat Andy in a fight? If you said "pulled his arm off" [or ripped it off], I could believe you. But Andy's wrestling background was legit. He was probably one of the best wrestlers in the USA in his day, and I don't see him just forgetting how to wrestle.

Does Denis have a combat sports background?

As for that video - did Andy go up to Denis naively thinking that being strong would give him a chance against a top arm wrestler, only to lose badly, and to want to show off his wrestling ability to prove his strength in another area?

If so, Andy may have been the naive one in thinking he could win there. That's probably why he showed off his wrestling after the bout.

I left a comment on that YouTube video:
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Matt on March 21, 2021, 01:09:39 PM
Epic and tactful statement in an obituary :D

That statement does strike me as a bit odd...what might Lonnie Teper's rationale have been there?

Specifically, why mention Jay Cutler? Had he said "Unfortunately, the guest-posing position was already filled", or even added "and now that Andy is no longer with us, I regret not having had another chance to see him".

The way Lonnie wrote that just seems to be bragging that he had a higher ranked professional bodybuilder in the role.

I might be missing something here...but I guess I really don't understand Lonnie's statement there [as you said, given the context of it being in an obituary]. I don't proclaim to read minds, but I see that statement from Lonnie as bragging, and I would think Lonnie should be aware that people understand his bodybuilding background.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: rollin on March 21, 2021, 01:35:24 PM
I knew Andy very well. Here is a few stories:

I met Andy for the 1st time at the Europa in Dallas. I was backstage. This was one of Andys 1st pro shows Europa Dallas and he was ready to get on stage with no tan.  He thought he was tan enough. I don't think he wanted to pay for it. Jan Tana tanned him for free. Jan made him tan and told him there is no way your going on stage with no tan. Jan became very good friends with him. He was very likable guy.

Another story he told me was about a guy that had road rage. So Andy pulled over got out the car and the guy practically peed his pants and took off. I forget all the details.

He also told me a Lou Ferrigno story. He told me he went up to Lou to get a photo signed for his Kid. Lou did his famous I want $20.
Andy told me he said. Lou I've bought at least 5-6 pics from you. You know me and that I'm also a pro and if you ever needed pic Id give you one. Not sure if he paid or the rest of the story but he told me he lost all respect for Lou after that.

As for hitting the lotto it would have to be much later. I remember talking to him art an Olympia where he had a postcard made up dropping it off at every booth trying to get a sponsor. At that time he told me he needed a sponsor to keep going as a pro because of all his kids. It was nice to see him land Dymatize. So if he hit the lotto it had to be years later then when he got started.

I was very sad to see this news. He was the nicest guy you ever met very humble. Never thought he had the clout of other pros. Still looked up to guys like Jay and the other pros. Never turned down anyone a pic. Loved his family to death and loved doing things with his son Sam.

RIP Andy you will be missed.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: mphgrove on March 21, 2021, 01:36:18 PM
That statement does strike me as a bit odd...what might Lonnie Teper's rationale have been there?

Specifically, why mention Jay Cutler? Had he said "Unfortunately, the guest-posing position was already filled", or even added "and now that Andy is no longer with us, I regret not having had another chance to see him".

The way Lonnie wrote that just seems to be bragging that he had a higher ranked professional bodybuilder in the role.

I might be missing something here...but I guess I really don't understand Lonnie's statement there [as you said, given the context of it being in an obituary]. I don't proclaim to read minds, but I see that statement from Lonnie as bragging, and I would think Lonnie should be aware that people understand his bodybuilding background.

People just don’t know what they are conveying sometimes, and I agree with you it totally comes across the wrong way. “He called me up to ask if he could guest pose,” (he was so desperate that he had to make phone calls and hope somebody would pay him to guest pose) “but I had a much higher ranked guest poser already” (I only hang with the creme de la creme), “but I was very polite to him when I turned him down” (wasn’t that special of me).
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Bevo on March 21, 2021, 01:44:53 PM
No? ???

He was the strongest BB alive, squatting 900 pds sitting on a clappable plastic camping chair :D

Why would anyone in their right mind post these vids? No credibility with all those fake plates, can’t believe anyone would think that’s real, and calling yourself one of the strongest bbers 

John meadows you are next if you don’t stop fucking around
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: The Scott on March 21, 2021, 02:16:27 PM
Blood clots...Those are scary. I've had them myself and like Andy they broke free and went to my lungs.  The doctors told me if they broke free from there it was one of two things:  I would die instantly or suffer being even worse off mentally.   So when they asked if I wanted to be revived in the event I died, I said, "No.  I do NOT want to awaken to being a Democrat".

You have to have a sense of humor to deal with stuff like this.  I did die on the table and later on when my doctor told me that I had been dead I jokingly railed on him saying, "I TOLD you I didn't want to be bump started!"  He said that it had been about three minutes and he was going to call it and cover me with the sheet when my heart started on its own and I began to breathe again.

It is my hope that Andy's family is taken care of by him planning ahead.  He had a sense of humor too and that's a rarity these days.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: pamith on March 21, 2021, 04:11:48 PM
He was the strongest bodybuilder that ever existed :(
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: IroNat on March 21, 2021, 04:17:33 PM
Haman was born August 1966 so that makes him 54 years old.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: mphgrove on March 21, 2021, 04:27:29 PM
Blood clots...Those are scary. I've had them myself and like Andy they broke free and went to my lungs.  The doctors told me if they broke free from there it was one of two things:  I would die instantly or suffer being even worse off mentally.   So when they asked if I wanted to be revived in the event I died, I said, "No.  I do NOT want to awaken to being a Democrat".

You have to have a sense of humor to deal with stuff like this.  I did die on the table and later on when my doctor told me that I had been dead I jokingly railed on him saying, "I TOLD you I didn't want to be bump started!"  He said that it had been about three minutes and he was going to call it and cover me with the sheet when my heart started on its own and I began to breathe again.

It is my hope that Andy's family is taken care of by him planning ahead.  He had a sense of humor too and that's a rarity these days.

I am no scientist but isn’t it accurate to say that anabolics thicken the blood (hematocrit, hemoglobin) and thick blood increases blood clot risk? Genetics may be the main factor but it is my impression that this phenomenon plays a big role in what we see here and elsewhere.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: IroNat on March 21, 2021, 04:42:04 PM
I am no scientist but isn’t it accurate to say that anabolics thicken the blood (hematocrit, hemoglobin) and thick blood increases blood clot risk? Genetics may be the main factor but it is my impression that this phenomenon plays a big role in what we see here and elsewhere.

I was thinking the same thing.  Was he still on the sauce after having clotting problems in his leg previously?

Clots are bad, either killing you outright or resulting in a stroke which causes paralysis.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: honest on March 21, 2021, 05:06:31 PM
All modern TRT prescribing doctors manage bloods and usually take blood out every three months to avoid this type of negative effect, its common standard practice if you are doing TRT through a reputable prescriber.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: mphgrove on March 21, 2021, 05:32:32 PM
All modern TRT prescribing doctors manage bloods and usually take blood out every three months to avoid this type of negative effect, its common standard practice if you are doing TRT through a reputable prescriber.

Well OK, but how many of the ones we are discussing here are doing moderate dosage regimens as part of management by TRT prescribing physicians who “manage bloods”, physicians who in the US, for example, are not allowed to prescribe for athletics.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Taffin on March 21, 2021, 05:34:30 PM
He was the strongest bodybuilder that ever existed :(

/Larry Dingleberry and Brad Wheels just entered the chat
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: IroNat on March 21, 2021, 05:34:53 PM
Well OK, but how many of the ones we are discussing here are doing moderate dosage regimens as part of management by TRT prescribing physicians who “manage bloods”, physicians who in the US, for example, are not allowed to prescribe for athletics.

Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: honest on March 21, 2021, 06:08:08 PM

Well OK, but how many of the ones we are discussing here are doing moderate dosage regimens as part of management by TRT prescribing physicians who “manage bloods”, physicians who in the US, for example, are not allowed to prescribe for athletics.

None and thats the problem, 100mgs of test per week under clinical supervision is TRT, not just under a gram a week unsupervised. 
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: mphgrove on March 21, 2021, 06:29:19 PM
Well OK, but how many of the ones we are discussing here are doing moderate dosage regimens as part of management by TRT prescribing physicians who “manage bloods”, physicians who in the US, for example, are not allowed to prescribe for athletics.

None and thats the problem, 100mgs of test per week under clinical supervision is TRT, not just under a gram a week unsupervised.

Speaking from personal experience, it may not be completely unsupervised but it is still FULL of holes. Let’s say you are honest with your regular doctor or you have a doctor friend at the gym (or even a schmoe doctor in the case of some competitors). You might get checked out once in a while, but come competition time, you don’t want anything to get in the way, so you accidentally on purpose delay the process. Plus the physician may not come from a completely useful perspective. Maybe he is defensive or dismissive if he disapproves of what you are doing or is worried about legal aspects. Or maybe he lacks objectivity if he also is heavily into the sport and the scene. All in all, the “managing” physician piece is often mainly useless here, if he is present at all.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on March 21, 2021, 06:52:38 PM
Was Andy predisposed to blood clots?
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: pamith on March 21, 2021, 07:43:19 PM
He took steroids :(
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: IroNat on March 22, 2021, 04:11:17 AM
He took steroids :(

Getbig says steroids are good for you. 
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Tapeworm on March 22, 2021, 06:21:44 AM
Blood clots...Those are scary. I've had them myself and like Andy they broke free and went to my lungs.  The doctors told me if they broke free from there it was one of two things:  I would die instantly or suffer being even worse off mentally.   So when they asked if I wanted to be revived in the event I died, I said, "No.  I do NOT want to awaken to being a Democrat".

You have to have a sense of humor to deal with stuff like this.  I did die on the table and later on when my doctor told me that I had been dead I jokingly railed on him saying, "I TOLD you I didn't want to be bump started!"  He said that it had been about three minutes and he was going to call it and cover me with the sheet when my heart started on its own and I began to breathe again.

It is my hope that Andy's family is taken care of by him planning ahead.  He had a sense of humor too and that's a rarity these days.

Died on the table and all I got you was this lousy tshirt.


I trust your docs have addressed the cause?
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Tom on March 22, 2021, 06:29:35 AM
HELL, now you guys got me scared to even go on TRT especially at my age 56.... guess i'll stick with the "test boosters" at my supplement store...

the nearby "men's clinic" does test tests for 100 bucks... NO DOUBT no matter what i think they would find my test levels low and they are probably sales men with needles? not even sure if they are actual doctors and specifically doctors who know ALL ABOUT the human body, the male body, the test situation and the pitfalls and what not....

Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: falco on March 22, 2021, 07:46:21 AM
Almost got his ass kicked.

Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: anvil on March 22, 2021, 10:10:29 AM
Just heard the news, hate to hear that.  I saw Andy a lot of times at the gym and he was always friendly and a good guy.

And for the record;  the day he made the video of the 600 pound bench press, well he brought his own "weights" in for that.  So...
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: IroNat on March 22, 2021, 12:21:00 PM
Steroids, other drugs and the bodybuilding lifestyle killed him, maybe not directly, but they did all the same.

They caused his problems.

Hope his son learns from his bad judgement but sometimes the son wants to honor his father by doing the same thing.

Do you think when he was going out he thought, "Boy, I wish I took more drugs."?
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: pamith on March 22, 2021, 02:25:01 PM
By far the strongest bodybuilder
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: The Scott on March 22, 2021, 03:21:40 PM
Steroids, other drugs and the bodybuilding lifestyle killed him, maybe not directly, but they did all the same.

They caused his problems.

Hope his son learns from his bad judgement but sometimes the son wants to honor his father by doing the same thing.

Do you think when he was going out he thought, "Boy, I wish I took more drugs."?

Well said, brother.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 22, 2021, 04:14:02 PM
Steroids, other drugs and the bodybuilding lifestyle killed him, maybe not directly, but they did all the same.

They caused his problems.

Hope his son learns from his bad judgement but sometimes the son wants to honor his father by doing the same thing.

Do you think when he was going out he thought, "Boy, I wish I took more drugs."?

Good post. When I see these sons juicing to follow in their father's path of pro bodybuilding I wonder if the father is proud or has regret?
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on March 22, 2021, 04:49:26 PM
Good post. When I see these sons juicing to follow in their father's path of pro bodybuilding I wonder if the father is proud or has regret?

They are all self absorbed narcissist, they are proud

Arnold was one of the few that his kids didn’t need to follow in his footsteps and even the latino son doesn’t look to go pro, just keeping a men’s physique look
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Ron on March 22, 2021, 10:55:48 PM

Many people have reached out asking how they can help the Haman family at this difficult time. You may already know that Andy Haman passed on March 19, 2021 due to a pulmonary embolism brought on by an elbow surgery, 3 days prior.  Michelle, Sammy, Daisy, Ruby, and Lucy will miss their 'hubby', 'daddy', and 'best friend', beyond words but will continue to smile, have fun, and be silly to honor his memory.

Andy Haman was an elite collegiate wrestler at the University of Iowa and continued to be an ambassador of the sport that he loved so much. Andy was also an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder who brought fun, silliness, and love to the sport. Andy's other passion was teaching kids of all ages the joy of physical fitness.

Andy was truly a real life Mr. Incredible. He was always spreading smiles, laugher, and joy wherever he went.  Andy made it a priority in his life to visit children's hospitals whenever he traveled and would be the last person to leave an expo to talk with his fans. His bodybuilding persona was his real life persona. Whether it be teaching his elementary school students dodgeball, or making silly videos with his kids, he was a little kid at heart. He was larger than life, and even in death, he will bring fun memories to all.

His funeral will be Saturday, March 27 at Our Lady of the Pines,  Black Forest Catholic Church. Schedule-10 am: Viewing, 10:30: Stories about Andy, 12pm: Funeral service. The mass will  be live streamed on Springs Funeral Home's website: Details to come.
Andy was such a colorful person and he always said, when he died he didn't want a sad funeral, he wanted a party sending him off.  He would love it if those attending the funeral would wear bright, fun colors. That would make him smile.

This memorial fund will be used to pay for funeral expenses and anything over the goal will be used for Andy's youngest daughter, Lucy's, college.

The Haman's

Andy posing with his kids in 2009

Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Matt on March 23, 2021, 12:29:55 AM
People just don’t know what they are conveying sometimes, and I agree with you it totally comes across the wrong way. “He called me up to ask if he could guest pose,” (he was so desperate that he had to make phone calls and hope somebody would pay him to guest pose) “but I had a much higher ranked guest poser already” (I only hang with the creme de la creme), “but I was very polite to him when I turned him down” (wasn’t that special of me).

Great post, mphgrove. I was happy to read your take on it.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Van_Bilderass on March 23, 2021, 05:41:11 AM
HELL, now you guys got me scared to even go on TRT especially at my age 56.... guess i'll stick with the "test boosters" at my supplement store...

the nearby "men's clinic" does test tests for 100 bucks... NO DOUBT no matter what i think they would find my test levels low and they are probably sales men with needles? not even sure if they are actual doctors and specifically doctors who know ALL ABOUT the human body, the male body, the test situation and the pitfalls and what not....

You are correct in thinking that these clinics want to sell you on treatments. At the same time, they know certain things that old school endocrinologists don't. For example, the old endos might script testosterone to be injected every 14 days. That is obviously suboptimal if not dangerous. Say you do 200mg every other week, you end up wildly supraphysiological for a few days and then hypogonadal for several days. If you do 100mg every 7 days you are going to have much more even levels. Administering even more frequently will have you even more stable, hence the daily subq admin you heard about. Just as an example.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Marty Champions on March 23, 2021, 07:30:03 AM
Ultra cringe
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: IroNat on March 23, 2021, 08:40:04 AM

For this he gave up a career as a gym teacher?
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: WalterWhite on March 23, 2021, 11:58:19 AM

Many people have reached out asking how they can help the Haman family at this difficult time. You may already know that Andy Haman passed on March 19, 2021 due to a pulmonary embolism brought on by an elbow surgery, 3 days prior.  Michelle, Sammy, Daisy, Ruby, and Lucy will miss their 'hubby', 'daddy', and 'best friend', beyond words but will continue to smile, have fun, and be silly to honor his memory.

Andy Haman was an elite collegiate wrestler at the University of Iowa and continued to be an ambassador of the sport that he loved so much. Andy was also an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder who brought fun, silliness, and love to the sport. Andy's other passion was teaching kids of all ages the joy of physical fitness.

Andy was truly a real life Mr. Incredible. He was always spreading smiles, laugher, and joy wherever he went.  Andy made it a priority in his life to visit children's hospitals whenever he traveled and would be the last person to leave an expo to talk with his fans. His bodybuilding persona was his real life persona. Whether it be teaching his elementary school students dodgeball, or making silly videos with his kids, he was a little kid at heart. He was larger than life, and even in death, he will bring fun memories to all.

His funeral will be Saturday, March 27 at Our Lady of the Pines,  Black Forest Catholic Church. Schedule-10 am: Viewing, 10:30: Stories about Andy, 12pm: Funeral service. The mass will  be live streamed on Springs Funeral Home's website: Details to come.
Andy was such a colorful person and he always said, when he died he didn't want a sad funeral, he wanted a party sending him off.  He would love it if those attending the funeral would wear bright, fun colors. That would make him smile.

This memorial fund will be used to pay for funeral expenses and anything over the goal will be used for Andy's youngest daughter, Lucy's, college.

The Haman's

Andy posing with his kids in 2009

This fundraising surprised me. His wife was/is the breadwinner with a successful pediatric dental practice.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: The Scott on March 23, 2021, 12:56:54 PM
For this he gave up a career as a gym teacher?

Agreed.  That was weird in the way watching an alternate universe version of "The Partridge Family" would be.  I think he would have been better off teaching and doing this on the side.  But it was his life and at least he wasn't hangin' 'round any ice makers.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: mphgrove on March 23, 2021, 03:43:21 PM
Agreed.  That was weird in the way watching an alternate universe version of "The Partridge Family" would be.  I think he would have been better off teaching and doing this on the side.  But it was his life and at least he wasn't hangin' 'round any ice makers.

He and his family seemed to have had a lot of fun with it. Job-wise, people should do exactly what they want to do, and teaching school is not rewarding for every person who tries it. His choices did carry some risk though.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Tom on March 23, 2021, 05:31:35 PM
Is there going to be a autopsy so we know the EXACT cause of death with no speculation.....
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: mphgrove on March 23, 2021, 05:42:40 PM
Is there going to be a autopsy so we know the EXACT cause of death with no speculation.....

If surgeon and anesthesiologist say pulmonary embolism, strong likelihood that is exactly what it is. Autopsy might show organs enlarged, but my guess might be no autopsy here.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: MCWAY on March 23, 2021, 06:26:25 PM
They are all self absorbed narcissist, they are proud

Arnold was one of the few that his kids didn’t need to follow in his footsteps and even the latino son doesn’t look to go pro, just keeping a men’s physique look

Lou Ferrigno's kids aren't bodybuilders. Mike Katz's son, Mike Jr., isn't a bodybuilder. Franco's kids aren't bodybuilders.

Neither Haney's son nor his daughter is a bodybuilder. Yates' boy isn't one. None of Ronnie 63,448 kids compete on stage.

I only know of three former IFBB pros whose children have competed in recent years. Darrem Charles' son, Renel, Sergio Oliva, Jr., and Hunter Labrada.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: MCWAY on March 23, 2021, 06:37:55 PM
I thought the report said he had a second pulmonary embolism/blood clot, which killed him.

What does that have to do with steroids? My mother-in-law had one that nearly killed her. I don't think she was on any anabolics.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on March 23, 2021, 11:26:53 PM
Lou Ferrigno's kids aren't bodybuilders. Mike Katz's son, Mike Jr., isn't a bodybuilder. Franco's kids aren't bodybuilders.

Neither Haney's son nor his daughter is a bodybuilder. Yates' boy isn't one. None of Ronnie 63,448 kids compete on stage.

I only know of three former IFBB pros whose children have competed in recent years. Darrem Charles' son, Renel, Sergio Oliva, Jr., and Hunter Labrada.

You are correct and that is for the better long term
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on March 23, 2021, 11:27:44 PM
I thought he won the lottery? Why does he need a gofundme page?
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Primemuscle on March 24, 2021, 12:06:14 AM
He was only 55:

I should have worded that question differently about his 600-lb bench press video. The way I worded it made it sound like the people were being unreasonable.

I just wanted to ask "How do you respond to allegations that your 600-lb bench press was fake."

He was probably almost for sure over 450-lb for bench press. I'm not sure on 500-600+.

Even in death, you cannot give him the benefit of doubt on his supposed 600 lb bench press video. Essentially, you are still implying it was fake. He's dead, what difference does it make now?
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Tom on March 24, 2021, 04:34:42 PM
so regardless what he ingested into his body,

how does one best NOT get blood clots?...
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: mphgrove on March 24, 2021, 04:46:21 PM
Well the simple/stupid answer would be:
Have doc watch cholesterol and triglycerides
Have doc watch red blood counts (hemoglobin, hematocrit)
Do lots of walking and cardio
Don’t be overweight
Ask doc if you should take daily baby aspirin
Don’t rush to have surgery

Those would be a start.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: The Scott on March 24, 2021, 05:02:56 PM
Died on the table and all I got you was this lousy tshirt.


I trust your docs have addressed the cause?

Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on March 24, 2021, 05:54:47 PM
so regardless what he ingested into his body,

how does one best NOT get blood clots?...

Don’t ever have surgery whatsoever
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Matt on March 25, 2021, 09:08:34 AM
Even in death, you cannot give him the benefit of doubt on his supposed 600 lb bench press video. Essentially, you are still implying it was fake. He's dead, what difference does it make now?

He told me in a roundabout way that it was fake, and only benched 315x20 at Dave Palumbo's Bros vs. Pros contest.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Matt on March 25, 2021, 07:18:52 PM
so regardless what he ingested into his body,

how does one best NOT get blood clots?...

Tom, do you know anyone who died of COVID, or was even seriously ill from it?

I do not.

I actually don't know anyone personally who has even gotten it yet [only online].

My point is, only the extreme elderly are dying, or people one foot in the grave.

You sound like me, Tom - a hypochondriac. I can tell you - I am EXTREME hypochondriac. It is what it is. It probably helps me.

So let me just say - assuming you are a normal healthy man in your age group, the best hedge against getting a blood clot is just not having a blatantly horrible lifestyle.

Andy didn't die of steroids, he died of years of systemic abuse to his body from steroids and from being well over 250-lb, and in decent shape. It's hard to say, but it may be the being in decent shape consistently [and while over 40-45-50] that hurt him the most.

Don't fall into the trap of what I did for years, and see some guy your age pass away young and wonder why, when in reality, he had spent the past 10+ years of his life abusing needle-based drugs.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: The Scott on March 25, 2021, 08:26:20 PM
Tom, do you know anyone who died of COVID, or was even seriously ill from it?

I do not.

I actually don't know anyone personally who has even gotten it yet [only online].

My point is, only the extreme elderly are dying, or people one foot in the grave.

You sound like me, Tom - a hypochondriac. I can tell you - I am EXTREME hypochondriac. It is what it is. It probably helps me.

So let me just say - assuming you are a normal healthy man in your age group, the best hedge against getting a blood clot is just not having a blatantly horrible lifestyle.

Andy didn't die of steroids, he died of years of systemic abuse to his body from steroids and from being well over 250-lb, and in decent shape. It's hard to say, but it may be the being in decent shape consistently [and while over 40-45-50] that hurt him the most.

Don't fall into the trap of what I did for years, and see some guy your age pass away young and wonder why, when in reality, he had spent the past 10+ years of his life abusing needle-based drugs.

The count seems inflated because unless  you're George Floyd and you have anything else that's killing you, including a Mac Truck or a rogue Cop of Non-Colour, and the autopsy reveals Covid in your system, you died from Covid and NOTHING else.

Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Tom on March 26, 2021, 06:33:00 AM
Matt, in reply to your question, 1) my niece's boyfriend's grandfather passed away from Covid and was in seemingly good health  at 60 years old, 2) my sister also 60 has it now but seemingly is recovering...

at my age, 56 at 5'9 and 220 pounds, lifting 3 to 4 times a week, cardio 2 to 3 times a week, eating pretty healthy, never smoking or drinking ever, much less anything else "harder", i guess i'll stick with my "test boosters" at my local supplement store and IF, i say IF i want to go more quote hardcore, i'll try some pro-hormones, before i ever if i ever do do any TRT....
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: usmcdevildoc on March 26, 2021, 04:34:56 PM
Those dangerous doctor's at work again!!
Poor guy. He never had a chance.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: pamith on March 27, 2021, 10:29:52 AM
He benched 675 lbs, you guys mad?
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: IroNat on March 27, 2021, 03:56:31 PM
Matt, in reply to your question, 1) my niece's boyfriend's grandfather passed away from Covid and was in seemingly good health  at 60 years old, 2) my sister also 60 has it now but seemingly is recovering...

at my age, 56 at 5'9 and 220 pounds, lifting 3 to 4 times a week, cardio 2 to 3 times a week, eating pretty healthy, never smoking or drinking ever, much less anything else "harder", i guess i'll stick with my "test boosters" at my local supplement store and IF, i say IF i want to go more quote hardcore, i'll try some pro-hormones, before i ever if i ever do do any TRT....

5'9" and 220 is really heavy for your height.  A big risk factor there.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Board_SHERIF on March 28, 2021, 07:45:27 AM
was plastic trophies worth it ? only Andy can say....
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: WalterWhite on March 28, 2021, 04:59:46 PM
5'9" and 220 is really heavy for your height.  A big risk factor there.

Beat me to it.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Tom on March 28, 2021, 05:07:35 PM
is my weight of 220 at a height of 5'9 really THAT heavy? what about cutler at 5'9 pushing 300! and full of gosh knows what!....

interesting in that my brother 5 years younger than me and the same height weighs about 180 (doesn't lift weights at all though) and i can't even fathom losing 40 pounds to be his weight! i think "where in the hell would i lose 40 pounds??..

besides, doesn't it matter if weight, any weight is more muscle than pure out of shape fat? doesn't body composition matter and the most factor?..

all i know is i currently lift 4 times a week (monday heavy upper body, tuesday heavy lower body, thursday light upper body, friday light lower body) and do cardio 3 times a week (riding a bike, stationary bike, elliptical machine 20 to 30 minutes each of my 3 cardio days) and speed walk 5 minutes before and 5 minutes after each 4 days a week lifting days and i eat pretty healthy and don't drink or smoke....

Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on March 28, 2021, 05:12:38 PM
Anyone that is 6 foot and under should be under 200 pounds to be considered “healthy” especially 45+ years of age
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Tom on March 28, 2021, 06:31:49 PM
as i was saying at 5'9 and 220 pounds i think my bodyfat % is around 20 to 25%.....

like to get down into the teens % year round, need to figure out how much weight to lose and maintain muscle at the same time... sure if i wanted to lose alot of weight, i would just do cardio every day....

i am thinking perhaps i need to do circuit training and just lift 3 days a week and do cardio as i've been doing 3 days a week as well....while i do want muscle, i want health just as much if not more...MAYBE i'll just stop doing "bodybuilding workouts" and do more strength training/cross fit workouts?...
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Hypertrophy on March 28, 2021, 09:40:48 PM
5'9" and 220 is really heavy for your height.  A big risk factor there.

It all depends on the person. I'm 5'9' and stepped on the scale at 206 today. I ride a bike about 5-6 hours a week for sport, have a resting pulse in the high 50's, blood pressure always 120/80. I just did a ride today averaging 21 mph over rolling terrain on my bike. That's fit enough for me. My first race of the season is in 2 weeks and I'll be competitive.

You can have a very high functioning cardio system and still carry a bit of muscle. When I get lighter in the middle of summer it's because I have been racing a lot over longer distances and I lose muscle because I am concentrating on cycling, not lifting. I'll get to be 20 pounds lighter, yet i don't feel any fitter than I am at 205.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Flexacon on March 29, 2021, 02:42:05 PM
Weight to height is a bit of an over simplification. Waist measurement/stomach fat is a better gauge. Generally over 40" is when health turns to shit.

So you can be 5'9", 200lbs with a 34" waist and be in great health. You can also be 5'9", 180lbs with a 42" waist and have health issues because of it.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: ThisisOverload on March 29, 2021, 03:55:43 PM
as i was saying at 5'9 and 220 pounds i think my bodyfat % is around 20 to 25%.....

That's borderline obese dude.

Your heart hates you.

There is no reason to ever be over 15% BF if you know anything about diet.

Have you had blood work done recently?

I'm 6' tall and once i hit 220-225 my BP skyrockets. I try to stay under 220 and around 12% BF. BMI says i need to be 160 but that's not happening. Leanest i've been in 10 years is 192 and i was shredded. Did intermittent fasting for 4 months to get there.

Remember guys like Jay Cutler are taking tones of meds to keep them safe, he is monitored by a doctor very regularly. Also, he will die very young. Just wait and see.

Bodybuilding is not worth destroying your health.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on March 29, 2021, 04:10:46 PM
Weight to height is a bit of an over simplification. Waist measurement/stomach fat is a better gauge. Generally over 40" is when health turns to shit.

So you can be 5'9", 200lbs with a 34" waist and be in great health. You can also be 5'9", 180lbs with a 42" waist and have health issues because of it.

No one that is 5’9 weighing 180 is going to have a 42 inch waist
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Flexacon on March 29, 2021, 04:59:51 PM
No one that is 5’9 weighing 180 is going to have a 42 inch waist

There are plenty of skinny fat, pot belly men out there with this kinda build.

Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on March 29, 2021, 05:50:59 PM
There are plenty of skinny fat, pot belly men out there with this kinda build.


He is 6’5

Show me someone that is 5’9 at 180 with a 42 inch waist
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Flexacon on March 29, 2021, 07:34:13 PM
He is 6’5

Show me someone that is 5’9 at 180 with a 42 inch waist

Look in the mirror
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Tom on March 29, 2021, 07:46:53 PM
well for those of you who want to know, as i said i'm 5'9 and weigh 220 pounds, and wear 34/35 inch size pants... i've been at this weight more or less give or take a few pounds over and a few pounds under for years and years now... i could eat 24/7 for a week or starve for a week and the weight stays around the i've said before don't drink, don't smoke, and i DO DO cardio 3 times a week for 20 to 30 minutes not to mention the 10 minutes of cardio before and after i lift.....

would like to lose bodyfat, but it's the age old story... to gain muscle you have to eat, but if you eat, your not going to lose body fat, the old story you can't gain muscle (and thus weight?) and lose bodyfat  at the same time?....

unless, i'm wrong how can i gain muscle and lose bodyfat at the same time while having to eat to gain the muscle?...
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Dave D on March 29, 2021, 11:53:51 PM

interesting in that my brother 5 years younger than me and the same height weighs about 180 (doesn't lift weights at all though) and i can't even fathom losing 40 pounds to be his weight! i think "where in the hell would i lose 40 pounds??..

besides, doesn't it matter if weight, any weight is more muscle than pure out of shape fat? doesn't body composition matter and the most factor?..

as i was saying at 5'9 and 220 pounds i think my bodyfat % is around 20 to 25%.....

while i do want muscle, i want health just as much if not more...MAYBE i'll just stop doing "bodybuilding workouts" and do more strength training/cross fit workouts?...

You are working with some grade A material here Tom. Throw in I dont want to get to much leaner to really get these guys fired up.

20 to 25% bf LOL.

Continue trolling!
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on March 30, 2021, 01:35:30 AM
Look in the mirror

Wow, that’s very original says the guy that provided no proof whatsoever of someone 5’9 weighing 180 with a 42 inch waist
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on March 30, 2021, 01:36:44 AM
well for those of you who want to know, as i said i'm 5'9 and weigh 220 pounds, and wear 34/35 inch size pants... i've been at this weight more or less give or take a few pounds over and a few pounds under for years and years now... i could eat 24/7 for a week or starve for a week and the weight stays around the i've said before don't drink, don't smoke, and i DO DO cardio 3 times a week for 20 to 30 minutes not to mention the 10 minutes of cardio before and after i lift.....

would like to lose bodyfat, but it's the age old story... to gain muscle you have to eat, but if you eat, your not going to lose body fat, the old story you can't gain muscle (and thus weight?) and lose bodyfat  at the same time?....

unless, i'm wrong how can i gain muscle and lose bodyfat at the same time while having to eat to gain the muscle?...

A better idea would be to bulk up to 310, and waddle around like a Ifbb pro
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Flexacon on March 30, 2021, 02:35:24 AM
Wow, that’s very original says the guy that provided no proof whatsoever of someone 5’9 weighing 180 with a 42 inch waist

Here you go son


Given how desperate you were for a pic I'm gonna assume you have a fetish for this kinda look. Enjoy.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: ThisisOverload on March 30, 2021, 01:35:21 PM
well for those of you who want to know, as i said i'm 5'9 and weigh 220 pounds, and wear 34/35 inch size pants... i've been at this weight more or less give or take a few pounds over and a few pounds under for years and years now... i could eat 24/7 for a week or starve for a week and the weight stays around the i've said before don't drink, don't smoke, and i DO DO cardio 3 times a week for 20 to 30 minutes not to mention the 10 minutes of cardio before and after i lift.....

would like to lose bodyfat, but it's the age old story... to gain muscle you have to eat, but if you eat, your not going to lose body fat, the old story you can't gain muscle (and thus weight?) and lose bodyfat  at the same time?....

unless, i'm wrong how can i gain muscle and lose bodyfat at the same time while having to eat to gain the muscle?...


Right. I bet you look like you've never lifted a weight in your life.

Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on March 30, 2021, 04:32:33 PM
Here you go son


Given how desperate you were for a pic I'm gonna assume you have a fetish for this kinda look. Enjoy.

That’s not a 42 inch waist though

I prefer you post a pic of yourself
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Flexacon on March 30, 2021, 07:16:58 PM
That’s not a 42 inch waist though

I prefer you post a pic of yourself

Wow, that’s very original says the guy that provided no proof whatsoever that this isn't a 42 inch waist.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on March 30, 2021, 11:49:40 PM
Wow, that’s very original says the guy that provided no proof whatsoever that this isn't a 42 inch waist.

But is he 5’9 180 with a 42 inch waist though?
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: IroNat on March 31, 2021, 03:52:27 AM

besides, doesn't it matter if weight, any weight is more muscle than pure out of shape fat? doesn't body composition matter and the most factor?..

Unfortunately no, it doesn't matter if it's fat or muscle.  The excess weight puts a strain on the heart.

Frank Zane was 5'9" and competed at around 180 or less.  Probably weighed 200 when bulked on drugs.  Zane's natural weight was probably 170.

Steve Reeves was a shade under 6'2" and competed at around 200 or less. His normal weight 210.  Natty.

So Reeves was 5 inches taller than you and weighed 10-20 lbs less than you and he was natty.

Take some relaxed pics of yourself from the front, back and sides.  You probably be shocked at what you look like.

Pants size doesn't measure waist really.  Modern pants ride at the hips.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Matt on March 31, 2021, 05:00:05 AM
Unfortunately no, it doesn't matter if it's fat or muscle.  The excess weight puts a strain on the heart.

Frank Zane was 5'9" and competed at around 180 or less.  Probably weighed 200 when bulked on drugs.  Zane's natural weight was probably 170.

Steve Reeves was a shade under 6'2" and competed at around 200 or less. His normal weight 210.  Natty.

So Reeves was 5 inches taller than you and weighed 10-20 lbs less than you and he was natty.

Take some relaxed pics of yourself from the front, back and sides.  You probably be shocked at what you look like.

Pants size doesn't measure waist really.  Modern pants ride at the hips.

You were close with Frank Zane's weight - he competed at 185-lb generally, but competed at around 200-lb in 1980. In fact, he may have hit 205-lb. That was his heaviest competition weight at 5'9", and when I talked to him in person, he said that he felt he didn't look good at that weight. I personally felt he did look good - his condition, albeit down a little, was still good by the standards of other competitors [even if down by his own standards], and his back was much thicker when he competed at 200-lb or 205-lb, or whatever it was in 1980.

Otherwise, 185-lb was the sweet spot for him, and likely the weight he was when he won his won his three Mr. Olympia contests [1977, 1978, 1979].

I agree with you that he was likely a natural 170-lb.

So you, you got all those weights right for Frank.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: IroNat on March 31, 2021, 06:43:48 AM
Zane weighed 177 for one of his Olympia wins, probably the last one.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Hypertrophy on March 31, 2021, 09:18:56 AM
Unfortunately no, it doesn't matter if it's fat or muscle.  The excess weight puts a strain on the heart.

Broscience at it's finest, lol. That is such a pile of bullshit I don't know where to begin. It absolutely does matter if the "excess weight" is fat or muscle.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on March 31, 2021, 02:37:01 PM

Broscience at it's finest, lol. That is such a pile of bullshit I don't know where to begin. It absolutely does matter if the "excess weight" is fat or muscle.

So 315 pounds of muscle is healthier than 315 pounds of fat?

Bbing is excessive, over the top, no way it’s any healthier than a fat ass person. What that article seems to imply is someone that is healthy, moderate muscles, not 260+ single digits at 5’7

Kind of cancels each other out due to the excess drugs, excess eating, diuretics, rec drugs, etc. imo.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on March 31, 2021, 02:41:16 PM
Unfortunately no, it doesn't matter if it's fat or muscle.  The excess weight puts a strain on the heart.

Frank Zane was 5'9" and competed at around 180 or less.  Probably weighed 200 when bulked on drugs.  Zane's natural weight was probably 170.

Steve Reeves was a shade under 6'2" and competed at around 200 or less. His normal weight 210.  Natty.

So Reeves was 5 inches taller than you and weighed 10-20 lbs less than you and he was natty.

Take some relaxed pics of yourself from the front, back and sides.  You probably be shocked at what you look like.

Pants size doesn't measure waist really.  Modern pants ride at the hips.

Someone should tell that to “flexacon”
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Flexacon on March 31, 2021, 06:29:29 PM
Someone should tell that to “flexacon”

Someone should teach you how to improve your reading comprehension Divo. At no point have I referenced pant size/hip measurement. Even referenced what "waist" refers to so morons like you won't get confused.

Just to own your bitch ass again I'll quote this.

Weight to height is a bit of an over simplification. Waist measurement/stomach fat is a better gauge. Generally over 40" is when health turns to shit.

So you can be 5'9", 200lbs with a 34" waist and be in great health. You can also be 5'9", 180lbs with a 42" waist and have health issues because of it.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on March 31, 2021, 08:13:56 PM
Weight to height is a bit of an over simplification. Waist measurement/stomach fat is a better gauge. Generally over 40" is when health turns to shit.

So you can be 5'9", 200lbs with a 34" waist and be in great health. You can also be 5'9", 180lbs with a 42" waist and have health issues because of it.

 :D :D
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: residue on April 02, 2021, 05:18:04 PM
Why is is always bodybuilders and never the very obvious CrossFit games roid users
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: pamith on April 03, 2021, 11:19:12 AM
Muscle weight is healthy
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Primemuscle on April 03, 2021, 01:43:00 PM
The count seems inflated because unless  you're George Floyd and you have anything else that's killing you, including a Mac Truck or a rogue Cop of Non-Colour, and the autopsy reveals Covid in your system, you died from Covid and NOTHING else.


I have allergies to dogs, cats and feathers, etc. When they flared up, they have caused asthma exacerbations, and bouts of bronchial pneumonia. If I were to get COVID and die....what would I have died of, in your opinion?
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: IroNat on April 03, 2021, 02:33:47 PM
It doesn't matter if it's fat or muscle.

Life Insurance companies know this and that's why they use height-to-weight charts. 

If your weight exceeds the range for your height they charge you more because statistically you'll die sooner.

If you think Life Insurance companies don't know reality you are sadly mistaken.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Hypertrophy on April 04, 2021, 12:52:01 PM
It doesn't matter if it's fat or muscle.

Life Insurance companies know this and that's why they use height-to-weight charts. 

If your weight exceeds the range for your height they charge you more because statistically you'll die sooner.

If you think Life Insurance companies don't know reality you are sadly mistaken.

I'm not sad, nor mistaken. I just actually research things before I post them :) I just had a physical for a Pacific Life Insurance policy. They measured my waist and hips- didn't even bother to weigh me. I guess they didn't get your memo, haha.

Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on April 04, 2021, 04:28:47 PM

I'm not sad, nor mistaken. I just actually research things before I post them :) I just had a physical for a Pacific Life Insurance policy. They measured my waist and hips- didn't even bother to weigh me. I guess they didn't get your memo, haha.

What if someone that is 250 pounds of muscle at 5’5? Is that healthier than 5’5 at 250 of fat?
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Matt on April 04, 2021, 05:53:37 PM
What if someone that is 250 pounds of muscle at 5’5? Is that healthier than 5’5 at 250 of fat?

I think it's worse to be fat, but both are bad.

250-lb of muscle while on steroids [as most would be] may be the equalizer. Among naturals, I would think both are bad [to be too heavy], but that fat is worse.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: MAXX on April 06, 2021, 02:34:51 AM
What if someone that is 250 pounds of muscle at 5’5? Is that healthier than 5’5 at 250 of fat?
250 at 5'5 in muscle

not the muscle itself, but what he had to do to get to 250 at 5'5 i.e. massive amounts of AAS, HGH etc. Eventually one organ or another will fail from that

I see plenty of fat people at 250 70+ years old.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: mphgrove on April 06, 2021, 05:23:39 AM
250 at 5'5 in muscle

not the muscle itself, but what he had to do to get to 250 at 5'5 i.e. massive amounts of AAS, HGH etc. Eventually one organ or another will fail from that

I see plenty of fat people at 250 70+ years old.

Although no comparison to sheer fat, to some extent it is the muscle itself at that poundage, for example, ongoing drag on the cardiovascular system

Plus of course the factors mentioned above stressing other individual organs as well as cardiovascular.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Matt on April 06, 2021, 09:36:50 PM
Although no comparison to sheer fat, to some extent it is the muscle itself at that poundage, for example, ongoing drag on the cardiovascular system

Plus of course the factors mentioned above stressing other individual organs as well as cardiovascular.

I'm sure the tissue itself, even if it's muscle, would be a systemic burden on a person's body.

But if a natural put on 25-lb of muscle over a decade, and a friend of the same height and weight put on 25-lb of fat... surely the fat guy would be worse off for having gained
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: mphgrove on April 07, 2021, 07:08:04 AM
I'm sure the tissue itself, even if it's muscle, would be a systemic burden on a person's body.

But if a natural put on 25-lb of muscle over a decade, and a friend of the same height and weight put on 25-lb of fat... surely the fat guy would be worse off for having gained

Yes definitely (with some exceptions of course, genetics etc). The waist/hip ratio on the natural bodybuilder will be way superior to the fat man and waist/hip benefit has been confirmed scientifically.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: _bruce_ on April 14, 2021, 12:16:53 PM
There are plenty of skinny fat, pot belly men out there with this kinda build.


Happened to a friend of mine - always slim with good muscle tone. Now he still has a good physique but with a belly... no idea how he pulled this off.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Flexacon on April 18, 2021, 04:05:20 AM
Happened to a friend of mine - always slim with good muscle tone. Now he still has a good physique but with a belly... no idea how he pulled this off.

Usually it's an accumulation of visceral fat due to a poor diet and lifestyle.

One example might be someone who doesn't have a big appetite and might just eat once a day, but that meal will consist of a massive bag or chips, hotdogs and 4 beers. Do that long term and you'll end up looking like Clarkson.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: wes on April 22, 2021, 04:16:38 PM
as i was saying at 5'9 and 220 pounds i think my bodyfat % is around 20 to 25%.....

like to get down into the teens % year round, need to figure out how much weight to lose and maintain muscle at the same time... sure if i wanted to lose alot of weight, i would just do cardio every day....

i am thinking perhaps i need to do circuit training and just lift 3 days a week and do cardio as i've been doing 3 days a week as well....while i do want muscle, i want health just as much if not more...MAYBE i'll just stop doing "bodybuilding workouts" and do more strength training/cross fit workouts?...
It`s all diet and calories in vs. calories out.

Changing your workout program is OK but it usually doesn`t speed up weight loss........only a reduction in calories can do that.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: wes on April 22, 2021, 04:24:25 PM
What if someone that is 250 pounds of muscle at 5’5? Is that healthier than 5’5 at 250 of fat?
Flex Lewis,Priest,Franco,and Makkaway were no where close to 250 pounds,and they were short but elite bodybuilders.

How many 5'5" guys do you ever see that weigh 250 pounds of solid muscle?

Answer: NONE
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: webstar on April 23, 2021, 04:27:10 PM
Flex Lewis,Priest,Franco,and Makkaway were no where close to 250 pounds,and they were short but elite bodybuilders.

How many 5'5" guys do you ever see that weigh 250 pounds of solid muscle?

Answer: NONE

Hady Choopan only person i can think of at 5'5. Prob 220-225 on stage.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on April 29, 2021, 10:11:57 PM
Flex Lewis,Priest,Franco,and Makkaway were no where close to 250 pounds,and they were short but elite bodybuilders.

How many 5'5" guys do you ever see that weigh 250 pounds of solid muscle?

Answer: NONE

Off season... ;D not contest ready, shit, some of those guys claimed to be over 260+ Like priest in the early 2000’s

Dexter was in the 250’s off season recently at 5’6, another Fakhri Mubarek had Health issues, kidney failure, 5’5 walked around retired and bragged about being 250+
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: IroNat on April 30, 2021, 04:01:20 AM
Eating too many simple carbs (junk) can bloat your gut, give you that slob look.

There are so many concentrated calories in that crap.

Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Taffin on May 02, 2021, 05:47:54 AM
Off season... ;D not contest ready, shit, some of those guys claimed to be over 260+ Like priest in the early 2000’s

Dexter was in the 250’s off season recently at 5’6, another Fakhri Mubarek had Health issues, kidney failure, 5’5 walked around retired and bragged about being 250+

Then blamed it on 'working too hard'  ::)

Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on May 02, 2021, 09:23:13 AM
Then blamed it on 'working too hard'  ::)


Haha! Idiot, why I don’t give a shit retards like this end up 6 ft under

Yeah, couldn’t possibly be the fact of all the gear you are running, or being 250+

“Bad high blood pressure for a decade”
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Taffin on May 08, 2021, 05:06:47 PM
Haha! Idiot, why I don’t give a shit retards like this end up 6 ft under

Yeah, couldn’t possibly be the fact of all the gear you are running, or being 250+

“Bad high blood pressure for a decade”


As if eating and drinking little causes kidney failure - the stupid cunt

I like the part where he refused dialysis for no f**king reason at all!?!?!?

Anyone who takes advices from this moron deserves to end up 1 kidney down
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: webstar on January 17, 2023, 04:52:48 PM
So Ameen Ali killed him.

Over dose on Ibogain.

7:45 in
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on January 17, 2023, 04:58:14 PM
So Ameen Ali killed him.

Over dose on Ibogain.

7:45 in

The problems with these idiot bbers is listening to these “gurus”

Shawn Ray was always right along
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Dave D on January 17, 2023, 05:03:06 PM
The problems with these idiot bbers is listening to these “gurus”

Shawn Ray was always right along

If this guru is responsible for these deaths because bodybuilders took their advice I hope my financial advisor is looking at prison time.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: webstar on January 17, 2023, 05:08:37 PM
Vince, will regurgitate this video by end of day today.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Rambone on January 17, 2023, 05:11:31 PM
Vince, will regurgitate this video by end of day today.

Hopefully a livestream from the Swordfish Club
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Royalty on January 17, 2023, 05:36:30 PM
If a bodybuilder overdoses on a drug is essentially their own fault. It’s not the dealers fault.

Most bodybuilders are mentally off, and by nature, are willing to risk their health. That is the essence of the sport of bodybuilding. They have the tendency to take more drugs than what is necessary.

I watched the RX video. Apparently that “ibogain” drug will be legal to use in Colorado later this year or in 2024. I doubt that Colorado would’ve legalized ibogain if it was truly dangerous. 

Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Rambone on January 17, 2023, 05:47:04 PM
If a bodybuilder overdoses on a drug is essentially their own fault. It’s not the dealers fault.

Most bodybuilders are mentally off, and by nature, are willing to risk their health. That is the essence of the sport of bodybuilding. They have the tendency to take more drugs than what is necessary.

I watched the RX video. Apparently that “ibogain” drug will be legal to use in Colorado later this year or in 2024. I doubt that Colorado would’ve legalized ibogain if it was truly dangerous.

I always take my drug sets to failure
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Dave D on January 17, 2023, 07:08:19 PM
I always take my drug sets to failure

You have the mentality of a champion!

Welder principle of forced anabolic failure. Followed by the Weider Principle of mandatory denial aka the principle of claiming drug free.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Mothballs on January 17, 2023, 08:20:52 PM
Another vaccine casualty!

Oh, wait.

Simpleton Flow Chart
10 If A dies at age X then
20 Type “Killed by vaccine. Who dies at age X, anyway?”
30 If A = vaccinated then type “Told ya so”
40 If A = unvaccinated then type “How do you know?”
50 Goto 20
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: MAXX on January 17, 2023, 11:28:31 PM
The problems with these idiot bbers is listening to these “gurus”

Shawn Ray was always right along
They are really clueless. Neither of them are medical doctors. Their advice is based on hersay, bro-science and "experience" from "what works". Neither of them has any care for what could be lethal dosages or long term adverse effects like organ damage.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Matt on January 18, 2023, 12:07:11 AM
Another vaccine casualty!

Oh, wait.

Simpleton Flow Chart
10 If A dies at age X then
20 Type “Killed by vaccine. Who dies at age X, anyway?”
30 If A = vaccinated then type “Told ya so”
40 If A = unvaccinated then type “How do you know?”
50 Goto 20

It's great that you call out fallacies anywhere they are, but the fact remains that these vaccines have killed more people than every other vaccine combined since 1991.

I'd say that's a bit of a problem.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Gym Rat on January 18, 2023, 12:17:20 AM
It's great that you call out fallacies anywhere they are, but the fact remains that these vaccines have killed more people than every other vaccine combined since 1991.

I'd say that's a bit of a problem.

My main question is why do people defend the vaccine?

Is it like buyers remorse and denial?

No one really knows I guess, but something isnt right as to what is going on out there...
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Mothballs on January 18, 2023, 12:34:12 AM
It's great that you call out fallacies anywhere they are, but the fact remains that these vaccines have killed more people than every other vaccine combined since 1991.

I'd say that's a bit of a problem.
That may eventually be borne out by proof but it’s pure conjecture to make that statement at this point. The real question is when the tipping point occurs. Will it take a major celebrity or athlete to die? What level of escalation must occur to defeat the cognitive dissonance exhibited by people who put their life and limb trust in the govt?
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Humble Narcissist on January 18, 2023, 01:15:12 AM
My main question is why do people defend the vaccine?

Is it like buyers remorse and denial?

No one really knows I guess, but something isnt right as to what is going on out there...
Pro vaxxer and anti vaxxer have become identities that people will defend to the death (whether vaccinated or not  ;D).
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Matt on January 18, 2023, 01:46:32 AM
That may eventually be borne out by proof but it’s pure conjecture to make that statement at this point. The real question is when the tipping point occurs. Will it take a major celebrity or athlete to die? What level of escalation must occur to defeat the cognitive dissonance exhibited by people who put their life and limb trust in the govt?

No it isn't.

There have been more immediate deaths from these vaccines reported in VAERS than every other vaccine going back 30+ years, combined.

The VAERS database, if anything, is notoriously underreported. It takes up to 45-90 minutes to file a report, and requires vaccine batch numbers, lot numbers, address of the pharmacy delivering the shot, names of healthcare professionals present, and on and on. No one's going to sit around and fake 34,000 global sudden deaths as part of some right-wing troll.

Those numbers speak for themselves.

And those are just the fast kills. The slow kills are yet to be seen. My friend's wife was vaccinated, then suddenly had Stage IV cancer. The sister of the owner of my local Aaron's store [also a friend] - boom, Stage IV cancer immediately after being vaccinated.

That had never happened to anyone I know in my life - yet it happened to two people I know in the span of a few months. I'd say that's suspect.

So yes, we absolutely have evidence that these vaccines are far more dangerous than most pharmaceuticals, and the fact that the press refuses to report that honestly doesn't refute that.

It blows my mind that you can sit back and know full well that it's all been one major lie after another up until this point, and yet not think more lies are currently being told.

But it will all come out in time whether you want it to or not. Much like the NFL, which did not have a concussion problem until it suddenly did. The pharmaceutical companies will eventually need to account for this. Fines and criminal charges will eventually be laid, although the perpetrators will largely get away with it.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Gym Rat on January 18, 2023, 01:55:18 AM
Its so obvious something afoul is going on.
And with each and every death, a new "fact checkers" article comes out saying "Its not from the vaccine"?
How do they know this? Then they harass and censor those who say "it is from the vaccine" yet they are doing the same exact thing.

The new way of gov't is now like Nazi Germany. And by the same Party who calls everyone else "Nazi's".
Are these people the most insane people to have ever existed?? I would say that they are.

Tons of proof daily as well, from pregnant men, to fake 'ass-babies', to LMNOP's, to sexualizing kids, to forcing  trannyism on kids, forced racism, etc.
Really retarded cult of kvnts...
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: falco on January 18, 2023, 03:27:56 AM
Andy Haman was on 20 different hazardous substances, but doctors know for sure that the less harmfull of them, ibogaine, was the culprit of his demise.
Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: BayGBM on January 18, 2023, 03:57:40 AM
Wow that’s sad, RIP

if John meadows isn’t careful he’s next

Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Royalty on January 18, 2023, 04:38:25 AM
Andy Haman was on 20 different hazardous substances, but doctors know for sure that the less harmfull of them, ibogaine, was the culprit of his demise.

I can’t even imagine what insurance companies think when professional bodybuilders apply for health insurance

Title: Re: Andy Haman Died.
Post by: Kwon_2 on January 18, 2023, 09:30:39 AM
Wow that’s sad, RIP

if John meadows isn’t careful he’s next

Nasser better be careful as well
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: The Keto Kid on January 18, 2023, 11:01:00 AM
I can’t even imagine what insurance companies think when professional bodybuilders apply for health insurance
I remember Guy Cisternino saying he pays $900 a month for health insurance and I think Jose Raymond was saying he pays $600.
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: Bevo on January 18, 2023, 01:16:48 PM
I remember Guy Cisternino saying he pays $900 a month for health insurance and I think Jose Raymond was saying he pays $600.

900 bucks, does that include peeling too??
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: deadz on January 18, 2023, 01:21:07 PM
So Ameen Ali killed him.

Over dose on Ibogain.

7:45 in
Who was the bigger dummy Andy or Ameen, I'd say Andy for putting his life in the hands of that sandni**er!
Title: Re: Andy Haman - RIP
Post by: The Keto Kid on January 18, 2023, 03:15:11 PM
900 bucks, does that include peeling too??
I guess it's the very best package Blue Cross offers🤷‍♂️