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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: IroNat on May 05, 2021, 04:27:04 AM

Title: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: IroNat on May 05, 2021, 04:27:04 AM

MISSION, Kan. (AP) — After more than a year of fretting over her 13-year son with a rare liver disease, Heather Ousley broke into tears when she learned that he and millions of other youngsters could soon be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.

“This day is the best day in the history of days!!! I love this day!!!” she texted, joining other parents and educators in welcoming the news that the Food and Drug Administration is expected to authorize Pfizer’s vaccine by next week for children ages 12 to 15.

Ousley, who is president of the school board for the 27,000-student Shawnee Mission School District in Kansas, plans to get her 13- and 15-year-olds promptly vaccinated and then celebrate with ice cream. They have been learning from home with their younger brother since the start of the outbreak.

Pfizer is also anticipating the FDA will endorse use of its vaccine in even younger children sometime this fall.

Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Tapeworm on May 05, 2021, 05:12:42 AM
If the kid has a pre-existing risk factor then he probably should get the shot. For others, without liver disease, who are just normal healthy kids... not so sure.

Might help if they kept the little lush away from the hooch tho.
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Thin Lizzy on May 05, 2021, 06:10:40 AM
Let’s look at the data, except when...
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Mayday on May 05, 2021, 06:19:50 AM
Gates is going to end up being the genocidal maniac or our era with this vaccine shit.

It’ll make our kids infertile or some shit.

When a guy says he wants to depopulate the planet and then an opportunity arises where he can jab a mystery liquid into every single person......
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: SOMEPARTS on May 05, 2021, 08:15:10 AM
Gates is going to end up being the genocidal maniac or our era with this vaccine shit.

It’ll make our kids infertile or some shit.

When a guy says he wants to depopulate the planet and then an opportunity arises where he can jab a mystery liquid into every single person......

Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: G_Thang on May 05, 2021, 09:49:09 AM
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Humble Narcissist on May 05, 2021, 10:19:26 AM
Let’s look at the data, except when...
Exactly!  There is no rational reason to get a child vaccinated for Covid but we aren't dealing with rational people.
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Hypertrophy on May 05, 2021, 10:32:51 AM
Exactly!  There is no rational reason to get a child vaccinated for Covid but we aren't dealing with rational people.

Covid Vaccinations are on par with Global Warming - it's a religion with these whacks.
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Humble Narcissist on May 05, 2021, 10:34:20 AM

Covid Vaccinations are on par with Global Warming - it's a religion with these whacks.
Yep, the MSM has terrified these lemmings to fear death around every corner.
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Thin Lizzy on May 05, 2021, 10:58:09 AM
Ya think Pfizer wants to see this end?

Pfizer posts earnings beat driven by COVID-19 revenue
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: G_Thang on May 05, 2021, 11:06:26 AM
Ya think Pfizer wants to see this end?

Pfizer posts earnings beat driven by COVID-19 revenue

Pfizer CEO says third Covid vaccine dose likely needed within 12 months


I don't wish ill will on anyone but this bish needs to move on to the afterlife.  Sick of this fucboi.  5 million stock cashout wasn't enough.
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: funk51 on May 05, 2021, 11:11:44 AM
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: joswift on May 05, 2021, 11:23:05 AM
Gates is going to end up being the genocidal maniac or our era with this vaccine shit.

It’ll make our kids infertile or some shit.

When a guy says he wants to depopulate the planet and then an opportunity arises where he can jab a mystery liquid into every single person......
his problem is that he will be dead himself before it happens
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Tapeworm on May 05, 2021, 05:12:15 PM
Here's a foilhat theory for you.

You guys heard of Malthus? He was a British economist whose basic claim was that population growth was destined to outgrow the availability of resources required to support that population. People keep breeding but resources are finite, so at some point there's going to be a big problem.

That was around 1800. Then mechanization happened so we had a resources boom. Fritz Haber arrived with NPK chemical fertilizers and we can grow enough food for everyone. But the world's population has grown to fill the space afforded by the available resources.

Everyone in the First World is fat and there's small scale starvation and poverty in the Third World, and it looks the same as always. What if it's not the same as always though? At some point, Malthus is going to be right. What if that's around the corner?

We don't let the deer population balloon out of control and go through mass starvation cycles. With people, sufficient chaos could snowball and lead to the fall of the current economic system of production and a return to pre-industrial levels of resource availability. And since you can't hunt people like deer, and most people aren't going to stop reproducing no matter what, what the hell are you supposed to do?

If you showed me that a resources crunch was immanent, I'd probably admit the necessity of some Wildlife Management being applied to humans if the alternative is catastrophic.

All of us may have hit history's lottery. Shit was bad before. Tens of thousands of years of bad. And the next ten thousand years are likely to need a Brave New World level of control and you don't get to choose a damn thing. Probably won't even be able to think freely. Right now might be the Golden Age of all human history. We're right in the pocket here.
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Megalodon on May 05, 2021, 05:20:34 PM
Science worshippers are anti-science, sip soy, and love being vaccinated.


Remember the time Pfizer was sued and had to pay 2.3 Billion?

"But muh science, I worship Pfizer."

It's not like tech corps have any financial interest.

There are 60 genders. Muh science. Derp.

Two Fastest-Growing Trans Tech Companies, Plume and Solace, Partner to Provide Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy to App Users

Go back to watching tv. Nothing to see here.


Habitual tv zombies letting us know about science:

Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Tapeworm on May 05, 2021, 06:09:44 PM
And it occurs to me that Modern Western Civilization, with its personal freedom and turbo charged resources consumption, has delivered this Golden Era. And that it really might not be sustainable.

But hey, we got to live it. I'm just some working schlub but in a lot of ways I live better than Xerxes or Henry VIII. And in another 200 years ain't nobody going to be eating porterhouse steak for supper. No way.
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Zillotch on May 05, 2021, 07:27:41 PM
We don't let the deer population balloon out of control and go through mass starvation cycles. With people, sufficient chaos could snowball and lead to the fall of the current economic system of production and a return to pre-industrial levels of resource availability. And since you can't hunt people like deer, and most people aren't going to stop reproducing no matter what, what the hell are you supposed to do?

If you showed me that a resources crunch was immanent, I'd probably admit the necessity of some Wildlife Management being applied to humans if the alternative is catastrophic.

And it occurs to me that Modern Western Civilization, with its personal freedom and turbo charged resources consumption, has delivered this Golden Era. And that it really might not be sustainable.

But hey, we got to live it. I'm just some working schlub but in a lot of ways I live better than Xerxes or Henry VIII. And in another 200 years ain't nobody going to be eating porterhouse steak for supper. No way.

u and bill gates would make fast friends. 
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Tapeworm on May 05, 2021, 07:33:12 PM
Hoping for a better considered opinion on the potential incompatibility between the Modern West and the finitude of resources.

The expression of considered opinions are how discussions happen, don't you know.
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Matt on May 05, 2021, 08:53:43 PM

Yeah, but...

People need values and beliefs. It seems to me that when people lack those things, we see exactly what we're seeing now in the West. I think Sweden is something like 85% atheist, and there was some meme I read online where someone was saying that some empty churches are now basically museums of, throwbacks to the days when people subscribed to irrational things that Swedes can visit [I have no idea if this is common in Sweden - Kwon or Van Bilderas may know].

But now that Swedes don't have religion, it's like they put all that spiritual energy into Social Justice activism and other insane leftist cultist bullshit.

And they are paying the piper for doing so.

I also think the concept of marriage is a way to reduce the number of men who cheat, and is way to prevent female hypergamy to get out of hand, which prevents harems from forming [and also prevents women from cheating].

Exactly what "values" do atheists preach? I just think "Big Atheism", or perhaps mainstream "Atheism 2.0" of the 1990s and early 2000s failed because all it does is slam Christians.

That's all it really was, and that's how I see it now - just as an attack on Christianity. I couldn't help but notice the person [presumably an atheist] in her user picture has a Jewish name. Ok, fine. But I find it convenient that Jews don't go around bashing Judaism in Israel.  ::) Gee, I wonder if there is a tendency for Jews to disproportionately attack whatever cultural glue keeps Western Civilization together, while ignoring such attacks for their own people.

I mean, it's not like Israel has 22 anti-Palestinian laws on the books or anything [or did around 2004 to 2008, unless this only recently changed].

Oh wait.

So, in a nutshell, while I can't empirically refute the correctness of not knowing if there is a God, or if any religion is correct [it's true - we don't know], I just look at atheism as being an attack on Christianity.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

I'd like to see all the Jews pushing "diversity" and atheism and social justice in the West to just go live in Israel and push this stuff there.

NOT that they would be allowed to - because Jews would NEVER tolerate such attacks on their own people in the manner White Christians do.

Again, to be clear here: I'm not saying atheism is factually incorrect - I'm saying it's just used as a way to attack Christians, and that's why I can't stand most outspoken atheists.

Like Matt Dillahunty [Matt Dillacunty] - he had a show on Google Videos back in the day, which late moved to YouTube [The Atheist Experience, I think], and it was just a nonstop attack on Christianity and Christians. At one point, one of the Jews on the show whose last name was one of the most Jewish names you could possibly think of [like, literally the name of a precious metal, maybe Pearl - or something like Applebaum or Goldblatt, in terms of it being an obviously Jewish last name] was called out for only bashing Christians, and a caller asked him to say "Fuck Islam" on the show, and he was like "Fuck...Islam. There, I said it. Happy now?"

And then there's Richard Dawkins, who won't bash Islam because he's concerned for his physical safety, something which became obvious to me as he entered his seventies.

But here's my point:

If that prick Dawkins was saying anything brave or that had to be sad, HE WOULD BE WILLING TO RISK HIS SAFETY.

He's just propped up in Jewish media to bash Christianity and Christians - nothing more.

Whether he has any awareness of that - I don't know.

He made a Tweet related to Covid-19 saying that people don't have the right to indirectly put someone in harm's way, and should this stay locked down as a measure against COVID, and I lost almost all respect for him at that point.


Since that tweet, I have just viewed Dawkins as Christian-hating deplorable prick.

I can understand that he does not want to be targeted by Muslims to be physically hurt or killed, BUT THAT'S EXACTLY WHY HE SHOULD BE ADDRESSING ISLAM - EXACTLY WHY.

Ditto for COVID - I can't fault Dawkins for being concerned about his personal risk of dying of COVID, given his age [he was born in 1942, or maybe 1944], but if he just SAID THAT, I could respect that.

Or he is literally just a dumb fuck who doesn't understand logical arguments ASIDE from those which support atheism, and more specifically, those that attack Christianity]. To suggest we don't have the right to indirectly harm others ultimately becomes "We should never leave or homes or interact with any person ever under any circumstances."

So Dawkins is either too dumb to understand that, or he knows, but still wants COVID restrictions for his own self-interested reasons, because he is a older now, and more frail than he used to be, but doesn't want to just say that [making him a disingenuous prick].

Again, I just hate the atheism that only exists to bash Christians [and a bit to attack Muslims as well, but has mostly been used to bash Christians].

And I think that's one of the reasons why the COVID narrative got so far - atheists and other people who are not religious found religion in it.

What else but religion can explain how people are afraid of a virus that we don't know ANYONE who has even died of, that requires a test to even know we have?

That is OBVIOUSLY religion thinking.

This has been quite the crazy past year or so. Like Fortress said, it's like living in The Twilight Zone.
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Matt on May 05, 2021, 09:00:17 PM
Here's a foilhat theory for you.

You guys heard of Malthus? He was a British economist whose basic claim was that population growth was destined to outgrow the availability of resources required to support that population. People keep breeding but resources are finite, so at some point there's going to be a big problem.

That was around 1800. Then mechanization happened so we had a resources boom. Fritz Haber arrived with NPK chemical fertilizers and we can grow enough food for everyone. But the world's population has grown to fill the space afforded by the available resources.

Everyone in the First World is fat and there's small scale starvation and poverty in the Third World, and it looks the same as always. What if it's not the same as always though? At some point, Malthus is going to be right. What if that's around the corner?

We don't let the deer population balloon out of control and go through mass starvation cycles. With people, sufficient chaos could snowball and lead to the fall of the current economic system of production and a return to pre-industrial levels of resource availability. And since you can't hunt people like deer, and most people aren't going to stop reproducing no matter what, what the hell are you supposed to do?

If you showed me that a resources crunch was immanent, I'd probably admit the necessity of some Wildlife Management being applied to humans if the alternative is catastrophic.

All of us may have hit history's lottery. Shit was bad before. Tens of thousands of years of bad. And the next ten thousand years are likely to need a Brave New World level of control and you don't get to choose a damn thing. Probably won't even be able to think freely. Right now might be the Golden Age of all human history. We're right in the pocket here.

Well, for starters:

Canada can stop importing 400,000 people to the country every single bloody year. Canada's Liberal government even wants Canada's population to go up to 100 MILLION by the year 2100! HOW DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE?

"It's a big, audacious goal."

It's a big, fucking moronic goal!

The AUDACITY comes in when you are referring to the fact that the same lefties who are pushing for environmental management are the ones who want to import everyone from the developing world, and bring them to the developed world where they will have a vastly higher carbon footprint! God, are leftists wrong about ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING?

Someone once told me "Canada has the space."' No, we really don't! Most of Canada is not inhabitable using current technology, and unless we plan to be eating a moss salad for supper every night, we need to accept reality that Canada does not have masses of habitable space to build cities to the extent you would expect just from looking at Canada and the USA on a world map.

So how does it make ANY SENSE to import people from the developing world, into Canada, where they have a vastly higher carbon output?

Yet leftists [more than anyone] keep pushing this!

I do agree with you that there must be SOME POINT where the world's carrying capacity is reached...but I can't take seriously anything coming from the left, when it's leftists who are creating virtually ALL of the increase in population in the Western world, and hence are responsible for a BOATLOAD of the carbon footprint that is "killing the planet" that they are bitching about. Stupid fools.

[I'm not saying you are a leftist, nor is concern about increasing population necessarily only a left-wing concern - but concern about the environment while simultaneously pushing nonsense that destroys the economy, and thus destroys people's concern about the environment, since concern for the environment only happens generally in countries that hit $5,000 GDP per-capita, and also driving up the population through endless mass immigration from the lower carbon footprint developing world is ABSOLUTELY a leftist thing, and that is what I'm attacking]

Here is a more rational article below than that bullshit article linked above from Canada's state broadcaster CBC, that outlines the true costs of immigration:
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Matt on May 05, 2021, 09:27:15 PM
And since you can't hunt people like deer, and most people aren't going to stop reproducing no matter what, what the hell are you supposed to do?

Start hunting people like deer?

Jk. No...I think the answer lies in new technology, which White men will - as always - be the ones to invent.

New furnaces can heat homes in the most frigid winters for under 40% the costs of furnaces that are 20-40 years old.

So I think advances in technology may be the answer [driven by free market innovation, NOT by "The Green New Deal", or any leftist bullshit which I assume is automatically wrong because I assume any leftist idea is wrong, and most of them are].

But I agree with you that presumably there is going to be a point where there is some carrying capacity on the planet. I don't know what it is...Jordan Peterson has stated the population will continue to rise at its current rate [around 80 million per year, which it ROSE by in 2020, down from a RISE of 81 million in 2019 - yes, the global population ROSE BY 80 MILLION DURING A PANDEMIC...LET THAT ONE SINK IN, LOL] until it reaches nine billion - 9,000,000,000 - until a mass dropoff in global population occurs. Although he did not explain WHAT the mass dropoff would be caused by. But if I had to guess - by psychotic elites, brainwashed by their own propaganda, taking MEASURES that actively reduce the population...such as a bio-weapon, or "pandemic response measures" or another psy-op like Covid-19, that will ultimately result in more destruction next time [as globalists and elites have really been able to refine their population control methods thanks to what they have learned assessing people's response from COVID].

It's clear to me that people are extremely psychologically controlled by the media, and can respond in extreme ways to NON-THREATS.

It makes me wonder how people would respond to an ACTUAL THREAT. It's a bit freaky to think about that.

Or, conversely, hunt humans like deer, or for sport, like in Hard Target?  ;D


Great Ironage movie though. One or my favourite Van Damme movies. Back when I thought one man could take on like 4-8 dudes at once, one by one, as they would keep coming at him to fight him.  8) ;D

Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Megalodon on May 05, 2021, 09:30:21 PM
Christianity serves a purpose but has become suicidal and part of the anti-West problem:

Sickening: (
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Matt on May 05, 2021, 10:09:15 PM
Christianity serves a purpose but has become suicidal and part of the anti-West problem:

Sickening: (

Holy shit.

My friend was telling me about that, years ago. That there are some groups of Christians who think Jews are better, and teach it in some way specific to The Bible - like with "The Chosen People" stuff.

Do you know the extent of this problem?

That same friend and I were going to start going to church, but we are turned off by some churches, like his parents' church [The United Church] which waves rainbow flags.


If you go to the website for The United Church, they probably have rainbow flags all over it, but I didn't check.

Is it possible that "Christian" instructor is Jewish? I think they call Jewish Christians "crypto-Jews", where they are genetically Jewish, but are subscribers of Christianity.

Or maybe "crypto-Jew" is the term used for ethnically Jewish people who are Christians and also White/Christian-hating assholes like that guy.

What a fucking prick.

Any agenda-driven bullshit you force on children is indoctrination. I want children to learn a basic, balanced education, and learn how to think critically.

If moronic, young adult [or any adult] White people want to subject themselves to the self-hating garbage in universities, then whatever. But that's their own moronic decision.

I think adults who subject themselves to any stupid agendas are themselves stupid, but...they are adults. At some point, people should be allowed to live freely. Although COVID has made me realize JUST how stupid people are, and made me think that we actually DO need to force people to save themselves from their own moronic decisions. For example, look at how badly feminism has served women, lol. If transgender women get to compete in sports, biological women will be completely displaced from their Safe Space sports divisions, and women will be further hurt by leftism. I'm certainly not going to complain about that.  8)

I do think people need values and beliefs though, even if Christianity is not the answer.

I think I am a pretty logical guy, and I guess my religion is science [ACTUAL SCIENCE, meaning the study of empirical evidence by way of The Scientific Method - not Scientism, the garbage that has been claiming to be science through this entire hyped pandemic].

PS - I forgot to thank you for replying to my PM, Megalodon. I read it in its entirety as soon as I saw it, but did not reply to you. Great stuff. Also, I don't know if you saw the movie "The Believer", but I think you may find it inter interesting. I have some views on the movie, and i think you would too. Revisiting that movie is what made me think that people do need a value system to subscribe to - in addition to thinking that that SJW'ism is an expression of people NOT having a proper value system in place. Here is a scene from the movie where the part about having a value system was touched on:

Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Megalodon on May 05, 2021, 11:22:07 PM
Holy shit.

My friend was telling me about that, years ago. That there are some groups of Christians who think Jews are better, and teach it in some way specific to The Bible - like with "The Chosen People" stuff.

Do you know the extent of this problem?

That same friend and I were going to start going to church, but we are turned off by some churches, like his parents' church [The United Church] which waves rainbow flags.


If you go to the website for The United Church, they probably have rainbow flags all over it, but I didn't check.

Is it possible that "Christian" instructor is Jewish? I think they call Jewish Christians "crypto-Jews", where they are genetically Jewish, but are subscribers of Christianity.

Or maybe "crypto-Jew" is the term used for ethnically Jewish people who are Christians and also White/Christian-hating assholes like that guy.

What a fucking prick.

Any agenda-driven bullshit you force on children is indoctrination. I want children to learn a basic, balanced education, and learn how to think critically.

If moronic, young adult [or any adult] White people want to subject themselves to the self-hating garbage in universities, then whatever. But that's their own moronic decision.

I think adults who subject themselves to any stupid agendas are themselves stupid, but...they are adults. At some point, people should be allowed to live freely. Although COVID has made me realize JUST how stupid people are, and made me think that we actually DO need to force people to save themselves from their own moronic decisions. For example, look at how badly feminism has served women, lol. If transgender women get to compete in sports, biological women will be completely displaced from their Safe Space sports divisions, and women will be further hurt by leftism. I'm certainly not going to complain about that.  8)

I do think people need values and beliefs though, even if Christianity is not the answer.

I think I am a pretty logical guy, and I guess my religion is science [ACTUAL SCIENCE, meaning the study of empirical evidence by way of The Scientific Method - not Scientism, the garbage that has been claiming to be science through this entire hyped pandemic].

PS - I forgot to thank you for replying to my PM, Megalodon. I read it in its entirety as soon as I saw it, but did not reply to you. Great stuff. Also, I don't know if you saw the movie "The Believer", but I think you may find it inter interesting. I have some views on the movie, and i think you would too. Revisiting that movie is what made me think that people do need a value system to subscribe to - in addition to thinking that that SJW'ism is an expression of people NOT having a proper value system in place. Here is a scene from the movie where the part about having a value system was touched on:

I think philosemitism is very prevalent. What Christians view as the "old testament" are the instructions for an ethno-religion invented by Jews, whereby Jews declared themselves the apple of god's eye. That, combined with following the "new testament', yet another religion invented by Jews, where Christians worship a a Jew, influences many Christians to hold Jews on a pedestal.

Starting at 4:00 are more of these nutcases. I think they're mostly paid-off goyim. Also interesting is the beginning of the video that shows the JDL members, including Mordechai Levi, that ran Nazi rallies to stir up Jews into wanting to move to Israel. (

I agree that people need values and beliefs but more people have to be aware that Christianity is being co-opted and there is a Judaizing of Christianity in process along with strong efforts to make Noahide laws the law of the land. The video below is a good primer on that effort.

I haven't seen The Believer but I'll watch the trailer and read up on it.
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Matt on May 05, 2021, 11:25:22 PM
Ya think Pfizer wants to see this end?

Pfizer posts earnings beat driven by COVID-19 revenue

I've never heard the term "earnings beat" before. It made me wonder if I misread that.

I HOPE this is just some power-grab for Big Pharma and Bill Gates - I can handle that.

Some of the more sinister "conspiracies" being talked about [in this very thread], I can't even rule out as conspiracies - or rule out at all.

The bottom line is that this is the least free time we have EVER lived through in the West since WWII. That's kind of a big deal. Something like 100,000 small businesses closed as a direct result of bullshit COVID measures.

The good news is, Canada and the USA both have legal mechanisms to end this bullshit - but that will only happen if the politically will to do so is in place [and if doesn't seem to be].

It's just crazy to think about how insane the past year or so has been.

Fortress said he was paying for something using some facial recognition technology, and he had to take his mask off momentarily to do, and the bitch at the register stepped away when he did this, LOL. What a fucking loser.

Fortress may have been buying a CD. He is a music fan, so who knows? He posted about it in a hilarious thread, which is also a disturbing one which simultaneously throwing me into a rage. Yes, that bitch at the register stepping back while Fortress paid for his goods simultaneously makes me laugh, makes me cry, and throws me into a rage. Yes, all while reading the same post.

Closing gyms while herding people into McDonald's and other fast food joints while advertising the government-owned liquor and gaming monopolies in Canada is just brilliant. Does that sound like a government that cares about its people? LIKE WHY THE FUCK SHOULD THE LCBO, THE STATE-OWNED HARD LIQUOR MONOPOLY IN CANADA, ADVERTISE ON YOUTUBE? IS THIS LITERALLY THE TWILIGHT ZONE?

If you can't make enough money while having a MONOPOLY ON ALCOHOL, what business can make money right now? Unbelievable POS year, this past year.
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Matt on May 05, 2021, 11:57:36 PM
Fortress said he was paying for something using some facial recognition technology, and he had to take his mask off momentarily to do, and the bitch at the register stepped away when he did this, LOL. What a fucking loser.

Fortress may have been buying a CD. He is a music fan, so who knows? He posted about it in a hilarious thread, which is also a disturbing one which simultaneously throwing me into a rage. Yes, that bitch at the register stepping back while Fortress paid for his goods simultaneously makes me laugh, makes me cry, and throws me into a rage. Yes, all while reading the same post.

I did not find the post from Fortress where he discussed that, but I did find this thread from him:
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Matt on May 06, 2021, 12:55:12 AM
^ I found the hilarious post by Fortress that I mentioned there, LOL. It's here:

So, yesterday I’m at Sunrise Records, and I’m paying using my iPhone. It requires face recognition, so I pull down my paper mask (aren’t allowed entry without). The cashier girl immediately takes a few steps back.

I’m thinking, Is this real life?

She’s roughly 20 years old and very obviously a lesbian. Nice girl. But is this the average person in these times? Entirely committed to the pLandemic joke?

The store is in a mall, and spouting every few minutes from its announcement system is crap about wearing masks, etc., and ending with, “We’re all in this together!”

Nope. We’re definitely not.

And as far as gym masking, the past few months I’ve been lifting completely bald-faced. Signs ask members to wear a mask upon entering, but not a chance.

Heck, in my condo there are postings stating a temporary by-law mandates one to don a mask in all common areas of the building.

Just not gonna happen.


Hey, I was possibly right about Fortress buying a CD, given that it happened at a record store. Sunrise Records - was that the record company that Justin Timberlake mentioned in the movie "The Social Network"?
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Body-Buildah on May 06, 2021, 07:36:59 AM
^ I found the hilarious post by Fortress that I mentioned there, LOL. It's here:


Hey, I was possibly right about Fortress buying a CD, given that it happened at a record store. Sunrise Records - was that the record company that Justin Timberlake mentioned in the movie "The Social Network"?

And that is why I return to GetBig on occasion, Fortress's post are gold/epic. As are Matt's. (Except maybe the peen-posts).  :-X
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: TheGrinch on May 06, 2021, 08:46:12 AM
Gates is going to end up being the genocidal maniac or our era with this vaccine shit.

It’ll make our kids infertile or some shit.

When a guy says he wants to depopulate the planet and then an opportunity arises where he can jab a mystery liquid into every single person......

His wife couldn't live with herself any longer being a part of it.. needed to leave and run away from her involvement..... made her sick finally going against her spirit and being a part of this evil same with bezos' wife before
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Megalodon on May 06, 2021, 10:50:57 AM
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Matt on May 06, 2021, 04:57:01 PM
And that is why I return to GetBig on occasion, Fortress's post are gold/epic. As are Matt's. (Except maybe the peen-posts).  :-X

 :-X ;D

Is this real life?, are people seriously this psychologically controlled by the news?

I've never lived through anything like this!

It seems like no agenda that seeks to radically upset the traditional system of Western free market democracies will be successful, but WOW...did this one ever get a lot further than I thought!  :o

What I like about all the anti-mask posts is that they age well, LOL. Looking back, it's hilarious how many people bought into this, even after mounds of data piled up refuting the original narrative - even as it went from a pandemic to a "case-demic". Even as places like Ontario cancelled elective surgeries and tried to go full police state, until at least two separate police departments refused to comply with the provincial government's orders!

As Fortress said, the past year has been like The Twilight Zone. For the longest time, I didn't care - now I want to get out of this bullshit.

And even if this is "only" a money-grab by Bill Gates and Big Pharma, when in history have we literally radically overhauled day to day life for such corporate interests to make money?

None of this makes sense to me... although I find these mask stories to be hilarious.  ;D
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: AbrahamG on May 06, 2021, 07:55:15 PM
The biggeset anti masker and anti vaxxer at my work is on a ventilator as I type this.  Thanks to the flu.
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: Dave D on May 06, 2021, 09:08:07 PM
The biggeset anti masker and anti vaxxer at my work is on a ventilator as I type this.  Thanks to the flu.

At least it’s not covid. He would have been given a death sentence.
Title: Re: U.S. parents excited over prospect of virus shots for children
Post by: AbrahamG on May 06, 2021, 09:50:09 PM
At least it’s not covid. He would have been given a death sentence.

The doctors told him it was covid.  He obviously knows the flu when he has it.