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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Matt on June 10, 2021, 02:53:38 PM

Title: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Matt on June 10, 2021, 02:53:38 PM
Oh brother.  ::)

99.952% of the global of the population has survived this terrifying plague so far, and the global population went UP by 80 MILLION last year, but Dr. Fraudci is STILL trying to scare people with bullshit about "variants", and "This time it will get the young people - watch out!!", etc.  What an absolute corrupt tool.  I hope this man goes to prison to prison once it becomes undeniable that this virus either escaped from, or was purposely released from, the Level 4 Virology Lab in Wuhan, China, and that Fauci was aware of this the entire time, and assisted in creating this virus with funding to that lab with American tax dollars.

And people believed that this virus came from bat soup from the Chinese wet market in Wuhan, despite it being situated right next to a bioweapons lab that was studying bat coronaviruses, and anyone - including doctors and even virologists - who mentioned this anywhere on social media were immediately banned for doing so.  ::)

It will be interesting to see this gigantic fraud unfold before our very eyes over the months and years to come.  This may literally be THE issue that erodes people's trust in mainstream media, and the cherry-picked "experts" that they propped up, as one prediction after another has completely fallen apart before our very eyes.  But...people have poor long-term memories, so who knows?

Either way, one thing is certain - anyone who still believes a word this moron says is a moron:

1. Dr. Fauci Warned of a Coming, Dangerous Variant
The UK is "starting to see now is that the new Delta variant, the 617, that originated or was at least first recognized in India, is now becoming dominant in the UK. I was speaking to their health officials the other day. It's about 60% there. Fortunately for us, the vaccines that we have available are good against the variants, a little bit of a diminution, but not much against the Delta." Could there be a fall surge?

Oh SHUT UP.  FUCK.  How many times has this asshole come out with the same song and dance?  How many times have the SAME fearmongering tactics been used with NONE of the predictions panning out?  I can't BELIEVE that this moron keeps doubling and tripling and quadrupling down on the SAME BULLSHIT.  It just boggles my mind that he does this, like he's reenacting some Andy Kaufman troll fetish, and thinks that anyone is still stupid enough to believe him at this point.  Did this asshole's parents not read him "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" as a child?  And while I get that in the end, the wolf was real, ANYONE who buys his nonsense lies and fear porn at this point has no grasp of statistics or probability, or any ability to interpret scientific data AT ALL.

3. Dr. Fauci Had a Warning From Younger People: Many of You are Getting Severe Disease
Dr. Fauci said elderly people have been doing well—"we've been able to vaccinate, you know, 80% or so of people over a particular 65 years old and age are old, but the hospitalizations and the deaths are lower in them, but we are starting to see right now, even though the likelihood of a younger person who gets infected, getting a serious outcome is still certainly much less than the elderly or those with underlying conditions. We're seeing now clearly that people who are younger are getting hospitalized and some of them are dying. So people who are young should not feel that completely exempt from getting the risk of having a serious outcome. And you talk to physicians and healthcare providers who are in the trenches, in the emergency rooms and in the hospital, they're telling you, they're seeing more and more young people who come in with severe disease."

LOL, please.  What an unscientific moron!  We're "seeing clearly" that younger people are getting hospitalized and "some" of them are dying.  Healthcare providers are seeing "more and more" young people who come in with severe disease?  STATS?  REFERENCES?  WHERE'S YOUR PRIMARY SOURCE, FRAUDCI?  WHAT ARE THE ACTUAL NUMBERS?

Rand Paul intellectually destroying Fraudci:

LMAO at the loser who made the comic below.  A 74-year-old man gets sick with a deadly plague, and is recovered in two days without even getting a sniffle.  SO SCARY!
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2021, 03:12:28 PM
I wouldn’t trust this fucker to put a bandaid on a paper cut
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: JustPlaneJane on June 10, 2021, 03:24:34 PM
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Matt on June 10, 2021, 04:20:41 PM
I wouldn’t trust this fucker to put a bandaid on a paper cut

As soon as he refused to take a stand about the Black Lives Matter protests with respect to spreading the virus, he lost the majority of his credibility to me.  I guess the virus doesn't spread at massive protests, if the protest has a social justice bent.  ::)

Coach - I feel he is a disgrace to Italians.
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Matt on June 10, 2021, 04:21:37 PM

Thank you for including this image of Dr. Fraudci.  ;D

Drinking variant-laden bat sperm, hopefully.
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Hypertrophy on June 10, 2021, 05:45:07 PM

It takes approximately 750 men to produce 1 gallon of semen, so conservatively that pic is at least 1500 men contributing to the cause, if not more.

Matt- I think JPJ is saying you've given oral sex to at least 1500 guys, or the same guy 1500 times. Either way, that's a case study in perseverance, as twisted as it is, haha
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: booty on June 10, 2021, 11:06:52 PM
Look up Gerrt Van Bosche. He did a pod cast on dark horse.
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Moontrane on June 10, 2021, 11:35:10 PM
No, not the India variant!  ::)

( (
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: tommywishbone on June 11, 2021, 12:11:12 AM
India.  HAHAHA!

Their most affluent cities use streets as toilets and open sewers. They use cow piss as shampoo.

And they are still dancing through Covid. Those numbers are bullshit.
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: AbrahamG on June 11, 2021, 12:58:00 AM
Look up Gerrt Van Bosche. He did a pod cast on dark horse.

He's a retard.
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Body-Buildah on June 11, 2021, 01:08:03 AM
India, where there was never a TP shortage. They wipe their caulk caverns with their hands for Christ sakes.  ::)
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Matt on June 11, 2021, 05:05:28 AM
Explain this video...the claim is made that the person administering the vaccine did not know the syringe was empty, but wouldn't you IMMEDIATELY notice that the plunger was down?:

One possibility is that she mentioned to another staff member that a photo was taken, at which point, they called the granddaughter back to get a real vaccine shot, because there would be evidence of the plunger being down in a photo somewhere.

I'm not sure if this is a systemic issue, or just one individual vaccine administration location fraudulently giving out empty syringe jabs as vaccines to get paid by the American federal government/tax dollars, for injecting nothing.

A friend of mine asked me why the USA had so many more deaths than Canada.  Any time a Canadian bashes the USA for having so much more of something, I have to wonder why that person doesn't understand the concept of "per-capita", and the fact that the USA has 10 times the population.  ::)

But taking that into consideration, the USA does have two times the number of virus deaths than Canada, even adjusting for population.

To answer that question - I heard that in the USA, private hospitals are being paid $13,000 in federal money for each person dying listed as a COV-19 death.

Can anyone verify that claim?  That would explain why the USA has more deaths - there is just more incentive to lie and call something a COV-19 death when it isn't one.  The same way that scumbag NY state Gov. Andrew Cuomo asked for 26,000 more ventilators, saying that "Trump should pick the people who die" if he doesn't give them - AND THAT TURNED OUT TO BE COMPLETE BULLSHIT.   The asshole just wanted to steal upwards of $3 BILLION in ventilators from the American government.  What a jagoff.

That, and the USA has a higher population density, and - as is usually what ends up messing up the American stats compared to the Canadian stats - the USA has a large population of Blacks and Hispanics.  Take that population out of the picture, and all the fraud, and the American and Canadian deaths are no doubt exactly the same.
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Matt on June 11, 2021, 06:35:15 AM
Is every single person here faking the magnets sticking to their bodies?  Is there any other possible explanation that might explain this?  Are these videos either outright fraudulent, or something unknown is happening here?.  I looked this up, thinking it was a joke - but those videos seem real.  Or a whole bunch of people are faking this for whatever reason:

My first reaction would be to think that there is a "normal" explanation for this.

I'm reminded of Ernest Goes to Jail:

Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Thin Lizzy on June 11, 2021, 06:37:13 AM
India, where there was never a TP shortage. They wipe their caulk caverns with their hands for Christ sakes.  ::)


Why do millions of Indians defecate in the open? - BBC News

Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: IroNat on June 11, 2021, 06:57:26 AM
Don't trifle with Fauci.

The man is a survivor of the bureaucratic shark tank for 5 decades.
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Thin Lizzy on June 11, 2021, 07:08:12 AM
Don't trifle with Fauci.

The man is a survivor of the bureaucratic shark tank for 5 decades.

To do that you have to be a master of CYA.
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: IroNat on June 11, 2021, 07:22:17 AM
To do that you have to be a master of CYA.

Looks like that nice old Italian granpa who's actually the Godfather.
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on June 11, 2021, 07:58:58 AM
Oh brother.  ::)

99.952% of the global of the population has survived this terrifying plague so far, and the global population went UP by 80 MILLION last year, but Dr. Fraudci is STILL trying to scare people with bullshit about "variants", and "This time it will get the young people - watch out!!", etc.  What an absolute corrupt tool.  I hope this man goes to prison to prison once it becomes undeniable that this virus either escaped from, or was purposely released from, the Level 4 Virology Lab in Wuhan, China, and that Fauci was aware of this the entire time, and assisted in creating this virus with funding to that lab with American tax dollars.

And people believed that this virus came from bat soup from the Chinese wet market in Wuhan, despite it being situated right next to a bioweapons lab that was studying bat coronaviruses, and anyone - including doctors and even virologists - who mentioned this anywhere on social media were immediately banned for doing so.  ::)

It will be interesting to see this gigantic fraud unfold before our very eyes over the months and years to come.  This may literally be THE issue that erodes people's trust in mainstream media, and the cherry-picked "experts" that they propped up, as one prediction after another has completely fallen apart before our very eyes.  But...people have poor long-term memories, so who knows?

Either way, one thing is certain - anyone who still believes a word this moron says is a moron:

Oh SHUT UP.  FUCK.  How many times has this asshole come out with the same song and dance?  How many times have the SAME fearmongering tactics been used with NONE of the predictions panning out?  I can't BELIEVE that this moron keeps doubling and tripling and quadrupling down on the SAME BULLSHIT.  It just boggles my mind that he does this, like he's reenacting some Andy Kaufman troll fetish, and thinks that anyone is still stupid enough to believe him at this point.  Did this asshole's parents not read him "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" as a child?  And while I get that in the end, the wolf was real, ANYONE who buys his nonsense lies and fear porn at this point has no grasp of statistics or probability, or any ability to interpret scientific data AT ALL.

LOL, please.  What an unscientific moron!  We're "seeing clearly" that younger people are getting hospitalized and "some" of them are dying.  Healthcare providers are seeing "more and more" young people who come in with severe disease?  STATS?  REFERENCES?  WHERE'S YOUR PRIMARY SOURCE, FRAUDCI?  WHAT ARE THE ACTUAL NUMBERS?

Rand Paul intellectually destroying Fraudci:

LMAO at the loser who made the comic below.  A 74-year-old man gets sick with a deadly plague, and is recovered in two days without even getting a sniffle.  SO SCARY!

This posting is very short for youll usual books you write
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Body-Buildah on June 11, 2021, 08:06:40 AM
Those 99.952%-ers who survived, wow, you are very lucky!!
Thank god, this deadly plaque swept across the world killing birthing millions.
Youre a rare breed, a proud warrior, a wunderkind! ::)
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Matt on June 11, 2021, 08:27:02 AM

This posting is very short for youll usual books you write

Thank you, Vince.  ;D

I'm trying to tone down the size, but I type very fast, and things get out of hand very fast.  In this case, I'm pretty disgusted with Dr. Fauci, and have a lot to say about him - but I should still try to keep things short.  In due time, whatever knowledge or responsibility he had with the pandemic will be exposed, so I should just wait for it.

I'm also watching some videos about the vaccine.  Yours was the first I watched, and I'm currently watching the one below [I think the guy who made it is from Jamaica].  No knock on your video at all, but I really shouldn't have to be going to independent content creators online to get a full picture.  ::)  It's ridiculous how much has been suppressed online for the past 15 months, so thank you for producing independent content and uploading it - doing the job our media and journalists have not been doing!
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Humble Narcissist on June 11, 2021, 09:42:28 AM
India.  HAHAHA!

Their most affluent cities use streets as toilets and open sewers. They use cow piss as shampoo.

And they are still dancing through Covid. Those numbers are bullshit.
Why is India such a shithole?  All the ones over here are doctors or own motels.  We must get the best of the best.
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: IroNat on June 11, 2021, 12:27:32 PM
Why is India such a shithole?  All the ones over here are doctors or own motels.  We must get the best of the best.

The doctors are the Brahmin class.  The top caste.

The merchants and motel owners are Patels.  The name Patel actually describes the region where they are from in India.

There are lots of Indians where I live.
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Humble Narcissist on June 11, 2021, 12:36:30 PM
The doctors are the Brahmin class.  The top caste.

The merchants and motel owners are Patels.  The name Patel actually describes the region where they are from in India.

There are lots of Indians where I live.
If they all stayed in India maybe they could turn it around.
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Rascal full on June 11, 2021, 12:53:54 PM
Thank you, Vince.  ;D

I'm trying to tone down the size, but I type very fast, and things get out of hand very fast.  In this case, I'm pretty disgusted with Dr. Fauci, and have a lot to say about him - but I should still try to keep things short.  In due time, whatever knowledge or responsibility he had with the pandemic will be exposed, so I should just wait for it.

I'm also watching some videos about the vaccine.  Yours was the first I watched, and I'm currently watching the one below [I think the guy who made it is from Jamaica].  No knock on your video at all, but I really shouldn't have to be going to independent content creators online to get a full picture.  ::)  It's ridiculous how much has been suppressed online for the past 15 months, so thank you for producing independent content and uploading it - doing the job our media and journalists have not been doing!

You can get magnetic gel which could be what these sneaky fucks are using could be real interesting exactly what is in that bs 'vaccine'....Whatever is in it I am not having it. A few of my friends have started up their retarded peer pressure but they haven't even done one, tiny bit of research. One tithead said 'Of course it will stop me spreading the virus after I get the shot, that's what vaccines do!'.....
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: JustPlaneJane on June 11, 2021, 07:31:42 PM
Explain this video...the claim is made that the person administering the vaccine did not know the syringe was empty, but wouldn't you IMMEDIATELY notice that the plunger was down?:

One possibility is that she mentioned to another staff member that a photo was taken, at which point, they called the granddaughter back to get a real vaccine shot, because there would be evidence of the plunger being down in a photo somewhere.

I'm not sure if this is a systemic issue, or just one individual vaccine administration location fraudulently giving out empty syringe jabs as vaccines to get paid by the American federal government/tax dollars, for injecting nothing.

A friend of mine asked me why the USA had so many more deaths than Canada.  Any time a Canadian bashes the USA for having so much more of something, I have to wonder why that person doesn't understand the concept of "per-capita", and the fact that the USA has 10 times the population.  ::)

But taking that into consideration, the USA does have two times the number of virus deaths than Canada, even adjusting for population.

To answer that question - I heard that in the USA, private hospitals are being paid $13,000 in federal money for each person dying listed as a COV-19 death.

Can anyone verify that claim?  That would explain why the USA has more deaths - there is just more incentive to lie and call something a COV-19 death when it isn't one.  The same way that scumbag NY state Gov. Andrew Cuomo asked for 26,000 more ventilators, saying that "Trump should pick the people who die" if he doesn't give them - AND THAT TURNED OUT TO BE COMPLETE BULLSHIT.   The asshole just wanted to steal upwards of $3 BILLION in ventilators from the American government.  What a jagoff.

That, and the USA has a higher population density, and - as is usually what ends up messing up the American stats compared to the Canadian stats - the USA has a large population of Blacks and Hispanics.  Take that population out of the picture, and all the fraud, and the American and Canadian deaths are no doubt exactly the same.

Hospitals can bill about $20,000 additional if the case is logged as COVID related.

An additional $50,000 can be charged if the patient is put on a ventilator for up to 96 hours.

All paid for by the $100 billion government “stimulus” program.
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Humble Narcissist on June 12, 2021, 02:18:45 AM
Hospitals can bill about $20,000 additional if the case is logged as COVID related.

An additional $50,000 can be charged if the patient is put on a ventilator for up to 96 hours.

All paid for by the $100 billion government “stimulus” program.
No incentive there at all.
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Matt on June 12, 2021, 03:12:33 AM
Hospitals can bill about $20,000 additional if the case is logged as COVID related.

An additional $50,000 can be charged if the patient is put on a ventilator for up to 96 hours.

All paid for by the $100 billion government “stimulus” program.

Holy shit, that's crazy!  Thank you for posting this.  With this kind of funding, I think that probably explains why the USA had around twice as many COVID deaths per-capita as Canada had.  Two morons I know were so proud of Canada's outcome being better than that of the USA.  I've always been annoyed with that type of American-bashing by Canadians, who don't seem to grasp that everything that puts them in 21st century comfort comes from American corporations.  ::)

I immediately knew there was more to the story.  I initially guessed disparate population densities between Canada and the USA, and the USA having large Black and Hispanic populations probably explained the outcome.

But I think the lucrative funding you mentioned above is a massive incentive to commit fraud.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the months ahead, now that the fear and hysteria over COVID has worn off, and so many people have been negatively impacted by the COVID measures, as opposed to the virus itself.

Thank you for posting that.
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Body-Buildah on June 12, 2021, 04:04:00 AM
There's no greater sterile environment for getting injections, than sitting in a filthy car, in a parking lot somewhere, administered by brain-dead jack-asses.
Where do i sign up?
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: nzgs on June 12, 2021, 04:24:15 AM
Beware of "case" statistics, which are easily manipulated with false positives. What matters are all-cause mortalities. The scale of any pandemic will be obvious from all-cause mortalities, which is why the mainstream narrative is so eager to make up this lie that the flu has disappeared, to try and rationalise the complete lack of any extra deaths.
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: kreator on June 12, 2021, 05:08:27 AM
Time will tell ...could be another CT but I wouldn’t be surprised if this was true:

Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: JustPlaneJane on June 12, 2021, 07:39:52 AM
Beware of "case" statistics, which are easily manipulated with false positives. What matters are all-cause mortalities. The scale of any pandemic will be obvious from all-cause mortalities, which is why the mainstream narrative is so eager to make up this lie that the flu has disappeared, to try and rationalise the complete lack of any extra deaths.

You are correct, any patient with a body temperature above normal (98.6F) is logged as COVID positive regardless of the presence of antibodies or a positive test. Most people who admit to having had a “dry cough” at any time in the previous 16 months is also logged as COVID positive.

Study the CDC data for overall (total) deaths in the United States versus overall (total) deaths from previous years. Keep in mind the population increase to project the additional deaths each year. The data suggests that the real COVID-19 mortality rate is an order of magnitude less than what is being reported. The CDC is “cooking the books” on the numbers, but if you realistically remove the false positives and underlying conditions (co-morbidities) causing the mortality, the number of deaths is closer to 40,000 at the end of 2020. The CDC has been under tremendous pressure over the past 6 months to withhold and then skew the data and it looks like that has definitely occurred.
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: kreator on June 13, 2021, 11:11:47 PM
Hospitals can bill about $20,000 additional if the case is logged as COVID related.

An additional $50,000 can be charged if the patient is put on a ventilator for up to 96 hours.

All paid for by the $100 billion government “stimulus” program.

true, all hospitals in my country made a profit this last year. Doctors are making 3-5 times more than they did before the plandemic. A good friend of mine that lives in Bulgaria says his doctor is pushing the vaccines on social media but tells his patients  that he wouldn't even give the vax to a dog
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Matt on June 14, 2021, 02:14:19 AM
I feel that this is worthy of a new thread, but rather than do so for similar content, I'll post this here.

Dr. Robert W. Malone, the man who INVENTED the mRNA medical technology, gets called an anti-vaxxer for questioning the safety of using mRNA technology for vaccines.  LOL!  You can't make this up:
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: Body-Buildah on June 14, 2021, 03:08:59 AM
178 health care workers suspended from Houston Methodist hospital system for refusing COVID-19 vaccination


Forced fake Vaxx's.  ::)
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: booty on June 14, 2021, 03:36:46 AM
I feel that this is worthy of a new thread, but rather than do so for similar content, I'll post this here.

Dr. Robert W. Malone, the man who INVENTED the mRNA medical technology, gets called an anti-vaxxer for questioning the safety of using mRNA technology for vaccines.  LOL!  You can't make this up:
Matt, I am currently listening to a pod cast on dark horse with Robert Malone in it. I think you would find it interesting to listen to.
Title: Re: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This New Warning.
Post by: JustPlaneJane on June 14, 2021, 02:55:57 PM
Matt, I am currently listening to a pod cast on dark horse with Robert Malone in it. I think you would find it interesting to listen to.

Hi booty !   🙋‍♀️