Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Fallsview on August 20, 2021, 02:46:55 PM

Title: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Fallsview on August 20, 2021, 02:46:55 PM

I have the privilege to witness first hand what Mega Superstar Bodybuilder Nick Walker eats per day. Here are the exact amounts:

7am: 10oz Oatmeal with a finely diced empire state apple along with local organic teaspoon of Honey. (Nick has allergies and the local honey helps)

8am: Train

9am: Post workout shake consisting of Oat milk, greek yogurt and three scoops of protein which is around a total of 120grams of protein. He says his muscles need it.

10am: Rest

11am: Bison chopped with Wala Wala onions, 5oz of mashed potatoes

12am: Train

1pm: Post workout meal-Chefs Choice

3pm: Half of an apple sprinkled with cinnamon and spleda.

4pm: Cardio

5pm: Beef Burrito with lettuce and tomatoes.

6pm: Light popcorn if its movie night

7pm: 4 cans of tuna mixed with pickles and light mayo

8pm: V8 juice

9pm: protein shake with no carbs.

10pm: answer emails and do Podcast Bodybuilding and Bollocks

1am: answer emails while having 10oz of veggie sticks as a snack. 

STAY POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: AbrahamG on August 20, 2021, 03:18:29 PM
LMFAO.  Welcome back.  In your absence, the Gods have sent a strapping young buck by the name of Bhank to the getbig community.  Perhaps you can spend some time reviewing his file and weigh in on his wide array of talents and conquests. 
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: tommywishbone on August 20, 2021, 03:28:04 PM
Organic honey. Oat milk. Wala Wala onions. Light popcorn.

So Nick is gay?
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: IroNat on August 20, 2021, 03:54:32 PM

7pm: 4 cans of tuna

Mercury is anabolic.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Royalty on August 20, 2021, 04:02:47 PM
That diet actually looks pretty good.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Howard on August 20, 2021, 04:26:26 PM
That diet actually looks pretty good.

It does and Nick has a ton of quality muscle.
However, despite his incredible muscularity his overall physique lacks shape and aesthetic flow.
In direct terms, his body looks like random body parts thrown together.

That's my 2 cents but I'be the first to admit the winning ideals for the open pro men has changed.
That's why a physique like Nick Walker won the NY pro and can do damage in the Olympia.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: ThisisOverload on August 20, 2021, 04:41:18 PM
So he's a gay hipster?

Only sleeps 5 hours a night?

If BBing isn't all drugs and is all about food, he wouldn't be very big.

That's like maybe 2k calories. The burrito could be the dark horse, those things can add a lot of cals.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: harmankardon1 on August 20, 2021, 05:07:17 PM
It does and Nick has a ton of quality muscle.
However, despite his incredible muscularity his overall physique lacks shape and aesthetic flow.
In direct terms, his body looks like random body parts thrown together.

That's my 2 cents but I'be the first to admit the winning ideals for the open pro men has changed.
That's why a physique like Nick Walker won the NY pro and can do damage in the Olympia.

For once we are in full  agreement Howard!

Nick looks like shit.. Sad time when that physique is winning the ny pro and getting talked about as a future big hitter.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: bhank on August 20, 2021, 05:11:48 PM
Nick is a freak that is bodybuilding who is the biggest freak if you want aesthetics go watch classic
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: wes on August 20, 2021, 05:15:49 PM
Nick is a freak that is bodybuilding who is the biggest freak if you want aesthetics go watch classic
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Marty Champions on August 20, 2021, 05:17:31 PM
Meat 3 times a day youl be dead like john meadows
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: bhank on August 20, 2021, 05:31:45 PM

You don't know jackshit thinking Frank Zane beats WALKER in modern bodybuilding bullshit it is not 1975. Kids want to see freaks and mutants like Walker that is what sells magazines and protein powders super Hero freak shit not gay aesthetics
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: webstar on August 20, 2021, 05:37:38 PM
Nick is a freak that is bodybuilding who is the biggest freak if you want aesthetics go watch classic

You would beat him.

Just need one week of fasting

You got this.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Howard on August 20, 2021, 05:39:14 PM
Nick is a freak that is bodybuilding who is the biggest freak if you want aesthetics go watch classic

That's the current, conventional wisdom.
Now, the open pro men has reverted to rewarding the biggest freak-a-zoid on stage

To me, the sport of bodybuilding only needs one division where we pick the best overall physique.
Now we have "39 different divisions "  to reward every body type on the planet.

It's "yearbook 101" marketing. This where most of your sales will be from people in the yearbook.

Now everyone competes in the show in their own division. Most  of the $$ comes from inflated entry fees and ticket sales
from friends /family that attend to see their loved one. With the exception of the biggest pro events ( Olympia, Arnold), most fans are there to support a "friend or family member".

Rewarding excellence based on one universal standard has gone the way of the dinosaur ( circa 50 million BCE  ;)
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Howard on August 20, 2021, 05:46:10 PM
You don't know jackshit thinking Frank Zane beats WALKER in modern bodybuilding bullshit it is not 1975. Kids want to see freaks and mutants like Walker that is what sells magazines and protein powders super Hero freak shit not gay aesthetics

Zane is a 3 time Mr Olympia who is one of the few to beat Arnold on stage ( 1968 Universe).

Young people don't buy magazines now and most are out of print or relegated to on-line digital versions.
Supplement contracts dried up years ago .

Nick has other revenue streams via social media that are related to his pro bodybuilding standing and image.
I agree that Nick has a decent following of young fans, but he's still light years behind Zane's contest record.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: joswift on August 20, 2021, 06:04:10 PM

I have the privilege to witness first hand what Mega Superstar Bodybuilder Nick Walker eats per day. Here are the exact amounts:

7am: 10oz Oatmeal with a finely diced empire state apple along with local organic teaspoon of Honey. (Nick has allergies and the local honey helps)

8am: Train

9am: Post workout shake consisting of Oat milk, greek yogurt and three scoops of protein which is around a total of 120grams of protein. He says his muscles need it.

10am: Rest

11am: Bison chopped with Wala Wala onions, 5oz of mashed potatoes

12am: Train

1pm: Post workout meal-Chefs Choice

3pm: Half of an apple sprinkled with cinnamon and spleda.

4pm: Cardio

5pm: Beef Burrito with lettuce and tomatoes.

6pm: Light popcorn if its movie night

7pm: 4 cans of tuna mixed with pickles and light mayo

8pm: V8 juice

9pm: protein shake with no carbs.

10pm: answer emails and do Podcast Bodybuilding and Bollocks

1am: answer emails while having 10oz of veggie sticks as a snack. 

STAY POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what a twat

Im sure they are much better than just a regular apple
Must be the "finishing touch"
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: wes on August 20, 2021, 06:13:42 PM
You don't know jackshit thinking Frank Zane beats WALKER in modern bodybuilding bullshit it is not 1975. Kids want to see freaks and mutants like Walker that is what sells magazines and protein powders super Hero freak shit not gay aesthetics
Zane beat a million legends who will never be forgotten,they are unforgettable names in the annals of bodybuilding......Nick Walker,if he lives to be 40,will be forgotten in no time flat,he will never be a living legend dude.

Zane competed for 20 years far Nick has competed for 7 years or so.

Can you actually see him still above ground using the stuff these guy take these days for another 13 years which would equal Zanes competitive career winwise,but timewise.

I doubt it,in fact I know he wont.

Tons of the modern pros are just a flash in the pan...............burnin g out fast,quitting early because they are smart,or dying young for a plastic trophy.

Nick is a bag of mixed bodyparts thrown together like a modern day Frankenstein.....he`s just huge....he`s no Coleman or Yates or Dexter, or Cutler........the list could go on forever.

Guys that think like you do,have ruined the sport and guys are dropping like flies in their 40`s and 50`s because of it.

If you truly did know anything,you would know I`m right.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: wes on August 20, 2021, 06:18:14 PM
what a twat

Im sure they are much better than just a regular apple
Must be the "finishing touch"
I know for a fact that  Wala Wala onions are far better than just regular onions. ;D
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: wes on August 20, 2021, 06:19:51 PM
You don't know jackshit thinking Frank Zane beats WALKER in modern bodybuilding bullshit it is not 1975. Kids want to see freaks and mutants like Walker that is what sells magazines and protein powders super Hero freak shit not gay aesthetics
Fuck modern bodybuilding...........t he sport is dying a quick death like a lot of its competitors unfortunately.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: wes on August 20, 2021, 06:25:55 PM

^^^^^Would have wiped the floor with Nick walker and this is back in "95.

Cant you see the regression Brian or are you blind?

Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Taffin on August 20, 2021, 07:19:52 PM
So he's a gay hipster?


I know for a fact that  Wala Wala onions are far better than just regular onions. ;D

Pfft! Pleb - you need to start taking your diet seriously >:(  Personally, I just will not settle for less than Wala Wala Wala onions - clearly 50% better than those common as muck Wala Wala things...
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Taffin on August 20, 2021, 07:25:53 PM

^^^^^Would have wiped the floor with Nick walker and this is back in "95.

Cant you see the regression Brian or are you blind?


Dunno man - Hernon isn't displaying the massive varicosity in the lower leg department that Nick is packing.  Walker is essentially wearing his spleen externally on both shins - Bob Paris eat your heart out... :'(
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: The Scott on August 20, 2021, 08:02:49 PM
Fuck modern bodybuilding...........t he sport is dying a quick death like a lot of its competitors unfortunately.

Said with a voice of true authority because like others here, you have seen what  bodybuilding is, what it was and what it has become.  Now, more than ever it is a cattle...No...Make that a casting call for deviants and druggies.  It is one thing to take steroids and quite another to have them take you.

You will not be taken by anything so base as your own ego.  For as close as it can be here, know that I am proud to know you, my friend.  Wes.  Be well.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: wes on August 20, 2021, 08:06:39 PM

Pfft! Pleb - you need to start taking your diet seriously >:(  Personally, I just will not settle for less than Wala Wala Wala onions - clearly 50% better than those common as muck Wala Wala things...
Good point,I`ll add the Wala Wala Wala onions to my diet immediately for faster results.  ;D
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: wes on August 20, 2021, 08:07:55 PM
Said with a voice of true authority because like others here, you have seen what  bodybuilding is, what it was and what it has become.  Now, more than ever it is a cattle...No...Make that a casting call for deviants and druggies.  It is one thing to take steroids and quite another to have them take you.

You will not be taken by anything so base as your own ego.  For as close as it can be here, know that I am proud to know you, my friend.  Wes.  Be well.

Thank you and right back at ya` my friend.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: wes on August 20, 2021, 08:12:35 PM
Dunno man - Hernon isn't displaying the massive varicosity in the lower leg department that Nick is packing.  Walker is essentially wearing his spleen externally on both shins - Bob Paris eat your heart out... :'(

Awesome diamond shaped calves......usually a forgotten bodypart these days.

It`s great see that Nicks are amazing............this may inspire more of todays guys to aspire for this look and start training calves just as hard as they train their delts and arms !!

I know I`m envious,and will definitely bomb my calves into new growth with the new incentive given to me by Nick.

Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: bhank on August 21, 2021, 04:24:17 AM
Zane is a 3 time Mr Olympia who is one of the few to beat Arnold on stage ( 1968 Universe).

Young people don't buy magazines now and most are out of print or relegated to on-line digital versions.
Supplement contracts dried up years ago .

Nick has other revenue streams via social media that are related to his pro bodybuilding standing and image.
I agree that Nick has a decent following of young fans, but he's still light years behind Zane's contest record.

Zane is a child compared to Nick and Howard is correct friends and family are the only ones who watch little dudes pose the only people selling anythign are the open freaks. Walker is what sells not the best 200lb guys that is for old gay dudes on getbig only. People want to see freaks like Walker
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: bhank on August 21, 2021, 04:29:00 AM

^^^^^Would have wiped the floor with Nick walker and this is back in "95.

Cant you see the regression Brian or are you blind?


Guy is literally famous for not getting hit by Craig Titus 2nd place trophy throw that is it. He was also selling pumpnpose on professional muscle for years claiming he used it and it was great total dogshit that probably destroyed his kidneys and killed him
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: The Scott on August 21, 2021, 05:01:17 AM
Zane is a child compared to Nick and Howard is correct friends and family are the only ones who watch little dudes pose the only people selling anythign are the open freaks. Walker is what sells not the best 200lb guys that is for old gay dudes on getbig only. People want to see freaks like Walker

Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: pellius on August 21, 2021, 05:04:10 AM

I have the privilege to witness first hand what Mega Superstar Bodybuilder Nick Walker eats per day. Here are the exact amounts:

7am: 10oz Oatmeal with a finely diced empire state apple along with local organic teaspoon of Honey. (Nick has allergies and the local honey helps)

8am: Train

9am: Post workout shake consisting of Oat milk, greek yogurt and three scoops of protein which is around a total of 120grams of protein. He says his muscles need it.

10am: Rest

11am: Bison chopped with Wala Wala onions, 5oz of mashed potatoes

12am: Train

1pm: Post workout meal-Chefs Choice

3pm: Half of an apple sprinkled with cinnamon and spleda.

4pm: Cardio

5pm: Beef Burrito with lettuce and tomatoes.

6pm: Light popcorn if its movie night

7pm: 4 cans of tuna mixed with pickles and light mayo

8pm: V8 juice

9pm: protein shake with no carbs.

10pm: answer emails and do Podcast Bodybuilding and Bollocks

1am: answer emails while having 10oz of veggie sticks as a snack. 

STAY POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So he gets only five hours of sleep a night? And if he starts a meal an hour before training, assuming it only takes 15 minutes to eat his oats or his steak and mash potatoes, he's already working out after just 45 minutes after eating a full meal?

Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: wes on August 21, 2021, 06:06:12 AM
Guy is literally famous for not getting hit by Craig Titus 2nd place trophy throw that is it. He was also selling pumpnpose on professional muscle for years claiming he used it and it was great total dogshit that probably destroyed his kidneys and killed him
I wasn`t talking about his private life or the mitakes in life he may have made,we all make mistakes but........he would have blew Walker away with ease.

Titus was a sore loser throwing his trophy like that on stage....not humble at all..... just like someone else we know on here.

You yourself has said bodybuilding is a subjective the way,Titus went to prison for selling drugs,then he set a womans body on fire after he killed her......far worse than any discretions Hernon may have committed if you really want to delve into his private life......not the greatest comparison you could have used.  ;D

If you dont agree that means.......YOU KNOW JACKSHIT ABOUT BODYBUILDING
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on August 21, 2021, 06:12:23 AM

I have the privilege to witness first hand what Mega Superstar Bodybuilder Nick Walker eats per day. Here are the exact amounts:

7am: 10oz Oatmeal with a finely diced empire state apple along with local organic teaspoon of Honey. (Nick has allergies and the local honey helps)

8am: Train

9am: Post workout shake consisting of Oat milk, greek yogurt and three scoops of protein which is around a total of 120grams of protein. He says his muscles need it.

10am: Rest

11am: Bison chopped with Wala Wala onions, 5oz of mashed potatoes

12am: Train

1pm: Post workout meal-Chefs Choice

3pm: Half of an apple sprinkled with cinnamon and spleda.

4pm: Cardio

5pm: Beef Burrito with lettuce and tomatoes.

6pm: Light popcorn if its movie night

7pm: 4 cans of tuna mixed with pickles and light mayo

8pm: V8 juice

9pm: protein shake with no carbs.

10pm: answer emails and do Podcast Bodybuilding and Bollocks

1am: answer emails while having 10oz of veggie sticks as a snack. 

STAY POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whenever I see diets like this I think the people consuming them are deranged losers who have self-imposed handicaps that made them useless as human beings.

One of my friends is an IFBB pro, and his diet is not this sort of self-imposed immobility (that’s what eating ten times a day does, makes one practically immobile) and while I love the guy, he can be a pain in the ass because of it.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: wes on August 21, 2021, 06:15:26 AM
Whenever I see diets like this I think the people consuming them are deranged losers who have self-imposed handicaps that made them useless as human beings.

One of my friends is an IFBB pro, and his diet is not this sort of self-imposed immobility (that’s what eating ten times a day does, makes one practically immobile) and while I love the guy, he can be a pain in the ass because of it.
Dude,Fallsview is actually Alex23 and this is supposed to be funny,at least in Alex`s`s not his real diet bro.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: bhank on August 21, 2021, 01:05:13 PM
I wasn`t talking about his private life or the mitakes in life he may have made,we all make mistakes but........he would have blew Walker away with ease.

Titus was a sore loser throwing his trophy like that on stage....not humble at all..... just like someone else we know on here.

You yourself has said bodybuilding is a subjective the way,Titus went to prison for selling drugs,then he set a womans body on fire after he killed her......far worse than any discretions Hernon may have committed if you really want to delve into his private life......not the greatest comparison you could have used.  ;D

If you dont agree that means.......YOU KNOW JACKSHIT ABOUT BODYBUILDING

Yeah Titus sucks not denying that but Phil was also pushing SEO on professional muscle for years which is probably what destroyed his kidneys and killed him and others
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: joswift on August 21, 2021, 01:58:49 PM

I have the privilege to witness first hand what Mega Superstar Bodybuilder Nick Walker eats per day. Here are the exact amounts:

7am: 10oz Oatmeal with a finely diced empire state apple along with local organic teaspoon of Honey. (Nick has allergies and the local honey helps)

8am: Train

9am: Post workout shake consisting of Oat milk, greek yogurt and three scoops of protein which is around a total of 120grams of protein. He says his muscles need it.

10am: Rest

11am: Bison chopped with Wala Wala onions, 5oz of mashed potatoes

12am: Train

1pm: Post workout meal-Chefs Choice

3pm: Half of an apple sprinkled with cinnamon and spleda.

4pm: Cardio

5pm: Beef Burrito with lettuce and tomatoes.

6pm: Light popcorn if its movie night

7pm: 4 cans of tuna mixed with pickles and light mayo

8pm: V8 juice

9pm: protein shake with no carbs.

10pm: answer emails and do Podcast Bodybuilding and Bollocks

1am: answer emails while having 10oz of veggie sticks as a snack. 

STAY POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fucks sake, the stupidity of it all, then again if he ate a full apple he would blow his diet
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: IroNat on August 21, 2021, 03:09:32 PM
fucks sake, the stupidity of it all, then again if he ate a full apple he would blow his diet

Macros, bro...macros.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: The Scott on August 21, 2021, 03:52:16 PM
fucks sake, the stupidity of it all, then again if he ate a full apple he would blow his diet

Perhaps he's micro-macroing his diet?  ;D
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: pamith on August 22, 2021, 06:35:22 PM

^^^^^Would have wiped the floor with Nick walker and this is back in "95.

Cant you see the regression Brian or are you blind?

Phil Hernon was awesome
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: gib on August 22, 2021, 10:12:23 PM

3pm: Half of an apple sprinkled with cinnamon and spleda.

Serious f@@gottry of generation nothingness of peace...
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: pellius on August 22, 2021, 10:26:52 PM
Yeah Titus sucks not denying that but Phil was also pushing SEO on professional muscle for years which is probably what destroyed his kidneys and killed him and others

MCT oil is just a medium-chain fat and has no effect on the kidneys. It acts just like store fat in the muscle and gets broken down. No different really than the oil in the gear you inject.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: pellius on August 22, 2021, 10:34:54 PM
fucks sake, the stupidity of it all, then again if he ate a full apple he would blow his diet

Funny you should say that. I eat half an apple virtually every morning at breakfast. I don't like to bite into an apple so I cut it in half and then cut it in little cubes. I often tell myself just to eat the whole damn apple so I don't have to wrap the extra half in a plastic baggie and put it back in the fridge.

It is beyond strange and I really should just force that extra half down so I don't have to go through the trouble of wrapping it up and putting back in the fridge. But, for some reason I can't explain, I just don't want to eat that other half. It has absolutely nothing to do with diet or nutrition.

As a caveat, if I am eating breakfast with a guest (not a family member) I'll force that extra half down. Not being perceived as strange overrides my discomfort of having to eat a whole apple.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: bAF1 on August 23, 2021, 09:10:25 AM
hahaha! yeah ok, you just made that up fuck face
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: pamith on August 23, 2021, 10:04:01 AM
Guy is literally famous for not getting hit by Craig Titus 2nd place trophy throw that is it. He was also selling pumpnpose on professional muscle for years claiming he used it and it was great total dogshit that probably destroyed his kidneys and killed him
Brutal if true
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Dave D on August 23, 2021, 10:22:42 AM
Funny you should say that. I eat half an apple virtually every morning at breakfast. I don't like to bite into an apple so I cut it in half and then cut it in little cubes. I often tell myself just to eat the whole damn apple so I don't have to wrap the extra half in a plastic baggie and put it back in the fridge.

It is beyond strange and I really should just force that extra half down so I don't have to go through the trouble of wrapping it up and putting back in the fridge. But, for some reason I can't explain, I just don't want to eat that other half. It has absolutely nothing to do with diet or nutrition.

As a caveat, if I am eating breakfast with a guest (not a family member) I'll force that extra half down. Not being perceived as strange overrides my discomfort of having to eat a whole apple.

Lol. Pellius on here you come across as not caring what anyone thinks about you (and maybe it's just on here where you could care less what people think of you).

That's funny that the apple would get eaten if you have guests.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 23, 2021, 10:42:33 AM
Regarding apples, something I saw on IG. This black coach who trained Sean Rhoden for the Olympia at Gold's Gym, forget his name. Anyway in a recent IG clip he talks about how he prescribes either green or red apples for his clients, they're not the same! I think the green ones were more for fat burning because they are acidic. How does he know if a client deserves an apple on a diet? By their fingertips! He could tell if a client cheated on their diet by looking at their fingertips! Lol

Pellius must eat the green ones, he's ripped.

Anyone know the guy I'm talking about? I forget his IG name.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: BB on August 23, 2021, 11:20:53 AM
Regarding apples, something I saw on IG. This black coach who trained Sean Rhoden for the Olympia at Gold's Gym, forget his name. Anyway in a recent IG clip he talks about how he prescribes either green or red apples for his clients, they're not the same! I think the green ones were more for fat burning because they are acidic. How does he know if a client deserves an apple on a diet? By their fingertips! He could tell if a client cheated on their diet by looking at their fingertips! Lol

Pellius must eat the green ones, he's ripped.

Anyone know the guy I'm talking about? I forget his IG name.

What about the Dominican mangoes? -


I think the apples coach is Chris "Psycho Fitness" Lewis.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: MAXX on August 23, 2021, 11:24:05 AM
What about the Dominican mangoes? -


I think the apples coach is Chris "Psycho Fitness" Lewis.
he was kind of a crackpot type.

and I think he put oil in his arms at older age....
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Ronnie Rep on August 23, 2021, 11:30:26 AM

I have the privilege to witness first hand what Mega Superstar Bodybuilder Nick Walker eats per day. Here are the exact amounts:

7am: 10oz Oatmeal with a finely diced empire state apple along with local organic teaspoon of Honey. (Nick has allergies and the local honey helps)

8am: Train

9am: Post workout shake consisting of Oat milk, greek yogurt and three scoops of protein which is around a total of 120grams of protein. He says his muscles need it.

10am: Rest

11am: Bison chopped with Wala Wala onions, 5oz of mashed potatoes

12am: Train

1pm: Post workout meal-Chefs Choice

3pm: Half of an apple sprinkled with cinnamon and spleda.

4pm: Cardio

5pm: Beef Burrito with lettuce and tomatoes.

6pm: Light popcorn if its movie night

7pm: 4 cans of tuna mixed with pickles and light mayo

8pm: V8 juice

9pm: protein shake with no carbs.

10pm: answer emails and do Podcast Bodybuilding and Bollocks

1am: answer emails while having 10oz of veggie sticks as a snack. 

STAY POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
;D :D ;) :) >:( :o 8) ??? ::) :P :-[ :-X :-\ :-* :'(
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: BB on August 23, 2021, 11:35:36 AM
he was kind of a crackpot type.

and I think he put oil in his arms at older age....

It was a hustle, there were a few coaches on Lyle McDonald's old board that dealt with him where big money was at stake, training sports teams and the like. They mentioned that the Poliquin you saw there was all business, with none of the other BS he was putting in articles at the time.

I remember Duchaine was asked about writing for magazines, and his response was something like "You write about getting bigger, stronger, or leaner or you don't write the f#$^&8g article". I think that what happened to Poliquin, he ran out of the good stuff, and had to keep adding in bs to keep the money coming in.

Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 23, 2021, 11:38:42 AM

I think the apples coach is Chris "Psycho Fitness" Lewis.


Secrets of the pros  :D
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: pellius on August 23, 2021, 01:37:02 PM
Lol. Pellius on here you come across as not caring what anyone thinks about you (and maybe it's just on here where you could care less what people think of you).

That's funny that the apple would get eaten if you have guests.

No, of course, I care what other people think. When people tell me that they don't care they're lying. They care plenty. There are so many things they do or don't do because of what other people may think.

What I did decided early on, meaning in my twenties, when I was more grounded in my moral foundation was that I would be more concerned with standing up for my beliefs than being liked. I realized that if you stand for anything in life you are going to have people that disagree with you and will dislike or even hate you because of it. I know there are people here that dislike and maybe even hate me because I am a Zionist and support Israel and the Jewish people and am very vocal about it.

But I do care what people think. Just a recent example, I was at a restaurant with my par’mach’kai and I was chewing on a particular grizzly piece of meat that I wanted to spit out. I've been with my girl for many years now and you would think by this time it wouldn't matter but I was still embarrassed to have her see me spitting out some food into a napkin so I just looked behind her and said, "Oh God, that guy isn't wearing any pants." And when she turned around to look I spit out my food into the napkin. Dignity still intact.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Fallsview on August 23, 2021, 06:06:06 PM
Dude,Fallsview is actually Alex23 and this is supposed to be funny,at least in Alex`s`s not his real diet bro.

You know Wes you are a very angry and bitter man. Seriously, you were sick and I sent positive words your way. You push this "Allen23" gimmick or Howard, or Capt. Colon or whatever person you think I am.
I live in Lake Placid NY. I work in Albany and are now working from home. I noted that from my back balcony I have a small waterfalls I see that is very relaxing. Sorry that was the first thing I thought of when signing up on GetBig.
But back to you and your unhealthy attitude towards me. Seriously seek some therapy. That's not an insult. Everyone should talk to a professional and get insight on how to navigate their feelings. Maybe you need an SSRI? I don't know what your current situation is but I hope you are doing well physically but mentally you are stuck.

As for Walkers diet. Thats what he eats. Every bodybuilder will say something different because of endorsments. I know for a fact that Nick loves white rice. Whether he will admit that I don't know. He likes certain sauces...I don't know all of them but his fridge is loaded with different ones.

Back in the early 90's my friend who competed in all the East coast shows at the time would only eat sweet potatoes on contest day. Three in the morning and three in the evening. Call it B.S. call it stupid but hey...he was very successful but hey...its not what YOU THINK IS RIGHT OR WHAT THEY DO NOW.

Nick is a private guy. What he puts out there is very wise. By the way, I didn't list all the water he drinks...gallons....I can't understand how he does it.

Good luck Wes.

stay positive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Taffin on August 31, 2021, 05:39:18 AM
Recent pics...  :-\ :-X
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: B R on August 31, 2021, 05:48:46 AM
Recent pics...  :-\ :-X

Lower legs look healthy.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 31, 2021, 06:11:10 AM
So he's a gay hipster?

Only sleeps 5 hours a night?

If BBing isn't all drugs and is all about food, he wouldn't be very big.

That's like maybe 2k calories. The burrito could be the dark horse, those things can add a lot of cals.

Burrito and Dark Horse.......   I see what you did  there

Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 31, 2021, 06:14:39 AM

I have the privilege to witness first hand what Mega Superstar Bodybuilder Nick Walker eats per day. Here are the exact amounts:

7am: 10oz Oatmeal with a finely diced empire state apple along with local organic teaspoon of Honey. (Nick has allergies and the local honey helps)

8am: Train

9am: Post workout shake consisting of Oat milk, greek yogurt and three scoops of protein which is around a total of 120grams of protein. He says his muscles need it.

10am: Rest

11am: Bison chopped with Wala Wala onions, 5oz of mashed potatoes

12am: Train

1pm: Post workout meal-Chefs Choice

3pm: Half of an apple sprinkled with cinnamon and spleda.

4pm: Cardio

5pm: Beef Burrito with lettuce and tomatoes.

6pm: Light popcorn if its movie night

7pm: 4 cans of tuna mixed with pickles and light mayo

8pm: V8 juice

9pm: protein shake with no carbs.

10pm: answer emails and do Podcast Bodybuilding and Bollocks

1am: answer emails while having 10oz of veggie sticks as a snack. 

STAY POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Forgot to ad ( The use of  wala wala anabolics is a private matter to our buddy Nick, so is totally  irrelevant ).

Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: bhank on August 31, 2021, 07:40:33 AM
You know Wes you are a very angry and bitter man. Seriously, you were sick and I sent positive words your way. You push this "Allen23" gimmick or Howard, or Capt. Colon or whatever person you think I am.
I live in Lake Placid NY. I work in Albany and are now working from home. I noted that from my back balcony I have a small waterfalls I see that is very relaxing. Sorry that was the first thing I thought of when signing up on GetBig.
But back to you and your unhealthy attitude towards me. Seriously seek some therapy. That's not an insult. Everyone should talk to a professional and get insight on how to navigate their feelings. Maybe you need an SSRI? I don't know what your current situation is but I hope you are doing well physically but mentally you are stuck.

As for Walkers diet. Thats what he eats. Every bodybuilder will say something different because of endorsments. I know for a fact that Nick loves white rice. Whether he will admit that I don't know. He likes certain sauces...I don't know all of them but his fridge is loaded with different ones.

Back in the early 90's my friend who competed in all the East coast shows at the time would only eat sweet potatoes on contest day. Three in the morning and three in the evening. Call it B.S. call it stupid but hey...he was very successful but hey...its not what YOU THINK IS RIGHT OR WHAT THEY DO NOW.

Nick is a private guy. What he puts out there is very wise. By the way, I didn't list all the water he drinks...gallons....I can't understand how he does it.

Good luck Wes.

stay positive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He drinks gallons of water to flush his liver and kidneys water is anabolic and the more you drink the less you hold
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: bhank on August 31, 2021, 07:41:26 AM
Recent pics...  :-\ :-X

Has Nick ever addressed his lower legs as does not look like healthy vascularity looks vericose
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Flexacon on August 31, 2021, 08:26:51 AM
Has Nick ever addressed his lower legs as does not look like healthy vascularity looks vericose

His team say it's just cosmetic and nothing to worry about  ::)
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Body-Buildah on August 31, 2021, 11:45:52 AM
Drugs are just the finishing touch (Blob ChicaDillo):




Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 31, 2021, 12:30:14 PM
Drugs are just the finishing touch (Blob ChicaDillo):




Well you need to throw some serious amount of Oatmeal with a finely diced empire state apple along with local organic teaspoon of Honey. and wala wala onions .

Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: ThisisOverload on August 31, 2021, 12:35:59 PM
All grass fed beef (rinsed of course) and wala wala onions.

Drugs are just the last 5%.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Titus Pullo on September 01, 2021, 10:53:59 AM
But I do care what people think. Just a recent example, I was at a restaurant with my par’mach’kai and I was chewing on a particular grizzly piece of meat that I wanted to spit out. I've been with my girl for many years now and you would think by this time it wouldn't matter but I was still embarrassed to have her see me spitting out some food into a napkin so I just looked behind her and said, "Oh God, that guy isn't wearing any pants." And when she turned around to look I spit out my food into the napkin. Dignity still intact.

Dude...did you really just write that?!

I liked you before, but that's too fucking cool, LOL.  Heghlu'meh qaq jajvam!
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: pellius on September 01, 2021, 08:41:49 PM
Recent pics...  :-\ :-X

Just horrible looking skin. What are all those little bumps on his butt?
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: pellius on September 01, 2021, 08:48:17 PM
Dude...did you really just write that?!

I liked you before, but that's too fucking cool, LOL.  Heghlu'meh qaq jajvam!

When I was married I had no problem using the term "wife". For some reason, I am not comfortable referring to my partner as my "girlfriend". I don't know, it just doesn't sound right for a guy 61 years old. So I always say, Par'Mach'kai". The ones that get it, get it. The ones that don't just think it's some Hawaiian term for girlfriend/wife and don't bat an eye. Surprisingly, I've never had anybody question me about what it means in real life. I guess it's self-evident when she's standing right next to me
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Body-Buildah on September 02, 2021, 02:14:23 AM
When I was married I had no problem using the term "wife". For some reason, I am not comfortable referring to my partner as my "girlfriend". I don't know, it just doesn't sound right for a guy 61 years old. So I always say, Par'Mach'kai". The ones that get it, get it. The ones that don't just think it's some Hawaiian term for girlfriend/wife and don't bat an eye. Surprisingly, I've never had anybody question me about what it means in real life. I guess it's self-evident when she's standing right next to me

I need to brush up on my Klingon.

More Nick here below, Mutant diet of peace. And we cannot forget the "finishing touch" FrogTech and Anabolico's...
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Taffin on September 02, 2021, 02:31:19 AM
Just horrible looking skin. What are all those little bumps on his butt?

Unknown - but given his 'coach' is Matt Jansen (he of ex McCarver fame) he's probably one of the modern kids on >10g/week - maybe a side of that..?

Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: MAXX on September 02, 2021, 02:37:25 AM
Unknown - but given his 'coach' is Matt Jansen (he of ex McCarver fame) he's probably one of the modern kids on >10g/week - maybe a side of that..?
for all we know it's likely normal dosages within todays pro bb circles.

Mcgarver was cetrainly on 10+ grams, evident by obduction report. They can't deny that.

so all that talk about "the local gym rats are on more than us" is ofcourse, complete horseshit, in general.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Pet shop boys on September 15, 2021, 06:00:55 PM
for all we know it's likely normal dosages within todays pro bb circles.

Mcgarver was cetrainly on 10+ grams, evident by obduction report. They can't deny that.

so all that talk about "the local gym rats are on more than us" is ofcourse, complete horseshit, in general.


Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: TheFranchise on September 15, 2021, 07:00:02 PM
Just horrible looking skin. What are all those little bumps on his butt?

Might be Keratosis Pilaris.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: wes on September 15, 2021, 07:04:21 PM
Looks like a bag of smashed assholes.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: AbrahamG on September 15, 2021, 07:56:42 PM
Might be Keratosis Pilaris.

Might be from letting Steve Blechman glide his buns too often.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Flexacon on September 15, 2021, 08:36:47 PM
Might be Keratosis Pilaris.

Looks like bad acne scars
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Bevo on September 15, 2021, 10:04:38 PM
How can anyone say this guy looks better than Hunter Labrada?

Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: falco on September 16, 2021, 08:15:25 AM
He would be unbeatable in the cage!
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: webstar on September 16, 2021, 08:19:20 AM
idiot thinks he is going to win the arnold bloated trash..

Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: bhank on September 16, 2021, 08:58:19 AM
How can anyone say this guy looks better than Hunter Labrada?

Will be interesting I think he gets the job done and wins the Show Lebrada is going to look small next to Walker
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: webstar on September 16, 2021, 09:05:51 AM
Will be interesting I think he gets the job done and wins the Show Lebrada is going to look small next to Walker

Arnold no chance.. a small-medium show yes.

His body is blown and has a  very blocky physique. Going up against Bonac, Segio even Cucklo, even Akim. Nicholas doesn't have the shape.

The organ failure yes... but can't compete with a shape guy
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Bevo on September 16, 2021, 12:55:06 PM
Will be interesting I think he gets the job done and wins the Show Lebrada is going to look small next to Walker

Hunter looks 10x better, he won’t look small next to him
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: bhank on September 16, 2021, 01:26:47 PM
Hunter looks 10x better, he won’t look small next to him

Nick has better arms and legs he is just bigger and freakier than we have seen before I think he gets it done Lebrada has no peak to his biceps he wins from the side shots but loses front and back IMO to Walker
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: webstar on September 16, 2021, 01:33:22 PM
Hunter looks 10x better, he won’t look small next to him

from the side hunter.

Hunter has a better chest too..
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Bevo on September 16, 2021, 01:36:27 PM
Nick has better arms and legs he is just bigger and freakier than we have seen before I think he gets it done Lebrada has no peak to his biceps he wins from the side shots but loses front and back IMO to Walker

Nick looks like a bag of smashed assholes, body parts thrown together, 5’6, he is what’s wrong with bbing

Even Kuclo at this point looks better
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Bevo on September 16, 2021, 01:57:54 PM
2nd pic

Nasty skin

Why would anyone post this?

Injection sites
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: webstar on September 16, 2021, 01:59:01 PM
2nd pic

Nasty skin

Why would anyone post this?

Injection sites

Those veracious veins are all signs of potential health issues.
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Bevo on September 16, 2021, 02:01:15 PM
Those veracious veins are all signs of potential health issues.


Dallas Mccarver ending coming up
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: bhank on September 16, 2021, 05:35:51 PM
2nd pic

Nasty skin

Why would anyone post this?

Injection sites

Ingrown hairs from shaving the legs injection sites in his hamstrings? Lol
Title: Re: Nick Walker's Diet Plan Revealed-Why He's a Mutant!
Post by: Van_Bilderass on September 16, 2021, 07:38:36 PM
Nick compared to Hunter is on another level as far as nasty, freaky development goes. There is a bunch of oil, varicose veins, slightly short legs etc but the freakines factor is something to consider. If I have to bet I say Walker beats Hunter at the O. Walker also put a shitload of pressure on himself with the pretty delusional predictions. His arms are jimmied up something crazy but still looking comparatively ok, just insane size.

It's like why did Branch Warren ever place high with such an ugly physique, even 2nd at the O? It was because of just a nasty level of freakiness and muscularity. Same with Walker.