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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Coach is Back! on September 25, 2021, 08:31:50 PM

Title: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 25, 2021, 08:31:50 PM
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Moontrane on September 25, 2021, 08:47:48 PM
When the goals are zero cases and deaths, you approach zero freedoms.  Then something's gotta give.  >:(

Total C-19 fatalities to date the same as car fatalities in a year.  ::)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: booty on September 25, 2021, 08:56:53 PM
My blood is boiling. People are recording police brutalising random people for just walking outside. I actually predict that when they do open up in Victoria, that many will be too afraid to still leave their homes. Therefore businesses will lose even more $. I also think that they will lockdown again once cases keep rising because high vaccination rates equals higher Covid cases. And that’s something that the people making these ridiculous rules don’t realise. They don’t want to look at the data coming out of Israel and Singapore. I do think that the premier of Queensland won’t open the borders here because she knows the vaccine doesn’t work. She doesn’t want high cases here.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Hypertrophy on September 25, 2021, 09:59:43 PM
Penal colony. What more do you need to know? It's the Australian DNA kicking in, lol

"Between 1777 and 1868, the British Government shipped approximately 165,000 convicts to Australia. These convicts were imprisoned in a strange land more than 22,000 kilometers from their home. If they wanted to return home at the end of their sentences, they had to pay the fare themselves. Most convicts could not afford it."

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: G_Thang on September 25, 2021, 10:22:48 PM
Be like Sweden, Be Vaccine Free, Be Free to Move Around Naturally.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: galain on September 26, 2021, 03:16:35 AM
Expat Aussie here.
Melbourne was the last place I lived before I came to Germany. I thought it was the best city I'd ever called home. I really don't recognise it anymore.

I don't recognise my country anymore.

I'd like to go back to see my elderly mother but that looks less and less likely these days. Don't know what the fuck is going on, but I'm glad people are starting to wake up and question some of this stupidity.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Humble Narcissist on September 26, 2021, 04:49:18 AM
Be like Sweden, Be Vaccine Free, Be Free to Move Around Naturally.
Yes, they are handling this best.  Kwon is a lucky man to be living in one of the only sane countries when it comes to Covid.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Chubz on September 26, 2021, 05:02:56 AM
NWO. It's coming to the US for sure.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Tapeworm on September 26, 2021, 05:05:36 AM
I'm sure watching it. I'm actually a little scared to write what I really think because I'll be declared an enemy of the state.

But fuck it.

You do what the government tells you to do or you get destroyed. Protest is illegal and the news is outright state propaganda. It's straight up fascism. I hope they come to their senses but there's a good chance I'm going to end up in a fucking internment camp if I don't take the vaccine.

So I guess... remember me, you guys. I think I'm joking when I say that, but I might not be.

"If you got a black list, I wanna be on it."
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Tapeworm on September 26, 2021, 06:19:28 AM
Tbh I'm just sad. Nothing is going to stop vaccine mandates and passports, boosters forever, no free movement and perpetual tracking, social credit, and anything else governments feel like commanding. You don't even have a say about what gets injected into you.

It's happening. It's working. Nothing is going to stop it. It's over. They're gonna get your children too. No choice, except choosing to destroy little Jimmy's life, no school, no activities, no friends, no future, which will eventually be declared abuse. I'm so sorry.

This didn't arise from Covid alone. It's tempting to say we were always free and then covid came and authoritarianism sprang up out of nowhere, right? But everyone alive has been pretty well conditioned to accept dictates. We all basically needed permission to wipe our ass this whole time. You couldn't make a nickel without being told how many cents you're permitted to keep. You couldn't drive down the street without paperwork and licensing, and we all just accepted it. You need a license to own a dog. "Very well, we will permit you to have a dog." Compliance and licensure as conditions to do what you want to do. "We're free! We have freedom! Let freedom ring!" Kiss my ass. We're all a bunch of bootlicking peasants.

Lol, we thought our enemies governments were "regimes" and evil, and ours is good and benevolent. Well good fucking morning.

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Vince B on September 26, 2021, 07:04:50 AM
Australia doesn’t exist because most state borders are closed. Government, Department of Health and Police all corrupt and outright stupid. In Sydney we have been locked down for 3 months now but new infections are still around 1000 every day. Almost the same number in Melbourne.they have banned  Ivermectin and other drugs that have been shown to be effective in other countries. News media are propaganda agencies for the government. The police are using anti-terrorist squads, rubber bullets and tear gas on protesters. Unbelievably stupid government, both state and federal.

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Vince B on September 26, 2021, 07:13:13 AM
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: joswift on September 26, 2021, 08:01:05 AM
Be like Sweden, Be Vaccine Free, Be Free to Move Around Naturally.

Sweden is virtually a cashless society, they are well on the way to total population control, thats why they were left alone..
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: TheGrinch on September 26, 2021, 08:18:05 AM
Sweden is virtually a cashless society, they are well on the way to total population control, thats why they were left alone..

100000%%%% exactly!!

When your population takes BBC rapage up the anus and then apologizes for getting raped.... you've got a solid populace ready to kneel to whatever Rothschild demands.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 26, 2021, 08:35:57 AM
A couple of months ago I made a thread on the poli board about our country going the way of communism and of course the usual suspects on here mocked it and since then it’s been getting worse.

Australian’s should have never surrendered they’re firearms and unfortunately this is the price being paid. This is EXACTLY what our second amendment is for in this country. Like Australia, this administration is using the same excuse (Scamdemic) to eventually do the same…I hope I’m wrong but at this point I don’t see it being it’s getting worse. This scam administration you don’t hear anything about the borders and absolutely NOTHING about Afghanistan even though we still have people trapped in the country with executions.

But what DO hear about on a daily basis is about this fucking virus and the hard push for the vaccines plus 2 and 3 boosters none that have been proven effective as well as still the push for masks and mandates of both vaccines and masks which makes no sense.

NEVER give up your firearms
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Tapeworm on September 26, 2021, 09:03:31 AM
Guns aren't going to help at all. Vaccination will simply be declared a condition for everything. Employment, shopping, schooling, etc. Those measures alone will gain better than 95% compliance globally imo.

No, you shouldn't give them up but they're not a solution to this problem.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: joswift on September 26, 2021, 09:05:49 AM
Guns aren't going to help at all. Vaccination will simply be declared a condition for everything. Employment, shopping, schooling, etc. Those measures alone will gain better than 95% compliance globally imo.
The "Hive Mind" will ensure almost full compliance
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on September 26, 2021, 09:09:47 AM
Guns aren't going to help at all.

That is, until they are the only thing that will "help".

The reason the social media control is so strong is the viral nature of information. The billionaires still fear the like minded masses with torches and pitchforks. They also know as long as they postpone hardship and keep them fed and entertained that nothing will happen.

There's a reason everything is always split 50/50 when it comes to political partisanship and keeping people from assembling. This is all a means to an end though. Democracy is just a blip in the way humans have been organized socially. Except for a couple hundred years power and wealth has been highly centralized with a 1% or less distribution. This a move to return to it because the industrial revolution is over and masses of workers are no longer needed.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 26, 2021, 09:10:56 AM
Guns aren't going to help at all. Vaccination will simply be declared a condition for everything. Employment, shopping, schooling, etc. Those measures alone will gain better than 95% compliance globally imo.

No, you shouldn't give them up but they're not a solution to this problem.

Funny, seems to work on unarmed citizens. You can either fight for your freedom or let them take it….their freedom has been taken. Our 2A was written for these situations
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Megalodon on September 26, 2021, 09:22:24 AM


Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: TheGrinch on September 26, 2021, 09:31:25 AM
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 26, 2021, 09:41:39 AM
Protests like those are a classic case of…low intelligence. 😔
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Tapeworm on September 26, 2021, 09:49:20 AM
By all means, clutch your rifle. But are you hearing me? It's not a gunfight. By the time it is a gunfight, you've already lost. Relying on your gun to solve everything is a weakness. It's just a tool. Not every tool does every job.

More than half the population will voluntarily comply. A remaining 40% will obey mandates immediately when it means they can't earn income to feed their children.

I have no problem with the volunteers, although I'd like to see more balanced and open discussion, which I think would change some minds. The issue is with the mandates, which only gain legitimacy by people complying with them. People need to see an attractive alternative. They need to know they can refuse and not have their life ruined. They don't want to pick up a rifle and have a civil war. They just want their paycheck. That's who you need to win over. That's where the battle is.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 26, 2021, 09:49:52 AM
Protests like those are a classic case of…low intelligence. 😔

People are protesting for their freedom…how is that low intelligence?
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: TheGrinch on September 26, 2021, 09:56:58 AM
By all means, clutch your rifle. But are you hearing me? It's not a gunfight. By the time it is a gunfight, you've already lost. Relying on your gun to solve everything is a weakness. It's just a tool. Not every tool does every job.

More than half the population will voluntarily comply. A remaining 40% will obey mandates immediately when it means they can't earn income to feed their children.

I have no problem with the volunteers, although I'd like to see more balanced and open discussion, which I think would change some minds. The issue is with the mandates, which only gain legitimacy by people complying with them. People need to see an attractive alternative. They need to know they can refuse and not have their life ruined. They don't want to pick up a rifle and have a civil war. They just want their paycheck. That's who you need to win over. That's where the battle is.

People need to realize that the govt isn't the real enemy.. its the other 50% of the population that is willing to comply with literally anything and rat out the other 50% that don't comply.

Need to wake up the sheep, go back to normal life.

100% disobedience will mean the gov't is powerless to do anything.

Its not about guns, its about waking the sheep.

Compliance is exactly what keeps this charade going
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 26, 2021, 10:04:15 AM

People are protesting for their freedom…how is that low intelligence?

They're not smart enough to understand the importance of taking the vaccine. They're just like a heard of sheep!  8)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Tapeworm on September 26, 2021, 10:23:07 AM

People need to realize that the govt isn't the real enemy.. its the other 50% of the population that is willing to comply with literally anything and rat out the other 50% that don't comply.

Need to wake up the sheep, go back to normal life.

100% disobedience will mean the gov't is powerless to do anything.

Its not about guns, its about waking the sheep.

Compliance is exactly what keeps this charade going

The evolution of a free thinking populace would be great, and I hope it happens, but I don't know if we can pull that off before the clock runs out.

For right now, I reckon shaking the legitimacy of government mandates to businesses is where it's at. Idk how. All I can come up with for now is 1) scaring business by telling them they'll be sued into oblivion and 2) flash unionization which means economic brinksmanship with the business and the economy as a whole.

If one group can flip the bird to a threat of termination and still not get fired, it'll gain momentum. If one business can tell the government to screw off and still keep operating. We only have to hit one time and it's a precedent. Twice is a trend, and three is  goddamn movement.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 26, 2021, 10:29:18 AM
They're not smart enough to understand the importance of taking the vaccine. They're just like a heard of sheep!  8)

The “vaccine” has been proven damn near ineffective and more and more people are getting harmed from it. We have a million threads on here…not going start another on here
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 26, 2021, 10:31:15 AM
By all means, clutch your rifle. But are you hearing me? It's not a gunfight. By the time it is a gunfight, you've already lost. Relying on your gun to solve everything is a weakness. It's just a tool. Not every tool does every job.

More than half the population will voluntarily comply. A remaining 40% will obey mandates immediately when it means they can't earn income to feed their children.

I have no problem with the volunteers, although I'd like to see more balanced and open discussion, which I think would change some minds. The issue is with the mandates, which only gain legitimacy by people complying with them. People need to see an attractive alternative. They need to know they can refuse and not have their life ruined. They don't want to pick up a rifle and have a civil war. They just want their paycheck. That's who you need to win over. That's where the battle is.

Firearms are always a last resort in any situation but you can’t leave the public unable to defend themselves. I heard (correct me I’m wrong) because stabbings are going up they want to confiscate knives?
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Tapeworm on September 26, 2021, 10:52:54 AM
Firearms are always a last resort in any situation but you can’t leave the public unable to defend themselves. I heard (correct me I’m wrong) because stabbings are going up they want to confiscate knives?

Haven't head anything about that but I'm pretty out of the loop. I don't really bother with TV, local news, or the radio. It's just a bunch of shit. I wouldn't put it past them.

I heard something about that in the UK a few years back tho. Saw a hilarious pic not too long ago of a culinary item with a DO NOT SELL TO UNDER 18s sign. It was a whisk. You know, like for beating eggs.  ;D  Pull that out of your jacket and be all "I said... gimmie your wallet!"
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 26, 2021, 10:54:35 AM
The “vaccine” has been proven damn near ineffective and more and more people are getting harmed from it. We have a million threads on here…not going start another on here

So 98% of Doctors have been fooled into believing the vaccine is effective but somehow, these construction workers, with NO education have figured out the truth?

That makes ABSOLUTELY no sense.  8)

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Tapeworm on September 26, 2021, 11:00:18 AM
So 98% of Doctors have been fooled into believing the vaccine is effective but somehow, these construction workers, with NO education have figured out the truth?

That makes ABSOLUTELY no sense.  8)

The validity of the reason for refusal is immaterial. Right or wrong, you get to make the decisions about your body.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 26, 2021, 11:03:58 AM
The validity of the reason for refusal is immaterial. Right or wrong, you get to make the decisions about your body.

They do have to the right to refuse the vaccine. Nobody is pinning them down and forcing them to take the shot.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: joswift on September 26, 2021, 11:05:52 AM
They do have to the right to refuse the vaccine. Nobody is pinning them down and forcing them to take the shot.
but if you cant work, go anywhere, buy anything including food, get zero health care without it then its forced.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 26, 2021, 11:17:48 AM
but if you cant work, go anywhere, buy anything including food, get zero health care without it then its forced.

None of this is true. They can still buy food and work and receive health care (the ICUs are taken over by these people  8))

They just can't go into crowded spaces like concerts or sporting events....places they probably couldn't afford to go to anyways.  8)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 26, 2021, 11:28:43 AM
They do have to the right to refuse the vaccine. Nobody is pinning them down and forcing them to take the shot.

Union forcing mandatory vaccines for construction workers. People are being dragged out of their homes because of mask mandates (that also don’t work)

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 26, 2021, 11:34:07 AM
Union forcing mandatory vaccines for construction workers. People are being dragged out of their homes because of mask mandates (that also don’t work)

These union workers need to realize that the world doesn’t owe them a paycheck. Don’t like the rules…get a different job or open your own business🙄
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on September 26, 2021, 11:35:42 AM
These union workers need to realize that the world doesn’t owe them a paycheck. Don’t like the rules…get a different job or open your own business🙄

You win the bootlicker award this week.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on September 26, 2021, 11:41:26 AM

You win the bootlicker award this week.

I have a lot more respect for people who just admit that they know it’s a fraud but it’s just not a hill worth dying on as opposed to these fools who have convinced themselves that this scam is legit.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: joswift on September 26, 2021, 11:54:26 AM
None of this is true. They can still buy food and work and receive health care (the ICUs are taken over by these people  8))

They just can't go into crowded spaces like concerts or sporting events....places they probably couldn't afford to go to anyways.  8)

Not yet, no jab no job is coming soon.
Insurance companies will see to that, you will be deemed a risk to others and will be let go.

This is just the beginning, by 2025 the world will be like communist china
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 26, 2021, 01:03:57 PM
Hate seeing this
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IRON CROSS on September 26, 2021, 04:21:51 PM
Expat Aussie here.
Melbourne was the last place I lived before I came to Germany. I thought it was the best city I'd ever called home. I really don't recognise it anymore.

I don't recognise my country anymore.

I'd like to go back to see my elderly mother but that looks less and less likely these days. Don't know what the fuck is going on, but I'm glad people are starting to wake up and question some of this stupidity.

Mango season just started ............... 8)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IroNat on September 26, 2021, 04:25:31 PM
These union workers need to realize that the world doesn’t owe them a paycheck. Don’t like the rules…get a different job or open your own business🙄

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IRON CROSS on September 26, 2021, 04:29:09 PM

Australian’s should have never surrendered they’re firearms and unfortunately this is the price being paid.

NEVER give up your firearms

.....that was a buyback of the old crap, nobody surrendered guns for free , more guns than ever ........... ;)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IRON CROSS on September 26, 2021, 04:35:44 PM
I'm sure watching it. I'm actually a little scared to write what I really think because I'll be declared an enemy of the state.

But fuck it.

"If you got a black list, I wanna be on it."

No more QANTAS for me, that Irish poof was the 1st talker about Vaxx card ............... :(
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Vince B on September 26, 2021, 04:42:39 PM
Amazing how everyone is an expert on viruses and vaccines. We live in a dark time. Media not trustworthy, social media controlled, WHO CDC and FDA corrupt. We are fucked plain and simple.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 26, 2021, 04:49:42 PM

People are protesting for their freedom…how is that low intelligence?

If these construction workers are anything like the ones I know they eat nothing but fast food and beer and smoke 2 packs of cigarettes per day.....but they won't take the vaccine because they're worried about their health.  ::)

There's only one explanation for this type of behavior....low intelligence.  8)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on September 26, 2021, 04:52:27 PM

Australian’s should have never surrendered they’re firearms and unfortunately this is the price being paid. This is EXACTLY what our second amendment is for in this country.

In what kind of situation will you turn your guns on the police or government? If you see police pepper spray an unarmed grandma in California, like they have done in Australia, will you shoot the officer? Are you ready to defend your rights by dying for them? From what I've seen no one has started executing government officials yet despite them turning the US full communist. When will the war start?

I don't see you going out in a hail of bullets over principles. Too much to lose. That's how everyone thinks which is why nothing happens. All those guns will sit unused. And if there was a armed confrontation between citizens and government who would win? Lol. Who has the bigger guns?
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IRON CROSS on September 26, 2021, 04:53:11 PM
Amazing how everyone is an expert on viruses and vaccines. We live in a dark time. Media not trustworthy, social media controlled, WHO CDC and FDA corrupt. We are fucked plain and simple.

I'm @ Tweed Heads/Coolangatta 'border'  :D
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IroNat on September 26, 2021, 05:22:02 PM
Frogs in pots of slowly heating water.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Vince B on September 26, 2021, 05:27:55 PM
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: TheGrinch on September 26, 2021, 05:29:36 PM
In what kind of situation will you turn your guns on the police or government? If you see police pepper spray an unarmed grandma in California, like they have done in Australia, will you shoot the officer? Are you ready to defend your rights by dying for them? From what I've seen no one has started executing government officials yet despite them turning the US full communist. When will the war start?

I don't see you going out in a hail of bullets over principles. Too much to lose. That's how everyone thinks which is why nothing happens. All those guns will sit unused. And if there was a armed confrontation between citizens and government who would win? Lol. Who has the bigger guns?


until every single person has nothing to lose or is willing to lose everything... nothing happens, nothing changes
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on September 26, 2021, 05:30:30 PM
So 98% of Doctors have been fooled into believing the vaccine is effective but somehow, these construction workers, with NO education have figured out the truth?

That makes ABSOLUTELY no sense.  8)

It makes perfect sense. Doctors don’t do the research on these drugs. Big Pharma runs the medical industry. They just “advise” the doctors to give the patient certain drugs if the patient has certain symptoms. The doctors just follow suit.

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 26, 2021, 05:48:05 PM
It makes perfect sense. Doctors don’t do the research on these drugs. Big Pharma runs the medical industry. They just “advise” the doctors to give the patient certain drugs if the patient has certain symptoms. The doctors just follow suit.

But if the Doctors weren't able to figure out that the vaccine was not effective (and even harmful) how did the construction workers figure it out?

This makes even LESS sense.  8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: TheGrinch on September 26, 2021, 06:10:34 PM
Is it all of Australia thats under lockdown or just one city?
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Tennisballz on September 26, 2021, 06:17:11 PM
In what kind of situation will you turn your guns on the police or government? If you see police pepper spray an unarmed grandma in California, like they have done in Australia, will you shoot the officer? Are you ready to defend your rights by dying for them? From what I've seen no one has started executing government officials yet despite them turning the US full communist. When will the war start?

I don't see you going out in a hail of bullets over principles. Too much to lose. That's how everyone thinks which is why nothing happens. All those guns will sit unused. And if there was a armed confrontation between citizens and government who would win? Lol. Who has the bigger guns?
Correct.  You get it, most don't.  When people are ready to start killing, things will change.  Politicians and the people they pay to enforce the laws they want will stop doing what they are doing when their lives are in danger.  This will never happen while people still have food, pornhub and fantasy football.  It's the reason these protests largely accomplish nothing.  The people with money and power are pretty good at dancing on the line of ruling over us in a dictator style yet still giving us all the little goodies we are addicted to.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 26, 2021, 07:31:26 PM
In what kind of situation will you turn your guns on the police or government? If you see police pepper spray an unarmed grandma in California, like they have done in Australia, will you shoot the officer? Are you ready to defend your rights by dying for them? From what I've seen no one has started executing government officials yet despite them turning the US full communist. When will the war start?

I don't see you going out in a hail of bullets over principles. Too much to lose. That's how everyone thinks which is why nothing happens. All those guns will sit unused. And if there was a armed confrontation between citizens and government who would win? Lol. Who has the bigger guns?

Doesn’t work that way. Read our Second Amendment. It’s about protecting life and a defending yourself against a tyrannical Government. “Shall not be infringed” means exactly that
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on September 26, 2021, 07:39:54 PM
But if the Doctors weren't able to figure out that the vaccine was not effective (and even harmful) how did the construction workers figure it out?

This makes even LESS sense.  8) 8) 8)

By not being tied to pharma money and just paying attention to the data. The data is still there regardless of the news and social media spin.

You are on here goosestepping and judging intelligence...because you trust the govt 100%.  ::)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 26, 2021, 07:51:39 PM

By not being tied to pharma money and just paying attention to the data. The data is still there regardless of the news and social media spin.

You are on here goosestepping and judging intelligence...because you trust the govt 100%.  ::)

So these construction workers, the majority whom don't know how to read, were able to analyze all the "data" and figure out the truth?  8)

The same data that the Doctors couldn't figure out?  8) 8) 8)

So in summary...the average Australian construction worker is SMARTER and MORE educated than 98% of Doctors. That's the theory?  8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 26, 2021, 08:17:28 PM
Not the engineers. Not the lawyers. Not the University Professors.

Just the construction workers. All of them.😎
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Hypertrophy on September 26, 2021, 08:20:34 PM
So these construction workers, the majority whom don't know how to read, were able to analyze all the "data" and figure out the truth?  8)

The same data that the Doctors couldn't figure out? 8) 8) 8)

So in summary...the average Australian construction worker is SMARTER and MORE educated than 98% of Doctors. That's the theory?  8) 8) 8)

I'm guessing you are being serious so I'll take your questions at face value.

Rarely do doctors operate outside their specialty. A GP, for example, has very little knowledge of the action of a vaccine or in this Covid case, gene therapy. There is just far too much to learn in a given specialty. So if a "vaccine" is being touted by CDC, then 99% of doctors fall in line and prescribe it, no questions asked.

But if the same doctors were to do a little digging they would come to similar conclusions about mRNa as anyone would- it's unsafe for a number of reasons which I won't write a book here to outline..

I have a good friend who was a general practitioner but left the business because he wasn't making enough money. He is now setting policy for a huge medical insurer in upstate NY. He is pro mRNA therapy and has considerable input on what the company does regarding reimbursements.

I asked him if he knew that mRNA was problematic and at first he gave me the brushoff since, of course, he knew everything, lol. I sent him NIH papers on it and now his tune is changing. He truly wonders what the hell is going on.

I'm a synthetic organic chemist by profession- so yeah, even a non medical person like me can read and analyze date. But you really don't to be a genius to see that there are much more nefarious movements under hand with Covid. It's a once in a lifetime chance for governments around the world to seize power from the public.

Oh, and about all those "university professors"...


Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on September 26, 2021, 09:17:20 PM
OAK sounds like his wife got banged out by a bricklayer? Henda, explain this.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Dave D on September 26, 2021, 09:47:26 PM
So these construction workers, the majority whom don't know how to read, were able to analyze all the "data" and figure out the truth?  8)

The same data that the Doctors couldn't figure out?  8) 8) 8)

So in summary...the average Australian construction worker is SMARTER and MORE educated than 98% of Doctors. That's the theory?  8) 8) 8)

I like your style.

Never question anyone. Especially if they are smarter than you. These type of people always have your best interest in mind, if you question any idea it’s because you’re not smart enough to understand.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 26, 2021, 10:16:07 PM
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on September 26, 2021, 10:21:08 PM
Doesn’t work that way. Read our Second Amendment. It’s about protecting life and a defending yourself against a tyrannical Government. “Shall not be infringed” means exactly that

I have no idea what you're trying to say. Are you saying you have used your guns to protect life and liberty against this fake government? Are you saying you will use your guns against the government in the future? According to you they just manufactured at least 40 million fake votes to install a Marxist-Communist puppet as head of state. Then they laughed in your face. Now they are forcing you to take the Satanic Vaxx against your will. You are now living in a communist hell. When exactly are you planning to start using your guns against tyranny?

Laughable. The best you can do is pose at a gun range and sell some silly t-shirt. Is anyone on your side doing more? That's right, if there are your side is calling them white supremacist terrorists, I'm sure you do too.

I'm not suggesting you start shooting people, not at all. I'm saying the whole idea is ridiculous. But at the same time, as you've said so many times, they stole the election outright in brazen fashion and from what I can tell you are still hoping for- and working for a political solution. But how is a political solution viable when they will just fake all elections etc?

Again, how are you defending yourself against tyranny with your guns? Do you see civil war in the near future? You haven't said anything about your actual plan. From what you have said you have a wife, kids, grandson, booming business, pleasant life on the beach. I doubt we'll see you on the frontlines if things get serious. Too much to lose.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IroNat on September 27, 2021, 04:48:00 AM
But if the Doctors weren't able to figure out that the vaccine was not effective (and even harmful) how did the construction workers figure it out?

This makes even LESS sense.  8) 8) 8)

It's about freedom of choice to decide whether you get a vax or not.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on September 27, 2021, 04:51:53 AM

By not being tied to pharma money and just paying attention to the data. The data is still there regardless of the news and social media spin.

You are on here goosestepping and judging intelligence...because you trust the govt 100%.  ::)

This is basically what it comes down to, whether you trust the government or not.

What we were sold on the vaccines, that they stop infection, isn’t what we’re getting. Now we’re getting that they prevent you from getting sicker than what you would’ve gotten without the vaccine. This can’t even be proven one way or the other as many cases are asymptomatic. With the vaccine, would you be even less asymptomatic?😂
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on September 27, 2021, 04:58:05 AM

I'm guessing you are being serious so I'll take your questions at face value.

Rarely do doctors operate outside their specialty. A GP, for example, has very little knowledge of the action of a vaccine or in this Covid case, gene therapy. There is just far too much to learn in a given specialty. So if a "vaccine" is being touted by CDC, then 99% of doctors fall in line and prescribe it, no questions asked.

But if the same doctors were to do a little digging they would come to similar conclusions about mRNa as anyone would- it's unsafe for a number of reasons which I won't write a book here to outline..

I have a good friend who was a general practitioner but left the business because he wasn't making enough money. He is now setting policy for a huge medical insurer in upstate NY. He is pro mRNA therapy and has considerable input on what the company does regarding reimbursements.

I asked him if he knew that mRNA was problematic and at first he gave me the brushoff since, of course, he knew everything, lol. I sent him NIH papers on it and now his tune is changing. He truly wonders what the hell is going on.

I'm a synthetic organic chemist by profession- so yeah, even a non medical person like me can read and analyze date. But you really don't to be a genius to see that there are much more nefarious movements under hand with Covid. It's a once in a lifetime chance for governments around the world to seize power from the public.

Oh, and about all those "university professors"...


And if they don’t, they have to find a new profession. Doctorin’ doesn’t really transfer over to much else.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Mayday on September 27, 2021, 05:03:42 AM
There was an international catchup very recently and it seems like Australia got uppercut by the rest of your leaders.

Pretty much a 180 flip here now.

1st December unvaccinated will be under the same rules as vaccinated and they're looking to ease a whole lot of restrictions.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: kreator on September 27, 2021, 05:09:44 AM
So these construction workers, the majority whom don't know how to read, were able to analyze all the "data" and figure out the truth?  8)

The same data that the Doctors couldn't figure out?  8) 8) 8)

So in summary...the average Australian construction worker is SMARTER and MORE educated than 98% of Doctors. That's the theory?  8) 8) 8)

Lots of medical workers and scientists are coming out with the truth about the vaccines and the actual c0vid deaths. Thousands of videos on Bitchute. It's science against science. The difference is that one isn't ''supported'' by  the media and the government. Are u people playing dumb or don't want to face the possible cold hard truth about what's happening globally.
You think i want this to be real? I'd gladly accept being mocked and ridiculed for being wrong. At least we would be healthy and continue with our lives. People think taht we get off on spreading the other opinions and the possible agenda that is behind the c0vid. I want to be wrong. But what if I'm not and the real agenda is depopulation and total control over the rest?
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on September 27, 2021, 05:39:31 AM
If you wanna look for an agenda, take a peek at the federal reserves’ balance sheet in the last two years.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 27, 2021, 09:08:05 AM
I have no idea what you're trying to say. Are you saying you have used your guns to protect life and liberty against this fake government? Are you saying you will use your guns against the government in the future? According to you they just manufactured at least 40 million fake votes to install a Marxist-Communist puppet as head of state. Then they laughed in your face. Now they are forcing you to take the Satanic Vaxx against your will. You are now living in a communist hell. When exactly are you planning to start using your guns against tyranny?

Laughable. The best you can do is pose at a gun range and sell some silly t-shirt. Is anyone on your side doing more? That's right, if there are your side is calling them white supremacist terrorists, I'm sure you do too.

I'm not suggesting you start shooting people, not at all. I'm saying the whole idea is ridiculous. But at the same time, as you've said so many times, they stole the election outright in brazen fashion and from what I can tell you are still hoping for- and working for a political solution. But how is a political solution viable when they will just fake all elections etc?

Again, how are you defending yourself against tyranny with your guns? Do you see civil war in the near future? You haven't said anything about your actual plan. From what you have said you have a wife, kids, grandson, booming business, pleasant life on the beach. I doubt we'll see you on the frontlines if things get serious. Too much to lose.

Before we get into this post, what country are you in? I forgot. We could start a thread on this alone and it would probably go 20 pages. As for the "silly shirt"...received 12 orders since posting on here yesterday. Not a bad take of one silly picture in the middle of a thread. Win
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IRON CROSS on September 27, 2021, 12:58:46 PM
Before we get into this post, what country are you in? I forgot. We could start a thread on this alone and it would probably go 20 pages. As for the "silly shirt"...received 12 orders since posting on here yesterday. Not a bad take of one silly picture in the middle of a thread. Win

He's old fart from SWEDEN !.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 27, 2021, 01:09:27 PM

He's old fart from SWEDEN !.

Explains a lot. I have a client from Sweden who has the complete polar opposite views on firearms than Van does
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IRON CROSS on September 27, 2021, 01:12:33 PM
Explains a lot. I have a client from Sweden who has the complete polar opposite views on firearms than Van does

Just think of SS Viking Divison (mostly Swedes) , the last defenders of Reichstag in May 1945 !.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 27, 2021, 01:19:29 PM
So I could see if only 10% of Doctors took the vaccine. That would make sense to question things. Same thing for 25% even 50% (maybe) but 98%? That's INSANE.

These "Australian Construction Workers" are claiming that they know more than 98% of all Doctors (over 1 million doctors).

Once again they only explanation I can think of to explain this is......LOW INTELLIGENCE.  8)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Megalodon on September 27, 2021, 01:50:08 PM
"As late as 1960 only one-third of all US doctors believed that the case against cigarettes had been established. "

Doctors used to be confused and unethical in the past but all that's been straightened out. They're infallible now, like the pope. Same with drug companies.


Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on September 27, 2021, 01:59:46 PM
"As late as 1960 only one-third of all US doctors believed that the case against cigarettes had been established. "

Great post. As I’ve said before, there’s very little difference between doctors today and their medieval predecessors. Bleed the patient. If that doesn’t work, take more blood. If the patient dies it’s because they couldn’t tolerate the treatment.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 27, 2021, 02:11:12 PM
I doubt those numbers are accurate, but let’s pretend they are. Are you suggesting that the vaccine manufacturers paid off over 1,000,000 Doctors to make it look like the vaccine was effective.

Do the math, that’s impossible!

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 27, 2021, 02:15:24 PM
Not to mention all other hospital staff, scientists and world leaders.🙄

This is too funny!😎😎😎

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Megalodon on September 27, 2021, 02:20:22 PM




Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 27, 2021, 04:20:49 PM
Not to mention all other hospital staff, scientists and world leaders.🙄

This is too funny!😎😎😎


US has had a 300%+ increase in infections. 1 in 500 are dying. This is AFTER the vaccine was released. Tell me more about the Doctors that believe your garbage. 80% of Israel is vaccinated and they’re having the biggest outbreak since the fake plannedemic started….
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 27, 2021, 04:47:00 PM
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Hypertrophy on September 27, 2021, 04:53:34 PM
And if they don’t, they have to find a new profession. Doctorin’ doesn’t really transfer over to much else.

Ain't that the truth? I happen to become friends with quite a few doctors in upstate NY because of cycling. Most are very good people- actually wanting to help others, and there is a solid 10% that are just in it for the money.

When you talk with them you quickly realize that they are one trick ponies. All the training in medicine, and the internships, left little time for learning much else. As a result they are totally lost when it comes to anything outside medicine. It is really surprising.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: tommywishbone on September 27, 2021, 05:00:47 PM
Total insanity followed by absolute cowardness.

What the fuck???   

Is there nobody down there with a fucking set? If not- burn the entire fucking country.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: tommywishbone on September 27, 2021, 05:03:26 PM
They're not smart enough to understand the importance of taking the vaccine. They're just like a heard of sheep!  8)

Fuck off coward.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 27, 2021, 05:04:16 PM

Haha. I feel like doing this to the anti-maskers sometimes too.  8)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 27, 2021, 05:05:43 PM
Haha. I feel like doing this to the anti-maskers sometimes too.  8)

Sure you do
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: TheGrinch on September 27, 2021, 05:06:33 PM
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 27, 2021, 05:07:54 PM
US has had a 300%+ increase in infections. 1 in 500 are dying. This is AFTER the vaccine was released. Tell me more about the Doctors that believe your garbage. 80% of Israel is vaccinated and they’re having the biggest outbreak since the fake plannedemic started….

The COVID virus is surging in the US because 40% of the population over age 12 is not fully vaccinated. Simple.  8)

Also, the fact that the virus is surging provides NO evidence for a fake virus. Quite the opposite actually.  ::)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on September 27, 2021, 05:13:03 PM
So I could see if only 10% of Doctors took the vaccine. That would make sense to question things. Same thing for 25% even 50% (maybe) but 98%? That's INSANE.

These "Australian Construction Workers" are claiming that they know more than 98% of all Doctors (over 1 million doctors).

Once again they only explanation I can think of to explain this is......LOW INTELLIGENCE.  8)

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Moontrane on September 27, 2021, 05:16:29 PM
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 27, 2021, 05:32:36 PM

This sums up this thread perfectly for me.  8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on September 27, 2021, 06:00:30 PM

This sums up this thread perfectly for me.  8) 8) 8)

Thank you for gracing us with your presence.  ::)

Do you prefer black shirts or brown?
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Megalodon on September 27, 2021, 06:07:16 PM
NY Governor Kathy Hochul goes on unhinged religious rant, says “The vaccine is from God” and “I need you to be my Apostles”:

Kathy Hokem, the vaccine pusher. How did this fool get to be gov of NY, of all places?! NY will be a Sharia Noahide state in no time.

She's an idiot. :D

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 27, 2021, 06:10:11 PM

Thank you for gracing us with your presence.  ::)

Do you prefer black shirts or brown?

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on September 27, 2021, 06:17:44 PM

Maybe Voltaire is more your style Mr. Ponytail, and will speak at your impossibly high levels of perception.

"Formerly there were those who said: You believe things that are incomprehensible, inconsistent, impossible because we have commanded you to believe them; go then and do what is injust because we command it. Such people show admirable reasoning. Truly, whoever can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. If the God‐​given understanding of your mind does not resist a demand to believe what is impossible, then you will not resist a demand to do wrong to that God‐​given sense of justice in your heart. As soon as one faculty of your soul has been dominated, other faculties will follow as well."
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 27, 2021, 06:32:47 PM

The COVID virus is surging in the US because 40% of the population over age 12 is not fully vaccinated. Simple.  8)

Also, the fact that the virus is surging provides NO evidence for a fake virus. Quite the opposite actually.  ::)

No one said the virus was fake. Either you're completely oblivious or you're trolling
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 27, 2021, 06:40:50 PM
No one said the virus was fake. Either you're completely oblivious or you're trolling literally called it that. Please reread your previous posts.

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Dave D on September 27, 2021, 06:52:55 PM
I doubt those numbers are accurate, but let’s pretend they are. Are you suggesting that the vaccine manufacturers paid off over 1,000,000 Doctors to make it look like the vaccine was effective.

Do the math, that’s impossible!

There’s a million medical  doctors that are vaccinated in Australia? A million, the same amount as the US?

You show a tremendous amount of concern for the lowly educated and ill informed. You have a good heart.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: illuminati on September 27, 2021, 06:53:46 PM
US has had a 300%+ increase in infections. 1 in 500 are dying. This is AFTER the vaccine was released. Tell me more about the Doctors that believe your garbage. 80% of Israel is vaccinated and they’re having the biggest outbreak since the fake plannedemic started….

Our MSM doesn’t even mention what’s happening in Israel !! Like it doesn’t exist.
Mind U.K. MSM is Totally sold out & Corrupt , complicit in the lies & propaganda.
We are at war & the average Sheep Like who has swallowed the Bait , hook, line & sinker
Haven’t a Fucking Clue.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: illuminati on September 27, 2021, 06:58:24 PM
Haha. I feel like doing this to the anti-maskers sometimes too.  8)

I’m putting up Football Goal Nets to stop Flies & Mosquito’s & I have an overflowing order Book
All From Cloth wearing face covered folk.
It’s so popular as it fits in with their advanced thinking.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Vince B on September 27, 2021, 07:00:43 PM
The following are corrupt and do not support open debate for scientists re Covid 19:

TGA Australia
Health Departments in Australia
Police in Australia
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Vince B on September 27, 2021, 07:42:17 PM
Post by Oak: I wish I could say that I got a hernia lifting heavy in the gym.  It's actually a very embarrassing story.  A week ago my wife got me one of those "Squatty Potty" stools that's supposed to reduce your chances of getting a hernia while going to the bathroom. gave me a hernia.  :(

You live in Winnipeg so what is your education?
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Lartinos on September 27, 2021, 07:44:35 PM
These leftists pushing propaganda in this thread and beyond like an old friend of mine on FB does are despicable.

Some of them aren’t even part of the elite class and just think they are.

It’s scary how twisted people can be.

Eventually there will be a sympathy campaign for Hitler and the zombies will do as they are told to accept him.

I think we’re going to see the “vaccine” be extremely effective for it’s intended use this winter; it could get ugly.

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 27, 2021, 08:10:17 PM
Post by Oak: I wish I could say that I got a hernia lifting heavy in the gym.  It's actually a very embarrassing story.  A week ago my wife got me one of those "Squatty Potty" stools that's supposed to reduce your chances of getting a hernia while going to the bathroom. gave me a hernia.  :(

You live in Winnipeg so what is your education?

Wow. That post is from at least 6 years ago. You’re sure working hard to “get me”.

Can you say DESPERATE. 😎
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Vince B on September 27, 2021, 08:26:32 PM
Wow. That post is from at least 6 years ago. You’re sure working hard to “get me”.

Can you say DESPERATE. 😎

I would say you self owned yourself! So much for calling tradesmen dopes.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on September 27, 2021, 08:44:55 PM
I would say you self owned yourself! So much for calling tradesmen dopes.

 ;D  ;D  ;D

That's not the whole story....he was just peeing while sitting down.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: illuminati on September 27, 2021, 08:50:28 PM
Wow. That post is from at least 6 years ago. You’re sure working hard to “get me”.

Can you say DESPERATE. 😎

Post by Oak: I wish I could say that I got a hernia lifting heavy in the gym.  It's actually a very embarrassing story.  A week ago my wife got me one of those "Squatty Potty" stools that's supposed to reduce your chances of getting a hernia while going to the bathroom. gave me a hernia. 


You got a hernia from going to the loo 😀😂😀😂😀😂
Don’t tell us the Toilet seat was a Really Heavy One.

Funniest thing I’ve heard in ages.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Vince B on September 27, 2021, 09:08:21 PM

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 27, 2021, 09:38:09 PM
The following are corrupt and do not support open debate for scientists re Covid 19:

TGA Australia
Health Departments in Australia
Police in Australia

100%…. and it’s the same here
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Pray_4_War on September 27, 2021, 09:38:53 PM
This is what I'm seeing.  It seems pretty clear that governments are trying to save your life (so they say) and they intend to do that against your will.  Now, that explanation is kind of a best case scenario where you take them at their word and don't consider the possibility of more sinister motives. 

To accomplish their goals these governments are controlling your speech, and restricting your movements.  Forcing you to stay indoors.  Forcing you to wear masks indoors and outdoors.  Using coercion to force you to take experimental gene therapies.  Shutting down the economy, restricting your ability to work, run a business, and feed your family.  Forcing you to obey rules that often don't apply to the ruling class.  In America, those rules don't apply to the Hollywood elites either, or the millions of illegal immigrants that they are encouraging and allowing to invade your country.  Police are enforcing these new rules by arresting you when you've done nothing wrong, and sometimes beating the ever-loving shit out of you in the street.  From my viewpoint this is all textbook oppression and flat-out tyranny.  They no longer rule by the consent of the governed and the Constitution is being ignored.  You no longer have any rights and there isn't anything they can't do to you.

Does that about sum it up?
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Vince B on September 27, 2021, 10:07:35 PM
This is what I'm seeing.  It seems pretty clear that governments are trying to save your life (so they say) and they intend to do that against your will.  Now, that explanation is kind of a best case scenario where you take them at their word and don't consider the possibility of more sinister motives. 

To accomplish their goals these governments are controlling your speech, and restricting your movements.  Forcing you to stay indoors.  Forcing you to wear masks indoors and outdoors.  Using coercion to force you to take experimental gene therapies.  Shutting down the economy, restricting your ability to work, run a business, and feed your family.  Forcing you to obey rules that often don't apply to the ruling class.  In America, those rules don't apply to the Hollywood elites either, or the millions of illegal immigrants that they are encouraging and allowing to invade your country.  Police are enforcing these new rules by arresting you when you've done nothing wrong, and sometimes beating the ever-loving shit out of you in the street.  From my viewpoint this is all textbook oppression and flat-out tyranny.  They no longer rule by the consent of the governed and the Constitution is being ignored.  You no longer have any rights and there isn't anything they can't do to you.

Does that about sum it up?

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: tommywishbone on September 27, 2021, 10:22:08 PM
Would somebody please start killing people.

What the fuck! Do the senior citizens need to show the young punks how to handle business ?
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Mayday on September 27, 2021, 10:35:08 PM
I think govts went full retard and then just when you think things couldn’t ‘tard ’ any harder, society said ‘hold my beer’…..
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 27, 2021, 10:40:53 PM
Would somebody please start killing people.

What the fuck! Do the senior citizens need to show the young punks how to handle business ?

Yes 😂
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Pray_4_War on September 27, 2021, 11:41:18 PM

I'm very much for law-and-order and I'm very pro-law enforcement.  That said, these fucking cops that are out here violating people like this need to stop right now.  They are no longer serving and protecting.  Whether they realize it or not, they are the henchmen of evil overlords.  If this keeps up, there may be a day when these henchmen get all the smoke from some people.  When they do, I'm not going to give a fuck.  I'm not gonna be having their back.  "We were just doing our job" is not a valid excuse.  Lay down your nightsticks officers.  Refuse unconstitutional orders.  Stop doing Satan's bidding.  You are are turning a lot of friends into enemies right now.  You let leftist mobs run wild and burn cities to the fucking ground and then you abuse the more compliant and generally law-abiding citizens.  What the fuck are you doing?  Come to your senses before it's too late.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on September 28, 2021, 02:41:03 AM
Post by Oak: I wish I could say that I got a hernia lifting heavy in the gym.  It's actually a very embarrassing story.  A week ago my wife got me one of those "Squatty Potty" stools that's supposed to reduce your chances of getting a hernia while going to the bathroom. gave me a hernia.  :(

You live in Winnipeg so what is your education?

He’s Canadian. That explains it. The country is the definition off a lost cause, not that the US is far behind.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Vince B on September 28, 2021, 05:01:42 AM
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Taffin on September 28, 2021, 05:47:45 AM

That was a very interesting interview - thanks for posting Vince

And there's an interesting comment below it that kinda fits into the conversation that some are having in this thread.  It's a little over-dramatic, but it gives an angle on why direct action is a last resort:

"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy... but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone." - Author Unknown
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: epic is back on September 28, 2021, 06:21:57 AM literally called it that. Please reread your previous posts.

fffuuucckkk you
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 28, 2021, 06:46:54 AM
Before posting here I believed that anti vaxxers were the dumbest people on the planet….boy was I ever right!😆

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: joswift on September 28, 2021, 06:50:54 AM
Before posting here I believed that anti vaxxers were the dumbest people on the planet….boy was I ever right!😆

According to NISRA, death rates for August 2021 are the highest they have been for 16years. What has changed?
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on September 28, 2021, 06:57:16 AM
Before posting here I believed that anti vaxxers were the dumbest people on the planet….boy was I ever right!😆


Remind us - who had their wife buy a bathroom appliance because their fudge was packed too tight?


Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 28, 2021, 07:05:43 AM

Remind us - who had their wife buy a bathroom appliance because their fudge was packed too tight?


And there we have it…the classic sign of low intelligence.

No wonder you couldn’t properly defend yourself.

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Freemason on September 28, 2021, 07:13:03 AM
Before posting here I believed that anti vaxxers were the dumbest people on the planet….boy was I ever right!😆


To believe that your point of view is the only correct point of view is the greatest form of ignorance in the world.

To anyone that is wondering why a huge surge of new variants of Covid occurs in every country that mass deploys the vaccine, I am here to enlighten you.

This is the most important point- there is zero proof that the vaccine decreases transmission, infection, or transmissibility.

That statement is the single piece of this puzzle that you will not hear or read almost anywhere in the United States.

That statement is the single reason that proves mandates have absolutely no logical reasoning behind them. If you just as easily catch and transmit the virus, the only person protected by your shot is yourself. Unvaccinated people actually pose less of a threat to vaccinated people, because they are more likely to become symptomatic and at least have the knowledge that they are sick.

The only “proof“ that they turn to in their argument that being vaccinated slows the virus down, is the fact that the majority of the positive test results are in unvaccinated people. The biggest problem with this tenant is that unvaccinated people are tested at a far greater rate than vaccinated. About 90% of the PCR tests performed in the US today are on unvaccinated people. Most of you can see the evidence of this in your place of employment. If there is an exposure, right now almost everyone isolates the unvaccinated and requires them to get a test to return to work. Vaccinated people can keep on working like nothing happened.

It’s a fact that the vaccine likely suppresses the symptoms. It may also inhibit replication of the original strain of virus. The problem is, just like when a dog has a litter of puppies, a virus has many different variants in its offspring. And inside of a single person a virus will replicate millions of offspring. if the vaccine is only acting on the original strain, all of the stronger and more transmissible variants will rise to the top and jump off to the next host. So what you have is a huge mass of asymptomatic spreaders being allowed to intermingle with coworkers in the public spreading the strongest offspring of the parent virus that are able to bypass the vaccine.

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 28, 2021, 07:42:28 AM
To believe that your point of view is the only correct point of view is the greatest form of ignorance in the world.

To anyone that is wondering why a huge surge of new variants of Covid occurs in every country that mass deploys the vaccine, I am here to enlighten you.

This is the most important point- there is zero proof that the vaccine decreases transmission, infection, or transmissibility.

That statement is the single piece of this puzzle that you will not hear or read almost anywhere in the United States.

That statement is the single reason that proves mandates have absolutely no logical reasoning behind them. If you just as easily catch and transmit the virus, the only person protected by your shot is yourself. Unvaccinated people actually pose less of a threat to vaccinated people, because they are more likely to become symptomatic and at least have the knowledge that they are sick.

The only “proof“ that they turn to in their argument that being vaccinated slows the virus down, is the fact that the majority of the positive test results are in unvaccinated people. The biggest problem with this tenant is that unvaccinated people are tested at a far greater rate than vaccinated. About 90% of the PCR tests performed in the US today are on unvaccinated people. Most of you can see the evidence of this in your place of employment. If there is an exposure, right now almost everyone isolates the unvaccinated and requires them to get a test to return to work. Vaccinated people can keep on working like nothing happened.

It’s a fact that the vaccine likely suppresses the symptoms. It may also inhibit replication of the original strain of virus. The problem is, just like when a dog has a litter of puppies, a virus has many different variants in its offspring. And inside of a single person a virus will replicate millions of offspring. if the vaccine is only acting on the original strain, all of the stronger and more transmissible variants will rise to the top and jump off to the next host. So what you have is a huge mass of asymptomatic spreaders being allowed to intermingle with coworkers in the public spreading the strongest offspring of the parent virus that are able to bypass the vaccine.

I’m my country the unvaccinated are 60 times more likely to end up in ICU with COVID. Evidance is Crystal clear.🤷‍♂️
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: joswift on September 28, 2021, 07:46:43 AM
I’m my country the unvaccinated are 60 times more likely to end up in ICU with COVID. Evidance is Crystal clear.🤷‍♂️

where do you live and post the stats

Here are the UK stats, take note of the stats from last year (no vaccine) to this year with a vaccine
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on September 28, 2021, 07:50:28 AM
Explains a lot. I have a client from Sweden who has the complete polar opposite views on firearms than Van does

Look, you don't get my point at all. I am not against guns and I think you should keep them. I wish I could have a gun but I can only get illegal guns.

My point is that you are not doing anything with your guns. Nor will you. They are not a solution to your predicament.

As Tapeworm said:

Guns aren't going to help at all. Vaccination will simply be declared a condition for everything. Employment, shopping, schooling, etc. Those measures alone will gain better than 95% compliance globally imo.

No, you shouldn't give them up but they're not a solution to this problem.

Do you disagree with this? Are your guns going to stop the vaccine mandates and creeping communism? You have guns but how did ghey help the election steal? Didn't help one bit.

He's old fart from SWEDEN !.

Most people here are around my age. How old do you think Coach is? What do you offer except retarded outburts of extreme dyslexia?
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 28, 2021, 07:50:46 AM
where do you live and post the stats

Here are the UK stats, take note of the stats from last year (no vaccine) to this year with a vaccine

Canada.  Where’s the ICU stats though? Unvaccinated vs vaccinated.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IroNat on September 28, 2021, 08:46:12 AM
That was a very interesting interview - thanks for posting Vince

And there's an interesting comment below it that kinda fits into the conversation that some are having in this thread.  It's a little over-dramatic, but it gives an angle on why direct action is a last resort:

"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy... but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone." - Author Unknown

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 28, 2021, 08:51:45 AM
Canada.  Where’s the ICU stats though? Unvaccinated vs vaccinated.

Found them for the UK:

"3,742 (73%) were unvaccinated, 724 (14%) had received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and 521 (10%) had received both doses."

90% of Hospital admissions in the UK due to COVID are unvaccinated. STRIKING!
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 28, 2021, 09:03:51 AM
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: tom joad on September 28, 2021, 09:17:40 AM
Found them for the UK:

"3,742 (73%) were unvaccinated, 724 (14%) had received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and 521 (10%) had received both doses."

90% of Hospital admissions in the UK due to COVID are unvaccinated. STRIKING!

numbers (even if they're accepted) won't change any minds.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 28, 2021, 09:23:55 AM
numbers (even if they're accepted) won't change any minds.

You're totally right. Nothing will change the anti vaxxer mind.

That's another classic sign of low intelligence.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: nerdoldnerdith on September 28, 2021, 09:24:01 AM
Found them for the UK:

"3,742 (73%) were unvaccinated, 724 (14%) had received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and 521 (10%) had received both doses."

90% of Hospital admissions in the UK due to COVID are unvaccinated. STRIKING!

73% of I don't give a fuck is I don't give a fuck.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 28, 2021, 09:26:25 AM
73% of I don't give a fuck is I don't give a fuck.
You will when you end up in the ICU.

You'll be begging for the vaccine then. (seen it many times).

Of course by then it will be too late.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: epic is back on September 28, 2021, 09:31:48 AM
Look, you don't get my point at all. I am not against guns and I think you should keep them. I wish I could have a gun but I can only get illegal guns.

My point is that you are not doing anything with your guns. Nor will you. They are not a solution to your predicament.

As Tapeworm said:

Do you disagree with this? Are your guns going to stop the vaccine mandates and creeping communism? You have guns but how did ghey help the election steal? Didn't help one bit.

Most people here are around my age. How old do you think Coach is? What do you offer except retarded outburts of extreme dyslexia?

ah yes the assumptions of those who arent free telling me i wont remain free

i have a safe full of guns and ammo

ill start ww3 on my block



i got a 36 mm grenade launcher on my ar 15 installed

6k just for that

get some
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: epic is back on September 28, 2021, 09:32:44 AM
You're totally right. Nothing will change the anti vaxxer mind.

That's another classic sign of low intelligence.

ah yes

cognitive dissonance

goes both ways

poop butt
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: epic is back on September 28, 2021, 09:33:47 AM
You will when you end up in the ICU.

You'll be begging for the vaccine then. (seen it many times).

Of course by then it will be too late.

youll beg for me to load you up with my juice

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Dave D on September 28, 2021, 09:34:20 AM
You will when you end up in the ICU.

You'll be begging for the vaccine then. (seen it many times).

Of course by then it will be too late.

How many times? You work in the medical field? Why would someone with Covid think they could get a vaccine while they have the virus? Who is educating your people?

Based on the numbers only 3742 people ended up in the hospital, what percentage of those were in intensive care? Did all 3000+ end up in the ICU? Did they all die or leave with a debilitating injury/side effect?

What's wrong with the 70,000 health care workers in NY who wont get vaccinated, are they also low intelligence dopes?
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: epic is back on September 28, 2021, 09:36:58 AM
numbers are for the dumb
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 28, 2021, 09:49:19 AM
How many times? You work in the medical field? Why would someone with Covid think they could get a vaccine while they have the virus? Who is educating your people?

Based on the numbers only 3742 people ended up in the hospital, what percentage of those were in intensive care? Did all 3000+ end up in the ICU? Did they all die or leave with a debilitating injury/side effect?

What's wrong with the 70,000 health care workers in NY who wont get vaccinated, are they also low intelligence dopes?

1. Because they have low intelligence.

2. Doesn't matter if they've recovered or not. They're taking up space of people with non covid problems that need medical care.

3 Yes low intelligence. (You're starting to get it!  8) 8) 8))
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: epic is back on September 28, 2021, 09:51:15 AM
1- im a schmoe

2= im a socialist

3- im ghey
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Dave D on September 28, 2021, 09:52:48 AM
1. Because they have low intelligence.

2. Doesn't matter if they've recovered or not. They're taking up space of people with non covid problems that need medical care.

3 Yes low intelligence. (You're starting to get it!  8) 8) 8))

2. I understand this point but why care if the US is bringing in hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who aren't vaccinated? How many non insured people are taking up hospital beds?
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 28, 2021, 09:53:55 AM
2. I understand this point but why care if the US is bringing in hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who aren't vaccinated? How many non insured people are taking up hospital beds?

I don't know!

I'm from Canada.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Dave D on September 28, 2021, 09:58:46 AM
I don't know!

I'm from Canada.

Well what are you worried aboot then? You guys are good. Not enough people to matter.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 28, 2021, 10:01:48 AM
Well what are you worried aboot then? You guys are good. Not enough people to matter.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Megalodon on September 28, 2021, 10:06:16 AM
Covid vaccines have been so thoroughly tested for long term effects that you'll never see one of these:

"Have you or a loved one had the Moderna/Pfizer/J&J covid vaccine in 2021? You may be entitled to financial compensation! Call one of our representatives now!”

Pfizer's 59 year old CEO says he doesn't need the vaccine and will only take it because it's bad optics if he doesn't. So, you know young healthy people definitely need to take it!

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Primemuscle on September 28, 2021, 10:13:34 AM
Be like Sweden, Be Vaccine Free, Be Free to Move Around Naturally.

Not sure what you mean or where you get your information, but Sweden is not vaccine free and there are recommendations for 'moving about'. Also a larger percentage of the population is vaccinated in Sweden then in the U.S. (depending on age group).

Vaccinations against COVID-19 are in full swing in Sweden. However, they are free to anyone who wants them and meets the requirements, i.e. age and medical conditions.

The public health agency of Sweden published a comprehensive FAQ. It contains a list of recommendations for limiting ones exposure to COVID-19.

Sweden has administered at least 13,607,052 doses of COVID vaccines so far. Assuming every person needs 2 doses, that's enough to have vaccinated about 66.1% of the country's population.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 28, 2021, 10:20:27 AM
Covid vaccines have been so thoroughly tested for long term effects that you'll never see one of these:

"Have you or a loved one had the Moderna/Pfizer/J&J covid vaccine in 2021? You may be entitled to financial compensation! Call one of our representatives now!”

Pfizer's 59 year old CEO says he doesn't need the vaccine and will only take it because it's bad optics if he doesn't. So, you know young healthy people definitely need to take it!

This was proven to be false months ago.  ::) ::)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on September 28, 2021, 10:38:35 AM
And there we have it…the classic sign of low intelligence.

No wonder you couldn’t properly defend yourself.


You are apparently book smart in your own mind but greatly lacking in the humor dept.

You and Prime are probably the only two that actually sent the warranty card in for the "Squatty Potty".
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: nerdoldnerdith on September 28, 2021, 10:40:32 AM
You will when you end up in the ICU.

You'll be begging for the vaccine then. (seen it many times).

Of course by then it will be too late.

That is so laughably unlikely to happen that I don't take seriously anyone who suggests that I should be worried about COVID for my own personal safety.

That's the thing. You hear that the unvaccinated are in more danger, but that belies the fact that the level of danger to which healthy unvaccinated individuals like myself are exposed is practically nonexistent anyway. I am not going to put something into my body and create an unknown risk to lessen the severity of a very mild illness. That just doesn't make sense.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 28, 2021, 10:42:50 AM
"That just doesn't make sense."

Yet another classic sign of low intelligence.

 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on September 28, 2021, 10:44:33 AM
That is so laughably unlikely to happen that I don't take seriously anyone who suggests that I should be worried about COVID for my own personal safety.

That's the thing. You hear that the unvaccinated are in more danger, but that belies the fact that the level of danger to which healthy unvaccinated individuals like myself are exposed is practically nonexistent anyway. I am not going to put something into my body and create an unknown risk to lessen the severity of a very mild illness. That just doesn't make sense.

It's clear you just aren't smart enough to make decisions for yourself.  ::)

This is the big govt mantra parroted by the bootlickers.

Trudeau is the most intelligent person in Canada, for example.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 28, 2021, 10:45:46 AM
"That is so laughably unlikely to happen that I don't take seriously anyone who suggests that I should be worried about COVID for my own personal safety."

Oh it WILL happen.

Nobody cares about YOUR personal safety. We do care that you'll be taking the spot of some else who needs care though.

Of course as an anti - vaxxer I realize that you probably aren't smart enough to understand this. (ie low intelligence).

 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IroNat on September 28, 2021, 10:59:11 AM
ah yes

cognitive dissonance

goes both ways

poop butt

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 28, 2021, 11:14:30 AM
Look, you don't get my point at all. I am not against guns and I think you should keep them. I wish I could have a gun but I can only get illegal guns.

My point is that you are not doing anything with your guns. Nor will you. They are not a solution to your predicament.

I have to ask what makes you think that I or others won't? You do understand that WE have the right to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our freedom, right? You asked if I thought if I saw a civil war In the near future..the answer is, we are only 9mos into this administration and we're past the socialism stage and quickly heading into full Marxism if things don't change in the mid-terms. The left politicians make no bones about their love for socialism/Marxism. Regardless of the 1st, 2nd and 4th amendments of OUR US Constitution it's a should be a natural reaction  to protect yourself and others

As Tapeworm said:

Do you disagree with this? Are your guns going to stop the vaccine mandates and creeping communism? You have guns but how did ghey help the election steal? Didn't help one bit.

[color=redYes, but as of now they're not needed and hopefully we never will need to use them at least against a Government. For the most part, as of now, the people are speaking and acting here in the US by pushing back, protests, learning the vaccines don't really don't work, etc. Its already taking a hit on the economy, this morning I read and posted an article that more than 70k medical workers are getting fired in NY for refusing to take it. Police are getting fired (also add in the defunding in Dem ran cities) and quitting because they refuse the vaccine. I can go on on about how this will affect us[/color][/i]

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 28, 2021, 11:22:36 AM
In what kind of situation will you turn your guns on the police or government?

Can't answer that, that's why you train and prepare

If you see police pepper spray an unarmed grandma in California, like they have done in Australia, will you shoot the officer? Are you ready to defend your rights by dying for them? From what I've seen no one has started executing government officials yet despite them turning the US full communist. When will the war start?

One has absolutely nothing to do with the other. As far as Australia, We're not Australia and won't be because we won't give up our firearms

I don't see you going out in a hail of bullets over principles. Too much to lose. That's how everyone thinks which is why nothing happens. All those guns will sit unused. And if there was a armed confrontation between citizens and government who would win? Lol. Who has the bigger guns?

Are you not willing to protect yourself and family? and if the guns sit unused with the exception if practice, that's a good thing

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on September 28, 2021, 11:45:09 AM
We have a name for the median Canadian man here:  Karen.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 28, 2021, 11:50:26 AM
In what kind of situation will you turn your guns on the police or government? If you see police pepper spray an unarmed grandma in California, like they have done in Australia, will you shoot the officer? Are you ready to defend your rights by dying for them? From what I've seen no one has started executing government officials yet despite them turning the US full communist. When will the war start?

I don't see you going out in a hail of bullets over principles. Too much to lose. That's how everyone thinks which is why nothing happens. All those guns will sit unused. And if there was a armed confrontation between citizens and government who would win? Lol. Who has the bigger guns?

I fully recognize and this isn't hyperbole, that the left do not recognize our Constitution whatsoever except when it benefits them and 9/10 that even backfires on them and they went so far a couple if weeks ago to put a warning of "Harmful Content" on that and all other founding documents. But I digress.

For all other sane people, this is set in stone and has been since 1791 which is why I put this date on a lot of my 2A apparel....

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

What this means is you have the individual right arm yourself. The "Shall not be infringed" means just that against a tyrannical Government and for  protection for yourself and loved ones and others. It also establishes that the Government cannot infringe on that right as well regardless of race, gender, political preference, religion, gay, straight or this country you have the right to protect yourself and others

"A Well Regulated Militia" refers to the American people regardless of race, gender, political preference, religion, etc

Did anyone not learn anything from past history? There's a reason why our left are trying to infringe on our gun rights
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: joswift on September 28, 2021, 11:57:41 AM
"Covid-19 in Wales: A third of positive cases are unvaccinated"

So that means two thirds are vaccinated...
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on September 28, 2021, 12:17:20 PM

For all other sane people, this is set in stone and has been since 1791 which is why I put this date on a lot of my 2A apparel....

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

What this means is you have the individual right arm yourself. The "Shall not be infringed" means just that against a tyrannical Government and for  protection for yourself and loved ones and others. It also establishes that the Government cannot infringe on that right as well regardless of race, gender, political preference, religion, gay, straight or this country you have the right to protect yourself and others

"A Well Regulated Militia" refers to the American people regardless of race, gender, political preference, religion, etc

Did anyone not learn anything from past history? There's a reason why our left are trying to infringe on our gun rights

I understand that. But consider what would happen if some citizens started an armed confrontation with the authorities. The authorities would come at you with armored vehicles, tanks, apache helicopters firing missiles up your ass. The only way the citizens would win is if the authorities wouldn't want to slaughter too many people, not because you were protecting yourself with your guns. Or if the police/military refused orders. I saw some in Australia pleading with the police to refuse orders now out of decency, hasn't happened yet.

Also, your views on homosexuality and race mixing etc aren't very conservative either IMO. You have a liberal progressive streak in you but you don't recognize it but it comes out in you mentioning race and gays. The founding fathers weren't so liberal.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 28, 2021, 12:29:34 PM
I understand that. But consider what would happen if some citizens started an armed confrontation with the authorities. The authorities would come at you with armored vehicles, tanks, apache helicopters firing missiles up your ass. The only way the citizens would win is if the authorities wouldn't want to slaughter too many people, not because you were protecting yourself with your guns. Or if the police/military refused orders. I saw some in Australia pleading with the police to refuse orders now out of decency, hasn't happened yet.

Also, your views on homosexuality and race mixing etc aren't very conservative either IMO. You have a liberal progressive streak in you but you don't recognize it but it comes out in you mentioning race and gays. The founding fathers weren't so liberal.

That last paragraph absolutely made no sense whatsoever. I didn’t express any views but rather said the second amendment is for everyone
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Dave D on September 28, 2021, 12:32:23 PM
I fully recognize and this isn't hyperbole, that the left do not recognize our Constitution whatsoever except when it benefits them and 9/10 that even backfires on them and they went so far a couple if weeks ago to put a warning of "Harmful Content" on that and all other founding documents. But I digress.

For all other sane people, this is set in stone and has been since 1791 which is why I put this date on a lot of my 2A apparel....

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

What this means is you have the individual right arm yourself. The "Shall not be infringed" means just that against a tyrannical Government and for  protection for yourself and loved ones and others. It also establishes that the Government cannot infringe on that right as well regardless of race, gender, political preference, religion, gay, straight or this country you have the right to protect yourself and others

"A Well Regulated Militia" refers to the American people regardless of race, gender, political preference, religion, etc

Did anyone not learn anything from past history? There's a reason why our left are trying to infringe on our gun rights

Coach I agree with you in principle but look at how the media played the “insurrection upheaval ” in January. Regular people won’t open fire on the government or police, they’ll be labeled terrorists.

Look at the lawyer Missouri couple who only were defending their property, right now they’re black balled from society.

 The American public have lost their soul.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IRON CROSS on September 28, 2021, 12:38:33 PM
Look, you don't get my point at all. I am not against guns and I think you should keep them. I wish I could have a gun but I can only get illegal guns.

My point is that you are not doing anything with your guns. Nor will you. They are not a solution to your predicament.

As Tapeworm said:

Do you disagree with this? Are your guns going to stop the vaccine mandates and creeping communism? You have guns but how did ghey help the election steal? Didn't help one bit.

Most people here are around my age. How old do you think Coach is? What do you offer except retarded outburts of extreme dyslexia?

Just to piss you off :

I'll be on the 1st flight to Bangkok (Smiling Land will re-open 100% on November 1) & in 1 hour after arrival I'll be getting BB 'juices' !

OBW, I'll be staying @ Barquda Hotel on the Beach Road & liftin' in The Zoo gym !.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IRON CROSS on September 28, 2021, 12:44:03 PM
I understand that. But consider what would happen if some citizens started an armed confrontation with the authorities. The authorities would come at you with armored vehicles, tanks, apache helicopters firing missiles up your ass. The only way the citizens would win is if the authorities wouldn't want to slaughter too many people, not because you were protecting yourself with your guns. Or if the police/military refused orders. I saw some in Australia pleading with the police to refuse orders now out of decency, hasn't happened yet.

Also, your views on homosexuality and race mixing etc aren't very conservative either IMO. You have a liberal progressive streak in you but you don't recognize it but it comes out in you mentioning race and gays. The founding fathers weren't so liberal.

Go to IKEA & buy a new brain !.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Rascal full on September 28, 2021, 01:29:00 PM
Canada.  Where’s the ICU stats though? Unvaccinated vs vaccinated.

You are a complete helmet
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: tommywishbone on September 28, 2021, 01:59:06 PM
"That just doesn't make sense."

Yet another classic sign of low intelligence.

 8) 8) 8)

You're just a coward. You're scared shitless. You've been a coward your entire life.

Covid19 HAHAHA!

You think your life means something.

Crawl back under your little race car bed. The world is a dangerous place.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Hypertrophy on September 28, 2021, 02:06:12 PM
"That just doesn't make sense."

Yet another classic sign of low intelligence.

 8) 8) 8)

Classic response when your argument falls apart- the people are stupid lol. Try harder Oak.


Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 28, 2021, 02:14:59 PM
You're just a coward. You're scared shitless. You've been a coward your entire life.

Covid19 HAHAHA!

You think your life means something.

Crawl back under your little race car bed. The world is a dangerous place.

You're the one that's scarred of the vaccine.

 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 28, 2021, 02:15:55 PM

Classic response when your argument falls apart- the people are stupid lol. Try harder Oak.


I stand corrected.  ::)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Megalodon on September 28, 2021, 02:19:24 PM
HSBC bank: "Your DNA will be your data".

Unless you know more about banking than banking magnates, your opinions on this are idiotic.

Appeal to authority. It's how to pepper a diatribe when not using straw man fallacies and ad hominems.

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Hypertrophy on September 28, 2021, 02:53:23 PM
I stand corrected.  ::)

Don't roll your eyes at me you kunt.

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: OAK on September 28, 2021, 02:56:09 PM

Don't roll your eyes at me you kunt.

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: illuminati on September 28, 2021, 03:10:14 PM
This is what I'm seeing.  It seems pretty clear that governments are trying to save your life (so they say) and they intend to do that against your will.  Now, that explanation is kind of a best case scenario where you take them at their word and don't consider the possibility of more sinister motives. 

To accomplish their goals these governments are controlling your speech, and restricting your movements.  Forcing you to stay indoors.  Forcing you to wear masks indoors and outdoors.  Using coercion to force you to take experimental gene therapies.  Shutting down the economy, restricting your ability to work, run a business, and feed your family.  Forcing you to obey rules that often don't apply to the ruling class.  In America, those rules don't apply to the Hollywood elites either, or the millions of illegal immigrants that they are encouraging and allowing to invade your country.  Police are enforcing these new rules by arresting you when you've done nothing wrong, and sometimes beating the ever-loving shit out of you in the street.  From my viewpoint this is all textbook oppression and flat-out tyranny.  They no longer rule by the consent of the governed and the Constitution is being ignored.  You no longer have any rights and there isn't anything they can't do to you.

Does that about sum it up?

Well stated 👍🏻 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
One seriously sick global agenda going on in as many countries they can force it upon.

Yeah - They going to protect your Health Wether you want it or not. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Yet the Brainwashed Sheep Like just cannot see or reason it.

We are at war - a new type of War.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: illuminati on September 28, 2021, 03:16:38 PM
where do you live and post the stats

Here are the UK stats, take note of the stats from last year (no vaccine) to this year with a vaccine

Wow - Thats a very interesting comparison to say the least. !!!
WTF is going to happen when Flu starts to hit.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Mayday on September 28, 2021, 03:19:06 PM
VIC govt gave some percentages of hospitalised people so I rolled the numbers and this is what I found.

2 dose Pfizer vax 5.5x higher hospitalisation rate than unvax+1 dose
2 dose Pfizer vax 4x high hospitalisation rate than 1 dose

Hospitalisation rate of total current active cases 3.9%
Percentage of 2 dose vax of hospitalisations 78%…….
Percentage of zero dose hospitalisations…..5%

I believe there is an underlying reason involving the 2nd shot that is causing the data to skew to badly.

We have a massive push to get fully vaxed but the 2nd dose is now 3 weeks instead of 12 week. Those cases have a badly compromised immune system causing them to get crazy sick. Similar with 1 dose, people might be sick and get the shot anyway.

The initial argument was that as more population became vaxed then naturally the hospital numbers would show more vaxed. While that is true, we see a massive over representation of vaccinated people
Being hospitalised which is refutes that claim.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: illuminati on September 28, 2021, 03:19:56 PM
You're totally right. Nothing will change the vaxxers minds.

That's another classic sign of low intelligence.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: joswift on September 28, 2021, 03:35:07 PM

Wow - Thats a very interesting comparison to say the least. !!!
WTF is going to happen when Flu starts to hit.
Flu deaths combined with low resistance to other virus will almost certainly have a huge impact this winter, you also have the people dying from various other non treated ailments over the last 18 months that will all get added as covid deaths...

Lockdowns late October early November , it will start with an extension to Furlough until next April
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Primemuscle on September 28, 2021, 03:43:48 PM

It's clear you just aren't smart enough to make decisions for yourself.  ::)

This is the big govt mantra parroted by the bootlickers.

Trudeau is the most intelligent person in Canada, for example.

Can you provide an example of you thinking for yourself with regards to COVID-19? Perhaps you are the one who is parroting. Your reasoning is verbatim the extreme right speak/conspiracy.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on September 28, 2021, 04:39:30 PM
Can you provide an example of you thinking for yourself with regards to COVID-19? Perhaps you are the one who is parroting. Your reasoning is verbatim the extreme right speak/conspiracy.

I have been following Covid for nearly 2 years now, there's a thread on here about it you know...and I have personal experience with it and the health system - but it's nearly impossible to have a discussion with a person that labels anything not on MSBNC and CNN "right speak". When the data doesn't back up the official reasoning for measures that aren't working anyway it doesn't make one an extremist to inquire why.

'1984' and 'A Brave New World' were books from your time, you should read them again.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Freemason on September 28, 2021, 05:04:39 PM
Found them for the UK:

"3,742 (73%) were unvaccinated, 724 (14%) had received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and 521 (10%) had received both doses."

90% of Hospital admissions in the UK due to COVID are unvaccinated. STRIKING!

This actually adds confirmation to what I posted.

You’re over simplistic view of statistics makes you about as smart as Don lemon. And just in case you’re not smart enough to figure that out, that makes you pretty dumb.

The vaccinated have become silent super spreaders hammering people without the vaccine. Apparently the government doesn’t want us to find out, and that’s why they’re trying to force this experimental Fauci jizz into all of your bodies.

So to be clear, here’s how it works. People get the vaccine. The same people continue to catch and spread Covid. They are not required to take any tests because they’ve been “saved“. The vaccine prevents them from exhibiting symptoms, except in the most extreme cases. The virus mutates heavily in their bodies. The new mutants are then going to run roughshod over everyone, not surprisingly mostly the people without the shot.

So basically the vaccinated are killing the unvaccinated. And somehow nobody’s catching on.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IroNat on September 28, 2021, 05:28:36 PM
"Covid-19 in Wales: A third of positive cases are unvaccinated"

So that means two thirds are vaccinated...

Logic would dictate thus.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IroNat on September 28, 2021, 05:39:28 PM
VIC govt gave some percentages of hospitalised people so I rolled the numbers and this is what I found.

2 dose Pfizer vax 5.5x higher hospitalisation rate than unvax+1 dose
2 dose Pfizer vax 4x high hospitalisation rate than 1 dose

Hospitalisation rate of total current active cases 3.9%
Percentage of 2 dose vax of hospitalisations 78%…….
Percentage of zero dose hospitalisations…..5%

I believe there is an underlying reason involving the 2nd shot that is causing the data to skew to badly.

We have a massive push to get fully vaxed but the 2nd dose is now 3 weeks instead of 12 week. Those cases have a badly compromised immune system causing them to get crazy sick. Similar with 1 dose, people might be sick and get the shot anyway.

The initial argument was that as more population became vaxed then naturally the hospital numbers would show more vaxed. While that is true, we see a massive over representation of vaccinated people
Being hospitalised which is refutes that claim.

Explain the bolded section above.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Dave D on September 29, 2021, 07:03:35 AM

This must be an extremely rare outcome, but why would Yahoo post this type of sensationalism?

Also in the article is a link to a Doctor being convicted of a $100 million worth of healthcare fraud and not acting in the best interest of his patients. They were probably to dumb to n understand treatments.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IroNat on September 29, 2021, 07:05:33 AM

This must be an extremely rare outcome, but why would Yahoo post this type of sensationalism?

Also in the article is a link to a Doctor being convicted of a $100 million worth of healthcare fraud and not acting in the best interest of his patients. They were probably to dumb to n understand treatments.

Warning: This coffee is hot!
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: joswift on September 29, 2021, 07:09:55 AM
Logic would dictate thus.

yep, but people dont even catch on, they just shout at the unvaccinated to get the vaccine
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Dave D on September 29, 2021, 09:27:18 AM
Warning: This coffee is hot!

Good response.

We are all going to die eventually.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: tommywishbone on September 29, 2021, 10:40:48 AM
If you bastards don't take the Dianabol, then my Dianabol won't work!  >:(
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Humble Narcissist on September 29, 2021, 10:48:59 AM
If you bastards don't take the Dianabol, then my Dianabol won't work!  >:(
That's right!  The CDC confirms this.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: residue on September 29, 2021, 10:52:12 AM

I'm guessing you are being serious so I'll take your questions at face value.

Rarely do doctors operate outside their specialty. A GP, for example, has very little knowledge of the action of a vaccine or in this Covid case, gene therapy. There is just far too much to learn in a given specialty. So if a "vaccine" is being touted by CDC, then 99% of doctors fall in line and prescribe it, no questions asked.

But if the same doctors were to do a little digging they would come to similar conclusions about mRNa as anyone would- it's unsafe for a number of reasons which I won't write a book here to outline..

I have a good friend who was a general practitioner but left the business because he wasn't making enough money. He is now setting policy for a huge medical insurer in upstate NY. He is pro mRNA therapy and has considerable input on what the company does regarding reimbursements.

I asked him if he knew that mRNA was problematic and at first he gave me the brushoff since, of course, he knew everything, lol. I sent him NIH papers on it and now his tune is changing. He truly wonders what the hell is going on.

I'm a synthetic organic chemist by profession- so yeah, even a non medical person like me can read and analyze date. But you really don't to be a genius to see that there are much more nefarious movements under hand with Covid. It's a once in a lifetime chance for governments around the world to seize power from the public.

Oh, and about all those "university professors"...


fake numbers, they let people self identify, and guess what.. they lied
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Hypertrophy on September 29, 2021, 11:29:36 AM
fake numbers, they let people self identify, and guess what.. they lied (

Dear god- just get triple booster shots and kill yourself, lol.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on September 29, 2021, 11:36:31 AM

Dear god- just get triple booster shots and kill yourself, lol.

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Megalodon on September 29, 2021, 11:44:33 AM
People that haven't had their 10th booster shot are trying to get us all killed.  >:(

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on September 29, 2021, 12:07:52 PM

Dear god- just get triple booster shots and kill yourself, lol.

The irony is that the people who are the most annoying and paranoid about Covid are also the ones that people would least mind seeing die.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Primemuscle on September 29, 2021, 12:09:34 PM

I have been following Covid for nearly 2 years now, there's a thread on here about it you know...and I have personal experience with it and the health system - but it's nearly impossible to have a discussion with a person that labels anything not on MSBNC and CNN "right speak". When the data doesn't back up the official reasoning for measures that aren't working anyway it doesn't make one an extremist to inquire why.

'1984' and 'A Brave New World' were books from your time, you should read them again.

In other words, you take your cues from a couple of well known science fiction novels, which I read when I was in high school, rather than from real science and current news.

George Orwell's 1984, published in 1949 has repeatedly been banned and challenged in the past for its social and political themes, as well as for sexual content. Additionally, in 1981, the book was challenged in Jackson County, Florida, for being pro-communism.

Banned in Ireland and Australia when it first appeared in 1932 and in 1967 in India, primarily for sex and drug glorification, Aldous Huxley's parody Brave New World is still making waves today.

It is also impossible to have a rational discussion with folks who label any and all 'mainstream media' as fake news. 
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: obsidian on September 29, 2021, 12:10:30 PM

I have been following Covid for nearly 2 years now, there's a thread on here about it you know...and I have personal experience with it and the health system - but it's nearly impossible to have a discussion with a person that labels anything not on MSBNC and CNN "right speak". When the data doesn't back up the official reasoning for measures that aren't working anyway it doesn't make one an extremist to inquire why.

'1984' and 'A Brave New World' were books from your time, you should read them again.
Good post!
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: obsidian on September 29, 2021, 12:12:03 PM
In other words, you take your cues from a couple of well known science fiction novels, which I read when I was in high school, rather than from real science and current news.

George Orwell's 1984, published in 1949 has repeatedly been banned and challenged in the past for its social and political themes, as well as for sexual content. Additionally, in 1981, the book was challenged in Jackson County, Florida, for being pro-communism.

Banned in Ireland and Australia when it first appeared in 1932 and in 1967 in India, primarily for sex and drug glorification, Aldous Huxley's parody Brave New World is still making waves today.

It is also impossible to have a rational discussion with folks who label any and all 'mainstream media' as fake news.
Which shots did you get? Pfizer, Moderna or other? From what I have read it looks like the Pfizer one is no good.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Megalodon on September 29, 2021, 12:14:48 PM
In other words, you take your cues from a couple of well known science fiction novels, which I read when I was in high school, rather than from real science and current news.

George Orwell's 1984, published in 1949 has repeatedly been banned and challenged in the past for its social and political themes, as well as for sexual content. Additionally, in 1981, the book was challenged in Jackson County, Florida, for being pro-communism.

Banned in Ireland and Australia when it first appeared in 1932 and in 1967 in India, primarily for sex and drug glorification, Aldous Huxley's parody Brave New World is still making waves today.

It is also impossible to have a rational discussion with folks who label any and all 'mainstream media' as fake news.

Can you review Wuthering Heights next?
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on September 29, 2021, 12:18:13 PM
Can you provide an example of you thinking for yourself with regards to COVID-19? Perhaps you are the one who is parroting. Your reasoning is verbatim the extreme right speak/conspiracy.

At the time of this post, NYC had just recorded its first Covid death one week prior:

At first, I bought into it like everybody else but when I started to see the responses which were so irrational considering the scope of the problem, I started to smell a rat and eventually I figured out what this is really about, an economic reset and global currency devaluation:

I know how this plays out. To justify these interventions, they’re going to have to artificially bump up the victim numbers to the point where somebody gets hit by a truck and turns out to have a positive corona test is said to have died of corona.

Currency Devaluation?✔️

Economic Reset✔️

Labeling every positive a Covid death regardless of health history✔️

3 for 3 Soggy!!
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Primemuscle on September 29, 2021, 12:23:54 PM
Which shots did you get? Pfizer, Moderna or other? From what I have read it looks like the Pfizer one is no good.

Mine was Moderna because that is what my pharmacy was offering. I could have just as easily gotten the Pfizer vaccine, if I thought it was a better choice. The only thing about the Johnson and Johnson vaccine that was appealing to me was that it was one and done. Turns out that it may not be the best choice.

I am not yet eligible for a booster shot because it has not quite been 6 months since the last vaccine and because Moderna does not yet have a booster approved. Some folks I know recommend getting a third Moderna vaccination (not a booster). I prefer to wait because the CDC recommends this only for people who have underlying health issues, which I don't.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Primemuscle on September 29, 2021, 12:37:21 PM
At the time of this post, NYC had just recorded its first Covid death one week prior:

Currency Devaluation?✔️

Economic Reset✔️

Labeling every positive a Covid death regardless of health history✔️

3 for 3 Soggy!!

If I read you correctly, you believe the COVID-19 pandemic is a government plot to devaluate currency and reset the economy. Which government would that be? There are many throughout the world.

You might want to check your last statement for clarity.

Labeling every positive (what) a COVID death? Most people who test positive for COVID-19 don't die. Some have few or no symptoms and some get ill. A few of those folks end up dying. I don't know the health history for every person who dies with or from COVID-19 and neither do you. Clearly people with health issues such as a compromised immune system, diabetes, obesity, COPD, etc. are more likely to become very ill and die if the contract COVID-19.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: residue on September 29, 2021, 01:04:24 PM
The irony is that the people who are the most annoying and paranoid about Covid are also the ones that people would least mind seeing die.

paranoid? I'm having the time of my life watching people die to own the libs. I went to party attended by 7,000people last weekend at the brooklyn mirage, what am i paranoid about?
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IRON CROSS on September 29, 2021, 01:35:56 PM

Labeling every positive a Covid death regardless of health history✔️

True, they already blame every dead on the Chinaman virus  ::)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on September 29, 2021, 02:01:36 PM
If I read you correctly, you believe the COVID-19 pandemic is a government plot to devaluate currency and reset the economy. Which government would that be? There are many throughout the world.

You might want to check your last statement for clarity.

Labeling every positive (what) a COVID death? Most people who test positive for COVID-19 don't die. Some have few or no symptoms and some get ill. A few of those folks end up dying. I don't know the health history for every person who dies with or from COVID-19 and neither do you. Clearly people with health issues such as a compromised immune system, diabetes, obesity, COPD, etc. are more likely to become very ill and die if the contract COVID-19.

The problem with these arguments is that I’m dealing with people who are at stage one cluelessness. So clueless that they don’t even know the extent of their own cluelessness. Central banks coordinate with each other. There’s only a few big ones and the rest have to follow suit.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Primemuscle on September 29, 2021, 04:41:53 PM
The problem with these arguments is that I’m dealing with people who are at stage one cluelessness. So clueless that they don’t even know the extent of their own cluelessness. Central banks coordinate with each other. There’s only a few big ones and the rest have to follow suit.

You are such a nice guy. I appreciate your willingness to humor stage one clueless me. ;)

It is a bit dated, but you might enjoy reading this article.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Moontrane on September 29, 2021, 04:50:05 PM
If I read you correctly, you believe the COVID-19 pandemic is a government plot to devaluate currency and reset the economy. Which government would that be? There are many throughout the world.

You might want to check your last statement for clarity.

Labeling every positive (what) a COVID death? Most people who test positive for COVID-19 don't die. Some have few or no symptoms and some get ill. A few of those folks end up dying. I don't know the health history for every person who dies with or from COVID-19 and neither do you. Clearly people with health issues such as a compromised immune system, diabetes, obesity, COPD, etc. are more likely to become very ill and die if the contract COVID-19.

Following W.H.O. guidelines:

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on September 29, 2021, 05:04:46 PM
Following W.H.O. guidelines:

Prime owned yet again. That clip is from September 2020. I said it would happen back in March 2020 before they even started doing it.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on October 04, 2021, 08:33:49 AM

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: epic is back on October 04, 2021, 09:04:26 AM
Prime owned yet again. That clip is from September 2020. I said it would happen back in March 2020 before they even started doing it.

He is one clueless mofo isn’t he

Mr creepy

I can’t wait till all the boomers  leave us
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Coach is Back! on October 04, 2021, 09:10:33 AM
Following W.H.O. guidelines:

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on October 04, 2021, 09:25:17 AM
This shit is definitely having a chilling effect on air travel. I know someone who ran in the London marathon and is stuck there waiting for a Covid test result. What if it comes back positive? Who would put themself in that type of situation unnecessarily?
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Hypertrophy on October 04, 2021, 09:49:44 AM
This shit is definitely having a chilling effect on air travel. I know someone who ran in the London marathon and is stuck there waiting for a Covid test result. What if it comes back positive? Who would put themself in that type of situation unnecessarily?

I know, right?

If the Covid scam was a global reset, then it will be responsible for the undoing of globalism completely, lol. Less air travel to foreign countries, less purchases from foreign countries, etc etc. It is actually causing isolationism. So I guess it is a win-win  ;D
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Primemuscle on October 04, 2021, 01:09:37 PM
Prime owned yet again. That clip is from September 2020. I said it would happen back in March 2020 before they even started doing it.

What Clip? The one Moontrane posted and which I did not post. Nor can I see where I ever referred to it. So, not sure what the heck you are talking about. 
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IRON CROSS on October 04, 2021, 01:16:45 PM
This shit is definitely having a chilling effect on air travel. I know someone who ran in the London marathon and is stuck there waiting for a Covid test result. What if it comes back positive? Who would put themself in that type of situation unnecessarily?

Australia will start international flying on the 15th November !.

Thailand welcomes white farangs from the 1st October !.

USPS can't deliver my mail , WTF  :(
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: ThisisOverload on October 04, 2021, 08:48:22 PM
This shit is definitely having a chilling effect on air travel. I know someone who ran in the London marathon and is stuck there waiting for a Covid test result. What if it comes back positive? Who would put themself in that type of situation unnecessarily?

It is internationally for sure.

I fly all over the US every 6-8 weeks.

Flights are all full and the flight schedules are the same they were 3 years ago.

I was supposed to visit Japan in Oct 2020.

They won't even let me try to reschedule that flight. ;D
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Griffith on October 04, 2021, 10:18:21 PM
Australia will start international flying on the 15th November !.

Thailand welcomes white farangs from the 1st October !.

USPS can't deliver my mail , WTF  :(

Does Thailand definitely open on 1 October?

Any new restrictions or procedures?
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IRON CROSS on October 05, 2021, 04:14:54 PM
Does Thailand definitely open on 1 October?

Any new restrictions or procedures?

Yeah !. Quarntine is gone, you need to be fully waxed & China Flu tested in the last 7 days, restaurants serve booze to 10pm,

GoGo bars a still closed, kids a back to school , Walking Streets a alive againe in Patong/Pattaya, masive reconstruction all over Pattaya !.

Allways check Thai Embasy official website in yours country !.

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Mayday on October 05, 2021, 11:46:08 PM
We must be a test case for the rest of the world down here.

We have a project underway and in testing for Facial recognition on buses. This will link back to your mygov app on your phone and pull your covid vaccination status. Unvaxed won’t be allowed on public transport.

My advice is still the same, if you don’t get vaxed you need to consider how far you are willing to be squeezed before you give in. When we ease up on 1st December the unvaxed cannot leave their LGA ever again. But apparently we are allowed a Choice lol.

I can’t even return to work because I have only had my first shot.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: booty on October 06, 2021, 12:58:55 AM
We must be a test case for the rest of the world down here.

We have a project underway and in testing for Facial recognition on buses. This will link back to your mygov app on your phone and pull your covid vaccination status. Unvaxed won’t be allowed on public transport.

My advice is still the same, if you don’t get vaxed you need to consider how far you are willing to be squeezed before you give in. When we ease up on 1st December the unvaxed cannot leave their LGA ever again. But apparently we are allowed a Choice lol.

I can’t even return to work because I have only had my first shot.
The unvaxxed will split from society and form our own. Then we wait. As you vaccinated sadly get more sick from cancer and myocarditis, we the unvaxxed will be the remaining left.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on October 06, 2021, 02:49:29 AM
We must be a test case for the rest of the world down here.

We have a project underway and in testing for Facial recognition on buses. This will link back to your mygov app on your phone and pull your covid vaccination status. Unvaxed won’t be allowed on public transport.

My advice is still the same, if you don’t get vaxed you need to consider how far you are willing to be squeezed before you give in. When we ease up on 1st December the unvaxed cannot leave their LGA ever again. But apparently we are allowed a Choice lol.

I can’t even return to work because I have only had my first shot.

Nah, you’re a year behind. I heard an Australian official on the Tom Woods podcast. Everything he described there happened here a year ago, like taking off the rims on basketball courts in parks.

Right now, in New York City, without the stupid masks you never would’ve known Covid happened. It seems even busier than it was before.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Earl1972 on October 06, 2021, 03:32:47 AM
If these construction workers are anything like the ones I know they eat nothing but fast food and beer and smoke 2 packs of cigarettes per day.....but they won't take the vaccine because they're worried about their health.  ::)

There's only one explanation for this type of behavior....low intelligence.  8)

same can be said about all your fatass liberal friends wearing a mask everywhere and lecturing everybody on the vaccine, lets not pretend the pro vax crowd is the picture of health

actually libs tend to be less healthy in general, nobody on our side has pink or blue hair

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Earl1972 on October 06, 2021, 03:46:09 AM
Before posting here I believed that anti vaxxers were the dumbest people on the planet….boy was I ever right!😆


and the vaxxers younger than 70 are the biggest pussies

now put on your box of masks pussy, even though fauci's emails said that masks are useless

get your jab so you don't have a .2% chance of dying, pussy

get the jab so you don't end up dead like the majority of victims, who on average were old as dirt and already outlived normal life expectancy you pussy

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Humble Narcissist on October 06, 2021, 04:32:12 AM
and the vaxxers younger than 70 are the biggest pussies

now put on your box of masks pussy, even though fauci's emails said that masks are useless

get your jab so you don't have a .2% chance of dying, pussy

get the jab so you don't end up dead like the majority of victims, who on average were old as dirt and already outlived normal life expectancy you pussy

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on October 06, 2021, 05:49:09 AM
Earl bringing the pain💪
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on October 06, 2021, 05:55:26 AM
The unvaxxed will split from society and form our own. Then we wait. As you vaccinated sadly get more sick from cancer and myocarditis, we the unvaxxed will be the remaining left.

I've already seen the term "purebloods" in use.  ;)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: booty on October 06, 2021, 06:24:07 AM

I've already seen the term "purebloods" in use.  ;)
Yes, same here.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: residue on October 06, 2021, 06:54:39 AM
The unvaxxed will split from society and form our own. Then we wait. As you vaccinated sadly get more sick from cancer and myocarditis, we the unvaxxed will be the remaining left.

you'll die out in 30 years, most of the anti-vaxxers seem to be well over 50. 
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: epic is back on October 06, 2021, 07:18:27 AM
The pro vaccine people will get 20 shots

Only to be left with nothing

Used and abused

Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Griffith on October 06, 2021, 08:21:09 AM
We must be a test case for the rest of the world down here.

We have a project underway and in testing for Facial recognition on buses. This will link back to your mygov app on your phone and pull your covid vaccination status. Unvaxed won’t be allowed on public transport.

My advice is still the same, if you don’t get vaxed you need to consider how far you are willing to be squeezed before you give in. When we ease up on 1st December the unvaxed cannot leave their LGA ever again. But apparently we are allowed a Choice lol.

I can’t even return to work because I have only had my first shot.

Sounds like China's Social Credit system. It's also linked to facial recognition cameras.

Someone with a low enough score in China cannot even buy a train ticket, and of course cannot be employed.

It's linked to their bank account so they could probably be prevented from accessing their funds for any other payments as well.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Mayday on October 07, 2021, 06:28:46 PM
Sounds like China's Social Credit system. It's also linked to facial recognition cameras.

Someone with a low enough score in China cannot even buy a train ticket, and of course cannot be employed.

It's linked to their bank account so they could probably be prevented from accessing their funds for any other payments as well.

it could definitely develop into that. The project is supposed to be ready for in field testing by October 2022. This will link back to our main service records which includes vaccination status.

Now, I’m not surprised about the above but this one this morning has me a bit WTF…..

A pic starting to do the rounds is of 2 x UN painted/model riot vehicles being transport down here on a semi trailer  :o

Bare in mind that China recently said they will launch nuclear weapons on Australia if we get involved in a military way with Taiwan. I’m not all that big on odds of a world war as I think it’s civil war that erupts when shortages really start to hurt.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Lartinos on October 07, 2021, 09:08:34 PM
Sounds like China's Social Credit system. It's also linked to facial recognition cameras.

Someone with a low enough score in China cannot even buy a train ticket, and of course cannot be employed.

It's linked to their bank account so they could probably be prevented from accessing their funds for any other payments as well.

What if you own a second home in another state?

Then what?

Are people banned from a state they pay property taxes etc?
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Primemuscle on October 07, 2021, 11:08:33 PM
The unvaxxed will split from society and form our own. Then we wait. As you vaccinated sadly get more sick from cancer and myocarditis, we the unvaxxed will be the remaining left.

Or the remaining 'right'.

In the news in my neck of the woods, just yesterday and today there has been sad story in the media about vibrant young woman who had none of the common comorbidities often found in those who succumb to COVID and who died from a blood clot after having the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. She left behind a husband and children. This is horribly, horribly heartbreaking. She is the fourth recorded person in the U.S. to have died as a result of this vaccine. In contrast, how many have survived as a result of getting the Johnson and Johnson vaccine? Guess that just isn't newsworthy.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Dave D on October 07, 2021, 11:20:29 PM
Or the remaining 'right'.

In the news in my neck of the woods, just yesterday and today there has been sad story in the media about vibrant young woman who had none of the common comorbidities often found in those who succumb to COVID and who died from a blood clot after having the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. She left behind a husband and children. This is horribly, horribly heartbreaking. She is the fourth recorded person in the U.S. to have died as a result of this vaccine. In contrast, how many have survived as a result of getting the Johnson and Johnson vaccine? Guess that just isn't newsworthy.

That's like saying how many survived after getting covid?  Better to focus on the deaths.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Mayday on October 08, 2021, 04:23:45 AM
What if you own a second home in another state?

Then what?

Are people banned from a state they pay property taxes etc?

We don't pay property taxes like in America. We have council rates which might be something like US1.5k/qtr depending where you are.

You could get out prior to the border lockdowns and then during you could return back home just fine. But you can't leave home and enter another state right now. Your drivers licence is your primary place of residence. If you want to cross the border you have to put in an application with the reason but saying you want to visit your holiday house is probably not likely to be approved. You'd put in a business reason.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: booty on October 08, 2021, 07:11:02 AM
Or the remaining 'right'.

In the news in my neck of the woods, just yesterday and today there has been sad story in the media about vibrant young woman who had none of the common comorbidities often found in those who succumb to COVID and who died from a blood clot after having the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. She left behind a husband and children. This is horribly, horribly heartbreaking. She is the fourth recorded person in the U.S. to have died as a result of this vaccine. In contrast, how many have survived as a result of getting the Johnson and Johnson vaccine? Guess that just isn't newsworthy.
You are brainwashed. I can’t and won’t deal with your dribble.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: epic is back on October 08, 2021, 08:17:27 AM
Or the remaining 'right'.

In the news in my neck of the woods, just yesterday and today there has been sad story in the media about vibrant young woman who had none of the common comorbidities often found in those who succumb to COVID and who died from a blood clot after having the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. She left behind a husband and children. This is horribly, horribly heartbreaking. She is the fourth recorded person in the U.S. to have died as a result of this vaccine. In contrast, how many have survived as a result of getting the Johnson and Johnson vaccine? Guess that just isn't newsworthy.

Go get your booster

Mr creepy

I don’t feel safe
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Primemuscle on October 08, 2021, 11:23:21 AM
You are brainwashed. I can’t and won’t deal with your dribble.

So you think I made that story up? It's big news around the northwest.
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: IRON CROSS on October 08, 2021, 04:44:06 PM
We don't pay property taxes like in America. We have council rates which might be something like US1.5k/qtr depending where you are.

You could get out prior to the border lockdowns and then during you could return back home just fine. But you can't leave home and enter another state right now. Your drivers licence is your primary place of residence. If you want to cross the border you have to put in an application with the reason but saying you want to visit your holiday house is probably not likely to be approved. You'd put in a business reason.

or just pretend to live in towns like Coolangatta/Tweed Heads  8)
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: Freemason on October 08, 2021, 05:09:55 PM
Title: Re: Anyone watching Australia?
Post by: _bruce_ on October 09, 2021, 07:04:51 AM
I'm sure watching it. I'm actually a little scared to write what I really think because I'll be declared an enemy of the state.

But fuck it.

You do what the government tells you to do or you get destroyed. Protest is illegal and the news is outright state propaganda. It's straight up fascism. I hope they come to their senses but there's a good chance I'm going to end up in a fucking internment camp if I don't take the vaccine.

So I guess... remember me, you guys. I think I'm joking when I say that, but I might not be.

"If you got a black list, I wanna be on it."