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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: bhank on October 17, 2021, 07:06:21 AM

Title: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: bhank on October 17, 2021, 07:06:21 AM
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on October 17, 2021, 07:11:42 AM
Karen: slur for white women who expects decent behavior from others, usually from people who are paid to service the public but fail to live up to such a standard.

In this case a so-called Karen doesnt’t want her son to be a lazy, loserish, and bummy pothead. What a crazy expectation of a parent!
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: Thin Lizzy on October 17, 2021, 07:18:35 AM
Karen: slur for white women who expects decent behavior from others, usually from people who are paid to service the public but fail to live up to such a standard.

In this case a so-called Karen doesnt’t want her son to be a lazy, loserish, and bummy pothead. What a crazy expectation of a parent!

Well then maybe she shouldn’t be blaming others for her failures as a parent. The kid would be smoking weed whether it was legal or not. Moreover, just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s mandatory.

And Karen is a term for a whiny annoying woman.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: IroNat on October 17, 2021, 07:36:29 AM
Proposed new restrictions on marijuana use?

Like that will work.

Addicts gonna addict.

Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: bhank on October 17, 2021, 07:45:48 AM
Proposed new restrictions on marijuana use?

Like that will work.

Addicts gonna addict.

I wonder if you use such derogatory terms when referencing people who drink wine or coffee or use an occasional advil?  Do you withhold such slurs only for the sinful Pot smokers
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: IroNat on October 17, 2021, 07:51:15 AM
I wonder if you use such derogatory terms when referencing people who drink wine or coffee or use an occasional advil?  Do you withhold such slurs only for the sinful Pot smokers

Good point.

Yes, of course I use derogatory terms on these people.


Alcoholics gonna alcoholic.

Coffee drinkers gonna coffee drink.

NSAIDers gonna NSAID.

Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: Palumboism on October 17, 2021, 07:57:52 AM

And Karen is a term for a whiny annoying woman.

I thought a Karen had to be a white woman?

Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on October 17, 2021, 08:02:17 AM
Well then maybe she shouldn’t be blaming others for her failures as a parent. The kid would be smoking weed whether it was legal or not. Moreover, just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s mandatory.

And Karen is a term for a whiny annoying woman.

Her parenting is besides the point, though it’s becoming increasingly difficult to effectively parent in a degenerate environment.

Karen is a term for any white woman complaining, warranted or not.

Do you have kids?
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on October 17, 2021, 08:04:03 AM
I thought a Karen had to be a white woman?

It’s specifically for White women who often have a valid complaint about the increasingly shit behavior and service one gets these days.

Lol @ it being for any annoying woman, as if it is used for Black women.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: bhank on October 17, 2021, 08:15:13 AM
Good point.

Yes, of course I use derogatory terms on these people.


Alcoholics gonna alcoholic.

Coffee drinkers gonna coffee drink.

NSAIDers gonna NSAID.

Ok so those habitual harmful poison users are not addicts but people who are using marijuana which is medicine and food are addicts?
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: Thin Lizzy on October 17, 2021, 08:26:12 AM
I thought a Karen had to be a white woman?

The woman doesn’t have to be white per say. It’s just that white women are by far the most spoiled and prone to this type of behavior.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: Thin Lizzy on October 17, 2021, 08:28:49 AM
As a former weed smoker, I didn’t find marijuana to be particularly addictive. It just becomes more of a habit. Something you do on a regular basis. When I stopped, I missed it for about a week. After that I didn’t even think about it. I haven’t taken a hit off a joint in like 20 years.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: IroNat on October 17, 2021, 08:44:09 AM
Ok so those habitual harmful poison users are not addicts but people who are using marijuana which is medicine and food are addicts?

Some people have addictive personalities and take it to excessive, destructive levels.

Addiction can be physical or mental or both.

Yes, there are food addicts.

You seems to take this very personally. 

If you feel you have an addiction problem call 1-800-IMADICK. 

Do it today.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on October 17, 2021, 09:05:36 AM
Some people have addictive personalities and take it to excessive, destructive levels.

Addiction can be physical or mental or both.

Yes, there are food addicts.

You seems to take this very personally. 

If you feel you have an addiction problem call 1-800-IMADICK. 

Do it today.

I don’t know bhank nor do I wish any bad on him or any forum member, but I’ll say he seems very concerned with what other members here think generally and about him.

Bhank, what’s up with this?
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: chaos on October 17, 2021, 09:08:33 AM
bhanks outing himself as a drug addict....surprise. ::)
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: Humble Narcissist on October 17, 2021, 12:25:09 PM
I thought a Karen had to be a white woman?
All sexually repressed feminists which are almost always white women.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: djliftsthings on October 17, 2021, 12:27:25 PM
im curious what board member sounds like this?

maybe one with a full head of hair thus angering bhanky?
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: bhank on October 17, 2021, 04:37:25 PM
im curious what board member sounds like this?

maybe one with a full head of hair thus angering bhanky?

I can get a hair transplant tomorrow if it bothered me let me know what decade you are going to get back in shape
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: Primemuscle on October 17, 2021, 06:45:43 PM
Proposed new restrictions on marijuana use?

Like that will work.

Addicts gonna addict.

So true.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: Primemuscle on October 17, 2021, 06:50:44 PM
I wonder if you use such derogatory terms when referencing people who drink wine or coffee or use an occasional advil?  Do you withhold such slurs only for the sinful Pot smokers

Not all pot smokers are addicts just as not all people who drink wine are drunks....not sure what you'd call someone who is addicted to coffee or Advil. I had three cups of coffee today.....does this mean I am an addict? LOL!

Saying 'addicts gonna addict' is too often unfortunately true.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: Matt on October 17, 2021, 07:34:23 PM

Great article. 👌👍

Time to read the comments.

Wait! Sh*t!

Internet comments' sections have increasingly been either limited on news articles online, or removed entirely.

I feel like we're back in the internet days of around 2007 again, where it's still pretty open, but definitely no longer in the golden days anymore. I feel that was between 2013 and 2016. I think once Trump was elected, the powers that be realized that social media had too much influence on politics and other real life events, and it's been attacked ever since [it seems to me that the current influence wielders want to cancel the internet entirely].
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: Hypertrophy on October 17, 2021, 07:42:22 PM
I wonder if you use such derogatory terms when referencing people who drink wine or coffee or use an occasional advil?  Do you withhold such slurs only for the sinful Pot smokers

You misunderstand the difference between tolerance, habituation/dependence and addiction. (

Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: Hypertrophy on October 17, 2021, 07:43:49 PM
Not all pot smokers are addicts just as not all people who drink wine are drunks....not sure what you'd call someone who is addicted to coffee or Advil. I had three cups of coffee today.....does this mean I am an addict? LOL!

Saying 'addicts gonna addict' is too often unfortunately true.

Doubtful there is anyone who can get addicted to coffee or ibuprofen. Yeah, there's that 1 in a million out there I'm sure, lol
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: Matt on October 17, 2021, 08:04:58 PM
I thought a Karen had to be a white woman?



That's hilarious. Incidentally, I have a friend named Karen who meets the definition of a Karen in some ways.

Around May of last year, her and one of my other lib friends were talking about the pandemic, and she said "I bet the states where people are dropping dead are all Republican states."


[1] Nobody has been "dropping dead" en masse of Covid-19. Of the ~700,000 American deaths, 94% had 2-3 underlying conditions, and were an average age of 84!!! The projected life expectancy of a person of that age, and in that health status is ONE YEAR. ONE F*CKING YEAR. So, 658,000 Americans literally lost ONE YEAR of lifespan because of Covid-19. Thus far, only ~42,000 Americans have died directly OF Covid-19. And even then, the average age was 84! I want ANYONE here to tell me where Americans have been dropping dead. WHERE? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN? GIVE ME ONE EFFING EXAMPLE OF A BUNCH OF RANDOM YOUNG AND HEALTHY PEOPLE - TRUMP SUPPORTERS OR OTHERWISE - JUST DROPPING DEAD! The idea that there's a bunch of Trump supporters going around saying "MUH RIGHTS! MUH FREEDOMS! OMG, I'M DEAD!!" is completely absurd! That NEVER HAPPENED, EVER. But like a typical Karen, she was brainwashed by liberal media into thinking a bunch of medics were treating young and healthy people wearing HAZMAT suits, risking life itself in the process. It was all bullshit. Last week, Canada's state broadcaster, CBC, filled an Alberta ICU with MANNEQUINS to make it look like they were busy! Because hospitals actually being overwhelmed NEVER happened, and never will happen with Covid-19, Delta, etc.

[2] What she was really laughing at was a bunch elderly people who were already dying, who died just a few months to a few years from when they would have died anyway! She's literally making fun of elderly people dying, since her stereotype of young COVID deaths absolutely did NOT take place. The people who died were almost universally extremely elderly - but of course, she didn't read any data before spouting her stereotype of a bunch of American rednecks dying of COVID. In fact, the only place I can think of where any such "mass deaths" took place would be in New York, when former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo intentionally put elderly people infected with COVID back into long-term care homes, where they infected other elderly people, who then died. He then got an excuse to resign thanks to some bullshit #MeToo allegation, rather than be held accountable for his CRIMES against the elderly. Cuomo also said he needed 26,000 ventilators, and said "Trump should pick the 26,000 people who die", in his whining demand to get $1.5 billion in free ventilators, many of which ended up being destroyed because New York never went above it's ~4,000 ventilator capacity! AND putting people on ventilators CAUSED elderly people to die! Yet like a typical shit-lib know-it-all, Cuomo essentially accused Trump of murder to get his way and get free federally paid ventilators that [1] weren't needed, and [2] led to the deaths of many people put on ventilators. But oh yeah - liberals know so much! Geniuses!

[3] What my friend Karen said was the OPPOSITE of reality. Go look at ALL metrics measuring COVID's impact: useless "cases" [which are just false positive PCR tests, where the test cycle threshold was set above 33, rendering the test clinically USELESS], hospitalizations [defined in Canada as anyone who is in the hospital for longer than nine hours, which is about as long as it takes to wait in the ER to simply get a bullshit PCR test for the many Canadians who don't have family doctors, and thus have to go to the ER, just to get a "positive" PCR test when they aren't even sick, making "hospitalizations" another mostly useless measure for COVID impact, at least here in Canada - and it's probably similarly insignificant in the USA], need for mechanical ventilation [which actually CAUSED thousands of people to die in both Canada and the USA, since ventilation was NOT the proper treatment for COVID, and thousands in both countries who were ventilated would have probably not died had they just been sent home with Ivermectin], and DEATHS [the ONLY metric which I follow]. ALL of these things have been worse in blue states than in red states.

Ugh. This is why I cannot stand Karens. The entire extent of their cognitive ability seems to boil down to saying "Orange Man Bad". It's about as annoying to me as seeing so-called American Conservatives importing millions of third world people to come to the USA to sit on welfare and vote Democrat, as long as they come "legally" [lol].

Is it really so hard for Karens to make an intellectual argument???

Anyway, after another year of her sanitizing her Tim Hortons' coffee cups with anti-BACTERIAL, she is now finally fully on-board with COVID being hysteria.

Anyone who still believes this "pandemic" is lethal to healthy people under 60 after 19 MONTHS, and literally 99.93% of Canadians making it this far, is an idiot, IMO. And they will not change their views with facts.

How can so many people literally not know ONE PERSON who died who was not riddled with disease already, or morbidly obese [or BOTH], and STILL think this is The Spanish Flu 2.0? Lol. Canadians watch UFC fights with 20,000 unmasked Americans in attendance, and still buy into the narrative. It would be more hilarious to me than it is if it wasn't so pathetic.

Sweden literally did nothing except recommend masking, and washing your hands after taking a shit, and they did fine. Similar numbers to the USA, despite all the absurd and illegal measures.

This is a photo of Karen. LOL...I can't believe how close her haircut is to the standard Karen photo you posted, haha.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: AbrahamG on October 17, 2021, 11:06:56 PM
Glad you're back posting.  Have you ever treated your Karen to 6.45 inches of aesthetic pleasure?
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: bhank on October 18, 2021, 04:06:44 AM

Doubtful there is anyone who can get addicted to coffee or ibuprofen. Yeah, there's that 1 in a million out there I'm sure, lol

Are you fucking kidding half the adult population is addicted to Coffee
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: GymnJuice on October 18, 2021, 04:23:29 AM
Are you fucking kidding half the adult population is addicted to Coffee

"You misunderstand the difference between tolerance, habituation/dependence and addiction."
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: bhank on October 18, 2021, 05:38:17 AM
"You misunderstand the difference between tolerance, habituation/dependence and addiction."

The only negative consequence from marijuana is getting arrested
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: IroNat on October 18, 2021, 06:37:13 AM
The only negative consequence from marijuana is getting arrested

Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on October 19, 2021, 07:50:41 AM
The only negative consequence from marijuana is getting arrested

Oh yeah?

Weed contains tar and has negative effects on the throat and lungs. Plus it makes habitual smokers weird, slow, or lazy.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: bhank on October 19, 2021, 08:33:04 AM
Oh yeah?

Weed contains tar and has negative effects on the throat and lungs. Plus it makes habitual smokers weird, slow, or lazy.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on October 19, 2021, 09:34:49 AM

Thanks for that.

A good thing to ponder is why some men cannot face life sober? One should wonder why some men put such a premium on getting high.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: bhank on October 20, 2021, 07:39:14 AM
Thanks for that.

A good thing to ponder is why some men cannot face life sober? One should wonder why some men put such a premium on getting high.

Marijuana users are sober it is about as intoxicating as coffee to the long term user the medicinal benefits are tremendous it's anti inflammatory properties alone are reason enough add in the anti nausea and appetite and metabolic benefits such as increased insulin sensitivity pain management gastrointestinal mobility and glucose processing and you start to understand why we have an endocannabanoid system
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: Explorerspl on October 20, 2021, 08:31:02 AM

What is your argument posting those articles?

"Marijuana smoke is bad for you"

"So? Tobacco is worse."
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: GymnJuice on October 20, 2021, 08:48:17 AM
Marijuana users are sober it is about as intoxicating as coffee to the long term user the medicinal benefits are tremendous it's anti inflammatory properties alone are reason enough add in the anti nausea and appetite and metabolic benefits such as increased insulin sensitivity pain management gastrointestinal mobility and glucose processing and you start to understand why we have an endocannabanoid system

Smoking marijuana and drinking coffee are totally different.  Would you be cool with school bus drivers being stoned while working? 
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: bhank on October 20, 2021, 08:59:37 AM
Smoking marijuana and drinking coffee are totally different.  Would you be cool with school bus drivers being stoned while working?

Marijuana does not impair motor skills
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: djliftsthings on October 20, 2021, 09:09:00 AM
Marijuana does not impair motor skills

it can reduce alertness, alter depth perception, impair concentration and attention span, slow reaction time, and affect motor skills and visual function. Many people think driving under the influence of cannabis is risk-free, and that drivers on cannabis are more cautious and driver slower.

let us skip the hundreds of studies proving it does and rely on the no hair nut case theory as correct  ::)
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: King Shizzo on October 20, 2021, 09:19:04 AM
Marijuana does not impair motor skills
To put it bluntly, some people can't handle weed. It makes them irritable, paranoid, and argumentative.

I've seen stoned people act weirder than drunk people.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: GymnJuice on October 20, 2021, 09:25:14 AM
Marijuana does not impair motor skills

Would you be OK with school bus drivers working while stoned?
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: Humble Narcissist on October 20, 2021, 09:33:00 AM
Marijuana does not impair motor skills
Have you ever been stoned? Of course it does.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on October 20, 2021, 09:52:52 AM
Marijuana users are sober it is about as intoxicating as coffee to the long term user the medicinal benefits are tremendous it's anti inflammatory properties alone are reason enough add in the anti nausea and appetite and metabolic benefits such as increased insulin sensitivity pain management gastrointestinal mobility and glucose processing and you start to understand why we have an endocannabanoid system

Pot smokers smoke to get high because it gets people high.

How many do you think smoke for insulin sensitivity and glucose processing?
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: bhank on October 20, 2021, 10:11:11 AM
Pot smokers smoke to get high because it gets people high.

How many do you think smoke for insulin sensitivity and glucose processing?

No you are wrong a lot of people use marijuana for it's medicinal qualities it helps immensely with Crohn's, diabetes, arthritis, glaucoma, etc etc
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: Thin Lizzy on October 20, 2021, 10:42:17 AM
Would you be OK with school bus drivers working while stoned?

It actually makes you paranoid and causes you to drive slower than you normally would as opposed to alcohol which makes you drive faster but no you shouldn’t drive high on weed.

That said, if you think marijuana should be illegal there’s no reason why you should think alcohol should be legal.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: bhank on October 20, 2021, 11:16:13 AM
It actually makes you paranoid and causes you to drive slower than you normally would as opposed to alcohol which makes you drive faster but no you shouldn’t drive high on weed.

That said, if you think marijuana should be illegal there’s no reason why you should think alcohol should be legal.

Marijuana does not get habitual users high different strains have different effects Delta 8 THC does not cause paranoia at all and is much milder than delta 9 while still having the gastrointestinal benefits
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on October 20, 2021, 11:30:44 AM
No you are wrong a lot of people use marijuana for it's medicinal qualities it helps immensely with Crohn's, diabetes, arthritis, glaucoma, etc etc

I'm not wrong in saying many pot smokers smoke to get high.

Perhaps some here can share their experiences in social settings, parties or hangouts for example, in which a smoker said, "Hey guys, let's all go light up so we can treat our arthritis and diabetes."
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: ThisisOverload on October 20, 2021, 03:12:17 PM
It actually makes you paranoid and causes you to drive slower than you normally would as opposed to alcohol which makes you drive faster but no you shouldn’t drive high on weed.

That said, if you think marijuana should be illegal there’s no reason why you should think alcohol should be legal.

If i smoke a joint i'll forget where i left my shoes. Then look down and notice i'm still wearing them. ;D

However, i will be honest and say the alcohol is far worse for society than weed.

Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: ThisisOverload on October 20, 2021, 03:16:28 PM
I'm not wrong in saying many pot smokers smoke to get high.

Perhaps some here can share their experiences in social settings, parties or hangouts for example, in which a smoker said, "Hey guys, let's all go light up so we can treat our arthritis and diabetes."

hanky only speaks in terms on hanky.

He doesn't smoke pot, he vapes Delta 8 THC, completely different.

He doesn't use steroids/GH/T3, he uses bio-identical hormones.

All of his drug abuses are for his health "benefits". While all of his health problems were caused by him being a moron. It's a cycle.

If i get high on weed, i'll be fucked for a good 2 hours. No way i'm doing anything constructive and you wouldn't want me operating a forklift.

But hanky is different, he's special. None of these things apply to him.

He is the alpha and omega, the yin and yang.

He is the perfect being.

Therefore he is God.

Praise Him.

That's why he is here.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: djliftsthings on October 20, 2021, 03:19:05 PM
hanky only speaks in terms on hanky.

He doesn't smoke pot, he vapes Delta 8 THC, completely different.

He doesn't use steroids/GH/T3, he uses bio-identical hormones.

All of his drug abuses are for his health "benefits". While all of his health problems were caused by him being a moron. It's a cycle.

If i get high on weed, i'll be fucked for a good 2 hours. No way i'm doing anything constructive and you wouldn't want me operating a forklift.

But hanky is different, he's special. None of these things apply to him.

He is the alpha and omega, the yin and yang.

He is the perfect being.

Therefore he is God.

Praise Him.

That's why he is here.

Have you ever in your life seen a person who thinks that however things happen to him means it happens to everyone the exact same? Theres narcissism, then theres psychotically insane narcissism that bhanks shows
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: ThisisOverload on October 20, 2021, 03:22:54 PM
Have you ever in your life seen a person who thinks that however things happen to him means it happens to everyone the exact same? Theres narcissism, then theres psychotically insane narcissism that bhanks shows

Not on his scale, no.

He's a mentally ill narcissistic sociopath with daddy issues.

Dudes beyond fucked up. ;D
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: bhank on October 20, 2021, 11:23:05 PM
hanky only speaks in terms on hanky.

He doesn't smoke pot, he vapes Delta 8 THC, completely different.

He doesn't use steroids/GH/T3, he uses bio-identical hormones.

All of his drug abuses are for his health "benefits". While all of his health problems were caused by him being a moron. It's a cycle.

If i get high on weed, i'll be fucked for a good 2 hours. No way i'm doing anything constructive and you wouldn't want me operating a forklift.

But hanky is different, he's special. None of these things apply to him.

He is the alpha and omega, the yin and yang.

He is the perfect being.

Therefore he is God.

Praise Him.

That's why he is here.

If you don't use nicotine one dip is going to make you physically ill. If you use nicotine consistently it is about as strong as coffee which again is actually extremely strong to someone who doesn't drink coffee. THC has many medicinal benefits and absolutely people use it for it's medicinal qualities only teenagers get high and stoned
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: ThisisOverload on October 20, 2021, 11:24:44 PM
If you don't use nicotine one dip is going to make you physically ill. If you use nicotine consistently it is about as strong as coffee which again is actually extremely strong to someone who doesn't drink coffee. THC has many medicinal benefits and absolutely people use it for it's medicinal qualities only teenagers get high and stoned

Says the "guy" who is high and stoned 24/7.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: IroNat on October 21, 2021, 04:25:55 AM
hanky only speaks in terms on hanky.

He doesn't smoke pot, he vapes Delta 8 THC, completely different.

He doesn't use steroids/GH/T3, he uses bio-identical hormones.

All of his drug abuses are for his health "benefits". While all of his health problems were caused by him being a moron. It's a cycle.

If i get high on weed, i'll be fucked for a good 2 hours. No way i'm doing anything constructive and you wouldn't want me operating a forklift.

But hanky is different, he's special. None of these things apply to him.

He is the alpha and omega, the yin and yang.

He is the perfect being.

Therefore he is God.

Praise Him.

That's why he is here.

Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: wes on October 21, 2021, 09:20:45 AM
Marijuana does not impair motor skills
Come on man,you must know better than that.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: 20inch calves on October 21, 2021, 11:58:56 AM
I wonder if you use such derogatory terms when referencing people who drink wine or coffee or use an occasional advil?  Do you withhold such slurs only for the sinful Pot smokers

I figured u for a pothead..I really did
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: 20inch calves on October 21, 2021, 12:01:09 PM
Come on man,you must know better than that.

An addict believes his own lies to justify his use...he knows better but had convinces himself with lies
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: Thin Lizzy on October 21, 2021, 12:10:08 PM
If i smoke a joint i'll forget where i left my shoes. Then look down and notice i'm still wearing them. ;D

However, i will be honest and say the alcohol is far worse for society than weed.

I don’t condone smoking weed. Truth be told, I don’t think it’s gonna do anybody any good. Same with drinking. I just don’t want them to be criminalized. Same with gear.

Conservatives just can’t accept the fact that their attitude towards drugs has created giant criminal cartels which have terrorized communities,  cities and even entire countries. The drug war has been a fucking disaster.

And showing a video of some idiot high in public doesn’t change that reality. Acting disorderly in public is a separate issue and should be a crime.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: ThisisOverload on October 21, 2021, 01:18:10 PM

I figured u for a pothead..I really did

He smokes all day every day.

For his Crohns.  ;D

He also hasn't had a job in years.

Makes sense.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: wes on October 21, 2021, 01:21:51 PM
An addict believes his own lies to justify his use...he knows better but had convinces himself with lies
Yup,I used to do the same thing when I was using.

Been clean now for decades and proud to say it.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: ThisisOverload on October 21, 2021, 01:24:22 PM
I don’t condone smoking weed. Truth be told, I don’t think it’s gonna do anybody any good. Same with drinking. I just don’t want them to be criminalized. Same with gear.

Conservatives just can’t accept the fact that their attitude towards drugs has created giant criminal cartels which have terrorized communities,  cities and even entire countries. The drug war has been a fucking disaster.

And showing a video of some idiot high in public doesn’t change that reality. Acting disorderly in public is a separate issue and should be a crime.

I agree to a point, but i don't think smoking weed in your home or out camping is a big deal at all.

I used to smoke quite a bit in college and it never caused any real problems for me. Just made me lazy and lose motivation to do anything constructive.

Not all people have this effect though.

I know some very well off professionals including doctors that smoke weed every day. But they don't get crazy.

One of my best friends is an Architect and owns a very successful company. Dude gets high as a kite the minute he leaves the office.

But yes in general i don't condone using drugs, but i also believe in liberty and freedom to choose if you want to do so.

Just as long as it doesn't impact me i could care less.

Alcohol is way more dangerous and causes tones of health issues. Many people die from consuming it for too long or from the effects of being drunk; car crash, domestic abuse, etc.

If alcohol is legal, so should weed IMO.

We just passed a bill to legalize here in NM. I'm going to buy a few grams once it gets implemented.

But i get random drug tests because i work on Government contracts, so it's not something i plan on doing very often.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: IroNat on October 21, 2021, 01:38:40 PM
Bhanky is Wolverine.

Wolverine has an adamantium skeleton and super healing powers.

Bhanky cannot be stopped.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: 20inch calves on October 21, 2021, 02:54:41 PM
He smokes all day every day.

For his Crohns.  ;D

He also hasn't had a job in years.

Makes sense.

I never understood this. Why wouldn't u have a this day in age almost anyone can do something.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: IroNat on October 21, 2021, 03:34:47 PM
Yup,I used to do the same thing when I was using.

Been clean now for decades and proud to say it.

Awesome, Wes.

Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: IroNat on October 21, 2021, 03:35:50 PM
I never understood this. Why wouldn't u have a this day in age almost anyone can do something.

Bhanky made a lot of money and is retired according to Bhanky.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: djliftsthings on October 21, 2021, 03:47:01 PM
Bhanky made a lot of money and is retired according to Bhanky.
bhanky has a lot of money, I can vouch for that. Looked into him and hes done well
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: IroNat on October 21, 2021, 04:38:09 PM
bhanky has a lot of money, I can vouch for that. Looked into him and hes done well

Bhanky is selfish and will not share his wealth secrets like Vince G.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: GymnJuice on October 21, 2021, 04:39:08 PM
Bhanky is selfish and will not share his wealth secrets like Vince G.

Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: wes on October 21, 2021, 04:42:47 PM
Awesome, Wes.

Thank you my friend.

It was a no-brainer....stop or die.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: 20inch calves on October 21, 2021, 04:44:47 PM
Thank you my friend.

It was a no-brainer....stop or die.

Respect Wes for staying clean
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: SOMEPARTS on October 21, 2021, 05:08:56 PM
Would you be OK with school bus drivers working while stoned?

Bhank avoided this one.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: 20inch calves on October 21, 2021, 06:01:43 PM

Bhank avoided this one.

If course. He knows he's wrong
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: wes on October 23, 2021, 05:25:51 AM
Respect Wes for staying clean
Thanks my friend.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: bhank on October 23, 2021, 07:07:25 AM

Bhank avoided this one.

I absolutely have no issue with anyone driving with THC in their system again it does not impair motor skills. Anyone who uses THC is always going to have THC in their system. That doesn't mean they can't drive. When someone first tries tobacco they get sick and throw up. When someone has been using tobacco for 20 years it doesn't impair them at all.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: King Shizzo on October 23, 2021, 07:12:29 AM
I absolutely have no issue with anyone driving with THC in their system again it does not impair motor skills. Anyone who uses THC is always going to have THC in their system. That doesn't mean they can't drive. When someone first tries tobacco they get sick and throw up. When someone has been using tobacco for 20 years it doesn't impair them at all.
You are full of shit. Of course THC stays in your system for an extended period of time. We aren't talking about people who smoke a few times a month.

We are talking about "stoners". People, that smoke multiple times a day, everyday. Just like alcohol, and any other drug, certain people can handle it, and certain people can't.

It's easily a harmful substance.

Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: SOMEPARTS on October 23, 2021, 07:20:04 AM
I absolutely have no issue with anyone driving with THC in their system again it does not impair motor skills. Anyone who uses THC is always going to have THC in their system. That doesn't mean they can't drive. When someone first tries tobacco they get sick and throw up. When someone has been using tobacco for 20 years it doesn't impair them at all.

Wake and bake types always use this argument. So what if it's the bus driver's first time on THC? Just let them go for driving a full bus over a cliff?

I'm not anti MJ btw, but the logic is weak here.

MOST people who smoke weed all day are impaired in several ways they can't see. If it's "your medicine" to stay sane you shouldn't be driving for a living anyway, period.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: GymnJuice on October 23, 2021, 10:22:16 AM
I absolutely have no issue with anyone driving with THC in their system again it does not impair motor skills. Anyone who uses THC is always going to have THC in their system. That doesn't mean they can't drive. When someone first tries tobacco they get sick and throw up. When someone has been using tobacco for 20 years it doesn't impair them at all.

99.99% of rational people would not want a school bus driver working while stoned.  Try asking people around you what they think about that.  I doubt you'll find anyone who shares your opinion in real life.
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: joswift on October 23, 2021, 10:36:12 AM
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: bhank on October 23, 2021, 11:26:38 AM
You are full of shit. Of course THC stays in your system for an extended period of time. We aren't talking about people who smoke a few times a month.

We are talking about "stoners". People, that smoke multiple times a day, everyday. Just like alcohol, and any other drug, certain people can handle it, and certain people can't.

It's easily a harmful substance.

No it is actually an extremely beneficial substance user have lower BMI and smaller waist circumference due to better glucose processing insulin sensitivty and blood sugar control you need it
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: bhank on October 23, 2021, 11:28:40 AM

Wake and bake types always use this argument. So what if it's the bus driver's first time on THC? Just let them go for driving a full bus over a cliff?

I'm not anti MJ btw, but the logic is weak here.

MOST people who smoke weed all day are impaired in several ways they can't see. If it's "your medicine" to stay sane you shouldn't be driving for a living anyway, period.

What if it is their first time chewing tobacco? Drinking coffee? Marijuana isn't going to make anyone drive off a cliff anymore than nicotine. Users are more risk adverse and will actually drive slower and be more careful. No one is driving aggresively on marijuna it is not alcohaul
Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: SOMEPARTS on October 23, 2021, 11:34:59 AM
What if it is their first time chewing tobacco? Drinking coffee? Marijuana isn't going to make anyone drive off a cliff anymore than nicotine. Users are more risk adverse and will actually drive slower and be more careful. No one is driving aggresively on marijuna it is not alcohaul

Have it your way. They will drive SLOWLY off a cliff...or cause a wreck making slow, poor judgements....  Not even worth arguing this.

Title: Re: Another Karen sounds like a certain board member
Post by: GymnJuice on October 23, 2021, 01:16:06 PM

Have it your way. They will drive SLOWLY off a cliff...or cause a wreck making slow, poor judgements....  Not even worth arguing this.