Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: NoPEDsNoBB on December 02, 2022, 10:42:12 PM

Title: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: NoPEDsNoBB on December 02, 2022, 10:42:12 PM
Just like he did (by his own admission) when he claimed he was 100% natty many years ago..
He lied to you again in regards to PEDs and about his most recent cycle.
He claimed to take a super low amount of anadrol every other day (I don't remember how much, but it was ridiculous).
He claimed to have put on - what was it - 20+lbs and was over 200lbs at 5'9.02538 - all while eating 1800 or so calories a day?

I call absolute BS. All lies. No one's gaining shit off 3.825mg of gear a day and below maintenance calories.

Matt, reveal your real cycle and stop lying.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: robcguns on December 03, 2022, 04:17:30 AM
Everyone is different and as I always say there is no average. I’ve known guys who have gained 30lb off 200 mgs of test a week and I’m sure it was underdosed as well. I gained 30-40lbs of 10-15mgs of dbol a day. I know guys who have gained 20lbs of 5 mgs of dbol a day. Everybody responds differently. And I believe him completely. My buddy recently gained 20lbs off 100 mgs of test a week in about 6-8 weeks.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: NoPEDsNoBB on December 03, 2022, 04:29:00 AM
Everyone is different and as I always say there is no average. I’ve known guys who have gained 30lb off 200 mgs of test a week and I’m sure it was underdosed as well. I gained 30-40lbs of 10-15mgs of dbol a day. I know guys who have gained 20lbs of 5 mgs of dbol a day. Everybody responds differently. And I believe him completely. My buddy recently gained 20lbs off 100 mgs of test a week in about 6-8 weeks.

No one's gaining shit off 3.825mg of gear a day and below maintenance calories.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: bhank on December 03, 2022, 04:41:38 AM
Whatever he took it didn't work anyway still waiting to see final results
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: robcguns on December 03, 2022, 04:43:15 AM

Also bullshit. I eat 1800 calories a day now and I’m gaining at 230 at 6’2 44 years old. Yet my maintenance  is well above that. My buddy who gained the 20lbs on test recently was eating 1500 calories a day, there is no absolute in either direction. Anything can happen and just cause it didn’t to you or anyone you know or it doesn’t make sense does not mean it won’t happen to the next guy. EVERYONE REPONDS DIFFERENTLY.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: NoPEDsNoBB on December 03, 2022, 04:52:41 AM
Whatever he took it didn't work anyway still waiting to see final results

Didn't work, huh?
He gained more than you have in the last 15 years of high dose roids and hgh with just (apparently) 2.4mg of anadrol every 3rd full moon.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: NoPEDsNoBB on December 03, 2022, 04:53:29 AM
Also bullshit. I eat 1800 calories a day now and I’m gaining at 230 at 6’2 44 years old. Yet my maintenance  is well above that. My buddy who gained the 20lbs on test recently was eating 1500 calories a day, there is no absolute in either direction. Anything can happen and just cause it didn’t to you or anyone you know or it doesn’t make sense does not mean it won’t happen to the next guy. EVERYONE REPONDS DIFFERENTLY.

Also bullshit.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: robcguns on December 03, 2022, 05:02:21 AM
Didn't work, huh?
He gained more than you have in the last 15 years of high dose roids and hgh with just (apparently) 2.4mg of anadrol every 3rd full moon.

It was 17mg every other day or everyday and that is plenty to see results on. Maybe you don’t respond and need to shovel food down and take grams week such is not the case for all.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: NoPEDsNoBB on December 03, 2022, 05:14:59 AM
It was 17mg every other day or everyday and that is plenty to see results on. Maybe you don’t respond and need to shovel food down and take grams week such is not the case for all.

17mg of anadrol every 2nd day is equivalent to 4mg of dbol every day. It's peanuts. Cut the bullshit.
Getbigger Hippolitowhatever's little dogs produce stronger and more anabolic chemicals when they fart (on him).
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: robcguns on December 03, 2022, 05:16:46 AM
17mg of anadrol every 2nd day is equivalent to 4mg of dbol every day. It's peanuts. Cut the bullshit.
Getbigger Hippolitowhatever's little dogs produce stronger and more anabolic chemicals when they fart (on him).

4 mg of dbol is plenty with hard training, right diet and real dbol.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: NoPEDsNoBB on December 03, 2022, 05:30:41 AM
4 mg of dbol is plenty with hard training, right diet and real dbol.

( (

By "right diet" do you mean 1800 calories?

( (
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: robcguns on December 03, 2022, 05:34:41 AM
( (

By "right diet" do you mean 1800 calories?

( (

Everyone is different and at 230 on 1800 calories a day I guarantee I would smoke you in the gym. Try not relying on the drugs to do the work. Less can be more. 4 mgs of real dbol will give you results.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: NoPEDsNoBB on December 03, 2022, 05:38:33 AM

Cool story, bro.
You have incredible elite genetics.
Got it.
Maybe you should try more than 10mg of PEDs a day. By the sounds of it that's all it would take for you to be next years Mr. O.

( (
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: robcguns on December 03, 2022, 05:54:37 AM
Cool story, bro.
You have incredible elite genetics.
Got it.
Maybe you should try more than 10mg of PEDs a day. By the sounds of it that's all it would take for you to be next years Mr. O.

( (

I don’t take anything. No care to. And I’m not a bodybuilder.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Matt on December 03, 2022, 11:59:40 AM
Just like he did (by his own admission) when he claimed he was 100% natty many years ago..
He lied to you again in regards to PEDs and about his most recent cycle.
He claimed to take a super low amount of anadrol every other day (I don't remember how much, but it was ridiculous).
He claimed to have put on - what was it - 20+lbs and was over 200lbs at 5'9.02538 - all while eating 1800 or so calories a day?

I call absolute BS. All lies. No one's gaining shit off 3.825mg of gear a day and below maintenance calories.

Matt, reveal your real cycle and stop lying.


It was 62x 25mg Anadrol pills over June 4th or whatever the start date was, until September 4th.

Roughly three months.

Call it 90 days.

My start weight was 183-lb. Keep in mind, I keep my body weight artificially low for health reasons. There's no reason why I can't walk around at 190-200. It's just healthier to weigh less. Literally every study on longevity with supercentenarians show this.

So when I doubled my calories from 1,200 to 2,400, my body was like a sponge just from the extra calories.

I think people are ignoring the fact that Anadrol is STRONG.

I will NOT be taking it again.

I was supposed to take Sustanon with it, but took two shots, realized I had put on like 10-lb in the first 10 days just from the Anadrol, and decided to just take the Anadrol.

In hindsight, I had several people tell me that you should always have a test base.

My next cycle will be Test only, or Test and Dbol...but I'm only going to do another cycle if I eat a proper bodybuilding diet. Chicken breasts, potatoes, protein shakes, etc.

I may start as soon as Valentine's Day, if I do this.

I think if you take any man with my body type and put them on, say, 25mg Anadrol daily, they will gain 20-lb within a month.

Average Joe adult ectomorph weighing 170-lb does a dbol only  cycle. There is no reason he can't be 190-lb within a month.

I also had muscle memory on my side, as I keep my body weight artificially low for health reasons, as I said.

So I had muscle memory, fresh receptors, and I doubled my calories on low dose Anadrol, and went from 183 to 205.

I actually went to 211, but that was just fat.

But the first 20-lb was a definite improvement to my look. Even if it was "just water".

IMO, gaining 20-lb on a Dbol only cycle is not unrealistic.

I had a five days where I used 50mg Anadrol, but I felt my core temperature I chose to reduce to under one 25mg tablet daily. Roughly 5x 25mg every 7 days.

I don't think 22-lb on such a cycle is unrealistic at all.

And I have since lost all the size anyway.  ;D
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: illuminati on December 03, 2022, 12:11:02 PM
Whatever he took it didn't work anyway still waiting to see final results

Just like whatever you're taking for the last 30yrs

Now Your muscles have gone into reverse gear & are Atrophying !!
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: illuminati on December 03, 2022, 12:12:54 PM
Just like he did (by his own admission) when he claimed he was 100% natty many years ago..
He lied to you again in regards to PEDs and about his most recent cycle.
He claimed to take a super low amount of anadrol every other day (I don't remember how much, but it was ridiculous).
He claimed to have put on - what was it - 20+lbs and was over 200lbs at 5'9.02538 - all while eating 1800 or so calories a day?

I call absolute BS. All lies. No one's gaining shit off 3.825mg of gear a day and below maintenance calories.

Matt, reveal your real cycle and stop lying.

Doesn't really matter to any of us - if he's lying which I doubt,
Ultimately he's only deceiving himself
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Dave D on December 03, 2022, 12:14:36 PM

It was 62x 25mg Anadrol pills over June 4th or whatever the start date was, until September 4th.

Roughly three months.

Call it 90 days.

My start weight was 183-lb. Keep in mind, I keep my body weight artificially low for health reasons. There's no reason why I can't walk around at 190-200. It's just healthier to weigh less. Literally every study on longevity with supercentenarians show this.

So when I doubled my calories from 1,200 to 2,400, my body was like a sponge just from the extra calories.

I think people are ignoring the fact that Anadrol is STRONG.

I will NOT be taking it again.

I was supposed to take Sustanon with it, but took two shots, realized I had put on like 10-lb in the first 10 days just from the Anadrol, and decided to just take the Anadrol.

In hindsight, I had several people tell me that you should always have a test base.

My next cycle will be Test only, or Test and Dbol...but I'm only going to do another cycle if I eat a proper bodybuilding diet. Chicken breasts, potatoes, protein shakes, etc.

I may start as soon as Valentine's Day, if I do this.

I think if you take any man with my body type and put them on, say, 25mg Anadrol daily, they will gain 20-lb within a month.

Average Joe adult ectomorph weighing 170-lb does a dbol only  cycle. There is no reason he can't be 190-lb within a month.

I also had muscle memory on my side, as I keep my body weight artificially low for health reasons, as I said.

So I had muscle memory, fresh receptors, and I doubled my calories on low dose Anadrol, and went from 183 to 205.

I actually went to 211, but that was just fat.

But the first 20-lb was a definite improvement to my look. Even if it was "just water".

IMO, gaining 20-lb on a Dbol only cycle is not unrealistic.

I had a five days where I used 50mg Anadrol, but I felt my core temperature I chose to reduce to under one 25mg tablet daily. Roughly 5x 25mg every 7 days.

I don't think 22-lb on such a cycle is unrealistic at all.

And I have since lost all the size anyway.  ;D

Matt you say you’re concerned about longevity but also want to end your life, how often does your mind change on subject?
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Matt on December 03, 2022, 02:09:09 PM

Matt you say you’re concerned about longevity but also want to end your life, how often does your mind change on subject?

You're slightly off:

I think non-existence is more desirable than existence.

There is no guarantee that death is non-existence.

So as long as I am alive, I want to maximize my quality of life.

I do think a little gear thrown in can do that...but it's hard to precisely measure the damage that does.

Being 40 now, if I went on TRT, would that reduce my quality of life? Would it reduce my lifespan?

I don't know, so I tend to err on the side of caution.

The cycle definitely increased my quality of life though. I know in Getbig La LA Land, men who are 5'9" and 205-lb and muscular are common. In real life, that's not common at all.

The nonstop attention I got was pretty awesome. And I mean, I was only 205. Did I really damage my health all that much?

I have been way too conservative with my health over the years. And that cycle did really bring up my quality of life. It's hard to measure whether or not it was worth it or not though.

Do you ever run gear, Dave? Or have you?
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: NoPEDsNoBB on December 03, 2022, 09:15:33 PM
My start weight was 183-lb. Keep in mind, I keep my body weight artificially low for health reasons. There's no reason why I can't walk around at 190-200. It's just healthier to weigh less. Literally every study on longevity with supercentenarians show this.
I don't know what planet you're from and what the gravity is like there, but here on Earth, 185lbs for a 5'9 guy isn't light weight.

IMO, gaining 20-lb on a Dbol only cycle is not unrealistic.
Ye but you gained more than that with (apparently) just 17mg's of anadrol every other day which is equivalent to 4mg of dbol a day.

I had a five days where I used 50mg Anadrol, but I felt my core temperature I chose to reduce to under one 25mg tablet daily. Roughly 5x 25mg every 7 days.
Okay, so you weren't taking just 17mg's of drol every other day. I think I recall you saying that + the 2 shots of sus. Hard to remember these fine details when you post 7,500 of them in every post. So I guess you didn't lie. My apologies.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: MCWAY on December 04, 2022, 03:21:22 PM

It was 62x 25mg Anadrol pills over June 4th or whatever the start date was, until September 4th.

Roughly three months.

Call it 90 days.

My start weight was 183-lb. Keep in mind, I keep my body weight artificially low for health reasons. There's no reason why I can't walk around at 190-200. It's just healthier to weigh less. Literally every study on longevity with supercentenarians show this.

So when I doubled my calories from 1,200 to 2,400, my body was like a sponge just from the extra calories.

I think people are ignoring the fact that Anadrol is STRONG.

I will NOT be taking it again.

I was supposed to take Sustanon with it, but took two shots, realized I had put on like 10-lb in the first 10 days just from the Anadrol, and decided to just take the Anadrol.

In hindsight, I had several people tell me that you should always have a test base.

My next cycle will be Test only, or Test and Dbol...but I'm only going to do another cycle if I eat a proper bodybuilding diet. Chicken breasts, potatoes, protein shakes, etc.

I may start as soon as Valentine's Day, if I do this.

Exactly why are you waiting two months to actually eat as if you have some sense?

And who says that's a "proper bodybuilding diet" anyway? Your goal is mass; you should be eating beef as well as eggs, along with chicken.

Where do you get this ridiculous notion that you should only eat "properly" if you're using steroids? Otherwise, you eat like like a crackhead then act surprised at your lack of gains in size.

Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: bhank on December 04, 2022, 03:52:47 PM
Just like whatever you're taking for the last 30yrs

Now Your muscles have gone into reverse gear & are Atrophying !!

I am strong as hell right now aint no one atrophying over here
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Matt on December 04, 2022, 04:05:10 PM
I don't know what planet you're from and what the gravity is like there, but here on Earth, 185lbs for a 5'9 guy isn't light weight.
Ye but you gained more than that with (apparently) just 17mg's of anadrol every other day which is equivalent to 4mg of dbol a day.
Okay, so you weren't taking just 17mg's of drol every other day. I think I recall you saying that + the 2 shots of sus. Hard to remember these fine details when you post 7,500 of them in every post. So I guess you didn't lie. My apologies.

I took Dianabol in 2004, 2005, and 2006 as part of full cycles.

I took Dianabol alone a couple of times later. In 2009 and maybe one other time prior to my 2016 Anadrol cycle. That Anadrol cycle was very minimal - only 12.5mg daily for 20 days.

But it clearly impacted my conditioning. I looked a lot better at 170 than my usual 170:

Keep in mind that I dropped to 157 prior to taking that cycle:

Now that I'm thinking about it, Anadrol FIFTY tablets are 50mg each.

I started off with a pack of 100 tablets in 2016. I think I had 91.5 when I started my cycle this year, and I had 38 left when I was done.

Do I used 53.5 tablets over 90 days.

For some reason I was thinking that they were 25mg each.  ???

I'm going to have to go check how I would have made this mistake. I'll revisit the other thread and see.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Matt on December 04, 2022, 04:18:49 PM
Talk about a mental lapse. Yes, the Newport Pharma Anadrol tablets ARE 50mg each [picture below].

FYI: my experience is that Anadrol is stronger per MG than Dianabol.

This isn't addressed to you, NoPEDsNoBB, but just in general:

Lastly - do I strike anyone here as someone who GIVES TWO FUCKING SHITS what anyone else thinks of me?

I mean, WHY THE FUCK would I openly talk about steroid use under my real name, praise Adolf Hitler [I'm joking...sorta], and attribute all manner of other things to my real name [Matt Canning, Thunder Bay], yet lie about a cycle?

I'm not specifically addressing the comments above to anyone - I just can't stand being told I would lie about something.

Wouldn't it make more sense to not address steroids at all?  ???

Keep in mind a few points:

- I could weigh more than I do, but I keep my weight low for helafh reasons. This means I keep my calories low. By on increasing my calories, my body weight rose.
- I hadn't ran gear since 2016, so my receptors were fresh.
- Muscle memory played a factor too, as I have been over 190 before.

As I said, I started out at 183, and went to 211 at my max weight. But everything beyond 204-205-206 was just fat.

I may have gained "just water" up until 205...but IMO, I looked a lot better [picture below is at 191...where I probably looked my best, based on both size AND leanness].

So yes, I gained 22-lb [28, actually], but it's not like that was all quality mass.

I really don't see this as being anything incredible for a 5'9" and 180-lb range "athletic" looking male to gain, who has been training as long as me.

Just one thing I want to emphasize, NoPEDsNoBB:

I personally feel Anadrol is at least as strong as Dianabol.

IMO, slightly stronger.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Zillotch on December 04, 2022, 04:40:54 PM
And who says that's a "proper bodybuilding diet" anyway? Your goal is mass; you should be eating beef as well as eggs, along with chicken.

a staple diet of eggs, beef and butter (then a little bit of whatever else) is unbeatable fuel for a functional, muscular physique, imo
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: ChristopherA on December 04, 2022, 04:50:51 PM
I am strong as hell right now aint no one atrophying over here
Are you? Sick. Post up a 5 plate deadlift. Should be no problem for a 225lb guy
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: CT_Muscle on December 04, 2022, 06:03:15 PM
You're slightly off:

I think non-existence is more desirable than existence.

There is no guarantee that death is non-existence.

So as long as I am alive, I want to maximize my quality of life.

I do think a little gear thrown in can do that...but it's hard to precisely measure the damage that does.

Being 40 now, if I went on TRT, would that reduce my quality of life? Would it reduce my lifespan?

I don't know, so I tend to err on the side of caution.

The cycle definitely increased my quality of life though. I know in Getbig La LA Land, men who are 5'9" and 205-lb and muscular are common. In real life, that's not common at all.

The nonstop attention I got was pretty awesome. And I mean, I was only 205. Did I really damage my health all that much?

I have been way too conservative with my health over the years. And that cycle did really bring up my quality of life. It's hard to measure whether or not it was worth it or not though.

Do you ever run gear, Dave? Or have you?

Do you have a pic of yourself standing next to Jay Cutler?  ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: bhank on December 04, 2022, 06:07:59 PM
Are you? Sick. Post up a 5 plate deadlift. Should be no problem for a 225lb guy

I am entering a power lifting event next weekend. I know it's not the powerlifting event you like but I don't see you entering any. The amount of weight I am strict curling is a good amount of weight. You know you can't do it. I am stronger than you.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: bhank on December 04, 2022, 06:11:47 PM
Talk about a mental lapse. Yes, the Newport Pharma Anadrol tablets ARE 50mg each [picture below].

FYI: my experience is that Anadrol is stronger per MG than Dianabol.

This isn't addressed to you, NoPEDsNoBB, but just in general:

Lastly - do I strike anyone here as someone who GIVES TWO FUCKING SHITS what anyone else thinks of me?

I mean, WHY THE FUCK would I openly talk about steroid use under my real name, praise Adolf Hitler [I'm joking...sorta], and attribute all manner of other things to my real name [Matt Canning, Thunder Bay], yet lie about a cycle?

I'm not specifically addressing the comments above to anyone - I just can't stand being told I would lie about something.

Wouldn't it make more sense to not address steroids at all?  ???

Keep in mind a few points:

- I could weigh more than I do, but I keep my weight low for helafh reasons. This means I keep my calories low. By on increasing my calories, my body weight rose.
- I hadn't ran gear since 2016, so my receptors were fresh.
- Muscle memory played a factor too, as I have been over 190 before.

As I said, I started out at 183, and went to 211 at my max weight. But everything beyond 204-205-206 was just fat.

I may have gained "just water" up until 205...but IMO, I looked a lot better [picture below is at 191...where I probably looked my best, based on both size AND leanness].

So yes, I gained 22-lb [28, actually], but it's not like that was all quality mass.

I really don't see this as being anything incredible for a 5'9" and 180-lb range "athletic" looking male to gain, who has been training as long as me.

Just one thing I want to emphasize, NoPEDsNoBB:

I personally feel Anadrol is at least as strong as Dianabol.

IMO, slightly stronger.

You went from 183lbs to your best look at 191lbs that is 8lbs not 22lbs you then claim an additional 20lbs from 191lbs to 211lbs. But if your best look was at 191lbs then you gained 8 quality pounds but you claim to have lost that a month later. Lets see the after pics because it sounds like you gained nothing
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: webstar on December 04, 2022, 07:40:59 PM
You went from 183lbs to your best look at 191lbs that is 8lbs not 22lbs you then claim an additional 20lbs from 191lbs to 211lbs. But if your best look was at 191lbs then you gained 8 quality pounds but you claim to have lost that a month later. Lets see the after pics because it sounds like you gained nothing

Let’s see your squat video?

At least Menopause Matt is stronger than you with less anabolics.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Walter Sobchak on December 04, 2022, 07:48:10 PM
You went from 183lbs to your best look at 191lbs that is 8lbs not 22lbs you then claim an additional 20lbs from 191lbs to 211lbs. But if your best look was at 191lbs then you gained 8 quality pounds but you claim to have lost that a month later. Lets see the after pics because it sounds like you gained nothing

I’m just gonna leave this here so we have an idea who is criticizing Matty Titties…

Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: MCWAY on December 04, 2022, 08:52:59 PM
a staple diet of eggs, beef and butter (then a little bit of whatever else) is unbeatable fuel for a functional, muscular physique, imo

Indeed. And I'd recommend the protein shakes be the Carnivor kind (particularly the Lean Meal version). I don't think the Carnivor Mass is necessary at this point.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Matt on December 04, 2022, 10:02:12 PM
You went from 183lbs to your best look at 191lbs that is 8lbs not 22lbs you then claim an additional 20lbs from 191lbs to 211lbs. But if your best look was at 191lbs then you gained 8 quality pounds but you claim to have lost that a month later. Lets see the after pics because it sounds like you gained nothing

My best look was 191, yes.

But I was still pretty lean up to 204-205-206...somewhere in there.

By the time I reached 211, I was physically carrying more body weight, but there was nothing good about that weight.

What would anyone expect doing an oral only cycle?

It's quite customary to gain 20-lb on an oral cycle, and maybe keep about 8-lb. My results were very normal. I don't see why anyone should doubt my claims.

As I said, the only thing that gave me an advantage was having very fresh receptors, plus the increase in calories gave me two variables to help me gain mass [+gear, +calories]. Muscle memory played a role, and I believe age is actually an advantage for gaining size [late thirties range, or in my case, 40].

B. Hank - do you get that not everyone has the same goals as you? I have no reason to believe that being over 210 is healthy. Maybe at 6'1" or taller. But I don't believe for me, being over 185 is "healthy", even if it looks better.

There are other factors too - I don't want to lose my hair, for example. I had some reduction in testicle size which has since reversed.

I didn't run enough gear to have much else in the way of side effects. A little bit of glandular flare up on my nipples, which has since reversed.

One can counter these effects, but that requires running YET MORE drugs:

- Retinoids.
- Letrozole.
- hCG.

While I personally prefer the look of being 205, there is no biological free lunch - there is a health trade-off for that look that I'm not personally willing to make.

I obviously train hard - the results are in my lifts. But I happen to like having a 50 resting heart rate. I'm not willing to compromise that for a look.

Say what you will about Brian Shaw - the man will be dead in 10 years.

I may be a bit too cautious with my health, but that's just the choice I make. My considerations are: health, strength, and aesthetics. I could shift my rep range a little and have a more muscular look while losing some strength, but my goals are different than yours.

Not everyone wants to maximize muscle size. And not everyone wants to run gear very often.

If steroids had zero health cost, I would run them more often.

That said, it's probably not too unhealthy to run test only once a year. Something like that.

I won't be running Anadrol again. If anyone wants to gain mass and doesn't care about health effects, I strongly recommend it. I'd rather run something safer, even if my gains are lower.

Also, I was in a rush last summer. I wanted to enjoy the summer having a look I wasn't able to get that fast naturally. Now I have 6+ months to go before summer, and I can more or less get the same look naturally.

The one thing you can't get naturally is that full/pumped look. No amount of natural training can achieve that look.

I am 191 now...but it's not the same 191 as I was on Anadrol. My muscles just don't have that "look".

I don't believe any of us can achieve that look naturally.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: MCWAY on December 05, 2022, 07:31:43 AM
a staple diet of eggs, beef and butter (then a little bit of whatever else) is unbeatable fuel for a functional, muscular physique, imo

Plus, with Thanksgiving out of the way, many stores are selling turkeys DIRT CHEAP. One local store here in Orlando had them for $0.38/lb. That's about $9 for a 25-lb bird.

Matt could just as easily cook a gobbler over the weekend, slice up the meat, and have ready-to-go protein he could heat and eat in mere SECONDS. And how long does it take to nuke a potato (regular or sweet)?
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Matt on December 05, 2022, 09:17:51 AM
Plus, with Thanksgiving out of the way, many stores are selling turkeys DIRT CHEAP. One local store here in Orlando had them for $0.38/lb. That's about $9 for a 25-lb bird.

Matt could just as easily cook a gobbler over the weekend, slice up the meat, and have ready-to-go protein he could heat and eat in mere SECONDS. And how long does it take to nuke a potato (regular or sweet)?

You said you were 220-lb at 5'9", right, MCWAY?

That's 30-lb heavier than me, assuming I don't continue to drop to 170 before I start my next cycle. So just a couple of comments:

- More eating = more cooking, and also more pissing and shitting, etc. I can't even imagine how bad the gas you pass smells.

- Turkeys are NOT $9 for a 25-lb bird in Canada. They are $179. So no, your breakdown doesn't quite work.

Now that I know I can strength train in the summer, and run low-dose gear in the summer, I may do that.

It's a partial Kevin Levrone approach: stay small when no one is paying attention, and run gear when people are.

I'd still be training in the summer, but the majority of my efforts [extra food, adjustments to my training towards hypertrophy, and the addition of gear] would come in the summer.

What's worse for your health, MCWAY?

Carrying around 50-lb of extra mass all year, or just running a touch of gear each summer?

Why do I suspect that you DO NOT have a 50 resting heart rate like I do, given you are 220?

I know we have a few years of age between us, but I'd compare my blood work to yours all day long, MCWAY.

The health costs I'm saving by being much lighter than you more than makes up for me doing a cycle from time to time. Whether I could run a cycle each year and say that- I don't know.

But just this idea that you think being 50-lb overweight is ok because you are's extremely naive.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Dalnet on December 05, 2022, 09:28:33 AM
I’m just gonna leave this here so we have an idea who is criticizing Matty Titties…

I'M DEAD. Haven't seen that one, before.

Also: It's time just to shave it all off. For fuck's sake.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: bhank on December 05, 2022, 09:51:40 AM
My best look was 191, yes.

But I was still pretty lean up to 204-205-206...somewhere in there.

By the time I reached 211, I was physically carrying more body weight, but there was nothing good about that weight.

What would anyone expect doing an oral only cycle?

It's quite customary to gain 20-lb on an oral cycle, and maybe keep about 8-lb. My results were very normal. I don't see why anyone should doubt my claims.

As I said, the only thing that gave me an advantage was having very fresh receptors, plus the increase in calories gave me two variables to help me gain mass [+gear, +calories]. Muscle memory played a role, and I believe age is actually an advantage for gaining size [late thirties range, or in my case, 40].

B. Hank - do you get that not everyone has the same goals as you? I have no reason to believe that being over 210 is healthy. Maybe at 6'1" or taller. But I don't believe for me, being over 185 is "healthy", even if it looks better.

There are other factors too - I don't want to lose my hair, for example. I had some reduction in testicle size which has since reversed.

I didn't run enough gear to have much else in the way of side effects. A little bit of glandular flare up on my nipples, which has since reversed.

One can counter these effects, but that requires running YET MORE drugs:

- Retinoids.
- Letrozole.
- hCG.

While I personally prefer the look of being 205, there is no biological free lunch - there is a health trade-off for that look that I'm not personally willing to make.

I obviously train hard - the results are in my lifts. But I happen to like having a 50 resting heart rate. I'm not willing to compromise that for a look.

Say what you will about Brian Shaw - the man will be dead in 10 years.

I may be a bit too cautious with my health, but that's just the choice I make. My considerations are: health, strength, and aesthetics. I could shift my rep range a little and have a more muscular look while losing some strength, but my goals are different than yours.

Not everyone wants to maximize muscle size. And not everyone wants to run gear very often.

If steroids had zero health cost, I would run them more often.

That said, it's probably not too unhealthy to run test only once a year. Something like that.

I won't be running Anadrol again. If anyone wants to gain mass and doesn't care about health effects, I strongly recommend it. I'd rather run something safer, even if my gains are lower.

Also, I was in a rush last summer. I wanted to enjoy the summer having a look I wasn't able to get that fast naturally. Now I have 6+ months to go before summer, and I can more or less get the same look naturally.

The one thing you can't get naturally is that full/pumped look. No amount of natural training can achieve that look.

I am 191 now...but it's not the same 191 as I was on Anadrol. My muscles just don't have that "look".

I don't believe any of us can achieve that look naturally.

So not everyone is trying to gain lean muscle when training lol it's not about just weight condition is a factor if you want to weigh less fine but you should be leaner at the lower weight, I noticed you did a lot of back shots but not many from the front as you got heavier which makes me believe your condition was off. It should be much better at 191lbs that is what we want to know are you a solid 191lbs now or not? What are the arms taping now

Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: The Scott on December 05, 2022, 09:54:33 AM
Just like he did (by his own admission) when he claimed he was 100% natty many years ago..
He lied to you again in regards to PEDs and about his most recent cycle.
He claimed to take a super low amount of anadrol every other day (I don't remember how much, but it was ridiculous).
He claimed to have put on - what was it - 20+lbs and was over 200lbs at 5'9.02538 - all while eating 1800 or so calories a day?

I call absolute BS. All lies. No one's gaining shit off 3.825mg of gear a day and below maintenance calories.

Matt, reveal your real cycle and stop lying.

I'm over it.  You should be too.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: MCWAY on December 05, 2022, 11:05:39 AM
You said you were 220-lb at 5'9", right, MCWAY?

That's 30-lb heavier than me, assuming I don't continue to drop to 170 before I start my next cycle. So just a couple of comments:

- More eating = more cooking, and also more pissing and shitting, etc. I can't even imagine how bad the gas you pass smells.

If you're farting too much, it's because your food isn't being DIGESTED properly. When food rots in your stomach, you become almost a literal gasbag. Eat food that actually gets assimilated (and add some enzymes for good measure) and that doesn't happen.

As for more cooking, again, what part of "cook several meals at one time (i.e. roast an entire turkey and cut up the meat for several servings)" didn't you comprehend?

I went a week and a half without cooking, because of all the Thanksgiving leftovers (especially the bird) that was prepared in advance.

Bhank said it best: Quit acting as if you have to be the second coming of Greg Kovacs. You basically stopped starving yourself and ate like an average teenager (I think he said "teenage girl).

- Turkeys are NOT $9 for a 25-lb bird in Canada. They are $179. So no, your breakdown doesn't quite work.

Sucks to be in Canada. NO turkey cost that much, not even in mid-November. Last year before Thanksgiving, I got a 20-lb bird for around $10 ($0.49/lb). This year, my wife bought a so-called organic turkey, which cost somewhat more (but nowhere near $100).

The $0.38/lb-turkey was a clearance price, which is what I said earlier. Post-Thanksgiving (at least here in the US), stores are getting rid of turkeys that are overstocked.

Now that I know I can strength train in the summer, and run low-dose gear in the summer, I may do that.

It's a partial Kevin Levrone approach: stay small when no one is paying attention, and run gear when people are.

I'd still be training in the summer, but the majority of my efforts [extra food, adjustments to my training towards hypertrophy, and the addition of gear] would come in the summer.

Again, why do you continue with this foolishness of strength training vs. size? It's not either/or. How many Christopher Oketch (Mr. Kenya Bodybuilding Champion; Kenya's/Qatar's Strongest Man) videos do I have to post to drill that point home?

What's worse for your health, MCWAY?

Carrying around 50-lb of extra mass all year, or just running a touch of gear each summer?

Why do I suspect that you DO NOT have a 50 resting heart rate like I do, given you are 220?

I know we have a few years of age between us, but I'd compare my blood work to yours all day long, MCWAY.

But, you aren't concerned about your bloodwork. That's your excuse for not staying consistent with your diet. Since I had my physical and got a clean bill of health just 8 months ago, I'd say my bloodwork is fine.

The health costs I'm saving by being much lighter than you more than makes up for me doing a cycle from time to time. Whether I could run a cycle each year and say that- I don't know.

But just this idea that you think being 50-lb overweight is ok because you are's extremely naive.

And, if you were really concerned about your health, you'd get the fact that yo-yo bodyweight (especially with anabolics) is far, FAR from healthy.

What's naive is thinking that it's OK to be 40-50 lbs "overweight" (while using steroids to do it), as long as it's only for a 3-4 months (then I can starve back to "normal") is patently absurd.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: joswift on December 05, 2022, 11:12:50 AM
So not everyone is trying to gain lean muscle when training lol it's not about just weight condition is a factor if you want to weigh less fine but you should be leaner at the lower weight, I noticed you did a lot of back shots but not many from the front as you got heavier which makes me believe your condition was off. It should be much better at 191lbs that is what we want to know are you a solid 191lbs now or not? What are the arms taping now

fucks sake, the guy who eats 20lb of food a day and keeps telling everyone hes a solid 225

Go and get fucked you silly twat
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: bhank on December 05, 2022, 01:24:20 PM
fucks sake, the guy who eats 20lb of food a day and keeps telling everyone hes a solid 225

Go and get fucked you silly twat

I have a bad stomach some days I cant eat much at all. You keep insisting I am eating 20lbs of food trying to pretend I am not my weight which is fucking nonsense
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: joswift on December 05, 2022, 01:25:57 PM
I have a bad stomach some days I cant eat much at all. You keep insisting I am eating 20lbs of food trying to pretend I am not my weight which is fucking nonsense

I weight 6lb heavier at night than I do next morning

If I ate another 14lb of food I would be 20lbs heavier

Thats you.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: bhank on December 05, 2022, 07:19:16 PM
I weight 6lb heavier at night than I do next morning

If I ate another 14lb of food I would be 20lbs heavier

Thats you.

Its not even possible to eat 20lbs of food a day
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: MCWAY on December 06, 2022, 05:00:06 PM
Its not even possible to eat 20lbs of food a day

Not that some folks haven't tried. Serge Nubret reportedly ate up to 9 lbs of meat (beef or horse) per day.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Matt on December 06, 2022, 05:10:21 PM
Not that some folks haven't tried. Serge Nubret reportedly ate up to 9 lbs of meat (beef or horse) per day.

Question, MCWAY:

Why would some consider it unrealistic to gain 20-lb from low dose Anadrol on fresh receptors?

I don't consider that unrealistic for anyone - let alone those with muscle memory on their side.

If I do another cycle, it would be something with slower gains and a shorter half life - so likely not an oral.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: ChristopherA on December 06, 2022, 05:24:12 PM
I am entering a power lifting event next weekend. I know it's not the powerlifting event you like but I don't see you entering any. The amount of weight I am strict curling is a good amount of weight. You know you can't do it. I am stronger than you.
All I got out of that was you're not actually entering a real powerlifting event. Cool. So that's a no on the deadlift? Probably a good idea. You would dislocate your hip you old fuck
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: MCWAY on December 06, 2022, 07:16:48 PM
Question, MCWAY:

Why would some consider it unrealistic to gain 20-lb from low dose Anadrol on fresh receptors?

I don't consider that unrealistic for anyone - let alone those with muscle memory on their side.

If I do another cycle, it would be something with slower gains and a shorter half life - so likely not an oral.

Why do you keep whining about steroids, instead of fixing your diet?

You could be gaining size and strength NOW, instead of wistfully acting like Snow White, singing "Someday my cycle will come".

You can be both a bodybuilder and a strongman (see Christopher Oketch). And there's no requirement to intentionally twig yourself out of some feigned health concern, which is merely masking your unwillingness to get your diet straight.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Matt on December 06, 2022, 08:46:27 PM
Why do you keep whining about steroids, instead of fixing your diet?

You could be gaining size and strength NOW, instead of wistfully acting like Snow White, singing "Someday my cycle will come".

You can be both a bodybuilder and a strongman (see Christopher Oketch). And there's no requirement to intentionally twig yourself out of some feigned health concern, which is merely masking your unwillingness to get your diet straight.

I hate eating.  :-X

Eating entails:

More shopping, more cooking, more eating, more cleaning, more pissing, more shitting, more farting, and more time and money.

Training hard for 60-90 minutes 3-6 days a week is easy. No problemo.

Eating is a lot more encompassing. And I just hate to eat.

So what in doing is pulling the gym rat equivalent to what Kevin Levrone did - take time off from the gear and food until it matters.

Where I live in Canada, it's very normal to go to -40° F.

We're covered up - so who sees your muscle anyway? Most people who develop their physiques do so for the social benefits, in addition to personal reasons.

So I train for strength - and now I know I can jump back to 205 on relatively low gear.  Heck, I could get there naturally [as you have said], but I prefer the "look" of juiced muscle.

And people notice - it's not just me.

The brother of one of my Indigenous [Native American] friends called me Arnold, and said my arms were the size of his legs. He's a hard man too - spent time in jail, and isn't afraid of anyone. But he had a lot of respect for my size at 205.

And that's literally just +1.5 inches on arms. But it's not just the size - the pump and fullness is greater on gear.

You should run a cycle, MCWAY. I heard scoring gear in Florida is easy. Heck - can't you get any drug easily in Florida?
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: MCWAY on December 07, 2022, 05:11:09 AM
I hate eating.  :-X

Eating entails:

More shopping, more cooking, more eating, more cleaning, more pissing, more shitting, more farting, and more time and money.

Training hard for 60-90 minutes 3-6 days a week is easy. No problemo.

Eating is a lot more encompassing. And I just hate to eat.

No it's not. Eat three regular meals and drink 2 shakes, hardly encompassing (especially with shakes like Carnivor, that don't have any lactose or dairy whatsoever). And cease with the cooking flap. You can cook your meat on the weekend, enough for at least a week. Then all you have to do is nuke it and eat it, which takes mere minutes. And use paper plates, if necessary.

You are just lazy, bottom line.

So what in doing is pulling the gym rat equivalent to what Kevin Levrone did - take time off from the gear and food until it matters.

Kevin Levrone doesn't twig himself. Even retired, he's still a large guy. That's simply a copout.

Where I live in Canada, it's very normal to go to -40° F.

We're covered up - so who sees your muscle anyway? Most people who develop their physiques do so for the social benefits, in addition to personal reasons.

So I train for strength - and now I know I can jump back to 205 on relatively low gear.  Heck, I could get there naturally [as you have said], but I prefer the "look" of juiced muscle.

You do realize that there are CANADIAN bodybuilders (weren't you singing the praises of Frank McGrath, not that long ago). Not every bodybuilder lives in Florida. New York is where Bev Francis' Gym, the "East Coast Mecca", is located. It's not exactly Miami-style weather up there in December.

And people notice - it's not just me.

The brother of one of my Indigenous [Native American] friends called me Arnold, and said my arms were the size of his legs. He's a hard man too - spent time in jail, and isn't afraid of anyone. But he had a lot of respect for my size at 205.

And that's literally just +1.5 inches on arms. But it's not just the size - the pump and fullness is greater on gear.

The reason you're bragging about impressing jailbirds would be.........

You should run a cycle, MCWAY. I heard scoring gear in Florida is easy. Heck - can't you get any drug easily in Florida?

Why? I don't need it.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Walter Sobchak on December 07, 2022, 06:28:02 AM
No it's not. Eat three regular meals and drink 2 shakes, hardly encompassing (especially with shakes like Carnivor, that don't have any lactose or dairy whatsoever). And cease with the cooking flap. You can cook your meat on the weekend, enough for at least a week. Then all you have to do is nuke it and eat it, which takes mere minutes. And use paper plates, if necessary.

You are just lazy, bottom line.

Kevin Levrone doesn't twig himself. Even retired, he's still a large guy. That's simply a copout.

You do realize that there are CANADIAN bodybuilders (weren't you singing the praises of Frank McGrath, not that long ago). Not every bodybuilder lives in Florida. New York is where Bev Francis' Gym, the "East Coast Mecca", is located. It's not exactly Miami-style weather up there in December.

The reason you're bragging about impressing jailbirds would be.........

Why? I don't need it.

At what point do you stop and realize that beating your head against this wall is just giving this asshole the attention he craves?

Don’t waste your time, he doesn’t listen, he is retarded, he is only here for ego and cock stroking.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: MCWAY on December 07, 2022, 02:19:50 PM
At what point do you stop and realize that beating your head against this wall is just giving this asshole the attention he craves?

Don’t waste your time, he doesn’t listen, he is retarded, he is only here for ego and cock stroking.

Call it charity work. But, I'm not stroking anything of his.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Matt on December 07, 2022, 06:33:50 PM
No it's not. Eat three regular meals and drink 2 shakes, hardly encompassing (especially with shakes like Carnivor, that don't have any lactose or dairy whatsoever). And cease with the cooking flap. You can cook your meat on the weekend, enough for at least a week. Then all you have to do is nuke it and eat it, which takes mere minutes. And use paper plates, if necessary.

You are just lazy, bottom line.

That's only one aspect.

I listed all the additional things you have to do if you choose to eat more:

- More shopping.
- More cooking.
- More eating.
- More cleaning.
- More pissing.
- More farting.
- More shitting.

MORE time, and MORE money. And all for what? To do something that will have an adverse health impact? Yeah I'll get right on that.  ::)

I don't use steroids [aside from twice a decade] and don't push my body weight up because both of these things are bad for our health.

If you want to weigh 220 for whatever reason, go for it. If carrying 50-lb of additional body weight is worth it to you, that's your own personal health choice. I wanted to be big for the summer only. There was no other way to get to that size that quickly without both more food AND the use of steroids.

If I wanted to get that size again, I could get there from food alone, but the "look" wouldn't be the same.

But even if you cooked my food for me, you are still not addressing the health costs of bodybuilding.

No, weighing 220-lb even naturally isn't "healthy". And I don't care enough about how I look to compromise my health.

Even if someone else cooked the food for me, I have no interest in increasing my body weigh. You harp on steroids, yet walk around 30-50 pounds heavier than me. And you think THAT'S healthy?

I have a 50 resting heart rate. It will only go up if I put on body weight.

I'm willing to compromise my health a bit, but it's not my normal style.

Kevin Levrone doesn't twig himself. Even retired, he's still a large guy. That's simply a copout.

By Kevin's own standards, he was very small in the off-season. Around 200-lb. When I saw him in 2013 in Florida, he was 185-lb. I was 178-lb at the time.

Kevin used to get very small by his own standards.

I'm not willing to go over 200-lb.

I am one cycle away from being 220-lb ANY TIME I WANT, MCWAY. ANY time. And I know it. I CHOOSE not to be that size, because it is just not good for us to be that heavy.

Do you think any of the bodybuilders you see today are going to make 65?

No, they will all die. But if you want to think bodybuilding, even in its natural form, is healthy - go for it.

You do realize that there are CANADIAN bodybuilders (weren't you singing the praises of Frank McGrath, not that long ago). Not every bodybuilder lives in Florida. New York is where Bev Francis' Gym, the "East Coast Mecca", is located. It's not exactly Miami-style weather up there in December.

I have no reason to be 205 right now. As I said, it gets to -40° F here. Not one person will see my physique right now, so I am training for strength.

If I want to be 205 again next summer, I can literally swallow Dianabol pills for three weeks, and BOOM, 205.

Heck, I could be 205 again by the new year if I wanted to go back "ON". But I don't want to compromise my health.

Or, conversely, I could start eating a bodybuilding diet, and get there more gradually.

You need to get it out of your mind that I'm doing anything but making a conscious choice to be the size I am. I don't want to be 200+ because it is only a health risk. If you want to carry around 50 pounds of extra body weight, that's fine. I'd rather have a 50 resting heart rate.

The reason you're bragging about impressing jailbirds would be.........

Why? I don't need it.

Because he's the type of guy to show respect to anyone.

Furthermore, I was impressing a lot more people looking the way I did - not just Native American criminals.

I could do a video of me taking my blood pressure RIGHT NOW for you, MCWAY.

It's always around 100/60, if not lower.

Increasing my body weight will ONLY make that worse.

My former boss in my bouncer days would make fun of me for not running gear. He ended up having a heart attack at 37 from using Cheque Drops. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

I prefer having a 50 resting heart rate, and blood pressure of 100/60.

Eating more is not only more work, more pissing and shitting, etc, but it will compromise my health.

So no.

If I ever want to be 205 again for some reason, I can get there in three weeks of low dose Dianabol. Dianabol, I'd be willing to do again - not Anadrol. Anadrol is too strong.

It's funny to me that you think everyone wants to be 220. Not everyone wants that.

If I did want that, I could get there in three months. I don't want to.

Even after a Red Bull, my heart rate stays fairly low.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: The Scott on December 07, 2022, 07:24:58 PM
Matt, decades ago I thought I wanted to be Mr. America.  I had dozens of bodybuilding magazines from Hoffman, Weider, Lurie and Rader.  Stacked they were probably 3+ feet high.  I trained twice a day 6 days a week and drank up to 3 gallon of milk a day along with thousands of calories from good solid food.  I even competed in a few contests but was nowhere near good enough to win but it was fun all the same.  And then one day I woke up and saw it for what it was.  A farce.

Without a AAS (cadaver HGH was not readily/easily gotten, LOL!) there was no way I could be anything other than just another gym rat without a decent future.  So...I threw away the magazines and grew up.  Went to school to learn what I was capable of learning and got a better job which in time led to an even better job. 

I met a wonderful woman and got married.  And continued to work harder to better our life together.  Oh I still trained and over the next decade or so I grew to be 250lbs and fairly strong, in fact I was a lot stronger than most in the gym except of course on the bench press, LOL!  I went to some physique contests to cheer on friends but never wanted to enter one again.

I suggest you look in the mirror and see that it is time to further yourself beyond the gym.  Keep the training as it is an important part of you but really, you need to work on making more of yourself than just another gym rat, my friend.

All the best.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Walter Sobchak on December 07, 2022, 07:27:31 PM
Matt the palm fucker was a bouncer?

Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: MCWAY on December 07, 2022, 08:15:13 PM
That's only one aspect.

I listed all the additional things you have to do if you choose to eat more:

- More shopping.
- More cooking.
- More eating.
- More cleaning.
- More pissing.
- More farting.
- More shitting.

MORE time, and MORE money. And all for what? To do something that will have an adverse health impact? Yeah I'll get right on that.  ::)

You're already doing that, taking steroids and yo-yo dieting.

I don't use steroids [aside from twice a decade] and don't push my body weight up because both of these things are bad for our health.

You're going from 170-180 to 215-220. That's pushing up your bodyweight.

If you want to weigh 220 for whatever reason, go for it. If carrying 50-lb of additional body weight is worth it to you, that's your own personal health choice. I wanted to be big for the summer only. There was no other way to get to that size that quickly without both more food AND the use of steroids.

If you had the sense to keep your diet straight, you wouldn't have to try and get to that size "quickly"....BECAUSE YOU'D ALREADY HAVE IT!!

If I wanted to get that size again, I could get there from food alone, but the "look" wouldn't be the same.

What "look"? The only one who cares about that "look" are bodybuilding wonks and nerds. Regular folk couldn't care less.

But even if you cooked my food for me, you are still not addressing the health costs of bodybuilding.

No, weighing 220-lb even naturally isn't "healthy". And I don't care enough about how I look to compromise my health.

BS. I get my physicals yearly and my health is just fine.

Even if someone else cooked the food for me, I have no interest in increasing my body weigh. You harp on steroids, yet walk around 30-50 pounds heavier than me. And you think THAT'S healthy?

I sure do, because I'm not using steroids; nor am I straining my heart or other organ by yo-yo dieting.

You don't care about your health. That's just your excuse for your pathetic diet. If you were really that paranoid, you wouldn't be any near any anabolics.

I have a 50 resting heart rate. It will only go up if I put on body weight.

I'm willing to compromise my health a bit, but it's not my normal style.

By Kevin's own standards, he was very small in the off-season. Around 200-lb. When I saw him in 2013 in Florida, he was 185-lb. I was 178-lb at the time.

Kevin used to get very small by his own standards.

I'm not willing to go over 200-lb.

I am one cycle away from being 220-lb ANY TIME I WANT, MCWAY. ANY time. And I know it. I CHOOSE not to be that size, because it is just not good for us to be that heavy.

Do you think any of the bodybuilders you see today are going to make 65?

No, they will all die. But if you want to think bodybuilding, even in its natural form, is healthy - go for it.

Kevin Levrone was RETIRED in 2013, not "off-season". BTW, Tony "the Jet Man" Pearson won the AAU Masters Mr. Universe two years ago, at age 63, and is still training. Robby Robinson is in his 70s. Ronnie Coleman and Dennis James are pushing 60. Vince Taylor is 65.

I have no reason to be 205 right now. As I said, it gets to -40° F here. Not one person will see my physique right now, so I am training for strength.

If I want to be 205 again next summer, I can literally swallow Dianabol pills for three weeks, and BOOM, 205.

Heck, I could be 205 again by the new year if I wanted to go back "ON". But I don't want to compromise my health.

That is utterly absurd.

First, I've lived in cold-weather places (i.e. Kansas City and Williamsburg). Do you think I decided, "well, no one is going to see my physique; so I'll drop 40 pounds and be a twig again?" Hardly!!

Second, you don't give two spits about your health. If you did, the LAST thing you would be doing is taking gear (especially the harsher ones like Anadrol or Dianabol) and fluctuation bodyweight.

And, thirdly, you keep making this bogus narrative about training for size vs. strength when such is not necessary. Common sense says you'd be WAY STRONGER at 205 than 170, if your body fat is only marginally increased at that higher bodyweight.

Or, conversely, I could start eating a bodybuilding diet, and get there more gradually.

You need to get it out of your mind that I'm doing anything but making a conscious choice to be the size I am. I don't want to be 200+ because it is only a health risk. If you want to carry around 50 pounds of extra body weight, that's fine. I'd rather have a 50 resting heart rate.

Because he's the type of guy to show respect to anyone.

Furthermore, I was impressing a lot more people looking the way I did - not just Native American criminals.

I could do a video of me taking my blood pressure RIGHT NOW for you, MCWAY.

It's always around 100/60, if not lower.

Increasing my body weight will ONLY make that worse.

My former boss in my bouncer days would make fun of me for not running gear. He ended up having a heart attack at 37 from using Cheque Drops. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

I prefer having a 50 resting heart rate, and blood pressure of 100/60.

Eating more is not only more work, more pissing and shitting, etc, but it will compromise my health.

So no.

If I ever want to be 205 again for some reason, I can get there in three weeks of low dose Dianabol. Dianabol, I'd be willing to do again - not Anadrol. Anadrol is too strong.

It's funny to me that you think everyone wants to be 220. Not everyone wants that.

YOU WANTED TO DO THAT (or close to that, as you stated your goal was 215).

If I did want that, I could get there in three months. I don't want to.

And, you'd shrink just as quickly....just as you have.

Even after a Red Bull, my heart rate stays fairly low.

No doctor worth his degree would state that steroid use and fluctuating bodyweight are healthy behaviors, no matter what your resting heart rate is.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: AbrahamG on December 07, 2022, 10:00:28 PM
Matt the palm fucker was a bouncer?


Fuck sakes Walter.  That made me laugh pretty fucking hard. 
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Matt on December 07, 2022, 10:06:01 PM
Matt, decades ago I thought I wanted to be Mr. America.  I had dozens of bodybuilding magazines from Hoffman, Weider, Lurie and Rader.  Stacked they were probably 3+ feet high.  I trained twice a day 6 days a week and drank up to 3 gallon of milk a day along with thousands of calories from good solid food.  I even competed in a few contests but was nowhere near good enough to win but it was fun all the same.  And then one day I woke up and saw it for what it was.  A farce.

Without a AAS (cadaver HGH was not readily/easily gotten, LOL!) there was no way I could be anything other than just another gym rat without a decent future.  So...I threw away the magazines and grew up.  Went to school to learn what I was capable of learning and got a better job which in time led to an even better job. 

I met a wonderful woman and got married.  And continued to work harder to better our life together.  Oh I still trained and over the next decade or so I grew to be 250lbs and fairly strong, in fact I was a lot stronger than most in the gym except of course on the bench press, LOL!  I went to some physique contests to cheer on friends but never wanted to enter one again.

I suggest you look in the mirror and see that it is time to further yourself beyond the gym.  Keep the training as it is an important part of you but really, you need to work on making more of yourself than just another gym rat, my friend.

All the best.

Great post, The Scott!

I think there are benefits to us from training...but exercise takes a U-shaped curve: more after a certain point is bad. It's a fine line, and it's hard for me to argue getting bigger will make me healthier.

Probably dropping to 175-lb and leaner, naturally, may increase my health...but that's really splitting hairs.

I agree I should move on to other goals.

Do you invest in stocks, The Scott?

I just sold one of my rentals, and I'm thinking of investing in Dollarama.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Matt on December 07, 2022, 10:46:04 PM
You're already doing that, taking steroids and yo-yo dieting.

You're going from 170-180 to 215-220. That's pushing up your bodyweight.

That was possibly a one-off.

But do you recall when your homosexual brother-in-law complimented your delts, and it motivated you to train?

I too find those types of compliments motivating.

I may want to run another cycle next summer, but do it right next time. But it's not like I'm Yo-Yo dieting all the time.

I'm sticking around 170-190 pretty consistently.

I want to do another cycle...but I may not want to take the health risks. Time will tell though.

Test only should be OK. Anadrol is VERY strong. I'm not interested in taking anything too strong.

My goals are more or less achievable naturally, aside from that full/pumped look which, IMO, is only attainable on gear.

If you had the sense to keep your diet straight, you wouldn't have to try and get to that size "quickly"....BECAUSE YOU'D ALREADY HAVE IT!!

What "look"? The only one who cares about that "look" are bodybuilding wonks and nerds. Regular folk couldn't care less.

Then explain your homosexual brother-in-law who complimented your delts? Clearly normal people DO care.

And MCWAY - please get real: EVERYONE TRAINS TO LOOK BETTER. Lyle McDonald said that - everyone trains to look better naked.

That being said, I feel you get the social benefits from lifting weights, whether you are 175 or 250.

But it's sometimes nice to show off. I don't give too much of a shit though.

Consider: I bench press around 325 currently. That's stronger than 99.9% of the population. Why juice to the gills to bench 405-lb when I'm already stronger than 99.9% of the population?

Are you starting to see why I don't care THAT much?

Question, MCWAY: why do YOU want to be 220-lb? Why did you feel "motivated" when your homosexual brother-in-law complimented your delts?

Why did you care?

BS. I get my physicals yearly and my health is just fine.

Your health being fine is not the same as me having you 50 resting heart rate. My health is PERFECT, MCWAY.

There's a difference. I don't want to compromise my health too much.

I can and do make exceptions, obviously. But my major priority is health.

I sure do, because I'm not using steroids; nor am I straining my heart or other organ by yo-yo dieting.

I did that ONE time, MCWAY.

How long have you been a 5'9" and 220-lb perma-bulker?

You don't care about your health. That's just your excuse for your pathetic diet. If you were really that paranoid, you wouldn't be any near any anabolics.

Again: one-time deal under extremely tested and monitored conditions.

I AM willing to compromise my health, SOMEWHAT.

But the bottom line is: excess food intake is not good for us.

Kevin Levrone was RETIRED in 2013, not "off-season". BTW, Tony "the Jet Man" Pearson won the AAU Masters Mr. Universe two years ago, at age 63, and is still training. Robby Robinson is in his 70s. Ronnie Coleman and Dennis James are pushing 60. Vince Taylor is 65.

Dennis James is 57. Ronnie Coleman is 58. That's not very old, MCWAY. Both will be dead by 65.

Vince Taylor was never the size freak of either one. Tony Pearson literally competed at 190.

That is utterly absurd.

So you think you walking around at 220 is doing your body favours over being 185? Why do you carry that extra mass? If you are natural as claimed, you can't be particularly lean at 220. So why not cut to being 185 and pretty lean?

First, I've lived in cold-weather places (i.e. Kansas City and Williamsburg). Do you think I decided, "well, no one is going to see my physique; so I'll drop 40 pounds and be a twig again?" Hardly!!

Neither of those cities get to -40° F in the winter, MCWAY.

There is benefit to me being heavier right now, and since I now know I can get to over 200-lb in literally the span of three weeks on Dbol, I just don't give a shit.

I also train for strength. Our goals are different.

I feel strength training progress is a lot more realistic for naturals than muscle building.

I agree I haven't given natural bulking enough of an honest effort. But tell me what's so great about being 200+ pounds?

I'm 190 now, and it's a good size for me.

Why don't you go to 250, MCWAY? Maybe because you are happy at 220?

Second, you don't give two spits about your health. If you did, the LAST thing you would be doing is taking gear (especially the harsher ones like Anadrol or Dianabol) and fluctuation bodyweight.

I drank Vodka last week, MCWAY.

I consider myself a non-drinker.

But I did it.

Because I drank ONE TIME, does that mean I don't care about my health?

The fact that I did steroids ONCE is proof I do care about my health.

I admit though - I do prefer my look at 205.

But it's all a trade-off, right?

And, thirdly, you keep making this bogus narrative about training for size vs. strength when such is not necessary. Common sense says you'd be WAY STRONGER at 205 than 170, if your body fat is only marginally increased at that higher bodyweight.

I was training in the 12+ rep range, so not really.

For the type of training I was doing, I was strong...but not as strong pound for pound.

How come IFBB pros aren't stronger than comparable weight Strongmen, MCWAY?

Because they don't train for strength.

I am training in the 1-6 rep range now, and have good lifts [e.g., bench press 325, deadlift 495, etc].

YOU WANTED TO DO THAT (or close to that, as you stated your goal was 215).

And, you'd shrink just as quickly....just as you have.

Correct. That was the expectation.

I don't want to eat and shit more. Call it laziness, or whatever.

What's stopping you from bulking up to 300, MCWAY?

No doctor worth his degree would state that steroid use and fluctuating bodyweight are healthy behaviors, no matter what your resting heart rate is.

That's why I only did it as a one-off.

But...I wouldn't mind running some test starting at early as Valentine's Day, or by June - to be big again by summertime. I'll keep you posted if I do that.

FYI - I am 190-lb now, but that's not the same as the "look" from 190 on gear.

I'm faster at 170, but stronger at 190. Its a trade-off.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: MCWAY on December 08, 2022, 07:40:15 AM
That was possibly a one-off.

But do you recall when your homosexual brother-in-law complimented your delts, and it motivated you to train?

I too find those types of compliments motivating.

It wasn't a one-off, because you've done it multiple times.

You're yapping about impressing teenage boys and jailbirds. So, don't even go there about my brother-in-law (happily married to his wife, my sister-in-law, for over 25 years).

And, get your story straight (literally and figuratively), it was my traps.

I may want to run another cycle next summer, but do it right next time. But it's not like I'm Yo-Yo dieting all the time.

I'm sticking around 170-190 pretty consistently.

I want to do another cycle...but I may not want to take the health risks. Time will tell though.

Test only should be OK. Anadrol is VERY strong. I'm not interested in taking anything too strong.

Again, where do you come up with this flap that you have to stay 170 lbs, unless you're taking steroids?

My goals are more or less achievable naturally, aside from that full/pumped look which, IMO, is only attainable on gear.

Then explain your homosexual brother-in-law who complimented your delts? Clearly normal people DO care.

Wrong again!! There's no talk about a "3D" look with normal people. Plus, I wasn't wearing gym clothes, wasn't in a gym or pool. This was at Christmas dinner with my in-laws.

And, as long as you're wearing tank tops around teenage boys and ex-cons and writing old dudes about the size of your schlong, I'd lay off the gay insults if I were you (the jokes practically write themselves).

And MCWAY - please get real: EVERYONE TRAINS TO LOOK BETTER. Lyle McDonald said that - everyone trains to look better naked.

That being said, I feel you get the social benefits from lifting weights, whether you are 175 or 250.

But it's sometimes nice to show off. I don't give too much of a shit though.

Consider: I bench press around 325 currently. That's stronger than 99.9% of the population. Why juice to the gills to bench 405-lb when I'm already stronger than 99.9% of the population?

No one said anything about juicing to the gills (more strongman arguments). I did 405 over 17 years ago (Sept 1, 2005, to be exact, Bally Total Fitness, Altamonte Springs, FL) and I've never touched a steroid in my life. Heck, I can rep with 325 on the flat bench; with enough pre-workout and food in my system, I can rep with 325 on inclines...DRUG-FREE!!

Are you starting to see why I don't care THAT much?

Question, MCWAY: why do YOU want to be 220-lb? Why did you feel "motivated" when your homosexual brother-in-law complimented your delts?

Why did you care?

You can't get your story straight to save your life. I trained my ENTIRE UPPER BODY twice a week, starting with shoulders (on Mondays). It was my traps that I started hitting more directly.

Your health being fine is not the same as me having you 50 resting heart rate. My health is PERFECT, MCWAY.

There's a difference. I don't want to compromise my health too much.

I can and do make exceptions, obviously. But my major priority is health.

I did that ONE time, MCWAY.

How long have you been a 5'9" and 220-lb perma-bulker?

Again: one-time deal under extremely tested and monitored conditions.

I AM willing to compromise my health, SOMEWHAT.

But the bottom line is: excess food intake is not good for us.

No, you didn't. You've done that multiple times. Earlier this year was NOT the first time you've use steroids to get bigger. You said it yourself. Why else would you be yapping about your receptors being refreshed? Plus, you claimed another GetBigger nailed you about your PREVIOUS drug use years ago.

That means, in case your math isn't that good, you've taken steroids and jacked up your bodyweight MULTIPLE TIMES (at least twice).

Dennis James is 57. Ronnie Coleman is 58. That's not very old, MCWAY. Both will be dead by 65.

Vince Taylor was never the size freak of either one. Tony Pearson literally competed at 190.

Maybe they will; maybe they won't. As for Taylor and Pearson, they were both bigger than George "Da Bull" Peterson. Peterson croaked at 37; Pearson and Taylor are alive and well.

So you think you walking around at 220 is doing your body favours over being 185? Why do you carry that extra mass? If you are natural as claimed, you can't be particularly lean at 220. So why not cut to being 185 and pretty lean?

Be "lean" for what? Am I competing? NOPE! Am I doing photo shoots? NOPE! I can see my abs and my tricep and bicep definition

Neither of those cities get to -40° F in the winter, MCWAY.

So what? Canada isn't 40 below, perpetually. And, once you get below freezing, WHO CARES? Cold is cold! It sucks! (Giving those bags of rock salt to my neighbor when I moved back to Florida was a BLESSING!!  ;D )

That still doesn't mean it's an excuse to SHRINK to a twig.

There is benefit to me being heavier right now, and since I now know I can get to over 200-lb in literally the span of three weeks on Dbol, I just don't give a shit.

I also train for strength. Our goals are different.

I feel strength training progress is a lot more realistic for naturals than muscle building.

Bullocks. Again, see Christopher Oketch (Qatar's Strongest Man, Mr Kenya, PNBA Natural World BB Champion). THere's no either/or scenario. You can do BOTH without steroids. Your problem is laziness. Without steroids, guess what you have to do even more meticulously.......EAT!!! Heavy weights + Heavy food = STRENGTH AND SIZE!!

Real strongmen inhale amounts of food that make Ronnie Coleman look like a bulimic supermodel. You think Kenya's Strongest Man is eating 1200 calories a day? PLEASE!!!

2018 Kenya's Strongest Man

Note how much BIGGER Oketch is as a strongman/powerlifter than he is as a bodybuilder.

2017 Mr. Kenya

I agree I haven't given natural bulking enough of an honest effort. But tell me what's so great about being 200+ pounds?

I'm 190 now, and it's a good size for me.

Why don't you go to 250, MCWAY? Maybe because you are happy at 220?

Been there; done that!! That's how I hit 405 back in the day. Plus, I'm almost 50. I can't inhale the calories I once did in my younger years. And I don't need to do so anymore. If I get it right, I'll be back to 230 by or before my birthday (stronger and bigger than I was at 250).

I drank Vodka last week, MCWAY.

I consider myself a non-drinker.

But I did it.

Because I drank ONE TIME, does that mean I don't care about my health?

The fact that I did steroids ONCE is proof I do care about my health.

I admit though - I do prefer my look at 205.

But it's all a trade-off, right?

You've done steroids multiple times; you said as much yourself (earlier this year AND years prior, where you got "outed" by a fellow the very least).

I was training in the 12+ rep range, so not really.

For the type of training I was doing, I was strong...but not as strong pound for pound.

How come IFBB pros aren't stronger than comparable weight Strongmen, MCWAY?

Because they don't train for strength.

It appears you forgot that guys like Ronnie Coleman and Johnnie Jackson were POWERLIFTERS, too. As were Kevin Levrone, Juan Morel, "Major Guns" Eddie Robinson of WBF fame, just to name a few. And, notwithstanding its current state, there's the bodybuilder/powerlifter formerly known as Matt Krocaleski.

Even, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu were powerlifters.

Did I mention that Christopher Oketch guy, you know the Mr. Kenya Bodybuilding Champion and Kenya's Strongest Man (and Qatar's Strongest Man)?

I am training in the 1-6 rep range now, and have good lifts [e.g., bench press 325, deadlift 495, etc].

Correct. That was the expectation.

I don't want to eat and shit more. Call it laziness, or whatever.

What's stopping you from bulking up to 300, MCWAY?

One, my frame can't support that weight, even it wanted to do so.

Two, with my bony frame (and the right muscles in the right places), I don't need 300 to look big.

That's why I only did it as a one-off.

But...I wouldn't mind running some test starting at early as Valentine's Day, or by June - to be big again by summertime. I'll keep you posted if I do that.

FYI - I am 190-lb now, but that's not the same as the "look" from 190 on gear.

I'm faster at 170, but stronger at 190. Its a trade-off.

Duh! you lost muscle and gained fat...largely because you STARVED your sinew off.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Grape Ape on December 08, 2022, 08:09:33 AM
Post WITH matt is making you post LIKE matt, MATTWAY.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: MCWAY on December 08, 2022, 08:14:40 AM
Post WITH matt is making you post LIKE matt, MATTWAY.

I prefer to address specifics. Perhaps, I'll aim more specifically for his straw man/utterly false claim and quips.

Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Matt on December 08, 2022, 08:53:46 AM
I enjoy MATTWAY'S super long posts.  ;D


I think it would be better for me to do a small natural cut to get to 175-lb, and leaner.

I personally don't think there are many benefits to weighing more. When I started working out, I wanted to have size similar to that carried by Mark Wahlberg. It seemed achievable naturally [in reality, his size is achievable naturally - but his shape is due to Mark having incredible genetic gifts].

I'd be fine being that same size, but with the look I have when I get a pump.

I think everyone prefers how they look with a pump.

So in addition to the fact that I hate eating, I already have roughly the look I want. Unfortunately, that perpetually pumped look is not attainable naturally, IMO.

You make it sound like it all comes down to body weight. Unfortunately, body weight alone is not going to make you get that full/pumped look. Only steroids can.

Gee, I wonder if that's why EVERYONE is on steroids.

Even if I did everything you say for a year, I could look the same on VERY minimal gear use within less than a month.

Knowing how quickly I can get back to that, you can forgive me for not giving a shit.

That's why I focus on strength.

Do you think I struggle with body image issues or other similar issues, being in better shape than 90% of men, and stronger than 99.9% of men?

I achieved the look I wanted years ago. Since then, my goal is to just maintain it. I did prefer my look at 205, but it was only in part body weight - the main issue was the full look, and that can only be achieved with gear.

If you want, I can bulk up to 220-lb from 10 weeks of juice?

You need to get it out of your mind I do what I do because I'm unable to do something else. It's all by choice.

That being said, I may just do it your way. But I can't even imagine how much more I will be farting and shitting.

I can't imagine how bad your protein farts are.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: Grape Ape on December 08, 2022, 09:03:12 AM
I enjoy MATTWAY'S super long

Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: MCWAY on December 08, 2022, 11:30:17 AM
I enjoy MATTWAY'S super long posts.  ;D


I think it would be better for me to do a small natural cut to get to 175-lb, and leaner.

I personally don't think there are many benefits to weighing more. When I started working out, I wanted to have size similar to that carried by Mark Wahlberg. It seemed achievable naturally [in reality, his size is achievable naturally - but his shape is due to Mark having incredible genetic gifts].

I'd be fine being that same size, but with the look I have when I get a pump.

I think everyone prefers how they look with a pump.

So in addition to the fact that I hate eating, I already have roughly the look I want. Unfortunately, that perpetually pumped look is not attainable naturally, IMO.

You make it sound like it all comes down to body weight. Unfortunately, body weight alone is not going to make you get that full/pumped look. Only steroids can.

Gee, I wonder if that's why EVERYONE is on steroids.

Even if I did everything you say for a year, I could look the same on VERY minimal gear use within less than a month.

Knowing how quickly I can get back to that, you can forgive me for not giving a shit.

That's why I focus on strength.

Do you think I struggle with body image issues or other similar issues, being in better shape than 90% of men, and stronger than 99.9% of men?

I achieved the look I wanted years ago. Since then, my goal is to just maintain it. I did prefer my look at 205, but it was only in part body weight - the main issue was the full look, and that can only be achieved with gear.

If you want, I can bulk up to 220-lb from 10 weeks of juice?

You need to get it out of your mind I do what I do because I'm unable to do something else. It's all by choice.

That being said, I may just do it your way. But I can't even imagine how much more I will be farting and shitting.

I can't imagine how bad your protein farts are.

You keep complaining about digestive problems, which have less to do with volume of food consumed and more to do with your digestive system being faulty. If you're lactose-intolerance, lay off the dairy. Add some fiber and enzymes.

But, thank you again for making my point. The only people obsessed with being perpetually pumped are bodybuilding wonks and wannabes. Unless you're 5'5" (or shorter) and at single-digit bodyfat, 170 pounds is twig-ville (pumped or not). Take it from someone who's been there.

Regular people, as I said earlier, don't care about the "3D" look (which has more to do with super-low body fat than pure muscle size). Muscular men are like voluptuous women: If you got it, it shows no matter what you wear or what you do.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: bhank on December 08, 2022, 11:53:32 AM
Are those supposed to be current pics why so out of focus? What does the front look like? That is 190? What are those bracelets? You act like you would die if you were over 200lbs as its ana extra 50lbs but if you are 190 it's only 10 yes?
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: wes on December 08, 2022, 01:20:01 PM
Are those supposed to be current pics why so out of focus? What does the front look like? That is 190? What are those bracelets? You act like you would die if you were over 200lbs as its ana extra 50lbs but if you are 190 it's only 10 yes?
FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: MCWAY on December 08, 2022, 01:39:06 PM
Are those supposed to be current pics why so out of focus? What does the front look like? That is 190? What are those bracelets? You act like you would die if you were over 200lbs as its ana extra 50lbs but if you are 190 it's only 10 yes?

Calorie-phobia? BTW, I did manage to get one of those turkeys, a 17-lb bird for $6.50.
Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: MCWAY on December 08, 2022, 02:17:46 PM
Asking Matt what the front looks like is like asking what the legs look like.

But, you can't be a strongman and bodybuilder at the same time....OH WAIT!!!



Title: Re: I believe Matt C. lied to all of you (again)
Post by: The Scott on December 08, 2022, 05:42:53 PM
Great post, The Scott!

I think there are benefits to us from training...but exercise takes a U-shaped curve: more after a certain point is bad. It's a fine line, and it's hard for me to argue getting bigger will make me healthier.

Probably dropping to 175-lb and leaner, naturally, may increase my health...but that's really splitting hairs.

I agree I should move on to other goals.

Do you invest in stocks, The Scott?

I just sold one of my rentals, and I'm thinking of investing in Dollarama.

Hi Matt!  No, I am not smart enough to know what I would be doing the stock market.  I do have a 401K but it is in what my wife told me is "non-risky stuff".    I am glad you are going to move on to other goals as from what I have read here you can set a goal and work hard to achieve it and that is what counts.  All the best, brother!