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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Coach is Back! on December 21, 2022, 11:54:52 AM

Title: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 21, 2022, 11:54:52 AM
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: LurkerNoMore on December 21, 2022, 12:12:36 PM
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 22, 2022, 06:27:30 AM
I can’t remember. Who was that said it wasn’t Pelosi’s responsibility? All of the usual suspects on here…

Pelosi's Jan. 6 story unravels as evidence mounts that Capitol breach was preventable

A month after the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riot, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi deflected any suggestion she or her staff could have influenced the security that failed that day when the Capitol building was breached. "I have no power over the Capitol Police," she declared.

Two years later, that claim is directly challenged by contemporaneous text and email messages made public by five House Republicans showing her staff had direct contact with the officials who planned the security and even edited some of the plans and notifications in the fateful days before tragedy struck.

The revelations, released Wednesday in a House GOP report obtained by Just the News, are prompting serious questions about whether the Jan. 6 Capitol breach could have been prevented while creating a new push for Republicans to summon Pelosi for testimony after they take over the House next month

"January 6 should have never happened," Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas), one of the authors of the report, told Just the News on Wednesday night.

"The reason there wasn't a proper security presence on that day goes right to the Speaker's staff and the Speaker's office," added Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), the soon-to-be-chairman of the House Judiciary Committee: The Republican report — which also included the work of Reps. Jim Banks (R-Ind.), Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) and Kelly Armstrong — provided a meticulous, fact-based recounting of how Pelosi's staff began meeting and communicating with security planners in the House Sergeant at Arms office in early December 2020, continuing all the way through the final 48 hours before the attacks.

Those communications were occurring as Capitol Police began receiving detailed intelligence that extremist groups were discussing storming the Capitol, attacking lawmakers, targeting the tunnels beneath the complex and blocking the planned certification of the 2020 election results.

Capitol Police whistleblowers told the congressmen there were ample and detailed warnings that violence would occur on Jan. 6, but the leadership of the Capitol Police failed to adjust  the security plan to address the threat while the political leadership in Congress repeatedly refused to provide resources to secure the building.

One officer discussed how he went to the Capitol unaware of the threat assessment with only a police cap as his equipment. Others revealed that congressional security leaders turned down resources like armed officers or National Guard troops ahead of the tragedy because of concerns about the political optics.

The $600 million-a-year Capitol Police "was set up to fail, and there have been scant signs of progress toward addressing these weaknesses" since the attack, the lawmakers warned.

You can read the full report here:

 FINAL Report of Investigation.pdf
While the mainstream news media and Democrats have suggested Pelosi and congressional leaders were not to blame for the security failures, internal messages of House security planners pointedly slammed Pelosi and her congressional appropriators for failing to provide the resources needed to secure the building.

After Pelosi forced House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving to resign following the devastating events of Jan. 6, for instance, a staffer in the House Sergeant at Arms office sent a stinging email suggesting the Democratic leadership had made Irving and Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund the fall guys to cover up the failure of lawmakers to provided adequate security resources.

"For the Speaker's knee-jerk reaction to yesterday's unprecedented event (and God knows how Congress lives for its knee-jerk reactions and to hell with future consequences ... ). to immediately call for your resignation ... after you have been denied again and again by Appropriations for proper security outfitting of the Capitol (and I WROTE several of those testimonies, dangit) ... and to blame you personally because our department was doing the best they could with what they had and our comparatively small department size and limited officer resources ... and because other agencies stepped in to assist just a fraction too late ... again, for Congress to demand your resignation is spectacularly unjust, unfair, and unwarranted," the staffer wrote Irving, according to the email included in the report.

"This is not your fault," the staffer added. "Or Sund's fault. If anything, Appropriations should be hung out to dry."

​The new report also corroborated prior reporting by Just the News that Capitol Police began receiving specific warnings in mid-December that there could be significant violence planned against the Capitol and lawmakers by protesters planning to attend the certification of the 2020 election results.

"Prior to that day, the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) had obtained sufficient information from an array of channels to anticipate and prepare for the violence that occurred," the report noted.

The Capitol Police issued a statement Wednesday night that did not challenge any of the findings of the report, but rather vowed to accelerate changes to improve security.

"For nearly two years our officers, officials and civilian employees have been working around the clock to address many of these findings and similar findings from a series of post January 6 reviews we value everyone's input and we are confident the U.S. Capitol Complex is more secure because of the hard work of our brave men and women and because of the resources provided by the Congress to turn recommendations into results," the department said.

Pelosi's office did not respond to a request for comment.

Banks said the GOP report helps counter a Democrat narrative that ignored security failures by police and political leadership, he said.

"Our report exposes the partisanship, incompetence and indifference that led to the disaster on January 6 and it the leading role Speaker Pelosi and her office played in the security failure at the Capitol," he said. "Unlike  the sham January 6th Committee, House Republicans produced a useful report that will keep out Capitol and USCP officers safe with no subpoena power and no budget."

The report does not sugarcoat the behavior of pro-Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol.

"On January 6, 2021, criminal rioters assaulted police officers, broke into the U.S. Capitol, damaged property, and temporarily interfered with the certification of states' presidential and vice presidential electors at the Joint Session of Congress — a typically pro forma event," it noted.

But its most explosive revelations involved text and email messages showing that two key staffers in Pelosi's office attended regular meetings to discuss the security plan for Jan. 6 dating back to early December 2020 and that Pelosi's top aide even edited some of the plans. Most of those discussions and meetings excluded Republican lawmakers in the House, the report noted.

"Then-House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving — who served on the Capitol Police Board by virtue of his position — succumbed to political pressures from the Office of Speaker Pelosi and House Democrat leadership leading up to January 6, 2021," the report said. "He coordinated closely with the Speaker and her staff and left Republicans out of important discussions related to security."

The GOP report directly challenges the story Pelosi gave in February 2021 that she had "no power" over Capitol Police or the security plan for Jan. 6. "Documents provided by the House Sergeant at Arms show how then-House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving carried out his duties in clear deference to the Speaker, her staff, and other Democratic staff," it said.

It noted that Pelosi's chief of staff Terri McCullough and another aide assigned to Pelosi's staff, Jamie Fleet, had regular contact with police and the sergeant at arms over the security planning for Jan. 6 starting in early December 2020. At one point, McCullough was so involved she was asked to edit a security plan letter that was going to lawmakers a few days ahead of the tragic events.

"Irving sent the draft to McCullough and Fleet and requested any edits comments or concerns," the report said "McCullough responded shortly afterwards with edits."

The Republicans used Pelosi's own actions over the course of her speakership to demonstrate that she regularly exercised control over security, and the police and sergeant at arms acquiesced. Pelosi "denies the relationship and ignores her office's obligation to secure the Capitol, perhaps in an effort to shift blame," the report suggested.

"Speaker Pelosi exercised her authority with respect to the safety and security of the House of Representatives when she directed the use of magnetometers outside the House chamber in the name of safety," it noted. "She announced the use of punitive fines for Members who refused to go through the metal detectors. Similarly, she required masks in the House chamber and around the House Office Buildings."

The report faults Irving for being distracted by other responsibilities and a top intelligence official for the Capitol Police for making changes to intelligence analysis that kept front-line officers from knowing the dangers they were about to face that day.

"Officers on the front lines and analysts in USCP's intelligence division were undermined by the misplaced priorities of their leadership," the report said. "Those problems were exacerbated by the House Sergeant at Arms, who was distracted from giving full attention to the threat environment prior to January 6, 2021 by several other upcoming events."

Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: LurkerNoMore on December 22, 2022, 01:39:46 PM
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 22, 2022, 09:53:45 PM

Do you ever get tired of getting your ass handed to you?
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Primemuscle on December 23, 2022, 12:08:25 AM

What is hilarious about your post is that you don't realize this is nothing more than a diversion from the reality that January 6th happened not because Pelosi or anyone one else fucked up except for Trump who caused it in the first place. For the ignorant, like you, security would not have been needed if Trump had not instigated the insurrection.
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Primemuscle on December 23, 2022, 12:13:16 AM
I can’t remember. Who was that said it wasn’t Pelosi’s responsibility? All of the usual suspects on here…

Pelosi's Jan. 6 story unravels as evidence mounts that Capitol breach was preventable

A month after the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riot, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi deflected any suggestion she or her staff could have influenced the security that failed that day when the Capitol building was breached. "I have no power over the Capitol Police," she declared.

Two years later, that claim is directly challenged by contemporaneous text and email messages made public by five House Republicans showing her staff had direct contact with the officials who planned the security and even edited some of the plans and notifications in the fateful days before tragedy struck.

The revelations, released Wednesday in a House GOP report obtained by Just the News, are prompting serious questions about whether the Jan. 6 Capitol breach could have been prevented while creating a new push for Republicans to summon Pelosi for testimony after they take over the House next month

"January 6 should have never happened," Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas), one of the authors of the report, told Just the News on Wednesday night.

"The reason there wasn't a proper security presence on that day goes right to the Speaker's staff and the Speaker's office," added Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), the soon-to-be-chairman of the House Judiciary Committee: The Republican report — which also included the work of Reps. Jim Banks (R-Ind.), Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) and Kelly Armstrong — provided a meticulous, fact-based recounting of how Pelosi's staff began meeting and communicating with security planners in the House Sergeant at Arms office in early December 2020, continuing all the way through the final 48 hours before the attacks.

Those communications were occurring as Capitol Police began receiving detailed intelligence that extremist groups were discussing storming the Capitol, attacking lawmakers, targeting the tunnels beneath the complex and blocking the planned certification of the 2020 election results.

Capitol Police whistleblowers told the congressmen there were ample and detailed warnings that violence would occur on Jan. 6, but the leadership of the Capitol Police failed to adjust  the security plan to address the threat while the political leadership in Congress repeatedly refused to provide resources to secure the building.

One officer discussed how he went to the Capitol unaware of the threat assessment with only a police cap as his equipment. Others revealed that congressional security leaders turned down resources like armed officers or National Guard troops ahead of the tragedy because of concerns about the political optics.

The $600 million-a-year Capitol Police "was set up to fail, and there have been scant signs of progress toward addressing these weaknesses" since the attack, the lawmakers warned.

You can read the full report here:

 FINAL Report of Investigation.pdf
While the mainstream news media and Democrats have suggested Pelosi and congressional leaders were not to blame for the security failures, internal messages of House security planners pointedly slammed Pelosi and her congressional appropriators for failing to provide the resources needed to secure the building.

After Pelosi forced House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving to resign following the devastating events of Jan. 6, for instance, a staffer in the House Sergeant at Arms office sent a stinging email suggesting the Democratic leadership had made Irving and Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund the fall guys to cover up the failure of lawmakers to provided adequate security resources.

"For the Speaker's knee-jerk reaction to yesterday's unprecedented event (and God knows how Congress lives for its knee-jerk reactions and to hell with future consequences ... ). to immediately call for your resignation ... after you have been denied again and again by Appropriations for proper security outfitting of the Capitol (and I WROTE several of those testimonies, dangit) ... and to blame you personally because our department was doing the best they could with what they had and our comparatively small department size and limited officer resources ... and because other agencies stepped in to assist just a fraction too late ... again, for Congress to demand your resignation is spectacularly unjust, unfair, and unwarranted," the staffer wrote Irving, according to the email included in the report.

"This is not your fault," the staffer added. "Or Sund's fault. If anything, Appropriations should be hung out to dry."

​The new report also corroborated prior reporting by Just the News that Capitol Police began receiving specific warnings in mid-December that there could be significant violence planned against the Capitol and lawmakers by protesters planning to attend the certification of the 2020 election results.

"Prior to that day, the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) had obtained sufficient information from an array of channels to anticipate and prepare for the violence that occurred," the report noted.

The Capitol Police issued a statement Wednesday night that did not challenge any of the findings of the report, but rather vowed to accelerate changes to improve security.

"For nearly two years our officers, officials and civilian employees have been working around the clock to address many of these findings and similar findings from a series of post January 6 reviews we value everyone's input and we are confident the U.S. Capitol Complex is more secure because of the hard work of our brave men and women and because of the resources provided by the Congress to turn recommendations into results," the department said.

Pelosi's office did not respond to a request for comment.

Banks said the GOP report helps counter a Democrat narrative that ignored security failures by police and political leadership, he said.

"Our report exposes the partisanship, incompetence and indifference that led to the disaster on January 6 and it the leading role Speaker Pelosi and her office played in the security failure at the Capitol," he said. "Unlike  the sham January 6th Committee, House Republicans produced a useful report that will keep out Capitol and USCP officers safe with no subpoena power and no budget."

The report does not sugarcoat the behavior of pro-Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol.

"On January 6, 2021, criminal rioters assaulted police officers, broke into the U.S. Capitol, damaged property, and temporarily interfered with the certification of states' presidential and vice presidential electors at the Joint Session of Congress — a typically pro forma event," it noted.

But its most explosive revelations involved text and email messages showing that two key staffers in Pelosi's office attended regular meetings to discuss the security plan for Jan. 6 dating back to early December 2020 and that Pelosi's top aide even edited some of the plans. Most of those discussions and meetings excluded Republican lawmakers in the House, the report noted.

"Then-House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving — who served on the Capitol Police Board by virtue of his position — succumbed to political pressures from the Office of Speaker Pelosi and House Democrat leadership leading up to January 6, 2021," the report said. "He coordinated closely with the Speaker and her staff and left Republicans out of important discussions related to security."

The GOP report directly challenges the story Pelosi gave in February 2021 that she had "no power" over Capitol Police or the security plan for Jan. 6. "Documents provided by the House Sergeant at Arms show how then-House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving carried out his duties in clear deference to the Speaker, her staff, and other Democratic staff," it said.

It noted that Pelosi's chief of staff Terri McCullough and another aide assigned to Pelosi's staff, Jamie Fleet, had regular contact with police and the sergeant at arms over the security planning for Jan. 6 starting in early December 2020. At one point, McCullough was so involved she was asked to edit a security plan letter that was going to lawmakers a few days ahead of the tragic events.

"Irving sent the draft to McCullough and Fleet and requested any edits comments or concerns," the report said "McCullough responded shortly afterwards with edits."

The Republicans used Pelosi's own actions over the course of her speakership to demonstrate that she regularly exercised control over security, and the police and sergeant at arms acquiesced. Pelosi "denies the relationship and ignores her office's obligation to secure the Capitol, perhaps in an effort to shift blame," the report suggested.

"Speaker Pelosi exercised her authority with respect to the safety and security of the House of Representatives when she directed the use of magnetometers outside the House chamber in the name of safety," it noted. "She announced the use of punitive fines for Members who refused to go through the metal detectors. Similarly, she required masks in the House chamber and around the House Office Buildings."

The report faults Irving for being distracted by other responsibilities and a top intelligence official for the Capitol Police for making changes to intelligence analysis that kept front-line officers from knowing the dangers they were about to face that day.

"Officers on the front lines and analysts in USCP's intelligence division were undermined by the misplaced priorities of their leadership," the report said. "Those problems were exacerbated by the House Sergeant at Arms, who was distracted from giving full attention to the threat environment prior to January 6, 2021 by several other upcoming events."

Once again. Quite simply, the January 6th breach of the Capitol never would have happened had not Trump instigated it. Put the blame where the blame belongs, which is on Trump.
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Board_SHERIF on December 23, 2022, 06:49:25 AM
Once again. Quite simply, the January 6th breach of the Capitol never would have happened had not Trump instigated it. Put the blame where the blame belongs, which is on Trump.

so Aids and HIV is the fault of you then ?
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: LurkerNoMore on December 23, 2022, 07:09:04 AM
Do you ever get tired of getting your ass handed to you?

It hasn't happened yet Qoach Retard.
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 23, 2022, 08:45:23 AM
Once again. Quite simply, the January 6th breach of the Capitol never would have happened had not Trump instigated it. Put the blame where the blame belongs, which is on Trump.

Either you don’t know or don’t care about what comes under our First Amendment which was assembled legally, and this is what your MSM always leaves out especially in the fake January 6 show trial..

I told you along time ago that security was Pelosi’s responsibility and in so many words you said I was full of shit. Pelosi also refused Trumps request of up 20k NG troops 3-4 days in advance
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: illuminati on December 23, 2022, 11:06:07 AM
Do you ever get tired of getting your ass handed to you?

LurkingForBoys & Prime clearly love Being Owened &Humiliated it's as part of the package being a
Liberal Leftist - Ignore Facts & Truth , Try to silence others who are not Infected with the Liberal Leftism,
Remove Rational thought & questioning , agree with Perverts , paedo's & weirdos, believe & accept all
They are told by MSM & Fauci & their Governor's

We see it all the Time.  ::) 🤷🏻‍♂️
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: LurkerNoMore on December 23, 2022, 11:40:05 AM
Not owned and humiliated as :

LurkerNoMore on December 12, 2022, 05:47:05 AM

    pUssY AsS fOrEigNErs aND GiMMickS tRyiNG tO diScuSs US PoLitIcs
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: illuminati on December 23, 2022, 11:55:14 AM
Not owned and humiliated as :

Still prattling on Queer Boy why don't you /Prime / J.oak go back to your
Daisy chain making & Glory holes.
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: LurkerNoMore on December 23, 2022, 01:49:23 PM
It's funny when people have nothing else offer, they just post their homosexual projections.

But not as funny as :
LurkerNoMore on December 12, 2022, 05:47:05 AM

    pUssY AsS fOrEigNErs aND GiMMickS tRyiNG tO diScuSs US PoLitIcs
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Primemuscle on December 23, 2022, 03:35:53 PM
Either you don’t know or don’t care about what comes under our First Amendment which was assembled legally, and this is what your MSM always leaves out especially in the fake January 6 show trial..

I told you along time ago that security was Pelosi’s responsibility and in so many words you said I was full of shit. Pelosi also refused Trumps request of up 20k NG troops 3-4 days in advance

Question, if Trump knew the mob coming to D.C. to storm the Capitol several days in advance was potentially violent, why did he encourage - cheer them on?

So, storming the Capitol,  breaking windows, climbing walls, destroying government property is legal under the First Amendment?  Do you see an assault on the Capital as a peaceful assembly?  I find this difficult to believe.

First Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Show me proof of Pelosi refusing NG troops at any point.

Are you aware that the speaker of the House does not have the power to block an order from the commander in chief.

Have you been hanging out with DT Jr. lately?
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 23, 2022, 04:55:10 PM
Question, if Trump knew the mob coming to D.C. to storm the Capitol several days in advance was potentially violent, why did he encourage - cheer them on?

So, storming the Capitol,  breaking windows, climbing walls, destroying government property is legal under the First Amendment?  Do you see an assault on the Capital as a peaceful assembly?  I find this difficult to believe.

First Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Show me proof of Pelosi refusing NG troops at any point.

Are you aware that the speaker of the House does not have the power to block an order from the commander in chief.

Have you been hanging out with DT Jr. lately?

You haven’t read one thing in all of my posts. Here’s a challenge for you. I posted a thread with an interview the attorney for J6 defendants…. Listen to it.

Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: LurkerNoMore on December 23, 2022, 08:04:41 PM
You haven’t read one thing in all of my posts. Here’s a challenge for you. I posted a thread with an interview the attorney for J6 defendants…. Listen to it.

Why?  Attorneys - like you - lie all the time too.  Refuse to accept responsibility, follow a discourse that is based in a disconnection with reality, spend any moment they have trying to defend criminals with absolutely  no evidence.  Look at Rudy and Kraken.  Or the ones the judge just blasted for the purposely attempts at delaying investigations.

Judge tells Trump lawyers to stop filing pointless lawsuits to slow down NY investigations into his businesses.

A federal judge told former President Donald Trump's legal team to lay off filing a "frivolous" and pointless lawsuits meant to slow down proceedings against the Trump Organization.

US District Judge Donald Middlebrooks on Wednesday denied a Trump team request for an injunction in the longrunning probe into his business.

Their specific request — to stop New York Attorney General Letitia James from accessing materials from his private trust — was knocked backed,

Middlebrooks said Trump did not meet any of the criteria for an injuncti, and wrote in a footnote of his ruling that his lawyers' attempt "has all the telltale signs of being both vexatious and frivolous," both damning legal terms.

Middlebrooks also noted in his ruling that a New York court previously dismissed Trump's efforts to try stop James' investigation.

James accuses Trump of committing fraud with his businesses, and is trying to permanently ban Trump and his three oldest children from conducting business in New York.

Middlebrooks' ruling came as part of Trump's efforts to countersue James.

Trump announced in November that he was suing James, describing the Trump-Organization prove as an abuse of her power.

He accused her of waging "war of intimidation and harassment" on him, and that she was biased. He filed the lawsuit in the Florida State Circuit Court.

But the case faltered before it could be moved to federal court.

Middlebrooks threw out a separate lawsuit by Trump in September against Hillary Clinton and former FBI officials.

In that decision he accused Trump of putting forward "political grievances masquerading as legal claims."

He noted that said "the courts are not intended for performative litigation for purposes of fund-raising and political statements," The New York Times reported.
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 23, 2022, 08:34:36 PM
Why?  Attorneys - like you - lie all the time too.  Refuse to accept responsibility, follow a discourse that is based in a disconnection with reality, spend any moment they have trying to defend criminals with absolutely  no evidence.  Look at Rudy and Kraken.  Or the ones the judge just blasted for the purposely attempts at delaying investigations.

Judge tells Trump lawyers to stop filing pointless lawsuits to slow down NY investigations into his businesses.

A federal judge told former President Donald Trump's legal team to lay off filing a "frivolous" and pointless lawsuits meant to slow down proceedings against the Trump Organization.

US District Judge Donald Middlebrooks on Wednesday denied a Trump team request for an injunction in the longrunning probe into his business.

Their specific request — to stop New York Attorney General Letitia James from accessing materials from his private trust — was knocked backed,

Middlebrooks said Trump did not meet any of the criteria for an injuncti, and wrote in a footnote of his ruling that his lawyers' attempt "has all the telltale signs of being both vexatious and frivolous," both damning legal terms.

Middlebrooks also noted in his ruling that a New York court previously dismissed Trump's efforts to try stop James' investigation.

James accuses Trump of committing fraud with his businesses, and is trying to permanently ban Trump and his three oldest children from conducting business in New York.

Middlebrooks' ruling came as part of Trump's efforts to countersue James.

Trump announced in November that he was suing James, describing the Trump-Organization prove as an abuse of her power.

He accused her of waging "war of intimidation and harassment" on him, and that she was biased. He filed the lawsuit in the Florida State Circuit Court.

But the case faltered before it could be moved to federal court.

Middlebrooks threw out a separate lawsuit by Trump in September against Hillary Clinton and former FBI officials.

In that decision he accused Trump of putting forward "political grievances masquerading as legal claims."

He noted that said "the courts are not intended for performative litigation for purposes of fund-raising and political statements," The New York Times reported.

You know what to do….
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: LurkerNoMore on December 24, 2022, 06:47:39 AM
You know what to do….

Yeah.  Continue to post facts that kick you in your little ovaries and expose your lies.  Which I've been doing for years now.
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Board_SHERIF on December 24, 2022, 09:20:31 AM

Yeah.  Continue to post facts that kick you in your little ovaries and expose your lies.  Which I've been doing for years now.

ovaries ?? you sick genderless freak! no wonder your a sexual predator.
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: LurkerNoMore on December 24, 2022, 10:29:51 AM
ovaries ?? you sick genderless freak! no wonder your a sexual predator.

Why do ALL your gimmick accounts insist on showcasing your gay projections?  We are all well aware of how much a closet queer you are.  Your user name practically screams it.  And the pussy ass German wannabe is just as bad.
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: illuminati on December 24, 2022, 10:39:31 AM
Why do ALL your gimmick accounts insist on showcasing your gay projections?  We are all well aware of how much a closet queer you are.  Your user name practically screams it.  And the pussy ass German wannabe is just as bad.

I didn't know Prime was German - Hmmm That may explain a few things .
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Primemuscle on December 24, 2022, 11:03:37 AM
You haven’t read one thing in all of my posts. Here’s a challenge for you. I posted a thread with an interview the attorney for J6 defendants…. Listen to it.

This is your thread, and this is this thread's title, in the event you forgot:  "House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved"

Trump incited the January 6th insurrection. This is a federal crime.

Nancy Pelosi may or may not be guilty of dereliction of duty depending on who you believe. This is not criminal. She did not instruct/invite the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Maga-nuts, Trump-turds, and everyone else in that mob to riot and storm the Capitol doing Trump's bidding, including hanging V.P. Mike Pence in a failed attempt to overturn the 2020 Presidential election, and violate the constitution and people's voting rights.

You and others have lost touch with reality, and knowingly convolute the facts while attempting to rewrite history to fit with you and your lord and master's agenda. You can stupidly try to blame Nancy Pelosi for the January 6th insurrection all you want, and you will proceed with making a fool of yourself.

Ever hear the phrase "Ass backwards"?   
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: LurkerNoMore on December 24, 2022, 12:05:24 PM
I didn't know Prime was German - Hmmm That may explain a few things .

I diDnT kNow yOu WeRe StuPId enOugH tO ThiNk i Was TAlkIng aBout HiM.  BuT hErE yoU Go.
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 24, 2022, 12:15:51 PM
This is your thread, and this is this thread's title, in the event you forgot:  "House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved"

Trump incited the January 6th insurrection. This is a federal crime.

And this is why I sad in another thread that you're either intellectually stupid or intellectually dishonest. This is intellectual stupidity because you refuse to read the not just evidence but HARD evidence that I've posted.

You resort to only reading the title if the thread (which was 100% proven) but not anything else including Trumps tweet where it says approximately an hour before "I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain PEACEFUL. NO VIOLENCE! Remember, WE are the party of law and order - respect the LAW and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you"

Throughout the entire year long fake hearing this was NEVER mentioned nor was this mentioned in the final report. Ultimately, Nancy Pelosi is responsible because she knew about the embedded FBI agents and she knew about Ray Epps calling for people to ENTER the the very least!

Nancy Pelosi may or may not be guilty of dereliction of duty depending on who you believe. This is not criminal. She did not instruct/invite the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Maga-nuts, Trump-turds, and everyone else in that mob to riot and storm the Capitol doing Trump's bidding, including hanging V.P. Mike Pence in a failed attempt to overturn the 2020 Presidential election, and violate the constitution and people's voting rights.

See my above post in red

You and others have lost touch with reality, and knowingly convolute the facts while attempting to rewrite history to fit with you and your lord and master's agenda. You can stupidly try to blame Nancy Pelosi for the January 6th insurrection all you want, and you will proceed with making a fool of yourself.

Ever hear the phrase "Ass backwards"?

Again, Intellectually stupid because you REFUSE to read or listen to both sides. We, I, the Right, are forced to listen to both sides because for the most part have a one sided media that caters too the left. The difference is most of us research the other side then make the call.

The other reason for the intellectual stupidity is that you can't recognize right from wrong, fair or unfair. Whatever you're told and spoon fed to you is what you'll go with. And no, you can't say that about myself, our establishment GOP is no better and I've said for years that McConnell should have been looooong ago along with quite few other RINO's. I can't recall you ever saying that anyone from your side should go, not Pelosi, not Schumer, Schiff or anyone that has even purgered themselves before Congress, Clinton comes to mind. It's not only on video she lied but Comey is on record she lied as well (there is video proof)

You can't even explain why the J6 hearing IS Constitutional.

Personally, I write Lurker off as a troll and a coward. Nothing more nothing less
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: LurkerNoMore on December 24, 2022, 12:19:25 PM
You are a retard who is fortunate that being stupid is a mechanism to help you cope with reality.  Stupid people do not know they are stupid, but everyone else knows.

We all  know you are.  You show us evidence everyday.

This is no exception.
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Primemuscle on December 25, 2022, 06:16:11 PM
Again, Intellectually stupid because you REFUSE to read or listen to both sides. We, I, the Right, are forced to listen to both sides because for the most part have a one sided media that caters too the left. The difference is most of us research the other side then make the call.

The other reason for the intellectual stupidity is that you can't recognize right from wrong, fair or unfair. Whatever you're told and spoon fed to you is what you'll go with. And no, you can't say that about myself, our establishment GOP is no better and I've said for years that McConnell should have been looooong ago along with quite few other RINO's. I can't recall you ever saying that anyone from your side should go, not Pelosi, not Schumer, Schiff or anyone that has even purgered themselves before Congress, Clinton comes to mind. It's not only on video she lied but Comey is on record she lied as well (there is video proof)

You can't even explain why the J6 hearing IS Constitutional.

Personally, I write Lurker off as a troll and a coward. Nothing more nothing less

In the spirit of the moment, I hope you've had a great Christmas and your New Year will bring you peace of mind and joy.

Now on to business:

From my perspective, you may listen to both sides, but you only hear one side. Your side. If I refused to listen to both sides, you and I would not be having this conversation. I "listen" to you and hear your side. Although, I don't often agree with it.

I do know right from wrong. I also know that you and I may not agree on what is right or wrong. Everything is not either black or white in this world. You do realize that this isn’t the first time you’ve implied I was intellectually stupid. When do we dispense with the insults and converse as equals? Because I am as I am sure you are tired of them.

You may not recall this, so I will say it again. I believe a lot of folks should retire from Congress. I absolutely believe in term limits. Pelosi has been in the House since 1987 - for 35 years. She is 82 years old. She should retire and thank goodness she has chosen not to run again...YIPEE! I also said a couple of times that Biden is too old for the job, and he's been in office for 49 years... which is far too long. IMO, Trump is also too old, and he came into office with no - zip political experience or any kind of political background... probably he never even took a class in political science.

I did not nominate/vote for either Trump or Biden in their respective primaries. I did vote for Biden in the general because of the two main choices offered, I believe he was the better one... plus I absolutely cannot stand Donald Trump. I would not vote for him if he were running for dog catcher. Thank goodness we live in a country where we have voting rights and folks cannot just assume the “throne”. If Trump were offered the opportunity to be King, he would immediately leap upon it... to hell with Democracy. If this doesn’t scare you, it should.

Did I say these hearings were Constitutional? If so, I misspoke. In a sense you are correct, the Constitution does not explicitly mention congressional investigations and oversight. In the absence of explicit constitutional text, the scope of the investigatory power has been molded and defined primarily by congressional practice. This doesn't mean it is unconstitutional or that they have no right to investigate the circumstances of the January 6th riot. In fact, it is a necessary function of their office that has been employed multiple times. Too many to cite here.

Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 26, 2022, 06:49:10 AM
Once again. Quite simply, the January 6th breach of the Capitol never would have happened had not Trump instigated it. Put the blame where the blame belongs, which is on Trump.

Its not that simple old man.   

there is video of the cops letting people in. 
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Gym Rat on December 26, 2022, 06:59:19 AM
Its not that simple old man.   

there is video of the cops letting people in.

Jan 6th is a joke. Only retardz buy into what they're told by MSM, the left-tardz (Including FBI, etc).
They go after anyone not on their "team of retardz).  BLM looted, burned, killed, torched federal buildings (post offices, etc) and that was "their right"
FBI obviously had some staged folks involved here (Ray what's his face, riling up the masses). Most of JAN 6th was a guided tour.

Trump didnt incite violence, he said to be peaceful. (Of course the edited clips were doctored to show otherwise).
But severe TDS overtakes any thought one might have of their own. (While the country fails from a libturd (Biden) they still whine about Trump.

Elderly people on fixed budgets are being hit hard. Many without heat, food and other things.
YET, this admi brings in illegal (non-citizens) sticks them around the country promising free money and jobs.
Very evil and twisted (dumb) kvnts...
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Board_SHERIF on December 26, 2022, 08:06:32 AM
I diDnT kNow yOu WeRe StuPId enOugH tO ThiNk i Was TAlkIng aBout HiM.  BuT hErE yoU Go.

LOW IQ dumb bitch that cant even type  ::)
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: illuminati on December 26, 2022, 10:13:14 AM
Its not that simple old man.   

there is video of the cops letting people in.

Yes we all seen it - only the Lunatic Liberal Leftists want to Pretend they haven't seen it
& that it Never happened - It's a shining example of how Fucked up their minds are,
As its Fact & Truth & doesn't fit with their warped minds view.

Not one will address Why the cops were Let people in . 
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: LurkerNoMore on December 26, 2022, 11:23:01 AM
LOW IQ dumb bitch that cant even type  ::)

How do gay muslims celebrate Jesus's birthday?
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Primemuscle on December 26, 2022, 04:24:28 PM
Its not that simple old man.   

there is video of the cops letting people in.

Did the "cops" invite these folks to D.C. to march on the capitol to disrupt and hopefully stop the electoral certification process? Did the cops instruct folks on how to climb the Capitol walls or help them break windows to get into the building? Did the cops help cause $1.5 million in damages to the Capitol?
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Primemuscle on December 26, 2022, 04:31:19 PM
Jan 6th is a joke. Only retardz buy into what they're told by MSM, the left-tardz (Including FBI, etc).
They go after anyone not on their "team of retardz).  BLM looted, burned, killed, torched federal buildings (post offices, etc) and that was "their right"
FBI obviously had some staged folks involved here (Ray what's his face, riling up the masses). Most of JAN 6th was a guided tour.

Trump didnt incite violence, he said to be peaceful. (Of course the edited clips were doctored to show otherwise).
But severe TDS overtakes any thought one might have of their own. (While the country fails from a libturd (Biden) they still whine about Trump.

Elderly people on fixed budgets are being hit hard. Many without heat, food and other things.
YET, this admi brings in illegal (non-citizens) sticks them around the country promising free money and jobs.
Very evil and twisted (dumb) kvnts...

Enjoy your January 6th fantasy it will not change the facts of what happened that day.

I am an elderly person on a fixed budget. So far I still have heat, food and the other necessities of life.
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: LurkerNoMore on December 26, 2022, 06:45:26 PM
It's funny when people attempt to portray these idiots as anything other than criminals.
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: illuminati on December 26, 2022, 06:51:55 PM
Did the "cops" invite these folks to D.C. to march on the capitol to disrupt and hopefully stop the electoral certification process? Did the cops instruct folks on how to climb the Capitol walls or help them break windows to get into the building? Did the cops help cause $1.5 million in damages to the Capitol?

Hmmmm Good questions - I can't give a yes no answer
I'd say Yes Cops did help cause millions of $s of Damage

As we all Did see the Cops opening doors & letting folk in completely unhindered
Perhaps you can answer why they did that if they didn't want folk inside ??

Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 27, 2022, 11:22:58 AM
Did the "cops" invite these folks to D.C. to march on the capitol to disrupt and hopefully stop the electoral certification process? Did the cops instruct folks on how to climb the Capitol walls or help them break windows to get into the building? Did the cops help cause $1.5 million in damages to the Capitol?

It was a legal protest protected by the first amendment. It’s their RIGHT to be there and again, like the MSM you read, watch and listen too, it was made clear that it was supposed to be a peaceful and lawful protest.
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Primemuscle on December 27, 2022, 03:42:53 PM

Hmmmm Good questions - I can't give a yes no answer
I'd say Yes Cops did help cause millions of $s of Damage

As we all Did see the Cops opening doors & letting folk in completely unhindered
Perhaps you can answer why they did that if they didn't want folk inside ??

I have almost no experience with crowds of any kind since I have a serious phobia of crowded places. Additionally, I don't have an answer for you because I wasn't there. I don't know anyone on the Capitol police force, or I'd ask them if they let rioters enter and what their reasoning was.

Not everyone has seen videos which show Capitol police officers opening doors and letting folks inside unhindered. Before responding to you, I tried and failed to find videos to prove or disprove if this was the case. So, I'll take a guess or two from what I saw on Youtube and on other media videos.

1. The metal barricades outside the Capitol building looked to be useless against a crowd that size and that riled up.

2. Wherever a video shows what looks like actual physical conflict between the Capitol police and the mob, the police are seriously, enormously outnumbered and thus would have had no chance stopping the rioter’s entry into the building.

3. Are Capitol police authorized to shoot into a crowd of rioters to stop them or are they limited to hand-to-hand combat?

4. I continue to question why if the police were letting people in through the doors, other folks in the mob were breaking and entering through windows and climbing walls to get inside. There are videos showing the police being assaulted. If police were letting folks in, why was some of mob being physically aggressive? Supposedly 140 Capitol officers were injured.

5. I am not sure what action the Capitol police could have taken that would have successfully barred the mob from entering the Capitol. Do you have any ideas regarding what if any action would work and if it should have been employed, i.e., firing into the crowd for example.

Technically, one could say that by failing to keep folks out of the building the Capitol police helped the crowd wreak havoc and cause millions of dollars in damages, but did the Capitol police have a viable choice? 

Why were the rioters there in the first place? What did they hope to accomplish?
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Coach is Back! on January 01, 2023, 02:19:02 PM
“Ray Epps J6 interview Reveals He Had Dinner AZ Acquaintance Night on Jan. 5 – Epps Told Him to Storm the US Capitol on January 6”

Ray Epps has never been arrested for directing the crowds into the US Capitol on January 6.

Ray Epps was not arrested for hurling a massive Trump sign at police. During the interview Ray Epps admitted he orchestrated the break-in and was in the front.

Journalist Jason Beale later studied Ray Epps’s testimony before the January 6 Committee that was released on Thursday.

Jason pointed out the strange admission by Ray Epps that he had dinner with a local Arizona activist Paul Carver who he only met once and who agreed to meet with him on January 5th.

Halfway through the Ray Epps interview transcript and holy shit @RepKinzinger and @RepAdamSchiff need to explain what motivated them and staff to question him like defense lawyers questioning their client. If the reason ISN’T that he was working for a government agency then…

…whatever the other reason is must be a fucking doozy, because they repeatedly lead him away from danger and into the most implausible excuses and explanations of his actions. Once they lead him to the answer they need on the record to keep him out of trouble, they…

…immediately accept it, however implausible and begging for objective follow-up, and move on to the next “right wing talking point” they need him to find a way to rebut. Epps out on the street Jan 5th telling everyone he may get arrested for saying it but everybody needs to…

…”go into the capitol tomorrow”?

Epps’ explanation: Oh I was just trying to calm everyone down. Probably shouldn’t have said it but I’m the kind of guy who likes to make sure everyone’s safe.

Kinzinger and Co.: Roger that – moving on…

Oh hey, and that phone call…

…Epps received earlier on Jan 5th from that guy he met one time at a VFW in Arizona but didn’t really remember who happened to be in DC as well and Epps agreed to go to dinner with despite having no idea who he was? Epps said he thought his name was Carver or something? And…

…nobody on the committee – not a soul – wanted to ask Epps why he’d meet a stranger for dinner or what they talked about or why Paul Carver was in DC – you know, basic interrogatives? Is it this Paul Carver?

Because if is this Paul Carver the committee would have known it before the interview and would have to have a compelling reason not to explore Epps’ relationship with the 3% Militia guy who somehow found out that the guy he met once at a VFW in Arizona was in DC (when Epps…

…describes his presence as a last minute decision) and thought it important enough to reach out to him to arrange a meeting over dinner to discus…what? The weather back in AZ? That one time they bonded over bingo at the VFW?

On Saturday The Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson spoke with Paul Carver about this curious admission during Ray Epps’s testimony.

Peter Carver told this TGP reporter that he barely knew Epps but that during dinner Ray Epps urged him to storm the US Capitol on January 6th.

Peter Carver: Caught up with Ray… The three of us caught a bite. We talked about the things that we’d seen on the 5th… He was telling me that he was pretty sure that we should be going into the Capitol the next day.
The Jan. 6 Committee never reported this.

They weren’t interested in arresting Ray Epps for some strange reason. It is pretty clear now why Epps was never apprehended.
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 01, 2023, 03:32:39 PM
Another CT proven accurate.
Title: Re: House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved
Post by: illuminati on January 01, 2023, 04:52:15 PM
I have almost no experience with crowds of any kind since I have a serious phobia of crowded places. Additionally, I don't have an answer for you because I wasn't there. I don't know anyone on the Capitol police force, or I'd ask them if they let rioters enter and what their reasoning was.

Not everyone has seen videos which show Capitol police officers opening doors and letting folks inside unhindered. Before responding to you, I tried and failed to find videos to prove or disprove if this was the case. So, I'll take a guess or two from what I saw on Youtube and on other media videos.

1. The metal barricades outside the Capitol building looked to be useless against a crowd that size and that riled up.

2. Wherever a video shows what looks like actual physical conflict between the Capitol police and the mob, the police are seriously, enormously outnumbered and thus would have had no chance stopping the rioter’s entry into the building.

3. Are Capitol police authorized to shoot into a crowd of rioters to stop them or are they limited to hand-to-hand combat?

4. I continue to question why if the police were letting people in through the doors, other folks in the mob were breaking and entering through windows and climbing walls to get inside. There are videos showing the police being assaulted. If police were letting folks in, why was some of mob being physically aggressive? Supposedly 140 Capitol officers were injured.

5. I am not sure what action the Capitol police could have taken that would have successfully barred the mob from entering the Capitol. Do you have any ideas regarding what if any action would work and if it should have been employed, i.e., firing into the crowd for example.

Technically, one could say that by failing to keep folks out of the building the Capitol police helped the crowd wreak havoc and cause millions of dollars in damages, but did the Capitol police have a viable choice? 

Why were the rioters there in the first place? What did they hope to accomplish?

“Ray Epps J6 interview Reveals He Had Dinner AZ Acquaintance Night on Jan. 5 – Epps Told Him to Storm the US Capitol on January 6”

Ray Epps has never been arrested for directing the crowds into the US Capitol on January 6.

Ray Epps was not arrested for hurling a massive Trump sign at police. During the interview Ray Epps admitted he orchestrated the break-in and was in the front.

Journalist Jason Beale later studied Ray Epps’s testimony before the January 6 Committee that was released on Thursday.

Jason pointed out the strange admission by Ray Epps that he had dinner with a local Arizona activist Paul Carver who he only met once and who agreed to meet with him on January 5th.

Halfway through the Ray Epps interview transcript and holy shit @RepKinzinger and @RepAdamSchiff need to explain what motivated them and staff to question him like defense lawyers questioning their client. If the reason ISN’T that he was working for a government agency then…

…whatever the other reason is must be a fucking doozy, because they repeatedly lead him away from danger and into the most implausible excuses and explanations of his actions. Once they lead him to the answer they need on the record to keep him out of trouble, they…

…immediately accept it, however implausible and begging for objective follow-up, and move on to the next “right wing talking point” they need him to find a way to rebut. Epps out on the street Jan 5th telling everyone he may get arrested for saying it but everybody needs to…

…”go into the capitol tomorrow”?

Epps’ explanation: Oh I was just trying to calm everyone down. Probably shouldn’t have said it but I’m the kind of guy who likes to make sure everyone’s safe.

Kinzinger and Co.: Roger that – moving on…

Oh hey, and that phone call…

…Epps received earlier on Jan 5th from that guy he met one time at a VFW in Arizona but didn’t really remember who happened to be in DC as well and Epps agreed to go to dinner with despite having no idea who he was? Epps said he thought his name was Carver or something? And…

…nobody on the committee – not a soul – wanted to ask Epps why he’d meet a stranger for dinner or what they talked about or why Paul Carver was in DC – you know, basic interrogatives? Is it this Paul Carver?

Because if is this Paul Carver the committee would have known it before the interview and would have to have a compelling reason not to explore Epps’ relationship with the 3% Militia guy who somehow found out that the guy he met once at a VFW in Arizona was in DC (when Epps…

…describes his presence as a last minute decision) and thought it important enough to reach out to him to arrange a meeting over dinner to discus…what? The weather back in AZ? That one time they bonded over bingo at the VFW?

On Saturday The Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson spoke with Paul Carver about this curious admission during Ray Epps’s testimony.

Peter Carver told this TGP reporter that he barely knew Epps but that during dinner Ray Epps urged him to storm the US Capitol on January 6th.

Peter Carver: Caught up with Ray… The three of us caught a bite. We talked about the things that we’d seen on the 5th… He was telling me that he was pretty sure that we should be going into the Capitol the next day.
The Jan. 6 Committee never reported this.

They weren’t interested in arresting Ray Epps for some strange reason. It is pretty clear now why Epps was never apprehended.

1, Ask Brian Epps.
2, from some video footage I've seen cops were calmly opening doors  & waiving them in - no doubt some Protesters
Be they genuine or plants did break in & we know many were fake Protesters
3, I wasn't there either
4, Nope I don't know what cops were legally allowed to do or not do.