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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Goliathon on April 01, 2024, 05:20:43 PM

Title: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Goliathon on April 01, 2024, 05:20:43 PM
Assume it's down to a vote/referendum.

Assume it means women have to shut the fuck up.

The liberal left can't be whores no more.

The border is enforced.

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Skeletor on April 01, 2024, 05:25:43 PM
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: IroNat on April 01, 2024, 05:42:11 PM
Only under threat of the sword.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: robcguns on April 01, 2024, 05:45:39 PM
I’d rather be beheaded.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: beakdoctor on April 01, 2024, 05:57:35 PM
Assume it's down to a vote/referendum.

Assume it means women have to shut the fuck up.

The liberal left can't be whores no more.

The border is enforced.

Ive thought about this.( I haven't seriously cconsidered converting to islam) what I mean is: strict enforcement of laws, prohibit homosexuality, women are modest and know their place, no tolerating the new age liberal agenda.

It's a very conservative religion. Surprised most getbiggers aren't more open to it.

To me, it's a severe religion,  it demands obedience and  loyalty. Ive known non-practicing muslims and strict devotees and Ive never had a problem with any of them in real life. But generally I think religion is bunk.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: The Scott on April 01, 2024, 05:58:24 PM
I would rather we kill all the mooslimes that won't leave and deport the stragglers.  Have any here actually seen someone having their head cut off?  Not a pretty sight but better to do it to the mooslimes than to have them do it to you and then rape your cattle and butcher your women.

I will NEVER submit to islime.  I am certain the cucks here already have.  Fuque hoMohammed the Pedo Profit and the Getbig Glory-Hole Gang 3some of Ag007, Prime and LNM.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: robcguns on April 01, 2024, 06:00:11 PM
I would rather we kill all the mooslimes that won't leave and deport the stragglers.  Have any here actually seen someone having their head cut off?  Not a pretty sight but better to do it to the mooslimes than to have them do it to you and then rape your cattle and butcher your women.

I will NEVER submit to islime.  I am certain the cucks here already have.  Fuque hoMohammed the Pedo Profit and the Getbig Glory-Hole Gang 3some of Ag007, Prime and LNM.

Yeah buddy.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: The Scott on April 01, 2024, 06:06:02 PM
Yeah buddy.

Amen, my brother! So many have no idea of the atrocities of islime.  Demorats would have no problem kneeling and bobbing for balls on some smelly arab scrotum.  They also are the pedo party so islime supports buggering young boys (look up "Chai Boys").  And buggering one another rather than "defiling" themselves out of wedlock with a woman.

Fuque islime!

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Goliathon on April 01, 2024, 07:02:56 PM

To me, it's a severe religion,  it demands obedience and  loyalty. Ive known non-practicing muslims and strict devotees and Ive never had a problem with any of them in real life. But generally I think religion is bunk.
It's really odd, non religious people can never truly know how bad Islam is.

It's only when you become religious when you realize how batshit insane they truly are. To a lot of atheists, all religions are equally out of bounds. I genuinely tried to get into Islam and it's when you're trying to like the religion you realize how insane it is.

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: nobody in particular on April 01, 2024, 07:40:40 PM
Not so. Lifelong atheist (albeit one of the anomalies - right wing ) and not much concerns me more than fundamentalist Islam.  It amuses me that the left panders to them so submissively as they’ll likely throw their poster children off of buildings if they get the numbers.

Never mind what a group does when they are a poor oppressed minority. Worry about the examples of when they get power. Islam has a pretty consistent track record.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Goliathon on April 01, 2024, 07:50:44 PM

Never mind what a group does when they are a poor oppressed minority. Worry about the examples of when they get power. Islam has a pretty consistent track record.

My favorite game, name one Islamic country you'd ever consider moving to.

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: nobody in particular on April 01, 2024, 07:53:05 PM
We play that here is Australia too. For a while my joke answer was the UK but it’s not funny any more.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 01, 2024, 08:08:16 PM
It's really odd, non religious people can never truly know how bad Islam is.

It's only when you become religious when you realize how batshit insane they truly are. To a lot of atheists, all religions are equally out of bounds. I genuinely tried to get into Islam and it's when you're trying to like the religion you realize how insane it is.

I'm atheist. I haven't given it a lot of thought but I think I do rank them

Judaism- Okay, you're into following a narcissistic god who get's angry and kills entire cities, the earth, save for what is on an ark etc... Demands blood sacrifices and is ok with owning and beating slaves

Christians - You believe what Jews believe but don't like the horror of the Old testament God but will certainly cherry pick scriptures from it that fit your ideology. You love the fact your can sin like every other human yet you are forgiven.... just have to accept the story he died and rose. And you really don't have to put a lot of effort into it. Just say you believe mainly as an insurance policy. Some of you use cherry picked scripture to support your racist views. (There are a minority of Christians that actually try and live as Jesus preached, and those have my respect, just aren't a whole lot of them)

Muslims- Living in the Old Testiment if the OT was made into a horror movie.

Mormons- Close to flat earthers.. The original story of how Joseph started the religion is so whacked, a play has been made out of it.

The list could go on, but in reality, I think there is a hierarchy to the bat shit craziness of religions, but they are all equally wrong in the end

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Goliathon on April 01, 2024, 10:09:23 PM
I'm atheist. I haven't given it a lot of thought but I think I do rank them

The list could go on, but in reality, I think there is a hierarchy to the bat shit craziness of religions, but they are all equally wrong in the end

What does wrong entail?

Pantheism is not something you can be wrong about, yet it's basically where I'm at.

The universe is god, you can't really refute that. If you know your physics this is a really low effort claim to make.

Religiosity is a spectrum, only Islam is truly dependent on a rigid definition of god and existence. Plenty of Jews, Christians and Hindu's who are flexible with their religion.

Nothing more terrifying to the western mind than the realization we're perpetually stuck in the middle. Saying there's no god with certainty is just insanity, saying god is properly descried by a book is equally insane.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on April 01, 2024, 10:35:32 PM

Religiosity is a spectrum, only Islam is truly dependent on a rigid definition of god and existence. Plenty of Jews, Christians and Hindu's who are flexible with their religion.

If you want to be flexible why have a religion at all. Surely many followers of religions want something firm and long lasting, some truths you can always depend on. Many here don't want the flexibilty of LGBTQI+ and gender ideology, it's wrong and it's always wrong. If a religion can mean anything it ends up meaning nothing, brcause absolutely everything goes. Well not everything, you can't recite certain parts of the bible in public without going to jail,  for example this, "Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children." Certain people were very upset this quote was going to be in Gibson's Jesus movie and tried to shut it down.

Or this, erase it and never mention it or you will be erased lol.

"26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

"27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;"

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Humble Narcissist on April 02, 2024, 12:02:02 AM
I’d rather be beheaded.
That will be arraigned if they take over. ;D
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Kwon on April 02, 2024, 02:15:21 AM

We need another Crusade to cleanse
all Islamic Filt from the West and Europe!
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BigRo on April 02, 2024, 02:20:51 AM
No way, but leftists tend to support Islam for some strange reason.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: wes on April 02, 2024, 03:13:07 AM
Assume it's down to a vote/referendum.

Assume it means women have to shut the fuck up.

The liberal left can't be whores no more.

The border is enforced.

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Donny on April 02, 2024, 03:49:20 AM
No because i refuse to wipe with my hand
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Gym Rat on April 02, 2024, 04:53:55 AM
Libturdz are very confused.
Support Muzzies who chuck ghey people off buildings.
Then support ghey people and trannies like they are war heroes.

They cant tell their ass-holes from their pie-holes.
spew shit out each end...
Retarded cult.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: IroNat on April 02, 2024, 05:02:36 AM
All religions are illogical.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: falco on April 02, 2024, 06:12:28 AM
No. Never. Better die.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Raymondo on April 02, 2024, 06:46:47 AM

We need another Crusade to cleanse
all Islamic Filt from the West and Europe!

You might wanna check your history. The 4th Crusade ended up killing Christians and destroying the most powerful Christian bulkward of the time against the Muslims.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Kwon on April 02, 2024, 07:13:41 AM

I can sacrifice some collateral damage if we cleanse all the Muzzie Filt!

You can't make an Omelet without breaking some Eggs!

The Goal is a Muzzie-free West/Europe!

There will be obstacles of course.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Never1AShow on April 02, 2024, 07:16:40 AM
Would you be better under Islam or Putin?
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Kwon on April 02, 2024, 07:18:38 AM
Would you be better under Islam or Putin?

Don Puté > Islam
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: illuminati on April 02, 2024, 07:20:28 AM
No way, but leftists tend to support Islam for some strange reason.

The reasons are They're Stupid, Hate themselves,& The western world,
Mentally they're completely Fucked up.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: illuminati on April 02, 2024, 07:22:17 AM
How many Muslimes on Getbig ??
And who are they ??
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: GymnJuice on April 02, 2024, 11:13:14 AM
Will getbigger Mohammed Omari be offering a mass conversion for the willing posters?
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: The Scott on April 02, 2024, 11:38:26 AM
How many Muslimes on Getbig ??
And who are they ??

All the libtards here are lovers of the pedoreligion.  They are mooslimes to their core.  Fuck 'em all to Hades and may a nasty STD take them down as they so deserve.  They don't deserve freedom.  They're like the Gimp-In-The-Box in Pulp Fiction.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Fortress on April 02, 2024, 12:34:35 PM
Islam and its filthy adherents can suck a diseased cock into the pits of hell.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Skeletor on April 02, 2024, 12:43:17 PM
Will getbigger Mohammed Omari (PBUH) be offering a mass conversion for the willing posters?

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: The Scott on April 02, 2024, 01:01:23 PM
Will getbigger Mohammed Omari be offering a mass conversion for the willing posters?

Said "posters"( are holding out for the offer of an "ass" conversion, aka the Getbig "Glory-Hole Gang" 3some of Ag007, Prime and LNM all getting buttfucked in their respective mangina by mooslimes.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: obsidian on April 02, 2024, 01:36:04 PM
All the libtards here are lovers of the pedoreligion.  They are mooslimes to their core.  Fuck 'em all to Hades and may a nasty STD take them down as they so deserve.  They don't deserve freedom.  They're like the Gimp-In-The-Box in Pulp Fiction.
I doubt it. Libtards love the transgender / homosexual agendas. Muslims don't.

There are things I like about Islam. For example, their more conservative views regarding women and their roles. They are not at war with the Patriarchy, but libtards are.

Muslims > Libtards - Always.

That said, no, I would not convert to Islam. I am not onboard with praying 5 times per day or many of their other traditions. I believe there is a Creator. The evidence is all around us in the Universe. But I don't think the Creator would want you to pray 5 times for recognition. The Creator is above all that petty stuff and does not need or require adulation.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Raymondo on April 02, 2024, 01:39:09 PM
I doubt it. Libtards love the transgender / homosexual agendas. Muslims don't.

There are things I like about Islam. For example, their more conservative views regarding women and their roles. They are not at war with the Patriarchy, but libtards are.

Muslims > Libtards - Always.

That said, no, I would not convert to Islam. I am not onboard with praying 5 times per day or many of their other traditions. I believe there is a Creator. The evidence is all around us in the Universe. But I don't think the Creator would want you to pray 5 times for recognition. The Creator is above all that petty stuff and does not need or require adulation.

There is no god, hope this helps.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Darren Avey on April 02, 2024, 01:53:57 PM
As My grandad would have said
Fraid not bops
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: obsidian on April 02, 2024, 02:02:37 PM
There is no god, hope this helps.
But you don't know that. How did the solar system develop out of a solar nebula via accretion? Why are there atoms and elements as identified in the periodic table? Why does the Universe have 4 fundamental forces? Can you name the four?

You take a lot for granted. But I am here to inform you that you're full of shit. You can't have a design without a designer. Humans of all things should understand that. Cars are designed by sentient beings. They don't just magically grow in a field. The same thing applies to the Universe. It is all a grand "Design".
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: joswift on April 02, 2024, 02:10:19 PM
But you don't know that. How did the solar system develop out of a solar nebula via accretion? Why are there atoms and elements as identified in the periodic table? Why does the Universe have 4 fundamental forces? Can you name the four?

You take a lot for granted. But I am here to inform you that you're full of shit. You can't have a design without a designer. Humans of all things should understand that. Cars are designed by sentient beings. They don't just magically grow in a field. The same thing applies to the Universe. It is all a grand "Design".
what does the "designer" look like?

"There must be something" isnt a compelling argument
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Raymondo on April 02, 2024, 02:16:52 PM
But you don't know that. How did the solar system develop out of a solar nebula via accretion? Why are there atoms and elements as identified in the periodic table? Why does the Universe have 4 fundamental forces? Can you name the four?

You take a lot for granted. But I am here to inform you that you're full of shit. You can't have a design without a designer. Humans of all things should understand that. Cars are designed by sentient beings. They don't just magically grow in a field. The same thing applies to the Universe. It is all a grand "Design".

There are no creators, "designers", sky gods, or jujus up the Great Mountain. Pull your head out your ass.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: dj181 on April 02, 2024, 02:28:08 PM
There are no creators, "designers", sky gods, or jujus up the Great Mountain. Pull your head out your ass.

so these testaments bout Christ are lies?

they are sure that He really did exist
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Raymondo on April 02, 2024, 02:32:11 PM
so these testaments bout Christ are lies?

they are sure that He really did exist

They are the folklore of the times.

Jesus of Nazareth was a real person. See historical Jesus.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: dj181 on April 02, 2024, 02:34:39 PM
They are the folklore of the times.

Jesus of Nazareth was a real person. See historical Jesus.

yep, He was real

you don't think He rose from the dead?

on a side note my mom was talking bout Him to her jewish friend and her friend said once He returns the first place He will go will be a synagoge coz He was a jew :)
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: obsidian on April 02, 2024, 05:38:48 PM
what does the "designer" look like?

"There must be something" isnt a compelling argument
Who knows. Maybe it is not visible. There is "nothing behind it all" is also not a compelling argument. Until atheists can describe why anything in the Universe exist as it is they don't have an argument at all. How can atheists be confident there is no Creator when they can't even explain why atoms exist?

Atheist take a lot of things for granted that just exist. Why is there gravity? And responding because mass creates gravity is not an answer. Why does mass create gravity? Maybe it could have been the opposite? Mass could have pushed away instead of attract.

The next favorite response from atheists is yes, that could be possible in a multiverse where there are infinite universes. Well, that's an even more farfetched and complicated concept than the more simplistic model of a sentient being or power was responsible for it all. And a multiverse theory still cannot escape the argument that a Creator or Force could be responsible for it all.

It is a wild concept to try and understand for sure. Why is there anything, and not nothing. What created the Creator?! What created the entity that created the Creator? Etc. Are we in a simulation? Note that a simulation still alludes to a Creator that runs the simulation.

It is hard to wrap our human brains around this kind of shit. Maybe AI will eventually figure this shit out once it matures to real intelligence.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: obsidian on April 02, 2024, 05:41:38 PM
There are no creators, "designers", sky gods, or jujus up the Great Mountain. Pull your head out your ass.
LMAO! Really?! That's the best you can come up with. You're going to rot once you die, you're a mere pathetic human. You don't know shit either. Explain how the Solar System formed, in detail. And then explain why it had to happen that way.

I look at the Creation from a scientific point of view.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Svengoolie on April 02, 2024, 06:00:12 PM
No. Never. Better die.

This. I would rather die before I would betray and reject Jehovah and Christ.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: IroNat on April 02, 2024, 06:01:56 PM
God was bored...


I am so bored.  What can I do?

Hmmm...I know...I'll created the Universe!

So, God made it.

Then he was bored again.

Hmm...I'll make creatures on this planet over there.

So, he made all kInds of creatures, including this funny looking biped he called Adam.

He saw Adam was horny so God made him a mate called Eve.

Eve was bad and ate this fruit from the Knowledge Tree and then she knew f*cking Adam was bad too.

God found out and cursed Eve and kicked them both out of the garden.

Adam kept right on f*cking Eve and they had two kids, one of whom, named Cain, was a little bastard.

to be continued...
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: AbrahamG on April 02, 2024, 06:28:57 PM
God was bored...


I am so bored.  What can I do?

Hmmm...I know...I'll created the Universe!

So, God made it.

Then he was bored again.

Hmm...I'll make creatures on this planet over there.

So, he made all kInds of creatures, including this funny looking biped he called Adam.

He saw Adam was horny so God made him a mate called Eve.

Eve was bad and ate this fruit from the Knowledge Tree and then she knew f*cking Adam was bad too.

God found out and cursed Eve and kicked them both out of the garden.

Adam kept right on f*cking Eve and they had two kids, one of whom, named Cain, was a little bastard.

to be continued...

Can't wait for chapter 2.  ;D
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Tapeworm on April 02, 2024, 08:05:26 PM
If God didn't want me to eat bacon why did He make it so yum?
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: dj181 on April 02, 2024, 08:07:01 PM
If God didn't want me to eat bacon why did He make it so yum?

it's a complete protein so it can't be that bad

and.... no one tells me what to do

fuck dat noise!
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 02, 2024, 10:07:51 PM
What does wrong entail?

Pantheism is not something you can be wrong about, yet it's basically where I'm at.

The universe is god, you can't really refute that. If you know your physics this is a really low effort claim to make.

Religiosity is a spectrum, only Islam is truly dependent on a rigid definition of god and existence. Plenty of Jews, Christians and Hindu's who are flexible with their religion.

Nothing more terrifying to the western mind than the realization we're perpetually stuck in the middle. Saying there's no god with certainty is just insanity, saying god is properly descried by a book is equally insane.

When you say "The universe is God" then it seems there needs to be a definition of "God".
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 02, 2024, 10:11:56 PM
If you want to be flexible why have a religion at all. Surely many followers of religions want something firm and long lasting, some truths you can always depend on. Many here don't want the flexibilty of LGBTQI+ and gender ideology, it's wrong and it's always wrong. If a religion can mean anything it ends up meaning nothing, brcause absolutely everything goes. Well not everything, you can't recite certain parts of the bible in public without going to jail,  for example this, "Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children." Certain people were very upset this quote was going to be in Gibson's Jesus movie and tried to shut it down.

Or this, erase it and never mention it or you will be erased lol.

"26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

"27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;"

You raise an excellent point. The bible is either the inspired word of God of it is not. The Koran is either the inspired word of God or it is not. What I see is religions bending what the bible says to make it easier to swallow. Or easier to gain converts. The belief in the Christian and Catholic god is slowly waning so rules are bent, the Pope makes allowances to keep the numbers strong. Cherry picking just means the rest is flawed.   
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 02, 2024, 10:14:36 PM
No way, but leftists tend to support Islam for some strange reason.

I don't know that they support Islam, they just figure it's one more religion they have to deal with and get by. Typically, leftists are less supportive of any religion than conservatives. Maybe they just see the hypocrisy in one claiming superiority over the other, and figure it's fair to let the Christian conservatives get a little taste of their own medicine. Just a thought.. I don't know
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 02, 2024, 10:21:00 PM
what does the "designer" look like?

"There must be something" isnt a compelling argument

Who created God is the age old answer to "Everything has to be created" If nothing can come from nothing, then how did God get here? If you answer "He has always existed" then I say matter has always existed.

As far as an intelligent designer... really? We have to excrete what we eat, our eyes give out on us, science has created glasses and Lasix surgery. People are born with disabilities. Not much of an argument for intelligent design.. seemed they would have figured how to avoid cancer for one thing   
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 02, 2024, 10:27:50 PM
so these testaments bout Christ are lies?

they are sure that He really did exist

"They" are NOT sure... of course biblical scholars are sure, but historians are suspicious of the lack of documentation outside of the bible about such a person. Josephus' mentions have been proven as interpolations, (Earlier versions of his texts before the 4th century are lacking any mention of Jesus.) No contemporary historians mention dead saints rising from the dead and walking through Jerusalem when Jesus died on the cross. Seems it would have been noted somewhere outside of one mention in Matthew. No other gospel writer mentions it.

So no, "They" are not sure he existed. Even if given that latitude, there is zip support for the miracles outside the bible. For example, the Chinese kept pretty good records. If the earth had really stopped so one of Gods favorites could win a battle, that certainly would be mentioned outside the bible. However, not a single mention anywhere. What bigger event could you imagine that could occur in a time when historians were documenting events and it is missing completely? 
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 02, 2024, 10:28:29 PM
The reasons are They're Stupid, Hate themselves,& The western world,
Mentally they're completely Fucked up.

oversimplistic, even for you
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 02, 2024, 10:35:25 PM
They are the folklore of the times.

Jesus of Nazareth was a real person. See historical Jesus.

Even given he was a real person.. there is simply no evidence supporting he was a son of a god or did miracles. Most secular historians will by default, not argue Jesus existed, as it is almost impossible to prove he did not. However, that is about where it stops. Not a shred of evidence outside the bible supports any miracles.  It's 2024 and we can hardly believe half  or what we hear in the news, and we have people believing in a flat earth, the election was stolen etc... now just imagine stories being exchanged around the campfires 30 to 40 years after Jesus' alleged death.. that's when the earliest manuscripts were written. Now how accurate would you expect them to be?
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: illuminati on April 02, 2024, 10:40:42 PM
oversimplistic, even for you

Simplistic & True.
Also I kept that simple so you & the other Libturds can understand.



Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 02, 2024, 10:44:35 PM
Simplistic & True.
Also I kept that simple so you & the other Libturds can understand.



Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: illuminati on April 02, 2024, 10:48:25 PM
oversimplistic, even for you

Oh how's the China Virus Scamdeminc where you are ?
People still walking around like zombie's & dropping dead ?
Men in hazmat suits spraying everything in sight with whatever it was the Chinks were spraying,
And nailing folk in there homes ?

Are you wearing your Highly effective Face Nappy at all times still & had 19th Booster ?
You know Believe the Scientists & MSM etc They Never Ever Lie.  😂🤣😂🤣🤡
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on April 02, 2024, 10:53:25 PM
Even given he was a real person.. there is simply no evidence supporting he was a son of a god or did miracles. Most secular historians will by default, not argue Jesus existed, as it is almost impossible to prove he did not. However, that is about where it stops. Not a shred of evidence outside the bible supports any miracles.  It's 2024 and we can hardly believe half  or what we hear in the news, and we have people believing in a flat earth, the election was stolen etc... now just imagine stories being exchanged around the campfires 30 to 40 years after Jesus' alleged death.. that's when the earliest manuscripts were written. Now how accurate would you expect them to be?

Thousands of Christians TODAY will swear they have seen miracles occur at their church, blind seeing, cripples walking, handling poisonous snakes to no harm. So eyewitness testimony means absolutely jack shit, a gifted manipulator could use cold reading methods to wow the uninitiated, a charismatic person could use any number of techniques. There's drugs and alcohol that could be used in a ritualistic manner. That David Blaine dude could easily become a cult leader by showing he can levitate etc lol. Then there's Christians who simply think the Bible is to be read as allegories or read in a mythopoetic way where much isn't literally true but conveys a deeper meaning. So you have lots of Christians who believe in evolution, or maybe that evolution was set off by "God." Or don't believe the ark story was literally true, nor the miracles of Jesus.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: pamith on April 02, 2024, 10:59:12 PM
F*ck no, I'll be a Christian till I die, srs
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Beefjake on April 02, 2024, 11:07:57 PM
Even if I would, so what.

I would just pick the bits that suit me, like now, like 99% Christians do.

In Christianity Jesus was a son of God. In Islam he is one of the profets.
Doesn’t make my bench press, or strict curl, move any easier either way.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: dj181 on April 02, 2024, 11:09:08 PM
You raise an excellent point. The bible is either the inspired word of God of it is not. The Koran is either the inspired word of God or it is not. What I see is religions bending what the bible says to make it easier to swallow. Or easier to gain converts. The belief in the Christian and Catholic god is slowly waning so rules are bent, the Pope makes allowances to keep the numbers strong. Cherry picking just means the rest is flawed.

i think it was c.s. lewis that said you only have 3 choices when it comes to the Lord Jesus Christ

He is either a liar, a lunatic or Lord

i'd say saying He's a liar is a strecth

He is either Lord or a lunatic, liars do not claim to be God
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 02, 2024, 11:12:47 PM
Thousands of Christians TODAY will swear they have seen miracles occur at their church, blind seeing, cripples walking, handling poisonous snakes to no harm. So eyewitness testimony means absolutely jack shit, a gifted manipulator could use cold reading methods to wow the uninitiated, a charismatic person could use any number of techniques. There's drugs and alcohol that could be used in a ritualistic manner. That David Blaine dude could easily become a cult leader by showing he can levitate etc lol. Then there's Christians who simply think the Bible is to be read as allegories or read in a mythopoetic way where much isn't literally true but conveys a deeper meaning. So you have lots of Christians who believe in evolution, or maybe that evolution was set off by "God." Or don't believe the ark story was literally true, nor the miracles of Jesus.

It's a minefield. Fortunately. very few, I would say 10% of USA Christians have actually read the bible cover to cover. I have yet to meet more than 10 at most. So most have no idea what the bible actually says. They here bits and pieces cherry picked by pastors. So Christians play it safe. They say they believe in Jesus like that's some magic insurance policy just in case it's true. Let me ask you this... If tomorrow, an alien ship appeared above the White House, huge.. ominous, and it beamed down a book you could read in a week... how many Americans would read the book cover to cover in a month? Now we have the bible.. been around over 2,000 years, supposedly words of God, or the very least , inspired by God, yet such a small percentage have bothered to read it not 10 times, but once... Yes, they know the popular scriptures, John 3:16 etc, but never bothered to read it. You just can't convince me they REALLY believe in god or the bible. It's all about what they were brought up to believe, and or social expectations... I've read it, many times, which is part of why I am Agnostic/Atheist.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 02, 2024, 11:15:07 PM
i think it was c.s. lewis that said you only have 3 choices when it comes to the Lord Jesus Christ

He is either a liar, a lunatic or Lord

i'd say saying He's a liar is a strecth

He is either Lord or a lunatic, liars do not claim to be God

That might have come from his silly apologetic book, case for christ and is the WORST argument. It might have also been in Josh McDowells, Evidence that Demands a Verdict. That's where I remember seeing it.

There are so many other explanations they overlook.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: dj181 on April 02, 2024, 11:17:25 PM
That might have come from his silly apologetic book, case for christ and is the WORST argument. It might have also been in Josh McDowells, Evidence that Demands a Verdict. That's where I remember seeing it.

There are so many other explanations they overlook.

everyone who claims to be God is insane

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 02, 2024, 11:23:19 PM
everyone who claims to be God is insane


Thing is, IF Jesus existed, lets say he did. We don't know he claimed to be god. That came later, about 40 years, when I think Paul started to make that connection.

Thing is, the bible is actually fascinating to study. It's history, it's origin from the first compilations, the books voted in in the 4th century at the Council of Nicea, to the books that didn't make it in, yet are referred to in some of the books that made it in... Those things alone cast suspicion for me. How can one book be deemed acceptable, that mentions another manuscript that they voted was not worthy? The evolution of the bible from the earliest forms through the King James revision is actually fascinating. But for me it had mans fingerprints all over it, not any holy spirit or guidance from a higher power. 
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: dj181 on April 02, 2024, 11:25:41 PM
Thing is, IF Jesus existed, lets say he did. We don't know he claimed to be god. That came later, about 40 years, when I think Paul started to make that connection.

Thing is, the bible is actually fascinating to study. It's history, it's origin from the first compilations, the books voted in in the 4th century at the Council of Nicea, to the books that didn't make it in, yet are referred to in some of the books that made it in... Those things alone cast suspicion for me. How can one book be deemed acceptable, that mentions another manuscript that they voted was not worthy? The evolution of the bible from the earliest forms through the King James revision is actually fascinating. But for me it had mans fingerprints all over it, not any holy spirit or guidance from a higher power.

alright so if He claimed to be God then He is either insane or Lord
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: pamith on April 02, 2024, 11:26:05 PM
Thing is, IF Jesus existed, lets say he did. We don't know he claimed to be god. That came later, about 40 years, when I think Paul started to make that connection.

Thing is, the bible is actually fascinating to study. It's history, it's origin from the first compilations, the books voted in in the 4th century at the Council of Nicea, to the books that didn't make it in, yet are referred to in some of the books that made it in... Those things alone cast suspicion for me. How can one book be deemed acceptable, that mentions another manuscript that they voted was not worthy? The evolution of the bible from the earliest forms through the King James revision is actually fascinating. But for me it had mans fingerprints all over it, not any holy spirit or guidance from a higher power.
One day you'll meet the God gonna be ok with this?
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 02, 2024, 11:32:44 PM
alright so if He claimed to be God then He is either insane or Lord

Or, he was misquoted after his death 40 years later. You have to understand, much of the Gospels were trying to fit the Old Testament prophecies to Jesus. Some of them came across as silly. I think it was Matthew that had Jesus riding two mules into the city because the Old Testament was unclear. It's perfectly plausible he was a charismatic leader teaching love.. for he said the greatest commandment was to love one another as you love god.  It is very plausible he never claimed to be god or the son of god. There are biblical scholars who have studied the evolution of Jesus as just a teacher, teaching gods love, to full blown deity.. I think it started with Paul, who started writing 40 years after Jesus died. It's been awhile since I was deep into this but that's what I recall.

A disclaimer_ I am not trying to change anyone's mind about their religion. I am just discussing what I have come across when I was studying the bible several years back trying to figure out what was true and what was not. I could be wrong.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 02, 2024, 11:35:56 PM
One day you'll meet the God gonna be ok with this?

Love this question. Could I worship a creator who would punish me for lacking belief in it's existence? I truly searched. I believed for 30 years. But when I started digging deep, I had doubts that kept building. At any point said creator could have supplied the evidence like he did Saul, Thomas, and many others. I would hope he would appreciate my integrity, and consider my lifes work. If he let's a death row inmate in because they repent at the 11th hour and send me to an eternity of hell because I had legitimate doubts, probably not the god for me. 
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: dj181 on April 02, 2024, 11:36:14 PM
Or, he was misquoted after his death 40 years later. You have to understand, much of the Gospels were trying to fit the Old Testament prophecies to Jesus. Some of them came across as silly. I think it was Matthew that had Jesus riding two mules into the city because the Old Testament was unclear. It's perfectly plausible he was a charismatic leader teaching love.. for he said the greatest commandment was to love one another as you love god.  It is very plausible he never claimed to be god or the son of god. There are biblical scholars who have studied the evolution of Jesus as just a teacher, teaching gods love, to full blown deity.. I think it started with Paul, who started writing 40 years after Jesus died. It's been awhile since I was deep into this but that's what I recall.

A disclaimer_ I am not trying to change anyone's mind about their religion. I am just discussing what I have come across when I was studying the bible several years back trying to figure out what was true and what was not. I could be wrong.

do you know 1st John? he makes some pretty big statements
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 02, 2024, 11:40:27 PM
do you know 1st John? he makes some pretty big statements

1st John was written between 95 and 110 AD imagine back then... life span.. what 40 50 years.. Someone is writing about a religious figure that existed 100 years ago... that's all I'm saying
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: dj181 on April 02, 2024, 11:41:30 PM
1st John was written between 95 and 110 AD imagine back then... life span.. what 40 50 years.. Someone is writing about a religious figure that existed 100 years ago... that's all I'm saying

he was the disciple that wasn't murdered and he lived a very long time so....
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 02, 2024, 11:42:02 PM
do you know 1st John? he makes some pretty big statements

If you believe, that's cool... I would never want you to stop. I just find this discussion so interesting. And I appreciate how we can do this without any vitriol
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 02, 2024, 11:43:32 PM
he was the disciple that wasn't murdered and he lived a very long time so....

DJ, the facts are... the author of 1st John was not a disciple, and it is impossible for him to have lived to 130. Very few historians and not many biblical scholars believe the books of the bible were written by the people listed in the bible. Moses for example wrote of his own death... so...
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 02, 2024, 11:47:07 PM
Scholars have divided the book of Genesis into two distinct authors. One refers to God as Jehovah, the other as Yahweh. I'm telling you, the history of the bible, when you dig, is absolutely fascinating.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: dj181 on April 02, 2024, 11:48:20 PM
DJ, the facts are... the author of 1st John was not a disciple, and it is impossible for him to have lived to 130. Very few historians and not many biblical scholars believe the books of the bible were written by the people listed in the bible. Moses for example wrote of his own death... so...

do you know this scando theologin who believed all are saved?

i think he was from the 1800s
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 02, 2024, 11:50:34 PM
do you know this scando theologin who believed all are saved?

i think he was from the 1800s

Not ringing a bell
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: dj181 on April 03, 2024, 12:00:46 AM
Not ringing a bell

i dont remember his name but he was from scando and he believed this

would be cool if true

one of my pastors told me there are degrees in heaven and the more Godly you are in life the higher you go

found out later he was fucking a member of his church while married so he aint going to high :D :D :D
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Beefjake on April 03, 2024, 02:33:57 AM
1st John was written between 95 and 110 AD imagine back then... life span.. what 40 50 years.. Someone is writing about a religious figure that existed 100 years ago... that's all I'm saying
Wasn’t it that the books of the Apostoles were written from 50 to 150years after the events the prescribe. But yes more than a lifetime back then.

And the church counsil of Nicea, like you mentioned. They decided what should be in the bible and what not.

Then there is translations.
Originally written in Greek, then transcripted to Latin… then…
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: joswift on April 03, 2024, 03:31:37 AM
i dont remember his name but he was from scando and he believed this

would be cool if true

one of my pastors told me there are degrees in heaven and the more Godly you are in life the higher you go

found out later he was fucking a member of his church while married so he aint going to high :D :D :D
talks like he has had several pastors.....
vicars can get married, its only catholic priests that cant.

Ever considered being a priest dj?
All those little alter boys tight ass holes?
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on April 03, 2024, 09:22:17 AM
It's a minefield. Fortunately. very few, I would say 10% of USA Christians have actually read the bible cover to cover.

Oh it's not even a fraction of a percent who have read it cover to cover. Like you say it's just bits and pieces, not many people are such dedicated readers that they can pick up a tomb like that and start at the beginning and slave away for years. Trump certainly has not done it, if I'm not mistaken he's said reading books is a waste of time, but don't 100% quote me on that. Yes if a spaceship beamed down a book many more would read it, but the aliens would still have to prune it down. I was forced to read the bible a lot when I was a kid, which is why I know some paragraphs, but I knew only a freak or two who claimed they read it cover to cover.

I feel like if God is Love he's going be alright with good people who didn't believe, him torturing people for all eternity  :-[ :-X But then others have said since God is perfect we can't question his motivations, we can't be that arrogant.

I listened to this indie track of a preacher a lot of times, just makes me feel bad in a way, I'll see if I can find it..

[edit] This was really eerie for me. Headphones:
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Goliathon on April 03, 2024, 09:55:54 AM
Oh it's not even a fraction of a percent who have read it cover to cover. Like you say it's just bits and pieces, not many people are such dedicated readers that they can pick up a tomb like that and start at the beginning and slave away for years.
You're trying to turn this into some sort of "gotcha" moment it's not. Not needing to read the whole thing is a feature not a bug. Christianity isn't a checklist. It's one of the key features that prevents the religion from being hijacked by idiots.

Trump certainly has not done it, if I'm not mistaken he's said reading books is a waste of time, but don't 100% quote me on that. Yes if a spaceship beamed down a book many more would read it, but the aliens would still have to prune it down. I was forced to read the bible a lot when I was a kid, which is why I know some paragraphs, but I knew only a freak or two who claimed they read it cover to cover.

So it all boils down you had a bad experience, then we are all having bad experiences? Let's not have traffic signs and laws, because a corrupt traffic cop tried to bribe me?

Christianity doesn't mean the people around you don't suck. It's pretty much the point you can't get around the suckage of being human, it's part of our mortality and frailty. This isn't a deep concept this is a base concept within the religion.

I feel like if God is Love he's going be alright with good people who didn't believe, him torturing people for all eternity  :-[ :-X But then others have said since God is perfect we can't question his motivations, we can't be that arrogant.
Yes a supreme being is above you in all things, you can question all you want, doesn't mean god owes you an answer. It's like a dog complaining it's unfair they can't rummage through your fridge.

I listened to this indie track of a preacher a lot of times, just makes me feel bad in a way, I'll see if I can find it..

[edit] This was really eerie for me. Headphones:
You think it's different for Christians? Believe it or not there's a lot of diversity within Christianity.

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on April 03, 2024, 10:08:36 AM
You're trying to turn this into some sort of "gotcha" moment it's not. Not needing to read the whole thing is a feature not a bug. Christianity isn't a checklist. It's one of the key features that prevents the religion from being hijacked by idiots.

Yes a supreme being is above you in all things, you can question all you want, doesn't mean god owes you an answer. It's like a dog complaining it's unfair they can't rummage through your fridge.

You think it's different for Christians? Believe it or not there's a lot of diversity within Christianity.

I have a hard time following all your arguments, perhaps lowish IQ.
I didn't say you "should" read the bible cover to cover, just making a statement that I feel is fact.

There's a lot of diversity and flexibility in Christianity. What if I think the doctrine of hell has been misinterpreted, or the infallibility of God? Why not let me be flexible? What if I believe the universe is God, we are all part of God? What if I believe all the stories of supernatural things happening in the bible is allegorical and should be read in a mythopoetical way?

Maybe I missed it, are you a Christian, or are you some type of utilitarian who doesn't really believe in anything but like Christianity as it's practised today?
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: illuminati on April 03, 2024, 10:21:48 AM
You're trying to turn this into some sort of "gotcha" moment it's not. Not needing to read the whole thing is a feature not a bug. Christianity isn't a checklist. It's one of the key features that prevents the religion from being hijacked by idiots.

So it all boils down you had a bad experience, then we are all having bad experiences? Let's not have traffic signs and laws, because a corrupt traffic cop tried to bribe me?

Christianity doesn't mean the people around you don't suck. It's pretty much the point you can't get around the suckage of being human, it's part of our mortality and frailty. This isn't a deep concept this is a base concept within the religion.
Yes a supreme being is above you in all things, you can question all you want, doesn't mean god owes you an answer. It's like a dog complaining it's unfair they can't rummage through your fridge.

You think it's different for Christians? Believe it or not there's a lot of diversity within Christianity.

There is NO GOD

And IF  IF there is something it most certainly wont be anything
like the Fairy tale described in Religious books written by men.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Goliathon on April 03, 2024, 10:31:11 AM
I have a hard time following all your arguments, perhaps lowish IQ.
I didn't say you "should" read the bible cover to cover, just making a statement that I feel is fact.

There's a lot of diversity and flexibility in Christianity. What if I think the doctrine of hell has been misinterpreted, or the infallibility of God? Why not let me be flexible? What if I believe the universe is God, we are all part of God? What if I believe all the stories of supernatural things happening in the bible is allegorical and should be read in a mythopoetical way?

Maybe I missed it, are you a Christian, or are you some type of utilitarian who doesn't really believe in anything but like Christianity as it's practised today?

My minimum definition of God is the universe itself, not the 3d dimensional universe you learn in high school physics class, but the one described by the top end of physics.

My base assumption that I believe is that the laws of the universe define morality and a sense of cosmic good. Life is good, people who try to stomp it out are bad.

Beyond that I'm pretty open minded. I'm interested in all religions, but I think Christianity is by far the most thought out and least shallow. Being a believer isn't a short cut to stupidity you still need to use your rational mind and logic. A Christian who flat out denies evolution is just a liar and infected with the evil of self deception etc.

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Mothballs on April 03, 2024, 11:09:02 AM
Are you saying we need to join the cult of Islam in order to beat our women back into submission and return to pre-woke anti LGBTQ days?
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: beakdoctor on April 03, 2024, 11:42:39 AM
Are you saying we need to join the cult of Islam in order to beat our women back into submission and return to pre-woke anti LGBTQ days?

Yes. Just a thought.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Taffin on April 03, 2024, 12:14:21 PM
This must be the most that Man of Steel has wanted to stage a comeback in YEARS!!  ;D
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Never1AShow on April 03, 2024, 12:27:27 PM
Are there any fiction novels about the US being taken over by Islam and having Sharia law instituted?  Seems like there’d be good interest.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: obsidian on April 03, 2024, 03:30:28 PM
There are no creators, "designers", sky gods, or jujus up the Great Mountain. Pull your head out your ass.
Sorry, I was a bit of an asshole in my previous comment to you. I was in a pissed off mood unrelated to this discussion. You have a right to your opinion.

I don't know for a certainty if there is a Creator or not. Based on the evidence I see with the Universe and how it all came to be based on current human knowledge my thinking is it is more likely that a Creator was involved than not. I don't think Atheists can be for certain that there is not a Creator. Our knowledge is too limited to make that deduction. But that's just my opinion.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: obsidian on April 03, 2024, 03:36:38 PM
I have met Muslims that are doctors, engineers, etc. And many live a healthy lifestyle. Their bloodwork will look better than a lot of people. Some have pretty clean diets. Yes, there are extreme Muslims that pose a threat to Western Society for sure. Seems to me though that the Western Leadership for the past few decades did the most damage to the West - of all groups.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Zillotch on April 03, 2024, 04:58:18 PM
lotta burners in this thread.. as usual.

any non vaxxed human may still have a chance, tho... God is real, and Christ is the only way - look into it... while u can.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: The Scott on April 03, 2024, 07:13:53 PM
Islam demands submission.  The Nazarene?  He says choose. 

The profit hoMohammed was a pedo. Democrats love and support pedophilia/pedophiles or as they like to call it now "minor attracted people.

FUCK islime and all that support it including the democrat party of America.  islime allows bugger young boys and homosexuality.  Many mooslime men bugger each other rather than have sex with a woman outside of wedlock.

Cucks willingly submit to anything that degrades them and allows their perverted passions free range.  Hopefully the libs will all die from STDs contracted via their licentious activities.  I find nothing attractive about lesbianism too.  It too is gross to me.

Choose but choose wisely.  Or not.  It matters little to anyone other than each individual.  There is nothing wrong with the teaching of the Nazarene.  Dems DESPISE it because it goes against their carnal desires.  The cucks here and in the real world are NOT people of honor. They support perversion and despise Civilization.  They will gladly be subservient to sucking the scrotum of islime.

Just look at the face of Chuck Schumer.  Filled with deceit and dripping in filth.   Just like the cucks here.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on April 03, 2024, 09:56:32 PM

FUCK islime and all that support it including the democrat party of America.  islime allows bugger young boys and homosexuality.  Many mooslime men bugger each other rather than have sex with a woman outside of wedlock.

Actually Mulims have a lot of shame around nakedness. It's a problem here with indoor swimming pools where they'd rather shower in their underwear or use the sauna in their underwear which are both prohibited for hygienic reasons. When they shower they take great care to not expose themselves. Of course there are the homos, of which there are also many, but I doubt there is any understanding for homos in the Koran itself. They are to be put to death, just like it used to be in Christianity, but thank God Christianity has evolved here, don't you agree? :D There is also a huge reverence for mothers, fathers and and the elderly, which experts in the west feel is problematic as it leads to authoritarianism. But wasn't there in the bible a sign of the endtimes how children lost all respect and became rebellious? :D

If you were the President, would you suck up to the Saudis as everyone does today, including Trump or would you bomb the place?
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BigRo on April 04, 2024, 12:17:39 AM
This must be the most that Man of Steel has wanted to stage a comeback in YEARS!!  ;D

Where did that blob go to?
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BigRo on April 04, 2024, 12:22:17 AM
lotta burners in this thread.. as usual.

any non vaxxed human may still have a chance, tho... God is real, and Christ is the only way - look into it... while u can.

Christ is not the only way, look in to it...while you can. Many consider themselves saved and right with Jesus. Have they had a shift in consciousness within themselves? No. And they would consider someone like myself a terrible sinner for saying the things I am saying now. Can they calm their mind and sit or walk in peaceful silence? No, but they consider themselves saved and have their illusory identity insurance bought and paid for entry of their illusory little self in to their illusory paradise after death.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BigRo on April 04, 2024, 12:24:12 AM
Actually Mulims have a lot of shame around nakedness. It's a problem here with indoor swimming pools where they'd rather shower in their underwear or use the sauna in their underwear which are both prohibited for hygienic reasons. When they shower they take great care to not expose themselves. Of course there are the homos, of which there are also many, but I doubt there is any understanding for homos in the Koran itself. They are to be put to death, just like it used to be in Christianity, but thank God Christianity has evolved here, don't you agree? :D There is also a huge reverence for mothers, fathers and and the elderly, which experts in the west feel is problematic as it leads to authoritarianism. But wasn't there in the bible a sign of the endtimes how children lost all respect and became rebellious? :D

If you were the President, would you suck up to the Saudis as everyone does today, including Trump or would you bomb the place?

I would not bomb the place but its a bit sickening to see the reverence those Sheiks get.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Humble Narcissist on April 04, 2024, 12:38:49 AM
Are you saying we need to join the cult of Islam in order to beat our women back into submission and return to pre-woke anti LGBTQ days?
I guess there's good in everyone. ;D
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on April 04, 2024, 07:50:01 AM
I would not bomb the place but its a bit sickening to see the reverence those Sheiks get.

It was a bit sickening what they did to that journalist in their embassy in Turkey. But the oil is so important that a lot can be overlooked (not that assassinations aren't carried out by the US but here it was so brazen). Also the 9/11 hihjackers were all Saudis if I have it right, so they bombed Afghanistan (and IRAQ!) instead. Right and wrong take a backseat.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on April 04, 2024, 08:36:37 AM
Assume it's down to a vote/referendum.

Assume it means women have to shut the fuck up.

The liberal left can't be whores no more.

The border is enforced.

The West used to do and have all this without Islam or Christianity. Then nearly all white men became simps, wimps, losers, and cucks. Nearly all white men are feminists whether they know it or not.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on April 04, 2024, 10:03:49 AM
The West used to do and have all this without Islam or Christianity. Then nearly all white men became simps, wimps, losers, and cucks. Nearly all white men are feminists whether they know it or not.

Google "white sharia," which started mostly as a joke but was taken seriously by some "extreme" right wingers, saying whites have lost the extreme patriarchy of times past and need to reclaim it back, Muslims are some of the only ones still practising extreme patriarchy. If I look outside I can see Muslim couples and the female always walks a few feet behind the man, "out of respect." ;D Would "we" want this for ourselves? Many right wingers want it, as all the women in the west are whores  :D Seriously, what do you guys think, is patriarchy a "good" or is a certain amount of feminism good? I'm kind of divided, I'm not for some extreme heavyhandedness on women.

If there's a war women forget all about feminism and are outta there.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: dj181 on April 04, 2024, 10:11:11 AM
Google "white sharia," which started mostly as a joke but was taken seriously by some "extreme" right wingers, saying whites have lost the extreme patriarchy of times past and need to reclaim it back, Muslims are some of the only ones still practising extreme patriarchy. If I look outside I can see Muslim couples and the female always walks a few feet behind the man, "out of respect." ;D Would "we" want this for ourselves? Many right wingers want it, as all the women in the west are whores  :D Seriously, what do you guys think, is patriarchy a "good" or is a certain amount of feminism good? I'm kind of divided, I'm not for some extreme heavyhandedness on women.

If there's a war women forget all about feminism and are outta there.

i believe woman walk behind men in japan as well
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on April 04, 2024, 10:42:54 AM
Google "white sharia," which started mostly as a joke but was taken seriously by some "extreme" right wingers, saying whites have lost the extreme patriarchy of times past and need to reclaim it back, Muslims are some of the only ones still practising extreme patriarchy. If I look outside I can see Muslim couples and the female always walks a few feet behind the man, "out of respect." ;D Would "we" want this for ourselves? Many right wingers want it, as all the women in the west are whores  :D Seriously, what do you guys think, is patriarchy a "good" or is a certain amount of feminism good? I'm kind of divided, I'm not for some extreme heavyhandedness on women.

If there's a war women forget all about feminism and are outta there.

We do not need Sharia. There are ways whites regulated by women. And yes, some of them were similar to Sharia. Refer to how Anglo-Saxon and Germanic societies dealt with their anti-social behaviors.

Feminism destroys civilization.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on April 04, 2024, 11:51:13 AM
We do not need Sharia. There are ways whites regulated by women. And yes, some of them were similar to Sharia. Refer to how Anglo-Saxon and Germanic societies dealt with their anti-social behaviors.

Feminism destroys civilization.

In the middle ages they put yappy women in a helmet like metal cage with a strap when in public and walked them like dogs.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: The Scott on April 04, 2024, 12:54:34 PM
mooslimes will fuck anyone and anything.  They screw sheep, goats, pigs.  You name it, mooslimes are disgusting creatures that will use anything or anyone as their cumdumpster.  FUCK islime.

They are like democrats only they bathe even less than Nancy Pelosi.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Skeletor on April 04, 2024, 12:58:01 PM
In the middle ages they put yappy women in a helmet like metal cage with a strap when in public and walked them like dogs.

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: dj181 on April 04, 2024, 12:58:18 PM
mooslimes will fuck anyone and anything.  They screw sheep, goats, pigs.  You name it, mooslimes are disgusting creatures that will use anything or anyone as their cumdumpster.  FUCK islime.

They are like democrats only they bathe even less than Nancy Pelosi.

Poles would beat 'em if they stepped out of line and harassed thier women

good dudes are they 8)
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Taffin on April 04, 2024, 02:06:33 PM
Where did that blob go to?

Oh he still lurks here - last here 31st March - he just doesn't engage any more...  everyone's got a limit, I guess...
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on April 04, 2024, 02:31:38 PM
mooslimes will fuck anyone and anything.  They screw sheep, goats, pigs.  You name it, mooslimes are disgusting creatures that will use anything or anyone as their cumdumpster.  FUCK islime.

They are like democrats only they bathe even less than Nancy Pelosi.

The filthiest of all they say are orthodox Jews, bathing is against their religion somehow. A while back an orthodox family was prevented from boarding a plane because they stunk so much... and of course they cried antisemitism. Muslims are obsessed with cleanliness, you have to wash your feet to even be allowed in the mosque, they are required to wash their hands up to their elbows. Of course they wash their asses with water, using toilet paper is like painting your ass with shit. There may be a point there. :D


Do Orthodox Jews bathe once a week?

Some Jews immerse once a month (mainly women). Some immerse once a year (before the High Holy Days). Many never go to a ritual bath at all. VERY few go 'weekly', and those that do, do so prior to the beginning of Shabbat, on Fridays.12 Feb 2020

Filthy animals.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Goliathon on April 04, 2024, 04:02:34 PM
I have met Muslims that are doctors, engineers, etc. And many live a healthy lifestyle. Their bloodwork will look better than a lot of people. Some have pretty clean diets. Yes, there are extreme Muslims that pose a threat to Western Society for sure. Seems to me though that the Western Leadership for the past few decades did the most damage to the West - of all groups.

A) One of the reasons our leaders failed was bringing in these people.

B) Substitute actual member of the Hitler's SS with Muslim, it's read exactly the same.

>I have met Naziss that are doctors, engineers, etc. And many live a healthy lifestyle. Their bloodwork will look better than a lot of people. Some have pretty clean diets. Yes, there are extreme Nazis that pose a threat to Western Society for sure. Seems to me though that the Western Leadership for the past few decades did the most damage to the West - of all groups.

C) If I had to choose between with working with a Muslim and a self declared socialist, I'd pick the Muslim every day of the week. But we're not bringing in communist by the boatload, nor is someone born into a communist family.

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Goliathon on April 04, 2024, 04:11:54 PM
Google "white sharia," which started mostly as a joke but was taken seriously by some "extreme" right wingers, saying whites have lost the extreme patriarchy of times past and need to reclaim it back, Muslims are some of the only ones still practising extreme patriarchy. If I look outside I can see Muslim couples and the female always walks a few feet behind the man, "out of respect." ;D Would "we" want this for ourselves? Many right wingers want it, as all the women in the west are whores  :D Seriously, what do you guys think, is patriarchy a "good" or is a certain amount of feminism good? I'm kind of divided, I'm not for some extreme heavyhandedness on women.

If there's a war women forget all about feminism and are outta there.

I donno if you're trying to be ironic but what you're describing is the future, "can't beat em join em".

It's sort of why I made this thread.

In Europe Muslims are generally poor refugees. In Canada we have a whole generation of born here Muslims who are just regular dudes accountants/engineers etc. My wallmate is Mohammed Dirka Dirka, and I can hear him and his blue eyed blond buddy watching hockey 2-3 times a week.

It's only a matter of time until a lot of these young "Christians" start converting in mass.

The temptation of Islam is very real if you're high on testosterone.

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on April 04, 2024, 04:55:28 PM
Have a listen friends.

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Humble Narcissist on April 04, 2024, 11:50:08 PM
The filthiest of all they say are orthodox Jews, bathing is against their religion somehow. A while back an orthodox family was prevented from boarding a plane because they stunk so much... and of course they cried antisemitism. Muslims are obsessed with cleanliness, you have to wash your feet to even be allowed in the mosque, they are required to wash their hands up to their elbows. Of course they wash their asses with water, using toilet paper is like painting your ass with shit. There may be a point there. :D


Filthy animals.
Their women must smell awful. Do they bathe so infrequently to save pennies on the water bill?
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: _bruce_ on April 05, 2024, 12:13:37 AM

Islam will convert to getbig - the law of nature >:(
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Raymondo on April 05, 2024, 01:04:30 AM
LMAO! Really?! That's the best you can come up with. You're going to rot once you die, you're a mere pathetic human. You don't know shit either. Explain how the Solar System formed, in detail. And then explain why it had to happen that way.

I look at the Creation from a scientific point of view.

About the reply I'd expect from a crude peasant.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Tapeworm on April 05, 2024, 02:08:19 AM
Ah the ol watchmaker trope. If you find a watch, someone made it.

The universe is like a watch. So someone must have made it.

Except maybe the universe isn't like a watch. Maybe it's like a puddle or a rock or an antelope or a gazillion other things which exist that nobody individually fashioned.

Besides, who wants to be a meatcog in a giant Jesus machine? You're supposed to live in a state of perpetual moral terror. Good for ya. Builds character.

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BigRo on April 05, 2024, 02:09:14 AM
"Your going to rot once you die"...ok so for this to be the ultimate truth you would have to know that who you are began with, is sustained by, and will end with the body and brain. Your awareness, your sense of self, your consciousness, your feeling of being is 100 percent based upon and dependant upon this flesh body and brain, so when the heart and brain cease to function you cease in your entirety just as you began in your entirety with the birth of this body you take to be you. Not only do you not have proof, not that I am looking for scientific proof for the miracle of life, but you don't even know this unequivocally as your own experience.

"I look at the creation"...ok so who is looking at the creation? Not that an answer needs to be given, but this fellow you call "you" isnt this a wonder worthy of looking in to with the same wonder and reverence one might look out upon the vastness of the stars? From morning to night and then even in our dreams this sense of self roams like a wild monkey from one thought and vision and experience to another, taking itself to be a distinct entity apart from the creation. Have you ever stood upon a mountain top having spent the afternoon shrooming on liberty caps and penis envies and in that windless stillness watched as the giant sun moves down slowly over the cusp of the Atlantic horizon? And your sense of who and what you are has broken free from its habitual prison of a contracted and anxious identity. You are not watching the beauty you are the beauty all around, there is no all around, you are the totality experiencing itself. And though there is no scientific proof you understand that you were never born, a body was born and will die, you are always the unborn presence that is at the root of all things. You never came from anywhere, you will not go anyplace ever, there is nothing outside of you, there is nothing inside of you, you are uncreated and eternal Light, infinitely free forever, a divine presence that is pure love and you bask in your own majesty forever.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Tapeworm on April 05, 2024, 02:13:52 AM
I can only bask in my own majesty for so long.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BigRo on April 05, 2024, 02:16:49 AM
I can only bask in my own majesty for so long.

lol I dont mean in an ego centric way, the ego has melted at that point. Yes most of us are addicted to duality, we want to experience separation, conflict, something to anxiously excite the senses.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: obsidian on April 05, 2024, 02:31:00 AM
"Your going to rot once you die"...ok so for this to be the ultimate truth you would have to know that who you are began with, is sustained by, and will end with the body and brain. Your awareness, your sense of self, your consciousness, your feeling of being is 100 percent based upon and dependant upon this flesh body and brain, so when the heart and brain cease to function you cease in your entirety just as you began in your entirety with the birth of this body you take to be you. Not only do you not have proof, not that I am looking for scientific proof for the miracle of life, but you don't even know this unequivocally as your own experience.

"I look at the creation"...ok so who is looking at the creation? Not that an answer needs to be given, but this fellow you call "you" isnt this a wonder worthy of looking in to with the same wonder and reverence one might look out upon the vastness of the stars? From morning to night and then even in our dreams this sense of self roams like a wild monkey from one thought and vision and experience to another, taking itself to be a distinct entity apart from the creation. Have you ever stood upon a mountain top having spent the afternoon shrooming on liberty caps and penis envies and in that windless stillness watched as the giant sun moves down slowly over the cusp of the Atlantic horizon? And your sense of who and what you are has broken free from its habitual prison of a contracted and anxious identity. You are not watching the beauty you are the beauty all around, there is no all around, you are the totality experiencing itself. And though there is no scientific proof you understand that you were never born, a body was born and will die, you are always the unborn presence that is at the root of all things. You never came from anywhere, you will not go anyplace ever, there is nothing outside of you, there is nothing inside of you, you are uncreated and eternal Light, infinitely free forever, a divine presence that is pure love and you bask in your own majesty forever.
"The truth is, you're six feet under, and you're going to rot there." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BigRo on April 05, 2024, 02:36:51 AM
"The truth is, you're six feet under, and you're going to rot there." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

You and Arnie are entitled to that conclusion but its as much a belief as is any other belief. It is a belief. If you went deep in to zen meditation for many years you would have a different feeling about it.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: obsidian on April 05, 2024, 02:40:01 AM
You and Arnie are entitled to that conclusion but its as much a belief as is any other belief. It is a belief. If you went deep in to zen meditation for many years you would have a different feeling about it.
Bro, I hope there is life after death. And it is possible. Anything is possible to be honest - IMO. We just don't know enough. I am also open to the notion that after you die it's like before you were born. You just don't exist. It would really suck, as Arnold said. Damn, it hits home when you think about it. We better be nice to our loved ones and even fellow humans and animals while we are alive.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Raymondo on April 05, 2024, 02:50:31 AM
i dont remember his name but he was from scando and he believed this

would be cool if true

one of my pastors told me there are degrees in heaven and the more Godly you are in life the higher you go

found out later he was fucking a member of his church while married so he aint going to high :D :D :D

So existence is like an RPG game?

I get good/bad karma points and when it's game over we do the sum?

How do I get to level 99 Heaven, which quest do I have to do?
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Raymondo on April 05, 2024, 02:52:59 AM
Just in case anyone forgot, there is no a God and never was.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: obsidian on April 05, 2024, 03:25:46 AM
Just in case anyone forgot, there is no a God and never was.
Lol, you don't know that. You grabbed that out of the air. Why don't you just admit the chances are 50/50?
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BigRo on April 05, 2024, 03:31:51 AM
Just in case anyone forgot, there is no a God and never was.

Well thanks for letting us know God. Can you say the same thing about Raymondo?
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: illuminati on April 05, 2024, 03:38:43 AM
Lol, you don't know that. You grabbed that out of the air. Why don't you just admit the chances are 50/50?

The onus is those who say there is a god to prove it - not on us to prove
there is no god.

If our galaxy the milk way was shrunken down to the size of America
Our sun would easily fit into a grove of your finger tip Around the same
size as a red blood cell - The earth in comparison would be 3x smaller
than the China virus molecule !!

And you Believe their is a god floating around watching & looking out for
you & others on this microscopic bit of space dust.
Hmmm okay I'll buy that for a Dollar - NOT.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BigRo on April 05, 2024, 03:45:07 AM
The onus is those who say there is a god to prove it - not on us to prove
there is no god.

If our galaxy the milk way was shrunken down to the size of America
Our sun would easily fit into a grove of your finger tip Around the same
size as a red blood cell - The earth in comparison would be 3x smaller
than the China virus molecule !!

And you Believe their is a god floating around watching & looking out for
you & others on this microscopic bit of space dust.
Hmmm okay I'll buy that for a Dollar - NOT.

The onus is also on you if you believe and state there is no God. Why is it only on those who believe and state there is God? But your idea of God is a bit silly.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Kwon on April 05, 2024, 03:54:31 AM
If Jeffrey Joswift, Robcguns and Josh R converted to Islam, i would too.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Raymondo on April 05, 2024, 03:56:28 AM
Lol, you don't know that. You grabbed that out of the air. Why don't you just admit the chances are 50/50?

Theists are the ones who have to prove there is a God. They make the assertion and thus the burden of proof is on them. They have always failed to make a case because there is no evidence that God exists, it has to be taken on faith.

I told you before you need to pull your head out of your ass. It is not up to me to teach you how to argue or think or avoid cognitive fallacies. This should have been done years ago, I guess you didn't go to the best of schools, or were born to an ass-backward culture like the ones in Russki-mir or grew up around peasants. Again, not my problem.

Just keep quiet when your betters argue.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BigRo on April 05, 2024, 04:07:08 AM
Theists are the ones who have to prove there is a God. They make the assertion and thus the burden of proof is on them. They have always failed to make a case because there is no evidence that God exists, it has to be taken on faith.

I told you before you need to pull your head out of your ass. It is not up to me to teach you how to argue or think or avoid cognitive fallacies. This should have been done years ago, I guess you didn't go to the best of schools, or were born to an ass-backward culture like the ones in Russki-mir or grew up around peasants. Again, not my problem.

Just keep quiet when your betters argue.

You sound like a complete asshole whose intelligence comprises of hurling insults instead of proof for your statement that God does not exist. Your argument that only those who believe need to present evidence is juvenile. And I am not in either camp because its a waste of time. I experience things for myself.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Raymondo on April 05, 2024, 04:09:53 AM
You sound like a complete asshole whose intelligence comprises of hurling insults instead of proof for your statement that God does not exist. Your argument that only those who believe need to present evidence is juvenile. And I am not in either camp because its a waste of time. I experience things for myself.

No argument there BigRo :)

But God still does not exist.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: obsidian on April 05, 2024, 04:14:27 AM
The onus is those who say there is a god to prove it - not on us to prove
there is no god.

If our galaxy the milk way was shrunken down to the size of America
Our sun would easily fit into a grove of your finger tip Around the same
size as a red blood cell - The earth in comparison would be 3x smaller
than the China virus molecule !!

And you Believe their is a god floating around watching & looking out for
you & others on this microscopic bit of space dust.
Hmmm okay I'll buy that for a Dollar - NOT.
It's not that easy. The only way you can prove there is no God is if you could explain how the Universe and everything in it magically occurred without divine intervention. The Solar System formed out of a gas cloud called a nebula. It was filled with many elements in the Periodic Table. Out of that cloud you get Earth, you, snakes(on planes), planes, automobiles, lions, elephants, iPhones, Ferarris, computers, Bitcoin, Humans, Dinosaurs, etc. In no particular order. That's Alladin and his magic lamp shit right there. And you mean to tell me it all just magically happened on it's own?! The onus is on you to explain how that happened.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: obsidian on April 05, 2024, 04:18:26 AM
Theists are the ones who have to prove there is a God. They make the assertion and thus the burden of proof is on them. They have always failed to make a case because there is no evidence that God exists, it has to be taken on faith.

I told you before you need to pull your head out of your ass. It is not up to me to teach you how to argue or think or avoid cognitive fallacies. This should have been done years ago, I guess you didn't go to the best of schools, or were born to an ass-backward culture like the ones in Russki-mir or grew up around peasants. Again, not my problem.

Just keep quiet when your betters argue.
You have to prove it all magically happened on its own. I just explained above we and everything on this planet materialized out of a fucking dust cloud. That's magic shit right here. You take it all for granted, yet you can't even fathom .000000001% of it all.

You need to get your head out of your ass - lmao!

We're back to this now:

"The truth is, you're six feet under, and you're going to rot there." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BigRo on April 05, 2024, 04:19:12 AM
No argument there BigRo :)

But God still does not exist.

Then you must know God does not exist. You or Richard Dawkins would not say about your own sense of self that it does not exist. Yous atheists very much feel yourself to be. This feeling of "I" is undeniable to you. So does it come from the mushrooms in your skull or a consciousness transcendent of the body? It really does not matter ones conclusion as long as one has transcended for oneself, for the peace and freedom and aliveness it brings. Sam Harris is big on meditation only he still clings to his atheist views. He has an audience to sell to.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Raymondo on April 05, 2024, 04:32:16 AM
"The truth is, you're six feet under, and you're going to rot there." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Sadly this is true, it's the way it is. I accept it and do not invent sky gods to make me feel better.

I didn't read the rest of your childish gibberish.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: IroNat on April 05, 2024, 04:36:20 AM
If Jeffrey Joswift, Robcguns and Josh R converted to Islam, i would too.

This trinity would make their own religion.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BigRo on April 05, 2024, 04:38:15 AM
Sadly this is true, it's the way it is. I accept it and do not invent sky gods to make me feel better.

I didn't read the rest of your childish gibberish.

You have no proof, science has no proof. Obviously the jerk Raymondo will end but will his essence, his true Being? Take some mushrooms or maybe your settled in the comfort of your conclusion.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Donny on April 05, 2024, 04:47:06 AM
some believe the Star Gods are our creators in other words Aliens
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Raymondo on April 05, 2024, 04:47:40 AM
You have no proof, science has no proof. Obviously the jerk Raymondo will end but will his essence, his true Being? Take some mushrooms or maybe your settled in the comfort of your conclusion.

I plan to be cryonically preserved  :D ;D
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Kwon on April 05, 2024, 04:56:34 AM
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: IroNat on April 05, 2024, 04:58:26 AM

And God took Adam's rib and created Woman.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on April 05, 2024, 05:42:55 AM

Yes, our whole lives should revolve pleasing these modern house masters. What’s ironic is that with this unprecedented genuflection and permissiveness for women is men having less sex.

The liberated “modern woman” (there is no such thing) says, “Jump!,” and Euro and North American cucks and simps respond, “How high massa?”
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BigRo on April 05, 2024, 05:54:06 AM
"Die before you die, there is no chance after" -CS Lewis
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: King Shizzo on April 05, 2024, 06:30:38 AM
No argument there BigRo :)

But God still does not exist.
There is a higher power/spiritual awareness than just us, as human beings. Where we fail, is that we try to think that we have things figured out.

But to say that the universe, how life has evolved on Earth, and certainly elsewhere as well, was concocted by random elements coming together, is absurd.

Once I became a spiritual man (not a Bible thumper by any means) life has become easier to manage. Things that used to upset or bother me, simply don't anymore.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Flexacon on April 05, 2024, 06:35:02 AM
Religion is just another form of "tax"
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: illuminati on April 05, 2024, 06:43:47 AM
It's not that easy. The only way you can prove there is no God is if you could explain how the Universe and everything in it magically occurred without divine intervention. The Solar System formed out of a gas cloud called a nebula. It was filled with many elements in the Periodic Table. Out of that cloud you get Earth, you, snakes(on planes), planes, automobiles, lions, elephants, iPhones, Ferarris, computers, Bitcoin, Humans, Dinosaurs, etc. In no particular order. That's Alladin and his magic lamp shit right there. And you mean to tell me it all just magically happened on it's own?! The onus is on you to explain how that happened.

It Happened of 100s of Billion years & is Still going on now.
You Prove There is a god.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Raymondo on April 05, 2024, 08:43:11 AM
There is a higher power/spiritual awareness than just us, as human beings. Where we fail, is that we try to think that we have things figured out.

But to say that the universe, how life has evolved on Earth, and certainly elsewhere as well, was concocted by random elements coming together, is absurd.

Once I became a spiritual man (not a Bible thumper by any means) life has become easier to manage. Things that used to upset or bother me, simply don't anymore.

I respect that, no quarrel there. You want to use religion to better youself, have at it. Anything that gets you through the night. I mean this in a good way, not patronising at all. Some nights are brutal and if I could have the comfort of faith maybe I would have gone that way too. Alas that chip burnt out a long time ago.

My quarrel is when we get to the truth. What is real and what is not.

Faith is not truth.

Faith is faith.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BigRo on April 05, 2024, 08:55:13 AM
I respect that, no quarrel there. You want to use religion to better youself, have at it. Anything that gets you through the night. I mean this in a good way, not patronising at all. Some nights are brutal and if I could have the comfort of faith maybe I would have gone that way too. Alas that chip burnt out a long time ago.

My quarrel is when we get to the truth. What is real and what is not.

Faith is not truth.

Faith is faith.

What is truth? You don't know that there is no God but you know you exist. Meditate on that feeling of being, it's all one can do.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: dj181 on April 05, 2024, 08:58:13 AM

i'm impressed

she's quite a bit better than those other fat cows you typically post :D

her wasit looks 25-26 inches
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on April 05, 2024, 09:32:13 AM

Sam Harris is big on meditation only he still clings to his atheist views. He has an audience to sell to.

I listened to some of his stuff, but he is a Jew after all so that colors a lot of his stuff imo regarding torture, GAZA etc. He had a hissy fit and quit Musk's twitter.

But I read something from him regarding meditation. He talks about the experience of looking at people and them having no head. It was quite a while back so I don't remember more than that, but is it something you experienced and what does it mean?
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: illuminati on April 05, 2024, 09:51:03 AM
What is truth? You don't know that there is no God but you know you exist. Meditate on that feeling of being, it's all one can do.

I've just got down from climbing Mount Snowdon at the top
I was enjoying the view & my Protein shake & flask of coffee
When a bright beam of light descended from the sky & there
appeared a shimmering shadowy beardy figure of a man, & it
gave me 2 stone tablets & a couple of heavenly protein bars
Written on these stone tablets in BIG letters is .............


before I could ask any questions like Why is DJ such a Thin
weak stick man or Bianca such an utter Khvnt The apparition had gone.

Don't shoot me I'm only the messenger letting you all know.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on April 05, 2024, 09:54:59 AM
“In Germanic tradition, if a man caught his wife having sex with another man, he “shaved off his adulterous wife's hair, stripped her in the presence of her kinsmen, thrust her from his house, and flogged her through the village” (Bullough 5). Execution of the adulterous woman was also a response in some cases.“,a%20response%20in%20some%20cases.

Oh, how the white man devolved into the cuck he is now.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BigRo on April 05, 2024, 10:03:58 AM
I've just got down from climbing Mount Snowdon at the top
I was enjoying the view & my Protein shake & flask of coffee
When a bright beam of light descended from the sky & there
appeared a shimmering shadowy beardy figure of a man, & it
gave me 2 stone tablets & a couple of heavenly protein bars
Written on these stone tablets in BIG letters is .............


before I could ask any questions like Why is DJ such a Thin
weak stick man or Bianca such an utter Khvnt The apparition had gone.

Don't shoot me I'm only the messenger letting you all know.

Just as it is more probable that there is life on other planets so it is that there is a divine presence and power behind all things. I just climbed Ben Nevis.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BigRo on April 05, 2024, 10:08:26 AM
I listened to some of his stuff, but he is a Jew after all so that colors a lot of his stuff imo regarding torture, GAZA etc. He had a hissy fit and quit Musk's twitter.

But I read something from him regarding meditation. He talks about the experience of looking at people and them having no head. It was quite a while back so I don't remember more than that, but is it something you experienced and what does it mean?

I haven't listened to him regarding Israel and Gaza. I have never looked at a person and seen no head. I have felt and seen everything in a unitary way so others appear as myself, as coming from the same empty yet full presence. Everything shares one transcendent Being, both good and evil, only evil fights against the truth in this world.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: illuminati on April 05, 2024, 11:39:42 AM
Just as it is more probable that there is life on other planets so it is that there is a divine presence and power behind all things. I just climbed Ben Nevis.

Damn if I had know I'd of joined you on the climb  ;D
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: dj181 on April 05, 2024, 01:09:15 PM
“In Germanic tradition, if a man caught his wife having sex with another man, he “shaved off his adulterous wife's hair, stripped her in the presence of her kinsmen, thrust her from his house, and flogged her through the village” (Bullough 5). Execution of the adulterous woman was also a response in some cases.“,a%20response%20in%20some%20cases.

Oh, how the white man devolved into the cuck he is now.

and that's my ancestors

did they happen to be libertarians?

i heard jews invinted pussy licking

ass licking is much better

females love getting thier salad tossed with a good hard finger fuck while in the process of licking thier hot tight asses

here ya go, a german one worth a good ass licking

ima start calling myself the Delt King

i got great fucking delts an they are just gonna get better

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on April 05, 2024, 01:29:11 PM
I haven't listened to him regarding Israel and Gaza. I have never looked at a person and seen no head. I have felt and seen everything in a unitary way so others appear as myself, as coming from the same empty yet full presence. Everything shares one transcendent Being, both good and evil, only evil fights against the truth in this world.

Maybe it was you having no head, I'm not sure.

From reddit:
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BigRo on April 05, 2024, 02:39:41 PM
and that's my ancestors

did they happen to be libertarians?

i heard jews invinted pussy licking

ass licking is much better

females love getting thier salad tossed with a good hard finger fuck while in the process of licking thier hot tight asses

here ya go, a german one worth a good ass licking

ima start calling myself the Delt King

i got great fucking delts an they are just gonna get better


your supposed to be working on your narcissism with your therapist. Your not the delt king.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on April 05, 2024, 03:06:11 PM
and that's my ancestors

did they happen to be libertarians?

Absolutely not!
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: dj181 on April 05, 2024, 03:46:00 PM
Absolutely not!

that's a pity :(
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Tapeworm on April 05, 2024, 04:49:50 PM
That shit didn't work out for Ichabod Crane.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on April 06, 2024, 06:17:57 AM
that's a pity :(

There has never been a libertarian society and there never will be.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: dj181 on April 06, 2024, 08:32:55 AM
There has never been a libertarian society and there never will be.


you know why right?
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: joswift on April 06, 2024, 08:37:28 AM

you know why right?
it would contain people like you
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Goliathon on April 06, 2024, 10:38:17 AM
Ah the ol watchmaker trope. If you find a watch, someone made it.

The universe is like a watch. So someone must have made it.

Except maybe the universe isn't like a watch. Maybe it's like a puddle or a rock or an antelope or a gazillion other things which exist that nobody individually fashioned.

Right the universe is unimaginably more impressive.

Even if no one made it and it simply created itself(which is beyond comprehension)

The universe is amazing, in fact it'd be hard for you to imagine something more amazing including god itself.

This is the paradox of most atheists.

They come to their conclusions with no understanding of physics/the universe.

Argue science tells them there's no god.

Failing to realize science alone proves the existence of an entity infinitely more powerful than the god imagined by bronze age jews.

The watch is amazing regardless of whether or not it's a biblical god.

Besides, who wants to be a meatcog in a giant Jesus machine? You're supposed to live in a state of perpetual moral terror. Good for ya. Builds character.
That's only if you're being a piece of garbage.

But yeah it's a real burden having to be a moral person, therefore because it's hard it can't exist.

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on April 06, 2024, 10:38:29 AM

you know why right?

Yes. First, because no society can function with people seeing themselves solely as individuals doing whatever they please, which is what we are increasingly seeing in America. Second, hardly anyone on earth besides a relatively tiny amount of high-IQ, white sociopaths truly give a shit about libertarianism, which makes them targets for others.

Individualism is for suckers.

I do read near daily as it features libertarians that I see eye to eye with on some things. I particularly like the works of Hans Hermann Hoppe. His book Democracy: The God That Failed was an awesome read.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Goliathon on April 06, 2024, 10:47:34 AM
The onus is those who say there is a god to prove it - not on us to prove
there is no god.

The universe itself was created by a supernatural event. An event that broke causation.

Causation is the prime element of our understanding of the universe.

Some sort of god like entity creating the universe is by far the best Occam's razor answer.

You have to decide if you're arguing against a supernatural creator.

If you are the burden of proof is on you.

If our galaxy the milk way was shrunken down to the size of America
Our sun would easily fit into a grove of your finger tip Around the same
size as a red blood cell - The earth in comparison would be 3x smaller
than the China virus molecule !!

You're trying to do "I'm clever I understand science routine".

The galaxy is 14 billion years across(time is categorically the 4th dimension).

It's a singular entity united by causation.

An entity that is capable of doing that is more than capable of monitoring a few billion humans, google is already perfectly capable of doing so.

Not that I'm arguing for a personal god.

And you Believe their is a god floating around watching & looking out for
you & others on this microscopic bit of space dust.
Hmmm okay I'll buy that for a Dollar - NOT.
You just moved the goal posts from no god, to can't be a christian god.

There's a difference between not beliving in god and not being a christian.

Although christianity is an easy strawman argument to run over. 

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on April 06, 2024, 10:48:21 AM
Paging Mohammed whatever. The funny gimmick who pretends to be muslim.

Dear Mohammed; which getbiggers are worthy of converting to islam?
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Goliathon on April 06, 2024, 10:52:03 AM
Theists are the ones who have to prove there is a God. They make the assertion and thus the burden of proof is on them. They have always failed to make a case because there is no evidence that God exists, it has to be taken on faith.

I told you before you need to pull your head out of your ass. It is not up to me to teach you how to argue or think or avoid cognitive fallacies. This should have been done years ago, I guess you didn't go to the best of schools, or were born to an ass-backward culture like the ones in Russki-mir or grew up around peasants. Again, not my problem.

Just keep quiet when your betters argue.

Talk of cognitive bias.

Our science is dependent on causation.

The universe cannot be the product of causation.

That's proof we are the product of something categorically super natural.

That's not a problem for another day that you can sweep under a rug.

Existence is contingent on this.

You're exhibiting the absurdity of cognitive bias if you've never seen that as an obvious conclusion.

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Goliathon on April 06, 2024, 10:57:08 AM
You have to prove it all magically happened on its own. I just explained above we and everything on this planet materialized out of a fucking dust cloud. That's magic shit right here. You take it all for granted, yet you can't even fathom .000000001% of it all.

You need to get your head out of your ass - lmao!

We're back to this now:

"The truth is, you're six feet under, and you're going to rot there." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Dust clouds forming solar systems is relatively easy to understand.

The magic of the universe is a product of the periodic table.

Which existed at roughly the beginnings of creation.

The universe was created with a complexity that is hard to imagine and it was created without imaginable explanation.

The randomness argument would make sense if the universe didn't initially start with all the precise measurements of a perfect universe. Again if you understand the periodic table, it is perfect complexity.

Life was more or less guaranteed on a long enough time frame.

The burden on you is to present an entity capable of creating everything without attributing godlike attributes to it.

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: GymnJuice on April 06, 2024, 01:18:13 PM
Paging Mohammed whatever. The funny gimmick who pretends to be muslim.

Dear Mohammed; which getbiggers are worthy of converting to islam?

Both getbiggers Mohammed Omari and Residue have been MIA since the latest war in the middle east.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: King Shizzo on April 06, 2024, 01:20:23 PM
Both getbiggers Mohammed Omari and Residue have been MIA since the latest war in the middle east.
Turned into residue from a drone strike.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Flexacon on April 06, 2024, 01:30:43 PM
Both getbiggers Mohammed Omari and Residue have been MIA since the latest war in the middle east.

Maybe residue got the call or decided to join the front lines? More likely didn't want to read some of the getbig opinions on the situation.

Mo Omari was probably a phantom spunker gimmick and I think he left getbig for his mental health as he found it difficult to stay away from the middle east discussions.

Both made the right choices. But still pussies  ;D
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on April 06, 2024, 04:10:46 PM
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on April 06, 2024, 04:26:31 PM
Talk of cognitive bias.

Our science is dependent on causation.

The universe cannot be the product of causation.

That's proof we are the product of something categorically super natural.

That's not a problem for another day that you can sweep under a rug.

Existence is contingent on this.

You're exhibiting the absurdity of cognitive bias if you've never seen that as an obvious conclusion.

Do you think scientists would approve of that statment? I don't know, do they? Would they also ague that there is definitely something like God? Or is God a meaningless concept if you do away with there being a personal God? Do they say natural and supernatural both exist? Are there any things classed as supernatural in our world?
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: The Scott on April 06, 2024, 04:27:14 PM
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Goliathon on April 06, 2024, 06:27:39 PM
Do you think scientists would approve of that statment? I don't know, do they? Would they also ague that there is definitely something like God? Or is God a meaningless concept if you do away with there being a personal God? Do they say natural and supernatural both exist? Are there any things classed as supernatural in our world?
No because that's not their job.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: illuminati on April 06, 2024, 07:58:38 PM
The universe itself was created by a supernatural event. An event that broke causation.

Causation is the prime element of our understanding of the universe.

Some sort of god like entity creating the universe is by far the best Occam's razor answer.

You have to decide if you're arguing against a supernatural creator.

If you are the burden of proof is on you.

You're trying to do "I'm clever I understand science routine".

The galaxy is 14 billion years across(time is categorically the 4th dimension).

It's a singular entity united by causation.

An entity that is capable of doing that is more than capable of monitoring a few billion humans, google is already perfectly capable of doing so.

Not that I'm arguing for a personal god.

You just moved the goal posts from no god, to can't be a christian god.

There's a difference between not beliving in god and not being a christian.

Although christianity is an easy strawman argument to run over.

Wake up - stop the rambling nonsense & prove there is a god
It is up you to prove there is one.

There is No god & there is zero proof of one.
Your reading & believing made up tales in a book doesn't prove the existence of a god.

And to make it even worse you think / believe this god is totally concerned with this
Microscope bit of space dust.  FFS  ::)
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Humble Narcissist on April 07, 2024, 12:17:44 AM
Based religion.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: Kwon on April 07, 2024, 05:02:34 AM
I'd convert to Islime if Robcguns, The Scott, Josh R and Wes would.

Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: NarcissisticDeity on April 07, 2024, 06:43:32 AM

Wake up - stop the rambling nonsense & prove there is a god
It is up you to prove there is one.

There is No god & there is zero proof of one.
Your reading & believing made up tales in a book doesn't prove the existence of a god.

And to make it even worse you think / believe this god is totally concerned with this
Microscope bit of space dust.  FFS  ::)
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: illuminati on April 07, 2024, 06:46:58 AM

Ha Ha Ha

Spot on
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BigRo on April 07, 2024, 06:50:58 AM
If you go about "looking" the wrong way of course your not going to find anything. What I dont mind calling God is not to be found. You dont find it as something other than yourself. You dissolve to ego of the one who is looking for God or claiming there is no God thats all, then...enjoy. But if your not prepared to "do" that then its best to say "I am either lazy or afraid". A true scientist experiments.
Title: Re: Would you convert to Islam?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on April 07, 2024, 04:29:07 PM
Based religion.

I certainly do not want to adopt Islam. However, at least Islam doesn’t allow women to burn society into the ground and to have a gynosimpocratic dictatorship.